Miss Frontier Mail (1936)

Fearless Nadia
''lndian Pearl White''
Sardar Mansoor
''Hind Kesri''
Sayani Atish
''Screen Villain No. 1''
John Cawas
''lndian Eddie Polo''
Master Mohammad
''Your favorite singer''
Manchi Thoothi, ''Champion Banana Eater''
Jaydev ''lndian Frankie Darro''
Minoo, the Mystic
Gulshan ''Screen Vamp''
Jal Khambatta, character actor
Nightingale - voice, Bashir Qawwaal
Lagoo, come here quickly!
See, what you've done, Lagoo!
Come on, get up now.
You stupid son of a fool!
What can l say?
Me, a kid? Then what are you?
The fool's dad?
What can l say?
What do you mean ''Am l blind''?
You and your blind...
Hang on!
What are you guys fighting about?
Whose telegram is it?
lt's for Savita Devi.
Sis, Savita sis! Oh, Frontier Mail!
Are you calling out to a lady?
Or to a train?
Jayant, l'm going hunting.
lf you want, you can come along.
There's a telegram for you.
lt's probably from Father.
Sign for it.
''Your father has been accused
of murder.''
lt's a total lie!
Father can never commit a murder.
lt definitely looks like
he's been framed.
Come on, at least sign for it.
What is this?
''lf you want to know the name
of the real murderer...''
''meet me at 3 PM today near the
electric poles of Varoli Hill. Alone.''
''Your well wisher.''
Jayant, l'll leave for Bombay right now.
What's the time?
- 10:30.
- 10:30. lt's already time for the train.
- You have just five minutes.
- Oh my God!
There's no time
to even change my clothes.
Jayant, give me that piece of paper.
Hey, what are you doing?
Hey, what are you doing? This isn't mine.
lt belongs to the government.
l will lose my job!
The cycle isn't mine,
it's the government's.
lt isn't mine, it's the government's.
Postman! Come here.
Oh my God, she disappeared
like the wind!
That's why we call her
The Frontier Mail.
What can l say?
Here, eat these bananas
and forget your woes.
To hell with your bananas!
Here, l've signed.
Hey, get out of the way!
Hey, get out of the way!
You girl on the cycle, l'll fall down.
What are you up to?
Hello, hello! Good morning, everybody!
My greetings to you, gentlemen!
Friends, this time l've
repaired this clock so well...
that even if the machine breaks down,
there's no way this clock will stop running.
Stationmaster Maganlal, following
your brother Shyamlal's testimony...
it's now proven that lshwarlal
was murdered by you.
What do you have to say
in your defence?
l wish to reiterate that l am innocent.
but l cannot ever think of
my brother as a murderer.
But what about the fight between
Maganlal and lshwarlal?
Father, this is a matter of life and death.
One needs to be very careful
in judging this matter.
Sunder, l've spent my entire life
in the path of justice.
And l'm certainly not going to bring
a bad name to my profession today.
Maganlal has been derelict in his duty.
- But Father...
- Enough!
l don't want to listen
to anything anymore.
My son, even if you'd been in this
situation in place of Maganlal...
l'd have handed you over
to the police without hesitation.
Mr. Maganlal, the inquiry is over.
What do you have to say now?
Sir, l am an unfortunate victim
of circumstances in this matter.
All l will say is that all these years....
l have served the railway
company with total loyalty.
Even if l never have
another opportunity to serve again...
l will, till my last breath,
be loyal to the railway company.
- ls this the President's office?
- Yes, but what's your name?
Wait a minute. Where are you going?
You don't have permission to go inside.
But l've got very important business.
- l'm sorry but there's a meeting
going on inside. - Oh, l see!
Who dares say that
my father is a murderer?
- Who's this?
- Savita, Maganlal's daughter.
Savita dear, you shouldn't
have entered in this manner.
Father, l came here as soon
as l got Shyamu Uncle's telegram.
Yes, l had sent the telegram.
Savita is our acknowledged Frontier Mail.
That's why she could get here so fast.
Mr. Sunderlal... Miss Savita.
Ok, so what does this girl want to say?
Only that my father is innocent.
- And your proof for this?
- Here it is.
''Your father had saved my life''
''meet me at 3 o'clock today near the
electric poles of Varoli Hill. Alone.''
Who could this be?
l'd once saved a man
by the name of Jagannath.
He'd picked a passenger's pocket
and was trying to escape.
Though l caught him, l took
pity on him and let him go.
ln that case, my request is to
adjourn this case for now.
Yes, indeed. This way my brother's
honor will also be protected.
l agree. But Maganlal will have
to be in police custody.
Thank you, Sir.
Well done, girl.
You came at just the right moment.
Definitely. My congratulations, Miss Savita.
lf you like, l can give you
my car to go meet Jagannath.
And if you want,
my car is also at your service.
Thank you. l will take your car.
Shyamu Uncle, you please
take care of Father.
Yes, that would be the right thing to do.
Come, let's go together.
No, l want to go alone.
Jagannath may not otherwise reveal
to us the name of the murderer.
She's back again!
- Miss Savita, let me go with you.
- No.
What's going on here? ls this the
Railway Office or a college dormitory?
Go to your seats and do your work.
That girl came like the Toofan Mail...
beat up everybody like the Punjab Mail...
and disappeared like the Frontier Mail.
And this clock which l'd just repaired,
is again totally broken.
To whom can l complain?
Miss Savita, if you go alone,
your life could be in danger.
What if they attack you?
Then my answer is... this.
Oh, l see. So you are fully
a Miss 1936 now.
Sir, this is a very expensive car.
lf she does not...
lf l don't drive the car properly....
Don't worry, driver.
See how l drive the car.
Wow, she's disappeared like a mail train.
That too, like the Frontier Mail.
Driver, l'm going to follow her.
Mr. Shyamlal we are all very upset
with these railway robberies.
Yes, indeed. May God protect all!
Hey, who's taking my car?
Go slow! Watch out! Be careful!
- Who's taken my car?
- Sir, the little master has taken your car.
The little master?
That good-for-nothing boy!
He's taken his father's car and gone?
May God protect us from these
spoiled kids of today!
The father has to go by foot,
and the son whizzes by in the car.
Sir, l have very important work.
With your permission, l'll take your leave.
Ok, no problem.
The little master has taken it!
Let him just come in front of me!
Beauty is not supposed to hide itself
Your beauty is what
attracted me to you
l am your lover.
l will put up with your pride
And will always take care
of your every need...
as long as your youth is intact
Ask my eyes.
They always look at...
your youth, your beauty
Even if my last breath
leaves my body...
my love for you
will not leave my heart
Meet my rivals
as much as you please...
but don't forget
to shower your love on me, too
When she heard my
sorrowful tale, she said...
''There's a lot of pain indeed
in your story''
Wonderful! What can l say!
Here, let's play cards.
Come on, play anything!
- Where are you off to?
- ln search of a bird.
Come on, play quickly.
- l want to play, too.
- No, we won't let you play.
Are you going to let me play or not?
What has happened to Jagannath today?
Are you going
to allow me to play or not?
You always make a mess of things.
Whose photo is this?
Don't you know?
This is Jaggu's son, Kishore.
Signal X calling! Signal X calling!
Signal X calling!
Keep quiet, guys!
The master is calling us.
Signal X calling, Signal X calling.
Yes, Master. l'm listening. Go ahead.
Listen. For now, Maganlal has
been cleared out of our way.
That's very good, that's very good.
Silence, you fool.
But our work is not completed yet.
ls Jagannath there?
No, he has gone out just now.
Good. Keep an eye on him.
He's a traitor.
A traitor?
At 3 P.M. today, he's going to tell
Maganlal's daughter, Savita, everything.
Make sure he doesn't get to the
electric poles near Varoli hill.
And make sure Savita
doesn't get there either.
Switch off now.
Okay, Master.
Oh my God!
- Who are these two guys?
- No idea.
- Budhu, get them out of here.
- Okay.
Hey, is this your dad's private property
that you're filming here?
l'll tell you. Get going now.
Get away from here right now.
Otherwise, there'll be a storm.
l mean, the owner of this place
will cut you to pieces.
But Sir, all we want
is to do some filming.
Who cares about your filming?
Get out of here!
We won't go.
You there, tell this guy to stop this.
Otherwise l'll thrash him to pieces.
My car's leaving, so l've got to go.
Otherwise l'd have thrashed you to pieces.
- lt's strange. The building is empty.
- Then who's this guy shooing us off?
Whoever. Let's just find
another location now.
Take out those things quickly.
What we need to stop that car.
Savita will take this route only.
Come on, quickly! Quickly!
Okay, everything's fine now.
Now you guys can leave.
l'll take it from here.
Danger! Danger! Stop! Stop!
Why? What's the problem?
lf you proceed, there's only danger.
Hey, what are you doing?
lnviting your death?
Stop! Stop! Stop!
You don't understand.
Wait. Stop!
Somebody help me! Lift me!
Get me out of this!
What a mess! Oh my God!
What sort of woman is she?
She seems to be possessed by a spirit.
Or the Devil.
Friends, this is no woman.
She's a big thunderstorm.
There she goes.
- Savita Devi!
- Hands up!
- Who? Jagannath?
- Yes, Jagannath.
For God's sake,
point this pistol away from me.
l'm no enemy of yours.
Okay, l agree.
l had once picked the pocket
of a passenger.
Your father had saved me then.
And that's something
l cannot forget all my life.
But the lesson your father taught me...
l could not retain, due to circumstances.
And l got caught up with these bandits.
Ok, now tell me who murdered
the Deputy Station Master?
Here's her car.
- Where would she have gone?
- Probably in that direction.
Come on, let's go!
Tell me, what's the name of the murderer?
l'll tell you, but speak softly.
That murderer's name...
l found out by accident.
Tell me quickly, what's his name?
His name...
Listen, somebody's coming.
There's nobody. Tell me quickly.
Don't worry.
Ok, his name is...
See, there she is.
Hide quickly! Hide quickly!
- Babu, go from behind and
snatch her pistol. - Okay.
- Stupid fellow, do you want to die?
- My cap, my cap!
Look there, Savita is fighting
with those bad guys.
Come, let's go. Hurry up!
What can l say!
Run! Run!
Come on guys, take me with you.
Good thing we reached in time.
Savita, l told you it'd be dangerous
coming here alone.
Wow, sister, you fought very well.
lf those cowards hadn't run away,
you'd have thrashed them even more.
That was a lot of fun.
Take this! Take that!
So, how did you like it?
What can l say!
l didn't even get time to eat bananas.
Jayant, meet Mr. Sundarlal.
He is the brave son
of the railway company's President.
Sundar, this is my brother Jayant.
Sir, l'm very pleased to meet you.
You turned out to be a very good boxer.
But hey, what's happened to Jagannath?
Come, let's go and have a look.
The name... name of the murderer is...
Yes, tell us quickly.
His name is...
Jagannath is dead.
What l don't get is that...
when the bad guys were standing
in front of us....
how did the bullet hit
Jagannath in his back?
Whatever had to happen, happened.
This is now a police case.
Come, let's leave the body here
and inform the police.
But Savita,
don't ever take such a risk again.
Whatever it is, even at the risk to my life,
l will never hesitate to do my duty.
Hear, hear!
Okay, let's go to the car.
Lagoo, wait!
We left the camera back there.
What can l say! Even the film
got left behind.
Jayant, my car is lying at the base
of the hill, with a puncture.
You get it fixed.
l'll take Savita with me.
You understood, right?
- You got it, right?
- What?
l understood it, but our friend
Lagoo didn't get it.
My simpleton friend, come here.
Other than eating green bananas,
do you ever think of anything else?
- Yes, of course.
- What?
Eating yellow bananas.
Hello Savita dear, hello Mr. Sundarlal,
what's the news?
Believe me, l was really worried about Savita.
So l came here myself.
Shyamu Uncle, Jagannath is dead.
What's this you're saying?
How did this happen?
Before the identity
of Signal X could be revealed...
somebody managed
to shoot and kill him.
Pity! God knows how many more
will fall victim to Signal X.
But my dear,
l am your father's own brother.
l will make every effort
to get him released.
lf you need my help for anything,
just let me know.
Thank you very much, Shyamu Uncle.
lf l need your help, l'll let you know.
- Come on, Mr. Sundarlal, it's getting late.
- Okay.
l'll take your leave.
- Goodbye, Mr. Shyamlal.
- Goodbye.
You arrogant girl!
Let the time come. l'll rid
you of all your arrogance.
And l'll quench my thirst
with your beauty.
Mr. Sundar, l owe you. You helped
me at just the right time.
Miss Savita, now that l've got
to enjoy your company...
it's my desire to always be with you.
- Oh, so you've thought of a plan?
- Yes.
And what's this plan?
With Father's permission, l'll become
cabin man at Lalwadi station.
- Oh ho! That's a good plan.
- Without doubt, it is.
Rub it slowly.
Brave men indeed! Couldn't
even catch a lone woman.
She wasn't alone.
She had her regiment with her.
But in the beginning,
she was alone, wasn't she?
My dear, you say she was alone?
Didn't you see what a storm
accompanied her?
A storm? lf you could only see a storm,
why don't you wear bangles?
When one of our own horses got us
trapped, what could we do?
Yes, once l suffered the same fate
at the Ghoda Peer celebrations.
Ok, forget all this arguing,
tell us what happened.
You want to know what happened?
Alas, all the jockeys were hopeless!
l bet on all the favorites one day,
Arabic, Valor, thoroughbreds all!
The tip was that the horse,
Wazir-ul-Mulk, would be the winner
But my luck,
it turned out to be a fluke!
Then you should have
doubled your bet.
Or you should've tripled your bet.
Or you could've quadrupled your bet.
by changing my combination
l bet on all the favorites one day,
Arabic, Valor, thoroughbreds all!
For the first furlong,
the horse led all the way
Coming home the jockey
pressed to one side
The horse wound up fourth
When l checked the scoreboard,
to my misfortune...
the horse l'd bet on, was nowhere!
- Have a smoke.
- Thank you.
Mr. Shyamlal, what's the status of the job
our airplane company entrusted with you?
Mr. Jain, l'm executing everything
as per your orders.
lf we go on like this, the railways
will definitely lose their reputation.
And your airplane company
will end up being the winner.
But Mr. Shyamlal, the airplane company
can be a winner only when...
the railways suffer significant damage.
Accident? Oh, okay, l understand.
But my reward?
- When the job's done, l'll give you
ten lakh rupees. - Ten lakh rupees?
Yes, ten lakh rupees.
Here, take this document.
Ok, Sir, l'll prove to you there's no
bigger rogue in this world than Shyamlal.
Alright! lt's a bargain.
- Okay.
- So l take your leave now.
Mr. Shyamlal, opportunities like this,
to earn ten lakhs, do not come often.
Alright, bye bye.
Ten lakh rupees!
Signal X calling! Signal X calling!
Signal X calling!
Yes, Master? This is Gulab.
We tried to stop that Savita but...
Yes, yes, l know everything.
Jagannath got killed. And Sunita
got away. Stupid fellows!
The 4 UP mail train, carrying gold bars,
will pass a bridge at noon.
Arrange to blow up the bridge.
When the train collapses,
pick up the gold and take off.
- Did you get that?
- Okay, Master.
Khalid! Kesri! Budhu!
You take the dynamite and...
Oh my God! Spare me, my dear lady!
Shut up! You have to go under the bridge,
taking the dynamite with you.
Blow up the bridge,
three minutes before twelve.
Babu! And the rest of you!
Take care of the goods train driver.
My dear lady, it's so easy for you to say.
''Blow up the bridge!
Loot the train!''
So that is your order now?
Whatever else had to happen,
has happened.
Now all that remains is this bomb job!
Who? Oh, l know!
There's only one girl in this world
with such soft, silken hands.
And that is yours, Savita.
And that is you, Sundar.
Oh, you have a Morse code machine?
What's it doing here?
l'm practising it.
Why, would you like to learn it?
Sure, why not?
Ok, listen. Morse code messages
are sent only in English.
The twenty-six letters have
twenty-six different combinations...
which, when typed correctly,
get the message across.
See, this is how it is.
- l.
- l.
- This is L.
- L.
- This is O.
- O.
- This is V.
- V.
- And this is E.
- E.
- l L O V E.
- Yes, totally correct.
Okay, go on.
- This is Y.
- Y.
- This is O.
- O.
- This is U.
- U.
Y O U.
l LOVE YOU. Ah, l get it.
Mr. Sundar, you need to be patient.
This is a difficult lesson
for this new pupil.
Savita, this is the one lesson in
life that every man must learn.
Someday l'll ask you
to teach me this lesson.
And that day will be...
when l would've learned
all the railway work...
and will be able
to prove this to my father.
Savita, why are you silent?
l love you.
- No, not on that day.
- Then when?
When l am able to prove
that my father is innocent.
- Savita...
- Till then, we'll remain friends.
- Savita!
- Sundar!
- Who? Shyamu Uncle?
- Yes, my dear.
Please come, Mr. Shyamlal.
Please sit down.
Okay, then l'll leave.
What's the hurry, Savita?
Wait, l'll come too.
Thank you, Shyamu Uncle,
but l've got to go to the station.
l'll go on my own.
''Place a bomb. Blow up the bridge.
Get the train to crash.''
What if we get caught in all this?
We will then be finished.
Look there, Lagoo. They look like railway
bandits, trying to blow up the bridge.
Don't shout, you fool. Come on,
let's get this on camera.
That's what l think too.
There she goes. Catch her!
Make sure she doesn't get away.
- Come on, Lagoo, hurry up!
- l'm coming.
- Sundar babu, oh Sundar babu!
- This sounds like Jayant's voice.
Yes, it does sound like him.
Why Jayant, what's the matter?
Bandits are trying to blow up the bridge.
Come quickly!
- Are you serious?
- Yes, l am. Hurry up!
- Jayant, are you crazy?
- No, Shyamu Uncle, l'm speaking the truth.
Mr. Shyamlal, is your car available?
No, l didn't come by car today.
Stop! Stop!
Who? Sundar babu?
Take me to the railway bridge immediately.
Some bandits are trying
to blow up the bridge.
Okay, sit down.
Enough. lt's time now. Light it.
Light it up, light it up!
Run, run!
Where are you running?
Take me also with you.
How did the train stop?
l say, let's get out of here.
Otherwise, we'll end up in jail.
Savita, Sundar, Jayant, Lagoo...
how can l possibly praise you
enough for your bravery!
you've saved the lives of thousands.
This is a matter of great pride
for our country.
Yes, what can l say?
But Father, l'm sorry that
the bandits managed to get away.
Oh, in all this confusion,
l completely forgot one thing.
l've managed to capture the
bandits' pictures on my camera.
What can l say?
Er... Jayant, you've captured
the bandits' pictures on camera?
You got them on camera?
You've really got them on camera?
Yes, indeed, l have.
What can l say?
What do you think we did?
Wonderful, Jayant.
Now take the film to the film company
and get it developed without delay.
That's a good idea.
Jayant, my son,
if you like, take my car.
My car's also available.
Yes, Sundar babu's car
will be just fine.
Father, please don't worry.
l have put all my faith in God.
Time up. Now please leave.
Father, l take your leave.
Let's go now. Brother, l'm taking care
of your children as if they're my own.
Don't worry.
Jaggu's son is so handsome.
- lf only he'd been on our side
instead of the enemy's. - Then?
The battle of romance will start.
The travails of youth,
they're not easy.
lf you're caught up in the ocean of
love, life's but a storm thereafter.
- Signal X calling!
- Yes, Master?
Listen, you people were unsuccessful
in the bridge explosion project.
lf this happens again,
you'll not be paid a single cent.
And listen further.
He has caught all of you on film.
And is going to the film studio
at 3 o'clock.
You need to make sure
Jayant does not get there.
And also make sure you get
hold of that film, otherwise...
there will be only a storm ahead.
all of you will be finished.
Do come in, Shyamu Uncle.
What news?
Nothing. l just came see if Jayant
has already left with the film or not.
He is just about to leave.
Please do sit down.
- Ramu!
- Yes, Ma'am?
- Get Shyamu Uncle some tea.
- Yes, Ma'am.
And, this one is number four.
Come on Lagoo, let's go now.
The box with bananas.
And the box with the film.
Here they are.
Sis, we're leaving for the film studio.
Go my son, go quickly.
My Jayant is very hardworking.
But also very smart.
What can l say?
And what have l done then?
Just haircutting?
Be careful, bro.
Watch out for those bandits.
Don't worry.
l'm the brother of the Frontier Mail.
What can l say?
Hey Lagoo, what are you doing?
What can l say?
l'm just checking on the bananas.
But this box has the film.
That means, till we reach the film studio,
you shouldn't open this.
Otherwise it'll get exposed.
Look, this one here has the film.
And that one has the bananas.
This one with bananas,
this one with film.
This one with bananas,
this one with film.
This one with bananas,
this one with film.
One box with film,
one box with bananas.
One box with film,
one box with bananas.
One box with film,
one box with bananas.
One with film,
one with bananas... er... no...
A film with bananas...
bananas with film... no...
a box with bananas...
and boxes of bananas...
bananas, film... boxes...
bananas, film...
bananas... bananas,
film, boxes...
Jayant's car will pass this way.
Be ready!
Bhanu, take this pistol,
and go over there.
The moment Jayant's car passes,
jump onto it.
- As you wish.
- Okay, now go quickly.
Why, my dear? What's the problem?
Other than the three or four of us,
nobody else knows Jayant took that film.
Still, the fact that Jayant was
taking pictures at that bridge...
is known to those bandits.
But don't worry.
Jayant is a very smart boy.
Stop the car! And get out.
Get down.
See how he got caught.
Come on.
Shyamu Uncle, l shouldn't
have sent Jayant alone.
Can l borrow your car?
My dear, the car's at your service.
But there's no need to worry so much.
l know but l still worry.
Let's go.
And they thought they were very smart!
Look here, kid. Your tricks aren't going
to work on us anymore.
Stay put here till l tell you otherwise.
Got it?
What can l say?
Only so much that if you don't comply,
it'll get very stormy for you.
Budhu, take this pistol.
And keep a close watch on them.
When l get to the car and call out,
come there immediately.
Okay, friends, our job's done.
You were trying to act smart,
weren't you?
Stop it!
Stop him! There he is!
We had the upper hand.
But Shyamu Uncle messed it up.
l am very sorry. l did try hard, but...
Now what are you laughing about?
You were invited to have bananas
at your grandmother's wedding today?
What can l say?
lt's the bandits who've to think
about their grandmothers.
- What do you mean?
- What do l mean?
What's wrong with Lagoo now?
Why is he laughing like a madman?
What l mean is... this.
Hey, this is the box with the film.
The box with the film?
Then what did the bandits take?
The bandits took...
the box with the bananas.
Very well done, Lagoo.
You'd done magic today.
- Why, Shyamu Uncle?
- Yes, of course, of course.
The film is now safe.
But l lost the bananas. How sad!
Don't worry, Lagoo. As soon as we reach
the studio in Bombay...
l'll get you as many bananas
as you can eat.
And that too,
from the hands of a pretty sales lady.
From the hands of a pretty sales lady?
Come on, Shyamu Uncle, our job's done.
Yes, let's go.
We got it.
Now there's nothing to worry about.
everything's just hunky dory.
Today we did a great job.
We completely annihilated Savita
and the others with her.
And when that silly Shyamlal
tried to interfere...
we taught him a lesson too.
What? Shyamlal was fighting
on Savita's side?
Yes, he was.
But why does that bother you?
l understood.
- lt's started now.
- What's started?
The storm. Two girls fighting for
one man on the battlefield of love.
One priest, two goddesses.
What a new storm this is!
We got it, we got it.
We got the box with the film.
We got it, we got it.
We got the box with the film.
- Signal X calling!
- Yes, Master?
We managed to get
the box with the film.
''We managed to get
the box with the film.''
You stupid people! You asses!
You incompetents! You wretches!
Just open the box and see
what sort of film you find in there.
Open the box. See what's in there.
Film, what else?
How we ended up with bananas,
is a puzzle
The box with the film's gone,
all that's left is bananas.
Yes, Master.
There's no film in the box.
Ok, switch off. Over and Out.
Stupid, incompetent people!
The bananas are what
we've ended up with!
Hello, Lalwadi, cabin A.
Yes. Yes, Yes. Okay.
Savita, why didn't you come
to the cabin yesterday?
So you spend your work time
thinking about women?
Mr. Sundarlal, you're distracted
from your work.
So you are being accused of...
But Savita,
l cannot be patient for too long now.
How long will both of us
have to be like this?
Till we get hold of that Signal X.
- Gulab, nobody saw you coming here, right?
- No.
- And our men also don't know
you've come here, right? - No.
Don't worry about them.
- Those fools have no clue that
Shyamlal and Signal X... - Quiet!
Not so loud!
Gulab, even walls have ears.
Shyamlal, when will we end this business
of looting and stealing?
We just have to do one more thing.
Then we'll have ten lakhs in our hands.
You... and l.
You won't double cross me, will you?
Double cross? That too, you?
Gulab, listen.
l've already taken care of Magan.
Only Savita remains now.
Sing, oh wise men,
forget all your sorrows
For sixteen years we've been looting,
and then drinking
So how can we now give up our whisky,
brandy and rum?
Sing, oh wise men,
forget all your sorrows
No matter how far you go,
whiskey will always be with you
Sing, oh wise men,
forget all your sorrows
You may go to a hotel
and enjoy yourselves
We will drink and dance to just
''tat tha thai tham tham''
Sing, oh wise men,
forget all your sorrows
So how did you like the song?
What can l say?
When l used to listen to the original,
l'd close my eyes and enjoy it.
And when l heard your version,
l had to close my ears.
Otherwise my eardrums would have burst.
Where is Savita?
She's in the gym, doing exercises.
Should l call her?
- No need. l'll go there myself.
- As you wish.
Aah, what was that?
Oh, Sundar? l didn't see you.
Daughter of Sando, you didn't see me.
Nor did this big punching ball.
This l like.
Oh Lagoo, just when we have a good shot,
we don't have our camera ready.
What can l say?
- Who, Jayant?
- Hello, Jayant.
- Did you get the film?
- Yes, sis, l've got it.
What can l say? lf it is you got the
film, what have l been up to?
Hello, Shyamu Uncle, you're back?
Yes, indeed l am.
So Jayant, my son,
did you get the film from the studio?
Yes, l have. See, this is the negative.
And this is the positive.
Well done, Jayant. Now we'll be able
to trace those bandits very easily.
Can the two of you make it?
l'm sorry, Savita,
l'll be on duty at that time.
And l'm sorry too.
l won't be able to make it either.
As you please.
- Jayant, keep everything ready for tonight.
- Sure, sis.
Good. Then let's start.
Come on, Lagoo. Switch off the lights.
What can l say!
At least let me eat my banana.
Okay, okay, finish it first.
- l'm ready now.
- Okay, switch off all the lights.
- Hands up!
- Who? Signal X?
Careful! lf anybody makes one sound,
l'll kill everybody!
Careful! Don't move one step.
Stay there!
Pity! All our good work
has come to naught!
This is all because of Lagoo.
lf you hadn't insisted on that banana,
we'd surely have found out Signal X today.
What can l say?
- Signal X calling! Signal X calling!
- Yes, Master?
l have some good news for you.
l've managed to get hold of that film,
and have burned it.
Now listen to me very carefully.
This evening, at 8:00 P.M.,
two trains will meet at North Bridge.
You need to go to Sundar's cabin
and change to signal no.4.
As a result, there will be a collision.
This is our last job.
l am confirming this is our last job.
Over and out.
Yes, Master.
- l don't want to do this.
- Nor do l.
Master always lies to us.
Where's that reward he announced?
Listen guys, till now you've put
your lives at risk and done a lot.
And now, for just one small job,
you don't have the guts anymore?
This is the last job.
Do it and collect your reward.
No, we won't.
Listen to me.
Today at 8:00 P.M...
Hands up!
- What do you want?
- You'll soon know.
For God's sake, don't do this!
The mail trains...
The two trains will collide.
That's exactly what we want.
Move now!
Get him!
Kishore, you take care of them.
l'll head back to the cabin.
- Who? Signal X?
- Yes, Signal X.
Come, let's finish him off too.
We shouldn't now have his
son's death too to our name.
- Leave him here.
- No!
He could be dangerous for us.
When he comes to his senses,
he'll tell everything.
And we'll all get into trouble.
lf that's the case,
let's take him with us.
- Yes, that makes sense.
- Yes, let's take him with us.
Ok, now you guys leave.
l'll come later.
- Okay, l understand.
- What have you understood?
This is a new storm brewing now.
- Who are you?
- l can't tell you.
- Where am l now?
- l can't tell you that either.
Can l at least know the name
of the one who's saved my life?
No, that would be futile.
Then set me free at least.
l can't go against my master's will.
But l will definitely protect you.
Then at least show me
your pretty face.
Sundarlal, you were found drunk
at work and in dereliction of duty.
With the result that two trains
collided with each other.
Causing a loss of thousands of rupees.
What do you have to say
in your defence?
- Father, l...
- Stop it!
l am sitting in this seat today
to bring you to justice.
Then all l have to say is that
some bandits attacked me.
l fought back.
Signal X came on the scene and
managed to get me unconscious.
After that,
l have no idea what happened.
But there is no proof of this.
Rather, the evidence says you were
drunk and out of your senses.
There was the smell
of alcohol on you.
But Father...
Father, l know my duty very well.
Therefore l will seek my freedom,
even if by force.
And l will bring this case
to its logical conclusion.
We cannot allow this to happen.
Arrest him!
Another obstacle has been
removed from my path.
Dear Savita, l've escaped
from the railway office...
Dear Savita... ha ha ha... whose?
Dear Savita, l've escaped
from the railway office...
and am hiding at
Shyamu Uncle's place.
l've discovered the identity
of the bandits.
Yours, Sundar.
My dear,
what do you want to do now?
l want to go to Shyamu
Uncle's place. Alone.
But Shyamlal will also be present there.
- Of course he will. But l suspect
Sundar won't be there. - Meaning?
Father, l can say with confidence that
Shyamu Uncle is mixed up with the bandits.
- Savita, my dear, have you gone crazy?
- No, l haven't.
But what motive could my brother
have to plot against me?
Just one. You work for the railway company,
he works for the airplane company.
- Meaning?
- Father, just think.
Who benefits if
the railway company has losses?
The airplane company.
That's all. So we're all clear now.
See Lagoo, how smart
our Frontier Mail is.
What can l say?
l will go to Shyamu Uncle's place
at 1 1 o'clock.
lf l don't return within the hour, come
to the bandits' hideout with the police.
Consider it done, sis.
And... l'll deliberately allow myself
to get arrested by Shyamu Uncle.
That way everything will come to light.
Go, my dear, may the Lord protect you!
lf you don't return in time...
the decision in the High Court tomorrow
will be against me.
Father, if l don't present the true murderer
in court by then, l'm not your daughter.
Tell me the way to the bar
and get me onto that path
Oh host, may your bar prosper.
Pour me a couple of glasses, please
Pour me so much
that l get drunk with happiness
Fill the glasses to the brim,
Spring is here
Pour me a glass of wine...
and may you be famous forever
l want to dance till l drop
This wine makes me dizzy
Give me also a present,
Spring is here
Fill the glasses to the brim,
Spring is here
Pour me so much
that l get drunk with happiness
Fill the glasses to the brim,
Spring is here
Friends, we've had
enough fun and enjoyment.
But... where is that reward
that Master announced?
He's constantly taking us for a ride.
lf he does this again...
Shut up! You'll all get your reward.
That's what you keep telling us.
But when will it happen?
Will you take the responsibility
of getting us our reward?
What? Why should l
take the responsibility?
Then why don't you just sit here,
wearing bangles on your wrists?
Wait, l'll go to Master right now
and get this matter settled.
See, another storm
is going to brew now.
Let it be.
Till such time as we hear something
from Master, let's at least enjoy ourselves.
Who? Sundar?
Why, you decided to walk straight
into the lion's den yourself?
Get up!
Come, let's lock him up with Kishore.
So he'd come to fight with us?
Put your hands behind your back!
Oi, just sit quiet. You're from a respectable
family. Don't bring disgrace to it.
Better play dead. This place is a
graveyard for the living anyway.
Otherwise, only trouble
awaits you here.
Come, let's go, friends.
Sundar, how did you land up here?
l learned about this place from Jayant.
l came here to catch these guys
but l got caught myself.
How do we get out
of this place now?
God willing,
we'll find a way out soon.
Mr. Shyamlal, l never renege
on my promises.
Please do come in.
My congratulations to you,
Mr. Shyamlal.
You've executed
the whole plan brilliantly.
lt's all thanks to you, Sir.
lt was no big deal otherwise.
On behalf of the airplane company,
l extend my thanks to you.
Here's the reward
as promised by the company.
- Thank you, Mr. Jain.
- Check it for the ten lakh rupees.
Oh, there's no need to count it.
No, after all...
Er... thank you, Mr. Jain.
- Would you like some tea?
- No, no, don't take the trouble.
l should get out of this place fast.
- Otherwise somebody may see me.
- As you wish.
Let me see you to the door.
Well, well, Mr. Shyamlal,
l've got to admit...
if we hadn't had a mastermind like you,
we'd never have been so successful.
l am only your servant.
And l am always at your service.
Well, good luck, Mr. Shyamlal.
Bank notes!
Hey, where's the bag gone?
Shyamu Uncle, by chance are you looking
for the bag with ten lakh rupees?
Savita, so you know everything?
For many days,
l was laboring under a suspicion.
But today l've even got
the evidence to back it.
You stupid girl! You're a mosquito,
and you dare challenge an elephant?
No. Rather, l've come to the lion's den
and am threatening the lion.
Then be ready to face the consequences.
Hands up!
l'm the one who killed lshwarlal and got
your stupid father blamed for it.
Oh, l see. And now
what do you plan on doing?
All my desires have been satisfied.
Come on, put your hands
behind your back! Come on!
Very soon, my wish will be fulfilled.
And the Frontier Mail,
who the whole world looks at in awe...
will satisfy my lust. Come on!
- Where are you off to, Shyamlal ji?
- Who, Gulab?
Why have you come here?
And why shouldn't l come?
''Just one last gamble. Then we'll have our
hands on ten lakh rupees. You and l.''
Was it you, Shyamlal, who told me this,
or was it someone else?
Now, make way for me
and stop this nonsense.
You stupid girl, let go! l say, let go!
Come on, let's go!
Watch out! lf you make any trouble,
l'll shoot you!
Come on!
Sit down!
Well done!
ls somebody there?
- What's the matter?
- Give me some water, please.
No, Kishore,
the police are searching for me.
lf they see me, l'll be arrested again.
So you go first,
and come back quickly with assistance.
- l'll keep these guys at bay.
- As you say.
Thank you, driver. You can go now.
- Kishore? - Yes, you're the one wearing
the mask, who saved my life, right?
But how did you get here?
l saw you at the level crossing,
lying there unconscious.
l reached at just the right moment
to be able to save you.
Now l remember everything.
Shyamlal has kidnapped Savita.
What? He's kidnapped Savita?
Where's he taken her?
Then we should inform
the police immediately.
The police station is a long way off.
We shouldn't waste any more time.
Then let's go to Savita's aid right away.
Lagoo, what will be the time now?
Oh, just five minutes to go,
before Savita's deadline is up!
After that, we'll take the police
and go to that bandits' den.
What can l say!
Ok, get down now!
Come on! Fast!
You stupid fellows!
- Who? Shyamlal?
- Yes, Shyamlal. ln other words, Signal X.
So Shyamlal is the same as Signal X?
Yes, l am Signal X.
We've also captured Sundar.
Where is that rogue Sundar?
At your service!
lt's even better l now have both of them
at my mercy at the same time.
You crook!
Your days are soon going to be over.
Both of you have tortured me a lot.
l've going to finish both
of you off right now.
Yes, let's go.
l've come here
at the request of Savita.
l know the whereabouts
of the railway bandits' den.
You know where the bandits are?
Yes, if you can send a bunch
of policemen with me...
then l can take them to that place.
Of course!
Come on, everybody, let's go!
Hands up! Hands up!
Come this way!
The rogues! Move!
Did you see how brave our Signal X is?
How he managed to catch you?
Both of you have only a few moments
to live in this world.
At the count of three, the bullets
from this pistol will pierce your hearts.
And this..
Who? Kishore? And Gulab with him?
Yes, Kishore and Gulab.
All of you come this way, come on.
Because, in a few moments,
the police will be here.
Oh, so now even the police
are going to come, eh?
Police? And to catch me?
To catch Shyamlal?
Police? We'll see.
All of you, trying to be smart,
see how you are now, like birds in a cage!
And Gulab, you thought you could
get the better of me?
l'm now going to finish all of you.
This is the place
where the bandits are.
Come on friends,
let's leave these guys here...
and blow this house up with dynamite.
What? Police? Police!
l'll give you as many bananas as you like,
just spare me.
Just press that button under the table.
Come on, press that button
under the table quickly.
Shyamu Uncle,
now hand over the bag please.
Watch out! lf you take
one step more, l'll shoot.
Come, let's follow him.
But none quite as beautiful as this.
What can l say?
That is why l'm here,
eating a banana.