Mojave (2015)

You know, people talk as
if it's all suddenly just this,
but you gotta remember
that I've been famous
in one way or another
since I was 19,
and you get tired.
You wanna be like Byron
and you wanna go to Greece,
you wanna run guns in Africa.
When you get what you want...
What do you want?
you've broken your phone again.
You do have a family.
Do you care?
there's your usual off radar
and then there's off radar.
If you're dead,
will you let me know?
I'm getting a lot of calls.
If there's something going on,
you have to tell me.
We are coming.
Hey, you forgot your change.
Come on.
Come on!
Come on! Come on!
What are you waiting for?!
Come on!
Hello, the camp.
If your problems the rifle,
well, I definitely understand that.
I'd kill for some milk.
Who are you?
The great questions,
brother, the essentials.
Where are you from?
Where you going?
Who are you?
- No one in particular.
- Anybody in general?
That's the crux of it, brother.
You're not a talker-
I like that.
You know, you meet people out here
and they just...
well, they tell you what they
want you to think they are,
which is bad enough,
or what they really think they are,
which is worse.
Where they think they're from,
where they think they're going,
or... where they meant to go.
I mean, you meet a guy,
and he tells you...
"I have a child.
I have a beautiful home."
And he tells you that, right?
And maybe he believes it's true,
but I think,
in what sense
does he have a house and child?
I mean, these basics.
Bank has a house.
Wife has a child.
You see if she doesn't.
Bank has a house, brother.
You pay the bank,
don't pay your taxes,
you see who owns your house.
You rent it from the government.
So this happened to you?
Oh, man,
nothings that easy, brother.
No, no, nothings that easy.
That's Ahab's leg, brother.
That's some story conference shit.
Mars a fine work of ambiguity.
You know, I'd believe
Ahab if he had two legs
and wanted the whale
for reasons he couldn't explain,
but the whole... missing leg
as motivation, man, that's...
it's like the executive's wife
thought of that shit.
- You know something about that'?
- No.
I'm into motiveless malignity.
I'm a Shakespeare man.
Well, congratulations.
Let's talk about the desert.
Talk about what you want to.
Jesus came out here.
The desert.
Not this one. Another one.
"Kiln of religions, the desert.
T.E. Lawrence said that.
Look at where the world
is because of solitary dudes
going mental in the desert.
Jesus came out,
had an existential
conversation with himself.
Famously, you know.
"Here I am. I'm apparently Jesus.
Is it worth it
to be what I am?"
To be or not to be.
Oh, it always comes down
to that, doesn't it?
To be or not to be.
And where else to think about it
but where there's...
In Jesus' case...
he had a conversation
with an aspect of himself
that, for argument's sake,
we'll call the devil.
"You can have the world,"
the devil said.
"King of the world.
Or you can do some good.
Useless personally until the future,
definitely involving
a Roman execution,
which is gonna fucking hurt."
That's what he thought about
in the desert.
Which brings us to what are you
thinking about in the desert?
I'm thinking some guy with a gun
who doesn't like the government
just walked in
pretending to be the devil.
- You like the government?
- No.
- You wanna sell your soul?
- What do you got?
Women, money, fame?
Oh, I've got poverty and obscurity,
brother, if you want that.
Yeah, I've got plenty of that.
I have a surplus, brother.
What do you do out here?
I fall upon travelers.
People come out to the desert,
they gel fallen upon by thieves.
It's very traditional.
In fact, ifs most of the Bible.
That and war.
I'm only fucking
with your head, man.
No, I'm only trying it on.
It's just ideas.
It's just conversation.
I tend towards the fantastical.
Should I thank you for the coffee
and get my rifle and go?
Well, I'm gonna thank you for my coffee
and get my rifle and go.
If I wanted to kill you, brother,
I would have laid out there
and shot you by your fire.
Well, then you couldn't have
pretended to be the devil.
We have a situation.
I understand it.
I appreciate it.
I'll give you the cartridges.
You keep them.
I'll take the rifle.
in that case.
The desert's no place
to be cut, brother.
You walked into the wrong
fucking camp, brother.
Brother, is it too late
to say you got it wrong?
You're fucked, brother!
You're fucked!
Never been out here.
Me neither.
Game on, brother.
Game on.
Yeah, I wouldn't have
picked me up either.
Client number one.
What happens in court
is a story.
It isn't what's true.
What prevails in court is whichever
of two fictional narratives
makes the most material sense
to the lowest common denominator.
I'm not really asking.
I already know.
Are there any other
rhetorical questions
you need for me to answer?
All I'm saying is if something
was too complicated to explain,
you would advise not explaining it?
I'll call you later.
Hey, urn, would you like
some coffee?
I wrecked the truck.
Have somebody get it.
It's in the desert.
Coordinates are on the back.
Welcome back, sir.
How's the new house?
I know you're busy, but have you
had time to read my script?
Yes, I wrecked the fucking car.
I know it's a production car.
It was wrapped out three months ago.
No, I don't want your notes.
You're fucking illiterate, Norman.
You had them written
by a 21-year-old.
If you give me any notes,
I will come and fucking...
Oh, now he's gonna kill me
if I have an idea.
You know what he'd say
if I said that?
He said that means
you're gonna live forever. Fuck him.
- Fuck him, boss.
- Cock.
Hey, read back what we wrote.
The only thing worth doing
is the impossible, '
is a line I do not feel
the audience will understand.
Also, the audience will not accept
that a rich person can be unhappy."
Can I suggest "conflicted"?
No. Don't send it.
Hey, why is the lawn
all fucked up?
You gotta cut it in straight
fucking lines, Manuel.
Well, what, are you on
mescaline or something?
- What an asshole.
- You see this shit?
The client is like...
The client is like he...
he won't let my company help him.
What am I supposed to do?
You don't have a company, Norman.
This is your company.
And this is your personal life.
That is low.
That is fucking low.
I lose my first look and my funding,
temporarily, mind you,
in a misunderstanding,
and you do this to me?
That's fucked up.
I got another issue
with your boy.
- He's banging the talent.
- Is that a problem?
Well, not financially, no.
But what if I leak it, huh?
I'm gonna leak it.
That's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna fucking leak it.
You know how to get out of here, right?
You take a left,
and you fuck yourself, see you later.
Take a left, take a right.
We're all fucked anyway.
Forty-four, forty.
Killed everybody else
we got dead.
Piece is missing.
You new in town?
Yes, brother.
Just fell off a turnip truck.
Are you a social worker?
I'll get my things.
You did not expect your day
to end this way, did you, brother?
What do you mean you don't know
where you live?
Well, you shouldn't drink,
brother, trust me.
You'll black out.
Next time you go to try
to change a tire,
there's a severed head in the trunk,
and nine times out often
you don't know whose it is.
It's no way to be.
Los An-ga-lees.
Oh, safety first.
Let's go see a better district, brother.
You wanna talk,
you don't want to talk, I'm here.
I get 15 percent all day long.
Does this have anything
to do with your, um... domestic?
Look, you're entitled to be happy,
but in the state of California,
you're just not entitled
to have any money left-.
Well, that's not why we're here.
Why are we here?
Say this.
Say you hit someone
with your car,
no one was there, no one saw,
but maybe someone did see,
but they can't say anything
because if they did,
they and not you
would be found guilty...
because they were
the wrong kind of witness.
Absolutely the wrong kind of witness.
You don't know see too many of those
around these days, do you, brother'?
In some circumstances..-
one would consider that ideal.
I should've caught a bigger one.
Alright, where's your buddy?
Yeah, this more like it.
What happened in the desert?
Mister is somewhere?
No est en casa.
He's in France.
Ah... we're all in France.
I need to pee.
Did you tell your wife?
Did you expect this?
Yeah, I did.
Let's see here.
What could this man
have to hide?
What do you think, brother?
I think I found something.
Come here.
Three... seven... five...
I'm the man who broke
the bank, brother.
Run along.
The Internet is a pain
in the ass, brother.
One can't give it too large
a place in one's life.
It is merely a tool.
Oh, brother, what have we here?
You're famous, brother?
You know, people talk
as if it's all suddenly just this,
but you got to realize
that I've been famous
in one way or another
since I was 19.
- And you get tired.
- And you get tired.
You wanna be like Byron
and you wanna go to Greece,
- you wanna run guns in Africa...
- Like Byron, go to Greece.
When you get what you want,
what do you want'?
When you get what you want,
what do you want?
To be or not to be, brother.
Didn't I get it?
Ambition is a funny way
of driving you
towards things
that you never wanted to win
because you're just a man,
you're just a bag of
dangerous chemicals, and you can'! stop.
You can't stop.
So you go to the desert
to find out what you want
- and what you are.
- What you are. What you are.
If anything at all.
I have to make
other arrangements, brother.
I trust you understand.
Thou hast slept well. Awake!
The strangeness of your story
put a heaviness in me.
Shake if off. Come on.
We'll visit Caliban, my slave,
who never yields us kind answer.
'Tis a villain, sir.
I do not love to look on.
But as 'tis, we cannot miss him.
He does make our fire,
fetch in our wood
and serves in offices...
- Tell her I had to leave, all right?
- Yeah, all right.
Ii was you that walked
into the wrong camp, brother.
It was you!
Come on.
Come on.
If you're there,
get out of the fucking house now.
Cali me.
Norman, you all right?
Yeah. Why wouldn't I be all right?
I had somebody on my property.
Does that mean
I have somebody on mine?
Look, I'm into something right now,
all right? We'll talk later, buddy.
Oh, fu...
What are you doing to the television?
How long have you been here?
Are you doing blow?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Why do you want a piece?
Because I live
in the Hollywood Hills
and I don't need the Manson family
dropping by for dinner,.
Did you get your fucking
Land Cruiser back?
Yeah. And it's all fucked up
as advertised,
and the registration is gone
so because you lost that,
the assholes down at the place
are gonna make me
go through all sorts of fucking...
fucking hoops and ladders and shit.
And what'd you do with
the registration, asshole?
Hey, I'm sorry I said that.
All right? You know me.
I'm all about talent relationships.
Nothing. It was there.
I didn't touch it.
I'm into something right now,
buddy, I gotta go.
Got all this stress in my neck.
Do you want a massage, baby?
All I want is Chinese food.
Then I want a blowjob.
Look, I'm not into feet, okay?
You're killing my fucking vibe.
Was anyone here?
You have to go to the Chateau.
Your house, it isn't safe.
What if I just pick
what I want to do and do that?
There's a guy.
I have a stalker.
I have 27,
discounting the ones in jail.
Don't tell me what to do.
Does all this go in the house?
Put it in the garage.
But then we'll put it in the house
when your family comes.
Get me Norman on the phone.
He's not even talking to me-
I'm listening to his fucking house.
Hey, buddy.
I know you said get you a gun.
What do you mean?
Get you a fucking gun gun?
You could get fucking drunk and use it
on me and my fucking publicist.
Why do you think I know
who can get you a fucking gun?
What sort of associations in
your mind do you think I have?
Well, I was a coke dealer, yeah.
All right, I'll make a call, okay?
You know, it appears
the more things change, Mal,
the more they stay the fucking same.
- Ain't that (he fucking truth'?
- Fucking phone rings,
guy you owe money to needs a gun.
It's like a fucking
wheel or something.
It's like a wheel, boss.
Hey, you work for me
as some sort of
cybernetic fucking organism
with your fucking phone, come on.
You know what? The next thing you know,
you're back in East Boston
working at Jiffy Lube,
I don't give a shit.
- You can lake this Hollywood bullshit.
- It's all bullshit, boss.
You can stick it up your ass,
right up your bum.
Right up your fucking asses,
all of you.
You know who I am, huh?
I own half a Clam Shack
in Harwich Port!
I collect because of my background
as a fucking teamster!
I don't fucking need any of you!
Pieces of shit!
Shut the fuck up!
Uh, it's, uh, from Norman.
I saw your Miranda, The Tempest.
I'm Jack.
Sorry, Jack. I'm already in a
sufficiently disturbing relationship.
Can I join you for a minute?
- I'm a producer.
- Congratulations.
- I have a part for you.
- That is just physiology.
Look, you're waiting for me
to exhibit interest
of a kind I don't have or to make
a mistake of the kind I don't make.
- Can I at least get a picture?
- They don't allow photography.
Where's Tom?
Your, uh... friend.
Fuck off.
I'll see myself out.
She's a keeper.
A man, he bothered me at lunch.
What'd he do?
What'd he look like?
He came up to my table
and talked shit.
Security took him out.
this place is dangerous.
Yeah? Everyone says
Hollywood is dangerous.
You are the one who said
what was wrong with Fitzgerald
is that he couldn't
write screenplays.
That's not what I'm talking about.
You have to go somewhere safe.
What happened in the desert?
There was a... situation.
I survived.
Someone else didn't.
I hope you don't think this sort of
thing makes a man less attractive.
You have to go.
Jumpin' tonight.
Not one of my better investments.
Let's have a drink, brother.
You'll have to buy.
They might know the owner
of the cards I've got.
I'm saving my cash
for exigencies, brother.
Is it on you?
Is it on you?
No idea, brother,
what you might mean.
Hi! My name is Tarquin.
I'll be your server.
Oh, I'm sure that some entity
other than yourself,
Tarquin, will be
the judge of that.
But in my present mood,
which is just terrific,
my friend and I unconditionally
accept service as your intention.
We'll have water, brother.
We're parched.
We've been in the desert.
Still water or sparkling'?
Gas, brother.
Con gas. The bubbles.
Yeah, I was a little bit different
in the desert admittedly.
Change sets you up.
How you been, brother?
Apart from killing
Mexican-American fathers of six
and leaving me to take
the fall for it.
I'm not your brother.
I've been doing all right.
I haven't.
I'm the 99 percent.
It's tough out there.
Only financially, of course.
IQ, brother, that remains
John Stuart Mill level.
Seriously, I was tested.
Just before I didn't go into the Army.
Yeah, it's complicated.
I didn't do a lot of things, brother.
There isn't a man out there
who wouldn't have shot
that poor fucking federale.
Nut a person alive with half a brain
would have reported it,
either, in your situation.
You were being followed by me.
I mean, obviously,
it could have been me
at the mouth of that cave,
if that parky hadn't come by,
it would have been me,
and I would have killed you.
You should understand.
And I am going to kill you.
And you need it.
Justice, brother,
needs to be sewed.
You shot a poor bastard
in the desert,
but, no, you can't tell anybody
because you've got to be Elvis Beatle.
You gotta control
your own biography.
You can'! be confused or conflated
or co-mingled with the facts, brother,
by certain disastrous facts,
certain realities.
That's bad press for the show.
So you cover it up
at expense of the human life.
What do you want, 100 grand?
A fucking ticket to Greenland?
Brother, in a negotiation,
never be the first man
to mention a number.
What do I want'?
I want...
what you want.
But what neither of us
are gonna get... my life.
My ability to do things, to be things.
I don't want to be defined
by that sequence of accidents
any more than you do.
I want to move on, but only one of us
is gonna get to do that.
You're thinking you should we
killed me in the desert,
brother, yes, you should have.
Oh, I can always go to the cops
and tell them everything.
No. No.
That's no can do.
It's too late, brother.
You've done felonies.
You have covered up an act for which
you should've presented yourself
to the nearest constable.
You'd do time.
You're not gonna do that.
You show what you are,
everything you've got.
All done.
You'd have to say you were
psychologically unequal.
Unequal, brother, to your duties
as a good citizen.
You'd have to go apologize
on the public shame tour.
"Whoops. I shot a fucking cop. Sorry.
Please still let me make
10 million a year
irrespective of residuals
and royalties."
You would have lo admit to deficiencies,
this is the really funny part,
deficiencies that you don't really have.
I mean, I don't think you could
admit to the ones you do have,
but I really try to imagine
you going anywhere
and saying that you're
a normal human being
that makes a normal
human fucking being mistake,
and I just know
that's not gonna happen.
So which one of us
is the sociopath, brother?
How many people did you kill
or leave behind to get on your hill?
All those people rotting
in your past.
Those teachers and alcoholic wrecks
you used to befriends with
or be in bands with.
Are you still in touch
with anybody not useful?
It's not my fault that I can do things
as an artist that you can't.
Are you saying I can't?
Oh, I don't even know if you exist
as I understand existence.
Let's talk story, brother.
I had an idea
about the denouement
when I found the revolver,
dead guy's revolver.
I had an idea.
But we'll talk about that later.
Thank you for your service.
Put it on my chit.
If you're so clever...
why'd you take the gun?
I'll say it to you very carefully
because you're only
John Stuart Mill level.
You have the pistol belonging
to the dead parky
and the broken piece of the rifle,
and I can reasonably maintain
that I never met you
before this very minute.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
If I'm the Mojave murderer,
which there is a question about,
why am I here if you
weren't in the Mojave?
Oh, I was in the Mojave.
You found the registration
of the Land Cruiser I wrecked.
Scenario one:
I never met you before in my life.
And I could go with that.
I did meet you before.
You came to my camp to kill me
because that's what you do
but I got the better
of you then, brother,
which is the truth.
But when I left the camp,
I left the rifle.
- Bullshit you did!
- Oh, I did.
And the last I saw you,
you were tracking me with the rifle.
And I got to the road.
I may have heard a couple
shots off in the distance.
Find I thought it was a hunter,
so I caught a truck.
Never saw you again until now.
I didn't know anything about
seven murders in the Mojave.
I'm a very busy man.
See, it plays, doesn't it?
It would prevail.
It's the fictional narrative
that makes the most sense.
Whereas the real narrative
is a very hard sell.
For example, genius,
you try and tell a cop
that you found
that dead parky's pistol
in the base of my fucking
television, try.
You can't sell a story, brother,
in which someone else
is the villain.
You don't worry about
what is but what seems to be,
and what seems to be
is what I've been
making a living at
since I was 18 years old.
You worry about what
seems to be and not reality,
because reality
is what I fucking say it is.
You're carrying, brother?
So are you.
How do you explain yours?
Well, yours is a bit more
hot than mine, wouldn't you say?
Mine's a misdemeanor.
Or you came in with it.
You want to play'?
- Two hundred grand.
- No.
Just get the fuck
out of Los Angeles.
Use the gun on yourself.
I don't care what you do.
Whatever you do or say,
I'm gonna get out of it,
and I'm almost sorry
about that, brother,
but that's the way it is.
Get some sleep.
You look like shit.
Game on, brother.
Hey. Look, if.
If you're from those Korean guys,
this is not the way to do business.
Relax, brother.
It's just a little sleep.
Urn... it's the cops.
I'm Detective Beaumont.
This is Detective Fletcher.
Nice house.
I haven't really moved in yet.
Are you married, sir?
Yes. My wife and child,
they're in England.
Why are they in England?
They're English.
Your people were working late
and verified
that you were on the property all night
- after the arrival of Ms. Leoni.
- Yes.
Ms. Leoni has
an Italian name but she's...
Why is everyone
in Los Angeles a foreigner?
because you were here
and there's verification,
we're not going to
beat around the bush,
and I will tell you,
as Detective Fletcher and myself
look at you for your reaction,
(he unfortunate news that your partner,
Mr. Davenport, is dead.
- Dead?
- Murdered.
At about, urn... 10:00 pm last night
according to his cell records.
Mr. Davenport ordered a delivery
of Chinese food and a prostitute.
A sex worker.
Prostitute arrived
before the Chinese food,
and when the prostitute arrived,
she found the front door
of the residence to be open
and Mr. Davenport just inside the door,
dead of what appears to be
massive blunt force trauma.
It seems that Mr. Davenport
answered the door in a towel.
Our people seem to think
that Mr. Davenport
didn't suffer any defense wounds
because he was trying
to hold up his towel.
Protecting yourself naked
can be a little problematic.
There's a whole concept
of girding your loins.
A naked man tends
to protect his unit
rather than,
as in this case, his head.
Mr. Davenport's house
was ransacked,
and his safe
was found to be opened.
Do you know if Mr. Davenport
kept large amounts of cash'?
I, uh...
I have no knowledge.
No, I... I think...
that I wouldn't be
surprised if he did.
Firearms or drugs?
Never saw him with either.
Um... you should understand
that I never knew him socially.
Did you ever say to Mr. Davenport, um,
"I will kill you,
you fucking cocksucker"?
Yes, I did.
- He was a producer.
- Did you hate him?
No. I liked him.
I have to shut down post?
The estate's position
is they want to shut down, yes.
Who are his heirs?
He has one brother.
But he disappeared at Burning Man,
and no one has seen him
for about five months.
So that's who owns my movie,
a disappeared burner?
Essentially, yes.
I have to be absolutely sure
that you do not have a out
nor any footage whatsoever
of the film.
I do not have
anything of the kind.
If this property was searched,
if I have seized
your personal hard drives?
You know what I want you to do
is pay a lot of money
and find out
I don't have anything.
I'll take that on your word.
Oh, I would.
Not the head, brother.
Not the head.
Well, not too much in the head.
What we say we are,
is what we are.
Now what we do.
What we do is,
as you know very well, is accidents.
It's all a bunch
of mistakes, brother.
Fuck, if I would have known
who you were,
I would have asked you for a job.
When you're working as an artist,
I mean, you know what I mean,
you only have blurs
of realizations
that you have an exterior life
that will be judged.
When you're working,
everything is cobwebs.
People are cobwebs.
What did Shaw say?
Shaw said a true artist
will make his grandmother drudge
for his living at 70.
Now is not the time to one-up
me on the quotes, brother.
Now let's talk
about what seems to be.
Hair, blood.
Maybe I already
put some around the place,
on your clothes, maybe I didn't.
There's a gun somewhere
that I beat your buddy to death with.
Everything you need
from mitochondrial DNA.
Brains, brother.
So you're taken care of.
You killed him if I say so.
But you know I wouldn't have killed him
if he hadn't said something.
- What did he say?
- Well, I'll tell you.
He said the most
unreasonable thing.
He said that we could work it out.
Come on.
Aren't you gonna tell me
like everybody else does
that you're a married man?
You have kids?
People that love you,
that you love?
Aren't you gonna say
any of that'?
Offer me money?
I've already done everything
I need to be remembered.
How are you doing, brother?
I read when I was two, man!
I read when I was two!
And what the fuck
did they do for me, huh?
My mother was a whore,
married to my uncle.
This motherfucking castle
is like a fucking jungle.
Hamlet, man.
He couldn't do it.
He couldn't kill the king
with his sins on his head.
He couldn't kill him
at his prayers.
But I can.
Now I could kill you right here,
and that would be one end,
but this started in the desert.
And it's gonna end there,
brother, you understand?
This has to play out.
It's never gonna be the cops, brother.
They can't do the math.
Just you and me in the desert.
I'll be there.
I know you will.
If you can make it.
We 're just into the car.
Here 's someone
who wants to talk to you.
Hi, Dad. I'm bringing
my turtle to the pool,
and his name is Coco.
We 'I! be at California so soon.
You're armed, brother, I know that.
So give me some truth.
Do you know yet which one
of us is the bad guy?
Why'd you come'?
Because you won't stop.
No, I will not.
Have naming m.
And how do you know
I won't get biblical
and visit under the generations,
reincarnations, whatever else is yours?
You're taking your chance
with a pistol.
Get walking over the ridge,
down into the camp.
I don't wanna have to kill you here,
and then drag you somewhere else,
and then go kill your family,
but I will.
Public life's an afterlife.
Who said that'?
I did.
Then you're already dead.
Relax, brother.
You haven't been yourself
in years.
- That's your problem.
- Mm-hmm.
That's why you went
out to the desert.
Ain't it?
Every psychoanalyst should have
one of these, don't you think?
I know you're lethal, brother.
You're a man in full.
The courtier's eye,
the scholar's tongue,
the very glass of fashion.
It's like bagging
a fucking tiger, man.
And you and I
are gonna do something
we should have done
from the start.
Oh, yeah?
What's that?
We're gonna have a drink.
The television stand!
Brother, you're a natural.
I used to hide my weed
in the television stand
at my mother's house.
Before I killed her.
I'll let you decide
if that's true or not.
I don't give a shit.
Sealed and bonded.
It ain't poison.
- To the great adventure.
- What's that?
Death and its raven wing.
There's a fucker walking around here
with a hook and a hourglass...
the gentleman himself.
At least he doesn't have
a fistful of cancer.
Gold, brother.
Found that at the bottom
of a wash.
It was just there.
Lucky coin on a lucky day.
How many lucky days you think
I've had in my life'?
You're not gonna tell me about
your fucked-up childhood, are you?
I was a good kid.
I was.
Didn't cheat.
I never stole.
I never told a lie.
Then what happened?
Women and the weather.
What happens to anybody, brother?
Women and the weather.
Are you open
to some intellectual bullshit?
Well, if you gotta
get it out of you.
You believe
in the duality of man?
No. I believe
in infinite complexity.
How many more
is that than duality?
A lot.
You said... that I was
a failure as an artist.
I was a failure.
I need you to understand this.
I was a failure...
through capacity, not incapacity.
I have too much stuff
going on in here.
I went through to other languages,
uncommunicable things,
and there was no point.
In other words,
the devil came to me, and I said yes.
But he was lying.
Look at the coin.
That coin lands on this table,
heads or tails,
that's the man that goes first.
- You'll do it?
- You know I'll fucking do it.
- Heads or tails?
- Tails.
This coin lands eagle side up,
you'll pick up that gun,
point it at your head,
- and pull the trigger?
- Don't fucking ask me how.
- What'd the coin say'?
- Doesn't matter.
You would have
never gotten the gun.
I would have picked it up
to hand it to you.
I would have shot you
in the face, brother,
and burned you in the desert.
What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna burn you
in the desert.
Could I have a drink of water?
My mother was a whore
Married to my uncle
This motherfucking castle
Is like a fuckin' jungle
Jesus Christ and Socrates
Are standing at the door
Sorry, brother.
When I was a boy
I thought it was forever
And I would be all right
In any sort of weather
What I am is what I say
Just that and nothing more
Ah, well
Here we are
At Elsinore
Here we are
At Elsinore
At Elsinore
I haven't seen you
for so many days.
I know.
So the villagers pushed,
and the monster fell
screaming into the fire.
And the last anyone
heard from him...
"What about my good qualities?"