Mit moon (Bad Blood) (2010)

Stop right there!
Get in, hurry up
Hold it right there!
Don't move!
I tell you to stand still!
Ma'am, walk towards me.
Watch your steps.
Don't do anything stupid!
Don't come any closer!
Watch the hostage!
You better surrender!
Don't come near!
Don't make the wrong move!
There's nowhere to run!
Let the hostage go!
Drop the guns
Don't come any closer!
Let her go!
If you get any closer,
I'll blow her head off!
Andy, you go first
Back off! I swear I'll kill her
Still coming?
Holster your guns
It's lucky to get the life back
We can run away like this
Stop messing around, let's go
Really lucky
Still playing?
Where's brother Zen?
Brother Zen
He's here
Brother Zen
Where's Andy?
He has not return yet?
What's the matter?
The cops ruin the deal
Besides, Andy still has that merchandise
That's no good. What should we do?
Funky, where's Andy?
The cops caught him
No way!
What about that copperplate?
The cops took it
You just let the cops
took the copperplate?
What's wrong with you?
What's wrong? If you've the guts...
go back and kill all the cops
and snatch it back
Enough... No more quarrel.
What should we do now?
Let's think it over when
we return to Hong Kong
Let's go back to Hong Kong,
move the stuff into the car
Okay Hurry up...
hurry up...
Our princess is back
Screw her royal highness' mother
Her mom is your big mother.
You screw her?
I only have one mother
Don't you screw me as well?
I indeed love to screw you
Let's go
They may put you inside
a cage for adultery
Alright, is everyone here?
Ms. Audrey Lok and I visit...
Mr. Andy Lok before he dies
Before Mr. Andy Lok died...
he entrusted his will with me
Mr. Andy Lok clearly told me that...
we've to wait for Jason Lok's
return from States
before we can read it
What that means? What about the money?
Because Andy's money is legitimate
We've to follow the proper
legal procedure
before we can take it out
What legal procedure?
In fact, Andy's money
belongs to the Company
Don't mix it up,
thinking it's his money
What do you want?
Audrey, your brother insists
doing his way
To buy the copperplate
for counterfeit RMB.
It costs the Company 300 millions
I think the will should return
Not yet read out the will yet
So what?
You should give the money back
It belongs to the Company indeed
It's not whether I'm willing to give
the money back or not
The will clearly states that we can
only read it until Jason is back
When will Jason come back?
At 7 on Tuesday night
We might as well wait
for a few days more
Are you the boss?
Is it your turn to talk?
I'm not allowed to talk?
Sure you're not allowed
We should discuss business now
I ain't say anything. All yours!
No matter what,
you have to pay back the money
That's right, the sooner the better
Audrey, did your brother say
who'd be Tung Luen Shun's boss?
No way of not having a leader.
Who's in charge?
He didn't say so
That's bad
Sure he didn't say anything?
So what should we do?
I'm not a family member of the Lok's
Let me say some reasonable words
Tung Luen Shun was established by
your grandfather
He fought his way up
If the chairman isn't
from the Lok's family...
I'm afraid that no one
feels things are fair
So...who's in charge?
If Andy didn't say so...
Let's vote
Is it necessary to vote so soon?
How could it be too soon?
All the leaders of Tung Luen Shun are here.
Why can't we vote?
If they feel comfortable with
the new leader they will today
If not, they won't even with more time
I nominate Funky
to be our new chairman
Where's Calf?
How come he stays inside the bathroom
for so long?
Mister Funky, let me call him out
Calf, what're you doing in the bathroom?
Hurry up, Mister Funky says
we're gonna vote
Come out quickly
Let's vote
Hurry up
Why are you staying inside for so long?
Now all brothers are sitting here
I recommend Funky to be
the chairman of Tung Luen Shun
Raise your hand if you agree
Now it's formal
You're liable if there's a penny
less from the will
Why does Jason not getting on
the plane today?
He applies his leave and able to get it on
the night after tomorrow
He has to leave tonight even if
he needs to quit his job, understand?
Don't you understand?
Yeah, where's Andy's unhindered ring?
I have it
Take it out!
Going out?
Yup. You?
Go to dancing
What kind?
I'd like to learn belly dance later
Dumby, where're you?
How's that? Hurt?
Because of you?
Don't act tough!
Still pretending
You sickly person
You're a sickly person indeed
Let me prove it to you
Take a look! What are you looking at?
Wanna get hurt?
We'll kick your ass!
No matter you admit it or not,
you're liable to this debt
Pay the debt! You stole her boyfriend
I didn't!
No money?
Take off your clothes instead!
No, let's run
Wanna run away? Pay up!
Sorry for what? Pay the debt!
Never be encircled by others,
always keep the opponents in front of you
You get her boyfriend.
What should we do?
Let go!
I don't
What not?
You get her boyfriend,
better pay it off!
Pay it off?
Don't get away. Pay it off
No matter you admit it or not,
you're liable to this debt
Pay the debt! Stripe,
if you don't have the money
Why do I need to take off the clothes?
Take the cellular out and take pictures...
What're you doing?
Take it off! Take the cellular out...
Filming it
Who's this? Where does she come from?
Damn you
Get up! Hurry up! Useless shit!
You... wait for me here if you've the guts.
Don't go away
I'll come back with more people.
Don't you go away
Call the police after 15 minutes
Okay... thank you
It's her... kill her!
Bitch, don't run away...
Bitch, stop...
Stand still! Go!
What're you waiting for,
wanna get caught?
Let's go!
You lose weight
Not really, about the same
Is your asthma better now?
Okay, recurring occasionally
Do you have the medication with you?
Be careful, the air quality
in Hong Kong is no good
I will
How's Andy's remains?
Already cremated but
not yet transported to H.K.
How come it takes so long?
The family business isn't that simple
Anyway, you be careful
Let's go
Drink alone?
Nothing, may be the jet lag.
Can't sleep
You take it straight?
I want some
Have you not come back for 10 years?
The last time when I returned...
It was dad's funeral
That's right.
It seems like you won't come back
unless someone died
You're rushing back.
Is it ok for your work?
Yet I apply for such a long leave
so soon at my new job
That doesn't look so good
No choice, your return is necessary
to activate Andy's inheritance
You know they're all thieves;
all have criminal records
With such a big money!
How could we just give those
bastards the money?
I've to get the will from Andy
in China all by myself
Bobo is in Hong Kong.
Have you called her?
Nope. Too busy lately.
Maybe in a few days
Remember to bring me along.
I haven't seen her for such a long time
You better remember it
Loosen up. Why are you so nervous?
Well, I haven't hung out
for quite sometime now.
Then let me be the good person
to bring you out
Thank you
When everyone is here,
we can read your brother's will
Let's wait inside the conference room
Please take a seat
Thank you
Finally came back?
They're not here yet?
Yes, they're coming
Women are always late
Mama Lucy
Mama Ling
Jason, you came back?
Is San Francisco cold?
Audrey, why is Mama Ling
in a wheelchair?
Your Mama Ling is completely paralyzed
She won't answer to whatever you say
Jason, how's everything lately?
It keeps raining in Hong Kong lately
Same as San Francisco,
it has been raining for a few days
Yes it does
Yet raining is better,
the air is pure and fresh
Better for my asthma
Alright... your asthma is well now
Okay, let's begin
Okay, Funky
I'm here to read out
Mr. Andy Lok's will
Andy Lok's will is comparatively simple
I, Peter Wong...
and Ms. Audrey Lok witness it together
Now I'm reading out
I, Andy Lok, establish this will
Attorney Peter Wong
and Audrey Lok witness it
All Andy Lok's asset goes to...
Jason Lok and Audrey Lok
Each of Jason Lok and Audrey Lok
receives half of my asset
The will owner, Andy Lok
May 14, 2009
Is everyone clear?
That's it, nothing else?
Excuse me, I've an important meeting
I've to leave
Okay, everyone understands it
Audrey, still remember
what I've told you?
Jason, remember to
listen to your sister
Ask me if there's anything that
you don't understand, okay?
To put someone to death when fighting
The key is to practice more
Straight fist to the throat
When you've practiced for
you'll hit the mark naturally
The more you poke the eyes
no matter how your opponent dodges
You will make it
Dumby, do you understand?
What're you laughing?
I'm not
Screw the girl
I am
Why not go to bed?
Funky is inside the room.
How can we make out without a bed?
Get on the deck if there's no room,
Not bashful, but afraid of
burning up my butt
You can let the girl get on top
That's right
Not a bad idea...
the Goddess of Mercy positions
Screw your mama
You both look more like beggars
No fun joking with you,
you turn hostile so easily
Answer your phone
I'm not Funky, I'm Hung
Say it
No way? That serious?
Hold on...
Funky, your call
What's up?
Tell him to leave me a message
He says it's very important
Come on...
Chiu, he is coming out...
He is coming!
Is the TV inside that much better?
Of course it's better, otherwise,
I won't watch it that long
Go down
Why going down?
Do what I said
Go down...
close the door
That serious?
Jumping off a building?
That's it. Hang up
Who jumps off from a building?
Peter Wong
How come?
A mysterious death...
No posthumous paper left
Will it be a murder?
His death is so mysterious,
may be related to Andy's money
Gotta be someone is behind it
We've to get the money back quickly
We'll be in trouble
if someone gets it first
Who would that be?
Audrey and Jason are the beneficiaries
Will they...
I think it should be someone else
Someone must be thinking of
something weird
We gotta get the money soon
And find out who the fuck
is behind this, and kill him
Get it
Can you be faster?
When will we meet Bobo?
Still early
Early? We've to cross the harbor
Don't worry. We won't be late
Take a look at your dress.
It shows your panties
You go get the car first,
I'll come down quickly
Not much time left, hurry up
Brother Zen
Brother Zen, Funky is
waiting for you at the bar
Brother Zen
Brother Zen Brother Zen
Brother Zen
Drinking at such an early hour?
Did she talk with you?
Not sure what she is thinking of
Wanna say something?
Do you really think I killed Jason?
I don't think you're that crazy
But the subordinates...
may not think the same way
I know, hard to clean up my name
I'm their only inheritor
Not only the subordinates,
but also the cops
are following me all the time
What about that money?
Collect as planned
That money belongs to Tung Luen Shun.
Audrey should return it
What if she doesn't?
No way
I will change the will, personally
It's not funny if you leave me no choice
Ms. Audrey
Who are those people talking to Audrey?
If not the charity organization,
then it should be the public welfare
public welfare?
All people are here?
These 2 are attorney Liu
and attorney Law
These 2 are Mr. Chan and Mrs. Lee
from the Red Cross of China
I just made a new will
If I die, all my inheritance will be
donated to the Red Cross of China
That's all
Let me escort you out
Move aside...
take a look of my slashing form
Use your upper arm to slash hard
Just like serving in tennis
Don't you understand?
Don't you understand?
Is it the way to slash on others?
Try me.
Consider you're good
if you're able to slash me
Slash me
Slash me
Your slashing fit for
cutting firewood only
Master, we're leaving
Why are we here?
Getting close to the nature.
Isn't it good?
The things that I'm going to tell you
For you, it's not dangerous at all
But for me,
it's a matter of life and death
They wanna kill Jason and me
If I hand it over...
I don't need to die
But I don't just wanna survive,
I want to live
I wanna collaborate with you
Do you mix up something?
I have no manpower, no authority,
no influence in the Company
If you want collaboration...
you should find them
But you're good in martial art
We're very alike
I'm the useless daughter
who should be dead already
And you're a hooker's son
with a rotten face
We're disposable rubbish
from their point of view
If we don't eliminate them first
they'll kill us eventually
They never treat you as their brother
They won't give you people,
give you authority...
Are you willing to live like this?
They bully me as a woman,
unable to fight back...
Unable to vie with them
To be honest,
Funky is only an adopted son
We're the true blood
We should collaborate
You take care of the men power
and I'll be in charge of the money
A win-win Situation. Is it good?
You don't need to answer me now
Go back and think it over
I'm not the person who accepts fate
It's not for the world to tell me
if I'm good or not
It's for me to prove to this world that
I'm good enough
Think it over
You're bad
Brother Zen, let's play together.
You've sat here for the whole night
I'm out
Let's play the dice game
The big-small-game,
you're always good in this
I said no more playing!
Play it yourself
So... let's play it
Okay, what should we play?
Drinking game?
Come on, come on...
Brother Zen, sorry...
What's happening? Shitting all over
Sorry brother Zen, let me help you
No more! Let's go!
Let's go...
Let me do it...
Brother Zen,
please excuse me for the mess
Sorry brother Zen,
please don't get mad
Forget about it...
That's alright.
You girls can go now. Let's go
You punk, thought I'm an idiot?
Take a good look, I'm prepared!
Dudes, come out!
Brother Zen
You moron,
thought I'm an old man with no plan?
Go to hell!
This way
Kill him!
Does daddy dislike me?
Doesn't want me?
Daddy... don't leave me...
Daddy... don't go away
Don't go away, Mommy...
The doctor just left.
He told you not to move
Better lie down
How come you're here?
This young lady informed me,
told me to come over
Calf, why did you do that?
Calf, it's very dangerous to do so
If they know about it,
they will kill you
Don't do this anymore
Calf, don't...
They'll kill you in a horrible way
Everything is solved if Funky is killed
Are you crazy? Speak irresponsibly...
You'll lose your life!
Haven't you said enough?
You've said it for tons of times
They are all dead. Don't you know?
Say no more.
How could you become like this?
Become what?
Why did you ask her to come over?
What's wrong with you?
Crying for what?
What do you want from me?
This is my chance.
I've to do some big business
Jason died in a tragic way
No one protects Audrey; she needs me
If we could eliminate them,
I can be the boss
You ruin my life, that's not enough?
I'm humiliated and looked down upon
by others all my life
I've fought for so many times
because of this scar
Kido syphilis, kido brothel...
Do you understand how I feel?
I beg you...
Don't stop me
You're also an orphan
You should understand it
Please adopt this poor dumb girl
Will be very grateful for giving her
room and board
Please accept this
useless mother's immense gratitude
Don't cry
Thanks for saving me
Manchester United has already
got into the final
I wanna know when
she'll be the champion
Chelsea will lose in a few days
That's great We can split the pool
Be careful Calf, I rely on you
Dancing again?
Yes, belly dance
Here's a hundred thousands.
You 6 come together
Whoever beats me, take the money
Hold on. Do you mean the 6 of us
fight each other
and the winner takes all
No! You idiot, big-boobs-airhead
The 6 of you fight me together
Whoever beats me take the money
What if I'm not interested?
Then I'll kill you
Every strike is lethal.
In fact, it's murder!
Calf, come over
We played this when we were young
Don't you remember this?
Catching butterflies
Fry eggs
I didn't play with you
Then, we've to play for the first time
Come on
Come on
Don't blame me, rotten face
Blame yourself and your mama
Be smarter in your next life
Eating so many peanuts,
not thirsty at all?
I didn't bring water
There are coffee,
wine and soda over there
Help yourself
Your water?
I'm afraid that I'll be able to drink
but no life to pee
How could you say that?
Calf helped you and you killed him
Who else you won't?
I killed Calf? That's false accusation!
Aren't you the one who killed him?
It's tasteless to talk with you
What do you want?
You even killed Calf.
Are you acting too hasty?
Whom will you hire to kill me?
I'm still alive
You wanna kill me?
Surely not.
I've no evidence, killing you...
is going to bring me a lot of trouble
It's good that you understand it
Now in Tung Luen Shun,
I've the money; you've the manpower
If we really engage in an all-out war,
Tung Luen Shun is over
That's not good for the winning side
That's why I would like to gamble with you
Who? I'm not good at all
We bet our life
The one who conquers is crowned king.
A life and death battle
Funky, I didn't want to come at all
You're brother and sister,
how could you end up in a duel?
I've never heard of such thing
in my entire life
Ask your sister to come over
You both belong to the same family
Why can't you settle it
in a diplomatic manner?
What's good to say?
She insists of a duel
Why so stubborn?
Because he has killed my brother
Don't make slanderous accusations
I did not
Let's settle it in a duel
Give you one more chance.
You can retreat your words
Remember, the money is not yours
When you get the money...
you've to give it back
to the family promptly
Then you can go live with Jason
in the States
I've already given him some money,
You better remind Jason not to hasten
come home for my funeral
Tell him to stay in the States
and live as a normal person
No more connection with the this family
Give this watch to Jason
This bracelet...
You can keep it as a souvenir
Remember to give this jade to Funky
You have to give it to Funky
Looking for me?
You worship Buddha?
Believing in Jesus no more?
How can you be such a slut with gods?
Yeah, you used to be a hooker?
No wonder you don't understand monotheism
Did you kill Calf?
Don't know
In fact, you don't have to kill him
He won't vie with you,
he won't compete with you
You didn't even let him live?
Whoever is a threat to me has to die
How did he threaten you?
Just like this pair of scissors.
I've to protect myself
before anyone can harm me...
I'll kill them first!
Now you understand
Audrey, why did you tie me up?
Where're you rushing to?
Audrey, loosen me!
Loosen me!
Why did you tie me up?
Audrey, loosen me!
Weren't you paralyzed?
Now you can even drive?
That's excellent!
Take the jewelry. It worth a lot
Thank you
How much longer can I live?
I never vie with you people
I've acted dumb for more than 10 years
Why don't you spare
this old woman's life?
Audrey, say a word
If you didn't snitch to dad that...
my mom fornicated with men
Would my childhood be so miserable?
Now you expect me to let you go?
Those were the business in old days...
I never hurt you now
Why did you just step on
the accelerator?
Mama Ling, the one who fails
is called vagabond chief
I should have killed you
when you were small!
That's right
It's pity that it's too late now
You devil woman,
cut you into thousand pieces!
I won't let you off even when I die!
You'll die in a miserable way!
Help! Help!
Hey, what're you doing?
Stop! Go get her!
Stand still! Don't run!
At the top... Hurry up, catch her
Ms. Lok
What's the matter?
An assassin is breaking in
An assassin?
Ms. Lok
Just a witless little girl
I wanna enjoy killing her
with my own hands
Stand down
Who are you?
Who sent you here?
Speak up
Okay, you don't tell me...
I'll beat you up until you tell me
Who is so unscrupulous?
Dispatch you here to death!
If you tell me who your boss is
I'll let you live
Tell me!
Tell me!
Say something!
Are you fucking mute?