Mister Blot's Academy (1984)

Prince Matthew's Adventure
My name is Adam Niezgodka.
I'm 10 years and 4 months old.
I'm going to tell you now
about Mr Blot's Academy.
I was a helpless boy...
Awkward, and always late for school.
All thumbs, my mother said of me.
Nobody ever asked me to
join in any games
because I was supposed to bring bad luck.
But games bored me,
I preferred books.
I dreamed of marvellous adventures,
though I was afraid I might really
be no good.
That is until the day...
But wait and see for yourselves.
Welcome, Adam, in our tale of
Mister Blot's Academy.
Mr Blot himself has invited you
to join us.
And you'll be
welcomed by a song.
In the land of Cockaigne
Puss in Boots spins his cane
And prances hand in hand
With an ass on an ant
A guinea hen they say
Lays a golden egg each day
An oak has apples on it
Each in ermine bonnet
A venerable whale
Wears specs to read his mail
There's salmons and sardines
In tomatoes and baked beans
And a circus of white mice
Skating on a mountain of ice
Where's that happy place?
Vanished without a trace...
I'm so pleased you found your way
into our tale.
I'm sure you'll like it here.
You'll have great fun.
The classrooms, bedrooms and dining-room
are on the ground floor.
On the first floor you'll find
the kitchen, my study
and doors leading to other stories.
My secrets are on the 2nd floor
where only Mat the starling and I
are allowed.
No entry except through the chimney.
We'll start our tour with the kitchen.
You can help me get the meal ready.
Every story has its own favourite colour.
Much depends on colour.
Mood, effect and spontaneity.
In our tale you'll find all the colours
of the rainbow.
Each stands for a quality I value highly:
candour, energy and simplicity.
Hand me a clean brush.
Thank you.
I know how to make edible paints
which represent different flavours.
Blue is sour, green tastes of mint,
pink is sweet, red is bitter
and yellow is salty.
By combining different shades we obtain
other more complicated flavours.
Green and white with a touch of grey
tastes of vanilla.
Brown and yellow tastes of chocolate.
White and silver with a hint of jade
tastes of pineapple.
Today we'll serve...
flower soup.
Flower soup in three flavours.
It'll be ready in a moment.
For the second course we'll serve duck.
I'll just have to blow it up a little.
That's what my magnifying pump is for.
I'm not a wizard or a magician.
I just like to invent things
and I'm an expert story-teller.
Let's hurry.
Mat's ringing the
bell for lunch.
Pour the soup into the tureens
and take them down.
Meanwhile, I'll see to the duck.
Alfred I, Antony and Andrew II.
Adam II, Alfred, Andrew...
and Adam.
A new boy.
What's your name?
Adam Niezgodka.
You know what's for lunch today?
Dotty Duck
I give you my word
Was a very
Peculiar bird
Instead of
Staying at home
She took
Long walks on her own
At the barber's
She quacked nicely
"Please, just a quarter of cheese"
And at the drugstore next door
She asked for half a pint more
At the laundry she ordered a yard
of stamps
To put on a card
Her family set up
a set up a howl
Can nothing be done
with that fowl?
She hardboiled her eggs in the snow
And pinned up her curls with a bowl
It made the other ducks foam
When she used a match as a comb
Once when she'd gobbled a book
She broke into gobbledygook
She chewed up a lot of spaghetti
And said she was making confetti
And once she swallowed a dime
Just for the sake
The sake of the rhyme
Her folks all quacked in distress
Oh dear, what a terrible mess!
At last, they found her a buyer
Who said
He was willing to try her
He picked up our Dotti
and trussed her
And in the hot oven
he thrust her
But he wished he had saved his money
When Dottie turned into a bunny
That is the last news we heard
Of this very peculiar bird.
Flower soup!
I'll serve the duck myself.
You decide what we're
to have for afters.
I thought to myself
this must be the start
of my great adventure.
I hoped it wasn't just make-believe.
Well, what sweet have you chosen?
Omelette and cherries in chocolate.
Omelette and cherries in chocolate...
That's a speciality of ours!
I'm sure you'll like it.
What'll you eat, sir?
Two pills to make my hair grow
and four freckles.
Freckles are good for
memory, mental powers and against colds.
No more freckles?
Go to Philip Barber for a fresh supply.
Philip visits us every Thursday
but I can't wait that long.
You'll find his shop in Grey Street.
I found the place without any trouble.
I wondered what it was like inside.
I'd never been to a hairdresser's before.
Mr Aloysius!
What are you doing here?
My establishment is for adults only.
A little thieving rascal, are we?
Who are you and who sent you here?
Mr Blot sent me for some fresh freckles.
So you are a pupil
at my dear friend's academy!
Happy to make your acquaintance.
You don't look like
those affected little prigs
he collects here.
I'll find you some freckles right away.
Straight from the safe, fresh in today...
Mr Blot will be pleased.
Tell him it'll soon be his turn...
to do me...
a favour.
- What?
- You look as if you...
had your head screwed on properly.
Soon, you'll all have a big surprise.
See you soon, little know-all.
Very nice.
I was in a hurry to tell Mr Blot
about this strange goings-on.
I'm glad you're back.
- Professor...
- You'll tell me everything tomorrow.
Have some wonderful dreams.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Uncovered as usual.
Oh, dear...
Sleep tight.
Good morning my merry warblers.
Good morning.
Mat, time to wake up the boys.
Did somebody order
a wake-up call?
Why do you always start with us?
The moon once visited a pool
Because he wanted to be cool.
Come and join us under the rain-tree.
Who'll preside?
Adam III.
The moon once visited a pool
Because he wanted to be cool
The fishes all came up for air
And sang in great surprise
Who's there?
The moon flashed brightly on their tails
"A goldfish, can't you see my scales?"
"Oho my friend, you'll soon be mine"
An angler cried and cast his line
He caught him by a curly bean
Ate him for breakfast braised in cream
Ate him for breakfast braised in cream
Is everyone up?
No one's idle?
Where are all the loafers?
Loafing on the sofa!
Loafing there is Lazy Len
Len is shirking work again
What do you mean by shirk?
Isn't what I do work?
Who ate
Breakfast, lunch and tea
And who's that
Sitting here but me?
Who scratched
His head and then his nose
Who sat
Right here and wiggled his toes?
And who mislaid his bat and ball?
You see! I'm not an idle at all!
Loafing there is Lazy Len
Len is shirking work again
Didn't I drink my cod liver oil?
And didn't I watch the kettle boil?
And didn't I nearly get stung?
And didn't I put out my tongue?
And didn't I let them cut my hair?
You call that idle?
It's just not fair
Hello, my scallywags!
Tell me about your dreams.
We'll put the best in our album.
With a piece of cotton wool
soaked in sleepy essence
Mr Blot collected our dreams
in a big bowl.
When they were dry he rolled them
into pills
which we took before going to bed.
That way we had wonderful dreams.
One of mine was put into album.
It was a dream of seven glasses.
But I will tell you about it next time.
After soaking up our dreams
Mr Blot put us to various tasks.
You'll stay by the gate.
Albert and Antony I will clear up
the playground.
Alfred and Antony II will lay the table.
Arthur will dust off the schoolroom.
Alfred II and Antony III will sweep
the stairs and bedrooms.
You'll go and get matches
from the little matchgirl.
- Dress warmly, it's winter in that story.
- Yes, sir.
Lessons after breakfast.
I can see you are from another story
What brings you here?
Mr Blot asked me to bring some matches.
Mr Blot sent you?
I like that old fellow.
You shall have some matches
right away.
Take them to Mr Blot
and stop crying.
This little girl is only pretending
to be cold and hungry.
It's just a story!
Give my love to Mr Blot.
My name is Hans Christian Andersen.
Run along now.
Mr Blot must be worried.
In a trice I was back
at the academy.
I handed over the matches
and joined the others.
I won't bore you with
the multiplication tables,
or grammar, or fine handwriting...
Or anything else usually
taught at school.
I'll simply open your minds
and sharpen your wits.
- Have I told you about flying carpets?
- Yes!
- Or the famous cap of invisibility?
- Yes!
- What about incredible shrinking objects?
- Yes!
I have it...
Who'll begin?
Here you have a friendly bear
Friendly bears are rather rare
Bruin, give this lady your paw!
You don't want to?
What a bore!
Dad was red and so was mum
Red's my tail and here I come
Red's the colour of my tribe
Get away or I shall bite!
When a boar is wild,
he's wild
And he keeps his tusks
well filed
If you see one,
don't delay
Climb the nearest tree
Now maybe you'd like
to meet
A shaggy bison
on his beat
Come on, Bison,
there's a dear
Smile before you disappear
When a boar is wild,
he's wild
And he keeps his tusks
well filed
If you see one,
don't delay
Climb the nearest tree
Monkeys flying high
for kicks
Getting up to monkey tricks
A baboon's a monkey too
Take a look, he's just like you!
When a boar is wild,
he's wild
And he keeps his tusks
well filed
If you see one,
don't delay
Climb the nearest tree
If you find this creature
quite absurd
Is it a rhino or a bird?
Enter in pairs.
Take great care!
This is a hospital for
sick appliances.
You must be careful not to upset
any of them.
Hello, how are you today?
I see your temperature's come down.
Feeling much better,
aren't we?
No more twinges,
you look fine...
It's healed up beautifully,
quite beautifully.
In a day or two you'll be
as right as rain.
Another patient...
Well, how's the cough?
We'll try a little oil.
Don't worry.
Soon you'll be perfectly well.
And now watch carefully.
I'll teach you how to cure
a cracked mirror.
Just concentrate.
Later we'll hang it up in
the dining room.
It's quite well again.
Fine, don't disturb us.
Now then, form two teams for
a geography lesson.
It'll be an exciting match.
The two captains to me,
Now take your places.
Ready, steady, go!
London, Berlin, Madrid, Rhine, Thames...
Iran, Gobi, Omak, Ganges, Tokyo...
Mississippi, Colorado, California,
New York, Salem, Florida, Ontario.
Occasionally something gets lost
across the wall,
but nobody ever brings anything back.
I think I heard them say
That's summer is on her way
The mole grunts, for my part
I expect her on a cart
The magpie cries, oh no
That really can't be so
Last May I saw her plain
She was riding on a train
That's nonsense if you like
I know she rides a bike
No, she prefers a chaise!
A chaise, I am amazed!
I have it at firs hand
She never comes by land
Meanwhile summer pranced
On foot, in meadows danced
And in a blaze of flowers
Welcomed the sunny hours
In today's lesson you'll learn
the language of birds, frogs, crayfish
and fishes.
As you know, these creatures all speak
in verse.
Don't worry, we'll try
and save it.
I can hear...
I can hear...
I can hear...
I can hear...
I can hear Mat calling us
for dinner.
We'll put off learning bird language
until dawn.
That's all for today.
You've been very attentive.
I'm happy to see you are all
friends of nature and respect her ways.
After the dinner the boys
went fishing
and Mr Blot took out
his butterfly-net.
Got you!
I wanted to see him about my visit to
Philip Barber.
Come in.
You've discovered my secret.
I'll tell you my story
and then you'll understand
why I have such a large collection
of buttons.
Shut your eyes...
It'll make it easier for you to imagine
my adventures.
Know that I'm not a bird
but a prince.
Once there was a great realm
that lacked an heir to the throne.
My birth, therefore,
was anxiously awaited.
Your Majesty,
Her Royal Highness...
has given birth to a boy!
Our kingdom has an heir
to the throne!
The Island of Abracadabra,
prosperous but in debt
Cape Coswallow, very poor.
The ambassador of Taledocia.
Proverbia, a very rich country.
My father was wise and benevolent.
Many rulers sought his favours.
I grew up amidst kindness and plenty.
My slightest whim was law.
Every smile of mine
was entered in the Book of Royal Smiles.
My youth was spent in
riding and hunting.
I did not neglect my lessons
but the call for the saddle and the gun
was stronger than anything else.
I spent days on end on my favourite
Ali Baba.
This angered my tutors
who persuaded the court physician
to condemn
my favourite pastime.
His health and even his life are at risk.
I have advised against it.
The horse is wild and might bolt.
Hear the royal wish!
Motivated by concern for the health
of our son
and royal heir
we have forbidden him to ride on horseback
or to take part in
shooting contests.
The royal command filled me
with bitterness.
Have no faith in fortune
You she has raised up high
But on her turning wheel
Keep a watchful eye
What fortune has bestowed
She can take away
And no old circumstance
Will help to bid her stay
Those who gather round you
And sing your praises now
Are not drawn by friendship
But to your fortune bow
In spite of the prohibition
I stole away.
If I had known what the outcome
would be
I should not have defied
my father's will.
In the name of the king!
Let me pass or I'll put a bullet
through you!
My dearest child...
We are unable to stem
the flow of blood.
The wound must heal!
By royal command!
Hear the royal proclamation!
Whoever succeeds in stemming
the flow of blood,
can have half the contents
of the royal treasury.
The wound went on bleeding.
I became gradually weaker.
The physicians' efforts were in vain.
My father despaired utterly.
But one day...
We bring news of the arrival
of Dr Pai Chi Wo,
personal court physician to the emperor
of China.
Let him enter.
Save my son, doctor!
I'll give you as many rubies, emeralds
and diamonds
as will fill this chamber.
I'll put up a statue in your honour
and make you my first minister.
Your Majesty!
Wise and just ruler!
Keep your jewels for the benefit
of your subjects.
I don't deserve a statue.
In my country only poets
are honoured thus.
And I'd rather not be a minister
as I might fall out of favour.
Allow me to examine the patient.
If I succeed in curing him,
I beg you to hold a magnificent feast
for all your poorest citizens.
It shall be as you wish.
Would you allow me to have
a few moments alone with my patient?
I was able to cure you
because I command secrets
known only to my people.
I know how you came to your wound.
You killed the king of wolves
and werewolves
and they'll wreak a terrible revenge.
They'll never forgive you.
That was the first wolf king
to die at the hands of a human.
You are in very great danger.
I'll give you a magic cap
that I had from the emperor himself.
It may only pass into royal hands.
Never part with it.
Look after it like the apple
of your eye.
When your life is in danger
put it on and you'll be able
to change into any creature
you like.
When the danger has passed
just pull this button
and you'll regain your
former shape.
Long live the prince!
Long live the king!
Long live the prince!
Long live the king!
Sir, I bring dreadful news!
Packs of wolves are ravaging towns
and villages!
They devour food supplies
and attack people.
Hordes of wolves from the south
are trampling down the crops.
They might even attack the capital.
We must stand up to this threat!
We march together
No enemy we fear
Before our mighty army
All obstacles disappear
Howl, wolves, howl!
No mercy shall
Shall be shown
With iron jaws
Iron will
The world
We'll call our own
We advance and on the world
Our shadow falls
Brother wolves, forward!
Destiny calls!
Your king appeals to you.
Only you can save our country.
We must not surrender a single street.
Commander of Guard!
Here, my prince.
In the name of the wolf king I call on you
to yield!
Give way or you'll be shot.
I don't know what happened.
When I awoke my parents were both dead.
I remembered the magic cap.
But without the button...
I want to be a bird!
I was captured by a bird-catcher
and sold to a trader.
What a queer fellow!
Queer fellow!
At the market I caught the eye
of a travelling scholar.
I'd be glad to buy this bird.
What's your price?
100 pesetas is quite a modest sum,
wouldn't you say?
But I must know who
is buying this bird
who has mastered the human tongue.
Doctor of chemistry, philosophy
and medicine,
disciple of Prof. Pai Chi Wo,
lecturer in mathematics and astronomy.
Ambrose Blot, at your service.
Now you know my story.
Today I am a starling.
But I'm not at home either among birds
or people.
Don't be unhappy, Mat.
I'll try and find your magic button.
But why didn't Mr Bolt help you?
After all, there's nothing he can't do.
Mat! Adam!
Mr Blot wants us to assemble
in the square.
I'd like us to be present
at the lift-off of the balloon I'm sending
together with my third eye
to one of the planets
of the solar system,
known as the Star of Hope.
If what I suspect turns out to be true
I'll tell you another story,
a tale of stardwellers.
When will the third eye be back?
I don't know,
but certainly before Christmas.
Fly towards the stars!
Come along with us to the pond!
We have a rabbit.
I'm waiting to talk to Mr Blot
about something important.
Well then, we'll go without you.
During time off everyone can do
as he likes.
While I was waiting for Mr Blot
I thought about how easily
he rose into the air
and how wonderful it would be to fly
like a balloon or a ball.
Suddenly, I felt strangely lightheaded...
I floated upwards without being afraid.
A new adventure!
All this time Philip Barber
was working on his mysterious invention.
What does he want?
Who'll win this exciting duel?
What new adventure awaits Adam?
You can find out in Part Two
of Mr Blot's Academy
The secret of Philip the Barber.
The Secret of Philip Barber
After flying for some hours
I landed outside the gates
of a miniature city.
Hi, I'm Susie.
Open up, Tom!
Is it you, Rex?
What a lovely surprise!
Rex was my favourite dog,
who had got lost two years earlier.
Come right in!
You've come to our dog's paradise.
We all live happily together.
Come and meet my best friends.
He'll ignore me, of course.
Bulldog Tom, he served
at the English court,
that's why he commands
such respect here.
That Pekingese is a terrible chatterbox,
called Glu Glu.
Allow me...
I'm Lord.
Why do people put up notices saying
Beware of dog!
Dogs are not wicked.
We have kind hearts
and become attached to people.
It is people who are sometimes wicked.
Go away, that was tactless
of you.
And now please welcome our star performer,
Susie, the poodle.
Here are some aggravations
That try a puppy's patience
The first is
That after dark
They won't let us
Run in the park
The second
That water's not dry
The third
There's a fly in the eye
Then there's the fact
That cats will scratch
That chickens
Are so hard to catch
That one can't bite
A postman's knee
That sausages
Don't drop from trees
That man can ride
And dog must run
And not join the fun
But just give
Your puppy a bone
The aggravation
Is gone
I'll show you round our town.
We'll start with White Fang Avenue.
That greyhound never loses a race.
He eats too many meat-pies
and has to be dosed with castrol oil.
On the left is our Salami orchard
and on the right we have black pudding
and liver pate farm.
In the square you'll see
a chocolate memorial to Dr Dolittle.
We eat it every day
and put up a new one.
When there's nothing left we know
a day's passed.
Now I'll show you Tormentor's Corner.
I teased my dog by feeding
it pepper.
I pulled my dog's tail.
I threw my dog into a hole
filled with lime.
Here we come to Merry Tricks Square.
That's where we have
our fun-fair.
Have you noticed that there are
no flees here?
They can't stand our climate.
Go on, Adam, eat it up!
We've been promised some more
this afternoon.
I enjoyed staying with Rex
but I soon become bored.
I couldn't stand the sight of sweets.
I never liked soup but now I longed for
a plateful.
I missed the academy
and often thought about Mat's secret.
Who's that?
Here are instructions on how to steer
your flight.
So that you land right by the academy.
And just then Mat brought me your letter.
You've done very well.
I'm going to reward you
with a golden freckle.
Wear it faithfully and never
take it off.
It's our academy's highest decoration.
Aren't you pleased?
What happened?
Is anything the matter?
At school they say I made up
all my adventures.
Have you thought about
why they say that?
I expect they are envious,
just as Philip is envious of your academy
and resents us all being so happy.
When you come to us you were a nice,
well-behaved boy.
Now you are also thoughtful
and considerate.
Your parents will be pleased.
Maybe you have a wish?
I know you want to find Mat's
magic button.
That's simply a matter of determination.
Maybe you would like to be let into
one of my secrets?
What is there on the other side
of the academy?
Look - my window gives onto
the other side.
From it you can see the future.
I keep the curtains drawn
because it isn't always a good thing
to see ahead.
Maybe it's better to enjoy every day
as it comes?
I was happy to be with this
unusual man.
Nobody suspected that at this very moment
the barber...
Mr Aloysius.
Come here, please.
Right away.
You must always remember this moment.
Here is the germ of a new order
planed by whom?
By you?
That's right.
By Philip, a modest hairdresser.
Here you see a child
of the electronic age.
Steered by remote control,
programmed throughout.
Obedient, without any whims or fancies
of his own.
A disciplined computer terminal!
This prototype is the first step towards
regimented playgrounds, nurseries
and schools.
If it works, we'll control over
every fairytale.
You won't need to dress us up as a guard
or a bird-catcher.
No more jokes about hairdressers!
No more untidy mops of hair!
Imprecise dance-steps!
Choreography will once again become...
musical drill!
We'll start with a certain long-haired
band of nuisances.
If it works, we'll start...
mass production.
What do you say?
Only one question:
how will he move?
That's a minor detail I leave it
to my good friend, Mr Bolt.
We'll be monitoring it all
I have my cameras all over the academy.
I am a special, 'cos I know
How to talk to my dog Joey
I learnt how to from a manual
Written by a clever spaniel
When I call "Joey here!"
He sits up an cocks an ear
When I shout "Joey, hop!"
He is gone before I stop
When I whisper "Joey, lie!"
He lies down and so do I
When I scratch him
On his chin
His teeth flash
In a wicked grin
Of course he wouldn't
Hurt a fly
Though sometimes
He pretends to try
Joe likes to chew my shoe
Something all dogs do
When I started on this rhyme
He slept by me all the time
When he woke, he did a roll
That means...
Time now for a stroll
We went out, my dog and I
Joey made some feathers fly
Joey barked, I did not
We enjoyed ourselves a lot
I am so happy, 'cos I know
How to talk to my friend Joey
Autumn is the best season
for a treasure-hunt.
Don't forget to look in the park.
Go in pairs for the sake of company.
I have a prize for the one
who finds the best treasure.
I found a hollow tree-trunk
but I was afraid to explore it
by myself.
This is it.
Not bad, is it?
It looks quite ordinary.
Just listen!
Let's go in.
What are you waiting for?
Today I'm just a memory
A glimpse of a far-off time
Once I was a dream you had
When I called your whole world mine
The world of childhood play and thought
First joys
And wonderful dreams
Now when you shut your eyes
In grey of memory
Among pale shadows there
It is me you see
I am your tale
Your fairytale
The theme-song of your dreams
I can see you are from the academy
and have wandered into another story.
The tale of the sad princess.
It's a beautiful story, but it has
no ending.
I've been waiting for someone to finish it
for the last 100 years.
If you touch me, you'll turn into frogs
and stay here forever.
Do as I wish
and I'll grant each of you a wish.
I'd like a key to open all doors
and a whistle to take ma anywhere I like.
You'll find both in this box.
I'd like the magic button
of Dr Pai Chi Wo.
Hurry up and you'll find it
at the academy.
I won't go on
cutting your hair or that of the boys.
I've enough of your promises.
I'll be bringing him along this week.
The academy was intended for students
like him
and not for that noisy band
of pipsqueaks.
No more free freckles!
Wait, wait!
I see the treasure-hunt was
a great success.
You've found many wonderful treasures.
As a reward for searching so carefully
you can keep all you found.
After supper today
I'll take down our album
and read you Adam's dream.
Oh goodie!
Adam's dream.
I dreamt that I awoke...
Today I'll take you to China.
We're off!
Adam, save my train!
Adam, you stole the cloud!
There'll be no more rain or snow!
We'll be parched with
the heat and drought!
Winter's bringing white
Snow for your delight
Now some snow we'll take
And a snowman make
We'll make him jelly fat
Give him a pipe and hat
Snow's falling on his head
His nose is getting red
Winter's bringing white
Snow for your delight
By eating flowers all day
I'll make December May
Adam, turn on the light,
I can't see.
I feel like a snack.
What about the thunderbolt?
Dancing, prancing
Mister Blot
We enjoy his games
A lot
Thank you.
At last I have a glass of my own.
A third eye!
I can see the third eye!
My third eye has come back
from its trip into space.
Fancy that!
What fantastic view!
No one's ever seen anything like this!
I can see life on stars!
No one's ever thought up a story
to match it.
It'll put all other tales in the shade.
Tomorrow we'll invite the neighbours
to a viewing.
Tidy up indoors and outdoors
and I'll get the projector ready.
Space travel in academy!
I thought a great deal about
what the princess had said.
Something very important happened
that evening.
What a storm!
A good thing the third eye landed
before the rain.
We have visitors.
That's strange.
Open the umbrella.
At last!
I thought we'd drown.
This is Adolf, a new student.
He'll be your star pupil.
He's welcome.
Please, come in.
In the academy, Adolf,
you'll have many friends
and an excellent teacher.
He is tired.
In the rain we lost our way three times
before we found...
the right turning.
We'll ask Mr Blot
to make your both some supper.
There's no need to bother him.
You'd better find Adolf a bed.
There's a spare one in our room.
I haven't much time so I'll be off
right away.
In his clothes?
He doesn't like being woken up.
You'd better let him sleep...
in his clothes.
If all goes well, I'll let Mr Blot
have some fresh freckles.
You'll get very fond of Adolf,
just you wait.
Don't touch him!
Go to bed!
I don't like it somehow...
I'll find Mr Blot.
I was suddenly terribly tempted
to steal a look at Mr Blot's secrets.
I thought the entrance was
in the sickroom.
What brings you there?
Philip brought a new student.
Have you seen Mr Blot?
He's not on the third floor.
I thought he was with you boys.
I'll go to the kitchen
and you try the classrooms.
Mr Blot's worried and he has been
shrinking steadily.
I'm afraid he misses his fresh freckles.
Don't wake me...
I'm having a wonderful dream.
Look, Adam...
This boy hasn't been dreaming at all.
Did he come last night?
Who is he?
Look, he slept in his clothes.
What's your name?
It's a doll!
You're right, Adolf's a doll.
I was always afraid of having dolls
in our academy.
But it's too late now.
He was smuggled in by a trick.
He'll cause us a lot of trouble.
We must teach him to feel,
and speak.
Perhaps I'll manage it?
Pick him up and carry him carefully
to my study.
There'll be no lessons today.
Remember to tidy up for our visitors
After dinner we'll have my tale
of star dwellers.
You stay, Adam.
You can help me.
Here's an ointment made
by Dr Pai Chi Wo.
Rub Adolf's hands with it
until veins and arteries
begin to appear.
I'll see the heart...
and brain.
Microprocessors, transistors, diodes...
A doll equipped with the most up-to-date
Is that dangerous?
Technology is neither good nor bad
by itself.
It all depends what use we make of it.
We'll do our best to help this doll
to feel, see and hear.
But will it make proper use
of these faculties?
9, 8, 7, 6...
5, 4, 3...
2, 1, 0
It looks as if we made it.
Where am I?
In Mr Blot's academy.
Can I breathe?
Of course.
What's your name?
Give me a stick of some sort.
Here's your new fellow-student.
Is this a circus?
Don't stand there and gape!
I'm just going to take a look
in the bushes.
That's where you keep you treasures,
isn't it?
We'll soon get rid of them!
Welcome to our story!
Come join us.
Come join us, we invite you
Our story will delight you
Leave behind what's dreary
Here no-one's ever weary
Pinocchio comes here daily
To play the ukulele
And kids all get to fly
In an airplane in the sky
There's sausages and cheeses
And no one ever freezes
And really, it's quite true
Telltales have nothing to do
Come join us, we invite you
Our story will delight you
Pinocchio comes here daily
To play the ukulele
We're having lots of fun
So join us if you can
Past hillock and past hollow
Adventure bids us follow
We'll seek her all together
In this fine summer weather
So join us if you can
We're having lots of fun
A certain hen, I have heard
Was an awfully snobbish bird
Good manners, she'd say
Is what's lacking today
She asked friends to a meal
So they'd see what's genteel
A donkey came in and brayed
And broke a vase, I'm afraid
And broke a vase, I'm afraid
The hen cackled:
Alas, it's quite plain he's an ass
A cow came in, forlorn,
Broke a pane with her horn
Broke a pane with her horn
Cried the hostess: now, now
Don't be a clumsy cow!
A muddy pig came through the door
The hen was ruffled even more
The hen was ruffled even more
She gave an angry cry!
My house is not a sty!
A sheep came in late
Broke a seat with his weight
Now here, the hen said,
Is a proper muttonhead
Teaching manners to swine
Is a sheer waste of time
"I've had quite enough!"
The guests left in a huff.
Now did that hen display
Good manners, would you say?
Show our visitors to their seats.
Mr Blot himself made all these delicacies.
Another glass, perhaps?
My dear friends!
Beyond seven nebulas,
beyond seven moons
lives a planet wrapped in colorful clouds
known as the Star of Hope.
My third eye flew there
and what it observed you'll see
for yourselves.
The flight took the whole summer.
Many-coloured cosmic kites drift
through space.
The third eye flew
to the most interesting part of our
solar system.
Where the collective memory
of the universe is stored.
There it was given details concerning
the history
and position of the Star of Hope.
How interesting!
Look, Little Red Riding Hood,
how lovely!
The planet's central computer was informed
and an unmanned spaceship
was sent to help
third eye to make a safe landing.
Star dwellers are hospitable
but also sensible.
They learnt to be careful in their war
with King Chaos
who set out to conquer the universe.
They put the third eye through many tests
to discover what my intention were.
When they learnt that contact with another
might help to unite mankind,
the planet protective screen was raised
and above the horizon appeared
the beautiful Star of Hope,
whose story I'm about to relate.
What's the meaning of this?
You're giving a party without me?
Is that why I was sent out
into the park?
What are you staring at?
Get out before I lose my temper!
Get a move on, will you!
Scram, you silly bird!
Buzz off, dwarfs,
or I'll jump on you.
It's my turn to have fun.
I'm the Queen of Toyland
and I order you to stop!
Too late, my lovely, I'm no longer
a subject of yours.
I'm alive now, thanks to this
old idiot.
We must examine him.
Out of my way, doc,
or I'll break your bones.
What are you waiting for,
you fat lump?
Get out, Pinocchio, or I punch
your nose.
Out of my way, Snow Queen,
or I'll melt you.
Get out!
That's not all!
Your academy is finished!
You'll be sorry you ever started on
those stories.
It's a pity I won't be able to finish
telling you my tale of star dwellers.
We must put it off
to another story.
It can't be helped.
It's high time we all had
our supper.
Clear the room.
There's still autumn to come
before winter, isn't there?
Cheer up!
It rained throughout October
and November.
There were no more games outdoors.
Mr Blot became melancholy
and strangely quiet.
He complained there were no butterflies.
He neglected the kitchen
and forgot about our meals.
He neglected his freckles and didn't take
his pills.
As a result his shock of hair grew thin
and grey.
At last winter came,
and with it Christmas.
On Christmas Eve Mr Blot seemed
his former self again when we sat down
to supper.
Sit down Adam.
our tale is coming to an end.
I'll be sorry to part from you.
We spent a whole year together.
It was great fun...
but nothing lasts forever.
What'll happen to us?
You'll all go home for Christmas.
Open the gate at midnight
and throw the key into the pond.
That'll be end of our tale
of my academy.
Won't we meet again?
In another story, maybe.
The story of my travels.
It's time for some surprises.
I've got ready some presents for you.
Do you know what you're getting?
The magnifying pump.
Adam Niezgodka.
Someone's inside the secrets!
There'll be no carols or presents...
bur tears and gnashing of teeth!
Here are your silly old secrets!
You can't read it because you don't know
so I might as well tear it up.
Go on, read it!
The secrets will be torn
into tatters!
You've destroyed my secrets.
For that you must be punished.
Well, I was afraid my story would end
like this.
These scrolls contained the knowledge
passed to me by Dr Pai Chi Wo.
Now there'll be no more
cooking in colours,
flying in the air, healing furniture
or making up magic songs and rhymes.
But luckily I've taught you some
of that knowledge.
Before you unpack your presents,
we'll sing a carol.
So that's it, Mr Blot?
That's how you stick to our agreement?
I devoted 20 years to my invention.
It was to allow me to find my way into
every fairytale
and destroy it from within.
But you destroyed my doll, my life's work!
All my efforts are wasted,
although I went on supplying you
with freckles
in spite of the risk involved.
I'll show you what I'm capable of
when I set out to take my revenge.
Just wait and see!
I'll make this place go up in smoke!
Here's the button you were looking for.
Hurry up, you'll find him in the study.
Hand me that button.
Are you Prince Matthew or was it all
a dream?
I'm not a prince, Adam.
I simply told you a story.
I made up the adventure of the wolf king.
And the prince, and Dr Pai Chi Wo?
In fairytales good is always victorious.
Maybe you thought this story
was true
because it was different?
And you...
I wrote the story of Mr Blot's academy.
I wrote it because
I'm very fond of children.
Some people ever maintain...
that I myself am that strange
fellow Blot.