Moartea Domnului Lazarescu (The Death of Mr. Lazarescu) (2005)

Come to dinner.
Come on, Mirandolina, eat that.
You don't like it?
Go on, eat...
That's all I have.
So missy, I've got a headache.
For about 4 days now
I have a headache and I throw up
but I don't think it's from the stomach.
Aspirin, algocalmin,
extraveral and distonocalm.
No, I can't really, I've just
told you I've got a headache.
Well, yeah, I drink,
like any other man.
I had a little drink today, too...
Not quite so, missy,
it's not like I'd drink any crap.
Going on 63...
Yeah, 2nd floor, flat 17.
Lazarescu Dante Remus.
Yes, I'm home.
Thank you and I wish you good night.
In the sea
there are but predatory fish.
You can use polenta for small fish.
Here the big fish eats the small one.
They're all on meat,
polenta doesn't really work in the sea.
It is the wrong kind of bait.
"Well", he said,
"I'm here for the salty air".
The air works ok but if you don't
catch anything, know what I mean.
If you don't get votes...
We didn't get any clear message.
Once again, no message.
Cause, look,
Ciuhandu an honorable character,
flawless speech, serious.
You'd expect him to rally
the people from Timisoara
and get at least 90% of the votes.
Timisoara turned out rather poor.
Hello, missy, it's me again.
Hello, yes, the Ambulance.
It's me again, Lazarescu.
Then tell the colleague I spoke with
I had ulcer surgery 14 years ago
and I also have leg ulcer
but no big deal.
I've been thinking this headache
might be from the stomach.
I've been thinking this headache
might be from the stomach.
Fetesti 2.
Ok, I got that.
I don't think it's serious but
I rather get a specialist's opinion.
Thank you
and I'll be waiting for you.
My surgery is hurting, cat face.
You don't care, you bloody animal.
How you're doing Nusu?
And you, the little one.
Where have you been wandering all day?
You dogcat,
sit here nicely dogcat.
Go to fuck.
Just fucking close.
Where are you going kitten?
Madam de Pompadour.
Hello, is this
the Muscalu residence? Virgil?
Hi Virgil, how you're doing?
Is Eva there?
Hold on man, I haven't forgotten.
Why do you think I've called?
You, my sister, whatever.
Hello, Virgil, Virgil.
I've sent the money by post today
and you gonna get it tomorrow.
Right, then next time I'll get
my pension I'll just send it all to you.
That's better, isn't it?
So, say,
can you put Eva on the phone?
Well I said I'll send it by 1st,
and I did.
Now can I speak with Eva?
I'll wait, of course,
I'm not gonna run.
Hey sis, how are you?
That's just what I wanted
to talk with you about.
Why didn't you tell me
you spoke with Bianca?
Sure, you told me after I asked you.
You know very well I'm right.
If she only calls you...
I know damn well
that she calls you more often.
Listen, I don't feel that well
with my ulcer.
What's with you all,
talking about this drinking?
You don't get ulcer from alcohol.
I'm sorry, but I drink
at my own expense.
Do you hear me Eva,
I drink at my own expense.
You get ulcer from helico bacteria.
Well, see,
you're learning new things.
No Eva, I have no idea.
I have this surgery for 14 years and
I haven't got a clue. Luckily you do.
Good thing you, intellectuals,
know better than the doctors.
Yeah, alright. But I'm asking you
nicely to stop lecturing me.
Do you hear me Eva?
Stop lecturing and nagging me.
No, you wouldn't like it either.
I don't know.
I don't know, but maybe
you don't want to speak with me anymore.
I noticed that only Virgil
answers the phone lately.
Ok, we'll do it the way you want.
Thank you.
And thank your sweet husband
for the money,
Fine, and leave me with my ulcer
and keep on talking to Bianca,
gossiping about my drinking.
Ok you, but in the end I drink
at my own expense.
Do you hear me Eva?
I drink at my own expense.
Gracefully yours!
Hello, yes.
- My respects, ma'am.
- Yes, what is it?
Well done, you left with the mitts.
Just a second.
Where on the balcony should I put it?
Cheers Romica!
- Where should I take it?
- Take it to the balcony.
Take it to the balcony and put it down,
on the tiles, by the plant.
- Good evening.
- Evening dear.
Smaranda, tie your shoelaces, please.
What's wrong,
aren't you feeling very well?
I beg your pardon Mrs. Mihaela,
so, I've called the ambulance,
but until it arrives could you give me,
I mean lend me a Distonocalm?
I don't know, I'll have a look,
but I don't think we got any.
But if you've been drinking
your headache is from the alcohol.
You drank, 'cause you smell.
Lady, please be so kind
and have a look. I'll pay for them.
C'mon now, let's be serious.
It's not about the money.
I got this headache at the temple
before having the drink.
I'm afraid we don't have
strong painkillers
cause we don't buy such things.
Ill go and look for a Distonocalm.
What's up Romica? The stomach again
or it's moved on the pancreas?
Stop drinking Romica.
Let go of the fucking bottle.
Stop drinking or you're going down.
I threw up 4 times today,
from the aspirin.
I don't think
I can stand it any longer, Sandu.
What do you want me to bring you?
A pill of Metoclopramide
or some cabbage juice?
I've called the ambulance
and I thought of taking a pill.
Ambulance on a Saturday?
You think they would bother?
Screw them.
They would rip you off
since they raised the medicines prices.
What you need is rest, buddy,
sohlaffen and cabbage juice.
Don't be tense,
it won't go away if you fight it.
- It hurts, Sandu.
- Don't be stubborn.
Like I said, I didn't find Distonocalm
but I brought you Diclofenac.
But I have Diclofenac.
Well, I don't know what to say,
- Let me give you one just now.
- Don't rush to give him one.
It isn't good for ulcer.
Check this out.
- We only buy homeopathics for ourselves.
- So, do you need this?
I'm not sure, I wanted a Distonocalm.
And you give him Diclofenac when
the man's been puking since morning.
I didn't know. I'll go
and get Metrocropmide right away.
He should have said it's nausea.
When I'm hung over, I just rub
my arms and I'm back to normal.
What's she doing?
Oh, fuck!
What the hell are you doing,
trying to set us on fire?
Wait, don't turn it off.
Turn it down and leave it.
Come on, it didnt get burned.
Nice of you to sort this one out.
Another one sorted by you!
Look at my burn. Fucking pan!
Are you gonna get those pills?
So, Romica, note the following aspect.
the nausea is caused by the drink
and it's not good for your stomach.
you don't drink the right way,
you're mixing the drinks.
Stop mixing the drinks.
Gee, but you stink. What the hell
have you drunk? Rat poison?
Are you giving me that, or what?
These are not good for you,
with your ulcer...
Only after you eat.
- How are you doing, boy?
- Good evening.
Robert, tell your dad I need that
drilling machine if he's finished with it.
Tell him to bring it down,
cause I need the fucking thing.
- OK, Ill tell him.
- Don't forget.
Great, I have to ask
for my own things!
So, Romica, one for now
and the other one for tomorrow
morning, with the coffee.
But first, take a hot bath, eat
something, and then you take the pill.
But get in the tub, and make sure
it's hot, otherwise it's useless.
Come on, up a daisy.
You have to move, to sweat the alcohol.
Listen, Sandu, I was feeling well,
and now I'm feeling ill.
Let's take you to bed.
I had this stomach ache from my ulcer,
and now I have a headache too.
Now I have a headache
and a stomach ache.
Easy buddy,
let me get you inside, to lie down.
Wait, easy now.
- I can manage.
- Sure.
Once again, the lack of concentration
leads to death on the Romanian roads.
While driving on the national road 1,
a heavy truck driver fell asleep,
and left his lane going over
to the other side of the road.
He then hit a bus full of tourists,
just outside Saftica village.
This collision has triggered
a chain crash.
Up to now there are 7 recorded deaths
and 29 people in serious condition.
Were you watching this,
or is it better off?
Listen, how long does it take for
a money order to get to Targu Mures?
- I don't know... a few days.
- It's impossible.
At the post office, they told me
it will be there tomorrow.
No way. Tomorrow is Sunday.
I think you should lie down and sleep.
I can't sleep.
I don't feel like sleeping
What is she doing with that pill,
inventing it?
Oh dear,
the smell of cat hair in here.
How is it Mr. engineer,
still not asleep?
Go on, give me your glasses.
Yes, very well,
so he won't break them.
Can you get us a glass of water now?
Look how dirty it is,
and they're all the same.
- Should I bring a clean one from us?
- And what else, Miki?
Just go on and pour some water in it,
so we can give him that pill.
My oh my, you should be sent
to fetch the Death.
You know what they say:
"Mascara doesn't help you
if you don't know how to speak".
"Doesn't help
if you have no manners. "
I think the pain is from the aspirin.
Do you like quince jelly?
I feel kind of droopy.
Aren't you better lying down?
After a good sleep,
youll be as good as new.
Move over just a bit.
- Come on here and see your "nothing".
- What do you mean?
You said my finger is alright.
Have a closer look, to see better.
See, it's swollen already,
don't pretend you can't see.
Yes, it seems a bit swollen.
Come on, get up.
You should finish what you start.
You just don't leave
the pan and go away
cause, look, I ruined my fingers
and the stuff got burned.
It's not burned, I've tasted it.
Come on, get up, this is for nausea.
Put your tongue out.
But he can't take Diclofenac
on an empty stomach.
- He should eat before taking it.
- What do you think you're doing?
Leave us already with your kindness.
Leave him alone to swallow his pill.
You won't feel the effect right away,
but don't worry, in about 20 minutes
it's gonna go away.
Here, take this glass to the kitchen
and go check on that pot,
so we won't get anymore surprises.
Don't worry, I turned down the heat.
I don't know why aren't you
getting rid of these cats?
- Why don't you get rid of Miki?
- What do you mean?
- Why don't you get rid of your wife?
- Why, is it the same thing?
I don't know, is it the same thing?
These cats, they're gonna kill you
with their hair and their fleas.
Mark my words.
We'll see who was right in the end.
How nice and cozy you must feel
now that you found your fool.
They sleep all day
and leave hair everywhere.
Look how it stinks in here.
Should I bring him a bit of moussaka?
There's nothing in his fridge.
- No Mrs. Mihaela, please don't.
- It's very tasty.
- I'm not eating.
- I made it with pork not with beef.
What is it Miki, what do you want?
Weren't you saying
he should take that pill?
And he has nothing to eat.
Cooked, I mean.
I thought of bringing some moussaka,
so he won't take the pill
on an empty stomach.
- Miki, will you go watch that jelly?
- Alright.
See what I get if I let her talk?
And these newspapers...
Why don't you bin them and clean up.
All this paper just gathers dust.
Romica, this is not good.
I think we should call the ambulance,
'cause look you threw up blood vines.
Hold on.
Come on quick.
Look. Exactly like mine
when I had that Malory-Weiss disease.
Yeah, but yours had more blood in it.
And it had bits from those sausages.
- This looks more watery.
- It's secretion from my stomach.
You stained your slippers.
I'll go wash them.
What is it?
- I say we call for the ambulance.
- He's already called the ambulance.
You called it, haven't you?
I know that, but don't you know
it takes them forever to get here?
- Romica, where's that phone?
- It's in the kitchen.
Don't worry, Malory-Weiss
sounds worse than it really is.
- It's the ulcer Mrs. Mihaela.
- What are you saying?
It's from the ulcer.
Sure, Sandu had an endoscopy
and he's been cauterized.
Yes, he's my next door neighbor.
About 60, actually over 60,
cause he's older than me.
So, he has a headache
and he keeps throwing up blood.
Yes, that's right, he drinks a bit.
I keep telling him not to...
They should be here any minute.
They're on their way. The ambulance.
Come on, take a hike,
you slept enough.
Go and see who's ringing.
There's no need to be afraid
of Malory-Weiss, it's no big deal.
They will cauterize it
through an endoscopy.
But you know how it is, you had
endoscopy for your ulcer, didn't you?
The pain is moving about.
The ulcer.
It's Mr. Gelu, he brought
your drilling machine.
How you're doing Romica,
lost the compass?
- Don't laugh, it's not funny at all.
- He threw up blood.
What does this mean?
Is it serious?
What does it mean,
what does it mean... it just means.
- Are we talking hospital here?
- No, we're talking carnival.
Yes it's serious,
we called the Ambulance.
- Let's check if it has all the bits.
- Great, thanks for the trust.
I thought I could forget about it.
I thought
it's in the flea market already.
Take it and put it on my desk.
Then you stay here with Mr. Lazarescu.
I have to pour the jelly into jars, OK?
Say, are we still on
for the booze trip?
I spoke with the guy, and he'd be
waiting for us next Saturday.
We leave Saturday morning
and we'll be back by evening.
What about the double-glazing?
You're still getting them?
Winter is close.
Don't think so.
Maybe next year, in the spring.
So tell me, what's it gonna be?
Let me pass,
I have to go to the bathroom.
Can you handle it?
Look at him going. Call the ambulance,
tell them not to bother,
is "mensana in corpore sana".
I told the guy to save some white
and some red. Grasa and Cabernet.
I don't know what to say,
I'm kind of short with the money.
It's 100 kilos. 50 and 50.
I don't know, I spent a lot on potatoes
and pickles. I'm almost skint.
Well, why don't you ask your son?
He doesn't have either,
they have their own problems.
Doinita has been on maternity leave
for a month now.
He wants to change his job.
They have no money.
You mother fucking pervert
now you really pissed me off!
Wait 'till I get my hands on you.
Where are you? Come over here.
I'll shut you up in an instant.
Get in here.
I've never seen as much filth
as in this man's flat.
Look at the dirt on those papers.
What would you expect
from normal folk
if an intellectual
lives with his cats?
I could lend you some money
till after Christmas.
Sandu I
Listen to that one screaming.
And his daughter didn't give a fuck.
and left for America.
- Canada.
- What?
Bianca went to Canada.
America, Canada, screw the bitch that
leaves her old man alone.
God forgive me.
I think they're here.
- Good evening madam.
- Good evening. Mr. Lazarescu?
No, I'm the next door neighbor,
I'm the one who called you, Sterian.
- Good evening.
- Hello.
No, it's not him,
yours is in the bathroom.
Come on Romica, hurry up,
the lady from the ambulance is here.
Have a sit.
Well then, should I go on my own?
Let me solve this man's problem, first.
- Then come up when you're done.
- Alright, see you.
Come on, the ambulance is here.
- Good evening.
- Good-bye.
Gee, how did you get in there, man?
- Come on up, easy.
- Easy, easy,
- Can you use your legs?
- It's OK, nothing happened.
- But can you stand up, can you walk?
- I've called for you.
Are you hurt?
When you fell, did you hurt yourself?
Good evening ma'am!
Sandu help me out, I can't use my legs.
- Come on up, nice and easy.
- Show the lady you're OK,
My legs are OK miss.
It's my belly that hurts.
My stomach and my white hair.
We'll see what's wrong
in an instant.
You had a drink, didn't you?
Well yes,
I've drunk about a meter of spirits.
- I see. And what is it that you drank?
- Mastropol.
- What did you say its name was?
- Mas-tro-pol.
It's a drink made by us
from double strength alcohol,
burned sugar and a sachet of vanilla.
But there are no chemicals in it.
Now I would ask you to stay still.
Calm and breathe normally.
- Not like this, relax your chest.
- I know, I was just testing you.
Yeah? You wanted to see
if I know my job.
You're laughing...
- See, this is Mastropol.
- And you drank all of this?
How much of this Mastrapol
have you drunk?
You have, cause you see,
you can't really use your legs.
My surgery hurts,
that's why I've called you,
What surgery?
I have a perforated duodenal
ulcer surgery, nurse.
- Perforated ulcer.
- Yes.
I'll give you some vitamins and glucose
and you're gonna feel better.
- Lazarescu Dante Remus.
- Lazarescu Dante Remus.
- 63 years old.
- 63 next month, November the 19th.
I don't know much about this,
but he threw up blood,
and I thought
it might be from the stomach.
Of course, having health problems and
drinking, sure leads to throwing up.
I got Malory-Weiss
from drinking last year,
and they cauterized it by endoscope.
That's different.
Probably you had an accident.
- No, I threw up from the effort.
- I have a stomach ache miss.
My surgery hurts and I've been
throwing up since this morning.
You threw up and your stomach hurts?
Then I'll give you an antacid.
Tomorrow, after you'll feel better,
I mean the day after tomorrow, Monday,
go see the doctor
that performed the surgery.
I've been operated 14 years ago by
dr. Olteanu Vladimir, at the Municipal.
Right, Municipal Hospital.
Now it's called Universitar.
Just go see him.
- My head hurts at the temples.
- Does it hurt really bad?
- It hurts since morning.
- This morning.
Then I'll give you a painkiller, too.
You had this done this before,
hadn't you?
It's not gonna hurt.
- Look, they're here. Good evening.
- Good evening, ma'am.
I brought him some moussaka from us.
What do you say,
should I put it in the fridge
or should I give him
a little right now?
Mr. Lazarescu,
would you care to have some?
Please leave him alone now.
She is my wife.
Hold on tight, like this. Press.
I gave you this injection
because you drank.
- I'll throw those away.
- Yes, thank you.
You were saying
your stomach is aching.
- Are you having bloody stools?
- I have runny stools.
Almost like water.
- Ouch, it hurts.
- Here?
Ouch, yes.
- Ouch, ouch.
- Does it hurt here?
Can't you see I had surgery?
Don't you want to see certain things?
- OK, OK, I got that.
- Calm down.
I apologize
Have you noticed any blood traces?
Or if the stool is black?
It's not melena miss, don't insist.
I only have diarrhea. And I have cramps.
You're saying it's not melena.
Do you eat normally?
I eat, yes.
Cold cuts and cheese.
Have you noticed losing weight
over the last month or week?
- About two holes in my belt.
- How did you say?
Yes, I lost weight,
about 2 holes in my belt.
Yes, I see.
- Is there someone else living with you?
- No, he lives alone.
I live with three cats in a building
with neighbors that don't love animals.
How could we love them
if they have fleas?
You'll have to come with me
to be seen by a specialist.
I'm gonna take your temperature,
and then we'll go.
Have you ever been seen
by a colon specialist?
There's nothing wrong with my colon.
I'm gonna have a cigarette
in the kitchen. Is smoking allowed?
Yes, it is. Smoking, drinking,
all the sins.
- Would you come with me?
- Sure.
Don't worry, it will go away.
No shit,
this is an astronaut's temperature.
I know he has a sister in Targu Mures
and a daughter, Bianca,
but she's emigrated to America.
- And the wife?
- No, his wife died about 10 years ago.
- I see.
- 8 years.
Just a second.
I brought him some moussaka.
And could you come with us?
It would be easier if he's accompanied.
I don't know, if you'd ask me
I would bother and come.
But Sandu won't agree.
Sure, he is our neighbor.
You'd help me with the admittance.
Just between us women:
I'm not happy with the friendship
between Lazarescu and my husband.
He got Sandu into drinking.
Before Lazarescus moved here,
Sandu didn't touch alcohol.
Lazarescu taught him to drink
like they do in Hungary.
But Lazarescu
is not a Hungarian name.
No, he is Romanian.
But his wife, Erji, was Hungarian.
The arrogant type.
It wasn't us that put the bottle
in his hand
and look at the filth he lives in
with these cats that soil the stairway.
We live in the city, after all.
- That's true.
- Of course I am right.
And there's another one,
Dinescu, on the 4th floor.
That one has a son that plays
the violin. He's been driving us crazy.
At some point somebody has to take care
of these cats and throw them away.
So your husband wouldn't go either.
That'll be just great.
Of course he wouldn't.
But I don't know, you should ask him.
Please don't get me wrong.
We have a drink now and then
but only at home,
where nobody can see us.
And when you need a bit of help
he wouldn't give you a dime.
And it's not that he wouldn't want to
but he doesn't have a thing.
But what's wrong with him?
Is it serious?
I'm only a nurse, I can't say for sure,
but it could be serious.
Looks like a colon tumor,
but maybe I'm wrong.
That's right.
His wife died of cancer too.
It's not really necessary
to come with us,
but it would have been
easier for me.
In any case,
maybe you could call his sister,
to come and see him in the hospital.
What is it about?
She was asking if we could go
with her to the hospital,
for Lazarescu's admittance.
- Just one of you.
- I said you wouldn't go.
Usually it's easier for us
at the admittance
if the patient comes attended.
- Is it that serious?
- Yes, he has cancer.
I didn't say that. But they'll
keep him at the hospital, for sure.
He needs to have full tests done.
I only said he might have cancer.
You mean from the ulcer?
No, I reckon it's the colon
but it's better to see a doctor.
- Say, Miki, should I go with the lady?
- I don't know.
If they find something and keep him
there, will you walk home?
Didn't I say that I'll call his sister?
Really now, I thought we agreed.
Yeah, well, I'm sorry.
Just a second.
Thanks for leaving me alone
on a Saturday night.
- How is it?
- 36 over 6, over 7.
I have to get him to the hospital.
We have to go to the hospital
Mr. Lazarescu.
- Can you walk to the ambulance?
- Course I can.
But first I'd like to call
my sister in Targu Mures.
I'll do it, if you give me the number.
- Yes?
- Yes.
- Area code
- Yes.
- 0265,..
- Say again.
- 263,
- 545.
Sure I can.
- Can you help me take him to the car?
- Sure.
Take a pajama with you.
And some slippers.
Then he needs a bag or something.
Hello, Mrs. Eva?
Miki Sterian speaking.
- Try to stand up. Need help?
- No, no.
- Is this one Ok?
- Of course.
- Are you putting this on?
- Yes.
They don't know, he needs a biopsy.
Don't push yourself. Ill help you.
I called to let you know they're taking
him to the hospital right now.
The ambulance.
Mrs. Eva...
Hi, yes.
They are taking me to the hospital.
Don't worry, it's not serious.
Come on, you're not going
to travel alone by night.
- Can I speak with her for a moment?
- Hold on, let me put someone else on.
Hello, good evening lady.
I am the paramedic.
My name is Mioara Avram.
Yes, the ER at St. Spiridon,
if you know where it is.
I think it is.
Yes I think you should come.
- If you get here tomorrow, it's Ok.
- You're sitting in that puke.
And if he won't be at the hospital,
he will be home. Yes, yes, thank you.
Good evening.
- What did she say, is she coming?
- Yes, she is. She'll be here tomorrow.
- So it's settled.
- Of course it's settled.
If the woman said she'll be here,
shell be here.
Come on, easy, don't rush.
Come on Romica,
the lady is waiting for you.
It's stuck,
Here. There you are.
- Ready.
- Sandu, would you lock the door?
- I will, where's the key?
- There, on the fridge.
Let me do it.
- Where could those cats be?
- I took them to the bedroom.
They're gonna ruin my flowers,
they'll make a mess.
- Watch the stairs!
- Which lock?
- The lower one.
- Pay attention, please.
- Lean on me.
- Easy, there's no rush.
Listen Sandu, if theyll keep me at
the hospital, feed my animals, will you?
- Mirandolina, and Nusu and Fritz.
- I will, no problem.
- Allow me. Let me help you.
- There's no need, I can manage.
Let me, please.
- Bones, fish, they're not demanding.
- Don't worry Romica, I'll feed them.
Easy, up.
- But only if they keep me at the hospital.
- Alright.
Yes, what is it?
My husband is bringing him downstairs
so that you'll take him to the hospital.
I'll call you later,
I've got things to do.
Come on already mom, I'm not Geanina
Yes, I got that, bye.
Where is Mrs. Mioara?
She's coming downstairs
with my husband.
It's OK, leave us, we can manage.
Easy now Romica, we're here.
- I can't fit into this, madam.
- Come on. What did you expect, a Mazda?
Come on please, get inside.
We have new vans also,
but they're just for emergencies.
And the ulcer is not an emergency?
Answer me this, and then I'll get in.
Do you believe
the ulcer is no emergency?
Take your hands off!
Are you blind? Sandu!
Stop fooling around Romica!
Did you expect a helicopter?
Stop that, young man! Nurse!
Come on please, it's late
we need to hurry to the hospital.
Don't put me on that stretcher,
Listen son, I'll sit here.
Yes, sit in this.
- I don't wanna lie on the stretcher.
- I'll help you to the seat.
Come, easy, easy.
There you go.
You don't need to be so rough.
Going to the hospital is not easy,
we all get old.
I just told him to sit there quietly.
Watch that leg.
I forgot to give you the bag.
Here are your pajama and the slippers.
- What am I doing here Sandu?
- Don't worry, Mr. engineer.
They won't keep you in the hospital.
Be good there.
C'mon dear, I'm freezing here.
To the ER at St Spiridon.
- If you stay there, stay put.
- I'm sitting here nicely.
It's not nice to push people
like that. It's not, you know.
Wouldn't you sit a bit further?
Your breath kind of stinks.
I understand you're doing your duty
but not that tough.
We're only
a bunch of miserable people, Mr.
Let him drive, sit there nicely.
How are you feeling?
You know how much
I love those cats of mine?
My heart shrinks,
now that I left them home.
Of course I understand.
- Are you still feeling noxious?
- I feel a kind of sadness, miss.
Course I understand,
my sister has a teckel
and she feels the same way you do.
Excuse me miss,
do you have a cigarette?
Sit there nicely.
We'll get to the hospital right away.
- You can't smoke in here.
- I would like to smoke a cigarette.
You can't smoke in the car,
did you hear?
We'll get to the hospital right away.
Look, I'm not smoking either,
and I actually smoke.
I smoke for about 30 years now.
What did my sister say,
when is she coming?
She said shell be in Bucharest
tomorrow morning by 6 am.
Sorry ma'am, but you don't realize
how hard it is to raise a child.
Do you have children?
I only have one child. A girl, Bianca.
Married in Toronto, Canada.
How interesting.
Torino's in Italy, pops.
- The cold got into me.
- Yeah, it's cold.
My sister has none. We were two.
A boy and a sister.
Actually, it's the other way around,
cause she's the elder. I'm the youngster.
I have a sister too,
younger than me.
And you, Leo?
You are two brothers, right?
Two. Me and Relu, from Germany.
Sorry ma'am,
but I have a terrible headache
and I would lie down a bit, over here.
Is it possible?
- What do you say, your head aches?
- Do you think it's from the ulcer?
This headache, I mean.
And I haven't eaten anything, either.
It is psychosomatic Mr. Lazarescu.
Relax, you're not in pain.
I gave you 2 painkillers.
Listen son, may I lie down a little
on this seat, in the back?
- Do you mind?
- You mean on the stretcher?
- Yes.
- Of course, lie down. Stop the car.
Be patient Mr. Lazarescu,
take it easy.
Mr. Lazarescu, we're here now.
Come on, easy, get up.
- Come on pops, give me your hand.
- Watch out.
Can you walk,
or should we use the stretcher?
- Should I bring a wheelchair?
- Give me the bag.
Come on, go get that wheelchair already.
What, does your leg hurt?
- My right kidney hurts.
- Give me your ID card, please.
Come on, help me take him out.
- Come on.
- Easy, easy now.
The leg.
Hold on.
Can you let us pass, please?
Ok miss, drop your panties.
Here you are.
Abdominal colic and cephalgia.
I'd rather think he has a colon tumor.
I palpated his abdomen, and it's hard.
- No joking?
- What should I do with him, doctor?
Put him in my lap.
Take him over there.
Excuse me, doctor...
Why did they bring him here?
Why not to Fundeni Hospital?
Why didn't you take him to Fundeni?
He should be diagnosed by a specialist
I am not qualified to diagnose.
Well I see you were. Didn't you say
something about his colon?
Get undress, please.
Come on, check his blood pressure
Help the gentleman undress.
Is your belly still sore?
Is it sore right now?
Flex your leg.
And the other one. Like that.
The belt, head to the left.
Does it hurt here?
It doesn't hurt there. To be honest,
it's my head that's sore now.
You've drunk a fair bit.
write the lady a prescription.
- Doctor, could it be from my colitis?
- I thought I was the doctor here.
Hey, hey, what's this?
Behave, or you'll get me angry.
Take your prescription and go home.
what should we do with this one?
Keep him or send him
to Panduri Hospital?
- Did you give him Papaverine?
- Yes.
- And the ultrasound?
- I'll do it now.
- Get out of my way! How is it?
- He's been drinking.
Ah! This, we don't like.
Have you celebrated something?
Or do you drink
just for the sake of it?
- Is it you that brought him?
- Yes.
Why here and not to Fundeni Hospital?
Say pops,
has a colon specialist seen you?
I had ulcer surgery, 14 years ago.
And why do you drink,
if you had ulcer?
Look at the zipper he got,
but he doesn't care.
- Do you smoke?
- Yes!
Good, keep it up!
Have you ever had a colonoscopy?
I have problems with my stomach,
I have ulcer.
No pops,
you have problems with your head.
- Maybe it's his colon.
- Ouch.
It hurts, doesn't it?
Have you seen the size of his liver?
One day your liver will burst
from the drink. You hear?
And since when do you diagnose?
Do you have a secret method
I'm not aware of?
Are you using bio-energy?
Can you see the Holy-Spirit?
Cat got your tongue?
- I only said it could be the colon.
- Great, now teach us our trade.
Why did you bring him here?
The hallway is full of his kind.
This is how we got in this shit,
by minding other people's business.
- Doctor, my head hurts.
- Then why do you drink?
Stop drinking
if you don't want to hurt.
- It's been hurting since this morning.
- Then don't drink in the evening.
- Please don't talk to me like that.
- Be quiet.
- I don't think I've heard you right.
- Please, be quiet.
Have you no shame?
Whom do you think you're talking to?
I'll blow you to bits
along with your ulcer.
You pour the drink down your throat,
and then you come to me,
to get you fixed.
A whole team looks after your ass
and operates your ulcer
and you go home and get wrecked.
Did I cause you this?
This ulcer, did I cause it?
The hospitals are full
of people like you
that soak their brains in alcohol
and batter their wives and kids.
Close that door, will you?
Do you take this for a disco?
What are you doing here?
Why are you barging in?
- Please be still, the exam isn't over.
- Stop talking so much.
- I have never beaten my child.
- Alright, but don't get dressed.
Why don't you stay here?
What now, do I have to send for you?
What's all this fuss about?
If you don't keep quiet
I'll throw you all out.
How long does it take you
for a prescription?
- Don't get me started on you, too.
- Sign here.
I'm sorry, you were busy.
Look what you've brought here.
Why did you get dressed? Are you cold?
Lie down over there, I'm not over.
And you're mocking
the other patients as well
those with serious problems,
like that one.
Silvia, give him glucose.
Did you give him anything?
- I gave him the same, plus a painkiller.
- Put an analgesic and some vitamins too.
Make space. Move over.
- What is it?
- Two seriously injured.
Patient, 20 years, craniocerebral
injury. Blood pressure 14 over 9.
Take a look, doctor.
Silvia, call for dr. Kelemen
and dr. Tutui. And quick.
What's your name?
Can you speak?
- How is he?
- Left anisocoria.
Call the tomograph.
- Where did this tragedy happen?
- You mean those? At Saftica.
I think there are at least 20 dead.
- I have to go. Good evening, madam.
- Bye.
How are you feeling?
Does your head still hurt?
Stay still, don't move.
- Doctor, my head hurts.
- Very well, it means you have one.
Did you take a good look at those
who came? Those are emergencies.
- Doctor, would you come for a minute?
- Wait a second, dear.
Did you throw up blood?
Do you have melena?
- No, I have diarrhea.
- I didn't ask you that.
Raise your hands.
Bullshit, you're ok. Stop drinking.
You don't give a shit about the others.
And I'm supposed to take care of you.
Where's that record?
Give it to me.
It's your duty,
that's why you're paid.
What? My duty? Did I put
the bottle in your hand, you pig?
Did I take you drinking?
- Who told you that we are well paid?
- Why did they bring you on the stretcher?
Why, if you can use your own legs?
Stand up and walk if you can.
I don't need your help.
I can make it alone.
- Look at him.
- Easy, Mr. Lazarescu.
And you were lecturing us.
See what alcohol made of you?
- Are you hurt, Mr. Lazarescu?
- Girl, call someone to take him away.
You'd better get dressed.
- Get him out of my sight.
- Doctor?
There's nothing wrong
on the ultrasound.
Some kidney sand,
but within normal values.
- Did you write his prescription?
- Yes,
Then send him home,
what are you waiting for?
His liver
is as big as the Parliament House,
you should take him
to Fundeni Hospital.
I don't think it's hepatitis.
No, you better take him to Floreasca
Hospital or Universitar Hospital.
He needs a liver CT scan.
I would have kept him here,
but you see how crowded it is.
Hurry up with the chair.
- You need help?
- No, it's ok. Easy.
Are you comfortable?
Stay there.
Watch your head,
I'm closing the stall.
So we took out those two,
but they are working hard over there.
I don't think there's anyone else left
to rescue in that wreckage.
And they've blocked the road, too.
Didn't you say
they crashed at the exit for Snagov?
No bro, it happened
on the bridge at Saftica.
It had no reason
to make a right for Snagov.
They broke the side barriers, too.
Half of our cars are there.
And there were kids in there.
- Good evening Mrs. Mioara.
- Hi Misu.
They knocked me dead
with their lectures.
And our tipsy grandpa
can't keep his mouth shut.
- What about the accident?
- Well what about it?
They were heading for Brasov, and
they crashed on the bridge, at Saftica.
Probably a blow up on a front tire.
I think they had more than 100 km/hour.
Poor souls, they were going on holiday.
I don't know.
I guess half of them are dead.
We were the third on the scene,
and we got the last ones alive.
- See how life is?
- What about yours?
I don't know, cirrhosis suspicion.
At least that's what dr. Ardelean said.
Isn't he the one involved
in the medicines scandal?
No, that one's name is Aldea, I say.
Sandu Aldea.
I thought his name was Ardelean.
- We're going to Universitar Hospital.
- To do what? The place is swamped.
Most of the casualties went there.
We're going for a CT scan.
Move over.
If you were there to hear the folks
moaning under that bus...
Be still, Mr. Lazarescu.
We're taking you to Universitar
to run full tests.
Let's go.
- Bye, Misu.
- Good bye, ma'am. Take it easy.
Listen, be careful with Leo,
he's a stud.
My gall hurts,
and I have no pills on me.
- Did you try marigold tea?
- Slow down, please slow down.
What happened, Mr. Lazarescu?
Don't take me home girl,
I feel really bad.
My name is Mioara, Mr. Lazarescu.
And his name is Leonard.
Yeah, beautiful... Listen, somebody
take me to the hospital, I'm sick.
Relax, we're on our way
to the hospital.
- Mrs. Mioara.
- Yes?
I feel my head splitting from the pain.
Please take me to the hospital.
We're heading there, I've told you.
Come on Mr. Lazarescu,
don't be a baby.
My sister will be
nice to you, when she'll come.
Never mind your sister, ok?
Look, pops we're almost there.
In 5 minutes we'll be there.
Look, we are near the Parliament House.
I am sorry I caused you trouble
at the hospital.
What do you say?
I am sorry I caused trouble
with the doctors.
Forget about it, we're used to it.
But, at Universitar,
try to be more careful.
They might be less patient.
Yes, you're right,
I lost my temper, I'm sorry.
I know, but you realize that you've
drunk and they might send you home.
That's true, but isn't the doctor's
duty to take care of the patient?
And what is the patient's duty?
I mean, I'm driving you
with the Ambulance,
but shouldn't you behave?
See? He's quiet now.
Pull over, pull over. He threw up.
Wait, we're in the middle
of the junction.
What have you done here?
Give me the napkins.
See, if you don't stay still?
Look what you've done here.
Hold it to your mouth.
Ok. Drive on.
Is it ok?
Excuse me, nurse,
do you have children?
- What did you say?
- Do you have children?
Oh, God, you like to chat.
Yes I have a son and a daughter.
The girl is 18, and the boy 27.
What else?
- Big, you have big kids.
- Yes,
- Excuse me, nurse, but how old are you?
- I'm not that young anymore. I'm 55.
- 55?
- Yes 55, in September.
In September? Just like Virgil,
my brother in law,
only that he is 68.
When in September?
- Dear me, On 1st September.
- He is on 21st or 27th.
Come on pops, we reached the hotel.
For Trauma Center? From the accident?
Are you from the accident in Saftica?
- We're with another case.
- We've been sent for some tests.
So, if you're not from the accident,
go somewhere else, we're crowded.
We've been sent from St. Spiridon
for tests.
Listen, woman, there's no one
to take care of you. Understand?
Have I told you to take him out?
Put him back and move away.
Why are you following me?
You have a customer.
- What do we do?
- We'll wait and see.
Trauma is full.
There's no room at the 1st,
no room at the 2nd,
no room at mom's, no room at dad's.
Please go away.
We're not staying, we're on our way
to Fundeni Hospital.
Then go to Fundeni.
Am I not clear enough?
We're not for Trauma,
we need to do a CT scan.
What CT scan lady?
Give me that record.
What am I supposed to do now?
You, come here.
Take this one to General Care.
Come on Mr. Driver, time flies.
Out with him, quick.
Move this car quickly, will you?
And please clean the puke.
Now blame it on me.
Hold on pops, don't wiggle.
Move away.
Could you let us pass? Thanks.
- Wait outside, please.
- For a hemogram.
I'll wait here, in the hall.
- Why don't you go in?
- She told me to wait.
You may go in, lady,
I see you have an emergency.
- I say we let the lady first.
- Of course, madam, go in.
Come in.
- How do you feel, Mr. Remus?
- My head hurts, my temples...
And the booze, why did you drink it?
Get him inside.
- Can you walk, just two steps?
- I try.
Sit here.
I'll be here, by the benches.
Look at me.
I don't like what I see.
- I throw up morning.
- What? You throw up in the morning?
No, since morning.
We'll see in an instant.
But first,
we'll take some blood for tests.
Help him undress.
Please sit.
Did you sign in
the one from the Ambulance?
Then come and get the hemogram,
proteins and transaminases.
- And put him a venous catheter.
- He needs a CT scan, doctor.
The vest, too.
Are you coming?
And look,
you have an ulcer surgery.
May I?
I'll use also this arm.
Ah, this drink.
You never have enough of it!
Why do you drink
if you have an ulcer surgery?
Did you take him enough blood?
I want a ionogram, too.
Come on, flex your legs.
- What? The right one is slower?
- Yes.
Head aside.
- Nothing here.
- Doesn't affect me drinking.
- What did you say?
- Sometimes doesn't affect.
I don't understand.
Who is not affecting you?
I palpated him at home,
and his abdomen was hard.
I thought it's the colon.
It's not the colon, it's the liver.
Look at his color,
the liver is the problem.
- Did you throw up with blood?
- No ma'am.
- It hurts here, doesn't it?
- Don't get close.
What about black stool?
You know, melena.
- I say a things you don't want to get.
- No kidding.
Do you have melena?
Yes or no?
It's not the stomach.
I told my head hurts.
Would you hold your temper with me?
I don't know about the CT scan.
You got here at the wrong time.
Instead of waiting here to free up,
you better go to Filaret Hospital.
- Tell her the head hurts. Say.
- What? Your head hurts?
Actually we went to pick him up
thinking it's meningitis.
I don't think so. Look at the light.
- Does it bother you?
- No.
You're not bothered.
Where exactly is the pain?
- Here, the temples
- Here?
- Yes.
- Here too?
Raise your hands.
- How mean you are, all women.
- Really?
Stay still,
look at me and don't move.
Squeeze my hands.
- The right hand, that's all you can?
- Yes.
You can put his clothes on.
Please, call Popescu, from Neurology.
I'll take care of you in a second.
Give me Popescu.
Doctor? Phone!
Hello, Dragos?
Can you come over, please?
Yes, it's urgent. A 62 years old man.
Come on, get serious. I can't speak.
I just can't.
Maybe. If you bring me roses.
Ill be waiting.
Let me see.
- Should I put his coat on?
- No.
Lie down over there. A neurologist
is coming to see you.
Let's start with the EKG, Mrs. Sandu.
First, you have
left ventricular hypertrophy
meaning your blood pressure is high.
It's not serious, but you should be
careful with the effort.
Tell her, doctor, cause
she doesn't want to listen to me.
And you also have a beginning
of calcification on your aorta.
Ill take you on our way out,
but first you need to be examined.
I will prescribe you a treatment,
and I'd like you to follow it.
You should also check
with your own physician.
no more salt, fat, effort,
coffee and alcohol.
You're done with those.
You go on diet and rest.
We booked a spa holiday.
Would that be Ok for her?
We booked a spa holiday.
Would that be Ok for her?
Of course.
Rest doesn't mean no activity.
We celebrate 40 years of marriage,
and we wanted to go in a special place.
So, where's the accused?
Did you bring me roses?
I couldn't find,
but I brought you an apple.
Thanks. Over here.
This is instead
of "je t'aime moi non plus".
Here he is. His head hurts and
he's starting to get a right paresis.
He's also sort of dysarthric,
but he drank.
CT scan in about three hours,
cause it's full.
By the way, Trauma Center
turned into slaughterhouse.
His liver is swollen and aching
and he definitely needs a CT scan.
I agree, but in about 3 hours.
- Tell me your name, please.
- Lazarescu Dante Remus.
- Lazarescu Dan?
- Lazarescu Dante Remus.
What is it Mr. Lazarescu,
what's wrong?
- My head hurts the morning, today.
- Your head hurts in the morning?
- Did you hurt yourself?
- I found him fallen in the tub.
- Didn't hurt, I slipped the bathroom.
- You didn't hurt?
Say after me:
Thirty three storks on the roof
of Kogalniceanu's house.
Thirty three storks on the roof...
- Say, orange!
- Orange.
- Do you feel the same thing here?
- Yes.
I would ask you to follow my finger.
With your sight...
- Do you see clear or double?
- Clear.
Relax your eye lid.
Good night,
and I say you should take a cab.
Now, bring your left forefinger
to the top of your nose, like I do.
And now, the right forefinger.
Squeeze my hands, please.
Raise your hands.
Close your eyes.
Now open your eyes.
I will ask you to raise your knees.
Both of them at the same time.
Come on, stand up, make a few steps.
- I don't think he can.
- Come on Mr. Remus, you can do it.
All right. Lie down.
Tell me,
what did you do this morning?
I woke up 6.
- I woke up a headache.
- You woke up with a headache.
- Did you drink anything?
- I took Distonocalm.
Saturday morning I was back.
- In market to switch the seeds.
- To switch the seeds? What seeds?
Instead of pansies he gave me turf.
And I went to get money back.
It was the man with moustaches.
- Yeah? What is this?
- You mean...
- I mean what is this, what is its name?
- You asking me, aren't you?
What is the name
of the object on my wrist?
If you know, why do you ask?
It's the time.
- What is this?
- A writer.
You said
you found him in the bathroom.
Yes. When I got there, his neighbor
was pulling him out of the bathtub.
Well, I don't know what to do.
I definitely need a head CT scan.
It might be a hematoma, but
it might be something else, too.
We were sent from St Spiridon
for blood tests and a CT scan.
Well, they've sent you for nothing,
the tomograph is full.
No way to get a CT scan
for the next three hours.
And even if you get one,
the Neurosurgery is also full.
I mean, work around the clock,
like a power plant.
You might have something in your head
that needs to be operated.
A blood clot we have to remove.
Did you understand what I said?
Did you?
Lazarescu's hemogram.
The transaminases will take a while.
That's it. He needs a CT scan,
to know what we're talking about.
And I'm afraid it can't wait.
She should take him
to Filaret Hospital.
They have both
CT scanner and Neurosurgery.
Check this out.
Look at. the potassium value,
and glycemia.
That's it. Take him to Filaret.
Stop fooling around.
Does it hurt?
Dragos, I'll call the tomograph.
It's only a few minutes, after all.
Wait another minute.
I'll check the tomograph.
- I'm not coward, madam.
- What do you say?
I is not afraid of surgery.
This surgery is very simple.
It's like appendicitis.
I did ulcer surgery, and not afraid.
You had ulcer surgery?
Then it's even simpler.
- Gina Filip from General Care.
- The bombs got the house store.
The bombs?
Take out your tongue, please.
You were in the war?
In '44 Americans bombed Bucharest,
Ploiesti and Brazi. We were in Brazi.
Me and Evelina succeeded.
Put him on.
Hello dr. Johnny.
Come on, won't you make an effort?
We need a quick scan.
And after those?
Cranial and hepatic.
And if I'd say he's the uncle of
my mother in law, will you help me?
I do it for Gina.
It looks like a hematoma
but it might be a neoplasm as well.
You're the man. Thanks
- Breslasu.
- Come on, he's a good fellow.
So it's settled.
Now run to the tomograph,
and tell dr. Breslasu you were sent
by me. That is, Dragos Popescu.
Mr. patient is asleep.
What are you doing Mrs. Bubulina?
What are you waiting for?
I need a Colebil, my gall hurts.
Do you have any?
Boys, come on, I have a job for you.
Doctor? Phone call for you.
Yes, I'll be right there.
I'm gonna leave you, "mi amor".
Duty calls.
Aren't you going to the tomograph,
with the lady?
- No, I have an emergency.
- Yes, but anyway.,.
If I have an emergency,
it means I don't have time.
- Do you know where the CT is?
- But aren't you keeping him here?
I don't think so. If he has a hematoma,
you have to take him to Filaret.
Here, both operating rooms are. busy
with the accident from Saftica.
Maybe they got free.
Don't push your luck, OK?
- I have to go, good bye,
- Your stamp.
My stamp and my pen.
Get moving, and be careful not to loose
the paramedic on your way.
Good morning.
- November 19th, a Scorpio?
- Yes, like my brother.
Hurry up. No need to wait for the rest
of the tests. It's irrelevant.
CT is on the 4th floor,
the boys will lead the way.
Who's next? Come in.
- Where are you going? Stay still.
- I can't get up.
That's what I'm saying.
Do you know where you are?
We're going to make a scan, to see if
there's something wrong with your head.
There's a certain something
about you, lady.
Ok, stay put and be quiet.
- Do you still need me?
- No, you go.
Is she coming with Virgil?
- Say it again.
- Is she coming with Virgil?
- Beats me. Who's Virgil?
- Virgil Muscalu.
I don't know Mr. Lazarescu,
I don't understand what you're saying.
- Eva second husband.
- Second husband? I don't get it.
With the express train?
Oh Lord, what did I do wrong?
If you keep on speaking
I will tie your tongue.
- Mariana.
- What are you doing, girl?
Kiss, kiss.
Are you on duty or you came
to see me in action?
I'm so lucky you're here.
Won't you help me to put in a patient?
I'm walking with him since 10.
Just a second.
- But weren't you working at the MRI?
- No, I've always worked here.
Please don't move.
- Say, what's the story?
- I brought him for a CT scan.
- Dr. Dragos Popescu spoke with your dr.
- So? I'll go tell him.
Take this too.
It's gonna be alright.
- We'll see on the CT scan.
- I have my wife in there...
Be quiet girl.
Listen, did you get
the invitation from Doina?
How does it seem, the wedding party
at the Intercontinental Hotel?
- Expensive. I can't afford it, really.
- But you believe her daughter's luck?
You know her son in law's father
is a social-democrat senator.
- Big deal, what a catch.
- Admit it, it's not bad.
Now you need to do your hair,
don't you?
Never mind the hair,
my dress isn't ready yet.
Look at the dark circles I've got
for two weeks now.
- See if you catch some big fish there.
- Shut your mouth, I'm a married woman.
What about your son,
when is he going to get married?
I don't know,
It's his family, his life.
If he likes living in concubinage,
it's his business.
Well, as long as they love each other
it's like being married.
But I can't see my grand daughter
as often as I'd like to.
You have no idea what a disparity
I have with her mom.
You do look great, babe.
Tell me, what do you do?
What do I do... I'm on a dairy diet,
if you know what I mean.
Didn't you say
you're a married woman?
Hold your tongue,
my man is the "milkman".
Nothing to do with you, then.
I thought you were a feminist.
- Can you open us miss?
- In a second, Hold on.
Come on, boys.
You have to trust it will be alright.
Come inside.
Good evening.
So you're the uncle
of Dragos's mother in law?
- Does he have any tests done?
- Yes, here you are.
But sir has raised a glass tonight.
We sure did, we raised some Sauvignon.
- What did you say your name was?
- Lazarescu Dante Remus.
- Once again, please, and from the heart.
- Lazarescu Dante Remus.
Give me the form,
to get him registered.
You have a big name, uncle Lazarescu.
We're gonna take a picture of you, now.
Does it make you happy?
So, pops, something's broken here
and there's something here as well.
The tests say so, you see?
It will be quick,
we're skipping the contrast
and we'll have a picture of
the liver and one of the loft.
Hold this.
- Say, Mr. Dante, does it hurt now?
- My belly swelled my back.
- How did you say? What did he say?
- His stomach aches.
We picked him up with nausea.
He was saying that his head hurts.
The neighbor that found him
said he vomited blood.
Maybe there were tomato peelings.
- No, he said he vomited vines of blood.
- Define vines of blood.
I don't know, that's what he said.
- Let's put him on the slide,
- Yes, doctor.
Easy pops, don't worry,
nothing bad will happen.
Any metal on you? The necklace stays.
Any coins in your pockets?
We'll lose the belt a little, yes?
- Can you help me to get him admitted?
- Wait a second, to finish the scan.
Allow me.
I need something from you.
Don't move or the picture will blur.
If you get any idea you'd like to share
just speak in the microphone.
- Give me those.
- Which ones?
- This one.
- I'm cold.
And what do you want me to do?
Run around the spot a little,
to warm up.
It says here you gave him glucose.
Did you?
Yeah, The man was weak and confused.
I gave him an analgesic too.
- And if it's a CVA?
- But they did the same at St. Spiridon.
Well, that changes everything.
Let's give him 4 more.
- Doctor, he wet himself,
- I need toilet.
- Great pops, to your health.
- I need toilet miss.
Don't stress yourself,
or you might crap yourself as well.
I want you to give me...
Pops, right now you pissed yourself,
we'll take the picture
and afterwards we'll get changed.
- I want pajama.
- Never mind the pajama.
First the picture
and then the pajama, OK?
- I want the pajama.
- Pops, pay attention,
We'll go to the toilet,
but first we need to get the picture.
Nurse, I want to wash, I'm...
Do you have something to give him,
'cause I don't.
- Yes dr. I have his pajama.
- I want to toilet, I want to wash.
Come over here and help the lady
change him and all.
I want toilet...
- Easy.
- Easy, easy.
- The legs,
- What did you do pops, wet yourself?
The legs hurt... easy.
- What's that on your legs?
- Why don't you tell you have varicose?
Did you plan on making us a surprise?
Slow. Easy.
Let me get those wet pants off.
Don't be s o ashamed,
you're not the first one.
Easy, easy with the leg.
Lift your leg. Careful.
Stop moaning like an old woman.
- That's it, get him up.
- Wait boys. Just a second doctor.
- Ah, these hands. Ready.
- Up.
Mind your head, easy.
Upper, easy, like that.
Easy, easy.
Ready, doctor.
Ready pops, satisfied?
See, it's done,
You peed, they've changed you,
and they've put your pajama on.
It won't be long.
And if you feel anything else
coming on, please, hold yourself.
Come on, Mariana.
- You're losing your papers.
- It's not mine. It's Mr. Lazarescu's.
Ok, keep your eyes closed
and stay still.
It was somewhere over here,
but I don't find it...
There it is.
The bigger one, if you please.
You got yourself a bunch of rags.
Mariana, love,
bring me another frapuccino.
- And bring one for the lady from 911.
- You're very kind.
- No sugar?
- No sugar,
What are you saying?
Mr. Lazarescu?
If we move, we spoil the photo.
Don't breathe now.
We'll start the launch.
Steady now!
We begin with the head
and we stop at Stalingrad.
Here's your coffee, doctor,
We're clear about the head.
If he takes anti-clotting drugs
for the varicose, Heparin, Sintrom...
.. he's dead.
Not dead. Dead and buried.
And we're back.
Mariana go and position the gentleman
for the abdominal scan please.
We're done with the head.
Well take a picture of your abdomen
and we're finished.
Did you hear what I said?
Hey, mister?
Gee, you scared me. He fell asleep.
Come on, help me raise him.
We're getting up a bit.
Is it ok?
We'll be ready right away.
Ok, we lay down slowly.
Slowly. Enough.
We keep our hands behind our head.
You hold him, he's feeble.
We will tie them a bit.
We close our eyes.
And it turns out
the good doctor was right.
This neoplasm
is Discovery channel stuff.
It deserves a snapshot, doesn't it?
Smile please.
I've also thought he has a cancer.
I'd say you better stop playing
the doctor, better watch that glucose.
I was joking.
The way our Mr. Lazarescu looks
you could have injected him compote.
He's departing, poor pops.
The film will take a little while.
Mariana, get him out.
- Lady?
- Yes, doctor.
You wait for the films and you take him
to Neurosurgery, to drill his head.
- Ok.
- Ok?
Yes, doctor, I understand.
To Neurosurgery.
Mariana, there's a client waiting here.
Yes, I'll be right there.
You take him straight to Floreasca,
Bagdasar, you choose
and get him into the operating room
to have him instantly operated.
- What is it?
- Didn't they give you a note downstairs?
- Yes, for Filaret Hospital.
- Very well, take him to Filaret.
- From the accident?
- What?
The gentleman,
is he from the bus accident?
I don't know, they sent me from ER.
- That's it. He needs immediate surgery.
- Couldn't you keep him in here, doctor?
If you gave him a pajama,
can't you give him a bed too?
- Yes doctor, can't we help her?
- Look at them. They got me surrounded.
Where to put him?
Don't you know surgery is full?
The Neurosurgery is full to the brink.
You'll take this one to Filaret,
quickly operate his hematoma, so that
he can die at home, from cancer.
Please doc!
Don't be a piglet! You think
I wouldn't keep him, if I could?
Didn't you hear it's an emergency?
He needs surgery right now.
Where do we take him, doctor?
Tell him it's a subdural hematoma
with intracranial pressure.
- You owe me for this.
- If it works.
If it works? You owe me, period,
How long?
And the other one?
I got it, thanks.
Bad luck, nurse. Both rooms are busy,
and will stay like this until 10 am.
Go and position him for a cervical.
If you want, I can take him
straight to the crematorium.
He keeps saying he's cold, anyway.
Neurosurgery is full.
Enough, time out.
Come on, give me this to sign, stamp,
everything in order.
I've been running around with him
the whole night.
You exaggerate a bit,
the night is still young.
I thought it might get solved
if you'd speak at Neurosurgery.
Well it didn't.
You should start going
or he might die on the way.
Nice meeting you.
Careful not to spoil them.
I'm sorry, bye.
Good luck.
This way Mioara.
Sit there quietly.
That's why you feel ill.
If you think you'll throw up,
let me know.
Once, we used to chat about your grief.
You, son of a bitch!
What's he saying?
I don't understand.
medication - 500.000
consult, another 500,
CT scan - 2 millions.
Admittance, bed, meals - more money.
What do you think?
- I'm thirsty.
- You're dodging the question.
There's the vehicle too.
Fuel, service, spares and all.
- And we earn less than nothing.
- I'm thirsty folks.
My gall again.
Imagine the bus driver. What misfortune.
In the end there are only 11 dead.
- Hold on, I have some water. Still water.
- It's ok. Pass it here.
Have you never thought about marrying?
Do you like being single?
Don't even mention it, I've got
my divorce a year and a half ago.
- You don't say. Were you married?
- Yes and I have a two year old daughter.
I can't believe it.
You're such a messed up generation.
You already got a divorce,
my son already has a kid and he's not
married his wife yet. Really now!
- We're just getting by.
- My son has a daughter too. Mihaela.
I call her Mica.
- Who would've said you were married?
- You see.
- What is your daughter's name?
- Geanina.
Geanina. What a beautiful name.
She's beautiful too. The little thing.
She's got brown eyes like me.
I hope you don't mind, but it's not
good you divorced your ex-wife.
For the child, I mean.
- Good evening.
- Good evening was 8 hours ago.
I brought a patient from Universitar.
- Bring him in.
- Come on.
You know what I forgot to tell you?
Hold on, she'll be right back.
Be calm, we'll be done in a second.
What's wrong with him?
- For neurosurgery, a subdural hematoma.
- Give me the record.
Didn't you notice he wet himself?
He just did it, on the way here.
We've been running around since 10.
- You wet yourself. So, what happened?
- Have... pan... belly between us.
I don't understand you.
Corina, are you finished there?
- Check his blood pressure.
- Right away.
You wet yourself.
Come on, easy.
- You have cold handle.
- I have a cold handle?
We're coming from Universitar.
It's mobbed over there, from
the car crash. They sent us here.
He's been throwing up
and he has a headache.
Wouldn't have been better
to keep him there?
I don't think they could.
They only have one neurosurgery room.
- They have two.
- I only know of one.
They should have sent you to Bagdasar,
which is meant for neurosurgery.
That's right.
You should have known this.
He needed operated right away.
Mr. Lazarescu, can you hear me?
Do you know where you are?
Look at me.
Follow this pen.
Look how messy you are.
When did he start being confused?
This is the 3rd hospital already.
At St. Spiridon they told me he's drunk
and he needs a CT scan...
.. and from Universitar
they've sent us here.
- Where do you live?
- Maroshva... Mures...
- You live in Bucharest.
- The lady from emergency...
We can't establish a dialogue.
He also has liver neoplasm.
He needs surgery right away.
- Does it bother you if I have a look?
- But the results are in there and...
Because if it bothers you
I will ask you to let me do my job
and go wait outside.
I apologize, but it's 20 past 3,
we're an ambulance service,
there are other patients...
The pulse is 110.
Why the surprise? Are you new?
Don't you know, sometimes
in a hospital, you have to wait?
- No, I don't know.
- Nurse, go tie the bathroom.
I've been working in this
for 16 years, if it matters.
- Should I dress him up?
- Yes.
What cancer are we talking about?
Does he have a biopsy test?
Abnormal structures.
Do you know what this is?
Are you familiar with the terminology?
The biopsy will tell
if it's cancer or not.
Thanks miss resident. Teach me
some medicine. We have all night.
The backs are scratchy.
Good Lord, the tests are clear.
Check his record.
Let me explain how we stand.
It's 3 am and we're tired too.
You do your job, we'll do ours.
And don't you patronize me.
May I pass?
- Are you feeling better?
- Yes, we're well.
- Who's with you?
- His brother in law.
Your brother in law
can take you home then.
- Miss, can we hurry up a bit, please?
- Don't you have anything else to do?
Have you filed his data?
Look, the nurse is waiting for you,
to file him.
- I see you want to satisfy your ego.
- Is the prescription ready?
How can you talk to me like this?
I have a kid your age.
Spare me the lecture, will you?
You all think you know better.
Does anybody have a Nokia charger?
What's with this smell?
Open a window or something.
- Miss Corina, open the window.
- It's stuck, doctor.
- And it doesn't bother you?
- It does, but what can I do?
- What's with this one?
- He has an SDH.
He's the one who smells. Couldn't they
clean him up at Universitar?
He did it in the car, on our way here.
The way he looks,
he needs urgent surgery.
Up we go, slowly,
there's no hurry.
Laura what kind of cell phone
do you have?
- Like this one?
- Yes.
Can I have the battery for a minute?
My wife is traveling with the boy
and I have to wake her up
so she won't forget
to get off the train.
- You can use this.
- No, just the battery.
- It's alright, really.
- OK, I'll make a quick call.
- And the paramedic gave us a lecture.
- I only said he needs surgery.
And who decides that?
You or a specialist?
- The doctor from Universitar...
- So, a specialist...
Yes, dr. Breslasu...
- And what is dr. Breslasu?
- A specialist.
His id card.
- No coverage. Can I try again later?
- Sure.
- Who's with him?
- Me.
No, lady, has he someone?
Wife, sister, mistress?
He has a sister
coming from Targu Mures.
So he hasn't.
Pay some attention.
Like this.
I'll come here
so you can follow me better.
My name is Mirica
and I'm the neurosurgeon on duty.
Let me explain you where we stand.
According to the CT scan,
there are reasons to believe
you have a subdural hematoma.
This causes the head aches
and the vomiting.
- My head aches from the ulcer.
- Yes, it aches, but from the hematoma.
It is normal to be so, although
the vomiting could be from the liver.
- I have a headache and belly sir.
- Hold it.
Your stance is good,
but stop moving and talking
I don't understand
what you're saying,
You're not in a coma,
you're not lethargic.
You feel a bit sleepy. Me too.
It's 3.35 am.
- Do you have any relatives?
- I have ulcer.
He has a sister, I told you.
He requires immediate surgery.
He has dysarthria.
Dr. Breslasu told me this.
And look, he also has a hemi paresis.
Unbelievable, isn't it?
I thought the doctor was exaggerating
but you really
don't show us any respect.
I'm sorry, but I only said
that we need to hurry up.
- We've been on the road since 10 pm.
- You don't say!
You should start by learning your place
and letting us do our job.
But you told me to get out, miss.
We're all medical staff in here.
No, we are medical staff
of different qualification, nurse.
You don't go teaching me, a doctor,
the procedures.
Doing that is called insolence.
And from this very moment,
if you want to stay
I will ask you to keep your mouth shut.
- Or else, you can wait in the hallway.
- Stamp my record and I'll go.
- What did you say?
- If you stamp it I will go.
I thought it's the doctor
who decides that too.
I'll have to repeat myself:
nurse, you can either shut up
and let me do my work
or exit, down the hallway.
So, you have a subdural hematoma
that requires surgery.
Please bring a disclaimer.
Fill it in, please.
We have to operate this hematoma,
but to do this, I need you to sign
that you agree
to undertake all the risks.
- Now, you know what a hematoma is?
- Yes, I have a cruise.
- What?
- A bruise.
Right. It's a broken vessel that bleeds
between dura mater and the arachnoid.
It creates a pressure, to be more
specific, it pushes on the brain.
And this is where we intervene.
If we don't, it's lethal.
- Doctor, watch the trolley.
- Yes,
Pay attention.
The surgery is not without hazards and
it is my duty to inform you about them.
There are some colleagues that do it
differently, but I don't think it's fair.
The patient must be fully informed.
Yes, it's a problem of mortality.
Oh, be serious.
Can you die from appendicitis?
It's just like appendicitis.
There is a risk of paralyzing. It's true.
Loosing control of the limbs.
I don't want paralysis, to hand,
in here.
You don't want to paralyze.
Who says you will?
Can you hear me? There is a risk.
Because of it the patient has to sign.
- Have to go to...
- No. Pay attention.
You got drunk. You smell of booze.
You fell, hit your head
and you got a hematoma.
We will take it out
but for this, I need you to sign.
Say again, I didn't get you.
Have to go to Christmas...
with girl Bianca.
Rest assured,
we won't get to Christmas.
Look, we're going
to the operating room.
But before, I need your signature.
- Eva with her husband comes.
- Pay a bit of attention.
Pay attention.
She will take care of you.
You have to sign a paper.
Give me the form please.
Sign this, so I can operate you.
Place it on something.
Do you understand me?
You have to sign a paper.
Mr. Lazarescu.
This is a disclaimer. You see?
I've filled in your name,
Now you have to sign that you agree.
Come on, I'll help you. Take this pen
and sign, so that he can operate you.
- I can't paralyze.,.
- You won't, sign here.
- Sign here Mr. Lazarescu.
- ... Evelina on New Year's Eve.
Mr. Lazarescu, do you sign?
What do we do, doc?
So, what's it gonna be? Will you
sign so I can operate you, or not?
Doc, he's in no condition to sign.
He can't even hold the pen.
Should we break the law, nurse?
Look at her, she wants me in jail.
If I operate without the signature
and he dies on the table
I'll go straight to jail, madam.
Come on, sign and we'll admit you
to the hospital, we'll clean you,
operate you and tomorrow
you'll be brand new.
- No.
- No what?
Want medicine in my home,
at drugstore,
You're aphasic and you have dysarthria.
I don't know what you are saying.
- Do you want to go home?
- Will you come to my home?
Calm down, we're not gonna force you.
If you don't want to sign don't do it.
Have you recorded his admittance?
the patient refuses the surgery.
It's the patient that has to sign,
not you.
Didn't you see he doesn't want to?
- On my record, I mean.
- No kidding.
And if he signs, but he's mentally
unable, then the signature is useless.
Better admit you don't want
to operate him and I'll take him away.
- Take him where?
- To Bagdasar Hospital.
Or back to Universitar,
I guess they're not swamped anymore.
Sorry, but I think I can tell
when a patient is confused or not.
Now you're quarrelling
with the doc too.
Or you know what? Get him in the car,
drive for about an hour,
get him in a coma
and then bring him for surgery.
No need for signatures
or relatives, anymore.
Right now he didn't sign,
so I can't operate him.
As you're so good at Law and Medicine,
find him the proper hospital.
He didn't sign me the paper so I have
no obligation or responsibility.
Or go to Bagdasar and find a doctor...
.. that will operate
without a disclaimer.
But if he dies in the car
it will be your responsibility.
Don't want.
- What do you not want?
- Don't want.
Nurse, get him out of here.
When you decide what you want
from us I'll be here, on duty.
Call for an orderly, to get him out.
Why are you staring at me?
Get him in the car
and take him to Bagdasar.
Good bye, have a nice trip.
Come on Mr. Lazarescu.
We're going to Bagdasar.
I'll go downstairs, to get a croissant.
Would you like anything?
- It doesn't smell that bad anymore.
- I didn't get that.
- What did you say?
- I said I didn't get that.
The smell is not so bad anymore.
Can you let us pass?
Hold on. I'll go with the record.
Good morning!
- I've brought a patient.
- Speak with the chef nurse.
The record.
He soiled himself.
We came all the way from Filaret.
Can we bring him in?
- How are you?
- How are we?
Busy, with all that fuss from
the bus accident, but now it's over.
What did you feed him
that makes him stink so bad?
- Is he drunk too?
- Oh, the poor soul, he soiled himself.
Yes he needs cleaning.
- Dr. Zamfir has to see him first.
- What are you saying there?
Let me see that.
He has a subdural hematoma
and has to be operated.
Just a second.
Here are the CT scans, doctor,
What's that a clot, boss?
Yes, Mrs. Marioara.
A bleeding on the brain.
- It's not that serious, is it?
- It's not, but it could be.
This one is pretty serious.
But it's this shade on the liver
that is more serious.
And I'm afraid nobody can fix this,
What is your name?
Please repeat?
All right.
Lazarescu Dante Remus.
I didn't get that.
Why didn't they keep him at Filaret?
He did not want to sign.
He didn't want to be operated.
But I think it's written in the record.
Yes, I saw that, but I don't think that
Mr. Lazarescu Dante Remus understood.
I repeat, understood
what was being asked of him.
Don't tell me he reached this state
on the way over here.
Which is 10 minutes
at this time of night.
It took us longer ma'am.
With getting him out of the hospital
and into the car and then into here
and the road by the river,
it took us about half an hour.
- I see. And you're the driver
- Yes,
Nice to meet you.
Have a seat over there and have a rest.
No thanks, I'll stay here.
- Are we sending him to Neuro?
- Yes, of course.
- Have you recorded his data?
- Yes.
- Anyone with him?
- Yes, a sister.
She's coming from Targu Mures tomorrow.
I mean today, at 6 a. m.
It means he has no one.
I dont understand why
they haven't kept him at Filaret.
Did you show them the results,
or you kept them for yourselves?
Of course I showed them,
but the patient didn't agree.
Don't worry, nobody will ask
for his agreement anymore.
Write him down with Glasgow 8
and call the Surgery.
- How come its so quiet?
- The shift is almost finished.
We had our daily serving of junkies,
drunks, traumatized, don't you worry.
Hold on.
Yes, hello.
Put Anghel on. Anghel.
We had those from the bus crash
as well. Tough day.
Are you finished with the lady
so she can leave?
Mrs. Marioara, call those boys
to take him and get him to pre-op room.
Doctor, I'm sending you an SDH.
He comes from Filaret.
- Is he with someone?
- He has a sister.
He has a sister that will arrive
from Targu Mures, around 6 a. m.
He has a sister that will arrive
from Targu Mures.
Yes, it's pretty bad.
I wrote him down as unconscious.
Right away.
an alcoholic, but I know he does drink.
Left temporal.
Now, of course.
If I don't send him now,
I won't send him at all.
- Can I have this stamped?
- I can't find the stamp.
Here it is.
- Thank you.
- Take him to pre-op.
Mrs. Marioara, take-him,
clean him and shave him for surgery.
When she's ready, take him
and teleport him to dr. Anghel.
Are we clear?
Come on, quick.
Thank you, good evening.
Look how dizzy y I am.
Take these and drop them to Anghel's.
Where are you going?
You're done.
They left with our stretcher ma'am.
We'll leave him in the pre-op room,
take our stretcher and go.
Don't we have any stretchers?
Ours are upstairs
and one is in the operating room.
- Just to get him upstairs.
- It won't take long.
We'll take him upstairs
and get down right away.
Don't forget the papers.
Let me pass.
Here you are.
They will operate you, to cure you.
Stay still, don't move.
Put him there.
Watch his head.
These are Mr. Lazarescu's clothes.
I'll get the cover off and we'll go.
Mrs. Marioara, you cut his hair and
shave his head. And fast, if possible.
God, what day we had
with that bus accident.
- Can you manage?
- Yes.
These people, driving
with no care for the others.
- Yes, you're right.
- I'll be outside, having a smoke.
Out of 14,
only 3 are in better condition.
Good Lord!
It was like in the war,
Like the '77 earthquake.
Has the driver survived?
I don't know lad.
How could I know which was the driver?
Two more days like this and
they can put me in hospital too.
Come on Mrs. Mioara, I'm done.
Alright, good evening.
Watch his legs, he has varicose.
My respects.
What did you do pops?
Look at your legs.
Get him a cover.
Give me the alcohol.
There you are, handsome.
He's ready, Virgil!
Come and take him to Anghel!
I can't stay with him here
any longer.