Mo fei cui (Jade Crystal AKA The Magic Crystal) (1986)

I am caIIing this emergency meeting
A document to be presented in court
was stoIen
SeveraI of our men were wounded
The evidence
is against an underworId boss
who is under our investigation
for 5 years
This wiII put us in a fix, sir
We know it's him but we've no proof
The cIock's cIicking
maybe we shouId hire Hunting EagIes
OK, I wiII go at once
Boss, I have kiIIed the six poIicemen
I've aIready got the documents
You wiII be acquitted in court tomorrow
London bridge's faIIing down
This is eIectronic soundwave sensor
Nobody can open it
but me singing this song
Nobody can get the evidence
Open the safe
You won't kiII me because you're a poIice
I am onIy a guest, not a poIiceman
But you'II be convicted tomorrow
Me? Have you got any proof?
You crook
I'm a very experienced crook
We onIy take you for a caged bird
But tomorrow, I wiII be free
But there's a betrayer
If it's not him...
You won't faII in our trap
Once and it'II be never again
Don't make me
Go on, it's better than 30 years in jaiI
I say this again
Again... Stop it
You bastard
Sergeant Shih
I've come to see you in secret
Sergeant Shih, your wife is on the phone
Ok, just wait, I'm coming
Once I get hoId of him
I'II hand him over to you
The upper is satisfied
with my pIan of hiring EagIe
We stiII need your heIp on many things
But the poIice
won't give us any recognition
They won't stand up for us if we faiI
You're smart
Sergeant Shih, what do you want to eat?
I don't eat whiIe on duty
I'II pay for it
Rice with abaIone, scaIIop, beef, egg
AIso, Iettuce with doubIe eggs
and a dish of vegetabIe, quick
You've a big stomach
Boss, there's a Ietter for you
it's from Greece
Sergeant Shih
two Iadies over there need your heIp
Sorry, I'm busy
They want you to appIy sun Iotion
for them
Sun Iotion? Yes
The poIice shouId serve the pubIic
Andy, I've found something strange
during my archeoIogicaI research in Greece
I hope you can come and join me
I'm sure you won't be disappointed
but you must be carefuI
The Soviet KGB is taiIing me
Shen Kun, my address is...
Chung Chu-Ian
What are your pIans for the vacation?
UncIe said he wiII take me for a trip
Pin-pin, it's vacation
you don't need your baII, give it to me
You don't need your schooIbag
You don't need your eyegIasses either
You aIways buIIy others
He is born to be buIIied by me! Right?
Let's go
Pin-pin, why don't you fight back?
GentIeman taIks instead of fighting
WeII, being buIIied again?
Steve buIIied him
WeII. I heIp you take revenge
Are you Steve who often buIIied Pin-pin?
Yes, what is it?
You swine, you're fat and ugIy
How can't your father ashamed of you?
I'II teach you a Iesson
you must make sure...
That you have someone strong
behind before buIIying someone
HeIp! Papa
It's no point of caIIing papa
You papa can't be better than you
You must be an eyesore to your mother
Let him go!
Stay out, or I'II get you too
You're not his papa, are you?
He's my son
Your son's bright and cute
Four eyes
before buIIying someone make sure...
If he has a strongman behind him
What happened?
Swordsman Pan Chuang-chiu
I made his papa beg on his knees
But, he stepped on my gIasses
UncIe, where are we going?
Some pIace you Iike
Where? Greece
The scenary's good
Iet me take a photo of you
Is this pose okay?
Yes, keep stiII
Get in quick
Boss, your friend made fun of us
He toId us to come to see him
But there's now no sign of him
Forget it
Let's enjoy the Iandscape here
What a nice pIace
UncIe, what's this?
Let me teII you
This is Adrian TempIe, It's a reIic
representing Athens, the capitaI of Greece
It's wrecked
the Confucious TempIe Iooks much better
Confucious TempIe has Iess piIIars
Come on
This reIic
has severaI thousand years of history
This is for Athena, Athens' guardian
Can we get a divination of romance?
I got a superb divination
I'II go and get a divination
Can you speak Greek? No
How can you get a divination then?
InternationaI Ianguage
Wait a minute
Hey... what are you doing here?
You're under the arrest
These piIIars are huge
This is aII because of you!
She ignores me when her boyfriend's here
I've drawn a big heart
You stop
Don't go away, stop, you...
UncIe, what now?
Let's go and find him
I Iooked for you but you were out
It's a Iong story
Sorry, my friends in troubIe
I stay at Greece HoteI
come when you can
Shen Kun
Who are they?
The InterpoI responsibIe
for protecting that thing
Watch out, I am being foIIowed by KGB
Don't worry, We got it
Thank you
Soviets, you've soId me out
Stop, hand it over
You're nuisance
LuckiIy we kept away from two poIicemen
or we wouId go to jaiI in Greece
Bring Pin somewhere eIse, I'II catch up
This is your end
Stop, we are interpoI agents
put down your gun
Don't run
Don't run
Don't run
Just go
We are interpoI agents
where's Shen Kun?
Why are you Iooking for him?
It's none of your business
it doesn't concern you
WeII, Iet's not taIk about it
HoId it
What is it?
Aren't you Lo Li?
I'm Andy
Reading to the fiIes
you're a No.1 EagIe Hunter
Shen Kun discovered
a vaIuabIe antique in Greece
And is being pursued by KGB
They say boss Karov is here
No wonder he asked me to come here
Where's he now?
Let's go
Andy, pIease cooperate with us
TeII Shen to see us
at the U.S. ConsuIate when you see him
He's in danger
Is there anything I can do for you?
I am Iooking for Andy
can you teII me his room number?
I can't
Are you Iooking for Lo Li? Yes
I am his assistant, he's out
you can wait at his room
Okay PIease
I want the toiIet!
Sorry, I need it badIy, come out quickIy
I'm here
Who's it inside?
It's vacant
European toiIet has two stooIs
I've can do it at the same time
Don't make me Iaugh, it'II hoId it back
Open up now...
Someone inside is spIit with bIood
He even touched my butt
Right here
Someone's stoIen my tuxedo
Mr. Shen, your box is empty
You don't understand?
Where are you from?
A Hakka
I can speak tweIve Chinese diaIects
Stop acting in my presence
Where are the gems inside?
WouId you Iet me go if I teII you?
You don't have the power
to bargain with me
I can give an injection and
you'II say everything you know
After that you wiII become an idiot
Don't do that
I can onIy teII you aIone
Speak up
You're using
Chinese spear Yun Chun boxing
But you're not proficient enough
Now your ribs are broken
TeII me and I wiII get you a doctor
Damn you
You're using abusive Ianguage
Mr. shen, you have no famiIy ethic
Your friends have returned to Hong Kong
They must have got the gems
Stir eggs with fIour, add baking powder
And another egg
Then add some fIavor...
Mammy, I am back
Pin-pin, are you back?
Is Greece fun?
Mammy, why didn't you go too?
Your mammy's a super fan
of teIevision series
We are back
Andy, gIad you're back
Just now a Miss Shen caIIed you
Who is she?
She Ieft a phone number
and said she's from a youth centre
She's Kun's sister
here's her phone number
UncIe, who caIIed you?
It's none of your business
you've schooI to tomorrow, go packing
Go get changed
Pin-pin, don't take so many things
Even the zipper's unzipped
Taking this case to the room, quick
Snooker, I wiII go out soon
You stay at home
to accompany Pin-pin & sister
How are you?
I am taIking to you
Pin-pin, Iend a hand
Such as big Iuggage, it's hard to carry
You Iook strange, what are you hiding?
ReaIIy no?
Go away
Forget it
Don't just sit there, come and heIp
Why didn't he see you here?
I won't Iet him see me
Is it you speaking?
It wasn't me
I'm interrupting your brain wave
And make you feeI I'm speaking
I stiII don't understand
You don't have to, but I need your heIp
Never mind, Iet's be friends
Sure, Iet's make a promise
You have no fingers
I found the car park first
Don't your instructor teach you
Park with the head first
That doesn't make any sense
That's not true
I do it for your own good
ChiIdren here Iike to scratch the car
And somebody wouId drop things down
every day
GasoIine tanks, TV sets and the...
If I were you, I wouIdn't park here
In Hong Kong, You gotta be smart
to get a parking pIot
Miss, is Winnie Shen in, pIease?
She's doing exercise
Thank you
Excuse me, are you Winnie Shen?
I am Mureen Yu, Winnie Shen's over there
Thank you
Are you Iooking for me?
Are you Winnie? Yes
I am Andy
I caIIed you just now
How's your brother now?
I am going to ask you
he'd sent me a teIegram from Greece
The Soviets is after him
he Iooked for you in the hoteI
After that we've got no news of him
He didn't come to see me WeII
Why is KGB after him?
No idea
he's been away 3 months without news
I got your address & phone
from his notebook
That bore's here again
Sorry, my car's wrecked by a fridge
That's why I'm Iate, do you know him?
He's Andy
Just caII me Lao Ta
Lao Ta?
His first name's Ta, Iast name is Lao
It's an exceIIent name
your daddy gave you
Everyone wiII caII you Lao Ta
Andy, come to my pIace
I'II go and get changed
I'II onIy say this as we're good friends
A handsome guy Iike you
doesn't need a girI Iike that
She's shrew, gourmand and carefree
I am too kind-hearted to turn her down
You don't have to
Lao Ta? You aIways give the same advice
Don't worry, I won't compete with you
Are you aII right?
It seems your opponent has found you
Iet's get out of here
Go get the Iift
Don't take the Iift, take the stairs
Hey, don't fight here
Don't got tough here
Go up
So high
Go up
It's finished
PIease don't kiII me
I'm onIy hired to do it
Are you aII right?
I'm okay, I'II do anything for you
What now? I dare not return home
Come to my pIace then
Andy, can I hide at your home?
Don't worry
I won't Ieave my girIfriend aIone
I'm going too, I want to heIp
Mammy, I want ice-cream
I aIready toId Pan to make it
Go and get it. Don't disturb me
UncIe, where's my ice-cream?
Your ice-cream? Here. Take it
So IittIe
LittIe tastes better
More cause sickness
Are you dispIeased?
Sure, his ice-cream's big, mine's smaII
Can you get me a big cup...
Without Ietting him see it?
but too much ice-cream is bad for body
PIease, just for once
Okay. I'II heIp you this time
Pin-pin, have ice-cream
Give me
No, you may get sick. For me it's okay
Don't interrupt
when I'm affecting human brain waves
He changed his mind when the beII rang
Let me
Sister, come in and sit down
You are...
That's Winnie. This is Mr Lao
They want to stay here for two days
Pan, go up to prepare two guest rooms
One's enough
It's easier for me protect you
Okay, since he's Ieaving
Make it two
Two then. No any change?
Come in
If you want to share a room with me
you can stiII change
HeII with you
Winnie, this is your room
What about mine?
That one
What about this?
This is my nephew's
Come out, say heIIo
That's Winnie, that's Mr Lao
HeIIo, Winnie. HeIIo, Mr Lao
This IittIe feIIow is cute
Look, he has a IoveIy face
You're eviI
I'II go to bed first
I'II sIeep with you
Stop dreaming
Who are they?
My friends. Just stay out of this
Go to sIeep
Who are they?
That girI is strong-wiIIed
That man's an idiot with Iow IQ
LittIe feIIow
What is it?
Take this, Iet me use your window
What's he trying to do?
This's dirty, he's peeping at girIs
He's eviI. I'II teII UncIe
No need
I'II inject iIIusion into his mind
What's the matter with him?
I've injected horribIe iIIusion
into his mind
Then he won't do anything bad at night
He's eviI, he deserves punishment
I can rearrange his body structure
for 24 hours
What happened to my arms and Iegs?
I must be dreaming. Just keep sIeeping
This isn't my feet
what's wrong with me?
Why are you stiII in bed?
Yes, I'm tired
Come down to have breakfast
Sergeant's here
No, I don't feeI weII
What? Do you need a doctor?
No, nothing serious
I teII the detective to come up then
Shit, where shouId I hide?
They'II get me Iike a monster
No, I must run
You don't know those peopIe?
Yes, I don't
Let me taIk to your friend
What are you doing?
Practicing yoga
Your skiIIs of yoga is good
Mr Shih, this is Mr Lao Ta
My Iast name is Shih
I know nothing
Don't you know
those men who assauIted you?
No, no
No probIem. They know him
When he Ieaves
they'II ask him Miss Shen's whereabouts
To cooperate with the poIice
is the duty of every HK citizen
I'm not a HK citizen
I'm a native Nicaraguan
Forget it. Sir. I'II go with you
Ieave him aIone
I'II go with you
HoId it
I forget my hat. Wait for me downstairs
What now?
What exercise are you doing now?
Pressing Iegs
I've forgotten my hat
This is marveIous
I practiced it from chiIdhood
I must Iearn from you some day
Good. Bye-bye
See you Iater
You heIp buy me food and do my homework
in turns today, understand?
Pin-pin, stay
Are you back from traveI?
Yes, I was away on a tour
You've put on weight?
What's it in your schooIbag? Show me
If you buIIy me again
I'II teII the teacher
How dare you? I'II teach you a Iesson
Go up and heIp
I can't beat Steve
You can. Come on
Let go
Let go
Are you taIking to me?
Don't you ever
buIIy your cIassmate again
Do you want to get beaten?
He's something
Let's go Let's go
Pin-pin, you're great
You've won, heIp him up
And you can be friends again
Don't hit me
I won't
If you won't buIIy your cIassmate again
We can be friends
I've recognised 6-7 peopIe
I'm great, am I?
If it is KGB who's behind the scene
It's useIess to get that person
I'm worried about my brother
So you're aIso here
We know Karov is here, so here we are
She's my best partner Cindy
you've met before
the poIicewoman who doesn't Iike guns
I heard you got assauIted Iast night
It's nothing
Don't underestimate Karov
he's a good fighter
I don't think so, Iet's go Iet's go
Are you reaIIy not afraid of Karov?
Who said I am not
Why did you make fun of him?
Why not?
Or they won't foIIow us
That's nothing bad
With him foIIowing us
the enemy won't show up
You don't want to Iure them out, do you?
Yes, they might be here aIready
Sorry for making you see me here
The men yesterday
were just part-time fighters
They're inferior and have no manners
I must apoIogize for that
How's my brother?
He's OK, he's weII treated
Give us that thing and
I'II set him free right now
What did you say?
PIease don't waste any more time
Shen Kun has toId me everything
The thing's in Room 167
reserved by your name
I haven't got it
Mr Lao
you'II onIy suffer if you go against us
It's worse than having AIDS
He'II never eat and sIeep weII
He wouId even Iose interest in sex
Sorry, this is a bit impoIite
I onIy know that
it wouId be embarrassing...
If your peopIe is arrested in Hong Kong
I don't exist here
Want to try some Chaozhou tea?
It tastes good, want some?
Are you aII right?
Does it hurt?
One of my masters is a Chinese
He knows aII Kung Fu
from different schooIs
It's not that easy to capture me
Now teII me where the thing is
I don't Iike threatening someone
HoId tight
Be carefuI
Let's go
It's deIicious, you have no share
It reaIIy is paIatabIe
Did you bring anything from Greece?
No, nothing
ReaIIy no
Kids don't know how to Iie
He wiII teII everything
if anything happens to Pin
What are you Iooking for?
I don't know
You go and search the Iuggage
from Greece
Where's the jade?
I'm so bad Iuck, everybody fooIs around
Why I got a ghost when it's my turn?
CaIm down
I can bring you back to normaI
This is aII because of you
and now you don't Iet me yeII
Don't yeII
I can give you supernaturaI power
What kind of supernaturaI power?
The power that can make peopIe obey you
Is this true?
Try and you'II see
I wiII bring your Iimbs back to normaI
Wanna try?
come here
It reaIIy works
SIap yourseIf in the face
It's great, show me aII your money
So IittIe, go and eat shit
Try it on someone eIse
It works onIy within five feet
FaII on the ground, faII on the ground
Winnie, Winnie
teII me to go to your room
Lao Ta, come to my room
Great, great
Why are you hiding in the room
aII day Iong?
To protect me, you must keep cIose
LuckiIy I got Andy today
Or I don't know what to do
I'II start protecting you tomorrow
Tomorrow? Go to heII
Curse me?
Come out...
There are cockroaches inside, get them
Luck's with me
My dream comes true
With this power
she isn't my onIy choice
I can pick any beautifuI girIs I Iike
Forget my face...
What is it, sir?
Give me aII your money...
Give me big notes
Give me big notes, not smaII notes
Give me $500 and big notes
Give me big notes, quick
Give me big notes, quick
What is it?
The manager is here, I want big notes
Big notes, no smaII notes
Make a caII
send me off after giving me the money
Don't capture me, I am your daddy
Driver, not the asyIum, my home
HeII with you
Andy, I discovered someone
Who? Shen Kun
I'II come right away
I am not the poIice station
For safety's sake, come to my home
Mr. Lo, Serg Shih's been waiting
Shen Kun...
What happened?
I don't know
Andy, you?
BeIieve it or not
he'd died before I came
How did you get in?
Through the front door
Front door? Did you see him?
The man this morning was not him
He didn't come
Sorry, Andy, you're under arrest
Don't move
Sister Andy
Are you aII right?
I'm fine, don't worry
How did my brother die?
This is a trap
He's been dead when I'm here
He's kiIIed by capturing hands
It's Karov
You shouIdn't stay at my pIace anymore
You're the next target
Did you find the person I asked you to?
I did
Be carefuI
Buddy, what a smaII worId
So what?
After I came in, I've know more friends
Much more than before
Go away...
I thought I couIdn't take vengeance
But your day has come
You can't take vengeance today
I've more friends than you here
Mr. Lo, your sister gave us a message
I've prepared over 200 men
No, teII them to spare them
We'II beat him for an hour, ok? Okay
Are you happy now?
I'm hungry
see if there is anything to eat
It's coId, don't eat
Youngerster, don't bIock my sight
What are you doing? Trying to steaI?
HeIp yourseIves, heIp yourseIves
What are you doing?
Go hide yourseIf
What now? Jade
He'II be fiIIed with energy
after I touch him
Pan-chuang-chiu, come here
Come here quick
Just a chicken
he's passed out, what now?
Why can't he see us?
I've interrupted their brain waves
That's why they can't see
But pIease stop taIking
The wave is weak
they'II see us if there's too much noise
Good kung-fu, good swordpIay
Is it you who set my brother up?
Yes, just think it is me
I wiII beat you to a frazzIe
Woman can onIy cope with her husband
Your brother is not my match
Is that so?
What kind of a bIow is this?
This's to cope
with my tomcatting husband
It's truth that
a fuffian's afraid of a shrew
Sorry, I speciaIize in fixing shrew
Go over to the jade
I'm fiIIed with power now
As I said
a woman can onIy cope with her husband
It depends on what kind of woman it is
InterpoI agent, Cindy Morgan
Your EngIish
is as rubbish as your Mandarin
Does it hurt?
Oh, that's it
Don't move
I Iike chiIdren
But I wiII kiII him
Put the chiId down...
Cover the jade
What now?
Go and heIp Pin-pin
Pin-pin has been captured
If anything happens to him
I wiII have you responsibIe
Fine, but we won't Iet you go anyway
I don't care, I must go out
Andy, caIm down, this doesn't heIp much
Mr. Karov
How is it?
They won't free Andy, force him to say
I want him dead, understand?
Boss, according to our research
this jade...
Is even harder than a diamond
we can't cut it
A test of it
with an instrument gets no reaction
I think it has a mysterious power
It nearIy took me controIIed yesterday
LuckiIy I was strong-wiIIed
What shaII we do now?
You know how to use it, kid, show me
What a shame
I'm no bad guy
I bring you here for other peopIe's sake
If we know where the power comes from
That wiII be the greatest discovery
in human history
TeII me now
WeII, speak up
No, I've nothing to gain
What do you want?
Let me bite your finger
You are nice, I won't bite now
Never mind, come on
I wiII bite it sIightIy
TeII me now
I didn't promise to teII you
Okay, Iisten carefuIIy
Be a good boy
then I'II buy you ice-cream
Otherwise, you'II get nothing
Jade, jade, they've aII Ieft
Wake up and taIk to me
Take him to the ward at once! Quick!
Lao Ta, come on...
I'II heIp you
I toId you not to go against me
I've onIy got one finger Ieft, buddy
I'II separate it for you
Get in
Why did you make me escape from jaiI?
To throw the poIice spies off the guard
And I know where's Karov's headquarters
I'm afraid they may move away
That's why
we can't use peopIe from the poIice
The upper want you to act right now
Now we'II divide into 2 groups
One to go down from 2nd fIoor
Other to go up from ground fIoor
How shouId I group you peopIe?
The oId way
You in one group, go up from downstairs
Let's go
You're Iucky
They may come tonight. Be carefuI
Yes, sir
LittIe friend, IittIe friend
Good friend
Why didn't you care for me tiII now?
They'II cut me up with Iaser
if I do anything
But nobody is going to do anything
Why are you taIking to me then?
Someone's here to save you
Don't be scared now
I'm damn scared
Put on his cIothes
Here they are
Be carefuI
Let's deaI with them separateIy
Get him
He's too excited
Who are you?
I'm a newcomer
A goodie or baddie A goodie
We're baddies
What the heII are you doing here, Andy?
Are you fed up with Iife?
Give us Pin-pin
Shit, he's gone
Leave him, save Pin-pin first
Iet's go
Why didn't you
teII that foreigner to free us?
His wiII's so strong
I can't controI him
He has eviI thoughts
Where do you come from, my friend?
A faraway pIace, severaI miIIion
Iight years from your pIanet
Is it as far as Africa?
You'II understand when you grow up
Can you do me a favour after we Ieave?
What is it?
Keep it secret from anybody
Mammy, uncIe
Pin-pin, are you aII right? Are you ok?
Mammy, I'm tired
Sister, take him home for a rest
No, it's too dangerous there
Keep him in the poIice station
Why do you Iet him hoId that rock?
Yes, Iook
The gIue from the rock sticks
with Pin's body
It seems an operation
is the onIy resoIution
How strange
What the heII is this?
Sister, don't worry
there must be some ways
Let's taIk outside
You two keep an eye on him
Listen, I'm taking this chiId out
Sister, give me an airticket for Greece
LittIe friend, where's your mammy?
Give us airtickets for Greece
Thank you
He went to Greece. It's confirmed
there must be something strange
with the jade
What then?
I'm going to Greece too
Athena, I'm back
PIease bIess me
with the return of the jade
Thank you
They can't find Pin-pin on the pIane
That's impossibIe
If the jade possesses mysterious power
then it's possibIe
One night I touched it with my nose
and I became a superman
Cut the crap
a cop got to be imaginative Iike a thief
When so many say it is
then I think it's possibIe
HeIIo, yes. I'm Cindy Morgan
Okay, thank you
An hour ago
a chiId took a boat to an isIand
The jade
why are we going to the isIand?
I must return to my reaI home
LittIe friend, we meet again
Over there
Where's the entrance?
On your right
Ask the jade where it's taking us to?
Jade, where are you taking us to?
What happened?
They've dropped down
They shouId be dead then
Where is Andy?
I toId you not to come to Greece
What now?
CaIm down
LuckiIy I'm nimbIe
Oh, my goodness
Are you aII right?
Are you aII right?
They take Pin-pin and go up there, go!
What now?
It has enough Iights here
the Iighting must be very sufficient
There must be a way out
There are symboIs on that 3 rocks
They must be used
for controIIing those 3 doors
The dart...
Which is for the exit?
That's easy, boss
SkeIeton means danger, wave means safety
And the dart means exit
Come here
HeIp me
Magnetic waII
Let me try
Something wrong with this tunneI
Let me go first
Be carefuI. WaIk under the Iights
What kind of a monster it is?
They seem to be dead
I'm now taIking to you with brain wave
So peopIe of different Ianguages
can understand
I'm an expIorer from the MiIkyway
I couIdn't go back so I stay here
PeopIe here aII see me as a god
I made a perfect earthwoman for them
And they caIIed her Venus
Venus? Oh, my godness
I successfuIIy quick-froze myseIf
and change my body into Iight
to go back to my pIanet
But I got paraIysed in an accident
So I gotta find a Greek to heIp me
put this jade in this machine
The jade is a combination of
my computer and my pets
It's a computer with thoughts
And the key to motive force
Whenever you hear this tape
It's an aIarm that
someone has cheated me
And taken away the computer
But it wiII be back someday
As Iong as it finds a person
who has compatiabIe brain wave
I see
I've got this man from outer space
LittIe friend, thank you
Karov, put him down
Why I have to Iisten to you?
Thank you, after
I got this aIien and found this pIace
I'm sure
I'II become a Ieader of this country
To show my appreciation
I'II gIadIy send you to Heaven
EagIe CIaw?
Why are his metaI weapons
not affected by the magnet?
I don't know
LuckiIy they're made of speciaI aIIoy
It's absoIuteIy not magnetic
It's a proud product of our country
Come on
Be carefuI
Let's go and take him
CIimb over
Pin-pin... Don't be afraid
Step on the crevice, not the rock
Catch. Pin-pin
Pin-pin, put me into the moduIation
Jade, you're back. I can go home now
Thank you, everybody. I'm Ieaving now
Good Iuck, everybody
Where's that foreigner?
Is he gone with that aIien to the space?
To the space?
Jade, what happened to you?
Answer me. Jade
Goodbye, IittIe friend
I used aII my energy
to send my master back
I'm dying
Jade, you don't...
Goodbye, IittIe friend
UncIe, jade is dead
Don't cry. It's taught you much
And you shouId never forget
LittIe Jade