Mithya (2008)

Abit of smile, a
bit of happiness.
..that's what
life's all about.
A bit of love,
a bit of affection!
Friends, that's
what life's all about.
A bit of smile, a
bit of happiness.
Friends, that's
what life's all about.
Cut it!
Set with full lights.
Friends, everyone will
stay wherever they are.
No one will move please.
Was it okay? Okay?
- Good day, sir. Good day.
Okay, then tell them to pack up!
- Pack up.
See you. -Yeah, sure. Bye.
- Pack up.
Tomorrow's shift is at 7. Listen.
Everyone should be on time here.
Sir, take this.
Sir, was my dying
expression alright?
The gun is fired and we cut!
Who'll see your expression?
And take the costume out.
That man, he will get the stock.
Oh God. - Call me for tomorrow!
I will let you know.
- Just a minute.
Just a minute.
Uncle, me Vicky! Virender Kumar.
- Here.
Thank you.
Uncle, this is for you.
- What's this?
Excuse me.
- Uncle, my first earnings.
I'm offering it to you.
Hurry up.
Hang on a minute!
- Trying to act smart?
Is this your first shoot?
First with you.
Good boy!
Here is your conveyance allowance.
Uncle, this is my driver's
and makeup man's bill.
When did you get a driver
and a makeup man.
Uncle, those who don't have
one, can't they get it?
You're a scoundrel.
To be, or not to be, that
is the question..
To be, or not to be,
that is the question..
Whether 'tis nobler in
the mind to suffer..
The sling and arrows of
outrageous fortune..
Or to take arms against
a sea of troubles..
Shut up, you!
All come here to eat our head.
Silence, that doesn't let
anyone know anything.
Want me to thrash you?
- Shut up, you uncultured beast!
I hope we don't
lose the grip on time.
Or the right end of life!
And only our wishes are followed!
Here, catch!
Eat it!
Let go of me.
Maji Bhai, how are you?
How is it going Vicky!
Not that good!
Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut!
- What are you all doing?
Sonam it's not happening.
The movements are not very sizzling.
It flew away!
Love flew away with the heart!
Move back!
It flew away!
Love flew away with the heart!
It flew away!
Love flew away with the heart!
The lover lost his heart.
What have you got me stuck into!
Three days song and she
will take 1 0 days.
Whether it is 1 0 days or 1 0 months.
Her boyfriend is going to
give the role.
Just a bit!
Just a bit!
Just a bit!
Just a bit!
Fall in love just a bit!
Fall in love just a bit!
Just a bit!
Fall in love just a bit!
Sir, at least we will
get to eat some.
If one lie is enough
to hide another lie.
Then lying puts you in trouble.
When the truth doesn't work.
And things are out
of your control.
Then you should lie,
but just a bit.
Just a bit!
Just a bit!
Fall in love just a bit!
Just a bit!
Just a bit!
Just a bit!
Fall in love just a bit!
The babe shakes them good.
Cut! Cut!
Hey you, standing here and
commenting on her?
Sorry, I didn't say anything, sir?
If you didn't say anything
then why are you saying sorry?
And the world will be at my feet!
You will conquer the world,
but not love.
Who needs love?
I'm strong enough
to move this mountain.
Love can move mountains too.
Look into my eyes Jambu.
Won't you do it for my sake?
Was it okay Sir?
- Try another take.
Is something wrong?
Why are you ruining this scene?
It's a nice emotional scene.
I want some feeling.
I've given you 8 takes sir,
what feelings haven't you got?
Feel the character!
Strange. Sir, you understand
the feeling of that cartoon..
..but you can't understand
an artiste's feeling?
It's 3 pm and we haven't
had lunch yet..
But you can't understand that?
You haven't paid me..
..for the last three jobs, but
you can't understand that?
You are doing up your house
and I am dying of hunger..
But you can't understand that?
- You prick, get lost!
Don't call me names, you scoundrel!
Is that clear?
You have become cartoon yourself.
You go and lift this mountain.
You have turned into cartoons
while making cartoons.
You have forgotten humanity.
If I have to be exploited, l
might as well work in cinema.
I am a film actor.
You are a fucking bad actor
never come back for work!
To hell with your work. Buzz off
- Get out!
Get lost! - You get lost!
Whiskey, quarter. - Hang on.
You? - Give me a bottle of McDowell!
Boss, boss, one whiskey quarter
- Hang on.
What is it, uncle?
Listen, shall I get you
something to eat.
Like lollylop, or anything else.
- No, no. - Just a minute.
Does that come with a free glass?
- Yes. - Then, give me that!
Just a minute. - Ten are less.
- Right now. One minute.
Mhatre, go and ask him
if he has a light. - Yes.
Got a light?
Did you get it?
- Yes.
Give it to brother.
Let's go.
Here! Hello.
Thanks boss
Thank you, thank you, God bless!
Run Mannu!
Run Mannu!
Cover brother! - Akbar, come on!
Hurry up.
Come on!
Hey, call the boss and tell him that
we will be there in a few moments.
Yes, sir.
Mane, you start the car. Start it.
They ran away!
Scoundrels, they got lucky!
What are you doing man?
- He is dead!
Are you a doctor?
Its common sense, brother.
A doctor needs to check the pulse..
..after that he declares a man dead.
Okay, fine.
- You manage with your common sense?
You are a good doctor.
Come, pal.
What is the sea saying to you?
-The sea says it's 1 :30 AM.
Go home, sleep and let me sleep.
After a dip in the sea
you taste more salty.
You are nuts!
Iet's go. Do you want
to do this post mortem? the sea
you taste more salty.
Shut up!
Sir, that first guy in the
white shirt.. he's the one.
Do you want a slap? He's our boss.
Trying to act smart?
- What's your name?
VK, Sir, Virendra Kumar.
I am an actor.
What were you doing there at night?
I went for a stroll.
Sometimes I go there for a stroll.
Looking for chicks?
No, sir. I am not that kind of
a guy you can check my record
Do you have a police record?
- No sir..
I meant you could check with
producers, directors.
Sir, this is my Association card.
I have done four films.
And two are being made.
This matter is very serious.
Hello, Ram brother he looks perfect.
- Don't mess up with dons.
He is amazing.
- They are very dangerous people.
By God, you have to see
for yourself.
Do you think police can
protect you all the time?
No. - Am I right?
- You will be amazed.
- Yes, he is sitting inside.
Whatever you have to tell,
first tell it to me.
You have to come here daily.
I swear!
Hello! Hello Ram brother.
He is the one!
Click it!
What an amazing face.
Press it.
Let him stop, he keeps moving
like the Andheri local.
Just a minute.
Take it now.
Damn you.
Yes. Just a minute, this one.
Give me.
We will lose him.
give it to me, I'll click.
- Take it, you take it.
Here, Chandan.
Brother Ram. - Yes, tell me.
I've never done this stuff.
There is nothing new about this.
It's easy aim at the face and shoot!
The trigger is on the top!
Hello, it's my second shave.
Hurry up, okay!
That day I realised what death is.
I was here.
They were three feet away
Just like in the movies?
Majid bhai, it's not funny,
I was scared to death!
It they weren't in a hurry,
I'd be dead.
Tell me one thing,
if you see them again..
..would you know them?
Definitely, Majid Bhai
Don't move a muscle.
Don't move a muscle.
Click it.
Let's get out.
They have reached here
to, brother Vicky.
Yes, that's a clear picture..
My shooting.
I am going brother Majid.
okay, brother Vicky. Goodbye.
Sir, give me something.
Leave me.
Insane beggar.
Something's poking you? English
Mauser, automatic.
What is this?
- Come on, don't make a scene.
Come on.
Come on.
- Brother, listen to me.
Get in! - Listen to me!
Who are you guys?
Don't you call us guys! We're
government officials.
This is lnspector Ram, Special
Crime Branch -TADA
..and I'm Senior lnspector
Shyam, CBl Branch.
And I'm lnspector Chandan,
Anti-Terrorist Department, MOCA.
But what have I done?
Why did you have to go to
Marine Drive, stupid?
Now you are a witness of
this shootout case.
I've already told
everything to the SHO.
SHO? - Yes.
- He can't manage his own wife.. will he manage your case?
Now it's become
an international case.
The government has asked
us to handle it.
That's why we're taking you.
Where are you taking me?
- To the capital.
You have a meeting with the PM.
Yes, with the prime minister
Didn't you take my picture,
There will be lots more.
You are a star.
See there in the front at?
You hit him very hard,
he's bleeding. - Is he dead?
He won't die.
He's shameless.
Let him sleep. You step
on the gas, lets go..
Let's go.
Have we reached Delhi?
- We're on the way.
Why is the plane shaking so much?
Bad weather, fasten your seat belt.
Why are you screaming?
This.. - What?
This.. - What? - Water!
So, what now?
How did we reach the sea?
Did the plane crash?
We've landed here. - But
we were going to Delhi..
Change of plans,
now we're going to Goa
Goa? Why?
We're taking you to Goa for a holiday.
The festival is held there.
What? - The PM's going there, too.
So, we are going there.
- Hey, brother.
We told you that we are
taking you to Delhi.
Brother, we were just joking.
No, I was joking.. no,
not with you, with him.
But I've an audition tomorrow.
Sorry brother.. what now?
Please turn the boat.
Okay. - There is nothing here.
Done it.. now?
Fine, fine.
Over and out.
Brother Ram, it's ready, bring him.
Step inside.
Come, come on inside, very good!
Come on. Very good.
What are you guys doing?
- Nothing much..
Making a statue of you.
- Statue?
We'll put you in a good place..
Where shall we put his
statue, brother?
Here, in the sea,
he'll stand there forever!
No.. no.
Please, no.. no.
Tell me, what have I done?
Smile please! - No!
Here Shyam! - Give.
So hero.
Brother, will we keep him
standing like this?
When do we throw him into the sea?
Let the cement set through
the night..
We'll throw him in the morning.
Okay, okay.
Please let me go, please!
Please let me go!
Go to sleep!
Goodbye in the morning.
You don't worry. Don't get tensed.
We'll throw you into the sea
along with the drum..
Within seconds you'll
hit the bottom..
..and within minutes you will
choke. End of your misery!
We will throw him when we have to.
Why feel sad about
it from right now?
Let's have a party.
Let's have something good to eat.
What will you have for breakfast?
Toast with butter, 2
eggs half fried..
Lemon juice..
The tea brewed not boiled..
sugar on the side.
Take down his majesty's order.
- Very good.
He knows what he wants. - And
then lunch in the afternoon.
Cook anything, but not too hot,
and keep some yogurt..
You won't live that long.
I will..
And at night, I'll
also drink whisky.
Have you gone senile?
Inspector Ram's saying you
won't live that long..
..means you won't
You down the breakfast and
down you go into the sea.
You could have thrown
me down long ago.
Stop the wisecracks
and call your boss.
Tell him to stop wasting time
and come to the point.
Come here!
Why did you people try
to be over smart?
You should have really scared him!
Understood? - Yes.
Hello, I'm Gawde.
These guys are new.
If they gave you trouble, l
apologize on their behalf.
You've come to meet me?
I told them I'll only
talk to the boss.
You don't think I am the boss?
Anybody who arrives in half
an hour, can't be the boss.
Specially if he is
with his girlfriend.
Ram, what do you make of him?
Looks like an idiot.
Can he act?
- Ms. Sonam.
He needs training.
- Sonam! Hi, Sonam!
How do you know her? - She's
Sonam a very good artist.
How do you know? She's done just
one film, and that's also shelved.
I'm doing that film.. Shelved?
What, what did you guys tell him?
Statue! We must do it for real.
How do you do it?
Put him in a drum..
- Add concrete.
- Water. Plaster.
Listen, I don't beat about the bush.
I talk straight.
This merry go
around was Gawde's idea.
He's the wise guy in our party,
do you understand 'party'?
Yes sir, I understand 'party'
- Good.
Now listen, we've got
a small job for you.
You resemble Raje bhai to a T!
Thank you sir, thanks.
We will do one thing. We'll retire
him, and set you up in his place.
I will do it sir.
- Good. - I will do it sir.
Don't yap hear it our first!
It's settled! He's agreed.
Wait a minute, did you understand?
Yes, Raje bhai is to be retired,
and I'm to replace him.
Have you heard the
name of Raje bhai? - No.
Tell him.
- He's the biggest don in Bombay.
Now listen carefully.
We're going to retire Raje-bhai..
And you will have
to become Raje-bhai!
No problem, sir. I'll do it, sir.
Good. Good.
- I'll do it, sir.
You will?
Sure, why wouldn't l?
This is also acting.
I've been looking out for such
a role, sir! I'll do it sir..
Thank you sir..
I'll do it, sir.
- Okay.
As soon he's out
he'll spill the beans!
It's your plan Gawde?
I said, get rid of Raje, but no,
you wanted a look alike.
But killing Raje doesn't solve
anything, Manu will replace him.
But if this guy replaces Raje,
we'll have a permanent solution.
But how will he replace Raje?
He will be scared.
So what? We'd have
killed Raje anyway.
Listen you do what you want.
I am taking my family to Balaji.
When I return in a week,
I want Raje dead!
Let's go! - Be careful
with your blood pressure.
Let's go.
- lnspector Ram, Let me go.
Why have you tied me up?
Inspector Shyam.
Okay, I'll become Raje bhai!
I said I'd do it, didn't l?
Inspector Ram!
Inspector Ram.
Inspector Ram!
Inspector Shyam!
Inspector Ram!
Inspector Shyam.
Inspector Shyam.
Inspector Ram.
Hungry? Breakfast is ready.
I wasn't running away.
These guys are checking you.
You try any funny business and
they'll pump bullets into you.
But I wasn't running away!
You don't have to lie to me.
Sonamji, how did you get
caught up with these guys?
Like you did.
They've kidnapped my
These guys are dangerous and
they can go to any limits.
Why do these mobile
companies send so many messages?
It is the same story everywhere.
Can anyone hear us?
No, why?
Call the cops!
Are you nuts? Our phones are tapped.
The land line must be tapped,
not the cell phone.
They are too.
They can't tap text messages.
Text them a message.
To whom?
- To the SHO Rajni sir.
I know his number
- 9895566627.
They'll kill my brother.
Oh! That's true.
Don't ever think of it..
Don't you have a family?
Yes, but they..
Lives in Noida, Sector 9, E Block?
How do you know?
Gawde told his men to keep
an eye on them. I overheard.
It's just a day's work,
do as you are told..
No one would know and
our job would be done.
What is it that you want to do?
Social work.
Raje bhai is up to dirty business.
Got to clean up the city.
Does social work interest you?
Does money interest you?
How does 1 0 million sound to you?
Say what you want. Talk
doesn't cost anything.
its all the same.
He asked for a
million to be sent home.
Said he'd start after his
mother receives the advance.
Did Gawde agree?
Just tell us his name, and
we'll let you go, got that?
No, he didn't get it,
because he's a fool.
His brain is messed up!
Mohan, Mohan said it.
See, his brains are
coming out a little..
He spoke. -Now say, I am a fool.
I'm a fool!
My brain is messed up!
Say it!
My brain is messed up..
See, he talks!
You people don't
know how to handle them.
Save me.
You are my friend. You
should've done it earlier.
Don't be worried!
I will provide you with everything.
Tape, map, his photo.
We will prepare you!
Just familiarise with them.
Look, that's Raje.
- The one in the coat.
That's Raje brother.
He speaks less, and softly.
In 1 0 years, he has
progressed so much.
He ruined my business.
- He is Abbas!
He is Raje brothers
left and right hand.
He is his left and right hand,
He is very stubborn.
He is Mannu, the faithful
brother of brother Raje.
He looks like a hero.
Stay alert of him. He is insane.
Very angry man.
And he is your real hero.
You have to kill him.
You are going to hit the jackpot VK.
You will live a leisure life.
And you will roam
around in the Gucci, Prada!
Hello, mom.. did you get
the cheque? That's good.
I've just signed a new
film lead role, mom.
Yes, mom. I am a solo hero.
Hey, what are you doing?
Heroine? She is a new girl,
Sonam.. she is from Talwara.
Talwara is a small
town in Punjab, mom.
Nearing Jalandhar.
Yes, very beautiful..
No, I meant Talwara
is very beautiful..
Yes, I'll tell her.. bye..
I am coming.
Mom was asking about the casting.
She is Rewaty madam.
She is Raje
brother's wife. Happy family.
And he is loyal Hanuman!
- Since many years.
Security advisor
- Chaudhary! He is always on duty.
They are Lathu, Keshav and Billa.
They are yours now, handle them.
And he is James Bond.
Naik. He is our man.
Take a look at him.
Now say, I am a fool.
I'm a fool!
Just tell me about
the salt tasting this.
My brain is messed up!
Is it more?
- No.
Very tasty, what's it?
- Potato and coriander.
It's a Talwara delicacy
Its tastes like home made food.
The people here mix
curry leaves in the spices.
Can I get some more?
I knew you will like it. Of course!
My brain is messed up!
How's your brother?
What's up, hero? Lunch already?
None of us has eaten, and
you are busy tucking in?
What about practice?
Come on, back to work!
Very nice!
A bit of curry leaves
would have made it better.
Don't move! -I'm not moving
I am talking to the dentist!
Come on brother Shyam,
I have served the food.
What's this, lunch box?
Aren't you feeling hungry today?
Where are the rest?
What do you mean?
Shetty sir! Gawde sir!
Shetty sir and Gawde
sir are at their home.
And Miss lndia and has
gone to Mr. Gawde's house.
Gawde changes girl in 6 months.
And Miss lndia has
finished 5 months.
Shyam, you are too much.
Looks like he is missing Miss lndia.
What is this, lentil again today!
I don't want to eat it! - Sit!
You haven't come here for a picnic!
All of us eat this,
you will eat it too.
You eat it, but I won't!
Don't act too smart, or
else I will shoot you!
You will die right here.
You will shoot me!
You will shoot me!
You scoundrel, goon!
Ram bhai, hit him.
What are you doing?
Move back you animal.
You have not respect for an artist.
Keep the gun down. You cannot
kill me, I will kill myself.
Move back. I will shoot myself.
I will shoot myself.
And the entire plan will be foiled.
Then Gawde will not spare you!
Then give this
lentil to someone else.
Move back, or else I will shoot.
Move back. - Lower the gun.
Death is better than such a life.
Just because I don't say anything,
you take me for granted! - Say sorry!
We consider you as our brother.
- Scoundrels!
You wanted to shoot me, isn't it?
I will fire the first bullet,
then you can fire the rest.
Say sorry!
- Sorry.
I plead to you. I am your
brother now. - He is apologizing.
Now we won't cook lentil.
No we won't cook it.
Tell me, what you want.
I want an omelette!
You want an omelette?
Go bring it. Yes.
Don't you have any respect
for artists! Just a minute.
You cook it! You
prepare the omelette! - Me!
Yes, You prepare the omelette!
- Me!
Yes, you go and cook it.
- Yes, I will cook it.
Keep him away.
Bring the toast along too.
Yes Ram brother.
He is mad.
Her is acting so
strange for an omelette.
Where is Sonam?
I don't know!
Really, I don't know.
He is telling the truth.
Shall I call her?
Where is her brother.
I don't know!
Really! Really, I don't know.
He is telling the truth.
There she comes.
Don't make this
mistake again, understood.
- Hi!
How are you?
Practicing since morning.
Look, what I have brought.
For Raje bhai. -You eat your food.
No, for you.
For me!
- Yes, try it.
Look inspector Ram,
a new shirt for me.
Nice shirt.
Now keep your rags to yourself.
Inspector sir, you must
be feeling very angry.
You feel like
breaking my face, isn't it.
Thank you so much Sonam..
Here Shyam!
Hey, what are you doing?
Have you gone mad?
Why did you hit him like that?
What is wrong with you?
The boss said to put a
mark on the face, so I did.
Now, shall we eat sweets?
Chandan, bring the sweets.
It is a nice shirt.
You are all beasts.
He is telling you.
Don't hit the crazy man.
Show me.
That's nice.
Just like the original one.
Thank you boss, I have done it.
It will take 20 days to
dry up, who will do that?
Sorry boss.
Before doing anything to him ask me.
You didn't understand.
You won't understand
because you are stupid.
Boss, stop him.
You are stupid, and
your brain is messed up.
Come on, now say
that you are stupid.
Tell me. - What are you doing VK?
- Tell that I am stupid.
What did you say?
This is too much.
- Say, that I am stupid!
What are you doing? Say it Shyam!
Say it! Say, that I am stupid!
Say, that I am stupid! Say it!
That's just like Raje bhai.
I am stupid!
And my brain is messed up.
Say it.
Say it!
What are you doing? Say it!
Say that my brain is messed up!
Say it. Say it Shyam.
What are you doing?
Say that my brain is messed up!
- Somebody stop him.
Say it. - Let go of me.
My brain is messed up.
Gawde, he is..
So he has become Raje-bhai!
Come on! Come here!
Naik had called up!
Tomorrow he has to go to Europe!
Will he be able to do it?
If he can't do it, shall I do it!
Do I look like Raje or does he?
Why are you always shouting at me?
I am not shouting! I'm..
I'm not shouting at you.
Sorry! Sorry!
But.. you will have to tell him!
So I should go and inform him?
- Yes!
Why do I have to tell him?
Because you'll be
able to manage him.
You will manage, won't you?
You'll have to leave
early tomorrow morning!
Don't be scared,
everything will be fine
If it wasn't for your brother,
I'd have run away since when.
You can still run away.
Hello? Yes mother, greetings!
Yes, everything is fine, mother!
Leave? I will not get a
leave for some days, mother.
But I will keep on calling!
Don't worry! Yes.
Shooting? Yes,
shooting begins today, mother.
Oh shucks! What's going on?
Hello? Hello? Hey?
Come on; come out!
Come out! Come out!
Have you gone mad, scoundrel?
What if the bullet hit me!?
Naik, you traitor!
Sorry boss! See there!
So then.. bye!
What is it? - He's finished!
- Come on; hurry up!
Did you tell him you are
bringing him? - Yes! Yes!
Hey come on!
Good bye, Raje!
Do the work soon!
We have to reach there before night.
Hurry up! Hurry up!
Hey what have you done?
What happened? Is he fine?
What happened?
He'll become absolutely fine!
- Here! Hold the glasses!
The 'Vada Pau' we had!
That was not good!
Come on! Come on! - Doesn't matter!
Now eat in Raje's plate!
Come Raje-bhai, sit Raje-bhai.. sit
down, brother! - Are you okay now?
He is the King of underworld!
Perfect face off!
Our hero is more
real than the real Raje.
Listen if you need anything.
Don't take tension!
Brother, listen! Save real
ghee and vitamins for him!
Just call Sonam, or call me, okay?
- Yes! Yes!
Okay fine! Happy
birthday to you, brother!
Thank you, brother Raman.
- Raje brother, happy birthday!
Well done! Don't worry!
Bye, and don't forget us.
Be careful, Naik.
- Come on! Come on! Hurry up!
What is your name?
Rajendranath Sahai.
Not that you idiot!
Your original name.
Go ask your master, Gavde.
You are good, you
got the perfect tone!
My name is Naik.
I know!
I've been a double
agent for 3 years now.
It's a high risk job.
Keep your eyes and ears
open 24 hours, brother!
What happened?
Nothing! Nothing! Final touch, man.
What's this?
Local anaesthesia.
For what?
Got to give you a wound,
but it won't hurt you.
You'll just have to act.
Yes.. okay!
Turn around. Look outside!
Aaah! Scoundrel, you shot me!
Does it hurt?
- Only when I see it.
Who told you to
see it, wretched guy?
He is alright now, the
bleeding has stopped!
Yes! All right, brother!
Brother, water!
Come on! Enough of water now!
You want to breathe, brother. Right?
Let him breathe.
I'm outside, if you
need anything, call me.
Raje-bhai are you okay? Yes?
Naik, come here.
- Tell me, brother.
Tell me from the beginning,
don't miss out any detail.
Raje-bhai said he wanted
to go to Panvel. - Yes.
I felt Raje-bhai will go
to his farm house. - Yes!
Abbas here, yes, Raje is with me.
Raje-bhai told
Prahlad to drive slowly!
Then we stopped at a
Malwani Joint for food.
Raje-bhai had a promphet
and I had a Bombay duck.
Tell me, where did
they attack, idiot?
Brother, you said you
wanted all the details.
The bullet just grazed his arm..
it's nothing.. minor wound..
What do you mean by
it just touched it?
Just touched him.. only his
cloth is torn! That's all!
Raje-bhai is nearly saved today!
- Don't tell this to mother.
The doctor has given him an
injection, he'll sleep well.
By morning he won't
even feel a thing.
There were about 8
of them at Panvel.
Must be Shakeel's men.
- Then what?
They shot Prahlad. I left his
body there, and drove the car.
Come on; you go now.
We are leaving within 5 minutes.
He says they were
Shakeel's men, boss.
Is he hurt more?
Nothing has happened! - Doctor
has given a sedative. That's all!
Revati, has Raje come?
Yes mother! One minute!
I'll be right back.
Raje, I am leaving!
- Yes.
See you tomorrow Raje.
You take rest, Raje-bhai.
Abbas, when did you come?
Whatever it is..
- I had some work, mother!
We'll deal later!
Do you all have any
destination or not?
It's 3 o'clock at night.
Where are you going now?
- Yes?
Make him sleep in your room.
Come Abbas!
Mother, you go to sleep.
This Tilak has forgotten
his tiffin again in school.
Give him food in the other tiffin.
I have brought my tiffin.
Rishabh has forgotten his tiffin.
Then you should take care.
You should see your
brother's stuff also.
Come on; hurry up!
You both are
getting late for school.
Oh! So you woke up!
One minute.. sorry.
Do you want something?
- No!
Good morning.
Huh? Okay, fine, good morning.
Bye mummy!
- Bye Keshu!
Bye Papa.
- Bye dear!
Bye mummy!
- Bye Tilak!
Papa bye!
- Papa bye! bye!
Children are off to school.
Bye papa!
- Bye! Bye!
They have a function
in the school, today.
I told them that you
won't be able to go.
..but if you could find some time..
'You are in trouble now!'
Damn it! Who told you to
become an actor? Actor! Actor!
Which car should l
send with Chaudhary?
Shall I send the Scorpio?
- Yes.
'Mother told me work
at the grocer's shop.'
'But no, you wanted to be an actor!'
Become an actor.
'Stupid, they'd rip you apart,
pull out your intestines..
'And stuff you with straw.
Then do acting!'
'Great actor.. soon
you'll be a dead actor.'
You forgot the towel.
Take the towel. Are you all right?
'Mother, why
didn't I listen to you?'
The towel!
You know, Raje-bhai. Price
of everything has increased.
It's not like old times..
And just look at this stuff,
it's not Chinese or Korean make..
It's Real German.
Check out the trigger,
smooth as butter.
Butter? Butter can't be
that expensive as 8 lakh!
Ok, it's a deal at 7,
can't go lower than that..
I swear I'll die, my kids are
studying in a public school.
So! Who asked you to have kids? Yes?
No Raje-bhai, it is not so!
Raje-bhai, Kuku Tola is here.
- Kuku?
Yes, bhai. He will definitely come.
His film is stuck again.
I'll meet him alone. Fine?
Sure, come on, out everybody.
- Come on get up from here.
So shall I think the deal is final?
Oh yes, we'll talk outside. Come on!
You explain it to him. He
is bidding a high price.
I am telling the right price, buddy!
Don't you want to
do business with us?
I want to make a deal.
That's why I am coming.
Tell me.
Raje-bhai, you know the
present state of Bollywood.
No film is making money.
Even the flop hero
demands crore rupees!
You tell me sir, if
these stars demand so much.
How will poor
producers like us survive? Yes?
Why don't you take me
as your hero, Mr. Kuku?
What are you saying?
- I wasn't joking.
I.. I wasn't laughing.. sir.
It's a good idea, sir.
We could plan
something for the future.
But for this project..
We had Saif Ali Khan and
Aishwarya Rai in mind, so..
Aw, come off it, man! You go
begging to the same old stars.
..but you won't give a
real artiste a chance.
Sir, there is less risk with stars..
- Risk!
If this goes off, is it less risk?
What are you doing sir, please!
Don't worry, Kuku, I'm
not Going to kill you..
Even I want to stay in
the industry. - Huh!?
Come here, Mr. Kuku!
- Huh? - Come here!
As I seem to you;
I am not like that.
I might look like a gangster,
but I'm not, I'm an actor!
I have done theatre for 15 years,
To be or not to be,
that is the question..
Whether 'tis nobler in
the mind to suffer..
The sling and arrows
of outrageous fortune..
Neither any tear nor complain!
Just one.. just one silence!
It doesn't allow
anyone to know anything!
Did you like it, Kuku sir?
Did you see this, sir? This
is the power of the performer.
Kuku sir, don't worry, here,
have some water.
Drink it! Drink it, sir.
Look sir, no one is born a star.
- No! No!
Have some water Kuku. Drink up!
Look, every star got a
chance; I also want that chance..
Just one chance.. sir.
Prahlad's wife is here to see you.
Shall I send her?
Send her in!
- Okay.
Kuku, you can leave now.
Kuku Tola, remember this!
Not everyone can be a star..
But not everyone
is a tea boy either.
Leave now. I will
produce your film. Go!
Thank you!
The teachers are complaining again.
Don't know, they've
sent a note again.
Come on and finish your food.
Keep it down! Keep it down!
- Why aren't you eating anything?
Rishabh, eat your food!
There is no water
supply here after 9 o'clock.
What's the use of pipeline? Tell
them to install a special line.
I am telling you.
They haven't sent money yet.
My heart belongs only to you.
Hi VK! Oh God!
Have you gone mad, why are you here?
Sonam, I can't do it.
What if someone saw you?
Who cares? Let anyone see!
I can't do this anymore.
Give me a small one.
This heart of mine!
- Will you have it?
What is it thinking stealthily?
Sir, don't touch the girls.
What's your problem, scoundrel?
- Step forward and take a peg.
Sonam, why don't you understand?
They'll know me in a trice.
I am no hero, and
This is not a film.
Do whatever favour you wish to do!
What are you doing?
- What are you up?
Leave! I say leave her!
- Don't touch her.
My life is signed on your name.
Boss, there's a brawl inside.
Didn't believe in love.
He doesn't know to love.
- Hey move aside!
Who's this guy?
- He is a customer..
The one who
doesn't believe in love.
What sort of man is he?
You think they are fools?
I think they already know it,
they're just playing a game..
And that Manu, you don't know him.
Bygones are bygones. VK, the
worst is over, you were great.
Nobody suspected a thing.
The whole day I can't speak..
For the fear that
they'll recognise my voice.
Nobody will know. You are the best!
Who wants to be best, l
just want to be alive.
Why did you touch her? What
are you talking, scoundrel?
Come on; move back!
Raje-bhai, do something, stop
this or I'll have to call the cops.
Uncle! Uncle!
- Move back! Move back!
Take him back.
Go and handle it.
- Yes I am coming.
Thrash him! Thrash this scoundrel!
Shit, they've come.
They have come, Sonam.
Sonam, they will kill me.
VK! VK, calm down!
Sonam, why did I get into this mess?
- I am an actor. I can't do all this.
No Naik..
- I've to take Raje out of here.
No.. No Naik!
Why don't you try and understand?
- Nothing will happen to you.
You don't know them Sonam,
they are very dangerous.
They'll kill me. They'll kill me!
- VK, please!
Open it!
- What is this? - Nothing.
Then why did you knock?
Taxi.. no.. no..
- Come on out.
The reports of Citi
scan and MRl are out.
We have diagnosed
patient has amnesia.
he is suffering from amnesia?
Tell me what happened? Stop mumbling.
Speak up. Hurry up! Tell us!
- What does amnesia means?
The patient has lost his memory.
Lost his memory?
What does that mean?
Do you know who is he?
About whom are you talking?
Doctor, mind your tongue!
- What are you doing?
If you are a doctor;
can you say anything?
Abbas, catch the scoundrel,
don't let him go.
I am handling him, boss.
- Don't let him go like this.
Come on; boss! Let's go!
If you say anything about Raje-bhai.
I'll kill you on
the spot, scoundrel!
We shouldn't take anything also.
We should demand for a partnership.
Abbas, I don't remember
anything, right?
Then why do you talk to me
as if nothing's happened.
Because nothing has happened, Raje.
Nothing has changed..
You are Raje and will
always be Raje.
Very good!
Now let's do this.
Why did you beat me?
When did I beat you?
When I tore the pillow.
- When did you tear the pillow?
I asked you first, and in
any case it wasn't me.
I'm sorry okay? But
who tore the pillow?
- And I got thrashed
So what, he's your brother
after all.
If uncle Manu does some wrong thing.
And you get thrashed for
it? Will you like it?
Shall I shave my moustache?
- What?
I was thinking I should
shave my moustache.
Why? - Just like that!
Tell me.
As you wish
- Do you want me to?
Did you ask mother?
Why should I ask mother?
I'm asking you..
What can I say?
I never asked you before?
Okay sorry, I'm asking you now.
Tell me.
- What should I say?
I have never seen you
without a moustache
Think, imagine! See this!
Yes? Tell me.
Shave it off!
Shall I shave it?
- Yes! - Okay.
- Yes?
Shall I shave it? Will it do?
Shut your eyes!
What happened?
Hi Papa, good morning Papa!
- Hi, good morning!
What happened?
Why are you covering your face? Yes?
He shaved his moustache.
- Yesterday night.
Omelette for you?
What happened?
- Yes.
Why are you covering your face?
Did you shave off your moustache?
- Yes.
Did you ask Revati?
- Yes.
Show me!
Papa's shaved off his moustache!
Calm down Shetty We've already
bumped off Raje-bhai!
Now what you have to do?
Whether the plan is successful
early or late?
I killed him on the 1 9th
of the last month.
Today is the 22nd.
One month and three days.
Did any newspaper print my picture?
Does anyone in our circle know?
I've not even celebrated
his death properly..
Because of you..
Yes speak! Yes I am sending him.
Gawde, you party.
It was a simple murder plan.
You've turned it
into a government plan.
Now it won't finish in 10 years.
Thanks to you!
Wait! Hang on Shetty,
hang on for a week.
Next week, we'll have a party,
for the whole family.
You'll have a family party?
Where the hell is your hero?
Raje-bhai.. we're home, Raje-bhai.
Come on; come on.
Come on kids, get down!
Get down from the car.
Come on; come on!
- Keshav, get down.
You get down first.
Come on; get down kids.
- Come on; come out soon.
Hey come here! Remove
the stuff immediately.
What's the hurry? Take
them for a drive.
Look at him, uncle.
He is not ready to get down.
Let him come in.
Hire a strict security.
Welcome back home, Raje-bhai.
Uncle, me too!
Raje-bhai, you tell me. Am I wrong?
Think with a cool mind.
No, no! The thing which
is impossible.
What's the use of discussing it?
Janki Seth, our relationship
goes back a long way.
Exactly, brother Abbas!
Have I ever made a deal
with anyone else?
So sign the contract. We'll
see later, brother.
Now, that is unfair!
How is it unfair, We
got the land for you?
Yes, but I paid for it, didn't l?
If the prices have gone up now,
that's my good fortune.
Why should I share 50% of profit?
If I explained it, would
you understand?
If you were smart, wouldn't
you have understood by now?
I can also see a few things.
Everyone knows to get things done.
When it is time of payment;
everyone disappears!
Why? Aren't we human beings?
Don't we live?
Don't we have a right to eat?
If you steal bread from a worker,
you'll never survive.
You'll rot in hell.
Earn our goodwill, not our curse.
Nobody ever thrived on curses,
nor will ever will!
I do my job properly, right?
Don't I do it?
You know I work most honorably,
I slog day and night.
I work hungry and sleepless!
I toil the entire day.
Right, Manu? You tell me.
Isn't this the truth?
What I'm asking from you;
it's not my right.
I am asking the right of my work.
I worship my work and if you
steal from my God's right..
it'll be doom's day, a calamity,
a Catastrophe!
I.. I'll sign it.. Here!
- Sign!
These signatures?
- They are new, the bank knows.
Thank you!
We now request our principal
Mr. Tambaji to give..
.. the best student's award for
the catholic year 2005-06.
Sorry I am late.
No, no, doesn't matter.
Manu.. Who's this?
- Commissioner of Police. - Oh!
Please give a big hand! Arjun
Sahaj of class sixth.
Congratulations! Well done!
Jai Tiwari Class Four.
Tilak Sahai of class sixth!
Wow! My son!
Well done, Tilak! Very good, Tilak!
Very good!
Congratulations! Well done!
Bravo! Climb up!
- Well done!
Yaahoo! Very well done!
Show it to everyone.
Thank you, sir! Thank you very much!
Welcome! Congrats!
Show it! Show it!
Okay, bye! Yeah!
Papa, I have become the best
student of the school.
You will fall in deep trouble.
Do you want to die?
Why don't you call? Yes?
Call tomorrow morning.. or
you'll lose your life.
- Yes.
Say yes, idiot!
- Yes.
Raje-bhai, please come.
Where are you?
I was searching you
there since when.
Can love pick up this mountain?
I want power!
Feel the lines.
Oh shucks! You have
changed the lines.
Why are you hell bent on
ruining a good scene?
I'm Chinese!
No, I'm Chinese! I'm Chinese!
I'm Chinese! I'm Chinese!
You'll be doomed!
You'll feel suffocated in minutes.
You're a real son of a wretched
one, aren't you?
Not feeling well?
Don't know, something
is wrong somewhere.
Did you have a bad dream?
Each time I feel like,
I'm on the verge of it.
Then it slips away.
I see many people.. You,
Keshav, Tilak..
..but I can't recognise anybody.
Can we have some tea?
- Yes.
Okay. I'll bring it.
Shhh! Come here.
It's 2 in the morning,
you must be mad!
Shall I make it?
- Okay. Make it.
So much sugar!?
Why, didn't I always have this much?
Not so much!
For you? - One.
Have I changed a lot Revati?
Lots! Why?
I don't know why? But..
I feel like doing strange things..
I want to dance, sing,
jump and yell!
So what?
What's wrong with dancing
or singing..
No nothing.. but I just
feel that this is not me.
Then again I feel..
I feel like a monkey's
got into me..
And is making me do
these funny things..
It's arousing me.
Am I going mad Revati?
Even if you are, what's
wrong with it?
I like this monkey.
No, he didn't call.
I had told you before.
He will deceive us.
He won't be able to do it.
If he does. Then you
handle him there.
Fine. Naik is there. If anything
goes wrong, we'll kill him.
Damn it!
- Must you switch on the light?
Why, you can't sleep? Yes?
Why are you getting so disturbed?
Yeah Tipnis!
- Yes?
Tell Naik to find out where
that idiot is. - Yes sir.
If you have any problem;
then inform me.
- Yes, sir.
Very good!
- Very good!
- Very good!
Wow! Excellent! Well done!
Well done! Very good!
Come back! Come back!
- No, no, it's my turn!
Next time when the ball comes,
take it this way. - Hello!
And as soon as it bounces, hit
it with force and lift it high!
Bhai! Raje-bhai!
Come on, throw the ball from there!
There is a call for you.
Come on, do your practice
over there! - Come on!
Hello! Is that Raje-bhai?
Yes, speaking
Bhai, why didn't you call?
Where were you all these days?
Hello! - Are you okay?
Yes. - I was worried.
Who's speaking?
It's me. Gawde is
getting very angry!
Where are you tomorrow morning?
Me? Why?
Don't ask stupid questions;
meet me tomorrow morning.
Do you know Sassoon Docks?
It's famous; ask anyone.
And listen, come alone, don't
trust Naik or anybody else.
There are other men
of Gawde around you.
Remain alert.
Meet you at 1 0 am sharp, bye.
'No, no!
- Very good!'
'l will show you. The ball is here.'
'Ok, ok.'
Practice. We will play again.
What's going on brother?
Why don't you tell me?
There is something going
on. I'll tell you.
Just keep an eye on her.
Why did you get him along?
There was no other way.
Does he know?
He knows nothing. Tell me.
What's going on?
- Nothing.
Why didn't you call?
Didn't Naik tell you?
He did.
Then why didn't you call?
Gawde is anxious!
Has Gawde sent you?
Gawde doesn't even know I'm here.
And don't let Naik know either.
What does Gawde want?
Don't you know?
Call him at once, or he'll kill you!
And you don't want me dead?
I admit I lied about my brother.
I'm sorry. But..
I love you! I really love you!
Please forgive me! I'm sorry.
Did we know each other?
Did we know each other,
before I lost my memory?
How do you know Gawde?
Did you work for me, and
I planted you at Gawde's?
Or did you work for Gawde and..
I mean, we had an affair
or something..
You don't remember anything?
No, what's your name?
Manu, how long has Naik
been working with us?
About 8 years.
Is he clean?
Do you suspect something?
Something's not right.
Where was I when I fell down?
Manu, I want to know, when
I fell down, where was l!
What was I doing? Who was I with?
You were in somebody's bed.
Forget it, what's done is done.
What were you saying about Naik?
What are you doing?
What do you mean by decide it?
Gawde, you still think
he'll call you?
Hello! Yes.
I'll have to take over.
Who is it?
It's Salim.
Who's it?
- Yes, Salim.
Yeah, yeah, tomorrow
at Mehboob studio.
What are you doing in Singapore?
Who was it?
- Our hero.
He's coming tomorrow,
at the inaugural clap.
Hey, director, the time for
the inaugural clap will pass!
Hurry up!
Shetty Sir's arrived.
- Come on, bring it! Bring it!
- Hurry up! Hurry up! We are ready!
Come on! Come on! Start now!
Ok, camera ready!
- Ready, sir!
Make up out! Make up out!
- Rolling!
My heart is..
- Rolling!
My heart is, your.. your..
Opening shot.
- Give the clap!
Best of luck!
Clap! The clapboard!
- Yeah, thank you.
All the best!
Will you move away from the camera?
I am moving away!
You should have told me beforehand!
The idea of the movie
was a good one.
So, you're a producer now.
Eat fried snacks.
- Fried snacks! Hurry up!
Shyam! Hello, Shyam!
- I am here!
I am coming! Why do you bother me?
There is nobody here.
No one has come.
They'll all come, enjoy yourself
Sonam's role is most important,
You're right.
- Make your hero dance.
Would you say something
about co-stars?
Sure. The leading lady in
this film is Sonam. - Ok.
She is new, but she is good.
Yes. Come. Come. Do come over.
'Hey, give the shot!'
And a song. And..
- I too will be there.
- And..
Why is he here? I told you I'll
meet him in the makeup room
Hi, Raje-bhai!
- Manu! - Hey, Kukku!
Hey, bring tea for Raje-bhai!
Will you offer tea
at inaugural shot?
Raje-bhai, how are you?
Gawde, you just have
to stop all this!
You are crossing the limits!
You sent a man into my house?
- I did? - Yes.
Gawde, this shouldn't
happen again, ok?
This is not a joke!
- Hey, Gawde!
Hey, hey, what shouldn't
happen again?
You don't get it, do you?
- No; what happened?
You don't know anything, eh?
I can't understand!
You don't know?
- No.
Do you know who he is?
- Who is he?
Isn't he your man?
- No.
No, not yours? Not mine either!
So he is good for nothing!
Hey, Manu! What did you do?
Hey, have you gone nuts?
What have you done?
What have you done?
Have you gone nuts! - Put it down!
You are going to die! - Put it down!
Bhai, let us go.
You are going to die!
You are going to die!
Gawde! Gawde!
You did the right thing, Manu.
Betrayers should be
punished this way.
This is Raje-bhai's wrist.
What a stinking mess a man
becomes after death!
I know, just the other day
he looked so handsome!
He was looking great!
Another two months and there
would have been nothing left
Here is one more.
What do we do with him now?
We'll courier him, what else?
Stop watching TV, you!
Come and help!
Ram, shall I tell you something?
- Tell me.
V. K. did a wrong thing.
We should change Keshav's school.
Why? Is this school unable
to handle Keshav Sahay?
Too many complaints!
Okay, let the exams get
over; then we will see.
And tonight..
- One year..
Hi, Abbas, how are you?
- Fine.
Some breakfast? Sit. Breakfast.
We will talk tonight
after I return. - Ok.
Is everything okay?
What happened? - Get up. - Come
Manu, did you have breakfast?
No, I have some work.
Sit. - Get up, we have to go.
- Let him finish breakfast!
It's urgent; let us go.
Brother, what happened?
- What are you doing?
That's what we want to find out.
- What's this?
Come. - What happened? - One
minute! What are you doing?
You don't worry,
I'll see you at night.
Let's go! Come!
- Come!
Now you've brought it? He's gone!
Mr. Manu, what are you doing?
If he dies, how would
you know anything?
Move aside; I will ask him.
Ask him! Ask him who sent him here?
- I will..
Manu! Manu, please!
Where have you come from?
Who sent you here? Tell me!
Tell me! - I don't know.
Tell me! Speak up, you scoundrel!
Who are you? What's your name?
Rajendranath Sahai.
Are you Raje?
Look at him! Look at him!
Then who is this? - Manu I don't
know. it's all Gawde's plot
Manu, something is going
to happen! That girl!
They want to finish us all!
Scoundrel, you entered my house!
Into my brother's bedroom!
- Manu, I am your brother!
Scoundrel! You dared
to enter my house!
Manu. I swear by Tilak and
Keshav I'm your brother!
Come on tell me or I'll kill you!
I will kill you!
No, Manu! No!
Tell me who has sent you?
Tell me!
- Tell me!
Manu, Tipnis is on the phone.
He told me about this scoundrel.
He's an actor.. Vinod
Kumar Agrawal.
No. no. Manu, listen to me.
Why don't you listen to me?
Do what I say!
Shetty! - You don't talk now!
Just don't talk!
You and your big plans!
Who did you want to kill,
Raje-bhai or that poor actor?
Now I'll do the talking,
I will act now!
You just sit here and
do nothing! Watch me!
It will be done as per my order!
Manu, I am your brother!
I should've cut your limbs
off and left you to die!
But mother said not to..
..because you look too
much like her son.
Abbas! Abbas!
Go someplace far, where you
don't run into me again!
Abbas, you said nothing
would change! Abbas!
You had said that nothing
will change, then why this?
Let us go.
Manu! Manu!
What happened?
Hello.. - Sonam.
Abbas-bhai, come!
It's a gift from Manu!
Tell your superiors!
You sent a man to my house.
To brother's room. You
have dug your grave.
You have dug your grave!
You are dead! You are dead!
Shetty is dead!
No, Abbas-bhai!
Run! Come on!
You want it for the whole day?
The whole day and the whole night!
You don't remember anything?
You don't remember me too?
Do you remember me?
Yes. We met at the docks.
That's all you remember?
Nothing else?
Shave your beard! I can't even
see your face properly.
Gawde had trained you!
Nobody knew anything!
Nobody knew about you!
You are not Raje.
You are VK! I know!
What happened?
- Lunch!
How much?
- 80!
Do you want anything else?
Beer or anything?
No! Nothing!
- No!
You are not hungry?
- No.
Couldn't you have said that
while giving the order?
No need to force yourself
to eat because I said so!
Why don't you understand?
You are not what you think you are!
That house is not yours!
Those wife and children
are not yours!
You tell me! Why am I putting
my life into danger for you?
And Gawde! Why is
he after your life?
Because you are Raje!
He killed Raje-bhai a long time ago.
VK, try to understand! We don't
have any other option!
We will have to leave Mumbai!
Run! There is a raid!
Run! The police are here!
Hurry up! - The police are here!
What happened?
- Run! There is a raid!
The police are here!
The police are here!
So what have we done? Nothing
like that was going on here!
I was giving the condom!
- O no!
Come on! Come on! Sit in the
car! Come on! Hurry up!
Who are they? - They are Keshav
and Tilak! My sons! - Greet aunt!
Good morning, aunt!
- Good morning, aunt!
You are mad! They are
not your children!
Please stop this nonsense!
And let's go quickly!
They are Raje-bhai's children!
They will kill you!
Come on! Come on! Let's go!
Papa, where are we going?
Anywhere! Just leave quickly!
Very good! You are good boys!
- Yes!
Did you miss papa?
- Yes!
It doesn't seem so!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Did you eat chocolate today?
Baby! Baby, today there
is no shooting?
No, aunt! Today is my break!
Let's go home. - And they?
Aunt, my producer. And she is aunt.
Come on! Come inside!
Come on!
Leave! Leave! Give me the cap!
Leave! When will you grow up?
He has come! He has come!
Any news of the hero?
- No, sir!
- No!
They both must be together!
- Yes!
You do anything!
What happened?
What happened?
You crazy man!
Finish it!
Very sweet children!
Eat your meals!
- I am eating!
What is the children's name?
What's your name, dear?
My name is Keshav! - Aunt, he
is Tilak! And he is Keshav!
Are they yours?
Take this! Eat rice!
I don't eat rice!
- Bread!
It's over!
- Keshu!
I will get bread!
They don't say it's over!
How will I know?
Aunt, I will bring it! You go!
I am not dead! Nobody will
eat bread in my house!
What's your problem?
You tell me! Don't actresses
find any single man?
Aunt, he is unmarried!
So he has brought his
neighbour's children!
You won't understand!
But you understood! Now your
father has to understand!
Having so many affairs!
Papa, why does everybody
say you are not our papa!
Who says?
- Everybody!
Everybody meaning? Mummy says it?
- No!
Grandma says it?
- No!
Then who says it?
- Everybody!
You know that I am your papa!
- Yes!
- Yes!
Now only you both, mummy
and me! Okay! - Yes!
Took away the children! What
will I tell my mother?
I have still not found
my brother's body!
One hand! One leg! Different parts!
Look, I can understand your sorrow.
But will everybody have to die?
So did you nab him? What did
you do? You bring him.
We tried a lot! But..
Till the time the man who killed
my brother is alive.. won't end!
We haven't found your
brother's body.
How can we be sure he's dead?
Come on! Let's go! It's
futile to talk to them!
You want proof?
- I have explained to you!
I'll get you the proof! - There
is tremendous pressure on me!
I have to do something!
- I will bring the proof!
then you count the bodies!
Hello, uncle!
- Keshav! Keshav, where are you?
Papa has brought us
here on ground floor!
Where? Give me the address!
- I want to talk! Give! - Keshav!
Hello, uncle!
- Tilak!
Tilak here!
- What are you doing?
What are you doing? Hello!
- Hello!
Give me the phone!
- Whom were you calling?
Whom were you calling?
What were you doing? - Keshav.
What are you doing?
Have you gone mad?
Yes, I'm mad. Ask him
what he was doing.
Tell him! What did you do?
We made a call.
- Who did you call?
Did you hear that! Very good!
Now you will all die!
What's the commotion?
Do people from the film industry.. such things at night only?
Why did you call uncle so
late in the night, Keshav?
Because this is not our house!
So what?
- ldiot!
You're an idiot and so is your aunt!
What? You brat!
Aunt, please don't abuse!
Go to hell, all of you!
You shut up!
You just talk nonsense! Film
industry people are like this!
Film industry people are like that!
Your dad's given you
too much liberty!
Nobody has given liberty to me.
- Did I get them here?
Keep quiet! Keep quiet!
Tell them to keep quiet!
Go and answer the door!
Going! Since when l
have been explaining!
He doesn't understand! He will die!
Ma'am! Since when we have been
searching for the house!
For the past half an hour Shyam..
..has been taking me here and there!
I told you this is the house!
Come inside! Close the door!
Where is the hero?
- Now, who are they?
There he is! Hero, you forgot me!
Hero! - Call Gawde!
Who are you guys?
- Don't worry!
We are friends of Miss lndia!
Miss lndia, tell her!
Aunt, please keep quiet!
Do you have the cell! Check!
I gave it back to you in the car!
You people..
- You remain seated!
Why unnecessarily..
Wow! Papa! Johny Johny, yes papa?
From hero to papa, very nice!
Check again, it must
be in your pocket!
What the hell.. I..
He is right! It's with me!
What are you doing?
You all will die. You all
will die. You all will die.
- Tilak!
Mummy! - How are you, dear?
- Mummy, grandma!
Grandma. - Where had you been?
Where did you go? I was so scared!
- We went with papa!
So what? So many times
I have told you!
To papa's house!
With papa?
Who told you go off with papa?
I will give you a tight
slap! Crazy boy!
Who told you go off with papa?
By the time we reached
there, he had left.
We will find out! Manu, you come!
Revati, I've come to meet you.
- Please go away, please!
Revati, look at me, I'm your Raje.
Someone might see you, please leave!
Everyone's forgotten me, Revati!
They want to keep me away from you.
Away from you.. from Tilak.. Keshav.
I'll go away, just once, say
that you know me, Revati!
Please, go away, please.
You really want me to leave?
I want you to live.
Please go away.
His clothes. Might come in handy
Now go.
What happened? Are you hungry?
Feeling sleepy?
- No!
How much?
- 25!
You were there for more
than one month.
It was a big house, very modern.
There was a swimming pool too!
And I used to look after you!
I liked you a lot, but
you were scared of me.
What are you looking at?
- Just wondering.
About what?
- Wondering what your name is.
You still don't recall it!
I will.. in time.
It doesn't matter.
Even if you can't..
it's fine with me.
There is no problem!
Come on! Come on!
Come on! I said! Get down!
Thanks, Manu! Let's go!
This pin always gets stuck!
Raje bhai's body was
found this morning!
Am I a priest that
you are taking me?
I have no other option!
I am helpless!
Come no!
Pick up the phone!
Sir, it's Shetty
Who was she?
- None of your business. Got it!
Hey, I asked because
it's a woman's body!
Otherwise what do I care?
Was she beautiful?
- She was nuts!
Left the boss and fell
for someone else!
Is that so? Who was he?
- Somebody! Try to guess!
Some big shot?
No! He was just an ordinary actor!
A love story?
Sad.. very sad!