Moebius (1996)

This is the first film product of the
Superior School of Cinema of Buenos Aires.
It's objective is essentially pedagogic.
The young students. More than looking for
a job hope, they go thru the main
door to arrive to the magical and
wonderful movie making world.
The subway is without a doubt,
a symbol of these times.
A labyrinth where in
silence we cross each other,
without knowing who
nor where they're going.
Hundreds of routes,
on which we take advantage to establish
a balance, to re-look a situation,
and try to ride more than a train,
a change of life...
It's a strange game,
on which we submerge
ourselves in infinite tunnels
without realizing that in each transfer
we're definitively changing our destiny
With the subway I found the
most powerful machine to look,
but I've never imagined what will
happen to me in the near future.
Attention garage! This is Bolivar!
Copy me, garage!
Can someone answer me?!
This is garage, Bolivar, I copy you.
I received a call from "Plaza Italia", we're
late and with overflow. Send another "comboy"!
You copied that?
I've sent everything, Bolivar.
What do you mean everything?
I sent the last car a while
ago, I have nothing here... huh.
What?! That can't be. You
should have more trains!
You should have at least one more.
- I have nothing!
- Well, okay. I'll see where I can find another one.
But you check your list. You may be having one
more in your sector, and you haven't noticed.
Listen Bolivar, I repeat, I
have nothing to check in here.
Why are you telling me that? Do you know you're
talking to your boss, dammit!? Understood!
"Route 2"
Yes, this is Juan Vega.
I don't understand.
What did you lost?
- Now what?
- And we keep on going straight?
Straight to the right,
or straight to the left
If you don't pay attention,
we'll stay here all night.
- Which way should I take, boss?
- Well... can't you see we can't move?
Well, if it's because of the
lights, we ain't going no where
Besides, there are a lot out of order
What you talking about?
Hello? Please put me through the CEO
Vega, I hope you have a good
reason to made me come down here.
I was expecting you.
You can't imagine how
well I feel here, Pratt.
Taking some fresh air.
I can't stand the closed
feeling of the office
I feel like taking one of these routes and never
coming back to this city, that why I make them
If I ask to any of the architects
this, they'll think I just gave up.
And I...
I don't want to go back top the subway
thing just because some nut got the idea.
This work for me is done.
Yes but I, I don't know how can I help
you. I didn't participate in this project,
and I'm not even an architect.
I don't need an architect.
Besides, no one wants to go
back down there, it's very hot.
I called you 'cause I know you like problems. In
fact, you dedicated yourself to math, isn't it?
- Topology
- Ah! The fascination for the analysis of surfaces,
one formula, one calculation
and you keep it in a book.
It seems to weird to me... Like those expositions
that CEO of the subway does... that Blazi.
Go and see what is happening to
him. That way I can be more calmed.
Maybe you'll find that
crazy nut interesting.
Although I doubt it, Anyways, I don't want to
tire you more. When we finished the perimetral
construction, everything was okay
and we were done. Now they have flaws.
One more thing, just in case... The original
planes are in the public works archive.
Ours are an identical copy
from those approved a year ago.
But that's just a detail, actually
I don't know what they want.
But if it's Blazi, it can
be just about anything.
Anyways, please don't
look for me for nothing
- What's that for?
- I don't know
They told me it
potentials the perception.
Resolve it.
Oh! And tell Blazi I went
far, far away, by the highway.
I assure you we're doing what we can.
But you can imagine that I cannot look
thru all the network for just a supposition.
Well, you know how the kids
are, they just love the subway.
Ma'am, 5 million people
pass by here everyday.
I'm sorry, it's your responsibility. If you
don't know where he is, it's your problem.
- Mr. Blazi, someone of the construction arrived
- Let him in...
Yes ma'am, I understand,
huh... excuse me ma'am...
You know... I have things to do, ma'am.
Come in!
- Sir...
- Daniel Brat.
Excuse my amazement, but I was
expecting my old friend Beker.
He might arrive later,
'cause I told him I needed him
No, you see, Mr. Beker had to leave town
in a hurry, and asked me to replace him.
He might be nuts, as if
this is just bullshit...
I asked him not lo
leave me alone in this
He gave me all the instructions, so
I can resolve anything you might need.
How would you help me if you don't have
the slightest idea of what's this all about?
He should have called
Beker, thinks these are beginners stuff
I'm topologist, a mathematician.
What is that good for?
It's a branch of mathematics which studies
surfaces and converts them into formulas.
So useful for my nerves. This is it!
...look go to the office and tell...
Mr. Blazi
What's going on today that
nobody asks permission?!
It's happening again...
I need you to pay attention.
I want you to look everything that's going
on, so you can tell Beker this isn't bullshit.
If I called him is not because I'm
hysteric, but I have a reason to call him.
Of course, I'm going to ask you have caution
and discretion with everything you hear or see.
Don't go around telling
anyone, you know how this is...
Then, anything can be published at the
newspaper and find myself implicated in nothing.
Imagine that, a man like me
cannot neglect those details.
What? That one doesn't
work either? Fix it at once.
Millions of people are being transported in
these tunnels daily, you cannot control everyone.
Look, if someone plants a bomb.
What face do you want us to put, huh?
Everything that happens here
inside is my responsibility.
Imagine that being the CEO of this place
isn't easy. This is a very difficult situation.
Sir, we have train 101 coming from
Ezeiza, stopped at the access tunnel.
I already gave it the passing order. It's
blocking two levels and they refuse to go on.
Communication open to 101.
Intern 101, this is the CEO.
What's going on that
you refuse to advance?
From red it went to green and from green
it went to red, I cannot take that risk,
How do I know there's no other
train coming from the other side?
The pass is blocked.
That's a negative,
Yes, no sir, but you know
it's forbidden. If we crash...
Advance 101, I repeat, the pass is free
- But listen to me, I don't...
- Keep on going, I order you!
- I can't...
- Move!
If this keeps on like that, we will be forced
to stop that line and cross all the sector...
I don't think that would be convenient.
Since the perimetral system was
opened, it became too complex to close.
Driver Rodriguez, Driver Rodriguez,
you are required at the signals cabin
Subway informs you: the
temperature outside in our city
is 38.7 C, humidity at 90%
What's going on with you? I tell
you to move and you refuse to?
But the light changed constantly,
what did you want me to do?
if the 86 is coming at
the cross, we might crash
Lower your voice tone, I'm the CEO
If I say you to move, you must move.
But there's a regulation we must follow
Sir, if the light is red we cannot mo..
Forget about the Regulation! The
only one that knows what has to
be done here is me.
And you must obey me!
But that can't be sir, those
are directives of the company
life of the people is in
danger, it's impossible.
I repeat, the only one that knows
what has to be done here is me.
Oh really?
You drive then, Sir.
You still think I'm lying,
I guess you already noticed
how bad this problem is.
Lights detect the pass of the trains, where
there are any, in other words, they're failing
There are routes changes
when we don't make one.
And there's a complete
train we can't find.
There are so many tunnels, that we don't
have enough personnel to search for it.
At midnight, some authorities
will come to the Park Station.
To do the same movements in the
place that train was last seen.
And I'm supposed to give them
an explanation of what happened.
Funny thing is that I have no explanation
'cause I don't know what's going on.
...and I'm the CEO.
Listen, I need all the planes
approved by the ministry.
Just in case they ask
something, you see?
How do I explain the
disappearing of a complete train?
I trust you'll come with the planes.
What was your name?
- Daniel Prat.
- Okay, Mr. Prat, I'll be expecting you this evening.
And if you come out with
an idea, please tell me.
Driver Figueroa, Driver Figueroa,
please go to the mantainment office.
- Constructor
- Yes, I'd like to speak with Mr. Deker.
I'm sorry, he's not available.
- Who is it?
- Daniel Prad
Would you like to leave a message?
Tell him to call the ministry
And authorize me to make
copies of the perimetral planes.
No one told me you'd be here.
27, 28, 29, 30...
I've been ordering these
archives for 40 years.
Are you sure they are over here?
Of course, the question is where!
Just about now, they think
of changing of building.
They may have done it on purpose.
Excuse me, which
requirement did you told me?
The last one, the one
about the perimetral
Let's see, let me think.
I think we're doing fine.
There have been other movements,
but inside the building.
Other floors, years
ago there was a flood
that made all these archives
to float for days.
It's in the upper shelf.
Let me do it.
There's nothing in here.
- It can't be!
- There's nothing in here.
- It might be some other place
- Take a good look
- It's empty
- I'll be back
I think you're out of luck
Those took'em
But they can't
- Original planes
- It depends who asks for them.
As always, the person who took'em...
was a project adviser
So, I couldn't say no to him
You understood? I think
I remember the fella.
He was a very quite
man, that sometime before
He used to come and stayed
hours checking those planes
Here he is, Hugo Mistein
Do you have anything to do with him?
We must take on account
that they're analyzing
The aspects of pure theory
Not applicable until the moment
Which means...
- Is this Topology 3 class?
- Yes
The conclusion is that
Or that they're not formally identical
Are the same that apply
For all the ministries
In other sciences branches.
If for example an astronomer presents
An acceptable theory about the universe
For the normal street man
Surely is wrong
But if someone said, for example
That in some regions, time paralyzes
He could have, at least, listened it
You might be right
Sciences and philosophies still
are a bit weir, gentleman.
Thank you for your
attention Class dismissed.
Can I ask you a question?
Are you a student?
No, not anymore. I
graduated quite a while ago
How may I help you?
Well, I'm looking for a professor
that was in charge of this class
At least he was for many years
Doctor Mistein
You don't lose your time How
much time since you last saw hi?
About 5 years...
You must be from the latest generations
he had. Sometime later, he left
- the university
- Why?
He was distracted, lost interest
During classes, he had
his mind in something else.
Do you know how to find him?
Hum... Yes, possibly
I have a phone number and an old address
Where we used to call him
He refused to talk to
us and we never knew why
I don't know what happened to him
The few ones we are
on this... here it is
Appreciate him very much
Well, please excuse me,
it's getting late... Goodbye
Do you know where can
I find a telephone?
- Downstairs
- Thanks
Hello, may I speak to professor Mistein?
- No
- But, is he there?
- No, he's not
Can you tell me at
what time he'll be back?
- I don't know
- Do you know where he is?
How should I know.
If you want to leave him a
message, I can do that for you.
Yes... Do you have
something to write to?
Yes, who are you?
- I'm Daniel Prad
- Prad?
From the studio of del Plata
It's about a job he did for the subway
We need some planes...
You live here?
I wanted to know if
professor Mistein is here.
He lives here, doesn't he?
I called many times before coming, but
It's not easy to reach
communication with this place.
I thought that maybe
the line was damaged
And since I need to
talk with the professor
- I decided to come.
- You called just once.
And I said he wasn't here
He came back
I came 'cause I need
some papers from the job
He has them and I need them
Look in the apartment if
he's there and if he's OK.
And if your not lying.
Since when you don't see him?
If you steal anything... I scream
April, April? Are you there?
Open the door... Who are you with?
- Over here
- Stairs are dirty
This is disgusting, you didn't
do anything I asked you to, open
open the door, you'll see
You should be alone
Damn girl, I told you I don't want
- Come on!
- April!
April, open up
Come, come!
You know how to go back
to your house from here?
'Cause I have a meeting right now
And people is waiting
They won't like to see you.
My mother wouldn't
like to see you either.
But I let you in anyways.
Excuse me, the CEO?
- Down there, underground 2
- Thanks
- Why are we here?
- We're looking for a ghost train
Sit there
You keep this, stay here and don't move.
Yes? Is here?
Excuse me, I'm looking for the CEO
Is he over here?
He's out of duty,
Who gave you authorization
to be down here?
What are you doing here?
- Mr. Blassi
- What took you so long, Prad?
This girl is with you?
I'm sorry I couldn't come before.
It was impossible for me
But I think what's this all about
Are these the ministry's plan?
What happened?
I hope you know what you'll say
The train is still gone
And I don't want to have more
problems than I already do.
Now come with me.
Here, I leave you this so you play
whilst I speak to these people.
Exactly, we checked everything and...
- Gentlemen
Mr. Daniel Prad.
Representing studio Del Plata.
They built the perimetral connection
Mr. Kent, our Engineer Chief
Mr. Aguirre, representing intendancy
Dr. Canotti from the
central military hospital.
Dr. Nazar from del Sur insurance co.
And our driver... Edmundo
Please try to specify.
You saw it, or not?
Well yes, I mean...
we practically saw it
When we found that red light
Just at the entrance
of the General Paz joint
Couldn't that be another train?
All trains have been
retired from the tracks.
Except this one... We
are the only ones we've
traveling thru the system
during the last four hours
When Edmundo stopped in
front of the red light
I thought it was out of order.
That's why I told him to keep on going
That's when we heard the noise
the other train was doing
whilst crossing the joint.
- You saw it?
- No, no, we couldn't see it.
The light is just before the curve
But... we all heard it.
Why didn't you followed it?
Well... we were not sure
about where it went to.
It was there, we cannot
be wrong about it.
That was at 1:38, wasn't it?
- Yes, the first time.
- The first.
Gentlemen, this chat is going nowhere.
So, later it happened again
Yes, but not in the same place
We found another red
signal near the joint
Yesterday at 2:15
Then, again at 3:30
You saw the train at 2:15?
No, we didn't but we felt the vibration
So, I tried to reach it, but...
It must have turn somewhere
else at the General Paz joint
'Cause there's a
declivity beyond the light
It's impossible that that train was
circulating during all these days
Without no one noticing
What's impossible is that you
are surprised being the main responsible
- Now in the moment that...
- Wait a second, young man.
We aren't here to hear
questions, but to make'em
This time we've got it.
It's passing by the inferior
level where Maloni is
You saw it? It's passed near by.
- It passed by the lower level
- Not, the higher one
- No! It passed by the lower level
- What is going on, Blassi?
You saw it by yourself, it
passed down here, am I right?
- Yes, yes, yes.
You really saw it?
We heard it, it passed
by the upper level
And I think in that direction.
Maloni, go back downstairs.
Excuse me
Tell the authorities
I'll be right there.
Engineer, Is there
any way to communicate
- to the Main office?
- Yes, yes, come with me.
Mr. Blassi says he's coming in a moment.
Main office, this is Kent, it's urgent.
Please inform what is
sector fours reading.
The consumption is equal
to standard lighting.
In tunnels and stations,
plus an intern rolling
Please specify consumption.
Everything's normal boss, we only have
you rolling.
Cut the main electricity provision.
until I tell you.
Done, boss. Now, what do we do?
Watch the monitors and warn
me if you see any change.
This is nuts, we've been
transiting only in one wagon
- That's too much consumption.
- What's going on, Blassi?
We have indications of a
train transiting by the system.
When will we know the
circuit has been interrupted?
I don't know, maybe it's just a flight
Yes of course, the flight
of a train inside the system.
Now we're going to check it
Restore the electricity
Now there's consumption
at various sectors.
Did you authorized this maneuver?
Different zones at the
network are registering that
Probably those are
unhooked wagons around.
Can you please explain
us what's going on?
Gentlemen, I think the young
man has something to tell us.
We have a disappeared train
with people.
But the system is closed
Trains cannot go out.
What are you saying?
All the system was checked and
It's not here, what do you think...
that we're playing to 'hide the train'?
Shut up Dr. Nazar. Let
him finish his explanation.
We know the train was going
to the Plaza de Mayo station.
The morning of the 4th... but
we also know it never arrived.
Such a novelty, Prad.
And when it entered the tunnel
that crosses Maldonado river...
it transformed into a boat
and now's sailing to Africa.
Excuse me, Dr.
How can you explain a train can..
be running wild around the
tracks since March 4th until today
without being seen for almost 5 days?
That's exactly like that engineer.
Is that this train cannot be seen.
This train... Intern 86
Without showing any kind
of mechanical failure
With the whole network working
With other 300 trains around
Somewhere during its route
just vanished
Somehow it found a node...
A node! What is 'a node'?
The system that keeps the track clean
In those, nothing else
but trains circulate
I still don't understand.
A node is not an obstruction
In topology...
a node is a particularity
A pole of superior order
I don't understand anything.
And I think nobody else does.
Dr. Nazar, please don't
complicate things even more
I think this was caused by a new branch
And what does the perimetral
has to do with all this?
The system is a network
with an amazing topological
complexity, you'll see
from the latest extension.
But the perimetral
must have done something
absolutely singular.
I still don't understand very well.
But I believe that the
new branch has taken
the connectivity of the whole system
to an order so high
that I don't know how to calculate it.
I think it has made it to infinity.
If it's like that
gentlemen, we can deduce
that the system behaves
as a Moebius belt.
May I?
If you look this paper,
you'll find out that
This is a simple two faced belt,
but if we join both extremes...
like this, we obtain
a very particular belt.
It's a one faced belt.
on which we could circulate endlessly
But this...
Translated to a subway network,
must have an infinite
number of particularities.
Could you imagine what can the properties
of a network like this could be?
I can't either.
To tell you the truth...
The structure of the whole
perimetral system, is way beyond
my reach.
I can't do anything but suppositions.
This is outrageous.
We have 200 kilometers of tunnels
How can it be that a finite surface
Can convert into an infinite one?
That's a good question
But anyways it happened. It happened.
Do you have any idea
about the passengers?
Hold on a minute, Prad.
If what's making this whole confusion
is the perimetral, first we close it.
and then, if things are like you say
We can keep on with
our normal operations.
Without collision danger.
If you close the perimetral,
the train will never reappear
What is not certain
is that when it appears...
it will be translating
itself to the right direction.
And in that case...
An accident may be possible.
Mr. Blassi, how many people
do you think are in that train?
Well, I think between 30 or 40 people.
Hey Prad, you want us to believe that
the train has jumped
to another dimension,
that it's actually not inside the system
that it's gone, isn't that true?
It's a way to say it.
And this peculiar behavior
has been produced by
certain mathematical
properties associated to
the new perimetral joint?
And is there anything we could
do to bring the train back
to this dimension?
I don't know.
Is this the possible explanation?
You're a lame.
Is this the result of your study?
Do you have any other idea?
It's a disgrace you've got no one
that can give us a coherent explanation.
Prad, one question. To avoid
the possibility of collision...
Can't we leave the
perimetral joint open?
But without the train to pass by it.
So that if the train from above appears
Couldn't crash with another train
That wouldn't be an useful protection
'Cause now with the new joint
The whole network has
an infinite connectivity
Hey Mr. Mathematician!
Do you think you made me
a favor in this subject?
I don't want to see you
here, do you understand!?
Mr. Blassi, Mr. Blassi
I found this girl at the first
level walking by the tracks
Where are we heading to now?
Nowhere, besides you must go back home.
Someone may be looking for you
What! Now to my home?
Just now?
Come, we may ride it!
No, you go if you want. I
need to stay here for a while.
Your attention please
We would like to let the people know
That there are only 3 more
train boardings. Thank you.
To all passengers.
We'd like to inform you
that we have suspended
The service due to line flaws.
We're sorry for any inconvenience
this might have to you. Thank you.
You had trouble arriving, didn't you?
Dr. Mistein
Calm down. I know you've got
a lot of questions to ask.
We're traveling at an impossible speed
A simple track change.
The train crossed a joint after a curve
The just combination
At the right moment
To apply the properties
of a Moebius belt
Invented the perfect machine
That's blasphemy, son.
Man has invented numerous machines
But he forgets he is himself a machine
Much more complicated than any
machine no one has ever built.
There will be no limits now.
There never were.
Man doesn't know neither his
limits nor his possibilities.
He doesn't even know 'till
what point he knows himself.
But of course, we are
so busy trying to find
external values
that we don't care what really matters
But this is important
I should say it and
everything would just change
But you said it!
You explained it perfectly
Today I passed by the Park Station
And was able to look at you while
you were trying to
explain Moebius theory
But, has someone believed you?
But they'll believe you
No, I would have used
the same words you used.
I would have said the truth
What happens is that we live in a word
where no one listens, my dear Prad.
What do you plan to do with it?
- Nothing.
- What do you mean "nothing"?
Don't worry Prad.
The moment will arrive.
Don't they understand what's going on?
They... they will never awake
Before finding out that they are asleep
What are you afraid of Prad?
That's normal
No one can face the infinite
without feeling vertigo
No one can experiment it without
feeling a deep disagreement
If we're moving at the speed of thought
How can someone be charmed of this life
without attractiveness,
ingenuity or spontaneity
Why shouldn't I prefer to
stay here in the shadows
If out there is a sea of deafness
That is taking us to be
irremediably ungrateful.
It can't be possible
that all this gets lost
Stay here in our souls
Sir, sir, sir.
The train was here
already when we arrived.
How much time since it's here?
I don't know, we asked to the guarding
personnel, and they know nothing about it either.
Sir... what do we do?
Wait, wait here.
And Blassi, so much trouble
and the train was here?
Take it to the garage and
let's forget about this matter.
Nothing has happened here.
I never imagined what will happen to me
As soon as I reached the
Tired of repeating the same story
Tired of fighting and speaking
'till death just to be ignored
And in that precise moment, I felt
he was putting his time in my hands.
It's not difficult to understand
why I decided to follow his steps
In this no return trip
Before trying to lose my time
trying to explain to a group of fools
Something they don't wish to understand
Anyhow, the old man was right
We live in a word where
nobody listens anymore
Hello? Yes? What? I don't understand,
are you sure about what you're telling me?
Lost... what was lost?
Mr. CEO, Mr. CEO...
In spanish by: Snoop852 and Guskraft
English translation done by: BlueDemon.
For more LatinAmerican and Hispanic