Molly Maxwell (2013)

Whoa! Unidentified flying object
And spin up. Woo!
B-girl, you got some sick moves.
Yeah, she could probably do something nuts.
Oh, yeah? Try this.
Everyone knows they've got
bigger fish to fry than breakdancing, okay?
Yeah, I've got, like...
Tunas to fry.
I found literally the best dress at Grandma's.
So good, right?
Don't worry, Molly, I brought you a dress.
No need. I'm going for my Gothic Little Bo Peep.
Okay, well, you can't, 'cause that's Alicia's thing.
Though you would look good with some cheek piercings.
No one's doing that right now.
Uh, Molly, a word?
Do you want me to clear out?
No, it's cool, Ben.
We're all stuck on this planet together.
So, alien,
banjo, graphic-novelling and now breakdance.
You were completely devoted to each of these.
I was.
And then I wasn't
Ben, you should hear this girl play banjo.
I know, I know.
I'm the next Mclfokie Slaughter.
Come see me Monday with a plan.
If you don't like the electives on offer,
you can pick anything in the entire universe.
A parallel universe, even.
But you'd better do if quickly,
because it's freqkin' March.
Leaf broccoli?
Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts,
unsex me here.
And fill me from the crown to the foe,
top-full of direst cruelty.
A bold interpretation, Alicia.
I can't believe I hooked up with her
during her bi-curious phase.
Molly Maxwell.
Think you can top that?
I have a sore throat.
Come on, Molly, don't do the boring slacker thing with me.
She's not a slacker, okay?
She has a genius IQ, FYI.
Right. I forgot everyone of Phoenix
is a precious snowflake.
Please just be ready for next time.
I have it in my teeth.
Ow. Yeah, you actually drew blood that time,
I promise you.
Well, beauty is pain.
Um... okay, if says to just put it on your tongue.
Okay... one for you.
Say, "Ah!"
Molly, are you okay?
Hello? Genius.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and Tomorrow,
creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
to the lCIS'l' syllable of recorded time;
and all our yesterdays have lighted fools
the way 10 dusty death. Out, out, brief candle.
Life's but a walking shadow,
a poor player, that struts and frets his hour
upon the stage, and then is heard no more.
It is a tale fold by can idiot,
full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
9.4 seconds.
Oh, it's you again.
So, what are you on?
Acid, but I'm not a slacker.
Kids still do acid?
I kinda came out here to be alone, so...
All right.
What you need to do is find a safe place
to go and enjoy it.
I know right now it might feel like
you're never gonna be normal again,
that you're gonna spend the rest of your life
trapped in some guest bathroom seeing elves
climbing up the wallpaper, but...
you'll come down eventually.
Hi. I'm Ben Carter.
I'm Molly's English teacher.
Evan Maxwell.
She's not in any trouble, is she?
No, just a little bit too much Red Bull, I think.
Pleased to meet you, Mr. Maxwell.
No sleepover tonight?
What if we've been permanently altered by this?
I think we should just stay in this fort forever.
Yeah, let's never leave.
What's the big deal, Raymond?
I have a decent average.
True. But the elective program
is what makes Phoenix so special.
Have you ever thought that maybe everyone at this school
is a little too special?
No, I haven't
You know, Molly,
this planet isn't made for every alien,
but I, for one, would be very disappointed
if it turned out that regular school
was a better match for you than Phoenix.
No! I'll just...
I'll figure something out by tomorrow, okay?
- Okay
- Okay
That's my favourite star child.
What did Raymond want?
Well, you know,
I'm just getting a Prodigy of the Year award.
You know, Tafiana thinks
I have a real shot at this Fairfax school.
It's almost impossible to get on audition.
Call me later, okay?
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What are you listening to?
Paint Thinners.
You heard of them before?
They're on my dad's label.
Maxwell Music.
Maxwell Music.
That's pretty cool.
You solve the great elective conundrum yet?
No, but Raymond has threatened to kick me out of school
if I don't pick something.
So pick something.
I can't find the right thing.
It's just an elective.
All right, well, I saw you were
taking pictures at the dance
before you had that little meltdown.
Maybe you could do something with that.
They were just stupid pictures of my friends.
Lorry Wallace got famous
taking pictures of his friends.
Is if any worse than painting Unicorns,
or making paper sculptures and setting them on fire?
What was that class called?
Art Therapy.
I like unicorns.
Who doesn't?
That way, next to Crack Whore Alley?
Crock whores are a photographer's dream.
Yeah, okay. See you.
Hey, alien.
This whole elective thing doesn't have
to be some big life crisis, all right?
Just pick something that you don't hate,
and do it, and get Raymond off your back.
But I have to pick something I can be great at.
For Christ's sake, you're 16!
You don't have to have a retrospective at MoMA next year.
It's still just high school, no matter what Phoenix says.
Good night, Molly.
I have to meet Caitlin of the studio,
and your dad has a label thing, with Heidi, so...
can you watch Aiden for me?
I can stay by myself!
At school today, I saw an owl barf up a skeleton.
Why do you have owls at school?
He's something, isn't he?
He's really something.
Your brother.
Oh, yeah.
Don't get too carried away.
He'll probably end up on meth
working at the 7-Eleven.
What is that?
It's for my new elective.
I was thinking of photography, maybe.
That's great!
Observing the world from behind the lens.
I think your dad has an old film camera here.
Yeah, but everything's digital now, so...
We can go and see if there are
any workshops at Artscape.
Okay, don't.
Don't ruin it before I start, so just...
There's leftover kale
and quinoca soup. Bye!
Photography! Well, well.
I'd need someone to supervise on independent study.
Maybe... Ben Carter?
He seems to know a lot about photography.
Well, Ben's sort of been parachuted
into this madness midyear.
It's a lot to cope with.
But Wendy, maybe Wendy could do if.
I can't wait to see your warped photos!
Maybe this is the ticket!
Don't have a fit or anything.
I can if I want.
You guys might recall that this
natural versus unnatural stuff
we also discussed when we were of Hamlet last month.
Thank you for your undivided attention, as usual.
So? What makes you think
that teaching photography to a chronic boiler like you
is how I want to spend my free time?
I've heard you didn't have anything else to do.
It's like charity.
I heard Wendy was gonna do it.
I'd feel really bad
taking her away from Art Therapy.
It's important work.
I'm sorry, Molly.
I just don't think it's for me.
Really? I thought you'd be into it.
You know, helping with my conspiracy to beat the system.
Like pirates.
Conspiracy pirates.
Your mom's poor local organic heart will just break.
It's her own fault.
Remember that hardcore super vegan kid
Anthony at your eighth birthday party?
Oh, my God.
He chowed like 10 hotdogs
and then barfed all over the carpet.
Hey, is that the phone ringing?
I think MoMA's calling.
Thank Larry Wallace and all his naked people.
Woo naked people hell yeah
You mean you actually looked him up?
Who's Larry Wallace?
So, were you suggesting I take photos
of my naked friends as an elective?
Because I'm prelly sure that's illegal.
Wait, who?
what the fuck are you guys talking about?
I didn't even think about that.
Well, I gotta go pick up my
Teacher of the Year award, so...
What was that all about?
All right, come with me.
I'm going to Kensington with Caitlin and Gala.
It'll just take a minute.
Right. Well, Raymond promised me a dark room.
I think it hasn't been used for years.
Dark room?
Yes, a dark room.
You know, like for photography in ancient Times?
And what's wrong with digital?
No, if I'm gonna do this,
Then I'm gonna do it properly.
I'm not a slacker.
Well, wasn't the idea just to get Raymond off my back?
I don't recall saying that
you wouldn't have to do any work,
just that you didn't have to be the next Diane Arbus.
Right. Diane Arbus.
Love her.
Look her up.
Well, atleast we have a spinning wheel.
No, make your eyes look more dead.
And don't do that with your lips.
Just look bored.
If you don't like how I'm doing if,
then take pictures of Gala.
Just don't pose so much.
I think you look hot.
Ben was felling me about this really awesome photographer
who takes pictures of all kinds of freaks.
I heard that Ben rides a motorcycle.
I don't think that's true.
- But he is in a bond.
- Look who's the Ben expert.
Yep, just like that, Gala.
Hey... do you ride a motorcycle?
No. Why? Should I?
I don't know, probably.
Maybe we shouldn't look of this batch.
You're like a boiling tea kettle.
What does that even mean?
I don't know, actually.
All right.
The moment of truth.
Not too shabby.
Of course, they'd be better it they were in focus
and not overexposed, but it's not like those are
the basic principles of photography or anything.
Not bad.
Not one word, Mom.
Okay, okay, I just think it's great.
That was seven words.
Take my picture.
Can you turn your body into a pretzel?
I can try.
See? You're a natural.
I think it'll be very cool to have a photographer
in the family.
Just saying.
You'll want to cut down
on the practice there, monkey.
Your body's starting to look weird.
Wanna come see Heidi Slater?
See ya.
Isn't she something?
What are you doing here?
My dad's over there.
She's gonna be the next Feist, apparently.
Oh, thank God for that.
We need a new one.
Do you think your dad could introduce us?
And you could do your English homework
of the bar while you wait.
I actually have some work to do in the dark room.
Dude, I scored some poi cookies.
It's not exactly how I want
to spend the afternoon either,
but I have to pass.
Save me a cookie!
Lame! You're lame!
Favourite food?
Very sophisticated.
What's your real favourite food?
What's your real favourite f...
Okay, nachos!
That's what I thought.
Keep doing that.
Favourite place.
The island, probably.
That's specific.
Toronto Island.
You don't know?
It's just across the lake, but it's like another planet.
Raymond must love that.
You know it.
There's a lot of great stuff there, like...
a lame amusement park.
I love lame amusement parks.
We should go there on a field Trip.
I'm tired of taking photos of my friends.
I'm tired of your friends.
And there's a lot of little cottages, and no cars,
and beaches,
and a ferry.
I love ferries.
Who doesn't?
We should just go there right now.
Yeah... probably not kosher.
It's for the good of my art.
You'd be saving me
from my fate at Starbucks.
It's not even really a big deal.
I didn't realize you were such a conformist.
So, what's your favourite band?
I'm not telling you that.
No, you'll just totally judge me.
As if. Come on, who is it?
The Ghost Buttons.
That's a made-up name, isn't it?
So, what happened to your band?
How'd you know I was in a band?
Googled me, huh?
Boring story.
The industry's just terrible these days.
That sucks.
Yeah, I wish I could import that
to the fabulous students of Phoenix.
You can be as wonderful and talented
and unique as you like, but...
if doesn't mean your dream's gonna come true
just 'cause everybody says
you can do whatever you want.
Raymond would spontaneously combust.
Maybe you just weren't that good.
Anyway, teaching is a noble profession.
I guess you could always play
guitar in the subway for change
if that doesn't work out.
Yeah, you could drop an elective
so you'll be right there with rne.
Not me. Haven't you heard?
I have the IQ of a genius.
They probably just added up the scores wrong.
You know, this place...
it's not half bad.
Oh, my God, no.
Do not bother. Waste of film.
You probably shouldn't develop those.
She's going to Parkdale.
There wasn't a phone anywhere.
Well, maybe...
you should've called before you went
to the island alone in the dark.
Hey, Aiden.
Jesus, enough already. Go to bed!
Ii wasn't dark when I went,
and... if I had a cellphone, this...
wouldn't be an issue.
I expect more from you.
Well, maybe if is time
we got her a cellphone.
don't make plans for a while.
Whoa, what?
Since when are you, like, an authoritarian?
What? When?
Shut the front door.
I'm really sorry. Fucking streetcar.
I actually waited tor three full ones
to go by, and fell me you haven't read Savage Love yet.
We were waiting for you, duh.
Where were you yesterday?
Gala broke up with Andy.
What? Why?
I thought you were obsessed with her.
She was just such a girl, it was annoying.
So, where were you?
I actually went to the island
to take some pictures.
But with who?
No one.
You went by yourself?
Okay, well, actually...
I can't believe
you ditched us to be a loner.
Well, I did get grounded.
Can you believe that?
Marilyn grounded you?
What about the Egg Castles show?
You know, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess
if you'd just come over.
Come on, sit.
"Relax and you'll squirt."
How's Ben working out?
Yeah, I really like it.
Oh, beautiful.
We need someone to document the crazy energy
happening around here these days.
That's me.
The media is filled with negative gender stereotypes.
For example, women are expected to be small and graceful,
while men are expected to be tall and broad...
You guys did if here in town?
When are we gonna meet again?
I developed two rolls but I don't...
Yep, I'll get back to you on that, Molly.
If you'd just take your seat
You're a little bit late.
Yo, who's the babe?
...Introduction, and just...
All right, so I've got something
really cool for you guys today.
This is Jordon Dunhill.
She's a filmmaker, here, in Toronto,
and she's gonna show us
her ultra-modern take on Macbeth.
Trust me, you guys have never seen
Macbeth quite like this.
Thanks, Ben.
You're pretty lucky to have this guy as your teacher.
Now, it's a bit shocking in parts.
For example, Macbeth is played
by Marian Shamley, a woman.
Hey there. How was your day?
Just fine?
No, Mom, if was the best day of my life!
Can I go to this talent night thing?
That sounds like torture.
It's a school... Yeah.
It's a s-school activity,
so yeah, yeah, I guess so.
So that means she can come to the Egg Castles, huh?
Well, no, she's grounded.
But you just said I could go to talent night.
Because that's different, it's not a concert.
Egg Castles are way more talented
than anyone at my school.
I gotta go.
I know that you need your privacy more these days...
How many of these talks do we really have to have?
Well, I was prelly clueless about my own sexuality
for a very long time,
which affected my self-esteem,
which led to bad decisions, and...
Like what?
And that's another conversation.
You may not want to talk to me about anything.
we're going to Planned Parenthood,
and you're going to get the pill,
or the ring...
Actually, there's a lot of options out there now,
and you can just folk to the doctor about it.
I'm not having sex.
You're acting different.
Anything you want to talk to me about?
Maybe this will help.
Dinner's almost ready.
Oh, God. Really?
You're in for a treat.
Just kidding.
It's gonna be really uncomfortable.
So, you want to go on birth control?
My mom wants me to, even though I'm not! know, having sex.
Do you have a boyfriend?
I like someone.
But... it's compli...
it's complicated.
Well, I can prescribe you birth control,
but if doesn't mean you have to go
have sex all over the place.
I'll try not to have sex all over the place.
Well, I mean, what would you do?
Would you tell him you like him, or what?
Well, I'm pretty straight forward,
so... I'd probably let him know somehow.
You printed photos.
So, how are you doing?
How's Jordan?
She seems... interesting.
Yeah, you would think that, right?
I mean, her parents are actually,
like, carnies from the circus,
but she is extremely dull.
It's the weirdest thing.
You know how to make your contact sheet yet?
So, Caitlin made me...
promise to check out that ridiculous talent night.
I thought I'd take some photos.
So many precious snowflakes in one room.
It's like a blizzard.
So, who's next?
Ben should play something.
No, Molly, I think this is a student talent night,
so maybe you should demonstrate your skills.
Yeah, but photography
doesn't translate to the stage, so...
Come on, Ben! Don't be lame.
Yeah, come on, Ben. Don't be lame.
Go, Ben!
Okay, well, I should probably apologize in advance.
Here's a song by some city mates of yours.
Okay, now he is sexy.
Maybe I should go for it.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
It was a great show.
This is the worst Easter ever.
Well, atleast your sentence is over.
Hey, I had a drink with your
English teacher last night.
You had a drink with Ben?
He's young, huh?
You kids must eat him for breakfast.
What did you guys folk about?
Oh, you know,
how shit the music industry is, the usual.
Seems like a good guy, though.
Did he mention me?
He said you are super cool.
Anything else?
Well, I don't remember the entire
conversation verbatim, Molly.
Oh, your mom wants you downstairs for the hunt.
'Morning, honey.
Good morning.
You gonna open up your clues?
Don't you think I'm too old for this?
You might want to look in the tub.
No! An iPhone?
Is it for me?
I love you!
I want an iPhone!
That's not fair.
Who are you gonna call?
I don't think he has a cell.
Go get your Lego. Go play.
I'm gonna go meet Gala and Caitlin.
Will you tell Mom so she doesn't spazz out?
What about me spazzing out?
I'm gonna go meet Gala and Caitlin, okay?
Sure. You want a ride?
I'm going to pick up a cellphone for Aiden.
Yep, and next Easter,
we can do firearms all around.
Might be tricky to hide, though.
You look really nice.
Say hi to the girls for me. Okay?
- Okay
- Okay
You look amazing.
Wow. All grown up.
A'ight. See ya.
Hey. I, um...
I just wanted to...
drop this off for you.
I didn't... think you'd be home.
Was gonna put if in your... mailbox?
I love this guy.
I actually have something for you too.
Just wait there one sec.
I was going to give these to you at school.
I borrowed them from an artist friend of mine.
Wow. Was it Jordan?
So they're probably boring.
You can probably come in for a sec.
Cool place.
Sure, sit down.
I love these.
So, you're having a good Easter?
Yes. Daddy gave me an iPhone.
Great. Now you're gonna become
one of those texting demons.
I ran into your dad again.
I heard. How was that?
A bit bizarre, to tell you the truth.
No reason at all.
You know, Molly,
I actually have to get going pretty quick.
Yeah, me too.
I'm... meeting the girls.
So you were wallowing here in self-pity.
Drowning in scotch, actually.
So it's good I came by, then.
Yeah, you're a real godsend.
Hey. I am so sorry.
I got into a huge fight with my mom, and I got held up.
We talked to your mom.
She said you were with us.
So, where were you?
We were gonna leave without you.
Well... I met a guy at the streetcar...
at the streetcar stop, and...
we got to talking and, you know...
walking around.
I didn't even realize my ringer was off.
Who is he?
His name's Spencer, and...
he goes to Parkdale.
Okay, what's he like?
He plays the trumpet
Ooh, a musician.
Like it?
Tell me, tell me.
He's in the gifted program.
He's gifted?
That's really great.
Well, you should invite him over.
That would probably, um...
end things pretty...
pretty quick.
Yeah, I see your point.
Oh, my God!
Breakfast burrito?
No Thanks.
Oh, no. Did I just ruin a print?
It's fine. I think I ruined that myself.
No, no, you're killing it.
Your brother is a remarkably flexible young man.
Are you okay?
I'm totally okay.
Are you okay?
I'm... scared shitless, to be honest.
You're something else, Molly Maxwell.
Is that a good thing?
You're like a hand grenade.
All right, well...
keep up the good work, yeah?
If you want, you can...
come over later.
You're coming over, right?
I can't. I'm meeting Spencer.
When do we get to meet this guy?
Do you have a date with that new girl yet?
Yeah, but I'm not sure she's my type.
You should take a photo of him and send if to us.
I'll try.
I'm pretty sure it's colder
in your apartment than it is outside.
An igloo would be warmer.
Yeah, you're probably right.
Igloos are amazing because the snow insulates them
and then your body heat warms them up.
Is that so?
Well, it's also a fact people are warmer
without their clothes on,
in a sleeping bag, or...
a duvet.
That's a fact, is it?
You have some photographs to show me?
I0'd love to see some of your photos.
This one's lovely.
Did you have to burn in this corner?
Yep. Dodged a bit there too.
Wow. Burning and dodging.
I know.
Your mom looks ecstatic.
You don't really want to spend
the afternoon looking at photos of my mom.
Clothing stays on.
And then I said,
"Richard, you can't possibly go in there.
I already gave him seven bananas!"
Not bad.
I don't want to go.
So just...
You should stay.
At least until the search party finds me.
I could build a little dungeon for you somewhere.
That was too for.
I'd just need a trickle of daylight.
He's not even stopping to eat anymore?
He did. Saves a lof of time
when you don't chew.
Sit. Come on.
Tell me all about your date with Spencer.
I'm really fired.
I'm just gonna go to my room.
You want me to get this developed?
What? No.
Don't go through my stuff.
Clean your own sheets then.
It could be cool, I guess.
Maybe they'll be more inspired
if it's something that they can relate to.
I mean, if you made the assignment
into an iPhone app,
then maybe you'd have something.
You turned me into t precious snowflake.
Isn't that enough?
Right. Maybe I should use that stellar technique
with the rest of the class.
Shit, gotta go.
Hey. Who you talking to?
Aunt Suzy.
Oh. Want to go to a secret
Joel Plaskefi concert?
I'm not really into Joel Pluskefi that much.
No? I thought you were.
We could have a Guitar Hero marathon.
I kind of have a ton of homework, so...
Today, we're going to be starting our poetry unit.
So, M, you get a boyfriend,
and you just decide to peace out?
No, I've just been really busy with photo.
But all of you guys actually listen to poetry
every single day in a sense...
on your iPods.
So, we're going to start this unit by looking at songs
as modern-day poetry,
then we're gonna write our own.
What are some of your favourite songs?
Lady Gaga.
The Wordsworth of pop.
This is so lame.
Great Anybody else?
I like The Zombies.
Very nice to see you awake.
Any song in particular?
I don't know the names of the songs.
Okay. Well...
So, have you guys done if yet?
Told you so.
Yeah, pick a song, write down the lyrics,
we'll meet back here and discuss it.
Holy shit!
So, did you get out to the Tiger Rod show last night?
No. I had a stack of papers to grade.
Oh, that's a shame.
It was epic.
Dad, you're too old to say "epic".
Oh, look who's too cool for her dad now, huh?
Please don't embarrass yourself.
So, Ben...
Molly's... assignments
and her class attendance have been much more consistent.
Good. That's great.
Yeah, and her independent study is going brilliantly.
She's printing her own photographs
in the dark room already.
Photos? Tic-Toe, why didn't you tell me?
Show them your photographs, Molly.
These ore so good.
Oh, yeah. That one's great.
You should be doing my band photos.
Maybe we should just get you
in0o a summer camp...
Okay, can we please go?
Couldn't you have pretended to be sick or something?
I mean, for Christ's sake.
I tried. I'd have to be on my deathbed
for her to miss a conference.
All right, right now, where are you supposed to be?
Homework of Golds.
So, you think your parents
will accept me info the family now?
My dad wants to marry you himself.
You know, 200 years ago,
no one would have any problem
if I took you as my child bride.
Cleopatra was, like, ruling Egypt when she was my age.
Is that even true?
I think you'd make a great pharaoh.
Hey. Clothing stays on.
I'm not taking them off.
I don't know what I'm doing!
How's Spencer?
He's good. I think he's winning
some trumpet awards.
I should...
Are you hearing from Fairfax?
Any day now.
God, it's excruciating.
Hey, Ben, where are your pyjamas?
Oh, I forgot all about it.
By the wow
I got the prerelease of the new Ghost Buttons.
Can you take your seat, please, Molly, so we can start?
All right, so, I thought
we could read a few of your songs today.
Anybody like to go first?
I dreamt I carved your initials into my heart.
With each beat, they grew and
warped like a tree over the years.
I dreamed I carved your initials into my heart.
With each beat...
How long have you been in this class?
Now you're gonna fuck around on your phone?
Go see Raymond.
Because you're blatantly disrespecting me...
Well, you're being an asshole.
Get out.
What do you want me to tell him, Mr. Carter?
You can tell him you're acting like a spoiled brat.
He's crazy.
Are your moons out of orbit today or something?
Ask Ben. He just freaked out on me for no reason.
Your call is important to us.
Please hold.
Well, what do you think you did?
I don't even know.
Hey, Ben...
Hey! I'm drawing here!
I'm surprised
you're allowed to do anything else
with your precious hands.
Mom! Mom!
Jesus. What?
Molly broke my pencil!
He threw it at me!
Could've token my eye out!
God, Molly. You've been home
for, what, two minutes?
You always take his side!
You were supposed
to pick up Aiden from piano.
He waited an hour
before they called me.
Isn't he old enough to get him a cellphone?
You're really acting like a spoiled brol lately.
You're becoming a total bitch.
I'm literally gonna punch you in the face
if you don't leave now.
Right, I'll show you, I'll start.
Guess what?
Alicia cast a sex spell on me today.
Left a note on my desk.
Is it working?
I don't know yet.
Do you think I... seem different?
You're a jerk.
Look, just... never wear pigtails ever again.
Promise me.
Hey, Raymond.
Wow. Look of all your photos.
This is interesting.
Ben, can I have a word with you in my office
when you're done here?
I can come right now.
Great work, Molly.
Raymond was asking questions about us.
He sent me home.
What? Why?
what did he say?
- He was asking about the fight
and why we're spending so much time together.
You're my photo advisor.
I could go to jail, Molly.
I'm above age in Canada.
I looked ii up.
Not if I'm your teacher.
Well, don't be surprised if
Raymond wants to talk to you as well.
Fuck me, he's gonna call your parents.
I'll just tell them you're my new talent.
This is not funny.
I can still come over, right?
I don't think so.
And I'm gonna need you to
clear out your phone as well.
If that's what you want.
I don't want to get you in trouble.
Let's do it.
Come on.
What if this is our last chance?
Would you rather I lose if to some asshole
after a bunch of beer bongs?
Is that really the only other option?
If just feels wrong.
I don't see the difference
between this and the other stuff.
Well, you might when you're a little bit older.
Condescending, or what?
Don't be childish.
Mommy and Daddy are probably looking for me.
Wouldn't want to keep them waiting.
I need you to delete those text messages now.
You okay?
Supposedly, she got a huge tattoo of a pentagram
on her back right above her ass.
What's up with that?
Sierrds a witch.
Her parents are witches too.
It's like witch pride or something.
Yeah, but a big witch tattoo at 16?
Isn't that a little nutso?
God, I mean, why do people feel this constant need
to shove their beliefs down everyone's throat?
Like mine?
You know, atleast Sierra
wouldn't stop being a0 witch
'cause some guy came around.
Yeah, she wouldn't, like,
ditch her witches.
I love the violin.
Okay. okay?
All right? Okay.
It's okay.
It's Spencer.
You want to tell him you're okay?
You need some greasy brunch to soak up that hangover?
Go away.
Ben Carter has resigned.
This isn't even on school property.
You want to talk about that?
I was practicing making a fake photo.
Ben's super imposed.
This isn't a take photo, is it?
Well, that doesn't prove anything.
Molly, the fact is, leaving school
property with a student, alone,
without the permission of your parents,
is a serious enough offence just on its own.
We were just taking photos.
Nothing happened.
What could have happened?
Are you gonna bring out
the bad-touching doll now?
Give me a break.
Molly! Show him some respect.
Okay, look, this happens all the time, okay?
In fact, just last week, I met a girl your age
who was being taken advantage of by her basketball coach.
She thought she was special,
Thought she was the only one
he'd ever break the rules for.
Turns out he'd done it four times.
No one took advantage of me.
We need to discuss if you and your parents
want to press charges
against Ben Carter.
Maybe we just need some time
alone with our... our daughter.
Wait, wait, wait, not so fast.
Mr. Maxwell, we really don't have
any evidence if she doesn't cooperate.
Who's Spencer?
He's my boyfriend.
No, he isn't
I say we call this Spencer
and see who? he knows...
You know...
I don't think that's necessary.
Why not?
Because I don't think we should get Spencer involved.
You know this Spencer guy?
He goes to Parkdale High.
He plays the trumpet
Hey, Molly.
So, is it true?
That's so fucking awesome.
Totally knew, by the way.
Didn't I tell you?
Ben's like, what, 26?
Why can't he get a girl his own age?
My parents are, like, 10 years apart.
My mom was, like, 18.
Yeah, but she's 16.
I mean, she just got her braces off,
like, what, six months ago?
Think he's done if before?
Hey, your favourite movie's on.
It's not my favourite movie.
What are you talking about?
Of course it is.
No, it isn't.
Well, you're grounded,
so don't even think about going out.
Did he take this?
You look beautiful.
I don't know this guy like you do.
But I do know that teachers aren't supposed
to mess around with their students.
You're a smart kid.
An amazing young woman, actually.
You're gonna make your own mistakes.
You'll live.
Call me if you need me.
Or text me, or...
email me, or...
or write on my wall.
Thank you.
You're here.
Here I am.
Your parents didn't barricade you in your room?
My dad's actually probably
taking this opportunity to fit the locks.
How have you been?
You know...
Relieved not to be in jail.
Thanks for that, by the way.
I think you're gonna like this first song.
It's called Hand Grenade.
Ben, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry.
Sorry for what?
For developing the rolls.
And everything.
Ain't no thing.
Maybe we could get something to eat after.
I don't think so.
Probably not.
I have to go now.
This is my first ever solo show.
And this is gonna be the first song
that I have ever written,
so I hope it's not too painful.
Pardon me?
Do you have any ID?
Oh, I'm not drinking.