Modus Anomali (2012)

Operator, what's your emergency?
Hello, hello, please help me!
I don't know what happened.
I must've been buried alive
I don't know where I am.
Please calm down, Sir.
Could you tell me your name?
My name is...
Could you please tell me
your name, Sir?
I don't remember...
Help me!
Help me...!!!
Open up!
OPEN up!
Got to get out.
Got to get out.
Ssstt...It's me.
You were gone too long.
Don't cry.
I found this.
You must be hungry.
I'm not hungry.
I'm thirsty.
I couldn't find anything to drink
in the car.
I couldn't find anything to drink
in the car.
Why didn't you go to the house?
We got to be strong, okay?
We can't stay here too long.
Why not? Let's just hide here until the sun
comes up, then we go to the police.
You know we can't do that.
Ssstt. You wanna get us caught?
What are we gonna do now?
We have to find Dad.
Where are you...?
Sorry, I couldn't protect us.
Dad, what are you doing?
I am making a movie.
A reality show.
There's no drama here.
We're very peaceful.
Dad, you're still here?
Jason, show him.
You are so pretty.
Like one of those Stepford Wives.
Which one? Nicole?
She's in it?
Ahh.. The remake.
I only saw the first one.
Do you think the kids gonna be alright?
What do you mean?
With the baby and all.
Do you think we'll love it more.
Since ifs our own.
They're more mature than they look.
They're gonna be fine.
We are now in the forest
in the middle of nowhere.
My wife's brilliant idea for a holiday.
The kids gonna go ballistic.
They don't eat food these days.
They eat wi-fi.
Do something. Don't just...
Do The Douglas.
Guys, do The Douglas.
That Thing.
Guys, do The Douglas.
That Thing.
What's The Douglas?
It's Dougie, Mom.
Oh, The Dougie.
Do the shufe.
I want to show you something.
Do the shuffle.
Do it properly.
Look at his hair.
Look at his hair, just.
Your hair just do that.
No seriously we need to out that.
So what else?
What's The Douglas?
Okay, honestly when we got back
we need to cut your hair.
Because the fact that you have
the same hair for the past 10 years.
Is not a good look.
I'll put it in the drawer.
I'm gonna bury it here.
Guys, eat quickly don't let it cold.
Who's that?
Hey it's not your boyfriend, is it?
Her boyfriend's in New Zealand.
Doing what?
Milking sheeps?
Who's that, Honey?
Let daddy check it out.
We got to stop.
I got enough of your whining.
You're a man!
You want to just let Dad die?
He's been very nice to us.
He's the only one we got
in this world right now.
You're supposed
to be stronger than me.
It's just that...
I can't...
I can't kill anybody.
Stay there.
Just get in there.
Ok, listen to me.
If you hear a sound and you think ifs dad.
Just don't make any sound.
Make sure ifs him first.
What? No.
I'm strong I can do this.
- I can help you find that.
- Please, just listen to me.
I will come back here
to get you with dad.
You understand?
Do you understand?
Hold this.
I'll come back soon, okay?
I'm heree...!!
I'm here you motherfucker!
Where the fuck are youuu??!!
Where are youu'?'?'?'?!!!
Dad... Daddy...
Come here you son of a bitch!
I'M HERE...!!
Hi, Honey...
Helloo... Where are you?
I'm taking Sean to school.
Traffic's crazy.
And your son keeps singing
that crazy song.
Could you please tell him to stop?
Hi, Daddy...
Are you driving your mom crazy again?
I'm so bored.
We've been stuck here for an hour.
I'll buy us a chopper, okay'?
No.. Let's just move to London.
Trafic's good there.
Ok. We'll do that.
You're a liar Daddy.
No, I'm not.
Yes you are. But I love you.
Here's mom.
Your son bought you some present.
Some funny looking alarm clock.
He said for your collection.
Oh wow, cool.
When you're coming home?
I'm done here,
I'll be home tonight.
See you, Love.
Bye, Honey...
Gosh, that's a long trip.
About time.
Mom, I'm not doing anything.
Feet off the sofa.
Oh, c'mon, Mom.
Start relax a little bit.
Oh, you look tired, Daddy.
Thanks for the help.
I thought you asked someone
to clean this place.
You are such a loser.
Shut up, Devin.
I know what I'm not though.
I'm not a smoker with a pack
of cigarettes in his pocket.
Excuse me?
Hey, hey, who smokes?
Yeah bought one at the gas station.
Can I smoke?
on camera. Give us a show.
I'll give you a show.
Can I help you with that?
Oh I'm sorry.
I'm your neighbor.
I got a house not far from here.
Oh, hi.
Let me help you.
It's okay, it's okay.
Ah, me and my sons
always play that here.
Oh, really'?
Yeah. Actually we plan on playing
this afternoon.
I got two boys.
We can play against
each other's team if you want.
Yeah, sure.
You wanna come in?
Ok. Cool.
This is my family.
And this is our neighbor.
Hi, I'm John.
His family's here, too, Honey.
Oh cool.
Do you have any girls?
Two boys I'm afraid.
About your age.
I just challenged your dad
to a football game.
We're about to have breakfast.
How about we'll pay
your family a visit after we're done?
Oh yeah sure.
Don't fucking move.
I'll kill her I swear.
What the fuck do you want, man?
You two facing that way.
Dude what do we do?
Dude dmon what do we do?
You still look pretty.
These my lovely two boys.
What they are up to right now.
There they are.
What they are talking about.
Must be some girls.
This is.. my lovely wife.
Good morning, Honey.
Good morning, Baby.
What are making?
Preparing breakfast.
Oooh.. I want that one chocolate thing.
Bacon is so...
Now you'll have to beat me.
That's Devin.
Oh my God.
Watch my camera!
Lovely family.
Come here.
Join us, c'mon.
We are now
at our lovely vacation house.
This time I'm gonna beat the boys
At football and baseball.
Yeaah... They're gonna hate that.
Hello, Honey, something came up.
They want me to stay at the hotel
to make a report on the conference.
I know I know I'm so sorry.
I'll be back tomorrow I promise, okay'?
I love you. Bye.
Wilder paranoid this time, please.
Give me some motherfucking monsters.
You try to leave the forest,
I kill your father.
You try to go to the police,
I kill your father.
You want to find your father alive,
come look for me and kill me.
I locked him somewhere
and the key is inside my body.
Find me and kill me.