Molokh (1999)

"A drop.
Shaped like a drop.
According to the shape of a drop."
Take care of my luggage.
The luggage!
What if I asked the teachers
to sing like tenors?
God forbid that
they sing out of tune!
It 's inevitable to
sing out of tune.
What would they say
about that?
The suitcase!
It 's important to have
good regents.
Not Bruno Walter,
more like Knappertsbusch.
More like Knappertsbusch.
You didn't sleep well, Lisi.
Calm yourself and drink
some tea before you sleep.
You haven't changed a bit,
my fhrer.
What about you, Kennenberger?
You're putting in some weight.
To run and make 5O pushes
a day would suit you well.
Yes, my fhrer.
Even 6O.
Ah, we're getting old.
You are no longer a child,
nor am I a young man.
This isn't important, my fhrer.
Old trees bend...
but never break.
But we must retire and
give room to the younger ones.
Good morning.
Good morning.
It 's a pleasure to see you.
And you! You!
I can't find the words.
What a classical beauty!
A pure and perfect beauty,
my fhrer.
Watch your tongue, Martin.
Are you an expert in
classical studies?
No, my fhrer.
In archeology,
history or linguistics?
No, my fhrer.
Certainly not.
You are neither an archeologist,
nor historian, nor linguist.
What do we have here?
She delivered them right before
you arrived, my fhrer.
What do we have here?
They are cute, my fhrer.
- Take them away!
- Yes, sir!
Hurry! I told you
this wasn't the best moment.
What a terrible way
to start the day!
How are you, Eva darling?
Hello, Magda.
- Lift!
- I brought magazines.
The luggage!
From Berlin and Europe.
For you.
- Did you have a nice travel?
- It wasn't bad.
No risks. Except for the
passage by the ravine.
The fhrer wanted to explain...
the characteristics of
the mountain goat.
But he wasn't able to make
any observations.
A tire blew out
that very instant.
My compliments, Miss Eva.
It 's a pleasure to see you.
Adi seems tired. Is he okay?
A volcano! Filled with ideas.
All original, unique.
I can't understand them.
- You're a fool.
- I won't argue.
I don't see the need to use
goats in enemy territory.
I'll explain when we're alone.
Looks like Adi is
completely exhausted.
Is he not well?
It 's Martin's fault.
He has a weird smell.
The fhrer is very picky
about scents.
He stinks like mustard gas.
He is so rude.
He stepped on my feet
to be closer to the fhrer.
Just look at that.
Stinking like mustard
gas near the fhrer?
I don't believe the prudent
Martin would do such a thing.
Smell him yourself.
Go behind his back
and smell him.
Picker's things in room 12,
Goebbels' in room 31.
I'm on the third floor.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
Whispering around me?
All of you.
Not a word about politics
on the table.
Was I clear?
No east front, my dear Josef!
We'll relax today.
Mountain goat!
Excuse me?
Come, Josef.
Hang up.
Hang up!
Our textile industry is awful.
Your uniform is lusterless.
Your clothes are wet.
Can't we buy English fabrics?
Or at least Italian?
How are you going to
solve that?
The problem is not
with the uniform.
It 's the water that runs
from all over the body.
You look like your mother.
- Don't touch me. I'm dying.
- No.
You won't die. I won't let you.
You are young. You don't know
which disease I have.
The body doesn't work.
Something is not functioning inside.
I want to move my hand,
but I can't.
My legs refuse to run.
Life and water
escape from the body!
The trip wore you out.
You need to eat and rest.
I have cancer!
Stop! It hurts!
You don't have cancer!
You're faking it! Quit moaning!
Moaning? Me?
Yes, you are moaning!
There's nothing wrong with you!
Hysteria! Hypochondria!
That 's all!
Well... fine then.
Maybe I have
intestinal problems.
No, you have none.
What about the defect
in my trachea?
No sign of it at all.
But the doctors diagnosed it,
didn't they?
What difference does it make?
Whatever you think you have,
they'll confirm.
Who else contradicts you,
besides myself?
Go on, continue.
You may insult me.
I know I deserve the worst.
I don't know how to be alone.
Without a good audience...
you're nothing...
but a...
Well... is that all?
What about you?
What are you?
I am... a common woman.
A maid...
who opened the wrong door.
Take this for your work.
Young maid.
Let us not ruin our appetite.
Lunch will be served
in half an hour.
I don't feel well.
I can't walk down the staircases!
Of course you can.
- No, I can't.
- Of course you can.
Do as you please.
Stay here.
You need tranquillity.
Oh, Josef!
Or I'll run away with Miss Eva!
She is calm, honorable,
the embodiment of beauty!
What is your new novel about?
The new breed.
A little bit of irreverence,
a little bit of healthy eroticism...
the National Ideal.
It should be called "Adam and Eve".
My dear Josef, I'd say...
I'd say that...
Where are the others?
You may sit down.
May I sit between you ladies
in order to serve you?
It would be a great honor.
Don't embarrass an old man.
A great honor, why?
Strong young men
should be beside...
young women.
Rather than a crippled man.
Even though he's the nation's
fhrer, the father of destinies.
Right, Martin?
No, in absolute.
What do you mean, no?
I'm not sure. All I know is...
I think the opposition is
hidden right in here!
Just to make sure that
Dr. Goebbels is not jealous...
of an old man like myself.
- Oh, my fhrer, please!
- Don't write that, Picker.
Sit here. On my left, please.
Thank you, my fhrer.
And where do I sit?
You sit on my right.
Very well, sit here.
You, come sit here too.
Join in the meal.
Are you comfortable?
Thank you, my fhrer.
And you too.
Take your seats.
Let 's begin!
Does anyone want a little tea?
Juice, water or tea?
Water. I want water.
Maybe Bormann wants it.
So, Martin?
A little bit of syrup?
It 's made of the flesh
of slaughtered animals.
A little bit of syrup?
Those repulsive butcher's fingers!
- Sure.
- Calm down, Josef.
Your filthy nails!
These smells!
These sinews!
Don't you want some?
No, my fhrer, I don't.
He fell.
I told you to sit, Picker!
He fell!
A little bit of sea food?
- Don't write that, Picker.
- How about eel?
Sticky, warm and fat.
Like an appendix.
Dear Bormann...
do you know how we
catch crabs in Bavaria?
Yes, of course...
No, my fhrer.
We use dead grandmothers.
This piece is
looking at you, Klutzy.
We pick a grandmother...
dead three days before,
not more than that.
Her grandsons
throw her on the river.
Disemboweled, of course.
Crabs cover all of her body.
She looks like
an armored goddess.
Those red knuckles.
The mustache!
Not bad!
It 's the youth of Bavaria!
In my childhood...
we would catch fish
with forks.
What has it got to do
with your fish?
I'm talking about crabs.
- Does any of you want some?
- No.
You're right.
A vegetarian diet is the
principle of a healthy life.
Eat vegetable! Only vegetable!
And herbs!
On top of the list: Nettles!
Oceans of nettles!
Take note of everything, Picker.
Who can tell me what 's
the best use for nettle?
Maybe it 's just a dream,
a delirium?
My poetic imagination?
I think I understand.
I understand.
You want to torment
Eastern Slavs with nettles...
to make room for
German colonies.
If I wanted to torment them,
why would I use nettles?
What about you, Goebbels?
What do you think it 's best, fhrer?
Nettle is a strategic raw material.
More precious than cotton!
That 's what I said
in a laboratory in Munich.
We may eat it. We may use it
to make fabrics, glass...
and a bunch of useful stuff.
Ukraine's dirt is the best soil...
for the growth of nettles.
Josef is so serious.
Write down everything,
every single word.
Maybe in a hundred years or so...
when we start
the war against Italy...
Who are we preparing
to fight against?
We'll have to start that war.
The Duce is a great leader.
He is an example to be followed.
That aristocratic profile of his.
Pride stamped on his forehead.
His jaw ready to devour everyone!
But he is a complete idiot!
Knows nothing about art and
yawns before masterpieces.
What 's more, he ordered forests
to be planted all over Italy.
The consequences?
First of all, the climate changes.
Dampness and raining.
Warm winds won't reach Germany.
We'll se another Byelorussia
right below our nose.
Rain will pour over the Reich.
Our nation will become lazy,
apathetic and slothful.
Like those nations
with warm weather.
Those fat pigs, full of lard...
with their swinish eyes,
red from gin and beer.
Total darkness.
Bubbles in ponds, long nights,
grey, damp days.
Bugs everywhere.
Once, I told Stalin:
"Don't build the Soviet Palace.
The biggest building
shall be in Berlin."
But no.
He didn't obey me.
And he started building it.
Very well.
If he wants war,
he will have war.
If he wants war...
he will have war.
Speak louder.
Otherwise, the silence will wake
him up, and he will be upset.
But, if we keep talking...
he will never wake up.
Nettles in Ukraine?
If the fhrer were not the father
of the nation, he could be...
a literary master of paradox.
I've been in Ukraine.
Their children look
much better than ours.
Our children are like
awkward wild horses.
Theirs are fat-cheeked...
blond and strong.
It 's a pity that their Slav blood...
should give them afterwards
those round pancake faces.
It 's best that the fhrer
doesn't hear you speak...
...about the children.
- What are the news about the war?
Anyone knows?
You, naturally.
Didn't you speak with
the fhrer about that?
Not once... never.
Neither did I. I'm too stupid.
I don't even know
who's fighting against who.
I listened to everything!
Let 's take a walk.
A walk?
How amusing!
Finish writing and join us!
Magda, there are no butterflies!
- Let 's stop here.
- Adi, look, what a beautiful flower!
There is little breeze here.
The view is breathtaking.
"Hypericum Perforatum".
It 's good against diarrhea,
colic and nausea.
I'll take a look at Martin.
Put my blanket over there.
"Origanum Vulgaris".
Against impotence.
It gives immunity and total energy.
Paracelsus sanctioned its use.
Dr. Goebbels,
without butterflies you'll be bored.
"Valeriana Officinalis".
Here, my friends...
seems like a good spot
for us to rest.
Is this your blanket, Martin?
- Dr. Goebbels!
- It 's so soft!
Adi, I've found some nettles!
Shake the blanket!
- Follow me.
- There are no butterflies!
- I wanted to speak with you.
- About what?
I wish to be alone, to record
this landscape in my mind.
I don't know when I'll be back.
As you wish, fhrer.
My blanket!
Where is my blanket?
You need a blanket, Josef.
- Martin is lying down!
- Someone needs to bring you one.
Where's my parasol?
Josef, when are we
going to eat?
I forgot to explain something,
my dear Martin.
I wanted to tell you,
dear Martin...
what is the
Thousand Year Reich.
The Thousand Year Reich
is simply...
the Biblical millenary
kingdom of the just.
Let 's go.
My dear Martin...
you're only repeating...
what the fhrer says.
The Thousand Year Reich.
The Thousand Year Reich.
Do you know it?
Is it the spiritual essence?
Is it merely a bunch of morons...
with white teeth...
and Aryan blood?
Martin, I know
you're not sleeping.
Remember the word
of Saint John:
"The end of the world
will come...
after Jesus slays
the Serpent".
You'll never change!
Dr. Goebbels is defeated!
The party would better
not see that!
- I wish to listen to music.
- Be my guest, Klutzy.
Opera feeds the spiritual
strength of our nation!
I hate the opera!
It 's awful!
Hurry with the parasol!
Tasteless music!
Garbage! Trash from the
decadent Western culture!
I want that garbage!
Witches! A witches' sabbath
on the mountain!
You dance very well, my fhrer.
But Goebbels, really...
You must see it!
Look at my foot.
Show me.
If your feet hurt,
you shouldn't go to the mountain.
Let 's ask Bormann for help.
Come here!
What is it, Magda?
- Bring her.
- Take her to her bedroom.
Josef, he is taking
Magda away!
I'll see you at dinner.
- God bless you.
- Hello.
Sorry... Thank you.
I see.
He will die anyway.
Why the cruelty?
You're not an evil man.
Your heart must be
open to Goodness.
Desertion is certainly
and ought to be punished.
But I beg you to forgive him.
The concentration camp would...
kill him.
How often do you go to church?
How many SS divisions
are at my disposal?
I haven't the slightest idea.
And none of these soldiers go to
church. Do you know where they go?
To death.
Who can explain me this paradox?
Those who worship the
crucifixion don't want to die!
The answer to that...
may be found in youth.
The answer to that is
in the larvae of insects.
How many eggs does a fly lay?
How many eggs are lost?
It means that every single egg
they lay are lost.
All of them!
But flies are still around!
They live!
I ask you, why?
I see.
You hate the church.
You forbid young men
to go to the church.
The elderly are afraid.
They don't have much time left.
Priests are in jail
or under watch.
And me?
I keep talking...
begging you...
for something...
as if you were Christ Himself.
Why am I such a fool?
We shouldn't ask Him anything.
He is dead.
He won't bring you anything.
I feel like I've upset you.
I didn't mean to.
Forgive me.
The pain that possessed me...
took away the rest of
my sensibility.
Forgive me.
I see.
I had already noticed that.
If I win...
I'll be praised by everyone.
But if I lose...
even the lowest of beings...
will mock me.
- Is it too windy for the fhrer?
- Yes.
The fhrer is waiting.
You may roll.
Thank you.
That way is good.
Thank you.
Panic-stricken Bolsheviks
are running away...
from the devastating
German army.
0n the 11th of July,
the chief commander announced...
the enemy's defeat...
and the progress of troops
to the south of Woronesch...
200 miles along river Don.
0urtroops are following closely
the fleeing enemy.
0ur joy is to take arms
From England to the Black Sea
Always marching on
Freedom is our goal
0ur fhrer
Gives the orders
And we obey him
0ur fhrer
Gives the orders
And we obey him
It 's not for you!
I had to leave.
The news gave me
a terrible headache.
Have you anything?
Throw that away.
Okay, I'll keep it.
Don't you think
others have problems?
Poor unhappy girl.
Unhappy. You have no idea
what it is to be forced to love.
A mediocre journalist,
a unsuccessful writer.
It was good to find
a genius to back him.
If it weren't for the family
and for the National Ideal...
we would have broken up
a long time ago.
To love a genius,
I can't explain it...
it 's like trying to love
the sun or the moon.
Real cinema!
Great images!
Garbage! I had never seen
such a waste of film!
- It makes my stomach turn.
- Exactly.
Unfinished work.
Completely incoherent!
The worst are not the tanks...
but the second half.
What a mess!
The writer either is
ignorant or incapable.
The cameraman is sloppy.
The director is self-absorbed.
The sound is not well recorded.
Why make a movie like that?
To stimulate them?
To say they have talent?
So they'll do better next time?
No! Regarding the style
of cinematography...
there can be no compromise.
We'd better suppress it altogether.
To Auschwitz with the whole crew.
Where is it?
Nowhere. It doesn't exist.
It doesn't exist?
Then why did she mention it?
You know how women
like to talk, my fhrer.
In spite of their charm...
We didn't hear any of that, right?
Exactly. An accurate point.
You've been warned, Klutzy.
Please, take your seats.
Where should I sit, my fhrer?
I'll sit close to the fhrer.
And where should I sit?
- Please, sit down.
- This is my place, Dr. Goebbels.
Magda, please.
- Please, doctor.
- Josef, sit close to me.
Be careful with it.
Allow me, comrade.
Nobody takes care of you.
So Ionely in here.
What do you mean?
Intellectually speaking.
Now may I eat as well?
Anyone wants something
that is unpalatable?
Tea, for example?
No, my fhrer, nobody wants it.
Can we change the subject?
I'm really starving.
In the provinces,
we're always hungry.
But in the city we're always
thinking about work.
Thank you.
If both these human needs...
could be turned into
a single one...
we'd have the harmonious man.
He'll come soon.
He is already between us.
Really good.
he is here.
He is here. Very close.
Of course, he is near.
some connection
with racial features... fhrer?
- No.
Have you ever wondered...
why there are so many
crazy Finnish people?
And why does the mustache
of Czechs grows downwards?
You're very brave, Eva.
I could devour you.
Did you find what
you were looking for?
Delicious... very good.
The Finnish are crazy...
because of the endless
winters and the aurora borealis.
All the northern folks
are crazy due to these factors.
Snow spreads melancholy.
About the Czechs...
they have those fallen mustaches...
because of their Mongol ancestors.
Germans are really lucky.
They are really blessed.
No aurora borealis.
No Mongols.
What... was I saying?
You were talking about
the new breed.
Not only that.
I was also talking about the war.
Now don't you complain later on...
that the goals
were not well defined.
This I don't understand.
Neither does Martin,
but he won't admit it.
I understand everything!
I didn't expect that from you.
To demand that a woman
be understanding?
No... no, my fhrer.
Neither the nation, nor the party,
nor the leaders...
expect that from a woman.
Understanding is
a strictly male attribute.
The more a woman is foolish,
the more she is expressive.
It 's no coincidence that
the wives of great men...
were all stupid.
Mozart 's wife, for instance,
a vulgar woman!
- Right?
- Yes.
Excuse me, gentlemen,
I'm exhausted.
I wish you all a good night.
Good night!
Our hostess is the embodiment
of simplicity and humility.
- So? Your wife isn't like that?
- What are you implying?
I think it 's time for me to retire.
We'll get up early tomorrow.
We have to sleep well.
Good night, everyone!
Good night!
Now, let us have some wine!
What are you doing here?
Do you need anything?
What do you want?
I know...
what you want.
Grandma Hitler, grandpa Hitler,
daddy Hitler, mommy Hitler...
daughter Hitler, son Hitler.
A cute little boy.
Everybody Hitler!
A whole Hitler family!
Everyone stinking, snoring
and burping on the same table!
Turning the house
into a pigsty.
They do nothing but torment you.
You want tranquillity?
A cosy home?
Comfortable seats?
Home-made soup? Matching pajamas?
Herb tea at night?
Church on Sundays?
Drink beer by a tree,
eating sausage?
Sausage! Bowels with lard
and spice! With cheese!
Think about that. Cheese!
No tranquillity!
No soup!
No pajamas!
The whip shall slash!
The whip to all the beasts!
I won't allow any rest!
I shall attack again
with full force!
Thirty years! Forty years!
Until the beast finally
becomes human!
Go on! Ahead!
No more waiting!
For the sky is at hand!
The sky is so close!
Wait up!
You'll see!
You'll pay for that!
Mommy Hitler, daddy Hitler!
I'm also Hitler myself!
I know that you're here
and that you can hear me.
How many times did I ask you
to write my parents?
They are so worried.
If you love me, if you'll leave me.
You don't even know their names.
Only "mommy and daddy".
Trivial? Maybe.
You've always feared what 's trivial.
That 's why you've become so harsh.
Do you know what my father
told me in 1929...
after we met on
the photo studio?
"This young man is a failure".
That 's what he said.
Big mistake.
You despised him.
Just like you've despised millions.
And even if you are a failure...
I love you.
With all your defects
and uselessness.
Please, remain "a failure".
I even wanted to
cheat on you twice.
I know it 's wrong.
I cursed myself.
I repented.
The first time,
with a photographer.
The second...
I'm so disgusted.
And another sin I've committed...
Once, I cut your telephone's line.
I think you lost a battle,
or something like that.
I'd like to tell you...
that I'm tired to hide my love.
I can't stand it anymore.
I must put an end to that.
Maybe it would be better
if you killed me.
Get down. The fhrer is leaving.
Hurry! Hurry!
Are you mad?
Please, we've arrived.
In the car, not the truck.
You see? Then go.
You... you...
Beauty is the most fragile
thing in the world.
What can we compare with
the strength of this frailty?
While you live, I'll live.
Where are...
the puppies?
The plague, my fhrer.
Consumed by the earth.
Oh, the merciless reaper.
Soon, the plague will be no more...
We shall conquer death.
How can you say that?
Death is death.
It can't be conquered.
Eng subs ripped by