Mission Istaanbul: Darr Ke Aagey Jeet Hai! (2008)

The decapitated body
of an Indian doctor...
...was found today,
by the police patrol...
...in the southern Kabul province...
...where he had been
kidnapped two days ago...
...by Abu Nazir's men!
We have just received the news...
...of two passenger jets crashing
into New York's twin towers!
According to the tape
received by Al Zohra's channel...
...Abu-Nazir's organisation has taken
the responsibility of this attack!
The one because of whom
this truth can be revealed!
In breaking news we have
received reports that...
...there has been a bomb blast
in Angara talkies in which...
Pakistan police was
unable to nab the victim.
And all my
companions from 'Aaj Tak.'.
...will keep you updated
on this breaking news!
In Spain's capital, Madrid,
there were three bomb serial blasts!
No one has still
taken responsibility...
...of the attack on
the Indian parliament!
But this issue doesn't put Dr.
Mathur's family in any danger.
People are kidnapped and
killed in front of the camera!
But why did you
kill an Indian doctor?
It's not just the
death of an Indian doctor.
It is a message for
entire India from Abu Nazir!
Then why doesn't Abu
Nazir show himself!
Why does he hide from the world?
Abu Nazir's main cause
is the Jihad (holy war)...
...and not showing himself!
There are millions of soldiers...
...that will come forward
with one order of Abu Nazir!
If you have millions of soldiers...
...then why are you pushing
these children into war?
They are not children.
They are brave warriors
ready to sacrifice their life...
...in the war for independence!
Yes brother!
Why do you want to be a martyr?
Those who attain martyrdom
while fighting with betrayers...
...they go to heaven!
Do you know what heaven is?
Yes, you get all the
fried rice you can eat there!
As much as you can eat,
without asking for it!
This tape!
This is Abu Nazir's new message!
Show it on your T. V channel!
Your government would want that!
Hey Ali, where is that tape?
It fell there!
Get out of here!
Kill these betrayers!
Greetings, I am Vikas Sagar!
Welcome to Aaj Tak!
The main headlines!
Abu Nazir is the most dangerous
face of international terrorism!
On his orders, bombings
are done all over the world.
Suicide attacks are carried out!
Abu Nazir's main
target has mostly been...
...America, Israel and their allies.
But in his latest
video tape statement...
...Abu Nazir has
threatened India too!
Today I have warned entire India!
Leave Kashmir!
Or else Indians won't be
able to save themselves...
...in any part of the world.
This is the first time, Abu
Nazir's tape is being shown...
...on any other news
channel other than AIZohra!
Only on Aaj Tak!
Due to the absence
of Mr. Vikas Sagar...
...the court overrules all
the objections of his lawyer!
And grants Mrs.
Anjali Sagar the divorce!
Dear, I had told you...
- Dumbo!
Now it's very late, Vikas!
You are the most selfish human
being I have ever met in my life!
No, Anjali, no!
Whatever I did till now,
was just for both the of us!
That's why you
accepted a job in Al Zohra!
And you didn't even ask me.
That's just a three month
orientation programme, Anjali!
After that, I have to stay here!
As the mouth piece of the terrorist!
No Vikas, no!
And anyway, what
difference does it make?
What does it matter, where you work!
You are never at home!
You are a journalist too!
I was ready to leave
everything for you!
But you never even came
home an hour early for me.
And you arrived late even today!
I am really sorry, Anjali!
I am really sorry!
No! No!
Mr. Vikas Sagar! India's
number one T. V journo!
Born in Mumbai, education...
The Lawrence school, Samar!
IIT topper! Computers!
First job, trainee
reporter at the Times of India!
After that, television reporter!
The pleasure is all mine,
Mr. Owais Hussain.
Soldier turned journalist!
First job, Turkish Commando Force!
Deployed in Central Africa
with the U. N Peace Keeping force!
Didn't like the idea of
killing and sacrificing...
...so left the army and joined CNN!
From warrior to war correspondent!
No, that's not it!
But you journalists
take Kashmir's name...
...only when
something bad happens there!
You mean to say there
are no public protests...
...against the blasts,
attacks and army atrocities!
There are!
But there is much more happening!
In the last two years,
the number of tourists...
...have increased three times!
Investments in millions can be seen!
But until there isn't
a blast or an attack...
...you don't consider
it a sensational news.
What do you have to say
about Al Zohra's new tape?
There is normalcy
spreading in Kashmir!
And in such a condition,
Al Zohra's tape...
...sends out a very ominous ring!
I am sorry... what were...
- It's okay, as I was saying...
Please attend it, it
could be an important call.
I am really sorry!
- It's okay!
What is the matter,
Vikas? I am busy!
I have reached Istanbul.
I thought I should inform you!
I am feeling very Ionely!
Vikas, when we used to be together...
...I would still feel alone!
Everything is over between us now!
Please don't call me
and make me upset!
Dumbo please... please...
The one that's forlorn...
in the eyes!
The untold... that's in the breath!
Narrate that saga through words.
Let the heart's
desire stay in the heart.
Let eyes convey it!
Or else... or else... or else...
we can be defamed.
The one that's
forlorn in the eyes!
The untold that's in the breath!
Narrate that saga through words.
As I found you I was relieved.
Life was filled with love!
The heart found a soul mate.
My prayers were answered.
Immerse yourself in me!
Always stay with me!
Says my... restlessness.
Let the heart's
desire stay in the heart.
Let eyes convey it!
Or else... or else... or else...
we can be defamed.
Take my message to
your American friend!
Okay sir!
These are the hero's of Al Zohra!
Those who attained
martyrdom on duty!
They had gone to bring news.
But they became news themselves.
It happens only in Al Zohra.
So, watch out.
Mr. Gazni calls it
his Hall of Martyrs!
You do have a photo
of yourself, isn't it?
I am kidding! He is in the office,
you want to meet him?
Sure! As long as my photo
doesn't need to be there.
You never know! It maybe me next!
Mr. Gazni, Vikas Sagar!
Welcome to Al Zohra, Vikas!
- Thank you.
This is my chief of security! Zahir!
Take a seat!
I have heard a lot about you!
They say, no one in India believes
that something has happened.
Until Vikas Sagar
doesn't give the news.
They also say, that until
Al Zohra doesn't reach...
...to cover the news... the
terrorists don't set off the bomb!
There is always a
different side to everything Vikas.
And that's what we show the world.
That doesn't mean that
we support Abu Nazir...
...or glorify terrorism!
But we dare to go there,
where no one else does!
We give that news,
which others can't!
Our India operations are going
to be on a very large scale!
And I am sure, you
will do a terrific job!
Thank you sir!
- Sir.
Tomorrow, you are
going to Afghanistan!
The western journalists
that have been kidnapped...
...we have got an exclusive!
Can I go too?
Wow! You want to play with
danger on your first day!
We love that at Al Zohra!
Show him the office and
tell him about the 13th floor!
13th floor!
What's that?
The 13th is Zahir's department!
Security department!
No one is allowed to go in there.
That's why a different lift goes
there which asks for the handprint!
Is this a T. V channel
or the CIA headquarters?
Don't be so shocked, Vikas!
You can say that, we are alive...
...because of whatever
happens on the 13th floor.
I didn't understand anything,
Mr. Gazni!
Al Zohra has made many
enemies all over the world!
And now they are
all your enemies too!
I hope, now that I
have new enemies...
...then I have made new friends too!
Of course!
Now that the work is done,
let's party!
Hi Vikas!
- Do I know you?
Now, I can't even
sleep if I don't watch you.
Everyday you come in my bedroom.
And you don't even know who I am?
Me! In your bedroom!
Yes, I on my bed.
And you... on Aaj Tak!
Dr. Lisa Lobo!
- Vikas!
Vikas Sagar!
Our past... our future.
Lies in our hands!
Our past... our future.
Lies in our hands!
Our life, our fate.
Lies in our hands!
But the time has come.
When we should change ourselves.
World! Hold on!
Instead of messing up the future,
open up inside.
World! Hold on!
Wonder you will have to
answer the children of the sky.
think... about life too.
No one gets a second chance.
Everyone... everyone...
has lost their senses.
World! Hold on!
Instead of messing up the future,
open up inside.
World! Hold on!
Wonder you will have to
answer the children of the sky.
World! Hold on!
Madam, we've reached your house.
Come quickly.
Hold on. Hold on.
Would you like to
come up for a coffee?
But then, I won't be able to sleep!
Who is talking
about sleeping, Vikas!
And I am talking
about being sensible!
I like you, Lisa!
- Really!
But our ways are different!
You want to move ahead, and I...
Hold on.
Good night, bye, see you, take care!
Good night!
Vikas still loves his wife a lot!
Football stadium!
Is there going to be a
football match there?
A different type of
game is played there, sir.
You will know once you see it!
I don't know about football match...
...but we will surely
meet Abu Nazir's men there!
Come on, sit down!
Let's sit there!
Easy! Easy!
Back off!
Back off! Or I will shoot him!
Back off! Back off!
I said back off!
Or I will shoot him!
Back off!
Back off! Or I will shoot him!
Back off!
Do you wish to die
that you came back here?
Enough games.
Let's come to the point now!
Open the blindfold!
Sohail, what's the news?
Northern alliance
has passed the border.
They can attack us any time!
Are you okay?
Hi, we are from the
Al Zohra news network!
First, we'd like to know how
long have you been a hostage here?
And is there any message you would
like to give to any of the embassies?
Yes, we have been
here for four days...
...and we really
don't know what to do!
We really need your help!
This is Abu Nazir's message...
...for all the
countries of the world.
We will be triumphant!
Abu Nazir's wrath
will rain from the sky...
...as destruction
on the enemy's city!
Which city?
Which city do you want to target?
Very soon, you and all
the betrayers will know...
...how Abu Nazir avenges
the attacks on Iraq and Iran!
What the hell...
What did you think?
The one, for whom thousands of
people can lay down their lives.
You think you will be
safe after betraying him?
There is only one
consequence of betrayal! Death!
Northern Alliance!
Come on, move, move, move!
Down, down, down!
Come on, move!
Get up! Come on get up!
Let's go!
- Take them ahead!
Come on... run... move.
You are okay... Come on.
Let's go! Let's go!
Get inside! Get inside quickly!
Vikas, you go!
Kill these traitors!
Owais Hussain was Al
Zohra's best journalist!
But before that he
was our best friend!
He was the soldier of truth
who has attained martyrdom.
His obsession with truth
brought him to Al Zohra!
In the search of truth...
...he went into the
battlefield of Afghanistan fearlessly.
And today when he has
gone to meet Allah...
...there is only truth in his heart!
Today, he is not amongst us!
But on his behalf, his
companions at Al Zohra...
...take an oath, that his
photograph in the hall of martyrs...
...will be a live example!
Al Zohra will always
remember you Owais Hussain.
And we won't let the
world forget this.
Mr. Sagar, your life is in danger!
- Excuse me!
A little careful, Mr. Sagar!
Here, if you divert your
attention even for a moment...
...you can lose your life.
Who are you?
And how do you know my name?
I even know why
Owais Hussain was killed.
Why do terrorists kill someone?
Because they are terrorists!
What do you think?
Owais Hussain was the
only reporter of Al Zohra...
...who was killed?
Imran Baig! Senior reporter!
Was killed in the
Lebanon car bomb explosion!
Javed Khan and ljaz Ahmed!
From the roof of their hotel...
straight down!
And Khurshid Alam was killed...
...by poisoning his tea!
All of them were Al
Zohra's reporters!
And all of them
wanted to leave Al Zohra!
But sadly, they are
still hanging there.
In their hall of martyrs.
But... why are you
telling me all this?
Owais Hussain wanted
to leave Al Zohra too.
He had told you, isn't it?
You are leaving Al Zohra.
- Of course!
Did you tell the boss?
There is nothing to
tell the boss about.
As soon as I get my salary, I
will stop coming on the job.
He will realize it himself.
Whenever a reporter
tried to leave Al Zohra...
...he has forsaken the world.
And still, there is
a lot of space left...
...in that hall of martyrs Mr. Sagar!
But... but how do you know all this?
Al Zohra is not
what you think, Vikas!
Hey Vikas!
What are you doing there alone?
I am not alone, I am...
Come on, come on.
Hop in, I will take you for a ride!
Come on!
Yes okay!
'You never know, it maybe me next.'
'Karachi, 10th July, 2003! '
'AI Zohra correspondent
dead in car bomb explosion! '
'Whether they died in
car bomb explosions...
...or were abducted and beheaded.'
'But there is one thing
common amongst all of them.'
'Everyone were Al Zohra reporters! '
'And all of them are dead! '
'Whoever he was, he was right! '
What are you looking at so closely?
What's written?
I will go abroad,
will get a new job!
Soon I will get promotion!
I will make new friends too!
There is a chance
for romance too, sir.
Everything is mind blowing!
I am having a golden period!
Just that I think, I wish I
could have given some of my luck...
...to Owais too.
You have suffered a very big shock...
...seeing Owais
dying in front of you.
I can understand!
Owais is our hero too!
I have hung his photo
in the hall of martyrs!
See you around!
Vikas knows something.
- Sir.
My India operations are
very important for me Zahir!
There shouldn't be any
obstruction of any sort.
I need him.
- Yes sir.
Come, let us go to our special
correspondent Anjali Vakil...
...who is in Srinagar...
...where terrorists have
held some people hostage.
Come on, hurry up.
As you can see...
- How many people are in the bus...
...that cannot be said!
There are more than 50
kidnapped passengers in the bus.
Which you can see
on your T. V screen!
And the terrorists
are hiding behind them!
What do they want?
What are their demands?
That still hasn't been known!
Ma'am, look behind!
Follow me.
Vikas, why do you always
call at the wrong time?
Anjali, listen to me.
That man is a terrorist.
I have seen him!
Where, on the T. V?
No, in Al Zohra's office...
in Istanbul!
Vikas you must be mistaken,
what are you saying?
Anjali, I didn't make any
mistake in recognizing him!
Please go back! Please!
Vikas, my life's biggest
story is in front of me.
Journalists from all around
the world are present here...
...and they have called
me for an interview!
And you are asking me to go back!
Forget your freaking story
and listen to me, Anjali!
Come! Something is
going to happen, Dumbo!
Please stop!
Anjali! Please stop!
Stop it!
- Please stop Anjali!
Oh God! Oh God!
Oh God!
Anjali! Anjali, are you okay?
Anjali! Can you hear me, Anjali?
Anjali! Can you hear me, Anjali?
Dumbo, take the line! Dumbo,
take the phone!
Hello! Hello! Hello!
- Are you okay, Anjali?
Speak to me! Oh, Dumbo, speak to me!
Oh God!
Madam, are you okay?
Madam, are you okay?
What the hell is happening here?
You must have a lot of
questions in your mind...
...Mr. Vikas Sagar!
But in this entire world,
there is only one man...
...who can answer your questions!
How did you come inside?
Wrong question, Vikas.
I can tell you everything!
But ask the right question!
Now, don't ask me
what I know about you.
And don't even ask... what I
will tell you about myself!
Yes, I can surely tell you my name.
What is your name?
Rizwan Khan!
Now ask, who are the people
who want to kill your wife?
Because Vikas, if you wouldn't
have called at the right time...
...then, she wouldn't have survived.
If you really want
to tell me something...
Then do it properly!
Venting your anger is a nice thing.
But venting your anger
on the wrong person...
...is not the right thing, Vikas!
Take a look!
You might know some of these people.
They are the most wanted people
in different parts of the world.
Freedom fighters! That's
what they call themselves!
Rebels! Radicals!
Oh no!
The truth is that, all
of them are terrorists!
And the entire most wanted list...
...can be spotted coming
and going in your office.
What are you saying? That all
of them in the Al Zohra office...
But how do you know all this?
I know a lot Vikas!
But there are still
things that even I don't know.
But you... you can find it out.
By going where even I can't go!
Which place is that?
Al Zohra's 13th...
We saw the news on the T. V!
Mr. Gajni has sent me to
find out, are you okay?
Tell me Mr. Gajni, if he
cares about me so much...
...then he could have called.
We couldn't call you!
Mr. Gajni has said,
that he is very happy...
...that your wife has survived.
Tell Mr. Gajni that I
am grateful to him...
...but right now I want my privacy!
Al Zohra is not
what you think, Vikas!
Any reporter that
wanted to leave Al Zohra...
...has forsaken the world.
You are leaving Al Zohra!
- Of course!
Did you tell the boss?
As soon as I get my salary,
I will stop coming to work.
He will realize it himself!
'Any reporter that
wanted to leave Al Zohra...
...has forsaken the world.'
'As the mouth piece of terrorists! '
'Your life is in danger.'
'And the entire most wanted list...
...can be spotted coming
and going in your office.'
'Tell him about the 13th floor! '
'No one is allowed to go there.'
Excuse me.
- Yes.
I need to go upstairs,
can you help me?
'Mr. Gajni calls this
his hall of martyrs.'
Someone went inside!
Security! In the 13th floor's lift!
Quickly go up!
Security, go!
- Okay! - Stop! Stop!
What were you doing
on the 13th floor?
What's on the 13th floor,
that you don't want me to see?
How did you go
inside the private lift?
That lift... mistakenly...
Whom are you trying
to fool Vikas Sagar?
What were you doing there?
Tell me!
I remembered!
I remembered!
That lift...
Are you okay?
Why are these people after you?
What do you know about them?
I was lost in some thoughts!
Mistakenly I entered
their private lift!
And then... it set
their backs on fire.
- They will never spare you, Vikas!
What did you see there?
I can't help you...
- I didn't see anything.
Anyway, there was
nothing worth seeing there.
What did I see! What did
I see! What did I see!
Oh God, Vikas, they are after us.
For the last time, for
heaven's sake Vikas...
...what did you see
on the 13th floor?
13th floor! How do
you know about it?
And when did I tell you Lisa
that I got down on the 13th floor?
Oh God, they saw us Vikas.
Oh no, Vikas! Just leave the car!
Leave the car now!
How do you know about the 13th
floor? - Forget the 13th floor, Vikas!
I will handle these people.
There is a car waiting for you
on the other side of the road!
Save your life!
Trust me Vikas! Just go!
Go Vikas, go!
Go! Hurry up!
Good evening, Mr. Sagar!
I don't think he knows anything!
You need to work on
him a little more!
Come on!
I had told you, no one is
allowed on the 13th floor!
What 13th floor!
That lift malfunctioned!
Otherwise, even this
stupid bouncer knows...
...that no one can go up
without the handprint!
Zahir was a bit too over excited.
But what is there
on the 13th floor...
...for which I was beaten up so much?
We are a T. V channel, Mr. Gajni!
Is this the way!
Vikas is not just
our senior employee...
...but he is also our guest.
Is this the way to
behave with our guest?
I won't spare him so easily!
I am sorry, Vikas!
It's just that we are a bit
careful with the security!
Especially, after
what happened to Owais!
I hope you can understand!
A souvenir given by the Americans.
I was covering the
war in Afghanistan!
In the crossfire, I
was hit by a bullet too!
The bullet is still inside!
Shall we start work from tomorrow?
See you at the office, Mr. Sagar!
- Okay, Mr. Gajni!
Take care.
Is everything fine?
- Grace of Allah!
The bugs have been planted, sir.
Appoint the camera
team in 24/7 surveillance.
Before he leaves, we
should know where he is going.
Right sir.
Before he thinks, we should
know what he is going to do.
We should know even if he blinks.
Yes sir!
Is there anything missing?
Sir, is there anything missing?
Everything is missing! My passport!
My documents! My money!
- Yes sir.
Do you know a Rizwan Khan?
Tall guy, long hair!
Get Mr. Gazni to the
command centre now.
It's an emergency!
We were having tea
there at the table.
You were serving us!
Do you know him?
- No, I don't know him.
If he comes back, can you tell
him to call Mr. Vikas Sagar.
Yeah! Thank you!
What's the matter?
- We just heard Vikas talking!
Hi, do you know a Rizwan Khan?
Tall guy, long hair!
Rizwan! And, how
does Vikas know him?
Rizwan is in Istanbul,
and you don't even know.
How is that possible?
We have kept an eye on
Vikas from the beginning!
We never saw him meeting Rizwan.
Stay behind him!
I want to see who Vikas meets.
One falafel, please.
Take your clothes off.
- What?
Do as I say?
Wear these clothes, quick!
But why?
Give me your shoes.
- Take your shoes off.
Give me your shoes man.
Just trust me.
Look! Tracker! 1000 yards range.
They must be close-by!
Hurry up! Quick!
He is in the garbage store.
Go there you idiots!
Too late!
Will anyone tell me
what's going on here?
Your men are getting beaten up.
You mean to say that Vikas
is doing all this alone.
Not Vikas!
All cameras are dead!
The bugs must be still there.
I want to hear them.
Sir that...
- What? What?
Sir, they have
dismantled all the bugs.
22nd May, 2005! There
was a blast in Turkey!
In that blast, 100 people
were injured and 6 died.
My wife and my small daughter...
...were amongst those dead people.
That day, Turkey
declared war on terrorism.
And the first soldier
of that war, was me.
I received the information that
Abu Nazir was behind that blast.
I am sorry that this
happened with your family.
But what how is Al Zohra
connected to all this?
And why... are you looking
for Abu Nazir in Turkey?
I am not searching for Abu Nazir!
Because Abu Nazir is dead!
You go inside!
But we still see Abu Nazir on T. V!
Don't you find that strange?
Abu Nazir was just another
name for world terrorism.
Just a face!
The truth is that, even
before Abu Nazir died...
...there were people
behind him, a network...
...who did all the planning!
And today, after he is dead...
...the same network,
the same people...
...are just using his name!
You mean Al Zohra!
And those tapes.
13th floor!
Oh God!
So basically Mr. Sagar,
which tapes do they re-edit...
...to make new footage?
Which special effects, which
computer graphics do they use?
How do they plan bomb blasts,
terror attacks...
...all over the world from
within the Al Zohra office?
You will get all these
details on Zahir's computers.
On the 13th floor.
Then why don't you go?
Anyway, you come
and go like a ghost.
Because I am scared.
There is only one thing in the
world that Rizwan is afraid of.
And that's computers!
But you! You are a computer expert.
You can do this job.
There are many experts like me.
Then why just me?
Yes, there are many experts.
But no one is crazy
enough to do this job.
Whereas you my friend,
have no choice.
You will die Vikas.
Either one way or another!
You feel they will let you go.
Vikas, whenever Al Zohra
opens an office in any country...
...terrorism increases there.
Iraq! Afghanistan, Pakistan!
Now their next target is India.
Now they will target
the innocent children...
...of your country with their bombs.
You are the only one
that can save your country!
I will need a few things.
Welcome to my home.
Come on.
But you said that computers.
That's your office.
And that!
My office.
I like your office better.
I am glad that you do buddy.
But let's get to work first.
Let's save the world.
Pen drive X' series.
It contains hacking software.
It can help us surpass
their computer passwords...
...and security codes.
After downloading the entire data...
...it will leave a
virus on their network.
And exactly five minutes later...
...all their disks will be clean.
This thing will
take care of that job.
But before that, you will have
to take me to the 13th floor.
What about that?
I will take you there.
There are three problems in that.
Problem number one, outside
the building, 20 armed guards...
...with automatic weapons.
Problem number two,
inside the building...
...security checks, metal
detectors and... more armed guards.
Problem number three.
Upstairs, your best friend Zahir...
...will be waiting with a
small army to welcome you.
Wait a minute! Hand print!
How will we get inside the
lift to go to the 13th floor?
No Problem.
Meet him! My friend!
All the security of the
13th floor lies in his hands.
You can behead me if you want!
I won't tell you anything!
If I do behead you, how
will you tell anything?
You can blind me! Cut off my tongue!
I won't tell you anything!
What the hell are you doing?
Mr. Sagar, will
you let me do my job!
Go out and wait for me. Now!
Free me! And you will
know how I can use my hands!
Your hands can be used too.
Thank you!
Are you freaking mad!
He said it himself,
he can use his hands!
Shall we go now?
But, what if this is the wrong hand?
No! No!
No! No please! No! No! No!
So... how will we go inside?
You are serious!
Why am I not surprised?
Let's go!
Back up! Back up!
Everyone back up.
Come on!
Vikas, go.
- Go!
- Okay, okay, okay!
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
Come on hurry up, Vikas!
Let's go.
Shall we?
Will you go out or die?
Come on Vikas, show
them what you have got.
What the hell just happened?
Security breach, sir.
They have reached the
13th floor computers.
Come on! Come on!
What the hell, Rizwan!
Who taught you how to shoot?
The one who taught
you to use computers.
Hurry up!
Is it done, Vikas?
New York, London, Mumbai!
They are on our targets!
Ready to be destroyed!
How much time, Vikas?
Come on.
What the hell is happening?
Data has been downloaded
on the pen drive, sir!
How much?
- Everything.
Sir, they have put a virus
in our computer network.
Go! Go! Go! Let's go!
Guys in the car, quickly!
No Rizwan, she's with them?
- Come on. Come on.
If you want to save
our lives then come on.
I am there with you, we
will deal with her later!
Where is he now?
- Escaped!
Look at this, external
cameras have captured something.
Zoom in.
The one you trusted so much!
She turned out to be the betrayer.
I'll kill that creep!
Watch it!
Here guys!
Here you go!
- Thank you!
I ask you for the
last time, who are you?
Or else I will throw
this pen drive in water.
No Vikas.
I joined Gajni to find
out his real activities.
In fact, I betrayed
you to win his trust.
I work for the RAW!
Research Analysis Wing, Indian Army!
You work for the RAW!
Give me a break Lisa, please.
Vikas, this time I
am telling the truth!
In fact, RAW had
asked me to recruit him!
Recruit me.
- Him!
Not to fight.
Vikas, we suspected Al
Zohra from the beginning!
But we couldn't find any proof!
You could have given
us a lot of evidence...
...from Al Zohra's Indian office.
But now you have
made our work easier!
Give me that pen drive.
Sorry Lisa!
I will handover this pen drive
only to the Indian government.
We've got company, baby.
Check it out!
Oh God!
So... are you scared?
Ahead of fear lies victory!
Yes baby! Let's rock it!
Remember we want all of them alive.
Until we have recovered the disk.
Not bad Vikas, I am proud of you!
Yeah, I learnt it watching you.
That kick was pretty...
- I like that... punch!
Okay, we have to get out of Turkey!
In an hour...
Call me!
- Sure!
Shall we...
The president's waiting
for you sir! - Thank you!
Come in!
I am very busy, Reed!
This is my first trip to India!
What is so important?
The Turkey situation, sir!
Turkey! We have
some kind of shortage!
Not the bird, sir, the country.
Oh - Seems some Indians
are involved in the attack...
...on the Al Zohra building.
What are Indians doing in Turkey,
for Christ's Sakes!
They are everywhere!
So they are.
The other day I spent two hours
talking about the Afghan problem...
...with the Indian ambassador!
Anyhow, I thought he was
the Indian ambassador!
He turned out to be a
governor from South Louisiana!
If the Indians harm
our interest in any way...
...do I have your
permission to terminate?
Reed! You can't be
going after Indians too!
Who's left?
I realized that sir, but I have
to stop the truth from coming out.
No buts, Reed!
We don't interfere
in foreign countries.
Unless if we are
going to invade them.
Are we going to invade turkey?
- No sir!
Then leave me alone.
I'll go to practice
saying Manmo... han Singh.
Before I get to Delhi!
Why didn't you die instead
of coming in front of me?
Respect me, sir.
I will give you respect.
I had told you, this is gorilla war.
Not a dog race.
I will get the three of them.
No! So what if they
beat up 30 people?
I will make entire
Istanbul go after them.
I want my interview
splashed on every T. V channel...
...every newspaper and
every radio channel.
- Yes!
We have become world famous!
That's us!
Not just on Al Zohra,
but on the entire media...
...an attack on the
freedom of the press.
They have murdered my
security chief Zahir... - Chips!
And 15 guards too!
Every person working at Al
Zohra is a part of my family.
And I will get
justice for my brothers!
Our security camera's
have taken the picture...
...of these three terrorists.
That's us! We look good man, see.
I request the citizens of Istanbul...
...to help us catch these terrorists!
Anyone who gives us
information about these terrorists...
...will be given a reward
of one million dollars.
One million dollars.
What, just one million dollars!
I'm going to take a bath!
The entire world is after us,
and you want to take a bath.
So, I'll just be back.
And yes, Vikas, don't make a call.
I'll see you in a bit.
- Cheers!
You weren't making a call,
isn't it? - No.
Does he have eyes or X-ray machines?
The police have
still not caught them.
But it is believed that
they are still in Istanbul.
And soon they will be caught.
Right now, they have a reward of
one million dollars on their heads.
Dead or alive!
Hello, Dumbo!
Vikas! What's going on?
Where are you?
You were right, Anjali!
I made a very big
mistake by coming here.
I am coming.
- What?
No, Dumbo! No!
Stay there! And I will
reach you somehow. Okay!
Please trust me Dumbo,
don't come here.
Vikas... I... I... I really love you!
But I can never trust me!
Dumbo, listen to me, Dumbo!
Don't board that plane!
Got them!
Cheer up, buddy!
We still look good on T. V!
Listen, was there any phone call?
And did you make any phone...
What the...
Vikas! You made that
bloody phone call!
Why the hell don't
you listen to me man?
Now do as I say!
- What?
Let's go!
Run! Run!
Not there! There!
Fast, reload, quick!
Vikas, you okay?
Does it look like I am okay?
Just hold on man!
- Are you mad?
Rizwan! Rizwan!
How did you let this happen?
This way our plans will
be delayed for many years.
That's why, terrorism should
be left to the terrorists!
Whatever you are today,
is because of me.
We just want that pen drive.
And to make our work easy...
...his wife herself is coming to us.
Officer! This guy, he is in the bus.
Yeah we saw him.
He is in the bus, Stop him!
Stop the bus!
Stop the bus. Stop it. Stop the bus.
Open the door.
Get him!
Get him!
What is all this?
Baby, do you like this?
There he is! There he is!
Let's get him. Run. Run.
He is getting through the door.
There he is, follow him.
On the other side.
Come on.
On the other side.
Hey, my jacket.
What is all this?
I am sorry madam Ambassador,
but I have no other choice.
Mr. Vikas Sagar, right! - Yes ma'am.
Please, let's go inside, I
will explain you everything!
Calling control room.
Ma'am, everything I said was true.
Abu Nazir is dead!
Gajni wants to keep him alive
through his Al Zohra network.
Gajni! Do you know...
...you are talking about the
most respected man in Turkey!
Ma'am, he is a terrorist!
And now he is going to build
his terrorist network in India.
You will have to stop him somehow.
Look, Mr. Sagar, right now
you are in a foreign country.
And very serious charges
have been pressed against you.
Excuse me ma'am, will you
please come out? It's urgent.
Vikas, my advice to
you will be that...
...let the police do their work.
And the rest, whatever
the Indian government...
...and I can do, we will do that.
Now please excuse me for a moment.
And please do think
about what I told you.
Madam Ambassador, there is
a terrorist in your office.
We must arrest him!
- Please come.
Where the hell have you been Rizwan?
I thought you were dead man!
Airport! Fast, let's go!
- No Vikas, no!
Not now!
Rizwan, they are
taking Anjali with them!
Vikas! Listen to me!
Gajni's men are hiding everywhere...
...waiting for you to
make this mistake.
Take a look, that side.
This side too.
Anjali Sagar!
- Yes.
Welcome to Istanbul!
You are looking for Vikas...
and me too.
Why don't you come with me?
- No Vikas!
I will have to stop him Rizwan!
- No Vikas!
No Vikas!
They took Anjali.
- Vikas...
They took her away because
of you Rizwan! - Vikas I...
Vikas, listen to me!
If we are caught now then
everything will be over.
Anjali! Our mission! Everything!
Now just calm down!
Vikas! Look at me Vikas!
I won't let anything
happen to your Anjali!
I promise you brother,
we will get her back.
Now just trust me.
Vikas, Lisa should
have called us by now.
Hey Lisa! Hey!
Lisa. Hey Lisa.
What did you do?
- Yeah!
Whatever had to happen
with me... that's over.
Take my phone.
Call Rajveer Singh! He
will take you to India.
Hey! Hey!
Vikas! Come on. Come on Vikas!
I am sorry! We have to
get you out of here now!
Now Vikas! Let's go!
Let's go now! Vikas!
Lisa asked to call her boss.
Let's give this a try too.
Hello! This is Vikas...
- I know.
10 o'clock, Sheraton Hotel.
Don't be late.
He asked to meet at Sheraton Hotel!
You are the one.
My sweetheart.
You... you are my life's... dream.
That has turned to reality...
like the ambiance.
Where else can I find you?
Can you feel it?
Music bumping!
Stars are shining!
Baby grind it
Baby! Move it!
Baby, grind it.
Girl, I feel that!
Oh no, there is nobody like you!
Oh no, there is nobody like you!
The face I would see everywhere...
that's right here.
I have been waiting for you!
The image that I would see
in my dreams, that's you!
I've been searching for you.
Your eyes, your style can kill me.
I have been living for you.
I can immerse in your arms,
and live my entire life.
Can you feel it?
Music bumping!
Stars are shining!
Baby grind it
Baby! Move it!
Baby, grind it.
Girl, I feel that!
Oh no, there is nobody like you!
Oh no, there is nobody like you!
Oh no, there is nobody like you!
Come to me boy.
Rajveer Singh!
- He's dead!
Let's get out of here!
I am in no mood, Reed!
What is it now?
The Indians have the
information on a pen drive.
I told you before!
Whatever you do,
don't touch the Indians.
Do you know how much we
depend on their call centers?
One mouse click...
...and our economy will be
deader then a cold turkey!
We will be begging
for eggs from Cameroon!
All right Mr. President.
We will just get Gajni
to do the job for us.
I should have given the job
to your wife instead of you.
I just can't stop staring at her!
Think about the condition
of the channel audience.
Gajni, if anything
happens to my wife...
Let me talk to her.
Come here and talk to her.
I will have a van sent.
And yes, if you don't
bring the pen drive...
...you won't be able to talk to her.
Because corpses don't talk.
These idiots killed my family.
I promise! No matter what,
I won't let them touch Anjali!
You trust me?
You trust me, Vikas?
Let's go man!
Let's go get Anjali back!
- Vic!
No! No!
How are you?
I am really sorry Vic!
By coming here, I have
added to your problems!
You have come here,
because you love me.
That's all!
We don't have time for a love song!
Where is the pen drive?
Release Anjali,
then I will tell you!
I ask you again.
Where is the pen drive?
Vic! Wherever it is, don't
ever give it to these creeps!
So Mr. Vikas Sagar,
are you getting angry!
You haven't seen my anger!
Come on, let us see that too.
Where is it?
I will count up to five!
Look... release her!
She has nothing to
do with all this! - 4!
Look, she doesn't know anything!
Talk to me, please!
- 3!
Anjali, I am sorry!
All this is happening because of me!
Don't touch Anjali, you scum!
Anjali, look at me!
I won't let anything happen to you!
I will kill you!
I swear on God Khalil,
I will kill you!
Fine! Fine!
I will do as you tell me to!
Please! Please release her! Please!
You are too late!
Vikas, I love you!
Next time I will take
aim and shoot! - Stop!
Stop, stop please!
The thing you are after,
it's hidden in my shoe!
Please release her!
Check it!
I love you, Dumbo!
Why is it taking so long?
You have committed many sins, Gajni!
It will take some time to download!
I have just twisted
the news a bit, Vikas!
Which you do too!
Every journalist does!
Don't call yourself a journalist,
you lousy psycho!
You are just a terrorist!
Not terrorist, a businessman!
Terrorism is my business!
People die and your TRP's increase!
After all, your Jihad is for money!
Not just money, Vikas! Power!
This is the information age!
News decides the
fates of the governments!
News decides the view of the people!
Just think Vikas! Think!
If the newsmaker and the
conveyor are together!
Then they can make the
government change their decision...
...in whichever way they want!
They can change the
views of the people!
They can change the
future of the world!
It's done!
Kill them!
With pleasure!
Dumbo, you okay!
Vikas! Gajni!
Go get him Tiger!
Hey Rizwan! Today I will
send you to your wife and child!
Idiot, first tell me!
How many bullets did I
shoot in your brother's head?
The army is asking for an account!
That's it!
Come on!
You know what, Vikas?
This was your last crime report!
Because now, it's time... to die!
'This is a souvenir from the
Americans! The bullet is still inside.'
Now take this
souvenir from an Indian!
Smile, Gajni!
Tomorrow your photo will be
printed in the newspaper! '
I missed you!
So, is this our third
anniversary of our first marriage?
Or the first anniversary
of our second marriage?
Turkish Commando
force's soldier, Rizwan Khan!
Because of whom, this
truth could be brought...
...in front of the world, is being
given the highest honour of Turkey!
Medal of Honour!
The eradication of
Al Zohra and Gajni...
...has proven to be a very big
triumph against world terrorism!
Many more details
have been revealed...
...about history's
biggest conspiracy...
...along with Abu Nazir's dead body!
And all my
companions from 'Aaj Tak.'.
...will keep giving you
details about this breaking news!
But that's all for
today from Vikas Sagar!
All I am thinking is that...
...where should we go for honeymoon!
- Honeymoon!
How did you come here?
Again the wrong question!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Sorry, pal.
Mission Istanbul!
Set out on it, if you want...
Mission Istanbul!
It's a sea of fire,
but we will cross it!
They say it's impossible,
but it's possible!
Oh yes. We'll make it!
Come on, hurry up.
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
Mission Istanbul!
Mission Istanbul!
All the secrets
that I keep in my lock.
What the...
Calm down.
Look for.
Do whatever you can, but
no one can save you today!
Boom, boom, we are going to
blow your heads and then kill you!
Come and face me, let's
see who has the guts.
Come on, let's go.
Oh gosh!
Mission Istanbul!
Set out on this journey, if
you want... Mission Istanbul!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Cut it! - Mind blowing.
- Superb. - Lunch.
World! Hold on!
Instead of messing up the future,
open up inside.
World! Hold on!
Wonder you will have to
answer the children of the sky.
World! Hold on!
Madam, we've reached your house.
Come quickly.
Hold on. Hold on.
Would you like to
come up for a coffee?
But then, I won't be able to sleep!
Who is talking
about sleeping, Vikas!
And I am talking
about being sensible!
I like you, Lisa!
- Really!
But our ways are different!
You want to move ahead, and I...
Hold on.
Good night, bye, see you, take care!
Good night!
Vikas still loves his wife a lot!
Football stadium!
Is there going to be a
football match there?
A different type of
game is played there, sir.
You will know once you see it!
I don't know about football match...
...but we will surely
meet Abu Nazir's men there!
Come on, sit down!
Let's sit there!
Easy! Easy!
Back off!
Back off! Or I will shoot him!
Back off! Back off!
I said back off!
Or I will shoot him!
Back off!
Back off! Or I will shoot him!
Back off!
Do you wish to die
that you came back here?
Enough games.
Let's come to the point now!
Open the blindfold!
Sohail, what's the news?
Northern alliance
has passed the border.
They can attack us any time!
Are you okay?
Hi, we are from the
Al Zohra news network!
First, we'd like to know how
long have you been a hostage here?
And is there any message you would
like to give to any of the embassies?
Yes, we have been
here for four days...
...and we really
don't know what to do!
We really need your help!
This is Abu Nazir's message...
...for all the
countries of the world.
We will be triumphant!
Abu Nazir's wrath
will rain from the sky...
...as destruction
on the enemy's city!
Which city?
Which city do you want to target?
Very soon, you and all
the betrayers will know...
...how Abu Nazir avenges
the attacks on Iraq and Iran!
What the hell...
What did you think?
The one, for whom thousands of
people can lay down their lives.
You think you will be
safe after betraying him?
There is only one
consequence of betrayal! Death!
Northern Alliance!
Come on, move, move, move!
Down, down, down!
Come on, move!
Get up! Come on get up!
Let's go!
- Take them ahead!
Come on... run... move.
You are okay... Come on.
Let's go! Let's go!
Get inside! Get inside quickly!
Vikas, you go!
Kill these traitors!
Owais Hussain was Al
Zohra's best journalist!
But before that he
was our best friend!
He was the soldier of truth
who has attained martyrdom.
His obsession with truth
brought him to Al Zohra!
In the search of truth...
...he went into the
battlefield of Afghanistan fearlessly.
And today when he has
gone to meet Allah...
...there is only truth in his heart!
Today, he is not amongst us!
But on his behalf, his
companions at Al Zohra...
...take an oath, that his
photograph in the hall of martyrs...
...will be a live example!
Al Zohra will always
remember you Owais Hussain.
And we won't let the
world forget this.
Mr. Sagar, your life is in danger!
- Excuse me!
A little careful, Mr. Sagar!
Here, if you divert your
attention even for a moment...
...you can lose your life.
Who are you?
And how do you know my name?
I even know why
Owais Hussain was killed.
Why do terrorists kill someone?
Because they are terrorists!
What do you think?
Owais Hussain was the
only reporter of Al Zohra...
...who was killed?
Imran Baig! Senior reporter!
Was killed in the
Lebanon car bomb explosion!
Javed Khan and ljaz Ahmed!
From the roof of their hotel...
straight down!
And Khurshid Alam was killed...
...by poisoning his tea!
All of them were Al
Zohra's reporters!
And all of them
wanted to leave Al Zohra!
But sadly, they are
still hanging there.
In their hall of martyrs.
But... why are you
telling me all this?
Owais Hussain wanted
to leave Al Zohra too.
He had told you, isn't it?
You are leaving Al Zohra.
- Of course!
Did you tell the boss?
There is nothing to
tell the boss about.
As soon as I get my salary, I
will stop coming on the job.
He will realize it himself.
Whenever a reporter
tried to leave Al Zohra...
...he has forsaken the world.
And still, there is
a lot of space left...
...in that hall of martyrs Mr. Sagar!
But... but how do you know all this?
Al Zohra is not
what you think, Vikas!
Hey Vikas!
What are you doing there alone?
I am not alone, I am...
Come on, come on.
Hop in, I will take you for a ride!
Come on!
Yes okay!
'You never know, it maybe me next.'
'Karachi, 10th July, 2003! '
'AI Zohra correspondent
dead in car bomb explosion! '
'Whether they died in
car bomb explosions...
...or were abducted and beheaded.'
'But there is one thing
common amongst all of them.'
'Everyone were Al Zohra reporters! '
'And all of them are dead! '
'Whoever he was, he was right! '
What are you looking at so closely?
What's written?
I will go abroad,
will get a new job!
Soon I will get promotion!
I will make new friends too!
There is a chance
for romance too, sir.
Everything is mind blowing!
I am having a golden period!
Just that I think, I wish I
could have given some of my luck...
...to Owais too.
You have suffered a very big shock...
...seeing Owais
dying in front of you.
I can understand!
Owais is our hero too!
I have hung his photo
in the hall of martyrs!
See you around!
Vikas knows something.
- Sir.
My India operations are
very important for me Zahir!
There shouldn't be any
obstruction of any sort.
I need him.
- Yes sir.
Come, let us go to our special
correspondent Anjali Vakil...
...who is in Srinagar...
...where terrorists have
held some people hostage.
Come on, hurry up.
As you can see...
- How many people are in the bus...
...that cannot be said!
There are more than 50
kidnapped passengers in the bus.
Which you can see
on your T. V screen!
And the terrorists
are hiding behind them!
What do they want?
What are their demands?
That still hasn't been known!
Ma'am, look behind!
Follow me.
Vikas, why do you always
call at the wrong time?
Anjali, listen to me.
That man is a terrorist.
I have seen him!
Where, on the T. V?
No, in Al Zohra's office...
in Istanbul!
Vikas you must be mistaken,
what are you saying?
Anjali, I didn't make any
mistake in recognizing him!
Please go back! Please!
Vikas, my life's biggest
story is in front of me.
Journalists from all around
the world are present here...
...and they have called
me for an interview!
And you are asking me to go back!
Forget your freaking story
and listen to me, Anjali!
Come! Something is
going to happen, Dumbo!
Please stop!
Anjali! Please stop!
Stop it!
- Please stop Anjali!
Oh God! Oh God!
Oh God!
Anjali! Anjali, are you okay?
Anjali! Can you hear me, Anjali?
Anjali! Can you hear me, Anjali?
Dumbo, take the line! Dumbo,
take the phone!
Hello! Hello! Hello!
- Are you okay, Anjali?
Speak to me! Oh, Dumbo, speak to me!
Oh God!
Madam, are you okay?
Madam, are you okay?
What the hell is happening here?
You must have a lot of
questions in your mind...
...Mr. Vikas Sagar!
But in this entire world,
there is only one man...
...who can answer your questions!
How did you come inside?
Wrong question, Vikas.
I can tell you everything!
But ask the right question!
Now, don't ask me
what I know about you.
And don't even ask... what I
will tell you about myself!
Yes, I can surely tell you my name.
What is your name?
Rizwan Khan!
Now ask, who are the people
who want to kill your wife?
Because Vikas, if you wouldn't
have called at the right time...
...then, she wouldn't have survived.
If you really want
to tell me something...
Then do it properly!
Venting your anger is a nice thing.
But venting your anger
on the wrong person...
...is not the right thing, Vikas!
Take a look!
You might know some of these people.
They are the most wanted people
in different parts of the world.
Freedom fighters! That's
what they call themselves!
Rebels! Radicals!
Oh no!
The truth is that, all
of them are terrorists!
And the entire most wanted list...
...can be spotted coming
and going in your office.
What are you saying? That all
of them in the Al Zohra office...
But how do you know all this?
I know a lot Vikas!
But there are still
things that even I don't know.
But you... you can find it out.
By going where even I can't go!
Which place is that?
Al Zohra's 13th...
We saw the news on the T. V!
Mr. Gajni has sent me to
find out, are you okay?
Tell me Mr. Gajni, if he
cares about me so much...
...then he could have called.
We couldn't call you!
Mr. Gajni has said,
that he is very happy...
...that your wife has survived.
Tell Mr. Gajni that I
am grateful to him...
...but right now I want my privacy!
Al Zohra is not
what you think, Vikas!
Any reporter that
wanted to leave Al Zohra...
...has forsaken the world.
You are leaving Al Zohra!
- Of course!
Did you tell the boss?
As soon as I get my salary,
I will stop coming to work.
He will realize it himself!
'Any reporter that
wanted to leave Al Zohra...
...has forsaken the world.'
'As the mouth piece of terrorists! '
'Your life is in danger.'
'And the entire most wanted list...
...can be spotted coming
and going in your office.'
'Tell him about the 13th floor! '
'No one is allowed to go there.'
Excuse me.
- Yes.
I need to go upstairs,
can you help me?
'Mr. Gajni calls this
his hall of martyrs.'
Someone went inside!
Security! In the 13th floor's lift!
Quickly go up!
Security, go!
- Okay! - Stop! Stop!
What were you doing
on the 13th floor?
What's on the 13th floor,
that you don't want me to see?
How did you go
inside the private lift?
That lift... mistakenly...
Whom are you trying
to fool Vikas Sagar?
What were you doing there?
Tell me!
I remembered!
I remembered!
That lift...
Are you okay?
Why are these people after you?
What do you know about them?
I was lost in some thoughts!
Mistakenly I entered
their private lift!
And then... it set
their backs on fire.
- They will never spare you, Vikas!
What did you see there?
I can't help you...
- I didn't see anything.
Anyway, there was
nothing worth seeing there.
What did I see! What did
I see! What did I see!
Oh God, Vikas, they are after us.
For the last time, for
heaven's sake Vikas...
...what did you see
on the 13th floor?
13th floor! How do
you know about it?
And when did I tell you Lisa
that I got down on the 13th floor?
Oh God, they saw us Vikas.
Oh no, Vikas! Just leave the car!
Leave the car now!
How do you know about the 13th
floor? - Forget the 13th floor, Vikas!
I will handle these people.
There is a car waiting for you
on the other side of the road!
Save your life!
Trust me Vikas! Just go!
Go Vikas, go!
Go! Hurry up!
Good evening, Mr. Sagar!
I don't think he knows anything!
You need to work on
him a little more!
Come on!
I had told you, no one is
allowed on the 13th floor!
What 13th floor!
That lift malfunctioned!
Otherwise, even this
stupid bouncer knows...
...that no one can go up
without the handprint!
Zahir was a bit too over excited.
But what is there
on the 13th floor...
...for which I was beaten up so much?
We are a T. V channel, Mr. Gajni!
Is this the way!
Vikas is not just
our senior employee...
...but he is also our guest.
Is this the way to
behave with our guest?
I won't spare him so easily!
I am sorry, Vikas!
It's just that we are a bit
careful with the security!
Especially, after
what happened to Owais!
I hope you can understand!
A souvenir given by the Americans.
I was covering the
war in Afghanistan!
In the crossfire, I
was hit by a bullet too!
The bullet is still inside!
Shall we start work from tomorrow?
See you at the office, Mr. Sagar!
- Okay, Mr. Gajni!
Take care.
Is everything fine?
- Grace of Allah!
The bugs have been planted, sir.
Appoint the camera
team in 24/7 surveillance.
Before he leaves, we
should know where he is going.
Right sir.
Before he thinks, we should
know what he is going to do.
We should know even if he blinks.
Yes sir!
Is there anything missing?
Sir, is there anything missing?
Everything is missing! My passport!
My documents! My money!
- Yes sir.
Do you know a Rizwan Khan?
Tall guy, long hair!
Get Mr. Gazni to the
command centre now.
It's an emergency!
We were having tea
there at the table.
You were serving us!
Do you know him?
- No, I don't know him.
If he comes back, can you tell
him to call Mr. Vikas Sagar.
Yeah! Thank you!
What's the matter?
- We just heard Vikas talking!
Hi, do you know a Rizwan Khan?
Tall guy, long hair!
Rizwan! And, how
does Vikas know him?
Rizwan is in Istanbul,
and you don't even know.
How is that possible?
We have kept an eye on
Vikas from the beginning!
We never saw him meeting Rizwan.
Stay behind him!
I want to see who Vikas meets.
One falafel, please.
Take your clothes off.
- What?
Do as I say?
Wear these clothes, quick!
But why?
Give me your shoes.
- Take your shoes off.
Give me your shoes man.
Just trust me.
Look! Tracker! 1000 yards range.
They must be close-by!
Hurry up! Quick!
He is in the garbage store.
Go there you idiots!
Too late!
Will anyone tell me
what's going on here?
Your men are getting beaten up.
You mean to say that Vikas
is doing all this alone.
Not Vikas!
All cameras are dead!
The bugs must be still there.
I want to hear them.
Sir that...
- What? What?
Sir, they have
dismantled all the bugs.
22nd May, 2005! There
was a blast in Turkey!
In that blast, 100 people
were injured and 6 died.
My wife and my small daughter...
...were amongst those dead people.
That day, Turkey
declared war on terrorism.
And the first soldier
of that war, was me.
I received the information that
Abu Nazir was behind that blast.
I am sorry that this
happened with your family.
But what how is Al Zohra
connected to all this?
And why... are you looking
for Abu Nazir in Turkey?
I am not searching for Abu Nazir!
Because Abu Nazir is dead!
You go inside!
But we still see Abu Nazir on T. V!
Don't you find that strange?
Abu Nazir was just another
name for world terrorism.
Just a face!
The truth is that, even
before Abu Nazir died...
...there were people
behind him, a network...
...who did all the planning!
And today, after he is dead...
...the same network,
the same people...
...are just using his name!
You mean Al Zohra!
And those tapes.
13th floor!
Oh God!
So basically Mr. Sagar,
which tapes do they re-edit...
...to make new footage?
Which special effects, which
computer graphics do they use?
How do they plan bomb blasts,
terror attacks...
...all over the world from
within the Al Zohra office?
You will get all these
details on Zahir's computers.
On the 13th floor.
Then why don't you go?
Anyway, you come
and go like a ghost.
Because I am scared.
There is only one thing in the
world that Rizwan is afraid of.
And that's computers!
But you! You are a computer expert.
You can do this job.
There are many experts like me.
Then why just me?
Yes, there are many experts.
But no one is crazy
enough to do this job.
Whereas you my friend,
have no choice.
You will die Vikas.
Either one way or another!
You feel they will let you go.
Vikas, whenever Al Zohra
opens an office in any country...
...terrorism increases there.
Iraq! Afghanistan, Pakistan!
Now their next target is India.
Now they will target
the innocent children...
...of your country with their bombs.
You are the only one
that can save your country!
I will need a few things.
Welcome to my home.
Come on.
But you said that computers.
That's your office.
And that!
My office.
I like your office better.
I am glad that you do buddy.
But let's get to work first.
Let's save the world.
Pen drive X' series.
It contains hacking software.
It can help us surpass
their computer passwords...
...and security codes.
After downloading the entire data...
...it will leave a
virus on their network.
And exactly five minutes later...
...all their disks will be clean.
This thing will
take care of that job.
But before that, you will have
to take me to the 13th floor.
What about that?
I will take you there.
There are three problems in that.
Problem number one, outside
the building, 20 armed guards...
...with automatic weapons.
Problem number two,
inside the building...
...security checks, metal
detectors and... more armed guards.
Problem number three.
Upstairs, your best friend Zahir...
...will be waiting with a
small army to welcome you.
Wait a minute! Hand print!
How will we get inside the
lift to go to the 13th floor?
No Problem.
Meet him! My friend!
All the security of the
13th floor lies in his hands.
You can behead me if you want!
I won't tell you anything!
If I do behead you, how
will you tell anything?
You can blind me! Cut off my tongue!
I won't tell you anything!
What the hell are you doing?
Mr. Sagar, will
you let me do my job!
Go out and wait for me. Now!
Free me! And you will
know how I can use my hands!
Your hands can be used too.
Thank you!
Are you freaking mad!
He said it himself,
he can use his hands!
Shall we go now?
But, what if this is the wrong hand?
No! No!
No! No please! No! No! No!
So... how will we go inside?
You are serious!
Why am I not surprised?
Let's go!
Back up! Back up!
Everyone back up.
Come on!
Vikas, go.
- Go!
- Okay, okay, okay!
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
Come on hurry up, Vikas!
Let's go.
Shall we?
Will you go out or die?
Come on Vikas, show
them what you have got.
What the hell just happened?
Security breach, sir.
They have reached the
13th floor computers.
Come on! Come on!
What the hell, Rizwan!
Who taught you how to shoot?
The one who taught
you to use computers.
Hurry up!
Is it done, Vikas?
New York, London, Mumbai!
They are on our targets!
Ready to be destroyed!
How much time, Vikas?
Come on.
What the hell is happening?
Data has been downloaded
on the pen drive, sir!
How much?
- Everything.
Sir, they have put a virus
in our computer network.
Go! Go! Go! Let's go!
Guys in the car, quickly!
No Rizwan, she's with them?
- Come on. Come on.
If you want to save
our lives then come on.
I am there with you, we
will deal with her later!
Where is he now?
- Escaped!
Look at this, external
cameras have captured something.
Zoom in.
The one you trusted so much!
She turned out to be the betrayer.
I'll kill that creep!
Watch it!
Here guys!
Here you go!
- Thank you!
I ask you for the
last time, who are you?
Or else I will throw
this pen drive in water.
No Vikas.
I joined Gajni to find
out his real activities.
In fact, I betrayed
you to win his trust.
I work for the RAW!
Research Analysis Wing, Indian Army!
You work for the RAW!
Give me a break Lisa, please.
Vikas, this time I
am telling the truth!
In fact, RAW had
asked me to recruit him!
Recruit me.
- Him!
Not to fight.
Vikas, we suspected Al
Zohra from the beginning!
But we couldn't find any proof!
You could have given
us a lot of evidence...
...from Al Zohra's Indian office.
But now you have
made our work easier!
Give me that pen drive.
Sorry Lisa!
I will handover this pen drive
only to the Indian government.
We've got company, baby.
Check it out!
Oh God!
So... are you scared?
Ahead of fear lies victory!
Yes baby! Let's rock it!
Remember we want all of them alive.
Until we have recovered the disk.
Not bad Vikas, I am proud of you!
Yeah, I learnt it watching you.
That kick was pretty...
- I like that... punch!
Okay, we have to get out of Turkey!
In an hour...
Call me!
- Sure!
Shall we...
The president's waiting
for you sir! - Thank you!
Come in!
I am very busy, Reed!
This is my first trip to India!
What is so important?
The Turkey situation, sir!
Turkey! We have
some kind of shortage!
Not the bird, sir, the country.
Oh - Seems some Indians
are involved in the attack...
...on the Al Zohra building.
What are Indians doing in Turkey,
for Christ's Sakes!
They are everywhere!
So they are.
The other day I spent two hours
talking about the Afghan problem...
...with the Indian ambassador!
Anyhow, I thought he was
the Indian ambassador!
He turned out to be a
governor from South Louisiana!
If the Indians harm
our interest in any way...
...do I have your
permission to terminate?
Reed! You can't be
going after Indians too!
Who's left?
I realized that sir, but I have
to stop the truth from coming out.
No buts, Reed!
We don't interfere
in foreign countries.
Unless if we are
going to invade them.
Are we going to invade turkey?
- No sir!
Then leave me alone.
I'll go to practice
saying Manmo... han Singh.
Before I get to Delhi!
Why didn't you die instead
of coming in front of me?
Respect me, sir.
I will give you respect.
I had told you, this is gorilla war.
Not a dog race.
I will get the three of them.
No! So what if they
beat up 30 people?
I will make entire
Istanbul go after them.
I want my interview
splashed on every T. V channel...
...every newspaper and
every radio channel.
- Yes!
We have become world famous!
That's us!
Not just on Al Zohra,
but on the entire media...
...an attack on the
freedom of the press.
They have murdered my
security chief Zahir... - Chips!
And 15 guards too!
Every person working at Al
Zohra is a part of my family.
And I will get
justice for my brothers!
Our security camera's
have taken the picture...
...of these three terrorists.
That's us! We look good man, see.
I request the citizens of Istanbul...
...to help us catch these terrorists!
Anyone who gives us
information about these terrorists...
...will be given a reward
of one million dollars.
One million dollars.
What, just one million dollars!
I'm going to take a bath!
The entire world is after us,
and you want to take a bath.
So, I'll just be back.
And yes, Vikas, don't make a call.
I'll see you in a bit.
- Cheers!
You weren't making a call,
isn't it? - No.
Does he have eyes or X-ray machines?
The police have
still not caught them.
But it is believed that
they are still in Istanbul.
And soon they will be caught.
Right now, they have a reward of
one million dollars on their heads.
Dead or alive!
Hello, Dumbo!
Vikas! What's going on?
Where are you?
You were right, Anjali!
I made a very big
mistake by coming here.
I am coming.
- What?
No, Dumbo! No!
Stay there! And I will
reach you somehow. Okay!
Please trust me Dumbo,
don't come here.
Vikas... I... I... I really love you!
But I can never trust me!
Dumbo, listen to me, Dumbo!
Don't board that plane!
Got them!
Cheer up, buddy!
We still look good on T. V!
Listen, was there any phone call?
And did you make any phone...
What the...
Vikas! You made that
bloody phone call!
Why the hell don't
you listen to me man?
Now do as I say!
- What?
Let's go!
Run! Run!
Not there! There!
Fast, reload, quick!
Vikas, you okay?
Does it look like I am okay?
Just hold on man!
- Are you mad?
Rizwan! Rizwan!
How did you let this happen?
This way our plans will
be delayed for many years.
That's why, terrorism should
be left to the terrorists!
Whatever you are today,
is because of me.
We just want that pen drive.
And to make our work easy...
...his wife herself is coming to us.
Officer! This guy, he is in the bus.
Yeah we saw him.
He is in the bus, Stop him!
Stop the bus!
Stop the bus. Stop it. Stop the bus.
Open the door.
Get him!
Get him!
What is all this?
Baby, do you like this?
There he is! There he is!
Let's get him. Run. Run.
He is getting through the door.
There he is, follow him.
On the other side.
Come on.
On the other side.
Hey, my jacket.
What is all this?
I am sorry madam Ambassador,
but I have no other choice.
Mr. Vikas Sagar, right! - Yes ma'am.
Please, let's go inside, I
will explain you everything!
Calling control room.
Ma'am, everything I said was true.
Abu Nazir is dead!
Gajni wants to keep him alive
through his Al Zohra network.
Gajni! Do you know...
...you are talking about the
most respected man in Turkey!
Ma'am, he is a terrorist!
And now he is going to build
his terrorist network in India.
You will have to stop him somehow.
Look, Mr. Sagar, right now
you are in a foreign country.
And very serious charges
have been pressed against you.
Excuse me ma'am, will you
please come out? It's urgent.
Vikas, my advice to
you will be that...
...let the police do their work.
And the rest, whatever
the Indian government...
...and I can do, we will do that.
Now please excuse me for a moment.
And please do think
about what I told you.
Madam Ambassador, there is
a terrorist in your office.
We must arrest him!
- Please come.
Where the hell have you been Rizwan?
I thought you were dead man!
Airport! Fast, let's go!
- No Vikas, no!
Not now!
Rizwan, they are
taking Anjali with them!
Vikas! Listen to me!
Gajni's men are hiding everywhere...
...waiting for you to
make this mistake.
Take a look, that side.
This side too.
Anjali Sagar!
- Yes.
Welcome to Istanbul!
You are looking for Vikas...
and me too.
Why don't you come with me?
- No Vikas!
I will have to stop him Rizwan!
- No Vikas!
No Vikas!
They took Anjali.
- Vikas...
They took her away because
of you Rizwan! - Vikas I...
Vikas, listen to me!
If we are caught now then
everything will be over.
Anjali! Our mission! Everything!
Now just calm down!
Vikas! Look at me Vikas!
I won't let anything
happen to your Anjali!
I promise you brother,
we will get her back.
Now just trust me.
Vikas, Lisa should
have called us by now.
Hey Lisa! Hey!
Lisa. Hey Lisa.
What did you do?
- Yeah!
Whatever had to happen
with me... that's over.
Take my phone.
Call Rajveer Singh! He
will take you to India.
Hey! Hey!
Vikas! Come on. Come on Vikas!
I am sorry! We have to
get you out of here now!
Now Vikas! Let's go!
Let's go now! Vikas!
Lisa asked to call her boss.
Let's give this a try too.
Hello! This is Vikas...
- I know.
10 o'clock, Sheraton Hotel.
Don't be late.
He asked to meet at Sheraton Hotel!
You are the one.
My sweetheart.
You... you are my life's... dream.
That has turned to reality...
like the ambiance.
Where else can I find you?
Can you feel it?
Music bumping!
Stars are shining!
Baby grind it
Baby! Move it!
Baby, grind it.
Girl, I feel that!
Oh no, there is nobody like you!
Oh no, there is nobody like you!
The face I would see everywhere...
that's right here.
I have been waiting for you!
The image that I would see
in my dreams, that's you!
I've been searching for you.
Your eyes, your style can kill me.
I have been living for you.
I can immerse in your arms,
and live my entire life.
Can you feel it?
Music bumping!
Stars are shining!
Baby grind it
Baby! Move it!
Baby, grind it.
Girl, I feel that!
Oh no, there is nobody like you!
Oh no, there is nobody like you!
Oh no, there is nobody like you!
Come to me boy.
Rajveer Singh!
- He's dead!
Let's get out of here!
I am in no mood, Reed!
What is it now?
The Indians have the
information on a pen drive.
I told you before!
Whatever you do,
don't touch the Indians.
Do you know how much we
depend on their call centers?
One mouse click...
...and our economy will be
deader then a cold turkey!
We will be begging
for eggs from Cameroon!
All right Mr. President.
We will just get Gajni
to do the job for us.
I should have given the job
to your wife instead of you.
I just can't stop staring at her!
Think about the condition
of the channel audience.
Gajni, if anything
happens to my wife...
Let me talk to her.
Come here and talk to her.
I will have a van sent.
And yes, if you don't
bring the pen drive...
...you won't be able to talk to her.
Because corpses don't talk.
These idiots killed my family.
I promise! No matter what,
I won't let them touch Anjali!
You trust me?
You trust me, Vikas?
Let's go man!
Let's go get Anjali back!
- Vic!
No! No!
How are you?
I am really sorry Vic!
By coming here, I have
added to your problems!
You have come here,
because you love me.
That's all!
We don't have time for a love song!
Where is the pen drive?
Release Anjali,
then I will tell you!
I ask you again.
Where is the pen drive?
Vic! Wherever it is, don't
ever give it to these creeps!
So Mr. Vikas Sagar,
are you getting angry!
You haven't seen my anger!
Come on, let us see that too.
Where is it?
I will count up to five!
Look... release her!
She has nothing to
do with all this! - 4!
Look, she doesn't know anything!
Talk to me, please!
- 3!
Anjali, I am sorry!
All this is happening because of me!
Don't touch Anjali, you scum!
Anjali, look at me!
I won't let anything happen to you!
I will kill you!
I swear on God Khalil,
I will kill you!
Fine! Fine!
I will do as you tell me to!
Please! Please release her! Please!
You are too late!
Vikas, I love you!
Next time I will take
aim and shoot! - Stop!
Stop, stop please!
The thing you are after,
it's hidden in my shoe!
Please release her!
Check it!
I love you, Dumbo!
Why is it taking so long?
You have committed many sins, Gajni!
It will take some time to download!
I have just twisted
the news a bit, Vikas!
Which you do too!
Every journalist does!
Don't call yourself a journalist,
you lousy psycho!
You are just a terrorist!
Not terrorist, a businessman!
Terrorism is my business!
People die and your TRP's increase!
After all, your Jihad is for money!
Not just money, Vikas! Power!
This is the information age!
News decides the
fates of the governments!
News decides the view of the people!
Just think Vikas! Think!
If the newsmaker and the
conveyor are together!
Then they can make the
government change their decision...
...in whichever way they want!
They can change the
views of the people!
They can change the
future of the world!
It's done!
Kill them!
With pleasure!
Dumbo, you okay!
Vikas! Gajni!
Go get him Tiger!
Hey Rizwan! Today I will
send you to your wife and child!
Idiot, first tell me!
How many bullets did I
shoot in your brother's head?
The army is asking for an account!
That's it!
Come on!
You know what, Vikas?
This was your last crime report!
Because now, it's time... to die!
'This is a souvenir from the
Americans! The bullet is still inside.'
Now take this
souvenir from an Indian!
Smile, Gajni!
Tomorrow your photo will be
printed in the newspaper! '
I missed you!
So, is this our third
anniversary of our first marriage?
Or the first anniversary
of our second marriage?
Turkish Commando
force's soldier, Rizwan Khan!
Because of whom, this
truth could be brought...
...in front of the world, is being
given the highest honour of Turkey!
Medal of Honour!
The eradication of
Al Zohra and Gajni...
...has proven to be a very big
triumph against world terrorism!
Many more details
have been revealed...
...about history's
biggest conspiracy...
...along with Abu Nazir's dead body!
And all my
companions from 'Aaj Tak.'.
...will keep giving you
details about this breaking news!
But that's all for
today from Vikas Sagar!
All I am thinking is that...
...where should we go for honeymoon!
- Honeymoon!
How did you come here?
Again the wrong question!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Sorry, pal.
Mission Istanbul!
Set out on it, if you want...
Mission Istanbul!
It's a sea of fire,
but we will cross it!
They say it's impossible,
but it's possible!
Oh yes. We'll make it!
Come on, hurry up.
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
It's impossible.
- Though it's possible!
Mission Istanbul!
Mission Istanbul!
All the secrets
that I keep in my lock.
What the...
Calm down.
Look for.
Do whatever you can, but
no one can save you today!
Boom, boom, we are going to
blow your heads and then kill you!
Come and face me, let's
see who has the guts.
Come on, let's go.
Oh gosh!
Mission Istanbul!
Set out on this journey, if
you want... Mission Istanbul!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Mission... mission...
mission Istanbul!
Cut it! - Mind blowing.
- Superb. - Lunch.