Mission: Impossible III (2006)

We've put an explosive charge
in your head.
Does that sound familiar?
The Rabbit's Foot. Where is it?
I gave it to you.
Ethan, where's the Rabbit's Foot?
Wait... What are you saying?
That wasn't it?
- What I gave you, was that...
- I'm going to count to 10.
You're going to tell me
where the Rabbit's Foot is or she dies.
Jules, it's going to be okay.
It's going to be okay.
Do you understand?
You listen to me.
I got exactly what you asked for.
Did you want something else?
If there was a misunderstanding,
I will fix it.
I can get it, whatever you want.
Listen. Talk to me. We can talk,
like gentlemen.
- Three.
- God!
All right. All right, all right.
I know where the Rabbit's Foot is.
I can help you.
The way you helped me
on the airplane?
That way?
You put the gun down.
I'm not talking to you like this.
That's your choice. Four.
The Rabbit's Foot's in Paris.
You want to know where in Paris?
Then let her go.
- 'Cause you will not...
- It's not in Paris. Five.
I can get it for you.
But you kill her, you do this,
you get nothing.
- Six.
- Are you listening to me?
The only way you're going
to get what you want is for you to...
- Do you think I'm playing?
- Son of a bitch!
Do you think I'm playing?
You don't think I'll do it?
Where is it? Where the hell is it?
- Look at me.
- Where the hell is it?
- Stay with me.
- Seven! Seven!
I am going to kill you.
I swear to God I'm going to kill you!
- Eight!
- No, please.
Please. Don't do this. Just let her go.
I promise you. I promise you.
- I can figure out how to get whatever...
- Nine.
Listen to me. Listen to me.
I want to help you.
I want to help you get
whatever you want.
But you got to do what's right.
What you know is right.
No. No.
- Ten.
- Don't!
- Ten.
- Don't!
- What are you doing?
- Your brother wants another one.
Oh, God, no.
Ethan, that's what we talked about...
- I'm watching him. He's fine.
- That's how it is with Rick.
He's fine and then suddenly he's naked
and he's hugging everybody.
- I'll take full responsibility for Rick.
- You will? Full?
- Well, mostly full.
- It's a huge responsibility.
It's going well, right?
- It's going really well.
- Yeah.
Julia, your sister's here.
- Give me a hug.
- You look so beautiful.
I don't know about that. So, is this him?
- I hope so.
- Oh, come here. Oh, gosh.
All right. Mom's dying to see you.
I can't believe
you guys came all the way to Virginia.
Like we'd miss your engagement...
When Julia called and told me
that she was getting married,
I had one thought,
that it was just too bad
that Daddy wasn't here
to walk her down the aisle.
And then when Julia told me...
Thanks, Mom.
That Ethan doesn't have
his parents anymore, either,
I got really sad.
But it occurred to me
that this is about starting a new family
and how beautiful that is.
And I just want to say
I am making Julia an aunt,
so I expect the same treatment
very, very soon.
Department of Transportation?
I've been there over 10 years now.
What do you do at the DOT?
I study traffic patterns.
You hit the brakes for a second,
just tap them on the freeway,
you can literally track
the ripple effect of that action
across a 200-mile stretch of road,
because traffic has a memory.
It's amazing. It's like a living organism.
Freshen that up for you?
What is it, vodka martini?
Yeah. Thanks.
Ladies, do you need...
- I'd marry him.
- I would, too.
Okay, so, a three-week
heli-boarding honeymoon?
- Okay, you actually get dropped...
- From a helicopter, yeah.
- It's how they met.
- Really?
- Tell her the story.
- There's no story.
It is a good story. Tell the story.
First of all,
no one was ever good enough for Julia.
Oh, here we go.
Not spontaneous enough,
adventurous enough, funny enough...
You know what? No, that's not true.
You make it sound like I've never dated.
No one we liked.
- That is true.
- That is true.
Then she goes and gets in a chopper
that takes off from this lake...
- What was the name of that lake?
- Lake...
Lake Wanaka. Wanaka.
Wanaka. Thank you.
- He heard that?
- How did he hear that?
And the hospital's cool
with you taking three weeks?
Yeah, I'm not the only nurse
employed there, you know.
I'm psyched that you're going
to be my brother, man.
So am I, Rick.
No, it's awesome.
I think it's going to be sick.
Me, too, man.
I just got to get the phone.
- You rock hard.
- Okay.
- Is this Mr. Ethan Hunt?
- Yes, it is.
This is Ready-Travel Resort Services.
We'd like to offer you a chance to win
an all-expense-paid trip to Mexico.
We ran out of ice.
I'll be back in 10 minutes.
- Oh, no. Can't somebody else go?
- No, I got it.
I'll be right back. Hi, Betsy.
Thank you.
Thanks for coming.
Can't decide what size Slurpee to get.
I usually go for the 900-ouncer.
How's that party? Sorry I had to call you.
- Yeah, you should have come.
- You should have invited me.
- You know I would have.
- Thanks.
I know we joke about it, but I am always
this close to begging you
to stop training our people
and get your ass back in the field.
But that's not what you do anymore,
and so I respect that choice.
You know I do. Family's everything.
Come on, John. What's going on?
It's Agent Farris.
She was on an operation.
She's disappeared.
Been off-grid 11 hours.
I'm sending in Search and Rescue.
I was hoping you'd want in.
You've got good people for that.
Yeah. Yep, that we do.
Wheels up at sunrise
if you have a change of heart.
Take some pictures of the party for me.
Ethan. Three days ago,
Agent Lindsey Farris was captured
while on a surveillance operation.
This is the man she was tracking.
His name is Owen Davian.
Details are eyes-only,
but I can tell you
that Davian's a black-market trafficker.
Extremely dangerous
and a priority for us.
At 1400 hours today,
a recon satellite ID'd
a caravan of vehicles
with plates matching those known to
have been used by Davian's operatives.
They stopped at a derelict factory
outside Berlin.
It appears they have a hostage.
We believe it's Agent Farris.
Normally we would disavow,
but Lindsey may be the key
to getting us closer to Davian,
and that's a risk we need to take.
Your mission,
should you choose to accept it,
is to find Lindsey and bring her home.
I've already assembled a team.
I have them standing by,
awaiting your word.
This message, let's call it
my excellent engagement gift to you,
will self-destruct in five seconds.
Good luck, Ethan, and thanks again.
Am I ready?
- You okay?
- Yeah.
You know, I'm sorry. I realized
I didn't tell you that the office called
during the party.
I have to go to Houston for a night.
METRO's having
a public transpo conference.
- It's so last-minute.
- I know.
Well, well, well.
Now, if it isn't
Mr. "Those Who Can't Do, Teach"
back in the field.
- What's up, baby?
- Hey, man.
Hey, Ethan, don't worry.
We're going to get the girl.
Or have you been away so long
you've forgotten how good we are?
Welcome back, brother.
Is our truck in place?
Weapons good to go?
- Yeah. You?
- Yeah.
You know I got your six.
Hey, man. That's your job.
Guns one, activated.
Guns two, activated.
Guns three, activated.
Guns four, activated.
Guns ready.
All four guns operational.
They've got men on
the second, third, fourth floors.
I count 14 of them.
Observer, I'm in approach position.
Roger that. Stand by.
Target match.
The prize is on the sixth floor.
Two Tangos with her.
Moving in.
So, Raider One, at some point,
we got to go over
this whole "getting married" thing.
Negative, Observer.
I don't respect you nearly enough
to have that conversation.
You may not respect me,
but for now you're stuck
with my voice in your head.
So, this girl,
what the hell do you see in her anyway?
Who, Julia? You've never met her.
Yeah, and the way things are,
I probably never will.
Lucky for her, right?
That's what you're thinking.
They've got communications gear.
Two Tangos, second floor,
northwest corridor.
Groundhog, that's you.
You need to grab that gear
on the second floor
as soon as we go hot.
Copy that. I'll need two minutes,
which means
you'll need me in one, right?
Yeah, just about.
Raider One,
make a left at the top of the stairs.
The prize should be
at the end of the hall.
Phoenix, I have eye on the prize.
Give her 10 cc's more.
- Call me when she wakes.
- Okay.
We need touchdown in less than three.
Do you copy?
Roger that, I copy.
Please, when do I not copy?
All I do is copy.
Stand by to go live. On my mark.
One. Execute.
Warning. Warning.
Raider One, you're clear. Move!
Lindsey. Lindsey.
I'm going to get you home.
Observer, I've got the prize.
Evac in three.
Roger that.
This is adrenaline.
Lindsey, you're going to feel this.
Groundhog, second floor is clear.
On the move!
Observer, we're on the move. Wrap out.
- Evac in 90 seconds.
- Roger that.
Phoenix, get to the LZ now.
Roger, Observer. On my way.
Ethan. I have to talk to you.
- Come on, come on.
- I have to talk to you right now!
Just for you. Turn off your transmitter.
Do it, Ethan!
- Lindsey! Moving!
- Moving!
Ready to move.
We evac from here.
Get down!
I'm out. How many rounds you got?
Now I'm out.
T minus five, baby.
Lindsey, hold on to me.
God! My head! What is that?
- What is...
- Is she okay?
Lindsey! Let's get to the chopper.
Zhen, get rid of the truck.
Let's go!
God! What is that? You can't hear that?
- Oh! God!
- What's wrong with her?
- Let's go!
- We loaded?
Yeah. Let's do it! Move out!
Go, go, go, go, go!
- Son of a bitch.
- No!
Guys, we got company.
I'm going to try and lose them.
Hurts so much.
Turn it off. Please.
Please, Ethan.
Guys, their missiles are hot!
Incoming! Hold on.
Okay. That was lucky.
We only get one of those.
Do we have a defibrillator?
Ethan, turn it off!
Bring it on!
Ethan! What is it?
Did they put something in my head?
They injected you
with a time-release charge.
- Do you remember that?
- No. Time-release...
An explosive. They've activated it.
It's gonna detonate
unless we fry the charge,
- which is what we're gonna do.
- No, Ethan.
Zap her like that, you'll stop her heart.
Then I'll zap her again
and bring her back.
Do it!
Guys! They're firing another one!
- Ethan!
- Zhen!
Zhen, hold on. Hold on, hold on!
- I want you to set it for 150.
- 150.
Lindsey, I'm gonna short out
the explosive in your head.
- You're gonna be okay.
- It'll need 30 seconds.
Damn it.
- Twenty-five seconds!
- Come on.
We're almost there.
- They have us locked.
- Twenty seconds.
Hold on.
I got them!
- Ten seconds.
- Almost there. Almost there.
Give me the paddles.
Ethan. Thank you.
How did it go?
I'm sorry. Fine. I'm sorry.
I'm just tired.
I read your training brief
on Agent Farris.
The words you used were
"beyond capable."
That still stand, Mr. Hunt?
- Mr. Brassel...
- Does it stand?
Yes, sir, it does.
Because we've got a corpse downstairs
that says otherwise.
Killed by a detonator
implanted in her skull
through the nasal cavity.
Mr. Brassel, it's unacceptable to judge
Agent Farris' competence based...
It's unacceptable
that chocolate makes you fat,
but I've eaten my share.
And guess what?
Now, I approved Agent Farris'
surveillance op
based on your evaluations, Mr. Hunt,
of a woman
who allowed herself to be captured.
So you go to recover her.
You encounter a dozen men.
You don't grab any of them?
Our objective, Mr. Brassel,
was to recover Agent Farris.
Davian employs a cellular structure
at his organization.
The men there
more than likely had no information...
Who's drawing these conclusions?
Is it you?
- I am, sir. Based upon...
- I'm not on you yet.
You allowed Farris
to board your chopper without a scan.
That explosive device
could have taken you all out.
There is one reason that you are sitting
here before me today, and that is luck.
Because your operation was
poorly conceived and executed worse.
- Two laptops were recovered...
- I'm aware of that.
We've talked to Tech Services.
They doubt
if they can reconstitute the drives.
"Crispy," I believe,
is what they called them. Worthless.
Mr. Brassel,
as Operation Manager of this office,
- I have the authority...
- Excuse me.
Did you just throw a title at me,
Mr. Musgrave?
I don't care if your daddy plays golf
with the President.
This is Intelligence.
So far I haven't seen any.
You think this op was worth the risk,
Mr. Hunt.
What do you know about Owen Davian?
He was the one
who brought gas centrifuge technology
to Korea from Pakistan.
He was also the man who sold Toxin
Five to the Armahad Republic Jihad.
He is a man who provides,
provides, provides!
And he remains invisible.
He's a goddamn invisible man.
Wells, not Ellison,
in case you want to be cute again.
We can't find him.
He knows it. It's emboldened him.
I've been trying to bring Davian down
since the day that I got here.
Do you know what I've got for it?
It's never been confirmed
the Toxin Five theft was Davian.
Mr. Musgrave, please don't interrupt me
when I'm asking rhetorical questions.
Your operation has achieved one thing.
You have reminded Davian
that he is winning.
And now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to go inform Mr. And Mrs. Farris
that their baby girl was killed
in a head-on collision on l-95.
I stand here today deeply saddened
by the death of one of God's children,
Lindsey Elizabeth Farris.
It is always startling when the Lord
takes one of our young so unexpectedly.
Be aggressive. Come on. Stay focused.
Keep your knees bent. Good. Good.
Now, to fire the lock,
the extractor has to be...
That bag's not going to hit you back.
Hit harder.
Don't rely on your sights.
Keep your eyes dead on the target...
Attack me. Come on.
Don't ever release the firing pin
unless the extractor's...
Good. There you go. Good.
Identify the target. Point and shoot.
It's very simple. You point and shoot.
Stay focused.
Miss Farris, you know
how many recruits I've trained.
I'm proud to say that
you are the first
that I've recommended
for active field duty.
Am I ready?
Is this Mr. Kelvin?
Yes. Who is this?
I'm calling from Norfolk Mail Service.
Lindsey Farris
rents a post office box here.
She sent you a piece of mail from Berlin
and asked us to call you
when it arrived.
It came this morning.
Thank you.
- This right here.
- Thanks.
It's a microdot.
A microdot with nothing on it.
This is unusual.
Lindsey wouldn't send me
a blank microdot.
I'm telling you, man, there's no image.
Then you're not looking
in the right place.
Where the hell am I supposed to look?
There's not much square footage
to this thing.
Why would Lindsey send me
a blank microdot?
I don't know.
Why would Lindsey send you anything?
You were her instructor,
not her handler.
Listen, man.
I don't mean to cross the line,
but was there something going on
between you two?
You and Lindsey.
Lindsey was like my little sister.
And you never
slept with your little sister, right?
Hey, brother, if I don't ask you, who will?
Maybe it's magnetic. The microdot.
Well, that's old school.
If she was in a hurry and only had
access to black-market gear, maybe.
- Could you get the tools to read it?
- I might know a guy.
- Magnetic means encrypted.
- Yeah, I know that.
Yeah. Be right there.
The thing about Lindsey is
she was brand-new.
She was sweet.
Remember when you were sweet?
- Can you remember that far back?
- Yeah, well, barely.
In Germany,
you asked me what it is I see in Julia.
What I see in Julia is life before all this.
And it's good.
Benji, what have you got?
Well, these hard drive platters
are just fried.
- Yeah.
- You know, they made a mess of them.
It's just like...
There's holes in them and stuff.
And it's got scorched
all the way through. And then...
Look, this one's got
a hole in it and stuff.
I can't believe. I can't even look at it.
- Benji. Did you recover anything?
- Yes. Yes.
Despite the aforementioned conditions
of the hard drive you brought back,
I managed to recover
portions of two dozen e-mail files.
Also made what I believe to be
a thoroughly
promotion-worthy breakthrough.
Your Mr. Davian is going
to arrive in Rome the day after tomorrow
and attend a function
at one Vatican City.
What the hell is Davian
doing at the Vatican?
It's all got to do with the "Rabbit's Foot."
Rabbit's Foot?
Yeah, well,
I'm assuming it's like a code word
for something he's about to sell
to an unspecified buyer,
for $850 million, by the way.
Or maybe it's not a code word.
Maybe it's just a really,
really expensive bunny appendage.
You have no idea what it is?
It's interesting. I used to have
this professor at Oxford, okay?
Dr. Wickham, his name was,
and he was like this massive, fat guy.
You know, huge, big guy.
We used to call him...
You know... Well, I won't tell you
what we used to call him.
He taught biomolecular kinetics
and cellular dynamics,
and he used to sort of
scare the underclassmen
with this story about how the world
would eventually be eviscerated
by technology.
You see, it was inevitable
that a compound would be created,
which he referred to as the "Anti-God."
It was like an accelerated mutator,
a sort of, you know,
like an unstoppable force
of destructive power
that would just lay waste to everything.
To buildings and parks
and streets and children
and ice cream parlors, you know?
So whenever I see, like,
a rogue organization,
willing to spend this amount of money
on a mystery tech,
I always assume it's the Anti-God.
End-of-the-world kind of stuff,
you know?
But, no, I don't have any idea what it is.
I was just speculating.
- Did you brief Musgrave on this?
- Who, me? No, not yet.
- Good. Don't.
- What?
- Don't tell anyone about this.
- This took me ages.
If something goes wrong
with the operation,
I want Musgrave to have deniability.
- That's great work, Benji.
- What operation?
That look in your eye
is a pain in my ass.
You know that, right?
Any available resident to Pediatrics.
Any available resident to Pediatrics.
Rehabilitative Care, call the pharmacy.
Rehabilitative Care, call the...
I have to go away again.
On business. Two days.
Two days?
Ethan, what's going on?
I keep thinking you just need time
to tell me whatever it is that it's...
But nothing in my mind makes sense.
What's wrong?
What are you not telling me?
I need to ask you for something.
And it's the most...
I need you to trust me.
Of course I trust you.
Am I ever going to be able
to understand what this is?
I need you to trust me.
I trust you.
Is it...
Tell me it's real.
I mean us.
Tell me it's real.
Follow me.
The vows you're about to take
are not to be taken
without careful thought and prayer.
This love is not to be diminished
by difficult circumstances
and it is only to be dissolved by death.
Do you have the rings?
Repeat after me.
I, Julia Anne Meade...
"I, Julia Anne Meade..."
...hereby take Ethan Matthew Hunt...
"...hereby take Ethan Matthew Hunt..."
...to be my lawfully wedded husband.
"...to be my lawfully wedded husband."
Tomorrow may be the only time
we can predict
where Owen Davian is going to be.
Charity event. Vatican City.
Our mission is to get in
and kidnap Davian.
I don't know why he's so happy.
I did remind him
that the Vatican is the Vatican.
A 109-acre sovereign state
in the middle of Rome,
surrounded by a 60-foot wall,
which is monitored 24/7,
with over 200 CCTV cameras.
That's not even
what makes it a challenge.
Getting Davian is good.
But getting his buyers is even better.
If they realize he's been grabbed,
they'll disappear.
I'm sorry, what are you saying?
No matter how we grab Davian,
his clients are gonna know
he's been taken.
No, they won't. Access point is here.
It's a one-way street
adjacent to the Vatican wall.
I'll need 30 seconds.
And we'll need a truck.
Now we've pissed off
every Italian in Rome,
go do what you got to do.
- Don't forget the smoke.
- Yeah.
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall."
Alpha team, this is Bravo.
Right on schedule.
We should have breach in 60.
Roger that. Charlie team, report.
Well, I don't have anything
to report, really.
Except I think I should be right on time.
We'll be waiting for you.
- ETA two minutes.
- Roger that.
Charlie team, did you fire the tracer yet?
Stand by.
Firing the tracer. Now.
Alpha, I'm in. T minus two minutes.
Roger that.
Charlie team, I see you.
I'm looping the security feed.
Stand by to move.
Roger that.
Video is looped. Go.
Alpha team,
catacomb video taken care of?
Taken care of. We're good to go.
- Delta team, do you copy?
- All I do is copy.
That's funny.
Get ready to move into position.
- I'm already there.
- Really?
ETA 30 seconds.
See you in 30.
Alpha team moving into position.
Bravo standing by for transmission.
Got you.
Miss Onia Demea.
I should be on the list. Thank you.
I'm sorry. Your name is not here.
There must be some mistake.
Miss Demea?
Just a minute.
She made it.
We have a photo opportunity.
Just give me the word. I'm standing by.
Delta, ready for upload.
Delta team, download good.
Listen, man, I didn't mean to be
so cavalier the other day
about you getting engaged.
I know that. Thanks.
But a normal relationship
isn't viable for people like us.
- I don't agree with that.
- Then I'm smarter than you.
I'm going up. I agree with Luther.
We can't have real relationships.
But you see, I love that.
Twenty-three months.
That's as long as it'll last
when you got the baggage we do
and the lifestyle we got.
- Really?
- Yeah, really.
Look at me.
I know what I'm talking about.
And you know
I know what I'm talking about.
Wait here.
Davian just picked up a briefcase.
We're going to have to
move sooner than we thought.
- Can you identify who made the drop?
- Negative. How close are you guys?
We're just printing now.
I'm not proud of it.
I'm not happy about it,
but I've lived with women a few times,
and it doesn't ever make it to two years.
- You can't.
- Thanks for the advice,
but it's different for me
than it is for you, you know?
- I'm not in the field anymore.
- Oh, okay.
Here's a retirement present.
In our job, there's always going to be
something between you and a woman.
- Luther, listen.
- Dishonesty.
A dishonesty that poisons everything.
I think I need to tell you something...
Stop talking. This isn't about you, Ethan.
And whoever this girl is, you're going to
end up messing up her life, too.
Don't do it.
Jules and I got married two days ago.
Thanks. Thanks.
- He's walking. I'm going in.
- Roger that.
I'm on my way.
Ma'am. I need you to step back.
No. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine.
I always spill red wine
on my white custom-made shirt.
- Okay. Step back.
- It's fine. It's fine. Bathroom.
Tell me you're on your way.
I'm on the move.
Move it. Come on.
His bodyguards
are checking out the bathroom.
I'm almost there.
He's going in.
Quiet. Read this.
Read it.
"The pleasure of Buzby's company
"is what I most enjoy.
"He put a tack on Miss Yancy's chair
"when she called him a horrible boy.
"At the end of the month
he was flinging two kittens
"across the width of the room.
"I count on his schemes to reveal the..."
- What the hell is this?
- Finish.
Alpha, you're about to have a visitor.
"...a way to escape my gloom."
Got it.
Alpha, do you copy?
The guard's on his way.
Delta, stall him. I need more time.
It's too late for that. He's in the hallway.
Sir, is everything all right?
Everything is not all right.
Voice mask is still compiling.
I need 30 seconds.
Six seconds, I'm uploading.
- A way to escape my gloom.
- Okay. Go.
- A way to escape my gloom.
- Okay. Go.
I'm fine. Wait outside.
See you in the sewer.
- She's sorry about your shirt.
- That's no problem.
Her hotel has laundry service,
and she'll happily take care of it.
You want to wash my shirt?
What are we going to do
while we're waiting in your hotel room,
and I'm not wearing my shirt?
She'll think of something.
She would like to drive.
Follow me to the hotel.
Sir, would you like us
to watch the case?
- Nice job.
- Thank you.
- What's up?
- Nothing. What's up with you?
Blow the car.
Oh. It's such a nice car.
And yet, do it.
...covered some hot spots
over in central Eurasia.
I direct your attention
to the third satellite image in the series
forwarded to us by our friends...
Mr. Musgrave to see you.
Send him in.
Ethan Hunt and his team
just grabbed Owen Davian in Rome.
They're headed back now.
I thought you should know.
You were aware of this operation?
Yes, I was.
Then good work.
Thank you.
You're dead, Mr. Davian.
There were witnesses.
That was you in the bathroom.
Now, you're going to tell us everything.
Every buyer you've worked with.
Every organization.
What the hell is your name?
Names, contacts, inventory lists.
You have a wife, girlfriend?
It's up to you how this goes.
Because you know
what I'm going to do next?
I'm going to find her, whoever she is,
I'm going to find her,
and I'm going to hurt her.
You were apprehended carrying details
of the location of something
code named the Rabbit's Foot.
I'm going to make her bleed, and cry,
and call out your name.
And you're not going to be
able to do shit. You know why?
What is the Rabbit's Foot?
Because you're going to be
this close to dead.
And who is the buyer?
And then I'm going to kill you
right in front of her.
- I'm going to ask you one more time.
- What's your name?
- What is the Rabbit's Foot?
- Who are you?
And who is the buyer?
You don't have any idea
what the hell is going on, do you?
I mean, you saw what I did to your
little blonde friend at the factory, right?
Well, that was nothing. That was
That was fun.
What is the Rabbit's Foot?
- Ethan!
- What is the Rabbit's Foot?
Ethan, stop!
What is it?
Don't do it!
- Ethan!
- What is the Rabbit's Foot?
You tell me!
Ethan, stop! Don't do it.
This isn't you, man! This isn't you!
We can use him, Ethan! You know that!
No, Ethan! Don't do it!
Please, stop!
What I'm selling,
and who I'm selling to,
is the last thing
you should be concerned about,
Ethan, we got it. Lindsey's microdot.
It's a video file.
Ethan, I don't know what they've
told you. I don't know what you think.
Just listen to me.
Brassel sent me to Germany
to surveil an exchange,
to ID a man named Owen Davian.
I tagged his phone,
and I intercepted a transmission.
I traced the call through the
IMF network, and this is what came up.
The call to Davian
came from Brassel's office.
It's Brassel.
I think he's working with Davian.
I think I'm being set up...
You all right?
Someone call for help!
Does anyone have a cell phone?
Everybody, get down!
Get down! Get down, get down!
Everybody, get down!
- There's a woman down.
- I see her.
Get down! Get down! Stay down!
Everybody, get down! Get down!
Stay down!
Get down!
Open up!
Open up! I need the prisoner!
Oh, my God!
It's really bleeding.
Don't leave me, okay?
Don't worry. I'm right here.
Ethan, there's a G36 in the truck!
I know! I know!
Turn the drone around.
There's an IMF agent in the truck.
Ethan! Get out of the truck!
Ethan, move!
- Hello?
- Rick, this is Ethan. Is Julia home?
Hey, man. Look, I hope you're not mad
I'm here. It's just...
Rick, I'm not mad. Is Julia home?
I tried her cell phone,
and there was no answer.
No. Sorry.
Hey, did your friend find you?
Which friend?
I don't know. Just some English guy.
Rick, what did you tell him?
Look, it's all good, man.
I told him I didn't know where you were,
and Julia might, and he should
just try her at the hospital.
- All right, see you tomorrow, Sally.
- All right. Good night, honey.
Hi. It's Julia.
Please leave me a message...
... at 4:00 today, the Chesapeake Bay
Bridge is closed in both directions.
- Sixth floor.
- Sally, this is Ethan.
- I need to talk to Julia.
- Hey, honey.
She just went downstairs.
I'll transfer you.
Damn it!
Excuse me.
I was wondering if you knew
where I might find this patient.
Probably not. But I'll know who can.
What's that?
Sally. Where's Julia?
- Where's Julia?
- I think she left.
Have you tried the east building?
- Has Julia left yet?
- I haven't seen her.
- Mike, Mike. Have you seen Julia?
- Hey, you okay?
- Have you seen Julia?
- No.
Watch it, buddy!
- Jules?
- You hung me outside of an airplane.
You can always tell
someone's character
by the way they treat those
they don't need to treat well.
- If you hurt her, I swear...
- Don't threaten me. Just don't.
The briefcase I picked up in Rome,
the one you took from me,
contains the location
of the Rabbit's Foot.
You're going to get it and bring it to me.
The Rabbit's Foot.
Ethan, you had a watch
last time I saw you.
You have 48 hours,
starting on my mark.
Wait, wait, wait.
Now, call me at this number
when you have it.
- Just wait.
- Julia's life for the Rabbit's Foot.
- You have 48 hours, or she dies.
- Wait! Wait. Wait.
Condition 1-116. All units on scene.
We need you to come with us.
Just... Pete, what the hell is this?
Sorry about that, Mr. Hunt.
We were told to bring you in.
- Okay.
- Get ready to transport.
Whoa. Hey. Just not right now.
- Just tell them you came and that...
- Ethan. Get in.
We don't want to use force here,
and you know we will. Ethan, get in.
- Tell them that you came here...
- Ethan!
...and that I left already, okay?
Ethan, stop! Stop, Ethan!
Yeah. Get his hands.
I reviewed the transcript
of your Berlin operation.
It's very interesting.
It seems that Agent Farris
had some information
she wished to share with you
but not with this agency.
Something you failed to report.
You ordered the Vatican operation
without proper approvals.
That mission
resulted in a catastrophic attack.
And then you fled the scene.
Now, I am not a stranger to disrespect.
You don't get to where I am
without developing a thick skin.
But what I won't stand for,
what I will lose sleep over,
and I love my sleep,
is the idea of an irresponsible
rogue agent working in my office.
So I'm going to
slow things way down here.
You can look at me
with those judgmental,
incriminating eyes all you want,
but I bullshit you not.
I will bleed on the flag
to make sure the stripes stay red.
I don't know what to say to you.
Brassel's right. You're out of control.
Look at me.
Ethan, at least show me the courtesy
of looking at me when I'm talking to you.
I intercepted Davian's call. I know he
wants the Rabbit's Foot for Julia's life.
It's just...
This is
so disappointing.
Go to Shanghai.
Feng Shan Apartments... 1406.
I wish there was something I could do
to help you, but...
Take him to the holding cell.
No, I'm on it.
Yes, sir. There's no need to panic.
I'll get him back.
Sir? Ethan Hunt...
I know what happened.
Give me the radio.
This is Director Brassel. Ethan Hunt
is attempting to escape the building.
He's in the west cargo elevator.
He must be stopped.
I want Mendoza and Graham
in the situation room right away.
I'm having the building surrounded, sir.
I've got units posted
at all the entrances.
This is Brassel again. I'm ordering
a code-six lockdown. I repeat.
- It's Hunt.
- I know it's Hunt.
Hunt was flagged
on sub-basement nine.
I want all security personnel
down there now.
Security channel's jammed.
Hunt must be holding down
the transmit button.
You've got to be kidding me.
Last call for flight 1162 for Helsinki,
now boarding at gate 46.
Final call for Mr. Bower.
Final call for Mr. Bower.
Please come to gate 4.
- Mr. Pavel Sobo... Sobotka.
- Sobotka.
Sobotka. Okay.
And you're flying to Shanghai?
I don't speak Czech. I'm sorry.
Let's see about your flight.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Don't kill me.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Musgrave told us about Julia.
We're here to help.
To get your wife,
you'll need the Rabbit's Foot.
According to the plans
from Davian's briefcase,
it's in a laboratory on the 56th floor
of the Hengshan Lu Building.
Which is a nightmare
for just about every reason.
They're a Chinese military contractor.
We have no pull, no details.
The good news is, whatever it is,
the Rabbit Foot's small,
so we can steal it.
The bad news, we got to steal it.
From a thief's point of view,
this is worst-case scenario.
The security guards
are all privately-contracted
former People's Liberation Army.
The only access to the lab
is by private elevator.
And that can only be activated
by persons inside the lab.
All of it surveilled by
security cameras within the building.
What about the roof?
Four guards full time.
Two on each rooftop.
Langley was a cakewalk
compared to this.
That's the one.
- How tall is that building?
- Why?
It's 162 meters at the highest point.
What about that, the building
on the left? How tall is that one?
Says 226 meters.
That's good. I think it's tall enough.
- For what?
- A fulcrum.
Oh, you're gonna swing...
No, no, no, no. Wait, wait.
- You could bounce right off the roof.
- Yes, I could.
Even if you made it to the rooftop,
took out the guards,
and got the Rabbit's Foot, you can't just
walk out of the lobby. What's your exit?
Base-jump off the top. I need a chute.
Even at 162, you're pushing
minimum height for a jump.
Chute opens any lower than that
and you're dead.
What are you going to do?
Land in the middle of Shanghai
and hope no one notices?
Central Park's two blocks away.
Wait, wait, Ethan, I'm not saying
I have a better idea,
but there's a point
where bold becomes stupid.
Now, we don't even know
what this thing is, and you're talking
about handing it over to a guy
who provides terrorists with information.
Luther, of course I'm not
suggesting that we just hand it over.
We're going to tag the Rabbit's Foot
so we can trace it and know where it is.
Now, you know we can get
that gear here. I just deliver it myself.
We contact Musgrave,
have the IMF trace a tag, order a raid,
get the Rabbit's Foot back, grab Davian.
Now, if I get out with Julia, we win.
If I don't, then...
Look, then she's dead anyway.
And so am I.
You know?
Goddamn it, it's 8:11, it's 8:12.
And we have two hours
before they kill my wife.
Are you in or not?
Of course we're in.
You got 18 minutes.
You're going to make it over there.
You're going to find the Rabbit's Foot,
get back to the roof,
radio me when you're ready to make
the jump,
and we're going to come get you.
Thank you for coming.
That's my job.
Batter up.
Oh, yeah. They're freaking out.
Hit them again.
He made it.
He made it.
I knew he'd make it.
I'm going in. I'll be out in five minutes.
- It's been 12 minutes.
- He's got five minutes left.
If he doesn't call Davian in five minutes,
Julia's dead.
How about you? Any good news?
No, nothing.
Come on, Ethan.
What is that?
When I was little I had a cat,
and he used to run away all the time.
And it's just a prayer I'd say
to bring him home.
Teach it to me.
I've got the Rabbit's Foot,
but I can't make it to the roof.
What the hell do you mean you can't
make it to the roof? Where are you?
Look up! Look up, look up!
- Oh, shit.
- He's way too low.
- Ethan! Get in! They're coming!
- Who?
Building security, and they're pissed.
Okay. Go, go, go, go.
How much time you got left?
Less than two minutes.
You gotta get us out of here.
I lost the signal.
- You okay?
- Not yet.
Come on. Come on.
I don't have a signal.
I don't have a signal.
I'm on it. I'm on it. I'm on it!
Damn it. I'm sorry.
Put pressure on it.
- Tell me when you get a signal.
- What are you doing?
I got a signal!
Hit redial.
You only had five seconds left.
Do you realize that?
The Rabbit's Foot. I have it.
The train yard at Dunan Zhong Lu.
Wait for me there. Alone.
- Yeah?
- Go secure.
We are.
I have the Rabbit's Foot.
- You okay?
- I'm tagging it now.
You need to run a trace.
Make sure we have eyes on this thing.
- What's the tag?
- 6-3-9-6-4-1.
Got it.
I see you on Luang Tao Lu Road.
If you don't hear from me in eight hours,
you send an army after this thing.
- Good luck.
- You, too.
- Mr. Musgrave.
- Yeah.
It's come to my attention
that yesterday afternoon
you sent a team to the Far East.
We received intel that
Hadaam Saleen Bahar
was en route to Shanghai.
- Hadaam Saleen Bahar.
- That's right.
You know what I'd love?
I'd love to see that intel.
- I'll be in my office.
- Yes, sir.
Thanks again.
I'll see you back home.
You know they probably plan
to kill you both.
Then I won't see you back home.
Better get back.
Drink it. No questions.
Good morning.
We've put an explosive charge
in your head.
Does that sound familiar?
The Rabbit's Foot. Where is it?
I gave it to you.
Now, I'm going to count to 10
and you're going to tell me
where the Rabbit's Foot is
or she dies.
Seems we have a lot to talk about.
Don't we?
- Do you think I'm playing?
- Son of a bitch!
Do you think I'm playing?
You don't think I'll do it?
Where is it?
- Look at me.
- Where the hell is it?
- Look at me. Stay with me.
- Seven!
I am going to kill you.
I swear to God I'm going to...
- Eight!
- No, please.
Please. Don't do this. Just let her go.
I promise you. I promise you.
- I can figure out how to get whatever...
- Nine.
Listen to me. I want to help you get
whatever you want.
But you got to do what's right.
What you know is right.
No, please...
- Ten.
- Don't!
I pushed him as far as he can go.
I know he's not lying.
I understand.
I've got some questions
I want to ask him first.
It's complicated.
You can't just open the canister.
We had to make sure
you brought the real thing.
The Rabbit's Foot. Now we know.
Don't you touch her!
Don't you touch her!
Davian's translator,
his Head of Security.
At the Vatican she failed him.
Ethan, Julia is still alive.
Davian wanted to kill you both,
but I convinced him otherwise.
Julia hasn't seen me.
She doesn't know anything. She's clean.
She can go on to have a life.
As long as you tell me,
what was in Lindsey's message?
I know she sent you a microdot
from Berlin.
Did Lindsey know
about me and Davian?
Is that why she sent the message
to you? Did you read it?
Did anyone else see it?
Did she know about the work
I was doing?
Could I be compromised at IMF?
Ethan. Ethan.
Did she buy that Brassel set her up?
Did she buy that?
You told him.
That's how Davian knew
Lindsey was coming.
You told him.
I thought you could get her back.
But I wasn't gonna let Brassel,
of all people, undo the work I'd done.
I took action, Ethan, on behalf
of the working families of our country.
The Armed Forces, the White House.
I'd had enough
of Brassel and his sanctimony.
IMF Executive Director.
He's an affirmative action poster boy.
You grab Davian like he wanted,
then what?
Davian's a weed.
You cut him out, two more spring up
just like him the next day.
Arrest him? Then what?
You use him.
Collaborate with him.
And it's Christmas.
In 18 hours,
the Rabbit's Foot will be delivered
to its Middle Eastern buyer,
and we'll have credible intel to prove it.
US Security Council will get a report
by this time tomorrow.
We're talking a military strike
within a week.
And when the sand settles,
our country will do what it does best.
Clean up. Infrastructure.
Democracy wins.
What was Lindsey's message?
You tell me, and Julia walks.
It's the only play you have left.
Not till I hear her voice,
know she's alive.
Of course.
Put her on.
- Jules?
- Ethan?
- Jules?
- Ethan?
When we met,
there was a lake near the mountain.
What was the lake called?
Please, Ethan.
- Jules.
- Ethan, I don't understand...
Benjamin Dunne.
Benji, it's me.
- Ethan.
- What? No. Really?
Listen to me very carefully.
I need your help.
I need to trace the location
of the last call made from this phone.
Look, no. Ethan. Shush.
They're looking...
Everyone's looking for you.
Everyone I know. They're looking...
I just looked it up.
Okay, you're on
Interpol's most wanted list.
And that, by the way,
is a spectacular list to be on.
Whatever happened, I'm sorry,
but I'm hanging up now right now.
Benji, I don't have time for this.
What do you think happened?
I've been set up.
I think I like my job. Okay? A lot.
All right? And you know
they're gonna be taping this call.
And you know you can erase it.
I'm giving you the number right now.
- Are you ready?
- All right. Just hang on.
I'm gonna lose my citizenship
because of this, you know.
Okay. Wait. Okay. Hold the line, please.
- Are you there?
- Yeah.
Maybe we can share a jail cell together,
you know?
If this all goes tits up, which it will.
The location of that number
is Shanghai.
There, I just told you. Shanghai.
I've just aided and abetted an enemy
of the state. Fantastic. Thank you.
Am I close?
Use this phone to track my location.
Oh, you're there. Well, you're close.
How close?
Is the signal in the building?
No, no, no. It isn't coming from there.
It's in a building
one mile to the northeast.
Benji, lead me to the signal.
There is one thing. What the hell
are you doing in Shanghai?
I'll tell you when I see you.
What you...
You need to go north.
Okay, there's a bridge.
Get to it, cross it.
Make a left. Go three-quarters of a mile
along the river.
I got it. I got it.
Good, good. That's right.
Keep going. Keep going.
Make your next left
and then the next one.
And then follow that down 1,000 yards.
A thousand yards.
- Okay. Okay, okay.
- Okay, okay. Left. Left.
Yeah, that's good. That's good.
Keep going. Keep going.
Okay, now look... Hiya. Hi.
Benji, where?
- Benji? Which way do I go?
- Now take a right.
Okay. Go down, left.
Left? I'm going left.
Good, good.
It's in the second building on your left.
The signal bearing's
plus or minus three meters
from the northeast corner.
I owe you.
Jules. Jules.
You're gonna be okay.
Oh, God!
I've activated the charge in your head.
You have maybe four minutes left.
Didn't I tell you
she'd call out your name?
Ethan. Ethan.
And I told you I was going to kill you
in front of her?
Well, I'm going to kill her in front of you.
Are you okay?
I don't understand
what's going on, Ethan.
- I know. I know. Just wait.
- What do those men want from you?
Why are we here?
How did you find me?
Please, Ethan.
What the hell is going on?
Are you okay?
Ethan, what's wrong? Okay. Oh, God.
I'm going to tell you everything.
You just stay with me.
Ethan. What's happening?
What are you looking for?
- We've got to get out of here.
- Not yet.
- They don't have one!
- What?
- A defibrillator.
- A defibrillator?
Ethan? Who are these people?
What the hell are we doing here?
This is a Beretta 92F.
It's a very accurate,
close-range weapon.
- Don't point it at me.
- Sorry.
It holds 15 rounds.
When the mag is empty,
the slide will lock back like this.
How do you know so much about this?
To reload, push this button.
The empty mag falls out
and you shove the other one in,
like the batteries in the flashlight
in the kitchen,
then release the slide.
- Why are you giving me a gun?
- There could be others.
If you have to use it, you stay low.
You identify your enemy.
Point and shoot.
It's very simple. Point and shoot.
Stand back.
I have a charge in my head.
I'm going to die unless you kill me.
- What?
- Throw the switch on and off.
- Don't forget the off.
- I can't do that.
You can bring me back.
I'll come back.
- I can't.
- You have to! There's no time!
Now! Please!
Wait, wait! Wait. Wait. I love you.
I love you.
Oh, God.
Come on, baby.
One, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight,
nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,
fourteen, fifteen.
Come on, baby.
I need you to come back.
I need you back.
Oh, God.
You did that?
So, I was just thinking...
I was thinking you might want to tell me
why we're in China.
I know.
I work for an agency.
It's called IMF.
What does that stand for?
Impossible Mission Force.
Shut up.
No, I'm not kidding.
You don't understand.
Everything I'm telling you is top-secret.
You can trust me.
Yeah, I know.
Just wanna show my appreciation
for your work.
Call it reparations for anything
I might have put you through.
You should know
the White House has contacted me.
Now, there's a job that they are
very interested
in speaking with you about.
Thank you,
but I have a lot to think about.
You aren't considering quitting,
are you, Ethan?
I'm considering
going on my honeymoon.
- Have fun.
- Thank you.
Hey, one thing.
The Rabbit's Foot. What is it?
Promise me you'll stay, I'll tell you.
- I'll send you a postcard.
- Fair enough.