Mighty Quinn, The (1989)

Guess who's coming to dinner
Natty Dreadlocks
Guess who's coming to dinner
Natty Dreadlocks
I'm just coming in from the woods
Natty Dreadlocks
I appreciate the herb you brought for me
Natty Dreadlocks
Guess who's coming to dinner
Natty Dreadlocks
So let's give thanks and praise
Natty Dreadlocks
I appreciate the herb you brought for me
Natty dreadlocks
Now that things and time have changed
Suffering makes me realise what it takes
And how to be a Natty Dreadlocks
Why? Why?
Guess who's coming to dinner
Natty Dreadlocks
Hey, star. You here to keep the peace?
Come on down and give me a hand
and help me up, now.
And how to be a Natty Dreadlocks
Why? Why?
Guess who's coming to dinner
Natty dreadlocks
How do I look?
Like a ripe mango.
- Wanna take a bite?
- I'm on a diet.
That's not what I hear. I hear
you're not livin' at home these days.
You been like a big old knot
ever since you was a boy. You know that?
- Is he invited?
- Mr Bim?
- Mm.
- I doubt it.
I'll be right back.
Hey, boy. You got married, eh? Long time
ago I cut up a pretty boy, you know?
You plannin' to cut somebody?
- Hey, man.
- Not "man", "Chief".
Go on, get outta here, Galan,
join the party.
- That's my baby in her belly.
- The baby don't make no difference.
- It does to me!
- Then live with it!
- Live with it?
- Yes, man.
I loved the way you did that.
Get him somethin' cool to drink. He has
a heap of grief to get off his big chest.
What about my chest?
- How long the offer last?
- You have till sundown.
Watch out for this.
First thing you do is change the bedding.
Then look in the closet.
Yes, Mrs Elgin.
If you see something that needs
to be cleaned, take it to the laundry.
Guess who's coming to dinner
Natty Dreadlocks
Chief Quinn.
Calling Chief Quinn.
- Thanks, Chief.
- Come in, Chief Quinn.
- Message for Chief Quinn.
- Quinn here.
Get to Pater's place, Chief.
There's been a homicide.
- Who?
- Donald Pater.
Right away.
- Are you all right, Isola?
- Yes.
Don't ya know this is a goin'- down road
until 4pm? Which is five hours away.
Seven days a week for the last ten years!
So what are you doin' comin' up it?
- Uncle...
- Don't give me that shit, Maubee.
I didn't figure anybody
would be comin' down so fast.
And on my trike, there,
I thought I'd be slippin' through OK.
If I hadn't turned, where would you be?
What are you smilin' about?
The uniform, man. You look great.
Where you been? Parade?
I open this bag, Maubee, what I find, huh?
Nothin' but ladies' clothes.
You gonna give me a ticket, let me call
me lawyer first, wait for him to get here.
Even though we're friends,
you're lucky I don't have the time.
You forgot to say hello.
Where's the girl who found him?
- She's not here.
- I sent her home.
I can tell you all you need to know.
Mr Elgin.
The body's been examined by a doctor.
He'll be here in a minute.
- I hope you can catch this Maubee fast.
- Why Maubee?
- What?
- You said "I hope you catch Maubee. "
Didn't you get his notebook?
I gave it to one of your men.
- Chief Quinn! This gentleman...
- That's all right. We were expecting him.
Just startin' to get a nice draw
on the ball, Thomas.
- You the chief of police?
- You the doctor?
Dr Stuhlberg, this is Chief Quinn.
Dr Stuhlberg's a guest at the hotel
and he was kind enough
to look at the body.
I examined the corpse two hours ago.
He was killed early this morning.
No doubt about the cause of death?
Are you kidding?
With a neck slit like that?
Looks like he's been boiled.
- Call the hospital. Drain the Jacuzzi.
- Very good, sir.
He was a woman-chaser, eh?
You looking for anything in particular?
Why can't we save this
looking around till later?
Now I'd like you to make sure the guests
know there's nothing to worry about.
Dr Richardson, Chief Quinn for you, sir.
- The family wants the body flown back.
- Cause of death has to be determined.
I'd say that was abundantly clear.
If the murder had taken place
on the mainland, Doctor,
you would expect an autopsy,
wouldn't you?
That's different.
I talked to Governor Chalk.
He's taking care of it.
- Is he?
- Uh-huh.
Call the ambulance.
Take the body to the hospital.
Yes, sir.
Mrs Elgin?
Xavier Quinn. Chief of police.
Sit down.
You're a swell dresser.
I like snappy uniforms.
What can I do for you? A drink?
No. No, thank you. I... have to pretend
I'm doing something productive,
or else I can't sit here.
Are you being police-polite, Chief Quinn?
I'm trying to get a picture of Mr Pater.
Offshore corporations,
numbered accounts, holding companies.
Very active in stamping out communism
in Latin America. Friends in high places.
A patriot.
Native ladies lately, and not so lately.
- Not very discreet about it.
- Wasn't here very often, was he?
Mr Quinn.
I think we've had
enough questions for today.
Thank you.
Mr Elgin.
What'd you tell him, Hadley?
Comfortable answers
to uncomfortable questions.
Yes, Thomas?
If I'd waited another minute
before I came in here,
would I have found you both on the floor?
You try not to lose control
of yourself until this is over.
Having trouble finding
your way out of here?
My sergeant needs a guest list.
Let's try to understand something.
You've been a cooperative man.
That's why you've got where you are.
But this is not your beat.
Being a policeman isn't quite like
being a waiter, Mr Elgin.
Let's keep it simple, then,
Policeman Quinn.
All you have to do is to bring in Maubee.
Exhibit A. Tag it.
It's been in the water.
Governor Chalk's been callin'.
Say he want to see you.
- What's goin' on here?
- Murder.
- My God! Don't let them inside here!
- Somebody put this maniac downstairs.
- Nasty way to die.
- Right through the neck.
Athens! Catch.
That's Maubee's notebook.
Every woman in that book, Athens.
Each one of you take a couple of
addresses and look in on these ladies.
Remember it's not just procedure
we're dealin' with here, but a feelin'.
These people are gonna
find it natural to protect him.
So be good, be thoughtful.
Use your brains.
Hey, Chief! Chief, wait!
Your wife, she just called.
Says she wants you to pick up Henry.
Why you don't tell her I was busy?
- She never gave me a chance.
- No, she don't like to do that.
- Should I send somebody else?
- No, no, it's all right. I'll get him.
She wants him home by five o'clock!
$10,000, man.
Yeah, man.
Drink it, man. Come on, earn your money.
Drink it.
Come on! Pour it down!
Police! Police! Police!
Break it up, man!
Stay where you are, Maubee!
- Out of the way! Out the way!
- Hold it right there, I said!
Maubee, if you don't come down,
I'll shoot your ass down!
- Move out the way!
- Don't let him get away!
Move, move, move, move!
Hold it right there!
Yeah, man!
McKeon, get him! Run!
- Good afternoon, Governor.
- Good afternoon, Xavier.
I hear things got a
little abrasive out there.
- I was just trying to do my job, sir.
- That's why you're here.
I want to know why you're not.
Talking about the body, Xavier.
Thomas Elgin called me. I'm concerned.
Christ, why did you have to
send the body to the hospital?
It's mandatory procedure in homicide.
You've got the book. You've got
the weapon. All you need is Maubee.
- Well, a motive would help.
- Motive? You kidding?
His whole life long that little nigger
watches the laughing rich,
and finally his poor impoverished heart
screams murder. How about that?
It's my job, Xavier,
to see that this thing doesn't hurt us.
Yes, us. The ones responsible for the
welfare and economy of this country.
That's Mr Elgin, me, and you.
We've all gotten this far by each of us
doing his job. I expect you to do yours.
- Take me home, Willy.
- Yes, sir.
A bunch of us are going out
for marlin on Friday.
If this mess is through,
I'd love you to come along.
Thank you, sir.
- What happened?
- His brain's not working too good,
but from what I can tell, Maubee bet him
$10,000 he couldn't do what he did.
- Which was what?
- Drink whatever it is he's throwing up.
- $10,000, huh?
- That's what the man say.
- What happened, Nick?
- Chief, am I gonna die?
Yes, man. But we're gonna try
and put it off for a little while.
We're going to take you to the hospital.
You collect your bet?
The police got there before he could pay.
And what make you think
him had a $10,000 bill?
I... I see it.
It was green, with the president.
A ten and three zeros.
Nick, there's no such thing
as a $10,000 bill.
Send somebody over and check it out.
Also call the hospital about the autopsy.
Already did. Said they had to
send the body to the airport.
Direct orders from Governor Chalk.
Shit. OK.
Do you think Maubee did it?
Cut a man's head off?
That fucker, he does that.
That's why he's like that.
Try and make sense when you talk, Jump.
OK. The little notebook.
But how could he lose a thing like that?
He'd have to stand on his head.
Not if he was going through windows.
Not if there was a struggle.
Yeah. So, you think he did it, then?
Do you?
$10,000 bill.
$10,000 bill.
There's no such thing as a $10,000 bill.
It must have been counterfeit.
Why? If there's no such thing
as a 10,000 d... Oh, shit.
- What?
- My son.
Oh, great. That was great!
- Why you didn't go home?
- I was waiting for you.
- Your mother's gonna be mad, you know.
- At me too?
So... what you learn in school today?
About the fer-de-lance. It's the most
poisonous snake in the world.
If he bites you,
that's all there is any more.
You go blind and die in 15 seconds.
- You know how it come to be here?
- No.
Well, way back in the old days,
plantation owners imported a snake
to discourage the escape of slaves.
- That was us.
- Yes, that was us.
But... the snake don't know the difference
between black and white.
The snake start bitin' the white man?
- That's right. So you know what they did?
- No.
They brought in the mongoose
to kill off the snake.
But you know what them forget? They
forget that the mongoose is nocturnal.
See, that means he likes the night,
whereas the snake, he likes the day.
So, while one was on his way to work,
the other was on his way to bed.
- What you think of that?
- That's the kind of place this is.
Let's go.
Hurting Inside")
Happiness, come back, I say
And if you don't come
I'm gonna go looking, yeah
For happiness
And if you don't come
I'm gonna go looking, yeah
For happiness
I've done you no wrong, no
I've done you no wrong, yeah
Reveal yourself to me
I say, I say
I'm hurtin' inside
You've got to believe me
I'm hurtin' inside
I'm hurtin' inside
I'm hurtin' inside
I'm hurtin' inside
Come on, Henry. Time for bed.
- So, when you gonna start work?
- We're negotiatin'.
- With who?
- The Tropicana.
Well, good. Congrats.
Why don't you sit down
at the piano and help us out?
No, no, no. Just an innocent bystander.
He doesn't play the piano any more.
Probably not innocent, either.
Can I have a word with you, please?
What the hell are you doing? You were
supposed to have him here by five.
- Did you forget about him?
- I was busy, Lola.
- Then you should have called.
- I'm runnin' around town all day
chasin' a killer. I could've stopped
by a phone and given you a call.
You know something?
I want you out of my house right now.
Your house? So it's your house now, is it?
Why you didn't come and pick him up?
I don't know if you have noticed,
but I am in the middle of a rehearsal.
Now, that might not mean much to you,
but it means a hell of a lot to me!
Besides, I thought
you might like to see your son.
Of course I'd like to see my son.
And what do you mean,
you were chasing a killer?
I mean somebody killed Donald Pater.
You know who that is?
Of course I know who that is.
How'd it happen?
I don't wanna talk about it right now,
but it looks like Maubee did it.
- Maubee?
- Shh!
- Maubee killed Pater? Why?
- Money. Who knows?
I don't believe it. You know as well as I do
Maubee's a lover, not a killer.
Oh, I know.
Maybe when you finish
your business here,
you can come down to the station...
explain your theory to my men, huh?
Put us all on the right track.
- So, where is the body?
- At the airport.
- Do you expect trouble?
- Mm-hm.
- So this is going to be a complicated job.
- Yes.
Come on, get around the other side.
Ready? One. Two. Three.
Excuse me, sir. Could you be so kind
to go and bring me a pan of cold water?
I'm gonna get into a lot of trouble for this.
No, man, no trouble at all.
Then why are we whispering?
Out of respect for the dead.
Good night. And don't forget to tell Chief
Quinn the offer's been extended till dawn.
- You got that?
- I got it.
- What is it, Coco?
- You just got a visitor.
Lord, I gotta keep on moving
Lord, I gotta get on down
I need to talk!
I've been accused of a killing
Lord knows I didn't do
For hanging me they are willing, yeah
That's why I gotta get on through
Lord, they're comin' after me
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Been seen coming out of the mountains,
selling ganja to the tourists at the Holiday
Inn, flashing big money at the Hilton,
and getting a shoeshine in French Town.
Let him know that they're after his ass
and he's bang into the fourth dimension.
- Not with the chief.
- Why not the chief?
- Chief and him grew up together.
- Who never grew up together?
Not like that. Maubee and the chief
is like two crossed fingers.
- He's not gonna trust the police.
- A brother trusts a brother.
Bullshit, man.
You never even see the bastard.
- But his footprints are everywhere.
- The man's fucking dedicated.
Yeah, but to what?
It's not hard to figure out.
The man typifies what's wrong
with this whole island.
He invented a life because he can't
face what's expected of him.
He's no more important
than we let him be.
He's just a man.
And we're goin' catch him ass.
It look to me like while I'm doing overtime
lookin' for him, him livin' my vacation.
- You want a vacation, McKeon?
- No, sir.
- Then tell me something smart.
- Well...
I found out who him's
sleepin' with this week.
- Isola.
- Isola?
Yeah, man, the witch's niece.
Chief, Governor Chalk just called.
Say him want you over there right now.
What the hell you mean
tearing up the body at the airport?
Mandatory procedure in homicide.
Looked like someone's trying to
prevent this so badly, it's worth a look.
Remember what happened...
- It was ten years ago.
- The place hasn't recovered.
You can't compare 12 white men
shot by black extremists...
Yes, I can.
So will every asshole tourist who doesn't
get off the big boat in the next ten years.
If you don't catch Maubee fast,
you gonna be shovelled out of your office
quicker than dog shit.
That's not gonna stop me
from finding Pater's killer.
And anyone else
who helped him cover it up.
One of you gentlemen got a match?
This is Mr Miller, Quinn.
He's with Pater Enterprises.
- He's here to tie up loose ends.
- Like what?
I'm here to see that the interests of Pater
Enterprises aren't damaged in any way.
I've already given him the basics.
Why don't you take him to Pater's?
You can fill him in on the way.
You don't think Maubee did it, do you?
Not for me to say.
That's for the courts to decide.
I have a lot of stops to make, and I don't
want to spoil your plans. If you want to...
No, no, no, that's fine. I love it.
Show me everythin' you got.
How you doin', Gumma?
What you want here, boy?
I want to talk to Isola.
She not here.
You try come in here, I fight you.
You fight me, I arrest you.
You can't arrest me.
Me don't do nothin'.
You think I'm jokin', Gumma?
I put a curse on you!
Believe me, I already got a curse on me.
You want take me picture, it cost you!
- How much?
- Two dollar.
- This Isola's child?
- Call it what you want.
You don't seem too happy about it.
- What's in the chest?
- Why don't you open it and find out?
You're going to get in trouble
fuckin' with me, Gumma.
- Who the hell was that?
- Ubu Pearl, the local witch.
I'm gettin' to like this place
more and more.
I'm lookin' for Maubee.
I don't know why anybody
would be tellin' somebody he be here.
- What about you?
- Not me, man.
I don't know nothing.
Nobody's going to help you catch him,
Chief. Nobody knows shit.
- Maybe you saw him.
- Not exactly.
Well, where exactly didn't you see him?
There was a guy
at the Tropic Eagle looking for him.
- What guy?
- A white guy.
- What kind of white guy?
- Kind of a dark white guy.
Wearing silver sunglasses
and a fancy hat. A cowboy hat.
Percy, see to the customers.
Yes, sir.
You're gettin' everything straightened out.
I would consider it a favour if you
wouldn't come here in your uniform.
Am I upsetting the guests?
You're out of line, Quinn.
This is a resort, not a police station.
The way I dress, Elgin, is the last thing
you should be worried about right now.
What should I be
worried about, Mr Quinn?
You think you have it made, don't you?
You come here and do what you want,
take what you want, kill who you want.
You're fucking nuts.
- You've gone too far.
- I'm goin' all the way.
No, you won't.
You're finished.
You won't be around, boy.
You watch out, white man.
You watch out.
Now get out of here...
before I have you thrown out.
Call the police.
Look like you're missin' somethin' here.
What do you think it could be?
A court dagger, 18th-century Indonesian
ceremonial machete with a pearl handle.
- Is it the murder weapon?
- Is it?
- How did you get in here?
- The uniform does it.
I heard someone a few weeks ago while
I was sleeping. I came down to check.
- Where was your husband?
- In his bedroom.
Go on.
It was Maubee. He was here to steal.
Anything he could get, I guess.
He got the machete.
He liked it so I gave it to him.
What else?
What else do you do
with a big old tomcat?
If he's friendly, you play.
- I see.
- Do you?
Do you ever let down your guard?
Couple of weeks ago
I shaved off my moustache.
Did your husband know
what happened here that night?
Forget what you're thinking.
Thomas may look like a man of action,
but that's as far as it goes.
- Well, what have you got there?
- Somebody had a look around.
- Who?
- I don't know.
How come this Maubee never did time?
Got a rap sheet a mile long.
Well, local opinion pretty much
takes care of things around here.
You mean the people protect him?
He does things people can't and probably
wish they could. Somethin' like that.
Local legend, huh?
Never grew up, that's all. Just like
everyone else, but he never even tried.
- Peter Pan.
- Bugs Bunny.
You're not Elmer Fudd, are you?
I hope not.
I'm a girl watcher
I'm a girl watcher
Watch girls go by
Mm, my, my, my
I'm a girl watcher
I'm a girl watcher
Watch girls go by
Mm, my, my, my
Oh, yeah, me know, say,
that me want Suzy, me want Patsy
Patina Jose. This is smudged.
- So, what's your nationality?
- Whatever the visa says.
- What you doin' here?
- Vacation.
- So why you follow me?
- I wasn't.
- How come you have a gun?
- They said this was a dangerous place.
How come the silencer?
- That's the way it came.
- I just read you your rights.
No peace! No quiet!
No place to contemplate my shame!
Bringin' filth and corruption
into this jailhouse.
- Shut up, Coco.
- How long is this going to take?
You're on vacation from where?
Who do you want to see here?
- I told you I don't know anybody.
- $3100 and 65 cents, Chief.
Why don't you take that money?
Call it bail or invest it.
Let me make a phone call.
- Who you want to call?
- Lawyer.
Jump, why you don't
let this man make his phone call?
- Who is he gonna call? He know nobody.
- I'll use the Yellow Pages, OK?
Chief? Dr Raj is on the line.
Say he's ready for you.
- I'll be over in a minute.
- Right.
- You know about the man who got killed?
- I just got here.
- And he was just killed.
- I can't help you.
Oh, try.
- I wouldn't know where to begin.
- Speculate.
- What do you want me to say?
- First thing that comes to mind.
Some Shiite rag-head
with orders from God, OK?
Who knows?
Subsonic, 9mm, modified.
Modified for what?
Kills without a sound.
Muzzle velocity so slow.
You an assassin, Patina?
You with a foreign government?
- Somebody call the police!
- I can make my phone call now?
Pull over, ma'am, and cut your engine.
What seems to be the problem, Officer?
Oh, you in trouble, ma'am.
You obstructin' a roadway here.
With what?
You have a licence for that?
- You'd better watch yourself.
- Why?
- I have connections.
- With who?
I know the chief of police.
He can't help you now.
He's scared and lonely these days.
I hear he has family problems.
- I got to go, Xavier.
- Where you goin'?
- We have the audition tonight.
- Maybe I come and see you.
Even when you was bad you was good
And that's just one of the many, many,
many reasons I can't live without you
- Drop it, Xavier.
- Then talk to me.
We already talked
and we're not going to talk again.
- You changed on me, Lola.
- I did not change. You changed.
- I'm not going to fall into this trap, Xavier.
- What trap?
Being your stupid wife while you mess
your head up with shit you never wanted.
All I was trying to do was find a way.
I'm trying to make it better for both of us.
How? By waitin' to get invited
to the governor's lawn parties?
Let me tell you, you never will be
because you're not one of them.
But then again, you're not you either,
so tell me, who are you?
You may cut a man's head off, but it
doesn't necessarily mean you kill him.
Especially if he's already dead.
Which seems to be the case in this case.
The victim died suddenly,
but not instantaneously,
due to the combination
of searing, profound pain,
and the emotional shock of
watching his arm turn deeply cyanotic.
That means, uh, purple.
- Yeah. Yeah. Go on.
- He died of a snake bite.
I got this raasclat cowboy
followin' me around -
bogus papers, concealed weapon!
He makes one phone call,
and before the hour's up,
Governor Chalk has him released -
because he gets a call!
I don't care if him gets a call from God!
It's my department!
- Also, we got...
- Never mind "Also, we got. "
- Sir!
- How come you let this bastard go?
If you wanna be chief of police, why
you don't just move over to my office?
He had a writ. The man sent a lawyer.
There was nothing I could do.
- I'm gonna rearrest him.
- Quinn.
Look, Pater died from poison.
From a snake. He was already dead
when he got his head cut off.
- So, what's that mean?
- It means Maubee didn't do it.
But that's for the courts to decide.
Wait. I just want to know
one thing now. Is this for real?
- Or is someone playin' a number on me?
- What do you mean?
I'm not sendin' an innocent man to jail
for someone else's game.
Look, don't spread this thing
out too far, Xavier,
or it's gonna get so thin
you won't have shit.
- You mean like my job?
- I mean like your ass.
Well, maybe I should
apply for poultry inspector.
Chickens, Chalk.
I say, I say
I'm hurtin' inside
You've got to believe me
I'm hurtin' inside
I'm hurtin' inside
I'm hurtin' inside
I'm hurtin' inside
I'm hurtin' inside
This next song is for somebody that
we all know and, um, love very much,
and I hope he likes it.
I hope you like it too.
You hear Maubee, the ramblin' man
Story been told across the land
Maubee exploit the tourists
While the mighty Quinn
sat back and smiled
Since he was born he was wild and free
He kill all the ladies with his love story
Sunshine is for everyone
Sunshine come back again
Come on without
Come on within
You ain't seen nothin'
like the mighty Quinn
Come on without
Come on within
You ain't seen nothin'
like the mighty Quinn
Maubee was wild,
the mighty Quinn was mild
Just like a inno... an innocent child
Each and all is Maubee's friend
Even that Babylon the mighty Quinn
He got caught up
in the web of politics, you see
But the mighty Quinn did set him free
Sunshine is for everyone
Sunshine come back again
Come on without
Come on within
You ain't seen nothin'
like the mighty...
- You want a beer, Jump?
- Do the damned need salvation?
I'm makin' my complaint
about Lieutenant Jump Jones.
He's not given me no phone
and I want it now.
And I'm not goin' out to make no calls.
- Who would you call?
- Never mind my personal business.
That lizard fish with the cowboy hat
gets to make one call and out he goes.
You want get out, Coco?
You're a tricky man.
Never mind the phone.
- Aren't you ever going to stop?
- Never.
Because that's the way I am.
I am the blight and scourge of the jails.
I am the vengeance
of the poor-assed prisoner man.
You sure are.
- Chief! Chief! Chief, you got a phone call!
- Who?
- Can I offer you a drink?
- Yes, uh, rum, please.
Who tried to strangle you? Your husband?
Tell me, then.
Hey, brother, come over here! Come here!
Una, come inside.
You ever been in jail?
Those Sandinistas had me for 18 months,
and I'm still trying to wash it off.
Pat, we got a little problem.
I came to pick up the money,
the money's gone, Pater is dead.
What am I supposed to do?
Number one, you don't let 'em know
you're looking by tearing up the room.
So what? Our people need
the money to buy weapons.
And then you try to choke
information out of the lady
when a little talk could've
told you she didn't have it.
How do you know she didn't?
Number three's the dilly. Followin'
the fuckin' chief of police around
because you think
he'll lead you to the money.
Yeah? Well, he happens to be the only
one who knows el cabron who stole it.
Yeah, sneaky little rip-off bushman.
Hey, you don't have to worry about him.
I'm gonna take care of that problem.
You got a new agenda.
- What do you mean?
- You're goin' home.
Operation's over.
- Because the old man is dead?
- No. Pressure's on up there.
Washington changed its mind.
No more hand-outs.
That's why I'm here,
to take the money back.
Until I hear from my colonel,
I'll do what I was sent to do.
Now, I imagine you would tear
this place apart, and bare-handed, huh?
Swim back to your people with the money
between your teeth if you had to.
You bet. And you stay out of my way,
white trash. Or I'll kill you.
Come on, relax.
You step out of what you were,
and you don't come back
to what you've been.
- Some people don't trust you no more.
- How?
Did three years in the US Marines.
Another in Quantico.
What's Quantico?
FBI school.
You get... two certificates there.
One... just because you attended.
And the other one is for...
academic achievement.
So here I am.
Chief of police...
on an island where the poultry inspector
gets to be governor,
and a guy who lies on his back smokin'
ganja and gettin' laid his whole life long
gets to be a hero.
- You like Bugs Bunny?
- Yeah, pretty much.
- What about Elmer Fudd?
- No, I don't like him.
Yeah, I don't like him either.
I better go.
Are you sure you want to leave?
Then why are you leaving?
You liked me this morning.
I like you now.
I can't.
I had the blues so bad one time
It put my face in a permanent frown
But now I'm feelin' so much better
I can cakewalk into town
Well, I woke up this mornin'
feelin' so good
You know, I laid back down again
Throw your big leg over me, mamma
I might not feel this good again
Oh, my baby
Oh, my baby, I love the way she walk
When the girl get sleepy,
I love the way she baby talk
Yeah, you know she like to talk
to her baby. Now, here we go.
Watch me cakewalk now, y'all.
Come on without
Come on within
You ain't seen nothing
like the mighty Quinn
Come on without
Come on within
You ain't seen nothing
like the mighty Quinn
You hear Maubee, that ramblin' man
His story's been told across the land
Each and all is Maubee's friend
Even that Babylon mighty Quinn
He got caught up
in the web of politics, you see
But that mighty Quinn did set him free
Sunshine, it's for everyone
Sunshine come back again
Come on without
Come on within
You ain't seen nothing
like the mighty Quinn
Sister Mary!
- Come on without
- Hallelujah!
Come on within
You ain't seen nothing
like the mighty Quinn
Take your time, you hear, sir?
Now, hold tight.
You ain't seen nothing
like the mighty Quinn
Get in. I got us a ride here.
Yes, man. In a stolen car.
It's not stolen.
It's the governor's, bought by
the sweaty taxes of hard-workin' people.
What's him need it for? Him sleeping.
It's a touching story.
You're goin' up for murder, Maubee.
You're goin' to jail.
- Why do you think we're doin' this?
- What? This?
- Right now. This.
- Because you are a fuckin' lunatic
who got his ass in a mess
and don't know what to do.
That's not why I picked you up.
Not because I'm in a mess, but because
you and your men couldn't catch me.
- I never even tried.
- You tried to run me off the road.
- I could have shot your ass.
- You could now.
I might.
Your ass! Your ass!
Soon come. Soon come.
- Isola...
- So how's the missis?
Ha, let's not spoil a good thing, hm?
She come out nice, man.
- Ubu Pearl.
- Who? The witch?
Yeah, man. Isola's aunt.
She only let me visit on Monday night.
What happen if you don't?
I get the hex.
My dick fall off and I wake up dead.
Shit, man!
- You better stick to your schedule.
- Yeah, man.
Yes, man. It's truth.
Lola say if she met me today...
sure as hell she'd never marry me.
She say I changed.
Ah, she probably right.
What's happening?
- When?
- Sometime last night.
- Amen.
- Say amen.
- Amen.
- Let me hear you say amen.
...grand time up in heaven
We shall have
a grand time up in heaven
Have a grand time
Walking with the angels
- Sing glory hallelujah!
- Sing glory hallelujah
We shall have
a grand time up in heaven
- Have a grand time
- Sing one more time.
We shall have a grand time up in heaven
We shall have
a grand time up in heaven
Have a grand time
Walking with the angels
Sing glory hallelujah
We shall have
a grand time up in heaven
Have a grand time
We shall have a grand time up in heaven
We shall have
a grand time up in heaven
Have a grand time
Walking with the angels
Sing glory hallelujah
Isola! Isola, stop! Wait!
- All right, cool down!
- What do you want?
- Cool down!
- What do you want?
- Help me find him.
- He didn't do it.
- Do what?
- Kill any man.
- How you know?
- I was with him.
All right, all right. I believe you.
So tell me now.
If you don't, I can't help him.
I need to find him to do this.
You believe me?
- All right.
- He's at your house.
What house?
Where you were boys
and grew up together.
All right.
A ten with three zeros.
If the bank can't help you, then try
the Treasury Department on the mainland.
See if there's such
a thing as a $10,000 bill.
But there's no such thing as a $10,000 bill.
Yes, man! Yes, there is.
Issued in the '20s and again in the '50s.
Any bank that gets one
has to turn it over to the Secret Service,
and they tuck it away
in the Treasury Department.
- And?
- All right.
Let's say the White House
believes in this revolution. Hm?
Promises to support it.
Except Congress doesn't agree.
But there is this bundle
of money in the reserves,
currency no one will miss
and no one knows is gone.
But the bagman's killed, the money
has vanished, and the heat is on.
So what do they do? They decide to take
the money back and plug up the holes.
Bye-bye, Patina.
Are you saying Pater
brought the money?
That is exactly what I'm saying.
And Patina was here to pick it up.
Christ! Well, how come
they didn't send somebody down here?
What are you talkin' about?
We have two dead people. Of course
they sent someone. He was here.
- Nobody told me.
- I'm tellin' you.
Look, I didn't come in here to hear
myself talk. I want you to do somethin'.
Well, the best thing we can do
is to stay out of the way.
Governor, I'm in the way.
Hide your body, girl.
Make yourself and the baby unseen.
Somebody comin'!
- How you doin', mama?
- What you want?
- I wanna talk to your niece Isola.
- She not here.
Where to?
We'll have to get her to talk. Ubu Pearl.
- Who?
- The witch.
Let's go!
The money has got
to go back to where it belongs.
You wanna tell me what you know?
I know nothing for you.
You know about the money.
I'm not the bad guy. I'm just doin' my job.
I need your help.
You gonna die.
Come on. You know everythin',
you're not tellin' me nothin'.
I give you a thing
make your heart forget to beat,
your blood on fire!
Make you squirm
on the dirt like maggots.
I die, you die.
What happens if you die first?
I still gon' kill you!
Come on. It's too hot for this.
Talk to me.
Come on, mama. Talk.
It's OK. It's all OK.
Tell me what you saw.
Tell me what you saw.
- The fat American.
- Yeah?
He killed my auntie.
- Him kill her.
- OK.
We did a bad thing.
All of this because we did something bad.
No time for that. If the fat American gets to
Maubee before I do, then Maubee is dead.
You understand me?
Now, did Ubu Pearl tell
the fat American where Maubee is?
- I don't know. I couldn't hear.
- Then you tell me now. Where is he?
Where's Maubee?
I know you're in here, dammit.
- What the fuck you do that for?
- When we were children,
old Thunderstone said
you were better than me, man.
I hope you're havin' a good time.
Cos you don't have much time left.
- I not dead yet.
- There's a man who wants you dead.
Then I'm glad you got here first.
Playing's over. This is no time for games.
Come on, Xavier!
Old Thunderstone was right.
Isola's baby...
It's Pater's, isn't it?
Who killed Pater, Maubee?
- You know that, huh?
- Yeah, man.
And I think I know who did it.
But I don't know why.
You killed a man who was already dead.
And Ubu Pearl, if that's who
you're protectin'... she gone.
She was murdered today.
- Murdered by who?
- By the man sent here to get the money.
- Isola and the baby?
- They're all right. They're OK.
But listen to me now.
They don't care about Isola.
They don't care about anything.
It's only the money they want.
Tell me.
I sneak into Ubu Pearl's to see Isola.
But she was gone.
The witch catch me.
I find out Isola's gone to Pater
to leave the snake.
Back up.
Before all this,
Ubu Pearl go to Pater.
She say "You make Isola pregnant.
You have to pay!"
Pater say "Fuck you, old lady!"
And him laugh. And him laugh!
She say...
"I put a spell on you. "
But the spell don't work.
And Isola lose her job at the hotel.
So Ubu Pearl consult her magic...
to tell her what to do.
It tell her... to go...
leave the snake.
I ride...
like hell.
- But I was too late.
- What you see?
The suitcase on the bed with the money,
Pater on the floor.
Why you use a machete?
To make the whole thing
seem like something it wasn't.
- And the Jacuzzi?
- I figure if him boil a little,
the snakebite might not show so good.
- Do you hear that?
- Yeah, man.
I go get the money.
You blew it, Miller!
- What'd you say?
- I said "You blew it, Miller. "
So now you're supposed to kill me.
I don't need to kill you, Quinn.
You're too little and this is too big.
It never happened and I was never here.
But, of course, that all depends
on your friend in there.
Hey, man!
Here. The money's in the bag.
- Don't!
- Here, man!
Here, man!
Heroic deeds'll get your ass killed, Chief.
Watch out!
Maubee! Let go!
- You're crazy, man!
- I wish I could!
Pull up, man! Pull up!
Tell me about Maubee.
- What do you want to hear?
- How come he was so special?
Maybe because
he never got in his own way.
For instance, when we were kids, he used
to stand under a big old tree, like that.
- And you know what he could do?
- What could he do?
He could spot which one of them pieces
of fruit was gonna be the next one to fall.
Yes. He would just raise
his arms up in the air,
and that coconut would
just drop right into his hands.
Was he as big as you?
- No. He wasn't so big.
- Then how come he was so special?
I don't know.
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Lord, I gotta get on down
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Where I can't be found
Lord, they're comin' after me
I've been accused of a killin'
Lord knows I didn't do
For hanging me they are willing, yeah
That's why I gotta get on through
Lord, they're comin' after me
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Lord, I gotta get on down
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Where I can't be found
Law is comin' after me
I've got two boys and a woman
They're just gonna suffer now
Lord forgive me for not goin' back
But I'll be there anyhow
I'll be there anyhow
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Lord, I gotta get on down
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Where I can't be found
Law is comin' after me
Now, maybe someday
I'll find a piece of land
Somewhere not by or near anyone
Then I'll send for my
love, love, love, sweet woman
And my two grown-up sons
My two grown-up sons
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Lord, I gotta get on down
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Where I can't be found
Law is comin' after me
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Lord, I gotta get on down
Lord, I gotta keep on movin'
Where I can't be found
Law is comin' after me