Mimi (1935)

Isn't it four weeks you owe?
Three weeks, Madame Durand, three weeks.
Hmm, correct, for once.
You're learning to count in your old age.
One learns a lot in one's old age.
Did you hear the noise last night?
What noise?
The young people on the top floor.
I think that they were making love.
You don't make a noise
when you make love.
That's something old age has forgotten.
They were drunk.
Well, I'd better see they haven't
drunk up their rent money.
You will be immortal, like Mona Lisa.
They will hang this picture in the Louvre.
If I die on this wretched horse,
I hope they'll hang you with it.
Doesn't it mean anything to you,
to be painted by the
greatest artist of our time?
It's about time the great
artist sold a painting.
Throw me that thing.
You see, I need new dresses,
hats, shoes, shawls.
The day will come.
- The day has come.
- Huh?
The rent day.
What's that?
Speak of the devil, Durand.
Who is that?
Your rent!
He mustn't find me here.
Just a minute, I'll put some clothes on.
Quick, through the window, to Rodolphe.
If Venus would relent.
Dum dee dum dee dum.
Yes, a rhyme for relent.
- The rent.
- The rent.
Huh? Oh!
Welcome, sweet muse.
Or should I say, sweet Musette?
Come and help me down.
happened to your trousers?
- Durand.
- Oh.
Why come through the window?
I know she's here.
Didn't I hear her laugh?
Monsieur Durand, you don't mean to say
that you doubt my word?
What jackass is waking me up
in the middle of the night like this?
I was just dreaming
that I was conducting my great symphony,
Oh, it's you, Monsieur Durand.
Then I take back what I
said about the jackass.
After all,
why should I insult an innocent animal?
What about your rent?
The rent is due at 12 o'clock sharp.
You shall have it at 12 o'clock sharp.
- Well now...
- You see,
I've started to live systematically.
That is, from last Monday.
All right.
12 o'clock.
- On the stroke.
If Venus would relent.
Come in.
Ah, my dear Monsieur Durand, good morning.
Good morning, I came for...
How charming of you to
climb five flights of stairs
just to bring me my trousers.
I have an appointment with
my publisher this morning,
I'm already a little late.
Two francs 50, please.
Very reasonable, very reasonable indeed.
Oh come in, come in, come in.
And what about the rent?
I thought you'd say that.
Now, between ourselves,
my publisher wants to
give me a bigger advance
on the complete edition of my works.
He's waiting for me now with the money.
Now in order to see him,
I've got to have my trousers.
But you don't seem to want
to let me have my trousers
until I pay you.
And in order to pay you,
I've got to have the money,
which I can only go and get if
you give me back my trousers.
No money, no trousers.
Oh, Monsieur Durand, you disappoint me.
I thought you were a man of intelligence.
No money, no trousers.
The rent, Monsieur Colline.
Oh yes.
45 francs, Monsieur Colline.
Oh, yes.
Are you trying to make a fool of me?
I would never presume, Monsieur Durand,
to attempt to improve on
the work of the Almighty.
You know the rules.
Pay by 12 or you'll be kicked out.
A vulgar phrase, my dear Durand,
to come from such charming man.
Look out, don't break your neck.
Why do you annoy him like that?
- Oh.
- He will turn us out.
Who cares?
You don't, but I do!
Come on, what are we going to do?
- Pawn something.
- Pawn what?
Can't we borrow something?
From whom?
I have an idea.
How about doing some work?
Oh, poor girl.
Now if I had a pair of trousers
I could go straight to Lamotte
and get some copying to do.
But unfortunately...
I'm looking for Monsieur
Lamotte of the National Theatre.
May I see him?
- Well, I...
- He's expecting me.
Oh, will you come in, please?
A lot of peacocks.
That's a lie.
How dare
you call a lady a liar?
How dare you
call yourself a lady?
I think Monsieur and Madame
are having a private conversation.
But my business is very urgent.
I apologise for this
intrusion, Monsieur Lamotte.
One moment, please.
I'm not a lady so I
can tell you the truth.
I'm bored with you.
- Sh!
Bored with your
strutting and your posing.
Bored with everything!
There's someone outside!
My coffee's cold.
Did you ever notice that
one of your shoulders
is lower than the other?
The perfect gentleman.
Yes, I am.
My only mistake was to pick
you up out of the gutter!
That's a lie!
I'm an artist the same as you.
Singing in a cheap cafe!
And kindly do not break things
that don't belong to you.
Everything in this house was bought by me
and is still my property.
What are you doing, packing?
Oh, no, I'm merely taking my belongings
for a walk in the Bois.
- You mean to say that...
- That I'm going!
I should say I am.
I'm going somewhere where I can breathe.
- But Mimi...
- Oh, I've had enough!
I've been listening to a performance
from you for the last two weeks.
Now, now this audience is
walking out of the theatre.
Did you imagine
that you could buy me
with an old bed, two
tables, and a commode?
- Tables, commode.
- Ha!
You only bought the piano
to have something to
stand your pictures on.
Stand your pictures on.
I'm giving up a lot,
and gaining a lot, too.
Freedom, happiness.
Not for all the money in Paris
would I sit here another hour!
While you tell me what
a great actor you are.
Next time I see you,
I shall pay for a seat.
- Mimi!
Excuse me.
- Oh.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
My hat.
My hat!
Oh, do forgive me.
Well, Monsieur Rodolphe,
what can I do for you?
I didn't realise that
Monsieur was engaged.
He isn't.
Au revoir.
Well, some other time, say, tomorrow.
Why not today?
I thought perhaps
Monsieur was feeling upset.
Oh no.
She'll come back, of
course, they always do.
Ladies and gentlemen!
I will now sing Love Over All.
And I tell you it's all a fraud.
In 50 years' time, they'll
all be as dead as mutton.
Liszt, Beethoven, Mozart, all of 'em.
- Only Schaunard will live.
- Yes!
Monsieur, if you please.
Just you wait until my
great symphony's finished.
Do you mean me?
No, no, I mean the large
one with the high hat,
who is making a noise like a bull.
Well what does the lovely singer desire
from her obedient servant?
That her obedient servant
stops making such a hideous row.
My dear lady, I apologise
for my bibulous bellowing.
Play on, Maestro, play on!
Magical moonlight around us
With sapphire skies above
And the sudden bliss
Of the first fond kiss
That opened the heart
To love
Love over all
For joy or for sorrow
If he comes your way
Never say him nay
Answer his call
Today or tomorrow
Greet him gladly
Whatever befall
Love above all
Love over all
In joy or in sorrow
If he comes your way
Never say him nay
Answer his call
Today or tomorrow
Greet him gladly
Whatever befall
Love over
Oh, I do hope I didn't offend you?
No, you're quite right, he is a bull
and he was making a hideous row.
- Just today, I'm sorry, I...
- That's all right.
As a matter of fact, I'm afraid...
Have a glass of wine, won't you?
Oh, but of course, thank you.
You only bought the piano
to have something to
stand your pictures on.
Not bad.
And you
really don't know where
you are gonna sleep tonight?
Oh, I'll find somewhere.
Yes, you can stay with me.
Oh, that'll be lovely.
Until you find something better.
Is there anything else you want?
Yes, fame!
If it's not
on the wine list, we haven't got it in.
Put up your shutters
if you must, and throw us into the street.
- Yes.
- Come on, let's go!
But remember when you're an old man
that you once had the honour
of speaking to the Great Schaunard!
- Come on, let's go.
- Will you bring the box?
Not very far away.
Oh, oh
- Musette,
can I leave this in your room?
Oh of course, here's the key.
It's the room on the left, up there.
- I'll show you the way.
- No, you stay here.
Did you imagine that
you could buy my freedom
with an old bed, two tables and a commode?
I didn't earn much, but at least
I made an honest living until I met you.
I didn't earn much, but at least
I made an honest living
until you came into my life.
Why did you implore me and worry me
to accept your presents
if you feel like that about them now?
Look here, what the...
How did you find your way here?
I didn't even know you lived here.
then I don't understand.
Why bother?
Life's so much more fun
when things just happen, like this.
Isn't it?
You'd better come in,
while I get you another light.
But who were you talking to?
To you, Mimi.
To me?
Oh, now I don't understand.
Why bother?
That's all.
I've dropped the key.
And I have no matches.
But I must have the key.
I'll help you.
Now how can I find the
key if you hold my hand?
How can I know that you're real,
unless I do hold your hand?
What about the key?
Just wait a little.
When the moon comes out of the clouds,
it'll shine straight into the room.
I don't think I better wait, Monsieur...
- Rodolphe.
Oh, oh, you're the one
who writes so beautifully.
- Oh you've heard of me?
- But of course.
Musette told me all about
your beautiful handwriting.
One day, I'm going to
be a great dramatist!
One day I'm going to write a play that...
When are you going to start?
The day that I get
my first kiss from you.
Well, I suppose it would be a shame
to rob the world of such a masterpiece.
La da dee da
morning, Monsieur Lamotte.
Not so loud!
- And there's your part.
- Thanks.
- Thank you Monsieur Lamotte.
- Sh!
She's still asleep.
I don't know if you
remember the little girl
who was so naughty yesterday?
Well, she came back, as I said she would.
Came back? When?
Last night; she begged me
with tears in her eyes to forgive her.
And did you?
What could I do?
Beat her?
Perhaps; fling her out into the street?
Possibly, but Lamotte has a kind heart.
Very kind!
So there she is.
Monsieur Lamotte, do
you believe in miracles?
Miracles, why?
Because a miracle happened
in Paris last night.
The same woman was in two
different places at the same time.
Think that one out, Monsieur Lamotte.
Oh, I thought this was
the room of Monsieur
Rodolphe, the playwright.
Is Monsieur Rodolphe a playwright?
Oh, undoubtedly!
I'm afraid Monsieur Rodolphe is not in.
Could I give a message to Madame?
Tell Madame that Monsieur
Rodolphe adores her
and if she doesn't kiss him
this very instant, then he'll...
Look what I've brought you.
I brought you an Indian
shawl, a pair of shoes,
lace handkerchiefs, silk
ribbons, and these flowers.
How sweet.
Oh, but they'll fade soon,
and you'll throw them away.
Perhaps you'll throw me away with them.
Mimi, you and I belong to each other.
Not for today but forever.
Ever's such a long time.
Sometimes, sometimes ever
lasts a whole summer.
I'll make you a promise.
I'll stay with you
as long as these flowers live.
Oh, I must water them now.
I've never seen Paris
from so high up before.
And I've never seen it
looking more lovely.
I was always told it was
a long way up to Heaven.
It was worth the climb.
Are we interrupting?
Oh, no, no.
The high council has decided
to spend the day on the river
and Bacchus himself has
provided the refreshment.
Right, we'll take a day off.
We will borrow a boat
and I'll show you the
loveliest little island that...
I thought you were going
to start your play today.
Oh, today or next year, who cares?
Your friend Colline will explain to you
that tine and space are just
the ridiculous fabrications
of our own limited understanding.
Now change your clothes
and we'll go, come on.
All right, you go, I won't.
- Oh, Mimi!
- Well let her stay here then.
Once you begin to let
women make you work...
Oh, Mimi, just this on day.
Tomorrow I'll write you a play that will...
Tomorrow, it's always tomorrow.
How can you forget your promises?
How can I believe that you really love me
if you break your word the very first day?
Well what on earth has
love got to do with work?
In this miserable world, we must choose
between one or the other.
Mimi's right, with us
it's always tomorrow.
I'm going to work now!
We shall all be famous before long.
What difference does one day make?
That's not the point.
You promised me a new dress
when you sold the picture.
How much longer am I to
go about in those rags?
You're going to paint!
- But Musette...
- Go on, go on!
The stronger sex!
The sons of the gods, lords of the earth!
Slaves of the petticoats.
Whining weaklings!
- Finished!
- Finished?
- Finished!
- Oh, it's wonderful!
This house is a palace, and
we're all kings and queens.
And if our majesties
can raise 10 francs,
we'll have a royal banquet.
I'm glad it's finished.
Another day of Pegasus,
and I'd have stood up
for the rest of my life.
But think of all the new dresses
I shall be able to buy you now.
- Finished?
- Yes.
We are ready to be hung in the Louvre
between Leonardo and Raphael.
- Finished!
- Finished!
And today we celebrate.
First we'll have a drink
at the Mon-moos, and then...
No, first we'll all go
together and hand in our work.
I shall go to my publisher.
And I shall go to the salon.
And then we shall receive our welcome
at the National Theatre.
I've brought a play.
Drama or comedy?
- Well, it's a drama...
- Five acts, I know.
Your name and address.
We'll keep it here till you call for it.
Call for it?
You don't think we
send 'em back, do you?
So you've come back to life at last.
We have.
Well, you all look very prosperous.
- We are.
- I know you're going
to ask me to be your guest;
consider it settled, come on.
Oh, it's just like old times.
Everything's the same except the girls.
Oh, no, it's
all quite different now.
Rodolphe, we haven't
played billiards for weeks.
That's an idea.
But not a very good one.
I can see the old times are over.
Good day, Monsieur Schaunard.
Oh, good day, good day, good day.
Look, look, Monsieur Barbemouche.
- Ah.
- Hello.
Welcome, fellow artists.
Where have you been all this time?
Won't you introduce me to the ladies?
May I join you?
I too am an artist.
And what sort of an artist, may I ask?
And what kind of pots?
Now who would like to play me?
I would!
- Five francs in the pool.
- Why bother?
It's mine already.
Five francs in the pool.
What are we going to do now?
What about going to the Prado?
Mme, we'd better see if
we've got any money first.
- Ah ha.
- Come on, let's have it.
Here we go.
That's right.
Now, one, two, three, four.
Five francs and one sou!
Look here, I can double our
money, I have found a pigeon.
- Hey, stop it!
- No!
Order what you like.
To think that our fate should depend
on the meeting of three pieces of ivory.
And now for 95.
Oh what else?
94 against, um, against...
What was his little score?
45 at the moment.
Then I think I can safely
go and have a little drink.
Waiter, six more cognacs.
- What's the score?
- Have you won?
Not yet, but almost: 94
against practically nothing.
Order what you like,
now you're my guests.
Finish the game quickly
so we can pay the bill
and go somewhere else.
Don't worry, only six more shots.
95, 96,
- And game!
And now I'll go and have a little drink.
Ah, yes, yes, will you
come back in a minute?
Monsieur Schaunard has the money.
Hey, come and pay the bill.
The bill.
Oh, yes, of course.
Would you be kind enough
to lend me a pencil?
Didn't you win?
Where's our money?
I knew something like this would happen.
Why did you let him take our money?
- But I didn't.
- Why didn't we
go to a decent place?
- But could we?
- Why do you
stand there doing nothing?
Musette, don't you...
You don't understand, I'm
sick and tired of all this.
And of you too!
Go on, get the police!
If you please, I.
Oh, well, please.
Gentlemen, don't worry,
everything has been settled.
- Settled?
- How?
Your friend has paid.
What impertinence.
Who do you think my friends are,
to let a pot maker pay
for their refreshment?
Do you play billiards?
I'm afraid not very well.
Then I'll be a sport and
play you double or quits.
Champagne for my friends!
Monsieur Barbemouche!
Can't you put these
things somewhere else?
How do you expect me
to work in the middle of all this?
Oh, I'm sorry, darling.
But everything's gone wrong.
Colline's book's been turned down.
Marcel's painting has been refused.
He lost Musette too.
And I've been waiting for weeks and weeks
and haven't heard a word about my play.
But they haven't sent it back.
Not yet.
Do you think it'd be a good
idea if I went to see them...
Oh, no, no, it would
be beneath our dignity.
Poor little hands.
They work all day long,
while I do nothing.
You stay home too
much, you ought to relax.
Look, it's stopped raining.
Why don't you go down to the cafe
and see some of your friends?
Yes, I think will.
That's right, come on.
- Oh, Mimi.
- Oh, I know you'll be bored.
But for my sake.
All right, for your sake.
Here's your coat.
Run along.
Mademoiselle Mimi is here.
Why, show her in!
You're quite a stranger.
It wasn't easy to come.
But you once said...
- That your little home
would be waiting for you to return to.
Well, it's still waiting.
There's no need for excuses
or apologies, I understand.
I said you'd come back one day.
But, but you don't understand.
I'm not coming back.
Oh, I see.
Can't we talk like friends?
Then what can I do for you?
I need your help.
Rodolphe in trouble?
- Yes.
- Hmm.
- Money.
- Oh, no, no, no.
He's written a play.
He brought it here, oh, weeks ago.
Oh, how very interesting. -
But know how slow they
are, we can't get it read.
I shouldn't worry about that,
it will never be produced.
But I thought perhaps you could...
But my dear, it is impossible.
Imagine the first play
of an unknown author
at the National Theatre.
I might have known you'd say that.
You always try to keep
the young people out
because you're afraid they
might do better than yourself.
Rodolphe is a genius.
Oh, he's a genius?
- Yes, he is.
- Do you love him so much?
- I do!
- So much
that you really believe that?
- Oh, yes.
How else do you imagine I
could have endured all this?
If I didn't believe in him
so utterly I couldn't go on.
Oh, I don't know.
Of course, if he is a genius,
if he's a genius, I must help him.
I'll arrange for the play to be read.
- Do you really mean that?
- Naturally.
Thank you.
- There we are, up!
- Up!
Rodolphe, Rodolphe!
A letter from the National Theatre!
invite you
to read your play tomorrow,
Wednesday at 11 o'clock in the morning
to the Actors' Committee!
- Oh!
But today's Wednesday,
it's about 11 now.
- Today?
- Oh, yes,
I remember, Durand said it had
been there since yesterday.
I must have a black coat!
- Yes, black.
- A black coat.
Go without a black coat.
Genius is genius whatever it wears.
Oh, no, no, no no.
No, they'd forgive me
for writing a bad play,
but never for wearing the wrong coat.
- Black?
- Yes.
I believe I've got one!
Well, why didn't you say so?
That's it, ah, here we are.
Oh Lord!
If only you worked as hard as the moths.
I must have a black coat!
Well, where
are we going to get one?
Excuse me, I only wanted
to, I am looking for
Monsieur Marcel, the painter.
Well, have a look and go.
There's your black coat!
Monsieur Schaunard was good enough
to pay me the most charming compliments
about the shape of my head.
He wants to be painted.
And he suggested that
you might be persuaded to...
He's about your size.
- You'd better come another...
- Another few steps
nearer, please.
It's lucky that you came today.
Monsieur Marcel has to
go away for a few days.
I think he ought to start on you at once.
I feel I ought to have something to eat.
Oh, later; do you mind
taking off your coat?
- Take off my coat?
- Yes.
I specially put it on to be painted in.
My Aunt Emily always says...
Oh no no no, I see you in
something much more colourful.
Yes, Marcel, the Indian cashmere.
Besides, this one would look so mean.
Black is the cheapest colour.
Kindly take care of this.
Monsieur Marcel has various
dressing gowns ready
for every possible occasion.
I'm quite sure he'll be only
too ready to lend you one.
Ah, that's better!
The Emperor of Brazil was the last person
to be painted in this particular one.
It's 10 minutes past 11.
The young man must be very sure of himself
to keep the Actors Committee waiting.
I'm very sorry, I,
I only received the
letter a half an hour ago.
Lucky for you, young man,
we couldn't have begun in any case.
Madame Sidonie hasn't
arrived yet; take a seat.
Ladies and gentlemen, please.
Madame Sidonie.
- Good morning, everybody.
- Morning, madame.
- Morning.
- Morning, gentlemen.
Oh, I hope I'm not late; surely
you weren't waiting for me?
But who do you think detained me?
The Duke himself, such an attractive man!
And he would insist on
driving me through the Bois.
And guess whom we met?
Madame Rachel, she went
green with jealousy.
But the Duke...
- Madame Sidonie,
do you mind if we begin?
Oh, yes, of course, of
course, let's begin.
Characters: the poor poet, the grisette,
the painter, the composer.
Excuse me; haven't the
characters any names?
Oh yes, yes, but we'll get to know them
in the course of the play.
I wanted to suggest that
these figures are typical
of the young artists in the Latin Quarter.
Oh, a play of today, you mean?
Oh, yes, yes, a play
of quite ordinary people,
Monsieur Lamotte, like you and me.
Charming of
you to include me, but...
My dear Lamotte, we came
to hear the play, not you.
If you please.
Act one, an attic.
Th moonlight is coming through the window.
It is a cold night, and the
painter, the philosopher,
and the poet sit freezing round the stove,
which the poet is trying to keep alight
by burning his manuscripts.
- Will it take much longer?
- sh!
You mustn't talk while he's painting.
But I'm getting hungry.
So am I, I haven't
had a decent meal since,
since, uh, breakfast.
Aunt Emily says that regular meals
are the foundation of health and strength,
and if I don't get a nice
tender beef steak soon...
I'll get you one.
Will you really?
It must be a large juicy red one.
Get three, you'll be my guests.
Of course, if you insist.
Where's my purse?
Of course, in my coat.
You didn't suppose we were
going to let you pay for it?
- Please, give me my coat.
- Now, not another word,
otherwise I shall be
really cross with you.
Very well.
How much have you got?
I haven't a sou.
Is that all?
But it isn't enough.
Oh, what shall we do?
Get a nice, large, juicy, red
horse steak for one.
No, I don't like it and I won't have it.
You ordered it and
you've got to have it.
I told you to paint me a
horse for my shop window!
Well, that is a horse.
Look here, lady, I ask
you as an impartial witness,
is that a horse?
Well, it's a sort of horse.
There you are, what did I tell you?
Look, it's none of my business,
but I know a real artist.
He'll paint you a horse
that won't spoil a customer's appetite.
Ah, that's the kind of horse I want.
You shall have it.
Musette, Musette!
Oh Mimi darling, how
lovely to see you again.
How are you, what are you doing?
How is Marcel?
Is he still suffering because of me?
- Oh, terribly!
- Oh, I'm so glad.
Is he working?
Well, no, he's not suffering that much.
Dear Marcel,
nothing could ever take his place.
Except a few pretty dresses.
Well, a girl must
have something to wear.
Besides isn't this lovely?
And here's my Venetian
costume for the ball tomorrow.
You know, at the Prado.
Oh yes, of course, the Prado.
Oh, Mimi, come with me.
Oh no, I couldn't do
that, not without Rodolphe.
How is Rodolphe?
Are things going better with you now?
Oh, oh, yes.
Oh Mimi, your hands are so cold.
You're feeling well?
Oh, I'm quite all right,
and this isn't for us.
I see.
Oh, Mimi, I never paid
you back those 20 francs.
What 20 francs?
When have I ever had
20 francs to lend you?
Oh, please, take it.
Oh but we don't need it.
Why, at this very moment
Rodolphe is reading his play
at the National Theatre.
- Oh, but that's splendid!
- Oh,
he's going to be rich and famous!
Yes, but not too famous, I hope.
Why, what do you mean?
Oh nothing, only,
you know how women run after a celebrity.
Society women, important
hostesses, fashionable actresses.
The happiest girl in Paris.
The curtain falls slowly.
The End.
It's beautiful.
Yes, but I think I'm
speaking in the name
of my respective colleagues when I ask
whether play should be considered
as romantic or classical.
But surely the question
you have to decide
is whether the play is good or bad.
That is the question, and it is good.
Perhaps, but to my mind,
it is highly improper.
Then you must have a
highly improper mind.
Ladies and gentlemen,
arguments are against the rules.
Let us put it to the vote.
Then I say...
Far too much!
My dear friends, this is not a question
of the play being classical or romantic,
moral or immoral, but it is
a question of youth or age.
And this is a play of youth.
Those of you who are young and
who support youth, vote yes.!
I knew you would agree.
Ladies and
gentlemen, the play is accepted.
I've been waiting a long
time for a part like this.
Baron, I wish we could have
the first rehearsal tomorrow.
If you wish it,
Madame, I will see to it.
Thank you, sir.
How can I ever thank you?
By not speaking of thanks.
It's marvellous, but there's
a scene in the second act
which I don't quite feel.
I think it might be a good
idea if we were to discuss it.
She's inviting him to tea.
Mme, the usual procedure.
If she enjoys her cup of tea,
he can count on 200 performances.
I wonder what the Duke will say?
Nothing, so long as they
don't meet at breakfast.
But Mimi, you're asking
me to sell a work of art
to hang in the window of a butcher's shop.
Yes, but I thought you wanted
to go to the Venetian Ball.
But a horse butcher's shop.
Mimi, Marcel, my play, they've taken it!
And the first rehearsal's tomorrow.
I always knew they'd take it!
I know you did.
But your friend Lamotte
almost ruined everything.
Did he?
But I had a friend, Madame Sidonie.
Madame Sidonie?
You should have seen her,
the way she handled Lamotte.
You must paint her, Marcel.
At present I'm painting
horses for butchers.
I'll talk to Madame Sidonie.
You'll be famous overnight.
Imagine my feelings.
There was Lamotte, looking like this.
But then Madame Sidonie,
I've waited years for a play like this.
It's a play of life, something
new, something different!
I'll never be able to thank her.
Can you believe it?
She insisted on playing
the part in my play.
And then she invited
me to come and see her,
and talk things over.
Oh, Mimi give my coat a brush, will you?
And then after the reading,
you should have seen her.
Madame Sidonie took my arm like this,
just as if we were old friends.
I tell you, this is the
greatest day of my life.
Where's Mimi gone?
Anything wrong?
No, why?
Just wondered.
Where's my other shirt?
- In the second drawer.
- Ah.
Da dum bum hum hum
Dee dee dee dee dee
Dee dee dee
What do you think of
Lamotte behaving like that?
Mimi, come and help me.
Tell me, what do you think?
Was he just being spiteful, or
or is he still in love with you?
Well why didn't you ask him?
What a difference between men and women.
Hmm, Lamotte would ruin my career
simply because his vanity has been hurt,
whereas Madame Sidonie,
who's much more famous,
is only too anxious to
help an unknown writer.
Here's your coat.
And, Mimi, her dress, so elegant.
I've had clothes, you know.
Oh, now you're being reproachful.
I suppose I should
apologise for being so poor.
Of course, if you regret anything...
I don't wait until
there's anything to regret.
So I've noticed.
Darling, how can you be so unfair?
You know why I left Lamotte.
Yes, yes, yes, I know.
I know all the things
you said to me you did,
but I suppose clothes were
the real trouble there too.
Oh, Mimi, oh darling, I didn't mean it.
Oh, sweet.
Mimi come on.
Come on.
Oh, darling, smile, smile, smile, sweet.
We've longed
so much for this day,
dreamed of all the lovely things we'd do,
and they were pretty grand dreams too.
Unknown author's first play
at the National Theatre.
Why, without Madame Sidonie, we never...
I counted, that's the 10th time
you've mentioned her
name since you came home.
In fact you haven't talked
about anything else.
So that's it.
Yes, Rodolphe.
And I feel worse because
I can't help thinking
of what Musette said
to me just an hour ago.
Then you'll bring in the tea,
and you'll not interrupt any more.
You see we have to discuss the new play.
And if anyone asks for
Madame, I'm not at home.
Not even to the Duke?
No, not even to the Duke.
And so I thought Musette was right.
Nonsense, do you think
I'd ever let you go?
But Rodolphe, I...
Be quiet.
Your hands are cold, aren't you well?
I heard you coughing last night.
Oh darling, everything's all
right as long as you love me.
But now you must go,
otherwise you'll be
late for Madame Sidonie.
Ah, I counted,
that's the 13th time
you've mentioned her name,
and 13's an unlucky number,
so I'm going to stay here.
But you can't do that,
think of your play!
No, I mustn't spoil
Madame, what's her name?
Because I don't care if there are
100 Madame what's-her-names were waiting
and if all the plays in the world
depended on Madame what's-her name,
I'd still stay here with you.
I greet you.
Hail, the Queen.
Oh, a little
louder, ladies, please.
I greet you!
Hail, the Queen!
That's better, thank
you, ladies, thank you.
Good morning, Monsieur Lamotte.
Good morning.
Thank you, ladies.
Madame Sidonie, please forgive me,
but yesterday it was impossible to...
Please, could you tell me what...
Well, uh.
Baron Pierre.
Baron Pierre, please tell
me what's happening here.
I thought the first rehearsal
was fixed for today.
It's been postponed.
For how long?
- Indefinitely.
I can't do it, I can't.
Musette will be dancing
tonight at the Venetian Ball.
With Her Russian count!
What are you grumbling about?
Your painting's going to be hung.
Not in the Louvre, but
it's going to be hung,
whereas my play is buried forever
in the catacombs of the National Theatre.
Perhaps when she sees you at the Prado...
There's no love like an old love.
Very well.
It's quite simple.
Green for the trees.
- Yep.
Black for the horse,
and blue for the sky.
- Ah.
I'll take care of Musette.
Well, that's finished.
And now for the butcher!
And then the fancy dresses!
My friends, we are our own men again.
Poor, down at heel, and happy.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Monsieur Jacque Offenbach
has composed a new piece
in honour of this occasion,
and he will now have the
pleasure of presenting it
for the first time in public.
La Barcarolle.
La Barcarolle!
In 12 months it'll be forgotten!
Not a sign of Musette.
I've sold my art, my birthright,
for a mess of horseflesh.
(Rodolphe chuckling(
- Oh well, cheer up.
Come on, we will find her.
- Huh?
- Marcel!
- What is it?
- Nothing, nothing.
- But who is that?
My brooch, I've lost my brooch!
Oh, oh, well I'll buy you another one,
a more expensive one.
No no no, it was your
very first present to me.
Oh, yes I remember.
Stop by the steps, please.
And now we will find the brooch.
I know where I lost it.
- Well may I come with you?
- No, you cannot.
You wait here.
Oh go away, go away, all of you!
Why should such a
handsome hero be so serious?
You don't man to tell me you
have lost your sweetheart?
Well never mind, I will make up for her.
I thought you said
you were out yesterday.
I was out.
You should get rid of your maid.
I stood outside the house,
she was in your boudoir the whole time,
wearing your negligee.
It is forbidden to sit
with one man the whole evening.
In the name of the Doge of
Venice and the Council of 10,
we have orders to arrest you
and throw you into the dungeon.
But Captain, one moment,
please, it's the Duke.
Is that the Prince himself?
Quick march!
Right, left, right, left, right.
On an occasion like this,
a mask makes all man equal, even a duke.
Captain, Captain, please!
See that young man down there?
The fat one?
No, the tall one beside him.
Arrest him and put him into the dungeon.
But don't you say who told you to do it.
As your loveliness wishes.
I pray you, sir, to excuse me.
What are you going to do?
I'm going to play a
little carnival comedy,
in which there is no part for you.
Gentlemen, hey you!
In the name of the Doge of
Venice and the Council of 10,
we have orders to arrest you
and throw you into the dungeon.
- Where are your orders?
- Here!
- I refuse!
- Oh no,
but you must go, it's fun!
- Yes.
All right.
Come on,
away, away to the dungeon.
Off with him, take him away!
Oh Colline, if they take you away too...
Then you
would come back to me.
That sounds Just like an actor's voice.
Oh, no it isn't,
it's Monsieur Lamotte.
An old friend, a faithful friend.
Do you know him, Colline?
- No.
- Do you mind, young man?
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
Mimi, there's so much I want to say.
Colline, don't go far.
- I'll be waiting.
- I shan't minute.
Mimi, wouldn't you
like to come back to me?
Wouldn't you like
Rodolphe's play to be put on?
Oh, the villain setting
his price.
Do you know why it wasn't put on before?
Because of you.
Yes, because...
The orders of the Council
of 10 have been carried out.
Left tum, quick march.
Well, have you anything
to say in your defence?
You know the charge?
You're the first man who ever
kept Madame Sidonie waiting.
What was your reason?
Or should I say who?
Who is correct.
Then you have the effrontery
to make another woman your excuse?
Surely the judge will
understand that I...
Are you in love with her?
That sounds interesting.
And you mean to tell us
that you knew me all the time?
An artist must recognise
the only picture in his heart.
What about the other picture?
You know the...
- Uh, I sold it.
Sold it? Good!
Where's it hanging, in the Louvre?
Mm, not exactly, but
not far from the Louvre.
Would you like to see it?
- Tomorrow.
- Now.
- Now?
it's beautiful!
You see, I wanted to
meet you at the ball,
but I hadn't any money.
Oh, as if that mattered.
That canvas was going
to hang in the Louvre,
and it's hanging in a butcher's shop.
Our love was going to
be one long sunny day,
and it's ending on a rainy night.
What has loving me got to do with it?
Everyone knows she stopped rehearsals.
Dear Mimi, don't you realise
that you're interfering with his career?
He can find another theatre.
But not another Sidonie to help him
fight his battles for him.
- I can do that.
Dear Mimi, I know you love
him, to you he's a genius.
If he is, then he's outgrown you.
He must always go forward.
You had to be the one
to give him the impetus to push ahead.
Now he must be free to grow.
You know it.
If you really care for him,
there's only one way to help him.
I must say, it's a new experience for me
to listen to a man raving
about some other woman.
Where is your Mimi?
I'd love to meet her.
- Would you?
And rehearsals will start tomorrow.
Then I'm forgiven?
Things seem to have arranged
themselves, don't they?
Sidonie's rather persuasive.
Do you remember our Thursday evenings?
Do you still meet at the Folies Bergere?
It's not the same without you.
It happens to be Thursday today.
It does.
Let's go.
- Come on!
Oh, Mimi.
Mimi, we are so glad to see you here.
Mimi, please,
won't you sing for us?
Sing us the old tune.
Love over all
For joy or for sorrow
If he come your way
Never say him nay
Answer his call
Today or tomorrow
Greet him gladly
I realise you
think your heart is broken,
but presently you'll forget.
I shall never forget her,
all the, all the fame, all
the success in the world
can never replace her.
She was my life, now she's gone.
It hurts, I tell you, it hurts.
Stop please, stop!
Excuse me, sir.
You spoke that speech
as if you were saying,
"Have my trousers come
back from the tailors?"
The line, my friend,
is, it hurts, it hurts.
Do you know what that means?
Can you feel?
Do you know what it means to love someone?
Love them so much that
they're a part of you?
That their life is your life,
their breath is your breath,
their soul, your soul.
Have you ever felt that?
Have you?
If you haven't, you can't act it.
Have you ever lost that person
and felt an emptiness so big
that all life couldn't fill it?
It is to be without arms or
legs, it's to be an empty shell.
It is to realise that one's very existence
depends on that person,
and you've lost her.
She's gone, left you.
No trace, nothing anywhere.
She's gone, the one reason
for living, she's gone,
and taken your soul with her!
Don't you see?
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!
If only I knew where she was.
Aren't they pretty?
You're so kind.
Mimi, won't you please
let me tell Rodolphe?
Oh, no, no, no!
You swore to me.
If I didn't know I could trust you,
I wouldn't have sent you word.
But Mimi, if only you
knew how unhappy he's been
ever since he discovered
that you hadn't gone back to Lamotte.
He's never stopped searching for you
in all the places you used to go together.
He swears he will find you.
Oh, I'm glad he hasn't forgotten me.
But he will forget me.
The rehearsals going well?
Oh yes, the first performance
will be early in the autumn.
Early in the autumn.
Nothing can interrupt them now.
Doctor, Doctor, tell me the truth.
Every time I come here, she
seems weaker and weaker.
It's not only her illness.
She seems to have no will to live.
Autumn is coming.
If we can only get her safely
through the critical time,
when the leaves begin to fall.
Is there
nothing I can do, Doctor?
Give her back the will to live.
I'm going to tell Rodolphe.
No, no!
Colline, Colline!
- How is she?
- She,
She needs you.
Oh Rodolphe, you shouldn't have come.
We belong to each other.
Not for today, but forever.
Very warm for the time of the year.
Seems autumn won't ever begin.
Monsieur Rodolphe!
A letter for you.
May I...
- Oh, Monsieur Durand,
yes, come right here, don't be afraid.
Here it is.
From Marcel, from London!
Very warm
for the time of the year.
Seems autumn will never begin.
You have been looking
better and better every day
since you came back.
Oh, I like to hear you say that.
Oh, well.
Marcel's all the rage in London.
The papers are full of
it, how an English lord
discovered a great genius
in a Paris butcher's shop.
And he's telling
everybody it's due to you.
Oh, isn't that nice, I am glad.
When I first met you, you were a lazy lot.
Must you work all the time?
Mm, it's gotta be finished
for the first night.
Your first night!
- No, look out!
- Ow.
Did I hurt you?
No, you mustn't kiss me, the doctors...
The doctors were wrong,
they're always wrong.
After the first night,
we'll have lots of money.
We'll go south somewhere,
Italy, or Greece perhaps.
Then you can lie in the sun all day long.
Please, Musette, I shall be
quite all right here alone.
We've all been living for tonight,
I mustn't stop you going.
Even if I can't.
Oh but the play isn't only for tonight.
Marcel says everybody says
that it'll run 100 nights at least.
We'll all see it together.
Oh, I...
Musette, do you think
I shall see it, ever?
Oh it would make me so happy.
I do want to live.
And you will live, you
must live, for Rodolphe.
The theatre must be full by this time.
They're lowering the lights
The stove's the only
one to welcome my play.
You only bought the
piano to have something
to stand your pictures on.
You know the whole play by heart.
Now, Musette, they must
have reached the big scene,
the dangerous scene.
Will they applaud or...
And I picked you up out of the gutter!
- Curtain!
- Well, I've had enough!
Disgusting, immoral!
What's going on, dear?
Darling, it's the most
dreadful play I ever heard.
You don't know a good
play when you see one!
I can't even take my wife
to the National Theatre!
- Curtain!
- Come on my dear, come.
Curtain down!
Better ring down the curtain.
Shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Men and women of France,
the man that wrote this play is my friend.
He went cold and hungry to write it,
just as hundreds and thousands
of other young artists
in Paris go cold and hungry.
Because they believe, because they know,
they have a mission to fulfil.
I don't care whether
his play is good or not,
but I do know one thing,
it's honest, it's sincere!
Why don't you be honest and sincere?
At least listen to his
play before you condemn it
and save your verdict till the end!
And from that moment,
success was never in doubt.
You can't imagine what a success.
I couldn't wait any longer.
I rushed off in the
middle of the performance.
I wanted to be the first to tell you.
if there was room for
anyone else in my heart
but Rodolphe...
Would you care to kiss me?
Go now, don't miss the end.
Did you see how red he went?
He's hopelessly in love with you.
What will he do while you're away?
You'll have to comfort him.
I'm not his type, and he's not mine.
I've talked it all over with Rodolphe.
When we come back,
we're going to have a
little house in the country,
and Colline is coming to live with us.
I see, quite a happy family.
It'll soon be over now.
Perhaps there is something
in Mimi's theory after all.
I shall begin to work too.
Starting next Monday on.
I had to kiss you,
it's been so wonderful!
Thank you, excuse me, but I must...
I know, I know, go to your Mimi.
Give her these flowers and tell her
she's the happiest girl in Paris.
Is she asleep?
The happiest girl in Paris.
Happiest girl.