Modigliani (2004)

Do you know what love is?
Real love?
Have you ever loved so deeply...
That you have condemned
yourself to eternity in hell?
I have.
59 seconds.
Dinner for me.
Mr. Picasso,
you haven't signed it.
l said i'm buying dinner,
not the restaurant.
Pablo, have you seen?
Competition, us?
We are all geniuses.
If Picasso doesn't enter,
i, Diego Rivera, i win it again.
- Maybe.
- l thought he was dead.
What in God's name you think
you are doing?
He needs to see his daughter.
No one should see that
bastard Jew child.
You'll come home now. And,
if you don't obey this moment...
you'll leave me no alternative.
You can't let my baby
live away from me.
You are my daughter.
l can do anything.
I think we should try.
All right.
Good evening, everyone.
Good evening.
Tonight, l walked
across the bridge.
But there was
no bridge there.
I carried a bag
full of love...
But no one to share it with.
And then...
I thought of you.
All of you.
We don't have to look
any further.
The future of art
is in a woman's face.
Pablo Picasso!
Tell me, Pablo,
how do you make love to a cube?
Hello, Pablo.
Did you miss me?
Thank you.
- Good work.
- Why do you hate me so much?
l love you, Pablo.
lt's myself l hate.
Good night.
What do you think of him?
A God.
How do we do?
Sooner or later somebody
will catch on.
Get out of that, Modigliani.
You need sun.
And let you starve?
I don't think l could have
that on my conscience.
Good night.
- Modi, what do l do?
- Save it for Beatrice.
- You can't change destiny.
- What destiny?
To be with him.
Stay here.
Come here.
This dog is stupid.
Wait, wait.
Come here.
Here it is.
lt's all right.
Come here.
Come here.
How do you know my name?
I had to.
l am...
Modigliani. l know who you are.
We all know who you are.
Even the dog knew
who you were.
Come, l wanna see you
in the rain.
Don't be afraid.
I love the rain.
l love what it says.
How interesting.
Now the rain speaks.
- Yes.
- What does it say?
Says you need a hat.
Thank you.
First you have to show me
your drawing.
- I'm not an artist.
- You let me tell you that.
No drawing,
no hat.
- Okay. The hat first.
- Hat first.
This is how you see me?
That's how everybody
see Modigliani.
I'm sorry.
Call me Modi.
Okay, Modi.
Now i'll paint you. You come
see me and i'll paint you.
- If i'm lucky one day...
- What?
I'll paint your eyes.
With your reputation?
You think i'm crazy?
What do you think?
Where are my eyes?
Too far away,
l couldn't see them.
When l know your soul,
i'll paint your eyes.
Look at daddy's work.
You're very late, monsieur.
Everybody's waiting for you.
Excuse me.
You have beautiful bones.
l could paint you.
Ten Francs.
Talk to Martinez.
The one and only, Martinez.
You keep them waiting.
it's not fair.
They've got a lot of money
and no taste.
I'm a buyer.
Even though you've kept me waiting,
l think your paintings are...
He's got galleries
in New York, Modi.
Biggest galleries in New York?
That's funny.
Like you said, they've got money
but no taste.
Very funny.
how dare you embarrass me?
Where are you going?
Go back to your sheep.
If you walk away,
don't come back.
Farewell, Martinez.
Search the house.
Lt is here stated
that the Modigliani family...
in fare taxes, owes to
the Italian Republic.
it's therefore stated that
the Modigliani family...
shall be relieved of all properties,
household or other items...
that can be sold for the purpose
of the Italian Republic.
Ancient law of Italy states...
whatever a pregnant woman has
in the bed, she can keep.
We claim this right.
- Jews were never fool.
- Son of a bitch.
Are you not going to write down
everything we have on the bed?
Don't worry.
l intend to do so.
Five chairs...
Two chandeliers...
Two tables...
Three blankets
four paintings...
One large mirror...
One base...
Two carpets...
Two holds...
A sewing machine...
Help me, father.
What have l done wrong?
l fell in love.
ls that a sin?
No, my dear.
The sin would be
to never have loved at all.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know what l want.
I miss him.
I miss him.
I can't lose him.
Why does one man
hate another...
Just because of his faith?
The church doesn't hate Modi,
does it, Father?
The church is not
the enemy here.
Your faith is not the enemy.
You must be strong
for you and for the baby.
lt is for the best.
You'll see, my dear.
The world is a cruel place
for a child who has a stigma.
Stop, look at me.
You stupid girl.
You are a child. You do not know
what you are doing.
And do you? Do you know
what you're doing, papa?
Remember what you did?
Poor bastards. They don't even
know what they'll fight for.
They're not supposed to.
Stop the car.
You do not walk out on me.
l walk out on you.
For the damage.
Buy everyone a drink.
But not for you.
l stopped that.
Drive on.
- l think she's over there.
- it's a she?
Excuse me, monsieur. Are you
looking for Maurice Utrillo?
Who are you?
I'm a strangled chicken.
Why don't you help me?
l do.
I found her!
Isn't she glorious?
She's gonna win
the competition.
- You never said anything about it.
- You never asked.
- Come on, help me.
- This is meat.
Get this of my face.
Good evening, ladies.
- l love you.
- l love you.
I love you.
- l missed you.
- Let's take care of that.
Where have you been?
Looking for you.
- Like that?
- That's beautiful.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
What's wrong?
Have you looked around?
You think it's right a baby
come to a place like this?
Look at me.
l have nothing for you.
I am nothing.
I am nothing.
I can't be a father
to my own child.
I can't.
So, that's it.
You just run away.
l do best.
- I'm sorry.
- No, you're not.
You're too damn selfish
to be sorry.
I walked away from my baby
to be with you.
You should go back.
You can be the girl you were
when l first met you.
Remember her?
Would she put up with this?
Would she put up with me?
This one?
Why not?
l don't know which painting
you want. Point, or choose.
The Matisse.
What big guy we have to take.
Very well.
Jeanne, how are you?
How is Modi?
l haven't seen him.
l didn't know where he is.
- What is the problem?
- l need your help.
What is it?
I want you to go to Picasso.
Ask him to hang his artwork
beside his in the new exhibition.
Yes, anything.
Modi and Picasso...
Modi will kill me
if l do such a thing.
I'm sorry, Jeanne.
l can't.
If Modi's work hang beside Pablo's,
there's a chance of good sale.
We need money, Zbo.
I love you both.
But you're better off
with your family.
At least the child would have
a better chance in life.
I am wasting my breath.
I'm always wasting
my breath.
Let's think.
I know.
lt's something you could do.
lt will be bold.
lt's his way to say he's sorry
for the other night.
For the other night?
And the nights before that?
Let me see, one canvas
per insult.
- Olga, how many?
- Hundreds, Pablo.
Let me paint you, Jeanne.
I'll make you immortal.
That's just too much responsibility
for these shoulders.
My answer is no.
Look handsome
like Modigliani?
There's just no comparison.
He'll hang one painting,
but there is one condition.
You can go now.
- You're up to something. What?
- Keep dusting.
Where is he?
- Oh, shit.
- What you want with my son, bastard?
Hold that.
You haven't sold a painting
in 6 months. Kill him.
You shoot me, you can kiss yourself
goodbye. l won't organize it.
- Stop.
- You said l could kill him.
Kill him later.
Come out, you coward.
Come have some wine.
Please, take this.
Modi, have you given thought
of the competition?
The prize gives a lot of money.
The whole Paris is dreaming
of the day.
You and Picasso
compete together.
Yes, me and Picasso.
You said something
about a show?
lt's not much of a show.
lt's more of a favor.
Pablo has offered to hang one of
your paintings in his exhibition.
A favor?
Pablo Picasso is doing
Modigliani a favor?
- What's the matter with you?
- You have to care now.
lt is your family
with Jeanne.
You wanna do me a favor?
- l need money for a doctor.
- No, Modi, please.
l need money
for a doctor.
Promise me you'll not
drink it all away.
Okay, take your picture.
What if the doctor drinks?
Am l dying?
You said you had tuberculosis
as a child.
But l feel much better now.
lt never left you.
You can dress now.
Your lungs are working with
less than half their capacity.
If you continue to use
drugs and alcohol...
You will not live
past this year.
This medicine will help
your cough.
- Maybe you shouldn't go there.
- Fuck them.
Put on some horns.
Come on.
- Why are you so nervous?
- Nothing.
- What did the doctor say?
- She said l should find a new agent.
Let's get out of here.
I'm fed up with them.
- There he is.
- Good evening, gentlemen.
Modi, what do you have
to say for yourself?
- Hello, Gertrude.
- Don't Gertrude me.
Four days i've waited.
For days!
Am l not good enough to paint?
Not pretty enough perhaps?
These eyes are not so good to paint
something so sophisticated.
Horse shit!
Tomorrow morning, my apartment,
ten o'clock sharp.
Sharp, you hear me?
Do not worry. l promise you.
He will be there.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Ladies and gentlemen, may l have
your attention please?
Welcome to the 10th exhibition
of work of the artist Picasso.
And Modigliani, asshole!
And the distinct works
of Modigliani.
Ladies and gentlemen,
l give you Picasso...
to work your progress.
Oh, no.
Modi, wait.
I did it for you.
To help you.
- l don't need that kind of help.
- Fine. Do it for your baby.
You know what she needs?
She needs you.
Yes, she needs you.
Yes, it's papa.
- He should go.
- Why?
Your father will be home soon.
He can't be here.
Can l come with him?
Then what? Let him
abuse you again? Destroy you?
I don't wanna hear.
l don't wanna hear that.
Modi, let's go.
l told him.
I warned you. if you choose
to be with that Jew...
I would have no alternative but
to inform the authorities...
That you are an unfit mother.
After which, they'll take your child
and you'll never see her again.
See how beautiful she is?
Look at her.
Look at her.
I'll be watching you.
Hello, Madame Stein.
Jeanne, you dummy.
That was a clever stroke
she played there last night.
Right girl, that one.
So, did you kiss
and make out?
She's better off without me.
My abandoned ass!
- Do you want some advice?
- Do l have a choice?
Oh, no.
Enter the competition.
l bet the minute you do,
Pablo will too.
He's too proud.
Plus, he doesn't need the money.
But you do.
You're right.
- With or without?
- What?
The cream on your mouth.
Let's go.
Give me one good reason why.
Rivera, Kisling, Utrillo,
You just said the wrong name.
Olga, tell him he must compete
in the competition.
You must compete
in the competition.
I'm making dinner.
How was?
Who told you he'll be there?
He has a scratch.
He needs the money badly.
He has no choice.
I don't believe her.
She lies for a living.
Please, Pablo.
it will be so much fun.
Paris has become so tedious
since the war.
Let's bring back the life.
Fine works, champagne.
All night drinking and laughing.
Get into the ring.
Play with the bull.
I am the bull.
Let's eat.
I love it.
How are you,
Amedeo Modigliani?
What do you call it?
lt's a great day.
Good morning, matador.
Let me ask you a question.
You have entered the competition?
Answer me!
Don't touch my work!
Don't touch my work!
You don't have the right.
Get your hands off of my work!
You have money?
I can make you very happy
if you have money.
I have nothing.
Are you okay, Modi?
Who paid the fine?
Who paid the fine?
We don't know. Whoever it was
didn't want to say.
Find out.
If i find out who it was, i'd first
try to sell him your paintings.
Then l will thank you.
lt's Utrillo.
- What?
- He's back in the asylum.
His mother told the police
and they put him away.
Modi, this is a sign from God
that things must change.
Where was God when Utrillo
needed Him?
You've got here too late.
Should have seen this morning.
Your father visited the child's
welfare this morning.
He's recommended they take
custody of the baby.
Did you hear me?
- You're going to lose your child.
- l have no choice!
- Your child.
- l have no choice!
You could choose your baby.
He's dying.
You're dying with him.
Maurice, it's me, Modi.
it's me.
lt's okay.
Everything will be fine.
i'll get you out of here.
lt's an old dream.
You know this is my life.
She won't be sorry for me.
She'll be happy.
You mad bastard.
A little haxixe?
- Promise me.
- Promise you what?
That you won't let me die here.
I've seen what they do
with buddies around here.
I don't want that.
Promise me.
I don't know.
I promise.
- I'm cold.
- It's okay. i got you.
I wish l could hug you.
I'm so cold.
I'm overwhelmed.
- Jeanne, you look great.
- You look gorgeous.
l love your shoes.
- Enjoy the party.
- Thank you.
- You should thank Picasso.
- For what?
For letting you out.
What a nice vision!
- Modi.
- Thank you.
Pablo is over there.
- The famous Picasso.
- Matador.
I didn't ask you to bail me out.
You want to pay me back?
Let's see.
Why don't you come tomorrow? We'll
go to a trip to the countryside.
There's somebody
l want you to meet.
- Only if Olga comes.
- You really like my wife?
Everybody really likes your wife.
Tonight is a night
for dancing.
When a samurai
gets his sword...
He must draw blood.
Who lives here?
You'll see.
- Renoir.
- Come meet God.
This man looks mad.
Are you mad?
They scare you.
The genius sucked out
through the fingernails.
They don't bother me.
He's a liar, Pablo?
May l ask you, how much
a place like this cost?
Two paintings.
I have two cars in the stables.
A scratch for each.
And this Rodin.
I gave one little pencil drawing
of a flowerpot.
No flower.
Just a pot.
You into sell?
Modigliani is on the verge.
On the verge.
Let's say no.
"Le prcipice."
The cliff.
Where all artists converge
and jump to their fate.
Nudes mostly, occasional
portraits, drink...
- Yes?
- Yes.
- How did you know?
- Pablo told me.
I've never liked
painting nudes myself.
Most of the women in my time
were too fat.
And ugly.
Very ugly.
I like them tall and slim.
So, it's late.
We should go.
Amedeo Modigliani...
Are you mad?
I knew that.
You'll enter the competition?
Will you?
You see what painting
can bring?
Comfort, wealth, security.
Only a fool starts to starve.
Paris is trying them.
So paint, make money, get old,
fuck as many women as you can...
but drink with moderation.
The gospel according to Picasso.
You can't fight me now.
So let me ask you,
are you mocking me?
l try.
Sometimes l don't succeed.
You see, Modi, there is a difference
between you and me...
lt is.
I am Picasso,
the famous Picasso.
This is my car.
l am the driver.
These are my dreams.
l bought them from God.
You like my hat?
I am Modigliani,
the crazy Italian fuck.
Sit down, Matador.
You're scaring the peasants.
Her neck is not so long.
She has her father's neck. Short.
- Yes...
- l like...
Excuse me.
- Not so long.
- Okay, l know.
Go back. Out of my way.
Thank you.
- Don't touch my painting.
- You're ruining it because...
I'm the painter.
You're ruining the painting.
lt's very wide.
Of course you're the painter.
You paint it.
You like it?
it's for you.
I'm not paying for this.
To Livorno.
You promised you
wouldn't let me die here.
Maurice, you're safe.
Get away from him!
All of you, get out!
Get out!
Get out!
Want him to become what you've
become? You think it's romantic?
lt's how it should be?
Get out!
Have some water.
How do you feel?
I don't know.
They said l shouldn't leave you.
So l won't.
Never again.
- The rain speaks.
- Really? What does it say?
It says, "Don't cry",
my love.
Modi is here.
- How do you feel?
- Alive.
You should thank Zbo.
He gave us the money
to come here.
If he'd only sold my work
he could come here more often.
Well, i'm trying.
That was the most beautiful meal.
Thank you. Great stuff.
So, tell us, what else
is happening is Paris?
Nothing new.
The same as before.
Just watching everyone get ready
for the competition.
- Well, Modi...
- No.
I'm going to rest.
I'm tired.
- Remember; no drink.
- No drink.
- l love you.
- l love you.
Good night.
See you later.
- May l see your work?
- What for? You never sell anything.
A poetry.
Modi, prepare yourself. We're gonna
need all of this in Paris...
for your one-man show.
You heard me right.
Bertha Veil loved the nudes
so much...
She wants to hang
everything you have.
Did you hear me?
Bertha Veil is giving you your
very own one-man show.
Bravo, Modigliani!
They're exquisite.
Jeanne, great Jeanne.
Mrs. Veil,
you're the organizer?
You know l am.
You live just across the street.
You shall remove a painting
from your gallery window.
I will do not.
Come back with this tomorrow.
If you don't remove
the paintings...
My men will do it for you.
And we'll close down the show.
This is outrageous.
Are they pictures of your mother,
your sister?
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Why, Modi?
I'm impressed.
By the way, l hope
you won't be offended...
the painting you gave me
as a gift...
The one Jeanne brought me...
The other night l was
inspired by something...
a felt hat.
Yes, a felt hat.
l didn't have a canvas.
it was 4 in the morning.
Make your point, Spanish.
l used your painting.
Do you forgive me?
Let's go.
I think l like
the new Modigliani.
Yes, l think l do.
Let's look around.
I'm tired.
I'm not.
That's because
you're not pregnant.
- So.
- Go, go.
- See you later. Bye!
- Can you stop the bus, please.
Tell me, Modigliani.
How does a blind man paint?
You don't know.
He paints what nobody sees!
What nobody sees!
He gave your baby
to the welfare.
Your baby. Your beautiful little
girl is now in strange hands.
And all because you can't
live a normal life...
Like the rest of the world
around you.
Get out and show your face!
Show your face!
You see me?
You see the Jew?
Go away or i'll call the police.
You'd better call the police.
- Where is my baby?
- You get away from me.
Where is my baby?
Somewhere where
you'll never find her.
Go on.
Do it.
Do it.
No one's here.
Tomorrow you can tell the whole
world a Jew threatened your life.
A Jew.
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
I'm gonna ask you one more time.
Where is my baby?
You have neither resource
nor conditions to raise her.
Watch me.
I forgive you.
Hello? Have you finished yet?
Yes and l want you to take
the painting to the competition.
What about you?
Remember it starts today.
Don't let the painting
out of your sight.
- Where are you?
- City Hall.
What for?
Marriage license.
I'm going to marry Jeanne.
Silence, uh?
marriage license.
Yes, sit down.
- You're getting married?
- Yes.
Me too.
Excuse me.
You have children?
I have one and one on the way.
Lt's important children.
Very important.
Go away!
I'm crazy, you know?
I will do something.
Go away!
Excuse me,
i'm going to the corner.
No, no. You do not touch
this painting.
it's my painting.
What's going on here?
Lt's the police.
They get the painting.
If something happens
to this painting...
You'll spend the rest of my life
as a eunuch.
A eunuch!
Bye-bye, eunuch.
Be careful.
What about the others?
- They're hanged.
- All of them?
All of them.
So, now we'll know.
- What time is it?
- Closing time.
You must leave now.
Madame, l must have my
marriage license today.
- Monday, nine o'clock.
- Don't understand. l need it today.
l need it today.
Monsieur, we all have families.
We need to go home too.
l have a baby coming
any day.
And l have a beautiful daughter.
You are a painter, aren't you?
- Me too.
- l can see that.
Very well...
- sign here.
- Thank you, ma'am.
What's wrong with it?
The color.
Flash with my painting.
You will pay for the drink.
I have five thousand Francs.
Today l buy everybody a drink.
To Livorno.
Jeanne, here!
- ls he here?
- l thought he'd be with you.
No, no...
Mommy, thank you so much.
l thought maybe she
would bring him luck.
Thank you.
Where is the great Modigliani?
The trumpets of silence.
Ships of peace
make me sleep.
The cradle swings
when the morning comes.
I wrote that myself when
l was alone in the night.
But no longer.
Today is the prove
that i'm a rich man.
Rich beyond belief.
Ladies and gentlemen, attention.
it's time.
Ladies and gentlemen,
l give you Soutine.
Diego Rivera.
And finally,
l give you Modigliani.
Title; "Jeanne".
When l know your soul,
i'll paint your eyes.
Don't worry.
My hands...
My hands.
You'll be okay.
lt's okay.
Sleep, dear. Sleep.
In my pocket.
I wanted to surprise you.
I'll always be your wife.
lt's us!
I can't see nothing.
- In the name of God!
- What happened?
Get away from him.
He needs a doctor.
Don't take him from me.
Don't take him!
Don't take him from me!
Don't take him from me!
Don't take him from me!
Watch his head.
Modi, stay with us.
Oh, my God.
Excuse us.
Always and forever.
I'm here.
I'm here.
lt's time to end this madness.
Wait for me, my love.
Wait for me.
I offer my
deepest sympathies.
I can't imagine
how you feel.
You know what l feel?
Pablo, shall l tell you?
l feel nothing.
I have a baby in my belly...
Another heart beating...
Another soul craving...
and i'm empty,
like your glass.
You'll go home.
You'll always live a full
and rich life.
But l swear to God...
when your time comes...
When you leave
at your death bed...
The name Modigliani...
Will not be far
from your lips.
You can never paint
over this night.
lt belongs to him.
l saw him dance once
by the statue of Balzac.
So beautiful his face,
so graceful his arms...
as he swayed to the song,
he smiled...
He was all the things
l was once.
So, l stole that moment,
and locked it away in my mind...
to be there, to comfort me
in my empty days.
Auguste Renoir.
Papa sends you all the love
of the world.
When you grow up, you'll feel
our love wherever you go.
l want you to know...
and try to understand...
try to forgive me.