Momentum (2015)

As powerful men always have,
we're going to engineer
an event to shape
the destiny of our country.
And you'll get your war
and I'll get my office.
It's time we took
this country back.
There are no codes.
I'm telling you
there are no codes.
I swear to you.
There... there's a
new security system.
It's all very high tech.
You have wax in
your ears, fat man?
You keep your face
superglued to the floor
or I'm going to blow it off.
Hey, back down.
Watch him.
He's your responsibility.
Huh, this is new.
Get the manager.
Just close your eyes.
Listen to mommy.
Listen to mommy's voice.
It's going to be OK.
OK, just close your eyes.
Nobody move.
Where are you going?
Where are you taking me?
Please, you don't
need these people.
Let them go.
What are you try to do?
Nobody moved.
Settle down.
How do we open it?
You can't open it.
There has to be a key.
There's no key.
I swear it.
It's... it's me.
It's me.
I'm the key.
Kill him.
I'm not going to ask you again.
If you shoot me, you'll
never get it open.
No, no, no, no.
Please, just let me go.
I said quiet.
Please, just let me...
- Quiet.
- Just let me go.
Just let me...
Don't make me tell you again.
Shut up, motherfucker.
Shut up.
Shut your fucking mouth.
Shut your fucking face,
you piece of shit.
Shh, shh, shh, shh, don't worry.
He's just sleeping.
Now get in.
I thought you were the key.
I... I... I don't
know what happened.
I swear to you, I don't know.
Get the teeth.
Oh, unbelievable.
Don't even bother.
It's closed.
No, no.
The hell is that?
Get in.
Now this better work.
Two minutes nine.
Give me the numbers.
Three, five, nine, November.
Hang on.
No, no, no, no, no, I saw that.
I saw you move.
Do you wanna die?
Do you think you're that fast?
What are you, Dirty Harry?
You feel lucky?
You're gonna make my day or tell
me to get off my fucking lawn?
Now, don't fucking move.
Do you like this, you
miserable rat fuck?
The guy's jacked up.
The guy is fine.
Get the bag.
He was going for his gun.
We took his gun.
He is not threat.
It's time to go.
- You got the stuff?
- Yes.
I'm just going to blow
this shit's head off.
You know my rules.
Let's go.
Let's move out.
Your fucking rules.
Fuck you.
You fucking shot me.
You're gonna die.
Now there's seven seconds.
We're late.
Come on, come on.
You've been compromised.
Take care of business
and let's go.
They're all witnesses.
What are you waiting for?
They saw your face.
Let's go.
Pick up the trash.
Thank you.
Bloody hell.
You killed Wayne,
you daft cock trough.
Now we got the heat on us.
You should have
backed him up and let
kill that bleeding guard.
He's seen your face
now, hasn't he?
And he's not dead now, is he?
It was my call.
Piss on your call.
Your call makes a more
dangerous situation for me.
And I don't like dangerous
situations for me.
Hey, we're going to get heat
because Wayne, your fucking
guy, was high and you know it.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, did I ask you?
Did I say, hey, ass bag,
what's on your wee mind?
Shut up and get changed.
Gonna give me an
explanation or not?
None are needed.
Fuck you say.
You have dropped us
knee deep into shite
and there's no telling
how many people
saw your face back there.
Let it go.
I am not warning
you again, Fancy.
God almighty, I
can't believe who
I'm in with, a fucking
retard and a stupid gee who
can't even...
I'll have everything
off shore in a month.
30 grand each.
What about Wayne's 30?
He's not using it.
Yeah, you really sound
like you miss him.
Just lay low for a month.
You'll get the rest of your cut.
I better had.
When haven't you?
We ever screw you?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
So just shut your face for 30.
Don't much like waiting.
Get a hobby.
30 days, then I come
looking for you... and you.
Hey, what, I... I'm
burned here too, you know.
Nobody saw your face and
I shot that dumb prick.
So if I get popped, I go down
for the job and a murder.
I couldn't have done any
of this without you, Alex.
Don't fucking go there.
I was out.
I should have let you
get me involved in this.
I told you never to
contact me again.
Hey, I... I helped
you disappear.
You owe me.
I don't owe you shit.
These guys are connected.
This thing goes really high up.
And you trust them?
No, but I've got
an insurance policy.
She's flying in tonight.
So this is how things
are going to go.
I'm going to get drunk,
soak in a tub for a couple,
and you are going to get me
the hell out of the country
by tomorrow night.
I've got you set up in town.
Our old place.
Come on, you used
to love it there.
I don't remember any complaints.
I have a few now.
The bag.
I got to hang on
to this until I...
I'm not taking it, jeez.
You look like shit, by the way.
I guess you've knocked
the wind out of me.
Consider these an advance.
say one of the four thieves
was shot and killed by a
member of his own gang.
Police have an eye
witness, but no description
of the perpetrators has
been released as of yet.
We'll bring you updates
as they come in.
has discovered that the eye
witness has described
to police the killer
of the fourth gunman.
In a CBN exclusive, we
have obtained the police
sketch of that suspect.
I'm Peter...
That's better.
Locked yourself out?
Uh, yeah.
I can take you
to the front desk.
They'll issue the new key card.
Um, uh, no, no need.
Uh, my husband's inside.
He's just a heavy sleeper.
Darling, there you are.
Was she wandering
around the hotel again?
She does that.
Thanks for bringing her home.
No problem.
You folks have a nice evening.
I like this.
The hair, it's good.
And I love the green eyes.
Yeah, the blue was a
bit... I don't know... cold.
Why did you leave me
standing out there?
Sorry, I was in the bathroom.
Thanks for getting
dressed, by the way.
I thought it was an emergency.
It is.
Yeah, well, then, you better
tell me I'm getting out of here
But you know that insurance
I was telling you about?
I think I may have found
something even better.
But I'm going to need
your talents to unlock it.
I'm not making this up.
Look, I may have lied to
you about a lot of things,
but not something this big.
Hey, come on.
Don't you remember
anything good about us?
About me?
You're such an asshole.
You know I had to leave.
Shit, that's her.
Quick, hide.
She's only expecting
me to be here.
She'll run.
Trust me, get out of sight.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Really, Kevin?
Another woman.
Hey, Jessica, come on it.
Hi, Kev.
I'm so sorry.
Come on, get up.
Hey, come on, man, let her go.
She didn't do anything.
I'll... I'll... I'll...
I'll... I'll... I'll
what, Mr. Fuller?
Check the purse, find the phone.
Pass code?
I can't tell you.
And why is that?
Because once you know what's
on there, I'll be useless to you
and you'll just kill me.
That is true.
But I can offer you the
option of a painless death,
if you tell me the pass code.
Six, six, six.
Ah, oh.
Good girl.
The blackmail?
That was your master plan?
I do hope you had the
foresight to make a backup.
Oh, no, you didn't, did you?
I am a man who
keeps his promises.
No, stop.
Jesus Christ, Jess...
I'm sure we could...
we could make a deal.
I'm afraid, Mr. Fuller,
that the time for deals is over.
Now you seem to have forgotten
that our mutual employer
has extremely long arms.
The Senator can go fuck himself.
Thank you.
I shall take great pleasure
in informing him you said so.
Now, Mr. Fuller, if you tell
me where the diamonds are,
this night will get
exponentially shorter,
and potentially, a
great deal less painful.
All right, hurt him.
Oh, my fucking arm.
Where are they, Mr. Fuller?
Don't hurt...
I'll tell you the
honest truth, Mr. Fuller,
I don't really give a flying
fuck where those diamonds are.
What I'm really interested in
is the little electronic device
that was stored with them.
Oh, ha-ha-ha, you find
this funny, do you?
Every man pictures the
way he's going to die,
and this is... this is
just not what I expected.
Who said anything about dying?
Oh, God, what the fuck is that?
Let me make
this easier for you, Mr. Fuller.
If you do not tell
me where the bag is,
I will find your family.
I will have your wife
raped until she is dead.
No, oh, God, no.
And then I will have your child
sold to slavery in the
very worst Dickensian
hell hole I can find.
I can't... fuck you.
Fuck the Senator.
And fuck this bed which
is probably made in China.
Skewer his fucking shoulder.
It's your
last chance, Mr. Fuller.
You're going to talk.
Everybody does.
Do it again.
All right, OK, OK.
Why has he stopped moving?
Wake him up.
I think he's dead.
What do you mean he's dead?
No, no, no, he can't
die until I say he dies.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
OK, OK, search him for
ID, see where he lives.
Maybe he stashed
the diamonds there.
Then clean up this fucking mess.
It's the call you've
been waiting for, Senator.
Yes, of course.
You all excuse me.
Save a couple dances, darling.
Do you have him?
Uh, not exactly, sir, but
the girl has been handled
and the video has been erased.
On that front, at
least, you are safe.
That video is embarrassing.
The drive is treason.
You'd best find it.
Yes, we'll toss the
room before we leave.
I'm confident we'll find it.
Speaking of overconfident,
how's our friend
Mr. Fuller cooperating?
Yes, Mr. Fuller, um,
how can I say this,
has checked out of this hotel.
Soon as we find his partners,
I'll call you, let you know.
Mr. Washington?
Are you there?
Backup, eleventh floor.
She shot my foot in two.
What the hell is
going on out here?
Ebola outbreak.
Get back in your room.
Hey, there, I really
need to get to a hos...
I took you for a working girl.
You know, wrong place, wrong
time, that kind of thing.
But then I found this
little baby in your room.
A Vektor SP1, custom edition.
Nice gun, pro's gun.
So now, I have to
assume that you
are part of the Kevin's posse.
Ha, maybe you're
even that smashing
little red head that the news
services are so excited about.
Kind of sloppy
though, wasn't it?
Getting your face
seen like that?
You know, your face is
vaguely familiar to me.
Have we met before?
You'd have remembered me.
And I would have
remembered that tie.
Right now, I think my tie is
the least of your problems.
I'm going to blow his head off.
She's good.
Really fucking good.
Let's go down.
She thinks she's being
clever, but I've seen
this in far too many movies.
Go back up.
The laundry room.
She's on the sky bridge
headed for the parking.
I really like this woman.
Engaging in confrontation.
She's not responding.
I'm free.
Stop immediately.
Pull over.
Pull over.
I repeat.
Pull over.
This is your last warning.
Oh, shit.
I'll smash your goddamn head in.
Who is it?
It's me.
Let me in.
You out of your goddamn
mind coming here.
Just let me in... please.
Please, oh, that's new.
I don't think I've ever...
Open that goddamn door.
That's more like it.
Choke on it, you dumb bitch.
Hey, you want to make 10
grand for pressing a button?
Open the damn door.
Let me in.
10 grand?
Let me in and I'll give it you.
Show it to me.
There's no time.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
I'm counting.
They're after me.
Who's after you?
You didn't bring the
gobshack cops here, did you?
No, they're fucking cleaners,
serious goddamn cleaners.
Why should I help you?
Because they killed Kevin.
Get in.
Nice nose.
Here, keep it.
For Kev's funeral.
Always knew you were a softy.
I barricaded the door.
Heavy artillery?
Not much, just
what the law allows.
I docked everything else
in case we got busted.
Don't worry.
This'll get the job done.
Needs something though.
You're right.
Not sure what though.
You going somewhere?
Oh, with your face
being all over the news,
I thought it might be
better to lay low somewhere
with no extradition law.
I need your laptop.
I look like I have
a fucking laptop?
OK, a desktop, a
fucking tablet, anything?
Oh, please tell me you
at leas have a phone.
In the back.
Whoa, whoa, what the
fuck are you doing?
I don't want 'em to
think we're hiding.
That's the only way in there.
Let 'em come.
Make your phone call.
Me and the old bastard'll
take care of it.
It's Alex.
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
- Leave us alone.
- Listen to me...
No, you listen to me.
You stay away from my family.
Is that piece of shit with you?
No, he's not.
He shouldn't even be with you.
You'll kill him.
Listen to me.
You and your kid are in danger.
You need to get out.
What have you gotten
him involved in.
Shut up.
Look, Kevin has a
secret hiding place.
Don't you worry.
Daddy's home.
He's got a lovely
fish dinner for you.
He keeps things in there.
I'm sure he told you about it.
Don't know what
you're talking about.
You know exactly what
I'm talking about.
Now, there's enough there
to care of you forever.
There should also
be a package for me.
My husband is out of
your kind of business.
Hey, you like the
house you're living in?
Where do you think you
got the money for it, huh?
Oh, my God, that bank yesterday?
That was you two?
He promised me.
Look, just take what's in
there and bring the package to...
I am not bringing you anything.
God, this isn't about
you and me anymore.
He is my husband, not yours.
He chose me, so get over
it and leave me alone.
Goddamn it.
Put the phone down.
Come on.
You gotta have another piece.
Lubbish, I got it.
Come on in, fellas.
Join the party.
Let's dance.
Behind you.
Try under the bed.
Well, that was subtle.
Where's your sense of
fucking finesse, huh?
Get out, dunkoff.
Oh, fuck.
And what's your name?
Matthew Micheal Fuller.
Well, hello, Matthew
Micheal Fuller.
My name is Mr. Johnson.
I'm calling from the
telephone company.
You sound like you're
a very big boy.
Yes, sir.
I am almost six.
Six, really, well, that is old.
And are you a
clever boy, Matthew?
Well, let's see just how
clever you are, shall we?
I'm going to give you a
little test, all right?
Do you know your full address?
7415 Glen Avenue.
Oh, you are clever.
Well done, Matthew.
Do you want to
know anything else?
No, no, that's, uh, that's quite
all right for today, Matthew.
If ever I should
meet you, I'm going
to give you a very big prize.
OK, nice talking to you.
talking to you, bye-bye.
All right, I know
where she's heading.
Let's move out.
Tell Ms. Pinder to get her
ass in gear and join us.
God, Kevin, what did you do?
You need
to get the hell... stupid.
Oh, Matty.
You got scared.
I did.
Do you want some food?
How about some crunchy
choco vampire guys?
Matthew, didn't I tell you to
put your toys away last night?
Oh, yeah, I forgot.
Hurry up and eat.
Mommy needs five minutes.
We're gonna go on
a trip today, OK?
Be right back.
Hey, babe, how you doing?
I'm downstairs.
Grab your helmet.
Come on.
Hey, hey, come back here.
Matthew, I need you to
get dressed right now.
Thank God, Matthew,
we have to go.
There's someone outside.
I think they want to come in.
Good morning.
Early bird, et
cetera, et cetera.
That's what we're looking for.
Mommy, I'm scared.
One moment.
Matthew, there's a
grown up on the phone.
Don't be rude.
What's the situation
back at the hotel?
We've made pretty good time.
We're ready to dispose
of the garbage.
I'll be back in 10 minutes.
Could you clean up here?
No problem.
And the woman?
Do with them what you will.
Dad, where's my daddy?
Goodbye, Matthew.
We have a few minutes
to kill, so to speak.
I like that.
I'd like to spend a
few minutes with her.
Yeah, right, new guy.
You handle the kid.
Go, get him.
Come here, kid.
Get down from there, kid.
Santa's not up there.
Do you think this is a game?
I do.
Please... please.
Come on.
Come on.
Run and hide.
Come on.
You know you want to.
You know you want to.
Now... Now that
you're newly single,
I'm going to enjoy this.
Come on.
Hey, big man.
Hey, look... ah.
I don't want him to see this.
Me killing you?
Humph, no, but you're
in the ball park.
Hey, I want you to
stay in here and don't
come out until I get you.
I'll be right back, OK?
You move, I kill your kid.
Oh-ho-ho, I know
what you're thinking.
I took that idiot
in the other room,
I can take this guy, right?
Drop it.
Drop it.
Drop it.
Oh, you want play?
Let's play.
You son of a bitch.
It's OK, it's OK.
It's over.
You got him.
You got him.
Good morning, Mr. Washington.
Good morning, sir.
My apologies for hanging up
so abruptly on you earlier.
We've had something
of a trying day.
Never mind that.
Do you have the drive?
Yeah, we may have hit
a little bit of a snag
in that department, sir.
Don't bullshit the bullshitter.
You had Mr. Fuller in
hand seven hour ago.
What went wrong?
Well, one of
Fuller's associates,
she's highly trained,
possibly ex-military.
I suppose I should thank
you for coming back for us.
It's what Kevin
would have wanted.
We're even.
You just saved my life.
I guess I did.
Ironic, considering all the
times I've wished you dead.
Kevin wanted to get out.
No, he didn't.
Kevin always preferred
the easy way out.
You know, take it
instead of earn it.
Those guys are gonna be back.
They murdered Kevin
and they will kill
us too unless I kill 'em first.
What's on the drive?
No idea, but we're
about to find out.
We have to get out of here.
They've tracked the drive,
now they know where it is.
How can I help?
What about Matthew?
I can leave him with my mother.
It's just a logistical thing,
nothing for you to worry about.
Politics is logistics,
son, and I worried plenty,
especially about highly
trained ex-military woman
y'all can't seem to deal with.
Yes, I do have a plan, sir.
Well, good.
Run it by Doug
when he gets there.
Uh, sir, I can assure
you there is absolutely
no need to send Mr. MacArthur.
We have the situation
well in hand.
Do you?
Well, good.
He can use the vacation.
This business has
him a little upset.
He's in the air now.
He should be landing
in a few hours.
Yes, sir, I very much look
forward to working with him.
I hope you have a good
fucking night too.
Back in five.
It's all under control, sir.
Do I detect some frustration
or doubt, Mr. Washington?
How did you...
Does redial ring a bell?
You should be you're alone when
you give away your best tricks.
So you were there.
Where, may I ask?
This magician
doesn't reveal her secrets.
Tell you what.
I'll be a good sport and
give you a head start.
If I were you, I'd
get out of that hotel
cause cops are on the way.
Oh, you're not going
to call the cops.
Even if you were that stupid,
we'd be out of this hotel
before... Oh.
Ho-ho, clever girl.
Move it.
She's made us.
Ms. Clinton, come with me.
Mr. Jefferson, stay here.
And then can we can get
me to the frickin doctor?
My foot feels like it's
going to fall... forget it.
He's right on the edge.
So if you think he won't throw
you in along with the garbage
in the trunk, you're wrong.
Alex, I need to
tell you something.
It's about the diamonds.
I can't talk right now.
Stick with the plan.
We have to stop
meeting like this.
Where is he?
He probably went to take a leak.
This is what you get
for hiring a half wit.
Mind your head, Kev.
Do you think we'll
see her again?
Oh, undoubtedly.
We have what she wants.
She wouldn't risk it.
Ha, of course she would.
Ha-ha, talk of the devil.
There you are.
I missed you at the hotel.
I didn't miss you.
I want my property.
Well, of course you do.
Diamonds are a girl's
best friend after all.
Very funny.
I aim to please.
You know, this
could be a mutually
beneficial relationship.
Oh, now you want a
relationship, huh?
Oh, stop it.
People say we're
falling in love.
Yeah, love this.
Give me back my diamonds.
Yeah, except they're not
actually yours, are they?
You know, strictly speaking,
they belong to a senator.
Because the Senator
needs more money.
I don't think so.
They're mine now.
We both know the Senator didn't
hire us to steal the diamonds.
He hired us to steal the drive.
So I'm going to go
ahead and call Kevin's
murder a breach of
contract and take
the diamonds as compensation.
Hm, I guess you have a point.
But how can I get
them to you if, uh, I
don't know where you are?
I'll give you a hint.
It's rectangular, way out
of date, and it stinks.
I see.
Well, if you're looking for
the diamonds in that car,
I'm afraid you're going
to be sorely disappointed.
Not at all.
Found just what I
was looking for.
And he'd like to say hi.
Say hello to the nice man.
She's got a gun in my mouth.
Excuse me?
He said
she's got a gun in my mouth.
So let's make a deal.
I'll trade you this piece
of shit for my diamonds.
Otherwise, his head whistles.
Well, as I don't really
care whether you turn him
into a flute or not, I'm
afraid the only deal I'm going
to be doing is for the drive.
So I will give you
your diamonds as you're
so fond of calling them,
you give me the drive,
and we all skip away happy.
I don't negotiate.
Offer's on the table.
You have five seconds.
No more witty banter.
Nothing doesn't suit you.
Last chance.
I just don't think
you're this cold.
Where is she?
I didn't see her.
Why'd you let her get away?
I never saw her.
You stop that fucking horn.
Oh, shit.
Damn, she's good.
Now where the hell is she?
I have no idea, but she's
certainly full of surprises.
I liked that coat.
Right this way, guys.
Right this way.
Goddamn, she's still here.
Ready, Jessica?
You're going to
look just like me.
Hey, Penny, it's me.
Now, listen, here's the plan.
I have right here in my
hand what it is you want.
But if you want it, you're
gonna have to come and get it.
Isn't it time we were
properly introduced?
You know, face to face?
Is this face to
face enough for you?
Oh, you do continue
to delight and amaze.
And you're really, really
starting to piss me off.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I really can't imagine why.
One more step and
he takes flight.
Then you'll come right with me.
I'm bored.
Wake her up.
Sorry about your clothes.
Ms. Clinton, here, was a
little over enthusiastic
in her search for the drive.
Do you care for a game?
Go fuck yourself.
Glad to see you haven't lost
your sense of elegant repartee.
I'm fed up playing these two.
Give me a challenge.
Thought I already had.
Come on.
I don't play.
I had you pegged
for a chess champ.
Maybe high stakes poker is more
your thing, what with that,
uh, expressive face of yours.
Now, you have something I want.
I have something you want.
Oh, no, that's not
quite right, is it?
Because what you want is,
in fact, entirely worthless.
Did Kevin fuck you over?
Because I know you
didn't steal a bag
of broken windshield glass.
Now, looks as if the only thing
you have left to bargain with
is your life.
And you should
know this about me.
I always get what I want.
So, tell me.
Where is the drive?
Fuck you.
Oh, well, you give
me little choice.
Frank, you prepare her leg.
Now if you don't help
me with my problem,
then I can't finish my business.
And if I don't
finish my business,
then the Senator doesn't pay me.
The Senator doesn't pay me...
Oh, you just love
to talk, don't you?
This is your final chance.
Where is the drive?
OK, let's, uh, kick off
with a couple of turns.
Oh, couple more like
that and your leg
is going to be two dimensional.
Which is one more dimension
than your personality
will ever achieve.
You know, that leg
is going to pop.
And when it does, it's
only a matter of time
before the gangrene sets in.
Green's always
been my best color.
Ha-ha-ha, just as well, huh?
Ha-ha-ha, again.
Hold on.
Tie it up.
Where is the drive?
All right.
What's in it for me?
If I help you,
what's in it for me?
At the very least, your leg.
And at the most, your life.
You're right.
Go on, keep going.
Now, you... you really are
prepared to lose your leg.
You are quite the remarkable...
Back off, both of you.
You remind me of a story,
an... an urban legend, perhaps.
But you know, about
seven years ago, I
was doing some, um,
some freelance work,
should we call it, for
the agency in Cairo.
There was a great deal of
chatter about a senior member
of the Palestinian
Authority who was
coming into town for
a sit down chitchat
with some Egyptian ministers.
And the word on the
street was that he
was to be housed in an
impenetrable government owned
Well, you can guess
what happened.
There was a massive
bomb, but it was set
on the inside of the building.
A little birdie told me that the
CIA had struck a deal, letting
Mossad borrow an incredibly
talented and creative entry
She, for, yes, indeed,
it was a woman,
was the very best in the
world at penetrating the most
impenetrable places,
and then, poof,
disappearing without a trace.
I'll admit.
The story has always
fascinated me.
It's heroine and it's, um, it's
ultimate tragedy, for her blast
did not kill its
intended target.
But instead, it
claimed the lives
of his three sweet young
children and their poor mother.
He, amazingly, escaped
with only minor injuries.
I've often thought about
that female operative.
You know, what went
wrong, do you think?
Was it, uh, was it poor
intelligence, shoddy equipment,
or just plain bad fucking luck?
Did she feel any remorse?
Or did she manage
to compartmentalize
the death of the mother
and her three children?
Perhaps as a... a
man might have done.
Anyway, the long
and the short of it
was that the CIA
dropped her as quickly
as the proverbial hot brick.
She threatened to go all
Edward Snowden on them
and they retaliated
by spinning her is
a double agent slash terrorist.
Oh, how the might fall, eh?
What do you think, Alexis?
Do you think such a mythical
creature could possibly exist?
Because, boy, the
demons she must carry.
Now, I'm going to take
a different tact here.
So I could always
go back and finish
that other business,
Kevin's wife,
little Matthew in his jammies.
You know, boom.
Yeah, that struck a
chord with you, right?
I have the feeling that you
might balk at causing yet
another child infinite pain.
Whereas me, hm, I
have no such qualms.
Why should I believe you?
Because I don't lie.
K. When and where?
Western Cape Airport,
tonight, 21:00 hours.
I'm, uh, gonna
need to make a call.
Good girl.
Give her a phone.
It's going to be Cape Town
Airport, 9:00 PM tonight.
Hate that redial.
You want to let me up now?
Come on.
Why wait till tonight?
It's going to take that long
for Frank, here, to sew you up.
Oh, don't worry.
It's just a flesh wound to
stop your trying to run away.
You know, you... you
might want to rethink
the whole chess thing.
It's good for people
in our line of work.
This situation here,
that's what we call check.
Get her dressed.
Make her look pretty.
Any chance of going
any faster, grandma?
Because this really cannot
be hurting this much.
Come on, are you coming?
Here is the key.
Oh, you are a
magician, aren't you?
Thank you.
Take it.
Uh, no, no, I don't think so.
It's not part of the deal.
Yes, it is.
You get the drive, I walk away.
No, no.
You know, because, funnily
enough, I don't trust you.
I know your style by now.
Your friend has known
about the airport all day.
Who knows what nasty little
surprise might be lurking
behind that locker door.
So if you don't
mind, I won't take
the key because you're going
to need it to open that locker.
Go to hell.
Excuse me, officer?
What are you doing?
Can I help you?
Mm, darling?
All right, all
right, I'll do it.
Yeah, sorry, there's a, uh,
unattended bag down there,
under the stairs.
I didn't know who to
report it to, so...
Thank you, sir.
You're welcome.
Good work.
Shall we?
Flight 822 to Casablanca
departing in five minutes.
It's all yours.
Take it out.
Open it.
Come on.
Open it.
Check it.
Make sure there's no surprises.
You trust me now?
Hm, not now, not ever.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, shit.
How did you...
I had to let you catch
me, otherwise none of this
would have worked.
Oh, you magnificent...
Stay down, don't move.
I think this should be
our last face to face.
You hid it on me?
That tie wasn't
doing you any favors.
It had to be good for something.
Stop him.
That's him.
Stop him.
Stop right there.
Put your hands up.
Right now.
Put 'em up.
Don't fucking move.
Put your hands up.
Right now.
Get down on the ground.
Queen to bishop five.
Check mate.
You really are the stuff
of legends, aren't you?
Kind of like your tie.
You OK, ma'am?
Please come with me.
I want to ask you
a few questions.
OK, just right this way, ma'am.
This way, ma'am.
Can you remember what happened?
I was here to meet my
friend McKayla when I found out
her flight had been cancelled.
Then suddenly there
was this explosion
and people started shooting.
What's wrong with this world?
Schools aren't safe, airports.
What's next?
I'm so sorry.
Can I go?
I'm late to fetch my son.
I have a few more questions, OK?
We like to go through
everything with the witnesses
while the memory is still fresh.
Hey, Frankie.
You've got to come see this.
We've got your number, so
go ahead and fetch your son.
If we need anything
else, we'll call you.
What is it?
You're not going
to believe this,
but I think we got the guys
that pulled the Darling
Street job yesterday.
Is this it?
That's all we found.
The rest must be with the
woman that ran the crew.
I don't think so, man.
Check this out.
Tell Matthew I'm coming.
Everything's going to be OK.
Ah, shit.
And didn't the guard say
she had some kind of scar
on her face.
Jesus, this is our girl.
What kind of sick mind thinks
something like this up, man?
And who carries a
head around in a bag?
Lock this airport down.
Who's in charge?
You in charge?
Who's asking?
We need all the evidence
you have immediately.
Interpol hasn't got
jurisdiction here.
I'm calling this in.
Here's the bag you
wanted, Mr. MacArthur.
Have a safe trip.
Welcome aboard flight AE3621.
We will try to make your flight
as comfortable as possible.
Rough couple days.
Do I look that bad?
Sorry, it's not rough.
It's cut, like you'll
if you can't open that.
I don't work for BAC,
although not voluntarily.
I mean, there's bad
ass and fucking scary,
and then there's these guys.
This going to take long?
I'm almost there.
Holy shit.
Seriously, what sort
of trouble are you in?
We are going to
engineer an event that shapes
the destiny of our country.
In just a few months time,
the north side of Chicago
is going to make 9/11
look like Macy's Parade.
And you'll get your war
and I'll get my office.
It's time we took this country
back the apathetic lemmings
and sycophantic dilettantes that
have run it into the ground.
Turned the US into a
fucking punch line.
Who am I speaking with?
You can call me Mr. MacArthur.
I was just admiring
some of your handiwork.
So was I.
The Senator will hunt you
to the ends of the fucking
Earth for that drive.
So why don't we
create some terms
to arrange its return, huh?
What do you say?
We're both reasonable
parties here.
Well, reasonable
isn't the word I'd use
to describe what I'm seeing.
Do you understand me?
No, you understand me.
No, I've spent six years
hiding in the darkness.
It's time to come
back into the light.
I'm sorry, sir,
but I don't have it.
Mr. Washington and
the others failed.
Have they been
appropriately dealt with?
Alex saw to that for us.
All other loose ends
are being tied up now.
With the exception of the drive.
Alexis has it, doesn't she?
She and BAC are going to
be the bane of my run.
BAC is just a bunch
of greedy warmongers.
sir, greed and warmongering
tend to go hand in
hand when dealing
with defense contractors.
I suppose.
Is Alexis going to be
greedy too or a martyr?
Well, she already
has the diamonds, sir,
so if I'm not mistaken,
I believe that she
just declared war.
A martyr, then.
You know what you have to
be to be a martyr, Doug?
No, sir.