Mohabbatein (2000)

My name is Karan... Karan Choudhry.
Samir... Samir Sharma.
Hey guys ! Gurukul ?
This was their first meeting. Even they
did not know then that this...
little acquaintance at the station,
would lead to a lifetime of friendship.
Quite a big room.
First come first served, guys!
This bed is mine.
Oh God! Is this a bed or a rock...?
Can't do anything about it, can we ?
Now that we are in Gurukul,
We have to study.
Even if the bed feels like a rock,
We have to sleep.
Hey guys! That was a cool poem,
wasn't it?
No one is listening. No reaction.
lf you guys snore at night,
just let me know...
so I can hustle up
some cotton for my ears.
That's because I really cherish my
eight hours of sleep,...
dreaming of pretty girls!
So let me know, thanks ....
What's that ? Who's voice is that ?
Who is that ?
That is the principal of Gurukul.
The one and only, Mr. Narayan Shankar.
Tradition, Honor and Discipline.
These are the three pillars
of Gurukul,...
the values with which
we shape your future.
Those who have been here...
have set very high standards for you.
Today, all of them are successful men
in their own respective fields
some are great writers, great
businessmen and some great politicians.
But all of them have one thing
in common. All their lives...
they have followed the principles
taught to them, by this Gurukul.
Today you have the opportunity
to be a part of this great lineage.
You have been selected from all over
the country, and brought here...
because we believe that you have
what it takes to be great men.
But success does not come so easily.
Behind every great success
lies a great sacrifice.
By entering this institution today,...
you have shut yourself
from the outside world.
We expect that you will work
with full concentration,...
and follow the rules and regulations of
this institution with strict discipline.
lf any one is found
guilty of misconduct,...
he will be expelled immediately.
And remember one thing.
Once you are expelled from here the
doors of all other...
educational institutions would also
be shut for you, forever.
So if there is anyone here who is
not willing to make this sacrifice,...
then he is free to walk out
of that gate right now.
But if you have decided
to stay here,...
then that gate and the world outside
does not exist for you anymore.
Now I want all of you to close
your eyes, bow your heads...
and think of every word
I have said to you,...
and make your own decision.
Vicky! That's my photograph!
-I can see that, my friend,...
but who is this lady in red with you?
-Nobody, give it back to me.
Stop it, Vicky...
what are you doing?
Oh God! its you.
You scared us.
Come here quickly.
I've got something to show you.
Who is this?
This? Romeo and Juliet,
Heer Ranjha,...
Samir and ...Samir and ...?
Sanjana! And it's nothing
like what you think.
She's just a good friend of mine...
actually, she was a friend.
She was a friend?
Sanju was my childhood friend.
We were best friends.
We were neighbors and
literally grew up together.
We had this photograph taken at
a funfair. It was her birthday,...
and the next day, she was
supposed to leave. Forever.
Her father had been transferred and
that was the last time that I saw her.
That was six years ago.
I was just fourteen years old
But do you know where she is now?
I heard a few months ago that she
could be in this very town.
That's great! Which means that
you know where she lives?
No, I don't.
And I don't want to find out.
Why not?
Because it's been a long time and I do
not know if she will recognize me...
or whether she would
like to meet me or not.
So, we'll meet if we are destined to.
Otherwise we won't.
Hey Samir! You really love this girl.
Oh no, nothing of the sort.
she's just an old friend.
Shut up! Just an old friend!
Tell me something. How many other
old friends' photographs...
have you been carrying with you
for the last six years?
That's the bell for your love!
Come on, it's time to sleep.
Old friend, my foot!
I wish I had that photograph
in my pocket. By now,...
I'd have been in her house, relishing
the savories she'd make for me.
And look at you! ''We'll meet if we're
destined to; otherwise, we won't''
Know what, Karan! There's a girls'
hostel behind our college?
So what do I do?
-Oh no. You don't do anything.
You just think.
And I'll do it.
Oh shit! I'm late.
Why do we have to begin so early?
Where is my sleeve...?
Who's that...?
Stop there!
Stop it! You thief.
Ishika! Miss Monica is coming!
Hurry up!
Ishika! . Ishk....
We're through at last! Let's return...
Im terribly hungry.
We've still got to buy mineral water.
-It was there in the shop back there
You guys take the stuff to the jeep.
I'll go and get it.
You're always thinking about food.
You know nothing else, do you.
How much is this for?
-''dedh'' rupees
How can it be ''Dedh''?
The real price is
''dhai'' rupees.
No madam, it's for ''dedh'' rupees.
I know everything. The price is
''dhai'' rupees ...
and I will pay you accordingly . not
a penny more, not a penny less.
Please try to understand what I say...
-I will listen to nothing!
Do you want to give it or don't you?
Tell me clearly.
But ma'am... it costs ''dedh'' rupees,
Not ''dhai'' rupees!
Only last week my friend bought
the same thing from your shop...
at ''dhai'' rupees.
but the price now is ''dedh'' rupees.
-But Ill pay ''dhai'' Rupees.
Quickly pack it for me.
-Somebody, please make her see reason
''We'll meet, if we are destined to.''
Are you giving it or not?
-How can I charge...
''dhai'' rupees when it costs
''dedh'' rupees?
I don't know! Ill pay ''dhai''...
here's the money, if you want it.
By the way, ''dedh'' is lesser than
''dhai'' Rupees.
Is it really...?
-That's just what I was...
trying to explain.
-How much is ''Dedh'' rupees?
Well... one and a half rupees.
Ok, so give it to me for
one and a half rupees.
As you wish.
Your bangles and change.
Show me these bangles, please.
For you?
- No, for a friend of mine...
that red one,...
yes, the green one...
Samir.....Samir Sharma !
What are you doing here?
-Me ... I am a student at Gurukul.
Not bad, Mr. Sharma.
-Cool huh !
Which means you've been here
for so long,...
and did not even bother to call me!
-I didn't have your telephone number.
Stop making excuses!
The truth is that you
didn't even think of me,...
so it did not bother you whether
I was in this town or not.
What is my phone number !
Excuse me ma'am.
-This is mine. Thank you.
What is it?
Nothing... just the list
of things I had to buy.
Have you found everything?
-Yes... Ive found everything.
So come with me!
Im going to set you straight!
Who do you think you are...? Just
because you're a student at Gurukul...
you think you can act tough!
We're going home straight away.
Papa will be so happy to see you.
-Sanju, I cannot come now,...
Ive got to return to Gurukul.
-Then promise you'll come on Sunday.
A true promise?
-True promise.
Khan Baba, when is the train from
Aligarh scheduled to arrive?
The train should be here any moment.
Whom have you come to receive?
The professor of my college.
-I see...
the train should be here any moment.
Khan Baba, who's that girl?
That's Kiran.
She comes here quite often.
Hey! Gurukul. Are you from Gurukul?
...No, No, its OK.
Shall we leave?
-Yes sir...
Ok guys, this is it! I have decided!
The first thing tomorrow morning...
Im going to cross that gate,
enter that girls' hostel,...
and wherever that girl is,
I am going to find her,...
and look deep into her eyes
and tell her . You're beautiful.
I am going to do it!
Now you guys tell me
what you'll have decided.
What say, Samir? Is she going to be
just a friend all your life.
For years, I have been
just a friend of hers.
But now it's time to move ahead.
Hey Karan! What have you thought ?
I am going to think of her as the most
beautiful dream Ive ever had,...
and forget about her.
-What? Don't be such a sissy!
You guys must've have forgotten,
but I still remember every word ...
Narayan Shankar uttered: ''if you
break the rules of Gurukul...''
''you will be expelled immediately.''
Oh c'mon, Karan!
Don't be so scared!
People usually go overboard
during a speech...
that doesn't mean that one has to
take it so seriously.
Narayan Shankar means
every word he says.
He has done it earlier,
and he can do it again.
What has he done earlier?
its a famous story.
There used to be this student here
a few years ago,
He was brilliant. Everyone thought
he would do something in life.
But he made the mistake of breaking
a rule of Gurukul . he fell in love.
Narayan Shankar expelled him without
even seeing him or meeting him.
And, as everyone knows,...
once you're expelled from here,
you cannot get admission elsewhere.
Today, no one knows where he is
or what has happened to him.
As for the girl he loved,
she committed suicide.
She was Narayan Shankar's
one and only child!
Everyone thought that this incident
would soften Narayan Shankar.
Instead, it only made him harder.
So Im neither a sissy nor a coward...
but I am not strong enough to
fight Mr. Narayan Shankar.
I am not that strong.
I guess she is destined to be
just a friend of mine.
You will have to wait
a little, Ishk...
till someone comes and
saves us from Narayan Shankar.
What do you want?
You can't get inside.
Go away... Go!
I can't do this on my own.
Where have you been?
I was at the market to
get all the stuff,...
and you are having
problems with the bulb.
Mr. Seera, I had asked you for
some paperwork. Is it ready?
Yes, sir, it's ready.
-Please leave it on my table.,
What's happening here?
Good morning sir!
My name is Raj Aryan.
I have an appointment with you, sir.
-Don't you know...
that there are students here who are
trying to concentrate on their work?
Don't you understand that you mustn't
make noise in a place like this?
Im sorry sir. its just that the
little girl saw the violin in my hand..
and insisted on hearing it.
I just couldn't break her heart.
It is more important
not to break rules here.
Follow me.
So you teach music.
-Yes sir.
And you want to be given the opportunity
to teach music in this university.
Yes sir.
Being fully aware of the
traditions of the Gurukul?
Knowing for a fact that no form of
music has ever been taught here,...
nor probably will it ever be?
-Yes sir
I read here that you have already been
offered jobs in 3 other universities..
and yet you have come here all
the way to seek a job . Why?
I was told that you would not
allow me to teach music here.
They said that it was impossible.
It seemed like a challenge to me
and I like challenges.
And what makes you think that you
can make me change my mind.
From what I have
heard about you, sir...
I think even you
like challenges. Right sir?
How can your music help my students?
Students remain buried in their
books the whole day, sir.
Music will rejuvenate them and make
their learning process less stressful.
Besides, they will end up learning
music, which is a joy in itself.
Music is a wonderful thing sir!
What happens if you do not find enough
students, who want to learn music?
That's no problem, sir.
Ill pack this small bag, and leave.
Ill be gone.
I like your self-confidence Mr. Aryan.
-Thank you sir.
I will give you one opportunity.
If you do find enough students wishing
to learn music in their spare time,...
you've got yourself a job.
Otherwise, you will leave.
Yes, set it here....
thank you.
That's quite a classroom you've
made for yourself, Mr. Aryan.
Im sorry sir! I just thought,
that at the end of the day...
the students would feel much
better being outside. That's all.
You already have ten more students
registered since yesterday.
That's quite an achievement in one day.
-Thank you sir! As I said...
music is such a wonderful thing....sir
You have the job, Mr. Aryan.
This is the contract.
Please read it carefully and sign it.
Mr. Aryan, you're about to
become a part of Gurukul.
I would like to explain something.
-Please do.
For the last 25 years,...
I have run this place with tradition,
honor, and discipline.
Nothing has changed since then.
Which is why Gurkul has retained
its pristine glory.
Yesterday, you changed
the order of a few chairs.
Tomorrow, you might want
to change something else.
I do not like change of
any kind, Mr. Aryan.
I just don't like changes.
I understand sir.
Good. Welcome to Gurukul Mr. Aryan .
Love... the greatest inspiration
for music.
Love and music are very
closely connected to each other.
Both originate from the heart...
and the destinies of both depend on
whether the heart expresses it or not.
lf you love somebody...
just go and tell her.
Don't worry about whether
she accepts or refuses.
Similarly, if you feel like playing
the instrument in front of you,...
just pick it up and play it;
do not worry about being good or bad,
Just listen to your heart
and do what it says.
Now carefully look at that gate.
its the gate you look at every day.
its the gate you guys
can never cross.
Look at that gate again and imagine.
That the girl you truly love,
is standing behind that gate...
waiting for you...
calling out to you!
Yes, yes! She's calling out to you!
She's asking you to come and
break down that gate,...
so that it never closes again.
She's not going to wait forever!
Listen to your heart.!
Go on! Get up and break
open that gate!
C'mon! Just listen to your heart
Get up! And get going!
Go on...!
There is so much of hatred
in this world.
Even then, the hearts are full of love.
Go forth and tell this universe,...
Nothing can stop these love stories.
''I stop in mid-walk''
''Left to myself I am lost''
''And midway, I lose my words''
''Is this love?''
''Yes, this is love''
''Why do I die to see you?''
''l don't know''
''Why do I do what I do?''
''l don't know''
''l try sometimes, to make my way
through blind alleys''
''Everything in the world
seems to startle me''
''Oh, what is this doing to me?''
''Is this love?''
''Yes, this is love''
''In the way you are...''
''there's something very naughty''
''In the way you are...''
''there's something very naughty''
''On my lips...''
''lingers something of a grievance''
''l am kissing your eyes with mine...''
''l hold you, I go into raptures''
''Oh, what is this doing to me?''
''Is this love?''
''Yes, this is love''
Mr. Aryan do you know
what you are asking for?
Have you forgotten the rules
of Gurukul?
Please sir. Think about it
he has no other choice.
Mr. Aryan, you are asking me to allow
a student of Gurukul...
to do a part time job.
It's impossible!
Sir, Samir's father has passed away.
His mother works day and
night to support him.
Thats why, he thinks by getting a job
he can share his mother's burden.
And I think...we should help him out.
You must be back before
10 every night.
Yes sir!
How can one live without love?
How can one die unloved?
Sweeter than sugar!
Love, Love.
More sour than tamarind.
Love, Love.
This is love. Yes love, love.
Oh, Kakeji, what happened
why did you stop?
Preeto's come.
You came close and smiled at me
You filled my life with sweet dreams...
Now my heart doesnt listen to me
What do I do, something happens to me,
Oh Jaggi, Preeto's coming here.
Yes.. but today she is coming...
with a smile on her face
and not with her shoes in her hand.
What are you saying!
Excuse me . Kakeji
-One minute. Go away.
-Yes ma'am?
Something happens to you?
-Yes ma'am.
To tell you the truth Kakeji
something happens to me too.
Oh really.
-Oh yes
Kakeji, did you remember something?
-Yes ma'am, I remembered.
So, now something happens to you?
-No ma'am, nothing happens.
Jolly good!
-Very good ma'am.
Eat sugar and die! Stupid...
How many times have I told you
not to mess with me.
Oh, this is love, love.
Love... love.
Ishika, Ishika!
Miss Monica is calling you!
Did you call me Ma'am?
Yes, Ishika come in
Your cousin Viren has come to see you.
I told him that I do not like visitors
who do not take prior permission...
but I believe there is
some sort of urgency...
so I have given him permission....
Excuse me... You!
How have you been, quickly put
your arm around me otherwise..
I will tell Miss Monica about your
morning visits to Gurukul.
I am seeing you after
so many years
and just look at how
you've really grown.
Keep smiling, keep smiling,
that's lovely.
Now you must be wondering what
the hell I am doing here, right....
The thing is that Ishika,
ever since Ive seen you
I see flashes of you all the time and
you've even started coming
in my dreams now...
and I am sure I must be in your
dreams too Right? I knew it...
I feel we shouldnt waste
any time now...
There is no point just
looking at each other...
and not saying anything to
one another...its so stupid?
I feel we should take our
love story further.
So I will wait for you on Sunday...
at the Mall Road Coffee House
at 4 p.m.
Just be there. Okay.
Excuse me
My name is Karan, and yours?
Hi! I'm Karan!
What did you say your name was?
How do you end up hurting yourself
in the same place, all the time?
Sorry, what?
I asked
how do you end up...
hurting yourself in the same place
all the time?
I do not know, may be
my mind is elsewhere, these days.
Did you always want to be a doctor?
-I am not a doctor.
Oh, so you are a nurse in this hospital.
-I do not work here.
My father had built this hospital...
and he had left the decoration
of this room to me.
Since then I just come here
to spend some time with these kids.
So, what do you do?
Wow! I wish I could do nothing.
Excuse me? I have been wanting
to ask you something....
the other night I saw you at the
station you were standing all alone...
the train came, and I turned to
look at you and you had walked away...
I couldnt understand anything
were you waiting for someone?
lf you do not want to talk
about it it's ok, no problem.
You saw the girl standing
at the station...
but you did not see her
red bridal dress....
the henna on her hands
the sindoor on her forehead...
It was Karva Chauth...
I was waiting for my husband.
Hey Samir, come here.
What is happening....
why are girls and boys giving....
red and yellow flowers to one another?
Kakeji, today is rose day.
-Rose day? You mean, ''flower'' Rose day.
Yes sir.
I have heard about Republic day
independence day, Happy Birthday...
what is this Rose day all about?
-It is a very special day sir.
Today, you can give any girl a rose
and tell her what you feel for her...
and she cannot refuse it.
-This is a very nice day.
Definitely sir . see...
yellow rose is for friendship...
and red roses for love.
Hey, keep the yellow in your pocket...
I need only the red rose.
Why do you leave all the
cleaning up to me...
Navneet these days you are...
Preetoji, preetoji.
Never mind Kakeji, never mind.
Happy ''loose'' day ma'am.
I mean . happy Rose day ma'am.
Happy rose day!
Rose day?
Yes ma'am .today is a
very special day.
Today you will have to accept Kake's
rose today you cannot refuse me.
Is that so?
-Yes ma'am . you can ask anyone.
Oh no, Kakeji, why ask anyone since
you are saying today, is Rose day...
why don't you put it with
your own hands.
-Yes sir.
You are really looking like my Juliet.
Oh my Romeo, on this occasion
I want to give you something special.
So give it ma'am.
-Should l?
So take this Eat sugar and
to hell with your rose day
do not mess with Preeto.
Forget friendship,
today, just say it.
I have been waiting for you
for the past half an hour.
What sorry Deepak. You just do
not care for anyone else's time.
You see, I got late trying to
find you these beautiful flowers.
Come on, I will introduce you to Samir.
.Who's that?
Hi! Sanju, this is my girlfriend
whom I wanted you to meet...
shocked you, didnt l?
-Definitely, shocked me.
Deepak, this is Samir...
my oldest and dearest friend...
and Samir, this is Deepak
the love of my life.
Nice to see you man.
Is this cafe yours?
No, I work here.
You mean to say you're a waiter here.
Ok c'mon, come with us
we have come to take you ....
we are going for a movie
with some friends.
I cannot come Sanju,
I have got lots of work.
C'mon Samir, you can take
leave for one day.
No, I cannot . I have just joined here.
So, what are you going to do now?
Nothing . Ill just never
see her again...
never go in front of her
Ill just forget her.
You're on the right track.
lf Im not mistaken this is
the same girl for whom...
you crossed the gate,
the other night, right.
And today you want to forget her,
just because she loves someone else...
very good .thats really great.
Excuse me sir, there are some people
who fall in love but their love...
is not reciprocated everyone does not
have your kind of luck!
I pray to God everyday Karan
that no one has my kind of luck...
especially none of you.
At least Samir loves someone who he
can see, whose laughter he can hear...
I can't even do that.
Why not Sir?
Because the girl I love is no more.
She's dead!
I did not fall in love with her
on the condition...
that she would live longer than me...
there are no conditions in love
so there shouldnt be any regrets.
So what if today she is not with me
I still love her the same way...
not because I can't find someone else to
love, but loving her makes me happy.
Whenever I miss her, I close my eyes
and she is with me.
You didn't fall in love with her on the
condition that she will love you too...
so just because she loves someone
else you want to forget her,
don't let go so easily.
Love is just like life,
its not always easy, and
it does not always bring happiness...
but when we do not stop living
why should we stop loving!
Sorry for the long lecture anyway if
Mr. Narayan Shankar sees you'll here...
then all the love stories will come
to an end today itself.
Love is just like life its
not always easy...
and it does not always
bring happiness.
But when we do not stop living
why should we stop loving.
Made you wait for a long time?
This is for hugging me that day I know
what guys like you are all about...
but this time you have messed
with the wrong girl.
My name is ISHlKA DHANRAJGlR...
and I can employ hundred boys
like you as servants in my house.
So next time, before fooling around
with any girl remember this slap and me.
By slapping me you have
taught me a lesson.
But ma'am this really was
my first time
and I was unaware of
the rules of this game.
I did not know one had to exchange one's
bank accounts before asking a girl out.
lf I knew this, I would have introduced
myself much earlier to you...
my name is Vikram Oberoi,
and my father is one of the leading
industrialists of this nation...
and if he wants he can employ your
father but I am so stupid...
I was not aware of the
importance of all this.
I just knew that I had seen a
beautiful girl...
whom I wanted to get to know,
and become friends with.
I thought this was enough to ask someone
out for a date. How stupid I was...
but now I have understood.
Next time I won't get slapped.
You shut her up man, and I was not aware
that my friend is the son of a rich man.
What do you think
if I was the son of such a rich man...
would I be a waiter's friend?
-What? What do you mean?
My dad works in a bank.
Then .what was all this?
I had to shut the rich girl up...
so I just made myself richer
than her, and she shut up.
Ok, forget this .tell me
are all beautiful girls this snooty?
Well since they're beautiful
they are bound to be a little proud.
Not at all, she is very sweet.
-Then she must be very ugly.
I had seen Kiran for the first time
on this very platform.
She had just got married and come...
and it was also the last time
I saw her happy...
because her husband had to leave
that very night...
due to some tension at the border,
and he was an Air force pilot.
Since then she often comes here...
hoping to see her husband
get down from the train...
but everybody knows that is impossible
because two years back we got to hear..
that two planes were found
missing at the border.
I feel even she knows
that her husband is no more...
but she still comes here to please
one man her husbands father .
Major General Khanna...
a retired army officer and one of the
richest men in this town who believes...
that till he does not see the dead body
of his son, he is not dead ...
he insists that Kiran dutifully fulfills
all the traditions of a married girl.
Kiran's sister-in-law, Nandini,
is her only friend.
She is the wife of
Major Khanna's elder son...
who is a computer engineer in the
military and is away most of the time.
Nandini loves Kiran like a sister
and wants to see her happy.
She has a naughty son named Ayush.
He is the bright light in
Kiran's dark life...
they laugh, cry, play
and fight together.
Kiran forgets all her pains and sorrows
and she becomes a child with him.
She is after all just 19 years old.
This is Kiran .who had had come here
to laugh and love...
hope she gets her share of happiness.
I promise you Khan Baba she will
definitely get her share of happiness.
What exactly are you doing?
-The same thing that you are doing sir.
I am doing Suryanamaskar.
So am l. Its just that you do it
your way and I do it my way.
I wanted to ask you,
why do you do it.
It makes we feel good to stare
directly at the sun...
without having to blink my eyes.
I feel I am not weaker than the sun.
I like it .why do you do it?
Just like that sir, unlike you,
I do not have a battle
going on with the sun..
I just enjoy basking in the sunshine
I call this suryanamaskar.
Excuse me sir
I wanted to ask you for something.
Sir, I do not know if you are aware
that today is the festival of Holi...
and I wanted the students
to celebrate it.
But I have been told that Holi has
never been celebrated here in Gurukul.
Holi has never been celebrated here
for the simple reason that....
no one has ever wanted to
at least no one has asked me before.
Sir, no one has asked you because
everybody is scared of you.
And you are not scared of
me Mr. Aryan?
No sir, I have never been scared of
doing the right thing, so as long as...
I know that I am not asking for
anything wrong, I am not scared.
Holi has never been and never will be
celebrated inside Gurukul, however...
I have nothing against
this festival,
if some of the students
wish to celebrate....
they can go outside Gurukul
and do so.
From where I come there is
a tradition of starting this day...
with putting a teeka on the
eldest of the family...
if you do not mind, on behalf of....
me and my students I would like
to put this on you.
Ill just put a little sir,
''O' golden-eyed one...''
''whether you give me your heart,
or whether you chide me''
''We're crazy about you''
''We're your playful paramours''
''You liars''
''Behind that innocent face,
there's hidden a black heart''
''They will break every heart''
''Go on lass''
''Do what you will''
''Ive tainted you all over''
''Hey you...''
''l swear...''
''Im going to have you spiked''
''Ill climb the spike for you.
Just tell me, Ill die right now''
''Shock me if you can''
''And Im all yours''
''Remember my words''
''Someday, two hearts will meet''
''We're crazy about you''
''We're playful paramours''
''These Romeos are ruinous''
''They will break every heart''
''Why are you standing off?''
''Are you on a high?''
''Why are you standing off?
You're so close to my heart''
''Embrace me. Just find an excuse''
''Is it the standoff
which sends you on a high?''
''lf you're calling me,
here I come''
''You should've thought
before taking the leap''
''Now that you've come,
don't go away''
''We're crazy about you''
''We're playful paramours''
''These Romeos are ruinous''
''They will break every heart''
''Be there sorrow, or come joy''
''The easterly still blows''
''One comes, one goes...''
''why are you holding
your heart back?''
''Im not holding my heart back;
my heart holds me back''
''Will someone tell me, what's
the truth, what a mirage is...?''
''Everything in the world...''
''is so lovely''
''That's the only truth''
''Aren't the colors lively?''
''We're crazy about you''
''We're playful paramours''
''These Romeos are ruinous''
''They will break every heart''
''O' golden-eyed one...''
''either give me your heart,
or chide me''
''You liars''
''Behind that innocent face,
there's hidden a black heart''
''We're crazy about you''
''We're playful paramours''
''These Romeos are ruinous''
''They will break every heart''
''Im crazy about you''
''Im your playful paramour''
''These Romeos are ruinous''
''They will break every heart''
My friends think that I was
very rude to you at the cafe...
the other day and I must apologize.
Oh! And what do you think?
I think they are right. I am sorry.
My friends think that you were
in the wrong too,
and you should also apologize.
Oh! And what do you think?
I think they are right.
Good. Now we are quits.
Oh no, we are not.
-Why not?
Because that day you slapped me
and I have still not hit you.
So, you want to slap me?
You want to hit a girl?
Well if the girl insists on
quitting things, what can I do.
Alright, I want to finish this,
once and for all.
Hit me. Come on hit me.
Actually, let it be,
my hands will get dirty.
my friends were totally wrong
about you and I was right.
You . how come you are here?
I have come to tell you something
Tell me?
Yes, but before that you will have to
promise me that you won't get angry.
Ok, I won't.
I found out everything about your life
about why you go to the station...
about your husband,
Major Khanna, everything.
I was brought up with the belief
that boys are the tough ones...
...and girls are weak, but you made
me realize how untrue it is.
You are very different from other girls
and it would make me proud if we...
could be friends, you promised me
that you will not get angry.
I am not angry . its just that...
I am not used to hearing
nice things about myself.
I am a married girl,
living in a small town here a boy
and a girl can never be friends...
it is considered wrong, and I do not
have the strength to prove it right.
You overestimated me,
Im not that strong.
Who are you and me to decide
what is wrong and right?
Thats his job, lets leave it to him.
We can only follow our hearts
thats exactly what I am doing...
now its your turn .
if your heart says that...
...this is right then put
your hand forward...
otherwise walk away, and I promise
I'll never come in your way.
Hi! My name is Karan.
And yours ma'am?
Friends are not addressed
as ma'am. I am Kiran.
Great, lets go.
.Hey! At least do your prayers.
No need, my prayers are done.
Lets leave.
I don't believe this Samir
can't you find yourself a decent job?
Sanju, who is going to give
a student a part time job here?
And in any case, my mother says
that no work is big or small...
as long as you do it
with all your heart.
Okay, okay, stop giving me a lecture.
-I can't see Tom uncle, where is he?
Don't ask.
For the past three hours
he has locked himself in the room...
opening all the old trunks and
I ask him for a reason,
he does not answer.
Papa, what are you doing?
I can see that, but why are you
wearing this prehistoric costume.
Because I am going for a
date with Jenny.
Jenny aunty is going out with you.
Yes sir, after six months of wooing
her she has finally agreed.
But you never wear a suit
so why today?
You see, Jenny likes
classy gentlemen...
thats why I thought
Ill impress her with the suit.
How am I looking.
You are not looking good at all
Remove this.
What are you saying?
This was your mothers favorite
suit, wasn't it, tell me?
Papa, that was twenty years ago.
So what, does a suit change in
twenty years. What say Samir.
I think you are looking
terrific Uncle. Smashing, superb
He does not know anything
you are not looking nice...
and you are not going out
like this, understood.
I am going my love . bye bye Samir
Relax uncle, Sanju just talks rubbish.
Would you like some chips?
Lift your arms up.
One should love you, the way you are,
Not the way she wants you to be...
lf someone tries to change you
then its not love but a compromise...
And darling, one doesn't
compromise in love, right.
Me and you locked in a room.
Samir, have you gone mad
Samir behave yourself.
And the key gets lost.
Ill be back from the conference by
tomorrow morning, make sure that...
everything is alright in Gurukul.
-Yes sir.
Morning Mr. Aryan, what changes would
you like to make in Gurukul today.
Just a small change sir
I would like you to begin the day...
with some sweets . Today is
my birthday.
Congratulations Mr. Aryan.
I'm sorry I am not allowed
to have sweets...
Actually sir, there was something
I wanted to ask you for.
I knew you would ask me for something
tell me what can I do for you.
Sir, I was thinking of throwing a
small party for the students...
they have given me so much respect
in such a small span of time.
I will be very happy to do something
for them sir . only if you permit.
Alright Mr. Aryan.
You can have the party.
But make sure that you
do not do anything...
...that will spoil the reputation
of Gurukul.
One more small request sir.
Now what Mr. Aryan!
Sir, most of the students
are learning music... I thought it would be really
nice to have a dance party.
I was wondering if I could invite
our neighbors,
Miss Monica's girls to join us...
that is only if you permit sir.
Till today girls have never
entered Gurukul Mr. Aryan...
and I would like to maintain
that tradition.
You are right sir, but we really cannot
have a dance party without girls sir...
and actually sir
I have sort of promised the boys.
Before making the promise
you should have asked me Mr. Aryan!
You know I don't like changes.
Come on Ram Singh.
''There was this infatuated girl...''
''who loved a boy to death''
''Her eyes downcast...''
''she blushed...''
''as she traipsed down the alley''
''On the sly, she'd pen
her love letters''
''Was it something she wished to say?
Oh, but whom was she afraid of?''
''And whenever we met,
she'd ask me...''
''How does love happen?''
''How does this love happen?''
''All I could tell her was...''
''Whether your eyes
are open or shut...''
''you will always dream
of your loved one''
''Oh how do I tell you, my love...?''
''How love happens''
''Today, let's see what dying
for someone is like''
''Let's see how love happens''
''l was lost thinking of someone
when I wove my dreams''
''l was lost in someone's arms
when I fell in love with him''
''When you're in love,
you're never awake, nor asleep''
''Oh how do I tell you, my love,
how love happens?''
''Or is this some spell
that binds you?''
''A thousand hurdles
the heart will overcome''
''Far up, somewhere in the Heavens,
all this is decided''
''Who knows when, how, one will meet
the fellow traveller''
''The name that's writ on the heart
is the one you will fall for''
''Oh how do I tell you, my love,
how love happens?''
''Whether your eyes
are open or shut...''
''you will always dream
of your loved one''
''Oh how do I tell you, my love,
how love happens?''
You will have to leave Mr. Aryan!
I am sorry that this had to happen,
because I had started liking you.
I thought that in spite of your
different ideas...
and nontraditional methods
you could...
become an important part of Gurukul
but I was wrong.
My first instinct about
you was correct...
you are a very arrogant and
undisciplined man...
and we do not need people
like you here.
I want your resignation on my table
first thing in the morning.
Why the sniggering Mr. Aryan?
Im sorry sir! Till today,
I had a lot of respect for you
-I thought you were a very
and sharp man . a man who would
never miss ...
anything but I am afraid
I am disappointed.
What are you trying to say Mr. Aryan?
Do you remember sir,
when I first came here for a job,
I told you my name . Raj Aryan...
today I am going to tell you
my full name...
Mr. Shankar, my full name is
Raj A Malhotra.
Yes, I am the same Raj Malhotra...
who had dared to fall in
love with your daughter...
the same Raj Malhotra whom your
daughter loved very much...
the same Raj Malhotra whom you hated so
much that you threw him out of Gurukul.
without even seeing his face without
even giving him a chance to meet you...
without even hearing what
he had to say.
The same Raj Malhotra who could not get
...admission in any other educational
who could not get a decent job anywhere
but he worked on his own...
and today the country's most
...educational institution has
employed him.
Yes sir, the same man who promised...
to destroy me has welcomed
me with open arms.
And as far as my resignation goes
I am sorry, I cannot.
I have a contract in my hand which
clearly states that...
I cannot leave or be expelled...
till the end of the term .
signed Narayan Shankar.
And Mr. Narayan Shankar .
by the time this term is over...
I promise you that Gurukul will
not be the same.
I loved only one woman all my life
and I will love her forever.
She gave up her life for you, believing
that it would make you kinder...
and bring love into this place and
that everything would change.
You denied me of my only love and...
this is a truth that I will have
to live with all my life.
But there is one more truth that
I cannot live with...
and that is the fact that the
girl I loved died in vain.
The fact that nothing has changed here
that I cannot bear to live with.
I promise you Mr. Shankar,
by the time I leave...
I will fill this place with so much
love that ...
it will take you ten lifetimes
to remove it.
I will fill this place with so
much sunshine....
that a man who has been staring at the
sun for 50 years, will have to blink.
What happened to us will
not happen to anyone else.
This I promise.
''Even after the lovers have died...''
''after their beloveds
have perished...''
''their loves live on, forever
''Their loves live on, forever''
Todays newspaper and your tea
both are kept next to your chair.
I had made the tea ten minutes
back so its already cold,
just the way you like.
I am leaving early for college
today but...
I have told Bahadur for your
and I have also given your clothes
for ironing . and by the way...
today is my birthday
you can wish me if you want.
I forgot once again. Come here.
I must be the worlds worst father.
No, not at all you are the
best father in the world.
Happy birthday my child.
I pray that you get everything you
ever want,
and all your dreams come true.
Pretty, but still not as
beautiful as mom.
Let me see.
Oh its you, papa when did you come
I was just...
Wait a minute, lets see
I think my daughter is more beautiful
than your mother. What do you think?
Do you know ever since you were
a kid you have been wearing your....
mother's mangalsutra and duppatta
and dressing up as a bride.
I think now the time has
come to get you married.
Stop it papa!
Hello, Hi. I am busy now
I 'll phone you later . ok ...bye!
Who was that?
That was Priya.
She keeps calling and boring me.
Now you go change your clothes and
I will make you some hot coffee.
Papa, papa
I have come to apologize to you.
Apologize! For what?
Papa, you always taught me
never to lie but I lied to you.
That day when you were in my room
and the phone rang....
I told you it was Priya but
it was not Priya papa .
-it was someone else.
Who was it?
It was a boy.
A boy whom I have known for a
very long time . someone who has...
become much more than a friend
a boy who loves me very much...
someone who I love very much.
I know I should have told
you earlier...
but I was scared that
you would get angry.
You have always told me that love
leads to pain
but I do not know what
it was about him...
that I just could not stop myself.
When you meet him you will
realize that how different he is,
how sweet he is, how true he is.
You had hoped that all
my dreams come true...
he is my one and only dream and...
after this I do not want anything else.
-Whats his name?
Raj...Raj Malhotra.
-What does he do?
He is a student in Gurukul.
You are not angry no papa!
Papa, please don't be angry.
I have come to tell you that...
Raj Malhotra has been expelled
from Gurukul.
I did not meet him, I do not know
what he looks like,
and I hope I never see him.
I have sent him somewhere
far away from here,
and I would like you to forget him.
I know you must be thinking that my
decision is cruel, and wrong...
but I know that this is
the best thing for your future.
Your tea is kept there but the
newspaper guy has still not come....
Its Sunday, so I think he is
running a little late by the way...
Bahadur is unwell.
So let me know what you will have for
breakfast, I will make it myself.
Are you alright?
I am absolutely fine papa
I am absolutely fine.
Thats enough, its quite late...
and you have to get up early
in the morning . open your mouth.
Do you know that you are
the world's best daughter.
Are you happy?
Are you happy, papa?
-Very much.
Then I am also very happy.
Good night, papa.
Im sorry papa
I tried to forget him...
I tried very hard not
to think about him...
to stop loving him but
I just could not.
I love you very much, papa and
I can never hurt you,
but I love him too...
and I cannot live without him.
I hope someday you realize that
love is very beautiful...
even if it comes with
a little pain.
Ever since the day she told me
about you, I have hated you.
I hated you so much that
I never wanted to see your face.
I never ever wanted to hear
your voice...
and today you are standing in
front of me on my doorstep.
lf I want I can drag you out
of that gate...
and throw you out of this place...
and no piece of paper can stop me
but I am not going to do that...
because now I want you to stay.
You have given a 55 year old man a
reason to fight again .
he has to prove all over again,
that for25 years whatever...
he has stood for and believed in,
still holds true.
You were right about me Mr. Aryan
like you even I love challenges.
So, now you do what you have to and
Ill do ...
what I have been doing for
the last 25 years.
The foundation of this structure
is so strong that no Raj Aryan,
with a violin in his hand
and a smile on his face...
will ever dare to walk in
here to change things around.
Never, Mr. Raj Aryan, never.
Megha, you were right.
Its not easy to win from your father.
He is one tough man .
but we are no less.
Vicky, Vicky, give it back.
Samir I am warning you.
Do any of you know
how to play the piano?
its okay, it's okay.
I needed somebody to teach...
Major Khanna's grandson, but never
mind maybe someone else would know.
Vicky havent we heard
this name before, Major Khanna
So, you would like to learn the
piano, Right. . Yes sir!
Come down in ten minutes
we have a lot of work to do...
and do come with some clothes on.
Now Ayush, I want you to learn to play
the piano before your papa comes back.
Do not worry sir, in one month he will
be playing even better than me.
Ok Karan, I am leaving
you carry on! Right Ayush.
Karan, just a minute, this is our
younger daughter in . law Kiran and...
this is Karan Chaudhry,
Ayush's piano teacher.
Karan, if you do not mind, can you
teach her too, along with Ayush.
Sister . in . law!
Hold on, she loves music in fact
she has learnt classical dance.
Sister . in . law!
Ok, ok, she does not do it anymore.
Thank god she doesnt, otherwise
she use to disturb me every morning.
Ok ok, time out, time out!
Ayush get me a glass of water.
Sister, get water.
Ayush, this is wrong, your sister is
older than you, you go and get me water.
Ok! In this house
I have to do all the work.
Ramu kaka water!
You never told me that
you used to dance?
You ask too many questions.
-Thats because you never answer.
Have you come here to teach Ayush
piano lessons or to chat with me?
What do you think?
Ishika my child, meet your new dance
partner Vikram, not Viren! . right.
Vikram I want you know that this
dance competition... a matter of prestige for
our college and...
that is why on my request Mr. Raj Aryan
has sent you to help us out.
Ishika, I want you'll to become friends
and in one month, show me something...
really spectacular and special.
Wipe that stupid grin off your face
it makes you look even more stupid.
I have been winning this dance
competition for the past three years...
and I am not going to end up loosing
this year because of an idiot like you
-so if you do not wish to make a
fool of yourself just leave quietly.
No please, don't do that.
I have been waiting for
this all my life,
all I have ever wanted is
to be able to dance with you.
After this even if I die I will have
no regrets. Please dance with me.
Your sense of humor is just
like you sick and disgusting!
My name is Ishika!
My friends feel that I was rude ...
to you the other day when
you had come to apologize.
And what do you feel?
I think they are right.
I am sorry.
Now, can you leave me?
I do not feel like.
-Do you feel like a slap you.
lf the girl smiles then she's yours.
Ok, leave me.
-Leave you?
You didnt join us.
-I am just.
I would like to remind you that
till you are a part of Gurukul....
it is your duty to follow the
traditions of this place.
Next time I do not want
to see you outside the temple
Im sorry sir but
I will not come into the temple.
I have an old score to
settle with him...
he took the one person
who believed in him the most.
Challenging us mortals
was not enough for you,
that you have
decided to take on God.
No sir, My God is my conscience.
I do not believe in any other God.
Take this .
for all your battles.
Im sorry sir, but I cannot.
Because to take this I would have to
touch your feet, like the others...
and that is something that
my heart will not allow me to do.
I do not force anyone to touch my feet
Mr. Aryan .they do it out of respect.
They touch your feet out of fear and
you mistake their fear for respect
-but Im...
But you are not scared of me Mr. Aryan.
I know that...
the other day you had put at tika
on my forehead ..
...that day I had nothing
to give you.
Today, accept this as a blessing...
and it would remove a burden
from my head...
and make us quits and yes
you do not have to touch my feet.
lf this is about removing your burden
then I accept.
You too sir.
Encoded by CharmeLeon
Samir! What are you doing here?
Working, what else?
For 500 rupees on a Sunday and
the chance to see a Singhania party...
...only a fool can
refuse such an offer.
I don't believe you,
anyway its great that ...
...i found you,
now just stay with me.
Sanjana, leave my hand
it does not look good
I am supposed to be working here
and besides this is...
your boyfriends party so I am sure
you know everyone here.
No, I do not .these are all Deepak's
friends. I do not know them that well.
Im sorry Sanjana . but I do not want
to get fired because of you . Ok.
Come let me introduce you to everyone.
Where have you been, come on, come on.
What rubbish.
I was just kidding .
Come on give me your hand, c'mon
Listen Sanjana Im sorry, ok.
I should not have done that . please.
Enough Deepak, enough.
All guys are alike.
You said something?
You know, you boys are so stupid.
Its so easy for any girl
to draw your attention.
All she needs to do is dress
suggestively like our dear friend...
Sonia and she's got you'll all
wrapped around her little finger.
Thats all you boys ever
think of, right.
You'll never think of what kind of
person she is what is in her heart... she talks, do you'll?
You're right,
we never think of such things, never!
Do you know what your problem is
you are jealous of Sonia.
I am jealous of Sonia?
Yes. Because basically you
want to be just like Sonia,
but you know that is impossible
lets face it,... do not have what it takes and
that makes you hate her even more.
I think you have a big complex and
you should deal with it.
Listen Mr. Vikram Oberoi, Neither am l
jealous nor do I hate anyone.
I am very happy the way
I am . as for your Sonia
I can be like her anytime,
if I want to.
But she can never be like me,
ever . understand.
Believe me Ishika
You can never look like Sonia
Vicky, I am not getting this dance
step do help me please.
Why are you not ready yet
we have to go to Mr. Sharma's house.
I do not feel like going.
Every time the same excuse,
sometimes its good to go out...
meet people, make friends.
You cannot shut yourself from
the world, forever . can you?
Ok, take your time...
we will be late make sure
that Ayush sleeps on time...
and no MTV or ZTV for him.
A small gift, for a girl,
who is incomplete without this.
What happened?
You did not like the gift.
You, what are you doing here?
Have you gone mad?
lf somebody sees you,
do you know what will happen.
Relax, no one has seen me.
I don't know anything,
just go from here.
Ok, Ok, I will go on one condition.
I want to see you dance
wearing these ghungroos, just once.
I cannot do it.
Hey, you can't say no,
its the first rule of friendship...
you can never say no
to anything that a friend asks for.
Karan stop it .
I am getting very scared.
Nandini, Nandini . hurry up,
we are getting late.
Yes father, I am downstairs.
Karan, you please go from here.
First promise me.
I do not know how to dance . I used to
do it before, but now I have forgotten.
Listen, I wanted to make my friend
happy so I got her a gift.
Now if you feel like making your
friend happy then come to ...
...the terrace wearing those
ghungroos it's as simple as that.
Why are you doing all this, Karan?
Because there is this friend of
mine who is scared to be happy...
...I want to show her how easy
it is, to be happy.
Why did this happen Samir
how could I make such a big mistake.
Do you really want to know?
This was your mistake this is not
Sanjana, this is someone else.
This is my Sanju clumsy, messy, cute.
You had forgotten yourself,
when you were with Deepak...
you had become the way he wanted
to see you .this was your mistake.
He should love you for what you are
and not for what he wants you to be...
lf someone tries to change you,
then it is not love, but a compromise
And darling, one doesnt compromise
in love. You forgot your own rule.
Lets go.
Samir, can you hold me in your arms
You won.
Their love stories have begun, you won.
We won!
''Come, steal me from my self''
''Hide me somewhere in your heart''
''Don't let me get lost in loneliness''
''Don't let me lose you''
''Come to me. Take me in your arms''
''Come, steal me from my self''
''Hide me somewhere in your heart''
''Don't let me get lost in loneliness''
''Don't let me lose you''
''Come to me. Take me in your arms''
''Come, steal me from my self''
''Hide me somewhere in your heart''
''Make my heart beat faster''
''Let your hair spread out''
''Give me a shy smile''
''Let the wind catch your veil''
''l could let my hair spread,
but it could turn day into night''
''l could let my veil wave with the wind
but there could be a cloudburst of desire''
''Let it pour''
''We have something
to talk about''
''Come to me. Take me in your arms''
''Come, steal me from my self''
''Hide me somewhere in your heart''
''Don't let me get lost in loneliness''
''Don't let me lose you''
''Come to me. Take me in your arms''
''l could die for you''
''Im going to die''
''They all say that''
''Ill do it''
''A little vermilion...''
''fill in my hair''
''Who has seen tomorrow?''
''Do it all, today, now''
''Whether or not, everyone agrees''
''When hearts avow''
''God acquiesces''
''Come to me .Take me in your arms''
''Come, steal me from my self''
''Hide me somewhere in your heart''
''Come, steal me from my self''
''Hide me somewhere in your heart''
''Don't let me get lost in loneliness''
''Don't let me lose you''
''Come to me. Take me in your arms''
What is your name?
Sir, Vi ..Vi...Vic...Vikram , Sir.
Are you aware of the
rules of Gurukul?
Yes sir!
So you know that you have broken
one of the rules...
...and that you can be
expelled for it.
Yes sir!
So tell me Vikram what is
the reason for your carelessness?
Sir, I was, I was....
Did you reach the station on time.
Station sir?
The parcel that I gave you did
the station master accept it?
Parcel, yes sir. The station
master accepted your parcel sir.
Great . its very late, you go to
bed and Vicky thank you very much.
Its very late sir . you
should also go to sleep,
otherwise for the first time...
the sun will rise before you do.
Good night.
I have called all of you here because
I have found out that
a few students are...
trying to break the discipline of
Gurukul a few students have been...
...leaving the campus regularly
and not returning on time.
I would like to remind them that
breaking the rules of Gurukul...
... will not be tolerated.
I think my silence has been
misunderstood to be my weakness.
So from today, the Gurukul gate
will be shut at all times.
From now on no one will leave the gates
of this campus, under any circumstance.
Anyone caught will be expelled
immediately I repeat...
...anyone caught will be expelled
immediately. You'll can go now.
Mr. Aryan I know everything
that goes on in Gurukul...
...nothing escapes my eyes.
Those three boys will
have to stop going out.
There will be no part time working
no piano playing, and no dancing.
I would like you to be the one
to break this news to them.
Yes sir.
Its nice to see you smiling
Mr. Shankar.
It must be a very special morning.
Definitely Mr. Aryan.
Do you see these blowing
winds these winds...
have been blowing from
the east for years.
Some time back they had changed their
direction to the west, but now...
they are back to normal.
Today, everything is back to
normal Mr. Aryan.
It is a very special morning.
Congratulations Mr. Shankar,
even the winds are scared of you...
even they know that you
do not like changes.
It just shows the power of
your fear.
You were the one who made me aware
of the power of my fear Mr. Aryan.
You were the one who told me
that everyone is scared of me .
that they love you,
and fear me . right.
But I want you to know something
Mr. Aryan...
...that in the battle of love and fear,
fear will always win.
Till now you have only
seen the power of fear.
You have still not seen
the power of love.
I would like to see such power,
Mr. Aryan.
I would really like to see
that happen.
Now you'll definitely see the power
of love you definitely will.
Today is 14th February
Valentines Day ,the day of love.
Today I am going to begin
by telling you a love story.
A story of a boy, a girl and a leaf
a story of one of you'll, a boy ...
from Gurukul, but there was one
difference he was in love,
and he had decided that on this day,
he would tell her everything,
not worrying about the consequences.
She was standing at the bus stop
with her friends...
waiting to leave for
the college picnic.
The boy had sneaked out of Gurukul
and had come running to see her.
He saw her getting into the bus,
he immediately took out
a pen from his pocket...
and tried to find something
to write on.
Then he picked up a leaf from the
ground and wrote on it.
Dear Megha, I love you.
He gave it to a kid on the street...
and pointed towards the girl.
The kid ran with the leaf
towards the girl...
who was just about to enter the bus.
Just then there was a convoy of army
trucks which blocked his view,
and he could not see the girl.
When the last truck crossed him...
he saw that all the girls had
already got into the bus.
As he turned, he saw the same kid
standing in front of him...
holding the leaf.
There was something written on
the other side of the leaf...
I have waited so long to
hearths . Megha.
But, by that time the bus had
already left.
He ran behind the bus and
stopped in the middle of the road.
He turned, he saw her standing
in front of him.
So this was a true love story
that happened on Valentines Day.
Sir, what happened next?
Then, they got married and they
lived happily ever after, right sir?
Wrong! What happened next,
you all know.
Because this is the story of the one...
and only student who was
thrown out of Gurukul.
The one who some of
you'll call the crazy lover.
Was he crazy or was he just mad,
or was he a boy just like you'll...
I do not know.
But I know one thing that he
listened to his heart all his life.
I know that he gave up everything
for the woman he loved...
and I know that he stills loves her...
and each day the love
deepens more and more.
How do you know so much about him?
How do I know so much about him
how do I know so much!
My name is not Vikram Oberoi,
but Vikram kapoor.
My father is not a rich industrialist
but is a bank accountant.
And the friendship that I had
started with a lie...
I want to end it with the truth...
and the truth is that
I am madly in love with you.
I know it is not easy to
love a stubborn,
and spoilt girl like you,
but I know that...
behind this stubborn girl,
is a cute little girl...
who reads love stories at night and
dreams about love, even in the day.
Behind this spoilt girl, there
is a girl with a clear conscience...
who sweetly accepts her mistakes
and says ''sorry.''
Behind this Ishika Dhanrajgir
is my cute,
stupid little Ishq whom I love
and cannot live without.
You talk a lot.
lf you quieting me like this,
I will never shut up.
I want you to leave Karan . forever.
But why, what have I done?
You've not done anything Karan in fact,
you have only given me happiness.
You brought back music and gave
me your friendship...
for which I will always be grateful .
but you also brought back those
dreams, desires, and hopes...
that I had shut out, and kept in
a little corner of my heart .
those dreams that belonged to a
seventeen year old Kiran...
those dreams that have no place
in this Kiran's life.
I cannot be your friend anymore
please forgive me and forget me.
There is a rule of friendship Kiran
that once you put your hand forward...
it can never be taken back.
Please Karan, go from here.
Today I had come here to tell you
something Kiran...
and I am not going back
till I say it.
What did you want to tell her
even I would like to hear it.
Sir, I came here to tell her that
I love her...
...that I love her very much
and I know that even she
I think you have got your answer
now leave and never come back.
Wait, Karan!
Do you love this boy?
Tell me the truth,
do you love him.
Nandini, do you realize
what you are saying?
For once in your life Kiran,
listen to your heart and...
tell me if you love Karan.
Nandini, you are talking
to a married girl.
No, Major General Khanna
I am talking to a girl whose
husband is dead
I am talking to a widow
Major General Khanna
I am talking to a widow
Look at this girl closely,
and for once do not look at her
as the youngest daughter-in-law ...
of your family, but instead,
look at her as the young girl,
whom you had brought into this...
house with promises
and dreams of a happy life.
Look at her as the girl, who has,
for two years...
quietly played the role of
a married girl just for you.
So that by seeing her, you can keep
believing that your son is alive.
Look at her, and ask yourself,
what is wrong if someone falls
in love with her...
what is wrong if she falls in love
with someone, what is so wrong?
Your son is dead,
at least let her live.
My son is not dead.
My son is not dead.
Ever since we used to laugh and cry
about small things, I have loved you.
Ever since we used to dance
in the rains I have loved you.
When we used to sneak out to the
terrace and count the stars...
I have loved you.
Now, I myself, have forgotten
since when, I have loved you.
I can only say, that I have loved you
and only you.
You love me so much?
Since when?
And till today,
you never said a thing.
Idiot . Stupid . Now what are you
standing and staring at my face.
Come on, take me in your arms.
Kakeji, you used to give me roses etc.
today am I not getting a leaf?
No Preetoji, from now on Kake
will never trouble you.
Seeing these kids, I have figured
out what a perfect pair looks like.
You are very pretty, and smart and Im
a stupid looking and uneducated.
This pair is all wrong.
You need not worry, from today, you'll
never have to take your shoes in...
your hand, from today Kake will
never trouble you.
This is my final goodbye to you.
And what if after today Preeto
starts troubling Kake.
Then what. Eat sugar and die.
What do you think of yourself?
you have been giving me weird stuff,
and saying rubbish...
and now you are saying, that from
today you will never trouble me.
Why will you not trouble me
you'll have to trouble me.
Because Preeto,
has gotten used to Kake nonsense.
And besides, Preeto likes Kake.
Likes ma'am?
Yes. And who said you are stupid
looking. You are very cute.
Yes, and what do they say in English
I love you.
I can hear the bricks crumbling
Mr. Shankar, can you hear it?
The winds have changed their
direction once again...
the power of love Mr. Shankar...
you better lock your windows and doors
properly sir because love is in the...
air and no one can stop it now.
''On chained feet...''
''chiming anklets scream...''
''shut all doors...''
''but the thief will steal in''
''Break your shackles''
''Let your anklets chime''
''Open the doors of your heart''
''Let the thief in''
''Oh what do I say, what do I do?
I feel so shy''
''Don't make me pine.
This is killing me''
''First let me get to believe
that you truly love me''
''lf there's any doubt in
your heart, let's forget it''
''l won't give myself up so easily''
''Ill think it over first''
''Then Ill tell you tomorrow
or the day after''
''lf you won't say yes today,
someone else can marry you''
''Those who are made for each other,
shall meet, come what may''
''Hearts blossom, even in autumn''
''My friends, the whole world says
the heart is crazy''
''Loving hearts say that
the world is crazy''
''l have come, my love,
I have left the world behind''
''l have broken all ties,
I come to bind myself to you''
''Let's bind ourselves
to each other''
''In bondage let us fly together,
like kite and string''
''On chained feet...''
''chiming anklets scream...''
''shut all doors...''
''but the thief will steal in''
''Break your shackles''
''Let your anklets chime''
''Open the doors of your heart''
''Let the thief in''
''Shut all doors...''
''but the thief will steal in''
''The thief will steal in''
''The thief will steal in''
''For all the hatred in the world...''
''hearts are still full of love''
''Even after lovers have died...''
''after their beloveds have perished...''
''their loves live on, forever''
''Even after lovers have died...''
''after their beloveds
have perished...''
''their loves live on, forever''
''Their loves live on, forever''
I know that this is not the first
time that the three of...
you'll have broken
the rules of Gurukul.
I also know that you'll are
responsible for...
the others behaving in a
similar fashion.
You'll have left me with no choice,
but before I take a decision,
I would like to ask you'll
one question,
and I would like you'll to think
very carefully before answering it...
...because whatever you will say,
will decide your fate.
Did you do this out of your
own free will
or is someone else
responsible for this...
someone who encouraged and
forced you'll to do this,
think carefully and answer.
We take full responsibility
for our actions...
nobody else is responsible
for what we did.
We did what our hearts told
us to do.
And we do not regret
anything because...
we do not think we did
anything wrong.
This is your last day in Gurukul
start packing your bags.
You'll will be expelled in the
morning in front of everyone.
You won, I lost!
But do not punish them
for my mistakes...
do not do this to them, please.
I did not come here to make
another Raj Aryan.
I came here to make sure that
no one else becomes a Raj Aryan.
Forgive them, your battle is with
me and I am in front of you...
Defeated and lost.
I will do whatever you want
just forgive them.
You won, I lost.
I want you to come tomorrow
and tell the students,
that whatever you...
have taught them, and
believed in, was wrong.
I want you to tell them, that you
do not believe in love and...
...that you are sorry for
misleading them...
...and then quietly leave Gurukul...
...and never come back.
Good, you can go now.
I had told you Mr. Aryan,
in the battle of love and fear...
fear will always win.
I am sorry sir, but from
where I see you lost.
Because from where I see, I see a
55 year old father standing below...
a garlanded photograph of his
19 year old daughter.
You lost then, and you lost now.
You ever wondered Mr.Shankarthat
why did I ever come back to Gurukul?
For whom? The girl I loved
is no more...
who are Vicky, Samir,
and Karan to me.
I did not even know them,
I did not know anyone here.
I came back for you, Mr. Shankar.
I came back for the father of
the girl, I loved.
I came back because she always told
me that you were a very loving man...
that you were just hard from the
outside but very soft from the inside.
I came to break that hardness.
Do you know, Mr. Shankar, I do not
have any photograph of Megha...
I never felt the need for it,
because I see Megha wherever
I see love.
I thought if I could make
just one love story
bloom in front of your eyes,
you too would see her...
and you would see how happy she is
and that will take your pain away.
I had come to share your
pain Mr. Shankar
I had come to show you love.
I came here because l
realized one thing...
that Megha was incomplete
without you...
but you failed to realize that she
was incomplete without me too...
we together made her complete.
I came to complete what we
couldnt do in her lifetime.
I came to complete her
I came to complete Megha.
You won every battle of life...
but you lost everything
that was worth living for.
You lost a daughter then
and now you have lost a son.
I am sorry sir, but from where
I see you lost everything.
Because I see a stubborn man
standing with his back turned...
to the two people who
truly loved him.
I am sorry sir, I am sorry.
For25 years, I have been
very proud of the fact,
that Ive run this
institution with...
tradition, honor, and discipline,
believing that I have made
my students....
stronger, fuller, and better men...
men who will always come out
as winners in the battle of life.
I have been very proud of the
fact that somewhere there is a...
Narayan Shankar in each
and every student of Gurukul.
But, today, as I stand before you
I am not feeling so proud.
Because, today, I do not
like the Narayan Shankar...
who is standing in front of you.
Because today Narayan Shankar is a
man who did not come out as a winner...
in the battle of life...
...he has lost.
He is a sad, stubborn,
and lonely man...
who just did not understand
the meaning of life.
And today, when he looks back, he
cannot help but feel that somewhere...
all his students, must be sad
and lonely, just like him...
because he knows, he never smiled
at them when they were scared...
he never patted their backs
when they did well...
he never held them in his arms,
when they were sad.
Because he always believed
that showing any kind of love
and affection leads to pain...
and pain leads to weakness.
And in this process he became so
hard, that he forgot how to love.
And today he wants to go back
to each of his students...
hold them in his arms
and apologize to them.
And tell them one simple thing,
that life is about giving and...
receiving love, and nothing else,
nothing else
But he knows he cannot do that
he cannot go back.
But there is something he can do.
Something that he has not
done for25 years...
something that he should have
done a long...
time back, and that is change.
He will have to change.
The old generation will have to change
their old traditions, so that..
a new generation can create
a new tradition.
Now its time for me to step down
and give you someone who has
shown me that...
...respect is not earned by fear,
but by love.
Mr. Aryan, please come up.
I request you to please
take over...
and teach my students the
essence of love and life.
So that from now on
I can proudly say
that there is a Raj Aryan in each
and every student of Gurukul.
And probably then my
daughter would forgive me.