Million, A (2009)
We confirmed that she was
one of the contestants. According to InterpoI they're organizing search parties. We have to wait and see. Right. Her condition? We'II know once she gets checked up. Okay. Draw the curtains. Are you feeIing better now? What day is it today? December 28th. What reaIIy happened there? Take your time, try to remember it. A survivor game is recruiting contestants with $1 million prize. lt's all the rage these days. lt's not a small figure by any stretch of imagination. Answer it aIready! Hey, Soo-yun! What? Just one more day. It'II go up for sure tomorrow. Yes, ma'am. Mr. Seung-ho Ha? Mr. Seung-ho Ha? HeIIo? Who the heII are you? Just a man with the camera. What? Can I ask you a question? How do you feeI now? Move the camera! DeIiver where? Yes! Yes! I'm going on my vacation. Cover for me. CIients in room #8 you're up. Where are you going? Broadcast! AustraIia? What the heII is this? This is totaI hickviIIe. Hey! Quite heavy. Miss Yu-jin Jo, right? Did you have a good fIight? Yes, thank you. HeII of a trip wasn't it? ShaII we begin? Are we shooting aIready? Yup. Let's begin with rad seIf introduction. Good afternoon! My name is Bo-yong Lee, and l'm a bundle of charisma. lt should be pretty obvious. Pleased to meet you. Nice, very nice. l was recently discharged from the navy. l'm prepping for civil exam, but it's not going well. Do you have any particular skill? Eating. lt's funny. No, not particularly. Could you elaborate? l'll win for sure! Excellent. l'll use my youthful vitality to win that million dollars. Let's do it! Wow, so open wide. Damn it, roaming service my ass. You have caIIs to make even out here? I'm expecting a caII from a cIient. Mind your business. What do you think about peopIe without ceIIs? I have a question. Doesn't it seem a bit strange? It's not Iike in the ad. I agree. The scaIe seems too smaII for the prize. You onIy need a camera and a Iaptop nowadays to broadcast onIine. I'm sure they'II take care of it. Since there isn't much to do how about a round of intro? It's not Iike we're on a frosh or something. AIright, I'II start. My name is ChoI-hee Park, you guys know navy? I was a petty officer at the navy. And now I... That's what you said before to the camera, right? Are you reaIIy that proud that you were in the navy? What did you say? Wanna show off your six-pack? No girIfriend, right? GirIs hate guys taIking about their army service the most. What? That confirms it. You fucking asshoIe! Don't get worked up! Everyone's so tense already! Your every move will be captured and filmed. There are a number of cameras set up to monitor you at all times. So it would be better if you behave, right? Well, who knows, the viewers might react to the reaIism. ReaIism my ass. Candid camera is way outdated don't you think? This kid's got some personaIity. These days they Iove smartasses Iike this one, you know. We drove for a Iong time. Do you remember anything eIse? A bug. Restricted area What the heII is that?! We kept driving into the night. And then? We stopped at a house. Kinda spooky... It Iooks great to me. Are you aIright? I'm fine. I do this when I'm upset You aII must be tired. Let's go in and have some food first. Not too shabby. Let's aII sit. Boss, you're eating onIy that again? You shouId have something eIse, too. This is deIicious! Before your meaI, Since you're aII dying to know, I'II expIain the ruIes of this game. A totaI of 7 games wiII be pIayed out, after each game, eventuaIIy ending up with just one person. ObviousIy the prize wiII be given to that Iast survivor. See aII this? ExactIy one miIIion doIIars. This is a speciaIIy designed attache. There's no way to open it without a password. It's not Iike we're going to steaI it. I'm just saying so that everyone couId concentrate on the game. Any questions? What are the games Iike? The instructions wiII be given just before each game. Come on, director. CouIdn't you give us a cIue? CIue? They say that if you know the questioner's motivation you can quickIy guess the answer. Where are you going? Oh, we have a separate studio. Wait, I have a question. Did you rent this pIace? No, I buiIt it. That's incredibIe! You must be reaIIy rich. No, just a Iot of time. But why do you ask? This pIace feeIs a IittIe strange. In what way? How shouId I put it Iacking sentiment? It has everything but I can't picture Iiving here. Is that so? But I've been Iiving here aII aIong. So you don't Iive in Korea? No. Something doesn't feeI right. Not Iike that's his money, anyway. What is it? Something weird? It's a raw nut. What wouId you do with the miIIion doIIars? Hey, mister, what are you gonna do with it? Me, me? He'II probabIy eat it aII up in no time. I wanna Iive where no one's around. You can start a whoIe new Iife when you get the money, right? Do onIy what you wanna do and don't do anything you don't wanna. I have so many things I want to do. So many things. That face, so famiIiar. Have we met somewhere? No, i don't think so. You started the subject. What wouId you do with the money? I want to write the exam and finish what I started. Even a miIIion dries up, eventuaIIy. Quite a reaIist. Ji-eun, if you win that money, you shouId just get married. Serving a husband is a fuII-time job. If you ever meet a man whose money won't dry up, that is. Pardon me, if you're so abIe and rich, what are you doing here? Right, is this your vacation? Who can say no to an extra miI? You can never have enough. Isn't that what that arrogant director prick is doing with his money? Hey Mr. WaII Street, don't caII him a prick. HoId on. There is a camera watching us. Let them watch. Thank you for tuning in. This is the first day of the game. Whose voice is that? There's no telling... The director. Right, the director. But what's his name? Do you recaII? I don't know. Ms. Jo? What was the nature of the reIationship between the participants, you and this director? The director knew everything. CouId you be a IittIe more specific? Send it over for voice anaIysis. We'II commence the first game. This wiII be a team game. Divide your seIves into two teams then buiId a raft using materiaI there. The first team to get to the fIag over there wins. SimpIe, isn't it? Then how wiII one of us be eIiminated? Ah, that, wiII be reveaIed after the game. How shouId we divide the teams? Sunny side up! PIay among women and men. Sunny side up Side up over here. Me. Side down here. One, two, three, Iet's go! A few words before the match? l'll do my utmost best! Till the end with a smile! Nice, very very nice. You sure there aren't any sharks? l'll lead my team to victory! Excellent! PIease Iine up with your team. Wait! Hey fat-ass, hurry up! No, fIip the other way, zig-zag! What are you doing? Hurry, untie it! Push it this way! Okay! Wha, they're going. Shut your mouth! Yo fatso! Make yourseIf usefuI! One, two, one, two. Lift! One, two, one, two! There you go! Almost there! Bit more! Bit more! Got it! We won! - WeII done everyone. - Shit! It was a riveting match. Now, it's time for the eIimination. You'II write down one name, whoever gets the most vote gets eIiminated. What kind of shitty ruIe is that? Isn't it supposed to be one of the Iosers? The purpose of this game was to eIiminate the one who's not quaIified to pIay through rest of the show. Wait a minute. What are the criteria for the quaIification? WeII, that's up to you to decide. This shouIdn't be personaI, okay? We're on the same side. What side, the game's over. God dammit. Here is the resuIt. ChoI-hee Park. Navy man ChoI-hee Park. ChoI-hee Park again. Wook-hwan Choi. Wook-hwan Choi. Another vote for Choi. Abstained? And the Iast one goes to... Wook-hwan Choi. This is buIIshit! Then why the heII did we pIay the game? Then we shouIdn't have won! Shit! What an interesting resuIt! But what's reaIIy interesting is that non-participants Iike Seung-ho Ha, Ji-eun Kim, and Bo-young Iee didn't receive a singIe vote. Very interesting. That is aII for this game. Oh, and... whoever turned in the empty baIIot it's not a good attitude. Anyone abstaining from voting wiII be considered out from now on. Wait a minute. Isn't abstention is one of the voting rights? I decide the ruIes. Answer me! Vote again! lt's not my fault that l played well! How do you feel now? What a fucking nonsense! Why do you think you're the first one to be eliminated? They haven't done shit! CouId you... give that to me if you're not gonna eat it? Mister. Hey fat-ass! Why did you ever decide to participate in this? I didn't. - Nothing to do with me. - Have it your way. Those of you who picked me thought I wouId make it to the finaI. So you wanted to finish me off here. I didn't pick you. It wouId be boring to compete with the easy ones. Who are you caIIing easy? Kids Iike you, onIy interested in showing off nice body, and becoming famous. Aren't you the same? You think everyone is Iike you? One vote from the guy who got the axe. One empty baIIot, and two remaining votes. Who couId that be? I see it now. Where have you been? What have you been doing? There's nobody around here. There are onIy wiId animaIs. Where exactIy are we? It is indeed suspicious. No ceII signaI, or the internet. Don't mess around and Iet's aII go to bed. We got a game to pIay tomorrow. Did anything happen out there? No. It feeIs Iike we're compIeteIy isoIated. Isn't this Wook-hwan's? It is. Where wouId he sIeep tonight? There's nowhere eIse to go. The second game is a treasure hunt. You've done this many times when you were young, right? You just have to go into the forest and fetch one. ObviousIy the one without an arrow wiII be eIiminated. You have 10 minutes. Wait a sec. Why onIy 5 arrows? You're keen. I've aIready hidden one, so don't worry. Any other questions? So we just need to go get one arrow? No trick this time? Just concentrate on finding the arrows no matter what happens... Okay. Go away! Wait for me! We've crossed the half-way mark. Please hurry up. - Got it. - Bingo! Time's almost up. Please come back. Must be snake, heard there were tons. Keep quiet and just shoot. Who hasn't found the arrow? I don't want to pIay! I want to go home! Don't shoot me! Stop shooting me! Stop! l said stop! l said stop! Ms. Lee is to be eIiminated. Game? You caII this game? Fine, kiII me too! Great second game everyone. Rest easy and we'II meet back tomorrow. Are you coming? Right, boss. You shouId have toId me that was pretty cooI. When did you Iearn to do SFX? Wait for me. She's reaIIy dead. Something's not right. There's another one in there... What? What's there? Lead. Shit. Yeah. There's one? CuIture segment producer. Wait a minute. I got it. Great second game everyone. Ms. Lee is to be eliminated. Yeah, I confirmed. That Min-chuI Jang. Find out why he quit. The odds of winning is going up What we want to know is, if this is aII reaI, then why did everyone, incIuding you, kept pIaying? We didn't keep pIaying the game. Did Jang threaten you to keep going? There was nothing we couId do. I don't get it. We aIready know what you said from the show. TeII us something we don't know! My passport's gone! Shit, my camera! Why is he doing this to us?! That son of a bitch. Fucking heII... What the fuck is he? Was he Iying about the miIIion? Does it reaIIy matter now? That's why we're here after aII. Do you think he'd pay after what's happened? What's important now is whether we're going to stay here and get kiIIed, or... We'II get him before he gets us. Let's find him and kiII him first. That fucker couId be armed. He's compIeteIy mad. We can onIy get out of here and get heIp. If we're gonna go Iet's go before it gets dark. There nothing Iike vioIence when it comes to viewing pIeasure. Intense and spectacuIar Isn't it? Fat fuck's got some nice moves. Is it his fauIt that Lee got eIiminated? She depended on her Iooks too much. Boss, boss. I want to quit. I'm not desperate enough to kiII and keep shooting. Why, you wanna report this? You just stood and watched that's a punishabIe offense. You've changed so much whiIe you were away. You think you wouIdn't change? You wouId too, with enough money. I'II throw in some extra cash, caII it a form on encouragement. Boss. What? CouId you give me some more whiIe at it? You Iook Iike you have pIenty. ShouId have said that before. Here, you can have some more. Wait. There're 6 of us we're missing one. Seung-ho. Fat-ass? He was here a moment ago. Seung-ho! Is that him over there? What are you doing here? Taking a dump? Give it to me! Give it, you swine! Fine, eat that shit! It's mine, mine! Why are you Iike this? We're in this together. I needs sweets, I'm diabetic! Thatjerk took aII of my medicine. One probIem after another. Then why the heII did you decide to participate? I'm not Iike you. I didn't know it was Iike this. And we did? You said you appIied to be here. I never asked to be part of any game! I can'tjust die here. Drop the buIIshit! No, I'm not Iying. It's been months since internet's cut off at my house. Why are you teIIing us that now? If you didn't appIy, the director dragged you here for a reason. Can you think of why? I don't know, I reaIIy don't. I don't know who, or why he's doing this to me. That means it's not a coincidence that we're here. Not a coincidence? Has anyone seen me before? How many cameras did you instaII? Are you curious? Even if you wait in cover for years in the jungIe, there's no guarantee you'II get one good shot of a tiger. Where exactIy are we? I don't think I've seen a singIe person here. How wouId I put it... An inIand deserted isIand? Do you Iike it here? Yeah... I don't Iike peopIe. We crossed a desert Iike this on the way in. I think we are heading back the way we came in. Let's hurry. It'II be harder once the sun peaks. Get up. Is this how you want to end your Iife? There's no one here to heIp you. CheoI-hee Park. StiII got some energy Ieft in you? Don't you want some water? Good job everyone, you've made it this far. We'II begin the third round. Do you see that hiII? There is a forest over the hiII. You'II aIso find water there. You just have to make it over there. You'II be eIiminated if you don't make it, of course. Water... water... It's... mine... Mine... Mine. It's... mine... Soo-yun, where are you going? You'II be pIaying aIong if you go that way. What options do we have? Game or not, we have to Iive first! You're doing it because you know you'II make it. How couId you be so seIfish? What about others? What the fuck can we do then? You want aII of us to die here? Let's just go. Don't think of it as his game. It's a fight against yourseIf from here on. You can do it. Put yourseIf together! You're just dehydrated. Lick my sweat for now. Come on! That fatty is dragging them down. This is getting interesting. Let's see how far this goes. AImost there! We might aII die this way. Sick of it... Get up Don't think stupid thoughts. Get up! So sick of Iiving this way You stupid idiot! Wake up! This Iife... What? This Iife was totaI shit. I want a better second Iife. Get up. Get up. Up! Let's go. We can't drag him any further. We have to Iive too. Get up. We'II come back. Are you okay? Thank you, CheoI-hee. BeautifuI eyes... So sudden... In the middIe of it aII Amazing... Doesn't matter if others are dying Just doing what they want. Just Iike me. I don't reaIIy care if they Iive or die. What are you doing? It's too Iate. Out of the way! It's too Iate you want to die too? He's not dead, he's not. Snap out of it! Look! He chose his own path We've done nothing wrong. We can'tjust watch him die! This isn't right. Don't act Iike you're better than us. Nothing wiII change. You feeI better that you'II Iive one more day? Let go of me. He's not dead. Let go! You promised, Gi-tae. You promised to me! Keep rolling. Don't run away Iike a coward! I Iove that Iast shot! You piece of shit! Seung-ho Hur is the Iatest to be eIiminated. As expected, he couId not fight through it. The odds are getting better Five contestants are Ieft. UntiI next time. Cheer up, you've done your best What's with you? You seem overtIy dramatic about it Maybe you're just a nice person. I'm not nice. A fork road. You're right. They must have gone this way. Hey, you spied on us! What? There must be a tracking device inside. They can pinpoint where we are at aII times because of this. What the fuck are you? Crazy fucker! Are you insane?! Interesting turn of events. They're sIowIy going nutty in the head. Everyone's crazy. Let go! - What are you doing? - Son of a bitch! Die, fucking bitch! - Why are you doing this? - Die, die motherfucker! - Listen to me. - Don't! - Get up, you bitch! - PIease stop this! There is a camera above us. What the fuck are you saying? Above us there's a camera. I'm going to pretend to be dead. Knock me out! So what? Stop with your nonsense! - Just die, son of a bitch! - PIease... Let go! Son of a bitch... What the... He's reaIIy dead? Have you pIanned this too? Bastards are pIaying their own game. Go check. Me? Go shoot a footage. Freeze! Are you refusing to pIay the game? Go ahead, shoot! Don't! This isn't a game. Don't shoot. Your actions couId be considered as refusing to pIay aIong. I'II give you a chance. I'm going to count to three. Or I'm afraid we'II have to end it aII right here. - What are you doing? - One... Two... No! Don't shoot! Let Suh go. Start the car. They're nearby. They got here not Iong after we fought. FeeIs Iike they're watching us now. What is he reaIIy after? What's important is that he enjoys seeing us die one by one. Then, couId he be seIIing snuff fiIms? No, I don't think that's it. If he's doing this for fun he wouIdn't be this caIcuIating. If this is a reaI survivor game don't we have to win against him? Or we aII die. No, not aII. One wiII survive. Your turn wiII come too. We can't see them but they're aIways watching us. Even if we get another chance there's nothing we can do. We have to first get out of his reach. The forest is just too big for him to cover with his cameras. We've onIy trekked main roads so far. We must stay off aII roads. What if we get Iost forever? I'd rather die from starvation then die in his hands. I hear water. There's a boat! ExceIIent. Let's ride it out. He probabIy didn't think this far. AII right, I'm good with boats. Don't you think it's weird that these are here? He won't be abIe to foIIow us on Jeep even if he finds us. There aren't any Iife vests It's not rapid stream, just foIIow my Iead. Don't worry, it'II be okay. Aren't you a IittIe too confident? What are you gonna do with that knife? He got us Iast time, but it won't happen again. Let's go. Suh, get a shot of down stream. She's quite confident. Hey! It's dangerous that way! There's a drop down there! CarefuI! Turn right! Be carefuI! Stop! Row the other way! Ji-eun! Ji-eun! Keep rowing. Ji-eun! I can't see her. She must've been swept away. Ji-eun! She can't be far. What's this? BIood... She must be hurt. Is she okay? No. We might've died because she cIung onto me, so I punched her. Soo-yun! Steer away! The other way! Damn it! WorthIess piece of shit! Do you know how hard I prepped to get this shot? Son of a bitch! I'II kiII you if you keep this up. We're doomed to die here... Was this part of the game? Then he knew we wouId take the boat down? Doesn't make sense! He couId have. Maybe he caIcuIated this too. Are you tired? No. You don't normaIIy sweat. - What is it? - What? What's wrong? They must be cIose. It's a binocuIar. This is cameraman Suh's. I'm sure he dropped it on purpose. He's never made it this easy for us. I don't think this is Jang's doing. Maybe Suh dropped it for us to find. No, he's in on this after aII. What if he's caIIing us out for heIp? This might be part of the game. Game or not, this is the onIy way for us right now. 'If you can't avoid it, just enjoy' It's the most fucked up and the best thing I've heard in the army. Server might go down if this keeps up. Pathetic... Masturbating to corpses... Look. Didn't the cameraman have this on? It's bIood. What wouId you do if you meet him? I'II kiII him. You'II murder him? I have right to preserve my Iife. Are you coming? Yeah. I feeI a bit nervous... Waiting for someone? Who wouId come out this far? Go get some rest. Let me know if you want to drink. SIight damage. I won't do it again! PIease! Let's handIe with care. I won't do it aga... Friends don't get mad at each other no matter how stupid they've acted. Don't they? Wait. Just a minute. What the heII? What's going on here? Shit! Wait, wait. That camera's watching us. God dammit! Please don't take it out on the equipment. They haven't done you any harm. Anyway, welcome to my cabin. Why? Why are you doing this to us? Don't be a crybaby. He won't Iisten to us. Son of a bitch! Come and kiII us aII! I'II kiII you too! Everyone can't die. Who would take the prize then? The odds are now 4:1. Is this how you're trying to make money? You can be sure that the last survivor will get the prize. Since you're all here, we'll begin the fifth round right away. There aren't any rules, lt's straight-up survivor game. Whoever lasts till the end is the winner. We don't care about winning or the money. Drop this buIIshit and get out here! CheoI-hee, what are you doing? Damn it! CheoI-hee, pIease stop! Reported by Gi-tae Han What is it? Uh, it's nothing. What's with you! If we stay here, we aII die. Let's Ieave for now. He's compIeteIy mad. Yeah, Iet's aII Ieave. I might suffocate if we stay here. You can't simpIy Ieave. You saw what he's been doing. Think he'II just Iet you go? But we can't stay here Iike this forever. Not doing anything is aIso an option. I'm not Ieaving. Everyone's for himseIf. Ji-eun, Iet's go. We can't stay here. We have to go now. Gi-tae! PIease, Ji-eun. Do you think they're dead? ProbabIy. It's just two of us now. I wish we couId have met under different circumstances. I'm not a good person. I Ied such a viIe Iife. Then why were you Iike that? Perhaps it was impuIsive in a way. No... When you rescued me in the desert. I didn't want you to die Iike that. I reaIIy want to go home. I don't need the money. It'd be so nice to go out on a date with you back home. Eat deIicious food and watch a movie. No, I Iike it this way too. Hey. What happened? I don't think he was aiming. ProbabIy wanted to separate the group. Shit! It's aII over motherfucker! Come out! You son of a bitch! Get out of here! Let's end this now! Bravo, weII done. However, that attache isn't yours just yet. Fuck you! I'm the onIy one Ieft. There's two more. No, they gave up the game. Don't deIude yourseIf. Hand me the attache. You son of a bitch! Piece of shit! You've been Iying aII this time. Shit! Fucking shit! God dammit! I'II kiII you, asshoIe! In any case, the odds got better thanks to you. Three to one. Don't you Iike the odds? Give it aII and cIaim the prize rightfuIIy There's nowhere eIse to go. Is it the money? Is it because of the money you asshoIe? ChaIIenge? I don't know what that is. I just Iive how I can. Why do you ask? Doesn't feeI Iike you Iive for the money. Perhaps I just wanted to come out to the outdoors. It's smothering to Iive in the city. To Iive in Korea... What about you? Why did you appIy? I'm not sure either. I... never had a goaI or anything. So nothing reaIIy worked out. I wanted everyone to be miserabIe Iike me. Even now? No... I beIieved that if I try this and that, I couId Iive without doing things I disIike. A deIusion? CooI... Even if it's just that. Do you think it's coId in SeouI right now? ShouId be Christmas by now. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! I'm thirsty. I shouId go Iook for something to eat. CheoI-hee! What happened? Stay back. What happened to Ji-eun? This wiII end when the two of you die. Have you gone mad? CheoI-hee! Don't do it! PIease, don't! Stop! PIease! CheoI-hee, pIease stop! Why are you Iike this? PIease stop! Another bites the dust. God dammit! My mind went blank. lt was all messed up. Felt like everything went to hell. I onIy thought of wanting to end this nightmare. Huh? That's not the Iast of it? It's the finaI cIip. There was one Iast game to pIay. I don't know which one shouId be happier - those aIive or dead. You're nuts! Who'II be the winner? The chances are 50-50. Just kiII the one you want dead. Aren't I the one you want? What? What are you saying? No, that's not right. Can't be anti-cIimatic after aII that work. No, not Iike that. I don't know why you're doing this but It's aII my fauIt. No ones to bIame. No, they're are aII the same. What are you taIking about? It's time to end this. No fun to drag this on any Ionger. Let's end this. We'II begin the finaI round of the game. Do you know Russian RouIette? There's one buIIet in the chamber. PuII the trigger one by one untiI there's onIy one Ieft Quite simpIe. Ms. Jo! Are you forfeiting? I'II go first Iower your gun. No, don't! Yu-jin's next. Mr. Han. Are you trying to end it aII in one go? Don't! Stop! You puIIed four times. Die! Gi-tae! End up pIaying a game with me. Stop this, you deviI! Why? Are you going to shoot me? Then who'II give you the money? You're the winner, Ms. Jo. CongratuIations. I don't care about the money! You drive weII. Just hoId on, Gi-tae. Don't die on me! It won't go! So tired... Wake up! You can't faII asIeep! PIease heIp me... One asian femaIe reported missing She's severIy dehydrated imedeate evac According to your statement, you murdered Jang. He wouId have kiIIed me if I didn't shoot first. Detective, Jang aIso drew his gun. We have to find the body first. Do I have to stay here untiI then? Hasn't it passed 48 hours? Can she discharge at this state? Yes, wouId be better to get back on her feet for quicker recovery. PIease contact us if there are any new deveIopments. The case isn't overjust yet. One second pIease! Ms. Jo, right? Nurse prescribed this one as weII. There was a deIay. Thank you. This way. Yunnam-dong pIease. Yes. Another cIip? What? You've done well. Since you kept your end of the deal, l'll keep mine. There's a key inside the bag. This is the finaI cIip. But who upIoaded it? Who eIse? Then it means Jang's aIive? I think Ms. Jo pIayed us. Where did she go? Home, in Yunnam-dong. Why wouId she Iie? Go to the convenience story where you worked. CouId you go to Jongro instead? Yes, ma'am. I don't care about the money! I want to keep my promise. I said I don't care about the money! No, a promise to myseIf. What are you saying? I want to compIete this show. But more importantIy, do you remember the incident two years ago? What does it have to do with you? Gi-tae... You wouId be curious. Yeah, I reported it. AII eight of us were there. So... So what? No, there were two more. That crazy bastard... And my wife... I was going to kiII myseIf after kiIIing him. But the footage that you shot did not escape from my mind. How... How couId none of you didn't heIp her? I was dying to know why. And it turned into hatred. Do you remember the lockers in the lobby? Lastly, remember today's date. December 31st. See you. Honey, you're not answering. You know it's our first anniversary, right? - $7.90 pIease. - Looks Iike I have to cook myseIf ramen. Don't you want to see your wife? I bought you a present. Don't you wanna know what it is? You'II be... Oh, I'm sorry. What are you doing? What's with you? Sir, why are you doing this? PIease heIp! What? Get the fuck out if you're done! Have you got it? Do you feeI better now? Does it feeI Iike justice now that we suffered Iike you? Everyone's the same. We aII Iive in fear. How couId you exact revenge because your wife died in vain? We have no say in our birth, but can't we decide death for ourseIves? How are you different from the perpetrator? I couIdn't forget even a second. But you shouId erase it aII. Can't Iive with aII that burden. FinaIIy, there's hope. How couId you be... |