Mo Tai (Devil Fetus) (1983)

Welcome all folks,
today we have many items for bidding.
The first item is Lucky Boat,
the starting price is $10.
- $200!
- Yes, $200!
- $300!
- $300!
- $400.
- Yes, you $400!
Okay, anyone higher than $400...
$400 once. $400 twice.
Yes, $500.
- $500 anyone higher than $500?
- $600
- $600 anyone higher than $600?
- $700
Okay $700, anyone higher than $700?
Anyone higher than $700.
Going once, going twice.
- Sorry excuse me!
- Going the third time.
My friend, wishing you a prosperous future!
- How come it is so expensive?
- Everybody, the next item is a jade vase.
Whoever wins this will have wishes
come true and good wealth.
Now were giving you a bargain,
the starting price is $50.
I bid $600.
- $600
- $700.
You $700.
$800, $800!
- I Bid $900!
- $900.
- Anyone bid higher than $900?
- $1000
$1000! Someone's bidding $1000.
Anyone higher than $1000?
Yes, $1100.
$1200. Anyone higher than $1200?
- $1300.
- $1300.
$1300 once, twice...
- $1500, $1500 once! Anyone...
- $1600!
- $1600.
- $1700.
$1700, the bid is now up t0 $1700.
$1700 once, the...
Gosh, $2500!
This lady has bid $2500.
Anyone higher than $2500?
Going once, twice, going a third time.
This lady has very good taste.
The jade vase is now yours.
- Okay, let's bid on this ivory Ship.
- Please follow me!
This is another bargain.
Starting price is $50
Squash you!
How dare you bite me, I'm telling Mum.
You two naughty monkeys.
You're so naughty,
why are you fighting again?
Come on, get up now.
It's so late, why aren't you sleeping yet?
Be careful, your dad will tell you off.
- It must be Grandma and Auntie coming back.
- Oh yes!
Let's go and open the door!
Grandma, Auntie!
We could hear your voices from outside.
- Mum!
- Why are you two still not in bed?
Come here and kiss your Auntie.
Auntie, did you buy anything for us to eat?
- Yes, here you are!
- Thank you!
Let's have a look.
Don't fight, it's chocolate!
- It's mine...
- Don't fight...don't argue...
- Go upstairs first.
- Let me have it...
- I want it...
- Don't fight boys...
Stop arguing, let Auntie share it for you.
Where's Ji Cheung?
In the study.
Come in!
Mum, you are back!
Why aren't you sleeping this time of night?
You won't have the energy for work tomorrow.
I'm getting ready for
the BOD's meeting tomorrow.
Oh, Ji Wan has been to Japan for so long now.
I wonder how he is doing now?
Today I got a telegraph, he said he'll be
back after he's bought the machine.
Mum, did you and Suk jing
get anything at the auction?
I didn't find anything I liked.
But Suk Jing won a bid on a jade vase.
They said...that her dreams will come true!
Suk Jing, what's the matter and rush?
Suk Jing. Can you come with
me to buy something later?
I'm not too well. I want to take a nap.
It's there, go!
Go on, go...
Come on, let's go quick!
What is this? It doesn't even
look like a vase.
Yeah, we don't even know
which way around it is.
- Let me see.
- It's so cute.
Do you think Auntie will scold us?
No, Auntie loves us too much.
Hey look, why is this bit is so ugly?
Oh yeah!
I wonder why Auntie likes this thing?
How would I know!
Give it back to me!
Auntie, you don't usually scold us.
- What do you want this thing for?
- Yeh!
Give it to me!
- Suk jing!
- Suk jing!
Suk Jing!
what's the matter with her lately?
I don't think it's anything to worry about.
She has never been like this before.
She's always loved the boys very much.
Why does she have such a bad temper now?
Mother, you don't need to worry.
You know women are like this sometimes.
Maybe it's because Ji Wan has
gone to Japan for too long.
It will be fine once Ji Wan returns.
Hopefully it will be.
- Sir, how come you are so late?
- The flight was delayed.
My luggage. Can you take it up for me?
- Ji Wan you're back!
- Yes!
Let me wake Mother.
No, we can meet tomorrow morning!
Where's Ji Cheung?
Some suppliers from Singapore have
come and they're dining in Aberdeen.
Suk Jing was waiting for you.
She's in your room.
Okay. You should get some rest too, see you!
See you in the morning!
Ji Wann!
Suk Jing... you...
How can you do this to me?
Don't come near me.
What's the matter Ji Wan?
Ji Wan, what's happened to your face?
How come it's like that?
My face...
Ji Wan!
- Ji Wan...
- Suk Jing!
- Mother...
- Ji Wan...
Suk Jing, don't be like this!
- Ji Wan...
- Mother...
Go upstairs and take a rest!
It's Mummy, let's go back up!
How are you feeling?
I...I feel very nauseous.
Why don't you lie down and take a rest!
Why don't you sleep? It's very late.
I have a feeling something's wrong
with Suk Jing.
Something wrong? What's wrong?
It shouldn't be.
Ji Wan's been in Japan for 6 months.
She shouldn't be pregnant.
Go to sleep, I've to leave
for the US tomorrow
Suk Jing...
Suk Jing...
I feel so painful!
The worms are biting me so painfully!
Suk Jing!
Suk Jing!
Come down and be with me!
Mother! Take care.
I don't want to see them die first!
I don't want to live either.
They died so suddenly.
Heaven to heaven, earth to earth.
Ash to ash, peace in heaven.
Mother, don't be so upset.
Don't cry, mother!
Heaven's God, appear immediately.
Seal the coffin!
Eastern way, southern way.
Mrs. Cheng, master needs to invite
the spirit back. Please show the way.
Mother, you take a seat first!
Life is bitter. It will be better in heaven.
Master, is there something wrong with them?
They're still floating around in the air.
We call this 'half-dead body'.
Half-dead body?!
That's right, it's not the right time
for them to die yet.
So they cannot reincarnate yet.
So they will become floating ghosts.
Doing bad deeds until they reincarnate.
I'll now use a charm to control their spirits
So they'll not float around.
reincarnate to humans.
Remember, it's important not
to move their memorial tablet.
The final of this competition
is Wong Wing Hong.
Against Cheng Kwokay Kuen.
Cheng Kwokay Kuen wins!
Stop playing. Brother's back, let's go!
- Sir.
- Uncle Fuk.
Hey Bro, you did it!
It was nothing, where's Mum and Dad?
At the pool!
Let's go up! Bobby!
Who's she?
Oh, I'm not sure if she is Mum's sisters!
It's complicated.
Go and ask Mum.
Dad! Mum!
Mum, who's that girl?
She's your auntie's god-daughter.
She came from Singapore for a holiday.
What's the matter?
Come up!
- This is my son.
- Hi!
I'm Ken.
Call me JoJo.
Dad, I won again in today's final.
Of course, you're my son.
Look at you sweating, go and take a shower!
JoJo, you said you need to
buy some textbooks?
Ken, go with JoJo when you have time.
There's no need, there's plenty of books.
Just take the ones you want.
Ken, I'd like to organize
a party in a few days.
Dad, there's no need for that.
I always win, we can't have
a party every time!
Bro, don't get the wrong idea.
Dad wants a welcoming party for JoJo.
To introduce her to some
relatives and friends.
Eat your dinner.
That's your Grandma's birthday!
You both don't even remember.
So you'll go and pick
your Grandma up tomorrow?
Don't be shy!
- Uncle Kwan!
- Sir!
So, how have you been recently?
Very well, you've come to pick up
your Grandma?
I'll go up and bring her down.
It's Okay, we'll go up ourselves.
You know, Grandma is in the prayer room.
She always pray?
It's that room.
Mrs. Cheng!
Grandma, this is JoJo.
She is auntie's god-daughter.
She's just come from Singapore for holiday.
Grandma, are you ready?
Let me finish this prayer first.
You two take a walk outside.
Put it back!
What is this room for?
It was my uncle's room.
Oh, I forgot to burn some incense for them.
Can come in too?
Of course!
Come in!
Your uncle is very handsome.
What's the matter?
Why is this covering your auntie?
Oh God, other than burning the incense
Grandma never lets anyone in here.
Damn, if she finds out, she will scream.
Let's go out quick.
I'll just go and check if Grandma's ready,
wait for me in the lounge.
What's the matter?
What's the matter? JoJo, what's wrong?
I saw a woman up there.
Falling down towards me.
There's nothing, sure you weren't dreaming?
Grandma, let's go!
You get in the car first!
Grandma, be careful!
Mrs. Cheng!
Mother's coming!
Mrs Cheng...
Help yourselves, go ahead and dance!
Grandma, I'll dance with you, come on...
Be careful, don't trip her down.
Why don't you ask Mother
to come and live with us?
Okay, I will ask her later.
How's your homework been lately?
You need to study harder!
I will!
Uncle Fuk, What's wrong?
What's happened to the electricity?
It scared me to death!
- Happy Birthday, Mother!
- Thank you!
Mother, blow out the candles!
Ken, help me take out the candles.
Come, let me help you cut the cake.
What's the matter?...
Nothing, cut the cake.
Mother, cut the cake!
Please feel free to help yourselves.
This cake tastes good.
Uncle Fuk, how come still no electricity?
It's nearly ready!
That dog's really big.
Leave it, let's continue.
- Let's keep in touch more often, call me.
- Okay, definitely.
- Let me introduce you, this is JoJo...
- Help yourself to more wine.
BOBBY, don't be like this!
Are you alright?
You move away!
Go, run away!
What's the matter?
- Ken, are you alright?
- What's the matter?
What happened?
Don't worry, don't worry!
How did this happen?
Has Bobby got rabies?
Take Ken quickly to the doctors.
- Okay, I'll drive you there.
- Come on!
Ah Wai, tell Uncle Fuk to bury the dog.
You guys go first!
Drink another sip!
If he's Okay, let's go first.
No, I want to stay with him a little longer.
You should be old enough to know what I mean.
Ken, we've something to do.
You take more rest.
You can go home first,
I will take care of him.
Let's go!
How come Bobby became like this?
It's your fault, you said
the dog was not tough.
So you fed it with green chilli peppers.
It's not my fault, I ate it too.
And nothing has happened to me.
You are different.
You don't even stop drinking ginseng tea.
How come the light is on?
It's not!
What's happening?
Let's drive home quickly!
Ji Cheung, I'm so scared!
It's Okay!
Look! Someone's waving!
She looks like Suk Jing!
There's nothing here.
Let's go quickly!
Everyone's in such deep sleep.
Are you deaf, what took you so long?
What's the noise all about?
- Mother!
- Mother!
How's Ken?
He's Okay.
JoJo's staying with him in the hospital.
Why do you two look so pale?
What has happened?
I just saw Suk Jing.
It must have been an illusion!
But I saw it too!
Wai, are you Okay?
Help me, Grandma!
Sir Madame Cheng is looking for you.
I'll just go quickly, will be back soon.
Mum, what's up?
Nothing, just asked you to eat some cakes.
Take some out for JoJo to try.
You only know to make cake
after learning so long?
You never said that before.
I know, now you have JoJo,
no need Mum anymore.
Don't go yet, I've something to tell you.
I didn't realise JoJo
had such a nice personality.
Yes, she was very good to me at the hospital.
Look at you, you're acting like a kid.
Somebody help!
Help! Someone help!
Wai, what are you doing?
Go away, don't come near us, go away!
What's the matter?
- Are you Okay?
- What's the matter?
Dad, Wai wanted to drown JoJo.
Wai, you'll kill her,
are you out of your mind!
Ji Cheung, leave it.
Wai, go and get changed!
You shouldn't have.
JoJo, how can you do this to me?
Don't be like that.
I really like you, I can't wait any longer.
If you can't wait, just go. I don't want to
see you. I don't ever want to see you again.
JoJo, why don't you just listen to me?
I've never heard of
such old fashioned scripts!
It's driving me insane!
Here, let's have a game of snooker.
Kwokay Wai!
JoJo, ignore him!
Hey Ken.
What's up?
I just saw him go downstairs,
how come he disappeared so fast?
He's acting so weird,
I don't even know what's wrong with him.
Do you think it's to do with
the pool incident?
It's Okay, forget it.
Shall we have a drink?
Oh, there's no ice.
I'll go down and get some ice,
you continue.
What are you shouting for?
Here, have a drink.
Master, what's the matter?
I'll get you a cup of tea.
Let go of me!
Don't look!
Wai, open the door...!
What is going on?
Don't knock, let me!
Wai, it's Ken, open the door!
What's happening?
Open the door!
Stop it!
Move away!
- Ji Cheung.
- Are you crazy?
What are you doing?
- Wai, open the door!
- Open the door...
Dad, let me do it!
How come there's no-one here?
I don't believe Wai's become like this.
I don't know why our family's got this curse.
Recently, Wai's been inside the prayer room.
I had a feeling something was wrong with him.
By the way, didn't you say you and
Ji Cheung saw Suk Jing one night?
Yes, we told you but you didn't believe us.
And, on your birthday.
when Ken picked you up at your house.
JoJo went into Suk Jings' room and
moved the written charms.
Oh no, that will cause problems.
Mrs. Cheng, there's something
I really didn't want to tell you.
At that time, your daughter-in-law.
Was controlled by the evil of the West.
Eventually she's pregnant
with the devil's baby.
At the time, I used all the power
to control the embryo.
unfortunately, my power wasn't strong enough.
Master, what should we do now?
To control this Ghost King
is not that difficult.
Coz it's fear of eagles,
especially eagle blood.
All you've to do is spray
eagle blood over it's body.
Then it'll melt into a puddle of blood.
But the devil is in my son's body.
Master, any way we won't harm my grandson?
It is very unfortunate.
I am getting old.
I'm afraid there isn't much I can think of.
Okay, I will try my best.
Hopefully, I can make it leave your grandson.
Mother, do you think
the blood is that powerful?
I believe the master's confidence
to overcome the devil.
If we cannot force
the devil to leave Wai's body
Then that would be a problem.
If that is the case, then...
Then what?
We'll discuss it when we get home.
How come even eagles blood is useless?
Master, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have
changed the eagle blood.
How come Ken and JoJo are still not back yet?
Of course the young ones will
have a lot of fun outside.
Where has it gone?
What are you looking for?
My pipe, it should be here.
Look for it carefully.
It's not here.
Would it be in the lounge?
Why don't you go and have a look?
Oh, it's in the study.
Where are you? I've been looking for you!
How come you didn't dry yourself?
It's uncomfortable.
What's going on?
How come?
Let's go up and have a look!
My leg is very painful!
How come this has happened?
JoJo, go down and call for the ambulance.
Go, quickly!
Go away!
JoJo...are you Okay?
Kwokay Wai!
JoJo, just go!
My eagle blood!
Brother! Brother!
I don't want to die, help me!
Help me, Brother!
I'm in pain, help me!
It's no use, give me the sword!
JoJo, you...