Mobsters (1991)

Here we go.
Come on.
Come on, seven!
What are you doing
at the house of God?
This is where I grew up.
Mott Street.
I'm Charlie Luciano.
In my neighborhood
there were two dons.
Two bosses, each fightin'
for control of New York.
And sometimes innocent people
got caught in the middle.
I got a right to
drink a glass of wine!
I got a right to find work
that uses my brain!
You clean the fish and the
calamari,just like me!
What are you sayin'?
'Cause I'm a greasy immigrant,
all I can do is clean fish?
That ain't enough, Pop!
Buon giorno.
Che cazzo "buon giorno".
You come in my house, hmm?
You tell the
son of a bitch Faranzano,
the miserabile bestia.
I give him-
Don Faranzano.
Faranzano, I no
mean what I say.
You have been very loyal.
Done favors for me.
Always made your
payments on time.
Now, you've stopped paying.
I have to ask myself, ''Why?''
No, no. Faranzano,
Mia piccola bambina she's sick.
I no have the money.
I no got the money.
Fat pig.
When I came from Sicily,
you went with me.
Now, you're drifting back
to that fat pig, Masseria.
- No! Faranzano-
- You are, I see.
No, no, no.
Tu sei mi padrone- Aaah!
I can't take chances.
If one man can desert me,
everybody can. Understand?
If you have to sell your
daughter, you will pay!
You have a pretty wife.
Usually, after children,
they get fat.
Nice sweet taste.
Get out of my house!
I felt your balls, so I
know why she needs her own.
Figlio mio,
put down the knife.
You'll have your
chance one day.
That was one boss.
Don Faranzano.
Some things change
your life forever.
Yeah, I know.
I know. Loyalty.
My father sweated
blood for him.
The guy with me here
is Frankie Costello.
Loyalty, Frankie, yeah?
He and Joey DeCarlo were
my two best friends.
But on these streets
friends were hard to keep.
Don Masseria.!
Don Masseria.!
Lo bisogno, per favore.
Chi e chieste?
Look at this.
Lo bisogno aiuto,
per favore.
Chi e chieste?
No, don't!
Sono sangue.
Terrible what these
niggers are doin'.
They come down from Harlem,
kill my own nephew.
Right in front
of my face.
My son.!
Oh, no, my God.!
Oh, my son!
Oh, my God! Oh,Joey!
That was the other boss.
Don Masseria.
Some way, some time,
no matter how
long it took,
I knew what
I had to do...
to both bosses.
He kills his own blood,
you know?
I mean his own nephew.
What kind of man is that, huh?
And on top of that,
he pays some Irish to do it.
Uh! Ah!
The law of the street was:
take or be taken.
Everybody fought everybody.
Irish, Italians, Germans,Jews.
But this was different.
This was that Irishman
who killed Joey.
Beatin'up on some skinny
Jewish kid, Meyer Lansky.
And theJewish kid
wouldn't stay down.
Meyer wouldn't give
no matter how bad he got it.
You had to respect that.
Meyer's big pal
was Benny Siegel.
Leave him alone!
Benny loved a good fight.
Even a bad fight,
but they wouldn't
let him in on this one.
What is it? You in love
with the littleJew boy?
Joey was
a friend of mine!
What the hell's
everybody looking at?
He just
saved your life.
Come on.
Let's get the
fuck out of here.
So that's how we started.
Two Italians and twoJews.
Funny combination, huh?
Frankie--he liked to worry,
so he paid off the cops.
Benny liked to brawl,
so he was our muscle.
And me and Meyer--
we were both the leader.
At least it
started out that way.
Just four mugs
off the street.
At first we were penny-ante,
but together we grew.
Thing that worries me is
things is goin' too good.
How can I relax?
When everything's goin' right,
you know it's gonna go wrong.
We can't keep operating
like four kids running
around the neighborhood.
That's what I mean.
If we're going to
expand, we need a leader.
And who's that
gonna be, huh?
Tommy's meetin'
us over here.
After you.
be my guest.
Thank you.
I got 'em comin'up
right now, sir.
Do like I said
with the kid.
What is this, huh?
You'll see.
Charlie, come sta?
How's everything?
Good to see you.
I got everything ready
for you in the back.
What do you got
to show me, huh?
It's a little
You asked me a question.
I'm gonna answer it.
Come here.
He's telling this kid
there's a guy here,
very powerful, successful,
who's got a job for him.
Easy money.
You got that?
Good, get out of here.
Let's go.
Now he realizes.
Bugsy didn't tell him,
right? Me or you.
Got a job for me?
You just did it, kid.
Get lost.
Now do
you see?
Between you and me,
we're equals.
But other people,
they look to you.
What're you sayin', huh?
I'm your front man?
This ain't a con, Charlie.
You're it.
You're the one.
Tommy Reina,
Charlie, Meyer.
Good pal, gonna even
be a better partner.
From your mouth
to God's ear, hmm?
He's got a line
on the good stuff.
How good?
Bottle in Bond
Scotch Whiskey.
I got a friend got a boxcar
sittin' on a spur in Philly.
He wants 3 5 G's.
I only got 1 0.
Who's this friend?
Arnold Rothstein.
No disrespect, Tommy.
Why would Rothstein wanna do
business with bums like us?
'Cause some of us are
Jewish bums. Right?
You'll find out Monday night
when you go to his hotel.
No one ever
called you all bums.
Come on.
It's very
good stuff.
Come on in, fellas.
I want you to meet the genius
who fixed the World Series.
Mr. Arnold Rothstein.
This here's
Charlie Luciano...
and Meyer Lansky.
Tommy, thanks.
Well, sit down.
Sit down.
Mr. Luciano,
you're walking
down the street.
Suddenly you realize
you're being followed. It's a hit.
Walking toward you
is a second gunman.
You have time to fire at only
one of them. Which one do--
I don't accept the question.
To live, I gotta kill 'em both.
your wife--
I don't have a wife.
- Why not?
- Emotion is dangerous.
- Aren't you human?
- Would it help?
Next. I have ships
and distilleries in Scotland.
I need distribution
in New York.
They'd kill me.
- I won't?
- You haveJewish partners.
Maybe I kill them too.
You can't afford to.
You're in the squeeze.
Masseria has 700 soldiers.
Faranzano, 600.
Either one realizes you exist,
they squash you like an ant.
Unless I get a
powerful friend, huh?
What's the
secret of America?
What's the matter with
this guy? I'm 24 years old--
Everything is
money, Charlie.
Don't ever forget it.
But you, you'll
never make any money.
- Why's that?
- You dress like a schmuck.
Let's do
some business.
Check it.
It's raining money.
We got money
to burn, Charlie.
Wanna burn some?
Want to? Want to?
Be my guest.
All right!
Everybody ready?
The party.
Our first million.
Paisan, you ready
to make some money?
I'm ready.
- I'm always ready.
-Just don't hog all the broads.
I can't help it.
They're all over me.
Tell us something
we don't know, huh?
before we go,
let's have a toast.
Our first
million dollars.
Say this bottle is bootleg
business, greater New York.
This is our business
when we started.
Nobody noticed us,
nobody gave a shit.
Now this is our
business right now.
It's big enough for
us to have a party.
Big enough for
other people to notice.
This is where we want
our business to be.
But the bigger we get,
the more we're taking
from other people.
already calling us.
Faranzano, calling.
You see what I'm saying?
Yeah. I didn't
get no whiskey.
I'm saying this.
If we're
not careful--
I got the room
in the back for ya's.
how are you?
Tommy, you bum,
you look beautiful.
How you doin'?
Good to see you.
The table looks beautiful.
People will love
to play numbers.
It's smart business. Somebody
hits big, you gotta publicize.
All right. I'll get
somebody downtown.
Excuse me,
Anna Citron,
these are my partners.
Frank Costello.
Benny Siegel.
And um, these are
their girlfriends.
He has
two girlfriends?
At least.
Charlie, this is my girl.
I want you to meet
Anna Citron.
My goodness,
I'm honored.
Sit down.
You met my priest?
Anna Citron, this is Meyer Lansky.
This here is
Father Bonotto.
Buona sera, signorina.
Buona sera.
Ah, Tommy, you stupid
bootlegger from the Bronx.
I want to talk to you.
You see, this is why
alcohol is outlawed.
You son of a bitches, uh?
threatening us.
Then talk
to the bosses.
You mean buy
ourselves some time.
I agree.
Hey, Frankie.
We made it.
Let me tell you this.
Watch your back, all right?
you talked
to Rothstein?
He worries too much.
So do I.
Faranzano wants to
meet in the morning.
I think
we should go.
Not yet.
Let him beg.
[ Meyer ]
He is begging.
Move! Move!
You okay, Meyer?
- That's twice I saved your life.
- You're telling me.
I hate owing somebody.
Listen, we're meeting
Faranzano in the morning.
Whatever you say,Meyer.
You all right,
Don Faranzano.
Have we met?
Maybe around
the neighborhood.
When I
was a kid.
This is my associate,
Meyer Lansky.
I don't talk
business with Jews.
You talk business with me.
If Meyer works with me,
that ain't your concern.
Let's be blunt.
If you go with Masseria,
maybe he wins.
If you go with me,
maybe I win.
This seems to give you
a lot of power.
So what're you
offering me?
Masseria's the boss of
all bosses. I respect him.
He's a fat pig.
I offer you this.
Join my family.
We combine all operations.
You'll get
1 5 percent.
Well, it's a very
handsome offer.
We have to
think it over.
That means no.
Means what it means. We have
to talk with our partners.
Show them out.
Fifteen percent, huh?
You know how much
money that is?
Well, I don't,
and neither do you.
But it's a hell of a lot.
Fifteen percent?
As soon as we sold to Faranzano,
he'd knock you off.
Why would
he do that?
You're Sicilian.
One day you
might wanna be boss.
If he iced you now,
there would be a stink,
but if you're workin' for him,
who's gonna come after him?
Who is gonna give
a fucking shit, except us.
And we'd be history.
He's right, Charlie.
That's why we're in partnership
with theseJews, Frankie.
Excuse me.
How're you, Charlie?
Right this way.
Show Mr. Luciano his table.
Hey, Charlie!
Nice to see ya.
Good to see you.
I heard you told
Faranzano to go fly.
I told him
I'd think it over.
Always so polite?
Now you come to
seeJoe, the boss?
It's a very smart move, Charlie.
Everybody needs protection.
Even me.
Where is he?
He's up in
his balcony.
You oughta come
aboard, Charlie.
We're just one big pasta-eatin'
family over here. All right.
I'll see
you later.
All right.
I don't believe my eyes.
It's me.
Hey, Charlie!
Come on, sit down.
I send messages, send flowers
and you don't come to see me.
I had some things I had to
straighten out with Faranzano.
I heard. You won't marry him--
that's beautiful.
Still, you won't go to bed with me,
and I'm so gorgeous.
I know. I've always held
a warm spot for you,Joe.
Your nephewJoey
was a friend of mine.
It's too bad,
you belong in this family.
Someday I will
join you,Joe.
- You don't like today?
- No. No, I don't like it.
It's too bad, Charlie.
I've seen a lot come and go.
Guys just like you.
The ones who come,
they come to me.
The ones who go--
I'm the guy
who sends them off.
Hey, you want
a little broccoli?
- No. No, thank you.
- Come on, it's full of garlic.
It looks wonderful, but I
gotta get back downstairs.
Enjoy the show.
What do you think?
I don't trust him.
You don't trust anybody.
I doubt that you trust me.
He's stringing
us along.
You boys enjoy the show?
Park it here,
How're you doin'?
Great. Couldn't be better.
Got a light?
A light? For you,
I'd burn down this whole joint.
Excuse me,Joe. I hate to interrupt,
but can I talk to my sister?
This is your sister?
Yeah. Go ahead.
Be my guest.
It's nothin'.
Just relax. Whoa!
No problem.
It's not really my
favorite part the job.
I could see that.
It's a nice-nice outfit.
What's your name?
Mara Motes. Somebody said
you're Charlie Luciano.
Let's just say I'm somebody
who believes in his friends.
Maybe you and I can
be friends sometime.
Yeah. Yeah. I could pick you
up after the show if you like.
You sure you
wanna do that?
If you want
to be somebody's friend,
it takes time, doesn't it?
I guess it does.
I should
really get back.
Friends, huh?
Charlie, it's Meyer.
We got hit.
We got no shipment
New Year's Eve.
We gotta see Rothstein.
We're supposed to meet
Mr. Rothstein.
Of course.
Hey, you know
where to find me.
I'm Benny Siegel.
You heard of me?
No, not really.
What do you do?
I kill people.
Who hit us?
Masseria or Faranzano?
Probably Masseria.
But who knows?
Could be either one.
I'm the first guy
to worry,
but doesn't
everybody get hijacked.
You think this was
business as usual?
I shouldn't have to
explain this to you!
Next week, our customers will
be buying our scotch from them.
In a month, I'll lose my distillers
toJoseph fucking Kennedy.
And we'll all be
out of business!
We gotta get tough.
Only, we can't
afford a war.
They got armies;
we don't.
Happy New Year,
Balls and brains. You got 'em,
you don't need an army.
A hundred years ago,
Austria was run by
a prince named Metternich.
Austria was weak,
its neighbors strong,
but Metternich was
a cold, calculating fox.
If one country
got too strong,
he organized
an alliance against it.
He would bring Europe
to the brink of war,
then everybody thanked him
when he kept war from happening.
He barely
had an army?
But he had Europe
by the kishkes.
We gotta send a signal.
Nobody messes with our stuff.
We have a shipment landing.
Cape May, tomorrow night.
This is a perfect
opportunity to set a trap.
Aaah! Aaah!
Try this again,
I will kill your mothers,
fuck your sisters and turn
your brothers into eunuchs.
I think you've made your
point, Benny. Let's go.
Tony No Nose. Well, well,
this is a surprise.
Give our regards
to Don Faranzano.
Who's next?
You wanna
start a war?
I don't mind.
Well, I do. Sometimes you're
so stupid I can't stand it.
Let's go.
Move it. Move it.
I knew it. You had to
kill him, didn't you?
In 2 4 hours,
Faranzano comes after us.
So? We can't fight him.
We ain't got the guns.
Masseria does.
We're goin'
with Masseria?
He ain't so bad.
He's a fat, stupid fuck!
Other than that,
I guess he's swell.
Frankie, right now, this fat
stupid fuck can save our lives.
Remember, it's only temporary.
A few more stupid moves
like that, they'll knock
us over like bowling pins.
It's time to play
with the big boys.
Yeah, I used to be
skinny like you.
Hey, pay attention!
I'm talkin'
for a reason here.
I used to move fast,
jump fast, dodge bullets.
Fourteen! Fourteen
with my name on it.
Yet, never a scratch
on this beautiful body.
So I realized,
hey, I can't be hit.
So, why be skinny? Eat!
That's what we are here for.
- What are you here for?
- I wanna talk details.
Yeah, I hear
you got some trouble, huh?
You hear wrong.
I hear you gotta join my family
to stay alive another 2 4 hours.
I don't deal
from weakness.
You sit down.
I like you...
up to a point.
What are the details?
I'm number two, above everybody.
Including Catania here.
We get a fair piece
of all the action,
and everything from me and my
associates goes into the pot.
Except whiskey. The booze
stays with us and Rothstein.
So, my family
shares in everything,
The whiskey, huh?
You suckin' bastard!
You son of a
flea-bitten bitch!
Thank God
I can't kill him now.
He made such a tough deal.
He's no phony.
You and me together,
Faranzano is a dead man.
In six months,
you pass
the whiskey to me,
or I kill you.
You're part
of the family.
Ah, that's my boy.
It's not a question of numbers.
Anyone can rack up numbers.
It's how you do it.
It's a question of style.
I don't kill
with style?
You don't know
how to kill at all.
Gentlemen, sit down.
Very interesting to
see you again, Mr. Coll.
About three years ago, you
ambushed me and Meyer here.
Oh, yeah.
By the old way
of doing things, I should let
Benny shoot you in the head now.
But I'm not
gonna do that.
So, you're not
gonna kill me.
- So, we have a problem.
- Name him. He's dead!
Our problem is you.
See, you freelance.
When you hit people on
our turf, it upsets the cops.
Plus, you're very,
very good at what you do.
I figure, I upset somebody else,
you don't miss a second time.
That's my motto.
Nothing so pretty as the
back of a man's head, huh?
What, you want Mad Dog
to go back to sellin' argyles?
No, we want Mad Dog...
to move
his operations out west.
Los Angeles,
San Francisco.
We promise to keep
you very, very busy.
Out west?
I'll think about it.
I'll let you know.
Maybe we should
just kill him.
No. He could
be useful.
Let's just see if he
leaves town. Okay?
Yeah, sure.
Hey, Mara.
Could you come out
here for a minute?
Let's go upstairs.
Gambling doesn't start
till midnight. Okay?
Come on.
Ah, I'm sorry I haven't been
in to see you. I had business.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't?
No. I knew you'd be back.
You believe in fate?
I don't know.
I do.
Some people are born to be
chorus girls and dog catchers,
and other people,
people like you,
have something they
don't even realize.
What don't
I realize?
I can't tell.
Wouldn't be fair.
There's another kind of fate.
Between two people.
I mean,
why did I meet you?
You're very gentle,
you know that?
I am?
Most guys, tell 'em you want
to be friends and they skip town.
But you really can,
can't you?
Can what?
Be my friend.
I'd like to be.
I gotta ask you a question.
Not that I'm complaining,
but if we're gonna be friends,
why did you kiss me?
If somebody's your friend,
you can trust them, right?
With anything?
Do me a favor?
I would do
anything for you.
Don't forget
we're friends.
Once you throw
sex into the kitty,
guys forget their manners.
I won't
forget mine.
Or they start getting all
goo-goo and talking about love.
Love is a very confusing thing
which I personally do not understand.
neither do I.
Can we
do this again?
I gotta go to work.
I don't mean right now,
I mean, um--
Sure. I can do it as often
as you can. Probably more.
I'm sure.
I'll see
you later.
Don't fall asleep.
I won't.
how's it going?
Lansky's inside.
He is?
What're you doin'?
I got a serious
question for you.
Ask away.
You wanna
sleep with Anna?
My girl, Anna.
I'm offering
her to you.
very beautiful, Meyer.
I happen
to think this.
But she's
not my type.
She's not your type?
Why isn't she your type?
Because she's
your type.
You're turning
down this offer?
That's right.
I'm marrying her next week.
Or month.
We're not gonna rush it.
But I'm gonna marry her.
Maybe you'll stop with all
these ridiculous questions.
Friendships, Charlie,
they never get tested.
You and me, if we're gonna
stay in this business,
we gotta know we
can trust each other.
So you're, uh,
you're getting married?
There's this
Yiddish expression:
"A wedding is like a funeral,
but with musicians."
The reception...
should be an excellent
business opportunity.
Meyer, what, uh, what if
I'd said yes about Anna?
Oh, that you wanted
to shtup her?
Yeah. What if
I'd said that?
- I would've killed you.
- You would've tried to kill me.
Oh, no.
I would've done it.
All right.
Let's just say...
for friendship's sake
that we're both equally strong.
And we both
would've died.
Okay, for
friendship's sake,
I'll-I'll say this.
Even if
it ain't true.
[ Thunderclap ]
Oh, God.
I'm gonna get sick
from this goddamn wine.
Why don't we get some Corvo
or something like that?
Excuse me,
Mr. Siegel.
Have you met my daughter,
No, I haven't.
She was voted the
prettiest girl in school.
Very pretty.
She's not a
bad cook, either.
that's important.
They got those things
called ''kreplach.''
That's like ravioli.
And they got this thing...
called a ''blintz.''
It's like manicotti.
I love manicotti.
Yeah, right here.
Then they got that.
That's matzo balls.
It's like a big hunk
of soggy bread.
Oh, God, that
looks like brains.
Oh, no, I don't want that.
How's family business?
It's up 3 5 percent
since I came on.
Ahh, that's good.
See if you can get
someone to get me...
some of that, uh,
ravioli crap.
I got some.
Prohibition... ain't
gonna last forever.
We're gonna go with booze
and smokes best we can.
I got this... crazy idea.
- The big plan is this.
- We're gonna take the unions.
- The unions.
- Garment workers.
- The longshoremen.
- Not just New York unions.
- Chicago.
- The whole fucking country.
- The West Coast.
- What are you gonna do about...
Don Masseria?
He's an old man.
- Masseria?
- What are you worried about?
- I just wanna run things.
- I'm not worried.
- A little more control.
- You gotta watch your back.
What should we
do about him?
I think it's
very tricky.
You should consider
many things with him.
You have something
in mind, I hope?
Yes, we do.
[ Sonny ]
behind it.
Then Rothstein
must die.
Cash, money, unions.
I see what you're doing.
If I see,
Masseria sees.
Everybody dies,
I know.
This thing'll blow up
in your face.
I don't know.
You give me such naches.
It's like pride, when a son
makes his father proud of him.
Look at you!
You're bigger than me now!
When war comes,
and it'll come,
the winner will be the one
who gets his enemy to trust him.
How do I do that?
You save his life.
Crew's takin'
steam tomorrow.
Boss wants you there.
Nobody's bigger
than you, A.R.
Seven-card stud.
Let me ask you something.
You ever dream
about this game?
I do... every night...
I got jacks up.
I'm lookin' at kings up.
I got four aces.
Oh, sh--
I'm looking at a straight flush.
Oh, looky here, looky here.
Looks who's high, huh?
A thousand.
Come on, come on.
You in or out?
I'm in.
It's my turn now.
You in or out?
Are you in?
What's the matter?
Did I make a wrong bet?
My number two.
Sit down
and get wet.
That was a beautiful
wedding, huh?
Always makes me
cry like a baby--
Young people
madly in love.
Isn't it funny?
I mean, isn't it funny
to hear...
things that you
can't believe.
Like, I've been hearing,
Charlie, you've been
talking to people...
about the unions
and all that dogshit,
horseshit, pigshit!
I'm just tryin' to make
money,Joe... for you.
How come
I ain't heard of it?
All the guys
you was talking to...
thought you was talking
to them, not me!
After all, I am your
number two, right?
Holy Christ,
screw 'em.
We could be bigger than
theJews, bigger than the Irish.
We could run
the whole fucking country.
You could be the next
John D. Rockefeller,
if you let me do it for you.
See,Joe, it's
what I told ya's.
It's terrible what happened
to Rothstein, isn't it?
Yeah, fuckin' terrible.
He got hit
in his own hotel room.
It's scary.
Who, uh--
Who did it and why?
Who knows? Gambling debts,
mad-dog killer.
Who knows,
We're all shook up
around here.
You know, Charlie,
you're a swell guy.
But from now on,
you look the wrong way,
you fart in the
wrong direction--
Joe, you're always
complainin' I don't eat.
If I don't eat,
how am I gonna fart, huh?
He's funny.!
Yeah, he's funny.
I told ya's, five G's
on Sonny Boy in the fifth,
five G's on Star
in the sixth.
Off the phone.
I'm makin' a bet!
Beat it!
Charlie,you know
who hit Rothstein.
You gotta kill him.
I always said
you was the one, Charlie.
But if you're gonna
take him down,
get a price
from Faranzano.
I, uh, always thought
your loyalty was toJoe.
I loveJoe,
but this is business
and Faranzano's gonna win.
And if you do this,
you can write your own ticket.
How do we set
the meeting?
I won't go to Brooklyn.
He won't come here.
Pick a neutral territory.
Staten Island,
Profaci's turf?
I'll set it up.
I always knew
you was the one, Charlie.
It's likeJoe Profaci's
invitin' me into his home.
It's like a bar mitzvah.
Look, if you told me something
because it was Jewish knowledge,
I'd say okay. But now
you've gotta say okay.
This is between Italians.
I've known Profaci 20 years.
I'm safe on his turf.
When things are
between Italians,
one of the Italians
ends up dead.
Relax, Tommy Reina'll be there.
Tommy's my pal.
Will you shut up?
at least take
Bugsy and I along.
No, no. I take you guys,
it's a sign of distrust.
I want Faranzano
to trust me, huh?
Charlie's right.
It's true,
ain't it?
You changed. You're not
listening to your friends.
Listen to you!
You let Mad Dog Coll live.
He's already killed Rothstein,
and who knows who's next!
You blame me for
A.R.'s death.
I don't blame you.
So what then?
I make one mistake.
Suddenly you--
you know everything.
Hey, you're gettin'
a swelled head.
I see it. I do!
Meyer, don't ever
point your finger at me.
Oh, excuse me,
Mr. Bigshot!
Please, Charlie,
I need you alive.
I chose you as
our leader, remember?
Remember that.
You chose me?
That ain't what I remember.
What I remember is,
you didn't have it.
I didn't have it?
I didn't have what?
I didn't have the guts?
I didn't have the brains?
Don't make me
say it, okay?
Fuck you. You got
somethin' to say?
Fuck you! You fucking got
something to say to me?
I could've let you
die in the streets.
Come on, say it.!
That's your second mistake,
you fuck.
Come on, Charlie.
Meyer, come on.
All right!
All right!
Look, you're
brilliant, okay?
But you ain't Italian.
You don't understand Italians.
Without me,
you don't last two weeks.
Yeah, because I would
screw up some Sicilian!
Yeah. But you
said it yourself.
I got it, whatever it is.
Now I'm gonna use it.
You got it!
You got what?
At least I've got the brains
not to make a fatal mistake.
Anna. You care about her.
You married her.
If you were out front,
she'd get hit.
And as tough as
you say you are,
you would never recover.
You see what I'm saying?
Without me,
you are a loser.
Go on, then, Charlie.
Kill yourself.
It's been too long.
I told him it was
postponed to tomorrow.
He talks
too much anyway.
This is just
you and me, huh?
Thanks for setting
this up, Tommy.
You're a pal.
understand business.
I'm a business man myself.
I.R.S. came last week.
Eighteen hours,
they found nothing.
So, strictly business.
I hope you can
appreciate some facts.
Conditions have changed.
Some people have gotten
too powerful.
I'll take care of Masseria.
Personally. I want you
to do it yourself.
That's not all, though.
Lansky and Siegel.
I know you've always
gotten along,
they're different.
You cross 'em one time,
fight with 'em one time,
and they're gone.
I know this.
I've heard.
Heard what?
They're a different
You take Communion.
I take Communion.
They don't even believe in sin,
for Christ's sake.
They're gonna
betray you,
just like they
betrayed Jesus Christ.
You join my family,
they die.
No one will even know
you approved.
Looks like I don't have
a choice, do I?
Either I agree
to, uh,
kill my friends,
or you kill me.
That's right.
I don't accept
the choices.
Charlie, Charlie!
Tough little bambino.
He's got balls--
Don't talk to me!
What is this loyalty?
We're going to
kill them anyway.
All this is for nothing.
I don't bend over.
It's too hard
to stand straight again.
Long run, short run,
you have no choice.
Don't start.
Tough guy,
isn't he, Tom?
- Hi.
- Hello.
How ya doin'?
I look beautiful, huh?
You look like shit.
It's good to see you
with your eyes open.
Everybody's talkin' about you.
They say it's a miracle.
First time somebody got taken
for a ride and lived.
I guess I'm just lucky.
Yeah, lucky.
That's you,
Lucky Luciano.
So what aboutJoe?
He's confused.
He don't know if you're workin'
for him or Faranzano.
He's gotta be pissed,
but he ain't lifted a finger.
He can't figure out why
Faranzano didn't kill you.
He needs me.
He can't get close enough
to Masseria to do it himself.
He wants me to kill him.
- What's wrong with that?
- Sicilian law, Benny.
Kill a don,
you can't never be a don.
We have to start a war.
Make those bastards
fight each other.
The only way to do that
is to kill somebody important.
Have 'em blame it
on each other.
- Reina.
- Tommy?
Faranzano will think
Masseria ordered the hit
'cause Tommy changed sides.
The Bronx is at stake.
He'll have to strike back.
You're talkin' about
a friend of mine, Meyer.
Anybody touches Tommy--
No, it's done.
It's not done.
Benny, Reina set me up.
When he went with Faranzano,
the don made him pay a price--
I just don't believe--
I mean, Tommy would never--
Meyer, from now on,
you and me, we gotta agree.
So if I start getting
a swelled head,just shoot me.
It'd be a lot
less painful.
You guys gotta
get out of here.
Take care of yourself.
See ya, Charlie.
See ya later, Frankie.
When the, uh,
war comes,
you're gonna be
in danger.
Danger's not for girls?
Maybe you oughta
leave town for a while.
You don't understand
anything, do you?
I'm with you now.
You get some sleep.
Come here.
How you doin', huh?
We gotta talk, Tommy.
Where's Short Stick?
It's his day off.
He's at the dog track.
How's Charlie?
Charlie's tough.
Faranzano had no right!
He had no fuckin' right!
If I'd have known,
I'd have done something.
It wasn't your fault.
That's why I'm here.
I wanna show you
there's no hard feelings.
I got somethin'.
Take it.
Hey, what's this?
This was, I swear to God--
a friend of Frankie's
pinched it--
the personal property...
of Benito Mussolini.
- Il Duce.
- Il Duce.
Oh, shit.
It's a nice gun.
We've been friends
a long time, huh, Tommy?
A long time.
You know what
Charlie always says--
how this is America...
and everything is money.
Yeah, I think I, uh--
I think I may have
heard that somewheres.
But this ain't money, Tommy.
This is friendship.
This is too big to
pay off the goddamn judges.
It's great that the bosses are
trying to knock each other off,
but they can't seem
to get the job done.
Take it easy.
Then we'll have to
do it for them.
There's just
one problem.
How do we get him
to trust us again?
I know.
We save his life.
How's it goin',Joe?
How many times you gonna
fuck me, Charlie?
I got eyes, I see.
I got ears, I hear.
I even got a brain.
Whatever you think,
I've already thought it...
1 0 times over!
So then why
suspect me, huh?
Staten Island?
You were pissed at me,
so I thought,
I'll tell Faranzano
I'm gonna make a deal with him.
He admits it.
How else can I set
a meeting with this guy?
How else can I
get close to him?
There's one thing
you haven't thought about.
I am going to kill
If I live, he dies.
That's what I went
to Staten Island to do.
Obviously, uh,
it didn't work out
as I planned it.
You got 48 hours
to kill him.
Mr. Lucky Luciano!
You know, what's great is that
there's no hard feelings.
I-- I'll take you guys
out to dinner tonight.
Where you wanna go?
Anyplace you wanna go.
you wanna go.
I mean, it's on me.
- Where's the car?
- Staten Island.
You enjoyed Charlie
gettin' tortured, didn't you,
you fucking shit.
Yeah, but--
But you said
all was forgiven.
It is.
Come on,Joe.
Get away.
That's... 1 5 times.
I told you, Charlie,
they will never kill me.
By the way...
Sorry what
I had to do.
Why do they call them
king of beasts?
They don't hunt.
They don't kill.
All they do is eat,
shit and fornicate.
Just like some
fat people I know.
Let's talk business.
The only way I can kill Masseria
is if you lose the war.
Masseria has to think
he's won.
I give you a week.
One more thing.
Don't ever, ever
touch my friends.
Your lives
will be your own.
Let's go.
Hey! Ha, ha!
We did it, huh?
We did it!
We won!
I knew we would,Joe.
So, when do we
wipe out Faranzano?
This week?
Next week?
Next year.
What's the hurry, huh?
Let the fucker sweat.
It looks good.
Not bad. Wait.
Try this.
Tell me something,Joe.
What do you love, huh?
What do I love?
What kind of question is that?
Conversation while we eat.
What do you love?
I love food.
I love pussy.
You know.
Young pussy.
But, uh,
most of all,
I love to destroy people.
The bigger the better.
But... anybody.
Makes me feel...
There's something I've
been meaning to ask you
about your nephew.
He was a pal of mine.
Your namesake, right?
Yeah. He was a...
good kid.
Yeah, he was.
You forgot this, but I was
there the day he got killed.
On the street?
You see,
I've been wonderin'...
why'd you kill
your own blood, huh?
Some kind of
family dispute.
I don't remember.
We're family,
ain't we?
Family, huh?
I gotta take a leak.
Joe, this ain't number 1 6.
Come on.
My friends!
Honorable men!
I welcome you today
as your Caesar.
The boss of all bosses!
Capo de tutti capi.
To give
impartial leadership,
I have turned over my interests
to other members of my family.
In return, I will receive
a fair share of the proceeds...
from all the families
across the country.
From now on, we will be
divided into five families,
and the capo
from each family...
will report to me.
Mr. Thomas Gagliano.
Mr.Joseph Bonanno.
Mr.Joseph Profaci.
Mr. Vincent Mangano.
And Mr. Charlie Luciano.
Who will supervise
the entire operation...
under my direction.
Now I ask you to come forward
and pay respects,
not to me,
but to the office I hold.
Dei gratia et iatalorum...
in volutate.
It's a great privilege,
Don Faranzano.
Excuse us.
Ready for this?
Faranzano brought in Coll...
to ice you.
Know what we
have to do?
Have a good day,
Mr. Coll.
You guys are so stupid!
The problem is...
I don't feel it.
All this blood,
I don't feel a thing.
The way I see it,
we got two problems:
getting past his outer
guards and having him
invite us into his office.
I could pay some cop
to kill him.
Give me the money
and I'll do it.
No, no.
not brawn.
This is somethin' we need
to do ourselves.
Pride... that's his weakness.
Don't people say
you look more like a
bookkeeper than a gangster?
So, you look like
a second baseman!
You see, Faranzano's the only
mug I ever heard brag...
about being audited
by the I.R.S.
He came out clean, so he figures
his shit don't stink. Right?
His shit don't stink.
Seeing as how he enjoyed
the experience so much,
why don't we give it
to him again?
I'm scared.
I'm scared.
Everything I want...
is right here.
All I have to do is take it.
Oh,Jesus Christ.
Name it, Frankie.
Whatever the department
can do.
The body
goes out covered.
So far as the press knows,
it's Charlie.
You got it.
Hey, Benny.
Those bastards!
They'll pay.
It's like
you told me, Charlie.
If you loved her...
it was a mistake.
You gotta come out
of it, Charlie.
This is the moment.
This is the test.
They're the ones
who made the mistake.
Shut up and
give me the don.
Don, Don, Don.
You got the dough?
- Charlie's dead?
- Deep fryin' in hell.
You want the other three
to join him?
Come on over.
I'll pay you for this.
Give you instructions.
I'll be over.
Mad Dog Coll's coming over
to get paid.
When he walks in,
put him on ice.
My pleasure.
Here's my key. 31 2.
Yes, absolutely.
Mr. Coll, I sent
your room service.
It must be on its way.
I don't know.
You don't know if
it's on the way up?
I'm sorry, Mr. Coll.
Give it to me again.
I want two eggs up.
I want a rasher of bacon.
I want a pot of coffee, black.
And I want it now!
I want a pot of coffee, black.
And I want it now!
Right now,
or I'll--
Room service.
It's about time.
Bring it in.
What's your handle?
I wanna talk to your boss,
that's why.
I just want
your undivided attention.
Son of a bitch!
Oh, my God.Jesus.!
I.R.S. raid.
Get goin'.
I said, get lost! Now!
Anybody else got
any bright ideas?
Now, beat it!
Nice work, Cliff.
Mr. Faranzano?
It's the I.R.S. again.
Show them in.
Don't even
think about it.
Hey, you want it
in the eyeball?
Drop it!
Heaters on the floor! Now!
Siegel, drop it.!
All right, Lansky,
over there.
You too, Costello...
over with your Yid friends.
Ah, this is pretty.
- Kill 'em!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
How much is it worth?
Hundred grand!
- You don't like yourself much.
- Two hundred!
Five. Come on, say it! Five!
All right, five.
Truth is, I like my work.
I would've done it for nothin'.
Okay, boys.
That's number three,
This time I want you
to thank me.
Thank you.
No, you crazyJews!
Remember this?
Sicilian law,
You kill a don--
All right.
Just do like I said.
What are you doing?
Why slowly?
'Cause I tortured you?
No, no, no. It's what
you did 1 5 years ago.
Jesus! You want revenge
after 1 5 years?
I've been busy.
Get up!
At least tell me...
what I did
1 5 years ago.
Want me to tell you?
Wanna know
what you did?
Tell me, what'd I do
1 5 years ago?
You destroyed my father!
Your father? I don't
even remember your father!
No, no, please!
Hey, Lucky.
I want to thank Mr. Capone
for hosting this meeting.
Sit down and shut up,
will ya?
Hey, there ain't
gonna be a boss.
You all know
how I got this.
MaybeJoe Profaci, here--
Wait a minute.
What're you saying?
Don't worry.
Maybe you knew it was
gonna happen to me,
maybe you didn't.
But by the old way
of doin' things,
if I become boss now, I have
to hit you in case you knew.
And all of you shrug?
Except some of you
are friends ofJoe's.
And one day I might do
something, that, uh,
upsets you,
then you'll hit me.
Then you become boss.
My friends, they hate you.
Somebody else becomes boss,
and on, and on, and on.
Know what I call that?
Stupid. Very stupid.
So, if you ain't doin' it,
who's gonna be--
We're all bosses here.
What then, Charlie?
We're gonna vote on everything?
That's right.
Everybody here...
is equal.
Corporations have
a board of directors.
So will we.
A commission.
Now, I have friends.
They're not from Palermo,
not from Sicily...
they're not even Italians.
And I trust 'em.
Anybody have a problem
with that?
You say there's gonna
be no boss, but you're
startin' to talk like one.
I've learned.
Every organization
needs somebody...
standin'out front.
Call it a figurehead,
a leader,
It doesn't much matter
to me who does it.
I say we make Charlie Luciano
head of our national commission.
Who agrees?
You want it, Al?
It's yours.
Hell, no.
I want you to do it.
It's justJulius Caesar
never took no vote.
That's why Caesar ended up
dead in the street.
Any other business?
Hey, friendship.