Miracle (2004)

In other news tonight,
a constitutional amendment
which would allow 18-year-olds
to vote in all elections
cleared the Congress and headed
for the White House this afternoon.
President Nixon gave every indication
he will sign the amendment into law.
This is not an invasion of Cambodia.
As the Soviet military displayed its
arsenal at this year's May Day parade,
the State Department reaffirmed
that the Cold War is as cold as ever.
The Soviets take the ball in. It's a
cross-court pass to Belov. He's got it!
He's up! He scores! The Soviets
take the gold over the United States!
People have got to know whether
or not their president's a crook.
I'm not a crook.
I shall resign the presidency,
effective at noon tomorrow.
The secret behind today's
modern computer is the silicon chip.
Some experts predict this modern marvel
might one day impact our daily lives.
This is homecoming day for Apollo 17,
the last round trip to the moon
that Americans may take in this century.
Now anyone can turn their ordinary TV
into a magic box of video games.
I, Gerald R. Ford, do solemnly swear
that I will faithfully execute...
We must whip inflation right now.
What was being called peace with honor
only a few short months ago
has disintegrated into utter chaos
as the US evacuates...
Light this place up.
Get on the dance floor!
Come on! Everybody, now!
The streaking craze continues
to take the nation by storm
as college students across the country
are shedding their clothes.
Happy 200th birthday, America,
and many, many more!
...I will faithfully execute the office
of the president of the United States.
...the office of president
of the United States.
Billy Beer hit the shelves this week.
The White House has no comment
on the latest business venture
of President Carter's brother.
As President Carter
prohibited the purchase of Iranian oil,
Americans again find themselves in
long gas lines with another oil crisis.
Governor Brown
reviewed his plan for gas rationing...
Funeral arrangements for singer
Elvis Presley have not been announced.
The entertainer died Tuesday in Memphis
from cardiac arrhythmia.
Breaker one-eight northbound, over.
Mr. Carter approved
emergency financial aid
for the Love Canal area
of Niagara Falls, New York,
in crisis because of chemical leakage
in the landfill on which it's built.
Authorities are saying there's been
an uncontrolled release of radiation
from the Three Mile Island nuclear
facility, but details are still unclear.
It is a crisis of confidence.
It is a crisis that strikes
at the very heart and soul
and spirit of our national will.
The symptoms of this crisis...
USA Hockey. Please hold.
USA Hockey.
He's just stepping into a meeting.
When's the best time to reach you?
He's got your number? OK.
- Herb.
- Hey, Walter. How we doing?
- Good to see you. How was the flight?
- Not bad.
That's great.
Everybody's waiting to see us.
- Who-all's here?
- Anybody who's got a say in this thing.
Bob Fleming,
the International Council, USA Hockey,
Lou Nanne from the NHL.
The only way we can compete
with Eastern Bloc teams
is if we're willing to change.
Change what?
The way we train, the way we prepare.
Even change our schedule.
What kind of schedule changes?
I think we need to make it longer,
tougher, much more competitive.
Longer? You gonna pay for that?
We also need to change
the way we play the game.
- What exactly does that mean?
- My plan is to adopt a new style.
A hybrid of the Soviet school
and the Canadian school.
A combination that requires the highest
level of conditioning, speed, creativity
and, most of all, team chemistry.
Is this what you use
at the University of Minnesota?
We've been phasing it in, yeah, but...
He has won three NCAA titles.
Walter, we don't have years,
we have months.
Can you teach a bunch of kids that have
never played together a whole new style?
OK, look...
What if these kids
can't pick it up fast enough?
We all know we're
a long shot for a medal,
- but we don't want to get embarrassed.
- That's right.
Bob, four years ago,
our Olympic team lost
to the Czech B-team 15 to one.
I don't think we can embarrass ourselves
any more than that.
That's assuming they don't go pro.
I'd have a hard time giving up good
money to finish sixth at Lake Placid.
It's a tough draw, Herb. Tough draw.
It's tough even if we don't play
the Soviets. What happens if we do?
We put our best on the ice with them
last year. Professional all-stars.
- They still beat us.
- Not because you weren't good enough.
All-star teams fail because they rely
solely on the individuals' talent.
The Soviets win
because they take that talent and use it
in a system designed
for the betterment of the team.
My goal is to beat them
at their own game.
Beat the best team in the world.
Gold medalists
in '64, '68, '72 and '76.
It's a pretty lofty goal, Herb.
Lou, that's why I wanna pursue it.
Well, fellas, any more questions?
- I'm good.
- No.
That's it for me. Thanks very much.
- Herb, thanks.
- Thank you, Bob. I appreciate it.
- Hey.
- It's coming down out there.
- Where are the kids?
- I gave them away.
How did it go?
I'm not their guy.
They only had me come out there
because two other coaches said no.
I think they're
still looking East Coast.
- What's that?
- It's a costume party, Herb. Come on.
Nick and Nora Charles. The Thin Man.
- You're gonna make me wear this?
- Yes.
They're sophisticated and dashing.
I've got a mustache for you
and a little dog for me.
Excuse me.
- Linda, can you get that for me?
- Oh, sure.
Hello. Yes, just a moment, please.
Patti, it's for Herb.
Someone from the USOC.
- No.
- It's eight-nothing!
It's gonna be a dramatic comeback.
- Herb.
- Yeah.
You've got a call from Colorado.
We're not done here.
So then he went along with that?
I appreciate that, Walter. Thank you.
- What'd they say?
- I got the job.
- I got the job. How about that?
- Oh, great.
- When do you start?
- Two weeks.
- They want you to start that soon?
- The Games are in February.
But it's June. Is there even ice?
Mommy. Mommy, Mommy.
We're supposed to take the kids
to the Black Hills.
Cleopatra wants to say goodbye to you.
- OK. OK.
- I gotta call Craig Patrick right now.
How you doing? Phil Verchota.
- Name?
- Ralph Cox, UNH.
- Name, please?
- Mike Ramsey.
- Number, towel. Jack O'Callahan, right?
- Last time I checked.
- Good luck, Jack. Who's next?
- Thanks, buddy.
Jimmy Craig.
- Hey, Jack.
- What's up, you sieve?
- How's it going?
- Good.
Any reason why Joey Mullen's not here?
About 30,000 of them, all sitting
in his New York bank account.
- He got a $30,000 signing bonus?
- Crazy, isn't it?
How's it looking?
A lot of guys from Minnesota and Boston.
Yeah, that's gonna work.
You're Robbie McClanahan, right?
- Yeah.
- Mike Eruzione. Boston University.
- '76.
- '76.
Trying to play for Brooks a little more?
I played for him for four years.
A few more months wouldn't hurt.
What about you?
Trying to play a little more hockey,
that's all.
The rest of your boys all here?
Of course.
Think they'd miss out on this?
You might wanna wait a day or so
before you go over and say hi.
Come on, hit those lines!
Head for the net! The net!
Skate, boys! Skate!
Drop your shoulder!
On the wing!
Man, look at that move.
Cross him off the list. He doesn't have
a shot in hell at making this team.
- You think so?
- No way.
One more.
Doc cleared him.
Says it's just a sprain.
I just want to let you know I'm looking
forward to being able to coach with you.
You were a hell of a player, Craig.
- You're gonna make a hell of a coach.
- Thanks.
I need you to stick tight with these
kids. Any big problems, let me know.
- Otherwise you take care of it, OK?
- OK.
- Take a look at that.
- What's this?
Twenty-six names.
The tough part is getting it down to 20
before the opening ceremonies.
This is the final roster?
You're kidding me, right?
This is our first day.
We got a week of this.
Aren't the advisory staff
supposed to have a say in this?
Technically, I guess.
You're missing some of the best players.
Not looking for the best players,
looking for the right ones.
You have Jim Craig to back up Janaszak?
- Other way round.
- Other way round?
Didn't Janaszak just win you
a national championship?
He's a solid goaltender, but we're
not playing for a national championship.
People say Craig's game's been off
since his mom died.
Did they ever see him
when his game was on?
Hughes. Ross. Auge. Delich.
Horsch. Strobel. Christoff.
Morrow. Suter. Ramsey.
Janaszak. Christian.
Pavelich. Verchota.
Baker. Harrington. Schneider.
O'Callahan. McClanahan.
Silk. Johnson.
Craig. Cox.
That's the roster for now.
The rest of you, thanks for coming out.
Way to go, Rizzo.
Take a good look, gentlemen.
'Cause they're the ones
getting off easy.
I'm putting a few of you on reserve
in case somebody gets injured
or their game goes to hell.
The final roster will have 20 names
on it, so more of you are going home.
If you give 99 percent,
you'll make my job very, very easy.
I'll be your coach, not your friend.
If you need one of those,
take it up with Doc or Coach Patrick.
All right, gentlemen.
Congratulations to all of you.
That's it for today.
On the way out, pick up one of these.
You've got a little homework to do
before you celebrate.
Thank you.
Herb! Herb!
Hold on a minute.
- Hey, Walter. How we doing?
- I think we got a problem here.
What's that?
I got a room full of people
who want a say in this process
and you've already picked the team.
- Look, Walter...
- No! There's a right way to do this.
And this is not it.
If I was in your shoes,
I'd probably be saying the same thing.
All right. Let's go upstairs.
We'll help piece together a hockey team.
All of us. Together.
Walter, that's just not gonna happen.
Do you realize what the AHA went through
to put this thing together?
The best amateur players in the country
on the ice for a week, not just a day.
I didn't ask for that.
I already know my team.
How? Those kids have been on the ice
for a couple of hours.
Every one of them
was chosen for a specific reason.
I've studied film on every one of them.
I've seen them, coached a lot of them.
The ones I haven't, I've spoken
with their coaches. And scouts.
I know best what I need to compete.
The team I've chosen is it.
What am I supposed to say
to the advisory board?
Tell 'em the truth.
This puts me in a hell of a spot, Herb.
A hell of a spot!
They hired me to do a job.
I'm trying to do it.
All right. I'm gonna back you on this.
But I sure as hell hope
you know what you're doing.
- Phillie, what are you at?
- My test is done.
- Me and Janny are done.
- Are you done?
You're stopped by a policeman
but you're not at fault.
Do you state your disagreement
right away?
He's got 300 of these things.
It's a test. You've taken
one or two before.
- Not to play hockey.
- Can you even read?
I try.
Hey, Rizzo.
- What's going on?
- Mac.
Easy, big guy.
I don't know how you two can sit
in the same room with that clown.
Let it go. It's over.
- What's going on?
- OC's got a little unfinished business.
- Not for long.
- What did I tell you?
McClanahan? You're not still going on
about the '76 playoffs?
Come on, OC. It was three years ago.
Coxy, let me ask you a question.
Why did you wanna play college hockey?
- Isn't it obvious? For the girls.
- I'm serious, Coxy.
Why did you wanna play college hockey?
'Cause I love to play hockey. I wanna go
to the NHL like everybody does.
I wanted to win a national championship.
That pansy over there cheap-shots me.
I get tossed out of the game.
He steals the ring right off my finger.
How would you feel?
Everyone was throwing cheap shots.
Rizzo, it's funny you say that.
I was wondering what side you're on.
- I'm on your side.
- It really seems that way.
All right, just relax, OK? Jeez.
I'm not doing this right now.
I'm outta here.
Where you going?
To my room.
Is that all right with you... mother?
Just let him go.
No wonder that guy
gets so many penalty minutes.
He gets a little carried away sometimes.
That's it. Pick it up. That's it.
Pick it up!
Look for the pass.
Hit him with a pass. Go, Johnson.
Johnson, hit him on the other side.
Silk, keep it up.
Hit him, Johnson. He's open.
Come on, Johnson.
Coast-to-coast stuff won't work
against the teams we'll be playing.
Next lineup. Let's go.
Let's run it again.
Morrow. Let me take this one.
Don't worry. Keep your head up.
This is a breakout play, gentlemen.
So please let's get rid
of the puck early.
All right, let's go.
- What are you hitting like that for?
- That's bush league, OC.
Nice hit, OC.
Tell your boy here to keep his head up.
You all right?
Let's go.
Craig. Let them go.
- Stay out of it.
- Stay out of it, Buzzy.
- What are you doing?
- Stay out of it, Baker.
Come on, OC, let him have it.
Come on, OC.
There you go, beat him.
That's it.
How about it, boys?
Look like hockey to you?
Looks more like a couple monkeys
humping a football to me.
- What do you think, Craig?
- Yeah.
You wanna settle old scores,
you're on the wrong team.
We move forward, starting right now.
We start becoming a team right now.
Skating. Passing.
Flow and creativity.
That is what this team
is all about, gentlemen.
Not old rivalries.
So why don't we start with some
introductions? Get to know each other.
Where you're from, who you are.
Go ahead.
Rob McClanahan. Saint Paul, Minnesota.
- Who do you play for?
- For you, here at the U.
Jack O'Callahan. Charlestown, Mass.
Boston University.
Over here.
I'm Ralph Cox.
I'm from wherever's
not gonna get me hit.
Very good.
Everybody on the line. Let's go.
- Hey, Jim.
- Hey, coach.
I was wondering
why you wouldn't take this test.
Yeah, well...
It's nothing against you or anything.
I didn't see what it has to do
with stopping a puck.
That's all right.
You just took it anyway.
Hey, coach?
So if I took it...
I meant to ask,
how's your family doing?
They're doing all right.
And you?
I'm OK.
I got 26 guys trying to make this team.
Only 20 will go to Lake Placid.
I gotta know how committed
you are to being here.
If you're not,
you're just wasting our time.
Look, coach, my dad's
going through a rough time right now.
He's got nothing.
He lost his job.
And with Atlanta trying to sign me...
Bottom line is, my mom wanted this.
Me playing on this team.
Hard to say no to someone who drove
you to practice every day, right?
You didn't answer my question, Jim.
I'm here, aren't I?
I'll see you in the morning.
Don't forget to bring your game.
The Soviets performed
a nuclear test yesterday,
setting off a 75-kiloton bomb
in eastern Kazakhstan...
- So much hate and fear.
- What's that?
Between the Soviets and the West.
It's bound to end in disaster.
They'll figure something out, Doc.
They haven't got
any other choice, right?
I hope so, but it just seems to me
that some people will never get along.
Like hockey players
from Boston and Minnesota.
Our own private cold war.
- Let me ask you a question.
- Of course.
You've worked with Herb
for a long time?
Quite some time.
Does he always treat
his players like this?
No. This I have never seen.
But, Craig, believe me.
Herb has a reason
for everything he does.
Well, he's ending up with 20 players
who hate his guts.
Maybe if they hate him,
they won't have time to hate each other.
Hey, honey.
- How much longer you gonna be?
- I still got a few more.
- Well, I'm going to bed, OK?
- OK.
You know, Kelly
has ballet at four tomorrow,
and Danny's done with hockey then too.
Which one do you wanna get?
- Herb.
- Yeah.
- Can you pick up Danny at four?
- We've got team meetings.
I can't be in two places.
- What about Margie?
- They're on vacation.
I don't know, honey.
You'll figure it out.
Can you turn that off, please?
This is what happens
over the summer.
The kids are doing a zillion different
things. Your meetings will have to wait.
Come on, Patti.
I'm coaching a hockey team here.
We already talked about this.
When exactly did we have this talk?
Because I don't recall
being a part of the conversation.
What did I say? Was it interesting?
We never had this talk.
OK, what's on your mind?
- Nothing.
- You're obviously mad about something.
First you're upset
because we didn't talk,
and then when I try to talk
about whatever it is, you don't wanna.
- If you're not willing...
- It's not because we didn't talk.
It's because you never even asked.
I know what this is about.
I know it and you know it.
- What? Know what?
- This. What you're doing.
Chasing after something you didn't get.
That you may never get.
What if it doesn't work out?
Are we gonna do this every four years?
It's OK. Go finish your work. Go, go.
You know...
...ever since I stopped playing,
I wanted to coach this team.
And this is the only way
I know how to do it.
It's not the easiest way,
I know, for you. Or the kids. But...
Patti, I have to do this.
I know you do.
I'm sorry we didn't talk.
And I was wrong not to ask.
So I'm asking now
if you can be with me on this
because it won't mean anything
if you're not.
Blue line, back. Red line, back.
Far blue line, back. Far red line, back.
And you have 45 seconds to do it.
Get used to this drill.
We'll be doing it a lot.
Because the legs
feed the wolf, gentlemen.
I can't promise you we'll be the best
team at Lake Placid next February.
But we will be the best conditioned.
That I can promise you.
Be prepared to grow
through pain, gentlemen.
You're gonna skate
harder than you've ever skated
every minute of every day
you're on the ice with me.
Stretch out north and south,
open up east and west.
The center will fill in here.
This winger will take the center spot.
- What's your name?
- Mark Johnson.
- Where are you from?
- Madison, Wisconsin.
- Who do you play for?
- University of Wisconsin.
Come on. Go, boys! Go, boys!
The fastest way to make this team
is by being fast.
Stop. Look at you.
Three men covered by one guy.
This isn't weaving for weaving's sake.
Spread out. Use the ice.
Come on, Jimmy. Challenge them.
You're getting beat on the side.
Challenge them.
I don't blame you.
- How you holding up?
- Not good, not good.
- How about you?
- Dave Christian.
- Who do you play for?
- University of North Dakota.
Come on, no!
No, no, no. Get it to a point.
You're quarterbacking this play.
Come on, Rizzo,
I got you running this play.
The only thing you're gonna run
is the bench.
Boom. He can get him.
Boom, boom, boom.
We're opening up options.
We've got four options off one play.
Anybody have any questions?
OK, let's go.
- What is he talking about?
- No clue.
Twenty of you are going to Lake Placid.
Six are going home.
Who that is, believe it or not,
is up to you.
- You?
- Mark Pavelich.
- Who do you play for?
- UMD Bulldogs.
Go. Next lineup.
- Turn it up, boys.
- Let's move it.
Here you go, here you go!
- Fabulous pass.
- Good shot.
You three, run that again.
- Again?
- Let's go.
I understand how you feel,
but don't let them know that.
- The Coneheads are coming in.
- Who?
That's what the guys have been
calling them 'cause they're a little...
Like the Coneheads.
- What's that?
- Dan Aykroyd, Jane Curtin.
I guess it's off your radar.
- Come on in, boys.
- You want to see us, coach?
I'm thinking about keeping the three
of you together on the same line.
- Everybody OK with that?
- Yeah. Sure.
How about you, Buzzy,
think this works?
It's going good. Moving the puck well.
It's just different playing with them.
We just seem to find each other
and make things happen.
Yeah. Pass, shoot, score.
- Pass, shoot
- and score.
Well, all right. We'll see how she goes.
- Thanks, coach.
- Take it easy.
Rest up.
Well, looks like we're taking a line
of Coneheads to Europe.
If they can keep their legs under them.
I'll see you next week.
Something on your mind, Craig?
Or is that just too far off my radar?
I don't think you can push them
this hard for six months. It's too long.
- They're doing all right.
- They're tired.
- I know how hard to push them, Craig.
- You sure about that?
You know why I had them take that test?
To make sure
I could push them this hard.
I'll see you Monday.
All right.
Wow, look over here, Phillie.
Section two, four rows up.
- Two girls, blonde.
- They're gorgeous.
- Twins. Seventh row up, to the right.
- Love these blonde girls.
- Maybe we can take a few home.
- Must be something in the water.
Get a whistle.
Hold up. Hold up, hold up.
You gotta get back on the ice. Let's go.
- What for?
- You'll find out soon. Come on.
- What for?
- We'll find out in a minute. Come on.
Let's go see what he wants.
You guys don't wanna work during
the game? No problem. We'll work now.
Goal line.
That one.
Think you can win on talent alone?
Gentlemen, you don't have enough talent
to win on talent alone.
You think you can play
the Norwegian national team and tie them
and then go to the Olympics and win?
You got another thing coming.
You gotta think about something else,
each and every one of you.
When you pull on that jersey,
you represent yourself
and your teammates.
The name on the front is a lot
more important than the one on the back.
Get that through your head! Again.
Win, lose or tie,
you're gonna play like champions.
Kick it in the ass, Verchota.
Wanna go home early?
Keep it going, Suter. All the way
to the line and all the way back.
It's not that difficult. Again.
- Herb.
- What?
The rink manager, he wants
to clean the ice and go home.
Tell him to leave me the keys.
I'll lock up. Again.
You keep playing this way,
you won't beat anybody
who's even good, let alone great.
If you wanna make this team,
you better start playing at a level
that's gonna force me to keep you here.
I think we're getting out of here.
Hey. Where you going?
Back on the line.
Send 'em.
Silky, you gonna be
the first to quit on me?
How about you, OC?
You ready to go down?
I think I've got my money
on you, Verchota.
You got a hot date in an hour,
but you're not looking too good
for that right about now, are you?
Send 'em.
Doc, this is madness, right?
This cannot be a team of common men
because common men go nowhere.
You have to be uncommon.
- Again.
- Herb.
- This has gone on long enough.
- Everybody, on that line.
Somebody's going to get hurt.
Everybody, get on that line.
Come on, Craig. Blow the whistle.
Mike Eruzione.
Winthrop, Massachusetts.
Who do you play for?
I play for the United States of America.
That's all, gentlemen.
You Minnesotans, my back's
starting to hurt from carrying y'all.
Pretend you're pushing cows.
Stop talking, Boston boy,
and start pushing.
- What you got there?
- Three nines.
Not bad, not bad.
I got two sevens.
We're taxiing out to the runway, right,
and we kind of hit a moose.
No, the moose is fine, but we gotta
make sure the airplane's all right.
So the boys are pushing it back
so these guys can take a look at it.
Patti, the moose is OK.
It ran off. I saw it.
So, what's going on at home?
...between the NHL All-Stars
and the Soviet Union.
She did, huh?
The Soviets dominated
the NHL's best from start to finish,
winning by a score of six to nothing.
The Soviets, led by the superb play
of their captain, Boris Mikhailov,
were superior to the NHL stars
in every way tonight.
Their passing was crisper,
their offense relentless
and their conditioning superb.
No, I'm here. I'm listening.
A six to nothing win tonight.
An embarrassing evening
for the NHL All-Stars.
Russian style of play, boys.
Fluid, creative.
The forwards are constantly circling.
They don't so much look for a man
as a patch of ice.
You get the mismatch.
Two on one. Easy goal.
Looks a lot like me
out there, huh, boys?
Boris Mikhailov.
Captain for the last six years.
He is the best player at his position,
and that includes,
as we've just found out, the NHL.
These guys ever smile?
They're Russians,
they get shot if they smile.
Vladislav Tretyak.
You score on Tretyak, keep the puck.
It doesn't happen often.
Forty-two games in
the last three months. Forty-two wins.
Their main weapon is intimidation.
They know they're gonna win.
And so do their opponents.
Look, I can give you all a load of crap
about how you're
a better team than them,
but that's exactly what it'd be.
Everyone here knows what people
are saying about our chances.
I know it. You know it.
But I also know there is a way
to stay with this team.
You don't defend them. You attack them.
You take their game
and shove it right back in their face.
The team that
is finally willing to do this
is the team
that has a chance to put them down.
NHL won't change their game. We will.
The rest of the world is afraid of them.
Boys, we won't be.
No one has ever worked hard enough
to skate with the Soviet team
for an entire game.
we are gonna work hard enough.
Quick feet, boys. Push it.
Work hard, boys.
Strobel, pick up your knees.
Keep your shoulders square.
Push it. Come on, boys. Go.
The legs feed the wolf, boys.
The legs feed the wolf.
Stay with him, Jimmy.
Stay with him, Jimmy.
Damn it!
How's your legs?
I'll let you know
when I can feel them.
Come on, boys.
Go get him. Go get him.
Thattaboy, Jimmy.
Better. Not good, but better.
Pedal to the metal. Intensity, boys.
There you go, there you go.
Work it, boys. Quick feet. Push it.
Tape to tape, boys.
Passes come from the heart.
We wanna stretch things out.
We got the Coneheads on the line.
- Take me through it.
- I stretch the D out and across.
- What do we do with this space?
- I fill the open lane.
- I fill in for Pav's lane.
- Exactly.
That's it, that's it.
Don't let them have it, Jimmy.
Attaboy, attaboy. Yeah!
Build your legs up, boys.
Build your legs!
You'll have nothing left in the third
period if you don't build your legs now.
- What does that give us, boys?
- Options.
All right. Let's run it.
- Let's go.
- What's going on?
We play the Soviets
three days before Lake Placid?
Yeah. How about that?
How about that?
How about that.
Rizzo, you're killing me.
Why can't you find the net?
You've been staring at the same piece
of paper since dinner. Take a break.
How do I cut this kid?
He's done everything I've asked.
So keep him.
I didn't think
it was gonna be this hard.
Yeah, you did.
This isn't gonna work.
I could stick Christian on defense.
I bet that works. Baker.
They stormed the embassy,
overpowered the Marine Guard
and took dozens of American hostages.
Oh, my God.
Herb. Herb.
Turn around and look at this.
...used tear-gas to try to disperse
the mob of Islamic students.
But that wasn't enough.
Hundreds of Iranians
finally overran the embassy compound,
seizing about 90 people,
mostly Americans.
The hostages were blindfolded
and herded into the embassy's basement.
Earlier today the Ayatollah Khomeini...
You gave those guys a good schooling.
How about Johnson and McClanahan?
That works.
They're starting to come together.
- Thanks for coming up.
- I wouldn't have missed it.
- Hey, you beat Harvard.
- Yeah.
I should probably get going.
I love you, Pop.
You too, son.
Jimmy. You keep that glove up.
You got it.
- Switch.
- Rizzo's making dinner. Meatballs.
You boys keep eating them,
I'll keep making them.
You have to be insane to eat them.
No offense, Rizzo.
How will it affect
the boys' chemistry?
I don't know. We'll see.
- Who the hell is that?
- What's he doing here?
- How you doing, Tim? Good to see you.
- Thanks.
Who's that?
Timmy Harrer. Plays for the Gophers.
Having a big year.
- What the hell's he doing here?
- No idea.
- Why's he here?
- You guys know he was coming?
Why don't you warm up, stretch out,
then jump on Johnson's line for today?
Good to have you.
See you, boys.
This is ridiculous.
Don't worry, Rammer.
It'll be all right.
Right, OC?
Herb's not gonna do
a damn thing, boys.
He's just messing with our minds.
You think so, Jack?
Yeah, I do.
We all know Herb
made the Olympic team back in '60.
A week before the Games,
Coach Riley calls him
in his office and sends him home.
- What's your point?
- My point, Jack,
is that one week later, Herb's home
watching his team win the gold medal.
Come that close and get nothing?
He'll do whatever it takes.
That's my point.
Yeah, I'm aware of that, Walter.
Yeah. Yeah, well, you've talked
to everybody else, right?
Nothing else we can do, then.
Thank you, Walter.
Is everything OK?
Walter says there's talk Carter may
boycott the Moscow Games next summer.
So if we don't go there,
they might not come here?
Don't do this to yourself, Herb.
There are things you can control
and things you can't.
- No milk.
- Herb.
Yeah, I heard you, honey.
- You have everything you want here.
- Don't tell me what I'll have.
You don't know this enough
to tell me that.
You know, I understand
you being upset with me
when I say you work too hard
teaching a simple game.
But don't ever criticize me
for caring about you.
That's it. Come on, boys. Push it.
Push it. Go now. Move!
Damn it.
Come on, Rizzo.
- I know, coach. I know.
-You know?
If you knew,
then why did you do it again?
You better start putting the puck in
the net, or you're not going anywhere.
And don't think I won't do it.
Johnson, line up. Let's go.
Come on, shoot it.
Come on, shoot it.
Up and around. Keep it moving.
Center, center, center!
Now move it up. And drop it back.
Go to the net, Timmy. Go to the net!
Nice play, boys, nice play.
Goal scored by number 18,
Tim Harrer.
Change them up, boys. Let's go.
Come on, boys.
Timmy. You keep driving the net.
That's all I care about.
That puck goes across the blue line,
you drive to the net. All that matters.
Herb, some of the boys
want to have a word.
- What about?
- I think you ought to hear them out.
This had better take about two minutes.
This is crazy, Herb,
bringing him in this late.
We got parents buying tickets,
getting rooms. What should we tell 'em?
With one of us going home as it is?
I guess I don't have to ask
where you stand, Rizzo?
This wasn't Rizzo's idea.
You want me to say
I'm scared of getting cut?
I'm scared of getting cut.
Everybody is.
We just want it to be fair.
- He was right there in Colorado.
- That was six months ago.
- You don't think he's been playing?
- Not with us, he hasn't.
- There's a difference.
- Like hell.
- All I know is that kid can play.
- What, and we can't?
He moves the puck,
he's got great vision on the ice...
That's not the point.
I'll tell you something else he's got.
He's got the attitude I want
on and off the ice,
so somebody better explain
why I shouldn't be giving him a look.
Because we're a family.
We're a family.
A family?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
This is the family
you want to go to Lake Placid with?
- Definitely.
- Yeah, without a doubt.
Wouldn't have it any other way.
Timmy Harrer can help us, boys.
Then I'm gonna send him home.
We got one more to get down to 20.
You understand.
- Looks like you got yourself a team.
- Almost.
- Let's talk about it.
- The rules.
Your girl left these at my place.
With some milk and cookies.
- Give her a hug for me.
- You guys are unbelievable.
- Real funny, guys.
- Hey, boys.
We still got
two more presents to open up.
- Pardon me, coach.
- Yeah?
- Coach Patrick, from the boys.
- I thought you forgot.
To Craig.
That's beautiful, boys.
- You're gonna like this one.
- What?
- Perfect.
- Again.
Again. Again.
That's enough of that.
It's going back in the box.
And Herb.
Merry Christmas from the boys.
Drumroll, please.
- Coach.
- Oh, yes.
The gift that keeps on giving.
- Speech.
- Ayatollah.
This may come as a shock
to some of you,
but I'm not very good
at giving sentimental speeches.
You're kidding.
I don't think I should start tonight.
- Thanks for having me over, Velta.
- Good night, Herb.
- Doc, Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
You guys have a great holiday.
Merry Christmas, coach.
Play some football.
...the most important speech
of President Carter's term.
A look back now as 830 WCCO's
year-end special continues.
The erosion of our confidence
in the future
is threatening to destroy the social
and the political fabric of America.
The confidence
that we have always had as a people
is not simply some romantic dream
or a proverb in a dusty book
that we read just on the Fourth of July.
It is the idea which founded our nation
and has guided our development
as a people.
Confidence in the future
has supported everything else.
We've always believed
in something called progress.
We've always had a faith
that the days of our children
would be better than our own.
Our people are losing that faith.
For the first time in our history,
a majority of our people believe
that the next five years
will be worse than the past five years.
We were taught
that our armies were always invincible
and our causes were always just,
only to suffer the agony of Vietnam.
We respected the presidency
as a place of honor
until the shock of Watergate.
We've got to stop crying
and start sweating.
Stop talking and start walking.
Working together with our common faith,
we cannot fail.
Hard workout.
- You guys wanna grab something to eat?
- Yeah. Where you guys gonna go?
- Maybe that Mario's place.
- Mario's?
Hey, coach.
Coxy, Herb wants to see you.
Come in.
Coach Patrick said you wanted to see me.
Why don't you have a seat there, Ralph?
There's just no easy way of doing this.
The rules say that we gotta be down
to 20 men and right now we're at 21.
I wish like hell
I could keep you, Ralph. I do.
Yeah, I know.
You're a hell of a hockey player.
This doesn't change that.
Thanks for giving me a shot, coach.
Thanks for giving me your very best.
- Yeah?
- Herb. Walter.
Well, you've got your wish. Brezhnev's
telling Carter to screw himself.
Yeah, Walter, how's that?
The Kremlin released a statement today
saying they're gonna prove
how good they are
by beating us over here on our own ice.
They're all gonna play.
The Soviets, the Czechs,
the whole bunch of them.
Have you got your roster finalized yet?
Yeah, I got my team.
I still don't know why you scheduled
this, but get your guys to New York.
They've got a game to play.
Ladies and gentlemen,
your 1980 US Olympic team.
As we await the opening face-off
in this game between the Soviet Union
and Team USA
here at Madison Square Garden,
the teams line up
on their respective blue lines.
And Soviet Union team captain Boris
Mikhailov skating over to his bench
to pick up that NHL Challenge trophy.
The trophy that his team won here
at Madison Square Garden last October,
and won in decisive fashion,
beating the NHL All-Stars.
Getting a mixed reaction
from the capacity audience here.
Some cheers, but a few boos
going through the crowd as well.
The two teams clear the ice
and repair to their respective goals
as we get set for the opening face-off
in this final tune-up
for these two teams
before the Olympic Games
in Lake Placid.
- One, two, three.
- USA!
And as we get set
to drop the puck for this contest,
the Soviets starting their big line of
Mikhailov between Kharlamov and Petrov.
Team USA countering
with Mark Johnson at center
between McClanahan and Dave Silk.
And we're ready to go
with this warm-up contest.
From the heart, boys.
It's the Soviet Union in control,
making a charge into the Team USA zone.
A shot from the point goes off the post
and in behind the Team USA net.
Puck comes back to the blue line.
Moving in with a shot, stopped
by Craig, and it goes into the corner.
Finally, Team USA
gets a stick on the puck
as Ramsey brings it up
to the blue line.
He's absolutely flattened there
by Kasatonov.
Two on one. Two on one!
Soviet Union turning it
into a two on one.
- Back door, OC. Look out.
- Get the puck.
Moving in. Shoots and scores.
Come on. Come on!
Break it up. Break it up.
That's it, let's go.
Nice expression on your face,
you dummy.
Jack, you gotta listen to me.
You gotta listen to me!
The Soviets breaking out
of their own zone, up the ice to center.
Krutov goes in over the US blue line.
Shoots and scores.
He shoots and scores.
Shoots. He scores.
The Soviet Union
routing Team USA ten to three.
There's always things you can work on.
This club's no exception.
I think we're gonna be all right.
The Soviets have been together
ten years.
We got college kids
getting to know each other.
They could have won
this thing 30 to nothing.
Herb, can we talk
about tonight's game?
Sorry. How is he?
I'm not sure if he needs surgery.
I'm hoping it's a ligament pull,
but it could be a tear.
Herb, we got three days until Sweden.
Giving him a roster spot's
a waste of money.
- Give me a best case.
- Miss three or four games minimum.
The whole qualifying round.
The kid's made the team,
busted his ass for me,
and now I gotta send him home,
that the deal?
- What did Doc say?
- He doesn't know yet.
He's gonna go with you to the hospital
and get a picture of your knee taken.
Then we'll see.
- Thinking about sitting you down, Jim.
- What?
- What are you talking about?
- I played you too much, you're tired.
It's time I gave Janny a look.
He's waited seven months.
- You're kidding me. Now?
- Yeah, of course I mean now.
- That's my net.
- They just scored ten goals.
Right now it's everybody's net.
Wait a second.
I've given you everything I've got.
Have you? Given me your very best?
I know there's a lot more in you.
A whole other level
that you just don't want to go to.
What the hell?
You don't even understand.
I'll tell you what I don't understand.
I don't understand you.
Nobody on this team understands you
and your sayings and your drills
and those stupid psychology tests
you had everybody take.
So that's what this is about?
Because I didn't take your test?
Fine. I'll take your test.
Is that what you want?
No. I want to see that kid in the net
who wouldn't take the test.
You gotta be kidding me.
What did he do?
He did something amazing.
He started to laugh.
Then everybody in the audience
started to laugh.
It sounds funny,
but I was so proud of him.
I'm starting to think
that our son takes after you.
That's all part of my plan.
Well, you're a very smart woman.
I miss you.
The Games are only a couple
of days away now.
- You got your airplane tickets?
- Yeah. Walter had them sent over.
I guess I'll see you then.
You sound tired.
Try and get some sleep.
- Yeah, I will.
- All right. I'll talk to you later.
- Hey, Patti?
- Yeah?
I miss you too.
- Good night.
- Good night.
I'll check on OC.
Take care of these guys here.
Come on, guys. Stick with me.
This is your room key.
And this is your ID badge that
you'll need for just about everything.
Don't lose it.
Herb, Herb.
Herb, it'll be fine.
I can fight through it.
Why don't you join the boys
over there, OC?
It's good to see you, kid.
- Well?
- The good news is it's not a tear.
It's a stretched ligament. No surgery.
But there is no way
he can play before the medal round.
Forget the medal round.
You keep O'Callahan
and you lose one more skater,
you're gonna have a tough time
putting a decent team on the ice.
It's that simple.
I asked Herb.
He's keeping me in the dark.
Oh, boy.
- If he gets shaky, it's you.
- Stay loose, Janny.
You're in there tomorrow, Jimmy.
Let's bring it up now.
- OK. Thanks a lot.
- Attaboy, Jimmy. Go get them.
- I'll see you on the bus.
- All right.
Doc said no, right?
He said you might be able to go
in a week. Maybe two.
- What if it's two?
- That puts me in a tight spot.
I got 20 guys to think about and they're
all looking at me to do what's best.
- I understand, coach.
- Which is why I'm hanging on to you.
I swear to God,
if you're not being serious...
I'm only saying this if you promise you
won't ask me to play until I tell you...
I won't. I mean, I will.
I promise you, coach.
'Cause if you do, I'll stick your ass
on an airplane and back to Boston.
- All right, Doc's waiting for you.
- Thank you, Herb.
OC is playing, baby.
Move your feet, boys. Move your feet!
Ramsey passes to Eruzione.
Eruzione carrying the puck up
the boards. Drops the pass for Broten.
He shoots. Kicked away by Lindbergh.
Boys, hit that one-timer now. Come on!
Al Michaels with Ken Dryden.
With 4:10 to go in the first period,
it's Sweden leading
the United States one to nothing.
Ahlberg to Eriksson.
And a big hit by Dave Christian.
Eriksson picks up the puck, passes
to Lundqvist, Lundqvist to Ahlberg.
- Mac, where is it?
- Up this way. That's it.
Ahlberg shoots. Save by Craig.
Eruzione fighting for it.
Mike Eruzione named team captain
by coach Herb Brooks
for, as Herb put it, his leadership
qualities on and off the ice.
I'm taking him out.
The US team
is playing tentative hockey tonight, Al.
Tough draw having to face Sweden,
third-best team in the world.
- You know what I mean?
- I got you. I think it's worth a try.
- What's the deal with Mac?
- Upper-leg contusion.
- He's done for the night.
- What if he plays?
- I don't understand.
- If he plays, can he hurt it any worse?
No, but it will be very painful for him
and he won't be able to do very much.
This is unbelievable.
You guys are playing like this is
some throwaway game up in Rochester.
- Who we playing, Rammer?
- Sweden.
Yeah, you're damn right. Sweden.
In the Olympics.
What the hell's wrong with you?
Put your gear on.
I said put your gear on.
- Doc told me I can't play.
- I know. You got a bad bruise.
You know what? Put your street clothes
on. I got no time for quitters.
Come on, Herb. Nobody's quitting here.
You worry about your own game.
Plenty there to keep you busy.
A bruise on the leg is a hell of a long
way from the heart, you candy-ass.
- What did you call me?
- You heard me.
You want me to play?
- I want you to be a hockey player!
- I am a hockey player!
You want me to play on one leg?
I'll play on one leg!
- That'll get them going.
- Oh, yeah.
- Will that make you happy?
- I'll clean up.
I am a hockey player!
2:49 remaining in the game.
Sweden leading two-one.
The US team has fought hard, but they've
still got nothing to show for it.
If they don't beat or tie the Swedes,
it'll be very difficult
to advance to the medal round.
McClanahan after the loose puck.
He's hit hard by Sderstrm.
- Go, go, go, Mac.
- Come on, Mac.
McClanahan gutting it out despite
being injured in the first period.
Silk to Johnson. Back to Silk.
Through the neutral zone.
Attaboy, Mac. Keep going.
Dumped into the Swedish zone
and stopped behind the net by Lindbergh.
Johnson fighting Eriksson for it now.
It comes out to Waltin.
He's hit hard by McClanahan.
- All right, Mac.
- Baker, you're up next. The right side.
The Swedes regain control behind their
own net, 1:40 remaining in the game.
Coneheads, you're up next.
Mats Waltin...
moving it out to Jan Eriksson.
Jan Eriksson out to Hkan Eriksson.
- Across the US blue line.
- Take it back.
Into the corner. He circles.
Passes across to Ahlberg. Wrist shot.
Knocked out of the air by Craig.
Puck picked up by Suter,
moved ahead to Johnson.
Switch them up. Go, go, go!
Johnson heads to the bench
with just over a minute and a half left.
Precious seconds ticking away
for this US team.
- What are you doing with Baker there?
- 1:20.
Herb Brooks has molded this unit.
Seven months of training, 61 games.
Just a little over a minute left
to avoid a very damaging loss.
Ahlberg up the wing to Hkan Eriksson.
Stopped by Craig.
Rebound picked up by Schneider.
Schneider flying up the wing,
over the blue line and into the corner.
- Jimmy, come on.
- Brooks is pulling goalie Jim Craig
for an extra skater to try to tie it.
- They have no choice, Al.
- 45 seconds left.
Sweden leading the US team two to one.
Across to Silk. He moves in.
His backhander is stopped by Lindbergh.
Thirty-nine seconds remaining.
Schneider to Ramsey, across to Baker.
He wraps it around the boards.
Harrington fighting for the puck
with Nslund. Back to Ramsey.
To Johnson in front.
Broken up by Holmgren.
Kept in by Baker
and fired behind the net.
Loose puck.
Schneider and Waltin fighting for it.
Schneider holds him off.
Kicks it loose. Pavelich has it.
He makes a move around
Hkan Eriksson, passes across to Baker.
He scores!
The United States has tied it.
Bill Baker scores in the final minute.
And the US team is still very much alive
in the opening round.
It was a hell of a move.
I didn't see him out there.
I'm Jim McKay, and we're back again
live in Lake Placid, New York.
What an amazing start
for these 13th Olympic Winter Games.
After a remarkable last-minute tie
against Sweden two nights ago,
the US hockey team, huge underdogs,
pulled off a tremendous upset
last night, defeating Czechoslovakia,
considered the second-best team
behind the Soviet Union.
The final score, seven to three.
Why so many reporters?
Are you serious?
We won two games.
We got a way to go here.
Think of what they've
had to write about.
Hostages, Afghanistan.
Transportation chaos.
Patti probably
has talked to you about that.
Listen, Herb,
the bottom line is that your young guys
just kicked the crap out
of Czechoslovakia,
and this is something
that this country is ready for.
Now, you want to see reporters?
Win a couple more games.
They are just kids, so let's not turn
this into something more.
I'm not sure we got any control over it.
Somebody's gonna beat those guys.
Buzz Schneider flying up the right wing.
Takes a long pass from Ramsey.
He's all alone on the breakaway.
He shoots. He scores.
Buzz Schneider on a breakaway puts the
US up five to one in the third period.
Now that Norway is behind you,
what do you look for out of Romania?
It should be a tough test.
We're not gonna overlook them.
- Mike.
- Jimmy Craig's been great.
Is there any chance
we could talk to him?
As I said the other night, Mike,
this isn't an individual effort
going on here.
It's about a team. We're a team
on the ice, and we're one off it.
Halauca breaking up the left side,
chased by Christian.
Behind the US net.
Drops a pass for Antal. Antal slams it.
Shot. Glove save by Jim Craig.
The US up seven to two here
late in the third.
Making it to the medal round
was always our goal from day one,
so we feel real good
about what we've accomplished so far.
- Herb!
- Herb!
Still no chance
we can talk with any of your players?
Still no chance.
How do you respond
to those who feel you do this
to keep the spotlight on yourself?
Loose puck. Kiessling
across to Kretschmer. Up to Philipp.
He's run hard into the boards
by Strobel. Huge hit.
Ramsey has it, moves it up to Verchota.
Verchota across the blue line. Winds up.
He scores!
Phil Verchota puts it past Sutner
to put the US up four to two
with 15:43 remaining to play
here in the third period.
We'll be staying with this one
right to the end.
The pairings for the medal round
are as follows.
The United States will play
the Soviet Union first tomorrow.
Sweden and Finland in the second game.
The face-off for the US-Soviet game
is 1700 hours.
Now, if you have any questions, we have
the US assistant coach, Craig Patrick.
- Patrick!
- Coach Patrick!
Coach Patrick! Coach Patrick!
Where's Herb Brooks?
How come he's not here today?
Herb is out preparing
for tomorrow's game.
Yeah. Yeah.
Hi, Daddy.
There we go.
- There was no whipped cream.
- That's all right.
- What?
- What?
I got a telegram from a lady in Texas
today. You know what it said?
"Beat those commie bastards."
We're playing a hockey game
against the greatest team in the world,
maybe the best that's ever played.
Why can't we just leave it at that?
This is more than a hockey game
to a lot of people.
I keep running through them all.
Johnson on Mikhailov. Broten on Petrov.
Pav against whoever-ov.
We just... We don't match up, Patti.
You might want to skip that
when you talk to the boys tomorrow.
Herb. Herb.
There's no disgrace
in losing to this team.
I know.
The important thing is you got this far.
The important thing
is those 20 boys knowing in 20 years
they didn't leave anything on the table.
That they played their hearts out.
That's the important thing.
- Great job. Great day.
- Thanks. Sure is, sure is.
Any chance we can wish the boys luck?
I'm sorry, Bob. You know Herb.
Not a good time right now.
- After the game, all right?
- Craig, hold up.
Herb doesn't want any distractions.
It's understandable.
We just wanted to wish them luck.
You ready to go?
- You serious? Am I playing?
- Suit up.
Great moments...
...are born from great opportunity.
That's what you have here tonight, boys.
That's what you've earned here tonight.
One game.
If we played them ten times,
they might win nine.
But not this game.
Not tonight.
Tonight we skate with them.
Tonight we stay with them.
And we shut them down because we can.
Tonight we are
the greatest hockey team in the world.
You were born to be hockey players.
Every one of you.
And you were meant to be here tonight.
This is your time.
Their time is done.
It's over.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about what
a great hockey team the Soviets have.
Screw them. This is your time.
Now, go out there and take it.
Hold up here a second.
We're just gonna wait for the OK.
- We're all set.
- All right. Go ahead and send them in.
OK. It's time.
Come on, Jimmy.
Come on, Buzzy. Let's hustle.
Come on, Brotz. Let's go, Strobel.
The excitement building.
The Olympic Center filling to capacity.
The face value of a top ticket
for tonight's game, $67.20.
Outside they were exchanging hands
at three times the face value.
Hello again. I'm Al Michaels with
Ken Dryden. It should be a great night.
I'm sure there are a lot of people here
who do not know the difference
between a blue line and a clothesline.
It's irrelevant. It doesn't matter.
Because we have the rarest
of sporting events.
An event that needs no buildup,
no superfluous adjectives.
In a political or nationalistic sense,
it is being viewed
with varying perspectives.
But manifestly it is a hockey game.
The United States and the Soviet Union
on a sheet of ice in Lake Placid.
Ken, some of your thoughts.
For the US team, it's discovery time.
It's one thing to be young and promising
and it's quite another to be good.
In the next two and a half hours,
the US players will go through
perhaps the most difficult and demanding
yet exhilarating time of their lives.
They will be playing
against the best team in the world,
a team that's far better than they are,
a team that's dominated world hockey
for the last 15 years.
In the crowd,
Jim Craig's father, Donald Craig.
It's been a difficult time for the
family with the passing of Jimmy's mom.
One of her dreams
was to have her son play on this team.
So this has to be an emotional night
for the two of them.
He doesn't look too nervous down there.
The US team, very young.
Average age, 21 years old.
The Soviets, much more seasoned.
Some of them have been playing
together for the last 15 years.
And this game is about to get under way.
All right. On three, boys.
- One, two, three.
- USA!
Jim Craig in goal for the United States.
Vladislav Tretyak,
considered the best goalie in the world,
in the nets for the Soviet Union.
The US team in white,
skating up to center ice.
The Soviet Union in red, all business.
And here we go.
Face-off won by Mikhailov.
Back to Kasatonov.
Move on him. Move on him.
Carried up ice by Kasatonov
who passes to Petrov.
Puck picked up by Morrow.
Pressured by Mikhailov.
The pass in front of the US net.
A shot deflected by Craig.
- Watch the middle.
- Keep it out of the middle.
Jim Craig tested for the first time.
Dave Silk with the puck along
the boards. Taken away by Kasatonov.
Up ahead to Petrov.
Petrov streaking up the boards.
Powering past Ramsey.
Centering pass to Kharlamov.
He shoots. Saved by Jim Craig.
Puck cleared out of the US zone.
Big hit on McClanahan
by the Soviet captain Boris Mikhailov.
Krutov with a hard shot
from the high slot. Craig with a save.
Golikov across to Petrov.
Again Craig is equal to the task.