Mister 880 (1950)

The photographs of the tickets have been
authorized by the Treasury Secretariat
This movie has been made with the
help from the Treasury Department,
and the secret service
of the United States.
These bills are fake.
The fakes started almost at the same time
Time for the money to appear in the world.
And they have continued since then.
And they exist today,
although they are gradually decreasing.
The cause of this decline is the effectiveness
of the secret services of the whole world.
At the US Department of the Treasury,
the Secret Service is made up of
intelligent and prepared men,
who work silently, in anonymity,
and with the greatest effectiveness.
Thanks to your constant vigilance,
It is almost impossible for a counterfeiter to act
for a long time without being stopped.
Many times you have to use violence,
others, arrests
they are carried out peacefully,
few times they fail.
However, despite all the
efforts of this great organization,
there was a forger that
Burl to the Secret Service,
for a much longer time than
any other in its history.
It was known as "the 880 case".
As the years went by, it became
in the oldest unresolved case,
and they started to consider
the forger with a certain respect.
And as a tribute to his intelligence
They called him Mr. 880.
The responsibility of his arrest,
falls back on the most active of the various
Secret Service departments of the country,
the one in New York.
The actions of 880
they did not have the seal of the professionals,
and in the department all
They were bewildered.
And above, the counterfeits of the
tickets were ridiculously crude.
If you were a merchant,
Would you accept this ticket as good?
I should be blind.
Sometimes, when they could not anymore,
they called a "solve-problems".
That is, to an agent
from another department.
This time they called Steve Buchanan,
from the Los Angeles office.
About 50 dollars a month.
He is not a greedy man,
that's why it's hard to catch.
He only makes one dollar bills.
People do not notice too much
in one dollar bills.
I think he's an amateur.
Plain paper and ink
You can get it at any store.
Look good.
This is ridiculous.
We've been ten years
looking for the one who did it,
and our section to detainee
and sentenced 1,385 forgers.
We have undone some
of the worst bands ...
You do not need to justify yourself Thad.
I think I'm just trying to justify myself.
Or at least I try.
I'm sure that
you have worked hard ...
... and there is no track to follow.
Why do you think that I
Can I find him?
- I do not ... The idea was suggested by Washington.
- Washington?
Yes, the boss thinks we're stuck.
He thinks that a new brain is needed,
someone who sees it from another angle.
And he named you.
Well, after 4 months in reports,
This can be a distraction.
I think it will not be.
If you want to leave it,
I think I can fix it.
Concdeme a couple of days,
Let's see if I get something.
A couple of days ...
We have been working
in this case ten years.
Yes, I know.
Well, have a lot of luck.
I beg your pardon, sir.
that you are very busy, but ...
The truth is that I would like it
Start from the beginning.
By chance you remember
Who could it have been?
It's been ten years already.
You want to tell me
He still does not know who he is?
Do not.
I'm so sorry sir.
Ten years!
Hey, what were you guys
doing during all that time?
I assure you one thing,
I'm not fooled again.
No, no, not me!
Now I am an expert in bills,
I know them all.
How is the ten dollars?
Ten dollars?
Man, that's easy,
There is a president or something like that.
- Let's see, I know for sure.
- Now, read this.
Explain how to recognize
the counterfeit bills.
- Good morning Gus.
- Hello Skipper.
The usual, huh?
- Here you have Skipper, and the return.
- Thank you.
- Have you seen this?
- What's that?
- A spinning wheel in miniature.
- It does not seem practical at all.
- But it's pretty, is not it?
- Adi s Skipper.
- Did you notice that ticket?
- Come on! Skipper is a friend of mine.
It's good.
- Hi Skipper, how's the scrap going?
- Chatarra, what's that junk?
I only dedicate myself
to the antiquities.
I'm coming!
Oh, Skipper, it's beautiful!
- For your fireplace.
- Is beautiful.
My grandmother had an exact,
but of natural size.
How much does it cost?
- Three dollars.
- Three dollars?
Surely it is worth much more.
- How much has it cost you?
- A m ? Well, a nice walk,
a talk with Rosie
and two dollars in cash.
Well, it's an investment.
Here's 5 dollars, what's left?
Is it okay here?
A little lonely I told Rosie
that the couple will look for me.
Well, it's too late!
Thank you.
Yes, you always leave it open.
Thanks, Maggie.
How are you, "Please"?
The door was open and I passed.
Blessed be God!
But if it's Doc Duff!
I'm glad to see you.
He owes me still 20 dollars
and I have come to collect!
20 dollars?
S , when did your dog!
You may have forgotten,
but not me!
Yes, of course I know,
and good work Doc did.
And the dog is very grateful.
And you have 20 turkeys?
I know that's good.
No, he does not have, but I do.
All right. Sorry to make you wait Doc.
I'm sure you'll find something.
Go away "Please" Go away!
It's called "Please."
It's something fun.
I behaved politely to him,
and now he only obeys
if you are asked for things please.
Caramba! I believe that
I have spent that money.
Ho, yes!
Have, 5 dollars on account,
I will give you the rest so soon ...
I do not want 5, I want
what you owe me!
Well I'm sorry, but now
I have nothing more.
Why do not you sell all this
junk and pay your debts?
No, I can not do it,
They are old friends!
Do not worry, I'll pay you Doc.
Come back in a couple of days.
I give you my word that
in a couple of days ...
He gave me his word the last time!
And he told me a fantastic story,
that he was going to give him money
A rich cousin, I do not know who!
No, it's not a fantastic story.
But see, I prefer
do not turn to cousin Henry,
if it is not necessary.
Well, now it's Mr. Miller!
If you do not give me that money tomorrow,
I will talk to my lawyer!
Wow, it's a shame,
We should not make him wait.
Good! We will have
to turn to cousin Henry
Come on!
Thanks, Henry.
Kingsbridge Heights.
Kingsbridge Heights.
Well, so far it's going very well,
the metro goes through here.
They delivered from those
tickets on the subway?
Yes, sir.
Here we have another.
I'm sure it continues
living in the same neighborhood.
When he went to Staten lsland
He left a ticket there.
- Last week he was in ...
- Flatbush
And we found another one
those tickets in Brooklyn.
Well, that's very good!
The next series.
Why do not you save
a dislike to the boy?
He wants to go look for the beasts
to his own lair.
I think it's a good idea.
Oh, you're going to waste your enormous talent!
They just communicated another 880.
At a taxi stand
in Washington Square.
The driver knows exactly
Who gave it to him?
Does he know? I think
the beast is still there, Mac.
Put all that in the archives.
Do you want help?
- Yes, I would not be bad.
- Mac !, go with him.
Come on, boy, with your brain
and my luck this is solved.
Please, Thad!
I have dedicated a whole year of my life ...
I checked it in the house.
That's his name, Ann Winslow.
- Ann Winslow, eh?
- Yes.
Come on!
- You want a taxi!
- You go.
- What if I take another fake one?
- C jalo!
- Hey, I've already lost a dollar!
- That runs from my account.
- Are you free?
- Yes.
I gave the taxi driver a dollar, a dollar.
Look, there they come.
Show me that ticket.
The one that they just gave him, I want to see him.
This ticket is false.
Is not he able to distinguish it?
I will give you a receipt.
Fake coins smell,
no need to bite them.
- Charles.
- Hello.
- I'm in a hurry.
- All right.
- Have you seen Ann?
- Look, here it comes.
- I finished it, Mr. Beddington.
- Ah, s ? Thank you.
I was writing all night,
I told Carlos that I was running fast.
Very good Ann.
Where ... where is Jack?
It has not arrived yet.
- Could I leave the site to these Messrs?
- Yes.
Here are the headphones.
They are translating it.
If that girl is 880 she should start her
fakes at school.
It would be a child prodigy.
Who assures us that it is 880?
What it can be is that it takes us to Him.
- Ah! Do you believe?
- We have two roads ...
or we follow it,
Or we cultivate your friendship.
- And you prefer the second, huh?
- Clear.
A cocktail, the prize that today
He deserves a knight errant.
Poor Sir Lancelot.
At least t meselo slowly, please.
I do not want to seem ungrateful,
but I could have solved
the problem for myself
- Maybe I would have spent more time.
- Maybe I do.
- What's his name?
- Ann Winslow.
I never thought where I could
Take a situation like that.
- I can tell you.
- Thanks, I prefer to take a surprise.
- Who are you, someone special?
- Special?
I mean, if he works on something ...
I am a French translator
in the United Nations.
I assure...
which is the first time that happens to me
Something like that since I'm in New York.
And the truth,
I was starting to worry.
Is it that you have never been whistled when you passed?
Yes, but it's not the same,
that is too impersonal.
Now I understand.
Of course I have been whistled.
And I confess that ... I ...
I have also whistled a few times.
In a discreet way, of course.
What is it called?
Buchanan Steve Buchanan
Are you someone special?
Someone willing to win
a dollar as it is.
And who does not?
Well, I did not want to say that.
Winning a dollar as it is supposed ...
dishonesty, is not that so?
What's wrong with him?
- Why?
- His way of looking at me.
Excuse me, it's a habit
that he acquired in New York,
I stare because I think so
People are more familiar
I see too many strangers.
In a small town, each side
is always associated with someone,
it is recorded inside one.
Here, there are millions of beings
mixed with each other.
Every day I greet a familiar face,
that I had never seen before.
Surely if he drinks another drink,
everything will be perfectly clear to you.
Or I may not see anything.
When he was looking at me before,
Do you know what I expected?
In a different way, of course.
What, do you want another drink?
- I think I know, thanks.
- Great!
Things are going well for Sir Lancelot.
And between dance and dance, they play sweetly
the violon next to the table.
Would you like it?
I would like it.
Here it is.
Tomorrow at half past seven?
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- Carlos!
- I've seen the cause of delay,
- ... and you're forgiven.
- Sorry, I forgot.
- I've made you wait a lot?
- More than an hour, but it does not matter.
It's a friend of mine,
we meet by chance.
That friend of yours is
with many people at the end of the day.
Here you go, with three copies.
This morning
about to knock me down.
Mr. Buchanan?
He pushed me,
and I thought it was on purpose.
But now I understand that he had
Hurry to reach you, and it's logical.
- What do you mean?
- This morning, in the hall.
Shortly after I separated from you.
- This morning?
- It flew like an airplane towards the exit.
And apparently it reached you.
Please forgive me.
- I was here yesterday and ...
- Ah, yes! I remember her.
I was curious to know
what happened when the police ...
Nothing, did not stop him, belonged
to the Department of the Treasury.
- The Department of the Treasury?
- Yes, Secret Service agent.
He showed his pass to the police and left.
It seemed to me that their behavior
it was strange ...
- Thank you thank you very much.
- You are welcome.
- Thank you.
- Adi s.
Treasury Department
Secret Service.
REctr 29100
Mr. Beddington
- Department of the Secret Service.
- Steve Buchanan, please.
I want to talk to you.
Do you want to take this to 44, please?
As Buchanan speaks.
Hey? Hey?
- Tell them to return it right away.
- Yes, sir.
Mr. Beddington, when you applied
This job did not ask for reports from me?
Of course I know, why?
Then, why the Secret Service
from the USA UU, are you watching me?
- I do not know, but I do not think
Let it be for your work.
Yesterday I met a man ...
... and I just found out that
belongs to the Secret Service.
Secret Service men protect
to the President and pursue counterfeiters.
And I'm sure that you
It is not e President.
- So you think I'm a forger?
- Maybe they gave him a fake bill ...
... and you gave it to someone else
and this may have reported it.
That happened to a friend of mine.
They watched him for a few days, they checked
that he was innocent and left him alone.
I never heard from them again.
- You probably will be the same.
- Thank you.
He is a very attractive man, I do not
I would like you to forget me so soon.
Counterfeits since 1860.
False currency ...
fake paper loved ...
Go ahead!
The door is open!
- Hello.
- Do you remember me?
- You are the man that women whistle.
- Today was a bad day, nothing.
- Goodnight.
- Wonderful, really wonderful.
Thanks, I'm almost ready.
You are at home.
- One moment, please.
- Very well.
The package arrived but the quality
is inferior, you can tell your friend ...
I'm ready!
- We're going?
- Yes.
Until death, what if
You are my own blood,
I will always be your knight!
- That's what Lancelot told Elaine
- Yes
- To a girl that I found.
- He did it!
"Oh, it's true! I spent several hours
trying to remember it.
You know, I can only remember the two
first lines of each narrative.
I love stories!
Sir Lancelot was a knight of great value
and all her little friends danced with ardor.
- If it is a suggestion, try to imitate them.
- I think it's a great idea.
Although I like it a lot
how do you dance?
- Are they good?
- What?
I will not think that they are counterfeit bills.
I at least pay with them.
Is there no more wine?
We ordered another bottle?
- Excuse me, you want.
that we play something special?
Thanks for coming to ask me,
You are very kind.
You know a very romantic song,
which is called "Strike Me"?
- Sir, it's a pleasure.
- Thank you.
- They're going to play "Strike me."
- It's a title that I love.
Is he having a good time?
I'm glad.
- Can you let me call by phone?
- Of course I do!
- Can you let me go fix up a little?
- Of course I do.
It's the third time they've played "Estr chame",
waiting for us to dance.
Very good, if it is in our honor.
- How did you find out who I was?
- You told me yourself.
- Steve Buchanan, is not that?
- Fake money,...
- ... it's like an arrow pointing at me.
- Really?
What do you mean, I do not understand?
You were reading a book that
I took this morning out of the library.
It comes from the Bank of Michigan,
It is legal.
He tried to look guilty,
You suspected that I
it was a counterfeiter,
and I thought about giving him reasons for it.
Well, you did not have much success.
I guess I'll stop by
have made fun of the law.
He has done it?
Are we going now ...?
... or do we finish the dance?
The boss is me.
At the moment you are under
surveillance as suspicious.
You gave two false bills,
Where do I get them from?
- Do you dismiss me as a suspect?
- I never dismiss anyone.
Let's say they ended up
to his hands accidentally.
- How?
- I do not know.
Think of last week.
What did he do? Where was it?
We'll see...
I usually go in the Metro, although
Sometimes I'm tired and I take a taxi.
I usually have lunch in the cafeteria
and I drink tea at the bar.
Twice a week
I go shopping downtown ...
... and to a bookstore on Madison Ave.
On Fridays I have an hour
at the hairdresser, and on Tuesdays ...
What I want is for you to remember
where he exchanged one dollar bills.
I have no idea.
They are playing for us.
I'm so sorry Steve,
but the truth, I do not remember it.
For ten years he has followed
the same rules,
goes from one place to another on a regular basis.
You will see it.
Flatbush was his last stop,
the next one will be Borough Park, ...
... then Bay Ridge and then Benson.
What do you say about the girl,
you finished with her?
He is under surveillance.
Yesterday afternoon I went to Borough Park,
and the first stop is the
from Webster Ave.
It would take 30 men
to cover that area.
I do not think it's necessary, we know
that acts under certain rules,
he feels predilection for certain places.
It seems that he likes stores
of groceries, supermarkets,
the bars, the tobacconists. The latter
They are the highest percentage.
I have chosen four sites
in Borough Park ...
- And when is he going to go there?
- I do not know.
And what do we do, we hope
praying until it appears?
- What a remedy?
- I've had patience jobs,
- but this one already ...!
- It's fine, it's fine!
If any of you have something better,
I say it.
Look, we do not know anything about 880,
nor will we ever know.
Steve continued.
I know it's a possibility
very remote Mac, but ...
... it would be a shame to waste everything
what we have done, do not you think?
- Talk about Coney lsland.
- Coney Island!
We have found out that every year,
and practically the same Sunday
of the same month, goes to Coney lsland.
Let's see, he likes the Ferris wheel,
the house of laughter and the whip.
So friends,
that next Sunday,
If we have not taken him yet,
we will all go to Coney lsland.
What's nice!
Now let's keep talking
from Borough Park.
I already warned the tellers, but they
they barely notice the dollar bills,
therefore, we must have
eyes wide open
You already know what they are, they usually leave
quickly without counting the return.
Or they pick up a few coins,
but they do not stay to eat.
I think with a bit of luck
we will get it.
- There are no suspicious types, huh?
- Only hungry.
That does not help much.
During the first hour I examined
all the tickets, and then ... M rala.
They are all the same.
I think it's a lost case, Mac.
Not for me, I'm doing
an investigation.
Throughout an eight-hour day ...
... that girl drives
18. 740 nickel coins.
- What do you think?
- I'll see you later.
Change, please.
He sees her, he's never wrong.
And it's fast like lightning.
I should take a good look at her.
I do not do that anymore,
Mr. MacIntire, I really do not.
Come here
Teach me the last ticket they gave him.
This is five.
Are you sure this is it?
S , of course I know, she gave me four
of one and the rest in coins.
- Here you have them, huh?
- Yes, I remember him.
Mousie, why are you running so much?
You came here to eat, did not you?
It's that I get nervous when
I see you, Mr. MacIntire.
It's fine Mousie.
Hey, Mousie!
It's fake!
And it's one of those that she gave me!
You make me so nervous!
Charge me with a fake bill!
The one that is dedicated to passing them will not be
already here, will not Mr. MacIntire?
- I'm going to the tobacco shop!
- All right.
I will not lose that dollar, will I?
Now you know what it feels like, Mousie.
Oh, what beautiful dogs!
- Yes, it's 880, of course.
- They passed it in front of my nose.
Before arriving Mousie
someone gave the ticket to the cashier.
- Do you remember who it was?
- The only one I remember is an old man ...
No, it could not be, I counted so much
the coins that wore them.
- Sure?
- Yes.
How was he going to stay
waiting there?
Warn others
And try to keep your eyes open.
I congratulate you Steve!
I thought you were in the clouds.
- It's the time we've been closer.
- And soon it will fall into our hands.
Oh, that's fine. Good!
- Hey, do you want to see the parade?
- Yes.
I, too! Let's go.
Come on, hurry!
Poor 880, has escaped from
its claws in Borough Park,
but I'm convinced
that he is already condemned.
I have the feeling that you
is one of those who insist, ...
- ... and continue, and continue, until ...
- I think I already have it.
- What?
- The rest of the story, listen.
There was a gentleman of great value,
and her little friends said
that danced with a lot of ardor.
But his armor had its origin
and when he was spinning,
always lose the sock.
He has continued to insist
until finally he got it.
How will I do with those tickets?
Now I know many things
about fakes,
I read all those books
more than once.
By the way, it has not yet
said how he found out who I was.
The owner of the art store
She is a friend of mine.
What a coincidence.
Formerly, to counterfeiters
they executed you.
- Did not you know?
- Well, they did very well.
- He would have liked to live then, no?
- We are more civilized now.
What are you going to do tomorrow?
Go to the zoo with Skipper
and some kids.
Yes, that nice old man.
- He promised to laugh with him.
- It's a pity.
I have to go to Coney lsland,
for job reasons.
For that 880. I thought maybe ...
Listen, do not you think Skipper would come
with the kids if I invited them?
I'm sure I know, I'd love it,
and the children too ...
... and to me.
If we want to see that movie
we have to go.
What a barbarity,
the amount of money that circulates!
Olie has found two
Mexican coins.
Have you arrested someone?
A six-year-old child
with a nose full of freckles.
I'm going to see what George says.
Go ahead, go ahead,
It does not have to be ashamed!
Come on, act,
who is doubtless lost!
Engage the expert
and win a prize!
- I think I can cheat you!
- You're not so sure, lady!
Only costs 25 cents,
the fourth part of a dollar!
You are a phony friend,
they loved the weight.
A moment sir,
Do you say I'm a fake?
Does he say he loved the weight?
Then I'll see what I do!
I will not touch the scale!
And of course, do not touch
to this lovely lady!
However, I tell you,
that this celestial creature weighs ...
... 112 pounds and a half!
Very well Miss, go ahead,
Sit down, be comfortable!
This does not hurt!
We'll see...
115 pounds!
What did you tell them?
You undoubtedly have hidden charms!
It's fine, it's 25 cents,
the fourth part of a dollar!
What do you have, your turn, Mr.!
- Who is next?
- Good business, huh ?!
Clean business Mr., clean business.
Who is next, who?
Oh, this lovely little lady!
Go ahead baby, come up here!
- Now they want to go to the Ferris wheel!
- Well, then to the Ferris wheel!
Let me go,
I'll be back with you right away!
Sir, do you want to come with me?
It's 25 cents,
the fourth part of a dollar.
S sir, you have your turn right away!
I guess the weight just by looking!
Well, what about Coney lsland failed?
- I hope we have more luck in Bay Ridge.
- Steve, Borodi's thing is more urgent,
I will have to allocate
this case to Georgie and Olie.
- It's fine.
- Mac can continue working with you.
He admires you very much
When you want to get out
this case of the head, ...
- ... you can leave it.
- Leave it, why?
Because there is a lot of work to be done,
much more important things than this ...
A citizen of Coney lsland us
He has brought this 880 very angry.
And can you give us a description
Who gave it to him
I'm sorry Thad,
I do not abandon this case.
I go out for a snack,
I start counting the money
and I find this crap!
But with the speed of lightning
I remembered who it was!
This is, this scoundrel,
and he called me a fake!
Where they have it, went with a girl!
- And he told her that I ...!
- Charlie!
If it is this individual,
He is already arrested.
Thanks for making the report,
He is a very dangerous man.
- I've been in business for 20 years ...
- So you're still with the case, huh?
He was there Thad, he was there!
In Borough Park and in Coney lsland,
As planned!
Now we know that the track is good,
We are going on your heels!
Your next performance will be
in Bay Ridge!
If we do not catch him in
Bay Ridge, will be in ...!
- You and Mac can ...
- S , I'll take care of it!
Talk to the tellers and what
tell them this time they will never forget it!
Where are those cards?
Announce, d lar false! It will be placed
in all the cash registers!
Please! Come, hurry up.
- Yes, now I'm going.
- Thank you.
And the city of New York.
- Hello.
- Hello Marie.
- Wait a minute.
- It's fine.
Thank you,
You have good eyesight.
Thank you.
- Adi s.
- Adi s.
Let's see ... 25 cents more.
Just a moment.
Look, fakes,
how to discover them!
They're one dollar bills!
25 cents. Thanks, Marie.
- Let's go.
- This is yours.
A moment sir. Thank you.
Hey, hear a moment, sir!
Hear! Come on Joe!
"Joe, come here quickly!
- What's the matter?
- Look!
Hi Skipper!
Adi s Henry.
You are sure that
Do not you want to drink something?
No thanks.
I never imagined that it was
of an old German.
It's just a matter of time.
Where are we going tonight?
I'm sure that man
live in this mud
The probable thing is that here
They will give you those two tickets.
Is it that you never rest?
That old man ... how does he lick himself?
Keamel, the one in the paper shop.
- Do you know anything about him?
- Nothing.
Except that he is a nice person.
- Suspicions from all over the world, right?
- About almost everything.
Very close to here there is an asylum
of old people, why do not you go there?
- I've been there.
- It's not possible.
Sometimes I wonder
why do I go out with you?
Hello please".
Good evening, Skipper.
Does German speak?
I'm sorry I can not avoid it.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
I knew what would happen to this, when
he gets into something he never abandons.
- It's always been like that.
- I want you to accept a mission overseas.
- And talk to him.
- Well, I'll tell you and call him later.
Yes, sir.
- Say?
- Mr. Buchanan?
- He's in the file room.
- Thank you.
- Hi, Thad.
- How are you?
Steve, Mac wants to leave the case
and he is right.
A long time ago
that no 880 appears.
What he wants is more action.
It was this morning with Olie
to stop the Borodi gang.
- It will arrive at any moment.
- Anything else?
No. What is there for Washington?
You want to know why
Did the boss call me?
- For a matter in France.
- In France?
There is a strong demand
of dollars in Europe,
and a Marseille organization
is willing to serve you.
It seems important.
When are you leaving?
I do not know.
If I do not want to deal with the case
I can reject it.
Ac ptalo Steve,
It's a matter of millions.
- 880 is not more than ...
- A counterfeiter!
And if we can not stop him,
It is simply because we do not serve!
- S ?
- They already have the Borodi here.
Thank you.
Why have they stopped us?
We have our rights.
- I'll call my lawyer.
- Silence!
- Pasquale.
- I was not talking to you!
- Giovanni.
- Giovanni.
- My name is Pasquale sir, Pasquale.
- Steve!
The Borodi, we have taken them
with a lot of fake bills!
- Good job, Mac.
- We also got the plates!
Come on! I have already tired
of all of you!
Select me carefully!
You come to those Nations
United and tell them what I said!
A week of silence,
that's all they need!
The more they talk,
more problems will have!
I'm Irish, and I know very well.
- Good morning.
- It seems he's in a hurry.
An arm has been broken
and I have to fix it.
How he likes that figure.
Miss Winslow,
Can you come up with me for a moment?
I want to teach you one thing.
Never remember to close the door!
Stay in your room!
- What happens?
- That one was the last!
I've seen them leave here
one after another.
And those things made him
not feel so alone.
Invent stories about
the places where they came from.
And they convinced him that he lived
surrounded by good people.
Maggie, what happened?
He could never win
enough to live.
Sometimes he received money from his
Henry cousin. Until he died.
- And ... did not you leave anything?
- I think not.
What resigned showed himself Skipper
when his cousin died.
He just said, "I've had to
bury the cousin Henry. "
Poor thing!
I'm sorry for having delayed.
- Do you want something?
- No thanks,
I only have a few minutes.
- Camarero!
- Yes, sir.
- How did it go?
- I have had a great success.
The check, please.
Speak with the administrator
who takes care of our house.
He said he could employ Skipper,
He is very skilled in manual work.
Guaranteed free rental
and 70 dollars a month.
- True, is it magnificent?
- Great Ann, of course.
- I'm very happy.
- I also have news.
Well, forward.
I'm going to France.
- To France?
- Yes, an international case, very important.
- Steve, that's great.
- I have not been back there since the war.
- Y 880?
- It's a closed case.
Ann. There is some possibility
that you can accompany me?
- I do not know, I can try.
- Try and get it.
- And who is going to take care of 880?
- I do not even care.
It's nothing compared to this.
Ann, try to get sent there,
use all your influences.
I would show you the best places in Paris,
of which you have not even heard.
Respectable, of course.
I was only in the others.
I hope you liked the oysters.
- I hope you liked the oysters.
- Ah, yes, very good.
I'll have to dust off my French.
I think it will go on a plane.
That is, if we can not go together.
In that case I would like it
a very slow boat.
- It's not German, it's Dutch.
- I know.
Steve, I'm sure you've
forgotten the case 880?
Look, I told you before,
for me it's totally forgotten.
Someone said once,
that a job that does not end,
creates a vacuum that no other
can fill.
- Who came up with such a foolishness?
- A m !
Skipper, you found the couple!
You are a charm!
This is my last business
in antiquity.
- I appreciate it a lot.
- On Monday I start a new job.
You will already have heard
of what I'm going to do
The news was transmitted with so much
quickly, I can even congratulate you.
- How much is this worth?
- They wanted me to start today,
but I told them, start a job
New on Saturday does not make sense.
Skipper, how?
The spinning wheel!
- Oh, three dollars, like the other one.
- Do not be silly.
On the other I gave him five.
When you start something,
You have to start at the beginning.
Yes, start a new job
on Saturday is how ...
Well, I was sure that
I had two dollars here.
You will not admit them Skipper!
They are beautiful together.
- And I want to pay you the same price!
- And so it will be,
as soon as I find the two dollars.
I have to celebrate my new job!
Buy some things,
and a bottle of wine.
I wait for you eh?
- Skipper.
- Huh?
Are you sure it was three dollars?
The first spinning wheel
Ah, the first one! Yes, I put him
Turn in your bag.
I see that you wait for someone.
Invite him also to him.
- Good afternoon Mr. Buchanan.
- Hello, Maggie.
Go ahead!
- Hello.
- You're punctual.
- I like punctual people.
- Oh, a banquet!
If you had warned me
I would have prepared a speech.
Mr. Buchanan, you always
He has a prepared speech.
- And almost always very nice
- That's better now.
If you want after dinner
we'll go over the French.
I was talking to the boss.
I told him to look for another.
I'm staying here.
You were right,
I could never forget 880.
I have to find out before
take care of nothing else.
I still do not know
why did I get angry yesterday?
I cheated on myself
and I did not want you to know.
How are you so smart, huh?
Come, let me see you.
Yes, it's your eyes, ...
... they are full of sweetness and wisdom.
Steve ...
... if they stopped at 880,
What would be your condemnation?
Up to 15 years of prison.
- And they'll apply the maximum penalty, will not they?
- If I manage to catch that rascal,
I will see to it that it is so.
What happened at Bay Ridge
it scared you a little,
but it will act again.
And there are many men watching,
even in this neighborhood.
I have the feeling that ...
Cari o, what's wrong with you?
Do not you want to tell me?
Yes, it's here.
Is for you.
Say Yes, hello Thad.
Yes, a couple of blocks from here,
where it is
Very good, Thad, thanks.
I knew it! I was sure!
They have arrested someone who was passing
an 880 in a grocery store.
They have it in the police station.
I'll call you as soon as I can.
Sorry I cant do anything.
- Please!
- Your husband is fine.
- Where are you?
- Ah, he has it.
- Hi son.
- Hello.
- What's your name?
- Bobby
Where did you get this, Bobby?
I won it to John Sloane playing
to the dice, he told me it was his.
- Do you know where Johnny lives?
- Yes.
- Take them in an official car.
- All right.
- Thank you, Lieutenant.
- At your orders.
Come on Bobby,
let's go see Johnny
- I got it from Willie.
- Talk louder!
And tell everything to this man.
It was or changed for all my badges,
until the special ones.
- Willie, huh?
- Yes, sir.
Thanks, Johnny. Se ora?
- Willie!
- What!
Come here.
- Where did you get that ticket?
- Let Mickey play first base ...
... and he gave it to me.
Mickey has many more!
I put ink and I told myself
"I am going to try".
I thought it was money they used
in theaters and I could play with him.
Ah, that's the house!
Wait a moment, sergeant.
I was there.
The boys were looking for me and I
I hid behind this car.
Then a dog came
and began to dig like a madman.
I saw that a handle appeared
and I started to pull it.
- What kind of dog was it?
- Well, it was rather small.
With the hair falling over the eyes.
Of gray color.
Thanks, you can go back to the car.
Steady old!
Take care to take him home, sergeant.
And keep that press well.
See you soon.
While I was waiting for you to come back,
he told me he did not have to be
sentimental with this, that it had to be ...
... practice. But I can not Steve!
He is an old man.
And one of the people
more good that I've known.
-Steve, I would not stand
Not a few months in prison!
It is a counterfeiter. It does not matter what
I can think of him.
He has stolen and he has to pay for it.
Oh, it's you Ann! Magn fico!
It has overtaken me. What good!
Thanks Ann! Great!
It was difficult for me to get
the wine that I wanted.
I told that man that ...
Well, but it's Mr. Buchanan!
I'm very glad that there
come with you. S , a lot!
Are you going to see what wine
so great Now I will see.
Where is the corkscrew?
Thanks Ann, thanks!
Have it, open it!
I will bring the glasses.
Yes, I said to that man,
"I am a person who understands
A lot of wine, mucho! "
I'm going for the glasses.
Well, I told the man,
"If I ask for good wine, ...
... it's because I demand good wine. "
"And do not vinegar in a nice bottle."
I belong to the Secret Service, Skipper.
That man did not know what he was trying
with an authentic wine taster.
- Skipper.
- Huh?
You have made fake notes
and have you used them?
False tickets? Oh, yes!
For a long time!
Well, try this wine!
Secret Service. Go, go!
Well, yes, for a long time!
Well, let's go there!
To your health!
- When a wine is good ...
- Skipper.
I'll have to come to the office with me.
To the office?
Oh, yes, to your office, of course!
You will probably want
ask me many questions
Let's see ... You will have to prepare
some things.
Oh, please!
They will not let him in.
No, I would not do any more
to interrupt us
And he gets so nervous.
Especially on the sites
that he does not know.
- I'll take care of you Skipper.
- Will he?
Thank you. Thank you!
In case I am ... arrested, ...
... he likes raw meat once a day.
You will need a lawyer.
- I have a friend...
- Abogado? No no...
... why are we going to bother anyone?
Mr. Buchanan and I
we will arrange this between the two.
Yes, I think you should have
consider many details.
Fill out forms and all that.
I hope we will not be late.
I'm so sorry to have to bother you.
And you.
T stay here
and look good!
Yes, sir, it's true.
- They tell me they have arrested 880.
- Yes, it's there inside.
Say? Yes, Mr. Reynolds.
- No sir, I would not say that.
- Hi Mac.
Is this 880?
- If he's the old man in Borough Park!
- Yes, and our guest from Coney lsland.
They have already asked me many questions.
But maybe you
it occurs to him more.
Friend, could you
more than a million.
- Congratulations!
- Thank you.
Tell me something, Mr. Miller.
It did not occur to him to think
that this was the same as stealing?
That each person that you
gave false bills ...
- ... suffer a loss?
- Have you written that down, Miss?
It seemed to me that he said it
very fast.
What was your question?
He talked about people
to which he gave false money.
- I wanted to know ...
- Ah, yes, yes ...!
Well, it was not much!
I never gave anyone
more than a ticket.
He assured me very well of that.
- Everything well studied, huh?
- Yes, yes of course!
In addition, always
I bought them something.
And since they already earned something,
the loss was not so much.
Less than one dollar.
Surely nobody cared.
Mr. Miller, you served in the Navy
for several years.
Machinist. Of first class.
I could have entered
in a veterans' asylum,
instead of committing a crime
against his government.
- Would not it have been better for everyone ...?
- Oh no.
Not much less! I already thought about it.
And a lot!
Asylees cost the government
82 dollars per month each.
I only need 40 or 50.
So it will save you a lot.
S , a lot of money!
All yours, Steve, bring it to the commissar!
There's nothing to do.
Come on Skipper.
I thank you all.
You have been very kind.
I tried, Ann, but it was useless.
He told me that I was
a good man,
but let him stop bothering you
with silly questions.
I already know.
Insists on pleading guilty
and he did not want to accept bail.
- I'm telling you to wait?
- Yes, please.
Are not you going to the trial?
If he does not accept me
I can not do anything.
Thanks, Jimmy.
- Do you know anything about Judge O'Neil?
- Yes.
Look Ann, it's better
that you are prepared.
I'll have to go to jail.
My only hope was that the
sentence was reduced to one year or two.
Well, a year or two
It would not be so terrible, but I'm afraid ...
Now everything depends on the
Secret Service, is in your hands.
- I already knew that.
- Buchanan could help us.
Yes, he could.
Thanks again Jimmy.
I have been dizzy so much
I have had to come.
And the only thing they tell me is that
it is an extraordinary type ...
... and that nobody knows what to do with him.
- If I saw him. He is an innocent old man.
- Harmless?
And it has brought us to the head
for ten years?
I am also harmless,
but I know what I'm going to do.
I'm going to ask to be tried
with all rigor,
as to any other counterfeiter.
Where is Buchanan?
Do not tell me you've left?
- I do not think so.
- Well, where is he?
I have not seen him for days,
I asked permission.
Well, I want that today
the morning is in court.
There will be boss, do not worry.
We go to breakfast.
I could not stop coming.
Attention, attention, attention!
The US Court UU ...
... of the Southern District of New York,
he rejoins in session.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
The United States of America
against William Miller!
The United States of America!
My God!
The Secret Service has shown,
during the preview,
that the bills that the defendant
recognizes having distributed,
and those collected by the police,
They carry the same serial number.
Se or a, this case has cost you
to the Secret Service of the EE. UU
more time and money than
any other in its history.
- I think it's convenient that the accused ...
- Oh, excuse me!
I think it's convenient that the accused
Pay more attention.
Is that Miss Winslow
She is a friend of mine, sir.
- This is more important.
- Yes, sir.
It will give you a new opportunity,
Mr. Miller, for you to name a lawyer.
If so you want to order
a postponement of the trial.
With the permission of your Lord,
Can I approach the stand?
The friends of the accused
I have been asked to represent you,
and although he insists
in that he does not need me,
I would like to submit certain
facts to your consideration.
- Mr. Miller.
- Yes, sir.
You want to tell me why you consider
Who does not need a lawyer?
Well, it seems to me ... that it would be taken
too much hassle for nothing.
Do not worry about thinking
who can go to jail?
To the prison?
I was never in it, sir
and I can not worry
a place that I do not know.
- I can see your Lord ...
- Maybe there are excellent people there.
- Ahead.
- I was going to say Se or a, ...
- ... that despite your objection, someone ...
- There's only one thing that worries me.
- S , what?
- What that man said ...
... about the United States of America
They are against me.
I think that is not true.
Heaven, the United States of America!
There are many people
to have them against.
And I have many friends.
Some are here now, in this room.
And I know they are not against me.
With the permission of the room,
I would like to continue.
Why do not you ask permission?
Well, tell him to speak, sir
he needs it.
- Tell him to relieve himself.
- Go on, you already have your permission.
The defendant has pleaded guilty,
so I will not insist on that point.
But I call the attention of the court ...
... to the fact that the defendant
He is an old man, he is 73 years old.
Mr. Lee, I feel compassion
before a 73-year-old defendant,
but I have always tried
severely to counterfeiters ...
... as a rule of common good.
I do not see any reason to
move away from that rule now.
- Anything else, Mr. Lee?
- Yes, dear, there's something more.
I think they should be considered ...
... the circumstances under
those that started its falsification.
- Trading in scrap metal.
- Yes.
And it is very possible that one good day,
Among the things I picked up, ...
- ... there will be the press and the plates.
- Do not...
Naturally that woke up
his curiosity, and decided ...
- ... do some tests with them, ...
- Do not...
... as the child did when
I found her buried in the yard,
and nobody would think
condemn him for it.
- No!
- Se or a, I do not argue ...
No, Mr. Lee, you're wrong!
You're wrong, sir, totally!
I bought the printing press.
And the plates ...
I made the plates myself.
Yes, that's right. It took me a long time ...
It's not easy, you know?
No ... I do not want you to have
a wrong impression.
No! I'm sorry to have
to contradict Mr. Lee.
Thank you, Se or a.
- The fiscal ministry?
- Do not ask?
Where are you ... Buchanan,
the Secret Service agent who ...?
- Is Mr. Buchanan present?
- Yes, Se or a.
I would like to know your opinion.
I have never felt sympathy for the
counterfeiters and I still do not feel it.
I agree, in that they are
he must judge with all severity.
Thank you, Mr. Buchanan.
If you allow me...
- I would like to add something more.
- S ?
While the defendant is guilty,
I do not think you should be treated
as a criminal,
as an enemy of society.
He did not do it or get rich,
n for greed.
I only made a few bills
when he was in trouble.
And not always for him.
You stopped this man,
Is he interceding now for him?
I understand that this
It's not common, Se or a.
But neither is the accused current.
Ask your many friends if they believe
that Skipper is an enemy of society.
I've done.
Everyone says he is a man
good, sincere, kind.
You have seen it when Mr. Lee
I tried your defense, just now.
Skipper would never consent
that the truth was not told.
It is not easy to find men like him.
I was taught to be skeptical.
I was not satisfied even with my opinion,
nor with that of his many friends and neighbors.
I investigated his past, to see
if he had a criminal record.
I checked that there was nothing against him.
But I discovered something
that your Lord must know.
The defendant spent part of his life
in the US Navy UU
And in 1918, when he was 41 years old,
It was decorated for its value.
I have brought a photocopy of the citation.
Here it is, Se or a.
You have taken a lot of work
in favor of this man. Why?
It is difficult to explain.
Maybe he was influenced
for something I read the other day,
in a book that I found by chance.
"Justice is administered
many times according to fixed rules,
without considering the feelings
of the human mind,
nor the quality of the heart of man. "
- Did you accidentally find that book?
- Yes, Se or a.
- I am the author of that book.
- Yes, Se or a.
Despite that quote from my book,
I still believe that counterfeiters,
whoever they are,
they must go to jail.
We can not make an exception
in this case or in any other.
This man has broken the law.
However, in view of the advanced
age of the accused and of ...
... and other considerations,
the sentence will be reduced to a minimum.
Nine months.
Thank you, Se or a.
Yes, sir, many, many thanks.
Can I go to the Court?
Thanks Steve, thanks.
Thank you Mr. Lee, the hat.
I just remembered that a pity
9 months does not admit parole.
The accused is sentenced to one year and one day,
so that he can go free
conditional within 4 months.
The sentence changes to one year and one day.
Thank you, sir.
Oh, for God's sake!
I'm reminded too,
that the sentence must be
accompanied by imposition of fine.
We will make this one nominal.
One dollar fine.
Do you have a dollar?
- Skipper ... D jeme pay me.
- No, no!
Let's go.
Skipper ... goodbye.
I will go to see you soon.