Molly (2017)

- Don't damage her.
The medicine will fix her
- and if she's...
- She's mine.
- No, Dip, she's ours!
- Come on.
Cut it!
- It's you.
You're the girl.
The one from the stories.
- Hey!
Next time you take
on the scavengers.
- So, what's up with you two?
- Well, uh, sir...
- Sir?
- We've come a long way.
- How long?
- Several days.
- I mean in distance.
- Sir.
We've come a long way and
we don't wanna bother you,
but we've come to ask for
medicine and maybe food.
- You don't want to
bother me and yet,
here we are.
- Please sir.
- Clearly we can't
always get what we want.
- Please, sir.
- Please, yes.
- Please.
- Please sir, we have
a daughter.
- Look.
I don't want to disappoint you.
And, yet...
Look at this shit.
Wasting the drug on
ordinary losers like these.
We're running low on
supplicants for the pit.
We need to catch
more in the wild.
Just the one?
- Yes.
- Simon brought back just one.
- I caught this one.
- Simon isn't back yet.
- Still not back?
After the fight,
go after that weasel.
See what's taking so long.
Is he any good?
Feisty this one, eh?
Think he can take on The Truth?
- I, uh...
- Well,
Let's find out, shan't we?
- Never gonna pick you Osman.
- They will.
- I heard they spotted the
girl out near the bunker,
at the old place.
- Would you shut up
about her for once.
She doesn't exist.
- Why, why don't...
- I saw booty their
face right off.
- Ha, they're not gonna
pick yours either.
- Welcome friends,
foes, and fiends
of the Sunderland.
We are gathered here
today to witness the union
of two supplicants
into holy tussle,
which is to say they will rip
each other's faces right off!
And, all in the name
of entertainment.
And, entertainment
is it's name oh!
Game-o, game-o, ah!
- Game-o, game-o,
game-o, game-o, game-o.
- In the right ka...
In the right corner
we have our new mens,
the claws of the night,
the jaws of death,
the abominable creeper
of the wasteland
But, in the left corner,
the old favorite,
the best of the best,
the beast of the beast,
my own personal supplicant,
the unclean one himself,
The Truth!
- The Truth,
The Truth, The Truth,
The Truth, The Truth,
The Truth, The Truth,
The Truth The Truth,
The Truth, The Truth.
- Place your bets now.
Now, let them write
poetry on these walls
with their blood.
- The Truth,
The Truth, The Truth,
The Truth, The Truth...
- I expected more.
- The Truth, The
Truth, The Truth, The Truth.
- They didn't.
- The Truth,
The Truth, The Truth.
- Tonight's winner and
still king of the cage,
The Truth!
And, to all supplicants
out there I say this,
the grim reaper has spoken
and he speaks only The Truth.
Who dares to take
on my old champion?
Who dares to take on
The Truth itself?
Who would look like to see
it destroy another hopeless?
Where'd you get this then?
- I won it.
- All of 'em?
- All of 'em.
- With what, what do you
got in there, a tiger?
What's your name?
- Earl.
- And, the supplicant?
- Bob.
- Bob.
- Okay, we
have a challenger.
The Truth will take on
this man's own
Bob, the supplicant.
It's time.
The God of Death
has a gift voucher
and he's about to cash it in.
We should do a supplicant
where we tattoo muscles
all over his body like he
doesn't have any skin left.
- That's great.
Or like snakeskin venom.
- No.
It seems we have a new champion.
Bob, that old bastard,
has defeated the undefeated.
Bring that creep to me,
don't let him leave.
- No.
No, don't.
- Why are you so angry, huh?
I should eat you.
You're welcome.
Where is it?
- Simon's dead.
- Oh.
Oh, he's shot.
That's important.
We're looking for someone
with bullets.
- Look!
- A scavenger with a gun.
A scavenger with a gun.
- You're no supplicant.
That's enough.
- What do you want?
Mom and Dad will be back.
I kill you dead.
- Just give me a needle and
thread and I'll be gone.
- Okay, but wipe your feet.
- So, what's your name?
- Bailey.
- I'm Molly.
Where have your parents gone?
- Get food.
- Sorry.
How long have they been gone?
- You better leave
before they come back.
- I know.
You got anything to eat?
- No.
- All right.
It's been fun.
- Wait.
- Thanks.
This place got everything.
Got a jacuzzi in the back?
- Jacuzzi?
- You know what I miss most?
Just a glass of milk.
It's when you take an udder...
It's kind of like
a cow's breast.
You know you shouldn't keep
the flag out there like that.
Makes your hut easier to spot.
It's hot.
- I'm careful.
Where are you from?
- Far away.
- Where you going to?
- Further away.
- Alone?
- Yes.
- Your mom and dad
not come back?
- No, no, they didn't.
- Mine will.
- I hope so.
- What's this?
- Sharp.
Here, keep it.
- You could stay for now, but
when they get home you go.
- Okay.
- Have to go.
- Hide, hide now.
- It's her.
It's a girl.
Get her!
- We need to go.
Come on.
They'll be back.
They'll be back with more.
Come on!
We need to go now.
- No!
- Come on.
- Let go of me.
I wait for Mom and Dad.
- Let him go.
- I won fair and square.
- How much did we lose?
- About 40 rounds and a
couple of shotgun shells.
- He was called Bob.
That's not a supplicant name.
That's a name for an uncle
who doesn't even give you
a fiver on your birthday.
Remember when we had birthdays?
- I'm sorry.
- Damn straight you're sorry.
Ugh, you could've picked
any loser from that crowd.
- We have more.
We can beat Bob.
We'll have an all out fight,
cage match,
sudden death, five in the ring.
- That's weak.
We cannot just kill the guy.
We can lock him away but we
have to beat him one on one.
Otherwise you'll seem weak.
- Speaking of weak.
Speak up, where's Simon?
- Simon?
- Yep, more good news!
- By a scavenger.
- A scavenger.
- And the others?
- I was the only
one who got away.
- But, what, you ran into
a big herd of werewolves
out there?
- Oh, no, no, no.
I ran into the girl.
- You actually saw her?
- Yeah.
She's real.
All the stories are real.
- You're shitting out
of your face.
- No he's not.
I've seen her.
- What?
- Yes.
Couple of years ago
in a gentler world,
around the time all of this
shit happened.
Tell me about her.
- She, she can do that thing
people tell us about.
And, oh, she can fight.
Oh, she can fight.
Oh, like really.
And, she's hurt.
In her side.
It's like an old wound
but it's very nasty.
And, there's a girl,
another girl.
Yeah, a, a kid and she's
very, hmm, protective of her.
- Of the kid?
- Yeah, of the kid,
in a dinosaur outfit.
Or a T-Rex, a raptor, and...
No wings so it's
a dinosaur, man.
And, she's eight, five, 12.
- We need that girl.
- The dinosaur?
- No!
The other one.
- Oh.
- If I could have a
super-powered supplicant
I can have a Bob for
breakfast every single day.
- But, she killed five men.
- Six.
- Who knows what
else she's capable of.
- I'll go.
- No, no, no, no, no.
I found her.
I'll lead the hunt.
- No.
- You can't take her out,
any how.
- Where's she gonna run.
No, you won't, but I will.
- We can bring her here,
get her in the pit,
get the upper hand.
- We'll use her
wound or something,
that's her weak spot?
No, I'll separate her
from the child.
- And lure her back here
with a little of piece
of dragon bait.
- Uh huh, that
is the way.
Ah, ah.
- Supplicate this one.
- No, no.
- Yeah, yeah, yes.
We need to give Bob
some competition.
- No, no, no I found her.
No, you can't no!
Please no, don't.
No, no, you can't,
you can't do that!
You can do this to me, man.
- Well, you're alive for now.
We don't want to seem
weak, do we?
Lock him up.
Let wheel fight Bob tonight.
That will give 'em
something to talk about.
- The hunt is on.
They're gone.
Burn it.
That way.
- Bailey.
Go and get my glasses, now!
- Molly!
- Bailey!
- Molly!
Molly, Molly, Molly, Molly!
- No!
- She's not all right.
Be quiet.
- Everything's ready?
- Yes, we seen her
arrive in Simon's boat.
We expect her to find
the door anytime.
- We're under attack.
She's breaking through.
- No, no, no, no!
You shit piles!
- She will come and
she will kill you dead.
- Oh, can somebody
shut her up, please?
- We have not been
able to do that so far.
- She will.
- I hate kids.
- You hate everybody.
- No, just kids and you.
- Oh, shut up!
You, go, go get her.
Do something, idiots.
Stop being such kids.
- She's over there.
- I hear she can enter your
mind and control your thoughts.
- If you really believe
that then I bet only anyone
can control your thoughts.
I'm serious, man.
- I was just there.
All she does is punch people.
- Oh, get it off her!
- Oh my God.
She's real.
She's coming.
Get out now!
- Did you hear that?
They brought the girl here.
It's only a matter of time
before this place falls.
You'll be a nobody again.
No hall monitor duty.
No fancy coat.
You've nothing
to gain from this.
I have a better offer.
- You've got nothing.
- Do with him what you will.
He's gonna supplicate the girl.
Now, even Brother Bob
won't do shit
against superpowers in the pit.
Kill her for me and you
all will be rewarded.
- Bullet, bullet,
bullet, bullet,
bullet, bullet, bullet,
bullet, bullet,
bullet, bullet, bullet, bullet,
bullet, bullet, bullet,
bullet, bullet,
bullet, bullet, bullet, bullet,
bullet, bullet, bullet.
- Let's tear this place down.
- What the fuck was that?
- That's was close.
Augre take 'em up.
- That was right down the hall.
- Ate me up, patho.
- Cut it out, cut it out!
Cut it out, cut it out!
- Mommy!
- What did she do then?
Shoot him!
Shoot him!
You thankless
son of a bitch.
Ah, ah!
- Stand up.
- Don't kill me.
- Where is she?
- Up a level.
Please don't hurt me.
I didn't do anything.
- Then how do you know
where she is?
- I...
- She is here.
The girl who has the
gift everybody heard of.
And, in the right corner,
the reigning champion.
The master of
the supplicants, me.
- Well, she's not worth it.
- She was supposed to be
our main attraction, Kim.
Why are you killing her?
You are going to make me
very, very rich.
- No!
Oh, if only
the audience could see.
If only they could
place their bets
and collect their
This must be the fight
of the century.
The greatest battle
since the world fell over.
Ladies and gentlemen,
- She was here.