Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)

Miss Peregrine's Home
for Peculiar Children
You ever feel like nothing
you do matters?
You leave footprints on the beach
and somehow they are gone.
Like it's just today,
over again.
They say that your teen years are
for making friends and having fun.
Which made me feel even worse.
Hey, Amy. It's Jake.
I'm in your math class.
- Hey, don't forget your adult diapers.
- Yeah, right.
It's a phone for you.
But that day, everything changed.
Thanks for the ride, Shelly.
So, how come you have to go deal
with your grandpa?
My dad couldn't get out of work.
I didn't think he worked.
You know, I'm...
I'm just gonna call grandpa.
Hello, this is Abe.
Hey, it's Jake.
No, don't come here.
Listen to me.
It's not safe!
Stay away.
Grandpa, did you take
your pills today?
The key!
To my gun cabinet...
it was in the drawer.
And now it's gone!
Yeah, Dad took it.
All right. For safekeeping.
It's okay.
Your father wants I should
to fight them without a gun?
God bless him.
Whats his deal?
That guy gave me the heebie-jeebies.
Holler if you need me.
What's going on?
Someone broke in!
I have a 38 in my car,
you wait there.
- 911, what is your emergency?
- 911? Yeah I... I need
the para-medics
to 2040 Palm Circle.
My grandpa...
- Sir, what is your emergency?
- Granpa.
You have to get away from here.
Please, listen.
Go to the Island...
Sir, the para-medics come away.
Find Emerson...
The postcard... go to the loop...
September 3rd, 1943.
It's okay, just... just don't move.
There's an ambulance coming.
I know you think I'm crazy.
But The Bird will explain everything.
Will you do this, Tygrysco?
Promise me?
I promise, yes...
I thought I could protect you.
I should have told you years ago.
Grandpa! Tell me...
tell me what?
Shelly, behind you!
There was no one there.
May I say Jake... that considering
that this was only a month ago
I think you're doing
exceptionally well.
Apart from being crazy?
Having nightmares and anxiety
doesn't make you crazy.
And what about seeing things
which aren't there?
Actually in dramatic situations
it's not at all uncommon.
Your subconscious mind draws
an image from a movie, or...
It was a story.
My grandpa told me stories
when I was a kid.
About monsters that
he fought in the war.
So there you go.
He was brutally attacked. And in your head
the man who did it was inhuman.
A monster.
It wasn't a man though.
The cops said that dogs
scratched up the screen door.
And he chased them off
into the woods.
And the coroner said
he had a heart attack.
And the cops said
that dogs go for the soft parts.
They DNA tested the fork and head.
Animal DNA.
So that's case closed.
He sounds like an
extraordinary gentleman.
Were you very close?
Puerto Rico.
There is a lake where
the water glows in the dark.
And a secret tunnel.
That's where I hid from the monsters.
He used to babysit me a lot.
And when I was with him
I felt special.
Duck was dry again.
It's like 11 o'clock.
What is he doing up?
I'm going to be an explorer.
Grandpa's help me for my first voyage.
Everything has already
been discovered, buddy.
Pay no attention to your father.
He knows bubkiss. Come Tygrysco, off to bed.
Can you tell me a story?
The usual?
Once upon a time
there was a little boy.
Where's the pictures?
Once upon a time
there was a little boy called Abe.
That was you.
That was me.
And he lived in a lovely children's home
on an little island near Wales.
Where the sun shone every day.
The Headmistress, Miss Peregrine...
was very clever
and she smoked her pipe.
- She could turn into a bird.
- Mmm.
It was a home for special children.
Like Bronwyn...
and Victor.
They were both as strong as ten men.
And Hugh.
Hugh had bees living inside him.
Where is Emma?
She could float.
She was lighter than air.
She had to wear special shoes made of lead
to keep her from floating away.
Where is she now?
She's still on the Island, I believe.
My mom and papa sent me there
to live with the special children.
And now Tygrysco, time to sleep.
He used to call me Tygrysco.
It's Polish, for little tiger.
Couldn't have picked a less appropriate
nickname, I was always a chicken.
Why your mom and dad
send you away?
Where we lived in Poland,
it was not safe.
There were monsters.
What kind of monsters?
Huge ones.
With long arms and no eyes.
And tentacles like this.
The dumb thing was, for years
I actually believed his stories.
And a th... this is Millard,
he's invisible.
My teacher says
they are trick photos.
And did you believe her?
Dad says probable
you found with junk stores
some place that you were traveling.
I would never lie to you, Tygrysco.
But you did it.
About the home... the monsters.
Dad told me.
Your father knows very well
I went to live in the children's home.
He said there anywhere
monsters in Poland.
Just not the kind with tentacles.
He said you got sent away to Wales
because there were bad people.
People who wanted to kill anyone
who was different.
I do not want to talk
about this anymore.
He said children were special.
But not the way you said.
I'm just saying tomorow
was full in the writing day.
I hope yours... in counting in
the damn book
in taking five years which your
son's birthdays. What's difference?
You find something good?
Aw. Look at that.
That's awesome.
You take that.
Come on buddy, let's roll.
How are you so okay?
Jake, you were a lot closer
to him than I ever was.
He was a wonderful grandpa. But not...
not such a great dad, you know?.
Never seemed to pick a job
that didn't involve late nights
and long trips away though.
Me and Aunt Sussie always kinda thought
he was maybe cheating on our mom.
I am sorry, buddy. I know how much
you worshipped him but there it is.
Happy Birthday, cousin Jake.
Jake, its great you've to come
to spend the summer with us.
Wait till you see the new dogs.
Can't wait.
It's aunt Sussie.
Thought you might want
to open this one.
It's from your grandpa.
Found it while I was packing up. I figured
he meant to give it to you someday.
"Complete Essays and Other Writings
of Ralph Waldo Emerson"
"To Jake and the worlds
he has yet to discover."
"My dearest Abe.
"I hope this card finds you well.
"The children and I yearn
to hear your news.
"I do hope you will
visit us again soon.
"We should so love to see you.
"With admiration,
Alma Peregrine. "
Hmm... Only two years ago.
I suppose it's possible
she could still be still be alive.
And I could meet her.
Maybe even find out what it was
Grandpa wanted me to know.
But what if she's dead?
Dr. Golan, we are very concerned
with Jake's state of mind right now.
And there is no way I'm putting
my life on hold to take you to Wales.
Dad could take me.
And he can even look at birds...
work in his book.
It means you get a break.
And as Dr. Golan said
maybe I can move on.
Like closure.
Having an opportunity to see this Children's
Home and separate fantasy from reality,
may be helpful and at the very least
a trip like this provides a chance to
say goodbye.
"Cairnholm: population of 92."
"Best known for its proximity to the final
resting place of the cruise liner Augusta
"which sank in 1915."
There is only one hotel.
That's ours.
I hope there's no vermin.
Oh wow! Jake! check it out.
That's a peregrine falcon.
Peregrine, like the Headmistress?
Hey, that's probably where grandpa came
with the tale of turning into a bird thing.
Maybe. Maybe that's really her.
Hey, Miss Peregrine, It's me, Jake.
I am Abe Portman's grandson.
Please don't crap on us.
Oh my God, dad, I'm kidding.
What the he... Hello?
Anybody home?
"Two Torpedoes hit
RMS Augusta. 894 lost."
Hey! Any idea where I'd find
the manager of this place?
That's me.
Sorry to keep you.
Just helping uncle Oggie to the loo.
- I'm Kev. There's room upstairs.
- Great.
I'll be back in a bit.
Kev's just getting our suite ready.
While we are waiting, I thought
maybe we could go check out the beach.
I thought we'd go to
the Children's Home.
Is the beach where the bird's nest?
I... I thought we could
check it out real quick.
I could go to the home by myself.
And you can, really take your time.
I enjoy it.
Come on, Jakey.
You know your mom would freak.
What if we can find
someone to take me?
Hey, dudes.
- Dad!
- I got this.
I was just wondering if any of you guys
might be interested in taking my son
here, to the other side
of the island.
And what are your names?
I am Worm, this is M.C. Dirty D.
M.C. Dirty Business.
- I thought you changed that!
- No!
No. You did remember?
When Lou said M.C. Dirty Business
made this sound like cracked trousers.
But she said it sounded
like a personal hygiene problem.
Wait, are these like nicknames or...
Stage names. We're the sickest
rappers here in Wales.
Come on, Worm,
show this shank how it's done.
What? Now?
# I like to get wrecked up
down at the Priest Hole. #
# Your dad's always there
'cause he's on the dole. #
# All my rhymes is tight,
yeah I make it look easy. #
# All beats are hot
like chicken jalfrezi! #
Oh yeah, now, it's... it is good.
- Should we take the shortcut, D.
- We'll get there quicker.
Take it from me.
- What? Down here?
- Yeah.
This way?
Is this even the way
to the Children's home?
Right through those trees.
No use crying over a lost shoe, boy.
The Children's Home...
What... what happened to it?
The German navy bombed
fell right on the roof.
September the 3rd, 1943.
Where... where did they go after it?
The Headmistress and the children?
Not one survivor.
Poor little buggers...
and they were lovely too.
Why didn't he tell us
that they all died?
He leaves to join the army and three months
later everyone he knows gets killed?
Not even grandpa can turn
that into a bedtime story.
No wonder he was scared
at being a dad.
Being close to anyone.
If you need to talk about
all this with someone, buddy
we should call Dr. Golan.
Do you mind if I go hang out
with those other kids today?
They asked.
Yeah. That's awesome.
You're Emma.
And the twins.
And Olive.
He's Millard.
You are dead.
All of you. You're all dead.
He is... he is invisible.
That is... He's still dead.
None of us are dead.
Oh my God. Am I dead?
You called me Abe,
in the house. Why?
You looked like him.
Just for a moment.
Before you started screaming,
running away and concussing yourself.
Wait, what's happening?
We are waiting until the coast is clear
before we go into the loop.
You never know
who might be watching.
Wait, before we...
before we go into what?
Please, Jake.
Miss Peregrine's waiting.
She saw on the ferry
and sent us to get you.
Where do you think you're going?
To my room.
I'm a... I am a guest here.
Does this look like a hotel to you?
Yeah... No!
I've... I've got a key.
Talk to the manager. He'll tell you.
I'm the manager, boy.
He's American.
Maybe he's army?
Bollocks! Listen to his accent.
It's terrible!
He is a spy.
No, I'm not... I'm a tourist.
I say, we should get the truth out of him.
The old-fashioned way.
Come on!
We didn't take him on!
Come on, quick guys.
I can't believe you're real.
You're all real.
We've been trying to tell you.
But I am special too.
In the pub, all of you saw it. Right?
Everything was flying and breaking.
And that was me.
I was doing it with my mind.
No, that was me.
- Millard?
- Yeah.
- Are you naked?
- Yeah.
A bomb dropped on you in 1943.
It is 1943.
September the 3rd, 1943.
The whole day, every day.
It's our loop.
Right on time.
Miss Peregrine.
Delighted to meet you.
I do hope I'm not going to
have the pub landlord
knocking on my door
with the police again?
I've had to kill them
twice this month.
It's been terribly inconvenient.
We may have broken
some things, that's all.
And Olive may have
started a tiny fire.
But they were going to hurt Jake.
Look at you!
The last time dear Abe sent me a photograph,
you were a just a tiny todd.
Don't you stand there, come in.
Your tea is getting cold.
How did you know about the pub?
- Your weigh approximately
109 pounds, correct? - I don't...
Bronwyn and the twins returned
six minutes after you ran away.
I think I'm missing something.
And quite apart from the fact that
the perceived safety of the pub makes it
the most likely place
to which you would flee.
It would take you
18 minutes to run there.
Emma and Millard would have been moments
behind with the horse and trap
travelling at around
8.2 miles per hour.
Fact doing some sort of
kerfuffle in the pub
and the return journey
with your added weight
you would arrive here
with 13 minutes past 4.
Now then, do you take sugar?
That will be enough, thank you Olive.
Nobody enjoys overboiled tea.
Let me help you this, Enoch.
Don't bother.
Wouldn't want you to
interrupt the tea party.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Jake.
You know, then?
I know if Abe were alive
you would have told me
you were coming.
- Shall we take our tea outside?
- Thank you.
Before he died
he told me to find you.
There was something
he wanted me to know.
He said you could
explain everything.
That's absolutely true.
There are few things I can't explain.
We are in common parlance
as peculiar.
51 seconds late, Fiona.
Sorry, Miss Peregrine.
How many carrots
you need for supper?
Just one will do.
As I was saying,
some people are peculiar.
It's a recessive gene
carried down through families.
Yet, many generations can pass
without a peculiar child being born.
And alas, peculiars have been
persecuted through the ages.
Hence, we live in places like this.
In Wales?
Anywhere will do
if you pick the right day.
That's fine now, Fiona.
You see. I am a type of peculiar called
an Ymbryne. That means I can...
You can turn into a bird.
Well, I do! Yes.
But that's not very useful.
An Ymbryne's main skill
is the manipulation of time.
We chose a safe place,
a safe day and create a loop.
What do you mean?
A loop preserves the last 24 hours.
Reset the loop and the day
is yours to live in again.
Reset it daily and
you can stay there forever.
Entirely safe from
the outside world.
Right on time Bronwyn, good girl.
And that's why we Ymbrynes are
charged with the care of the young.
And no one ever gets older?
It's best for everyone this way.
I assure you.
Every Ymbryne commits herself to the
creation and upkeep of a place like this.
A Home for Peculiar Children.
You've met the twins.
This is Claire.
Millard, pass the ball.
Millard you've met.
Come on.
And that's Hugh.
Stop cheating, Hugh.
Millard, that's a foul, again!
No, it wasn't! Referee!
If you two can't play without squabbling,
wish you wouldn't play at all.
Do you know referee is?
Good afternoon. I'm Horace.
Delighted to meet you.
We sorely needed
some new blood here.
Super shirt by the way.
You know Emma, of course.
And I think that's everyone.
Didn't Bronwyn have a brother?
Yes, Victor's upstairs.
Wait, where did Enoch and Olive go?
Heaven knows.
Enoch's been off ever since
we went to look for Jake.
Miss Peregrine, there's a policeman
at the door. He says it's about the pub.
We discuss this later, Emma.
It wasn't their fault.
Honestly, just they were
just trying to help.
Thanks. You're not
as bad as I thought.
She's not really going
to kill anyone, is she?
Not if she can talk her way out of it.
Would you help me with something.
Enoch usually does it but,
like I said, he is sulking somewhere.
Is that because of me?
He is possessive.
So... What you need help with?
One of my daily chores.
Put the baby squirrel
back in the tree.
What baby squirrel?
That happens every day?
Like clockwork.
Now, would you mind tying
that rope around my waist?
Uh... Yeah.
Promise to hold on tight?
I knew we messed that up.
Abe did too... the first time.
This used to be his job.
Emma, I need to tell you something.
He is dead.
I know. Miss Peregrine guessed
and she's always right.
It's okay.
I said goodbye to him
a long time ago.
Were you close?
I thought we were.
For a while.
But I suppose not.
Can I ask, was he like you?
He was like you, Jake.
I need to go change for supper.
Will you be dining with us?
I can't stay out late.
Supper's at 5:30
Well, that's pretty early.
The fact we are not
all eight years of olds
seems to have eluded Miss Peregrine.
You can borrow
some of Abe's clothes.
His room's in the attic.
Come meet Enoch, properly.
Well, you must feel
pretty out of place.
Don't worry.
I am used to it.
I wasn't worried.
Some advice for you though.
Man to man.
If you think you're staying
just because you like Emma,
don't bother.
You see, she swore off romance years ago
when she got her heart broken.
And she's never gonna
change her mind. So.
Enoch, I wasn't...
What are you doing?
Isn't he amazing?
What did you do?
Jake. This is not
even the fun part.
Do you want to see the fun part?
They are like puppets.
Just do anything I tell them.
It is even more fun with people.
You should have seen some of
the epic battles I used to have
at my parent's exequies parlor.
You need a necktie.
So. What did my grandpa do
when he was traveling?
Visited other loops.
To do what?
Jake, there are some questions
I can't answer, alright?
So it will be a lot easier for me
if you just stopped asking them.
Hey, what are you doing?
Millard, go and put
some clothes on.
Polite persons do not
take the sup in the nude!
Alright! Alright!
You can sit here, Jake.
Look at Enoch. He's jealous.
Why would I be jealous?
Olive can go marry Jake
for all I care.
Do not be mean, Enoch. She doesn't want to.
She's just excited to a visitor.
Nobody is marrying anybody.
Now eat up your food
before it gets cold.
Where's your net?
It must be very strange
for you Jake.
To meet your grandfather's friends.
Visiting another century.
Are there spaceships
in your time, Jake.
Like the Flash Gordon books?
No! No! Olive, what did I say
about asking questions?
We don't discuss the future here.
We enjoy living in
the here and now.
Claire, why aren't you eating?
She's embarassed in front of Jake.
Don't be, please.
So, Jake, what is your peculiarity?
Oh, I'm... I'm not peculiar.
And that my friends is why
he'll not be staying with us.
No matter how hard
we try to persuade him.
We've spoken about this,
Jake is just visiting.
- Do you want... want to stay?
- Don't you want to stay, Jake?
Tonight or...
You should stay forever.
Why would he
if he doesn't have to?
He can live out there. Grow older
and have a good time instead.
He'll leave.
Just like his grandfather did.
- Excuse me.
- Where she's going?
That wasn't nice, Enoch!
You know perfectly well
why Abe left us.
To join the army.
And then he met a lady. And had a nice
wedding cake. And a lovely little baby.
I know you'd all like a new friend.
But I'm sure Jake has
plenty of his own back in Florida.
I think you should all get ready
for movie-time while I answer that.
But you always let us stay for it.
Hello. This is Abe.
How is everyone?
Yours has extra marshmallows, Jake.
Millard, put some pyjamas on.
It is too hot in here.
- Stop moaning.
- Excuse me.
My grandpa told me about this.
Horace projects his dreams, right?
He used to listen to the radio.
Gets tedious when you know
every word off by heart.
Splendid, I'll take it.
He dreams about clothes mostly.
Delighted to meet you.
Super shirt by the way.
When did he dream this?
Last night.
Some of his dreams are prophetic.
But mostly they are about clothes.
Prophetic as in,
he can see into the future?
An Ymbryne. Who is she?
Miss Peregrine, do you know her?
Don't be silly. Horace was just
having a bad dream. That's all.
That's quite enough.
Thank you, Horace.
I think probably get going.
You could stay the night.
If you wanted to.
Rather than walk home
alone in the dark.
But the island is
very safe, isn't it?
Of course.
I only meant the path is dreadfully bumpy.
Jake could trip.
Perhaps you could show him the shortcut.
Should he ever need to avoid... bumps.
Won't you stay to see
the restart, Jake?
It is really quite spectacular.
- Yes. Yeah.
- Yes, yes.
Run rabbit, run rabbit.
Run! Run! Run!
Don't give the farmer his fun!
Fun! Fun!
He'll get by without his rabbit pie.
So run rabbit, run rabbit.
Run! Run! Run!
"URGEN Miss Alma Peregrine."
What was that?
It was my phone.
It's been dead the whole time
in the loop. I guess now...
Your phone?
Yeah, you know... like it... a telephone.
You can call people...
And send written messages.
Right. You'll love this.
You can take a picture.
Press that... there... yeah.
What's wrong?
It's just funny to think that one day
you'll grow up like Abe did.
Get married... have children.
You might even children
see this photograph.
And I'll still be here.
But can you leave some day?
And live in the present
if you wanted to?
No. More than a few minutes in your time
and the years would catch up.
You'd age?
Would... you're...
I think it is the Ymbryne
from Horace's dream.
Are you sure it's not just a bird?
I mean, I don't know...
wouldn't it change?
She can't.
Not if she's hurt.
I need to take her inside.
You should go.
Please don't say anything else.
I hate goodbyes.
I'll come back tomorrow.
There's no hurry.
I'll be here forever.
I've been all around this damn island.
Where the hell were you?
I was just on my way back.
Sorry, I lost track of time.
I was having a blast
with Worm and...
and Dirty D.
Dirty D?
You know what?
This is... this is good.
This is healthy.
This is you're making real friends.
Doing teenage stuff.
I think this is normal. I am sure
that Dr. Golan will approve.
Hey, you American.
Get over here.
Look, there they are,
there's D-bag and worm-man.
Did you do this?
What? No!
Of course not.
It wasn't us.
Listen, sir, I don't know what happened
here but my son and his friends
have been together all day.
And Jake would never do anything like this.
Bollocks! We haven't seen him!
You paid us yesterday. Why would
we hang out with him today for free?
Jake, were you with them or not?
No! I'm sorry!
And you don't seriously think
I could do this?
I think we're done here, sir.
Well, can you pass on
a message for me?
Can you tell Dr. Golan that if she hadn't
encouraged this cockamamie trip
maybe my son wouldn't
be mopping around all day
in a derelict house HAVING
Dad, I'm not...
I'm fine.
You're not.
You are not fine, Jake.
Coming here was a terrible...
terrible idea.
Im sorry, I lied...
Set your alarm for 8:00 am.
I want to get to the beach early.
The rest of the time left on this
crap-o-island we're stickin together.
Where are you going?
Downstairs for a drink.
"Dearest Peregrine:
I don't wish to alarm you...
"but one of my informants sent me this.
"It would appear that some of Mr. Barron's
group were in Blackpool, England.
"If I recall, Miss Avocet
has a loop there.
"Please warn her and suggest that
she make a new one right away.
"Well hidden.
"And take the greatest care yourself.
With Love, Abe. January 2016."
Who is ready to hit the beach?
Oh my goodness.
Right in the middle
of a nesting area?
What kind of idiot does that?
Actually, the main nesting area
is over there.
I can show you, if you like.
It's marvellous to meet
a fellow bird-spotter!
- John Lamont.
- Franklyn Portman.
This is my son, Jake.
John Lamont.
That's a hell of a camera
you got there.
Oh, thanks,
is absolutely fantastic.
I am here to do some snaps
for a book I'm writing.
So, you gentlemen
are here on holiday?
Unfortunately, how it was looked
nothing as battles of the birds.
So, you are not coming
to the beach today?
What's the point?
That guy's gonna cover on some big glossy
book, no ones even wanna look at mine.
I might just have
a nice afternoon nap.
I do not suppose you saw uncle Oggie
on you travels this morning, did you?
He's usually here by now.
I could go look for him.
You're not going anywhere.
Jake, you're back!
Come and play!
I need to see to
Miss Peregrine first.
Do you know where she is?
Jake, you're back.
How wonderful!
How's it doing?
Emma said it was an Ymbryne.
She, not 'it'.
Ymbrynes are always female.
And Emma was quite correct.
This is Miss Avocet.
Her loop is in Blackpool, England.
That was a private letter, Jake.
Who is Mr Barron?
Miss Peregrine, if my grandpa was
involved with dangerous people
I need to tell the police.
To the police?
Are you implying Abe died
an unnatural death?
I found him in the woods
with eyes missing.
I'd say that was pretty unnatural.
Unless essential I don't discuss
unpleasant matters.
An Ymbryne's duty is
to protect children, Jake.
I am not a child.
He wanted you
to tell me everything.
Oh. How frustrating for you.
It been Miss Peregrine's rules to my hostly
and this little pipe not to scare you off
it's like no ones
telling you anything?
So why don't you then?
It's not like you want me here.
Enoch, you can't.
You promised.
Olive is right.
I do know someone
who can break the rules though.
Want to meet him?
Enoch, don't do this! Please.
You want me to spend time well
with him, Jake. We can all play together.
That's what you said.
Well, here we all are.
Move, Olive.
If you're going to be like that, then
I don't want to be your friend.
Enoch! Leave Victor alone.
It really upsets Bronwyn.
Stop fussing, Fiona. Don't you think
Jake should meet everybody?
He's trying to frighten
you away, Jake.
He was always jealous of Abe
and now he's jealous of you.
Come and play with us instead.
I'd quite like to meet Victor.
After you.
Hello Victor.
I'm Jake. Im sorry to disturb...
He can't hear you.
Hello Jake, I'm Victor.
Do you want to know what killed me?
Ah, there you are. Is Enoch with you?
It's time for our daily walk.
Emma, who killed Victor?
Was it the people with the white eyes?
I asked you not to ask questions.
I saw one the night
my grandpa died.
The man.
If it really was one,
you have to tell Miss Peregrine.
Could you recognize him
from a photograph?
Do you have one?
Then come on. There's somewhere
I go to be alone. I have things there.
- Is this the place?
- No. This is how we get there.
Emma! Your shoes!
Lead shoes!
- Welcome to my secret hideout.
- How? How did you...
Air. My peculiarity.
It does what I want.
Jake. Before your grandfather retired,
he asked me to keep this safe.
- This is my grandpa's old map.
- It shows you where the loops are.
That's him, that's the man
I saw. Who is he?
That's Barron.
He is the Leader.
Leader of what?
Who are these people?
Bad people... bad peculiars.
Abe dedicated his life to hunting them down.
These are the ones he never found.
What do you mean "hunting"?
They raided loops.
Whole homes full of children
left for dead.
Abe took lives to save lifes.
He only retired when
you were born to protect you.
From what?
If I tell you the rest,
you have to promise not to run away.
Jake, you belong here.
You know that I don't. I'm not like you.
I'm just ordinary...
Maybe not. Jake, only a peculiar
can enter a time loop.
No, that can't be right.
I mean... I would know.
Fine. Then I'll show you
something else.
Hurry! You'll miss it.
Ymbrynes usually pick
the perfect date to create a loop.
But Miss Peregrine
had to do this in a rush.
Because the Germans were about
to drop a bomb on the house.
The point is, September the 3rd, 1943
wasn't perfect.
The thing that killed Victor
came back.
- Wait, watch out!
- Don't utter off!
You can see it, can't you?
No one else can. It's invisible, Jake.
That was Abe's greatest gift of all.
He could see the monsters.
We call them 'Holocaust'.
Hollows for short.
My grandpa told me about people who
turn into monsters. Is that what they are?
I will explain everything, Jake.
I fear it's my duty now considering...
But you should know that in doing so
I'm breaking a solemn promise.
I knew you were peculiar
when you were born.
But your grandfather
forbid me to tell you anything.
His dearest wish was for you
to have an ordinary childhood.
- Well I definitely had that. - He intended
to tell you the truth when you turned 18.
He hoped his bed-time stories
would pave the way.
Here's my book.
Many years ago, a splinter faction
emerged among our people
disaffected peculiars
tired of living in loops.
That's... That's Mr. Barron.
He believed that by harnessing
the essence of an Ymbryne's powers,
he and his cronies
could gain immortality
and be able to live outside loops.
He devised an experiment.
He kidnapped an Ymbryne
not knowing or caring whether
she would survive at the experiment.
But the fate of Barron and his group
was more horrifying still.
Why didn't Barron turn into one?
He did. But years later he found
a way to reverse the effects...
to regain humanity.
They had become not immortal gods
- but Hollows.
Invisible beasts.
Dangerous, cold-blooded, deadly!
Remember I told you
they raided loops? This is why.
Barron discovered that by consuming
the eyes of other peculiars...
Especially children.
He began to change.
Consume enough, and a hollow
can fully regain its human form.
Bon appetit!
Just as Barron and
some of his friends did.
The rest of them are
stuck as Hollows.
Are you saying that Barron
ate my grandp...
He needs no more eyes himself,
but I fear he led a Hollow
to your grandfather, yes.
After the first attacks on loops,
we all got better at hiding
making new loops...
keeping our whereabouts secret.
The Hollows grow more
desparate every year
and Barron wishes
to help his friends.
Miss Peregrine! Come quickly!
Miss Avocet's awake.
I was scared off and suddenly I fairly
through to came "Bam! Bam!" and...
Oh Miss Peregrine!
They found my new loop. The children...
I tried to save them but
there were so many Hollows...
I don't know how I escaped.
You are safe now.
None of us are safe.
They set up the machine in my loop.
They put it in the cellar at
Blackpool Tower. They're still there...
The machine?
The experiment.
They intend to do it again!
This time, he's using more Ymbrynes.
He still wants to be immortal.
Do Hollows only attack peculiars?
Of course not! They're monsters, Jake,
they'll slaughter anything in their path.
Well, some sheep
on the island were killed.
You don't think they're
here already, do you?
Have you seen anyone
with white eyes?
I'm sorry children,
we can't remain here.
- What? - We leave on the first ferry,
off the island tomorrow.
Pack anything of importance.
And eat your sandwiches and lead you to bed.
Are we leaving for good?
When are we coming back?
Never. If Miss Peregrine's not here
to reset the loop tomorrow night
the house gets bombed.
- What? Our house?
Don't cry, Miss Peregrine will find you
another lovely house... somewhere else
Once this loop closes, that's it!
I can't get back to my own time.
You didn't seem very happy there.
I can't just leave!
I have a family.
And you felt ordinary.
Like nothing you do changes anything.
And, now you have a chance to do
something that changes everything!
Jake, we are in danger and you're
the only one who can see the Hollows.
Yeah, I see them sure but,
I'm not my grandpa.
I'm not and I... I can't fight,
I can't kill somebody...
- There's only one reason that
I'd stay here. - Please!.. just go.
Jake... Jake, here you are!
Thank God!
When I heard they
found a body, I freaked.
- Are there stray dogs around here?
- What are you talking about?
It's like, when they find an injured animal,
they go for the soft parts first.
Same thing happened to my father.
The police are on their way.
- Dad, I gotta go.
- No... you don't Jake.
If this was not an accident
there's a lunatic on the island.
I've known everyone on this island
my whole life except you and him.
- And he's been in the pub all afternoon.
- So have I... I was sleeping.
What about the blind fellow?
I mean... I assumed he was blind.
Gentleman with the dark glasses.
Arrived on the same ferry as me.
I kept seeing him around.
Jake! Jake! Jake!
Wait! Wait!
- Is your son alright?
- No, he has mental health issues.
- I can't go...
- Let me, I run 5 k's all the time.
Hello! Is that you, young man?
You came through?
You're peculiar?
Oh yes, and I'm extremely
grateful to you.
It's terribly hard...
to find loops these days.
So you followed me from
the beach on purpose?
Oh no. I've been following you
much further than that!
- Dr. Golan?
- Sometimes... when it suits me...
The breadth of my peculiarity
is purely limited by my imagination.
The only thing I can't change...
is my eyes.
Mr. Barron, how do you do?
I saw you, at your grandfather's.
I was hoping to get
Miss Peregrine's address from him,
but alas my travelling companion
got to him before I did.
and as you know, there's just
no stopping a hungry Hollocaust.
Speaking of my
travelling companion...
He's coming.
And believe me when I say to you,
you don't want to be here
when he arrives.
So, let's be on our way... shall we?
I musn't forget our calendar.
Could you fetch it from
the parlor please, Miss Avocet?
Go and help the others.
Miss Peregrine, what a pleasure
to meet you, at last! May we come in?
Children, would you make your
way down the stairs please?
I give the orders
in this house, Mr. Barron!
Not today. You should know that
Jake has served his purpose.
If you value his life I suggest
everyone does as they are told!
No one tells my children what to do.
Children, come down here, please.
- Miss Peregrine...
- I thought I told you to be quiet!
Children, for Jake's safety,
we are going to do
what Mr. Barron asks.
He wishes to take me with him
to his rendezvous in Blackpool.
So for his protection,
he would like me to assume bird-form,
preferrably caged...
And he'd like you to make your way
into a lockable room, such as the parlor.
As he won't relieve Jake if he fears
an attack could be mounted upon him
once he loses his leverage.
Correct, Mr. Barron?
You are sacrificing yourself
and all of us...
for Jake?
Mr. Barron travels
with a Hollow, Enoch.
Once it arrives here,
we're all dead.
Enoch, only Jake can see them.
She means he's our only hope.
It's been my privilege
to care for you all.
Goodbye, my children.
Now, let him go.
Promise me one thing, Jake.
That you will try to
look after them all.
I promise.
It's getting dark. You won't even
be able to see their shadows.
We have to stay inside.
It's the only place we stand a chance.
He's quite right. Now, where does
Miss Peregrine keep her weapon?
In there. Let's go.
Now... all right children.
Make sure all the doors are locked
and the windows are latched.
Everything must be
sealed up tight.
Now, quickly, quickly. Get away.
Jake, I think tonight
you better answer that.
- Hello?
- Hello. This is Abe. Who is that?
You... you don't know me.
I'm Jake.
Ah! You're new.
Well, welcome to the family Jake.
Now I can't talk long,
so just tell Miss Peregrine
that I'm at the airbase,
and I'm fine.
I just wanted to say that,
I miss you and if I
disappointed you, I'm sorry...
and you're the best grandpa
in the world.
- Fiona!
- Got it!
Miss Avocet!
Now, children, now that
you are all here, there's a few rules.
Your primary job is to stay safe.
Leave the Hollow to me.
I don't want to see any heroics.
Now, those of you with garden tools,
I must insist that you...
No, Enoch! Get back!
- Go! Get to the attic.
- Come on!
Take her!
Go! Go! Get out! All. Come on.
Alright... Crap!
It's almost reset.
- Fiona, is there anything
you can do with that tree? - Yes.
Be careful!
We're going through the windows.
Let's go! Quickly!
Come on!
Claire! Come on down.
Be careful!
Go, Fiona!
Let's move on!
- What was that?
- The loop closing. It is gone.
I'm sorry, Jake.
What do we do now?
Is there any sign of Barron
and Miss Peregrine?
Gone. Barron must
have had a boat.
Well, we have to go after them.
We know he is taking her to Blackpool.
But Blackpool is miles away, and
the next ferry doesn't go for hours.
We'll never make it in time.
Not unless we go by boat too!
So there's a loop here in Blackpool.
It's only six months old.
January 11th, 2016.
With Miss Avocet gone
it can't be reset.
Once the loop closes?
Then it's back to real time.
- Jake, you know what this means, dont you?
- You're going to die.
That's not what I mean.
We have to get to our own time.
But you don't.
You can continue to live in 2016.
But why would I do that?
If we kill Barron, he'll be gone
but time will carry on.
He won't go to Florida,
Abe won't die and you can go home.
I can see my grandpa.
Listen! I can explain
everything to them.
I can persuade them to
take me to the island.
Wait... Will you still be there?
Our old loop's gone... for good.
- We wouldn't see each other again.
- I thought you wanted me to stay.
I know you'll choose Abe.
If I minded
I wouldn't have told you.
So, have we found Miss Avocet's
loop on the map yet?
It's here, but it's new,
she made it earlier this year.
It's my year.
If we don't get out before it closes,
we're stuck in January 2016.
So time catches up with all of us,
we all die except you! Plan?
Loop closes at 4:30.
I mean, we need to get in,
rescue the Ymbrynes and get out.
If we're not already dead.
Miss Avocet said the machine is in
the cellar of the Blackpool Tower building.
That means we'll be
indoors with Hollows.
No, we won't! I've got a plan,
but I'm going to need your help.
- This can't be it, can it?
- Loop entrances can be anywhere.
The one in London
was in a subway tunnel.
- Sure, this is it?
- I think so.
- Millard, there's something I need
you to do first. - Alright, I know.
- Look! There's the tower. It's not far.
- Easy for you say! I'm freezing.
All the doors to the cellar are locked.
The only way to reach the Ymbrynes is...
- That's backstage.
- How many Hollows can you see?
Four. It's good news.
I think you and I have a very
different definition of good news.
It means Barron's other friends
haven't arrived yet.
Means they haven't started
the experiment. We're not too late.
- Ok Emma, you ready?
You know what to say. - Hey, Jake.
Our brethren should be joining
us momentarily. This is a day...
Hey! You down there.
We killed your Hollow friend Mr. Barron
and now we've come for Miss Peregrine.
Bring her and all the other Ymbrines
to the end of the pier in five minutes.
Or face the consequences.
These children must be
as insane as their headmistress.
Still... the Hollows
will be glad of a feed.
Where are you? I know
you're in here somewhere.
Ah... good... listen to me.
I want you to follow
Mr. Archer and Mr. Clark.
They want to take you down to the
pier for a little afternoon tea.
Mr. Archer, Mr. Clark, gather
the Hollows and take them to the pier.
Those children killed Malphus?
Barron has had it for Malphus
since he killed Abe Portman.
That's Abe Portman for months.
All I needed was a few minutes
to get the location of
Miss Peregrine's loop from him.
But no.
Malphus couldn't wait
and instead I had to masquerade
as a psychiatrist
for three weeks in Florida.
Have you ever been to Florida?
- Did I not tell you to gather the Hollows?
- What if it's a trap?
Of course it is Miss Edwards!
But what of it?
A couple of children against four Hollows.
Let's get this over with.
Jake, I'm stuck!
Hurry up!
They are coming!
Let's go.
Enoch, now!
Go, now!
Can be seen now.
Phase two.
Emma! Go!
Don't just stand there!
Get them!
Alright, good job guys.
It's time for Step 2.
Save the Miss Peregrine.
That's... sort of step 3.
First we've got to deal with Barron.
Come on.
- They should've been back by now.
- I said it was a trap.
If that's true, perhaps we should
move the Ymbrynes now.
You are not serious?
Do I not look serious?
Do I not look like a man who has
trudged the globe looking for just
one more eye to eat in hopes of regaining
sufficient humanity
to return to his research?
A man who spent years
hunting Ymbrynes
in preparation for this night.
And 2... no... 3 days in Wales
pretending to look at birds.
I assure you
I will not stand idly by
to see my destiny derailed.
Hugh, do it now!
Come back here!
Get them!
Look, get down!
You think you can
stand in my way?
You Jake, content to age and die
as if you had not the gift
of peculiarity, at all?
I am a higher being.
I hold a secret to eternal life.
- Sorry to interrupt.
- What the...
You missed me again, Jake.
I take it accuracy is not
your peculiarity.
Abe was a much worthier adversary.
Don't let him get to the birds!
You must put me in contact
with your tailor.
Ymbrynes... Ymbrynes...
Here I come!
Cold? Wait till the blood
freezes in your veins.
That was your attempt
to rescue your friend, was it?
- Jake!
- I'll hold him as long as I can.
When are you going to realise
you are a terrible shot with that thing?
Get the others,
I'll meet you at the loop entrance.
He's getting out.
Eventually you're going
to run out of breath
and it'll all be over.
Death for your beloved Jake
and Miss Peregrine
and everlasting life for me.
And a mint for you.
Olive! Olive!
I'm so sorry, Olive. All these years
I never appreciated you.
I didn't see how lucky I was.
I got so used to having you there,
I never realized.
You never realised what?
Find your children.
Create new loops.
So Jake, I see you've inherited
your grandfather's peculiarity.
You're just as annoying as he was.
Speaking of Abe, if you should
see him in the afterlife,
give him my regards.
Please, we can't risk
him taking you again.
Where are the others?
They're safe. All of us are
on the way to the Ghost Train.
Jake needs us.
Barron's too strong.
You've lost Miss Peregrine.
You've lost everything! It's over!
Emma? Wait, that's not me.
It is Barron.
- Don't listen to him. He is Barron.
- I'm Jake. That's Barron.
Well, I got better shot than Jake.
So neither of you move
till we sort this.
Listen to me. I'm Jake. I grew up
in Florida and I wanted to be an explorer.
I never thought nothing would
ever change because I was ordinary.
That's Jake. Get Barron.
Wait! I told him all of this.
She was my psychiatrist.
Look. You deal with him.
I'll go find Miss Peregrine.
Wait. I can prove that I'm me.
Because I am not ordinary.
I can do something
that no one else can.
I can see the monsters.
Wait, it's me!
We need to go.
The loop is closing.
Those of us who are leaving.
- Emma...
- You love your grandfather.
There's nothing more to explain.
No, I promised Miss Peregrine
that I'd look after you all.
And with her injured
and you without a loop...
She'll recover and
until then we'll be in 1943.
We'll only age one day at a time.
Like normal people.
Which can be no bad thing.
And what about the Hollows?
As long as they are out there,
you are not safe.
We don't need you
to make us feel safe, Jake.
Because you made us feel brave.
And that's even better.
Come on guys, lets go!
And then we said goodbye
and loop closed.
I was so scared that
you wouldn't be here.
- I'd never see you again.
- I am safe.
Let me give you
your birthday present.
Grandpa, my birthday
isn't for months.
"Complete Essays and Other Writings
of Ralph Waldo Emerson"
For your travels.
Go to her, Jake.
You have the map.
You can go back to 1943.
Even so, they took a boat.
I don't know where they are.
But you know where they were.
You have no idea how long
it took me to get here.
The closest loop was
in the California desert.
I used it to get to the Tokyo loop.
That led me to the nearest loop
back in 1942,
where I wound up joining
the navy. Don't ask.
Then I spent 2 months
in London to try...
Ready. Full speed ahead!