Miss You Like Crazy (2010)

There are things
that only time can teach you.
Like how much you love a person.
Often, you realize how much you've
loved another only when you've lost her.
Hello, Stephen.
And when you lose that person,
you lose a part of yourself too.
- Wait up!
- Daddy Temi!
Bring these along so she can
see you right away. Go on!
Won't I look stupid with these?
You've waited a long time for this.
Does it still matter
whether you look stupid or not?
You keep hoping
that when the time comes...
you can earn back what you've lost.
And if things won't go back
to how they were...
you just keep hoping
that time will change everything.
But how come time
doesn't change your heart?
Even when everything has ended...
you keep coming back
to the beginning.
And you keep asking yourself...
What if I loved her more?
What if I didn't fall in love?
What if I never met her?
Just so she's erased from your memory.
Can I still go on?
Good morning!
- Have the painters arrived?
- We're still finishing up the walls, sir.
Good morning, sir!
Good morning, sir!
Daddy Temi!
I thought you were in the office?
I just wanted to look at the house.
Bad day?
Anyway, before you leave...
could you help me out
with the computer I bought?
- I got a webcam that I need to install.
- Webcam?
Do you know how?
Your relationship with Christy's hi-tech.
Of course man. Of course.
You know, everyone
has to go with the times.
Except love.
Love has its own timeframe.
It takes its time.
Look at me and Christy,
our love story was 25 years in the making.
To be in love.
Hey, you look as if
you don't get me.
Like you don't have a girlfriend
of your own.
Delivery guy's here.
- Is this the table tennis?
- Yes.
Happy birthday!
- Nice to see you!
- Join me, please.
Hey hon!
Why didn't you wear
the tie I got you last week?
Does it look bad?
Daphne, everything's perfect already.
- Alan!
- How are you?
Good. Hey congratulations.
- I heard you got promoted last month.
- Yeah.
Is marriage next?
You heard me.
They say it's customary to give a speech
after dinner during parties like this.
But please, ladies and gentlemen,
indulge me.
After all, it is my birthday right?
Anyway, I would like to thank
that I have been blessed...
to have all the things I need in life.
So my birthday wish
for this year is simple.
To my children... To JM...
and to Daphne.
May you never have regrets
when you reach my age.
And like me, may you grow old
with the person you love the most.
Thank you all for coming.
Your friendship, love and loyalty...
have made my first 55 years
on this earth bearable.
Just kidding.
Hon, I have an early flight tomorrow.
Thank you.
Will that still take long?
No. Just finishing up my proposal.
Okay. I'll go to sleep now.
I love you.
Okay, good night.
I love you.
Can I still go on?
Can I still go on?
I hope so...
Hon, you want try riding the ferry
when you get back from Hong Kong?
Mrs. Sevilla. Yes ma'am.
I am free on the 29th.
Thank you. Bye-bye.
What were you saying about
the ferry, hon?
The Pasig River.
Let's try something different.
Maybe when the Pasig River
starts smelling different, then we'll try.
No hon.
They say it doesn't smell anymore.
Wouldn't it be romantic?
A ferry ride in London or Paris, maybe.
But the Pasig River?
Don't you mean, toxic?
Hon, this tie's old.
You shouldn't wear it anymore.
It doesn't look that bad.
You should change your tie
before you go to work.
That tie looks cheap.
And it doesn't suit you.
Tell him I have an emergency.
Joey, are you leaving anytime soon?
I'll sign those papers when I get back.
Goodbye world!
- No, miss. Don't!
- Pervert!
- What's going on here?
- Pervert!
Sir, this guy just grabbed me!
Pervert! What?
What happened?
Sir, she was going to jump off.
I just stopped her.
How is that being a pervert?
Jump off? That's some excuse!
I wasn't going to kill myself!
Here. Isn't this yours?
Didn't you write this? Look.
It's fine, sir.
- Mr. Alvarez
- Ma'am.
Ryan! Richard! Mark! John!
No not you. June! July! August?
Dear. You're tough to chase down!
I just wanted to say sorry.
It's okay.
- You find me weird?
- Kind of.
Mia. Mia Samonte.
August, right?
Alan Alvarez.
Alan. So why did you turn
when I said August?
I have to go.
Hey wait. Can I make it up to you?
Let me treat you.
- Here.
- No no, it's fine. No need.
Here. Come on.
Could we get 2 please?
This one's good too.
2 of this.
You know, it's been a while
since I laughed that hard. Thanks.
You're welcome.
Why did you think
that stone was a suicide note?
Well, it's not the first time,
I picked up one of your stones.
The notes kept getting worse
and worse so I got scared.
Come on.
It's just like what my grandma
used to tell me.
Instead of hurting people
by saying how I feel...
just write them down on stones.
Who'd get hurt with how you feel?
A lot.
Wait a minute, why did you
pick them up in the first place?
You interested in them?
I can relate to what you write.
Hold on, how many people
have picked up those stones before?
Just you. Sorry.
It's just that in Malaysia,
no one understands us.
Particularly the stones.
I work there. Hotel front desk officer.
You graduated
Hotel and Restaurant Management?
- Where?
- Philippine Women's University.
How about you?
Here in Polytechnic University
of the Philippines.
- Really? What course?
- Bachelor of Banking and Finance.
Then, I had my MBA
in the University of the Philippines.
Why don't you try eating it?
Promise, it's good.
- You just keep on letting it cool.
- I'm not used to eating hot food.
In our house, the food's cold
by the time it reaches me.
You got ice?
You're funny.
Daddy Temi? I just grabbed a bite to eat.
It's okay. I could eat again.
I'll be there in 10 minutes.
These polka dots match your skin.
They're nice.
So, your dad's looking for you.
That's not my dad.
Just the caretaker for the house.
I'm here.
I'm here.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Don't worry about your problems too much.
You can do it!
Don't trust what you read in stones,
you might get slapped again!
- August!
- What?
Are you really Alan?
How come you keep answering to August?
Never mind.
Hello hon, how are you?
Are you home? Have you eaten already?
Well, there's food
in the refrigerator for you.
You should take a look.
Don't forget to eat.
There's filet mignon,
garlic mashed potatoes...
cordon bleu, fettuccine alfredo,
chicken rosemary.
Well just choose whatever you want.
I'll try to finish everything here
so I can come back soon. Okay?
- I love you, take care.
- Okay hon, love you. Bye.
Yes hon, I'll confirm it myself.
I'm on my way to my client meeting.
Okay, I love you.
Please file these documents for me.
It's over? What happened?
It's only what? 10:55?
I texted you.
The meeting was moved to 10am.
I didn't get a text.
How come you didn't call?
It's your responsibility
to follow up your own clients.
It's because you're not used to
working hard on your own job.
What's your problem?
My problem is you getting promoted
before everybody else.
- It's not like I asked for it.
- You don't have to.
You're the future son-in-law.
You're family.
That's bullshit.
I worked hard for my promotion.
Let's not kid ourselves.
We have the same portfolio performance.
But it took me 8 years
to become account manager.
It took you 5. Why?
Because Daphne's not my girlfriend.
- Come on, man. Move it!
- Sorry! My horse is taking a leak.
August? Hey!
Isn't it too early to be frowning?
Sorry. Bad day at work.
A lot of jerks in the world.
That's true.
Here, tell them off here. Here's a pen.
How many beers
did this horse drink last night?
I won't get there in time!
Where are you headed?
- What?
- Where are you off to?
Divisoria. For Christmas shopping.
Thank God! Come on, driver.
Step on it.
- Step on it.
- Wait up. Horse is a bit slow.
You want an assistant?
Okay, wait up.
Driver, pull over please.
- I do need an assistant. Where do I go?
- Come on.
- Hello? Mia? Where are you?
- I'm here. Here in front of the shoes.
I'm where they sell the shoes?
I can't see you.
Where are you exactly?
Why are you panicking?
We'd still see each other
even if I don't look for you.
Don't worry.
Just look for the underwear.
- Underwear?
- Look up!
- Where?
- Just look for the underwear.
- Here, I'm raising it.
- Where? Are you wearing them?
You see it already?
There it is!
Yes! Okay, I got them all,
like you said.
Some of them are just not available
in the color you wanted.
We'll just check again later.
Here. 6 medium, 6 small.
- Do you really want to buy this?
- Why? They're cheap.
Mia, think of the briefs as fixed assets.
This is what they need for daily operation
and to make the investment worth it...
it has to last them one year.
Don't worry about it.
People can't see them anyway.
6 of this and 6 for the kids, okay?
- This cost a lot.
- Sure.
So if it's for you,
money doesn't matter?
- Of course not.
- See. That's precisely my point.
- I wash this myself. It's not so bad.
- I can imagine.
- This is cute! How much is this?
- One hundred, ma'am.
- That's too much!
- This is a lot of gifts.
- Are these all for your family?
- Yeah.
I need to make up
for 2 years worth of gifts.
It'll be expensive
if I bought these in Malaysia...
at least here,
my Ringgit goes a long way.
I'm sure your Christmas
is fun in your house.
I'm sure you'll get a lot of gifts.
I wish. They don't have money
to buy gifts.
They'll just ask for money
so they can buy.
One time, we had an
exchange gift in the house.
Then my sister asked something to
give to their Christmas party at school.
So I got her a picture frame.
And then Christmas morning comes,
our opening of gifts.
I opened mine and found
the picture frame I gave her.
You're not going to write anything here?
That's yours!
You write something there.
What were you going
to write there anyway?
Nothing. I forgot all about it.
Let's eat?
Your treat?
Let's go.
Help me out with his name.
Xander? Roger?
June? July? August?
- Your name is August?
- Yes, sir.
- Sorry.
- Additional order, sir?
It must be so sad.
Being alone in another country.
Why? Sadness doesn't directly
follow being alone.
I know some who are surrounded
by their loved ones but are still sad.
I know someone like that.
- Me too.
- Really?
- Where did you meet him?
- Secret. You?
From deep within.
My favorite spot there
is the Titiwangsa park.
- What? Where?
- Titiwangsa Park.
- That's the name? Titiwangsa?
- Yeah. Titiwangsa.
The Petronas Towers are there.
You know that, right?
- No.
- What?
Those 2 tall buildings side by side?
Yes. The one with a bridge in between?
Yeah. That's so beautiful.
I love it there.
I imagine the 2 buildings talking..
because they look like
2 people holding hands.
What do they say to each other?
I'm happy when I'm with you.
Me too...
The other building said.
- They don't slap each other, do they?
- No no.
- We're the only ones left here.
- Sorry.
Thank you. You sure you don't want coffee?
You might fall asleep.
Nope. I'm okay. I'm wide awake.
I had so much fun.
It's been a good...
it's been a great day.
I enjoyed too.
You're too much Annette.
How can you marry Joel
when you both haven't graduated?
Think! How can he feed you?
What do you want us to do?
We need to get married before he goes
to the US so he can file a petition for me.
You know our situation...
Stand up there, you lazy!
- Now's not the time to get married!
- So what will we do?
We stop everything until we're okay.
By the looks of it,
I'm not going anywhere.
See! There's the truth.
You just want to escape
your responsibilities to your family.
Yes! I really want to.
Because you can't do to me what you're
doing to Mia. You can't treat me like her.
You can't tell me what to do.
You forced me into Nursing
because we needed the money.
Watch your mouth!
Why? Are you the only one suffering
in this family?
Are you the only one sacrificing?
Look what you did to your family.
Karen, you're so noisy!
Your father's resting.
Don't run around!
This is mine!
Karen! Gbert!
Hi. How are you?
I'm okay. You?
Just finishing up some work
from yesterday.
You have work on a Saturday.
It's a Saturday
and I'm here working in the office.
I don't even want to be here.
Got any plans?
Looking for peace and quiet. Why?
You want me to go with you?
I'm quiet.
Stop it!
You're bored.
Maybe you're thinking
I shouldn't have come.
Okay, one more time.
Let's keep score.
Come on. Don't play around.
I see it there!
- One more time.
- Okay.
Okay, go.
- Mia? Mia Samonte? Is that you?
- Grandpa Uly! How are you?
- I'm fine. Cancer-free since last year.
- That's great.
Grandpa Uly. This is Alan.
Alan this is Grandpa Uly.
Hello, Alan.
Mia, I know you don't believe
my predictions...
but they come true, don't they?
You met in a river, right?
In the ferry. In the Pasig river.
3 years ago, I told Mia...
that she'll meet someone
with glasses in a river...
and that will be his first love.
I'm so glad you've finally met.
You look so good together.
But it won't be easy.
What's that?
On February 24, 2010.
February 24, 2010.
Just wait.
Don't give up. Just wait here.
Here? What do I wait for?
2010. That's 5 years from now, sir.
Time is meaningless when you're in love.
I'm off. It's going to rain.
Too bad I wont be able to paint.
I'll go ahead.
I'll pick up my grandson.
Bye, lovebirds.
Nice to see you.
You look cute wearing
Daddy Temi's clothes.
At least I'm not the same size
as him.
Really now?
Your house is beautiful.
Even if it's old.
But why didn't you just have a house made
or buy a brand new one?
I grew up here.
We just rented this out.
When my dad died, me and my mom
transferred to a smaller apartment.
You know, since I was a kid,
I was telling them.
I'll work hard so that one day,
this house will be ours.
It's just funny that
just when I have the money...
I don't have the family to spend it on.
Hey what's this?
Mia! Alan! Christy's online!
- Happy birthday!
- I love you.
- Tequila time!
- Tequila, get it here!
No no! I won't drink.
- Come on! It's Cristy's birthday!
- You'll just regret it.
- Come on. It's my birthday!
- He doesn't want!
- Okay, here's a game.
- I'll drink with you.
Okay, let's try.
You have to do everything I do.
If you do it, you won't drink.
If you don't, you drink. Dare?
- Okay. Sure. Just no dancing, okay?
- Don't worry. I won't dance either.
Hold on, hold on.
- You think you'll get away with that?
- I'm not going to cheat you.
Okay. Bring it on!
That's so easy!
You lose!
The joke's on you!
- Because you lost, this is for you.
- That's too much!
I'm fair! It's your turn! Yay!
Turn, darling!
- I don't want to dance.
- We had a bet! We had a bet!
- I don't want to. I'll just drink.
- You lost! You have to pay!
No. Never mind.
Okay, fine. I'll just close my eyes
so you won't feel embarrassed.
- But you have to dance.
- Your eyes aren't closed.
Dance. Come on, Where are you?
- Hon.
- Hello hon?
I tried calling you all day
but your phone is just ringing.
I need you.
There's a lot of things happening.
I thought everything's fine already.
- Daphne, you're breaking up.
- Hello? Are you there?
Are you listening?
It seems like you're not listening.
I'm listening.
I'm so stressed.
My business partners are going crazy.
I can't do anything here.
They know I'm in Hong Kong and it's not
as if I'm not doing anything here.
Do they expect me fix everything myself?
Good thing I was able to book a flight
so I can fix everything there.
Can you pick me up in the airport
tomorrow morning?
- You're coming home tomorrow?
- Yes. Sorry this is so last minute.
I need to go back soon.
- Thank you, hon.
- Okay.
- I love you.
- I love you.
I need to buy medicine for my dad.
Spinal cord injury.
The car he was driving got hit.
If that didn't happen,
I'm sure we're not deep in debt right now.
If he wasn't in a rush to go
to his mistress, that night.
I wish he had been
more faithful to my mom.
Good morning ma'am.
Welcome back.
I am so glad to be home
with you again, hon.
- Nilda!
- Let me, ma'am.
- Sorry.
- I am so stressed out.
What happened?
Michelle, she called me crying.
She and Robert are fighting.
He doesn't want to be partner
in the caf anymore.
Then my contractor
got into an accident.
I can't believe it. It's been just
a few days and a lot has happened.
If Mia answered your text
or your call and asked:
Do you love me?
What would you say?
I love her.
Then better tell Daphne.
I love Daphne. I don't want to hurt her.
That's a problem.
Wait, who do you love more?
I don't know.
That's a bigger problem.
4 years, Daddy Temi.
Me and Daphne.
Our life together.
All my dreams.
Everything I worked hard for.
I'll just turn my back on those.
You only have one heart, son.
It can only love one person.
You have to choose.
But if you do, one of them will get hurt.
But if you don't,
both of them get hurt.
I really hope to get transferred
to Malaysia.
No. My treat.
You could do the same for me
when I'm married in Malaysia.
Wait up, I'll just get the package.
- Miss, miss! You left your cellphone.
- My gosh, thank you.
All my contacts, my messages.
- Thank you--
- Mia. You're welcome.
Alan. Gentlemen,
I'm so glad you're here.
I was on my way to the powder room.
I almost missed you. Let's take our seats.
You know hon,
I almost lost my phone a while ago.
- How?
- Yeah, I left it on the table.
Good thing, Mia found it for me.
Mia! Thank you for returning this to me.
Here, that doesn't weigh too much.
Merry Christmas!
- Nick, are your papers all ready?
- Yes sir. Actually, I'm flying January 2.
So our New Year's Eve dinner
will double as your sending off party?
Yeah. Is there anything in particular
you'd like me to cook?
Anything, it's up to you.
I have a request.
I'll be proposing to Lisa during dinner...
- and I want to place the ring in--
- JM, you're only 23.
Yes, mom. And I know what I'm doing.
You've only known her for 3 months.
So what? I was with Patty for 3 years
but did I ever think of marrying her?
- It's different with Lisa. She's the one.
- She can't be the one.
I'm not asking for permission, sis.
And you don't have to love her.
You just have to accept
the fact that I do.
The food looks really good.
I suggest we start eating.
I don't know!
First, he dumps Patty for this girl.
And now he wants to marry her.
They've only been together
for 3 months.
Some people get married
after 3 days...
and stay married
for the rest of their lives.
Only in the movies, Alan.
In real life, these people will end up
divorcing or killing each other.
Besides, he can't possibly be
in love with her.
Why can't you accept
the fact that JM loves Lisa?
That takes time. You can't possibly think
that JM loves this girl.
Maybe the reason you
can't accept that JM loves Lisa...
is because you don't like her.
- Fine, I don't like her.
- See.
I really don't like her.
Because of her, JM ended things
with Patty just like that.
This girl does not deserve
to get everything so easily.
Relationships are hard work.
I would think you of all people
would be the first to tell JM that.
Those who are heading to
Manila can now board.
I love you.
If I can't forgive my dad...
I can't forgive myself either
if I end up being like him.
Mia, I love you.
I'll set things straight.
No. Don't promise.
Don't make it hard for me.
I'm going back to Malaysia.
That's okay.
Don't make me feel I'm leaving
something here that I need to go back to.
Wait for me here.
I just need to fix things.
Tomorrow. Let's see each other here.
Why did you buy this house
without telling me?
Because I don't want you
to criticize this house...
like you criticize my neckties.
Because I knew you'd hate it.
I don't hate it.
It's just old,
musty and falling apart.
To be honest,
it's not exactly my taste.
If my parents did not agree
on one thing...
they'll play ping pong.
What does this have to do with us?
What if I ask you to live here?
Why not?
Why would you want to live here?
What's wrong with my condo?
What's wrong with my house?
Let's go home...
I am home, Daph.
Are you looking for a fight?
I'm looking a reason to fight for you.
To keep fighting for us.
For this.
4 years.
4 years, I've been trying
to fit in your world.
Because I love you.
But you, you can't grant me
a simple request like live here?
This is me, Daphne.
This is my world.
Old, musty, falling apart.
And not exactly your taste.
If you felt like that,
why didn't you tell me?
I don't know.
Maybe I didn't want to disappoint you.
I didn't want to hurt you.
I didn't want you to think
I'm not happy.
So you're not happy.
Not anymore.
I'm sorry.
Is there someone else?
Are you breaking up with me?
You're so unfair.
I love you.
What if you never loved her?
What if you never met just so you
can erase her from your memory?
What if, when you met,
you were a different person?
And she was too?
In a different situation,
different place, a different time.
Yes, sayang.
Is it the same day in Paris today?
Is it also February 24?
When you and daddy fly
to Paris tonight...
will it still be the same day
when you get there?
No sayang.
It will be a different day.
A different day.
Hello daddy?
Hi sayang.
We're on our way to the airport.
Is destiny going to change as well?
Are you the one holding her hand?
Does her heart shout your name?
Are you the one beside her?
The one she's hugging?
Are you the reason for her smile?
Or are you the reason why
she chose to love someone else?
Okay, bye Azrina.
Auntie has to work.
Now give me a kiss.
- Hi sayang.
- Daddy.
- It was good. I missed you.
- I missed you too.
Hey baby, come here.
You're getting heavier and heavier.
Let me guess
you went on the ferry again today.
She likes it.
She likes it
because you like it, sayang.
Well, sayang, I have to go.
I'm late.
Auntie, please join us for dinner.
- Please!
- Of course I will.
Okay bye.
You guys take care.
- Have a good day.
- Bye!
So how long are you staying in this trip?
Well the summit ends Friday.
I need to go back
to Manila right after.
You don't want to extend?
You can stay with me in Putra Jaya.
I don't know. Let's see.
You know, your search is going
to be easier if you tell me her name.
Nick, I'm here
for a management summit.
That's what you always say but
I know you're thinking about her.
By the way, I talked to Daphne.
I had to make sure that
it was okay to meet up with you.
I don't want her to think that
my loyalty is with you...
even though I'm her cousin.
How is she?
She's okay.
I think she misses you
and hates you at the same time.
You're not mad at me, are you?
You know, I figured that it was great
you guys ended it before the wedding.
You tried to make it work for
another 6 months but it didn't.
Better that way.
Things could have been a lot worse.
Excuse me sir. Excuse me.
Can I reserve a small function
for our group tomorrow?
Certainly, I'll speak
to the guest relations manager.
It's okay. I'll talk to her.
Where can I find her?
She's in the front desk.
What's her name?
Her name is Ms. Mia Samonte.
Okay. I'll talk to her later.
Thank you.
Excuse me?
Did I hear you say Mia Samonte?
Yes, Miss Mia Samonte.
She works here in this hotel?
She works here as guest relations
manager at the front desk.
Since when?
She just got back 3 months ago.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Is Mia here?
I'm sorry.
I thought you were Filipino.
I am Filipino.
Mia just stepped out.
She's on duty.
Can I help you?
What time do you expect her back?
I don't know. I'll call her.
Are you a guest at the hotel?
Hello Mia?
Here I am. I'm very near.
The line in the bank was just awful.
Someone's looking for you
at the front desk?
Sorry, I didn't get your name.
Alan Alvarez.
Alan Alvarez.
Can you tell him
I'm not feeling well?
Just tell him. Thanks.
She left already.
She's not feeling very well.
Can I get her address
or any contact number?
Sorry sir, we can't give away
personal contact information.
I understand.
But you also have to understand
I'm a friend of Mia.
We know each other.
Doesn't matter, sir.
Sorry. Don't worry.
She knows where she can find you.
She does?
You're checked in here
in the hotel, right?
Not feeling well?
Yeah. That's why I'm here.
I needed some fresh air.
You were right.
It's so beautiful here.
They look great.
They look like they're holding hands.
Sorry, I have to go.
Sorry, I just passed by.
Nice to see you.
Are you going back to the hotel?
I'm staying there.
Maybe I could join you.
I'm attending the summit in the hotel.
It's required for my new job.
New job?
I resigned.
It's difficult to have the dad
of your ex as your boss.
- It's not because...
- No. Not at all.
I'm sorry you broke up.
Is it okay if we go out sometime?
Maybe drinks or dinner?
- Let's eat out!
- No, I don't think so.
It's very busy in the hotel now.
Just for a while?
We'll see.
- Sayang!
- Azrina! Sayang!
Sayang, this is Alan.
Alan this is Mir.
- Alan.
- He's here for the summit.
The summit. How's that going?
Can we go to the toilet?
Okay, honey. Excuse me.
So the summit. How many are you?
Around 50. Small group.
Tell me, tomorrow night
I have a surprise party for her.
Maybe you could come
and be there for the surprise.
Great. We'll see you there.
What will you do
if he says that he still loves you?
Come on, Jona.
Isn't it 2 years too late?
So? Did it change
the fact that Mia loved him?
And did it change the fact
that he hurt Mia?
Besides, Mia is with Mir now!
You know what? Go back to your unit.
You're just eating all our food.
Hello sayang?
I love you.
I love you too.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
I just wanted to tell you that.
This is why I love you very much.
Good night.
Okay, good night.
Yeah. I'm here in Mir's house.
I was told he slipped in the bathroom
and he's unconscious.
I'm so scared.
Happy birthday sayang.
This is for you.
Thank you!
Alan was right. You love balloons.
- Alan.
- Yeah, Alan. He's here.
There he is. Surprised?
- Yeah, I'm surprised.
- Good.
Ladies and gentlemen, shall we?
Go ahead.
See! You eat a lot when
no one's watching.
Of course not.
- Happy Birthday, Mia.
- Thanks.
- Sayang!
- Sayang!
Sorry, Alan.
I was going to tell you that Azrina
is sleeping at her grandfather's.
She wanted you to have this.
That's you, that's me.
That's Azrina.
Mir is sayang.
And you were supposed to be him.
Don't deny.
I know who you are August.
But don't worry.
We'll do something about it.
But I'm telling you this,
if you let her go one more time...
you'll get it from me.
Okay, come on. Chin up!
Mir? Mir?
Alan here tells me
he wants to go visit Perak.
Then Mia and I
should show you around.
When will you be free?
His summit just finished.
He's leaving tomorrow.
Well, next time you come,
you should come for holiday.
We could show him Kellie's castle.
I've seen Kellie's castle.
I was here last year.
What were you doing here?
I was looking for someone.
Really? Who?
I was looking for the woman I love.
Did you find her?
I did. But just recently.
How is she?
A year older and wiser.
- You know of her, sayang?
- No.
But I'm just assuming whoever
that woman is, she has changed.
I mean, it's been a year after all, right?
Wouldn't it be tragic
if she didn't change at all.
- Games! Let's go!
- Games, yes!
Mia, let's talk.
There are games outside.
You don't want to join them?
Mia, please. I'm sorry.
For what?
For making me wait?
For making me look like a fool?
For not choosing me?
Mia, I love you.
I heard that already.
You even wrote it down, remember?
And my answer is still the same.
No. Don't make it hard on me.
And, it took me 2 years
to try and forget you.
2 years, I made up for my mistake
and then you come back into my life?
You come in here messing things up
because you're available?
Because you're now allowed to love me?
Well, fuck you.
- Mir's looking for you.
- Yes, sayang?
Where have you been?
I have just been telling everyone
that someone predicted that...
you will meet your first love--
Yeah August.
And that man would be wearing glasses.
And you met him in a river.
I wonder if someone
would have predicted that...
someday you'll marry
a man wearing glasses...
but you met in an airport.
His name is not August but
was born in the month of August.
Sayang, I don't care
who your first love is...
I just care who your last love is.
And I really want that to be me.
I love you very very much, sayang.
Will you be my wife?
You could talk to our manager.
DJ, what's the problem?
Excuse me, I made a reservation
last week for my friend.
Could you confirm it?
Let me check first.
Thank you.
Girl, pork rinds.
Pork? Mia's going to be
a Muslim soon, you know.
That's right. Engaged.
So what are those? Tears of joy?
Why does it seem like you just
lost the one you love?
Sister, answer me.
Let's say,
we live in a perfect world.
- We don't live in a perfect world.
- Just play along.
Let's say, no one got hurt.
And no one will get hurt.
Who do you choose?
Auntie Mia,
can we go ride the ferry now?
Maybe tomorrow, sayang.
Auntie's not feeling well.
Let's go.
Auntie, can I call you mommy
after the wedding?
Of course you can.
No matter how many ferries you ride...
it doesn't change
how you feel about her.
Best thing to do is to teach
your heart to love someone else.
I tried.
I can't do it. It's difficult.
Come on.
You've known the girl for what...
- A week? What's hard about that?
- True. We only had a few days.
That's why
I'm asking for a chance...
to prove to you and her
that I really love her.
You're still the one.
- Hello.
- I'm looking for Mia Samonte.
I'm sorry, sir.
But Miss Samonte
is on leave right now.
On leave?
So could you give me her address or
telephone number or any contact number?
I cannot do that, sir.
I suggest you give me your...
No, it's an emergency.
You have to understand,
it's an emergency.
- I'm sorry. I cannot give it, sir.
- August? You're here!
Where's Mia?
For God's sake,
please lay off our friend.
Forget her.
If I could,
I would have a long time ago.
Please. Where's Mia?
Well, I just don't know
how to get to 10B, Jalan...
- What's the matter with you?
- near the 3rd station.
Thank you.
You're still the one.
Mia, I'm sorry.
I hate you.
Sorry. Sorry.
I'm sorry, Mia.
I'm sorry I got scared.
I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise.
I made a mistake.
I hurt you and
I'm still hurting you up until now.
Mia, I cannot change
the last 2 years...
and I can't take away
all the pain I've caused you.
But if you will just let me...
I will spend the rest of my life
making it up to you.
Sorry, sayang.
It's my grandfather.
He wanted to know
about you converting.
- Nice.
- I can't marry you.
Is it because my family and me
are pressuring you to convert?
That's not our intention, you know.
It's not that.
What is it then?
There's someone else who...
You should be with someone else...
someone who will love you
as much as you love me.
You love me too much.
I don't deserve any of it.
Sayang, come here.
I don't care if you think
you don't deserve me...
or that you love me less
or that I love you more.
What matters is...
I love you very much.
Yeah, Daddy Temi,
I'm coming home tomorrow.
I'll be with Mia.
Thanks. I'll see you soon.
You've made me a believer.
With all the time
you were with Daphne...
I never heard you talk about her
the way you do Mia.
And I've never seen you as in love
and heartbroken over Daphne.
I just hope you don't get
disappointed tomorrow.
You think she won't be there.
You think she loves Mir more?
You've gone through this before.
I mean, why did you choose
Daphne over Mia?
It's not because
you loved my cousin more.
My point is,
love isn't the only reason...
why you choose to leave someone
or stay with them.
Alan. You're back from Manila.
I never left.
Well, Mia's not around.
She's out with my family
to plan our engagement.
Well, I'm running late, if you...
I still love her.
And she still loves me.
You have to let her go.
You're August.
You know, August, fate gives us
only one chance to get it right.
You had your chance and you blew it.
This is my chance.
There is no way in hell
you're going to come in between us.
Your phone.
You okay?
No. There's this guy.
He's trying to steal a contract that
I worked so very hard to secure.
So, what have you and Mia
been talking about?
I was telling her that more important
than her commitment to you...
is her commitment to herself.
She should convert only if she is sure
she believes in the teachings of Islam.
Stop it! Come on!
Forgive your siblings.
They're asking for too much.
Isn't this expensive already.
Okay then, well take care of yourself.
Mom, can I talk to dad?
Of course.
Hold on.
Efren, your daughter's
going to talk to you.
Hey dad. How are you?
I'm not fine.
I'm just thinking of you.
Just thinking how hard
it must have been for you before.
Before you were able to choose.
It hurts because you didn't choose us.
I may not be able
to forgive you, dad...
but I can understand you now.
It's so hard. It's so hard.
What time's your flight?
Take care.
Why did we have to see
each other again?
If we're going to part again anyway.
Alan, if we met again,
maybe it's not a happy ending.
But a second chance to end things.
Every time we try to be together,
we just end up hurting others.
Good morning sir.
What if you never loved her?
What if you never met just so
you can erase her from your memory?
What if when you met,
you were a different person?
And she was too.
A different situation,
a different place, a different time.
Will your destiny change as well?
Are you still meant for each other?
Lots of questions?
You know, Camille and I...
we needed that time apart
to answer those questions.
Were they answered?
The only answer that
Camille and I really needed...
was the realization that
we really just do love one another.
That's why I need you...
I need your advice
on where I should invest my money.
I'm getting married next year, man.
How about you?
No plans for marriage?
I don't know. Maybe.
With the right girl.
But she's not with me right now.
Why did you let her go?
Because she asked for it.
Because she needed it.
So I gave it to her.
Because I love her.
Hey, maybe in time.
Maybe she'll come back to you.
Our timing was always off.
Time was never our friend.
You know what my grandfather
always used to say.
Time is meaningless
when you're in love.
When you're really in love,
you can wait.
The right time will come
for the both of you.
Your grandfather's name
isn't Uly, is it?
Yes, Uly. Ulysses, actually.
How did you know?
You can predict the future too?
- Hi sayang!
- Pa!
Sayang, sorry
the traffic was really bad.
It's time to say goodbye to Auntie.
Bye, Auntie!
I'm going to miss you baby.
Azrina, you be a good girl, okay?
- Love you.
- Yes, auntie.
What? What's with the smile?
Nothing. It's just funny.
Of all the days
I could have met you, it's today.
February 24, 2010.
Why? Why?
No, no I think I met...
no, I met your grandfather
5 years ago.
He said that I shouldn't give up.
To just wait.
Because today, Mia will come back.
Attention all passengers of flight
204 Malaysian Air going to Manila...
please board--
You look like
you want to go to Manila.
Not Paris.
Of course not.
I'm excited to go to Paris.
What are you talking about?
You sure you want to go to Paris?
You sure you want to be with me?
But it's been a long time.
The day I said goodbye to her,
I've stopped waiting.
I've stopped hoping
she'll ever come back.
It's the only way I could live my life
without her in it.
Don't give up.
What time is it? 12 noon?
Don't lose hope right away.
I'm telling you.
My grandfather's never wrong.
Thank you.
For what?
For staying.
For trying.
For pretending for my happiness.
This is where we part.
You know, all this time...
I thought I gave you all the love
you ever needed.
You did.
You've been making me so happy.
No. I didn't.
I deprived you of your best chance
at being happy.
I always say that fate
only gives us one chance.
I should have let you go
the first time...
when fate brought Alan back
into your life.
How much is a balloon?
18, sir.
Thank you.
I will always love you.
But you will always love him.
I'm sorry.
Sorry sir. It's 5 o'clock.
We're closing.
- I'm sorry.
- Okay.