Moine, Le (The Monk) (2011)

I know it's not easy.
But we still have to take the
easiest path.
I try not to think about it.
But we did not start the hand.
Who were you with tonight?
With my brother's daughter.
She's like my daughter.
Every time I think it'll be
the last time.
But as soon as it's over...
then it'll be even worse.
And everything is repeated.
What is the source of your fear?
Perhaps the fear of
that we'll be revealed.
When I call,
she turns her head.
So her looking at me... It can be said
that alone gives me the justification.
It all began when I saw
her legs so slim.
Before she was, for me
just a girl.
But when I saw her curves...
Earlier I didn't think about it.
She was a nobody.
But now...
Now it can not be a nobody.
If it serves as a
entertainment, uniteete said.
Then she will become a nobody.
Think about how much harm
will be caused.
And often you have sinned
with his niece?
Often. Very often.
Sometimes several times a day.
Shut up?
I've shocked you?
You have come to confess.
My answers have no significance.
Here we talk about your sins.
Do you find this
confession brings joy?
Can you recognize the greater sin?
And what would it be greater than this?
Do I know the size of sin?
Every sinner has its limits.
God - I assure you, condemns
every sin.
And you, my father,
evil does not scare you?
Satan has no power over you?
Satan has power over me
as much as he allows.
Everything is so simple?
Everything is so simple.
I Prevod. Tiger Ajdi
In December of 1595
the night of St.. Ambrose,
front gate of the monastery
near Madrid,
I found the baby.
The only thing that differentiated him
from other children was a mark,
in the shape of a hand on
his shoulder.
Some of the brothers, the truest,
considered it a sign of the devil.
But Miguel's brother, said that twas
God's gift to the child.
The brothers have decided that they'll
bringt it up themselves.
I named it Ambrose.
Under the influence of brothers,
Ambrose has already at an early...
...age accquired knowledge of science,
writing and drawing.
He has a lot of ambition.
With 18 years he entered into
the brotherhood.
To all brothers, Ambrose became
an example of diligence and faith.
Everyone respects him,
but, they are envious of him.
His deep faith, his talent to
convince people of the confessional;
became the basis of his
We're late.
Jel's true that he called
God's man?
Yes. He sins so I resolved, as all
the other monks in the region together.
Father, all waiting in the church
only him.
Do not worry, I will soon to come.
Dear Sir,
obraam you with a request
give me strength
to continue the mission,
granted by me.
Obraam you on behalf of
Virgin Mary,
Mother of God.
If God sees that I do not want your
direct the soul into the right side,
Let me take away my voice
and my life.
And please,
When I talk,
Bless my tongue,
and hearts of those who listen to me,
to my language spoken to all hearts,
and lit the flame of truth in them.
Virgin Mary,
Almighty Queen,
Hear my voice,
give strength to my words,
and give power to my voice.
No such sin
for which no one should
pray for forgiveness.
Repentance is the only way of sinners.
One movement and pirouette.
Hits on the hawthorn tree.
Hold on one of the twigs.
This is your life, twigs,
he asks of you only words.
Evil is far, distant,
distant, big stumbling block,
and more not be able to
hold the twigs.
Yes, he is quick and cunning.
Yes, he is dangerous.
But only for those
with weaknesses,
given place in his heart.
I do not think so.
Give your soul to the Lord!
Listen to his call when
you hear the story!
Go back.
Come back to me!
Not watching for anything,
connect to my faith.
And then I'll give you your
blessing and strength,
and heaven.
So, what do you think?
He speaks the truth.
With so vivid a voice,
I have the impression that I
look into your heart.
I feel dizzy.
I feel sick.
Please, let us
help you.
Thank you, sir.
Let me
introduce myself.
I'm Lorenzo Charm.
You are from the
Milinovih family?
And you?
With whom I have the honor to meet?
My name is Eleanela Aljfo.
And this is my sestriina,
I can hardly wait to see Mom
and tell her everything we saw.
Aunt, let's go home.
Already going?
Yes. My mom is sick
and we can't leave her alone too long.
Once again you
thank you, sir.
I hope that we will soon
see you again. - The same, sir.
Ambrose, my son.
Your speech today,
Your words,
gave me strength
that we need.
Are you ill?
My life force is
slowly abandoning me.
You are just sick.
Soon everything will be fine.
Everything is already in order,
Even if it hurts,
keep it in.
My father,
already sometimes dreaming
the same dream.
Will you tell me when it happens?
It all happens during the service.
I am on the roof of the church.
I highly doubt.
Just what happened
major accidents?,
I do not know how to
deal with it.
I hear the eagle's whistle.
A cry so loud and forboding.
Approaching the edge of the roof.
A virginal girl
who prays to the sun.
I approach her.
She does not turn round.
I do not see her face,
but I know that we know.
I extend my hand,
but I can not get hold of her.
I can not.
It may be that you are dreaming
of the Holy Virgin.
It is at the same time next to you
and unattainable.
But I think you all I understand.
And my explanation
you will not convince.
Your mind is much sharper
than mine.
You yourself have to know the
essence of a dream and its sign.
My name is Manolo Estefas.
We are from Burgois.
My companion, Valerio, would like
to stay in your holy place.
The disease has destroyed his home
and parents.
He survived, whether by
luck or a curse.
He has no lips, no nose,
and his mouth is covered with wounds.
He was forced to wear
this mask,
to hide his face from
other people's gaze.
He can remove it only
in the dark,
to eat, and lay down to sleep.
Are those your words and wishes,
or her?
I want to hide from the world.
And to get closer to God.
Its leaves me unaffected and
indifferent to his bitter fate.
But our duties are prayer
and repentance.
His condition physically
Disallows him.
In doing so, he can sleep
only if the person is too.
He can not eat with
us at the table,
and is not privee to our policies.
I think that it is not
truly among us.
You're right, brother Diego.
But we're going to receive him.
Do you know why?
Much of our brothers are from
good and well-known families.
It is not his case.
And it scares you.
But, instead, to be tried
because they are different from us,
we have to accept it
with joy.
His plight serves
as a lesson to us all.
A little steep staircase,
but no one here will not bother you.
You will not be afraid
I am to be here?
Jel and a lot of pain?
Bandages soothe my pain.
Please Tell me
a brother Ambrose.
I Am I eligible to
I talk to him?
But there are times when
he should not be disturbed.
What kind of moments?
When he is in his garden.
Come on. Can't he
see here.
Brother Ambrose has seen him
from an early age.
It is a place for him.
I thought the brothers
all share.
The garden is an exception.
He is there when he wants to be alone,
and save the voices in his head.
He hears voices?
They say that their
words are terrible.
But there he manages
to overcome them.
Which time with him should we
be most afraid of?
What do you want to say that?
Which time should be
to fear?
Of evil.
I hope that I will be able
to see his brother Ambrose.
I so want it
I see up close.
Well you see,
in this twilight.
Sister Agnes.
- In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Amen.
Bless me, Father,
for I am sinful.
Open your heart to our Father,
Jesus Christ.
Father, often can not be
concentrate on prayer.
In what sense?
My thoughts at the time
prayer away.
With my family.
Not bad thinking
the family.
Open your heart to the Lord.
Let Him be a part of
your prayers.
Yes, Father.
Is there anything else?
No, Father.
Are you sure?
Then we together
to pray.
I forgive your sins in the name
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
You are not all that?
Why should you hide
that piece of paper?
Give me.
Kristobelu, my love,
Your arrival here was
just an excuse?
Father, please,
Give me a letter.
I can not bring him back.
Predau by his mother, who will
will decide how to proceed.
No, please.
Do not.
I thought I'd be able
ispriam to you.
Have mercy.
Consider my youth.
The women's weakness.
I am afraid of punishment.
You do not need to fear punishment.
Already on how you
acted with the Lord.
Only repentance can profoundly
to zalei wound on your soul.
Instead of fear of punishment,
should you want it
with all my heart.
In my youth I loved a lot
this song, and now I hate it.
She was very beautiful.
The young man asks to be seen with you.
Lorenzo de Medina.
Anthony, right you know?
Yes, mom.
We met him that day
in the church.
Well, when we were already there,
inside it.
If you do not mind.
No, Mom.
Forgive me.
Ostau to sit.
Health does not allow
to stand.
Mrs. Aljfo, I had the honor to be
meet with your daughter in the church.
Since then I figure Antonijin
does not leave,
I would like to ask for permission
to see her again.
If it happens that she felt
same feelings as I do,
I would like nothing more than
that it proposes.
Dear Lorenzo,
So you're young.
Look at our house
and compare it with your castle.
You are rich.
And from the very uvene family.
Anthony was born
without a title.
Your connection is spurious.
Your family never
would not have consented to it.
My parents were already in that world,
Only my grandfather could be against.
But I am the master
their fate.
My husband has similar blood
to you.
His family had the title.
He also has had a lot of illusions,
like you.
He thought that love
Should remain in the family.
I was secretly married. My,
daughter a travelling merchant of fabrics.
And it is argued with
his family.
We had to run away
in Caracas.
We lived like in the jungle.
My husband has suffered
their choice.
He died there,
bereft of malice or compassion.
I would like to submit to
Anthony these same sufferings.
If your husband was aristocracy,
means that the Anthony
has aristocratic blood.
The father of my husband, head of the
family, never acknowledged our marriage.
He gave up his son.
Anthony has no right to that title.
Then I am to travel with my grandfather in
Saragossa, and tell him about his intentions.
But before I go to that distant
time, I would like to see Antonio.
If you allow me.
Doputavam you to see it.
But the last time.
And that in the presence Eleanele.
I fear.
Danger surrounds us.
I see its presence
about us.
Tell me.
Are there any cases of possession
demons in our region?
The Bereu, not far from here.
Something terrible will happen.
I see the signs.
Something brewing around our
excuse me for my insolence,
my grandmother had the
gift to soothe pain.
I inherited it.
Go away!
Kristobale, my love,
sir my
and my Narednie.
After our last meeting
in the monastery garden,
to me something is happening,
I do not dare to tell anyone.
Mother will not be
able to understand me.
The only solution is
to run away.
I have to get out of here
as soon as possible.
Oh, Kristobale,
You feel so lonely
with your thoughts.
Something dear to you.
I love you tenderly.
What is it that I do not
can not understand?
Look up!
Look at me!
You think you're smarter than everyone,
and that we would never have learned of the secret?
How did you dare to make
such a sin in this holy place?
An area that is thought
holy to our Lord?
Poeete to pray for forgiveness
for this sin of thirst and hunger.
As long as you provide your
soul to the Lord.
She will not leave me here,
is not it?
She loves and protects us.
And my child?
What will happen to my child?
Cruel Ambrose,
why so harsh on me?
I have not thanked you for what
you did last night.
Get up, Valerio.
Father, I want you
ask a question.
I listen to you.
You spoke, he who lies
kills your soul.
But I was wondering if there is
case when a lie was allowable?
You ask me that question
because you torment the conscience?
No, just ask.
Admissible only in case
the truth is greater than the sin lies.
And can you hide the truth?
It already is a lie.
Yes. It is not exactly a lie.
But still it is not
And how do I know what is greater
sin: a lie or truth?
If you do not know, talk
about the Confessor.
Thank you, Father.
It's here.
It's here.
I saw him.
Sister Agatha!
Mother, I am afraid for my child.
I want water!
Give me some water!
Have you no pity?
Burn, burn all in hell!
Valerio, what happened?
I can not disturb you.
You still mourns the death of
Miguel's father.
Father Miguel is now next to God.
No need to mourn him.
If you torment a little,
Excuse me.
I can not.
I am afraid that you'll begin
that I despise.
And to be judged in their heart.
I will not condemn you.
you told me that the truth may
preutati if there is a reason.
I cheated on you.
I did not come here
I'd be closer to God.
I'm here to be closer to you.
Forgive me.
It was necessary to tell the truth.
- Forgive me.
- Shut up.
Go to your room.
Lie down, talk
with God and go tomorrow.
Father, you promised me that you
you will not condemn.
I promised Valerie,
and he no longer exists.
Valerio was still here.
Me and him are one.
Will wear a mask.
He'll never see my face.
And to continue to deceive his brothers,
like you deceived me?
- Of course not.
- Then listen to me.
- Please.
- You heard my decision.
Pomoliu for you.
Pomoliu for salvation
your soul.
Before you go,
Can I ask you something?
Please do not
to refuse me.
Can I picked a rose?
I was always with you.
Do me the service.
There is no hope?
Go. Pray
for our brother.
I will stay with him.
Can I be careful of him,
with you?
Thank you, God!
When you were in Caracas,
did you see the Indians?
Jel's true that they use a strong
poison frogs to kill their enemies?
And how do they do?
Frogs left in the sun.
This toxin causes a
on the skin.
And after that, the Indians collected and
anoint themselves that poison their arrows at him.
Anthony, do you think you can
to love a man like me?
I do not doubt it, Lorenzo.
I like to think
on your face.
There are visible your thoughts
and before you say them.
And that, I think,
divine gift.
But we need
more time.
I hope that you will not to
Visit his grandfather in Zaragoza,
and you'll inform us
on your return
clearly not say.
Dear Lorenzo,
you need to have a lot of
patience with me.
Make it.
I want to worship the child of the Lord.
I do not see Valery.
He left the monastery?
He was in his room.
He says he is sick.
It allows me to
a review.
do not be mad at me
I am still here.
Soon I will not leave
this place.
I'll be forever part ways with you.
Give me some time.
I suck the poison
that flowed your veins.
I talked to
brother Andreas.
It will make you aroused.
You know he wants to
because I am female?
In any case, he does not know
how to arouse me.
Is there a way to izleite?
Yes, Father.
There is one way.
But I will not tell you.
If I told you,
and survive,
you shall ask me
to leave.
And I would prefer to
I die with you.
Tell me.
Dozvoliu you to stay.
As long as you wear your
cover, and keep Valerio.
Wait for me here.
My child.
My baby and me.
You have killed us.
You condemn me
this suffering.
But you yourself have weaknesses.
And you sinned.
What happened that night?
What did you do after
You sucked the poison?
You can disagree all but me.
You have a relationship with Valerie.
Tomorrow I will have to report on your
dalliences at the general meeting.
My Little Anthony,
you feel terribly bad.
Have I been a good
mother, Antonia?
I was not too strict?
I gave you life,
away from everything nice.
That was our life, Mom.
I saw so much, that no
girl of my age ever should.
You are right. What I have
I made a gift?
Life without joy,
only sorrow.
I dust,
and terrible loneliness.
I was never so lonely or desolate
in my life.
I swear to you.
Anthony, you have something
obea me.
If Lorenzo obtains a permit
for marriage between their families,
If so i'll be able to
marry him.
Yes, mom. I promise.
What happened with me and your
father, not the rule.
Love is like a poison.
We should never love.
Who are you?
I am Anthony Aljfo.
Sorry to disturb you.
to this day my life
differed from the others.
She was like the sun.
Slow, like blood flowing
my veins.
One can say that I lived
as a child of 10 years.
But after I heard
your speech,
Your words gave me
such a force,
joy in life,
Your words gave me the knowledge
that nobody in the world deserves accident.
My mom is sick.
It seems to me that if you hear
to obtain the same
such a consolation, as I am.
You'll find the words
to express that?
Explain all brother Andreas.
Broach your mom,
today, after the handles.
Would you relieve the pain?
Your daughter asked me
that you visit.
Its asking me very
Antonio thought that my words
can somehow help you.
It's a great kid.
It is not like me.
In it are collected
only bright things.
And they brighten her
delicacy and wit.
Your soul suffers.
Are you afraid for your daughter?
What happened to your life?
Excuse, you'll be easier.
I do not know.
Mrs. you must
of load your burden.
Anthony will also be free.
say that you did not know about other
life apart from the monastery.
Is that true? Do you want
to find out what life is like around you?
But, you know, Mrs..
Is it because you
any easier?
Anthony Prior, I had
another child.
His name was Mateo.
He died because of my mistakes.
I had to run away
from Madrid with her sister.
I have not decided to ask him
fear of death.
I did not think it would catch it.
They ordered his servants
to kill him.
How could I leave him?
I am supposed to be
ready to die for him.
you were young.
And then you died,
would not be able to give life
Now it's just that important.
We take pride in,
be her mother.
And prides itself
you give it life.
We are proud of the child,
who is unlike the others.
Your mom cleaned
their conscience.
Father, I do not know how
thank you.
Pray for salvation
my soul.
Jesus, Mary,
Father and our great Almighty,
Jesus, Mary,
Liberty, honor and respect,
names selected
heaven and angels,
they hate hell and demons
when we say
I fear they tremble.
Oh, great Mother of God,
throw in front of your feet,
and teach you our souls,
which will serve to fight the Holy Spirit,
with his enemies.
And, behold, I give you
and the crown with thorns.
I put it on his head
with a request addressed to you,
let these thorns
penetrate into my head,
that it would not have any other thoughts,
than the thought of God and you,
and your servants.
Brother Andreas,
Tell me the truth.
Is my speech was
same as always?
Of course not.
He was better.
How's your mom?
Better her.
Now I come from it.
I am so happy.
That night I dreamed
beautiful dream.
I went through,
Mom kept following me.
With us was a man
which I did not know,
But, who took over the
to lead us down that road.
He walked in front of us,
Sometimes he turned and smiled.
Sometimes we are his penitent,
but he did not answer.
Did not respond to both,
and we are not angry.
Do you think that this dream
has any meaning?
Earlier I did not know,
But, I still believe in it.
We always want to discover
meaning of some things.
Suddenly, everything becomes clear.
Can I ask you
for the service?
Would we be able to
recite the sixth paragraph?
When I was little,
in Caracas,
my father asked me often to Reader
before bedtime.
I do not know for what,
But, I would again
to hear it.
My strength is almost over,
I am completely broken.
My soul values.
Go back and return to me my soul.
Save me. The meaning of my life
Your love.
Continue, please.
You're my angel,
My soul that prays,
you are my crutch and sepulchre...
Go on.
Protect me from evil,
and accept my soul.
Every day,
love grows,
each breath
and movement,
I invite you hand
beskunitvo in love.
I am your strength.
I swear my love.
My strength and wants.
Love for you is my fortress.
You are my love.
What are you doing?
Go away.
I no longer fret.
Godwilling we'll be
happy together forever.
I promise you.
- Is not this what you want?
- I do not.
I'm not the one that you prefer.
Tell me.
Trust to me.
Her face goes out of my head.
I need to be
next to it.
Then let me help you.
Jel to remember that night
when you went with me to the cemetery?
I saw in front of you
man who trembles.
Which is subjected to my commands.
I can help you.
Come with me now
the cemetery.
And Anthony will be yours.
- I can not accept your help.
- You know that she loves another?
The young man,
Far from the world.
For two days they will live
together in his castle.
And then it will be too late.
How did you know that it
love another?
How do you know?
I know.
As long as you hold the twigs,
All doors will be opened in front of you.
Even the door to anothers
Give in to the smell of the
twigs whilst sleeping.
Poee to act by tomorrow night,
at St.. Mary.
No you will not notice.
Brother Ambrose,
Your testimony can liberate you
only as an admission of guilt.
Brother Ambrose, it is the shrewdest work
that is only the devil could not come up.
Denounce you as a heretic,
blame you for all
worst sins.
Blame you for scoffing
over all that is holy,
and on behalf of the Court condemn
you to the penalty
which is provided
for such procedures.
Are you already said?
Come on, someone wants
to see you.
Satan has over us as
government, as we let him.
Join me, Ambrose.
We did so by different.
What happened to Antonija?
Sunken into madness.
More does not recognize anyone.
You are to blame for it.
Forget about Anthony.
Add me its soul,
acknowledge my power,
and in return I'll give you
eternity next to me.
Paradise for your soul,
if you save Antonio
from insanity.
Ambrose, think about yourself.
I offer you paradise
by my side.
I want her to be happy.
If you do you will.
Tell them you agree that we
hand over your soul,
and to give up all
right of benediction.
I give you my soul,
Denounce all rights
and blessings.
I admit only your powers.
I curse their Creator,
and His Son,
the Virgin Mary.
Power issued me.
I am completely broken.
My soul values.
My soul and prayers.
Those who we serve,
to support and aid.
Return to.
Protect me.