Miss Muerte (The Diabolical Dr. Z) (1966)

Here's your coffee
Thank you, Barbara
We're fine. Don't worry...
Who's that?
What's up?
A man escaped
A man escaped?
Yes. From Death Row
Hans Bergen
The Woodside Strangler
The sadistic Killer
Four murders in six months
Will be hung at dawn
Might be the police
Go and see
Hans Bergen
Who is it?
He's unconscious
From Death Row. As good as dead
Barbara, bring him in
Now's your chance
Which will help us determine
their effects...
in the treatment
of neurovascular diseases
Tomorrow, Dr Moroni will address you
But that's all from me
I hope you found it of interest
Thank you for your time
We're already late
Your attention, please
An addition to the program
Our friend Professor Zimmer
would like to say a few words
Gentlemen... I thank you
It was not easy for me
to get here today
As you know, I've been working
on problems of the nervous system
...for more than 30 years
Some of you may consider him
a charlatan
But all of you have heard of
Dr Orloff
According to him...
there are certain precise areas
of the brain and the spinal column
That inspire us to act
either for good or evil
His research convinced him
that good and bad
were merely a matter of physiology
That morality was located
entirely in our motor centers
Now I have gone even beyond that
With the help of my daughter, Irma
I have managed to define precisely
the physical centers...
of both good and evil
To control them is now easy
I have perfected a Z-ray capable of
eliminating or stimulating these centers
And I have proof of my theories
You've experimented on humans?
No, Dr Kallman. No
Only on animals
How exactly?
Did you perhaps find
some killer sheep, maybe?
Dr Moroni, this is no joke
I calmed a wild hyena and now
she eats out of my hand
I reversed the process
and she became enraged
She tried to attack herself
What do you want from us?
Permission to experiment on humans
What! Are you mad?
You Nazi bastard!
Let me speak!
By my method all the killers,
the psychotics, the sadistic maniacs
can be turned into normal people
Maybe even lead useful lives
Professor, have you no shame?
But what harm would it do
if I used a criminal
from death row?
It's you who's the criminal
I think our feeling is
you should leave at once
We formally forbid
the continuance of this work
No, Vicas! No!
Irma... promise you'll carry on
Yes. I promise
Hello, Philippe
Just like the old days, huh?
Thanks for all your help
Why not go home?
I can't right now
The house will seem so empty
The way they treated your father
was terrible
- I thought...
- Thank you
But it's over now
Come on. Let's go
I couldn't do anything
I'm just a junior doctor.
They don't listen to me
But I hate fools
like Vicas, Moroni, Kallman
I'll never forget
Ladies - and above all gentlemen...
We present for your pleasure
The strange and mysterious
Miss Death!
Want to go?
I'll take you
Going to Hartog?
Yes. Just you?
I was expecting your boyfriend
to appear
No. I always travel alone
It's dangerous
But not with you
Come far?
From Rotterdam
My name's Juliann van Drokken
I love travelling
I have to hitch.
I don't have the money for a train
But there's always some sucker...
- Oh! I'm sorry
- Don't be
Don't your parents worry?
They're both dead
Killed in the war. I was two
I live alone
But I do all right
I make money somehow
Model... hostess... secretary
Oh! What a beautiful lake
Can we stop for a swim?
Why not
I don't have a suit
Borrow this one
- Thanks
- It's nothing
The water's cold
I don't mind
I'm used to it
I can stay in the water for hours
Had enough?
Yes. It's too cold for me
It's great
Beats a swimming pool
What's wrong, Irma?
What do you want?
I was waiting for you
To say good bye
You're leaving?
I stayed for your father's sake
It may sound silly
But I admired him
So now you're going?
Yes. I can't stay here now
That business with Bergen
You pushed your father into it
He never would have done it
Who are you?
I am... Barbara Huberts
You still want to leave?
You promise to obey me?
I do
Get up.
There's work to do
Fetch the big mirror
Bergen. Get the car ready
Load all the equipment
We're moving
Where to?
The old house
I don't like that place
It's been empty so long
An excellent place to hide
Dr Zimmer's daughter is dead
Who'd look for her
in a place like that?
We have work to do, Barbara
Vicas... Moroni... Kallman
Now I need a woman
A woman of blood and fire
To seduce and destroy them
I can't stay
I've got 3 days off.
I can come to Paris with you
I got the tickets
I hope you won't be too busy
on our first holiday together
Nadia, you're on
Go on
I can't wait
And neither can I.
Don't be late
Tomorrow - the airport at three
Ladies - and above all gentlemen...
we would now like to present...
...the strange, the macabre,
the mysterious...
Miss Death!
A message for Miss Death
Do you like America?
Who are you?
My card's there
I want to sign you up
New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas.
You're kidding!
You heard me
But I can't go now. I...
I just want an option
Your signature
I only came in here by chance
I loved your act
In America you could try for films
I leave early tomorrow.
So we don't have much time
Come to my agency
It's not far
Don't bother to change
It's next door.
Just put your coat on
Are they real?
- You off?
- See you
I really want to do films
I've been trying this for a while.
It's going well
Miss Death was my creation
But I want to move on.
I think I can do better
This way
It's dark here
Just down the stairs on the right
Who's that?
The caretaker
- It's...?
- A theatre
What's that?
What do you want?
Who are you?
Let me go!
Passengers for Paris
proceed at once to gate number 2
...we are now boarding
I can't hear you
She left yesterday?
You're sure?
OK. Thanks
Philippe, come on!
Last call for Paris
She's coming to
She's dangerous
You only kill when I say so.
Do you belong to me -
body and soul?
Never forget it
Your magnificent nails
are deadly weapons
You promise to obey me?
Now help me with Barbara
She's beautiful
Yes. Very beautiful
Who else lives here?
Just a man
Where is he?
I love you Nadia.
I have to go away
for two months
A job came up
...in Paris
I'll write when I can.
Love, Nadia
May I sit here?
How rude of me
You're going to Hartog, too?
All through the night
You're alone?
I prefer it. And you?
Most of the time. For business
I travel for pleasure
I prefer trains
Or boats...
Slow boats
I hate flying
No intimacy
Don't you agree?
You're amazing
- Am I...?
- What?
This train...
This journey...
Touch my hand
Is that a dream?
I don't know
What incredible nails
A present from Dr Zimmer
There's blood on your dress.
Strip off and burn it
Done. We have no time to lose
I hope I can be as successful
with her
as my father was with you
I see him in the flames
Why did I kill him?
Shut up!
No. I must know why
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go
She's starting to remember
Open this door!
Open it...!
You're scaring the fish
It's your face that scares them
Let's try further down
I had to go away for two months
an unexpected job in Paris
Don't people usually knock?
Sorry, I'm in a hurry
If you want Nadia,
you're too late
Where is she?
She went off with some English woman
Did you recognise her?
I'm not sure.
Maybe I've seen her before...
What was she like?
Brown hair... Strange glasses
Anything else?
No. Just those glasses
Didn't suit her
Another bad night?
Very bad
Not much you can do, I guess,
when they're crying all night
Never stopped. All night long
Well, I hope this case
will be interesting
As overseas observer,
I was expecting more
I'm not wishing a disaster on you
But things are a bit quiet
I think we're here
Why's he so tetchy?
His wife's just had triplets
They keep him awake all night
Inspector Grinder from Scotland Yard
It's a young woman
Dead several days
Burnt. No sign of drink or drugs
No sign of a struggle.
The car seems to have caught fire
Might be an accident
Whose car is it?
Professor Zimmer's
Zimmer's been dead two weeks
Might be his daughter.
We need to get her ID'd
Philippe Whitehouse?
Could you identify Irma Zimmer?
I think so
You knew her well?
Fairly well
I'm a doctor. I knew her father
A doctor?
Yes. A neurologist
Did you know Dr...
Indeed I do
He was found dead last night
Near the railway line
Yes. It's Vicas
He still had his papers and money
Who's cat's that?
It's Malou's
- Malou?
- Yes, Malou!
I find the death of Dr Vicas
more interesting
than the girl in the car
However, I still think he
might have just fallen off the train
And the scratches on his throat?
Probably a wolf
Take a look
Found in the scratches
in Vicas's throat
He was attacked by an animal
with nails that were long, sharp
and filled with poison
Know any wolves like that?
Hard to be sure
The body was badly burned
We found...
...this ring
Yes, I think it's hers
Our first clue
Funny it's so hard to identify her
Was she blond or brunette?
Irma? Blonde
A natural blonde?
That, I don't know
Dr Zimmer, his daughter
and Dr Vicas are all dead
They were all at the conference
Weren't you there too?
Then I'd watch your back
What's up love?
A nightmare.
Vicas attacked by a panther
Don't fret
It's normal to be upset by death
True. But this was so strange
He was seen at dinner
with a beautiful blonde
She's disappeared
A beautiful blonde. Really?
You think it was murder?
I don't know
Anyway, I'm going out for a coffee
I have to work late tonight
Don't be too long
I don't like to be alone here
I won't stay. Bye
Evening, Christian
Evening doctor
- A coffee?
- Please
Whisky please
Leaving, doctor?
I need some fresh air.
Fancy it, big boy?
Police station
Dr Moroni, you're finished
Remember Dr Zimmer
You know Dr Moroni?
Why? Is he dead?
They just found his body
He was killed last night
The same scratches on him?
No. None at all
Was Moroni at that conference?
He was Zimmer's fiercest critic
Come to dinner
Is that an order?
No. An invitation
Seems connected with that conference
As though Zimmer is being avenged
The police don't believe in ghosts
Even if policemen do
Another strong coffee please
Still crying?
All night...
Didn't get a wink of sleep
His daughter...
Maybe it wasn't her body in that car
All evidence in the murders
of Vicas and Moroni
points in the direction
of a young woman
But nothing like Irma Zimmer
But just like Miss Death
Miss Death?
It's the nails
Nadia had those long, sharp nails
Weren't you lovers?
Yes, but it's over
Inspector, what if someone
took over her mind
Brainwashed her somehow...
Turned Nadia into a killer
No-one's there, they all died
Right now, the house is closed
The case is still under investigation
His daughter's death
is not yet established
Of course, but tell me...
didn't Zimmer have another house?
You're right. There was another place
His family home. Near Hartog
Reduce the levels
Be careful!
Bye, guys
The wife's waiting
See you Sunday
Hey, Kallman!
Drive carefully
Josef, quickly!
Help me carry her upstairs
Of course, doctor
Where am I?
Dr Kallman's surgery
My surgery
Just as you wanted
The first part of your plan
has worked perfectly
What plan?
I was ready for you
The deaths of Moroni and Vicas
put me on guard
That's not all
I know Zimmer's theories
I examined you closely
I found the operation scars
Your nails
I know who you are
Stay right there!
Call the police
Although I know you are being used
by somebody
I doubt the police
will see it that way
I'm sorry
That's them
It's over
She's no more use
She could be dangerous
Get rid of her quickly
Yes. She's mine
I control her
She can't get away
But... who are you?
You don't know?
Take a good look
Irma Zimmer. Remember now?
I'm sorry you got involved, Philippe
I meant you no harm
But you came between me and Nadia
And I needed her
Don't bother
She only hears me
I had to avenge my father
She was the instrument
You've killed Bergen
That saves us the trouble
His only purpose was to serve me
Now I must get rid of Nadia
She's no use to me now.
You too Philippe!
You won't leave here alive
I'm leaving - and so is Nadia
Too late!
Nadia. It's me - Philippe
Nadia... wake up!
Irma Zimmer
Get me out of here
Hello, Dr Whitehouse
Inspector - It's incredible
How did you guess?
I stayed at my mother's
and had a good night's sleep
Help her
You're right
This was a crime after all
My darling, it's all over
Don't worry
Let's go
I'll look after you. I'll cure you
It's going to be all right, Nadia