Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

Benji, do you copy?
Where's Ethan?
I can't talk right now.
The package is on the plane.
Yeah, I know.
We're currently formulate a plan B
although technically, it's a plan C.
This isn't going very well.
I am aware of that, Brandt.
You're not helping.
Where's Ethan?
I don't know.
We're on radio silence.
That plane cannot takeoff,
with the package on it.
You understand?
- We're working on it.
Luther? What the hell are you doing there?
You are supposed to be on
an assignment in Malaysia.
I'm in Malaysia, I've been here 2 days.
Benji needed my help.
I didn't need help. I just...I needed
assistance, it's a different thing.
The package is still on that plane.
We understand the package
is on the plane.
We're trying to cripple it remotely.
- You can do that.
We can if the pilot left the
satellite uplink switch on.
Which he has.
- And how do you access the uplink?
It involves hacking a Russian satellite.
- I can't authorise that.
Which is why I didn't ask permission.
We are under investigation for misconduct.
The package is on-board.
What do you want me to do?
I'm reading a heat bloom, Benji.
The engines are starting.
I'm aware of that.
But I can't do anything until
I'm connected to the satellite.
Benji, you are connected.
- Okay, Great.
The package is still on that plane.
Shut down the fuel pump.
Mechanical are lockdown.
What about the electrical system?
- Oh, that might work.
- Okay, standby.
No, they're encrypted.
Benji, the plane.
Yes! The package is on the plane!
We get it!
Can you open the door?
Ethan? Where are you?
- I'm by the plane.
Benji, can you open the door?
Uh. Can I open the door?
Uh. Maybe.
Open the door when I tell you.
I'm on the plane.
Open the door.
How did you get in the plane?
Not in the plane,
I'm on the plane!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Okay, okay.
Benji, open that door right now!
- Yeah, I am trying.
Come on, Benji.
- Benji, open that door!
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Yes, got it.
That's the wrong door!
Benji, not that door.
The other door.
The other door.
Right. Yes, the other door.
Okay, yes, yes. Sorry, sorry.
My bad, my bad.
Check it out.
Alright. Look, I'm gonna
open the para-door.
How's that?
We're about to close.
I won't be long.
You looking for anything in particular.
Something rare.
Let me guess.
- Coltrain.
- Monk.
Shadow Wilson on the bass.
Shadow Wilson played drums.
Know why they called him Shadow?
Because he had a light touch.
You're in luck.
I've a first pressing.
It really is you.
I've heard stories.
They can't all be true.
Good even, Mr. Hunt.
The weapons you recovered in Belarus
were confirmed to be VX nerve gas.
Capable of devastating a major city.
The bodies of the air crew
were found less than...
...24 hours after they landed in Damascus.
They were identified as
low level Chechen separatist.
With neither the access nor the ability...
...to acquire the weapons
they were transporting.
This would support your suspicion...
...that a shadow organization is
committed to inciting revolution.
By enabling acts of terror in
nations friendly to Western interests.
IMF suspects this to be the
same shadow organization...
...you have been tracking for the last year
Also known as the Syndicate.
IMF would be right.
Normally, you and your
team would be tasked...
...with infiltrating and disrupting
this terrorist network,
but we have taken steps to
ensure that this will not happen.
Because, we, are the Syndicate,
Mr. Hunt.
And now we know who you are.
Your mission, should you
choose to accept it,
is to face your fate.
Pursue us, you'll be caught.
Resist us, you'll be killed.
And you precious Secretary will
disavow any knowledge of your actions.
Good luck, Mr. Hunt.
This message will self destruct
in 5 seconds.
Mr. Chairman, the IMF's misadventures
date back to my earliest days in the CIA...
...when the IMF broke into the CIA
to steal a list of covert operatives.
And now, more recently
a Russian warhead.
Disarmed Russian warhead.
A Russian nuclear warhead.
- Branded safe by The IMF.
Clipped the Transamerica Pyramid
before plunging into the San Francisco bay.
Saving the western atmosphere.
This made possible by IMF
agents who did willing...
...provide the launch codes
to a known terrorist.
Do I have that right, agent Brandt?
I can neither confirm
nor deny details of any...
...such operation without
Secretary's approval.
This was the same week after
IMF infiltrated the Kremlin.
Here's the Kremlin before.
And the Kremlin after.
I can neither confirm nor
deny details of any operation...
Without the Secretary's approval.
Yes, we know.
In fact, until this panel
appoints a new Secretary,
you really can't say much of anything,
can you, agent Brandt?
I didn't write the rules, Mr. Hunley.
Mr. Chairman, the so call
Impossible Missions Force...
...is not just a rogue organization,
it is an outdated one.
A throwback to an era without
transparency and without oversight.
Mr. Chairman.
- The time has come to dissolve the IMF.
Mr. Chairman.
And transfer the salvageable
assets to the CIA.
Mr. Chairman, the IMF has operated
without oversight for 40 years.
Now, are its methods unorthodox? Yes.
- Mr. Chairman.
Are it's results less than perfect?
But without the IMF, to be force...
- There'll be order and stability.
Without the IMF...
This panel recognizes the IMF's
contribution to global security.
But the events laid out by
CIA director Hunley...
...also show a pattern of
once and brinkmanship...
...and a total disregard for protocol.
From where I sit,
you unorthodox methods are
indistinguishable from chance.
And your results,
perfect or not,
looked suspiciously like luck.
I'm afraid today is the day
when the IMF's luck runs out.
What are you doing here?
I said: 'What are you doing here?'
What does he see in you, I wonder.
Who is he?
I want to see what is done.
Why don't you take off the cuffs.
And I'll show you.
You know who I am?
Janik Vinter.
They call you, the bone doctor.
The funny thing is.
You're officially declared dead,
3 years ago.
Nice shoes by the way.
Not his.
We have instructions to talk,
not to kill him.
There are men who are
broken in different ways.
This one's a fighter.
He'll die, before you turn him.
Are you worry he's gonna take your place?
You should go,
before it gets ugly.
Yeah, he's right.
You should go.
Now, let's see how tough you are.
You, Janik.
We've never met before, right?
Follow me.
Give me the gun.
What're you doing?
- I can't leave.
Look. You can't stay.
We just killed those men.
We didn't kill them.
You did.
I tried to stop you.
You got away.
Who are you?
You better hurry now.
Good luck.
No, wait.
Where is he?
He's heading to the north corridor.
He has closed the gate.
Hurry, don't let him escape.
Stack-com 7.
- Western Europe unsecured.
- Bravo Echo One One.
This is Brandt.
- Go secure.
London terminal is compromised.
Repeat, London is compromised.
Agent placed is down.
Request immediate extraction.
What happened?
Who breached London?
Do you've anything to go on?
A face. He wanted something.
Not information.
He could've kill me,
but he didn't.
Okay, what do you think it means.
- The Syndicate is real.
They know who we're,
how we operate.
I think I know why
they've been so hard to find.
Just focus operations on
gathering any available
Intel regarding formal covert operatives.
It doesn't matter what country or agency.
Just as long as they are dead
Or presumed dead.
Start with Janik Vinter.
He's also known as the bone doctor.
I can't do that.
- What?
What're you talking about?
The Committee has shut us down.
Operations are to be
handled over to the CIA.
There is no more IMF.
I've been ordered to bring everyone in.
- I understand.
- I understand, Brandt.
We didn't have this conversation.
I disappeared in London.
You don't know where I am.
If I'm dead or alive.
This man you saw.
Can you find him?
I won't stop until I do.
This may very well be
our last mission, Ethan.
Make it count.
Since we are going to be work together,
I want you to choose your
next works very carefully.
Where is Hunt?
I don't know.
- Don't lie to me, Brandt.
I have no way of contacting him.
He's deep cover. Last I heard,
he's tracking the Syndicate.
Let's cut the bull.
You know who we are.
You know what we are capable of.
How come the CIA has never discovered
any actual Intel regarding this Syndicate.
What are you implying?
- Not implying, stating.
Leveling an accusation actually.
Hunt is both arsonist and fireman
at the same time.
I believe that the Syndicate
is a figment of his imagination.
Created to justify the IMF's existence.
I'm going to find him, Brandt.
And when I do,
he will be called upon to answer for every...
...wanton active mayhem
he's responsible for.
Welcome to the CIA.
You'll never find him.
Set your watch, Brandt.
Ethan Hunt is living his
last day as a free man.
6 months later
All right, everybody.
Heads up.
This is it.
Alpha team prep.
Standing by.
- Langley brimstone, go.
I say again.
We are a go.
Langley, there's nobody here.
Langley brimstone.
Face the north wall.
B. Dunn
Is it that time already.
I'm going to ask you
a series of control questions.
I know and I'm gonna answer truthfully.
And then you gonna ask
me to lie intentionally.
State your name.
- The King of Norway.
See, that's a lie.
I'm actually third in line to the throne.
My brother was...
Has Ethan Hunt contacted you?
- Why would he contact me?
Hunt has resurfaced.
This time in Cuba.
left these behind.
Tell me what you make of them.
I don't know.
He's taken up scrap booking?
Look at the photographs, Dunn.
All of them are either
missing or dead, everyone.
All of them were government agents.
Russian, French, British, Israelis,
you name it.
These are highly classified files and yet
Hunt had no problem collecting them.
And he always seems
to be a step ahead of us.
I wonder how?
- Are you suggesting I'm helping him?
That thought had cross my mind.
6 months, I have been here.
Sifting through mountains of metadata
and exabytes of encoded excrement.
I had decrypted, processed, passed
more data than anyone in my section.
And yet every week,
you hold me in here.
And you ask me the same question,
just in a different way.
And today,
you haven't answered it.
You seem to thinks I have
some kind of obligation to him.
Okay, nothing could be
further from the truth.
Ethan Hunt is still out there in the field,
and I'm stuck here answering for it
We're not friends.
I owe him nothing.
That'll be all, Dunn.
Welcome to Vienna, Benji.
Missed me?
Ethan, where are you?
Where the hell have you been?
No act.. you know what? Please,
don't tell me that,
because it's just another thing I would
have to lie about in my weekly polygraph.
Everything is going to be fine.
Just keep walking.
But, make sure you're not being follow. ed
Oh. I didn't win those opera tickets, did I?
No, I'm afraid not...
So, where do we meet?
- We don't.
For your sake,
we shouldn't be seen together.
You have mail.
Who is he?
- That's what we're here to find out.
What I do know, is he's our only
possible link to the Syndicate...
...and I have reason to believe that
he's going to be here tonight.
But I can't find him alone.
Are you in?
Are you in?
- Yes, of course. Of course.
So, what's the play?
- Simple. You find him, we tag him.
I follow him wherever he goes.
- And after that?
After that you're on a plane,
back at work Monday morning.
No one is the wiser.
- What? That's it?
You're in enough danger as it is.
I didn't want to involve you
this much but I had no choice.
Whoa. If you're gonna bring me all this way,
you could at least give me something
a little be more... you know, dramatic.
Benji, we are trying to keep a low profile.
You want drama, go to the opera.
Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
- Yes, I am.
Am I correct in assuming that is
the Chancellor of Austria?
Yes, you are.
- Did you know he's going to be here?
- Right.
Well. We have a European
Heads of State here,
at the same time as we're
looking for a nefarious terrorist.
And I'm sure the two things
are completely unrelated.
Mean while I'll try and
overlook the fact that...
...you're an international
fugitive wanted by the CIA.
And this little unsanctioned
operation is tenement-ed treasonous.
Because as you stated earlier,
I will be back in my desk
on Monday morning,
playing video games and no one
will be any be the wiser.
The show's about to start, Benji.
- Right.
Just take your position,
tell me what you see.
Nice tux, by the way.
Stage is set.
Ready lights.
Ready lights.
The final preparations ready.
Stay alert, please.
Join the IMF. See the world,
on a monitor...
...in a closet.
Okay, I have eyes.
Talk to me, Benji.
- Nothing yet. Standby.
I know you're here.
Where're you.
Uh Ethan, I might have something for you.
Can't confirm.
- Backstage, I will direct you
Take the door on your left.
He should be right in front of you.
Benji, did you see that?
- See what?
A woman.
What woman?
Where're you?
I can't see you.
What happened?
- I don't know
Ethan, do you copy?
Ethan, come in.
Ethan, the lighting booth.
Ethan, do you copy?
Oh god.
It's a flash wound.
Sorry, ladies and gentlemen.
Surround the building.
Secure the exits.
I've a way out.
Lead the way.
Anything you want to tell me?
- No, not right now.
How's the pace?
- Don't wait for me.
What's next?
Shoes, please.
If anything happens to you...
Nothing is going to happen to me.
Stop the car!
Get in.
Go go go.
What the...!
She tried to shoot me.
It doesn't make her a bad person.
I'm gonna have to search you.
- You have to let me go.
Oh oh.
Not a chance.
I assume you're deep
cover back in London but...
...isn't this taking the role a little too far.
Hang on a minute, you know her?
We haven't formerly introduced.
But I am pretty sure
she's British intelligence.
Ilsa Faust.
You're Ethan Hunt.
And... that shade is very hard to find.
What were you doing at the opera tonight?
- What? Aside from killing the Chancellor.
Saving your life in London put me in a...
...tight spot with some
very dangerous people.
I was sent to kill the Chancellor
to regain their trust.
Ha. So, you admit that you killed him?
I went through the motion,
that's not the same thing.
You thought you put him in the hospital,
take him out of harm's way.
The same thing you tried to do.
You're not gonna believe that, are you?
What about the rest of her team?
You means those other 2 idiots?
I can only assumed they
were redundancies.
In case you didn't follow through.
One man to kill the Chancellor,
the other one to kill you.
A test.
Second one I failed,
thanks to you.
And the car bomb was insurance.
We have a tail.
Who is he?
We're after the same thing,
and I can help you.
If you want to bring down the Syndicate,
you've to let me out.
They're closing.
This has to look like an escape.
So, you just throw me out anywhere.
Tell me who he is.
Oh. Change of plan.
Throw her out!
You have everything you need to find me.
Less than 24 hours after we interviewed
Benji Dunn about Ethan Hunt
He was on a plane to Vienna
with tickets to the opera.
And within 6 hours of his arrival,
the Chancellor was dead.
Now, that might be circumstance
to some public defendant.
But to the CIA,
that is actionable intelligence.
Consider the moment,
the possibility that
Ethan's investigation lead him to the opera.
And he's the one with
the actionable intelligence.
In any case. Finding Hunt
is no longer our pet project.
The Special Activity Division
will now have full discretion.
You mean shoot to kill?
Whether Hunt lives or dies.
It's entirely up to him.
New identity, passport,
cash, road map.
There's a change of clothes
in that bag, right there.
Everything you need to
make it to DC undetected.
Once you're there,
you'll have to inform on me.
I'm suppose... what? Sorry, what?
- Tell the truth.
You came to Vienna believing
you won 2 tickets to the opera.
And I attempted to recruit you into
assassinating the Chancellor, you refused.
That is not the true.
Your life depends on
them believing you, Benji.
It'll go easier if you tell them
what they want to hear.
Ethan, at least tell me what this is all about.
You recognized anyone?
- He's former KSA, German intelligence.
Missing, presumed dead.
He was at the opera tonight.
This one too.
Former Mossad.
- Let me guess. Presumed dead.
Tonight, I made it official.
I was looking for him in Bosporus.
The same day a car accident
killed the visiting President of Malawi.
He slipped away again in Jakarta.
Hours before a passenger plane
vanished over the Pacific...
...with 236 passengers.
I just missed him in the Philippines.
Right before a fired petrochemical plant
gassed a village of 2,000 people.
You're saying these accidents
are somehow connected.
That missing plane was carrying
the Secretary of the World Bank.
That fire bank corrupted
a global arms cooperation.
That wreck triggered a civil war.
These are no accidents.
They're links in a chain. The work of
a single organization, the Syndicate.
A rogue nation.
Trained to do what we do.
Inbuilt with a new sense of purpose.
Destroy the system that created them.
Regardless if who's in the way.
An anti-IMF.
And since Hunley shut us down,
they've been escalating unchecked.
Killing the Chancellor tonight
was a statement
The start of a new phase.
Or they could just be
a series of random disasters.
He was there.
Every time.
Just like he was there tonight.
I'm sure of it.
I don't know who he is,
where he's from.
How he's funded
But I know he's the key.
Ethan, this is what I sign up for.
Let me help you find him.
- That's why I brought you here.
In the first place.
And look what happened.
I can't protect you.
That's why I need you to leave.
It's not your decision to make, Ethan.
I'm a field agent.
I know the risks.
More than that, I'm your friend.
No matter what I... con
a polygraph every week.
Now you called me because
you needed my help.
And you still do.
So, I'm staying.
And that's all we're gonna say about that.
- Good
Where do we start?
And how do we find her?
She said we've everything we need.
We had an agreement.
You send me to do a job, I'd do it.
But my way, not yours.
- When did I deviate?
You put 2 more gunman
at the opera tonight.
One of them try to kill me.
You missed.
I missed because Ethan Hunt
was there looking for you.
Ethan Hunt is in Vienna because
you allow him escape in London.
Vinter would've kill him in London
and that's not what you asked for.
Twice now you've let him slipped away.
Are you questioning
my loyalty or my ability.
Can't decide.
- I've told you before.
Trust me or kill me.
But If you're going to kill me,
be the man.
Do it yourself.
Did he say anything?
He knows about Morocco.
- What did he know about Morocco?
He knows about the power plant.
He doesn't know what's in it.
Find him, please.
He'll find me.
I've him seen to that.
Well, that's interesting
- What is it?
It's a SCIF. Secure Computer Facility
offline, ultra-contained.
It's impossible to hack in from the outside.
It's essentially a digital safety deposit box.
Very strange thing for a young lady
to be carrying in her sundries.
Where's it located?
- Morocco.
Now, what brings you
gentlemen to Casablanca?
Good to see you - What couldn't
you tell me over the telephone?
The Chancellor of Austria
was assassinated.
We believe that Ethan and Benji were there.
Huntley's handed this over
to Special Activities Division.
We need to find Ethan before they do.
That's where you come in.
Not interested.
- Okay. Look, Luther.
Look, man. I know Ethan.
I don't know you.
All I know about you is that
you chose to work for Hunley.
Yeah, all I know about you
is you chose to resign.
You don't have to worry about Ethan.
They'll never catch him
- No, they're not going to catch him. No.
This is the CIA, this is Hunley
we're talking about.
Thing are out of control
And they're going to kill him.
They're going to kill Ethan.
They're going to kill Benji.
We have to get to them first.
Are you going to help me?
You need to understand something.
Ethan is my friend
And if I have 1 second of doubt
whose side you're on.
I believe you...
- Alright.
What do I have to go on?
- Not much.
And not a lot of time.
His name is Solomon Lane.
He created the Syndicate.
Where does he come from?
He's former British intelligence.
Well. If British intelligence
knows the Syndicate exist,
why don't they just tell the CIA?
Because they don't want
anyone knowing the
Syndicate was created by one of their own.
I was sent undercover to earn Lane's trust.
And eventually identifying
the members of his organization.
For the first time in 2 years,
I'm close to knowing who they are.
Lane had a ledger. It contain
the identities of his operatives,
his terrorist associates, the entire
inner workings of the Syndicate.
One of his agents stole it
hoping to blackmail him.
He kept it in a secure computer
facility for safe keeping.
He died being interrogated
for the access code.
Leaving Lane with a serious problem.
So the key to crushing Lane is sitting in a...
...computer just waiting
for someone to take it?
So why hasn't Lane just
send someone to steal it?
Oh, he has.
He sent me.
And I can tell you.
It's impossible.
The facility is hidden beneath the
local power plant under military guard.
And the only way to download
the ledger is through...
...the central computer
terminal located there.
To reach the terminal,
you'll need to pass the main gates.
Access the elevator with
fingerprint recognition
And open 3 separate combination locks.
Well, that's easy. We just impersonate the...
...agent who stole the
ledger in the first place.
I get to wear a mask.
Unfortunately, even if you can make
it through every other security measure...
...you won't beat the last one. That's
because it's protected by gait analysis.
A step beyond facial recognition.
These cameras actually know
how the agent walks,
how he talks, how he moves,
right down to his facial takes.
So, what you're saying is,
no mask can beat it.
We're busted before we could
even get into the vault.
And I wind up in a Morocco
jail playing mommies...
...and daddies without a mother strangler.
Okay, I don't get to wear a mask.
And there's no other way
into the computer lab?
No other way in.
Air Shaft?
- 6 inch diameter pipe.
- 12 feet of concrete, top and bottom.
Electrical conduit?
- Bottom line is,
there's no way into that terminal unless...
...your profile is pre-installed
in the security system.
Where're the profile stored?
All security data is stored
offline in the liquid cooler aid.
Here, inside the torus,
liquid cooled.
You mean that thing is under water?
- Yes.
So, to get the ledger, one of us
needs to enter the torus...
...and change the security profile.
So that the other one can access
the computer without being caught.
That's the only way.
- That's the only way.
Can I get in through there.
What's that?
- That's the service hatch.
It can only be opened from the inside
If you try and open it from the outside,
you'll be hit with 70 thousand
gallons of pressurized water.
Where does the water come from?
Desalinized seawater
flows through the intake.
In the pipeline.
And before you ask.
The system is designed to shut down...
...automatically if any
metal enters the intake.
No oxygen tanks.
Alright. Well, how long will it take to free...
...swim from the intake to the service hatch.
2 minutes.
With the current at full power.
Well. Then, you just have to hold
your breath for 2 minutes.
What about installing the security profile?
Well. That's gonna be like a minute tops.
So, I have to hold my breath for 3 minutes?
You can do that.
But I think you're overlooking,
is the physical exertion.
The more you exert yourself,
the faster you consume oxygen.
Don't worry about him.
All he has to do is install the fake
profile before I get to the gait analysis.
You said it yourself,
it's the only way
That doesn't sound impossible.
Satellite over-watch
covering all 7 continents,
DNA profiling, facial recognition,
drone surveillance, drone strikes.
So, how are we suppose to find
Ethan and Benji before they do?
I'm not even looking for them.
I'm looking for her.
What do you mean?
These sketches, what do you see?
Ethan's not exactly sure who this guys is.
But this woman, he knows her.
He trust her.
I'm betting that if he's not
already with her, he's on his way.
Find her, find Ethan.
Tell me it's possible to pull
facial recognition of a sketch.
For mere mortals, no.
For me, I could've done this at home.
How long is this going to take?
- Found her.
CCTV picked her up
at the airport in Casablanca.
What the hell?
She's bad news.
- Hello.
Your card is not working.
- Benji, we're in.
Thank you.
One more time.
You have 3 minutes.
2.5 minutes to switch the security profile.
30 seconds to escape
through the service hatch.
Remember, conserve oxygen.
Don't move a muscle if you don't have to.
I'm in the elevator.
That current will carry you to a torus.
Once you're there,
I'll shut it down.
Important note.
The profile is in slot 108.
And a slightly more important note,
if you haven't switched that profile
before I reach the gait analysis,
I'm dead.
Thank you, Benji.
What's the problem?
- The cooling system is rebooting...
...by itself.
All systems' normal.
All systems at full power.
You're alright.
You're okay.
What did I told you.
Difficult, absolutely,
but certainly not impossible...
Jesus, is he alright?
What happened? What happened?
I misjudged you.
Hey, man. Hey.
You okay? How're you doing?
Hey, buddy.
- Yes, it's Benji.
You did good.
You take a moment, alright.
Just-Just take a moment.
There's nothing a little sunshine
and fresh air won't fix you.
You'll be as right as rain.
- What are you doing here?
We got it.
I knew we'll get it.
Listen. I don't want to
sound ungrateful, okay.
I appreciate everything you do for me, but...
...one of these days,
you're gonna take it too far.
We got it.
We're gonna nail that...
I thought you said you can find him?
I said I could locate him.
You've to find him.
Where's Hunt?
He's dead.
That really hurts!
Can you walk?
- Yes, I can.
We have to get to her before Lane does.
Are you okay to drive?
I mean. A minute ago you were dead.
What are you talking about?
This is not gonna end well.
There she is.
Stairs, stairs, stairs!
Stairs, stairs, stairs!
God damn it.
I found them.
Come on, man.
It's a high-speed chase.
You just had to get the 4 by 4, didn't you?
Hey, look. Don't blame me.
You chose the car.
You just had to have it!
- Do you want me to drive?
Do you want me to drive?
- Look, it's a stick.
Look at this. Look how slow
you're going. Speed it up.
Who's this guy?
Go-go-go- Go!
I'm okay. I'm okay.
I'm okay.
Here they come!
What're we gonna do?
Do you have your seat belts on?
You're asking me that now?
Hang on!
- Ah!
Are you good?
got a little out of hand.
Look out!
We're good?
Oh, hi boys.
What did I miss?
Woo. That look sharp.
Careful, careful.
So, what do we do now?
Please tell me, you made
a copy of that disk..
Of course I made a copy.
So where are we going?
It's a ledger.
The Syndicate's entire infrastructure.
Who they are, the politicians they control,
and where the money comes from.
It's everything you want to know.
What makes you think this
so-called ledger is authentic?
Why would Lane want it so badly
if it wasn't authentic?
Why would he ever let you have it if it was?
Did you never stop to consider
he may want me to have it?
Misinformation, manipulation.
What he does exercise,
what he's trained to do.
Lane lies to you,
you sell his lies to Hunt.
Together, you both are compromised.
That's his ultimate objective.
This may be authentic.
But there's only one person I trust
to verify that information. You.
My orders were to deliver you
information regarding the Syndicate.
Your orders were to
infiltrate the Syndicate...
...that we may learn more
about them first hand.
This isn't prove, it's a test,
like everything else.
The only way to pass,
is to go back.
I can't do that.
I betrayed Lane's trust too many times.
And in every instance, you
did so on you own volition.
He was going to tortured
and killed an American agent.
And you should've let him, and
you would still have Lane's trust.
This is the trade,
Hunt understands that.
I wasn't going to let him die.
He is our ally.
There are no allies in state craft,
Ilsa. Only common interest.
As it stands, Ethan Hunt
is a man without a country.
This makes killing him
decidedly less complicated.
Are you ordering me to kill Hunt?
Good god, no.
Nothing so crude as that, no.
Lane will order you.
And to regain his trust,
you will do it.
You sent me to do a job.
I did it.
Now, you bring me in.
Might I remind you, you're
without a country of your own.
The director of the CIA called me
inquiring about you personally.
Of course to protect your cover,
I had to lie.
So, as far as the Americans are concern,
you're a rogue assassin,
a target of opportunity.
A precious few people
know about your true identity.
It would be unfortunate if we forgot.
You see, there really is no choice, Ilsa.
You're going back.
Glad to know you're still with us.
What's happening?
I can't open it.
What do you mean you can't open it?
I mean I can't open it, ever.
That's a red box.
A what?
- It's a red box.
The British government uses it
to transport national secrets.
Doesn't sound good.
Meaning it's triple encrypted.
You don't get into that thing...
...unless you have fingerprints,
retinal scan, and...
...a voice phrase spoken by
a specific individual.
The Prime Minister of Great Britain himself.
Yes, him.
So, what you're saying is,
there is no ledger.
Which means we have no proof
that the Syndicate even exist.
So, we're back to square one.
Only now, we're all wanted by the CIA.
I'm so proud of us.
What I don't understand
is why is there a red...
...box sat in a private data vault in Morocco.
And why would Lane want it
if he can't open it?
If Lane wants it, you can bet
that he has a plan to open it.
And we just help him steal it.
He's going to take the Prime Minister.
Yes, he is.
The question is how?
Well, we have to warn
the British government.
Yeah, MI6.
- No, no, Brandt.
Put down the phone.
Let's think about this.
We have a responsibility to
warn the British government,
and not gamble with
the Prime Minister's life.
Ethan, just so you can beat the guy...
...that's beaten you at every turn.
Is that what you think this is?
Is that what you think this is?
I think right now,
you're incapable of seeing
that there's another way.
And sometimes Ethan is the only one
capable of seeing the only way.
And if he's wrong,
then we have Vienna...
...all over again.
No, you don't know him.
If he wants something to happen,
there's no preventing it.
That's why we have to warn the British.
Maybe that's exactly
what he wants us to do.
Are you listening to yourself?
We're going to warn the British.
No. We're going to find Lane,
we're going to get him.
Before he takes the Prime Minister.
Alright, Ethan.
We're going to find Lane.
But please tell me.
How're we going to do that?
All is forgiven.
That isn't a ledger, is it?
You didn't take a look for yourself?
Of course I did.
But the file was encrypted.
And why would I lie to you?
So that I would lie to Hunt.
But he wouldn't have stolen it
if he knew what it was.
And she wouldn't have helped him.
What is actually on that disk?
I'll be honest with you when
you start being honest with me.
And you and I, we both know
why you come back.
Don't we?
You're still alive because
I believe in your potential.
But I'm growing impatient.
Why do you continue to resist?
Well, if we're being honest,
You're a terrorist.
If that were true then my goal
would be to spread fear, but my...
...method is...
far more surgical.
You kill innocent people.
I helped my government killed many
innocent people and more, so much more.
Killing to keep things as they were.
And now I'm killing to bring about change.
I think Ethan Hunt would disagree.
Ethan Hunt is a gambler.
And one day his luck will run out,
And thousands of innocent people
will pay the price.
Which one of us will be the villain then?
Nothing here.
It's empty.
I'm interested...
...to see who you blame...
...for what happens next.
So, that's her?
That's her.
I have to say...
...you sure can ride.
- You're just doing your job.
That's all I'm going to say about it.
Atlee said you'd understand.
Atlee, your handler in British Intelligence.
And he didn't bring you in?
Even after you gave him the disk?
You knew perfectly well it was blank.
That's a lie. The disk she took from me
was an exact copy. I'm of it.
Was it in your possession the entire time?
They don't care if you live or die.
But you knew I was going to take it to him.
I hope you would.
I hope it would be enough to get you out.
Whoa-whoa-whoa. That means Lane
doesn't have the disk, only we do.
I have a question.
If the disk was blank,
why is she still alive?
Unless, of course,
Lane wanted us to find her.
So, who're you working for now?
Lane, Atlee, your government,
my government, they're all the same
We only think we're fighting for the right...
...side because that's what
we choose to believe.
So what does that leave us?
The way I see it,
you have 3 choices.
One, you hand me and
the disk over to the CIA.
I'm proof that Syndicate exist.
Lane becomes their problem,
and... your work is done.
My thoughts exactly.
- Works for me.
But you know they're
not going to believe you.
And you all will be trialed for treason.
Lane goes free.
I'm afraid she's has a point.
Two, you let me walk away
to an uncertain fate.
You use the disk as bait to trap Lane.
But some part of you suspect
you've met your match.
And being a gambler, you'll probably
end up handing Lane that disk...
...whether you want to or not.
That is entirely possible.
And option three?
Come away with me.
Right now.
Oh boy.
And what about Lane?
Forget about Lane.
There will always be another Lane.
There will always be
people like us to face him.
We've done our part
and we've been cast aside.
We can be anyone.
We can do anything.
It's only a matter of going.
Lane sent you to deliver
a message, didn't he?
I saved you life twice.
I won't be able to do it again.
What's the message?
Parking garage
Luther, stay with her.
She's gone.
I lost her.
She set us up, Ethan.
No, she delivered a message.
She set us up!
She knew this would happen.
Only Lane knows what's going to happen.
I have a job for you, Ethan.
And for the sake of your friend,
you will do it.
I'm listening.
Your mission,
should you choose to accept it,
Is to bring me the unlocked disk
by midnight today.
Now say the words, please.
I accept.
I knew you would.
He wants the disk, unlocked,
by midnight tonight
Ethan, there's only one person
on earth who can unlock that disk.
We have to take the Prime Minister.
Let's just think about that for a minute.
That's the only way to get Benji back.
Ethan, that's exactly what
Lane wants you to do.
Which is why it has to happen.
This is how we beat Lane.
This is how we make everything right.
Can you see?
Can you see it?
William Brandt, sir.
He says it's urgent.
I had a feeling you'd come
to your senses, Brandt.
I'm only calling you because
I've no other choice.
I'm trying to prevent a catastrophe.
I can understand that.
Where are you?
- Reroute us to London, now.
Where in London?
- I'll tell you when you land, not before.
I'm not interested in playing games, Brandt.
And I'm not interested in seeing
my friends get killed either.
So if I'm going to betray them,
we're going to do this in my terms...
...and my terms only.
Do you understand?
Keep your phone on,
instruction will follow.
Should have been gone by now.
- Yeah.
You okay?
- Yeah.
We're suppose to take down the
Prime Minister of Great Britain tonight.
I cant' see another way.
Neither can I.
What we do, we have to do
for our friends, right?
Get him ready, please.
You're right to call me, Brandt.
Where is Hunt?
He's on his way.
We don't have much time.
What does he intend to do?
- What matter is he's alive.
And I need your reassurance
that it's going to stay that way.
Have you informed the British Government
that Hunt has targeted the Prime Minister?
I will help you capture him... alive.
That is the deal.
You picked up some terrible habits
from your friend, Brandt
The worst of them being that you still
believe you can control any outcome.
Stay with him.
Chief Atlee.
Chief Atlee.
Director Hunley, how
delightful to see you here.
Last time we spoke, you were
hunting rogue agents in Morocco.
Chief Atlee, I have reason to believe that
the Prime Minister's life is in danger.
I'm listening.
Any advance on 22,000?
Going once.
Going twice.
To our generous Chairwoman.
Sir. Chief Atlee from MI6 needs to see you.
He says it's urgent.
Excuse me.
What's this all about?
- It's a matter of national security, Sir.
Under no circumstances is anyone to enter.
Yes sir.
Help me to understand.
Who is this man?
Why is he after me?
I'm afraid, Prime Minister, Director Hunley
and I share responsibility for this.
Ethan Hunt was part of a
disgrace intelligence...
...agency which is since been dissolved.
And he's gone rogue, unfortunately intend
on dismantling an imaginary terror network.
Our new intelligence
suggest that he's been...
...manipulated by one of
your own former agent.
Ilsa Faust, Prime Minister.
She disappeared 2 years ago.
And if you don't mind I asking,
what do I have to do with
this phantom network?
Sir, this is William Brandt,
a former colleague of Hunt's.
He came forward with first hand
knowledge of the plot against you.
Sir. Hunt is in possession of a virtual
red box that can only be open by you.
He believes it is the key
to bring down the Syndicate.
The Syndicate, you say?
- Yes, Sir. That's what he calls it.
He couldn't possibly be talking
about that 'Syndicate'?
'Cause you assured me that,
that 'Syndicate' was merely an exercise?
And it was, Prime Minister.
I can assure you.
And yet, here we have the Central
Intelligence Agency indicating otherwise.
I don't understand.
- Prime Minister, your life is in danger.
I think our first priority is to move
you to a secure location. - Sir.
Does the name Solomon Lane,
ring a bell?
Unfortunately, it does.
So, there actually is a Syndicate?
It was a hypothetical brainchild
of Chief Atlee.
Recruit former agents from other nations.
Supply them with a new identity...
...and use them to surgically remove
our enemies, both at home and abroad.
It's operating budget was
to be hidden offshore...
...in a virtual red box which
I alone would control
It would've made me judge, jury and
executioner with zero accountability.
I rejected the proposal unequivocally.
Furthermore, I was given every assurance
it never pass the planning stage.
Prime Minister,
there is no any Syndicate.
These people have been
duped by agent Faust.
Save it for the public inquiry.
Sir, I urge you not to leave this room.
Excuse me.
- Please.
Hunt is uniquely trained
and highly motivated.
A specialist without equal,
immune to any counter measures.
There is no secret he cannot extract.
No security he cannot breach.
No person he cannot become.
He has mostly likely anticipated
this very conversation...
...and is waiting to strike in
whatever direction we move.
Sir. Hunt is the living
manifestation of destiny.
And he has made you his mission.
Prime Minister.
Sir, please step away
from the Prime Minister.
Just relax, Sir.
Everything is going to be alright.
Atlee shot me
- Yes, he did, Sir.
Hunt, I hope you realize you set back US,
UK relations to the American revolution.
Desperate times,
desperate measures, sir.
I'm here.
- Standby to receive.
The Prime Minister's office
ask me to meet him here.
This way, sir
Retinal scan, confirm.
Some convenience, Sir.
You got a very warm hand.
Biometric, confirm.
The prompt is 'KIPLING'.
- The prompt is 'KIPLING'.
Sir, I'm gonna need a pass phrase,
the prompt is 'KIPLING'.
Yes, of course.
' If you can keep your head when all
about you. Are losing theirs...'
'If you can trust yourself
when all men doubt you'
You got it?
- I got it.
Oh man, do I got it.
I'm here to see the Prime Minister.
- We were told not to let anybody in.
By whom?
- By you, sir.
Hunley, what is this?
Chief Atlee. Kind of you
to accepted our invitation.
Do you know who I am?
We know you created the Syndicate.
But Lane went rogue and
turn it against you, didn't he?
And you've been desperately
trying to cover it up.
That's why you erased the disk
which she brought it to you.
That's true.
Now, Director Hunley has some questions
for you regarding Ilsa Faust.
Namely, how you frame her.
That's also true.
It's the antidote.
When the Prime Minister found
out about the Syndicate.
Atlee had attacked him.
- Yes, that's true.
And then you saved the Prime Minister, sir.
Did he?
I'm very grateful.
You're cutting it very close, Ethan
I have what you want.
Where do I go?
Ethan, wait
If I'm not there in 15 minutes, he'll kill Benji.
Your mission is to bring
down the Syndicate.
If Lane gets his hands on that money,
we're unleashing a terrorist superpower.
He'll never take me alive.
I'll make sure of it.
What happens, Ethan,
if you can't make it back?
I'll make it back.
Just be ready.
Greetings, Prime Minister.
If you are viewing this message,
it means that you have chosen
to activate the Syndicate.
This drive gives you access to 2.4 billion
pound sterling in untraceable currency.
That will allow the Syndicate
to operate undetected for decades.
Instructions to access
these funds are as follows.
This is the end, Mr. Hunt.
2 pounds Semtex,
500, 30 caliber ball bearings.
Your friend is sitting on a
highly sensitive - pressure trigger.
So, no sudden moves.
Your final test.
When Lane has what he wants,
I kill you and Benji.
If not, everyone dies.
No time to think, Ethan.
Have a seat, please.
Human nature,
my weapon of choice.
From the moment I killed the
young lady in the record shop,
I knew you would stop
at nothing to catch me.
I also knew Ilsa wouldn't have a choice.
Whether she broke you that night
you met or let you go.
Whether you let her run in Morocco.
Whether she went to Atlee or not.
You were certain we would
end up where we are... right now.
Then again.
So was I.
I know you, Lane.
Somewhere along the line
you had a crisis of faith.
Human life didn't matter anymore,
or maybe it never really did.
Either way, you killed
too many innocent people...
...without ever asking who
is giving the orders.
Or why.
You blame the system for what you are.
Instead of yourself.
You wanted revenge.
But Rome wasn't destroyed in a day.
You needed help, you
needed the money. A lot of it.
And you'll stop at nothing to get it.
That's how I know I'm going
to put you in a box.
Where is the disk?
- Where is the disk?
You like to play games.
I've a game for you.
I'll give you 50 million dollars...
...to let Benji go.
Where is the disk?
- Where is the disk?
You're looking at it.
I am the disk.
I memorized it all 2.4 billion
in number accounts.
If that vest goes off, you get nothing.
Without this money, you are nothing.
Without me, you are nothing.
Right now, you're thinking it's bluff.
I'd never let my friends die.
I couldn't possibly
memorize the entire disk.
There's only one way to be sure.
Let Benji go
Take him.
They come 1 step closer,
shoot me.
You remember I told you, one day
you were going to take things too far?
This is me speaking, by the way.
It's not him.
The only way this ends is
you and me, Lane, face to face.
Only this time I won't
be locked in a glass box.
You want your money.
The bone doctor gonna beat it out of me.
Now let Benji go...
...1... 3... 9
- Brandt has you waiting, go.
What do I do?
- Kill the woman.
I need Hunt alive.
- It's Benji, where am I going?
They're coming.
- We're not ready.
Then get ready.
Which way?
Face to face.
Just as you wish, Ethan
It hurts, I know.
Gentlemen, this is Solomon Lane.
Mr. Lane.
Meet the IMF.
You're free now.
Where will you go?
I don't know.
I've done my part.
Ethan, we got to go.
You better hurry now.
Good luck.
You know how to find me.
Director Hunley.
Director Hunley.
- Ah... Mr. Chairman.
6 months ago, you stood before this panel
and demanded that the IMF be dissolved.
That is correct, sir.
And how do you explain
your testimony today?
It's quite simple really.
We had reason to believe...
...that the Syndicate have infiltrated
our government at the highest level.
In order for our Mn to infiltrate that
organization, his cover had to be absolute.
The whole operation was known only
to myself and a handful of IMF agents.
So, the shuttering of the IMF was
all part of an elaborate scheme.
To expose this so call Syndicate?
- That is correct, sir.
Which is why you're here today,
asking for the IMF to be reinstated.
That is correct, sir.
I'm not sure the Committee approves
of your methods, Director Hunley.
Desperate times,
desperate measures, Mr. Chairman.
And you, Mr. Brandt.
How can you justify this deception?
I can neither confirm nor deny
details of any operation...
...without the Secretary's approval.
Welcome to the IMF.
Mr. Secretary.