Molly Maguires, The (1970)

Interested in a run of the cards?
Nothing against it.
Penny poker, nickel on a pair.
Nothing like music to help
you forget your troubles.
He's out of tune.
Poor old scut,
can't tell the difference.
He's deaf as a post since
a load of coal fell on him in '56.
You visiting here?
- I'm looking for a job.
- Tens.
- In the mines?
- Right.
From your hands,
I'd say you've never dug coal.
- Right again.
- Tens bets a nickel.
- It's mine. Won the nickel.
- Beats me.
It's your deal.
It's terrible hard work down there.
Not the sort of work a man generally
comes seeking with hands like yours.
They're the only hands I've got.
You're cheating.
You're cheating.
- You're mistaken.
- I saw you, too.
Dealing from the bottom of the deck.
- I'd have dealt myself a better hand.
- You cheated.
There's no need for the false
accusations if it's a brawl you want.
Which one of you do I get?
Sorry I had to hit you so hard.
It was important to make it look real.
More sympathy for you.
Easier for them to accept you.
Nothing personal.
Well, you've made a good start.
The fight was a clever idea.
They'll respect you now.
About all they do respect around here
is a blow and a hard head.
This gang is crazy, McParlan.
They lost a strike,
think they can win with gunpowder.
That's not crazy, it's only Irish.
I don't find it amusing.
Well...'re Welsh, Captain.
Now, we know there is an organisation,
the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Nothing wrong. They're legal.
The Irish looking after their own.
But inside them
there's another bunch, see,
using the Hibernians as cover,
calling themselves the Molly Maguires
after some gang of cut-throats
back in Ireland.
They're all over the coalfields.
I sent in agents at other mines,
had two found at the bottom of shafts
and one never found at all.
It's your turn here.
I'll do the job for you.
The leaders, that's who I want.
I think I know who they are.
I think they're here,
in this very town.
But thinking's not enough.
I got to get them red-handed.
Oh, you'll have them.
You treat them lightly,
you'll end up like my other men.
I didn't volunteer to fail.
I've failed enough
in this country already.
The streets haven't exactly
been paved with gold for me.
But I've had my fill
of empty pockets, Captain.
I'm tired of being
at the bottom of the barrel.
I'm tired of always looking up.
I want to look down.
I want the Molly Maguires.
Bring me the evidence, that's your job.
Get in with them and bring me enough
evidence so we can hang the bastards.
They'll let you out in the morning.
My satchel.
It was left behind
when I was carried out last night.
There's a train leaving in 20 minutes.
Where do I get a room around here?
What do you want?
I'll settle for a room.
Who are you?
I'm looking for work.
I need a place to stay.
They told me at the Emerald House
you had a room for rent.
- You were the one fighting last night.
- Not the one who started it.
What's your name?
James McKenna.
It's $1.50 a week, room and board.
You can smoke in here,
but not downstairs. My father's ailing.
Supper's at six. If you're late,
you'll not be served.
Please do your drinking in a saloon.
Excuse me, what's your name?
Miss Mary Raines.
Well, I'll try not to be too much
of a burden, Miss Mary Raines.
You'll be paying for it.
I'm looking for work.
- Any experience?
- A bit.
- Where are you from?
- Here, there.
Well, you look strong enough.
- Five o'clock tomorrow morning.
- Five o'clock.
Make sure you report sober.
Enough now, you're leaving me
nothing to wash.
- She's a good girl.
- I can see that.
Only one left now. I've buried a wife
and two sons. She's all that's left.
You're still left.
When did you first go down the mines?
Forty-two years ago.
First Ireland, and then here.
There's not many last that long.
There's always them
that's worse off than you.
I went down first when I was 12,
did you know that?
I've done what God intended for me.
I'll go to Him asking no favour.
I don't believe in going
before you're called.
- You're prattling too much.
- I'm only being polite.
You know what the doctor said.
It brings on the coughing.
Do you play dominoes?
- Do you play dominoes?
- Yes.
I'll tell you, you'd have better luck
with the Queen.
- That one's got ambitions.
- So have I.
There's pasties and tea for your lunch.
Thank you.
The tea'll be cold when you drink it,
but there's no way to keep it hot.
You needn't have risen this early
on my account.
I know, I'm paying for it.
Total wages for the week, $3.85. Next!
McKenna. James McKenna.
Aye, McKenna.
Coal mined: 14 cars
at 66 cents a car. Total: $9.24.
Two kegs of powder
at $2.50 a keg, $5.
Two gallons of oil
at 90 cents a gallon, $1.80.
Repair two broken drills, 30 cents.
Pickaxe, shovel,
cap and lantern, $1.90.
Total deductions: $9.
Total wages for the week:
Frank McAndrew.
Coal mined: 30 cars
at 66 cents a car: $19.80.
Deduct: Three kegs of powder
at $2.50 a keg, $7.50.
Ground rental for a home, $2.
Groceries, $2.80.
Take care of them blisters.
- Try rubbing a little grease into them.
- I'll try that.
- Ulster, right?
- Right.
There's a way an Ulster man
has of speaking.
- Have you been long in America?
- Long enough.
I've not seen much of America.
Oh, I've been to Philadelphia,
but there's more to it than that, I'm sure.
- Have you travelled around much?
- A bit.
Doing what?
A little of this, a little of that.
I'm naturally nosy.
Well, you know,
we don't often get strangers here.
You might try changing
your reception committee.
And what else do we know
about this great nation of ours,
the United States of America,
whose 100th birthday
we're soon to celebrate?
We know it was founded by exiles,
people like many of you here,
who came from across the ocean,
seeking a better life.
And our hearts go out to those people.
We identify with them.
For they too
were far from the land of their birth.
They too were scorned,
and exploited,
and subject as you are subject
to the terrible temptation of violence.
It becomes easy
when we think of those people
to think only of their bloody and
violent struggle to create this nation.
It's an easy step
to the belief that violence is the way
to change bad conditions
into good conditions.
An easy step,
and a false one.
Last night, a colliery
was attacked by a gang of men.
The watchman was beaten,
the mine flooded.
The men escaped
without being recognised.
But they left their calling card
in the bloody nature of what they did.
They were Molly Maguires.
I've been your priest for six years now.
Do you know how many
last rites I've performed
for men killed and crippled,
or sickened to death by what
was done to them in the mines?
Do you think, any of you,
that I don't know
the sufferings of my parish?
But I know those sufferings will not be
improved by what happened last night.
And I warn you now,
God will judge last night's
violence as a sin,
and the people that committed that
violence will be judged as sinners,
and as certain as there's a God above,
as sinners they'll be damned.
And it's my duty
to warn these men further
of a message
from the archbishop himself.
The Church condemns
all secret societies.
All you who belong to the Molly Maguires
know that what you risk
is nothing less than... excommunication.
I say now to you wives and sisters
and mothers of these men,
pray for their repentance.
Pray for them.
They're cutting themselves
off from the Church.
Father, I'd like you
to meet Mr McKenna.
No apologies for the welcome
you received when you arrived.
- You gave as good as you got.
- I did my best.
You might all try turning
the other cheek.
- I've known it to work wonders.
- How's the old man, Mary?
Worn out.
I'll see him on Tuesday night.
I trust you'll not be taken in
by the troublemakers.
I've never started no trouble, Father.
Excuse me.
Going to church here
is a lively proposition.
- It's no laughing matter.
- Oh, I agree.
Talking back to the priest,
that's risking your soul.
Tell me, what's his name?
Jack Kehoe.
- Well, it takes a brave man...
- It takes a fool!
What are you doing here?
- The best I can.
- Who are you?
You try beating it out of me,
then you send that kid,
hoping to lower my guard
with his talk about Ulster.
Tell me what it takes
to be left in peace.
- A little information.
- Straight to the point.
- That's a blessing.
- Why did you come?
I came here looking for privacy. And
breaking my back, the same as you.
The rest of my life, if you don't mind,
I prefer keeping to myself.
Good night.
If you're making it a choice between
getting killed and a little information,
well, I'm wanted for shoving the queer.
- What else?
- That's a bellyful right there.
They put you in jail
for passing home-made money.
There's better places
to hide than a mine.
It's deep.
Another week there, you'll be
greeting prison like it was a hotel.
Try another tale.
I'm wanted for killing a man
in Buffalo, New York.
- Why did you kill him?
- Does it matter?
I didn't mean for to kill him.
We fought over a woman
and I hit him too hard.
- His woman or yours?
- I'm not one for possessions.
If the police had you,
why did they let you go?
Didn't know who they had.
The Coal and Iron Police,
they're short-sighted about somebody
without powder in his pocket.
So now you see why
I'm anxious for privacy.
It's not just the jail I'm hoping to avoid,
it's the hangman.
- Sorry-looking cabbage patch.
- Blame the Kerrigans' goat.
- It's the fourth time. Mend the fence.
- I'll lay Kerrigan out.
- That won't stop the goat.
- He should have it on a rope.
Why weren't the boys keeping watch?
I gave them leave to play.
Thick as thieves,
the two of you kicking that ball.
Be careful with him, Jack.
- He's bold.
- That's no reason for trust.
It's not such a common sight,
a bold man.
What else is he? Besides bold?
Well, he's got a way with him.
Don't get too fond of him, Jack.
You wouldn't trust the Pope himself,
would you?
I'd trust him with souls.
It's not your soul I'm worried about.
There's only one sure way
of finding out. Turn him in.
Suppose it's the truth?
Terrible thing on your conscience.
Sooner that than
have a spy turning us in.
You want revenge for
how he thrashed you.
He wouldn't stay down. I give him credit.
- We've no proof he's a spy.
- No proof he's not.
Raines says he's asking questions.
What would you do in a strange town,
besides looking for beer and a fight?
I don't care if he's a murderer.
If we turn him in, and he's a spy...
- We're through worrying.
- They'll send another.
- We'll take care of him.
- They'll send more.
Can't keep them out.
Same in every pit.
- If not him, another.
- What are you saying?
- We just roll over?
- Nobody's rolling over.
- We did that once.
- That's not all.
We stayed out six months.
Nobody's done that before.
- We went back.
- They had troops.
And took less.
- We had to think of the kids.
- We crawled.
They cracked the whip, we crawled.
We tried peaceful and ended begging.
- We lost the battle. We'll win the war.
- I don't know.
I'll tell you what we're gonna do.
We won't turn him in. If he's
on the square, it's a low thing to do.
If he's a spy, we'll take care of him.
Show them we mean business?
Nothing simpler than that.
Don't push him out of the way next time.
He's clever.
He won't tip his hand, he's too smart.
There's one way to be sure.
- How, Jack? How?
- Use him.
You wait, Taffy! They'll be back
stuffing it down your man's throat!
- My name is not Taffy.
- I thought you were all called Taffy!
- Let's go!
- Where do you think she is going?
With the winner, like we agreed.
It wasn't agreed by me, Paddy.
Now, Taffy, you're wounded at losing.
- While I'm overcome with sympathy...
- Enough, now. I'm warning you.
"Taffy was a Welshman
Taffy was a thief
"Taffy come to my house
And stole a chunk of beef."
That's the way to have it, now.
Two mines compete, he owns both.
Whichever one wins, he can't lose.
Mr Gowen's a fine-looking man.
He shows no strain
from carrying all that money.
I guess one never tires of it.
He's an Irishman, the same as you.
What he did, you can do.
He's not the same as me.
He's a Protestant.
He got where he is by using
the brains God gave him.
There's no reason
anyone can't do as well.
Well, now, I have every intention...
All right.
Clear the field. Everybody home.
Come on, now.
Come on, now. Off with you.
Go home.
Move it out.
Let's go, let's go. Come on.
Tom? Are you shot, Tom?
- Did he wound you with the gun?
- No.
That Welsh bastard.
I'll take care of him.
You'll take care of nobody, drunkard!
Making trouble with the police here!
They're itching for it.
You're the prize they're setting up.
Think their guns are ornaments?
- He tried to plug me.
- I'm only sorry he missed.
- You dented it.
- Head got in the way.
And the peeler?
Sorry he didn't club me to death?
- We'll handle him.
- There he goes, free as air.
We don't play their game.
I'll lay him out.
I'll make his head softer than his arse.
No. Not you.
Silver plate.
Not the real thing at all.
- Who did it?
- Did what?
Don't play games with me.
My man's in hospital with a broken jaw.
Who put him there?
I did.
Nothing personal.
Important to make it look real.
- They were testing me.
- I don't like losing good men.
You're lucky he's in hospital.
I saw what he did to Dougherty.
Whatever I gave him,
he had it coming.
Only rats.
You get used to them down here.
Who did the shooting?
Gomer James, Tamaqua man. Welsh.
- Will Dougherty go after him now?
- He wants to. His pride's hurt.
- They're holding him back.
- Encourage him.
Only way we'll get them is in the act.
We'll put a guard on James.
Not too much of a guard.
You don't want simple assault.
You want murder.
I'll take what I get.
How would you like to spend
the rest of your life down here?
I tried it when I first came over.
- How did you get out?
- Made myself useful in other ways.
I'd have to get out.
I'd kill somebody if I couldn't.
Don't get confused
about which side you're on.
I could always tell
the buttered side from the dry.
- Evening, Mary.
- Hello, Jack.
- Some jam for the old man's tea.
- Thanks.
You're looking good.
We could've used you
on the football field.
- I'm running down like an old clock.
- You'll be ticking for a long time.
How's the pit?
Have you blasted through No. 5 tunnel?
No. No, they feared for the gas.
They could trap that gas
if they blast right.
- There's lashes of coal. I could smell it.
- They'll get plenty.
- You worry about yourself.
- I've nothing to worry about.
If you were ten years younger,
I'd slap you silly for that remark.
Come in.
- Hello, boys.
- Hello.
Leave us alone, would you, Mary?
I thought you'd come on a social visit.
Out you go, Dan.
Get on your knees.
I will explain to you the object
of the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
We are joined to promote friendship,
unity and charity among our members.
You are to keep all matters
secret in your heart.
No workings of the society shall be called
to those not known to be members.
That's right, now. That's correct.
And what's the answering sign?
The little finger!
That's the recognition sign!
Oh, then there's the password when
you go from one division to another.
"Will tenant right in Ireland flourish?"
"If the people unite
and the landlords subdue."
"If the people unite
and the landlords subdue."
And there's plenty of truth in that
password. Unity, that's the answer.
Then there's the quarrelling word.
When you're ready to bash a stranger
but you want to make certain
he's not one of us...
- "Your temper is high."
- "I've good reason."
- "I've good reason."
- Then you don't have to bash him.
- Not one nip to celebrate a new convert?
- He don't touch it himself.
Did the drink interfere with your thinking?
What're you thinking now, Black Jack,
with that solemn look on your mug?
I'm thinking you'd better be
what we think you are.
I'm what you think.
'Cause if you're not, there's no hole
deep enough for you to hide this time.
I'm what you think I am.
Do you know what you're getting into?
Do you know what you joined?
- A legal organisation.
- On the face of it.
- Respectable, law-abiding.
- You heard what the Father said.
There's no future for what
you joined except hell.
I'm a miner now. I'll be travelling
in that direction anyway, just out of habit.
Will you come to the city with me,
just for the day?
I thought you were different from them.
Well, come with me, find out.
- I've been to the city.
- Not with me, you haven't.
A lucky accident, I call it.
Only a few mashed fingers
for the pleasure of a day with you.
Mrs Kehoe promised
she'd look in, didn't she?
The old man
won't even know you're gone.
When were you last in the city?
- A year ago.
- Well, it's time again, isn't it?
For a bit of enjoyment?
Or an act of charity
for a man heading for hell?
- Try this one.
- I just tried two.
Try another. I intend buying you a hat.
Do you want it to your taste or to mine?
I have a hat.
I'll be back in a minute.
And damn the expense.
Where are you going?
To rob a bank... to pay for the hat.
- Have you got the money?
- So they've accepted you.
- In the Hibernians, not the Mollies yet.
- They will. Who was at the initiation?
That's no evidence.
The Order's secret, but it's legal.
Look, we'll judge what's evidence.
You just give me the names.
Dougherty, McAndrew,
Frazier... and Kehoe.
- The money?
- What do you need it for?
I said I was pushing queer.
I need the good stuff to show for it.
What is the meaning of that?
Oh, how's carelessness?
If you please, I have a lady waiting.
Don't look so sour, Captain.
It's not coming out of your pocket.
The light won't make a difference.
I had a most enjoyable day.
You can't keep putting off
what you're feeling. It's unhealthy.
Good night.
- Tea?
- No.
- Or a story?
- It's late for stories.
Do you take me so easy
I can be had for a trip to the city?
You think where there's wanting,
there can't be respect?
- I don't take you "easy" at all.
- Then have done with it.
There's no future here for romance.
Will you deny that?
- It's queer.
- Aye, so it is.
Passed by a man
answering your description.
- I've a common appearance.
- I think it was you.
- It's a free country for thought.
- You're a bad lot.
You passed this, and you're mixed up
in what happened to that train.
- You're just mixed up.
- You're not telling me the truth.
I wouldn't lie to you, Captain.
- You might.
- I'm on the side of law and order.
I want you in line, McKenna.
Step out of line, I'll step on you.
I'll squash you like a bug.
I think we should improve
that bastard's manners.
We can do without his attention.
No more of this.
- Keep that squealer quiet!
- What do you think I'm trying?
- Stuff his head in a pillow.
- I'll stuff your head first!
We've a friend in the Governor's chair
and we mean to keep him there.
It's up to you to get the vote.
Politicians! They'd sell
their mother for a vote.
The Governor grants pardons.
You may need one.
The raffle for Barney Breslin's widow.
- Got the prize?
- I've got it.
Sell the tickets.
They're only a penny and she'll benefit.
Any new business?
Next meeting's two weeks from tonight.
In whose house?
- All right.
- That's it, then.
I declare this meeting adjourned.
Good night.
- Good night, Jack.
- Good night.
Stay a bit, why don't you?
Unless you're bleeding
to get back to your landlady.
- How's the hand?
- Better.
Don't let on too quick that it's healed.
They'll send you back down.
All right.
We had a request from Shenandoah.
Superintendent's giving trouble.
- What kind?
- Firing without cause, cutting wages.
He's new and looking
to make an impression.
We've been asked
to make an impression on him.
I joined the Hibernians.
"All things lawful and not otherwise."
Remember? I took an oath.
This isn't the Hibernians.
Why can't they do it themselves?
If they're seen, they'd be recognised.
Over there nobody knows us.
He'd be surrounded by peelers.
New boss, throwing his weight around.
- They know he's asking for it.
- They won't suspect.
- It's a risk for a quarrel that's not ours.
- They're miners like us, Irishmen.
They've the same heel on their neck.
It's all one quarrel.
They'd do the same for us.
I do my own quarrelling.
I don't ask anyone else.
- You're not on your own now.
- They want him killed or only bashed?
- Killed.
- He sounds deserving.
I'm against it. Give him a bashing
and he'll get the drift.
- He's not worth hanging for.
- What good's that? He'll be back.
Bash him so he don't come back.
Then we've done it right,
without the gallows.
You end up on the gallows or coughing
your lungs out. What's the difference?
It's the coarse feel of rope I don't like.
- We'll vote.
- I'm for killing.
I say bash him,
see what he learns from it.
They don't learn. They're all the same.
Our backs is where
they make their impression.
They're past learning lessons.
I say dispose of him.
I'm for that, too.
I'm for bashing him.
What happens with a tie?
We can't take the job,
and they give it out elsewhere.
- There's no killing without a majority.
- We're a democratic organisation.
If this is our quarrel, like you say,
we can't have them thinking we're soft.
They can think what they like.
How do you vote?
Kill the son of a bitch.
Whoa, boy.
Stand where you are.
A bloody reception committee.
He was supposed to be alone.
- Well, he wasn't.
- Who tipped him off?
How the hell do I know?
Shut your face and be glad you're alive.
If you hadn't come back
to give me a hand...
- I'm grateful for that.
- It's all for one and one for all.
You said he'd be surrounded.
We should've listened.
We did what we went to do.
- Easy now.
- Easy yourself.
What are you so hot about?
Want me layin' there dead?
I'd do a lot less worrying if you were.
She's got hands like meat cleavers.
We'll need alibis.
They'll try and trace us.
They got a look,
and there's no hiding him.
You think somebody tipped him off?
If there's informing,
it's a Shenandoah man.
They were giving him protection.
We expected that.
- They told us he'd be alone.
- They told us wrong.
Even if it's true,
it's their word against ours.
All we have to do is stick together.
They can't get us if we stick together.
All for one, one for all.
You sound like a bloody parrot.
Go to bed and get some rest.
I'll do that.
I'll be as right as rain in the morning.
Good night.
You're worried.
They'll be coming after us now.
We must be prepared for that.
You've got to face the fact
there might be a spy.
"One for all and all for one."
Is that some sort of saying?
It's from a book about Frenchmen,
the Musketeers.
It's a sort of rallying cry
when one of them got into a scrape.
- I don't read much.
- You learn a lot from books.
I'm always meaning
to read a good book.
You know, you could have got
your lot going back for Frazier.
I've a charmed life.
Good night.
Good night, Jack.
Him... Him, him.
Him, the fellow at the back.
The big fellow at the back.
Him and him... Come on, now.
Come on, get them in the wagon!
Close the door.
Scum. Take them off the streets,
put them in uniform, still scum.
I had that superintendent
protected like a baby.
They almost got me,
if that's any consolation.
- It's not. Who did it?
- Kehoe, Frazier and me.
- How did we do?
- He's alive, but not by much.
Kehoe's wife, two of her friends
say he was with them
and the children all day,
never left the house.
Frazier was brawling
in the saloon and got winged.
Twelve witnesses swear to that.
Raines and his daughter
say that you were with them all day.
The daughter, too?
- I wasn't quite sure she'd do that.
- Don't credit your charm.
Most likely she's one of them.
If I could charge Frazier and Kehoe,
it would be your word against theirs.
Well, you'll need
a little more than that.
Oh, yes. I need them caught in the act,
no chance of an alibi.
Not just two of them, the organisation.
I want it smashed.
Any bastard who dreams
of making trouble,
I want him to wake up sweating blood
at what happened to the Molly Maguires.
Not yet.
I can't send you back unmarked.
Well, it's a pleasure working
with a man who likes his job.
You did a clean job.
The superintendent's dead.
I used to come up here
when I was little.
There's never enough green
down where we are.
Even in summer, the trees
are black with coal dust.
- Do you like riddles?
- If I know the answers.
All right. A bottomless barrel,
it's shaped like a hive.
- Filled full of flesh, which is alive.
- A thimble.
You're quick!
You've a way with chicken.
Did you catch it at the cockfights?
- I got a taste of the spur.
- You have not!
The round man
looks through 1,000 eyes.
A sieve.
You're almost
as good a cook as my ma.
Is that a compliment or an insult?
Oh, my ma was a grand cook.
It wasn't easy making a tasty dish
out of oats stolen from a horse.
Did I thank you for lying
to the police about me?
The old man did the lying.
I only did the agreeing.
I know what a lie means
to a girl of your morality.
You've a bad habit of making jokes
on the wrong subject.
I did what had to be done,
no more and no less.
- Did you expect me to do otherwise?
- I hoped part of it was personal.
- You can hope what you please.
- I thank you for what you did.
Well, don't go thinking I liked doing it.
Lying's a sin and killing's worse.
I can't even go to confession with it.
I envy your morality...
and that's the truth.
Snug in a corner, I saw the lad lie.
Fire in his heart, a cork in his eye.
A bottle of whisky.
- Out she goes with the priest's dinner.
- A hen with an egg.
- There's no catching you.
- Not with words.
I'm what you need.
I need a decent man.
- Stand by the pithead. You can choose.
- I don't want them.
Go back into service.
Marry the postman or the policeman,
with his hand out for what he can get.
- Don't mock!
- You want decency.
And trust, and honour,
and a bit of security,
all smiled upon by the law.
Think you get those for free?
You've been out there
and seen for yourself.
Decency is not for the poor.
You pay for decency, you buy it.
And you buy the law too,
like a loaf of bread.
There's still right and wrong.
There's what you want
and what you'll pay to get it.
There's more!
'Tis round a dish was ever known,
and white as snow the look of it.
There's food and life for all mankind
yet no man e'er partook of it.
- Let me go.
- This time you're caught.
I'm not.
Answer me, then.
Breast milk.
There's no use talking further.
A man's been murdered.
He brought it on himself.
He who lives by the sword
shall perish by the sword.
But his wife's dead too,
a child's been orphaned.
Violence begets violence
until the innocent perish with the guilty.
Is it any use reminding you of that?
Or am I wasting my breath again?
Innocent or guilty,
these were both children of God.
They died victims
of a sinful lust for killing.
At least they found their peace.
I wish I could say the same
for the rest of you.
She saw them, she said.
Old lady Regan.
The shots woke her.
She saw them running from the house.
She's certain they were peelers?
She could see the stripes
on their trousers.
You'd think they'd at least
take off their uniforms.
They want us knowing who they are.
They're telling us it don't matter.
The law's what they say.
There's only one way to deal with them.
An eye for an eye.
- Two of them for two of us.
- Don't be a fool!
You've a better idea?
- They want you to retaliate.
- Happy to oblige!
You can't win that way. They know that.
They did it so you'd show yourself.
- They murdered him!
- The police are waiting.
- How are you so sure?
- I've had experience.
- Don't play their game!
- Frazier was our buddy!
You know what'll happen. Tell them.
They'll destroy us all.
They're out to get us. If we don't
go to them, they'll come to us.
- Shoot us in our beds.
- Then protect yourself.
They won't stop.
That's the meaning of it.
- They won't stop, so we can't stop.
- You don't want to stop.
They kill us in the pit. Should we quit
now they're killing us in our sleep?
You don't care what happens.
Even if they did stop, you'd go on.
- There's nowhere to go.
- Knowing we'll be destroyed?
- There's no choice. They made sure.
- You can't win!
I'm finished moving, pit after pit.
You can't win.
I won't move.
- You scared him off.
- Who?
Looks like a robin.
Looks like a robin, but who's to know
what he really is?
These days you can't judge from looks.
- You like birds?
- I like some birds.
You've got feathers on your mouth
like you just made a meal of one.
Well, we've got them now.
All this shooting and killing,
the citizens won't stand for any more.
Put a man into the dock, call him a Molly.
You've not done a bad job.
The Agency's very pleased.
There may be a promotion out of it.
- You talk like it's finished.
- We got one, we'll get the rest.
- It's only a matter of time.
- Aye, they won't stop now.
- We'll see to that.
- You won't have to.
They'll do everything themselves.
Everything except tie the rope.
- I tried to stop them this time.
- That was clever.
No, no, I mean I really tried.
I tried to talk them out of it.
- I tried my best.
- You were lucky you didn't succeed.
What are you doing here anyway?
Stupid bloody bird.
I don't find birds very musical.
"Singing like a bird."
What are they all going on about?
Cricket's more musical.
Kehoe. I want him most.
You'll have him.
The priest sent for me.
- He's inside.
- The old man?
There's nothing to do now but wait.
Hello, Father.
I've just come from Philadelphia,
seeing the archbishop there.
Dougherty's to be tried
for the killing of the superintendent.
- He'd nothing to do with it.
- They're calling him an accomplice.
I thought the archbishop might use his
influence to get the charge reduced.
You're the one I blame most.
You're the leader.
- The men listen to you.
- They listen to you, too.
- Come back to the Church, Kehoe.
- I never left it.
You've put yourself outside.
Come back while there's still time.
I've tried your way.
It's been no help to me.
There's grace at the end of it.
Sin at the start and grace at the end,
bending your head in between.
I can't accept that, Father.
Then you'll die in sin.
What did the archbishop say
about Dougherty?
He's good as hanged.
There's still the trial.
- They need evidence.
- They've got it.
The archbishop told me.
You've an informer in your midst.
He didn't tell me that.
I didn't think you touched the stuff.
I take a drop now and again.
I'm impressed
by your idea of a drop.
Are you mourning that deep
for the old man?
If you ask me, he was glad to go.
No spirit left in him at all.
For Dougherty then?
There's time enough for that.
He isn't hanged yet.
You're a cool one.
That's the difference between us, Jack.
I have no coolness in me at all.
You're burning up inside.
I saw you for that
right from the beginning.
If I were you, I'd take it easy
with that bottle.
Fuel to the fire?
Yeah, I've seen it before
with people like you.
One drop and raging
to tear up the world.
They lose all reason.
But you're a reasonable man.
- I try to keep my wits about me, yes.
- But you won't die reasonable.
I won't die at all.
Haven't I told you that, Jack?
I'm living forever.
You won't die like him.
You won't go quiet.
He never made a sound.
As near to him as I am to you
and I never heard him go.
Not even a peep.
Not even the sound a bug
makes when you step on it.
- Not even a rattle of his throat.
- He was always soft-spoken.
But never a sound of his own.
Forty-two years in the pits,
not even an echo left
hanging in the air.
Let's hear a sound out of you now.
Make your sound now, you old bastard!
You're safe among friends.
Tell us what you've been
keeping to yourself.
Come on now, whisper it.
- You don't even have to sit up.
- They finished him.
Silence is golden, is that it?
Seen but not heard.
They beat that lesson into you.
- You poor, miserable son of a bitch.
- Respect for the dead!
He had it in his hands.
He knew how to use the powder.
He showed me.
I'd have blown myself up without him.
Why couldn't he use it for himself?
Once, for his own benefit!
Just to show them
that he was alive!
They didn't even know he was there!
An animal makes a sound.
He had it to use.
Why didn't he use it?
It was all he had, didn't he know?
What more did they have to do?
They took everything else.
Look at him now! They haven't
even left him a suit to be buried in!
It's not right...
...burying a man without proper clothes.
No, it's not!
And he'll have the suit.
They owe him that much.
This'll do him.
- Jack, let's go!
- Take him the suit.
We'll show them spirit, Jamey!
We're not dead yet!
Thank you.
Watch here.
The Grand Inquest of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
inquiring for the County of Schuylkill,
upon their respective oaths
and affirmations, do present
that John Kehoe, Frank McAndrew,
and Thomas Dougherty, accomplice,
with force and arms,
in and upon one John W Jones,
superintendent of the
Shenandoah Colliery,
did make an assault and with
pistols loaded with gunpowder,
bullets and other destructive material,
then and there wilfully, feloniously,
and of their malice aforethought,
did kill and murder
the said John W Jones,
contrary to the form of the act
of the General Assembly,
in such case made and provided,
and against the peace and dignity of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- The Commonwealth will proceed.
- Thank you, Your Honour.
Call the first witness.
Raise your right hand, please.
Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?
I do.
What is your full name?
James McParlan.
What is your occupation?
Bastard! Bastard!
Jury's coming in.
Your deal.
Will the defendants stand
to be sentenced?
Now having been found guilty of the
charge of murder in the first degree,
this court sentences you, John Kehoe,
Frank McAndrew, Thomas Dougherty,
to be confined to the county prison
until the date of your execution,
when you shall be hanged
by the neck until dead.
I'll take you out now.
There's a carriage waiting.
I talked to the boss.
He'll tell you,
but you might like to know.
We're opening a new office in Denver.
He thinks you could be in charge.
- Let's go.
- You're moving up the ladder.
- I know.
- You'll get over this.
I know that, too.
I only have to get high enough.
I would have gone with you.
Even if you had been outside the law.
I'd have risked the sin of that.
I was the one who always told you
I could take you out of here.
I can do that now.
Do you know what I'm sorriest about?
I used to think there was nothing
I wouldn't do to get out.
And then, when I couldn't do it alone,
I thought there was no one
I wouldn't go with,
if I liked him,
and he could offer me that.
I'm sorry it isn't true.
I'm sorry I can't do it.
I really am.
I want it so!
Hello, Jack.
Come in.
I wasn't sure of the reception.
- You're a relief from cockroaches.
- Got everything you need?
I could use some powder.
I've sworn off since I left the Mollies.
Have a seat.
Still think you can do it with powder?
- Is that what you're here to ask?
- Just curious.
I mean, do you think
you really could've won?
Well, then, why?
You know why as much as me.
You worked down there. Could you
see yourself not lifting a finger?
- I wouldn't stay. I'd get out.
- Where would you find it different?
There's them on top and them below.
Push up or push down.
- Who's got more push is what counts.
- They always had more.
We had a bit.
Not enough, but a bit.
Enough to push the bastards a little.
And you helped us.
- You pushed a little yourself.
- Part of the job.
Going back for Frazier.
- You did that on your own.
- Don't be so sure.
- It got me in better with you.
- You liked bashing that policeman.
- Well, I must admit...
- And setting fire to the store.
- You weren't working only for them.
- It made a lovely blaze.
You were a man then.
Why didn't you stop, Jack?
I tried to get you to stop.
Well, they had to nab us sooner or later.
I have one regret now:
They're shipping some coal.
I had plans for that, on a bridge.
We'd have blown the train and bridge.
That would've been a sight.
I'd have tipped them off.
That's true.
Well, I don't regret it so much, then.
You made your sound, Jack.
You've got no regrets there.
You used your powder.
But you didn't come here to chat.
Nor to ask questions or say farewell.
We'll just leave it that I came, then.
You came for absolution.
You're not a priest, Jack.
You'd like to be set free
from what you've done.
I'm not that soft.
Oh, you don't want forgiving.
You can get that from a woman.
Punishment, that's what you want.
You think punishment will set you free.
And that's why you've come,
looking for punishment.
Maybe it's my Christian heart.
I never could stand to see
a man carrying a cross.
Are you free now?
Have I set you free
for a grand new life?
I'm obliged to you.
You'll never be free.
No punishment this side of hell
can free you from what you did.
See you in hell.