Michael (2011)

Come on.
Can I watch TV tonight?
Till nine.
OK, that's enough.
Just a bit more.
Definitely not, come on.
Come on now.
It can be done quite simply.
She just has to sign.
One sentence is enough.
Is your ex-wife also insured by us?
Do you know the policy number,
or what it's for?
I've found her.
Is anyone sitting here?
I took number two as well.
The fish is always terrible.
Now, I've always wanted to ask you -
do you know an Adolf Dietz?
He lives across the street from you.
He's my uncle. My great uncle.
Funny, eh?
We say hello.
We just were talking about
who lives where
and we realized
you're from the same place.
Excuse me, Christa,
I've taken care of it for you.
- Oh, thank you.
- I came up with the same result too.
I've added up all the payments since 2004
but, just as you thought,
he can't get out any sooner.
Of course, we could offer a repurchase
but if he can't even afford the rate now...
He won't be able
to afford repurchase either.
It's always the same. People take out
hundreds of policies and lose track.
I'd love to pass him on to someone else.
Sinabell's good at that sort of thing.
Come here.
I'll show you something.
Now hold it really straight.
Like this.
And look down it. No! Look.
You've moved it up.
Now come here.
And hold it straight like this.
Don't move it.
Don't you want to see
what I'm trying to show you?
Don't lean on it. You'll get all dirty.
Do you need a wet wipe?
Thanks, but I've got everything.
I don't feel well.
I don't feel well.
I'm calling in to say I'm sick today.
No, just today.
OK. Thank you. Goodbye.
Well, look who's here! Hello.
What a nice surprise.
Excuse me, can I take this chair?
How are you all?
It's so nice you've all come.
I've brought your daughter back with me.
How are you?
Much better now.
What did the doctor say?
Good morning.
Good morning, Mr. Karall.
Please, your temperature.
If my cast's all right,
why can't I go home?
The cast isn't the problem.
You'll get along fine with that, I'm sure.
But you are suffering from concussion
and were briefly unconscious.
In circumstances like these,
it's vital that we perform a CAT scan
so we can rule out a brain hemorrhage.
Damage could have occurred,
even if you are not showing any symptoms.
You have an appointment this afternoon.
Once that's over and everything is fine,
you can leave.
I think you should learn
to take more care of yourself.
Nothing's more important than your health.
Good morning. Newspaper?
Yes. Me, please.
The Kurier, please.
And that too, please.
How much?
Five euros in all.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Thanks. No, Mum, it'll be fine.
No, I've already done the shopping.
I've got everything I need here. Thanks.
No, really, Mum.
No need for anyone to come over.
No. I'm fine.
I don't even need crutches anymore.
It's no problem.
Well, the insurance company
will look after it.
Come over here.
Dry your hands.
Come on.
Come here.
And your present from Mum
is in there too.
Right at the top. I think it's jam
or something, so don't drop it.
I bought Harry Potter 5 for Daniel.
- I wasn't sure.
- No, fine.
He got Part 4 for Easter.
How about coming for Christmas,
just for once?
Thanks, but you know
I like to spend Christmas alone.
- Do you still have that girlfriend
in Germany? - Yes, Andrea.
Are we going to meet her some day?
You know, getting away to Austria
is really difficult for her.
I drive up to see her twice a month.
Yes. I know how it is when you're
both working. It's just the same for us.
How much is that one?
Same as the others,
- Hello.
- Hi, Martina.
Hey, may I give you something?
My mother's cat has
run off. We're afraid...
the traffic will scare her
and she'll lose her way.
She's never been outside.
- My mum's a nervous wreck.
- How long has she been gone?
Three days.
But she won't find any food in this weather.
For Mum it's worse
than if a child had died.
Sounds stupid, but you know how it is.
I'll keep my eyes open.
Give my regards to your mum.
Thanks, and the same to yours,
and Merry Christmas if I don't see you.
You too.
What's up with you?
Can't you say bye?
- See you.
- Bye.
More than he usually says!
He's at a difficult age.
Why don't you fetch the decorations
for once? The boxes are in the hallway.
What's up?
What are you doing?
Who's that supposed to be? You?
What have you got in your hand?
The other one.
Give it to me.
Do you think you have a chance?
Give it to me.
What's this?
Sleep in heavenly peace
- Merry Christmas.
- Thank you.
It's Part 5.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
Mr. Mitterbauer,
please come to the service center.
A customer's waiting.
Dear customers,
the furniture department has...
One's missing.
Then go and look for it.
- Have you already had a go?
- I've never raced.
- Never.
- No.
My friend just invited me along.
And there's another bit of track
and a cart,
you can drive absolutely ace there.
I drive really loads when I'm in Macedonia.
My dad said I can drive by myself
when I'm bigger.
Yes, but you have to be five foot tall here.
My dad said maybe in two years' time.
I know a place
where you can drive before that.
I have a radio-controlled car at home.
I can drive really fast with it.
Super, I have one as well.
What colors yours?
Mine's blue and yellow.
Mine's all red.
With sort of flames on the side.
Maybe we can race sometime.
I set some things up at home
that my car can drive over.
- Really?
- Philip!
Oh, there's Dad!
Come over here!
What's wrong with you? I've been looking
for you, and you're messing about out here.
Get a move on!
I can't take you anywhere!
The telephone rang just as I got in
and they said the other boy
couldn't come today.
It's a shame.
After we tidied everything up so nicely.
Don't be sad, OK?
I'm sure he'll come over another time.
- Do you need much longer?
- Two minutes.
OK, I'll wait then.
.. and receive the new policy automatically.
You're welcome.
Excuse me, Michael.
Mr. Ehrensberger wants to see you.
As you may already know, Mr. Rauscher's
going to retire in six months.
I wanted to ask whether
you're interested in his position.
Very much so.
I should tell you that two other people
are being considered.
We'll discuss it among ourselves
and give you our decision in late January.
OK? Thanks.
Is there anything I can do?
No. Just wait.
This is my knife...
and this is my cock.
Which one should I stick in you?
No! Please don't!
This is my knife...
and this is my cock.
Which one should I stick into you?
The knife.
I saw a report on television.
One in four will lose their job
in your business.
Because of the economic crisis.
That means unemployment
for a long, long time.
So? I'm not one in four.
That's what Westerwelle said.
So? Who's that?
The German vice-chancellor.
Look. Do you know what this is?
It's your letter.
Your parents don't even want to read it.
And they don't want you to write any more.
They've given away all your stuff
and rented out your room.
They're not interested in you anymore.
And they said you should behave
and do as I say.
That's all made-up, anyway.
Should this stay out?
OK, then.
- What was the name of the place?
- Yeti Bar.
- What?
- Yeti Bar.
Right. Yeti Bar. You're joking!
It was like an open-air igloo.
- The other was called Ice Age.
- Ice Age!
- What? Ice Age?
- Ice Age.
You'll see, it's really fantastic.
You can ski on powder snow
and black slopes, right?
We'll end up roughly down there.
Then we'll have to take off our skis
and walk for a bit. OK?
You have to lean back more in powder snow,
so you don't sink down.
And start with a schuss.
And zip that up,
otherwise you'll get snow in there.
- Are you sure about this?
- Of course.
Let's go.
We're going out for a drink.
Want to come along?
- OK.
- See you downstairs in ten minutes.
- OK.
- Cool.
Squeeze together a bit.
OK, and smile.
And now one with you.
I'm curious whether there's
anything worth seeing on it.
I'm just doing this
so I can have a little grope.
Grope away. You'll not get another woman
in your hands that quickly.
Show me.
My God, I look terrible.
You must delete that.
- What'll you give me if I do?
- Give you? You can have a schnapps.
I'll have one as well.
And what about you?
Yes, please.
- I think she likes you.
- Of course she does.
Thanks. Bye-bye.
Have a safe journey home.
It was hard at first,
till I found the right place,
but I've had him at the Martin Buber School
for two years now.
It's an integrated school for slow learners.
It's perfect, because they really
take care of him all day long
and they've worked out a programme
just for him.
Is it a boarding school?
He sleeps there.
I pick him up at weekends.
Unless he has special classes,
then I drive up to see him.
- Are you also open in the summer?
- Yes, for hikers.
We close at Easter
and have a break till mid-May.
No, no problems.
Everything OK?
I'll take these out.
Staying in Germany -
Over a thousand children
are reported missing every year.
Charities and aid groups
provide the parents with support
and help to search...
.. and in an almost unbearable situation.
Something as final as the death of a child
is hard to take
but it's preferable to this uncertainty.
And this uncertainty is often
the hardest thing to cope with...
I know very few people who are
missing someone and don't know where...
Stop that now!
Hi, where have you been hiding?
- How did you get in?
- The garage was open. I tried shouting.
I was visiting, you know, across the way.
What's up? What are you looking at?
I was going to come over at lunchtime
but the blinds were down.
What were you up to, you bad boy?
- What do you want?
- Nothing, thanks.
I've done nothing but eat and drink all day.
You really keep this place spotless.
And what did you do for Christmas?
I was at my sister's. Like every year.
She has three kids.
I always go over in the morning
and we decorate the tree together.
Then I take the kids to a film or something
in the afternoon.
Then we open our presents at four.
Wait, I'll help you.
- Please don't.
- Shall I put it over there?
No one wants you here.
What was all that about?
What's wrong with you?
Can't you speak? What's got into you?
Are you crazy?
Are you shitting yourself because I'm here?
Do you think I want you?
No, of course not.
Want to play?
Excuse me. About this evening -
I won't be able to make it.
I have to leave at three.
- Shame.
- Have a nice evening.
An open-plan kitchen, I think it looks great
when you have this kitchen island...
As long as no one dances on the tables.
Well, it won't get that wild.
- I'll open another bottle.
- Because everybody is jealous.
I don't think so.
I haven't actually noticed that.
Try a piece.
Thank you.
There's enough for everyone.
There's another at the back.
- Another one?
- No, thank you.
Stop acting like an idiot.
What's that supposed to be?
Stop it!
Look what I've brought you.
But don't eat it all before dinner.
- Are these two what you were on about?
- They're missing.
You can still see what it is.
- Do you still need it?
- No.
Stop that!
You can come now...
Ah, it's you.
Thursday at two o'clock.
O take my hand, dear Father
And lead the way for me
Till at my journey's ending
I shall dwell in Thee
Alone I cannot wander
Not for a single day
So Thou shalt guide my footsteps
Through life's rocky way
O cover with Thy mercy
My weak and lowly heart
Lest I enjoy or...
On the 26th of February, Michael...
crossed a threshold...
to a land...
where we cannot follow him.
What should...
what can...
his death mean to us?
Is it not the most terrible thing
for a mother...
to stand by her own child's grave?
Doesn't an early death -
whether caused by illness
or by a road accident -
seem almost contrary
to the ways of life?
I say no.
Michael has simply gone before us,
maybe a little impatiently,
but we will follow him.
At times, even as a child,
Michael showed signs of impatience.
As his sister, Karin, told me...
he once placed his shoes
in front of the house just after Easter
and when asked why,
the boy answered...
"So that Santa Claus knows
that he can come now. "
Perhaps God was also...
a little impatient with Michael.
And, in His great love for us...
He called Michael to Him.
We read in the words of
the Prophet Jeremiah,
"I have loved thee with
an everlasting heart,
"therefore have I drawn thee...
"with loving kindness. "
Saying farewell to Michael means...
We can go to the house this weekend.
And make a start.
Sure, if you've got time.
Will you stay here with us tonight, Mum?
Bloody junk mail!
Are you going to take that?
I don't think so.
You can have it all.
All the tools and everything.
No, Mum. That's... OK.
Do you have another bag?