Million Dollar Mermaid (1952)

This is lovely city harbor
in the year 1900,
when the Australia
was still thought of
by the rest of the world
as the home
of the bush and boomerang.
But with the
growing town of Sydney,
culture had moved in.
And the sounds of those
three famous B's
Bach, Brahms and Beethoven,
were being
heard here in the land.
Mozart is very quiet
and you hear, isn't it?
Oh-ho, Daddy.
Baby, you mustn't
be envious of the others.
I know how much
you would like to be out there
playing and dancing,
but music can be a source
of happiness, too.
It's given me great happiness.
Yes, Daddy.
That's my girl.
No. C-shape, Mr. Kramer. C-sharp.
Mr. Kellerman, Annette is gone.
she has disappeared again.
But I just left her upstairs.
Excuse me, Mr. Kramer, will you?
I can't understand.
Where the world
is that child wandered?
Mr. Kellerman, I can not
look out after her every minute
and take care of the house
at the same time.
I have my chores...
Mary, please,
I'm not blaming you.
Tell Mr. Kramer
I'll be back shortly.
I'm going to find out once and
for all where that child goes.
Annette, what are you doing?
Hello, Daddy.
you come right back here.
Come right back here.
Annette, my baby.
In heaven's name,
whatever possess you?
You might have drowned.
I can't drown, Daddy.
And why not?
Because I've learned to swim.
Is this where you've been
coming everyday?
Darling, I've got to be
very cross with you.
You know what the doctors said,
that your legs would never
be strong enough for...
for what other children do.
But my legs are strong.
The strongest ever since
I've been sick.
I can even walk better
and without my braces. Watch.
Swimming can't hurt me.
How can anything hurt
when it makes you feel so good.
Please let me come back here
and swim again.
Darling, we'll come back here
and swim everyday.
By your victory today,
Miss Kellerman,
you attain permanent
possession of this trophy.
Emblematic of the amateur
freestyle championship
of New South Wales.
Thank you.
This is getting to
be a habit, Annette.
What are you
going to do with all these cups?
They're crowding Dad
right out of his study.
This is a blow to us,
Mr. Kellerman.
I knew you'd understand.
Only too well, Mrs. Grays.
This financial crisis
has affected all of us.
I hope that John won't have to
give up his music permanently.
I hope not. Good bye.
Good bye, Mr. Kellerman.
Good bye.
Good bye. Good luck.
Dad? Look.
The amateur championship.
Permanent possession.
Wonderful, darling.
I'm so proud of you.
Yeah, why does it
always have to be a cup?
We could use a new key service.
I'll fix some tea.
Would you like some?
No, I don't think so. Thank you.
Annette, I'm closing
the conservatory.
The few pupils
we have left hardly pay expenses.
No... We're not charity cases yet.
I wrote my old friend,
Thomas Crocker of
Crocker Conservatory in London.
He has offered me a post
as his assistant.
It's a big move for all of us,
but I know there are times
when we have to make decisions.
This is the biggest
decision of my life.
Dad, if it's money,
you don't have to.
I could teach swimming
or maybe even turn professional.
There were nearly a thousand
people there at the place...
Darling, swimming is your hobby
and I want it
to remain just that.
It has blessed you with good
health and this I'm grateful.
But as a career, no,
your music and ballet come first.
London will give you the chance
to go on with your studies.
It may be the best thing
for both of us.
Well, in that case, what's
everyone looking so gloom about.
One thing I know, Dad,
the Kellermans will always win.
Oh, yes.
Come on, Dad.
Let's walk some more.
Bet you have me around this
deck six times since breakfast.
You're acting like an old man.
I am an old man.
Hold it, city. Hold it, city boy.
Wait a minute. Oh, my God.
Wait, come back. Wait, come back.
What? Hold it. Wait. Hold. Hold.
Hold on, folks.
That's a boy.
Wait a minute, Sydney.
Whatcha know.
Wait till I get my dentist bill.
What did I tell you?
He's got the greatest left hand
in the business.
Dynamite and bullfist.
I'm sorry, folks. I hope
he didn't scare you too much
but Sydney get the old feeling
that there's old thing down there.
What's going on here?
Did you take that Roo
out of the hold again?
Look, purser. I assure you...
Don't bother to assure me.
I warned you repeatedly.
Sherif and
I had quite enough of you.
That piece is a menace.
Only if the pricing, I assure you
The pricing is a killer
but out of the ring, why,
he's as gentle as a lamb.
I tell you...
I tell you.
You keep that beast below deck
or I'll put him
off the next port.
And you with him.
Don't look at me,
this thing ain't my idea.
Take him below, Doc.
Now look here, you.
You hit me once more when
I ain't looking so help me up,
I'll pick you right in the pouch.
Now, come on. Behave yourself.
And keep him there.
Man and humanity.
I hope they haven't
scare you too much.
No. I'm very fond of kangaroo.
You say he boxes.
Boxes? Let me tell you something.
This is the greatest act
I ever uncovered.
Why, if Sydney's a man,
he'd be the next champion.
Take my word for it.
We have no reason not to.
Sure, he's risky
and full of energy
but out of the ring, why,
he wouldn't hurt a flee.
Your friend doesn't
seem to think so.
Doctor? Doc does take things
too seriously.
He's been
training fighters for years,
he expects kangaroo
to act the same way.
As a matter of fact, we were both
starting with fighter
when we first met Sydney,
a middleweight named
Tiger Driscold.
We offer a bonus for anybody
who'd go two rounds with him.
One day, this fellow
came along leading the kangaroo.
One punch, just one punch match,
a half of everything
I had to buy.
Well, let's hope your
investment proofs a sound risk.
Thanks. I have a hunch for
blue chip this time.
Are you bound to London, too?
Yes, if this boat
ever gets there.
This is my daughter's
first visit.
She's going to
study for the ballet.
In honor of that, you must be
my guest in Sydney's opening.
Look me up personally,
no charges.
That's very nice of you.
Thank you.
Just ask for Jimmy Sullivan.
James Sullivan,
of Sullivan's wonder ship.
I'm Frederick Kellerman and
this is my daughter, Annette.
Annette Kellerman.
You're the swimmer.
Show your picture in the paper.
That was an awful picture.
My daughter had just won the
amateur freestyle championship
of the New South Wales.
Set a new record in the presence
of two thousand people.
Dad. You did.
That's a lot of people.
Swimming is very popular now
in Australia.
I can understand why.
Well, nice to meet you,
Mr. Sullivan.
I hope Sydney's a big success.
Let me call you sweetheart.
I'm in love with you.
Let me hear you whisper
that you love me, too.
If to all my going
in your arms all true,
let me call you sweetheart.
I'm in love with you.
Forgive the intrusion,
would you be interested
in shipboard romance?
I've been standing over there
watching you for
the past ten minutes.
I know. Women always know
when men are watching.
Then maybe you noticed
the puzzle look on my face.
And I keep asking myself
how a girl pretty as you
can break swimming records,
and how a girl
who can break swimming records
and insists on
ballet dancing as a career.
What's wrong with a ballet?
I don't know.
I guess I've always
associated it
with long hair and swans...
And I'm more the desk class?
No. What I mean is,
Whatever type you are,
it must be my type.
I meet the girl
for the first time two days ago
and I can't get her
out of my mind.
I keep saying to myself.
Sullivan, this is without a doubt
the prettiest girl
you've ever met.
And a voice come back,
nonesense, it's a tropical night
and the stars.
You have jungle blood.
And then I replied,
but you have seen
tropical nights before
and you don't have
hot jungle blood.
You're just a
crazy Irish man from Boston
who runs the carnival.
And what reply
did you get from that?
None. I'm on my own now.
please don't think I'm forward
but there's something
I must ask you.
There's something
that I must get off my chest.
Annette, I want to marry you.
Marriage? Did you say marriage?
What's the matter?
Nothing. I'm sorry.
Look, I know a fit
when I see one.
If two thousand people
would come to see you in Sydney,
five thousand, ten thousand
would pay to see you in London.
I'll give the afternoon
twist a little zip.
Not just swimming.
I can see it now.
Annette Kellerman,
the Australian mermaid.
Half woman half fish.
I'll build you a little tank
and make you up
to look like a real mermaid
with skilly fin and all.
Well, you may be a bigger draw
than the kangaroo.
I doubt it. Good evening.
Mr. Sullivan,
for your information,
my daughter is not
half woman half fish.
She is, I assure you, all woman.
I couldn't agree with you more.
she is not interested in swimming
either professionally
or as a career,
nor diving into a tank
nor wearing a mermaid's tail.
Her soul interest is the ballet,
mine's the music.
But, Mr. Keller...
I don't' wish to...
...discuss it any further.
But, look.
This is the greatest idea...
What's the matter?
It's Sydney.
He broke loose again.
Where is he now?
Up at the Captain's bridge.
Holy smoke. It'll be a wreck.
Hold it still, Captain.
But I don't understand.
Is there no one running
the conservatory now?
No one, sir.
I'm the only one here.
Since poor Mr. Crooper died.
They just closed the place down.
I see. Well, thank you.
Thank you very much.
I don't know what to say.
Most of our funds
were for passage.
It's only one gate
is closed, Dad.
Don't worry,
the Kellermans will always eat.
Three, four, five.
That's one pound five.
There you are, Miss.
Thank you, Mr. Davis.
It's a real big one this time.
I was wondering,
you don't have any connections
in the ballet, did you?
Yes, dozens of connections.
Thank you again, Mr. Davis.
Good luck.
Jimmy and Doc.
Hi ya, Miss.
I'm glad to see you.
We just drop by to brush up
on our piano lessons.
Won't you come in?
Saw the sign outside.
Any customers?
No, you're the first.
What smells so good?
I'm making an Australian stew.
And what's that?
Same as Irish stew,
only the meat's down under.
That's too bad.
We drop by to invite you
and your father out for dinner.
Yeah. Out to dinner.
Yeah, dinner.
We found a nice little place
down at piccalilli.
French cuisine.
You weren't good
at anything of that kind.
But you're invited to stay and
sample my cooking if you like to.
No. Now, we wouldn't
think of imposing on you.
There's plenty and I insist.
Well, I guess it's better than
looking at the clown
dressing and all that.
Besides, I'm getting awfully
tired of those rich food.
We'll stay.
Make yourself comfortable
and I'll get things ready.
By the way, how's Sydney?
He's developed the one-two punch.
And I've got the jaw to proof it.
Yes, the greatest act
ever put under attempt.
There's only one thing wrong.
No one knows about it.
That's where you'll come in.
That's where I come in?
We figured that if we could
get enough people down there,
the rest
would take care of itself.
So we thought maybe
if you'd be interested in,
Well, making a little money.
Money? How?
Well, the idea I had in mind
was a swim down the Temps.
Maybe five or six miles
ending up at the carnaval.
We'd follow you
in a row boat, of course.
Yeah. If Sydney could swim,
we wouldn't be bothering you.
We'll pay you five pounds
and fifty percent
of the day's proceeds.
Well... if you're going to
stage a swim,
why won't you make it a real one?
What do you mean?
Well, that six miles
won't impress anybody,
but twenty-six miles might.
Twenty-six miles. Holy smoke.
I can't even row that far.
I can't understand
what happen to the reporters.
I've notified the press.
Maybe they thought
we were crackpots.
I wouldn't blame them.
Nobody dare think of doing this.
I think we better start.
How do you feel? Cold.
I can't see two feet of me.
Which way do we go?
Just point the boat down river.
Ready, honey?
Good luck, honey.
Good luck, Annette.
Well, Sydney, here we come.
Annette, where are you?
Why, me.
There's a girl in the water.
Look out in there.
Under the cloud.
Hang on, Miss.
We'll toss you a line.
Never mind there.
Which way is the drainage?
That way.
Thank you.
Did she say drainage?
How do you feel?
I could swim fifty miles
in this current.
Save your strength, honey.
You'll be needing
it when we hit the tides.
Great Scott.
What's that girl trying to do?
Get off this story.
She'll never get pass
the Tower bridge.
Australian girl in marathon swim.
Australian girl in marathon swim.
Australian girl...
There she is. Listen.
There's Westministers Bridge.
What are all those buildings?
Parliament. And that's Big Ben.
Beautiful sight, isn't it?
I can think of a prettier sight.
What's that?
Food. I'm starving.
We'll leave in half hour.
Keep swimming.
Hey, John.
Look at all those people.
Come on, girl.
There she is. Yes. There she is.
Take it on.
Good girl. Good girl.
What about that food?
Doc? Where's the hamper?
What hamper?
The lunch hamper.
The hamper with the food
that you're supposed to bring.
Didn't you bring it?
Didn't I bring it.
Maybe if we bring it up,
she'll forget the whole thing.
Maybe she'll forget
the whole thing.
I can't
keep floating much longer.
Where are we going to
get any grab
in the middle of the Temps River.
I don't know
but we've got to think
of something or she'll pass out.
There's Tower Point.
Park it there and I'll see
what I can wrestle up.
What's happening? Where is she?
She needs to come into the bank.
That badly, they gave me this?
Has a pretty nurse gave me this?
Not a bad home?
Yeah, but all that food
and nothing to drink.
I took care of that, too.
Can't you row any faster?
What do you think I am,
the Cambridge crew?
Lunch. Come and get it.
Not exactly a seven course dinner
but it's the best I can do.
They just went for food,
they're hungry.
They'll never make drainage.
There's a strong tide coming.
She'll make it. She'll make it.
She's my daughter, you know.
She's my daughter.
Currents turning against her.
I hope the old tides moving
in like a wall.
I know when we're licked.
Swing along side of it, Doc.
We'll pull her in.
You mean quick?
That's what I said.
Anne's gonna kill herself
by five pounds.
Maybe if we went...
Doc, I said pull her in.
That's enough, honey.
Come on aboard.
I'll make it.
Don't be silly.
There's always another time.
No. No.
You'll kill yourself
fighting this tide.
I can't go up now. I just can't.
Hey, Jimmy. What's a...
Honey. It's finished.
We're just a mile away.
Do you think
you can hold up, honey.
I'll make it. I know I could.
What do you think
of a girl like that.
Daily Express,
can you answer a few questions?
Can you hold it for a picture,
Miss Kellerman.
Just for a moment,
just like that. Please.
Miss Kellerman is exhausted.
Give her a chance
to catch her breath.
She'll answer all your questions,
she'll be over at my office
at the corner.
Alright, come on.
Let's follow them.
When do you first begin
to get taught, Miss Kellerman?
Did you swim
as far as this in Australia?
How long did it
take you to train?
Give us a good story,
Miss Kellerman.
Please, one at a time.
Which question first.
Tell us about your training,
Miss Kellerman.
Do you swim every day, don't you?
Well, that all depends.
Oh, gee, gentlemen. I'm so tired.
Kangaroo winning human frame.
He win, he boxed, he strikes
when the fought are files.
Where's the girl
who made the swim?
Over there.
How's the house?
Fine, but the people
aren't in it. If you ask me,
we're selling tickets
for the wrong attraction.
Start the show. I'll see if I can
get the press over here.
And bring me back some
black coffee, will you?
I'm dead on my feet.
Sullivan, you have
to get her out of there.
The child's so exhausted
she can barely hold her head up.
I'll see what I can do.
Yes, I was born in Sydney
and my first...
Alright, gentlemen.
That's it for now.
We'll be available
for further interviews tomorrow.
Thank you very much.
Good night, Miss Kellerman.
Good night.
Let me call your attention
to another visit from Australia.
Not as pretty as Miss Kellerman
but in his own way,
just as nice...
Look. Aren't you going to
see the kangaroo?
Poor Sydney.
Looks like you're ready
to put out of business.
Okay. Okay.
Take it easy. Take it easy.
Now you're full of ginger.
Last night
you couldn't draw a fly.
And we're prepared
to offer Miss Kellerman
eight pounds a week
for such series of swims.
Well, she's still asleep
and I doubt every much
if she'd be interested.
Alright, though
If there's any change,
you can reach me at Daily Mirror.
Doubt that she'll be interested?
What are you, nut?
Good morning.
Good morning, Dad.
Good morning.
Good morning, Sydney.
You could tell your boss
he'd got the most comfortable bed
I ever slept in.
You might as well
face it, Professor.
Your daughter here
is a celebrated woman.
She'd already receive
a dozen offer of employment.
Employment? What kind?
Every kind.
Personal appearances,
swimming events, diving exhibits,
the H&R club wants you to go on
the duck shooting season,
the Crystal Palace would like
to know if you could sing,
and then there's
the chap here a minute ago,
who's from the Daily Mirror.
His paper
wants to sponsor a series
of swim at beach resorts
offering eight pounds a week.
Well, you didn't let him away,
did you? You accept it?
Well, which offer did you accept?
You don't think for a minute.
I'll let you fall
for any of these chicken feat.
Eight pounds
to swim around the ocean.
What kind of a future
is there to that?
Future? Who's thinking about
the future?
I am. Maybe you don't realize it,
but you've struck gold, pay dirt.
Those crowd who came last night,
they didn't come to see me,
they come to see you,
and I for one, intend to
see that you capitalize on it.
What do you propose to do?
I propose to stage a show.
Our own show, a water carnival.
A water carnival?
Why not.
It's something brand new.
We get a tank
and we charge admission.
Our own private ocean.
I can see it now.
People flocking to see the
gorgeous mermaid from Down Under.
I see something beautiful,
something graceful, a ballet.
That's it.
A water ballet except the music.
Just a moment.
All these sounds
highly imaginative,
but where would you
stage such an event
and where can you find
a tank big enough
for what you describe.
The tank is already built
and waiting for us.
Ever hear of
the New York Hippodrome?
The Hippodrome?
New York?
My dear boy, really.
Three thousand miles away.
Well, whatever. It's the
biggest tank in the world,
the largest theater in the world.
And the longest swim
in the world.
you must have been joking.
How could we
get to New York City?
Jimmy, it's a
wonderful idea, but...
really, Dad and I couldn't pay
a trip to Liverpool, that alone.
Who said anything
about you paying for this.
Anybody who travels with Sullivan
travels first class
all expenses paid.
Look, I happen to know the owners
of the Hippodrome personally.
Have a concession
when they run a little park.
That Sherman would go
for this little idea in a second.
But how could you
afford the fares?
I thought you were, I mean...
Broke? Perhaps.
But, Mr. Kellerman,
I have such confidence
in this idea
that I'm willing to sacrifice
my entire asset.
What asset?
Jimmy, no.
Come here, Doc.
Look, I want you
to put Sydney in the wagon.
There's a circus coming to town
and I'm sure we could get
a good price for him.
Go ahead.
Now, Mr. Kellerman, look.
There's a lot of things
I like to discuss with you...
Now, don't take this too hard,
old timer.
That's show business.
One minute you're up,
the next minute you're...
Mr. Kellerman.
No... We said we'll wait for them.
I'll be alright.
Take it easy, Pop.
Do you want to sit down?
No, no. I'll be alright.
You know, this is a
big proposition, real big.
Don't you worry about Sullivan.
He could sell
water wings to a duck.
I'm becoming aware of that.
Here I am,
ten thousand miles from home
in a strange city and...
completely dependent
upon your persuasive friend.
They're liable to be in there
for sometime, Mr. Kellerman.
Come on, we better go home.
Perhaps you're right.
Everybody wants to be
in impresario.
Everybody has the world's
greatest idea for the Hippodrome.
Mine's not the greatest,
Mr. Harper,
but it's a colorful
and exploitable package.
It's good. It's one of
the best that I've ever heard.
My compliment
on your showmanship,
but I can't use it.
You can't use it? But...
I simply can't risk it
on an unknown.
Take a look at this clippings.
They're impressive.
They're very impressive
but they happened in London.
In New York,
the story was just a swift.
I can't build the whole show
around the swimmer.
Annette isn't just
a swimmer, Mr. Harper.
She's got something very unusual.
I'm sure she has.
Mr. Harper, I know that
this water carnival idea
is tailor-made
for a place like hippodrome.
Let me put it this way.
Right now, the policy of
the Hippodrome costs applaud
and spectacles with story.
These are tanks
for the big climax.
For me to stage a water ballet
without even a book,
well, I mean, I like it, but...
Hello. What's it? No. No.
We have all
the confederate uniforms we want.
I might be
needing some show girls.
Can you do anything besides swim?
Well, I can dance.
Well, if you're interested,
come back Monday.
It's the best I can do.
I'm sorry.
But, Mr. Harper...
By the way,
can you find me a Lincoln
that looks like Lincoln?
Well, all those characters
you have dug out
look more like
the Smith brothers.
Yes, I know. Now look.
I've told you what I wanted.
This man must be...
If you can't do it,
I'll get somebody else.
You know what I want...
Well, that's that.
It isn't your fault, Jimmy.
It's a good idea and I run into
it with my eyes open.
Well, anyway, you can go work
with Harper if you want to.
Might not be a bad idea.
I don't know
what I'm going to do.
Probably run up to Boston.
Find my own concession
at the Beetbeach.
He wants me
to help in ballethood.
Jimmy, I have to make some money.
It's Dad I'm thinking about.
You see, music is his whole life,
loving it, teaching it,
having his own conservatory.
If only I could give
it to him that much.
You can.
Forget it. I'm not going
to sell you something else
that haven't fizzle out.
Take the Harper job.
It's safe on expenses.
No. I need more
than just expenses.
Jimmy, how much can you
make out of a concession?
If it clicks, plenty.
All we have to do is pool
enough money together
to buy a little tank
and then we... Look,
I told you to forget it.
It's too much of a long shot.
I've only got six dollars
in my pocket.
Well, I still have
three silver cups left
and then that would be enough
to get us to Boston, isn't it?
Well, I was just thinking.
In London, we swam down
the Temps to get publicity
and that work pretty well,
didn't it?
Keep talking.
Suppose we did
the same thing here.
I'll marathon swim
from somewhere, anywhere.
Not anywhere, from Revere Beach.
Oh, baby, I knew we were a team
from the first time I saw you.
We'll stand that town on its ear.
I'll get enough backing
for ten tanks not just one.
Jimmy. Do you think so?
Think so? Who's going to stop us?
Just be patient. He'll be along
in a couple of minutes.
Where is she
going to swim to, mister?
To that lighthouse,
way up there, in fact.
Gee, that must be fifty miles.
Twenty miles.
What did you get there
in the basket, mister?
Take your hands off that hamper.
Come on, get out of here.
Go on.
Beat it, you little monster.
I don't believe it.
Did you see that?
Her legs are bare.
She ought to be arrested.
Who is she?
Look at her...
What is it? Who?
I don't believe it.
That's her.
Let's not bother her.
They'll be cheering
when she finish her swim.
On a public beach.
Wait up. Wait up.
The row boat is all ready.
Colder out here
than it is in the water.
Well, honey. This is it.
Good luck, Annette.
Thanks, Doc. I'll need it.
Don't worry about anything.
Just start to swim.
It's disgraceful.
Arrest that woman.
Hold. Just a minute.
Just a minute.
Just a minute, miss.
What do you think you're doing?
this is Annette Kellerman,
the famous Australian swimmer.
She's about the embark
on a twenty miles swim.
Not in that outfit.
What? You don't expect me to go
20 miles on those things, do you?
All I expect you to do, miss,
is cover yourself up.
Come on, Jimmy.
Let's get out of here.
Not on your life.
You've done nothing wrong
and I won't
let anyone intimidate you.
Just a minute. Just a moment.
Indecent exposure.
Held for trial.
All those hypocrites,
who knows, hypocrites.
How dare they.
Dad. where are we going?
Now, now.
The lobby's full of
reporters and cameramen,
and they like to know
if they can come up.
Well, you just tell them
to go away.
Tell them I've left town.
I never want to see Boston again.
I'll just go some place else.
Wrong. You'll swim here.
As far as I'm concern,
this is the greatest thing
that has ever happened.
The greatest...
I'm booked and fingerprinted
and arrested just like a con...
What others.
Don't you realize
you're the standard bearer
of all American womanhood?
In your hands lies the power
the wreck
the shutter of puritanry.
Free the feminine sex
and the aura of convention.
Go ahead, run away if you want.
But I tell you,
this is more than a trial,
more than a newspaper headline.
This is a crusade.
I said bravo.
This tempest over a bathing suit,
it's... it's really evil.
It should be
exposed to the world.
Well, I for one,
intends to see that
my daughter stays
and fights this thing through.
Here. Here. That a boy, Pop.
It's high time the American women
show what they have in skin.
It's up to you, darling.
You can pay the fine
and leave Boston tonight
or you can stay and accept
the challenge.
Tell those reporters to come up.
I'll give them a story,
bathing suit and all.
And as prosecutor
for this county,
I demand
the severest possible penalty
for this brazen young woman
who has wantonly flaunted
every statute of decency.
She and the others like her
must learn that
laws are made to be observed.
Her guilt is uncontestable.
She admits that she wore
the indecent garment in question.
I admit no such thing.
What's that?
You deny that
you appear at Revere Beach
in a flimsy material
that barely covered...
I admit
I wore a one-piece bathing suit.
I do not admit that
it was indecent.
Whatever definition you apply,
your arms,
neck and shoulder were exposed,
not to mention
your limps and thighs.
My ankle were also exposed,
not to mention my toes,
knees and fingers.
I also notice your teeth
are exposed.
Does that make you indecent?
Your honor. Your honor,
if you please.
This woman has deliberately
trying to make
a mockery of this court.
I wouldn't be surprise
if those pickets
are outside at her instigation.
This frequent disrespect...
I object, your honor.
Are you the attorney
for the defendant?
Then keep your seat
or I shall have to eject you.
Miss Kellerman,
it's not the intention
of this court to take side in
what is essentially
feminine thing.
You're charged
with indecent exposure
to which you pleaded...
Not guilty, sir.
Your honor, her appearance
at the beach was witnessed
by hundreds of people,
including a police officer.
I am aware of that.
Have you anything further to add,
Miss Kellerman?
Yes, your honor, I have.
You see, I have been in
swimming competition all my life,
and the only way I've been
able to compete successfully
is by wearing a man's
one-piece racing suit.
After all, sir, you can't deny me
my right to swim, can you?
Certainly not.
Well then, how is it possible
to swim a race
tied up in a corset
and ten yards away of drapery?
Mr. Kelleman,
let me remind you that
it is not I who was on trial.
I'm sorry, your honor.
May I please ask
the court one more question?
Well, do the authority object
to the one piece bathing suit
or that the fact the limps
are not entirely covered?
I see no reason
to base any decision
on the number of piece
on article of clothings.
Well, perhaps
I could suggest a compromise.
Thank you.
This is the original racing suit,
except that I have sewn
some stockings at the bottom
and jersey on the top.
As you can see,
this will cover
the entire body except
the forearms and the head.
I consider that shocking,
your honor.
I consider it very ingenious.
Is it my understanding
that any further
swimming appearances will be made
in a bathing suit of that nature?
Yes, your honor.
Case dismiss.
Hurry... Step right up.
The show is next five minutes.
Alright, folks, step right up.
See Annette Kellerman
in a one-piece swimming suit.
Annette show in five minutes.
Step right up, friend. How many?
Thank you, sir.
Annette show in five minutes.
Hurry. Hurry. Hurry.
See Annette Kellerman
in a one-piece swimming suit.
Hurry. Hurry...
Ladies and gentlemen,
introducing Australia's mermaid
Annette Kellerman,
voted by Harvard University
as the World's
most perfect woman.
World's champion swimmer,
holder of records
from one hundredyards
to twenty-six miles.
Miss Annette Kellerman.
Miss Kellerman
will now demonstrate
the various swimming strokes.
The breast stroke.
The over arm stroke.
For the first time in America,
the Trojan stroke.
This stroke was made
by Miss Kellerman
when she attempt
the sensational swim
at Tempe River
in London, England.
And now
for the first time in America,
Miss Kellerman introduces
her famous Australian crawl.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
for the first time in the U.S.A.,
a woman will give her public
exhibition of fancy high diving.
Miss Kellerman will now
demonstrate the front high dive.
Step right up, folks.
The show is now going on.
The Annette Kellerman
and her one-piece bathing suit.
Step right up.
Atta boy, talk it up.
Six weeks, Doc. Make it seven.
Every show a different color.
Jimmy, I'm soaking wet.
Good. Maybe that'll
put the fire on.
Go. Go.
Think it over, Sullivan.
I'm leaving for Florida tonight.
I could use a guy like you.
If it's the other way, boy,
I might be interested.
Which way?
Maybe I could use a guy like you.
You know, sometimes
I wish we had Sydney back.
We didn't have that much money,
but I don't have this...
this bookkeeping.
And what's this item here,
personal, two hundred dollars.
It's this personal matter.
No kidding. Did you ask her yet?
Today's the day.
Season's closing real soon...
And you want somebody to keep
your feet warm every night.
Great, but what about me?
Doc, I've got an idea
for something brand new.
A great idea.
A swimmer and a flyer.
A flyer.
That's what we'll do.
The acts will be dynamite.
You know, he can actually
take that contraption
four hundred feet off the ground?
I don't like it.
It's against nature.
You and your grousing.
Can't you see that new poster,
Sullivan's combined shows.
King of the air,
Queen of the sea.
Don't get me wrong now.
That will still be
our number one attraction.
We can dream, can't we?
There she is, dreamer.
Hi, there. Hello, Jimmy.
I'm not late, am I?
Performance starts at two thirty.
Jimmy. This is Mr. Aldrich,
of the Aldrich Selection Bureau.
He was kind enough
to drive me back from lunch.
My pleasure.
How do you do?
I have a special
interest in Miss Kellerman.
I'm trying to persuade her
to go on a tour.
What kind of tour?
He offered me
a great deal of money
and ten weeks guarantee,
just to do a series of lectures.
Yes, indeed. I see Miss Kellerman
in a very dignified presentation
giving a lecture
on the body beautiful.
Perhaps a little ballet
on the subject.
Ballet? Lecture? No.
What's so funny?
Darling. I'm sorry that
one of us must be nutty.
You competing
with William Jennings Brown.
I can see you now
up on the platform
with a picture
of water and ballet
dancing around some grass drapes.
Holy smoke.
I'm happy
to be contributing so much
to your amusement, Mr. Sullivan.
But I assure you my end
is a very dignified
and lucrative business.
Miss Kellerman will not be
swimming around tank like a seal,
performing in a carnival
like a fat lady on one side
and a fire-eater on the other.
You don't like carnivals?
They have their place.
And you don't like swimming
around tanks either.
For a fish, yes.
For a beautiful woman
like Miss kellerman...
Mr. Aldrich,
I think it's about time
that you learn to enjoy water.
Jimmy, stop that.
Jimmy, Let go of him. Let go.
Alright. Run along, sonny,
and take your grass
sticks with you.
Jimmy, how dare you.
Mr. Aldrich, I'm terribly sorry.
Go over there and sit down.
Annette, put over your suit.
The show starts
in twenty minutes.
Annette, I'm sorry.
This big temper of mine.
I guess I'll never
be able to control it.
Darling. We shouldn't
quarrel, not about this.
It's just not important enough.
I don't get you.
We came up here purely
and simply for money.
Anything that offers us
more money is more important.
Still got old Aldrich
on your mind, have you?
it's five hundred dollars a week.
Puts me just that much closer
to Kallerman conversatory.
It isn't as though
we're splitting up.
I'll talk to Aldrich.
I'm sure there'll
be important job for you.
Like filling the water pitchers.
Or picking up the drapes.
Or maybe I can come ahead of you
and give short talk
on high class we are.
Maybe somewhere along the line,
we get our signals crossed.
You got into your head
that you want to work.
Well, get it out fast.
You're a swimmer
doing a tank act
in Sullivan's water carnival,
and not a bad show either.
And how long can it last?
After all, what we're doing
is capitalizing
on a lot of
cheap bathing suit publicity.
What do you think
this Aldrich thing is anyway?
All he's trying to do is cash
in on the same dodge
and ballyhoo that
I've been arranged.
That you arranged?
Sure. What did you think
I let that cop to arrest you?
No, Jimmy, you didn't.
Didn't I?
Can you stand there...
what about all that talk about
a crusade and...
Bunk. Who cares what
a lot of females wear on a beach,
as long as I can keep you
in a one-piece bathing suit.
Baby, you're a swimmer.
You belong in the water.
Wet, you're terrific.
Dry, you're just a nice girl
who ought to settle down
and get married.
Thank you very much
for the advice.
One thing I know for sure,
if and when I do get married,
it will never be the work
of a cheap, stubborn,
flea circus proprietor.
This flea circus does alright
for the fleas in it,
except when they jumped
out of their cages.
Ballet. Comics wanting
to play hamlet. Toe dancing.
She has that bug in her head
ever since we first met.
Well, Miss Kellerman
may be able to swim,
but she'll never fly.
What are you talking about?
Jimmy, no.
Look at these receipts,
look at these books. Here, look,
nothing but money, money, money.
Plenty where all those came from.
I'd be a sucker to go ahead
and think big plans
depends on the whim of a girl
with bloody notions
about herself.
Hey, look, pal.
You ain't serious, right.
You're kidding, Jimmy.
Tell me you're kidding.
I'll be back in a few minutes.
Flea circus.
Flea circus, she calls us.
And then, my dear,
you will come out
in a tasteful evening gown
against the background of perhaps
a small salon of orchestra.
Your talk will be prepared,
of course, subject
to your approval.
And as for the dances...
Mr. Aldrich,
I'm terribly sorry but I, well...
I just can't see myself
doing all those sort of thing.
My dear child,
it's natural to be nervous,
and I understand.
But you'll only...
Please. I have a headache.
Perhaps we can talk about
it some other time.
But I have to make preparations.
Well, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid
you better hold up for a while.
Good night, Miss Kellerman.
Good night, Mr. Aldrich.
Good evening.
Annette, read this.
It's from
the New York Hippodrome.
New Hippodrome policy
will feature great specialty.
Can you come to New York
to discuss deal. Alfred Harper.
Dad, the New York Hippodrome.
But this is just Jimmy...
What is it, my dear?
So that's it.
You better let him read it, too.
There's nothing like good news
to patch up a lover's quarrel.
Come on, off you go.
Miss Kelleman.
Hello, Andy.
What are you doing here?
I thought you're on your way
to florida with Mr. Sullivan.
That's what he said.
You mean you didn't know?
Yes, of course, Andy.
How stupid of me.
Thank you, Andy.
Madam Pavlova. Yes.
I'm Annette Kellerman.
Indeed, I know, my dear.
I have watched you perform.
Well, I want to tell you is that,
well, all my life,
I've been wanting to
be able to dance like you.
You studied for the ballet?
My dear, don't thought that
your studies have been in vain.
Your act is wonderful.
You have applied
your ballet training
to something new and different.
They tell me
there is only one Pavlova,
but from what I've seen, someday,
they'll say
the same thing about you.
There is only one
Annette Kellerman.
I wish she hasn't told you that.
Here I am with next season's
contract still unsigned
and people like Pavlova
may start puffing you up.
No. I'll always work for
the Hippodrome for nothing.
There's no need
for that, Annette.
You really have been great
and this is the best way
I know of saying.
Don't thank me.
Thank all the people
who came here to see you.
Annette, I'm giving
a little supper for Pavlova
Saturday night
after the performance.
Can you come?
May I let you know?
I don't get it.
Are you in mourning
or are you just a hermit.
Mr. Kellerman,
I'm trying to persuade
your daughter to come to a party
and seems I can't...
Of course, she'll go.
It'll do you good, darling.
You'd been seeing
too little of New York
and too much of my musicians.
And besides, orders are orders.
Mr. Harper is my new boss.
I'd been asked to work
in the Hippodrome Orchestra
for the next season.
Dad. Let's hope
it's only the beginning, sir.
The Hippodrome needs
your kind of talent.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Got to make the Kellermans happy.
The man at my box office
told me so.
I'll see you later.
Bye, Alfred.
Dad, I think it's just
so exciting and wonderful.
The two of us
here working together.
I couldn't be happier.
Couldn't you?
I've got the report.
He went to Florida
with that flying act
and William sliced up
the second day.
And where is he now?
Well, this report said
he was in New Orleans
for a while
with a wrestling bear,
then up in Chicago with some kind
of concession that closed.
Dad, I've just got to find him.
That argument with him
was so stupid and silly.
This whole thing, the Hippodrome,
it was Jimmy's idea.
Darling, you mustn't
confuse love and loyalty.
You owe nothing to anybody
in the world.
Not to me or anybody.
Jimmy knows that, too.
Does he?
Deep in his heart he does.
I'm sure that's the reason
for his absence.
He wants to make good
without Annette Kellerman,
if you should don't need him.
Dad, I do need him. I'm...
I know but that's
the way Sullivan is.
And he's no different
from most of us.
Darling, that's the price
a woman pays for achievement.
It'll come to you something
you've offered but not before.
It's a long gamble, I'll admit.
A thousand and one shot
that may never come off.
The only thing
you could be sure of
is that he'll be trying.
Hello, Martley.
Harper, what is it?
What's the matter?
Poor old guy. He was okay.
He never did
get his conservatory.
Wish he had.
Aren't you gonna see her?
Hey, Jimmy.
Look pal. You and me,
we've been around together
for a long time.
Sometime I croused, I admit it.
You know,
I'd give my right arm for you.
What are you getting at?
Well, you ain't really serious
about going ahead
with this scheme, are you?
You bet your life I am.
I'm going to
get this plane off the ground
and we're going to hit pay dirt.
I hope that's all we hit.
The arial sensational.
Read about it.
Read about it.
Cross country air race.
Thirty thousand dollars
in prizes. Read about it.
Good evening, Mr. Harper.
Good evening, Miss Kellerman.
Good evening.
Did you hear about
the cross country air race?
The thirty thousand dollars
in cash prize?
Well, that's alright.
No, no. Take it.
Thank you.
Crazy fools,
they'll all be killed.
That's mad, but what is done.
Good evening, Rachel.
Hello, Mac.
Well, Doc.
Hello, Annette.
Can I talk to you a second?
Excuse me, Alfred.
This is an old friend of mine,
Doc Cronnol. Mr. Harper.
How are you?
Glad to meet you.
I'll see you later, dear.
Fine. Fine.
Come on. Come on in
and tell me all about yourself.
How have you been?
Fine. Fine.
How's Jimmy?
That's why I'm here.
I hate to bother you, Annette,
but somebody got to
talk him out of that thing.
What thing?
That Buckaus air race.
He's got his eyes on that fifty
thousand dollars pot, you know.
Doc. Jimmy?
You mean
he's gonna fly to California?
He's gonna try.
You should see and watch.
You can't even steer that thing.
You can swing around
with ropes over your shoulders.
Doc. He'll
smash himself to pieces.
Well, I've been
trying to tell him
but you know that Sullivan.
I just thought
maybe there was something
you could figure out.
When did he plan to take off?
Any time now, maybe even tomorrow
if the weather's right.
We've been sleeping
next to the machine,
out of Montac point.
Doc. I've got
a performance tonight.
Don't you worry, I'll be there.
I'll figure out something.
Gee, thanks, Annette.
Bye-bye, Doc.
Don't tell him I came here.
I 'm enough trouble now.
Sure. Sure, Doc. Bye.
Well, it looks like it's lifting.
Okay, Mac. Clear the field.
We're gonna take off.
Jim, don't you think
we ought to wait a little while.
It might rain.
The weather is perfect.
Please, I'm sorry.
Excuse me, please.
Nobody gets through, miss.
He's gonna take off.
But officer, I...
I'm sorry.
Nobody gets through.
Stand back.
Thank you.
Keep going, Sullivan.
Bring me an orange
from California, Jimmy.
Good luck, Jim.
I'll need it.
Best of luck, Jim.
Thank you.
Hello, sweetest.
How's everything?
I heard you're at the Hippodrome.
She has no pass, Mr. Sullivan.
Shall I let her stay?
Sure, why not.
She's a famous personality
in that Coleman.
Why won't let you?
Jimmy Sullivan,
I don't care what happen to you,
but Doc is a friend of mine
and I forbid you
to take him on this flight.
See what I mean?
Greatest lecture of the day.
You heard me.
I'm not going to let them find
Doc's broken body
crushed and mangled in some where
in the Rocky Mountain.
That's very sweet of you, baby,
but you don't have
to worry about Doc.
He's not leaving the ground.
He's driving
hat emergency repair car.
That's me,
still looking as I am a robot.
All clear, Mr. Sullivan.
Jimmy, please don't force me
to take drastic actions.
What's that?
I said don't force me
to take drastic action.
I've never forced you
to do anything, baby, remember?
Okay, Doc. Let's go.
Here's a summons, Mr. Sullivan.
Your flying machine and
all equipment has been attached.
What? Go away.
Sorry. It's a court order.
Court order for what?
Nonpayment of money
due for Annette Kellerman.
I had an accounting
of all the books
while you ran the concession.
Among other items,
there's one marked
two hundred dollars personal.
You'll have to explain that.
Yes. I'm sorry.
Here's the item.
You can sell it somewhere.
Okay, Doc. Let's go.
Leave the field, lady.
Thanks for trying, honey.
Switch on. Turn it on.
Who say, Frank, would have
the best chance of winning?
I'm betting Rodneys.
Well, what about Sullivan?
In the cracker box,
I don't see how he has gone
as far as he had.
I'll say one thing
to this air race.
It certainly captured
the attention of this country.
I'm sorry, Alfred.
You want him very much
to win, don't you?
I? Well, of course. I mean...
You figure if he'll have
fifty thousand dollars.
He can come to you and carry you
off in a white chariot.
All very simple.
The American success story.
Darling, I know how importantly
this man has moved you.
But allow me the privilege
of knocking my competition.
Maybe he will win that pot.
I hope he does.
But it still won't work.
You're big league.
Sullivan, he's a little of
the whisk, a cranny man.
He'll always be up the clouds
forever looking
for that fast dollar.
The big bullehu that would make
him seven day to one.
It probably isn't news
that I love you very much.
What's most important,
I think I can make you happy.
Will you marry me, Annette?
Alfred, believe it or not.
This is the first marriage
proposal I've ever had.
It's a little overpowering.
Well, just say yes.
Ladies and gentlemen.
We interrupt for a moment
to bring you the latest bulletin
on the great cross country
flying race.
Now, five contestants
are still in the running.
We have news of three of them.
Bob Gibb traveling Eastwood
has logged five hundred miles
from Golden Gate Park,
San Francisco.
Carl Rogers and his Memphis
has just reached
Elmira, New York,
and James Darling
and his Chesterby plane
has nearing Buffalo.
Now, three other flyers
had been forced out
including Jimmy Sullivan,
who has been reportedly
injured in a smash up.
However, our report said
he managed to right the machine
and balance it down
to a landing in a town
called Grovers Junction,
where he has been hospitalized.
I've got to get to a telephone.
Yes, this is the
Grover Memorial Hospital.
I'd like to
inquire about James sullivan.
Yes. The Flyer.
No, he wasn't badly injured.
He patched up his arm
and he left.
Where did he go?
Can you tell me?
I'm sorry.
Neptune's daughter.
That's what I'd call the picture.
It's a natural for Kellerman.
And for our underwater
shots in hollywood,
I'll build a giant glass tank.
We could shoot right through
the glass into Neptune's cage.
Sounds very interesting, Orson.
Great challenge,
and a wonderful medium.
Movies are growing bigger
every day.
Really. If you could persuade...
Have you talked to
Miss Kellerman?
I thought you were
handling her affairs.
Well, don't let that fool you.
I advice her but she's a lady
who makes up her own mind.
Still, it might be
a good change for her.
Might even be
a good change for me.
And for you?
A trip to California, to others.
Just thinking. There's
a party going on backstage.
Special performance for the kids
at the orthopedic hospital.
It's Annette's idea.
Could you join us?
I wish I could
but I'm picking my wife.
Christmas shopping.
That's too bad.
Looks like fun for the children.
Annette's a wonderful woman.
I'm sorry
you can't join us, Mr. Jovi,
but I'll be
in touch with you later.
I'll be counting on you.
Fine. Good bye.
Do you know how to work it?
That's good.
Now, you can find the circus way.
Here's a fine jolly blue dress
for you here.
There it is.
Another circus present.
It's a green one.
Here is a mufferjug,
silly elephant.
This is for you, darling.
Isn't she lovely?
It's a wonderful party, Annette.
Hello, Alfred.
Only I'm a little jealous.
Everybody have
a Christmas present but me.
Poor Alfred. What would you like?
An answer to that question
I've asked you last June.
You know, you can have
these genuine Indian blankets
for a ridiculous price
of three dollars and fifty cents.
I can assure you, sir,
you are getting one of
the greatest bargain
since Manhattan Island that
went for twenty-four dollars.
But I have no use for a blanket.
No use for
ordinary blanket perhaps,
but this special item
is hand-woven
from the reservations
for gifts to Navajos,
one of whom
you see here besides me.
May I present Chief Thunderbird.
Chief, what is your opinion
to this cloth?
Product good.
Please, please, leave me alone.
I'm not cold.
I don't want a blanket.
Perhaps you'd be interested in
one of these
beautiful signet rings.
Hand carved by Indian natives.
I don't want anything.
I just want to be left alone.
Now, please, please,
get out of here.
Very well. Good day, sir.
Good afternoon, sir.
Good afternoon, madam.
Hello, Doc.
Your feather's crocked.
Jimmy. Hi, Sullivan.
Come on in. Sit down.
They're very nice.
Are they handwoven?
These? I'm just
helping a friend of mine,
a fellow named Fred Hardy.
He got himself overloaded with
some big sack of stuff and well,
he just sort of asked me if
I could help him get rid of them.
I... I read about
you getting married.
Good idea. It's about time
you start raising a family
of little swimmers.
Thank you.
All the luck in the world.
We're not taking a big jump
until Annette finishes
her picture here.
Why, you're making picture?
Yes. Neptune's Daughter.
Great. Glad to hear it.
Great future,
as a matter of fact,
I got some picture plans myself.
Garder signs us,
he's on the train.
Jimmy, if I could be
of any help, I...
No. I'm in good shape.
I've got some
important contacts on the coast.
Well, nice seeing you.
Nice bumping into you.
Best of luck, Annette.
Thank you, Doc.
There you are.
Didn't I warn you about taking
this dog out of the baggage cart?
Just a moment, conductor.
This isn't just an ordinary dog,
this is a highly trained animal
who's going to be
a movie star in six months.
I don't care
if he's plan is exbus,
but he doesn't
belong in the lower deck
frightening the passenger.
And as for you,
you look like the man
I kicked off in Albaclerk.
Me? But that's
perfectly ridiculous.
Don't give me that how business.
You didn't pay your fare...
Conductor, look.
Couldn't we discuss
somewhere else?
You know,
you're probably not aware,
but there's a new Act
just passed by the Congress,
an Indian on his way
to his reservation
is entitled to
free transportation.
I know of no such Act.
I resent your tone, sir.
As a matter of fact,
I've got plenty of
cash here in my...
This is ridiculous,
absolutely ridiculous, sir.
Would you like me to see
what I can do for them?
No. No, I'll do it.
Forgive me, Alfred.
Yale, did you say? Yale, Harvard,
Princeton, take your pick.
You want yourself to have
a college education, don't you?
Of course.
Can you imagine on your salary?
You know damn well I can't.
Alright, then. Be smart.
The movie picture business
is growing fast
and this dog
will take the country by storm.
Watch. Burglar.
Pretty girl.
He certainly is clever.
Clever. You haven't seen
one-tenth of his bag of tricks.
And remember this,
no overhead, no salary,
no expenses other than his food,
and it's not going to
cost you one dime.
I'm gonna cut you in simply
for being a good sport.
Well... I can't very well put you
off in the middle of the dessert.
Let's have a
good scene now, boys.
Make the audience believe it.
Make them believe it.
Now, take in the money.
Play that piano
a little bit louder.
That's it.
Alright, come on. Light them up.
Go. Give him your position.
Let's run through it again.
Sam, come over here.
Move it along, will ya?
Joe, get over there and help him.
We haven't got all day. Come on.
The Hippodrome
was never like this was it?
Frankly, no.
You people don't stay in one spot
long enough to get acquainted.
Well, with luck,
we'll do it today.
But I tell you, I haven't been
so high on a picture,
you can believe me.
Annette is simply wonderful.
Now, if I can persuade you
both to postpone your honeymoon.
We leave tonight.
Well. I was only
thinking out loud.
Let's get more scene
around that cave.
Keep that water coming.
Holding fifty galleons now.
Can we raise the level?
That's glass, you know.
We built it pretty solid
but why take the chances.
Alright, you're the doctor.
So Bill,
you think we can go for a take?
Any time.
Robbie. Yes, sir.
Miss Kellerman in five minutes.
Yes, sir.
I'll get her.
Well, thanks, Mr. Harper.
Yes. You're wanted
on the set, darling.
Alright, I'm ready.
Put it out.
Neptune's Daughter.
Alfred, be careful. My make-up.
Well, this is it, sweetheart.
Garvey said you're
all through after the scene.
You've been very patient
with all these, Alfred.
It's just a pause.
I've never been
so impatient in my life.
Is this what you're looking for?
Yes. Yes. It's sort of
a good luck charm,
I wear it whenever
I'm performing.
Silly, isn't it?
Yeah, sure. Ready, Annette?
Ready. Okay.
Let's get it the first time.
Places, everybody.
Good luck, honey.
When you get up from the top,
wave if you can hear me.
Alright, come on. Come on.
Move it along, boys, will ya?
get that stuff out of here.
Come on. Come on. Hurry it up.
Fill in the tank.
Go on. Get ready.
Now places for everybody.
As soon as she came out
of the cave,
dive down and tide.
Now, stand by.
Let's get at first tape.
Annette, can you hear me?
Come forward a little bit.
More. That's it.
Okay, we got it now.
Okay, Bill.
Okay. Ready, sir.
Camera. Action.
Alright, girls. Get ready.
The glass is breaking.
Get her out of there.
Look out.
Come on. Get her out of there.
Get her out of there.
Watch out. Watch out.
Are you okay?
Please, nurse. I must see her.
I've been waiting here every day
for the past two weeks.
I'm sorry, sir. Strict orders
have been issued. No visitors.
Let me talk to the doctor.
If you'll wait,
I'll try to get a report for you.
Hello, Sullivan.
Mr. Harper, I...
I know.
Come along with me.
It's alright, Grace.
How is she?
We'll know this morning.
Good morning, Mr. Harper.
Good morning.
The doctor
is in Miss Kellerman's room.
Thank you.
Good morning, Doctor.
Good morning.
This is Mr. Sullivan.
Mr. Sullivan
How do you do?
Is there any news?
She's resting comfortably.
I think we were wise to offer it.
Well, when will she be able to
leave the hospital?
I don't know. I don't know.
Mr. Harper,
I think I can speak plainly.
Miss Kellerman's spine
has suffered
a severe blow, what we called
a spinal cord hematoma,
and we believe
the pressure, unfortunately,
was no severance
to the nerve tracks.
She will have to face
the possibility that
she may not have the use
of her legs for sometime.
Did you tell this to her?
She insists on knowing.
I saw no reason
of withholding from her.
I'd rather she didn't
have any visitors right now.
I understand. Thank you.
I know how much of a blow
this is, Mr. Harper.
But whatever sooner
possible to do,
we'll do for her.
The rest is up to Miss Kellerman.
Her own recuperative power,
her health, her will.
Thank you, Doctor.
I know we're in capable hands.
Will check with you
later in the day.
Very well.
Well I...
Perhaps you would like to
sleep for a while.
Hello, baby.
I was just passing the hospital
and thought I'd look in.
I've been here everyday
for the past two weeks.
That nurse downstairs is a clam.
She wouldn't tell me anything.
You're looking swell.
I feel fine.
A little rocky, maybe.
I'm going to be up
and around in no time at all.
That's great.
It's just a sprain,
it's stuff like this.
How's Doc? Fine.
And your picture?
Wrapped them. It's all finished.
We're taking the print
to New York tonight.
I've heard nothing
but good things about it.
Imagine, starring a dog.
What's his name?
What funny name. Chinese?
Annette, darling.
Baby, don't let it
get you, please.
That doctor, he may know medicine
but there's lot of things
about people he doesn't know.
He doesn't know
about a little girl
that lived back in Australia.
They told her
the same thing, too.
He doesn't know how she hopped
every day to the water.
Learning to swim
before she could walk.
How she became the greatest
aquatic star in the world.
There's lot of things
that doctors don't know,
including what I once told you.
Wet, you're terrific.
Dry, you'll marry some guy
and settle down.
I have more to tell you.
It ain't going to be the same,
baby, you and Harper.
He's a terrific guy.
Unlucky is the better word.
What Sullivan says
is right, darling.
You'll beat this thing
the same way
you have beaten everything else.
As for you, I don't know
why you should
get this kind of a break.
You don't rate it.
You've struck gold and never
have the sense to make a claim.
You're a crazy,
vagabond Irish man
with both feet
planted in mid-air.
I'm not sure
what the doctor ordered.
Just see that you make her happy.
Good bye, darling.
She'll be up and around
soon rehearsing a new act.
And when you do, remember,
I'm holding your contract
at the Hippodrome.
This doesn't belong to me.
It doesn't belong to you either.