Mission: Impossible II (2000)

Well, Dimitri,
every search for a hero
must begin with something
that every hero requires...
a villain.
Therefore, in the search
for our hero, Bellerophon,
we created a monster...
I beg you, Dimitri,
come to Sydney and accompany me
to Atlanta. Immediately.
However we travel,
I must arrive at my destination
within 20 hours of departure.
We're two and a half hours
from Atlanta.
Right now, we have a great view
of the Rocky Mountains.
You stare at that watch as if
your life depended on it, Doctor.
Yes, I suppose I'm a bit anxious.
You'll soon be with old friends.
I'm with an old friend now, Dimitri.
I'm sorry it couldn't be
under happier circumstances.
I'm sorry, too.
You are sorry and I'm sorry.
You don't know Gradski
thought the world of you.
Did he... know... before the end
that you two had succeeded?
Yes, he knew. Just.
- Not in time to save him?
- No.
After you've been infected
with Chimera
for 20 hours, nothing can save you.
Not even Bellerophon.
You can carry them together?
- Safely?
- Yes.
And you'll get us to a safe place
in Atlanta, thank God.
This is your Captain again.
We've experienced a slight
but abrupt drop in cabin pressure.
As a precaution,
I've released the oxygen masks.
Put them on, relax,
there's nothing to worry about.
Are you concerned?
Not so far.
Put on your oxygen mask,
I'll see what's going on.
Denver Centre,
this is Trans-Pac 2207, 747 heavy.
We're unable to maintain
cabin pressurisation.
We've initiated a descent
to one-six-thousand.
It seems we have a problem, Dimitri.
You keep calling me Dimitri.
You really shouldn't.
You're not Dimitri?
Wallace, hold on to this.
Ulrich, remember to dump the...
Remember to dump the NO2 tank.
All done, chief.
Terrain. Terrain. Pull up. Pull up.
Checkpoint Charlie
in three... two... one... Go!
Terrain. Terrain. Pull up. Pull up.
Terrain. Terrain.
Pull up. Pull up.
Good morning, Mr Hunt. Your mission,
should you choose to accept it,
involves recovery of a stolen item
designated "Chimera".
You may select any two team members
but the third team member
must be Nyah Nordoff-Hall.
She is a civilian and a highly
capable professional thief.
You have 48 hours
to recruit Miss Nordoff-Hall
and meet me in Seville
to receive your assignment.
As always, should you or any member
of your IM Force be caught,
the Secretary will disavow
all knowledge of you.
And next time you go on holiday
let us know where.
This message will self-destruct
in five seconds.
If I let you know where I'm going,
then I won't be on holiday.
I see you found it.
- What are you doing here?
- Think only you can pick locks?
Not just a pretty face after all.
Do you mind if I'm on top?
No, either way works for me.
- You'll never find it there.
- Damnit!
- Find what?
- His ex's Bulgari necklace
that goes up for auction on Tuesday.
Are you going to tell me where it is?
Far left.
This is very disconcerting.
You put me here.
I just do as I'm told.
Now, who are you -
and what's it gonna cost me?
- I wouldn't do that.
- What?
No, no. Tranquilos. Tranquilos.
Mr Keys, it is you.
It is Mr Keys, our security engineer!
No, no need to apologise.
My associate
has your necklace in a safe place,
but the alarms
should have gone off sooner.
Isn't that right, Miss Hall?
Much, much too long, I'd say.
We'd recommend resetting the sensors
to respond to a lighter load.
- How do you feel about 40 kilos?
- Perfect.
Shall we?
Miss Hall...
Haven't you forgotten something?
What are you trying to do,
senorita-rob me?
The thought had crossed my mind.
I'm missing something here -
apart from my necklace.
- I could have walked out with it.
- At least you walked.
Why didn't you stop me
going through with it?
To see how good you were.
I hope we can work together.
Sounds terrific. Muchacho.
Be serious. You couldn't possibly
want me after tonight's performance.
- You did OK.
- You apologising for me?
Quite the gentleman. Gracias.
Not really...
I triggered the alarm.
I don't do laundry,
cook or put up with cheeky bastards
who set me up
to poach on my territory.
Hi. Would you mind slowing down?
Where'd you get this number?
I don't even have it.
Would you like it?
- Pull over and listen to me.
- Listen to what?
I need your help
and you could use mine.
Your help?
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about Scotland Yard,
Interpol, every Dutch authority.
I can make them all go away.
Bloody hell. You're a spy?
If you want me,
you've got to catch me!
Having fun?
Watch the road! Watch the road!
What's your name?
- Ethan Hunt.
- Well, Ethan Hunt...
what is it you want
to talk to me about?
A lot more than I thought.
Awfully short notice.
Care to wait a decent interval?
Who wants to be decent?
So what have you got against spies?
When they've got your
recruiting technique... not a thing.
This wasn't exactly by the book.
- They've got a book for this?
- For everything.
So this thing these blokes pinched...
I don't know that they pinched it.
I don't even know they're blokes.
Then what am I doing here?
I thought I was
some sort of thief to catch a thief.
So do I. Sort of.
Damn, you're beautiful.
- Espresso? Cappuccino?
- No, thanks.
Sit down...
Festival's a pain in the ass -
honouring their saints
by setting them on fire.
That's what they think of saints.
Damn near set me on fire coming over.
- Sorry I interrupted your vacation.
- Sorry I didn't say where I was.
- It's not a vacation if you did.
- You're sorry, I'm sorry.
- Why did you phrase it like that?
- Like what?
"You're sorry. I'm sorry."
You gotta be kidding?
Well, Dimitri,
once again I need your help,
just as in the old days, eh?
When you saved our lives,
saved our very sanity.
Dimitri, we have...
this little problem.
Every search for a hero
must begin with something
that every hero requires...
a villain.
Therefore, in the search
for our hero, Bellerophon,
we created a monster...
I beg you, Dimitri,
come to Sydney and accompany me
to Atlanta. Immediately.
However we travel,
I must arrive at my destination
within 20 hours of departure.
I fear I can entrust this
to no one but you.
Dimitri, as we say,
I'm sorry and you are sorry.
You have any idea what he means?
- Any idea? Yeah.
- Like?
Pick him up quickly,
but not on a commercial carrier.
Is he still in Sydney?
Dr Vladimir Nekhorvich is dead.
So is Gradski,
but that happened earlier.
We had Nekhorvich on a flight
from Sydney
that crashed in the Rockies.
- Dead...
- Are you listening to me?
If he didn't want
to go anywhere without me...
how did you get him on that flight?
You were there.
When I couldn't find you
I had to replace you.
Sean Ambrose was the obvious choice.
He's doubled you two or three times.
- Twice.
- What did you think of him?
We had reservations about each other.
It's a little late for that.
No, not necessarily.
Airline records...
list a Captain Harold Mackintosh
as the pilot of flight 2207.
As far as the media
and government agencies are concerned
Captain Mackintosh
died in the flight.
But in fact he missed it.
He did, however,
make the next flight... in cargo.
Stuffed into a rather small
suitcase-considering his size.
Someone brought the plane down
and made it look like an accident,
someone skillful enough
to bring it off without a hitch.
There's one thing we know
that Ambrose doesn't.
You do think it was Ambrose?
You're not surprised?
Sean likes to leave
a lot of hats on the ground.
The question is why.
What was this Chimera
Nekhorvich was carrying?
Only Ambrose knows that.
In any case, you must recover
this Chimera and bring it to us.
I have to figure out
how he'll make money with it.
That is where Miss Hall comes in.
Excuse me?
She and Ambrose had a relationship
which he took seriously,
she walked away
and he's always wanted her back.
We believe she's our surest way
of locating him.
- And then what?
- She continues to see him,
gets him to confide in her
and report to you.
You made it sound as if
I was recruiting her
for her skills as a thief.
I misled you
or you made the wrong assumption,
either way we are asking her
to resume a prior relationship -
nothing she hasn't already done.
Voluntarily, I might add.
No... she's got no training for this.
Go to bed with a man and lie to him?
She's a woman.
She's got all the training she needs.
I don't think I can get her to do it.
- You mean it'll be difficult?
- Very.
This is not Mission: Difficult,
it's Mission: lmpossible.
Difficult should be easy for you.
If you have a quicker way
to get to Ambrose,
you're welcome to try.
Take a look at these
if you have any qualms
about getting her to do the job.
How many people are capable
of something like that?
Sean Ambrose... for one.
This wasn't what I had in mind, Nyah.
But it's what you'd like me to do.
What? Let my conscience be my guide.
- Is that it?
- Something like that.
I don't have conscience,
I'm a bloody thief!
You gonna try and force me?
I don't favour coercing someone
when my life could be in their hands.
Is that the only reason?
- Got a better one?
- Me? No!
But I hoped you might think this
got personal as well as physical!
OK. Would you feel better
if I didn't like this?
- Yeah, much!
- Then feel better!
Sean will be suspicious if
I turn up and say "Honey, I'm home!"
- What wouldn't make him suspicious?
- That I needed him urgently.
Destitute. In serious trouble,
the kind I couldn't sort out myself.
Serious trouble, Nyah...
is something I can always arrange.
This transponder chip
is completely untraceable.
It transmits your location
to a satellite,
which can be read
by only this computer.
We can then track you
to within three feet. Anywhere.
Since your arrest
I've been sending news bulletins
to every law enforcement agency.
I know Sean Ambrose.
And I guarantee
that after that airline crash,
he's monitoring every one.
He knows you're there.
And he has the means to get you out.
I'm not gonna lose you.
Ethan Hunt? G'day, mate,
I'm William Baird, but Billy's OK.
Anything you need getting,
I'm your man.
I'll have a look around.
- Shit.
- Yes, it is.
This ain't funny.
I just bought these $800 Gucci shoes
and you got me
in a helicopter with this man?
Computer's up. You got him.
Let's get a visual.
- Visuals aren't coming up.
- The satellite isn't as fast as me.
I heard about you, Luther.
It's an honour
to be working with you blokes.
Isn't there a way to speed this up?
With what? This is
the only computer that'll do this.
Ethan, here we go.
There's a bloke who knows
how to give a proper welcome.
Don't get me wrong, mate,
you were very friendly also.
- That him?
- It's him.
- We've got him!
- We don't know what we've got.
We don't know what he's got,
where he's got it
or what he's doing in Sydney with it.
- Not much luggage.
- I left in a bit of a hurry.
I'm incredibly grateful, Sean.
How in the world did you find me?
How I usually find you, Nyah...
No flies on her. No bugs either.
No transmissions-she's clean.
All cats are.
Your room?
And my room?
She did it.
- She's in the compound.
- Yeah?
We've just rolled up a snowball
and tossed it into hell.
Now we'll see what chance it has.
Try it on.
Go ahead.
I'm dying to see
if I remembered your size.
You're not interested
in seeing how it looks?
I am...
Every search for a hero
must begin with something
that every hero requires...
a villain.
Therefore, in the search
for our hero, Bellerophon,
we created a monster... Chimera.
Nekhorvich was a molecular biologist,
why is he going on
about an old Greek myth?
Nekhorvich specialised
in recombining DNA molecules.
In the myth, Bellerophon was a prince
who killed the Chimera,
a monster with the head of a lion
and the tail of a serpent,
that plagued the ancient world.
I think Nekhorvich
created a monster virus in Chimera.
And the anti-virus to kill it
in Bellerophon.
That simple, huh?
Why not?
37 million.
That's a promising bid
for Nekhorvich's work.
Don't look so worried, Hugh,
we're halfway there.
We'll need this at the track...
if we're gonna get the other half.
Well, then... sorted.
Not everything.
Why do you think she's really here?
From her point of view or mine?
She wasn't exactly gagging for it
when she left you six months ago.
The question is, do you trust her?
One considers her timing, of course.
Getting nicked within a week
of the plane going down.
even borderline suspicious.
But hardly conclusive.
You've thought about it, anyway.
Tell me, Hugh,
you don't exactly hang on Nyah's
every word and gesture, do you?
That's a fairly ratty nail.
Sean, please...
Suppose she is
some sort of Trojan Horse
sent in by IMF to spy on us?
Why should I deny myself
the pleasure of a ride?
Don't you think I can learn more
from her than she can from me?
I do! I do! I do!
Now, Hugh, you must realise
that some of us have the burden
of sex to deal with.
I may not know
why she thinks she's here,
but I want to take the risk.
Because, Hugh...
I am gagging for it.
Come on! Come on!
- Darling! You won!
- I suppose I did.
Why'd you pick that nag?
He's never won a thing.
"Thief In The Night".
Say no more. I'm...
I'm going to grab a drink.
You still favour the Bellinis?
Naturally vain.
- Pardon me?
- Naturally Vain.
In the fourth.
Check her out, she's due.
Put this in your ear.
You can speak
as if I'm right by your side.
Where are you?
The mounting enclosure,
just off the track. Two o'clock.
- How's it going?
- Just like old times.
- Just like old times?
- Just about.
Tell me who you've run into
at Ambrose's?
I think there's about a half dozin
other blokes about the place.
Maybe more.
Hugh Stamp, old friend of Sean's,
is the only one I recognise.
A creep and then some.
We know him,
he's looking at you right now.
Ambrose has photos of newspapers
with money piled on them.
What's that about?
Bids from possible Chimera buyers.
Ambrose is meeting
some bloke in the bar.
Big bloke, ginger hair.
They're into something.
- Who is this guy?
- Checking now.
John McCloy, CEO,
Biocyte Pharmaceuticals.
In 1989, acquired Biocyte
in a hostile take-over.
- He was Nekhorvich's boss.
- Right.
He worked
as a researcher at Biocyte.
Ambrose is showing something
to McCloy on a digital camera.
Whatever McCloy's looking at,
he's not happy about it.
Ambrose just put the camera's
memory card into an envelope.
It's in his inner-left jacket pocket.
Confirm, left-jacket pocket.
Roger that.
Nyah, Ambrose is on his way back.
- There's an envelope inside...
...his left jacket pocket.
That's right.
- Where do I meet you?
- Betting table 12.
- Sure you're up to this?
- I'll muddle through.
- There you are!
- See anything you like?
Well, yeah... Naturally Vain.
They're closing the betting
and I haven't a bean!
- Nyah...
- Would you mind terribly?
Not at all, but you are gonna
pay for it-and with interest.
I have no doubt.
Hold on.
Put down a thousand for me.
- To win?
- What else?
Billy, make sure Nyah's not followed.
No worries, mate.
Luther, digital camera,
ready to transmit, betting table 12.
- How'd you get on?
- Good, thanks.
Sorry about that, mate,
that must've...
Say again?
Wherever you're about in future,
watch your step.
Never know who you'll run into.
So where's the loo?
Thanks, mate.
This is a big field
and there are many many chances.
How'd you do?
Don't... turn around
I managed.
You turned around.
What are you gonna do? Spank me?
I'm booted up. Go, Ethan.
Are you getting this?
Dr Sergei Gradski...
Stamp's out of the loo.
He's heading your way, mate.
- I want you out of Ambrose's place.
- What did you see?
Coming up behind you, Ethan.
You've finished,
get out of Australia.
- 30 steps.
- How?
- 20, 19...
- Need to think it over?
Give me the earpiece.
Nine, Ethan, eight...
If you don't get out,
I'll come and get you.
Ethan, get out of there.
You place your bet, ma'am?
The stalls are filled.
Horses are ready to race!
Come on! The nag's
making a run for it! Come...
Come on, come on!
You've picked another winner!
I thought you were going to dinner?
Hugh, take care
of the Nekhorvich memory card.
- Where is it?
- In the envelope in my jacket.
My right jacket pocket.
We at our solar-powered
Biocyte building,
recognise that eternal vigilance
is the price of health.
Whether funding teaching centres,
removing aerosol products
from the market
or braving the influenza quarantine
at Bruny island last month.
At Biocyte,
your life is our life's work.
We've got an opportunity here.
I'm not going to miss it.
George, take me home.
What the...?
- Are you OK?
- Yeah, I am now.
- What is this?
- A visit from an old friend.
You crashed on the plane.
You're dead.
Tired, certainly,
but dead is a little extreme.
On the other hand,
when my colleague Gradski had
your pulse and your blood pressure
he had less than a day to live.
You are infected with Chimera,
my friend.
No use, my friend,
the medical staff
wants no part of this.
Doctors don't like dying
more than anybody else.
How could I possibly be infected?
That's exactly what Gradski said,
You've got the antidote,
you miserable bastard,
you stole Bellerophon-all of it!
I need it. I need it now,
you wacked-out Russian gypsy!
And what about Gradski, who you
deliberately infected with Chimera?
How could I know they needed
Bellerophon within 20 hours?
- By asking me.
- You still don't get it.
I needed to know just how bad
the disease was in the real world.
You were genetically splicing
strains of influenza
to create a cure for all influenzas.
But you were also creating a disease
so terrible in Chimera...
the cure would be priceless.
I needed Chimera
in order to peddle Bellerophon.
It's not that difficult
to understand.
Look, I've got the virus,
you've got the cure.
I need them both.
Time was a shot of penicillin
would knock off every bloody bug.
Not any more.
If I couldn't make money killing the
microscopic little shits out there
you'd make one
that I could make money on.
Well, there it is, I've confessed.
I, John C McCloy,
am in business to make money.
Now, forget any deal you made
with that thug Ambrose,
get me treated
and let's go back to work.
You know,
I think it's a little late for that.
Do give my regards to Gradski -
if you see him.
I've heard...
all I need to hear.
it's imperative that we do nothing...
to alarm Ambrose.
I thought you were here
to collect me! I was so relieved!
Listen to me.
There's no time to talk.
It is critical, absolutely critical,
that you do whatever Ambrose asks.
Do you understand me?
Don't worry.
It'll all be over... very soon.
That's a promise.
All right, off you go.
We know this -
Nekhorvich gets on a plane
to go to the Center
for Disease Control in Atlanta.
He's carrying a virus he created -
and a cure for that virus,
Ambrose doesn't have the virus.
That's why Ambrose needs McCloy.
So we go into Biocyte,
kill Chimera...
Ambrose has a cure without a disease
and we're home free.
You were right,
Hunt stung McCloy tonight.
So he knows.
He'll be going into Biocyte.
Good. Then we know
where he'll be, don't we?
Well done, Hugh.
Well done.
You're home, mate. Home.
Where's George?
My regular driver-where is he?
Gone home, sick. Touch of flu.
Is the building up and running?
That's not exactly it.
Sorry. This is
the Biocyte storage structure.
I'll have it in a minute.
- Take a look at this.
- Start from the inside.
All storage and production
of Chimera is done here -
in this lab on the 42nd floor.
Hunt's target will be the Chimera,
stored and manufactured
at Biocyte on the 42nd floor.
If you look at Hunt's
operational history-and I have -
he invariably favours
misdirection over confrontation.
He'll never break in from the bottom
where security is heaviest.
No garage entrances,
Iobby's protected by five guards
on rotating patrol.
Not going in from the ground.
Show the atrium.
The atrium-one of a kind.
Runs through the centre
of the building,
provides 24-hour natural light via
mirrors and daylight storage cells.
Ends in a glass floor which doubles
as part of the lab ceiling.
The atrium roof closes at sundown,
and if the louvers are up
for more than 40 seconds,
the civil emergency alarms are
tripped. Those even I can't stop.
Ethan, that's 40 seconds
to get you in and the cables out.
No, Hunt will prefer to enter Biocyte
somewhere from the top
where security is minimal.
He'll undoubtedly engage
in some aerobatic insanity
before he'll risk harming
a hair on a security guard's head.
- Check-check, copy?
- You're five by five.
Luther, how we doing?
Not there yet.
I'll give you the word.
Billy, ready to go?
- Away in five...
- Louvers aren't moving!
- Come on, Luther.
- I'm punching the access code.
Luther, we're out of time.
Please, baby, open up. Open up...
Five... four...
- Come on!
...three... two...
- One!
- Down!
Ethan, wait!
Ethan, you've got 19 seconds
to clear the cable.
OK, retracting cable...
Come on!
Nine... eight...
seven... six...
five... four...
Cable's clear!
Transponder activated.
Reading package and cable clear.
He'll breach the lab
at the only possible time,
whether breaking in
from the ground or the roof.
It's 2300 hours one minute.
When the air filtration generators
will cover the sound,
and the rotating guards make the
building vulnerable to us from below.
The generators are about to start.
We'll be out of contact
for eight minutes.
I'm betting Hunt
will destroy Chimera,
not attempt
to preserve any part of it.
He'll have to do it in two places.
First, the incubation room
where the growth vials are kept.
And finally,
in the inoculation chamber,
holding the last remaining Chimera
virus in three injection guns.
He won't be allowed
to destroy the virus in those guns.
What's this? You're on time for once?
Not exactly, sport.
John C McCloy.
Billy, we've got a problem.
Nyah's on the wing up early.
Do you copy?
I got you, Luther. So where is she?
- In the building.
- Say again, mate.
Sounds like you're saying
"In the building."
I am. She is.
She's not likely to be alone,
is she, mate?
She's in the elevator
headed toward Ethan.
I can't get through to Ethan
till the generators stop.
- When's that?
- Another five and a half minutes.
Chimera in vitro pH
and temperature level
outside optimal range.
Chimera in vitro pH
and temperature level
outside optimal range.
Chimera working seed stock pH
at critical level.
Chimera stock life threatened.
Chimera stock life terminated.
Come on, Ethan, come on.
Subject is contaminant free.
Zero contaminant factor.
Come on, Ethan, come on.
Luther, what the hell can we do?
What can we do?
Hope he's finished before
the yellow dot gets to the red one.
However we travel,
I must arrive at my destination
within 20 hours of departure.
How could I know they needed
Bellerophon within 20 hours?
Get him.
How long before you can reach him?
turn off and Ethan's back on-line.
Luther! Luther?
Hold your fire!
Hold your fire, damn it!
Well, Hunt...
How you been?
Fighting a bit of a cold.
That was the hardest part
of portraying you...
grinning like an idiot
every 15 minutes.
Not that pressing need of yours
to get your gun off?
You were in such a hurry
to knock off that 747,
you never figured out
where Chimera really was.
I knew where it was.
You knew that the only way
Nekhorvich could smuggle it
was by injecting himself?
You knew that?
When you killed him-destroying
exactly what you came for.
Put a sock in it!
Hit the gun and you'll spray
the virus everywhere!
There it is, guys.
The last of it.
- What was the top bid?
- Gonna make a better offer?
Than 37 million? Not really.
Somebody has been
slipping you our mail.
Come on out here, you bad girl.
Sean, she doesn't belong here.
Let her go.
She wouldn't be here...
if it wasn't for you, Hunt.
From this moment, you are responsible
for what happens to her,
and if you're looking out
for her well-being,
then advise her
to pick up the injection gun
and bring it to me.
Ball's in your court, Hunt.
Nyah's in the building.
Do you copy?
Thank you.
He could shoot you once he's got it.
Please, one can't hold Nyah
responsible for our actions.
You know women, mate.
Like monkeys, they are.
Won't let go of one branch
till they grab the next.
Get it, Nyah. I'll cover you.
I am waiting.
Things haven't worked out
the way you thought, Ethan.
You're not gonna shoot me, Sean!
Not this bitch.
Cause she's worth 37 million.
- What do you think you're doing?
- I wasn't thinking!
Just trying to stop you
from getting hurt, that's all.
You who don't have a conscience?
I guess I lied.
You can't get us both out, can you?
I'm infected with Chimera,
you know you don't have a choice.
Just do it.
Do it! Now!
We've got 19 hours and 58 minutes.
We'll get Bellerophon
into you before then.
Just stay alive!
I'm not going to lose you!
Feel like pleading for your life?
Well, then, how about dying -
so you can make me a lot of money?
In just a few hours time
you can be assured
of going down in history
as a Typhoid Mary of Oz.
There's no chance of locating Nyah
until I access the satellite.
And I can't do that
until I can fix this computer.
How much time does she have?
Not long, but whatever happens,
Nyah will take care of Nyah.
What do you mean?
Without Bellerophon
Nyah will kill herself.
So first things first.
Ambrose and his team have arrived,
and Nyah's not with him.
Copy that.
You all right, mate?
Looks like pretty heavy security.
What's it like from there?
Stay here.
Breached the structure
at the grating.
It's a DNA match,
the blood's loaded with Chimera.
And they certainly have Bellerophon.
You've got them both, which
means I've got 30 million for you.
Not exactly.
- We don't want just cash.
- What do you want?
Stock, Mr McCloy.
Stock options,
to be a little more precise.
Cut her loose,
right in the centre of town.
The more crowded the better.
Ethan, Nyah's been dropped off.
I think she's still alive.
- Where?
- Somewhere in Sydney.
Care to harden the target?
I can't until I can get the GPS up.
The clock is ticking.
How quickly
can you manufacture anti-virus?
No time at all, once I've got it.
Good. Biocyte stock
is about to go through the roof.
- What?
- An outbreak of Chimera.
- Where?
- Downtown Sydney, for a start.
You create the supply, Mr McCloy,
we've just created the demand.
and 17 million in Australia
will need Bellerophon
within the next few days.
Not to mention the world.
This is how it's going to work.
- Shares outstanding are...?
- 93.4 million.
Which means, Mr McCloy,
we need 480,000 options.
We'll borrow your 30 million
to buy those options.
Your stock has never
sold above $31 a share.
When your stock goes north of 200,
which... it will,
those options will be worth billions
and I will own 51%/o of Biocyte.
This is outrageous,
I will not let you
take control of my company.
Sit down.
You'll be a billionaire,
which is better than being broke.
I have terrorists
and other pharmaceutical companies
standing in line.
The ball's in your court, Mr McCloy.
Run that bastard down.
We're running short on time,
Mr McCloy.
We have got to conclude our business.
Yes. Start the transfer.
Follow it... and let me know.
Raise your hands very slowly.
Sure you want me to?
Raise your hands very slowly.
Ethan, do you copy?
Keep it going.
Sean, this rat's
reached the end of the maze.
- Is he alive?
- Yah, more or less.
Bring him to me.
Sean, transfer completed.
Well done, Stamp.
Well done.
Stop mumbling!
Afraid he's got no choice,
I believe I broke his jaw.
Stamp, I'm impressed.
We don't have much time, Hunt,
whatever you've got to say,
say it now.
How about giving us a big smile?
- No?
- What are you doing?
Get down on your knees.
Now... this is what's known
as getting your gun off.
There he is!
Just back up
and pinpoint her position!
Luther! Clear the bridge for me!
Hunt's heading for the bridge,
I'm mad now.
- All right?
- Punk put a hole in my Versace!
Ethan, the computer's up.
I've got Nyah.
She's out of the city - North Head
Bluff, approaching the cliffs.
- I can't get a visual.
- She's got little time left!
Track ahead and pick her up!
- I can't get a good shot.
- We can't cover you.
My earpiece is failing! You've got
me on GPS, bring her to me!
Billy, North Head Bluff-haul ass!
- Keep firing!
- I can't see anything!
Slow down! Slow down!
Range is two K.
Go ahead. Use it, Hunt.
It's not a bad way to go.
A lot better than the way
that bitch is gonna die!
There she is!
You should've killed me!
Miss Hall's blood has
no elements of the Chimera virus.
Not even antibodies.
Yes, I gathered as much.
But you were under instructions
to bring back a living sample
of the Chimera virus.
I'd be interested to know how,
after you managed this recovery,
it subsequently got destroyed.
By fire. It's the best way.
Well, as for Miss Hall,
in light of her... efforts
her criminal record
will certainly be expunged.
Wiped out. I'm assuming you approve?
I do.
Where is she now, by the way?
Any idea?
I don't know. Not exactly.
So what are your plans?
I don't know. Some sort of vacation.
I'll let you know where I'm going.
You don't have to do that.
It wouldn't be a vacation
if you did.
Let's get lost.