Mirrors 2 (2010)

It was my fault.
I was the one driving when it happened.
After the accident, I started seeing things,
things that couldn't be real.
But I'm not crazy.
I know.
Your father knows.
Anyone who knows you knows that.
Look, Max, I've seen you every day
for the past two months.
Maybe you're starting to let go
of your misplaced guilt.
Maybe you're ready to stop blaming
yourself for what happened.
But there's no one else to blame.
It's gotten to the point
where I look in the mirror...
and I'm not even sure
what's real anymore.
Fancy mirror.
You're a lady-killer, Schow.
What's going' on?
Hey! What-
- Who's this?
- Are you still sleeping? What time is it?
- Dad? Is that you?
- Of course it's me.
Yeah. Is everything all right?
Yeah. Did I wake you up?
You don't sound good.
- I'm fine. I'm just getting some sleep.
- Thank you.
Careful over there.
Just getting to the point where I can
sleep through the night again.
Good, good.
You gotta get your rest.
- Keller.
- Yeah?
- Five minutes.
- Okay, that's great.
That is the Mayflower
signature right there.
That glass has been through so much.
You can see the care
that went into making it.
Even the base came
from the original store.
So that gives us the- its spirit.
I think it's perfect.
Look, Max, for the last two months
the police have been all over us...
looking for that missing girl.
Max, we may not be able
to open on time.
Really? I didn't know that, Dad.
And then last week
our night security guard goes crazy.
He cuts himself up bad and he quits.
Max, I've got weeks of work to do
and two weeks out from opening.
The last thing I need to be doing...
is looking for a new night watchman.
I'm just not sure I'm ready yet, Dad,
after all that's happened this year and-
Max. This is what you need.
And, honestly,
right now I need you, Max.
I know it'll help you
take your mind off things.
- Yeah.
- Look.
- I think it's gonna be good.
- All right, Dad. I'll do it.
Thanks for the opportunity.
No, no, no, thank you, Max.
I tell you what.
Why don't you come in to work
a little early and find me...
so that we can say hello
before you clock in. Okay?
- Yeah. Sure. I'll come find you.
- All right.
- We'll see you in a little bit.
- Okay, Dad.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
I got it.
Just trying to help.
That may or may not be the case...
but you should put that on your punch list,
then take care of that first thing tomorrow.
Would you do that?
Jenna, will you take care
of the accessories? That'll be great.
Ladies and gentlemen, the thing
I am most proud of in the entire store.
- This is my son Max.
- Hi.
- How are you, son?
- Good.
Yeah? Get some rest?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I wanna introduce you
to a few people.
This is Keller Landreaux.
He's gonna be our store manager
when we open in a few weeks.
Keller told us that we could buy
property down here in New Orleans...
for a song and a dime.
That's exactly what we did.
Smart man.
Glad to meet you, Max.
My pleasure.
Thanks for having me.
And this beautiful young lady
we have right here...
this is Jenna McCarty.
Jenna is the head buyer
for the store...
and she has promised to bring us
a little bit of that Fifth Avenue flair...
to Bourbon Street, yes?
Nice to meet you, Max.
You too.
You know, Max,
ladies love a man in uniform.
Yeah, Dad, I'm sure the polyester pants
really help seal the deal.
And last but not least
I'd like to introduce you to Ryan P-
- What was your last name?
- Parker.
I'm just kidding you. Ryan Parker,
our vice president in charge of operations.
- Good to meet you, Max.
- Likewise.
While you're out there on your rounds,
you see something that doesn't look right...
you got a problem
with plumbing or electric, fire...
you get a candy bar stuck
in the vending machine, you call Ryan.
That's after you call me.
Listen. I'm gonna let you go.
I know you got a job to do.
And we need to continue on our rounds.
Good luck out there.
- Thanks, Dad.
- All right.
Shall we?
You all right?
Sorry. First night.
So, Max, you say you've been
having those visions again?
Were you taking drugs or had you been
drinking when you had this episode?
No. It was last night at my new job.
I saw a woman
in one of the mirrors at my work.
You saw a woman?
Yeah. She was looking back at me
from the other side.
Her reflection looked like a corpse.
She probably reminded you
of Kayla in some way.
Your mind's way of
processing the mental shock.
And the pills I prescribed?
Yeah, I took one.
- That's all?
- Yeah.
I wanted to take more,
but I decided not to.
Very good.
So should we put
the straitjacket on me now...
or should we wait until my time's up?
I'm not worried about you, Max.
- No?
- Not at all.
What you're telling me,
it's a good thing.
These representations of Kayla,
hallucinations or not...
are a sign that you're starting
to get your life back in order...
that maybe you're starting to let go of
your misplaced guilt about her death...
that you're ready to stop blaming yourself
for what happened.
What intrigues me...
is that now that you've stopped wallowing
in the drugs and the alcohol...
now that you're sober...
your mind is ready to begin
processing the tragedy in earnest.
You wanna come see me again
next week...
get back to a regular
appointment type thing?
I'll run the numbers tomorrow.
Okay. And then I placed the orders
for size 8 through 12.
- No. No!
- Why? But-
It's like I told you earlier. I don't
want to order any of the larger sizes.
But I don't-
Why, Jenna?
Because this Mayflower has to convey
the message that it's a boutique.
And boutique
implies skin and bones.
Yeah, I'm really sure.
Right, right. Okay.
So, if we do the research...
and it shows that the demographic
is full of heifers...
then we'll order accordingly.
But listen to me- Until then, four is
the new eight. Do you understand me?
- Yeah, I got it.
- Thank you. Talk to you later.
Camera in the bathroom?
Henry, you dirty dog.
Just want to check in
on my new favorite employee.
I'm good. Just happy to be here,
Mr. Landreaux.
We're happy to have you, Max.
Your dad entrusted me with the opening
of the new Mayflower as my top priority.
You seem committed,
being here so late.
Yeah. I can't let anything
interfere with our grand opening.
Yeah. I should do my rounds.
Hey, Max,
will you do me a favor?
Call me Keller.
We're all family here at the Mayflower.
What are you-
Morning', rookie.
So, how did that last night go?
Everything all right?
Dr. Beaumont's office.
This is Max Matheson. I need to see
Dr. Beaumont as soon as possible.
Okay, let me see what I have.
How do you think this happened?
I don't know.
Looks more like a-
just a terrible accident...
but maybe someone killed her.
Homicide by handmade guillotine?
That would impress even yours truly.
Yeah, me too, Pete.
Me too.
- Dr. Beaumont?
- Yes?
Do you really believe all that, your
explanation for what's happening to me?
Well, of course.
There's really no other explanation.
And the fact that it's
all related to the mirrors...
that that's how
I'm seeing these visions?
Mco naissance.
What's that?
It's a French term from Jacques Lacan's
mirror stage of psychoanalytic theory.
The ego is a product
of false reflections.
Mco naissance-
when the subject is alienated
from his or her self.
In English?
Nobody sees anything in a mirror...
that isn't simply a part of them...
not even things
they think they're seeing.
Every culture has its own particular
myth set regarding mirrors.
In Korea, for example...
it's believed that a person's soul
can be trapped inside of a mirror...
as it leaves the body.
You've heard the old adage, a cracked
mirror brings seven years bad luck.
And even here
in the South's recent past...
it was not uncommon to cover
all of the mirrors in a house...
where the wake of a deceased person
was being held.
There's even a clinical diagnosis...
for an intense fear of mirrors
called spectrophobia.
Lots of psychic baggage
in them there mirrors.
So I guess
I'm doing pretty well, then?
In light of all you've been through...
combined with all the superstitions
we hold regarding mirrors...
I'd say you're doing
pretty good indeed.
How are you holding' up?
Your father didn't tell you.
Tell me what?
Jenna McCarty,
the woman you met the other day...
she died last night.
They found her in her apartment.
How did she die?
The police said she fell through glass.
It ripped her head off.
It was a horrible accident.
Such a tragedy.
Are you all right?
Yeah. I'm... just surprised.
You sure?
- Will you call me if you need anything?
- Yeah.
I still can't believe it.
Are you here? It's me.
Oh, God.
I'm really starting to lose it again.
"P." "P." Parker.
Where's the number?
Oh, God!
Hi. You've reached Ryan's
answering machine.
I'm unable to get up
and get the phone right now...
so leave me a message with your name
and your phone number...
- Come on, goddamn it.
- and I will get back to you shortly.
Take care.
You ever seen a 10-56 like that?
I'm not sure.
One thing I know-
This is the second death of an employee
who worked at the Mayflower.
The third, if you count the girl
who went missing two months ago.
- Officer.
- Yes, sir.
The witnesses.
Where'd you put 'em?
Hey, Pic.
Check out the badge.
He's definitely a person of interest.
Yeah, hi, Dad.
What time is it?
I don't know. It's late.
What's going on, Max?
I'm just- I'm calling
to let you know that I'm-
I'm gonna be quitting my job.
Are you all right?
No, not really.
I can't keep working there.
It's too much.
Too much?
I think I'm seeing things again.
I'm really sorry.
I don't care about the job.
- I need to know that you're okay.
- Yeah.
I'm okay.
Stop by tomorrow and drop off
your ID badge and all that, you know.
Yeah, I will.
Thank you for understanding, Dad.
Max, I'm your father...
and I do support you.
You know that.
Yeah, I do.
Get some rest.
What's wrong with you?
Max, what are you doing here?
I know what I need to do.
I came by-
- I changed my mind.
- Good for you.
I wanna stay at the Mayflower.
Come here.
Give me one.
Thank you.
It's gonna be okay.
Yeah, I know.
We don't know why things happen
the way that they do...
but they have a tendency
to work themselves out.
Everything happens for a reason, Max.
Yeah. Right.
Are you hungry?
Want a slice?
I'm good.
- Can you hold up a sec?
- Just need a minute.
May I help you?
Detective Huston, Homicide.
Detective Piccirilli.
What he said.
We just come by to ask you
a few questions...
about some fellow employees
at the Mayflower...
see if you might know anything about 'em
that might be of interest to us.
We went by your house.
You weren't there.
Okay. And?
And why don't you tell us.
Tell you what?
You heard about one
Miss Jenna McCarty, correct?
And you were also at the home...
of Mr. Ryan Parker earlier tonight,
weren't you?
Yeah. But-
Then certainly you must have
gathered that he was dead, right?
Brutally murdered, as a matter of fact.
Hence, homicide.
Plural, actually, Pic.
Homicides, with an S.
You're right, man.
There've been two homicides...
involving employees
of the Mayflower this week.
Since you were
at the scene of the crime tonight-
And in charge of security-
it stands to reason that you might have
an opinion or two about these matters.
Am I a suspect?
- Not yet.
- Not yet?
Not officially.
What, not officially?
At this point the only thing
you're suspected of...
is being a lousy security guard.
So, why were you out front
of the deceased's home earlier tonight?
Kind of a creepy coincidence,
don't you think?
I don't think
it was a creepy coincidence.
Not at all.
And I might be a lousy security guard,
but it seems to me that the two of you are...
not too much better
at the detective stuff.
If you'd have done your homework,
you would've seen that...
Mr. Parker is
the vice president of operations...
here at this particular branch
of the Mayflower Department Store.
And per protocol,
if anything goes wrong, it is my duty...
to contact Mr. Parker immediately.
Why not just call him?
As soon as you stop badgering me
and you get back to your work...
you'll be happy to see that the phone
records indicate that I did, in fact...
try to call Mr. Parker.
Probably, I might add, during the time at
which Mr. Parker was being, as you say...
brutally murdered.
Might be kind of hard for me
to have been the one killing him too.
So you ran over
to the deceased's home...
to let him know you were
having a problem with-
With the mirrors.
So unless there are any other questions,
I'd really like to get back to my work.
- No more questions.
- For now.
- We just wanted to stop by.
- Say hi.
And let you know that
we got our eye out on you.
I feel so much safer knowing that.
Thank you very much, Detectives.
I don't understand.
Who are you?
What do you want?
She worked here.
- Hello?
- Hi. Is this Elizabeth Reigns?
Hi. Elizabeth.
Hi. I'm Max.
You wanna talk about my sister?
You said you might have some information.
I think maybe I've seen her recently.
At the Mayflower.
Where at the Mayflower?
In the mirrors.
What- In the mirrors?
What do you mean, in the mirrors?
Yeah, I know it sounds crazy...
but I see her reflection
in the mirrors.
And I-
Then I turn around and she's gone.
She's not there anymore.
I don't know
who put you up to this.
My sister, my little sister Eleanor has
been missing for almost two months now.
And you just turn this
into some kind of joke.
No, it's not a joke.
Listen to me.
- Listen, I'm serious.
- Don't touch me!
Just don't touch me.
I know what I said, it sounds crazy.
It's the truth.
So this started happening the first night
that you were working there?
How can that be?
How is it that out of everyone
that works there...
you're the only one
that can see my sister?
A year ago,
I was driving with my fianc?e.
Can you reach into the backpack,
grab my phone for me?
- Yeah.
- I need to call my dad.
Okay, hang on. Drive safe.
- Okay, Max?
- Yeah. I got it.
- Please. Thank you.
- I can see.
- Come on, I'm a great driver.
- Yeah.
Where did you say it was?
In the front there.
Front. Front.
- Are you sure?
- Honey, it's right there.
Any luck?
Oh, my God.
Max Matheson,
is this what I think it is?
- Well, what do you think it is?
- I don't know.
A drunk driver.
He hit you?
I swerved to avoid him.
I wrapped my car
around a telephone pole.
Technically, it was my fault.
And your fianc?e, she-
she died in the accident?
We both did.
Start an IV.
Stay still, sir.
They brought you back.
Maybe I brought back
something with me...
some ability to see
the other side or something.
Afterward, I just got pretty
screwed up for a while-
drugs, alcohol...
whatever I could put into me.
Like I was trying to get
closer to her or something.
- Wasn't your fault.
- I was the one driving.
You were trying to swerve to get out
of the way. You were trying to save her.
Yeah, but I couldn't.
I couldn't save her.
You wanted to see her again.
Yeah. More than you could ever know.
How long's your sister been missing?
About two months.
And you still think she's-
Of course, the cops say that young women
up and leave all the time to start new lives.
But Eleanor and I...
we weren't just sisters, we were
best friends, we were soul mates.
And the night that she...
I woke up from a deep sleep,
screaming for no reason.
My heart was beating so fast,
I thought it was gonna explode.
I knew right then and there.
What was your sister doing
the day she disappeared?
Working at the Mayflower.
There was some sort of party that night
and she was- she'd just been hired on.
They were having
a groundbreaking celebration.
I gotta get to work.
Yeah, I gotta get some sleep.
I gotta work again tonight.
Call me if anything else comes up.
Thank you, Max.
I haven't done anything.
Not yet, anyway.
But you're trying.
That's more than anyone else
has been willing to do around here.
I'm trying my best.
I'm trying my best. Really.
Please. Stop doing this.
Wait. What are you doing?
Please, don't- don't do this.
Tell me what I need to do.
Please, tell me. Just-
What is it? What?
What night did she disappear?
It was a Wednesday night.
What was the specific date?
How come?
Well, it's a long shot,
but I thought maybe...
if something happened to Eleanor while
she was working here at the Mayflower...
maybe the security cameras
caught something.
It was Wednesday, September 22.
The 22nd.
It's not here.
It's missing.
- Missing?
- Yeah.
Somebody erased it.
- Who?
- Well, give me a minute.
Yeah, last viewed September 24.
Two days after she disappeared.
Who was the last person
to view those files?
Yeah, last viewed,
Henry David Schow.
Who's that?
He's the security guard I replaced.
The guy cut himself up and then quit.
They say he's gone totally crazy.
All after my sister went missing.
Can you pick me up?
Henry Schow?
Henry, you in there?
- Henry, is that you?
- Stay away from me.
Come on.
Henry, open the door.
I said stay away.
Henry, we're not here to hurt you.
We just wanna ask a couple questions.
Don't shut- Henry!
Who are you?
I'm your replacement at the Mayflower.
I'm the new night security guard.
You've seen her then?
Seen who?
What do you know about Eleanor?
Nothing'. I don't know nothing'.
Henry, you don't have to lie to us.
- I'm not Lying!
- Yes, you are! What are you hiding?
She wants to kill me.
Why does my sister want to kill you?
Your sister?
Henry, did you kill my sister?
No. I don't know
what happened to her.
But why do you think
she wants to kill you?
I don't know.
What about the files?
What files?
The digitized security camera files.
The one from the night
she went missing.
The ones you erased, Henry.
I was just following orders!
Henry, who told you
to erase those files?
Mr. Landreaux, Keller Landreaux...
asked me to get rid of 'em,
said it was important.
- Keller.
- That's when your sister first showed up.
That night.
That's when she started
haunting all my mirrors.
Henry, there's something
you're not telling us.
I told you everything.
Henry, now, my sister
went missing the next day.
And somebody asked you to erase
those security files from the cameras...
and you didn't think that
was a little bit suspicious?
No, I didn't.
I didn't think that. I-
I just didn't wanna know.
Henry, you need to tell us everything
that happened that night. Everything.
I just want her to leave me alone.
She's not gonna stop this
until she gets what she wants.
Until she gets the truth, Henry!
I don't know the truth.
Keller threatened my job, so I just-
I went along with him.
We were in the basement.
He said we had to erase the files.
I'm sorry!
The basement.
We have to go back to the Mayflower.
We have to check the basement.
I'm sorry!
What is it?
There's rust on the ground.
I think it came from that.
It's been moved.
Give me a hand?
It's a crawl space.
You okay in there?
- Max?
- Yeah, I'm okay.
Don't say a word
or you're both dead.
I'm gonna be right back.
Max, we need to talk.
Just come out.
- Max, he's got a gun!
- Shit!
Really need to loosen that one up.
Look out, world.
Jenna McCarty's up to her old tricks.
Now, now. The only way to keep
the new hires under your thumb...
is to make sure
you have dirt on them.
And nothing commands more respect
than knowing that you...
have made a complete and total asshole
of yourself in front of the higher-ups.
You're bad.
- So where you from originally?
- So anyway-
- There's the guy right there.
- Here you go, miss.
You know that girl right there?
She's in accounting?
I've seen her before, but I haven't
really met that many people yet, so-
And what about you?
I'm in operations, so,
pretty much the day-to-day stuff.
I think she's got something for you.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome. You're drinking water?
- Yes. I've been so thirsty.
- Driving.
Look, I didn't wanna hurt your sister!
I don't wanna hurt you!
Why are you making me do this?
Why won't you listen to me!
Get off me!
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
Honey, are you okay?
- I just-
- What happened?
- Hi, guys.
- Hey, boss.
She's, you know, been drinking.
Oh, no. Looks like somebody
had a little too much to drink.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Keller's gonna take you home, sweetie.
Yeah, that won't be a problem.
Here, come here, baby. Here.
- Just get her arm.
- There we go.
- You'll be fine.
- There we go.
You'll be fine.
Just drink a lot of water.
Have fun.
Want a shot?
- Yes, please.
- Two.
- I left my purse at work.
- Okay, we'll go back. No problem.
My keys.
- Where are we going?
- There you go.
I'm gonna get you home
safe and sound.
I have to go home?
And here we are.
Let's get your keys and get you home.
I just feel so-
- No, no, no.
- Get off me!
Get off me!
Get off me!
Stop it!
We need to talk about this!
Eleanor, we need to talk about this!
Eleanor! Where are you going?
Come here!
I just wanna talk to you!
I just wanna talk to you!
Help! Max!
Don't move, bitch.
- Why are you doing this?
- Shut up!
I can't let this happen.
I just wanna talk to you!
I swear to Christ,
I'm not gonna hurt you!
I just wanna talk.
I just think you're
a little confused, that's all.
Get down there, Eleanor!
- Eleanor?
- I just want to talk.
You're gonna ruin everything!
Get off of me!
This is your fault, Eleanor!
All you had to do was talk to me!
I'm so stupid!
I'm so stupid!
Help! Get off me!
Get off me!
Get back, Elizabeth!
Drop it, Keller.
It's over, Keller.
Oh, my God!
It's over.
We did it, Max.
So let me get this straight.
So even after you helped
Keller Landreaux...
cover up the crawl space hole
with a furnace...
and erase all the digital files
from the security cameras...
you didn't think something was,
I don't know...
No, sir, I didn't.
But you'd heard the girl went missing.
Yes, sir, I did.
And you're willing to sign a confession
admitting everything you've told us?
Which you understand...
will be admitting to your role...
in the conspiracy to cover up
the murder of Eleanor Reigns.
What say we get this man a pen.
You took the words
right out of my mouth, Pic.
Okay, what gives, Pete?
That was the easiest
interrogation ever.
I don't know, Pic.
First time I ever played
good cop, good cop though.
Must be some catch.
Always a catch.
Hello, Eleanor.
Rip By ChikChik