Mirzya (2016)

The sharp sting of separation
takes the breath away
Light the ember of love.
Set the heavens are...
...O Mirzya
This is the aHey of the blacksmiths
Their homes are here
The alley glows with eternal fire
When hot iron melts here...
. . . golden embers float high
The furnace embers take wing
Like Time unfurng moments
from its st
Then the warrior Mirza always
returns here
The b/acksmiths retells the tale
of his love for Sahiba
When their story is told in this alley
The sound of hooves ngers on
These valleys of milky mist
Centuries oat through here
Love never dies, O Mirzya
Forever lives the beloved Sahiba
Others are armed with spears
Mirza with bow and arrow
There he comes, My Mirza
fearless Hke a Hon
O Ivlirzya
- I'm coming
- Hurry up!
Where is it?
Give me your bag
- Your milk!
- Don't want any
You're always getting me late
- What were you doing?
- Target practice
Give me that
Deep is the pain of separation
Life is a burning re
Light the embers of love
Set the heavens alight,
O Mirzya
Speak up! So the sun melts
Let re seedlings be born
to hear your legend...
...O Mirzya
- I'll be right back
- What did you forget?
We'll miss the bus. Hurry!
These valleys of milky mist
Centuries ow through here
These valleys of milky mist
Centuries ow through here
Love never dies, O Mirzya
Forever lives the beloved Sahiba.
O Mirzya
The earth keeps turning
Comes from nowhere,
goes nowhere
Revowes around you etemaHy,
O Mirzya
- What did you forget?
- Your favourite
- Ivlonish?
- Yes, sir
Did you drop from the skies?
You weren't here a minute ago
I went back for my homework
Oh good. So you did your homework
Yes, sir
Show me
Your handwriting is improving
by the day
I practise every evening, sir
Show me your homework
You can go
Sir, I didn't do my homework
You didn't?
You know the punishment?
Don't you?
Yes, sir
- Sorry, Soochi
- Don't cry, Monish
Tell your Papa. He's a police officer.
He'll throw him into jail
He'll get him beaten up
Soochi, just tell your father
He won't spare the teacher
He'll shoot him
Tell your Father.
Show him your palm
You'll get into trouble.
The teacher will tell him that you cheated
l-low was school'?
Tea, sir
- Any homework?
- Yes, Papa
l-low are you Monish '?
If you look up at the sky, how can I
braid your hair down here'?
He's left for school
Said the teacher called him
in early
l-low are you'?
It happens.
In love it happens.
One suffers the hurt...
...while the other bleeds.
It happens
It happens
One suffers the hurt...
...whi/e the other bleeds
In love it happens
In love it happens
In passion
It happens
The sun singes the sky
And the earth is scarred
In love it happens
The verdict of Time
did not favour love
Bound in chains the {over
is fed away
In love
Everything was tried
Every oil lamp lled
Everything was tried
Every oil lamp lled
Unless a spark strikes...
...no Damp can burn
The colour of henna comes alive
Only when fully crushed
The colour of henna comes alive
Only when fully crushed
It happens
I t often happens in love
In love
One suffers the hurt
while the other bleeds
Sometimes it so happens...
. . . friends are separated,
but unspoken memories...
...whisper seny as
the lovers part
Lakes dry up,
but the cracks written into the soil remain
Those unspoken memories
Forever baked by the hot sun
Sometimes it so happens
The sun singes the sky
And the earth is scarred
It happens in love
It happens
In love it happens
In passion
It happens
It happens
In love it happens
In passion
It happens
It happens
It happens
It happens
O Mirzya
Salaam, Adil Mirza
Come here
Hit it
Well done!
Salaam, Abba
Bless you, my son
Haven't seen you around
Forgotten how to nail a horseshoe'?
I learned it from you,
the hard way
- Where's Rashid?
- He has wings under his feet now
Here he comes
What's his name?
The White One
Obviously, can't be the Black One!
Sharp tongue!
- Munnadone?
- Be patient
He has four legs,
not two like you
I meant it's time for your prayers,
Addresses me as if I were
a kid like him
But your name means "kid"
He's his grandpa!
- No need
- Take it
One day I'll steal your money
And '2
I'll buy a motorcycle like yours
He's older than you.
Talk with respect
But you don't. Neither does Ivlunna
- Let's go
- Take him
Put your cap on
Zeenat, don't let Adil leave
without eating
Yes father
Here he is. Nothing has
changed, Ivlaharaj
Your son lives the life that you did
Karen's luxury hotels are no less
...than palaces
Modern day kings are building
economic empires
The Commissioner is here
with a warrant
Get ready for a life sentence
Sir, I plead guilty
- When does Suchitra arrive?
- I should ask you that
She arrives on Saturday
What are you doing?
Drinking molten ice on the rocks
because you are the one
who always makes my drink
You're not here...
what do I do?
Liar! You must be drinking
all the more in my absence.
Only to drown my sorrows...
What are you sad about now?
I'm not there!
Come back
Very soon
What was that?
That was lightning striking
to the news of your arrival.
Have the rain clouds come?
Yeah. Come soon
The rains will come with you
- l-low are you dear child'?
- I'm well
- l-low are you, my child'?
- I'm fine
l-low are you'?
- I was fine till now...
- But now that I'm here...?
Did I say a word?
- Go. I'll bring your belongings
- May I take what belongs to you?
She's all yours. I have no hold
over her anymore
We'll follow you
Our child is back home
Not much fun traveling alone
on a long flight
I cou | d've flown you here
You mean on horseback?
That, too. Very soon
Join us, Ad
Long ears, slender legs,
silky black tail
Angels fear the Black Horse
And even God fears Mirza
Papa! Why such an expensive gifts?
It will all be yours some day
What do you say, Mr Rathore?
You spoil her, Ivlaharaj
Winning a Prince didn't spoil her,
so mere jewels cannot
Let's go
Give me that
My mother wore them for
polo matches
Your father already treats me
as your bride
In fact, he wants you to move
into our guest palace right away
Oh really?
Will you teach me how to ride'?
You're a Princess. Riding is a must
My beloved is away
Whenever she remembers me
I get Hiccups.
- Ad, is a 0k?
Yes, s
where did you go to school?
I didn't go to school, sir
But you speak English well
I learned a bit in the stables
From the horses?
Ma'am wants to learn English.
I mean... learn horse riding
Help her practice
Let the horses teach you English
First thing, don't get nervous
If you are...
...the horse can feel it
l-low does it know'?
Princess, it understands Hindi
and English
Like you? Without attending school?
What stirred me in my sleep?
Kept me wide-eyed all night
The lover, the heart. ....
...the lamp keep me awake
I hear a voice ca
I hear a voice ca
I hear a voice ca
I hear a voice ca
I hear a voice ca
I hear a voice ca
No word came
I sent a letter
In the rainy season
My eyes are dry
The riverbed is dry
The leaves are dry
Dryness fills within
I hear a voice ca
I hear a voice ca
I hear a voice ca
The sun is high over the roof
Burning all the shade
How shah I cross the courtyard?
My feet will burn
The riverbed is dry
The leaves are dry
Dryness fills within
O my lovely
The evening falls
The moon rises
Don? make me cry again
O my lovely
Swear on me
Don? come into my memories
The lover, the heart. ....
...the lamp keep me awake
The riverbed is dry
The leaves are dry
Dryness fills within
O my lovely
O my lovely
I remain thirsty
The clouds do not heed me
I remain thirsty
The clouds do not heed me
I remain thirsty
The clouds do not heed me
Though the rain falls
I remain thirsty
The clouds do not heed me
Have you been to Jodhpur?
I went to school there
I had a best friend
He would carry my school bag
and walk with me
- Boys and girls studied together?
- Yes
We would bunk class...
...and cycle all the way up to
the Fort
Then freewheel down
The cycle flew down the slopes
like the wind
With you on it?
I would sit in front and let go of
the handlebars
It was terrifying and exciting
Speed is exhilarating, Princess
I am no Princess
Will you teach me how to ride
a motorcycle?
The Prince will kill me
I've seen how fast you drive a car
But nothing beats a bike ride
I want to fly as I did with Monish
Ivlonish, my best friend
I don't know where he has vanished
The dry riverbed,
the dry leaves
Dryness fills within
I hear a voice ca
I hear a voice ca
I hear a voice ca
Kept me wide-eyed all night
Dryness fills within
Monish was always late for school
Sometimes we missed the
He was so lazy
He never did his homework
But he took great care of me
He brought me my favourite sweet
Why do you keep talking
to me about him?
Go look for him at the
Govvardhan Public School
Where did you vanish?
I'm not a princess
I'm Suchitra
You used to call me Soochi
Remember I had this tattoo done
You tattooed my name on your back
Go tell your father that you've found
the escaped murderer
Let him arrest me
Tell him yourself
You liar
You've led me on for days
I kept talking about our past...
...and you said nothing
You cheat
It tickies
It tickies
Com in g!
- Hurry up!
- Pm coming
You're always getting me late
- What were you doing?
- Target practice
Your bag
Your favourite sweet
I love you
I can't do it, Adil
I can't
Welcome to the family
For you
Love heeds no command
Togetherness is not closeness
Talking is so easy
Talking is so easy
Keeping an oath so difficult
What have you done, Princess?
I told you I'm not a Princess
I'm Soochi
I can't call you that
It is not right...
...for you to come here
at this late hour
Who did you come to see
- Did no one ask?
- No
I would've said I came to see Monish
I'm unworthy of you
Prince Karen...
He loves you
And you?
Don't you love me?
What is it?
She came wearing the silk night
on her delicate shoulders
He swayed with the moon
crowned on his head
At what place will Time
stop them?
A Princess she was
A Prince he was not
The Ioveiorn bird ew into the sky
The Ioveiorn bird ew high...
...aiming to catch the moon
When love skims the knife's edge,
it severs both wings
The Ioveiorn bird ew high...
...aiming to catch the moon
When love skims the knife's edge,
it severs both wings
The ame destroys the moth
And the wick consumes itself
Lovers burn in an eternal embrace
Lovers burn in an eternal embrace
Lovers burn in an eternal embrace
Lovers burn in an eternal embrace
Lovers burn in an eternal embrace
You nd everything you seek
in the House of Love
Even God, the unseen
Everyone nds what they seek
But do {overs ever get it ail?
But do {overs ever get it ail?
A Princess she was
A Prince he was not
Love visited the b/acksmiths alley
But love was no blacksmith
The flame destroys the moth.
And the wick consumes itself
Lovers burn in an eternal embrace
Lovers burn in an eternal embrace
Lovers burn in an eternal embrace
He's yours now
Where were you all these days?
This is Zeenat
No one knows me like she does
She knows my soul
When I escaped prison...
... | ran for five whole days
and nights
I collapsed here in the
blacksmiths' alley
When I opened my eyes again...
... | saw Zeenafs face
And the red glow
of the furnaces
- Who is she?
- The Princess
Does the White One belong to you?
- He belongs to Prince Karan
- Who is he?
The man I am to marry
Why not marry Ad Mwza?
Behave yourself
- Or you'll shut me up?
- That's right
They talk in riddles here
I'll be right back
My late husband's marriage gift.
I gift them to you now
You're in love with Adil
We are links in a long chain
lam linked to Adil
Ad to you
And you to Prince Karen
No please. I can't take your bracelet
- Don't break the pair
- It's fine
I'll give the other one to Monish
Let's go
Of another Time he came
To another Time he went
Like passion, raising dust
On earth, across the universe
Where? Where shall I seek you?
The earth keeps turning
Comes from nowhere,
goes nowhere
Revowes around you etemaHy,
O Mirzya
It's okay.
Yes Ad?
l-low are you'?
Sir, I wanted to remind you
about the safari tonight
There's a big desert fair.
Tourists might want a ride
I know
I've already promised Soochi
It's a fullmoon tonight
The perfect time for a safari
- Should I take the White One, sir?
- Sure
Why are your hands blackened?
My motorbike broke down
I asked you to teach me how to ride
a motorbike
No, madam
I didn't like what you just did.
It was uncalled for
You're now the princess!
There was a river homing
onto two shores
Unable to let go of either shore
There was a river
There was a river
Breaking from one shore,
a terrible flood
Breaking from one shore,
a terrible flood
Turning to the other,
would drown the earth
There was a river
There was a river homing
onto two shores
There was a river
Soochi, run!
The heart is a cruel ruler
That keeps her in shackles
There was a river
The heart is a cruel ruler
That keeps her in shackles
There was a river
That keeps her in shackles
There was a river homing
onto two shores
There was a river
There was a river homing
onto two shores
There was a river
Don't worry
- ls it a serious fracture?
- No
You mean he can go home
Hey, big b0)
Out chasing cats?
Couldn't you wait a bit?
You're marrying soon enough.
Right, Commissioner?
You risked your life and saved
the Princess
I'd die many times for her
You were very brave
Go, child
You've been up all night
My car's outside
Go and rest
God bless you, my child
See her to the car
The lioness is wounded.
She's now more dangerous
You'll have to kill that cat, my son
The wedding is near
The Maharajah has decided
But he didn't say when
Nor did he say to whom
Someone called Adil Ivlirza is here
to see you
l-low are you'?
Come and sit down
What brings you here?
Sir, I need to ask you something
Go ahead
Sir, if a young boy...
...a mere child were to commit
a crime...
...for how long would he
be considered a criminal?
The law can be harsh
but compassionate too
What happened?
You can tell me, son
Remember when you
were in Jodhpur...
A nine year-old boy stole your gun
He killed a schoolteacher
with that gun
Shot him dead
He was Soochi's classmate
He loved Soochi
Still does
l-low did you change your name '?
We want to marry...
Get out!
So he changed his name?
No one can escape the law, sir
Royal houses do not give
a damn about the law
Put out this fire before
it consumes us
His real name is Mon/sh
- Teach me how to ride a bike?
- Soochi/f
Why are your hands blackened?
Teach me to ride a bike?
No one can escape the law
His real name is Mon/sh
Royal houses do not give a damn
about the law
How did he change his name?
Teach me to ride a bike?
The sound of your footsteps
I can hear them
From where do they come?
Are they returning?
Or departing?
Have you come back?
Or are you leaving?
The ties of the heart are not
cut by a saw
They are cut...
...by actions such as yours
You have destroyed me Soochi
O beloved
O beloved
O beloved
The bride is leaving
The lover's treasure departs
The bride is leaving
The lover's treasure departs
O father, we played in every season
Swinging on swings...
...in the falling rain
You kept awake...
...and whispered mabies
as 1 slept
As I step beyond the threshold
As I step beyond the threshold
My dues are now sewed, O father
My dues are now sewed, O father
A box of bridal vermi//ion,
poison hidden within
Poison for the bride,
if the {over does not arrive
O beloved
O beloved
O beloved
O Ioveiorn bird!
Give me news of my beloved
O Ioveiorn bird!
Give me news of my beloved
May she not die of thirst
Bring a beakful of water
O Ioveiorn bird!
Soochi, come out!
Look, she is sitting still
Please bring the bride
Soochi, open up!
H happens.
Often it happens in love
Often it happens in love
One suffers the hurt
while the other bleeds
Any news?
Sir, their photographs have been
We must be missing something
Did you help them elope?
Where's the commissioner's daughter?
Come, son
It's all over
Nothing is over
Where will we go?
Beyond the desert
Across the border
We'll see once we get there
You okay?
Your shoe
Nothing Hes beyond the sky
There's only you...
...and me
Our love has three witnesses
There's God, you...
...and me
Why does the earth echo today?
The sky is lost in their story
Our love has three witnesses
There's God, you...
..and me
Let us open the sky and see
Perhaps another sky we'll find
Let us walk together
Let my sou! meet yours
Any petrol'?
Let Ioves fragrance soar
Only one bottle?
Let the dream stay a dream
Our love has three witnesses
There's God, you...
..and me
We're out of petrol
What now?
- Any news?
- Nothing, sir
- l-low far is the border'?
- 25 miles away
We've alerted the border patrol
We'll get them by sunset
We have to
Do not wear the noose of love
This rope is unending
You will never get Sahiba
You will never get Sahiba
Do not be born again, O Mirzya
The earth turned crimson
The sky turned copper
Blood gushed from his brow
His senses fading away
- l-low much further'?
- Not much
It'll soon be dark. We'll leave
at dawn
- l-low many bullets left'?
- Six
- Are they enough'?
- l-low many will come for us'?
Who knows! Many, if the police
come too
Maybe Karen will come
The first bullet is for...
...your Prince Karen
The second?
Maybe the Maharajah will come
And your father
He'll be there for sure
So, the second bullet is for
the Maharajah
The third is for your father
The fourth. . .for you
The fifth...me
And the last bullet?
It could be for anyone
Soochi, get the horse!
Do not wear the noose of love
This rope is unending
You will never get Sahiba
Do not be born again, Mirzya
These valleys of milky mist
Centuries ow through here
Love never dies, O Mirzya
Forever lives the beloved Sahiba