Mississippi Murder (2017)

Lucy, my dear.
If you need anything, call me
and I'll be here in an instant.
Here, that should take
care of the pregnancy.
Hi, I'm Rosemund,
but everybody calls me Rosey.
- You're an artist.
- I just like to draw.
- Can I see what you're doing?
- I'm not any good.
Aw, come on!
I won't make fun, I promise.
Are you like really
upset or something?
It's cool though, I like it.
A little giraffe.
- Gosh, is that your room?
- Mm-hmm.
- It's awesome.
- Thanks.
Oh, my god.
This is the coolest
house I have ever seen.
It's my home.
But it's yours.
Which means I
can give it to you.
Hey, I don't, you
didn't tell me your name.
I'm Lucy.
Lucy, cool.
I cannot believe I let you
and David talk me into this.
Oh, you've come a long way since the
Agnes croft school for girls, huh?
Okay, here we go.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it is my great pleasure
to introduce the guest
of honor for this evening,
Ms. Lucy moon.
It's nights like
these that really show
that the Gulf coast is
becoming a cultural center now.
And we want to, really on behalf
of all of us, welcome you,
and world class artist Lucy
moon, and your son David moon.
Well, thank you.
Very kind words.
It's good to be home.
I wanted to ask you.
Do you think that your son's
live streaming project is
kind of taking away
from the artists,
and the work they're doing here?
Well, David moon has
just joined the show,
and it looks like it's
going to be some night.
You know judging by the
crowd's reaction tonight,
I think you're right.
Hey, mom.
For god's sake, David.
What, why can't you understand
that I have my own talents?
Huh? Look, why can't
you be proud of me?
I don't understand
why you can't manage
to conduct yourself in a manner
of which I can be proud.
Oh, I see.
You know, you really should
have just given me up
for adoption when
you had the chance.
'Cause that would've saved you
so much time and energy.
If these people only
knew that you are just
as great of a mother
as you are as an artist.
God, you'd be a smash.
Ah, okay, okay.
David, rein it in.
Rosey, Rosey, I am
on top of the world.
Oh, I know you are, honey.
Just try to keep it
together, okay?
I would like to thank
you all for coming out tonight
to give Lucy and
David moon a genuine,
Mississippi Gulf coast welcome.
Um, the gallery will be officially
open in just 10 minutes,
where you can all view, for the
first time ever, "dark exposure".
Alongside David moon's
multi-media production,
"hidden perspectives"
which will give an
entirely new ambiance
to our delicious
Mississippi coastline.
Thank you all again for coming.
See you inside.
Don't worry about it.
You just enjoy yourself.
Where the hell is David? He's
supposed to be here right now.
Makes me want to
blow something else.
You are so bad.
In a really good way.
I know, that's why
I keep you around.
I'm kidding, it's a joke.
It's a joke, it's a joke.
Could I please
get everyone's attention?
Hi, I just wanted
to thank you all
for being such great
supporters for the gallery.
Um, in just a few minutes
you will get your reward.
And in the meantime please,
feel free to walk around
and enjoy the works of all
our other wonderful artists.
And just remember to smile,
as David says the entire
world will be watchin'.
Okay, thank you all again.
I saw him go upstairs
with that Connie Lee girl.
- What else is new?
- Just go get him.
Son of a bitch, I am not
covering for you anymore.
I'm sorry, any more?
You never did, asshole.
I take care of myself, okay?
I always have, I always will.
So I think I'll be
just fine without you
and mommy dearest
looking out after me.
Why thank you so much for
your mock concern.
Fuck you, Austin.
No, fuck David.
Good evening, uncle Walter.
Good evenin'. Remember what I said,
don't tell anyone that I am here.
Oh, sounds lively.
Welcome everyone to
my fantastic mother,
who's always been so
supportive of me's art show.
Art opening.
She looks absolutely
Here's some of her pieces.
Earlier works, that she did.
That one's particularly hideous.
Ah, we can move past here.
Ah, through here.
Ah, and then we
will come to these.
These are her earlier sketches,
where she...
Well, David seems to have
found his metier...
Thanks, I know
what metier means.
Well, let's hope you can
find something someday.
And this is the biggest
anticipation of the night.
The work that she's been
painting for many, many months.
"Dark exposure".
Mm. Once again, my dear,
you have made a splash.
Aw, and your presence
is the icing on the cake.
And that dress.
Come in girl sizes?
I'm so proud of you.
Thank you, honey.
Not really my scene.
I saw what I came for,
thank you.
Shit, David, come on.
Hello, world.
You've got my number,
which means your allowed
to leave me a voicemail.
- What do we got?
- Go right inside, sir.
- I think they're ready for you.
- Okay, thanks man.
- All right.
- Thanks.
Thank you.
Hey, Eddie,
so what you have so far?
Name's David moon.
Some kind of new media,
YouTube big shot.
- I don't know.
- How old is he?
Kid's not twenty-five.
Shit. Who's that?
Owner of the gallery,
Rosemund Wallace.
No priors, no husband,
boyfriend, no girlfriend.
That's always good to know.
Hey, Mike, get a closer look
at this painting, will ya?
And tell me if you don't
think that's a little strange.
Yeah, it is.
Well, Fellini would've
been proud, huh?
Ms. Wallace?
I'm detective Michael Mavredes.
Do you mind if I ask you
some questions?
Did you know the young man?
Since he was born.
I'm sorry.
He had his problems,
but he was a good kid
and a great talent.
He didn't deserve this.
Did he ever speak to
you about being unhappy?
Maybe, maybe hurting himself?
David was Lucy moon's son.
We just had this
celebration of a lifetime
to honor their work.
There's, there's no way
David just committed suicide.
Oh, how am I gonna tell Lucy?
Yes, Ms. Wallace. In my experience,
I should probably handle that.
No, no, no, no, no, I'll go.
Ms. Wallace, are you sure
you want to do this?
She's my best friend.
Rosemund, what a nice surprise.
Hi, Lucy.
Um, this is detective Mavredes.
- Ms. moon.
- Yes?
Uh, we have something
we need to tell you.
Well, what is it?
Tell me.
Ms. moon, it might be best
if we go inside.
No, tell me now, here.
Ms. moon, I'm so very
sorry to tell you this.
Today we discovered you son's
body in the Wallace gallery.
I don't know
what happened back there.
It's understandable.
How do we find who did this?
That's what I'm going to
try and find out.
Hey, Rosey, go home, okay?
I can do this,
you need to get some rest.
I need to keep busy.
Signet ring?
Look at this.
Here, give it to me.
I'll put it up in the office.
Oh, no, you're fine.
I'll give it to
detective Mavredes.
Hey, Ms. Wallace.
I got my stuff out back.
Great, go give him a hand.
I'll be right out.
Good to see you.
We're all looking
forward to your show.
Thank you.
These are just wonderful.
Yes, ma'am.
They just wash up
on the shore and I find them.
Maybe you could come with
me sometime, I'll show you.
I would love that.
Thank you.
- They're, uh, so crude.
- Austin!
Well, I mean look at them.
They're just completely
lacking in sophistication.
It's precisely
the lack of sophistication
that makes his
work so appealing.
There's a rawness, a certain
primal quality to them.
You cannot be serious.
You're the only gallery in town that
has the balls to showcase real work.
- Yeah.
- Not this crap.
That's why I work for you.
Not for your fuckin'
15 bucks an hour.
- That's enough, Austin.
- And how do you think I feel?
You don't look at my
photographs for what, ever?
And then this guy comes in off the
street with some driftwood shit
and you just can't
wait to showcase him.
Yeah, thanks.
You are an artist.
You are an artist.
You are an artist.
You are an artist.
See, wood's got to be strong
and have just the
right amount of twist.
So that there's
a head or tail...
Or even a wing.
Now what kind of animal
do you think that is?
Look at the eye.
You got to find the eye.
I'm sorry, I just don't see it.
That's 'cause you ain't
used to seeing the world
that exists between
ours and the next.
It's a place that can
only be seen in here.
And you just ain't been
taught how to look yet.
Now, looka here.
See? There's the body,
right there.
And over here,
coming up out the sea.
- That's his head.
- Yes.
It's a shark!
And he's right there
that whole time.
All you need to do to see it
was to start using this.
Come on, sit down over there.
Oh, this is nice, Mayo.
There's a certain crowd
on the coast.
A men's only set.
Money, connections,
real, real private.
Like to throw quiet gatherings.
Parties with young,
creative guys.
Well, the boy was
with them sometimes.
Wasn't no women at
these parties, ma'am.
Are you trying to say
David was gay?
All I know for sure was that the
boy was with a lot heavy hitters.
One in particular is from
the governor's office.
His name is James Travers.
You go to these parties, Mayo?
No, ma'am.
I'm afraid I wouldn't
be invited.
But I know somebody who would.
I'll take you to meet him
when the time is right.
What's the surprise?
Come here, come here.
I want to show you something.
I want you to just take a look.
These yours?
Nice composition.
I like the lighting in this one.
Okay, listen, listen. I know that I
have a long way to go as an artist.
All right, but I think
that these can be shown.
They're wonderful, really.
So you'll exhibit them?
I'll give it
serious consideration.
Don't knock yourself out
with compliments, Rosey.
Austin, I do think
your work is good.
I just don't know if you're
breaking any new ground.
Yes, I am!
I mean, are you blind?
This is unique,
this is original.
That's enough.
Why don't you clean this up
and we'll discuss it later?
Once you've calmed down
and I'm a bit less preoccupied.
- No, really, Austin.
- I'm sorry.
You need to free your mind
of all this turmoil.
Why don't you peruse my
portfolio for awhile?
It always cheers me up
to look at pictures of men.
Oh, Bernard.
In suits, plus,
a good stiff one
never hurt either.
- You are no lady.
- And you are no gentleman.
- Chin.
- Chin.
Mm, that is good, honey.
Mm-hmm, my one true talent.
Bernard, who is this?
Signet ring,
I've seen it someplace before.
No, you don't want to
bother with that.
Why, who is he?
James Travers, one of those
government big wigs.
In love with himself,
just like the rest of them.
Yeah, well?
I mean, he sat with you for the
length of an entire portrait.
Surely you can tell me a
little bit more about him.
Well, he squirmed
the whole time.
Just like a wriggly
little snake.
Now I hardly find it necessary
to remember those who are
not well-mannered, nor fun.
Introduce me to him.
Well, unfortunately Mr. Travers
and I have lost contact.
Oh, well fine, I will be
using your name though
when I call his office.
Oh, thank you.
You've just killed my buzz.
Good, since I've got you
in a lucid moment.
What do you know about high
roller soirees here on the coast?
The kind I wouldn't
be invited to.
Why, because
you're an art dealer?
- Because you're a democrat?
- Because I am an adult woman.
Honey, you can't be serious
about meeting that man.
Oh, I'm serious as sin, honey.
Make it happen.
This is hopeless.
Excuse me, what are you doing?
I came to get some things.
There's nothing of yours
here, so please leave
'cause I got to open up soon.
Look, I know you don't
think much of me.
But I loved David,
and I did everything for him.
Connie Lee,
this is not the time.
Things I'm sure
you wouldn't approve of.
Look, I'm sorry. I'm sure his
death was very painful for you.
You can't stand the idea
that someone was as important
to him as you were.
He was like a son to me.
David could never be happy.
He only wanted attention
from one person
and that was his mother.
Okay, I think
you've said enough.
Would you please leave?
David didn't kill himself.
He had too much to prove.
Austin, honey.
Rosey, listen I'm so
sorry about yesterday.
I just really wanted
to show you my art,
and my passion
got the better of me.
No, no, no, don't
even worry about it.
I wanted to talk, you know we...
We never even talked
about what happened.
You okay?
About David,
it's a terrible thing.
But, I mean, it's not
completely unexpected, right?
Excuse me, what?
- I mean, you had to know.
- Know?
He was coked out of his mind
like all the time.
That girlfriend
of his, Connie Lee...
That's no way to
talk about David.
My god, you didn't know.
You didn't...
You people, you look at David...
You know what, you're right.
We shouldn't talk about it.
Life goes on.
Well, I'm not going to stop until I
found out what happened that night.
You know, it's a suicide, right?
No, it was not.
Leave the police work
to the police, Rosey.
Yeah, well the police aren't
doing a god damn freakin' thing.
Ms. Wallace, you okay?
Yeah, I want to talk to
you about David's murderer.
Yeah, I know he was murdered.
- What are you doing about it?
- My job.
Look me in the eyes
and tell me you're doing
everything you can
to find David's killer.
Ms. Wallace, we don't even know
yet if there is a David's killer.
The investigation
will prove that.
- Then I guess I'm on my own.
- Ms. Wallace, please.
Why don't you stay
and have a drink?
We can talk about it.
Thank you.
Like a drink?
I'm fine, thanks.
So I know you run the gallery.
Tell me something
about yourself.
You first.
You're not going to
make this easy, are you?
Okay, uh, I'm a local boy.
I was a prom king,
a football star,
you know usual superman stuff.
Now I'm slingin' a badge.
I moved to New York
to be close to Lucy.
She needed someone to
help her with David.
I graduated college with a major
in art, but I had no talent.
So I became a curator.
Suffered through the usual depressing
ups and downs of career and romance.
You don't want to hear
all about that.
No doubt, I hear you.
I just didn't like it there,
so I came to the Gulf.
Heard people were friendly here.
They are.
I'm going to do everything
I can on this case
and get you as much information
as I can, I promise.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
I have to go.
Let me know if
you hear anything.
- I will.
- Thank you.
Oh, I found this ring on
the floor of the gallery.
I don't know who it belongs to.
I'll be sure to
look into it for you.
Hey, con.
Yeah, it's me.
Imagine that.
This... this is a nice bike.
Going on a trip?
Figure I'd head to New Orleans
for a couple days,
clear my head.
David, you know.
Yeah, that was...
That was so sad.
Such a talent.
We are all going to miss him.
Thing is, con...
before you go...
you've got something of mine.
John, I went back to the
gallery to try and find it.
I figured David had
stashed it somewhere,
but when I went in there
the owner came in
and chased me out.
It's got to still be there.
The owner, huh?
why did you
have to fuck up so bad?
Get away, get away, get away, get away,
get away, get away, get away, get away!
Beverly, it's me. It's me,
I'm not going to hurt you.
I just want to
know what you saw.
Just tell me what you saw.
What I did see.
What I did see
about the fancy man.
What fancy man?
That man has a fancy suit
and a fancy car
and he was in a very
big hurry that night.
- That night that that boy...
- - What guy?
That night that that boy...
Was killed that night.
Okay, okay, tell me
exactly what you saw.
Okay, I did, I did see that boy.
I did see that boy... I did see that
boy and that boy that he was doing...
He was doing things...
He was doing things.
And... and then I couldn't...
I didn't see him very good.
That boy didn't have
all the lights on.
He didn't turn on
all the lights.
So and then the fancy man comes.
That fancy man comes... That fancy
man comes and he just goes in there
and then they, they, they...
They, they, they what?
They what? What were they?
They hugged, they were hugging
for a very long time.
And then I couldn't see anymore.
I didn't...
Tell me whatever you can
about him, whatever you can.
Whatever you remember.
I did see the license tag.
I did see that.
Do you remember what it was?
There was a state, state car
Okay, thank you, okay,
- I remember that one.
- Thank you so much, Beverly.
I remember that one.
- I got your call.
- Yeah, I got some information.
You know Beverly,
the homeless lady?
She saw something that night.
- What do you mean?
- After everyone had left except David,
he had a visitor,
someone in an SUV.
Here's the license plate.
Um... it had a state seal on it.
You think you could
look into that for me?
Yeah, yeah, of course.
It's beautiful here.
Yeah, it is.
David's mother, how's she doin'?
She won't talk to me.
She won't see me.
Seems like no matter what I do,
I'm losing everyone
I care about.
No, no.
Look, you can't blame yourself
for any of this, rose.
You married?
Prom queen?
Something like that.
Didn't work out.
What about you?
No, no, it's another thing
I'm not good at.
You know, when I
was a kid my mom used
to send me to my daddy's
girlfriend's house.
Bring him back home for dinner.
What chance did I have?
- Scarred for life, huh?
- God, I hope not.
Stay right here, okay?
- You wait here, okay?
- Okay.
How you doin', man?
How you doin', brother?
Good to see you.
Take care of her.
I got Rosemund our there.
Come on.
Thank you.
- Mm.
- Doctor McGowan.
Ms. Wallace,
what a pleasure to see you.
- Oh, likewise.
- Please, sit down.
Thank you.
Can I get you a cocktail?
Oh, a gin Martini
with an olive, please.
I'm so sorry to be
disturbing your meal.
Not at all, not at all.
What a beautiful ring.
Oh, hmm.
- Family crest?
- Oh, quite so, mm.
Well, I think
congratulations are in order
for the Lucy moon gala.
Oh, regrettably
the event was marred
by the death of that poor boy.
Yes, losing David
broke my heart.
I'm so sorry. Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
I read somewhere that he was
a promising media artist.
Which is why I would never
believe he committed suicide.
Rosemund, may I
call you Rosemund?
Could we just lay this
aside just for the moment?
It's so sad, so dreadful.
Now, I understand you're preparing
to showcase Mayo's work.
Oh, I love what he does.
Oh, well, Mayo Johnson's
a very lucky man.
I'm not totally unaware
of your reputation.
It seems you have
a discerning eye
for discovering young talent.
- Thank you.
To be candid, I didn't come
here to discuss Mayo's work.
Although, at another time,
it would give me great pleasure.
Then why are we here?
James Travers.
The scoundrel that
sits on the right hand
of our illustrious governor
who uses a facade
of power to impress
and elicit certain favors
from young men.
Seems you have an almost
intimate familiarity with him.
Well, this is Mississippi.
Oh, yes.
Mayo seems to think that David
and Travers knew each other.
Now I was hoping you might be able to
help me get to the bottom of this.
Trust me, I will get
to the bottom of this.
If Travers had anything to do
with David moon's death,
believe you me,
justice will be swift.
I can assure you of that.
Oh, my, as one gets
older the hands of time
do most inexorably
quicken their pace.
I wonder what Mr. Einstein
would have to say about that?
Well, can I say goodbye?
I hope we meet again.
You better stay close.
I might need you later.
Yes, sir.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- What a day.
Can I have coffee, black please?
Thank you.
You know, I could
get fired for this.
But before you look at it,
it's not nice, okay?
It's a brand.
We found it on David's thigh.
Oh, my god.
Medical examiner says it's
been there a week, two at most.
There's something
familiar about the shape.
What do you mean?
Reminds me
of the ring I gave you.
The one I found at the gallery.
The inscription.
Come to think about it,
a lot like the
symbol on the ring
Walter McGowan was wearing.
Dr. McGowan?
Yes, I had drinks
with him last night.
Rose, have you been
playing detective again?
No. Business.
Okay, look,
I'll get one of my lab guys
to look into it.
Also, that plate
you wanted me to run.
Says that it was a state
motor pool vehicle.
So we'll work out who
was driving it that night.
I know it was Travers.
Rose, you can't just
make assumptions like that.
You're going to find
yourself in court.
- You've got to be patient.
- I have no Patience.
I know.
Look, what do you say we,
uh, we get out of here.
I'll take you home.
It's going to be okay.
Check, please.
Rose, it's me.
I got some bad news.
Rosemund, you have visitors.
- What the hell's that?
- Twenty grand.
Do you want me to get that?
No, no, no, no, I'll get it.
Bernard, hi.
Pleasure to meet you,
Mr. Travers.
Thank you so much
for taking the time
- while you're down here on the coast.
- Of course.
And I must say, you are
as handsome as your portrait.
- What portrait?
- The one Bernard did of you.
And I was so taken with that
beautiful ring you were wearing.
I have several.
This Mayo fella is terrific.
Lord of the woods indeed.
Lord of the woods?
- Heard of lord of the flies?
- Uh-huh.
It's lord of the woods.
That's just how the
artist refers to himself.
He feels his calling
is to find life,
you know, give life
to orphan drift wood.
What makes Mayo's work
so special
is that he finds the drift wood,
and sees the animal in it.
Then he simply
paints what he sees.
Well, I'm not really
much of an art lover.
It's more of the governor
and his wife's thing.
So why don't you just
show me what you recommend.
It's interesting,
but a little dark.
Not really the governor's
taste, I'm afraid.
Oh, I'm sorry,
I was thinking of you.
I thought it would be
right up your alley.
- What do you mean?
- Mm, the dark side.
The red rope, the black plastic.
Why do I get a feeling this little
field trip was simply a pretext?
You were the last person
to see David moon alive.
You know, wild imagination's
no defense against slander.
I'm going to have to remember to
thank Bernard
for this little adventure.
You were here that night.
You want to be careful,
Ms. Wallace.
You don't know who
you're dealing with.
You take care now.
Oh, you, too.
Ah, well, I'm glad to
see they looked after you.
Oh, yeah, thanks.
Well, there is somethin'
I need you to listen to.
Oh, all right.
You want to
be careful, Ms. Wallace.
You don't know who
you're dealing with.
Now I'm telling you,
this is our guy.
I know, but this is not enough
to convene a grand jury.
Now, I'll get my contacts
and I'll try to get
more information, all right?
Well, here, down the hatch.
Thank you.
Mm, ah, mm. Thank you.
Enjoy your day.
Travers threatened me.
I have it on tape.
- Oh, my god.
- He killed David. I know it.
I... when I was cleaning up
the mess at the gallery,
I found a ring that had
an inscription on it.
The same inscription that was on
Travers' ring in your portrait.
They both look exactly like a
brand they found on David's leg.
A brand?
Now that I think about it, McGowan's
ring had the same inscription.
Nothin', nothin' just...
I think you ought
to be a little more careful about who
you go around accusing of murder.
- He was not at the opening.
- Well, so what?
So, he lost his ring
the night he killed David.
Rosemund, do you know how
many people wear signet rings?
Not with that symbol.
It means something.
Yes, that you are
trying to ruin me.
Honey, don't you remember,
I introduced you two.
He's going to think I'm all
caught up in this madness,
that I, that I set him up.
Bernard... we've been
friends for years.
I know when you are
hiding something from me.
Oh, hell.
The inscription on that ring
is a symbol of the order.
A very private and extremely
powerful men's organization.
Its members provide
unswerving support
for its members' business
and political agendas.
What about personal?
That, too.
And one way to insure
a profitable future
is to recruit young,
fresh talent.
And that's where
the parties come in handy.
It was the practice of the order
to invite promising young men
to certain gatherings.
As part of a selection process.
They were social events
where the members had a chance
to get acquainted
with the hopefuls.
But at a point,
the gatherings began
to take on a sharp edge
of competitiveness.
On one occasion the vying
actually turned violent.
Now this kind of behavior
is in complete contradiction
to the order,
- and abhorrent to it's members.
Except for a small circle
who seemed to encourage it.
This inner group went so far
in their dark behavior,
as to eventually mark
their own flesh with a brand
in the shape of
the order's symbol.
And among the most prominent
was James Travers.
Word began to spread
that he and his little group
were making promises
of membership,
and career favors to some
of the susceptible youth
in exchange for pharmaceutical
and sexual services.
I am so sorry that you
had to hear this from me.
Would you come outside
with me for a second?
I think I need to
get some fresh air.
Shit. I told Austin
to fix those breakers.
I don't know why he
never listened to me.
I'll go check the fuse box,
you yell when the
lights come on, okay?
- I am coming with you.
- No, I need you to stay here.
Bernard, you got somethin?
Shhh, shhh, shhh.
Bernard is napping
and unless you want to join him
I suggest you
hand over my money.
What? I...
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Let me elucidate.
You remember Connie?
Connie said you have the cash
Davey got for my product.
I told you, I don't...
I don't know what you're...
Think again.
Is it coming to you?
Okay, okay.
Oh, god.
It's upstairs...
It's upstairs in my office.
That's more like it.
I'm a little pressed
for time here.
Where the fuck is it?
Open it!
Open the god damn box!
What the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this?
Police, hands!
- Let her go.
- Oh, great, a fucking cowboy.
It's over.
Put the gun down, detective.
Or cross my heart, I will cut
this bitch where she stands.
Over here.
Over here!
I'll be right back, don't worry.
- Keep an eye on him, okay?
- You got it.
Thank you.
Hey, baby, come on, it's okay.
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
- Sorry.
- Don't be sorry.
I'm sorry I didn't
keep you safe.
I thought he was
going to kill me.
No, no. No one's
going to hurt you.
No one's going to
hurt you again.
You hear me? I'm here.
Yeah, hi, Jim.
Sit down. Please.
How's Betsy?
Well, she's good, Walter.
Thanks for asking.
Yeah, we've had a few newsworthy
events around the Gulf area here.
- Mm-hmm.
- You been here recently?
Yes, sir.
I was assessing some art for
the governor's new office.
Where would that be?
At the Wallace gallery.
You know they specialize
in local artists.
Oh, yeah, the Wallace...
Isn't that the place where
that young boy hanged himself?
I believe it is.
You know anything
about that boy?
- No, sir.
- - No...
A little wine?
So you telling me that he never
attended any of your special parties?
I beg your pardon.
Aw, Jesus, don't be coy with me.
You know perfectly well
what I'm talking about!
You can save us a lot of time,
just tell me the connection
you have to David.
You know, Walter,
sometimes I have to
do certain things for the
governor's special guests.
Maybe that's what
you're referring to.
Don't fuck with me, boy.
All right. All right.
Yeah, I met David at
one of those parties.
- Oh.
- Had some big enterprise that needed funding.
Look, I liked him,
so I introduced him around.
Turns out other
people liked him, too.
You telling me he came
groveling to you for money,
when I had all the
money in the world?
Why did he do that?
I don't know, Walter.
But he didn't ask you,
he asked me.
He came to me.
Hell, I came to
that boy's rescue.
Your perversity killed that boy.
I know there's nothing
I can do about that now.
But there is something
I can do about the threat
that you created against
our entire order!
Oh, god, do you have any idea
what would happen here
if the press got wind
of this damn thing,
and came down here investigating
the most powerful
man in the state?
Have you?
They'd be mortified by
your perverted parties
and your debauched behavior.
You corrupted that boy.
You may not have done it
personally, but you did.
You killed him, I say.
You killed him with
your own fucking hands!
You son of a bitch!
Dr. McGowan.
You know I have been a loyal
foot soldier for over 20 years!
It's got to mean somethin'.
It ain't worth shit.
Could you escort this man
out of the front door?
And lock it behind him.
Fuck you, Walter!
Okay, so make it
easy on yourself. Huh?
Tell me who was
in the car that night.
I already told you,
the information is restricted!
I heard you the first time.
Travers, James Travers.
Yeah, detective
Bob Meyers, please.
Hey, yeah, Bob, it's Mike.
Yeah, I'm good,
I need another favor.
Good, I'm looking
for a James Travers.
Mayo... what are you doing here?
Ms. Wallace, I didn't
mean to scare you none.
I just needed to say
goodbye to my animals.
Goodbye? Where are you going?
Oh, somewhere.
It seem like trouble always got
a way of catching up to me.
Mayo, good luck to you.
I'm real sorry
about that boy, ma'am.
- Hey.
- Rose, it's me.
Yeah, look, it looks like we've
finally got a break in the case.
- What?
- Look, I just spoke to the medical examiner.
Looks like you were right, rose.
David was murdered.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Oh, my god, I knew it.
Look, also Travers,
right now he's our prime
suspect and he's missing.
What do you mean?
We can't find him.
Well, what's next then?
Don't worry, we got a statewide
lookout on him right now.
- Okay, thank you, Michael.
- Look, you stay safe, okay?
I'll call you
as soon as I get back.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Rosemund, it's me.
I really don't know how to explain
to you what I'm feeling right now.
But the best I can do is
to tell you that
you're my one true friend.
That I love you.
See, my life has been built on
this one excruciating secret,
and I've just never been able
to exorcise it.
No matter how many times I tried
to paint it out of myself.
So the way I see it,
I've got one way out.
That's to go to the source
of my pain and to end it.
And with David gone,
I'm not afraid of that anymore.
So I finally realized that the only
thing left for me to do is to go home.
To my real home, where it all
started, and where it will all end.
I love you, bye.
Oh, shit.
Michael, Lucy's in trouble.
Trouble, what are you talking about?
What kind of trouble?
I'm headed there now.
You do not go there
without me, okay?
Sorry, I can't. Just get there
as fast as you can.
It's the old McGowan
home on beach road, okay? Hurry.
No, please.
No, daddy, no!
If you need anything, call me.
I knew you'd come.
I sensed you drifting
up the stairs.
I always could, you know?
I come up here when I
want to be close to you.
Your paintings on the wall.
You are not just my daughter...
you are the love of my life.
My heart's desire.
Oh, I know, I know,
the world will never condone
our special relationship.
But you and I, you and I,
we know that it was right.
David, poor... poor David.
A combination of your
creativity and my brilliance.
David was a true genius.
Unlike his half-brother, Austin.
He's a disappointment, really.
I have no more secrets
from the world.
Except one.
I love you
with all my heart, Lucy.
I want to get together again,
just you and me.
Please, Lucy, please.
You and I, together again.
- I was the one.
- What?
what the hell are you...?
What? Oh, Jesus Christ.
David was a dilettante.
I could have made you proud.
Austin, you've always
made me proud, always.
Is that right? Dad.
All right.
Austin, listen to me.
Now just listen, I was
planning on telling you.
Now I've been a bit of a
coward about it, I admit.
But I never really
found the right moment.
Yeah, there's never really
a right moment, is there, dad?
When your whole life's a lie.
Listen, you are the product
of a fine and great love
with your mama and me.
Just like David, huh?
Your shining star?
Alright, listen.
David was special.
Special. He was a drug addict!
What the fuck are you
talking about, son?
He was sick, just like you.
I was hiding in the gallery
after the show was over.
David waited for
Travers to show up.
Jesus Christ,
you scared the shit out of me.
They started to argue.
David was a mess.
- Nice.
- - What the fuck?
After Travers left,
it gave me the
perfect opportunity
to do what
I've always wanted to do.
You killed him, you little shit!
Yes, his best performance.
Squirming at the end of a rope.
I should show you sometime.
Got the drive here in my pocket.
You want to plug it in?
You son of a bitch!
- You little bastard!
- You're a bastard!
How long have
you been drawing like this?
Since I was like five, I guess.
Well, I love art.
Where are you from?
- The coast, you?
- Outside of Jackson.
But my parents died,
so I came here.
I'm sorry.
What about you?
Um, my family thought
it would be best.
Well, you'll be alright,
you'll see.
- Can I see more?
- Yeah.
I grew up here.
That's why I keep coming back.
Hey... come on.
You okay?
I will be.