Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)

Do you, Ethan, take Julia to
be your lawful wedded wife?
I do. - To have, to hold,
to love, cherish, honor and protect?
I do.
Shield from terrors know
and unknown? To lie, to deceive.
To lead a double life. To fail to
prevent her abduction. Erase her identity.
Force her into hiding. Take
away all she has known. - Stop.
In a selfish, futile,
fleeting attempt... - Stop!
...to escape your own true self.
- Please, stop.
And Julia do you
choose to accept... - Dont!
I do.
You should have killed me.
BELFAS Fate whispers to the warrior.
The storm is coming.
And the warrior whispers back?
I am the storm.
Good evening, Mr. Hunt.
The anarchist Solomon Lane.
Since you captured him,
two years ago, his absence
from the world stage has had
unintended consequences.
His syndicate of rogue covert operatives
continues to wreak havoc around the globe.
The CIA special activities
division has relentlessly
hunted Lanes elite
network of hostiles.
But many remain unknown and at large.
The reminiscence of this extremist splinter
cell refer to them self as The Apostles.
They have sync it up to the
policy of terror for hire.
Making them an even
greater threat.
They are responsible for the
recent smallpox outbreak in Indian
controlled Kashmir. Along the
borders of Children and Pakistan.
Threatening one third of
the worlds population.
The Epidemic is being contained but
intelligence would indicate that
a new client has hired the Apostles
for a more ambitious operation.
They have been contacted by this man.
An unidentified extremist
known only by the
codename John Lark.
Author of this apocalyptic
manifesto calling for
the destruction of the
current world order.
It is believed Lark is responsible for
the disappearance of Norwegian
nuclear weapons
specialist, Nils Debruuk.
Dr. Debruuk security
clearance was revoked after
he expressed fiercely
anti-religious views.
Meanwhile, the Apostles
have been in contact
with elements of the eastern
European underworld
who are in possession
of 3 plutonium cores
stolen from a missile
base in eastern Russia.
This would indicate that John
Lark and the Apostles are
working together to acquire
functioning nuclear weapons.
NAST estimates that a man with Debruuks
knowledge, using the materials in play,
could complete 3 nuclear weapons
in as little as 72 hours.
These devices would be man portable and
deployable anywhere on Earth overnight.
In the hands of John Lark and
the Apostles these weapons
represent an unprecedented threat
to the countless millions.
Your mission, should you choose
to accept it, is to prevent the
Apostles from acquiring the plutonium
using any means at your disposal.
If you, or any members of your
IMF team, are caught or killed,
the Secretary will disavow any
knowledge of your actions.
Good luck, Ethan. This message
will self-destruct in 5 seconds.
He's late.
He's never late.
He'll be here.
I dont like it.
There's something about this guy.
He just...
really gives me the creeps.
- It's OK. Relax.
I'm relaxed.
You dont sound relaxed. Luther,
does he sound relaxed to you?
He sounds terrified.
- I'm not terrified. I just have a bad feeling. That's all.
I though you said you were relaxed?
- It's entirely possible
to be relaxed any extremely
uneasy at the same time.
No, it's not.
- You do it all the time. - No, I dont.
Yes, you do. - No, he doesn't. - I'm supposed
to believe you're perfectly relaxed?
Right here and now? In a
dark alleyway? Waiting
to buy dark market plutonium from a psychopath?
- Benji,
I wont let anything
happen to you.
See, Benji, you're
perfectly safe.
That's easy for your to say.
You're in the van.
Well, you want to be in
the field, tough guy.
And tonight, Luther, I'd
like to be in the van!
He's here.
Oh, God.
Have that money ready, Luther.
- Done.
Ethan, do you copy?
Do you copy?!
Are we finally gonna do this, or not?
I've survived in this business
with a help of a voice in my head.
This voice is never wrong.
Whenever I meet you...
It tells me the same thing.
What's that?
I'm here to do business.
Tell the voice to flip the coin.
What's that?
This is a beryllium rod.
It's just causing a
reaction with the plutonium
inside the core.
That's that.
The money?
The money.
Bring the money.
Luther, bring the money.
We're gonna need
that money, Luther.
Kill them!
I've got it!
Luther, do you copy?
Luther, come in.
Luther is not here right now.
What can the Apostles do for you...
- What do you want?
You're not escaping, Hunt.
Give us the plutonium.
And walk away.
- Benji, get the car!
I dont think I can do that.
- Benji, get the car.
We'll make your a deal, Hunt.
Give us the plutonium and
we won't kill your friend.
Don't you do it, Ethan!
Not for me!
I'm gonna count to 3.
- Luther, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do.
- We're good.
You're OK?
- I should be dead.
We should all be dead!
Why aren't we?
Where's the plutonium?
It's gone.
If you're just joining us, three
massive explosions have gone off
simultaneously in what appears
to be a coordinated attack.
This image is live in Rome.
Looking towards the Vatican.
It's as close
as our cameras can get.
It's believed that the Pope was in
residence at the time of the blast.
Also live, we're looking at the Jerusalem
from just outside of the city.
Also live, the holly city of Mecca.
From the USS Ronald Reagan
in the Red Sea, off
the coast of Saudi Arabia.
Radiation has been detected.
Indicating that nuclear
weapons were used in these unspeakable attacks.
- Ethan?
No word on casualties yet....
- It's time.
but we can assume the
death toll is catastrophic.
Early reports suggest the
weapons used would require a
highly specialized knowledge
that very few people possess.
The question now is who would attack
all three of this holly sites and why.
The attacks occurred at precisely
same moment. Just over an hour ago.
At 4:00 AM ET. Within minutes
of the attack Congress ordered
an emergency recess and the
Capitol building was evacuated.
The President authorized... The White
House has declared state of emergency.
Placing the military
at highest alert.
Would you excuse us, please?
Dr. Debruuk...
We know who you are. We read the
Manifesto we found in your lab.
There has never been peace
without first a great suffering.
The greater the suffering,
the greater the peace.
See, this will unite them.
When they read this manifesto
they'll understand.
Nobody's gonna read
that manifesto, ever!
I can promise you that.
What day is it? How long
have I been here?
What's the last thing you remember?
I was driving...
Someone hit me.
- That was two weeks ago.
Two weeks?
- Two weeks. - This is yours, isn't it?
It's how Lark
communicated with you.
- John Lark. We know all about him.
You know nothing!
- It's information in this phone that
could lead us to him. And
you have the pass-code.
You think Lark's the enemy?
You, well, who ever you are.
You're the enemy.
You're why the system survives. Why the suffering goes on!
- Shut up!
We don't care about you.
We want Lark!
What if we make a deal?
- Nah, There's no deal, Luther.
Step outside!
- Give me 5 minutes with this guy! - Ethan, I can't let you do that.
That's not who we are.
- Maybe we need to reconsider that!
What if they read the manifesto on the air?
- What? You can do that?
We can do it with a phone call.
Well, if he reader Larks manifesto...
- No! - I'll give you the pass-code.
Ethan! Ethan!
Think, Ethan. Think of the greater good. Please!
- Yeah, you do that.
No, he won't cooperate.
Yes, sir.
If we read the manifesto.
On the air.
I'm sorry, sir.
Trading and global markets plummeting.
Stand by,
I'm told we're about to get
some additional information.
I've just been handed a document
from Nils Debruuk, a nuclear weapons
specialist, who claims to have built
the weapons used in these attacks.
I've been asked to read this
manifesto in its entirety.
There has never been peace
without first a great suffering.
The greater the suffering,
the greater the peace.
As mankind is drawn to a self-destruction
like a moth to the candle...
...the so-called defenders of peace:
the Church, the Government, the Law
work tirelessly to save
humanity from itself.
Well, it's not going
to help you now.
But by averting disaster
they serve to delay peace...
What's done is done.
...that can only come trough the inevitable
baptism of fire. The suffering and...
...bringing mutual understanding...
Did we get it?
...it's the first step for the
ultimate project of...
We got it!
Did we get it?
Of course we got it!
I told you we'd get it.
I don't understand?
The attacks didn't happen?
The car accident you were
in - that was an hour ago.
I was driving the other car.
What's done is done.
When we say it's done.
That phone you unlocked lead us to a
server in Iceland but we managed
to decrypt the communicate between
John Lark and this woman:
Alanna Mitsopolis, activist
and philanthropist whose
charity work has earned her the
nickname the White Widow.
It's all a front for her real trade:
arms dealing, money laundering.
Extensive political connections
provide her with protection.
Lark and the Widow
were meeting tonight to
negotiate the delivery
of unspecified package.
Which we can only assume
is our missing plutonium.
They'll make contact in the private
lounge at the Grand Palais in Paris.
During her annual fund-raising event.
The details are in the file.
If Lark isn't there by midnight
the Widow will leave.
And sell the package to the highest bidder.
Which gives you...
...two hours from
now to find Lark.
Sir, I think theres
something you need to know.
I'm gonna stop you right there. You had
a terrible choice to make in Berlin.
Recover the plutonium
or save your team.
You chose your team and
now the world's at risk.
Some flaw, deep within your
core being simply won't
allow you to choose between
one life and millions.
You see that as a sign of weakness.
To me, that's your greatest strength.
It also tells me I can count on
you to cover my ass.
Because coming here from CIA was a
lateral move. Some say a step down.
But I did it because of you.
Don't make me regret it.
Make the call.
Shut them down.
What do you think
you're doing, Erica?
It may be your mission but
this is the CIA- s plane.
It doesn't take off without my say-so.
- We don't have time for this.
I have a team in Paris ready to grab
Lark as soon as he gets to Palais.
A G5 standing by to rendition him
to GITMO where waterboard is waiting.
Spend 24 hours we dont have
to pull a confession we can't
trust from a man we haven't
positively identified?
No. We need reliable
intelligence and we need it now.
This scenario is precisely
why the IMF exists!
The IMF is Halloween, Alan. Bunch of grown
men in rubber masks playing Trick or treat.
And if had held on to
the plutonium in Berlin
we wouldn't be having
this conversation.
And his team would be dead.
- Yes, they would.
That's the job. And that's
why I want one of my
own men on the scene. To
appraise the situation.
Agent Walker,
Special Activities.
His reputation precedes.
You use the scalpel.
I prefer a hammer.
The answer is No. I have
operational authority here.
Direct from the President. You have a
problem with that, you take it up with him.
I have already and he agrees with me.
My man goes.
Or no one goes.
No one comes between you
and that plutonium.
Not Hunt, not his
team, not anyone.
The White Widow has spies in
every level of government.
This plain is posing as commercial airliner
so we can jump into France undetected.
Widows meeting Lark in a
VIP lounge at midnight.
No one can be a bidder without a
pre-issued electronic ID band.
We've acquired the unique RFID number for
Larks band allowing us to locate it...
...with these. Find that
ID band, you'll find Lark.
Then what?
I assume his identity. Make contact with
the Widow. She takes us to the package.
People actually
fall for this shit?
How do you intend to
make Lark cooperate?
I bump him in the crowd.
In 10 seconds he'll look like
any other drunk at the party.
completely pliable.
After I borrow his face you
walk him out the front door
and hand him over to
Sloans extraction team.
You're not getting rid of me that easily, Hunt.
- That's not what this is about.
Sure it is.
I know you don't want
me on this detail.
But let's face it.
If you made the hard choice
in Berlin I wouldn't be here.
If you hadn't gun down your Syndicate
agent they sent you to find
I wouldn't be here.
That's right. I know all about you.
You're why we don't have living witness who
can identify John Lark. Or the Apostles.
If you have a problem with my methods
you can always stay behind.
Your mission, should you choose to
accept it. Isn't that the thing?
Two minutes to decompression.
Suite up!
The Widow is meeting
Lark in 30 minutes.
10 seconds to decompression.
Is your oxygen on?
There's no atmosphere at this altitude.
I don't need you blacking out on me.
Hey, your heads up display has built-in
guidance system. Follow it to the target.
Open your shoot when the system
says. Not before, definitely not after.
Or the last thing that goes trough your
mind will be your kneecaps. Is that clear?
We gotta talk.
Need to rethink this.
Out of my way, Hunt!
- Walker, we have a problem. There's a storm and we need to...
Enough talk. I'll
see you in Paris!
Come on!
Come on!
Altitude, 25000 feet.
- What's the matter, Hunt? Afraid of a little lighting?
Altitude, 20000 feet.
Son of a bitch!
Do you copy?
Hang on.
Hang on.
Come on!
Altitude, 15000 feet.
Altitude, 10000 feet.
Deploy! Deploy! Deploy!
Oh, God!
Looks like you lost your oxygen.
That's where the Widow
is meeting Lark.
Say again?
The needle?
- Didn't need it.
Get him up!
Do not be shy. The
more, the better.
Come on, we're not bad.
- Can we join in? We don't bite.
Can you still make a mask?
- I need a face to make a mask.
I was aiming for his chest.
What are you doing here?
- It's good to see you too.
Sorry, I'm confused. You're?
An old friend.
Cancel extraction. We're code Blue.
Send sanitation.
That was my team.
You didn't answer my question.
What are you doing here?
That's it. Just take it easy.
That's it.
Just keep your head back
until the bleeding stops.
What is it?!
You want some?!
You're not here by accident.
Who sent you?
I can't tell you that.
- What are you doing?
I have a date with White Widow.
- He had a date with the Widow.
You look nothing like him.
- Now, we have to hope they never met.
Hope is not a strategy!
- You must be new.
I have no other choice. White
Widow is our only lead.
I got to be this guy for 5 minutes.
- Don't do it.
What is it?
What aren't you telling me?
- You don't understand what you're involved in.
I don't understand what I'm involved in?
I don't understand what I'm involved in?!
What am I involved in?
- If you're meeting the Widow she leaves in 3 minutes.
- I'll make it work.
- I'll make it work!
Name's Walker.
- Yeah? You're welcome.
What do you think you're doing?
- I'm going with you.
Like hell you are!
- People have been sent here to kill Lark.
No shit.
- No, not me, contractors. Paid assassins.
They don't know
what he looks like.
They only know he's meeting
the Widow at midnight.
If you go trough with this they're
gonna believe you're Lark
and they're gonna kill you.
How do you know all of this?
I can't tell you that.
You should've stayed
out of the game.
You should've come with me.
This charity was started
in honor of my mother.
Those of you who knew her
understood her strength.
Her tenacity. Her
But there was another side to her.
The side most people never saw.
It's that part of her spirit that has
brought us all together tonight.
Max was something of a paradox.
She had a fascination for paradoxes.
A fascination she
passed onto me.
Max had no illusions about
the world we live in today.
But she had dreams of a
very different future.
One in which her unique talents
were no longer required.
All she earned from
the way the world is
went ultimately to making
it what it could someday be.
That future isn't here yet.
Tonight your contributions have
brought it just a little closer.
Go with the opportunity.
Enjoy the party.
You can't possibly be John Lark?
I'm not, actually.
It's an alias.
I suppose it's better than John Doe.
Is there another name you prefer?
Is there somewhere we can talk privately?
- I like Lark. It has a certain ring.
We don't have a lot of time.
- I'll be honest with you.
A man with your reputation.
I was expecting someone...
Don't let looks deceive because I'm as ugly
as they come. Now I'll be honest with you.
Your life's in danger.
Don't you touch her.
- Relax, he's my brother.
You're being rude to our guest, Zola.
It's time to go.
Don't turn this into a scene.
You don't leave this room.
You see?
- Your life's in danger.
And who'd want to kill me?
- The Americans for starters.
Duly noted.
- You think you're the only one with spies in the government?
There are people here who don't
want this meeting to happen.
Don't believe me?
Look around.
I know what you're thinking.
Maybe they're not here for you.
Maybe they're just here for me.
Are you willing to take that chance?
You have something I want.
Right now that makes me the only person you
can trust to get you out of here alive.
Or would you rather leave
that to your brother?
I think I'd like to go home now, Mr. Lark.
The French government will receive
the asset they took in today.
Delivery will be by air to the finance
ministry at 8:00 AM tomorrow morning.
Another motorcade under heavy police escort
will transport him on along this root.
We'll create a diversion at
this intersection. Here.
Motorcade will automatically take the
pre-planned alternate root, here.
Where we'll extract the asset.
Extract the asset?
The asset?
We've payed a great deal of
money for this information.
They gave us everything
but this mans name.
You don't happen to
know who he is, do you?
His name is Solomon Lane. British
special agent turned anarchist.
He used rogue covert operatives to create
a terror network called the Syndicate.
Sabotage, assassination, mass murder...
Ugly as they come.
He was captured by American
agents two years ago.
Since then he's been under
never-ending interrogation.
Passed around from one
government to another.
To answer for his crimes.
You seem displeased, Lark?
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear.
I came to Paris for plutonium.
Well, there must be a misunderstanding.
I'm just a broker. I connect
a buyer and a seller.
My seller isn't interested in cash.
So if you want the plutonium...
Extract Lane and make a trade.
That's right.
How do I know the seller
has what I want.
A down-payment in good faith.
The Currier we'll deliver
two more within 48 hours.
In exchange for him.
All right.
What happens after diversion?
Kill everyone?
That's your plan?
There'll be no witnesses.
What's my guarantee that Lane
walks out of this thing alive?
He's in an armored box.
We'll pull him out
when it's safe.
You want your plutonium?
This is the price.
Or do you draw the
line at killing cops?
That's John Lark
you're talking to.
I've murdered women and
children with smallpox.
I have no line.
Sleep well, everyone.
Busy day tomorrow.
You have got to be kidding me?
If you want Lane out of prison
this is how he gets out.
I wanted Lark to brake him
out, not Ethan Hunt.
I wanted Lark at the
exchange, not Ethan Hunt.
I wanted Lark to lead us to the
plutonium and the Apostles.
You may still get your chance.
Have you forgotten about the
corpse we pulled out of men's room
at the Grand Palais?
- I'm guessing that wasn't Lark.
More likely one of Larks recruits.
- Not according to our intelligence.
Intelligence gathered by whom?
You long held suspicions that
Lark was an American agent.
Someone who knew our every move.
Someone who could come and go like a ghost.
You're suggesting Hunt is John Lark?
You're reaching, Walker.
Trying to save your ass.
It won't work.
Think about it. Would a man as careful as
Lark really stick his neck out like that?
For a face to face with the White Widow?
He'd send a proxy.
- A decoy.
If he was really smart
he'd had his lady friend
kill that decoy in front
of a reliable witness.
The dragnet is closing down
on his terrorist alter-ego.
So he pays a man to play the
part of Lark and has him killed.
And under the guise of
serving his country...
Assumes his own secret identity.
Free to operate at will with the full support of US government.
- Why?
Why would Hunt turn?
Why did Lane do it?
Why did any of his Apostles?
They were believers in a cause.
And when that cause turned out to be a
lie they turned against their masters.
How many times has Hunts
government betrayed him,
disavowed him, casted him aside?
And how long before a man
like that has had enough?
That is a serious accusation.
Can you prove it?
This is the phone we pulled of the
dead body at the Grand Palais.
I'm guessing it has all
the proof you need.
Is it true Lane gassed a
village of 2000 people?
Is it true he brought down an entire
passenger plane just to kill one man?
Is it true that he...
- Walker, whatever you heard.
If it makes your skin
crawl, it's probably true.
Holy shit!
You're the guy that
caught him, aren't you?
How long do you think he's
gonna keep that to himself?
We'll burn that bridge
when we get to it.
Close it.
What the hell is he doing?
Hunt, where are you?
- Don't wait for me!
Wanna do... What's wrong?
I'll meet you at the garage!
Benji, do you copy?!
We copy. Go.
- Change of plan. I'm glued. Need extraction!
We're on our way!
He's driving from Notre
Dame to the Saint
Louis bridge. Police
patrols are chasing him.
Stay where you are!
Get in the car.
Nobody move!
Show me your hands!
Go away, please.
Show me your hands!
Dont worry, please.
Go away, please.
Go away, please.
Zola wants a word with you.
What do we do with her?
- Kill her.
You will be fine.
You will be fine.
We gotta go!
I am so sorry.
- Come on!
The name's Walker by the way.
Was the little car your idea?
Jesus Christ!
What the hell was that?!
Everybody, out!
- Go, go, go!
That was Ilsa.
Shut up!
Very interesting.
It's good to see
you again, Ethan.
Look who's still alive.
There's a microwave tracker in his neck.
- OK. You know what to do.
Let me just assure you
this won't hurt... enough.
90 seconds.
You and the Apostles think we're gonna
trade you for the missing plutonium.
I'm here to tell you
that's never gonna happen.
Your mission, should you
choose to accept it...
I wander, Ethan, did you
ever choose not to?
Did you ever stop and ask yourself
who's giving you the orders or why?
When everyday the master you serve is
one step closer to ending the world.
Strange accusation coming
from a terrorist.
60 seconds.
- Terrorists are schoolboys, desperate for attention.
Hoping to shape public
opinion trough fear.
I don't care in the least
what people think or feel.
In my experience they don't
do either for very long.
I suppose that justifies bombing factories
or bringing down civilian aircraft.
Or strapping me into
explosive vest!
Consider it unfinished business,
my funny little friend.
- Almost there.
You see the end as
clearly as I do, Ethan.
Governments the world over
are descending into madness.
The Syndicate was created to
tear them down. Brick by brick.
The Syndicate was a pack
of murdering cowards!
The Syndicate was
civilizations last hope!
A chance to smash the old world order.
That hope is gone now because of
you and your pathetic morality.
You should have
killed me, Ethan.
The end you always
feared, it's coming.
It's coming.
And her blood will
be on your hands.
The fallout.
For all your good intentions.
- Got it!
Get him up!
You're mine now!
You're just full of surprises, Lark.
- Your brothers plan was bad from the word go.
You'd lost all your men and Lane
would've been killed in crossfire.
I had to improvise.
Why not say that in
the first place?
Because I don't trust your people.
Especially not your brother.
what can you do?
So where's Lane?
Certainly not at the
bottom of the Seine.
I have him.
He's safe.
Where do I meet the Currier?
Let's talk about the woman.
She was with you at the Palais.
Zola saw her again today.
She tried to kill Lane. She had a
chance to kill you but she didn't.
We have a past.
It's complicated.
Well, I'll make it more
complicated for you.
My price just went up.
Someone killed four of my men today.
I assume it was her.
I want her, Lark.
And you're gonna
bring her to me.
Otherwise you don't meet the Currier and
the plutonium goes to the highest bidder.
I'd hate for her to
come between us.
She's yours.
At the meeting. Not before.
Go to London.
Instructions will follow.
I knew if I followed her
you'd show up eventually.
You OK?
Ilsa, I'd never...
- I know you had your reasons.
I know.
You need to walk away.
- I can't do that.
You weren't at the
Palais to kill Lark.
You were there to protect him.
And you killed him
to protect me.
You wanted Lark to
break Lane out.
No, you needed him
to break Lane out.
Because you have to kill Lane.
Who's making you do this?
After we captured him
in London they tried to
bring Lane home trough
diplomatic channels.
But too many countries won't
their pound of flesh.
A man like that, what he's seen. What
he knows about British intelligence.
They can't have him
talking to foreign government, ever.
That's not what I'm asking.
Why did they sent you?
This is how I prove my loyalty.
This is how I come home.
- But you were out!?
You were free?
- We're never free.
I've spent two years undercover with Lane.
To them I'm as much of a threat as he is.
I kill him or I never stop running.
Now, tell me where he is?
I can't help you.
- I'll get to him one way or another.
Please, don't make
me go trough you.
Are you here in London?
- I am.
Are you ready to meet the Currier?
Where do I go?
Where would you like to meet?
Mr. Secretary?
I've prayed to God
that it wasn't truth.
Well, in his defense, sir,
if Ethan hadn't intervened
the great many people
would've been killed.
Yes, Dunn, I'm sure that the good people
of Paris and the nation of France
as a whole will take
that into account.
So, what the hell happened?
At which point we were
told to come to London.
And await further instructions.
- And what happens now?
We meet the Widow in 20 minutes.
She's gonna take us to
Currier who'll hand over our
missing plutonium in
exchange for Solomon Lane.
Or in our scenario...
I'm sorry, what?
Luther and I are gonna
take you to Currier.
Walker stays here and guards the real Lane.
- Absolutely not!
Wait, wait! Why do I have to be Lane?
- Benji.
Our mission, my mission is to recover that
plutonium and I will do so at any cost!
Even if I have to trade Lane.
The real Lane!
And I'll never let him go!
When the Apostles realize
that you're playing games
you'll lose the plutonium.
You let us worry about the Apostles.
As it stands we have
a bigger problem.
A bigger problem.
- Ilsa? Our Ilsa? Ilsa Faust? How's she mixed up in all of this?
She's been ordered to kill Lane.
Direct from MI6.
Look. Wait. So that was her in Paris? On the bike?
- Yeah.
Ethan, she tried to kill us!
- No, not us.
- Not us, Lane. She tried to kill Lane.
She has no choice.
- And she'll kill me! - I'm not gonna let that happen!
Ethan, how exactly are you
not gonna let that happen?
I'm working on it.
- Oh, he's working on it.
Right now we don't
have a lot of time.
We have to start getting
ready for this meeting.
The meeting is a trap.
The White Widow is working with the CIA.
She has been since the beginning.
Bargaining for immunity
is her stock and trade.
Capturing the plutonium and
the Apostles and John Lark
buys her a lot of good
will with the Americans.
But if Sloan knew the meeting was a
trap why didn't she just tell us?
Because in her mind anybody could
be John Lark. Including one of us.
And now her suspicions
are confirmed.
According to that dossier a
trail of electronic evidence
connects Hunt to the theft
of smallpox from the CDC.
It also links him to a
lengthy correspondence
ending with the recruitment
of Dr. Debruuk.
And of course Hunt handed over the
plutonium to Apostles himself.
Now, those facts coupled with a a long and
incriminating history of rogue behavior
collaborate a CIA narrative
that Hunt has snapped.
And the search for Lark is nothing but
a cover to hide the fact that Lark...
... Is me.
I gotta hand it to you, Ethan.
Normally when people refer to
you as your own worst enemy
it's just a figure of speech.
I'm afraid Sloan got some
questions for her as well.
The Widow offered her
up at no extra charge.
And where did Sloan
get this information?
She didn't say.
She did, however, grant me
the opportunity to bring you
in on the condition that I
terminate this mission.
And hand over Solomon
Lane personally.
Sir, you can't do that. - Hunt! - No, I know
Lane. He has no intention of going back.
That's why we're taking him back!
- Which means that's exactly what he wont us to do.
- Sir, what do you think, this is a coincidence?
That Sloan just happened to found this?
Lane had it sent to her!
He know how she'd react. Just like he knew
the Widow would turn us in. Don't you see?
This, sir.
This is the trap!
We're being directed. - Hunt! - Sir, there
are still two plutonium cores in the wind!
And you lost them!
In fairness, sir,
we all lost them.
Respectfully, sir.
You weren't there.
- So, making excuses for him is your full-time job now?!
Good God, Ethan. Don't make this
any harder than it already is.
I can no longer protect you!
Don't you understand that?
This is as close as you're ever
gonna get to that plutonium!
Sir, you don't actually believe this?
- I believe I've been given a choice
to protect you or the IMF. Which
is why I'm bringing you in.
And if I refuse?
- What do you think he's here for?!
You think he's some observer?
He's an assassin!
Erica Sloans number one plumber.
You go rogue, he's authorized
to hunt you down...
...and kill you.
It's the job.
No hard feeling.
Except it, Ethan. You've lost this one.
What's done is done.
No, sir.
I'm not asking you. I'm giving you a
direct order. This mission is terminated.
Stickell, he's your friend. Would you,
please, talk some sense into...
I'm sorry, sir. But you
left me no choice.
There's 15 minutes before we meet
the Widow. You want the plutonium?
We're the only ones who
can get it for you.
You're in or out?!
What are you doing?
- Benji needs to get ready.
No! Ethan...
- There's no time, Luther. I need you to trust me.
You're all right?
Yeah, I just...
...gotta a bad feeling
about this one.
If you don't hear from us...
I'll do it my way.
Don't take your eyes off him.
Enough games. I'll
take you out of here.
Where's Hunt?
He's gone to the meeting. With a copy of you.
- Calm down.
Call the Apostles. Warn them.
- I have no way of contacting them.
For their safety and mine.
But I do have an extraction
team and satellite over-watch
at pre-arranged rendezvous.
They'll know as soon as we leave the building.
- No.
I'm staying here.
I haven't finished with Hunt yet.
Why did you have to make this
so fucking complicated?!
I don't understand what do you mean?
- The deal was simple.
I help you frame Hunt. You
give me plutonium.
You're wasting time!
- There can not be peace without first a great suffering.
The greater the suffering,
the greater the peace.
When I wrote those words I wasn't referring
to your peace. Or Hunts suffering.
The old world order needs dismantling
and we have the tools to dismantle it.
All you seem to care about is that
Hunt lives to take the blame.
That's not anarchy.
That's revenge.
Yes, it is.
And when I have what I want the
Apostles are getting the plutonium.
Hunt's the only friend you've got.
You're only alive today
because he didn't have
the guts to kill you!
Sloan is rights. The
IMF is Halloween.
Nothing but grown men wearing...
It's just the job.
No hard feelings.
I've ruined your day, haven't I?
And you were doing so well up until then.
And I think this one's loaded.
You want to find out?
So, how did I do?
- I never had any doubt.
I'm beginning to see why you
guys enjoy this so much.
Hands off, Mr. Secretary.
- Man's a natural.
Welcome to the team, sir.
You're making a mistake.
No, the mistake was mine when I
saved your life over Paris.
This proves nothing.
I'm playing a role.
Just like you're. Trying
to recover that plutonium.
That doesn't explain why you gave Sloan
the dossier and tried to frame Hunt.
He makes a good point, Lark.
He's paranoid. Delusional.
Just like the dossier says.
So where did Sloan get the dossier from?
- I have no idea.
I do.
Did you get all that, Erica?
- I did.
I don't appreciate
being used, Walker.
Bad boy.
Where would you like him delivered?
- I'll come to you.
Nobody move!
Put them down! Drop them!
Hands in the air!
Weapons down!
Drop it!
Drop it!
Weapons down! Rights now!
You! - It's OK. - You!
It's OK. - I'm talking
to you! - It's all right.
I though we had a deal?
- We did and now we don't.
There's too much at stake here
for me to take any chances.
I'm bringing you all in.
Along with Walker.
The plutonium is
still out there!
And I don't trust a living
soul in that room to get it.
We'll sort out who's
who in Washington.
- Sir.
It's all right. Let's
just do what she says.
The only real threats are in
this room and we have them.
Do you?
Where are they?!
First team is down.
Send backup.
I can...
Oh, no! Man down!
Somebody, help!
Ethan, I tagged Walker but he's on the run.
You gotta get him.
I'm sorry, sir.
Get that son of a bitch!
Come on! Come on!
Yes, I got him!
I'm sorry.
Talk to me, Benji.
Where's Walker?
He's about quarter mile west of you. Turn right.
- Which way? To my right?
I can't do that.
Why not?
Because I'm being followed.
- What do you mean? By who?!
How do I know. CIA, Apostles,
what difference does it make?
OK, OK, just get out of
there and then go right.
I'm terribly sorry.
Excuse me.
Why's he running in circles?
OK, you need to cross the street
on your left as soon as you can.
Did you copy? - Yeah!
- Go left, now! - I'm working on it!
OK, now go across the street.
Right in front of you!
Ethan, he's getting away from you.
You're gonna have to go faster!
You're gaining on him!
Go straight.
Keep moving straight!
Go straight.
Go straight. Straight! Straight!
OK, now turn right.
- Right?
- Yes, right! - Are you sure?!
Yes, I'm...! No it's left! Turn left!
Sorry, I had screen-lock on.
Thank you.
What are you waiting for?!
- I'm jumping out of a window!
What do you mean you're jumping out of...?!
Oh, sorry I had it in 2D.
Good luck!
At the end of the bridge turn left!
You've almost got him.
Come on, come on, come on! Come on, Ethan!
Get him! You're right on top of him!
That's it! He's right in front of you!
Get him! Get him!
You can't do it, can you?
Not until you get your plutonium.
No, he still has plans for you.
You're gonna turn yourself in
and admit you're John Lark.
Then watch the old world implode
from your dark little cell.
And if I don't?
I'm her guardian angel, Hunt.
If I see you again, she dies.
If you try to warn
her, she dies.
Know when you're beat.
These are the designs we recovered from Dr.
Debruuks lab in Berlin.
That's a five mega-ton
nuclear device.
That's greater than all the
explosive energy released in WW2.
To disarm it normally we'd
cut the fuse wire here.
What? Normally?
- Walker and Lane have two plutonium cores.
Meaning two bombs.
- Yeah, and they're both linked by microwave fail-safe
which is accurate to
within 1/10 of a second.
Any attempt to defuse one bomb
automatically triggers the other.
Meaning once armed the
bombs can't be disarmed.
The countdown is started by a remote
detonator which is also a fail-safe.
Meaning once the
countdown starts...
...it can't be stopped.
So solution for this is?
We're working on it.
Technically this is
a suicide mission?
What is it?
Come and see.
In all the years that I've known Ethan
he's only been serious about two women.
One was his wife.
He's married?
- No, he was.
Was? What happened to her?
Well, she was taken by some people
who wanted to get to Ethan.
It's OK. He got her
back in one piece.
Then he quit the game.
They were happy for a while.
But every time something
bad happened in the world
Ethan would think: I
should have been there.
And she would wonder: Who's watching
the world while Ethan is watching me?
Deep down they both knew
that someday, somehow,
something truly terrible
was going to happen.
All because they were together.
Where is she now?
- She's a ghost. Good at it too.
Taught her myself.
Every now and then she sends up a
signal to let Ethan know she's safe.
And that keeps him going.
Why are you telling me this?
We're in this mess because
Ethan wouldn't let me die.
He's a good man.
And he cares about you.
More than he can admit.
That's one more worry than
he can handle right now.
If you care about him,
you should walk away.
If only...
Serves me right.
I'm coming with you.
I know.
So, how do we find him?
Microwave transponder. Traceable via
satellite anywhere in the world.
Lane had one of these in
the back of his neck.
We removed it in Paris.
Same time, we put our own transponder in.
- Got it!
36 hour delayed activation. In
case Lanes Apostles scan him.
So you planned on letting him go?
- Not this way, but yes.
He's gonna lead us to the plutonium.
- How can you be sure?
His plan to put me in
prison went to hell.
Now he's gonna want
me there for the end.
So when does this transponder activate...
- I got it! I got it! I got it!
He's traveling east over Europe at 500 mph.
- He's airborne.
Should we inform the CIA?
CIA has been infiltrated. I don't
trust anybody outside this room.
We're gonna have to go alone.
So, where do we go?
How're we doing, Benji?
If there's a way to defuse
this bombs I can't find it.
You'll figure it out.
I know you will.
Damn! Ethan, we've
lost the signal.
Lane must have found
our transmitter.
What's his last position?
- About 30 miles north-east.
Than that's where
he wants us to go.
What's there?
- The Nubra river valley. There's only a medical camp there.
Humanitarian Aid Overseas.
Why would Lane target
a medical camp?
- Smallpox. The Apostles triggered smallpox outbreak in Kashmir.
Lane must've wanted that
camp there for a reason.
But what?
- Oh my God! - What is it?
Well, the Nubra river is at
the base of Siachen glacier.
So nuclear blast there
would irradiate the
largest natural irrigation
system in the world.
Fresh water from the border
of China to India and Pakistan.
They're gonna starve one third
of the worlds population!
The greater the suffering...
... The greater the peace.
I still don't understand why
Lane wants a medical camp there.
It doesn't matter. All that matters now is
that we find a way to defuse those bombs.
I think I've found it.
Maybe. But there appears to a
flaw in bombs operating system.
The remote detonator requires that
firing key. If you remove that key
then it should short-out the fail-safe
and allow us to cut both fuses.
So one of us needs to get the
detonator and remove that key.
Yeah, while...
- While the rest of us cut the fuses on both bombs.
- Yeah, but...
But what?
Well in order to make this
work we can't remove the key
or cut the fuses until after
the countdown starts.
Wait, wait! Just so I got this clear.
Our only chance to safely defuse
both bombs is to let
the countdown start?
And then remove that key.
Both devices are now
connected to the detonator.
15 minutes should give you enough
time to reach minimum safe distance.
My running days are over.
This is where it ends for me.
I'm getting signals
all over the place.
That's why the medical camp.
X-ray machines,
CAT-scanners, radiological
signatures everywhere.
Looks like a needle in a haystack.
- Process of elimination.
One at a time. Let's split up.
Stay on comms.
Is that?
Does he know?
- This is my husband, Eric.
This is...
- Rob, Rob Thorn. Dr. Rob Thorn.
I worked with Julia at...
- Mass General, before New York.
Oh, you're kidding? What a coincidence? - I
know. I... - What brings you all this way?
I was in Turtuk, not far from here.
And heard help is needed.
Oh, well... Actually we're
just about finished here.
The whole village
is inoculated but...
What were you doing at Turtuk?
Rob's on vacation.
No... No, I'm working.
You're a long way from home.
Yeah, yeah. Thanks to
our guardian angel.
Well, yeah. We were running a
field hospital outside of Darfur
when outbreak happened here.
Here comes this phone call from an
anonymous donor. Out of the blue.
And he says he's ready to underwrite
the entire operation. One condition...
We run the whole thing.
Can you believe that?
I certainly can.
Out of the blue.
- Out of the blue.
It's quite a full life.
- Yeah, you know before Julia I never traveled.
I never even left New York.
Never left the hospital. 7 days
a week, overtime, no vacations.
Ethan, I think I found something.
I was just patient checking. You keep
the circuit at 50. Heart attack at 55.
And she convinced me
to let it all go.
Help where it's needed most. So
we've been on the go ever since.
I've never been more fulfilled.
I'm happy for you.
Right there.
Well, we should get going. We
have a lot of packing to do.
Oh, no. I'll handle that.
You two should catch up.
Oh no, I should get
out of your hair.
Are you kidding? You
should stick around.
I'm just sorry you came
all this way for nothing.
I'll tell you what. We'll pack and why
don't we give you a ride back to Turtuk.
You two can catch up in the car.
You're very kind.
See you soon.
It was good to see you.
I'm so sorry, Julia.
I'm so sorry.
Take those helicopters.
No one else leaves.
Careful, careful, careful.
It's armed but the countdown
hasn't started yet.
The network signal's strong which
means the other device is close by.
And the detonator.
By half km in that direction.
They're still here.
Luther, you keep working on it.
You two, come with me!
Oh, sure. I've got this.
Don't worry about old Luther.
Damn! Ethan, the countdown has started!
We have 15 minutes!
Walker has the detonator!
Come on!
We have to evacuate this people!
- There's no time!
This whole valley is gonna be
incinerated in 15 minutes!
It's too late!
I'm gonna get the detonator!
- What? How?!
I'll figure it out!
You find Lane and
find the other bomb!
What to hell is he doing?!
- I find it's best not to look.
How're we doing, Luther?
- Tripwires everywhere. I don't have enough hands.
Just make it out!
- Where's Ethan? - He's gone after the detonator.
Wait! Where's the detonator?
You shouldn't be here.
- Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Is that what I think it is?
- Luther, get her out of there!
Where's she gonna go?
All right.
What can I do?
In the kit. The pliers with the red grip.
- Are you insane?!
Mind your business, Benji!
- This is my business!
Benji, do you copy?
- Ethan?
Ethan, where are you?
- I'm in a helicopter going after Walker.
Hold on!
How did you get in the helicopter?
What? You can fly a helicopter?!
- Did you say helicopter?
What the hell are you
doing in a helicopter?
Did you...? Hey, did you
find the other bomb?
Well, we're still looking
but finding the bomb
isn't gonna matter unless
we have the detonator.
I know, I know. I'll get it.
I'll get it!
If he's in another
...how're you gonna get it?
- I'll figure it out.
You find the bomb. I'll get the detonator.
I won't let you down.
I won't let you down.
Be ready.
- Look, Ethan. Ethan! Ethan, come in!
- Come in! - Benji! Luther!
I can do this.
I can do this!
What do we got here?
We got airspeed.
Airspeed. OK, power.
This is power.
Payload! How do I get
rid of this payload?
Wire stripper.
- I'm a doctor, not an electrician.
- The thing with a green grip.
Got it.
- The wire in my left hand. - The black one?
My left hand.
- That's your left hand. - Sorry, the other wire!
The red one? - Yes, the red one in
my right hand. - Just checking.
I like her.
Hold this for me, will you?
Get up there!
That's right.
Son of a bitch!
Got it!
Do it!
Do it!
Pull up!
Pull up!
Delaying! Delaying!
Pull up! Pull up!
I'm trying, I'm trying!
Delaying! Delaying!
I can not find anything. I think
we're looking in the wrong place.
Signature's everywhere. This is
the perfect place to hide it.
That's the point. I know Lane.
If we're looking here...
It's because he wants us to.
I'm heading to village.
- Just wait for me. Alright?
Ilsa, I think I found something.
Cut this wire, right here.
Turn that screw
counterclockwise very slowly.
How's he?
Well, you know. Same old Ethan.
No, no, no!
Benji, I see Lane now.
What?! Where?
- He's in a house at the enter to the village.
Alright. Just wait for me. OK?
Ilsa, wait for me!
Nuclear bomb.
Benji, I found the other bomb.
Ilsa, where are you?!
- I'm in a house...
Hey! What the hell
are you doing?!
You're out of your mind!
I don't know what's down there!
Pull up!
Pull up!
This crazy son of a bitch
is trying to ram us! Go!
Benji, come in. We're almost at the fuse.
We need to find that other bomb, now!
Did you say other bomb?
- Benji, do you read me?
I'm working on it!
Ilsa, where are you?!
He can't stop it.
Understand? There's nothing he can do.
When the clock runs out Ethan
Hunt will loose everything...
And everyone...
...he ever cared about.
Ilsa, Ilsa!
- Benji!
- Ilsa, where are you?!
You don't want to see this.
- Benji!
Benji, release me!
No, no!
No, no, no!
Stay with me!
Stay with me!
No! Not when I'm this close. Not when
I'm this close! Come on! Come on!
Thank you.
Tie him up.
Why won't you just die?
There's nothing else you can do.
Go be with your husband.
Benji, where are you?
OK, Luther, we're inside.
Tell us what to do.
You should keep the red wire attached to the motherboard.
- Yeah.
You need to cut that and the green
wire next to it simultaneously.
OK. Ready? Set?
I told you it can't be stopped.
There's nothing you can do.
Benji, listen. Turn the screw counterclockwise.
- Yup.
Remove that panel and you'll see the power and ground wires for the fuse.
- Got it.
When the time comes cut the green wire. Do not cut it yet!
- OK, we copy.
Ethan, if you can hear me,
we're ready to make the cut.
Ethan, come in!
Benji, how do we know
if he's got the key?
He'll get it.
- Yeah, but how do we know? - He'll get it done!
We're out of time! We just
have to hope he has it!
OK. We're ready.
- Two seconds we cut!
Wait, wait! Why two? Why not one?
- You want to cut it that close?
Well, it's the second
we'll never get back!
Wait! Can we make a decision on this?!
- Alright! We'll do it on one!
Cutting on one?
- Yes, one! Alright, stand by.
3, 2, 1, now!
My man.
Can you hear me?
No, don't, don't.
Don't try to move.
Don't move.
You're pretty banged up.
You're a lucky man.
It's a miracle that crash
didn't kill you Dr. Thorn.
If your friend didn't find you an
hour later you would've died from exposure.
My friend?
- Yeah.
She got here not
long after you left.
Right in front of
half the Indian army.
Can you give us just a
few minutes, please?
See you later, doc.
I'm sorry.
There's no reason to be sorry.
- No.
I'm sorry...
...for everything.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at my life.
I love what I do and I never would've
found this if I hadn't met you.
Everything that happened...
...though me a way and showed
me what I'm capable of and I...
I'm a survivor.
But what happened here...
It was my...
- Nothing happened. Because you were here.
And I sleep soundly at night
knowing you always will be.
You're happy?
I'm exactly where I should be.
And so are you.
Per your request.
I'm handing Solomon
Lane back to MI6.
Trough a broker, of course.
Part of our ongoing arrangement.
After what happened in Paris
we prefer to keep a low profile.
And that closes your friends
account with British intelligence.
The ribs. Watch the ribs.
I understand now why
Hunley believed in you.
The world needs the IMF.
We need people like you.
Who care about the one life
as much as they care
about the millions.
That way I never have to.
You're OK?
You've never looked better.
- Dont!
How close were we?
The usual.
Please, don't make me lough.