Miss Saigon 25th Anniversary Performance (2016)

One of us will be Miss Saigon
I spread the word,
it's Miss Saigon
- Who's left in town? Who hasn't gone?
- Shut up and get your hot pants on
- Each day more GIs disappear
- Will we survive when no-one's here?
- You girls must trust your Engineer
- Shit! OK, OK!
I have a little surprise for you.
Come here. Hey!
I found this new girl
from the country, untouched
Get her ready
I'd give that virgin act a rest
You are my first American
Allez, allez, allez!
Why does it take all day?
Get your asses on stage,
I'm raising cash tonight
One of us will be Miss Saigon
They say Saigon has weeks
- I say it's time to pack
- Tonight I must be Miss Saigon
Each night these little buns of theirs
are worth less and less
I need a visa fast
and I'm not looking back
Son of a bitch, they're here
I can still engineer
Monsieur Joey, please, come inside
It's like the old days,
my little gamines
- Oh, sure
- Just look who's in there
- A gang of Marines
- They're here?
We'll pick 'em clean
- That's what tonight's all about
- Bullshit!
One of these boys
might be your ticket out
- Get out of that dress
- GIRL: Wow.
No, wait
- It's my new princess
- What?
- Princess?
- Are you fucking kidding me?
A virgin will give them a treat
Shut up!
Lower your eyelids and play sweet
Men pay the moon to get fresh meat
- Fresh is only fresh once
- Allez, allez, allez
Line up and do your song
Don't make the show too long
Voil! On stage, all
Welcome to Dreamland!
The heat is on in Saigon
The girls are ready to screw
One of these slits here
will be Miss Saigon
And since we're stuck here in hell,
what's a soldier to do?
The stink is making me choke!
Turns out this war is a joke
Turns out the joke is on you
Hey, Monsieur Chris, Monsieur John,
a gift
You've come to win Miss Saigon
You brought him
I gotta get my friend laid
as a last souvenir
I love you, pal,
but your bullshit I've had up to here
The heat is on in Saigon
But till they tell us we're gone,
I'm gonna buy you a girl
- You can buy me a beer
- It's showtime!
From Haiphong to the Mekong Delta,
may I present
the most beautiful girls in Saigon!
- Mimi
- See my bikini
- It's just the right size
- Yvette
Don't you enjoy
how it rides up my thighs?
- Dominique
- Look from behind
- It'll knock out your eyes
- Yvonne
I'll show you my special trophy of war
- Fifi
- For a Marine I'll show more
You won't get up off the floor
The heat is on in Saigon
Don't tell me I'm reassigned,
all that chickenshit sucks
Tonight I'm out of my mind,
not to mention ten bucks
You all know her
as the sex toy from Hanoi.
Miss Gigi Van Tranh.
If I'm your pin-up,
I'll melt all your brass
Stuck on the wall with a pin in my ass
If you get me,
you will travel first class
I'll show you,
we'll make magic, chrie
You buy more tickets from me,
the winner gets her for free
The meat is cheap in Saigon
I used to love getting stoned,
waking up with some whore
I don't know why I went dead,
it's not fun any more
How about something fresh
from the country?
Legs unparted, parts uncharted. Kim.
I'm 17 and I'm new here today
The village I come from
seems so far away
All of these girls here
know much more what to say
But I know
I'm so much more than you see
A million dreams are in me
Jesus, John, who is she?
The Cong is tightening the noose
Is it a week or a day or an hour we got?
Tonight could be our last shot,
got to put it to use
I've got a fever, babe,
and you're gonna catch it
I got an itch,
and, baby, you'd better scratch it
Mimi, Gigi, Yvette or Yvonne
Gonna buy me a beer!
Here's to you, Miss Saigon
Yvonne! Yvette!
Fifi! Mimi! Kim!
And Gigi!
Attention, s'il vous plat.
By popular demand, Miss Gigi Van Tranh
is tonight's Miss Saigon.
The heat is on in Saigon
How'd we get used to the smell?
So let's get wasted,
get high and get laid
- Whoo-hoo!
- A goodbye party in hell
And now, who wins my little pussycat?
Number 66!
Who takes care of you, baby?
You do, but will you take me to America?
Come on. Not right now. Damn!
Hey! I'll make a good wife.
- I said no!
- You prick!
- Let me take care of this.
- This is bullshit!
Don't fuck with me.
- It's OK. Gigi, she likes it rough.
- Crazy, man.
Come on, drink some more.
Play with the girls.
They are not nice,
they're mostly noise
They swear like men,
they screw like boys
I know there's nothing in their hearts
But every time I take one in my arms
It starts
The movie in my mind
The dream they leave behind
A scene I can't erase
And in a strong GI's embrace
Flee this life
Flee this place
The movie plays and plays
I'll find my true romance
He takes me to a place
Where I don't have to dance
Our children laugh all day
But all that I've been through
Can't make my dream come true
The dream I long to find
The movie in my mind
I will not cry, I will not think
I'll do my dance, I'll make them drink
When I make love, it won't be me
And if they hurt me
I'll just close my eyes and see
They are not nice,
they're mostly noise
The movie in my mind
They kill like men,
they die like boys
The dream that fills my head
They give their cash,
they keep their hearts
A man who will not kill
But every night again it starts
He'll fight for me instead
He'll keep the fear at bay
So no one comes at night
To blow the dream away
The dream I have to find
The movie in my mind
- Hey, baby, come here.
- Hey!
And in a strong GI's embrace
Flee this life
Flee this place
A world that's far away
Where life is not unkind
The movie in my mind
Allez, allez, get back to work. Now!
- Come on, man.
- Hey, Monsieur John.
How would you like to get rich?
Go home in style?
- Yeah, OK, what's the pitch?
- Yeah.
A US visa to help me get out
Lend me a bit of your embassy clout,
you dig, baby?
There isn't a chance, pal,
you're too well known
Look, what I want
is that girl in the dress
You have a good eye, her name is Kim
She's my new princess
You give her a try
My buddy, Chris,
it's like something just snapped
She's what he needs,
she's got treasures untapped
But I have to warn you,
she don't come cheap
I got that covered, my man.
- It's got to be 20 for my princess
- 20 for this shit?
She's sort of a virgin...
well, more or less
- You take it.
- For 20 more you get a room and key
Don't fuck me, man!
For 50 bucks,
she's got the whole night free
No one gives you a buzz
like the Engineer does
You may share if you like.
Stop drooling, white boy,
you're losing your cool
- You like this jail bait?
- John, open your eyes
This is the end of the line,
this whole rotten scene
She's good, man. What? Come on!
This little girl,
we could be in the sack
I know, man
And I would take something
I can't give back
It's time to go home,
it's time to get clean
No, no, no
I'm starting to cry,
you're so out of touch
The trouble with you
is you think too much
- Get the fuck off of me!
- A whore is better than an empty bed
Man, you need some action
to fill your head
Nothing gives you a hit
like the Engineer's shit
That's right
Let's get out of here. Let's go!
My little princess, I was right
You are the first to score tonight
You caught that sergeant by the nose
You stay with him until he goes
Call him Chris, he'll like that
- Please, don't
- You said you needed a job
You said you'd turn a trick
You better prove it, and quick
Monsieur Chris?
Don't worry, she's clean.
I washed her myself.
Look at that. Music.
She's a very good girl.
I'll give her to somebody else.
- You fuck off.
- All right, baby.
Monsieur John!
Hit the high note!
My name is Kim
I like you, Chris
- Don't talk like that.
- What did I say?
You shouldn't be here.
Just take this
and get the hell out of here.
- Goddamn it.
- Hey. What's going on?
- You don't like her?
- Oh, yes, I do
I like him too
Take her away, come on, man
Take me away
Please, don't say a word,
just come with me
All right, it's time to pay up,
you horny bastards.
Thank you, Monsieur Tony.
The sooner you pay, the sooner you come,
and you want to come, right?
Is that mine? Thank you, Tex.
Enjoy that one.
Hey, Detroit,
you're forgetting something.
Wash your fingers.
Monsieur John, this one doesn't scratch.
She bites.
Engineer? A touch of class, man.
- I'll smoke this when I get to America.
- Whatever, man. Got me a lady.
Sweet dreams, my princess.
Why does Saigon never sleep at night?
Why does this girl smell
of orange trees?
How can I feel good
when nothing's right?
Why is she cool when there is no breeze?
You don't give answers,
do you, friend?
Just questions that don't ever end
Why, God?
Why today?
I'm all through here
On my way
There's nothing left here
that I'll miss
Why send me now a night like this?
Who is the girl in this rusty bed?
Why am I back in a filthy room?
Why is her voice ringing in my head?
Why am I high on her cheap perfume?
Hey, look, I mean you no offence
But why does nothing here make sense?
Why, God?
Show your hand
Why can't one guy understand?
I've been with girls who knew much more
I've never felt confused before
Why me?
What's your plan?
I can't help her
No one can
I want my memories as they were
But now I'll leave remembering her
Get out of my...
Out of my way!
When I went home before,
no one talked of the war
What they knew from TV
didn't have a thing to do with me
Get out of here!
I went back and re-upped,
sure, Saigon is corrupt
It felt better to be here
driving for the embassy
Cos here if you can pull a string
A guy like me lives like a king
Just as long as
you don't believe anything
Hey, GI.
Can you help me get out of here?
- I can't help you.
- I've got money.
I don't need your money.
I don't need your money.
Why, God?
Why this face?
Why such beauty in this place?
I want my memories as they were
But now I'll leave remembering her
Just her
This money's yours
Please, take it all
- Hey, you want more?
- No, no, I don't want anything
- What's wrong with you?
- I've not done this before
That can't be true
Why would I lie?
Look, all the girls lie,
they just want to get out of here
Maybe you're not like that,
but I don't know who you are
Do you want one more tale
of a Vietnam girl?
Want to know I was bound
to a man I don't love?
I'm sorry.
Do you want to be told
how my village was burned?
Want to hear
how my family was blasted away?
How I ran from the rice fields
and saw them in flames?
How my parents
were bodies whose faces were gone?
I have had my fill of pain
I will not look back again
I would rather die!
Can I see you tonight?
Well, I'll be at the club
Selling beaucoup amour
No. No, you won't.
How would you like...?
How would I like...?
How would you like staying with me?
It feels right like this
So that's how we should be
So, would you like?
Yes, I would like
OK, it's set, no more to say
Screw the Engineer!
You're the one good thing
that I've found out here
You are sunlight
And I, moon
Joined by the gods of fortune
Midnight and high noon
Sharing the sky
One and the same
You and I
You are here
Like a mystery
I'm from a world
That's so different
from all that you are
How in the light of one night
Did we come so far?
Outside, day starts to dawn
Your moon still floats on high
- The birds awake
- And the stars shine true
- My hands still shake
- I reach for you
And we meet in the sky
You are sunlight
And I, moon
Joined here
Brightening the sky
With the flame
Of love
We are sunlight
Tomorrow night will be the full moon
I can bring friends to bless our love
With paper dragons and perfume
If you want me to
- Dragons?
- Yes.
John, is that you, buddy?
Listen to me
Do I sound different?
That's how it should be
Last night,
I spent a whole lifetime in paradise
Tell the CO I'm taking all of my leave
We're going to play house,
John, it's like Christmas Eve
We have sworn
we won't see the sun for 48 hours
What are you saying?
Are you out of your mind?
All leave is canceled,
you could be left behind
Saigon is falling apart
and you'd better be here
Please have your papers ready!
Here is the news
since you've been on the moon
Cities in the boondocks
are dropping like flies
Wives and civilians
will be shipping out soon
Crowds around the embassy
have tears in their eyes
Thieu has resigned,
the new regime may not hold
People at the palace
think we'll send the Marines
We are sending nothing
from what I've been told
- Buddy, are you there?
- Yes!
Do you know what that means?
Sure, time to fall in love!
John, listen fast,
you did not get this call
You're the one
who bought the girl for me, after all
Once you are a friend,
you're a friend through and through
When you were in trouble, man,
I covered for you
Not this time,
the town's too hot for one Kongai whore
Ol' buddy, I will not get you killed
She is no whore, all right?
You saw her too
She's really more like... the April moon
- April fucking moon?
- Both her parents died
She was all alone, she was terrified
Sweet as that and she's an orphan too
How can a guy fight that?
You've got one day, not two,
then be back
- Monsieur Chris, you're late.
- Shit!
What, she kept you up all night?
We had a deal for Kim, but that's on ice
I'm sorry, Sergeant,
but I've changed the price
What do you mean?
I need a visa from your embassy
Hey? You give me that,
you get the girl for free
Look, cut the crap,
this money's all I've got
I don't give visas out,
is this a deal or not?
- You tell me
- Ah, shit
- OK, OK, the money, it will do
- Down
Too bad, I had a Rolex watch for you,
it's yours, take it.
I'll get my papers in another way.
I'll make a rich man
of some attach, you asshole!
With little shits like him,
you take the bucks and run
He gave me six weeks' income,
I'll be gone in one
I'll castrate you
next time I see you, you little fuck.
One of us girls is moving on
One girl will get out of Saigon
So look who's really Miss Saigon
She'll leave this wasted life behind
She'll live the movie in my mind
They're here!
- Shh!
- Surprise!
Look how he bought her a new dress
You did a job on him, I guess
He simply asked me, I said "yes"
Yeah, right
Come on, let's bless the new princess
Yeah, that's me. Get off.
Hey! Shoes off.
Dju vui vay
Vju doi may
Dju vui vay
Vao nyay may
Will you who gave me life smile today?
Look with favoring eyes on this man
Show your daughter's heart
your forgiveness
And send to us from your home above
Your blessing on our love
Dju vui vay
Dju vui vay
Vju doi may
Vju doi may
Dju vui vay
Dju vui vay
Vao nyay may
Dju vui vay
It's pretty, but what does it mean?
Vju doi may
It's what all the girls sing at weddings
- What?
- They didn't know what else to sing
Vao nyay may
It's the prettiest thing
that I have ever heard
Hey, girls!
- To Miss Saigon.
- Miss Saigon!
You're here, at last
I've come to take you home
I hid all night,
I tunneled through the line
Kim, come with me,
we'll flee this shameful place
They're done, we'll win,
you're safe and you are mine
- Hey! This girl is mine
- Yours?
- Now who are you?
- Stop
Who is this man, this American pig
Who I now find with you in this place?
Why are you here
with these flea-bitten whores?
Do you wear the same paint on your face?
- Get out!
- You have no right to be here
I'm not a prize you can claim
We were promised at 13
The woman I've become is not the same
Our fathers bound us together
Why couldn't you wait?
You knew I'd come back to get you!
It isn't too late
My parents got themselves killed
in the week you changed sides
If there were promises,
all of them died when they died
Show's over, pal.
- Kim, leave this man behind
- Stay here
No! Go on
And shoot!
I will not change my mind
- You are still mine
- Not anymore
- You're mine until we die
- Get off of her!
Saigon is doomed
And so is your GI
She'll leave with me
You broke your father's word
This is your curse
Get out!
What a party that was
You're going to leave me now
Yes, I'm going to leave
And take you out with me
In a place that won't let us feel
In a life where nothing seems real
I have found you
I have found you
In a world that's moving too fast
In a world where nothing can last
I will hold you
I will hold you
Our lives will change
when tomorrow comes
Tonight our hearts drown
the beating drums
And we'll have music, all right
Tearing the night
Our song
Played on a solo saxophone
A crazy sound
A lonely sound
A cry that tells us love goes on and on
Played on a solo saxophone
It's telling me to hold you tight
And dance like
it's the last night of the world
On the other side of the Earth
There's a place
your life will have worth
I will take you
I'll go with you
You won't believe
all the things you'll see
I know cos you'll see them all with me
If we're together,
that's when we'll hear it again
Our song
Played on a solo saxophone
A crazy sound
A lonely sound
A cry that tells us love goes on and on
Played on a solo saxophone
It's telling me to hold you tight
And dance like
it's the last night of the world
Dreams were all I ever knew
Dreams you won't need when I'm through
Anywhere we may be
I will sing with you
Our song
Where are you going?
Played on a solo saxophone
So stay with me and hold me tight
And dance like it's the last night
Of the world
On silent feet it came
Breathing a sheet of flame
It came
Closing in on its rightful prey
Burning a hundred years away
The morning of the dragon,
truth lit up the street
The tiger we were stalking
walked on paper feet
And in the clear white heat of dawn
Was gone
- With guns from every shore
- Victory
- The People's Army waged a war
- Victory
- Tunneling underneath the trees
- Victory
- Bringing the giant to its knees
- The morning of the dragon
- All the walls fell down
- Truth lit up the street
Brother greeted brother
The tiger we were stalking
walked on paper feet
- And in the endless night
- And in the clear white heat of dawn
Was gone
- On silent feet it came
- Victory
- Breathing a sheet of flame
- Victory
- Closing in on its rightful prey
- Victory
- Burning a hundred years away
- The morning of the dragon
- The morning of the dragon
- Brother greeted brother
The tiger we were stalking
walked on paper feet
- And in the endless night
- And in the clear white heat of dawn
Was gone
Three years of school was nice
In rice fields, planting rice
You did good work, you see
Re-educating me
Who lives a lie must change or die
Three years, how quick they moved
Look how the world's improved
Saigon, that queen of sin
Renamed for Ho Chi Minh
Who lives a lie
must change or die
But men will always be men
They washed out my brain
I'm still what I am
Deep inside, I know what I know
Wherever I go
I speak Uncle Ho
And think Uncle Sam
- Your name is Tran Van Dinh?
- At your service
- You're called the Engineer
- Yes, sir
- The People's Commissar
- Am I free?
Has ordered you back here
Who lives a lie
must change or die
We found the man that you wanted so bad
And, Commissar, you were perfectly right
He had been taken up north to a camp
We brought him down under cover of night
Once he had served the American clique
Selling our sisters and daughters
for gold
Notice we caught him in less than a week
When we get orders,
we do what we're told
All right, all right,
that's it, that's all
You've done your job, that's it
You go back, I'll take over now
You will find her for me
Crawl from under your shell
You know who her friends were
Go! See what they can tell
Sniff her out
Or I swear
You'll look forward to hell
I never saw her again
I am a different man
I've been enlightened since then
But men must help other men
And seeing it's you,
I'll work to the bone
I'll give you 48 hours
If you want to stay free,
don't come back here alone
- On silent feet it came
- Victory
- Breathing a sheet of flame
- Victory
- Closing in on its rightful prey
- Victory
Burning a hundred years away
The morning of the dragon,
truth lit up the street
The tiger we were stalking
walked on paper feet
And in the clear white heat of dawn
Was gone
Last night I dreamed you held me
We slept here side by side
You whispered softly to me
I heard you speak my name
I cried
Though I know it's been so many years
Through the silence of my secret tears
You are here still
I still
I still believe
You will return
I know you will
My heart forevermore holds still
Yet still
I still believe
I know as long as I can keep believing
I'll live
I'll live
Love cannot die
You will return
You will return
And I alone know why
Last night I held you sleeping
Again, the nightmare came
I heard you cry out something
A word that sounded like a name
And it hurts me more than I can bear
Knowing part of you, I'll never share
Never know
But still
I still believe
The time will come
When nothing keeps us apart
My heart forevermore holds still
- Kim!
- It's all over, I'm here
There is nothing to fear
Chris, what's haunting you?
Won't you let me inside?
There is nothing to hide
What's hurting you?
- For still
- I will hold you all night
I will make it all right
- I still believe
- You are safe with me
- As long
- And I wish you could share
- As I
- What you're hiding in there
- Can keep believing, I'll live
- What your hell must be
- I'll live, you will return
- You can sleep now
- You can cry now
- And I know why
- I'm your wife now for life
- I'm yours
Until we die
Kim? Have you seen this girl?
Hey, you
Coo-coo, princess, look who's here
- Your resurrected Engineer
- How did you find me?
Don't look surprised, I tracked you down
I have the sharpest nose in town
I'm here to throw a rope
before you drown
For men will always be men
You change the regime,
the lust doesn't stop
You and I will team up again
Together we'll reap
the cream of the crop
Engineer, I don't want you here
I gave up that life,
you must understand
Just out there is a big shot
who waits like a pup
To come up and eat out of your hand, Kim
The good times are back
Don't go on, it's too late
Not too late for my star
- Please let me hide in peace
- Better to screw the police
Come in, Monsieur Commissar
Three years I've been away
I kept faith we would meet
See? I found her for you
You, out in the street
Out! Get out
I knew in time,
fate would weave a design
Tying your life and mine into one
Each day I'd wait
Like a soldier must wait
Trusting victory to come with the sun
After the fight
in the still of the night
I would picture my bride, bright as jade
You'll be my wife,
we will build a new life
And fulfill the vow our fathers made
My father's vow
can't be honored this way
And I pray in my heart he'll forgive
What you want now
are some words I can't say
If I lied to you, how could I live?
Don't say any more, not a word
You will change, you will learn
Look at me
Don't decide too soon
Somewhere deep in my soul
Shines the smallest of lights
And no wind blows it out
It burns steady and strong
Through the darkest of nights
Dju vui vay
Vju doi may
Dju vui vay
Vao nyay may
I made a promise once
with these words
Which neither time nor distance
can change
He will come to me still
You must be mad,
your American Jack has gone for good
And he'll never come back
- He ran away, Kim, he left you to rot
- No
I'm sure by now he already forgot
Kim, come on now, princess,
get off of your cloud
I'm sorry, sir, she was talking so loud
The Commissar is a powerful man
A girl with brains
makes a life where she can
Princess, remember your place
Don't make people lose face
Why do you look away?
I can end all this shame
All you need to say is "yes"
- On silent feet we came
- You hear those soldiers outside?
- Breathing a sheet of flame
- They'll do whatever I say
Closing in on its rightful prey
I cannot change what I feel
- Burning a hundred years away
- Soldiers, come!
I think you will change before my eyes
This Me-My has just been found
She hid the day we closed the bars
Show them that we don't forget
No one betrays us without scars
- You are a woman who lived without shame
- You're an infection left over from war
- You have dishonored the national name
- Re-education will cure the disease
- You must be shown what we do to a leech
- See how we teach an American's whore
I have heard hundreds of speeches
like these
Take it from me,
you don't want to hear more
It's time to act, my friends
It's time
Her face betrays her crime
She must pay
And her partner too
Get out!
I said, get out!
Are you waiting for them to kill me?
Did you not get what he said?
There's a big screw loose inside you
I will rip it out of your head
There's a mad dog on a rampage
- Just appease him, everyone wins
- No
I don't give a shit if you love him,
say you do, and we leave with our skins
I have a husband I love
Real as the sun in the sky
- I cannot live with a lie
- You stupid...
Do you see now who has power?
Do you still think crazy things?
Chris will come to me like the phoenix
And he'll take me off on his wings
You're a traitor to your country
If I am, then let it be
I am talking of life or death now
I am talking of staying free
So there it is now,
I'll be moving on
If you don't need me, I'd rather be gone
Two kids in love
don't need strangers around
- You, just get out!
- Ho Chi Minh, I won't make a sound
And as for you
- Come with me
- No!
There is a secret
That you don't know
There is a force here
I never show
You say it's treason
To keep my vow
Season after season
I've survived somehow
If you want the reason
I will show you now
It's OK.
Look, Thuy, this is my son
He is all that I have
Now you see why I must tell you "no"
No one must ever see
this thing you're showing me
Your bastard fouls our name
My baby's not to blame
for what I've done
You must decide upon
which side you're really on
- You whored to have that kid
- No! That isn't what I did
Don't touch my son
You must see how it is
When you're my wife
Keeping this child of his
brands us for life
No alternative, this child cannot live
You will not touch him
- Don't touch my boy
- Kim
He's what I live for
He's my only joy
- You will not touch him
- He is my enemy
It's he who turns you from me
- Don't touch my boy
- Erase him from your life
Even your memory
- He's what I live for
- He's one drop in a flood
Left here to taint our blood
- He's my only joy
- Our marriage bond is sworn
Forget that he was born
Get back!
Of course you have a gun
- You will not touch my little boy
- And now you'll shoot your cousin
And it's a US gun
- And do not test my will
- A gun that lost the war
You're the corrupted one
- I'm warning you
- Go on and shoot, don't wait
- For him I'll kill
- To save your bastard son
You must not hesitate
The earth moves where I stand
- I feel the turning of a wheel
- Shoot
- I feel nothing in my hand
- Shoot
- Not even the chill of steel
- Shoot
You will not take my child
You don't know how to kill
I have no other choice
What I must do I will! No!
This is the hour
This is our land
We found the power
In our brother's hand
And from a storm
- No!
- Pierced with light
Fierce and white the lightning came
A brightening flame to end the night
One man to heed us
Each girl, each boy
One voice to lead us
In a song of joy
This is the hour
This is our land
If you want to die in bed,
follow my example
When you see a cloud ahead,
it's time to show your class
Hit the door
before they make a target of your ass
If you want to die in bed
in times of revolution
When the flag they fly is red,
let pride fill up your chest
Meanwhile pack a sack
and take the first boat heading west
Where's it? Where's it?
It's still here!
My precious souvenirs
of all the golden years
Rolex watches in steel
that look practically real
I'll need a little stock
to start me in Bangkok
If you want to die in bed,
forget about your karma
When your life hangs by a thread,
don't cry about the fates
Grab a stash of cash
and buy a strip joint in the States
Let me stop for a bit,
this was my greatest hit
Miss Saigon in her crown,
I made queen of the town
I got them paying more
for just another whore
Here I come, USA
Your next champ's on his way
For men will always be men
The rules are the same
For kings or for clerks
Give me francs or dollars or yen
I'll set up a game
I know how things work
Why was I born of a race
That thinks only of rice
and hates entrepreneurs?
Me, I belong in a place
where a man sets his price
And you pay and he's yours
I should be American
Where every promise lands
And every businessman
knows where he stands
First stop Bangkok, then I roam
'Cross that ocean white with foam
To the place that's my heart's true home
If you want to die in bed
en route to your Nirvana
You grab your chance and plunge ahead
And go where people win
Heaven's there
But shit...
You need a visa to get in
Get out!
Engineer, Thuy is dead
He was going to kill my baby and I shot
You did what? Who is that?
You'll be followed,
get him out of here, goodbye
- Fuck!
- We must leave, Tam and I
We must set off for America tonight
All right, just like that
Tell me how
and while you're at it, tell me why
I hear the voice of my soldier
Telling me to bring his son
You're telling me this half-breed brat
is born the son of a Marine?
Let me see his Western nose
This bastard is the most beautiful sight
I've ever seen
A passport in my hand
My new life can begin
Your brat's American
So they must let us in
In the playground of mankind
The movie in my mind
I'm your dear brother from now on
And all our family is gone
Boy, kiss your brand-new Uncle Tran
This kid is OK
He is our entre
To the USA
With these two little diamonds
to bait my hooks
I'll book us on a cruise:
"Boat people deluxe"
Don't worry about sharks
out in the Mekong Bay
The pirates taking us
are more scary any day
You just stay here and hide,
don't show your face outside
Take care of our little dear,
I will go engineer
If you want to die in bed
Don't care too much for country
Hit the open sea instead
And float there like a cork
Yeah, why not?
Uncle Ho
Oh-ho ho-ho-ho...
I'll have to call you from New York
New York
New York
You who I cradled in my arms
You asking as little as you can
Little snip of a little man
I know I'd give my life for you
You didn't ask me to be born
Why should you learn of war or pain?
To make sure you're not hurt again
I swear I'd give my life for you
I've tasted love beyond all fear
And you should know
it's love that brought you here
And in one perfect night
When the stars burned like new
I knew what I must do
I'll give you a million things
I'll never own
I'll give you a world to conquer
when you're grown
You will be who you want to be
You can choose whatever heaven grants
As long as you can have your chance
I swear I'll give my life for you
Some nights I wake up
reaching for him
I feel his shadow brush my head
But it's just moonlight on my bed
Was he a ghost? Was he a lie?
That made my body laugh and cry
Then by my side,
the proof I see, his little one
Gods of the sun
Bring him to me
You will be who you want to be
You can choose
whatever heaven grants
As long as you can have your chance
I swear I'd give my life for you
No one can stop what I must do
I swear
I'd give my life for you
No place, no home
No life, no hope
No chance, no change
- No regret, no return
- No place, no home
- No regret, no return
- No life, no hope
- No regret, no return
- No chance, no change
One day, one night
One day, one night
One day, one night
One day
They're called Bui Doi
The dust of life
Conceived in hell and born in strife
They are the living reminder
Of all the good we failed to do
We can't forget, must not forget,
that they are all our children too
Like all survivors, I once thought
when I'm home, I won't give a damn
But now I know I'm caught
I'll never leave Vietnam
War isn't over when it ends
Some pictures never leave your mind
They are the faces of the children
The ones we left behind
They're called Bui Doi
The dust of life
Conceived in hell and born in strife
They are the living reminder
Of all the good we failed to do
We can't forget, must not forget,
that they are all our children too
These kids hit walls on every side
They don't belong in any place
Their secret they can't hide
It's printed on their face
I never thought one day I'd plead
for half-breeds from a land that's torn
But then I saw a camp for children
whose crime was being born
They're called Bui Doi
The dust of life
Conceived in hell and born in strife
We owe them fathers and a family
A loving home they never knew
Because we know deep in our hearts
That they are all our children too
These are souls in need
They need us to give
Someone has to pay
for their chance to live
- Help me try
- CHORUS: They're called Bui Doi
The dust of life
Conceived in hell and born in strife
They are the living reminder
Of all the good we failed to do
- That's why we know
- That's why we know
- Deep in our hearts
- That deep down in our hearts
- That's why we know
- That they are all
Our children too
- John.
- Chris!
- Look at you.
- John, you were great.
Can I see you alone?
I've got to know
what you meant on the phone
Hey, what is this news you received
you could only tell me?
A lot of groups use my Bangkok staff
to process problems on their behalf
We got this in from the embassy
It's not easy to tell you,
it's best that you see
Kim. It's about Kim, isn't it?
Only you know how hard
I have tried to get word
Tell me first, nothing else,
tell me did she survive?
You should read the report, Chris,
but yes, she's alive
You don't know, John, these nightmares
The things that I've seen
I-I've seen her face burned,
seen her shot with my gun
I've chased her through streets
and heard nothing but screams
What's wrong? Come on,
there is still something more
She has a child
You have a son
You won't believe me,
but I dreamed this, John
He's in the nightmare when I see Saigon
- Jesus, John, I am married
- I know
Is this story for real?
I'm only telling you what I received
But our reports can usually be believed
Kim's a bar girl in Bangkok
Pal, I know how you feel
It's too late!
I have a whole new life
I have a wife I love,
she can't just disappear
Listen, Chris,
I know the shock you've had
It isn't always bad,
there are solutions here
John, I never told her
My wife, how can I tell her?
A child, what can I do?
Oh, Jesus, Kim
What can I do?
I have learned the best thing
for a couple to do
How can I tell her?
You should both go to Bangkok
- I have to tell her
- I mean Ellen too
Us both?
You both should go
Hey, guys, come on
But first... First Ellen has to know
- Are you OK?
- No.
- We need to talk.
- Sure.
Come on. Fuck.
- Best girls in Bangkok
- Pussy galore!
- Check it out!
- Hey, what are you doing there?
- You're nothing but second-rate...
- I'll get back to work, boss.
Son of a bitch. Hey, you looking
for a girl? What can I get you?
You want a big-breasted girl?
Hey, you're back!
I told you that girl was clean.
What can I get you this time?
A girl that looks like a boy?
A boy who looks like a girl?
Or someone who looks like this?
- Girls
- Come to my bar.
- I got girls
- You'll thank me later.
- Gorgeous girls
- I'm glad my wife's not here with me
Check this out. Look at this girl.
The way she moves.
It's impossible. You...
What a waste
To pay for my keep,
I'm rounding up sheep
To fleece here in Bangkok
I'm disgraced
I can't get ahead
There's nothing as dead
as peace here in Bangkok
Ten cents an hour,
that's the most they pay
I'll have to swim to the USA
Special offer on pussies,
buy one, get one free
If you're looking for fun,
original sin
If you want to put out,
then you've gotta come in
- Girls
- Hey, boys
- Don't stand around like wimps
- I got girls
Watch out, those guys,
they're really pimps
- Pearls
- You want some thrills?
- Come on and grab it
- Half the price
Two girls, a gerbil and a rabbit
- Nasty stuff, you like that
- Hey, come to me
- Look what you'll see
- Ping pong, ha
Hey, that's a joke
Mine blows smoke for a small extra fee
Hey, Joe, try taking a little excursion
You'll all feel good
from a little perversion
- Oh, yeah?
- Massage requiring total immersion
- Oh, wow!
- Some strange positions
- They say are Persian
- Oh, no!
- I am a Mormon!
- Drinks are on me
Yeah, baby! Go! First girl is free
Hey, what can I say?
You get me for a small extra fee
It was only a joke.
You want a girl, sir?
You'll like one of these
You have a Kim here?
Can I see her, please?
You pick 'em well.
Monsieur John. Is that you?
The Engineer?
Jesus Christ, you're here too?
Oh, you
Of all my friends,
you're the one that I miss
- I'm looking for Kim
- I love you so
You and your buddy Chris
I'm here about him;
Kim has a child
- Born in
- '75
I filled that out,
and it's you who arrive
You'll find the end of your quest
here in our little dive
Man, I'm impressed
American clerks,
a system that works
- There's really no other
- Listen, spare me the gas
Is there really a child?
Oh, yes, we're blessed
And Kim's on a trip for citizenship
And I am her brother
You're her brother, my ass
Come on, take me inside
Look, Kim, who got our application
I said I'd bring us all salvation
Oh, my God, Monsieur John,
yes, of course he sent you
Not in here,
is there someplace near we could talk?
Take your hands off, she's finished,
go find someone else
Come with me,
there's a lot I've got to say first
Chris is here, say he's here
Oh, my God, it's all true
I suggest whatever may be,
you leave this to me
Just play little mother
- What I need to find out
- Anything
She can tell me alone
Can you take me to Chris?
I can leave here right now
- We
- We've been here for so long
- I took this job to survive
- One month at sea
I was sure we'd drown
But I thought about Chris
and we didn't go down
I've done terrible things,
but we're safe and you're here
So perhaps all the gods
have begun to forgive
Has the gentleman ordered champagne?
She was about to get it
You'd better get back on the chain,
or get out
- Monsieur John
- I am sick of that prick
- Quick, before he gets wise
- Look at this
Let John look at our kid,
see the lids of his eyes?
- Come see, love
- Let John have his surprise
- Come see Chris
- Open a bottle!
Look, Uncle Sam, hey?
How nice I am
I'm doing all this just for Tam
An American boy
Look, John, this is his son
- Give me five.
- Don't they have the same smile?
He's been waiting for his father
for a long, long while
I'm not here as a friend
I have a job to do
It's strange to find my work
should lead me here to you
Chris knows all about you,
I have shown him all this
But I think that it's time you know
all about Chris
Yes, tell me everything, I beg you
How I've longed for this to start
All my prayers are finally answered
This is too much for one heart
Kim, he went crazy when he lost you
Spoke to no one for a year
Then he finally said, "I'm home now"
"My life has to go on here"
- What are you talking about?
- Kim
Let me finish talking, please
That was three whole years ago
Yes, yes, I know
I know how pain can grow
When the rock you hold on to
is a love miles away
Listen, please
I already know the story
Take us to the USA, John
When we're finished here, you'll see him
Chris arrived with me today
Oh, Tam, he's here
He's here, he's so near
We might breathe the same air tonight
Your father's here
- I dreamed so hard
- I can't tell her like this
- I kept my faith
- I should not be the one
- And now it's true
- Chris must first see his son
- Now I can see
- They don't say in the files
- We've been watched over
- There's a woman in love
- And our life's about to start
- Here
- What I see in her eyes
- Sun and moon
- Will be together
- Chris don't know nothing of
This is too much for one heart
There's only one thing I can do
I must bring Chris here to see you
- Thank you.
- OK.
I thought I said no kids around
So what's the brat doing here?
You better take care,
I'm watching both of you
You and your Engineer
Sir, would you like a massage?
No, thanks, it's not my scene
I can get boys from La Cage
- Whatever, man. Get out of my way.
- Watch out, sir! Sir!
Why is he leaving?
What is that look?
He was right on the hook
Don't tell me he slipped free
Engineer, Chris is here
John is going to get him
and bring him to me
My heart's ready to burst
I don't know what I'll tell him first
That guy is no one to trust
Or a soldier who just learned
he fathered a son
You got to get to Chris first
I will find his address now
before he can run
- Stupid
- You can trust what he'll do
- Don't you worry, I'll mention you
- You'll mention me?
Don't screw with me, little bitch,
I don't want any hitch
You just do as you're told
You go to his hotel
I'll be working as well
Guarding our bag of gold
Tell me where and I'll go
He'll be longing for me, I know
You have brought me
through the lightning
You have watched me from afar
You know all and you forgive me
Loving parents that you are
- Please
- Go on, talk to your ghosts
- May your daughter have your blessing
- Little girl, till you're blue
On the life about to start
- You have one chance, just one
- We must journey to a new world
- He's here, talking to you
- This is too much for one heart
I'll fix this
Make yourself pretty.
Did you think I'd gone away?
I am the man you killed that day
Cold, with a bullet inside my chest
My corpse may be sleeping
But my soul won't rest
I'm the crime that you hid
You can try,
but you'll never forget what you did
You will never be free
Not as long as there's me
Did you think you would escape
the judgment that was planned?
Did you think you would escape
the truth's avenging hand?
Just because you have escaped
the boundaries of your land?
I'm here
I'm here, I'm never dead!
I'm here,
I am the guilt inside your head
You think
your Marine's not like other men
He betrayed you once
And he will again
Think about that night
Where was he back then?
I'm getting you out! Let's go!
Sorry, Sergeant, as things degenerate
All I'm giving her
are her emigration papers
Without the wait
- Sign here
- Bullshit
This'll get her on board the carrier
You're declaring that you will marry her
When you get back to the States
Sign here, come on
By order of the old man
The embassy will close according to plan
I'll stretch a couple of rules
to issue her pass
- Thank you
- That's it, you're ready
Nice ass, you're next
By order of the old man
We're processing the gooks
as fast as we can
I mean Vietnamese,
hey, don't get me wrong
Can't save these looks for the Cong,
right? Get in there
Christ, I'm due at the embassy,
no time to lose
I don't want you to leave me today
Well, at least Uncle Sam
bought our honeymoon cruise
- If you're going, I don't want to stay
- Look, I'm leaving my gun
- We've got time, stay and pack
- I will do whatever you say
I'll get plenty of word
when the VC attack
I want you in that bed waiting
when I get back
Sorry, Sergeant, we must accelerate,
State Department says we evacuate
The word is, we must be out by dawn
Sorry, Sergeant,
it's straight from Washington
No one leaves the grounds now,
not anyone
As fast as we load the planes,
we're gone, go!
OK, keep quiet, don't shout
The ambassador won't leave
till everyone's out
The choppers are on their way
have room for you all
They're climbing over the wall
Get back, get back,
I tell you, don't shout
The ambassador won't leave
till everyone's out
The ambassador
just sent an order to freeze
That's it, no more Vietnamese, get in
Lock the gates
I'm the wife of a soldier,
please let me through
Wait, help me, who must I pay?
Tell me what I must do
- Chris!
- Let me out
- No!
- I've got to get back for my bride
No, listen, someone,
my husband is waiting inside
Please, Kim, hear the phone
I can't get there
Please be home
Please, Chris
No one sees I am lost here
Find me, please
Please get me through,
I don't care how
Don't take my love away, not now
- Oh, Chris, I can't get free
- Please get free
- Still I'm with you
- CHRIS: I am with you
Wait for me
Sorry, Sergeant, inside the embassy
We are pulling out now
and there will be no more reprieves
I've got till the old man leaves
Chris, don't be an ass!
The ambassador is leaving now
- Take me with you
- Take my children
- I have a letter here
- I helped the CIA
They'll kill who they find here
Don't leave us behind here
I've a wife who left already
I have an aunt in New York
I have gold, I can pay
There is no one to find here
They have left us behind here
I must get in there, listen, anyone
Please tell my husband,
look, I have his gun
Out of my way
if that's all that you've got
If I am here when they come,
I'll be shot
Let me go, John, I can't leave her
Why in the world
should I be saved instead of her?
They'll kill who they find here
Don't leave us behind here
- Get off!
- It's not you, it's war that's cruel
And if some dreams get smashed,
perhaps it's best they were
There is no one to find here
They have left us behind here
Wake up, my friend,
your mercy trip has failed
There's nothing you can do,
that ship has sailed
She's not the only one
we'll have betrayed
Get to the roof
or else we are betrayed
Oh, Chris
I still believe
The heart of you is here with me
My heart against all odds holds still
You are sunlight
And I, moon
Joined by the gods of fortune
Midnight and high noon
That's what we are
How in one night
Have we come so far?
Outside, day starts to dawn
One long nighttime has gone
I feel you near
I reach your place
I know you're here
I touch your face
And our love is reborn
Brightening the sky
With the flame
Of love
Made of
Kim. Kim.
I've found Chris. He's at this hotel.
Go! I'll take care of Tam.
Don't screw this up.
- I'm sorry.
- Don't turn the bed yet, thank you.
- I'm not the maid.
- Oh. Well, how can I help you?
- 317?
- Yes.
Christopher Scott's room?
Oh, God, I see.
I know who you are.
You must be Kim
Chris went to find you
Please come inside
No one will hurt you
I'm Chris's wife
My name is Ellen.
In a way,
I'm glad I'm meeting you first
Understand, you were only a name
till tonight
I don't know how I'd feel
if our roles were reversed
Tell me you are lying
We've been married two years,
I'm sorry, it's true
- He said he'd come to get me
- He said he tried to reach you
- But what could he do?
- Please tell me you're not married
You don't know,
you can't know what I've done to be here
You don't know how he needed a new start
I feel walls in my heart closing in
I can't breathe, I can't win
And your child, you say it's Chris's
Oh, yes, madame, my son is Chris's
I had a dream for my son to belong
Not live his life in the street
like a rat
We aren't rich,
but we'll give what we can
Chris and I are totally together on that
Then you must take Tam with you
Take a child from his mother?
Impossible, Kim
You must take Tam with you
Then he'll get what I wanted for him
But, Kim, your child needs you
Chris is married to me,
we want kids of our own
Tam's chance lies with you now,
not with me
- Please
- No, it won't work
He's your child, he's not mine
If you're saying that
because you made him change his mind
Chris must go away
and leave me and his son behind
If you're saying that
because my husband has another wife
My child has no future
like the dust of life
Chris must come tonight to my place,
tell me so to my face
Kim! Kim!
Why aren't you here now?
I don't understand,
I really need you here
Please, help me
Am I fooling myself
If I've already lost you?
Nothing's changed, you're still mine
We can try to ignore this
But if she has come back in your life
Well, then maybe you were never mine
And yet my heart cries maybe
It's a trick, it's a lie
She's just trying to use you
But I looked in her eyes
It could kill her to lose you
And maybe
Just maybe you need her, too
Back when we met
you were broken and wild
And I held you at night
and I ached when you cried
But despite what we lacked
we tried staying on track
No regret
Yet maybe
It was fate
that suddenly brought her back to you
And your love was true love
before I even knew you
If the life of your dreams
is the life she is giving
Should I be the one
to stop your dream from living?
If you're hers, then be hers
and forget about me now
I've been blind for so long
But perhaps I can see now
And maybe
Just maybe
I'll find the strength
I need to set you free now
I'll be strong, I'll stand firm
So my tears won't betray me
But my heart might just break
If what may be
May be
We couldn't find her anywhere
Honey, what's wrong?
Kim was here;
the one who had to tell her was me
Oh, my God,
I knew we were gone too long
No, I think
it's exactly what I had to see
You said you slept with her,
that's all you were
Only one thing you left out
is that you loved her, God
Yes, we were in love,
but it was years ago
We were torn apart
Don't explain,
there's nothing you can say
It's like she's gone insane,
she tried to give away her own child
- Ellen
- You weren't here
I saw the look in her eyes,
don't you see?
She thinks she is married to you
- What?
- You must tell her she's not
She must hear it from you!
Course, it only depends if it's true
Hey, don't you doubt me, Ellen
You're my wife
Lots of guys came back and had no life
I had you
You can say what you want
but she's borne you a son
In your nightmares,
the name that you shouted was hers
- I know
- You've been married two years
But not shared things you've done
- I'm sorry
- Don't
Don't, don't hold back
Let me see
Is it her now or me?
Let me tell you the way it was
Back when I was a different man
Back when I didn't have a clue
what was right
They drafted me and shipped me out
To wind up in that senseless fight
There, in the shambles of a war
I found what I was looking for
Saigon was crazed, but she was real
And for one moment I could feel
I saw a world I never knew
And through her eyes, I suffered too
God, in spite of all the things
that were
I started to believe in her
So I wanted to save her,
protect her
Christ, I'm an American
How could I fail to do good?
All I made was a mess,
just like everyone else
In a place full of mystery
that I never once understood
I wanted back a world I knew
The story of my life
began again with you
It's all right now
- That's all through
- No, Ellen, I should have told you
- We'll get past this, start anew
- Will you ever trust me again?
- All I want in my life now
- All I have in my life now
Is you
Hey. You guys OK?
Kim was here.
My God, alone?
Yeah, while we were out looking for her.
- You need some time?
- No, we're OK now.
Have you discussed Tam?
I run a camp that is filled with Bui Doi
Looking for the fathers
that they may never find
I don't know what I'd do
if Tam were my boy
Do you want to take him out
or leave him behind?
He's my son, I won't abandon him
Except that, Jesus Christ, John,
there is also Kim
What of her?
If it were only Tam we'd take him now
He's Chris's son,
we'd make it work somehow
But, John, she still loves him
How can we have her there?
There's no choice,
I think the answer's clear
They'll have to stay in Bangkok,
we'll support them here
I think this is the answer
You didn't see
what's in that girl's head
- For now, this is the answer
- I hope you're both proud
Of what you've just said
- Is it done?
- It's done
It's planned
Kim is smart, she'll understand
You must take Tam with you
In Bangkok,
he will go to American schools
I won't break my promise to my son
- He will start a new life
- You will take Tam with you
- It's not right
- We'll provide for their needs
You're both talking like fools
You won't forget Tam is a part of you
We will do what is right
Right for Tam
Right for us
And for Kim
I still taste your kisses
Your voice sings in my ear
You can betray what we were yesterday
But you'll come back tonight for him
Hey, Kim
Come on, come on, your recitation
Describe your reconciliation
I hope, before his stimulation
He bought our little group vacation
In all his dreams he saw our baby
And he's teaching him to fly
Paper dragons in the sky
Yes, papers, what's the situation?
We'll need our cards for immigration
No tricks, I've got my reputation
Don't want no phony complication
No, no
He's coming to us tonight
Pack your things, get yourself arranged
While I change for my last performance
Oh, I'll pack.
Me, Chris and you?
Yeah? What a mnage!
Bangkok can screw
Bon voyage!
I'm going to America!
I'm gonna smoke you soon.
My father was a tattoo artist
in Haiphong
But his designs on Mother
didn't last too long
My mother sold her body,
high on betel nuts
My job was bringing red-faced messieurs
to our huts
Selling your mom is a wrench
Perfume can cover a stench
That's what I learned from the French
Then it all changed with Dien Bien Phu
- The Frogs went home; who came?
- Guess who
Are you surprised we went insane
With dollars pouring down like rain?
Businessmen never rob banks
I can sell shit and get thanks
Now, that's what I learned
from the Yanks
I'm fed up with small-time hustles
I'm too good
to waste my talent for greed
I need room to flex my muscles
In an ocean where the big sharks feed
Make me Yankee
They're my family
We're selling dreams people need
What's that I smell in the air?
The American dream
Sweet as a new millionaire
The American dream
Pre-packed and ready to wear
My American dream
Fat like a chocolate eclair
As I...
suck out the cream
Au revoir, Miss Saigon
I'm moving on
Grab what you can till it's gone
The American dream
Greasy Chinks make life so sleazy
In the States,
I'll have a club that's four-starred
Men like me there have things easy
I'll have a lawyer and a bodyguard
To the johns there,
I'll sell blondes there
That they can charge on a card
Oh, what's that I smell in the air?
The American dream
Sweet as a suite in Bel Air
The American dream
Girls can buy tits by the pair
The American dream
Bald people think they'll grow hair
The American dream
Asses that stick out to there
The American dream
You can take more if you dare
The American dream
Banks print money from air
The American dream
Cocaine, shotgun and prayer
The American dream
Schlitz down the drain
Pop the champagne
It's time we all entertain
my American dream
I want my girls
Don't you just love the feathers?
Blow your big daddy a kiss!
Oh, come on down.
I want to see my queen of the town.
Come on, baby. Rise and shine.
Come out, come out, wherever you are.
She's alive! She's alive!
Look at her. Isn't she beautiful?
She's a big girl. She needs big boys.
- Hello, boys!
- Yeah! Yeah!
You guys are big. American big.
Think you can handle her?
I love you, lady, I love you.
You make me moist.
- We're just sexy bitches, aren't we?
- Oh
Winner, winner!
Oh, yeah!
Live like you haven't a care
The American dream
Take even more than is fair
The American dream
Is this too much? I can never tell.
Call girls are lining Times Square
- The American dream
- You think I know different?
Bums there have money to spare
The American dream
Spend when the cupboard is bare
The American dream
Just sell your soul and you gain
the American dream
Say, can you see?
Land of the free
Sure can
Soon you will buy it from me
The American...
Dream! Dream! Dream! Dream!
Where's my money going?
Where are you guys going? Come back!
It was just getting good.
Wasn't that fabulous?
That's what I smell in the air
My American dream
Now, Tam, my brave boy
Our long wait has ended
Smile, Tam,
for you have a father at last
He has come to take you home
All I dreamed for you he'll do
You're still mine
But I can't go along
Don't be sad; though I'm far away,
I'll be watching you
This is the hour
I swore I'd see
I alone can tell now
What the end must be
They think they'll decide your life
No, it will be me
Look at me one more time
Don't forget what you see
One more kiss
And then say goodbye
Kim! Oh, my God!
What have you done, Kim?
The gods have guided you to your son
Oh, Jesus!
Please, don't die
Hold me
One last time
I've got you.
How in one night
Have we come so far?
No! Kim!