Miss Lovely (2012)

Where were you?
Move it.
Your reels.
The crowd is dying to see this.
Let's roll.
Good condition, these girls.
Hear that?
They're wanking away in there.
Eight, nine, ten, eleven...
How's Heel-a?
He's good.
I've never seen you before.
Selling reels for the first time?
I wondered again
how the hell it all started.
Maybe when
I paddled those reels in Ajmer.
I shouldn't have done that.
We should have stuck to making films.
It was stupid
to try and sell them ourselves.
You stripped in front of a goddamn crowd
in Madras, now what?
That's why I said
no husbands on set.
Hey! You don't get it?
Need me to spell it out?
Now look who's here.
Sonu, this is Nadia.
Our new heroine.
How about making me a drink?
- What about me?
We need ice.
I've got to talk to you.
Ten minutes.
I shouldn't have gone to Ajmer.
You gave Heel-a your word.
What word?
From now on, we work for ourselves.
Your share.
Take it.
Go on.
And Poonam's share?
Poonam's share?
She owes me money!
Poonam's share!
Yeah, spit it out.
I told you, I knew it.
Heel-a phoned Poonam.
I told you he'd find out.
- You cunt.
What the fuck did you do in Ajmer?
I told you to be discreet...
- I was.
And not attract attention.
Did you carry a sign with my name on it?
You can't do one tiny little job?
Goddamn moron!
Fucking idiot!
What the hell should I do now?
- Go ahead, kill each other.
I keep slaving away like an asshole.
- Enough, Vicky.
We're living like dogs.
I'm sick of slogging for nothing.
We're going nowhere.
I'm fed up of you both.
Always at each other's throats.
Hey, Sonu.
You okay?
I'm finished.
I can't do this anymore.
You're always such a baby.
All brothers fight.
So what?
It's never going to be easy
for people like us.
I don't care.
About what?
- About anything, I'm leaving.
I don't need him.
Where will you go?
- Can't I do anything else?
Feeling ambitious, eh?
Cutting us off?
Who pimped those reels in Ajmer?
Forgot about us, eh?
Thought we wouldn't find out?
Learn your place, thief.
Got it, Duggal?
You produce.
I distribute. That's the rule.
I'm a thief.
- Get that into your stupid head.
We've worked together for ten years, idiot.
"Birth of a Baby" was your debut, right?
Mr. Heem, sir, here's all your money.
So you're a big shot now.
Go to that ladies hostel.
- Where the nurses stay.
What do you say, boss?
We need some cash.
If you want some chicks...
I'm sick.
Jolly, what kind of director are you?
- C'mon, where do I get a bird from?
What do you want me to do?
Use your fucking brains.
Grab a whore. Anyone.
Sonu, he's your brother...
- So what?
It's his job.
- I won't do it.
You're the fucking director. It's your job.
- Don't piss me off!
Fuck you.
- Watch yourself, big man.
It's your job, asshole.
Who do you think you are?
I'm no pimp, understand?
- Shut up!
Fuck off!
Don't get up my ass.
- That's enough!
What the fuck is going on here?
Tell that dog to shut up. He's...
- Shut your face, Sonu!
Want a whack?
- He insulted me first.
Who's Sonu? Sum] sent me.
I got a 500 rupee advance.
I come to work and this is what I get...
- Wait, Sonu. What are you doing?
Why don't you understand?
Wait, listen to me.
Vicky has been like this
ever since we were kids.
He was always trying.
Sex-starved girls
forced into a world of sin.
"Beauty Parlour", Duggal Brothers.
Two hours, two thousand thrills.
The joys of the bedroom,
right there in the cinema.
He wanted friends
he couldn't match up to.
Damn liar.
This asshole never keeps his word.
C'mon, I'll make all of you happy.
My clients here
will finance Vicky's film. Ok?
That's how he met PK.
Yes, sir.
He made n goddamn mess
and I was left to dean up.
Honestly, my clients
don't much care for your films, Vicky.
They just want to see quivering esh.
The girls need to be pretty.
And shameless.
Young girls are quite bold nowadays.
Hello, screen test.
My brother, Sonu.
Sonu, don't just stand there...
Get Mr. Heel-a a refill.
PK sir?
Look at him throwing attitude.
Come on, get us drunk!
You're Vicky's little brother?
Why so unfriendly?
Piss off.
- Which one of us do you like? Come clean!
You fancy her?
The poor guy is sweating.
Nice shirt, stallion. Want to try mine?
- Take it off, then.
If I take it off? You'll sit there
and do nothing? You're a girl?
Shut up, bitch!
Oh, what a temper!
It was always that way.
You go wear yourself out daily.
you go on and on,
but shouldn't you know
where you are going?
You've got to have some standards.
What's n man without them?
Shut up!
- Calm down! Be quiet.
Just be quiet.
Enjoy it, sell it, get rich.
The first time in India! A thought-
provoking film about adult love!
This is just the beginning...
- Hey Heem, no speeches.
Nadia, say hello to Mr. Heel-a.
He's a very rich man.
He wants us to make special pictures
with you.
You like her, sir?
She has potential?
She does.
- Oh, she'll do anything you ask.
Oh really?
A sign of good parenting, eh?
I scrimped and saved to raise her.
What did I tell you?
I said I'd make you all happy, didn't I?
Pump it up!
- What a lame party!
Why the long face?
Move, Jolly.
What's wrong?
Why are we doing this?
What's this party about?
These people are not for us.
They're different.
What's different?
You think I'm stupid?
Vicky, you're digging your own grave,
you know that?
You think I'm fucking thick, is that it?
- Don't make a scene.
Listen. Look...
It's our first crack...
Our first crack at real dough.
Look at the backing we got.
We're in good hands.
C'mon. It's only you and me, Sonu.
Cheer up. Smile.
Get out of here.
Dirty whore. Go back to your gutter.
Poonam, get a grip!
- Get out!
You old hag.
510p it!
Stop it, girls!
That's enough.
Poonam, stop it!
Amazing talent!
You can come, now bugger off.
Maqsood, come in your suit tomorrow.
Bhavesh, you too.
Bhandare, come here.
Okay, you'll get it.
I don't have time!
What the hell do I do?
Pappu, back to work.
- I can't work with Vicky.
Tell me.
I need a job.
Then get a job.
Don't insult me man.
All right, then.
Want to be a manager?
Okay, forget it.
How about an engineer?
The whole world's making romantic films,
why shouldn't I?
I see. Romantic.
Save it. Your brother runs things,
the money comes in.
How many times do I have to explain this?
Excuse me, sir...
Look at me.
I'm really busy.
I only make 'give & take' films. Understood?
I only make 'give & take' films. Understood?
You can't be shy here.
Keep an open mind.
I'm very good at sexy dance.
Come over here.
Who are those girls?
What's up?
Haven't had any hokey-pokey for a while?
Who'll play the queen? Tell me?
You can sleep with whomever you want, asshole.
But on my set...
Shut up and sit down.
- I'm the only one...
You should all be in jail.
Acting like a big shot.
Whose money are you spending?
Whose car are you driving?
- You're cmzy, bitch.
You're all criminals.
- Let go of me, asshole.
You can't bring me down.
- Want to hit me, asshole?
I'll hit right back.
Get out of here. Drunk slut.
510p it!
Get the hell out.
- Poonam.
No more films with you.
Damn whore.
Poonam! Wait.
Sonu, I'm warning you! You leave and...
- Don't threaten me.
What's this bullshit?
- Go back to your work. Poonam!
The thing is,
the queen's costume is ruined.
So what do I wear?
Can I at least wear the crown?
You're the queen...
Who else wears the crown?
Everybody out!
Except the cameraman and Jolly.
You'll stay, no?
- Sure.
We're right here.
Roll it!
Are you sad?
Come on then.
Come on.
Let's have some fun.
People are staring.
No one is staring.
Hey, Poonam.
Excuse me?
Ram Kishan Production?
- You work in films?
I'm a director.
Come and see me.
For a screen test.
The thing is,
my uncle doesn't like all this.
If he finds out,
it'll become a little difficult.
But once you're a star,
no one will have any problem.
I'm right, aren't I?
- Maybe.
You have a phone number?
- I've got to go.
I'm going.
Don't go.
Your money.
We are even.
You didn't forget me?
Tiku told me all about you.
I hear you're really connected.
No, I'm just searching
for a new heroine, so...
You're humble.
You're making a film with Kumar Gaumv?
- No, I'm thinking about it.
- I don't really want to work with him.
So, what's the name of your film?
Well, it's titled... Miss Lovely.
A love story. Romantic.
- Pinky.
If my uncle picks up,
don't answer.
100,000 rupees per reel.
Reasonable, no?
- Vicky, want me to smash your skull?
Don't bother with him.
We deal with PK. Call him.
- Leave him and get PK on the phone.
He said let go of me.
- Drop it. Get PK on the phone.
Yes, call him.
- I won't haggle with this beggar.
Go ahead, call PK.
Sir, this price was set by him, not me.
- He's buying up all your suppliers.
All right! Everybody out.
Throw everyone out.
C'mon, get out.
Out, everybody!
And you piss off as well.
So where's the dough from?
Tell me.
You need a scriptwriter?
- You'll help me, right?
So, how much more can you offer?
Find another fifty grand, I'll fix it.
Something romantic, right? Superb.
Why so worried? C'mon, shake my hand.
All right, great. Let's party.
You sure you'll help?
- You need a scriptwriter, right?
Don't be nervous.
C'mon, drink up.
You're in good hands. You understand?
Say something, Deepnk.
There has ta be n way.
There is only one way.
You're here?
I always knew
you would come.
I've brought you owers!
I can't tell you how much
the producers loved your photos.
They could call you any day now:
"Pinky, where are you?"
I don't believe you.
Only you can be "Miss Lovely".
I'll tell you something?
Shooting starts in a month.
You must take the signing amount.
But I don't even know how to act.
What's with acting?
Anyone can do it.
You've got to have strong eyes,
a nice-looking face, which you have...
They need a fresh face... you are...
- I should go.
I'll drop you.
- No.
I'll get a taxi and drop...
- I said no.
The neighbours will see you and talk.
Wait a moment, Sir.
Sir, what are you trying to say?
I look like a thief?
Keep your voice down.
What would you like?
That we start an enquiry?
Maybe I should call your family...
- No, don't, Sir. Please.
If you'd like...
I could help you.
Give me two minutes.
Just two minutes. I'll be back.
I've got the advance.
Haw do I QKpRIiH what she was like?
I don't know what it was about her.
But she was like me.
We were the same.
just felt I could do anything
in the world for her.
Because I knew
she'd do anything in the world for me.
How are you liking it?
Special, isn't it?
Just relax, ok?
I'll go get us something.
Aren't you going to introduce me
to your friend?
Pinky, my brother, Vicky.
- Pinky.
What a striking name.
Remember, I told you.
Ajmer, on the train...
Where were you?
I was looking for you.
But you've got better things to do.
C'mon fucker, we need you.
We'll go somewhere else.
Listen. One minute.
I can't do this.
- But what's the matter. C'mon?
Tell me, what's the matter?
Listen to me. What's wrong?
You lied to me from the start.
What kind of heroine
are you going to make me?
You can't even take care of yourself.
At least listen to me.
Please don't go, Pinky.
- It's your wedding night.
Got it.
- Your husband's impotent.
Would it kill you
to get a few more owers?
Might make the damn room
smell a little nicer.
Give me a hot shot.
You'll be famous.
It's a real pleasure
to work with people like you.
Any thought on your next film?
Let's try something fresh...
School girls...
who crave something new from life.
Tell him that I need to speak to him.
He doesn't want to be disturbed.
Vicky... - Where were you?
Get us four chais, quick.
Remember Pinky, the girl I was with...
- Not now.
You here?
- You live here?
Why did you do this to me?
I'm sorry, Pinky, for everything.
I didn't mean to...
I didn't know...
What happened?
Why are you crying, Pinky?
He saw me with you.
Your uncle?
Did he hurt you?
You stay here with me, ok?
It's okay, everything will be fine.
I want to show you something.
Close your eyes.
Just for a minute.
C'mon, please, close your eyes.
Don't open them, ok?
I'm only going to make this film
with you.
I'll do anything for you.
Only you matter. What difference
does it make if you or I have the money?
Sonu, I can't take all this.
- No, you'll have to.
I paid Ravi Nagaich an advance.
The guy who wrote "Love Story '85".
Pinky, it's all happening.
It's all ready, it's coming together.
You're going to be a star one day.
Making designs on your brother's girl?
How terrible.
I don't know if I can restrain myself.
At least try.
- Pinky!
Get off me!
I love Sonu.
Oh, the innocence!
All right, then.
Tell him everything.
Tell him.
Lay it out for him, my Sonika.
I didn't know he was your brother.
- Listen.
Sonu can't wash away your sins.
I've tried so hard to find you.
You are special...
That whore Nadia's
going to ruin everything.
Who knew she'd run away like this?
Sir, make something up.
I'm not answering.
PK's going crazy, he wants his reels.
I'll ask him for an extension.
We'll organize girls by tomorrow.
I was just wondering, without Nadia...
I mean, the boys need their money.
We'll call girls, Sir, we'll get some.
- We'll call them, we'll call them.
Get Kimmi.
- But she works for Heel-a now.
We can't keep avoiding him.
PK wants the reels now.
The phone's ringing.
- We haven't shot shit.
Calm down.
- Sir, the phone...
I can hear the phone ringing, ok?
Answer it, sir.
It's better you talk to him.
He'll assume we sold
the schoolgirl reels to someone else.
C'mon, PK isn't going to take this lightly.
- Vicky?
What a fucked up day.
Did you say something to Pinky
at that party? - Not now, I'm dealing...
You have to tell me.
Vicky, you didn't do anything to her,
did you? - I told you.
She's not for you. Forget her.
- Forget her? What do you mean?
Have you gone mad?
You have to...
- What are you doing? Get off me.
Feel like a big man?
You must have done something to her.
Where is she? I know you.
Let go of me.
- You have to tell me.
Get off me, asshole.
Did your father teach you that?
- Arrest the motherfuckers.
Bastard. Getting girls to strip?
Come here, asshole! - Shooting a rape
scene? Turn off the damn camera!
Many come here to struggle.
If you come to struggle
you've gut to have some idea.
You know, who to work with... where.
What say, bitch?
Think you're some star?
You love getting naked
for the camera? - No.
I did it for love. - Let's go to the
station, I'll strip you of everything.
Spit it out. We need numbers
and addresses.
Who is your PimP?
Who else is involved in this?
Who else?
Rane, are you seeing this?
Tell Patare to search thoroughly.
Nothing should be left behind, got it?
Patare! What?
The accused hud filmed her
performing sexual acts.
More than one dozen people
have been questioned or arrested.
To identify the main accused,
the authorities require
the assistance of the public.
Vicky Duggnl, age 431
Sonu Duggnl, age 401
The disease of pornography
must be eradicated
for the further health
and purity of our society.
These depraved individuals
show no respect
to our Indian nation and institutions,
inciting corrupt thoughts
and lustful desires.
Anyone with information an the suspects
are asked ta cull
Where are the schoolgirls?
Where are my reels, Vicky?
You are embarmssing me
in front of my clients.
You will have to find a way.
We have to do this, Sonu.
If we let go of this chance,
we'll lose everything.
I'll be back in an hour.
Mane's agreed to take the handout.
Don't be scared. Boy fucks girl.
That's it. - Vicky, hang on.
It's a blue film.
- C'nlon, there's nothing to be afraid of.
It's not like shooting bits...
Those metal cameras are clone kid.
Magnetic tape.
- Listen!
Video recording.
- Hey! Get us a drink.
You scumbag.
Want me to smack you in jail?
- Mane Sahab.
What good is it to have me in jail?
There's a warrant out for you.
You'll get the shit kicked out of you...
One minute.
No more.
- Don't say that...
I've done enough for you.
- Have some faith...
This won't do...
- Look what I've got. - Not good enough.
Mane Sahab, two weeks.
- No.
Just give me two weeks.
It's worse than you think.
- Sir, help me.
Asshole, your brother
has swallowed up all your dough.
I hear he's making a film.
"Miss Lovely" .
Get down.
HEY, Stay here!
He's not here.
Are you mad?
She used to stick to him
24 hours a day.
Come on.
Move it!
Come on, inside.
I need to call my brother.
Here's the thing. We want
your brother here just as much as you do.
Vicky has become rather popular lately.
You don't seem to understand, son.
You've been educated in this since
childhood, eh?
He's going to make her a star...
So, what is it?
You have no respect
for our mothers and sisters?
Forgot our Indian traditions?
Should we remind you?
Sick pervert.
What the hell is this?
Get out of the way.
Stop it! Stop fighting-
Yes, this is Vicky Duggal's wife.
The worst had nirendy happened.
Nothing else could happen now.
And soon things begun to seem
quite fine again.
No I don't want to go.
- Sign it.
I like it here.
Go on, sign it.
- I don't want to leave.
This... I...
I won't go anywhere else.
I like it here. I won't go.
Yes, of course it's possible.
Hello? Yes, Poonam here.
I'll call you later.
When did you get out?
Look, Sonu.
I've left my past far behind.
This is my guru.
He gave me my respect and honour back.
In a split second
he transformed my life.
How are you?
Will you do me a favour?
Promise me
you won't come back here again.
You never came back for me?
And you stole from me.
Do you know what I went through?
How hard it was?
A-"YWBY, Son u .
It's all...
It's all her doing.
m' it?
She duped you.
Kid, I told you from the start.
She'll never change.
Where is it? Just a second.
Does your boyfriend know about this?
And why are you here?
Always been an actress.
How many times u week
do you have sat, Puuju?
Remember Joshi, that music composer?
The bitch married him.
She saw her chance
and latched right on.
Can I get n little peek, Poojn?
Show us the other one as well. Touch it.
Would you like me to touch it?
- Yes.
I told you all along: all those promises
and caresses don't count for much.
Yes, tell me.
No, no.
Not today, man.
AH I remember is this, my love
We'll be together ti eternity
From the time [first saw you
I don't know what has come over me
I think one thing and say another
I have drunk the potion of have
What kind of ecstasy is this?
I have forgotten the whole world
AH I remember is you
My love
That was uacy haw it was.
At Inst, two love-hungry souls united.
And after everything, you know,
[finally found my heart's desire.