Mistress America (2015)

She would
say things like,
"Isn't every story
a story of betrayal?"
"No, that's not true,"
I thought.
But I could never say that.
I could only agree with her.
It was too much fun
to agree with her.
I was sleeping.
Turn that off!
I'm your roommate.
My name is Laura
and I'm going on safari...
...and I'm bringing with me
a car for Carrie...
...a rolling pin, Ruth...
...a jar for Juman...
and a...
Uh... Shit!
A tracking device for Tracy.
a tracking device for Tracy...
...and a lighter for me,
Aren't you coming
to convocation?
You're going to that shit?
Yeah, isn't everyone?
I don't think anyone is going.
Except rapists.
What? Why rapists?
Or Christians
and home-schooled kids.
Nobody really goes.
I think it's just
a candle-lighting ceremony.
How do you already
know all this stuff?
School hasn't even
started yet.
This is a starting point.
This is what college is for.
We're here to teach you
to write and think.
A "B"? That's so annoying.
I have trouble
with procrastinating.
Did you ever think of...
just getting
your work in on time?
Yes, I have thought of that.
I have trouble doing it.
Maybe you want to try
a little harder.
Okay. Thanks.
Harder. I'll try that.
What comes to mind
when you think
of the Renaissance?
I think of the Renaissance
as being very plush,
like a lot of velvet...
...inlaid with jewels,
brocades, that kind of thing.
Thank you.
I was actually
asking about literature,
but that was very nice.
Hey, um, is the party
at the end of the hall?
Did you get an invitation?
Then, no.
She's being a bitch.
Yes, it's right down the hall.
I could be anywhere.
It doesn't even
feel like New York.
And by trying to participate,
I'm somehow
not fitting in even less.
Aren't you meeting friends
in classes?
Mom, nobody meets
friends in classes.
Oh, okay. I didn't know.
You know the feeling
of being at a party
where you don't know anybody?
It's like that the whole time.
That sounds uncomfortable.
Did you get my email?
With the reading?
Do you like it?
I liked it.
I think
there's a darker element
to what Shakespeare's saying,
but I liked it.
It's Thanksgiving weekend,
so we'll have
a built-in rehearsal dinner...
...on Thursday at the house.
It'll be the first time
the two families
are all in the same room.
Oh, Stevie.
Oh, Trace.
You know I was very unhappy
for a very long time.
But I'm glad your dad and I
stayed together...
...till you and your brother
were out of school.
I was not out of school.
You broke up
when I was a junior
in high school.
On your way out of the home.
I love you, Mom.
Don't be worried.
I know, honey.
So after you do that,
Brooke will read a poem
that she's written.
You should call Brooke.
She's in New York, you know.
I'm so bad at calling people
I don't know.
I hear she's fun.
She's, like, 30,
and living in New York
with a life.
She doesn't need to hear
from an 18-year-old
she's tenuously connected to.
She's going to be your sister,
that doesn't sound
tenuous to me.
And you have
plenty to talk about,
you're both doing readings
at our wedding.
You aren't sarcastic,
don't pretend to be.
Nothing's higher than the law.
That's the whole point.
Antigone thinks
she's above the law,
but she's not.
Like, a celebrity
in a car crash or something.
That's really interesting,
Nicolette. It's great.
Why don't you continue
with the reading?
"Because it was not
Zeus who ordered it...
"...nor Justice,
dweller with the Nether gods,
"gave such a law to men."
"Nor did I deem your ordinance
"of so much binding force...
"...as that a mortal man
could overbear
"the unchangeable
unwritten code of heaven.
"This is not of today
and yesterday."
That was really nice of you,
waking me up.
Takes a lot of moxie
to fall asleep
in a 12-person class.
Thanks. I like moxie.
I get it.
It's like,
I'm so grateful to be here,
but why are my parents
taking out loans...
...for me to listen
to that 18-year-old
asshole talk?
Loans everywhere.
I was gonna get frozen yogurt,
wanna come?
Yes, but...
Well, I have to get somewhere
by 5:00.
Uh... It's embarrassing.
What is it?
I'm submitting a story
to the
Mobius Literary Society.
Get out of town, sister!
I already gave mine.
Do you know how
you find out if you're in it?
They said
they post a list.
No, the only people
who check the list
are the people
who didn't get in.
They come and wake us up
at night in our rooms...
...and put pie
in our face
and then bring us
down to the quad...
...and make us sing
and stuff.
Oh, my God!
Am I in?
Oh, my God, really?
They're self-elected
I know. But I wanted
to be one of them.
I could die then.
Yeah, me too.
Both, I want to be in,
and I could also then die.
I heard they serve
wine and cheese
and they all carry briefcases.
I know.
When I had my tour here...
...the guide was
one of them and that's why
I wanted to come here.
I heard the pie stuff
all night.
They got the guy
next door.
He doesn't even
look like a writer.
I'm so sorry.
Do you wanna
trade stories?
I'll refresh
our screwdrivers.
I liked it.
Thanks. I liked yours, too.
So, you want notes?
- Oh, are we...
- Sure.
I thought the middle part
sounded really fake.
It's just my impression.
I'll work on that.
Do you have any
notes for me?
I have a car.
Let's go to the beach.
I don't want to leave
Why are we in your car then?
We look like
we're in a song.
I think the way Aristotle
writes about
ethics and morality...
...is much closer
to how most people
think about it.
Less like math,
more like a story.
I think we should set up
a recycling system
for our trash...
...because a lot of what
we are throwing out
can be recycled.
Ruth, I think that fan
can go in the closet now.
It's 50 degrees out.
You seem happy today.
I love filing.
It's satisfying.
Slow down, T!
No more lonely nights
You my guiding light
This is Stevie Fishko.
I can't come to the phone now.
Please leave me a mess...
May I never miss the thrill
Of being near you
You've reached
Brooke Cardinas.
Leave your name and number
and I will get back to you
at my earliest convenience.
I will do
What I feel
To be right
No more lonely nights
Never be another
No more lonely nights
Hi, this is Brooke Cardinas.
I just got a missed call
from this number.
Sorry. Um,
this is Tracy Fishko.
My mom is marrying your dad.
You're reading the sonnet!
We're doing Thanksgiving
and then wedding together.
I go to college in the city
and my mom said
I should call you.
Have you eaten?
Do you want to hang out?
No, I haven't. Okay.
Well, do you know
where Times Square is?
Welcome to the
Great White Way!
Times Square
is so crazy!
Isn't it?
I don't know
anyone who lives here.
Yours truly.
I got off the bus from Jersey,
I thought this was
the cool place to live.
It's motherfucking
Times Square!
Why do you live
in New York?
College. I go to Barnard.
It's all women uptown.
Well, "historically"
and kind of actually.
But there are
boys in my classes and stuff.
From Columbia.
You gay?
The Columbia girls do their
best to make us feel inferior,
which it's like,
"I already do."
That's stupid.
Don't feel inferior.
You're right.
That is stupid.
I never went to college.
I'm an autodidact.
Do you know what that means?
That word is one of the things
I self-taught myself.
They all love you,
you're a good girl
When you awake
you'll find another man
Lying beside you
What's going on at college?
Everyone's really
excited about
the frozen yogurt machine
in the student center.
I watched my mother die.
I was with my mother
while she died.
I don't know
any dead people.
That's cool about
the frozen yogurt machine.
Everyone I love dies.
I heard you're opening
a restaurant.
Yours truly.
I know, it uses
all my talents except singing.
I sang with
the band tonight.
This is my
baby sister Tracy.
This bitch
stole my favorite pants.
They're in here somewhere.
She thinks I don't know,
but I know everything.
They're red.
I'll look here.
People are always
taking my shit.
My ex-friend and nemesis,
stole my ideas and my fianc.
She took this
t-shirt idea that I had,
started a company...
...and fucking sold it
to J. Crew,
so there's that.
She's one of those people that
doesn't have any good ideas
for her own life...
...so she just steals
all of mine.
And then she literally
stole my cats.
What were the t-shirts?
Just really
hard-looking flowers.
Oh, my God! I bought
one of those t-shirts.
flowers with, like,
skulls and shit. Daggers.
That's a great one.
My fianc,
Dylan, was super sexy.
And so rich.
But I wasn't gonna marry him.
Wait, you broke up with Dylan?
I thought she stole him.
And I never looked back.
He cried so hard, like whiny.
"Where are you going?"
I was being real,
but Mamie-Claire
then goes and marries him.
They live in Greenwich,
in some big gross house.
Do you know that place?
Greenwich, Grossville.
Living off of his riches
and my t-shirt idea.
I hate them!
I actually pity them.
They have no more dreams.
I wanna marry you!
Must we document ourselves
all the time? Must we?
Is he your boyfriend?
The bassist?
Nate? No!
My beau, Stavros,
is in Greece right now.
Betting against the country
or something gross.
Don't tell anyone that.
I won't.
I'm good at keeping secrets.
You'll learn that about me.
He's the kind of person
I hate,
except I'm in love with him.
I've been to a
Greek Orthodox Easter
and I could
totally see myself...
...getting married in that
kind of church.
You got a honey?
There's this one guy,
we got rejected together,
but he's got a girlfriend.
They all have girlfriends.
Actually, I think he met me
and then he got a girlfriend.
This summer,
at my job, this one guy
just sucked on my boobs
all night.
My restaurant
should do a pierogi.
Fusion pierogi.
You like yours?
Mmm, this is my second dinner.
Just a quick tweet on Twitter.
I'm very into social media.
You have to market yourself.
If you don't know
what you're selling,
no one will know
how to buy it.
What are you selling?
So many things.
I don't tweet all of it.
Like, here are two ideas
that are not on the Internet.
If I did a cabaret...
...it would be called
"High Standards"
and I would sing
all the standards.
Would you sing them
in a higher pitch?
No, it wouldn't be about...
It's about principles,
those kind of
high standards...
...like one of those
"String of Pearls
"and that's why I'm
a single gal" kind of show.
Oh, that's clever.
The second idea
is a television show,
which I've read
is the new novel...
...about a woman
who's a government worker
by day...
...and a self-invented
superhero by night...
...but it's like
the essence of America.
It'll be its own mythology.
I think maybe it'll be called
Mistress America.
That sounds like she's
America's girl on the side.
I don't know, okay?
I'm not positive,
these are just some ideas.
Oh, me, too.
I'm sorry,
I don't know anything,
I was just
throwing something out there.
We need a sleepover party.
This apartment
is technically
zoned commercial,
but that's fake.
It's so stylish.
Fuck, I know,
I freelance
as an interior decorator.
You know the Bowery Hotel?
Oh, my God, yeah.
Well, if you walk
about a block south...
...there's a laser
hair removal center
that's very hip.
I did the waiting room.
That's cool!
I know!
I'm leaving here in January.
Moving to the East Side,
if you can believe it.
That's where Stavros lives.
I'm gonna redo his place too.
I want
to write short stories.
Oh, me too!
Not short stories, though.
But I got rejected
by the Lit Society.
I'm so suggestible, like I think
because I got rejected
I can't be a writer.
Why don't you make
your own Lit Society?
I wish. Mobius
is a big deal at school.
You've got other stories.
Just make another one up.
Maybe I'll write
something else and resubmit.
That was really fun
when we were dancing.
Yeah. I need to cut
all the negative people
out of my life.
I just wasn't
brought up that way.
Thank you, Brooke.
You're welcome, Baby Tracy.
My sweetheart,
I miss you so much!
I can't wait for you to see
the chairs I picked out!
We start renovation so soon!
It's so exciting.
I've been going there
just to sit in the mess.
I love it so much.
Did you see the lease?
It's like 400 pages.
I wish you could just
come home already...
...so I could suck your dick
in our new restaurant.
Can you start the coffee,
Oh, I don't know how.
Yes, you do.
Don't be incompetent.
If you spent two seconds
with a coffee maker,
you'd figure it out.
Hi. No, I'm here.
Where are you going?
Duh! Communal bathroom.
Do you wanna watch?
It's some girl.
Sorry, are you mad at me?
We have four investors,
including me.
I'm what you call
a principal investor.
is putting in my share...
...but I insisted that it be
my assets on the line...
...because I want him to know
I have skin in the game.
I'll pay him back, of course,
once we start making a profit.
We never went to
restaurants growing up.
It wasn't part of our lives.
That's a shitty thing
to say to me.
I didn't mean... I know
people will come to yours.
It's so weird to think
that every restaurant
I see is the result...
...of a person going,
"I think I want
to start a restaurant."
No, that's not weird.
That's everything.
What are you...
What are you doing?
Actually... I'm writing down
what I said...
You're noting yourself?
Yeah, I guess so.
I've noticed something
about myself
that would make
a good character in a story.
Oh, yeah?
But I'm gonna save it
in case I want to use it
in something that I write.
High five, sister.
That was an amazing night.
Yeah, it was.
Best of my life.
I gotta go.
What did she say?
"He's one of those people
that I hate...
"...except that
I'm in love with him."
Shut up, please.
Meadow DeRiggi lived
exactly how a young woman
should live...
...who wants to spend
her youth well.
She did everything
and nothing...
...and spent time
like I always mean to:
She sang with the band
and knew everyone
and didn't owe
anyone anything.
And couldn't pay up,
even if she did.
Her beauty
was that rare kind...
...that made you want to look
more like yourself
and not like her.
Being around Meadow
was like being
in New York City.
It made you want to find life,
not hide from it.
It's okay.
Where were you last night?
Did you get my text?
You text her?
You texted her?
About work.
I went to check out
this downtown band
at this downtown bar.
Who were you with?
When you said you were
checking out the scores,
were you texting her?
Are you sexting?
It was this place
my sister showed me.
You don't have a sister.
I do. Or I will, when my mom
gets married at Thanksgiving.
Why don't you just text her
a picture of your balls?
What's that?
It's this new story I wrote.
I'm gonna resubmit
to the Lit Society.
Wait, you wrote
another one already?
You printed it on onionskin?
You can read it if you want.
I have an extra copy.
Okay. I'd... totally
give you notes.
No, I don't want notes.
But I thought about it
and I actually do have
notes for you.
Uh, sure.
You write like
you're imitating someone
who is free and wild...
...and it is so weird,
because you aren't at all...
...and it made me
And I think it would make
everyone uncomfortable.
And, also,
stop trying to be funny,
because you're not funny.
...it just adds
to the awkwardness.
Oh, and it could also be,
like, 30% shorter, easy.
Hey, Baby Tracy!
This is all about you,
right now.
And you're giving it
as much as you've got,
so reach inside you...
...and whatever it is
inside of you,
you put it on the bike.
You feel me?
How you do anything
is how you do everything,
so leave it on the floor.
You did great.
I feel like I just went
swimming in my clothes.
I'm glad you came.
You are?
Shit, I've gotta change,
I've got a meeting.
Thanks, Brooke!
You're welcome, honey!
God, I am packed
into this pencil skirt.
How do I look?
You look beautiful.
But do I look professional?
I get really nervous
with the investors.
I'm usually fine
with wealthy people,
it's just when
I need something from them.
No, it's the opposite.
They need you
and your restaurant.
Stavros usually
does this stuff.
Maybe I shouldn't do it.
I'm not good at it.
I think you can do anything.
Kind and fearless.
It's amazing
how much of business
is just stating the same thing
over and over again.
Your body language
looked very self-confident.
Thanks. You make me feel
really smart.
Do you wanna see it?
The front part would be like
a shop during the day...
...like a general store
or a really nice bodega,
candy from Europe.
On Monday, we start demo,
and we open in April.
We'd also have
cooking classes.
Maybe cut hair.
It would be like
a community center...
...and restaurant
and a store all in one.
It would be the place
that you, like, loved to be.
I wish I had something
like that growing up.
Yeah, suburban New Jersey
isn't great
with this kind of stuff.
Each plate would be different.
Here, let me show you.
Can I be a waitress here?
See? Look at
all these plates.
Holy shit,
you have a lot of plates.
I started collecting them
so long ago,
I didn't know why
and now I have a why.
This is going to be
a great restaurant.
I know!
Are you going
to cook, too?
I'll help create the menu
and I'll pitch in when needed.
I'm not trained,
but I'm an enthusiastic
home cook.
I always used to cook
with my mom.
That's the name
of the restaurant, Mom's.
"Let's go to Mom's
for dinner."
Yeah, it totally works.
Can I be a waitress here?
I want the whole deal.
I want the dead-on-my-feet-
I've spent my whole life
chasing after things
and knocking at doors...
...and I'm tired
of running towards people.
I want to be the place
that people come to.
I want to make a home
for all the knockers
and runners.
I'm good at that.
I'm happy with that.
I keep the hearth.
That's a word, right? Hearth?
I tutor junior high
because I didn't get
high enough SAT scores
to do SAT tutoring...
...but you make
way more money doing SAT's.
So, I'm gonna take
the SAT's again
so I can make inroads
into that racket.
I've always been
a really good test taker.
None of this will be necessary
when I'm a restaurateur.
But I'm good that way,
curating my employment.
So, um,
should I wait here, or...
Oh, I thought
you had to go back to school.
Right. I should.
Do you want to stay?
I mean, if you don't mind.
I'd invite you in,
but Peggy's mom
just got institutionalized...
...for bipolar disorder,
so shit's pretty
real upstairs.
Tutoring is like
60% middle school math...
...40% I know too much
about them.
That's okay, then.
I'll just go home.
You remember
where my apartment is,
go there. Bring my shit.
Pick up some pasta, I'll cook.
What kind of...
Mom? Hey, are you there?
I just wanted to know
what kind of pasta
you'd buy...
...if you wanted to buy
a nice pasta.
Like, the brand?
If you get this, can you
call me back right away?
This one is like bowties.
Get that?
Do they have
regular spaghetti?
Is that pasta
the same way as the others?
Is this some sex game?
No, we're actually
talking about pasta.
Why don't you just put pasta
up her pussy?
Nicolette, seriously!
I remember
once enjoying a rigatoni dish.
So, I'll get that
and I'll get the bowties.
And there's shells.
I remember
looking across the river...
...at the unblinking lights
of Manhattan buildings.
Wondering who lived there.
X can be anything, any number,
that's what's crazy about X.
I just wanted
to enter those spaces
and crawl up on the floor
and go to sleep.
X doesn't roll like that,
X can't be pinned down!
I was part of it now.
On the fifth floor,
in a temporary
commercial apartment.
There was our castle,
our fortress.
But outside the windows,
I could hear the hot sound
of jackhammers...
...taking the city apart.
In New York,
neighborhoods change
as quickly as the weather.
Or maybe
it's the other way around.
But I couldn't warn Meadow.
By the time I noticed it,
it was already too late.
Nate dropped
a gram on Instagram.
That means a picture.
It looks like a really
stylish breath mint ad.
I know!
Dave's a real shutterbug.
He made his own app.
Did these two drinks
earn me another free hot dog?
I would love
to get into the app business.
I think my dad met your mom
on the Internet.
on a free dating website.
They didn't even pay.
Gross. But also I guess
it's pro forma now?
My dad's so strange.
I'm sure he's making her
convert to Catholicism.
Yeah, what's that about?
He's real Catholic now.
It's so boring,
but it happened
when my mom got sick.
She was never that into it.
He's a geologist.
I know. I'd never met
a geologist before.
It's weird that someone
who studies rocks
can be really into Jesus.
What did your mom do?
She was a special education
That's so nice.
She was really good at it.
I still don't like
retarded jokes.
Do you want to see
a picture of her?
She doesn't look like you,
but she has your expression,
you know?
Hi. I don't know
if you remember me,
we went to
high school together.
Anna Wheeler?
Oh, yeah!
I was in the chorus
of Anything Goes?
Holy shit, yeah!
What are you
doing in the city?
Do you live here?
No, I'm in Tenafly.
My fianc and I just went
to see a show.
Which one?
Other Desert Cities.
Oh, that's a piece of shit.
And the girl who
replaced the lead is awful.
I used to run around with her.
Well, she was older, is older.
We loved it.
What are you guys drinking?
Let me buy you a drink.
You know, that's okay.
I just wanted
to tell you because...
...I never
had the courage to do it
when I was actually
in high school:
You really hurt my feelings.
You don't remember?
What did I do?
That thing? "Yep, bitter."
I don't know what the fuck
you're talking about!
I always liked you.
You and your friend Abe?
You guys
used to do this thing
where you would
walk up to me...
touch my skin
and then like taste it
and think for a minute,
and then say:
"Yep, bitter." And then laugh.
We did do that, didn't we?
We were weird.
I was standing right there,
every single time you did it.
It was really mean.
And I just wanted to say
fuck you.
Whoa! Whoa.
The way you treated me
really messed me up
for a long time.
Everyone is an asshole
in high school!
You made a lot of people
feel bad, not just me.
I feel sorry
for the 13-year-old girl
that was you...
...but I don't feel sorry
for you now.
We were 17.
If I was 13,
I'd apologize to you,
but seeing
as both of us are...
...in our 20s,
I don't feel the need.
I just turned 30.
Happy Birthday.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You're a bitch.
You're the one
that hung onto this grudge
for so fucking long!
I didn't even recognize you
when you walked up.
I don't say that to be mean,
that's the way it should be.
You're the same.
You were bitter.
That's probably why
it hurt so much.
Because it was true.
I wish all bad things on you.
I don't on you
because I don't care.
And neither should you!
That was so dramatic!
What a drama queen.
I can't believe she lives
in fucking Tenafly.
What is she, rich now?
How dare she talk to me
that way and be rich?
In junior high,
this girl Tara Podwoski
used to pull my hair
and call me a cunt hunter.
I didn't do
what that girl said.
I just wasn't
brought up that way.
I should call Abe
and see if he remembers.
Maybe do it later?
I was so popular
in high school,
but I didn't even try.
People just wanted
to be friends with me.
I didn't care
about that stuff.
When someone told me
I was popular,
I was like, "Really? Weird."
That's why you were popular.
Popular kids never care.
I cared too much.
Like if you want to know all
the popular kids' business,
ask an unpopular kid.
They're the ones
who know everything,
'cause they're the ones
who really pay attention.
I'm gonna shorten that,
punch it up,
and turn it into a tweet.
Oh, no! Did I feed you
too much liquor?
It's okay.
I'll be okay.
Let's get you a cab.
Would it be okay
if I slept over again?
I'm pretty sure
college is supposed to be
more fun than I'm having.
Damn it.
I'm kind of attractive.
I might be up for another
drink. Is that crazy?
Goddamn it!
Fuck me!
What's happening?
I fucking
don't believe this shit!
Motherfucking shit!
The goddamn locks are changed!
Hey, Kareem,
can we use your fire escape?
Shit! I thought I left
this window open!
I might have closed it.
I didn't want you
to get robbed.
I can't believe
you fucking changed my locks!
Stavros saw a picture of her
kissing a musician.
Stavros is
her boyfriend.
He told the super
that Brooke was living
in a commercial space.
Is your place
zoned commercial?
I hope he doesn't
rat on you.
He's pulling out
of the restaurant.
I hope Stavros
doesn't rat out Kareem.
My partners are gonna bail.
They were only in
because Stavros was in.
They can go after my savings,
Oh, God.
Rich people will take any
excuse not to spend money.
You can just
see it in their eyes.
They don't really
want to share life with you.
Rich people always give out
bad Halloween candy.
The contractors need another
$20,000 by Monday.
And the key fee payment,
that's $50,000... Oh, shit!
The refrigeration,
that's another $5,000!
I need whatever that equals
by Monday.
That's $75,000.
Oh, my fucking God!
Isn't there someone else
you can ask to invest?
I already hit up
every rich person I knew
the first time around.
This was
well-thought through, Tracy.
I don't know,
it's such a good investment.
I'd put money in
if I had it.
Do you secretly have money?
No, my mom never worked
and my dad was always
kind of mad at her for that.
But my parents' divorce
was way easier than this.
That's because they stopped
caring about life
just entirely.
That's not the same thing.
My mom died, so don't even
start with me about your pain.
My uncle died.
Shut up, Ruth.
I need some answers.
I'm coming.
I'm gonna be worse off now
than I was before I started
trying to achieve stuff.
I know what it is
to want things.
No, you don't.
You can't really know
what it is to want things
until you're at least 30.
And then,
with each passing year,
it gets bigger...
...because the want is more
and the possibility is less.
Like how each passing year
of your life seems faster...
it's a smaller portion
of your total life.
Like that. But in reverse.
Everything becomes pure want.
Brooke, I'm ready.
Spirit says
you have to seek out
an old friend.
Somebody who hurt you.
Just tell me exactly
what to do.
Spirit says something about...
It's your friend Mamie-Claire.
The fabric is the t-shirts.
Yes. And I see flowers.
Please, Tracy!
Mamie-Claire is my enemy.
You have unfinished business
with this woman.
No, no, no, no. It's finished.
Tell Spirit it's finished.
What happened
with Mamie-Claire?
She totally
screwed Brooke over.
She married her fianc
and stole her idea.
I never looked back.
Yeah, I'm seeing this. But...
Oh, I'm seeing trees.
You said
she lives in Connecticut.
There are trees
in Connecticut.
Well, to be fair,
there are trees
pretty much everywhere.
You have
to listen to Spirit.
can give you the money.
Hi-ho Greenwich!
Really? Can we
get some confirmation?
Is Spirit sure of this?
Yeah. Look,
the young one is right.
She's not that young!
Ten, ten to twelve
years younger.
We're contemporaries, okay?
You must seek out
this Mamie-Claire.
I'm so
annoyed by Spirit.
The path isn't against you.
It's just the path.
Right. I don't
wanna be petty.
I just wasn't
brought up that way.
She's my nemesis,
but she does owe me.
This has been heavy on you.
And sometimes
you have to go back...
in order to go front.
Fuck this parade.
I'm going to Greenwich.
We're going.
You ready for this, squirt?
It's gonna get ugly.
I'm ready.
How do we get there?
I really don't like
to leave the city.
You're gonna want to take
the Hutch to the Merritt.
I'll bet Dylan
is still in love with me.
Marrying Mamie-Claire
is like buying
a cashmere sweater
from Old Navy.
Even if he's not,
this is a great investment.
And don't forget,
she still owes you.
Yeah, it's win-win.
Because I'm sure
he still loves me.
I'm not driving you
to Connecticut
to break up a marriage.
I should be in my room
reading Nicomachean Ethics.
Oh, calm down, rich boy.
I'm not rich!
Yes, you are.
You have a car.
No, I'm not.
My dad is a mechanic.
He and my uncle
have a body shop.
I have this car because it was
something he could give me.
Sorry. I think I offended
your boyfriend.
He's not her boyfriend.
He's mine.
Why are you here?
Because Tracy
made Tony drive you.
But why did you come?
I had a bad experience
with adultery before.
My last boyfriend
committed adultery
when we were together...
and I just don't like to let
my boyfriends get too far.
Adultery? Why the fuck
does it matter?
You're all 18.
Where is this old person
morality coming from?
There's no cheating
when you're 18.
You should all be touching
each other all the time.
Do you ever get that feeling
when you're on a car trip...
...that you never want to get
where you're going?
That you never want it to end?
You fuckin'
scared the shit out of me!
Sweetie, I... It feels nice.
I mean, I'm driving, I can't...
I can't right now.
You should be with him,
not that goth housewife.
No. He knew me
and he chose her.
Only because you let him.
You have to chase down
the things that you want.
I was just gonna
let it go.
Sometimes I don't know
if you're a Zen master
or a sociopath.
I'm just normal.
Can you stay on the neck?
Like that?
I'll give him a backrub
he won't soon forget.
See, you don't
give a shit, do you?
I'm so glad
you're on my team.
The very things
that had worked
so well for Meadow,
up until then...
...had started
turning and fading.
She had no other skills,
no other way
of dealing with the world.
In one instant her behaviors
turned from charming
to borderline hysteric.
People could feel
her failure coming.
She smelled
of something rotten.
Her youth had died
and she was dragging around
the decaying carcass.
I had somehow
become the pallbearer.
I'm trying to find
Mamie-Claire's address.
Does she have
a different last name?
I have a visual memory of it.
It's kind of photographic.
Oh, you've been here?
I kind of stalked them once.
I was so pissed.
Yep. This is it.
Oh, we're all going?
Okay, we look crazy,
but maybe that's good.
Can I help you?
Hi, yes, I was wondering,
is Mamie-Claire or Dylan in?
I'm an old friend.
Wrong house.
Which is their house?
I don't come here,
I live in New York.
I'll take you there.
You guys just wait there.
What do you think
I was doing last night?
I don't know, Harold.
Watching kiddie porn?
I was listening
to you and your husband shout,
and I was not sleeping.
So sorry we interrupted
your kiddie porn.
I'm a pediatrician.
Next time I hear
decibel levels like that,
I'm calling the cops.
That is a promise.
This is the house.
What are you doing here?
Who are these people?
Tracy's mom
is marrying my dad,
Tony drove,
Nicolette is jealous.
Hi, I'm Tracy.
Hi, Mamie-Claire.
I'm Tony.
Wait, don't tell me,
I thought we weren't speaking.
Right, I want to change that.
And I have something
that I really need
to talk to you
and Dylan about.
Dylan's not here.
Where is he?
He volunteers
at a retirement community.
I'm in the middle of something
that's this thing we do.
It's like a party.
That's okay.
It's not for you
to say okay...
...it's for me to say okay.
We'll wait in the car.
No, that's weird.
People wait in cars.
You and your posse
can hang out in the kitchen.
Faulkner uses language
the way the Modernist painters
were using paint.
Exploring the reality
of words,
or paint itself.
Only Faulkner was interested
in how this happens...
...while his characters
are actually
trying to communicate.
Holy shit,
these pregnant women
are super smart.
I don't know if you're hungry,
but this is for
if you're hungry.
This place is amazing.
Thank you.
It's really fucking nice.
Thank you.
Would it be okay if we
sat in on your discussion?
Uh, yeah, I guess.
This week's book
is Faulkner's The Hamlet.
Followed by
a kind of junky biography
of Derrida, but it's fun.
- Tight.
- Awesome.
Look at this.
Apparently, she got recruited
by Tufts for crew...
...and then went
but never did it.
I mean, that's the kind
of person she is,
just sly and shitty.
I would do that if I could.
I wasn't good at sports.
Yeah, I would too,
but it wouldn't be
like my character.
It would just be
something I did.
When does that
become the same thing?
I don't know.
You look amazing.
Why are all these
kids with you?
They aren't kids.
If they're kids, we are.
I'm an associate
and her almost-sister.
I really need
to talk to you.
Okay, how long do you think
you'll need with me, because...
How long do you think
Dylan will be giving back
at the old folks' home?
I'd also like
to talk with him.
We're both very busy.
I have an
appointment after this.
Oh, come on,
Mamie-Claire, that's stupid.
You aren't really busy.
Yes, I am!
Remember this truth,
it is only people
who don't have jobs...
...and don't have
anything to do,
that are always fucking busy.
Like, what are you doing?
We started a community farm.
We have goats.
Goats are more sustainable.
They're smaller.
Than what?
People are leaving.
Excuse me,
I have to see my guests out.
I want to say
goodbye to Marcy.
Do you have a crush
on Marcy now?
She's seven months pregnant.
Why do you know that?
Bye, Marcy.
Bye, Tony.
See you guys.
can me and Nicolette
- play with your chess set?
- Yes.
Bye, Tony.
Bye, Nadia.
Everything okay, Karen?
Yes, I'm just waiting
for my husband.
He's late to pick me up.
You want to play
chess with us?
You have to teach me!
No, he'll be here any minute.
Sorry, I got started
on the wrong foot there.
I meant to say
I've been missing you
as a friend and...
She has a very exciting
business opportunity for you.
And I wanted to bring it to
you and Dylan
as a peace offering.
I really think you're gonna
want to hear about this.
The last time I saw you,
you were hiding in the bushes.
And then you
started incoherently
yelling at me
and my husband...
...about how
we had ruined your life.
And the time before that,
you were throwing up
at my wedding.
Which is why I'm bringing you
this exciting
business opportunity!
When did you
take my bishop?
I would like to offer you
a share
in a restaurant I'm starting.
Because it's all set up
and ready to go.
And I already have an ability
to draw a crowd,
and it's just
gonna be perfect!
You'll love it. So will Dylan.
There are
lots of other investors.
But not so many that it would
dilute your investment.
So why are you here?
Well, there was a slight snafu
with one of our people...
...which allowed a very
coveted spot to open up,
which I'm offering
only to you guys.
It's not really
a good time for me
to get involved with business.
I'm trying to have a baby.
You'll never regret it.
Thank you, Karen.
It's just money.
You don't
have to do any of the work.
You get the glory,
and the profit...
...and the satisfaction
of being involved
with something awesome.
I don't think
Dylan will buy into it.
We recently lost money
purchasing taxi cab
I don't mean
to overstep my bounds here,
but I think
that you might be wrong.
When is he coming back?
I really need to focus
on having children.
This is not part of
what I need to focus on.
No. Just...
Can I just say no?
No, you cannot
"just say no." Why not?
I don't need a why.
This money
would mean nothing to you.
Look at all this shit,
this house,
that patio furniture.
You could spare it,
you wouldn't even miss it.
And it really
would make a profit.
No. You can't make me.
Yes, I can because you owe me!
Um, Brooke...
I don't owe you.
For Dylan,
because that was just skanky.
But really for the t-shirts.
You stole my t-shirt idea
and you know it.
I did not steal your idea.
It was my idea and you
were there when I had it.
That is so wrong.
I remember it
like the minute I said,
"What if these flowers were,
like, tough?"
And then we started
riffing about it.
But I said it first!
No, you didn't.
You are so annoying
when you get calm voice!
Are those my fucking cats?
They're mine.
I paid for their cat surgery,
so they're mine.
Did my cats die
and you didn't tell me?
Are those replacement cats?
No! They're the same
goddamn cats!
If you do that,
your knight is vulnerable.
Oh, thanks.
You took your finger off it,
you made the move.
I took my finger off it?
Who am I playing here,
Deep Blue?
Karen, come inside.
Have a glass of wine.
Oh, no, I'm fine.
He'll be here.
So you deny it?
That you profited
from her idea that you stole?
No, I don't deny it.
She's right.
The t-shirts were her idea.
Then why did you just
say that?
I like making her mad.
It's so easy.
You took her idea.
That's not just, Mamie-Claire.
No, I tried to include her.
I set up a meeting
with some people
and she never showed up.
And then she stopped
speaking to me
when me and Dylan
got married...
...so I figured
I could just go do it.
So it's her fault?
No. She is right that I stole
a lot of her life ideas.
She really is
more creative than I am.
But she never would have
used them.
She has no follow through.
So it's no one's fault.
Obviously. That's always true.
You know, the restaurant
is going to be really great.
She's following
through with that.
If she's allowed to.
What? No, it isn't.
I don't want to play anymore.
Oh, come on.
I just don't feel like
playing right now.
You can't just quit
right before I'm about to win.
I'm just not in the mood.
People can be not in the mood.
I couldn't be your mother,
thank God.
What are you, 30? We're 18.
You could. Twelve year olds
can have kids.
- Fuck you!
Sorry, Karen.
Hey, Dad.
I can't really talk right now.
I'll call you tomorrow,
I'm in the middle
of something.
Yeah, I know
you probably don't care...
I care about things.
But I'm not getting married.
Oh, really?
We called it off last night.
It's for the best.
I don't really know her.
She wasn't committed
to the church, either.
I think that was all forced.
Sure, sure.
You okay?
Yes, I just...
You're really not doing it?
I thought you guys
were really symbiotic.
Wasn't it a web algorithm
that got you together?
She seems amazing.
You never even met Stevie.
Through you, I met her!
Come on, Dad, I don't know.
Don't just bail.
That's what the Cardinases
always do,
move on to something else.
Hang in there!
Frankly, I'm surprised
you're so invested in this.
Believe me, it's for the best.
I have to go,
I have a really important
business meeting.
I love you.
We can do Thanksgiving
at my house if you want,
since there
won't be a wedding.
No, I'll probably just end up
doing something depressing,
but young.
Home is only a bus ride away.
Is it? Just kidding, it is.
So, what does this make
me and Tracy?
Who's Tracy?
Never mind.
Oh, right, her daughter.
Nothing, I guess.
Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak.
Are you stalking me?
I left my tote in here.
I need my migraine pills.
Let me have a sip.
How much longer
do you think we'll be here?
I don't know,
however long it takes.
After Dylan comes home, maybe.
What are you really
trying to accomplish here?
I'm enjoying
this really stylish house.
When you live in suburbia,
you have to really like
being in your house.
That's not what I...
What're you doing
with this whole thing?
I want Brooke
to get her restaurant.
I'm helping out.
I read your story, by the way.
Brooke is the woman
in your piece.
You're collecting material.
Did you like it?
That's not
what we're talking about.
Why are you here?
You needed a ride.
You forced me.
How does it feel to be forced?
Feels uncomfortable.
And how do you feel now?
Still uncomfortable.
This is not what I want.
It is what you want...
...but it makes you feel
like a bad person to want it.
You're acting really crazy.
I don't like this.
Why can't you say
you like my story?
I don't know! I'm jealous!
It's better than mine.
You want other people
to do the things you can't
so you can blame them.
You used to be so nice!
I'm the same.
I'm just the same
in another direction now.
Can I have my glasses back?
Tony, you're more
sophisticated than this!
Dylan, baby, you're home!
You know, I don't like it
when you try to force
affection onto me.
I'm just trying to hug you.
Do you have to put your face
so close to mine?
It's nice.
You know how upset I get
when I visit the home.
I want you
to share it with me.
Rosella and Lorene
may not even be alive
the next time I'm there. Okay?
Just keep your face
a little away
while I process that.
Who are all these people?
I wondered
if I could have some water.
Of course, Karen.
Oh, hi, Karen.
I don't mean you.
Tony. Nice to meet you.
Beautiful house, sir.
Thank you.
Have you seen a girl
about this high?
That's my girlfriend.
No, there's more of you?
I'm Tracy.
Oh, Dylan.
Tracy is a tight name.
It's a name
that totally is a name,
but I don't know anyone
actually named Tracy.
I am actually named Tracy.
Hey, Dylan.
Has anyone seen Nicolette?
Forget about
Nicolette for a second.
Stop trying to seduce me.
I got a little parched.
I think I'm sitting
by a heating duct.
Stay here.
Have a glass of wine.
No. Ted really
should be here soon.
Can I have a snack?
Stress makes me hungry.
Brooke, I haven't seen you
in a second.
I know, right?
What brings you to the burbs?
We were...
Brooke needs money.
No, I don't need money. I come
to you with an opportunity.
I told her
about the taxi medallions.
Let me make you a drink.
What's the opportunity?
It's a good one.
We're having dinner
at the Baskins.
So I'm sorry to say it,
but you guys
will have to leave now.
Can I have this Chipwich?
Marty and Jiselle can wait.
Didn't you park
over at Harold's?
How do you know Harold?
They don't.
She's an old friend.
She can stay over
if she wants.
We have the room for you
and your students.
They're not her students.
It's much weirder than that.
They're my friends.
Always running
with the young crowd.
She's starting a restaurant.
I can't wait
to tell you about it.
Dylan, let's not do this.
She's already
lost her shit once.
What's the restaurant?
Brooke, this is uncomfortable.
Dylan doesn't want to do this.
You don't know
what I want.
I know you see
me a certain way,
but I'm not just some square.
I saw Nirvana live
and this is way before
You seem really cool to me.
I DJ'ed at my college
radio station,
the 2:00 am slot.
We played Mudhoney,
Trip Shakespeare, I mean...
No one wants to hear about
your glory days
in college radio, Dylan. Okay?
I do.
I play this part for you.
I play the guy
wearing the fleece...
...but I'm not just
some asshole
your fitness goals.
I've gotten
really into triathlons.
Brooke teaches cycling.
So cool.
No, I only like cycling
when it's combined
with running and swimming.
Why did you think of us?
Because we owe her.
Because you're
into cool things.
We are. You guys want to
smoke some weed? Huh?
I have some frozen weed.
MC, where's that weed
Jason gave us?
You've just said
"weed" like 15 times.
Did that kid
take my weed?
No! No one's touched it.
It should be
next to the Chipwiches.
Are you sick?
No, I'm healthy.
Don't shut me out. You know
how hard that is for me.
You sound like
you're eating something.
I have a Chipwich for you.
You brought me a Chipwich?
I can get you another one.
Leave me alone!
It was clear
that the thing that Meadow
wanted most in the world...
...the thing that she wanted
to define her...
...to give her a place
to put her time and talents,
her everything...
...the restaurant,
it was clear
that it would never happen.
The most
surprising thing was that
Meadow was actually
surprised by it.
She could see the whole world
with painful accuracy...
...but couldn't see herself
or her fate.
And because
I was in love with her...
...I decided
I couldn't see it either.
I'm starting a restaurant.
Oh, I'm an attorney.
That's awesome for you.
I never went to college.
That doesn't
have to be a permanent state.
You aren't an amputee.
I know that.
You can still go to college.
We'll get lifted and you'll
tell us about this venture.
Do any of you kids know
how to make an apple bong?
No one knows
how to make an apple bong.
I do.
Did you take my herb?
I'll get you an apple.
The restaurant
is really going to be amazing.
Right. Let's hear your pitch.
Pitch us.
That's what you do.
If someone wants something,
they pitch.
pitch us on our media stage.
Your media stage?
We just ran
Apocalypto on Blu-ray.
Stunning. Stunning.
I've gotten very into vinyl.
I'm into compressed MP3s.
Just joking.
I've got a great early
Mother Love Bone EP
that would be perfect
for this occasion.
Records are so warm.
What are you doing?
I just want you to know
that I really love Dylan.
I love his blond hair
and his beard.
I know that you only
loved him for his money.
But I love him as a person.
And I also
love him for his money,
but not in that order.
I'm committed
to being a happier person.
Do you understand?
Um, well...
It's a restaurant,
but also where you,
like, cut hair.
Can I start over?
Of course.
We're old friends.
Okay, great.
I was, that was...
...pretend rewind. Like...
It would have...
...big heavy
tables and chairs.
It would feel like the home
everyone wishes
they had been raised in.
No one who comes there
will want to take out
their cellphones...
...because it won't
feel that way.
It would be like
taking your cellphone
out in the woods.
Totally wrong.
It's so rude, I concur.
Yeah. It will always
feel like fall inside.
Even on hot summer nights
with all the windows open.
Loaves of bread
that people tear off pieces.
It would be the kind of place
where at 2:00 am,
the chef and the waitstaff...
...would come out
and eat something simple
they had fixed themselves...
...with the remaining guests.
And open
a bottle of good wine.
It would be the best
of capitalism.
What politicians
pretend they mean
when they say small business.
We would resist
doing too many pieces
in the Times and stuff...
...because we would
want it to stay honest.
They would want us to expand
and open another one...
...and maybe eventually
we would.
But we wouldn't try
to re-create the first one.
It would be
a totally new thing.
And if I ever had kids...
...they would walk there
after school
and do their homework
in a corner table.
They would grow up
around all these
wonderful adults.
Chefs and actors
who are waiters.
It'd be a big funny family
and they'd never be lonely.
This could all be something
you guys share in.
You'd be their
auntie and uncle,
part of the life and food.
Eventually I'd train someone
younger than myself
to run the day to day...
...so I could go up to Maine
with my family in the summer.
And have the kids
dive for lobsters.
And everyone would be
so warm and happy inside
knowing that in their lives...
...they had participated
in something
that was only good.
You know...
...I lived in the city
for many years.
Before I started at Goldman,
I was...
I was teaching at Baruch
and I lived
in an East Village walk-up.
I was the people,
people make
television shows about.
It was quite beautiful.
This is very
fucking interesting!
So, are you both doing it?
No, but we're sisters and...
Tracy is spiritual guidance
- and waitress.
- Mmm.
Really? I wasn't sure
you'd heard me those times.
I hear everything.
And how much do you need?
It's $200,000,
but I calculated
and we need $42,500 by Monday.
For refrigeration.
42.5 stacks, huh?
What are stacks?
A thousand.
I thought stacks
meant a hundred.
I'm pretty sure
a stack is a thousand.
I thought a dime
was a thousand.
Never mind.
You'd do that?
I want to help you.
That's Ted. Bye, everyone.
Bye, Karen!
Good luck
with your restaurant.
Thank you!
Dylan, this is really
something for us
to talk about privately.
Or maybe with Dr. Turkowitz.
We need fresh drinks.
Um, Mamie-Claire,
can you come here please?
Can it wait, Karen?
It's not Ted.
Your guests' car
is blocking my driveway.
Could the weed be
in the garage freezer?
I don't know.
Can you check?
I'm blowing Harold.
Just kidding.
I can't remember the last time
I was over here.
I don't think you've ever
been over here, Harold.
No, when you first moved here,
I came for a stilted barbecue.
That was when
we made an effort.
Well, invite me in now.
I want a house tour.
You are such a Swiss
Army knife kind of guy.
I have to be a better loser.
I really love Nicolette.
She's angry
about the chess game?
Yeah, I think so.
I'm mostly in touch
with my feminine side, but...
...then I guess not,
though, because...
...I don't understand
her right now.
Did you... Did you
want to be with me ever?
I don't want to get into this.
No, I'm not going to kiss you.
Just a question.
I liked you, but...
...I love Nicolette.
And honestly,
I just never saw you that way.
You seemed...
I need someone I can love.
Not keep up with.
Sometimes I really just think
I'm smarter and better
than everyone else.
Not necessarily with...
...math or science
or whether something
is east or west, but...
...pretty much
with everything else.
And if I could
figure out my look...
...I'd be the most
beautiful woman
in the world too.
I think I'm a genius...
...and I wish I could just
fast-forward my life
to the part where
everyone knows it.
I have to say,
I'm impressed, Brooke.
It takes a lot of moxie
to start a restaurant.
You're doing it, babe.
You're out there
doing something
besides amassing
and hoarding money.
If I could figure
out how to
amass and hoard money,
I'd do it.
Well, you could have married
me or a dozen other guys...
...but you wanted
to be your own person.
Yeah, no, I'm over that now.
You're funny 'cause
you don't know you're funny.
I know I'm funny.
There's nothing
I don't know about myself.
That's why I can't do therapy.
MC and I
see a woman in New Haven.
Oh, you guys
see a therapist?
She's totally on my side.
She basically thinks
is holding me back...
...and I should just
leave her.
Your couple's therapist
said that?
In so many words.
But Mamie-Claire said you guys
are trying to have kids.
We've talked about it,
but we've also talked about
breaking up.
I'm so sorry.
No, it's...
...it's liberating.
I feel great.
I miss New York, man.
I miss you.
I look you up periodically
on the Internet.
Oh, you look hot as hell
in those party pictures.
Which parties?
Because sometimes
I look like I have fat arms.
I like fat arms.
I'm going to help you
with this restaurant.
Thank you!
Here's what
I'm gonna do for you.
We'll take
my 43 stacks or dimes...
...and pay back
the other investors
they're in for thus far.
You got a space already?
A lease?
We'll put it up
for rent immediately.
It, uh, cool neighborhood?
Oh, come on, the coolest.
We'll turn it over,
no problem.
Because, let's face it.
Having a restaurant,
it's like having a kid
with a drug problem.
It's just...
It's really draining.
You're giving me money
to not start a restaurant?
First of all, I am saving you.
If you started the restaurant,
you would be back here
in a year asking for...
...five times this.
Not if it was successful.
What are the odds?
You know...
...I'd love to see
your life in the city.
We should get a drink. Or...
I like to drink.
Whatever you're doing,
it's working.
No, it isn't.
Hey, guys.
Did you ever find the pot?
Tony just made the most
beautiful apple bong.
We'll have to, because
some celebrating is in order.
I think we might have
reached a deal.
Yes. Dylan has made
a proposition.
I'm going to give her
the money.
What? You're giving her money?
Who was at the door?
He's giving himself
a tour of the house.
And where's Karen?
I don't fucking know!
You're giving her money?
This is our decision,
not yours.
I'm not giving her 200 grand.
Don't worry.
I'm just bailing her out
of her current situation.
And then for
the whole restaurant?
No, I'm not gonna
do the restaurant now.
It's just gotten too crazy.
This is a good result.
This is even better
than getting the restaurant.
Less financial
He's right. I think
I even feel a little relieved.
Mom's wasn't about money.
Well, I don't think
anyone starts anything
with the dream
of not making money.
Do they not?
Why would you give her money?
Because it's my money.
I make it, and I can do
what I want with it.
Like you have
your t-shirt money.
You can do what you want
with that.
We're married.
This is, this is our life.
It's a real life.
I know Brooke
doesn't believe that,
but you do.
You know what?
I appreciate the offer, Dylan,
but I'm not going
to take the money.
I just wasn't
brought up that way.
What will you do?
I'll figure it out.
I always do.
I am so impressed by you
and so worried for you
at the same time.
I'm so glad you're my sister.
What are you talking about?
Nothing happened. I love you!
Don't lie to my face and stab
me in the back, butter boy!
That's so mean!
What? No, I'm not.
You're stealing my boyfriend!
You're cuckolding me.
- You bitch whore!
- Whoa! Whoa!
Stop it!
Who the fuck are you?
This is my girlfriend
She's usually very polite.
What is it about this house?
Everyone screams.
She's stealing my boyfriend!
I am not!
I resisted! I resisted!
Chill the fuck out!
I don't like
shouting around the baby.
Is that a real thing?
I'm right here, and she's
not stealing anything.
It's not just that!
There's also this!
What the fuck is that?
Or cursing!
Sorry, Karen.
Tracy knows what it is.
I'll give you a hint.
It's onionskin.
She's a home wrecker
and a bad person.
Stop calling her
these old-timey names.
I don't know why
you're defending her.
She's publishing this story
all about you.
I'm not publishing anything.
I don't even know
if I got into the Lit Society.
It's very competitive.
This is so nerdy.
Baby, I resisted.
Can I get a drink?
Have mine.
They keep offering me alcohol.
You wrote a story
about me?
She hates you. She wrote
mean things about you.
It's not you.
It's just inspired.
You make me want to write.
I want to read it
if it's about me.
I'd like to read it too.
You don't read fiction.
When it's about
my friends, I do.
It's not really you.
It's just very funny.
The character
that Nicolette and Tony
misconstrued as being you...
...is a very funny character.
Funny? What does it say?
It's not funny.
It's just, it's not you.
Do you live in an apartment
that's zoned commercial?
Give me that story.
It wasn't meant to be hurtful.
I didn't mean to hurt you,
You don't get to decide
what's hurtful
and not hurtful.
I can only tell you
my intention.
You wrote this
after one night with me? One?
I guess so.
Yeah, it felt longer.
You think
I'm a rotting carcass?
That I am doomed to failure?
No. It's fiction,
that's why it's fiction.
So much of this "fiction"
did not happen this way.
Karen, you're a lawyer.
I'm going to sue you
until you have nothing.
I'm just writing from my life.
No! This is not your life.
But I was there that night.
I was gonna
have that night anyway.
You never were.
But I did have it, though.
You joined my life.
You needed a place to go.
I invited you in
and then you stole my life.
You're a leech! A bloodsucker.
You loved being admired by me.
You loved it.
You loved having
lessons to impart.
I didn't ask for you!
you know great plays, right?
How would it have been
if Tennessee Williams
hadn't used people he knew?
There wouldn't be any plays...
I don't give a shit
because I am not a friend
of Tennessee Williams!
You took something I said
and made a tweet about it.
How about that?
That's different! It wasn't
some sneaky shitty thing.
You knew I was Twittering.
Do you want me to credit you?
No, I'll just delete it.
That's not the point.
I'm asking you to empathize.
It was my least popular
tweet anyway.
Stop talking about Twitter,
it's so awkward.
You are much more
of an asshole
than you initially appear.
I agree.
You think I haven't dealt
with the pain
of my mother's death?
I deal with it all the time!
I talk about it all the time!
You talk about it all the time
but you never talk about her.
You just throw out
that she died
and that shuts everyone up.
Your tragedy is your armor
in which nothing
is ever your fault.
Please! Please, friends!
Somebody defend me
against this monster!
It was in pretty poor taste.
I didn't even
like the writing.
Like your whole generation,
it's all pastiche.
It's not a nice story.
I told you.
I also told you.
The emotional betrayal,
I can't speak to.
I didn't betray her.
But I can say that
you portray women terribly.
And because of that,
I've prepared some questions
I'd like you to think about.
Are you fucking kidding me?
One. Do you believe
in a woman's right to choose?
Yes. What does that...
Excuse me, I'm not done.
She's not done, bitch!
Brooke, please.
Two. What do you think
someone who bombs
abortion clinics
would think of your story?
There isn't even
an abortion in the story.
you just portray women
as crazy desperate
gold diggers.
Three. Do you believe
the perpetrators
of female genital
...would be hindered
or helped by your story?
You seemed so cool,
so totally amazing...
...I didn't think it would be
possible to hurt you.
Of course
it's possible to hurt me.
I am the most
sensitive person.
To your own feelings.
I don't really think that,
it's just something
I would have said at one time.
I have to say,
what you did to Brooke
is F-ed up.
Karen, you don't see my side?
No, sweetheart.
You don't have a side.
You're just wrong.
You must call
the Lit Society
and tell them
you're withdrawing your essay.
It's not an essay.
It's a short story.
This cannot appear
in print or online.
will you represent Brooke?
I'm a tax attorney, but okay.
We should get dressed, baby.
Dinner at the Baskins.
There's plenty of room for you
all to spend the night.
You too, Karen.
One sec.
Will you draw up
the contract, please?
In the meantime,
I'm gonna ask you
to rewrite the story...
...and then give Brooke
the re-written story.
I'll give you my email
and you can BCC me.
She could just CC you.
Nic's right
because we'd already know
that you're getting it.
Sure, CC me.
it's very complicated.
I know. I just learned
what case sensitive meant,
seriously, like, yesterday.
I'm not going
to do any of this stuff.
You're my sister
and I love you
but I stand by what I did.
Guess what, bitch?
My dad isn't going to marry
your slutty, atheist mother.
So we're not sisters,
we'll never be.
We're nothing to each other.
There are ten questions here,
all equally important,
for you to answer.
Oh, honey.
Ruth signed me in.
I just saw a side of him
that I didn't know before.
It's strange to not
really know someone.
I'm sorry.
I know you liked Brooke.
He told me
that she worships you.
She kept talking about
how smart you are,
and interesting.
Oh, honey. Don't cry.
I went through a break-up too.
You didn't tell me
you were seeing anybody.
I know.
Oh, my sweet girl.
Do you want to talk about it?
It's too late now, anyway.
I know this is crappy timing,
but I need to take a vacation.
And I got the deposit back
for the flowers...
...and Colleen told me
to come with her family
to the Caribbean
over Thanksgiving.
And, Trace, I need it.
That sounds nice, Stevie.
So, you're okay
for Thanksgiving,
not coming home?
I didn't put that together.
Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be fine.
Are you okay?
I'm very sad,
but I'll be okay.
I wish it had worked out...
...even though
I didn't really know him.
Me too, Baby Tracy.
You're in.
Dream baby dream
Dream baby dream
Dream baby dream
Dream baby dream
Okay. Tracy, I'm ready.
Sometimes I worry
that I'm a bad person.
That I'm one of those people
who essentially
has no conscience.
Spirit says...
...you need to find
your home in yourself.
Spirit says...
...you haven't dropped
into your body yet.
If I'm not in my body
then where am I?
Five feet to the left
and unhappy.
Dream baby dream
Dream baby dream
If a person wanted
to start their own club,
how would a person
go about it?
I think it's pretty much done
for this semester...
...but you could
put in an application
for funding next semester.
Can I come in?
You going home
for Thanksgiving?
No, I'm going to Baltimore
with Nicolette.
Oh. Nice.
Her dad fries a turkey,
It's an application. Two.
I don't want to join Mobius.
Had enough rejection.
It's not for Mobius.
I quit the briefcase club.
You were right,
they're self-elected
I'm starting my own zine
and I'm not saying
you're in...
...but I'd be very interested
in getting your
and Nicolette's applications.
I'll fix us
some screwdrivers.
It's my direction
It's my proposal
It's so hard
It's leading me astray
Hi. I'm sorry to bother you
on Thanksgiving,
but I met you once.
I went through your window,
it was the middle
of the night.
I was with Brooke.
You're her sister, right?
Well, I was going to be.
Do you have a number for her?
The old one isn't working.
I don't.
Anyway, I was gonna ask you,
do you know where she went?
Her front door
is still bolted shut.
She's upstairs.
Thank you, Kareem.
You're welcome.
Can I come in?
You're leaving?
In a couple of hours.
I'm gonna
try my luck out west.
You're going today,
on Thanksgiving?
New York isn't the New York
I used to know.
There's too much construction.
Maybe L.A. is my lady.
In L.A.,
I qualify as well-read.
I wanted to say...
I know that you're sorry.
I'm not really that sorry.
You're not?
Oh, well, then fuck this!
No, wait.
I looked for you.
I've been around.
Are you okay?
Like financially?
Mamie-Claire gave me
what would have been
my share
of the t-shirt profits.
It was just enough
to pay my debt
and get out of town.
What will you do in L.A.?
I don't know.
I think I'm sick.
And I don't know
if my ailment has a name.
It's just me
sitting and staring
at the Internet
or the television...
...for long periods of time
interspersed by trying
to not do that.
And then lying about
what I've been doing.
Then I'll get
so excited about something
that the excitement
overwhelms me...
...and I can't sleep
or do anything.
And I just am in love
with everything...
...but can't figure out
how to make myself
work in the world.
I think I have that too.
I wish we lived
in feudal times...
...where your position
in the world couldn't change.
If you were a king
or a peasant,
you had to just be happy
with who you were.
But wait.
You can
tutor SAT's now.
Well, I thought I might
actually go to college.
I'm not an amputee.
I filled out
a couple of applications.
I wrote my college essay
all about you.
Oh, snap!
No. It's about my mom.
But I had you there.
I let Mamie-Claire
and Dylan keep the cats.
It's like, I gave them
a chance for a better life...
...better than the life
that I could provide them.
The cats went
from stolen to given
because you changed your mind.
put that in a story.
Not because I care,
but because it isn't
a very good observation.
You know what's funny?
I'm not even done with my
first semester of college yet.
This won't even be
your big college story.
I think it will always
be pretty big.
Well, thanks
for stopping by...
...but I have more packing
before Kareem comes over...
...and we break down
the front door.
It will be hard for me
not to look at New York
and think of you
somewhere in it.
Hey, Brooke?
It's not going to be as great
as what my mom and your dad
were planning, but...
...do you want to have
Thanksgiving with me?
Meadow had made
rich fat women less fat
and rich stupid kids
less stupid...
...and lame rich men
less lame.
And she wanted so badly
to be on the other side...
...to be fat and stupid
and lame and rich.
But what she couldn't see
most of all...
...more than she
couldn't see that
she was never going
to get the restaurant...
...was that those people
were nothing compared to her.
They were matches
to her bonfire.
She was the last cowboy,
all romance and failure.
The world was changing,
and her kind
didn't have anywhere to go.
Being a beacon of hope
for lesser people
is a lonely business.
You could've been all right
You could've
been here tonight
You could've been
sweet as wine
You could've been a lady
You could've been all right
You could've
been here tonight
You could've been
sweet as wine
You could've been a lady
They all love you
You're a good girl
When you awake
you'll find another man
Lying beside you
They all need you,
they all want you
Well, I'll be surprised
if you realised
Where you're going to
You could've been all right
You could've
been here tonight
You could've been
sweet as wine
You could've been a lady
You could've been all right
You could've
been here tonight
You could've been
sweet as wine
You could've been a lady
You could've been all right
You could've
been here tonight
You could've been
sweet as wine
You could've been a lady