MirrorMask (2005)

I am queen of everything
in this part of town.
I am queen of the city
and queen of the towers...
and queen of the small little wiggly things.
And everyone who looks at me:
"So she is such a wonderful queen...
"and not ever embarrassing at all,
and so normal and goes to school...
"and has nothing to worry about...
But I am the queen of evil,
and I must warn you...
you cannot escape my cunning use
of black magic markers!
Pingo, have you seen Helena?
No. Come, take over.
Sorry. One minute.
Two adults and two kids, please.
Mr. Valentine,
I knew you would come to save our city.
Well, I am a very important man.
You're going to be a very dead man
in a minute.
I think he's very brave,
well, not really brave, Mr. Valentine.
So I suppose you are going to
turn us all into spiders...
or three-legged chairs or something.
You may think
I'm a hardhearted black sock...
but underneath this dark woolly exterior
is a naked pink foot.
- Have you seen Helena?
- I thought she's out front with you.
Hang on,
if you're here, who's selling tickets?
I'm drawing.
You're not even dressed yet.
Come on, you're not a kid anymore.
I shouldn't have to...
I don't want to go.
I feel like an idiot, I look like an idiot.
Not again.
We can't have this conversation again!
You don't look like an idiot.
Nobody looks like an idiot, it's just...
Yeah. One minute.
- Helena.
- It never ends.
"Helena, juggle, Helena, sell the popcorn,
Helena, smile for the punters."
You know your dad keeps this circus
running on charm and peanuts.
- It's his dream.
- Exactly. It's his thing.
- Why should I suffer for it?
- You're not.
All of those kids in there,
they want to run away and join a circus.
Great. They can have my life.
I want to run away and join real life.
- Helena, please.
- No.
Be reasonable. Come on, open the door.
- Helena!
- Okay! I'm getting dressed.
- There is no need to shout at me.
- I'm not...
- You're going to be the death of me.
- I wish I was.
So selfish, Helena.
If you knew what it takes for your dad
and me to keep this circus going...
Like you ever stop telling me.
Real life.
I don't think you could
handle real life, Helena.
Real life. You couldn't handle real life.
Silly cow.
Helena Campbell,
what have you been saying to your mother?
- Nothing.
- Later.
Right, everybody. Big smiles and...
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...
let me hear you put your hands together...
for the very lovely Joanne!
That's our cue.
Your appreciation, ladies and gentlemen...
for the queen of the Spanish web...
the very beautiful Joanne.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls...
from darkest Peru...
Raymondo and Fortuna!
I love you!
I realize.
I know I shouldn't let her
get under my skin...
But she's so very, very good at it.
Well, that's easy for you to say.
Hey, bambino,
you want to juggle with the bananas?
No way.
You know what you get
if you juggle the bananas.
No. What do you get
if you juggle with the bananas?
- Gorillas!
- Gorillas?
You say gorillas?
I'm sure you said gorillas.
Joanne, you were cutting it a bit fine there,
love. You had me worried.
It's not Mrs. Campbell,
Mr. Campbell, it's me.
She's over there.
Something quintessentially French.
I've never been to France, you know.
Your late Uncle Bozzy, he used to say:
"What have they got that we haven't got...
"Nan, my love,
and how about a nice few days in Frinton?"
Five letters, beginning with a "P."
- Poodle, Petal...
- Paris it is, Mrs. Bagwell.
... and one set of plates and
a Thompson holiday for two in Swansea.
Okay, Mr. Bagwell, your turn.
I went to Monaco once
when your auntie Flo was ill...
and your uncle Vernon
wanted someone to saw in half.
I told him I don't mind you two staying,
but I draw the line at animals.
I'm not feeding them.
If your lot want to come over here
it will be nice to see you...
but I'm just going upstairs
to have a cup of coffee with Mrs. Greenberg.
She's got a cafeteria, you know.
I have to go.
Was that Dad?
On the phone? Yes, that was your dad.
Now, you watch this with me.
It's educational.
I asked you to let me talk to him,
if he called, Nan.
He's not going to be able to keep them
happy much longer, you know.
- There, you see, that was educational.
- Keep who happy?
Don't worry, love, your dad will see to it.
And give my love to your mum.
- Yeah, I'd better go, okay, Nan?
- Yes.
- Bye now.
- Bye-bye, love. Bye.
- Does it look that bad?
- Helena.
Isn't your dad with you?
I've got papers for him to sign.
No, he wanted to come,
but he couldn't make it. It's just me.
I know Dr. Witherspoon left him a message.
He's at the bank.
He's seeing the manager this afternoon.
- Listen, I don't want you tiring her out.
- What do you think I'm going to do?
Take her dancing?
Hey, Mum.
Hello, love.
No Dad today, then?
They'll phone him, I expect.
How are you feeling?
I'd rather be juggling bananas.
Where's your fruit?
I brought you fruit yesterday.
She didn't take it, did she?
Did she?
They've put it away, love.
I'm not to eat anything today.
- Why not?
- It's just routine, you know.
How's your aunt Nan?
She'll be down on Saturday.
- You're not being a bother, are you?
- She lost her teeth yesterday.
I said, "If Mum was here, she'd find them.
She's amazing at finding things."
She said, "If your mum can find them,
she must be a miracle worker."
They'll be staring her in the face.
They always are.
They were in the fridge.
You're a good girl.
A good girl, love.
You know...
Mum, I didn't mean what I said.
"There was a little girl
"She had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead
"When she was good,
she was very, very good"
Look, all I'm saying
is that with a little time...
we can be back on the road.
I think we'll be better than ever.
It's been 10 days.
That's 15 shows we've missed.
- Why must everything grind to a halt?
- Hi, Eric.
- Hey, Helena.
- I can't leave Joanne now.
- Can I get through, please.
- It's for her we're here.
It's too late in the season
for the rest of us.
If we knew that the circus...
was going to be back on the road in,
let's say a week...
we could find stuff to
tide us over till then.
We are going to Quebec, me and my sisters.
We are rats sinking the leaving ship.
- Dad, can I have a word, please?
- Stean, please.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Look. I'm coming, love.
Just hold those thoughts.
- Is everything all right?
- You were meant to be at the hospital today.
- You told them about the bank manager?
- Yes, Dad.
They want you to phone Dr. Witherspoon.
- Now?
- Yes.
Maybe this'll be a blessing for some of us.
- I know you always wanted off the road.
- Yeah, not like this.
It's his dream.
Dreams only get you that far, darling.
After that, you need cash.
Your mother's...
They're operating on her tonight.
Hey, bambino.
This is really good.
- What's it called?
- It's just a drawing. It's not called anything.
Mum says you should have taken the circus
on to Scotland.
She's not the only one.
What do you think?
I don't know, Dad.
You know, everyone at the hospital
knew Mum's operation was tonight...
and nobody told me.
- They didn't want to worry you.
- Should I be worried?
No, she's going to be okay.
Really, you said before she will be...
having the operation,
and then she'll be up and about again.
- It depends on what they find tonight.
- What do you mean, what they find?
See? Now you are worried. That's why...
I wasn't worried
until you told me not to worry.
Anyway, you're worried.
You only do that when you're worried.
I wanted to go and see her tomorrow.
Can I still do that?
We'll see.
I still haven't said sorry.
Not really sorry, not so she believes me.
I shouldn't have shouted at her.
It's all my fault.
Hey, now don't say that.
It's not your fault, don't be silly.
It's not anybody's fault.
These things happen.
It's just life.
It's just stupid.
It's freezing.
Come on. Let's go back down.
Come on, you're going to catch your death.
You need to wear Dad's coat.
What about that? It's a treat.
You look like a real artist. Come on.
- Penny for your thoughts, love.
- Nothing to think.
- Good night, Nan.
- Good night, lovey.
- Well, good luck anyways.
- Sweet dreams.
I'm only going to take 10%% off.
I'm the manager.
Okay. Fair enough.
Quiet, please!
We must have perfect silence
while we rehearse.
Eric, is that you?
Can we also not distract our accompanist,
if we don't mind?
Some of us are rehearsing here.
- Eric, what are you doing here?
- Catch the last ball, and we stop.
And we turn and we bow...
and we say, "Can we have
a brave volunteer," blah, blah, blah...
- Hey, you. You can be the brave volunteer.
- What?
- What's your name?
- Helena.
What's wrong with your face?
- My face?
- Whatever.
- And it's music maestro, please.
- I know lots of songs.
But they all sound a bit the same.
Okay, come on, we just need some
creepy, dangerous kind of music. Go.
I know you or someone like you.
Come on, maestro, this is our big finish.
No, don't touch him.
Come on quickly. Let me try.
What are you doing? Come on!
What was that thing?
One of the many things to avoid in life.
Like, losing a comrade
and a lifelong companion and a soul mate...
while attempting to rescue little girls.
What the hell have you got on your feet?
- What?
- Is that some sort of sick joke?
Treading on little rabbity-type animals
with every step...
- that's just nasty.
- They're not real.
I'm sorry about your friends.
I thought the violinist was Eric.
He's a friend of mine.
But it wasn't.
I don't really know where I am.
You're in one of the other things
to avoid in life.
- What, a junk room?
- No, trouble.
Don't irritate it!
- What is it?
- Just a sphinx.
- Throw it a book.
- What?
- Throw it a book, it likes books.
- Okay.
Finders Keepers by Joe Grey...
A Short History of Future Fruit
by Douglas Prawnhead.
Anything, it's not going to read it!
Right. Not a disaster. Okay.
Think. Okay,
grab a couple of really big books!
- Throw it on the floor.
- But why? I like books.
Please, come on.
No, useless.
It's really got to feel
like it's being rejected.
Horrible, offensive, badly constructed book.
Nasty poorly paced book...
with a soppy ending
that I didn't believe in for one minute!
- How does this work?
- So long as they think you don't like them...
they migrate back to the city library
and we get a free ride out of this hole.
I think...
Yes, I think we may have found her.
- What did you say your name was?
- Helena.
It's a bit drab, isn't it?
You know, you should think
about changing that.
Go for something
with a bit of dignity and style...
mixed with a bit of romance.
- Something like Valentine.
- Why? What's your name?
We were going to leave
the city today for good...
as soon as we'd rehearsed.
- I'm so sorry.
- Musicians, you know.
I can find another fiddle player.
They're a dime a dozen.
It's Bing.
You can't replace a juggler.
No one around here can juggle.
- I can.
- Of course you can. Yeah.
Where am I going to find someone
who can juggle like that?
- I already said...
- Hopeless. It's a complete disaster.
Poor old Bing.
He was one in a million.
He was me best mate.
I'll never ever forget him.
Well, onward and upward!
- Had you known him long?
- Who?
- You can juggle.
- I said I could.
You don't have a mask. And you're very dull.
But you're certainly better than nothing,
now that what's-his-name...
- Does everyone here have a mask?
- Of course.
How do you know if you're happy or sad
without a mask?
Or angry? Or ready for dessert?
I've got a face.
So let's get out of town.
Follow the rest of these oddments.
- Where are they all going?
- I have no idea.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
Sorry, where are you all going?
We're leaving the city. Heading for the
hills. It's not safe here any longer.
Shadows completely ate my house
Isn't anyone going to do anything about it?
Since the queen fell asleep,
there's not a lot they can do.
They're looking for the charm,
to sort it all out...
- but we're off out of it.
- Over the hills and far away, Bernard.
This is bizarre.
So these shadows,
where do they come from?
The Dark Lands. Over the border, over there.
You know, this used to be a nice city...
plenty of opportunities to do a deal here
and a little deal there.
I mean, you wouldn't think it to look at me,
but I'm a very important man.
- I've got a tower.
- There she is, Sergeant.
If you don't mind,
could we have a little word with you?
Careful, Constable.
She's dangerous all right.
- Look at that changeable expression.
- I'm not dangerous.
Dangerous. Not dangerous. Same thing.
- Am I under arrest?
- Not exactly, miss.
- Or should I say, "Princess"?
- This is ridiculous.
We're just making sure
you get safely to the palace.
But I don't want to go to the palace.
- And I'm not a princess.
- Excuse me, officers.
This young lady
happens to be my business partner...
juggling associate
and my close personal friend.
I think there's been some mistake.
It's me.
I'm asleep.
This is just a dream. It's not real.
- and you reckon that's the charm?
- Yes.
I have to say, to me,
it looks rather like half a brick.
Not really.
- Well, a bit.
- It is half a brick, isn't it?
Good try. Thanks for coming.
The charm.
- No, that's actually a chicken.
- The charm!
This must be quite painful for you,
but really it is a chicken.
I keep trying to tell him.
He just doesn't listen.
Excuse me, Prime Minister.
We caught the Princess.
Goodness gracious, you caught her,
well, that's splendid.
Look at that face. Gives you the willies!
Well, young lady.
I suggest you give back
what you've stolen...
or we shall have to stake you out
for the shadows.
I haven't stolen anything.
I only got here just now.
This is all just a stupid dream!
Lying won't help you.
Now what have you done with the charm?
Yes, you look like her...
but you're not her, are you?
She said she was a princess.
- Are you a princess?
- I'm not anyone.
I'm just me.
I'm Helena Campbell.
Well, then explain yourself.
What are you doing here?
Why have you come to our city?
- Shall we lock her up for you?
- Extort a confession?
Deny her ice cream?
For heaven's sake, look at her.
Listen to her. She's not her.
I mean, she's not her.
- I wonder.
- Who am I meant to be?
Follow me.
Take over, Spiny. You're in charge.
Is she dead?
No, she's asleep.
This was her favorite room.
She could see the sun from here.
We used to have a marvelous sun,
shone like anything, all over the place.
Once we had days, nights...
with suns and moons
and all those little twinkly things.
The city was filled with joy.
We would entertain each other
with our astonishing skills.
"Excuse me, sir, are you in show business?"
"No, I'm not."
"Then kindly get your feet off the stage."
Those days are gone.
But what happened?
The balance was broken.
This is the City of Light.
Across the border is the Land of Shadows.
We had our queen, just as they had theirs.
Then one day,
a girl like you came to our city...
from the darkness.
She told us she was a princess.
Our queen took her in, we had a party.
The next day, the princess had vanished...
and without the charm,
we couldn't wake the queen.
Dangerous shadows and black birds and
terrible things came out of the darkness.
You keep talking about a charm.
What kind of a charm?
It's a gateway.
The scales on which
the whole world balances.
What does it look like?
I don't know.
- How big is it?
- I don't know.
What kind of places could it be in?
I don't know.
What do you know?
- I think I'd know it if I saw it.
- Would you?
I don't know.
What if I have seen and I didn't know it?
What if it was the chicken?
No, I don't think it was the chicken.
- Helena?
- Mum?
I wish there was something I could do
to help.
This is my dream.
I'll find it for you. I'll wake her up.
That's very kind of you, young lady,
it really is. But it's too late.
Soon, the city will fall
completely into shadow.
This palace and the Queen will be gone.
Just let me try.
It would be like looking for a needle...
No, not a needle, something smaller
than a needle in a haystack...
when you don't even know
if you're in the right field.
I mean, as propositions go...
I have to say, it's completely, utterly,
unarguably, quintessentially hopeless.
What does it mean?
It means that it's maybe not...
quintessentially hopeless.
So did he mention a reward?
The reward is
we wake the Queen and save the world.
No, reward: Money, jewels.
You can't come into these quest things
without your manager present.
- You're not my manager.
- We'll sort out the contractual stuff after.
Where are we going, again?
We need to find where the charm might be.
Where do you go for information?
The library. Of course.
It's full of books and...
Predominantly books.
Excuse me.
Excuse me,
we're looking for "A really useful book."
Information, paperbacks.
Top floor, you'll need a net.
That princess that they were talking about.
Did you ever meet her?
To be honest,
all you people look alike to me.
With no proper faces,
you could be anybody.
Hang on! I've got a proper face.
Can you do this?
That's disgusting.
Valentine, I had no idea
books had such different personalities.
In the beginning...
she found herself in a new and empty space.
And all was white...
and the corners were a bit flaky,
and the carpet was a bit manky...
but it was a good space.
And she sat in the center
and saw a clean white sheet of void.
She held the charm to her face.
And reflected in the charm
was a city of lost horizons...
and tall and towering stories.
And just as it had been reflected
in the charm...
so it appeared in the void.
And when there was no more room...
she turned it over
and continued on the other side.
So the void was filled
from corner to corner on both sides.
A city of front and back.
A city of light and shadow.
Then she rested on her bed
and dreamed of her creation...
and the lives that inhabited it.
And in the days that followed...
there were other voids and other lights
and other shadows.
The charm,
she placed beneath the sign of the queen...
to show the city
that she knew it would never be finished...
because the city was her life
and her dream...
and it would live forever.
Thank you, I think.
I'm not quite sure I understood it all.
Yeah, well, who does? I certainly don't.
Hello. I think you've made a friend.
"A really useful book."
"Remember what your mother said."
"Why don't you look out the window?"
Really useful? Utter piffle.
Sounds perfectly useless to me.
"Placed it beneath the sign of the queen."
It's all rubbish, isn't it?
Doesn't mean anything.
The Queen's sign.
The Queen's sign is the sun.
It was all over her bedroom.
And look, at the end of that little street,
that's where we need to go.
You really are a useful book, aren't you?
You'd better take the book with you.
If you leave it behind,
it will just depress the rest of them.
Before you know it, they'll start molting.
Pages everywhere.
- That's really kind of you. Thank you.
- Oh, sure.
Stop it.
So we find this thing quickly,
save the world...
they give us the contents of the treasury,
and we can be out of the city by tomorrow.
You stick with me, kiddo.
You'll have a tower all of your own.
Almost as nice is mine.
That's just for starters.
Forget juggling.
We'll do what rich people do.
We'll bathe in...
Eat our own weight in chocolate buttons.
Learn to play the concertina.
I definitely don't need a manager.
Actually, I'm not sure I even need you.
Now, do you think I'd look good in a crown?
I've always thought
I was more of a hat person myself.
I knew there was something familiar
about the houses here.
They all look like things I drew.
What are we looking for, again?
How do we know when we've found it?
I wonder...
Now that's odd.
I should be in there, shouldn't I,
if I'm asleep?
You're asleep?
Well, yes.
I think we've rather definitely
established that, Valentine.
This is all just a dream. But look at it.
- I can't see anything. It's just a window.
- It's my bedroom!
- It's not. It's somebody's junk room.
- You don't see my bedroom in there?
Look. My bed, my wardrobe,
my moon mask...
my little cuddly sea anemone.
Whether this is a dream or not,
we're definitely heading the right way.
Well, this is where I stop.
"Giants orbiting"?
Sounds a bit iffy, doesn't it? Good luck.
I'll be here when you come back.
If you come back.
Look at that.
- Halt! You shall not pass.
- I bet I shall.
- Riddle.
- Riddle?
Answer my riddle,
and only then you can pass.
Fail, and I devour you, bones and all!
"What walks on four legs in the morning,
two legs in the afternoon...
"and three legs in the evening?"
William. He's a performing dog.
No. The answer is "man!"
No. I think you'll find it's William.
I saw him. He was on four legs in the
morning, two legs in the afternoon show...
and limping on three in the evening
because he hurt his paw.
He can skateboard, too.
My go. Okay.
"What's green...
"hangs on the wall and whistles?"
- Do you give in?
- No. Let me think about it.
Okay. You just have a really good think...
and I will be back in a bit.
Oh, no.
- You shall not pass!
- Right. Riddle.
If you've got it, you want to share it.
If you share it, you haven't got it.
Look, I haven't got all day!
Will you give in?
All right. What is it?
- It's a secret.
- Well, what is it?
It's a secret!
- Please, just tell me.
- Look, an idiot!
This must be the place.
Hold up! Big change of plans!
Yeah, you weren't coming. Remember?
Look, I think these people
might be able to help us.
Possibly, but it won't be a quick...
job with those giants, no.
They aren't succinct, like me. No.
You've got to come in low,
share an observation about life...
a bit of banter about erosion or grit...
open them up a bit, and then you're in.
The charges are laid, the fuse is lit,
the conversational excavation under way.
And I'm talking to myself again.
Hello, we are looking for a charm...
to wake the White Queen. Can you help us?
Many, yes.
...have asked...
Many have asked where the charm is, yes?
- Charm.
- The charm is?
- Charm.
- Is?
- We have to get out of here.
- Not now. We're onto something.
But we...
Not sadly, happy. I know where it is
and I'll tell you quickly.
- Solemnly.
- No adjectives, please.
We guard the...
- Charm?
Look, up there, a little silvery box.
Shadows come.
That was what I was trying to tell you!
If she doesn't get to the end of this
sentence soon, we are dead.
Is the charm in your box?
- For...
- No, not "for," just yes or no.
"We guard the box for the Queen."
We're here for the Queen.
She'll be asleep forever
unless we can find the charm for her!
- We don't even know what it is!
- Come on, time's up, we've got to run.
It's polite conversation or death.
You have to believe us!
They're not listening.
I'm not even sure if they have ears.
The charm is...
the MirrorMask.
Now! Throw it now.
Can't reach.
I can't reach it.
- Get...
- The box?
Poor things.
- Well, let's see the charm.
- I don't think that's what it is.
He said the charm was a MirrorMask.
A key.
- It's a start.
- Absolutely. Yeah.
We just have to try the key
in every single lock we pass.
When we find the one that key opens,
we'll know that 10,000 years have passed.
Come on. Think positive. Think of
treasure and all that stuff you like.
You shall not pass.
Unless you tell me the answer to the riddle
you asked me before.
What's green, hangs on a wall
and whistles, remember?
- Right. Yes. So you give up, then?
- Kind of. Not really.
I'm sure I'll know it
when you tell me what it is.
- It's a herring.
- But a herring isn't green!
- You can paint it green.
- A herring doesn't hang on a wall!
- You can nail it to a wall.
- But a herring doesn't whistle!
Come on. I just put that in
to stop it from being too obvious.
The answer to my one is still "a secret."
So we have a key. Just nothing to put it in.
"Get higher." What did she mean by that?
It's just the interminable ravings of
an unsound and enormous mind, I expect.
Very big. Not very bright.
What kind of a thing is a MirrorMask?
Well. It's a...
You know, it's the...
- I've got it!
- Well, tell me.
Yes. We should ask an expert.
Yeah. Like who?
Like whoever owns that place.
Can I help you, dears?
I saw the sign on the door.
We're looking for a mask.
We wondered if you could help us.
Come in, dear, both of you.
I was just about to have tea.
Do you like cakes?
You young people, it's all tea and muffins...
and excitement in your world, I expect.
Just sit anywhere. I'll go and get the tea.
Is Ginger sitting on the chair again?
Just push him off, the daft thing.
It's fine. I'll stand.
Oh, no, he's all right. He won't bite you.
- Just a big old silly.
- How many do you have?
I don't really have them, dear.
But there must be about 30 right now.
Let's see...
Snowdrop, Stripes, Fluffy...
and Ginger, there's Spot, Whiskers...
I don't think so, dear.
What do we do before we eat?
We wash our hands, young lady.
Go on.
It's down there.
The MirrorMask.
He used to talk about it, of course.
My husband, the late Mr. Bagwell.
Fluffy, don't do that!
Mr. Bagwell used to say that...
the MirrorMask concentrated your desires...
your wishes.
It gave you what you needed.
I remember I said to him...
"Mr. Bagwell,
how can a mask know what you need?"
And he said...
"Cynthia, remember,
I don't know what I'm talking about."
Excuse me.
I was just wondering if you had any more
of those amazing cakes?
I'll go and see, dear.
Why did you have to interrupt her?
Because she's barking mad.
- What does it say?
- "Don't let them see you're afraid."
Don't let who see?
You're not going already, are you, dear?
You know,
I could freshen up the spare room...
- and your jester could sleep in the attic.
- I'm not a jester.
I'm a very important man. I've got a tower.
That's nice, dear.
I'm afraid we are really busy. But thank you.
Here are some cakes for the road.
You never know when you might need them.
And, dear, don't let them see you're afraid.
Absolutely mad as pilchards.
Why do you keep saying you've got a tower?
Because I have.
Where is it?
- Well...
- Do you live in it?
- How big is it?
- Huge, enormous.
Hundreds of rooms. Stairs. Doorknobs.
A scullery.
Possibly more than one scullery, actually.
Right, and...
I can't see it, because...
We're not talking.
We aren't talking.
The tower and I had...
a minor disagreement,
and it left without me.
I said something stupid,
and it just flew off without me.
Why don't you find it and say you're sorry?
Valentines never apologize.
Stupid building.
Buildings never leave without you
where I come from.
- Is this a riddle thing?
- Hungry.
Still hungry.
I've got a plan. Leave this completely to me.
Hello, puss.
I'm out of riddles,
but how about a "knock-knock" joke?
I know the best one in the world.
- The best?
- Absolutely.
You start.
- Knock-knock.
- Who's there?
Keep walking.
Now what do we do?
That was as far as my plan went.
What does it say?
"My pages taste excellent...
"but are stickier than toffee
and very hard to chew."
What an appalling book.
That's the most useless thing
it's told us so far.
It's not. It's a brave thing to say.
This nonsense has gone on
quite long enough.
She needs to grow up and come home.
Well, what are you waiting for?
Go and get her!
If I tell you something weird,
will you think I'm crazy?
Yes. I expect so.
Because when I look through windows,
not all of them...
I see someone who isn't me.
How odd. I do the same thing.
Me. Window. Look through it.
Not me. The ones I see
myself in are called...
But she looks like me.
But she isn't me.
She's arguing with my dad.
- "Get higher."
- What?
The giant statue said, "Get higher."
Do you see anything higher than that place?
Long way up.
There's nothing here, you know.
This place is waiting to collapse
into a heap of rubble.
It can't be safe.
You're such a coward. It's perfectly...
I prefer to think of myself
as prudent, cautious.
And unlike some people I could name,
still up here.
I'm not coming down there after you.
It's not safe.
No, I'm not hurt, thanks for asking.
My name's Helena.
Hi, Bob. All the Bobs.
I'm looking for something. The charm.
It's like a mask.
Face? Yes.
A face.
You're having a party down there
or something?
Valentine, you should come down,
I've made some friends.
Are you okay?
See, look, I'm looking for a MirrorMask.
See, I already have the key.
- Mask?
- Yes.
Is it here?
How regrettable.
I can go. I'm not supposed to be here at all.
Get higher!
Did you see that?
I want to go over there, towards the border.
Thank you, Bobs, Malcolm.
So what are we doing here?
We're going to get the MirrorMask.
I know where it is.
It's halfway between the night lands
and the day lands. It's on the border.
I knew I could help.
I hate being so helpless.
Valentine, look.
We call them windows. They aren't unusual.
Stop that! He's horrible.
- You're horrible!
- Hey, calm down.
There's nothing there.
So what are we meant to be seeing?
Is this like the windows thingy again?
I know it's here.
It was so obvious when I saw it.
We often confuse what we wish for
with what is.
These are the dreamlands on the borders.
It's all wishes, hopes...
and memories.
It's all so familiar.
I know all this.
- Mum?
- What have you lost now?
I'm looking for a MirrorMask...
but I don't know what it is...
or how big it is...
or why it's missing, or anything, really.
Well, where did you last see it?
I don't think I ever have.
- Who had it last?
- I suppose you did.
No, she did.
Or maybe it was that princess
they were talking about.
I don't know.
I was sure it was here.
You give up so easily.
I'm never going to find it.
Never put off till tomorrow
what you can put off until the day after.
I want to come home now.
I want you to be okay, Mum.
- I'm scared, Mum.
- I'm scared, too, love.
That's why I'm having this dream.
Do you think they've started to operate yet?
Maybe everybody gets dreams like this...
when they start poking around in your head.
It's not your dream, Mum. It's mine.
That's the kind of thing
people say in dreams.
Did I dream you a boyfriend?
No, you did not! He's not... He's just a...
I'm sorry I brought it up.
Now, you're looking for something,
you know it's here...
you can't find it, so look again.
I'll bet it's just like your aunt Nan's teeth.
It's probably staring you right in the face.
I'm sure it's here.
I'm just not looking hard enough.
It's not her dream. It's my dream.
And if it were me...
I'd put a little building
out there in the middle.
A small building...
but just the right size. It's obvious.
And there'd be a small bridge
going across to it.
Just like that one.
I don't know why I didn't see it before.
You aren't my boyfriend, you know,
even if this is my mum's dream.
Well, one of them must fit.
My arm!
- You're hurt. Stay here. Don't move.
- What about you?
I'm a panther.
I shall slip unnoticed
through the darkness...
like a dark, unnoticeable, slippy thing.
I know we haven't always got on, but...
I'm really grateful for all your help. I
couldn't have done any of this without you.
I do my best.
Come back soon.
Dad. That's not me.
Dad. I'm here. Dad!
Help me!
I don't know what time you call this.
I've been worried sick about you.
I just want to hear a little...
"Sorry for putting you to all this trouble."
Would it be too much to ask for an apology?
You're the one causing all the damage.
Don't be ridiculous.
- Who do you think is destroying this world?
- You are.
I've seen the black shadows.
What would any worried mother do?
I was just trying to bring us back together.
That's why you put up
the "wanted" posters?
People do it for lost pets...
and a daughter
is a lot more important than a pet.
I'm not your daughter.
You'll do.
We can fix your hair.
Those clothes will have to go.
I'll get the servants to burn them.
I don't know what you're trying to pull,
but there are people who know where I am.
- Valentine will rescue me.
- Valentine.
I'd nearly forgotten about him.
Well, we were already here,
and she'd put up the posters.
Reward paid. Nothing personal.
It's just supply and demand.
You pathetic creep.
Rocks and logs can bite like dogs,
but words will never hurt me.
You useless cake-hogging coward!
I did not hog that cake!
I'm sorry, Mr. Valentine...
but I shall have to hurry you along.
I need to spend some serious...
"quality" time with my little girl.
Thank you for popping by.
I believe somebody said something
about jewels.
- As many as I can carry?
- Lf you must.
Right, so, no hard feelings then, yeah?
Just go.
I'm on my way out. Off to get the...
Nothing more to say.
- Throw him out.
- Yeah, right.
The princess will be going to her chambers.
Please. Just let me go.
Darling. You know what you need?
I need to find the charm.
I need to wake the White Queen. I need...
You need a pretty frock.
- And a happy smile.
- A smile?
With a smile on your face,
everything will seem brighter, because...
from now on we are...
- I don't know.
- Tell her!
Not at home to Mr. Grumpy, Your Majesty.
Presenting the MirrorMask.
"Dearest Mama...
"as by now you may have realized,
I have found the MirrorMask.
"I will use it to go away.
There are other places.
"I'll find one with
another girl in it like me.
"A life I can take."
"Of course...
"if I use the MirrorMask,
it may upset things a bit.
"But you can't run away from home
without destroying somebody's world. "
Have some more ice cream, Princess.
No, thank you, dearest Mama.
I believe I have had sufficient.
Well, your manners are much improved,
- What's that?
- I have no idea.
Go on.
Be my eyes.
- Find out what's happening.
- You know what's happening.
She's going to destroy everything,
your real daughter.
When she left, she threw this whole world
out of balance, and now...
it's falling apart.
You will not talk to me like that!
Dear Mama, sorry, Mama.
Can I have some more ice cream now,
I suppose that "oops" and "I promise not
to do it again" isn't actually going to...
cut the mustard.
Helena, if I was to say...
If I was to say something apologetic...
it would reflect my feelings
in this matter accurately.
And you were right, you know...
and I was not as right as you were.
About everything.
The windows.
The world ending.
And you probably hate me.
I mean, I'd hate me, too.
whatever she's done to you...
I know you're still in there.
Oh, well! Onwards and upwards.
Well, if I was that princess
and I wanted to hide something...
I'd hide it in my bedroom.
We've looked all over. It's not here.
Well, that's what I'd do.
What are you saying?
Something destroyed the Pit of Despair.
The Swamp of Doom simply isn't there
It was a lovely swamp.
You can't get them like that these days.
I'm afraid somebody is actually doing this.
Somebody who hates me.
Nobody hates you, Majesty. We love you.
But he has a point.
I must call a council.
It's all falling apart.
It's all her fault, that girl.
Let me see her note again.
She says she found the MirrorMask.
- That's probably how she got out of here.
- We looked everywhere.
We looked all over the place.
We could keep looking
until the end of the world.
Message from Her Majesty.
Affairs of state, means she's very busy...
and you'll be eating in your room tonight.
Mama is too kind.
Well, bon apptit.
Please thank Her Majesty for me.
We've missed so many opportunities.
We don't even have the Really useful book.
There's just one page left.
What if it's the wrong page?
"Remember what your mother told you."
Mine always said...
"It's a dog-eat-dog world, Son...
"you get them before they get you.
"Eat your greens.
"Please don't do that. Don't embarrass me
in front of the neighbors.
"It will be best for everyone if you
leave home and don't ever come back."
She wasn't actually my mum, either.
She bought me from a man.
I miss my mum.
She'd always have good advice.
Like, when you lose something, she'd say,
"Don't you give up.
"Most of the time,
it's just staring you right in the face."
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Absolutely! If we just put little wheels...
on the bottoms of our shoes,
we could just roll around.
No, silly.
Where's the best place to hide a mirror?
We need to find a window.
Before or after dinner?
Oh, Valentine!
- Keep on, hurry.
- Princess!
Not again.
Keep going. Faster. Keep going. Yes. Faster!
Run. Keep going. Faster.
Don't let anything distract you.
But we have to keep going.
There isn't enough time!
You're absolutely right.
All right.
Is he very holy, my love?
Holy? No.
I don't think so.
The holy people. They eat the future fruit...
and then they bring back words of wisdom.
Sometimes they write whole books.
It's wonderful.
Takes one fruit...
300 years to grow, my petal.
Not bad. Rather yummy, actually.
Why do they call it a future fruit?
Because that's where you go
when you eat it, my love.
Valentine, give me the MirrorMask.
For heaven's sake.
There's only one way out, and I'm taking it.
Bring beer.
That's not my future.
No! I don't want to be a waiter!
I think a retaliatory strike
against the White City...
is really the only way to go on this.
You are talking through your hat!
With respect, Majesty...
I think this entire
end-of-the-world scenario...
is grossly over-exaggerated.
- We are wildly overreacting to a minor...
- Minor?
You try living in a swamp
that isn't there anymore, mate.
You come and tell me that that's minor.
Look. All I'm saying is, is there a
place for total world destruction...
vis--vis a scenario, which is simply not...
It's the Princess.
What about the Princess?
You remember what you said the first time
that she ran away?
The first time?
This MirrorMask, there must be a way
to use it to get us out of here.
I need to find a window. If I can see her,
I bet I can get to her.
There won't be any windows in the forest.
- I have to see what she's doing.
- We know that.
Whether she means to or not,
she's destroying the world.
Yeah, and eating chips, snogging boys,
smoking and everything!
Why do people wear these stupid dresses?
I should have known you'd have something
to do with this, Valentine.
You listen to me. Your daughter
is going to destroy everything.
I need to find a window and get back there.
Please, let us go.
- You are my daughter.
- But you know that's not true.
I am a reasonable woman.
You come back with me.
I'll execute Valentine humanely.
- And we'll say no more about it.
- She's not a pet.
She's not even a child anymore.
You have to let her grow up.
You mean, let her choose her own food...
her own clothes, make her own decisions.
- Love her, don't try to possess her.
- Yes.
That's exactly what I mean.
Absolutely out of the question.
I don't need this, you know.
I'm a very important man.
If we can't get away from her,
you're a very dead man.
That thing that you have that makes light.
Where is it?
And the mask. Give me the MirrorMask.
For God's sake. I know what I'm doing!
It should have been here by now.
That was always our signal.
I thought you said you had an argument.
More of a difference of opinion.
I was completely in the right.
Sometimes you just have to say sorry.
No. I'll never say that.
All right. I'll say it!
I'm sorry!
You have a real tower.
Well, you know, I am a very important man.
There's only one way out. The windows.
The ones I drew. They're doors between
our world and her world...
and she's destroying them.
Valentine! Give me the MirrorMask.
For heaven's sake!
What's happening?
There's no more windows left. It's over.
She won.
I'm not going back.
No. I'm not going back!
- This is my world.
- No! I like it here.
I just want a real life.
Real life? You couldn't handle real life.
- Dad?
- Hello.
It's gone.
It's a funny place to go to sleep, love.
I wasn't asleep.
Mum! Is she...
There's no news yet.
We've got to keep our fingers crossed.
Look at you. In your pj's.
Come on, you're going to be freezing.
Come on, here.
Put this on.
There we go. Okay?
It's in my pocket.
He's here. I'll put him on.
- It's for you. It's the hospital.
- Hello.
Thank you...
for telling me.
I'll make the arrangements.
What did they say? Dad?
She's fine, she's going to be fine.
They got it all.
Let's go in and get ready.
We are going to be fine.
Actually, I've always fancied
joining a circus.
All right. You need to be over 18,
pass the audition, and mad.
I'm sorry.
That's okay.
- I was talking to the woman in the window.
- My mother.
I was talking to the lovely lady
in the window.
You know, I always wanted to work
in the circus.
Good. You'd have made a lousy waiter.