Michael Inside (2017)

[engine revving in distance]
[birds cawing]
[sirens blaring in distance]
[indistinct conversation]
[man 1] Fuck all, I'm just
around at the green.
[man 2] Why, what's up?
[indistinct chattering]
Yeah, I might have
somebody, yeah.
Here, come in for a second.
My brother wants us.
-For what?
-Don't know.
What's the craic? All right?
Buzz into the gaff, yeah?
Right, lads, I'm going
to give you the shit.
Fuck 'em.
Don't tell anybody
where you're hiding it.
If anything goes missing,
I'm dead.
Are you taking it, yeah?
Yeah, no bother.
I'll talk to you
after, all right?
I appreciate that, all right?
-No bother, yeah?
-See you later.
See you.
-[Francis] Michael?
[birds cawing]
-All right, Grandad.
It's cold.
Is there any milk?
It's looking at you.
Is that all that's left?
I'm off to the shops.
Have toast.
-What are you doing later?
-Meeting Orla.
[indistinct chatter]
[bell ringing]
[boys laughing]
[indistinct conversation]
Barry's after texting me
there, yeah?
He said, "Move that."
-Do you want it back?
-No, he just said, "Move it."
-Where am I supposed
to move it?
-How am I supposed to know?
Here, hold on, boys.
-Everything all right?
-[indistinct conversation]
-[siren blaring in distance]
[car door closes]
[Orla] Who was that?
It was just Gary.
It was nothing.
I'd say so.
It was.
How was it nothing?
It just was.
Your dinner's ready.
I have to go.
See you later.
[knock on door]
[knock continues]
[pounding on door]
[Francis] Michael?
I'm Detective Belton from
St. Donnan Garda Station.
I have a warrant to
search this house.
If you wouldn't mind going
into the sitting room there
for me, please, sir?
Thank you very much.
-For what?
-You too, sir, please.
Thank you very much.
Now sit down there, young man.
This is a mistake.
Sure, it'll all be cleared up
in a minute.
Don't worry about it.
Sit down there.
police radio chatter]
Can I have another look
at that warrant, please?
Did you not see it
the first time?
It hasn't changed.
[officer] Detective...
police radio chatter]
-Is this your bag, Michael?
-Michael, is this your bag?
Sir, please.
All right, Michael.
I'm arresting you
under Section 15
of the Misuse of Drugs
Act 1977,
for the possession
of controlled drugs for
unlawful sale or supply.
Anything you say can be used
in evidence against you
in a court of law.
You have the right
to a solicitor.
If you cannot afford one,
one will be provided to you.
Do you understand your rights?
All right, stand up.
Get up there, son.
-Is that okay for you?
Not too tight, no?
I'll follow you down, Michael.
-[detective] Do you have
a solicitor?
-I think so.
-You don't know
who it is, do you?
-My grandad knows.
They're all in court now
anyway, until this evening.
If you just tell us
who gave you the bag,
and I can sort bail
and you can go home.
[indistinct radio chatter]
Your da's in jail, isn't he?
If you tell us
who gave you the bag,
we'll see
if we can get him out
a little bit early.
I'm not a rat.
[detective] You're not
a dealer either, Michael.
[camera shutter clicking]
All right, so, Michael,
can you confirm your address
for me, please?
[Michael] 15 Fortune Avenue,
St. Donnan Estate.
[detective] Can you describe
the house?
[Michael] It's brown
with a white door.
[cell door closes]
[detective] And your bedroom,
where is it in the house?
[Michael] It's at the front.
[detective] All right.
Where were you this morning?
[Michael] I was at home.
[detective] And can you
tell us what we found
in your bedroom this morning?
No comment.
You already told us
the bag was yours, Michael.
Did you not?
When I asked you this morning,
"Was the bag yours?"
You said, "Yeah."
Good, okay.
Is there anything else
you'd like to add?
[telephone ringing]
[indistinct chattering]
Okay, Michael, I am charging
you with possession of
a Class A substance
with intent to supply.
And I'm granting you
station bail
of one hundred euro, okay?
Now you'll be due to appear
in Court on February 20th.
Sign this, please.
Have you anything to say?
Can I have me phone back?
It's being held in evidence.
Get on to your solicitor.
[Francis] Why did you do it?
Gary's my mate.
And you always do
what they tell you?
I was supposed to move it.
It's my own fault.
Did you tell them anything?
I called a solicitor.
You could go down
for this, you know.
-I know, yeah.
-Is that all you can say?
Well what do you want me
to say?
Just when we were
getting somewhere.
They took my phone.
I want it back.
-Where are you going?
-Away from you.
[door opens]
Hang on.
What the fuck are you doing
around here, you stupid cunt?
-I told you to fucking move it.
-I was going to.
-You were going to,
what good is that?
They showed up at my house.
I might go down for this.
Well, it's your own
fucking fault.
Come on, man.
Stay away from here,
you fucking eejit.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Michael] Did you hear?
[Orla] Yeah.
Where are you?
I'm at the shops.
-Can you come out?
My da won't let me.
Who told you?
Everyone knows.
-Are you all right?
-Yeah, I'm grand.
Did you do it?
Do what?
I was only holding a bag
for Gary.
[Orla breathes deeply]
What's going to happen?
I don't know, do I?
What are you doing?
I'm watching "Pointless."
Who are you with?
I've to go.
Talk to you later, yeah?
See you later.
[door closes]
[keys jingle]
[TV playing]
You made a mistake.
Do you think I'll go down?
I don't know.
I'm going to bed, yeah?
[solicitor] Nothing before
you turned 18
will be taken into account,
but your probation order
last October will be a factor,
I'm afraid.
[Francis] Will he do time
for this?
Well, be prepared
for it, Michael.
He's not involved in drugs.
It's enough involvement
for a custodial sentence,
I'm afraid.
Would you recommend
an early plea?
[solicitor] Well, it's safer
to look at the evidence first.
It might not be strong enough.
But an early plea
will mean a lighter sentence?
If convicted, yes.
You're free
to ignore my advice.
It's up to you.
When did you leave school,
Fourth year.
Tell him about that teacher.
What's that got to do
with this?
He was bullied
by a teacher at school.
[solicitor] What did you
do then?
Worked with my Grandad
for a bit.
-[solicitor] Doing what?
-Painting and decorating.
Then I started
Youth Reach last year.
Well, I think we should
get this over
as quick as possible.
[Michael] I might not
go down.
It doesn't matter.
I can't go through it
with you.
[Michael] Your da
can't tell you what to do.
It's not him.
[Michael] It is.
I know it is.
It's not.
I'm only 16.
[Michael] I wasn't dealing.
It was just a favor.
I know.
[Michael] I wasn't dealing.
All right, you weren't dealing.
I don't do that.
-I'm sorry.
-It's a bit late now, isn't it?
[Michael] Please.
Where are you going?
-Leave me alone.
[dog barking]
[birds chirping]
[solicitor] So,
just take responsibility.
Make a solemn promise
you won't be in trouble
with the law again.
No bother.
Is there any more he can do?
Just be respectful,
stand up straight
Say, "Yes, Judge,"
"No, Judge."
Hands by your side.
-Okay? Ready to go?
On the first of February,
I arrested Michael McCrea,
under Section 15 of
the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977,
for possession of
controlled drugs for
unlawful sale or supply.
He was detained for
questioning under Section 2
at St. Donnan Garda Station.
He was released
on station bail
to appear before this court
this morning, Judge.
Good morning, Judge,
I appear on behalf of
Michael McCrea.
Judge, I have
a Precis of Evidence
and I'm requesting
a short remand to
take instructions.
My client wishes to
plead guilty this morning.
He is not working at present.
He is a student,
currently studying
at Youth Reach
and will be making
an application for legal aid.
[judge] Is there
any objection to this?
[detective] No, Judge.
[judge] Can I hear an outline
of the facts for consideration
for jurisdiction, please?
[detective] Yes, judge, um...
The address 15 Fortune Avenue
where Mr. McCrea resides
was searched
and a white plastic bag
was found in a wardrobe
in an upstairs room.
It contained 30 grams
of cocaine with a street value
of around 2,000 Euro.
[judge] Are there any
aggregation factors
I should know of?
[detective] No, Judge.
[judge] I'm not going to
finalize this today.
To be remanded
on continuing bail
for a probation report.
Thank you, Judge.
[detective] Thank you, Judge.
[whispers] Okay, come.
Do you want me to open it?
This one's at two o'clock.
[Michael] What does that mean?
Am I going down?
[bell ringing]
[teacher] Okay everyone,
drop your essay
in the box on the way out
and don't forget to
put your name on it.
Michael? Can I have a word?
I heard about what happened.
Is there anything
that we can do from here?
No, I don't think so.
You must be under
a lot of pressure.
-You said about Pearse College?
-Yeah, Social Care, wasn't it?
-Okay, yeah, would
you be interested?
Right, I'll make that call
for you.
-Thanks, miss.
[upbeat music playing
on car speakers]
-How's it going, Michael?
-All right.
Are you well?
[indistinct chatter]
[door opens]
What are you doing up?
Where were you?
How are you doing?
I want you to visit
your da tomorrow.
Ask him what he thinks.
[Michael's da] I'm still
in the Medical Unit.
You won't see me
if you come here.
I know that.
Why didn't you move it?
I was going to.
What do you want me to say?
Nothing, Da.
Stop thinking so much.
I'm not.
How's my da?
Yeah, he's grand.
You'll be all right.
Pass the remote there,
will you?
No, I'm watching this.
-I'm away to bed then.
-Go then.
[Francis breathing heavily]
I feel sick.
Go back to bed.
I won't be able for it.
It won't be
as bad as you think.
It will.
You'll have to
toughen up, Michael.
Just keep your head down.
Don't piss anybody off
and you'll be okay.
There's a lot of
normal people in there.
You can do it.
-I can't.
-You can.
You're not a kid anymore.
Go back to bed now.
Don't say where you're from
unless you know
who you're talking to.
-Do you hear me?
Now, eat.
I'm not hungry.
Well, force yourself.
Are you ready?
Are you going to be all right?
The defendant is also
attending Youth Reach,
currently finishing
a QQI Level Four
in General Learning.
He has expressed
a desire to attend
a Further Education college.
Judge, Michael is not
ordinarily involved
in the drug trade.
He was impulsive and naive
and didn't think
through his actions.
There are other
mitigating circumstances.
There was a lack of
parental influence
in Michael's life growing up.
His mother died,
and his father
is currently in prison.
We ask for some leniency
in this instance
to allow Michael
to further his education.
[judge] Have you anything
to say, Mr. McCrea?
Yes, Judge.
I just want to say
I'm sorry for what I done
and I promise
it won't happen again.
[judge] You say impulsive
and naive but this is
not a first conviction.
No, Your Honor.
I see he was on probation bond
at the time of his offence
with conditions that
he does not offend
in the next 12 months.
His last conviction was
due to similar naivety.
He was a passenger
in a stolen car.
But Michael is
on a positive path now,
and he has learned
his lesson this time.
His grandfather is here
to support him today.
This is a serious crime.
Young man, do you realize
the consequences of
the drug trade in our society?
Yes, Judge.
My mam
died of a drug overdose
when I was really young.
[judge] Michael McCrea,
you were a minor,
but essential cog
in a well-oiled machine.
I have a duty to impose
a custodial sentence.
It is the court's belief
that you would benefit
from a short, sharp shock.
Taking into account
a plea of guilty
at an early stage,
I sentence you
to three months in custody.
One month suspended.
I hope you will learn
from this, Mr. McCrea
and we don't see you
before the courts again.
[officer] Just hang on there
a second.
Any phone on you?
He got nothing.
[keys jingling]
[disengages lock]
[door opens]
[man] All right, pal?
What's the story?
[door closes]
What are you up for?
[lock clicks]
Where are you from?
I know your face
from somewhere.
[solicitor] Take responsibility
for the crime,
make a sincere oath.
You won't be in trouble
with the law again.
Mr. McCrea?
Give me a call
if you need anything, anytime.
Hands out of your pockets,
Where did you
get the chain, mate?
I bought it a while back.
[indistinct chatter]
Yeah, I'm surprised
they let you in with that.
[indistinct chatter]
Leave him alone, lads.
If anybody says anything,
I'm going in,
I'm not getting out.
So you'll see me inside.
If you see me inside,
come over to me
I'll look after you.
[indistinct chatter]
Now, Michael, are you right?
Let's go.
Michael, listen to what I said
to you, do you hear me?
He's not going to last long.
I'll see him inside.
He's going to get
bleedin' tore out of it.
[officer] Hand over the chain.
-What's the name?
-Michael McCrea.
The address?
15 Fortune Avenue,
St. Donnan Estate.
Are you fighting with anyone?
Do you need protection?
Empty out the pockets.
Just hang in there
for a second.
Right, this way.
Ever in jail before?
-[Michael] No.
You get used to it.
[keys jingle]
[lock opens]
[officer] McCrea?
[helicopter hovering]
Stop there.
Come on.
Step up.
[indistinct chatter]
Show me your hands.
Make some room, lads.
-[door buzzing]
-Come on.
Okay, have you anything
sharp in your pockets?
-I'm going to search you, okay?
Okay, hold out your arms.
Okay go over to that
man there. He needs to
have a word with you.
Are you all right?
We'll keep an eye on you.
Put your back
against the wall.
Straight ahead.
Good man.
Come back to me.
[officer] Have you been
to prison before?
[Michael] No.
What's your full name?
[Michael] Michael James McCrea.
What's your address, Michael?
[Michael] 15 Fortune Avenue,
St. Donnan Estate.
[officer 2] All right, lads,
strip, come on.
What are you waiting for?
[officer] And what's your
date of birth?
Strip. Now.
[Michael] Twelfth of July '98.
[officer] Who's your
nearest relative?
[Michael] My grandad.
Your parents not alive?
My da, Christy McCrea.
And what's his address?
[Michael] It's the same as me.
[cop] Stay in there
'til you're clean,
I don't give a shit
if it's cold.
What's your occupation?
[Michael] I'm in Youth Reach.
Keep still, don't move.
[officer] Your religion?
[Michael] Catholic.
[officer] Michael, do you have
any medical conditions
that we need to know about?
[Michael] Anxiety.
[officer] Are you on medication
for that?
[Michael] No.
[officer] Okay,
the next questions
we have to ask you
will be in confidence.
Do you understand that?
[Michael] Yeah.
[officer] Okay, are you
in fear for your life?
[Michael] No.
Do you need protection?
[Michael] No.
[officer] Okay,
sign your name there.
[door slams shut]
[indistinct shouting]
[dog barks]
[man whistling]
[cellmates shouting]
[disengages lock]
-[door closes]
-[engages lock]
[indistinct chatter]
Straight on.
You're going through
that gate there.
Inmate 10287E,
Michael McCrea, sir.
What are you looking at?
Go on in.
Take a seat.
Now do you intend to
appeal your sentence?
No, sir.
Look at me.
We're not going to have
any trouble with you now,
are we?
No, sir.
Now take a good look at these.
Do you know any of those men?
I don't think so.
[man] What about
these fellas here?
[Michael] I know them to see.
Probably not very happy
with you, are they?
Probably not, I don't know.
You have any family in here?
My da's in the Medical Unit.
-Do you want to speak
to a counselor?
Who do you want
on your visitor list?
Francis McCrea.
Orla Kerr.
Anyone else?
Use words.
No, sir.
Some people stay
in holding for days.
You're lucky,
[man whistling]
Wait here.
[man] What's your name?
[knock on door]
Hello, Francis.
You want to put the kettle on?
What do you want?
Close that door.
Let them in.
Let them in!
What do you want?
What do you think I want?
That gear is owed me.
He was only holding it.
Yeah and then he lost it.
Well, it wasn't his fault.
I'm not getting bleedin' shot
for you or your grandson.
You're out of options here.
-You don't not pay.
It's not his debt.
Then whose is it?
Whoever he was holding it for.
he was told to move that stuff.
He didn't move it.
So explain to me
how it's not his fault?
I'm not paying you anything.
Take your mates
and get out of my home.
There's fuck all here.
Do you want a warning?
That's it?
I'll pay. I'll pay.
I'm going to be here
Friday morning.
I want two grand off you.
Do you hear me?
Do you?
I hear.
Good, tell me you're
going to have it.
I'll have it.
Tell me how you're
going to get it?
-I'll borrow it.
-From who?
I don't know yet.
If you try and disappear,
-I'm going to take it out
of Michael inside.
-I won't.
Come on, let's go.
[door opens]
[door slams]
[breathing heavily]
[man] Inmate at the gate.
[indistinct chatter]
-Where you from, pal?
-Where you from?
Are you being smart?
-Are you?
-Where you from?
Do you know
what you just did?
Do you remember me?
I don't know you.
That's not what I said.
Do you recognize me?
-Do you hear me, are you deaf?
-I heard you.
-What's your problem?
-There's no problem.
Where are you from?
It's a simple question.
-I told you.
-Do you want to
get your throat slit?
-Do you?
-Then why are you being smart?
-I'm not.
Look at me.
-Say you're sorry.
-I'm sorry.
Too late, cunt.
[man] Do you know anyone
in here?
No one?
A few people.
If you don't know anyone,
you're fucked.
-[woman] All right, Francis?
-I'd like to take
it all out please, Sandra.
[Des] You can't pay them.
Well, tell me what to do then?
[Des] You know they'll just
keep coming back.
The only thing I can do is
be firm, hold my ground.
Tell them I've no more money.
But they don't care
where you get the money.
Hope they'll move on
to some other
poor unfortunate.
[Des] There's a 125 there.
[Francis] Thanks, Des.
I'll get it back to you.
You know what I'm
going to ask next.
[Francis] "Any drink in here?"
I'm only joking.
Keep him there, yeah?
Check his pockets.
What has he got?
-What has he got?
-[Michael] Let go of me.
Fuck all.
Oh, here you go.
Come on.
[breathing sharply]
I want that remote back.
You have to stand up
to that prick.
Will you help me?
You have to do it yourself.
If I get another charge,
I lose my kids.
She said she'd leave me, yeah?
Just keep me well out of it.
Why are you in here?
I was in a scrap
on Leeson Street.
Was it bad?
I've a problem with anger.
Who beat you up?
[baby crying]
-More than one?
-I don't want to talk about it.
How many?
And a few of his mates.
You have to stand up
for yourself in here.
You won't be here long.
I can't do it.
What does that mean?
-I won't make it.
-You will make it.
Do you hear me?
What was that course
in Pearse College?
Social Care.
Think about when you get out.
You've got to fight back
in here, Michael.
Look at me.
Do you hear me?
[indistinct chatter]
You have to attack
that fella.
You have to attack him.
-It's none of your business.
-He'll be back in to you then.
Again and again
and more people will.
Come on, he's in his cell now.
All right.
I wait outside
the door, you follow.
I'm not asking, how's that?
What do you mean?
If I don't move off,
that means he's in there
on his own.
Do you understand?
Why are you doing this?
For your own good.
[breathes heavily]
[softly] Do it.
Fucking do it.
Do it.
[breathing heavily]
Do it.
Leave him alone.
-[Michael] Where's your
fucking mates now?
-Let's go.
Back to your cell, man.
[breathing heavily]
[banging on door]
[banging continues]
Hello, Francis.
[TV playing]
What are you watching, "Darts?"
What are you, pissed?
I don't drink.
Since when?
Nineteen years.
Do you like "Darts"?
I want to make
something clear.
Who's he?
I want to make
something very clear.
-Well, hurry up.
-I'm paying the debt.
-Yeah, I know.
-Because of what Michael
got messed up in.
But I'm not paying you thugs
another penny.
Are you not?
You can kill me.
But you're not getting
nothing more from me.
Don't worry about it,
no one's killing anyone.
-That's me cleaned out.
Don't be worrying about it,
old man.
The debt's paid now.
See you later.
[door slams]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct conversation]
[indistinct shouting]
[man] Open your hand.
-Open your hand.
Put it away.
Put it away.
-I don't want that.
-Hold it until I want it.
'Cause we help each other
in here.
Don't call anyone with that.
[gate buzzing]
[man] The case
got a strike out anyway.
The fuckin' copper
never turned up.
The shopkeeper's family
and all were there.
-That's mad.
Do what I say, yeah?
[Michael] Yeah.
Sit down, sit down.
Michael, this is Steve.
-What do you want?
-What do I want?
I saw your brother.
With his bird, was it?
No, my ma.
Did they leave my money?
Dave, you know,
you said I could give that
to you next week.
Sit down.
-Sit the fuck down.
-What are you doing?
So you knew they were coming,
and you didn't tell them, hmm?
-Sorry, I didn't think--
-Look at me. You didn't think.
You didn't fuckin' think.
Look at me.
Do you think
I'm a fuckin' mug?
-[Steve] No.
Michael, come here.
[Steve] No, no.
Michael, please.
No, you don't have
to do this, lads.
You don't want to do this.
Don't! Please, don't do this.
[groans] What are you doing?
[crying] No! Please!
Please, no! Please! No!
Please! No...
[crying in pain]
[continues crying]
[gate buzzing]
[breathing heavily]
Are we quits now?
Ask me again
and I'll stamp your face
into the concrete.
Open your hand.
Hold it.
[indistinct chatter]
[metal clanking]
[man] I first went into prison
when I was 13.
I've been inside
most of my life.
I got out for the last time
in 2007
an angry man.
I think
everyone comes out bitter
no matter what they tell you.
The longer the stretch,
the bigger the scar.
I still feel anger
when I see a uniform.
I don't think that'll change.
The reason they asked me
to do this is
I've finished a Masters now
in Criminology
and I'm applying
for a Doctorate.
When I say that out loud,
it doesn't sound like me.
The last time I came out,
I done nine year
for armed robbery.
They said to me,
"Sam, all you need to
change now is everything."
They were talking
about my addiction.
Which started during
my first sentence
and that led to all
my other convictions.
A lot of people
don't understand
that when everyone around you
is doing gear
and your self-worth
is rock bottom,
it can make sense inside.
For me, it was relief
from the pain
of being a prisoner.
Like a day out.
But as most of you know,
the pain is much worse
when you have a drug habit.
For me and my family,
heroin meant
a road to complete hell.
I'd get clean
and then relapse.
Get clean again, relapse.
And then I got clean
for my grand-daughter
Kelly's communion.
I did it for her.
And I'm not going back.
Eileen, down the community
center is my guardian angel.
She got me onto an
Open University course.
I flew through it.
At 45, I realized
I was intelligent.
In college, good things
started to happen.
The more I achieved,
the more I wanted
to continue.
And I could see
that the first half
of my life
had been such a waste.
I hope you've taken
something from this.
I want to thank you for
letting me tell my story.
I'll take any questions.
Maybe we can get
a bit of a conversation going.
[Dave] Explain the point
of college?
[Michael] To get a decent job?
You'll always have to
tick that box, Michael.
And if they've to pick
between you
and someone
without a conviction,
who are they going to pick?
Forget about buying a house.
Forget about
going to the States.
-For how long?
-For life, pal.
-Why? Why do you think?
To keep us down.
You're fucked out there now
if you want to live straight.
Your sentence only starts
when you're released,
just watch.
[Michael] Do you have kids?
I've a son in Wales.
He's 12.
Does he visit?
He's in Wales.
Is that where his ma lives?
[indistinct conversation]
Open your hand.
Put the fuckin' thing away.
-Slash his face.
Not a bleedin' scratch, deep.
On my own?
[indistinct chatter]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[Michael] I'm sick.
[Dave] I don't give a fuck.
I'm after throwing up,
and I've a fucking headache.
Do it.
I can't.
I'm not cut out for it.
The next time you try
and fuck up my system,
you think of Francis.
[breathing heavily]
[indistinct chatter]
[breathing heavily]
[both grunting]
[woman] McCrea?
[metal clanking]
Governor wants to see you.
-For what?
[door closes]
[lock engages]
Do you know
what he wants me for?
Have you been doing anything
you're not supposed to?
Then you've nothing to
worry about, have you?
Were you involved
in that yesterday?
[woman] Inmate 10287E
Michael McCrea, sir.
Yes, sir.
[guard] Right, send him in.
[woman] In you go.
You're being released.
You'll be outside
at midday tomorrow.
-Do you have anywhere to live?
You'll be given details
of your post-release program
later on.
Before you leave.
-Thanks, sir
-Right, that's all.
-I'm getting out.
-[Francis sighs] Thank God.
I'll be outside
at 12:00 tomorrow.
I'll be there.
No you don't have to,
don't be worrying.
I'll see you at home.
I'll be there.
Grandad, I just...
I'm sorry about everything.
It's over now, Michael.
Look, I've to go back
now, yeah?
I'll see you tomorrow.
I'll see you.
-Guess what?
-Guess what?
What the fuck is this?
I couldn't say no.
-You trying to get me
more charges, is it?
-I can't get any more time,
you know that.
-I know.
-You trying to ruin my life?
-No, Ray.
What else is there?
Just a phone.
Just a phone...
Then get it.
Are you fucking for real?
Just give it back to him,
all of it, yeah?
I can't.
What do you mean you can't?
Don't push me, Michael.
I'm getting out.
Sorry I fucked up.
I have your stuff.
Give it.
Sit down.
[breathes heavily]
Don't let anyone fuck
with you out there, okay?
Good lad, go.
[man] We're not going to
see you back in here again,
Michael, are we?
[Michael] No you won't.
I have interviews lined up
and all.
[man] Have you? What for?
PLC courses and that.
[man] Very good.
Where are you going to stay?
[Michael] I'm going home.
[man] And who's there?
[Michael] My grandad.
[man] And is he coming
to pick you up?
[Michael] Yeah.
[man] Good.
[woman] McCrea, get ready.
[man] Your probation officer's
name is Frank Cleary.
He's just off Mountjoy Square.
His address is on that.
I'll give him a call
this afternoon.
-Cheers, Ray.
-Take it easy, Michael.
Don't go acting the big man
when you get out.
I won't.
-Good luck.
-Good luck, Michael.
[Francis] Just tell me
again now what he needs
to bring with him.
and two references.
Um... Now you...
Tell me,
would a character reference
be all right?
-Michael, what's the story?
-All right?
-When did you get out?
-Just today.
-Why didn't you ring me?
-Just out.
-You are, are you?
-Dog rough, was it?
-If you say so.
[all greeting]
[indistinct chatter]
[boy 1] Michael? Michael?
Are you right? We're going.
[boy] I can't wait
for this fight.
[boy 2] "St. Balthere Estate
are scum"?
Yeah, they fucking are scum.
Do you think they'll have
more people than us?
No way,
we have a bigger estate.
Count me out, lads, yeah?
[boy] Suit yourself.
The bleedin' cops are
watching Facebook, you thick.
[boy 2] Well, get off it.
Are you involved
in these fights?
-Do you know there's a curfew?
-I'm 18.
-Are you being smart?
Do you want me to get
out of this car?
Empty your pockets.
[metal jingling]
The other ones.
[dog barking]
-Where are you going?
-Well, hurry up then.
-Yes, Guard.
All right, Grandad?
Thought I'd do
some decent food.
Are you all set?
Well, just...
Just be yourself.
Are you sure about that?
[steam hissing]
[woman] Could you tell us
a little about yourself?
[Michael] Like what?
[woman] Like, do you know much
about the course?
[Michael] It's Social Care.
[woman] That's right.
Sorry I'm just nervous.
[woman] That's okay, Michael.
Why are you interested
in Social Care?
Uh... My teacher said
it would suit me?
[woman] Okay.
-I work well with people.
-[woman] Right.
I'm trying to better myself.
[woman] Okay. And have you
read the prospectus?
No, sorry.
-But I will.
-[man] That's fine.
I want to use what happened
to me as a positive,
to help others.
I think I'd be good
at stuff like that.
[woman] Okay, do you have
your references with you?
Yeah, right here.
-Francis McCrea?
-My grandad.
We need employment or
educational references.
They said I could choose
a character one?
I'm waiting on my school one,
and one of them
is from Youth Reach.
[boy] All right, Michael.
[Michael] All right?
[boy] Are you just out?
[Michael] Yeah, man.
[boy] Well, Henry's da
is in there now.
[Michael] For what?
[boy] For driving
in the bus lane.
[Michael] Is he actually?
[boy] Yeah, he is.
[Michael] Ah, that's stupid.
[boy] I know, isn't it?
What were you in there for?
Holding drugs for a mate
[boy] Eh.
See, that's what happens
when you get in with
the wrong crowd, isn't it?
[Charlie] I brought it in
last week.
That letter only entitles you
one weeks' payment.
So you need to sign on
to the live register now.
Well, sign me on, then.
[woman] You need to
give me an address.
[Charlie] Love,
I'm only out a week.
I'm sorry, Mr. Moore.
I'm between places.
I need an address.
Now in the meantime, you can
go down to your local
community welfare officer.
They will sort you out with
one weeks' emergency payment.
Or you can go down
to the homeless unit
on Parkgate Street.
Why don't you people
give me an address?
Will you come back to us
when you have everything
required to sign on, please?
-What am I supposed to live on?
-Thank you.
Are you trying to send me back?
This is a fucking joke.
[man] Nothing's gonna happen.
[continues indistinctly]
[Michael] Tony.
What the fuck
are you doing here?
Hello, Michael.
Take a seat.
Must be good to be out, right?
[Michael] What do you want?
Tell him.
I didn't agree to anything.
Just fucking tell him.
They want me to take drugs
into the prison
when I'm visiting Christy.
-Christy's agreed.
-I doubt that.
Well, you know, agreed.
Didn't have a choice.
Much like you.
Whatever you lost,
I'll pay for it.
Bill's already been paid.
Did he not tell you?
You paid them?
What else could I do?
What else could he do?
So, are you gonna do it?
I know guys you don't
want to fuck with.
-Locked up?
-He's not doing it.
If he doesn't do what I say,
I'm going to take your da.
You'll never see him again.
[door slams]
You're not doing this.
-What choice do I have?
Why did you pay them?
I want you to go up North.
-You're not doing this.
-Will you go to your nan?
This isn't right, Grandad.
It's not right.
-It's not right, Grandad.
-Calm down.
[Michael sighs]
How did the interview go?
Fuck the interview.
Where are you going?
Fuck this place.
Michael. Michael!
[door closes]
[siren wailing]
[people clamoring]
[indistinct chatter]
[Michael] Oi.
What are you doing?
[breathes heavily]
Go near my grandad again,
I'll be fucking back.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Are you okay?
[exhales heavily]
[knocking on door]
[pounding heavily]
[radio chatter]
[judge] This was a vicious
and brutal attack.
Michael McCrea,
you are sentenced to
three years in custody.
Have you ever been
to prison before?
Are you involved in any feuds
at the moment, Mr. McCrea?
With who?
[man] You don't want to
fuck this up, Francis.
[woman] You're going
through that gate there.