Mikey and Nicky (1976)

It's 7-1-2-7-4-3-1.
I'm in trouble.
Can you talk?
I'm in a phone booth,
Montel and Grand
the southwest side of the street,
all right?
Don't bring your own car.
Don't come all the way with a taxi.
Stop around three blocks and then
walk the rest of the way, all right?
The phone booth, right.
All right.
Bring cigarettes, huh?
Son of a bitch.
Nick? It's Mikey.
Nick, it's me.
It's Mikey from the corner.
I came as soon as I got your towel.
What are you doing in there?
What are you doing in there?
Open the door, Nicky.
Open the door and let me in.
Nick, you're gonna have to let me in
now. I don't know the rest of the tune.
- Schmuck, open the door, will ya?
- Mikey!
Open the door, Nick.
- Mikey!
- It's Mikey, yes.
- You can't come in.
- What do you mean?
What did you call me for
if you don't want me to come in?
- Come on, Nick. Open the door.
- I don't want you to see me like this.
Will you stop being a horse's ass?
What way am I going to see you I haven't
seen you before? Open the door.
Open it!
Come on, Nick!
Open it up!
Everybody's comin'!
They're all comin' now!
I swear to Christ.
Don't shoot me, whatever you do.
You almost took my eye out
with the bottle.
Jesus Christ.
There's nobody here.
Hey, come on.
Look at me, will you, Nick?
Come on.
Christ's sake.
Hey, hey, come here.
Come here, come here, come here.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, take it easy.
You understand me?
- I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die!
- You're not gonna die.
All right, take it easy.
All right.
- I'm scared. Oh, boy.
- I know you are.
- I am so scared.
- I know.
Come on.
Stop fuckin' yourself up.
You know, I don't shave.
Did you know that?
I don't take care of myself.
I think, if I don't take care of myself
and I sit still and I don't move,
maybe they'll forget about me.
But then I'm scared of that too,
because I think maybe
if I sit there too long, maybe when
I want to move, I won't be able to move.
You sound like you're ready
for a straitjacket.
- I'm gonna die.
- Come on.
You're not gonna die.
You see the picture of Ed Lipsky?
In the paper?
You see it on Tuesday?
In Tuesday's paper?
Yeah, that was terrible.
He was all shot up.
His neck was broken. You see that?
But, uh
nobody thought you had
anything to do with Lipsky, Nick.
You're in the clear.
There's a contract out on me.
There's a contract out
on Ed Lipsky and me.
I know that for a fact.
Resnick put it out. I know it
for a fact they're gonna kill me.
- Nick.
- They're gonna kill me.
- You are not gonna die.
- Oh, boy.
Even if somebody wants to kill you,
that doesn't mean you're going to die.
- They're gonna kill me.
- I want you to stop.
- Oh, boy.
- What is it?
Your stomach?
Your stomach?
Answer me.
You did it.
You worked yourself right up
into an ulcer. Come on.
Get up. Get up. Come on.
Come on, get on the bed.
Come on.
- Here. Take this.
- What?
- Take it.
- What is it?
- Take it.
- I don't want this.
Take it or I'll shove it
down your throat. Open your mouth.
I'm gonna vomit it up.
I don't want it.
I don't want it.
If you vomit,
I will give you another one, dry.
- What is that?
- It's poison.
- What is it?
- It's Gelusil.
What do you think it is, moron?
Come on.
- How come you brought Gelusil?
- Nick, I know you for 30 years.
You call me, you say "come right away"
in that voice, I bring Gelusil.
- Now, come on.
- I can't swallow.
Try. If you throw it up,
I'll give you another one. Come on.
- Nick. Come on. Just chew it.
- Please. Don't.
They don't taste bad.
Come on.
Open the door,
let the train come in.
Come on, open the door.
You didn't smoke, did you?
You don't wanna feel better.
You want to die.
- All right, cry.
- I'm scared.
You gotta take them.
Chew it. That's it.
Chew it up
and swallow it.
Come on. That's right.
That's right. Swallow it.
Okay. Give me the room key.
I'm gonna get you some half and half.
Nick, there's a coffee shop
around the corner. Now, listen to me.
- I will be right back.
- I don't want you to go.
- Nick, ten minutes.
- No.
I'll give you my watch.
You can check me.
- I will only be gone ten minutes. Nick.
- Don't go.
You're eating up the lining of your
stomach. Do you want to die?
That ulcer's going to perforate.
I have to get you some half and half.
I'll be back in five minutes.
Come on, stop that.
All right, I'm going.
- Here, it's 9:15. Hold the watch.
- Don't go.
In ten minutes, when the hand
hits 9:25, I'm gonna be back.
- I'm goin'. I gotta go.
- Wait, wait.
I gotta go.
Let go of my tie.
Let go of my tie.
Let go of my tie.
You're not back in ten minutes,
I'm not gonna let you in.
Good. Try and take
another Gelusil.
Good night.
Give me some milk and some cream
in separate cartons to go.
Some skim milk?
- No cream?
- Not to go.
What do you put in the coffee here?
You have any cream?
- We use these little bottles here.
- Okay, give me 15 of those to go.
- Give me a couple cartons of milk.
- We don't give these bottles to go.
You want coffee to go, I put the
cream in here and use the dispenser.
All right, give me a carton of cream
from the dispenser.
- How many coffees?
- No coffees, just a carton of cream.
I can't do that. I'd have to charge.
Cream is for coffee only, not for sale.
Charge me for 15 coffees
and give me the cream.
- Fifteen coffees?
- That's right.
You give me that in 30 seconds,
you hear me? Or I'll kill you!
- Okay. Okay.
- Because I'm crazy!
- Now, give it to me!
- Yes, sir. Okay. Okay.
Give it to me!
Come near me and I'll kill you!
Nick, Mikey.
I got it.
What's the matter?
There's no one here, Nicky.
There is no one here.
What, look at this.
Would you believe? Ugh.
All right.
Good enough, huh?
That's good.
You're doin' good.
So, how did you know
there was a contract out on you?
- A guy I know told me.
- What guy?
A guy I know.
Wanted to do me a favor.
- Well, who was it?
- A friend of mine. A guy.
A friend of mine, wanted to do me
a favor. What difference does it make?
What do you mean,
what difference does it make?
Was it a doorman?
Was it Frank Costello? Who was it?
I can't tell you.
But you gotta trust me.
I know.
Take my word for it.
I'm telling you
it was someone I know.
Were you in on this deal with Lipsky?
Are you crazy?
I didn't even know Lipsky
until Resnick brought him
into the bank.
The runners knew him
better than I did.
Well, how do you know
it's even true?
I got a better one for you:
How do you know it's not true?
- How much money you got on you?
- I got $1,000.
- $1,000 right here.
- All right. I'll send you the rest.
Come on. I don't want
to call the airport from here.
- Wait a minute. Where are we going?
- I'm going to get you out of town.
- Now?
- Yeah, now.
Listen, Nick, if they're
really looking for you
and you say they are,
then they're gonna find you.
Especially in the place
you picked to hide out in.
- You're eight blocks from the office.
- You said they weren't looking for me.
- But you said you knew they were.
- You said they weren't looking for me.
Which way do you want it, Nick...
they're looking for you or they're not?
- They're looking for me.
- Then let's go.
Because two days of looking
gives them a hell of an edge.
- You got any clothes you wanna take?
- I don't feel good.
- I don't feel good at all.
- Goddamn it!
What's the matter?
Open the window, quick.
Open the window, quick! Mikey!
- What's the matter?
- Gotta get some cold air in here.
- They're not gonna find you...
- Gotta get outta here.
I can't breathe.
There's no air in this room.
Gotta get out.
I'm gonna get outta here.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on!
- Come on!
- You're gonna wake up the whole place.
- Which way... stairs or elevator?
- The elevator.
Stairs. Come on!
- You're ridiculous.
- Would you go out there, first?
- Yes, I will go out first.
- Will you go out first?
Yes, I will go out first.
But there is nobody there.
I'm the only one
that knows you're here.
- Then why don't you go out first?
- I'm going out first.
Wait a minute.
- What's the matter?
- Will you wear my jacket?
- Huh?
- Will you wear my jacket?
What do you think...
I'm fingering you?
No. But you don't believe there's
anyone out there. I do.
So, if I'm right,
why won't you wear my jacket?
Give it to me.
- Here you are.
- Here you are.
- Here's my coat.
- Are you tired?
Make sure you put that on
because it's damp outside.
Give me your coat. You want me
to wear this too, don't you?
You want me to leave this open
so they can see the jacket?
- No, that won't be necessary.
- Fine.
Why bother?
There's no one out there, right?
- Can I have your watch?
- You wanna wear my watch?
I'll be very careful. I want it
for luck. It's just for luck.
All right, I'll let you wear my watch.
Will you let me carry your gun?
- What for?
- For luck.
If somebody thinks I'm you
and they shoot at me
it'd be lucky if I could shoot back.
Put this on.
I don't want you to catch cold.
You catch a cold on top of
your ulcer, that's all I need.
There's the gun.
Go ahead.
There's the gun.
You're crazy.
Here's the watch.
- Okay.
- All right.
We'll have to
go away from here.
- You all right?
- I don't know.
All right?
That's right.
Very good.
B and O.
Initials B and O, right?
Okay. Second and what?
All right, all right.
I got ya. Second Street. All right.
Second and South.
Hold it.
All right. He's wearing
a dark raincoat? A dark navy.
All right. Now, I've got
some instructions to give you.
I figure 15, 20 minutes from here.
That depends on how bad the traffic is.
All right, now, when they get
to Second and South
I'll call the B and O Tavern
I let the phone ring three times.
You understand that?
When you hear the phone ring
I want you out of the bar
on the street.
When you're on the street,
I'm gonna make my move.
I don't want to spend more than ten
minutes out on that street, understand?
Florida. Florida.
There's very little
that goes out at night.
T.W.A. No, that's tomorrow.
American. That's tomorrow
to San Francisco.
There's one T.W.A. At 11:00.
I don't want to go to the airport.
- You don't want to go to the airport.
- No.
He could have
the whole airport surrounded.
He would have to hire an army.
Do you know what it would cost
to cover an entire airport?
Plus the cost of the contract.
You're not worth it.
I don't want to go to the airport.
What do you want to do?
You want to take a train?
- Why can't you drive?
- Where?
I don't know. Where am I goin'?
Wherever I'm goin'.
Gotta rent a car.
- See him pull a gun on me?
- Come on, he doesn't have a gun.
Car rental garages don't open
till morning.
Tough night, isn't it?
You want me to get in touch with Jan
after you're gone, tell her you're okay?
- Jan left me.
- She did?
- Yeah.
- I didn't know that.
Took the kid
and moved to her mother's.
Jesus Christ. That's terrible.
I'll get her back.
If I live long enough.
- Where you goin'?
- I'm gonna put something on the box.
There's a garden
What a garden
- Second and South?
- Second and South.
- And South?
- Correct, yeah.
South is not in that direction, sir.
It's this direction, due north.
Sixth Street, next street is Seventh.
You got to go this direction.
- Okay. Thanks.
- You're goin' the wrong way.
You go half a block east
and you're at Broadway...
- Have a drink. Aw, come on.
- No.
How much do I owe you?
Seventy? Keep it.
- How's Annie?
- Fine.
- Yeah?
- Fine, yeah.
She asks about you.
- How's the kid?
- Oh, the kid's terrific. Terrific.
- Kid's big as a truck.
- Yeah?
Beats up all the other kids
in the nursery school.
Beats up.
Must be tough.
He's enormous.
How's your kid?
Must be what?
- Five months now?
- She's five months, yeah. Got teeth.
- Really? That's something.
- Yeah.
- She's a terrific kid. Holds my thumb.
- That's cute.
- Who's she look like?
- Okay. Let's go. Come on.
- Where you going?
- Come on.
- Where you going?
- I wanna go to Jan's.
- Now?
- I wanna say good-bye.
I'd like to say good-bye
to the kid too.
They don't see you for a while,
they forget your face.
Nick, that's crazy.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Wait. Let me finish my beer.
Sure, buddy.
Go ahead. No hurry.
The hell with her.
Who needs her?
- Hot in here, huh?
- Yeah.
- You okay? Your stomach okay?
- Fine.
Eat some crackers.
Was that the phone?
I don't know.
You expecting a call?
That would be funny, wouldn't it?
Some guy using a bar as an office.
I gotta get outta here.
Where you goin'?
Wait a minute.
- I'm goin'.
- I haven't finished my beer.
- You finish your beer. I'm goin'.
- I gotta call the car rental.
Wait a minute!
Nick, you're goin' crazy over...
- You're like a maniac.
- I couldn't breathe in there.
All of a sudden jump up.
It's like a maniac.
No air in there.
You know that feeling?
- Goddamn it now.
- You don't have that feeling?
- I don't want to call you on this.
- That's a famous feeling.
I came over, you tell me
they're after you, I'm here.
I'll do what I can, everything.
Listen to me, for Christ's sake!
I'll do whatever I can,
but I cannot do it by myself.
- I gotta call the car now.
- Wanna go to a party?
I got a meetin'.
- Hey, I mean with a girl.
- What do you mean?
What are you talking about?
Nick, don't be...
- Come on.
- What's the matter with you?
- I know a terrific girl.
- Where are you running to?
What the hell is
the matter with you?
- Got a terrific form.
- One girl, right?
Where does she live?
Where does she live. Is it far?
On Hall and Tenth Street!
Wait a minute.
What are you running? She'll wait.
- Do we have to run?
- Wanna go to a movie?
- What do you mean, a movie?
- I feel sick.
I don't want to be with a girl tonight.
I feel sick to my stomach.
- You don't wanna go to the girl.
- No. Go to a movie.
- Your stomach bothering you?
- Yeah.
Didn't I tell you to have something
to eat in the bar, goddamn you?
Here. Eat that.
I eat this? If I eat this,
do I go to the movie?
What movie? What movie are you
talkin' about? It's almost midnight.
- On 14th Street and Hall there's
- Put that in your mouth.
All-night movies, terrific shows,
double features
and they got cartoons, they have
15 minutes of coming attractions.
They got a candy counter
that's open all night long
and it's got ice cream sandwiches,
everything, the works.
Let me call Annie first.
I told her I was gonna meet a guy,
have a drink, be home in an hour.
She's sitting up,
she's waiting for me.
So let me call her.
Where the hell is a phone?
- What are you going to tell her now?
- I'll think of something.
I don't treat my wife
the way you do.
If I'm gonna be late, or if
I'm gonna be out all night, I call.
What's the matter?
Is my face dirty?
You were sitting in that bar
for 45 minutes.
You never once thought
about calling your wife.
Never once thought
about calling Annie.
All of a sudden
you gotta call Annie.
I got a terrific suggestion
for you, Nick.
I suggest you find
somebody you can trust.
Hey, Mikey.
I didn't think of it.
How's that for a reason?
- I had other things on my mind.
- I'm just asking a question.
I got my answer.
All right, I'm calling because I've been
delayed. I don't want you to worry.
I told Harry you'd be home to say
good night. Should I put him to bed?
Okay. Okay.
14th and... you mean Hall
like in "hallway"?
Hold on one minute.
I think I better write it down.
Harry, would you
bring me a crayon?
- Crayon?
- Crayola.
14th and Hall.
No, I don't have it.
Just a minute. Just a minute.
Would you bring me a book to write
on? Could I just borrow this?
I'm goin' to the bar.
- Who was that, Nick?
- A chick.
- Shirley.
- Shirley!
Shirley, here?
- Uh, you want gin and tonic.
- Gin and tonic, right.
I'll have a gin.
- Just gin.
- Gin.
- Hey!
- Hi. How are ya?
Mel, this is...
Wow, what is your name?
Is your name Mel?
My name is Mel.
What's your last name?
He gave me a dime.
I was gonna make a call.
His friend is in the booth.
He gave me a dime
- and he bought me a drink.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Hello. You gave her a dime, right?
- Yeah.
So I owe you a dime
'cause this is my old lady. Okay?
What do you mean,
it's your old lady? She's not old.
That ol' black man.
- Man, I thought you were a brother.
- Listen to me, now.
Look in the phone booth.
Look in the phone booth.
Now, everybody in here knows you're
the man, so why don't you leave?
I mean, we might be black,
but we ain't dumb.
How come you're black?
- Mel.
- What did you say?
What did you just say?
Hey, Mel.
I'll talk to you later.
We don't want any trouble at all.
We just want to buy you a drink.
Can we buy you a drink?
Can we buy you a drink?
What the fuck are you doin'?
All right, take it easy.
We're leaving.
Where you goin'?
What's the matter?
- I'm gonna finish my drink.
- Come on!
Come on!
You're a lunatic.
What are you trying to do, kill us?
Why don't you tie our feet together
and run in front of a truck?
What difference does it make?
I'm dead anyway.
- No one can hurt me.
- Shut up.
If everyone in that place beat me up,
it wouldn't hurt as much as dying.
- I want to go to the movies.
- That's where we're gonna go.
Uh, he's at the all-night movie
at 14th Street and Hall.
Movie, 14th and Hall.
- Sixth Street!
- I wonder what's playing.
You all right?
Yeah, sure.
Got a cigarette?
You're not supposed to smoke
on these things.
He gonna stop me,
this guy here?
Hey, take it easy.
Here's a cigarette.
Just one bus driver.
Save yourself for a crowd.
Excuse me.
- No smoking in the bus.
- Hey, shut up, will ya?
- I'm gonna tell the bus driver.
- I'm gonna tell your mother.
You know, I don't want to
start up with your element.
My element? Wait a minute.
Let me check it out.
It's all right.
My element's okay.
Oh, dear.
Is that supposed to shock me?
- You know, you got big hands.
- What?
You got big hands.
You coulda been a piano player
with those hands.
Every good boy does fine
on his lines.
And then, F-A-C-E
in between the lines.
My sister played the piano.
She taught me a little bit.
You remembered that.
That's terrific.
Eighth Street!
I owe you 200.
- What?
- 200.
You don't have to
give that to me now.
I'm loaded.
I don't need that now.
- I'll let you know if I need it.
- You okay?
I gotta send it to you later.
Tenth Street!
Twelfth Street!
Twelfth and Cottage... that's where
my mother's buried. That's where she is.
You were there. Weren't you there
when she was buried?
Of course I was there.
Don't you remember
I stayed up with you
for two weeks after she died?
- Getting off!
- What do you mean, we're getting off?
Where are you going?
Wait a minute.
This is not the movie.
This isn't the movie.
Nick, this isn't the movie.
I wanna visit my mother's grave.
I haven't visited my mother
for a long time.
- Nick, listen.
- Wait. Getting off, 12th Street.
- Nick.
- I never even bought her a wreath.
I'll buy you a wreath.
I'll put it on for you.
It's past midnight.
The gates will be closed.
We'll climb over. When did we ever
use a gate to get into a cemetery?
What do you mean, "when did we ever"?
That sounds like we're cemetery freaks.
We busted into a cemetery
maybe twice in college.
12th Street.
Use the back exit, fellas.
- We wanna use the front door.
- Back exit. Company regulations.
He won't let the passenger on.
See this?
- All right. Nick.
- You see this? Wait a minute.
Don't you guys have a regulation
about letting passengers on?
Listen, I saw you sittin' back there
before smokin'. I didn't say a thing.
But I'll be goddamned if you're
gettin' out by the front door.
- Nick, look.
- Open the door, let the passengers on.
You got until I count to five to get out
the back door, then I'm takin' off.
- One, two, three
- Listen, Nick.
- It's 15 feet away.
- Four, five.
15 feet away.
You open the door
and let the passengers on.
Screw you!
Open the door and let the
passengers on or I'll break your neck.
- Nick, this guy is enormous.
- You wanna fight?
Let me go.
I'll fight you!
I'm not leaving this bus
until you fight me.
They can fire me
for fighting on the bus.
- Okay, we'll fight outside.
- Nick.
Okay, but we don't get out
through the front door.
Okay. You have my word on that, as long
as you let the passenger on first.
- That's fair.
- Okay.
- All right. Sit up.
- I trust this man
and he has my word of honor.
- All right.
- You got my word.
Go ahead. Then we'll go outside
and really have at it.
- Let's just open the door first.
- Go ahead. Open the door.
No, hold on there!
Hold on!
I got you.
I'm exhausted, really, Nick.
This is foolish.
- Shh.
- Nick.
- Please. It's just foolish.
- Foolish.
- Frankly, I think it's ridiculous.
- You didn't like my mother.
I loved your mother.
I thought she was a wonderful woman.
Why is it ridiculous
to visit her grave?
- Because it's 1:00 in the morning.
- That makes it nicer.
That doesn't make it anything, Nick.
A grave is a grave.
There's not a religion in the world
that says a person's soul
is buried with them in their grave.
- It's not your mother in there.
- You don't believe any of that stuff?
You don't believe
there's anything after you die.
Uh, me, personally, no.
I believe you die, and that's it.
And that doesn't scare you.
To think that one day you'll die,
you'll be over.
Won't be anything. You won't know
anything. There'll be nothing.
Look, Nick, you wanna visit your mother?
Let's visit your mother
because the conversation is stupid.
It isn't stupid, it's interesting
if you're gonna die.
Well, I'm not gonna die,
so I think it's stupid.
- Yeah, well, you are someday.
- Look, Nick.
- You're gonna die someday.
- I'm not gonna stand here
till 1:00 in the morning and discuss
what's gonna happen to me when I die.
I mean, that mishegoss I leave
to the Catholics.
Aren't you gonna die someday?
Aren't you gonna die someday?
- Aren't you gonna die someday?
- Nick, I'm not gonna...
All I want to know is,
are you gonna die someday?
Nick, you wanna visit your mother's
grave? Let's do that and get out.
Give me your lighter. I wanna see
the names on those headstones.
Watch it.
There's a grave.
- Oh. Excuse me.
- Grave.
Let me see this.
- Where are you?
- Here.
Excuse me.
"Born March 5th, 1863.
Died January 28, 1930."
That's not it.
Are we close, do you think?
- Look at this, will you?
- Nick, are we close?
I don't know.
Gotta see some more names.
Is that how you find it? You memorized
the names on the headstones?
She's buried next to
a whole family of Irishmen.
It's a Catholic cemetery, Nick.
It's full of Irishmen.
Hey, look. You don't want
to come with me?
Let's just forget about it.
I'll go alone.
Oh, sure, I climbed the wall and
I don't know where the hell I am...
excuse me...
you're gonna go alone!
Who do you keep saying
"excuse me" to?
Oh, did I make a mistake.
Excuse me.
You didn't make a mistake.
This is a good thing to do.
- Hey, Ma!
- I'm gonna hit you!
What for? You're afraid
I'm gonna wake somebody up?
Do you know the difference
between not believing in something
and having a little respect for it?
- Hey, Ma! Where are you?
- I'm going.
Hey, Ma, where are you?
- All right. I'm going. I'm goin', Nick.
- Hey, Ma! I'm here!
- I'm goin'.
- Hey, Ma!
Ma, if anything happens to me,
Mikey did it.
Hey! Take that back!
Oh, are you still here?
I thought you left.
You son of a bitch!
Take it back!
Okay, Ma, I take it back.
You'll find out for yourself anyway.
- Listen, Nick.
- Hi.
All right, listen.
Let's not fool around anymore.
- I'm not fooling around.
- Listen to me.
This is a very big park,
and I'm sure you'll agree with me
- if we look through every headstone...
- Here.
Right here.
Hey, Mike, you know what?
Now that I'm here,
I don't know what to do.
Don't do that.
My ma doesn't mind me laughing.
Do you, Ma?
- Stop it, Nick.
- Just talking to my mother.
You don't have to talk
out loud to her.
Uh. Well
I don't know what to do.
This is tough, man. This is hard.
It's very hard to talk to a dead person.
I have nothing in common.
Hi, Ma.
Nick, you're making me
forget the Kaddish.
Ma... I'm sorry, Mikey.
I don't want to die, Ma.
I'm talking to my mother here.
- Hey, Mikey.
- I'm trying to remember the Kaddish.
Wouldn't it be great...
I was just gonna say,
wouldn't it be great if she was alive?
Don't you wish
your mother was alive?
Of course I wish
my mother was alive.
I think that's the reason
we're such good friends.
Because we remember each other
from when we were kids.
Things that happened when we were
kids that no one knows about but us.
It's in our heads.
That's how we know they really happened.
What are you talking about? I know
what really happened when I was a kid.
Yeah, but no one else does.
I mean, everyone we knew
when we were kids is dead.
So what?
I still remember what happened.
And I tell Annie about a lot of things
that happened when I was a kid.
And she enjoys listening to that.
- Well, you don't know what I mean.
- Oh, of course not, 'cause I'm stupid.
No, I wish...
I wish my mother was alive.
I wish your mother was alive.
And I wish your father was alive,
and I wish my father was alive.
And I wish your brother,
Izzy, was alive.
- Did you know my brother, Izzy?
- Sure.
God, don't you remember?
I mean, he lost all his hair.
And then
we called him "baldy. "
And the next day he died.
Then we went to the grave
and we apologized.
He was ten years old,
God rest his soul.
My poor brother.
Oh, this is terrible.
Come on. Let's go.
I think it's this way.
Oh, excuse me.
That's a grave.
- Watch the headstones.
- Okay. Excuse me.
- Thank God you're here.
- Whoo.
You son of a bitch.
Oh, you son of a bitch.
...now five.
You got three and four.
What's the difference?
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, explain it to me.
I been an hour.
They're just not gonna show up.
They're not gonna show.
What, did you go... did you go
inside the theater? Warren.
I said, didn't you go
inside the theater?
No, I don't see what you mean, no.
What do you think they're planning...
to shoot you at a movie house?
If they were planning something,
that wouldn't be in a theater.
Warren. Warren!
Now, I want you to
do me a favor.
Don't do the job.
Look, I don't want to have
a misunderstanding with you.
I know I need a sale,
and I'm...
All right. I'm gonna check it out
right now. Is that all right?
That moron's got one idea in his head:
They're screwing me. That's all.
You know they're all paranoiac,
these guys.
Yeah, maybe.
But if they're not in the theater,
he may be right.
May I help you find a seat, sir?
No, that's okay.
I can find one.
Hit you.
How far you gonna drive me?
We gotta drive to a city
where there's an airport
and take a plane out.
- "We"?
- We.
- You're goin' with me?
- Yeah.
Yeah, you son of a bitch.
I'm comin' with you.
Won't I get you in bad with Resnick,
disappearing like that?
Don't you think you ought to make
some excuse to him for leaving?
- These guys don't like to look bad.
- Fuck 'em.
It's my wife I'm thinkin'.
And my kid.
You wanna go to the girl?
Boob and Tenth?
Oh! Oh! Baby!
Go to the safe deposit box,
take out $4,000.
Right. Mikey
Harry's up.
He's not sick, and he's up.
This is like the third time he's up.
I'm glad to see you again.
Oh, yes, very.
Are you kidding me?
I bet you're glad to see me.
Oh, heavens above.
I don't like that, Nicky.
You know I don't like that.
- It's a joke.
- I don't like that kind of joke.
All right. I gotta run.
I gotta run.
- Yeah.
- What's up?
I love you, darling.
- The kid's sick.
- No kidding? That's terrible.
- A cold?
- No kidding?
Yeah, it's just a cold.
That light's gonna give me a headache.
It give you a headache? Yeah.
- Got plenty of light from the street.
- No. Please don't do that.
- Maybe the flu?
- Huh? No. A little chest cold.
Um, how old is
your little baby?
Baby? Come sit next to me.
- A boy?
- Yeah, that's right.
- That's nice. What's his name?
- Harry.
She's not asking you what he
looks like, she's asking his name.
What's the joke?
...denouncing what it called renewed
United States military intervention
in Southeast Asia.
You have a record player?
- I'd like to hear some music.
- I just want to hear this.
I'm very interested to see
what happens in Indochina.
- Yeah?
- Oh, yes.
Really? No kidding.
- Please don't. I asked you.
- So, you follow the news, huh?
- As much as I can.
- Do ya?
I like to know as much as I can.
Please don't.
What am I doing?
I'm not doing anything.
I'm just sitting here.
Am I doing anything?
- Do you read a lot?
- No, I don't.
I'm talking to the lady.
Tell him about
how many books you read.
- She reads plenty.
- Why do you keep answering?
Didn't I ask Nell that question?
I read.
- I read.
- Kiss me, will you?
- Oh, stop it.
- Kiss me, will you, please?
I mean it now.
Are you gonna kiss me or not?
- So, you read a lot?
- Nicky! Oh, please, stop it, Nicky.
- What am I doing here?
- Why do you treat me like this?
I'm not treating you badly.
- I'll be absolutely behaved.
- Stop it, Nicky.
I wanted you, sweetheart.
Don't push me away, darling.
- Stop it.
- No, don't. Come on.
Don't you have any respect for me?
Sure, I do.
I have plenty of respect for you.
But you make it so hard for me
because I like you.
I don't know if it's such a good thing
that we start fooling around with China.
They got the biggest army
in the world, those Chinese.
- Please, Nick.
- Will you kiss me? Huh?
I asked you not to
in front of him.
- Biggest presence...
- Forget about him.
- Oh, stop!
- Bullshit.
To hell with this.
This is...
Oh, God.
I love you.
I love you.
- L...
- I love you, Nell.
I love you.
I love you so much
it's unbelievable.
Nicky, I love you so much.
Oh, oh, Nicky.
Nicky, you shouldn't do that.
I asked you, please.
I love you.
- Nicky.
- I love you.
- Please.
- What is it, sweetheart?
- Pull down the shade first.
- Of course.
Oh, Nicky.
Tell me that you love me.
Oh, I love you.
I love you.
I love you, darling.
I love you, sweetheart.
I love you.
Just take it slow.
You're so sweet, baby.
Baby. Oh, sweetheart.
I love you.
Just relax, now,
just let me...
- Come on, babe.
- Nicky.
I love you, baby.
Oh, God.
Oh, I love you, darling.
Say it.
I love you.
I love you.
There's no one else here.
- It's just you and me.
- Oh, I love you.
Just you and me.
You understand?
All right. It's all right.
Come on now.
Oh. Oh, God.
Oh, I can't help it, darling.
Yes, yes.
- No. No.
- Yes, yes.
- Tell me that you love me.
- I love you, darling.
I love you. I love you.
Do you understand?
- Say you understand me.
- Mm-hm.
I love you, darling.
Do you really understand?
Don't cry, sweetie.
Please don't cry.
I don't like to see you cry.
- Nick? Nick?
- Oh!
- Goddamn, yeah.
- Nicky?
I love you. I really love you.
Oh, goddamn.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Jesus.
- How do you feel? Want a cigarette?
- Yes.
Let me go in there
and talk to him a minute.
See if I can get rid of him.
Just get my...
Hey, you got a light?
What the hell...
What are you doing?
I'm sorry. What's the matter?
I wanted to warm her up
a little bit for you.
Forget you. Let's go.
I got mine.
What's the matter?
Why are you...
What... are you mad I went first?
She likes you.
- She likes you.
- She likes me?
- She won't do anything for me.
- Sure, she likes me. She likes you.
She likes everybody.
I heard that from 20 guys.
You go ahead.
Don't take any bullshit. Put her down
on the couch and tell her what do do.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
So, you like the news, huh?
I like to know what's happening.
You know, that's...
that's unusual.
Because you know that, uh
most pretty girls
they don't have
a brain in their head.
I mean, most pretty girls,
they don't care about, uh
anything that's happening
around them
except that they want to have
a good time.
Isn't it so?
Yes, I...
I guess most girls are pretty dumb.
It makes it nice when they're
smart and pretty.
Thank you.
Mikey, please.
- Oh, oh, oh.
- Mikey, please.
Don't get fresh.
I just want a little kiss.
Mikey, please. Mikey.
- Come here, darling.
- Mikey, please, don't.
Get out of here! Ow!
Get your coat and get out!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
What's goin' on?
- Get your coat and get out of here!
- What'd she do?
- She bit your lip?
- Get out of here!
Give this man a handkerchief.
His lip is bleeding.
Get out of here!
Get out of here.
Look, a lot of the boys say
you're a nice girl.
Now, that's not very nice, Nellie.
That's not nice.
Get out! You liar!
I have to call down to the boys
and tell them that you're gettin' mean.
You liar! I never...
You liar!
- I'm goin'.
- I never...
- Mike? What's the matter?
- Fuck off, will ya?
You're mad. Come on.
Don't be mad at me.
You've got all the friends,
and you've got all the money.
Did you have to do that to me
in front of some dumb bitch
- to prove you got all the women?
- I didn't know that was gonna happen.
Honest to God.
She screws anyone.
But me.
Everybody but me.
Is that my fault? Don't get mad at me
'cause some dumb hooker turned you down.
She's your girl. She's not a hooker.
You don't pay for that.
Mikey, she's a psycho.
You gotta tell her you love her.
You give her a few bucks,
you tell her it's a present.
- It would be interesting for you.
- Bullshit.
- You knew what would happen.
- Honest to God, Mikey, I didn't.
I wouldn't do anything
to hurt you on purpose.
I wouldn't do anything
to make you look bad.
You're like my family.
I love you. Hey.
I think you'd make your family
look bad on purpose.
'Cause I don't think
you love anyone but you.
Glad to know
what you think of me.
Because I'm glad I told you.
Now, here's your gun.
Give me my watch.
- Give me my watch.
- No.
Give me my watch.
- I want my watch.
- Here's your watch. There's your watch.
You prick.
Is it broken, your watch?
Is it broken?
Son of a bitch.
My father gave me this watch.
- Give it to me. I'll see if I can...
- Get away. Get away.
Give it to me. I think I know a guy
who can put it together again.
- He's a watch expert. Here.
- The winding stem is gone.
Winding stem is gone.
- Let's see.
- Look at this. Look what you did.
I'm sorry.
You don't have the time, do you?
You think this is a joke?
- This is funny to you.
- No.
- I had the watch 20 years.
- Oh.
- Yes.
- That's long enough.
What's this? Is this the winding stem
here, this thing? Is that it?
I think it's one of the hands.
The hands?
One of the hands?
Jesus Christ, there's nothing left
of this watch.
You know... you know there's
really something wrong with you.
Don't you have any notion of anything
that goes on outside of your own head?
Don't you have any idea
how people feel?
Can't you understand
that my father gave me this watch?
It's the only thing I have
from my father.
So, what do you want?
You want another one?
- Forget it. I'm goin'.
- Hey, Mike.
- I'm sorry about the watch.
- Take your gun.
And I'm sorry about the girl too.
What else you want me to say?
I don't want you to say anything.
- I just don't want to do it anymore.
- What?
- Be your friend.
- Then I'll be your friend.
No, you'll be my friend
when you're not in trouble.
See, I don't want you to be my friend
just when there's nobody else around.
What are you talking about? I'm your
friend when other people are around.
No, you're not. You don't know
who I am when other people are around.
I spoke to you maybe five times
since you met Dave Resnick.
I introduced you,
I got you the job
and now I can't get you
on the phone.
What are you talking about?
Hey, what are you talking about?
- Are you crazy?
- I call, and you never call me back!
You don't call me. You haven't
called me in months.
Yeah, because after three months you
don't call back, I don't call anymore.
Hey, you don't even
say hello to me.
I walk into that restaurant, you're
sitting with Dave Resnick and Sid Fine
and I gotta say hello to you three times
and you don't answer
and when I walk away
I hear you say
"Jesus Christ! Call that guy back.
I forgot to give him the order. "
- That was a joke.
- That joke was for Resnick.
For you, not for Resnick.
That's why I said it loud enough
for you to hear it.
That was a joke for you.
You call me "The Echo. "
And you tell everybody
that I have to say everything twice
because I got a tunnel in my head.
The second time is the echo.
Mikey, everybody says everything.
I mean, what's the difference?
I was kidding.
Don't you ever kid?
You make me out a joke
to Resnick.
Just like you made me out
a joke to that girl.
Mikey, you're wrong.
And I'd do anything for you.
And unless you're sick or in trouble,
you don't even know I'm alive.
And now look what you did.
Now you called me, now I came, and
look what you did, and for no reason.
No fuckin' reason!
Go find yourself another friend!
You're wrong!
Really. Mike?
Hey, Mike. Hey, Mikey.
Jesus Christ, come on.
Hey, Mike.
Hey, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Honest to God.
You were wrong.
I wouldn't do anything bad to you.
I love you, Mike.
Please don't walk out on me.
Please don't walk out on me.
Please don't walk out on me.
Screw you.
You wanna walk?
Hey, walk.
You got a good excuse now
not to come with me, right?
'Cause I call you
"The Echo," right?
That's bullshit.
I know what you're doin'.
So screw you!
I tell you, screw you!
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Is that right?
What am I supposed to do?
Carry you around in my pocket, Mikey?
I can't help it I'm not home
when the phone rings.
I'm a plenty good friend of yours.
Mikey, look, come on, will ya?
What other friends have you got?
Hey, Mike.
Oh, I'm a Yankee Doodle.
Hey, Mike.
Look, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that...
Let me just talk to you
a minute, will ya?
I'm sorry Resnick doesn't take you
to all the restaurants.
I don't ask him not to.
Look, I swear to you.
He doesn't like you.
You get on his nerves.
I'm the one that stood up for you.
I'm the one that asked you
to come into the bank, Mike.
Look, with all this crap about how much
you do for me, what you give me...
I'm the one that lent you
$200 when you needed it.
I don't remember you
doing shit for me.
You're a piece of nothin'.
Warren Kinney?
Warren Kinney.
I just lost the guy,
about five or six blocks...
I want you to come around
the other side of the car.
Guy beat the shit out of him.
- Okay, come on. Get in.
- We were on Tenth
about five blocks from here,
we had a fight.
He busted my watch.
My father's watch, he busted it.
It's the only thing I got
from my father.
He threw it in the street
and he busted it.
What did he do that for?
Because he's crazy,
and a prick.
Let's go after the guy.
Take a right on Hall.
Why don't you tell me where we're goin'?
I can read the street signs.
Back on the beat,
same spot I left him.
I said he was around here.
I didn't say he was standing in the
middle of the street waiting for us.
I should have had a driver
on this, damn it.
Every place I've been tonight,
I couldn't park.
There's a "No Parking" sign
every time I turn around.
Make a right.
Finally ended up... I waited in a
no parking zone for you all night long.
- You should have taken a driver.
- Oh, Jesus.
I take a driver,
I gotta pay him a buck too.
Shouldn't have needed a driver
on this.
Make a left here.
Is that him?
Hey, you sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
You wanna shoot him just in case?
What's the matter?
I just asked you a question.
Well, for Christ's sakes, if I say
it's not him, I ought to know.
Yeah, you ought to know.
- Go to bed. I'll be in.
- Honey. Sweetheart.
- Let me in?
- I told you not to come here.
Jan, don't make me
yell through the door.
Look, Nicky, I want you to go away.
I really mean it.
- They're gonna kill me.
- Well, I'm not interested.
- Dave Resnick...
- I'm not interested.
- He's after me.
- Why are you telling this to me?
- Honey, I'm serious now.
- Hmm.
Ed Lipsky's dead.
Dave Resnick had him killed.
I told you that he would. People get
angry when you steal their money.
Listen, I, uh...
I did some serious thinking
- about myself last night.
- Good.
And about the way
that I've treated you.
And I just want you to know
I understand more
what you were trying to tell me.
I'd just like a few minutes
to talk to you about it.
Open the door. I said, open this
goddamned door before I break it down.
You really have changed.
I wouldn't have recognized you.
I ought to
smash your face right in.
Son of a bitch!
I'm sorry, baby.
God, I'm sorry, honey.
- I'm sorry.
- Don't be sorry. Just get out.
Please, baby,
don't treat me this way.
Is this how your girlfriends treat you?
Tell me how they treat you
and I'll try to copy it.
- Jan, I'm sorry.
- What, is everybody else busy tonight?
All your girlfriends busy? The boys
too busy to have a drink with you?
It's a shame Resnick wants
to have you killed.
Now you won't be able to spend
all your evenings with him.
Tell me what he used to do that was
so wonderful, and I'll try to copy it.
No, I'm not gonna...
I did this for you.
I went to work for you.
I didn't do it for me.
- Thank you for supporting me.
- That's not what I meant.
I don't care what you meant.
Don't you get it yet?
I really don't care.
- I just want you to get out of here.
- You mean that.
Yes, I do. I mean it.
Can I take a look at the baby?
Would it make any difference
what I said?
Yes. If you don't want me to,
I won't.
Do what you want. Do what you
want to, and then get out of here.
Come here.
Come here, baby. I love you.
Are you Daddy's girl?
You wanna hold Daddy's thumb?
Yeah. Here, sweetheart.
Hold Daddy's thumb. Come on.
You love your daddy? Huh?
Come on. Hold Daddy's thumb.
Just once.
Here. Look at this.
All right. All right.
I guess she's mad at me too.
Wouldn't hold my thumb.
- Do you need any money? Huh?
- No, I'm all right.
I need a shot in the head,
and I'm gonna get that anyway.
Why don't you get ahold of Mikey?
He'll help you.
I can't get ahold of Mikey
'cause we had a bad fight.
What's the matter with you, huh?
He's the only friend you have.
Not anymore.
I did too much to him.
Yeah, well, you get outta town.
If you get outta town, you'll be...
Thanks for the advice.
What do you want me to do?
You want me to die for you?
I don't want anything.
I'm goin'.
Will you kiss me good-bye?
No. All right.
Oh, my God.
What are you doing?
What are you staying here for?
They're gonna get you.
You've gotta get out of town.
I know it.
I had to see you.
But now you'll go, hmm?
Will you go?
Baby, everything's going to be okay.
You know that?
- Everything's going to be great.
- Okay.
It's going to be terrific.
I promise you, babe.
I can make you so happy.
- Sure.
- I don't want you to die.
- I'm going to write to you, sweetheart.
- I don't want you to die.
Everything's going to be okay.
Do you love me?
I do. I love you.
Three terrific deals
I could have had
and I took this 'cause
I thought it'd be quicker.
Could have used the money
to bankroll some machines.
Got another guy waitin'
with the other half.
Make a left.
Watch it. There's a guy
in this alley right here.
All right. Right there.
Is that him?
- Is he the guy?
- Wait a minute!
You dumb bastard.
Is that him?
I'm warning you,
get out of here.
I'm really getting the treatment
tonight. Tonight's my night.
What do you want?
I thought we'd lie down
and talk about politics for a while.
You know, I could punch your face
right through the wall. You know that?
You have no right
to treat me like this.
- A lady like you.
- You better get out of here.
Why should I get out of here?
- I just came over to say I'm sorry.
- I'll bet.
I'm not kidding.
I was a little sore before about
Moe Schatz and Jack Diamond.
I thought you were my girl.
And then I find out that you're
putting it out for everyone.
Jesus Christ, this is...
What is it?
You told them.
You told them to try it.
Both of them.
You think I would do that?
Are you crazy?
Don't. I know.
They told me.
Both of them.
I know all the things
that you say about me.
I know all about it.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
- Don't be mad at me.
- Oh.
Are you mad at me now
because I told you I know?
I'm not mad.
Hell, I don't know
what's wrong with me.
I guess I just like to show off.
- Dead end.
- I know.
This is the end.
By the time I've paid...
- Go right.
- Paid the fare, paid for meals
I ain't gonna make a thing on this.
Nah, we've seen that guy.
I look like a schmuck.
I only got about three,
four guys that use me.
I'll look worse 'cause it was
supposed to be easy.
It was easy.
If it didn't take you 45 minutes
to drive downtown
you would have gotten him
in the first bar.
The hell I could.
Oh, no, you don't.
45 minutes.
I watched the clock.
Okay, you tell it your way,
and I'm gonna tell it my way.
'Cause all I know is I spent an hour
in both places, I never saw the guy.
That's him!
- Let me out of the car.
- Just take it easy, will ya?
Let me out of the car.
Let me out of the car.
Let me out of the car.
It's not him.
- Got any ice cream?
- No ice cream.
We got egg cream, soda
magazines, candy
just what you see.
What kind of a candy store is this,
you don't have ice cream?
It's a candy store
without ice cream. Just what you see.
Got Neccos?
Look on my counter, mister.
What you see there is what I got.
I'll take some of these.
Some of these.
- Caramel creams.
- I'll take some of these lollipops.
- All right.
- I'll eat this one in the store.
- Put the rest in the bag.
- Right.
All right.
- Got any comic books?
- On the rack.
I promised my nephew
that I would find him a comic book.
All right. Yeah, sure.
So I'm just gonna browse for now.
Mm-hm. But don't get 'em
sticky, please.
I don't think they
make Necco anymore.
So, any estimation of time
which I may have given him
is dependent on the fact that
he knows what I've got to get through.
Okay, okay.
So you both had problems.
he didn't ask me for any
directions on the phone.
He just asked me where it was.
I gave him the address.
- Yeah.
- You know what I think?
I think if I want to find this buddy of
yours, I should stay on your ass
maybe for the next 24 hours.
I'll let you do what you think is best.
I have a lot of respect for your mind.
- Mr. Resnick...
- Okay.
Let's put...
Go home. Ah...
You wanna drive him home?
- Warren?
- I'll drive him home if you want.
He'll drive you home.
Maybe he could even park
in front of his house.
- That nut could show up there.
- He's not gonna come to my house.
We had a fight. He hit me.
- He broke my watch, insulted me.
- Oh-ho-ho.
He said you didn't like me.
Go home, Mikey.
It's very late.
- So, go home and...
- He's not going to come to my house.
- Take him home.
- Yes, sir. I'll watch him.
- You want me to stay outside his house?
- Yeah.
- Okay, I'll do that.
- You can't stay in front of my house.
- What?
- There's no parking there.
- There's no parking?
- You can't park there.
The owners have hired
their own private patrol cars.
It's an exclusive neighborhood.
They had to vote on me
before I could buy the house.
So, all right, he won't park there.
He'll circle the block.
- Yes, sir.
- Dave.
If he keeps circling the block,
they're gonna notice.
We have our own
private patrol cars.
Then circle two blocks.
How's that?
They're gonna notice him
driving around there.
- I think I can handle that.
- Yeah. All right.
Uh, take him home.
I'm tired. You're tired, he's tired.
You're gettin' on my nerves, Mike.
- Take him home.
- Yes, sir.
- Dave?
- What?
You know, I'm sorry
you don't like me.
Ah, come on.
And I'm sorry
I make you nervous.
It's all right.
- Nothing.
- Here, honey. You want this coffee?
Why is this light off?
You need to see.
- Here's your coffee.
- Honey, why don't you go to bed?
- You'll be out on your feet tomorrow.
- No, I want to wait up for you.
This is a nice surprise, 'cause
I thought I was gonna be lonesome
and sad.
You walked into my life.
You want one?
What time is it?
It's about 5:00.
What happened to your watch?
- Hmm?
- I broke it.
Oh, when you fell.
Oh, honey.
Your good watch.
Did you ever go to one of those
meetings at school?
They have sewing in school.
The boys sew
while the girls go to shop.
You know, because I guess it's...
you're not supposed to think that
only women sew and only men carve
- Care for a...
- Do I repeat myself when I talk?
When I talk
do you hear me
repeating myself?
I never noticed it.
Well, notice it.
From now on,
when I do something, notice it.
Okay, hon.
Did I ever tell you I had
a brother, Izzy, who died?
No, I don't think so.
I don't remember.
When did he die?
Years ago.
This happened
when I was a kid.
You enjoy hearing stories
of when I was...
- well, when I was a kid?
- Yeah, sure I do, honey.
Well, Izzy was ten.
He had scarlet fever.
And when the fever got so high
he lost all his hair
and then he died.
- That's terrible.
- My mother just sat there.
- She didn't even cry.
- It's a terrible thing to lose a child.
- Was he the baby?
- No, he was ten.
No, no. I mean,
was he younger than you?
Oh, yeah.
My father cried, I remember.
But my mother,
she just sat there.
- I was the favorite.
- Oh, I...
My father cried like a baby.
And when Izzy got sick,
he gave him his watch.
- The one I have.
- The one you broke.
Yeah. But
that was
just because he was sick
that he gave it to him.
He meant it for me.
I was the oldest.
And when Izzy died,
he took it back and gave it to me.
He only gave it to Izzy because
Izzy was always asking to wear it.
So, uh, I guess
that when he knew
that Izzy was gonna die
he felt that it was all right,
safe to give it to him.
That's sad.
I was crazy about Izzy.
I felt terrible
when he got sick.
But you know a kid looks funny
when he's bald.
I just told you, he lost all his hair
because of the fever.
I'm sorry. I forgot.
Yes, I see. I see.
Nick Godalin knew Izzy.
Oh, my goodness.
Nick Godalin knew my mother,
my father
and my Aunt Rose.
Hmm. Well, I envy him.
Wish I'd known your father.
You wouldn't have liked him.
He was a very solemn man
and he didn't like
any of the women in the family.
But he liked Nick.
And he liked Izzy.
See, Nick kidded him a lot.
And I'm sure he liked you too.
Go to bed, Annie.
I told you, I'm not a bit tired.
I'm not gonna go to bed.
- Son of a bitch.
- What is it?
- Don't answer the door.
- Why? Who's coming?
- Mikey?
- We can let him in.
- Don't say anything.
- Hey, Mikey.
Mikey, you're gonna make it up with me
sometime, why not now?
- Come on, Mikey. Open the door.
- Tell him I'm not here.
Get him away from here.
- Mikey isn't here.
- Annie?
He isn't home.
Annie, is that you?
Did I wake you up, honey?
I'm sorry.
I thought Mikey was home.
- No, he isn't home.
- Oh. You know who this is, right?
It's Nicky Godalin.
Yes, he isn't home, Nick.
Oh, he's not, huh?
You think I could come in
and wait for him till he gets back?
He ought to be home soon. I left him
an hour ago, he was on his way home.
Would it be all right?
It won't take long.
Nick, I'm not feeling very well, so why
don't you come back tomorrow, okay?
Gee, honey, I wish I could,
but I'm leaving town.
It's very important
that I see Mikey before I go.
Let me just come in,
just till he comes home.
Well, I'd like to, Nick, but Mikey said
not to let anybody in, so I can't.
Annie, who do you got in there,
a Chinaman?
- Oh, Nick. Go home.
- Come on.
I don't think he meant me
when he said don't let anyone in.
Look, Nick, you can't come in,
so please go away.
- I'll tell Mikey you were here.
- Annie.
Are you mad at me?
No. But just go.
Look, honey, it's very important
that I see him, really.
Nicky, would you go away?
You gotta go away, honey.
- Come back tomorrow.
- I think you better let me in, Annie.
Annie. Annie.
Annie, I think you better let me in.
Please let me in, Annie.
Run, schmuck.
Annie, I don't feel good.
Annie, I'm sick.
Annie. Annie. Annie.
Annie. Annie.
Annie, please! Annie,
I don't feel well. I'm gonna be sick.
Please, Mikey!
Mikey, get me a doctor!
Get me a doctor, Mikey!
Please! Get me a doctor!
Annie! Let me in!
Let me in!
Oh, no.
Oh, please. Get me a doctor!
Mikey! Get me a doctor!
You son of a bitch!
I need a doctor!
Please! Get me a doctor!
Mikey! Mikey, I'm sick!
Mikey, get me a doctor!
I'm perforating!
Mike... You wait.
Please, you wait.
Wait, Mikey, you son of a...
Mikey, you son of a bitch!
You bastard! You bastard! Mikey!
Oh, no!
Will you go to bed?