Mommy Be Mine (2018)

Courtney, didn't I ask
you to do the dishes?
If you don't turn that music
down, you're gonna go deaf.
Or maybe you already have.
Hey! Courtney!
Earth to Courtney.
Honey? Oh, my God, honey?
Honey, what is going
on, sweetheart?
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Babe? Honey? Honey?
Big test today?
Yup, and I'm going to fail.
Yeah, well, with that attitude.
No, with this teacher.
Honey, I'm sure
you're gonna do fine.
You don't know Senor Johnson.
Will you be home for
dinner tonight?
- I don't think so. Things are...
- Really busy at work.
Well, I'll see ya when I see ya.
Oh! Oh, my gosh!
I am so sorry.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
I should've watched
where I was going.
Is everything okay?
Nothing injured but
my Spanish book.
Um, Steve, hang on a second.
Well, if you're sure
everything's fine...
It's okay, mom, you can go.
- So you're in Spanish?
- Uh, yeah, I just moved here.
- I'm, I'm Cara.
- Oh, I'm Summer.
- Is that your mom?
- Yup.
The one and only Lianne Hughes.
- Let me show you around.
- That'd be great. Thank you.
So where are you
moving here from?
Uh, Hamilton.
- Oh, what part?
- Oh, Oliver.
- We moved a lot.
- Oh.
- Hi, babe.
- Hi.
So how screwed are you
guys on this test?
Uh, on a scale of
from one to ten...
- What's ten in Spanish?
- I don't know.
I just remember the curse words.
- Who's this?
- Oh, this is Cara, she's new.
- Hi.
- Cara, meet Tori and Jason.
Ten in Spanish.
There goes the curve.
I introduced Cara
to my car door,
so now I'm showing her around.
Fighting with Lianne?
Oh, she's sure I can
improve my grades
if only I improve my attitude.
Oh, come on, give her a break.
Well, sorry we can't all be
mommy's perfect angel.
It's too bad. You should try it.
Oh, you know, I heard Alexis
is pretty close with her mom.
- Here we go again.
- What's this?
Oh, just one of Jason's old
flames that he hid from me.
It was like two dates
two years ago,
and now she's dating
Scott Carlyle.
Well, at least your
mom doesn't make you
apply to 22 different schools.
I thought it was 21.
Oh, no, she found
out North Dakota
has a well-regarded
aerospace program.
- How about you, Cara?
- What?
What has your mom done
to horrify you today?
- She isn't around.
- Oh, I totally understand.
My mom works late all the time.
- Like, last night...
- She died last month.
Oh, that sucks.
Um, what Tori meant
to say just now
is that all of us are
sorry to hear that.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
I'm so sorry. I, I have no idea.
It's okay.
- Hey, knock, knock.
- Hi.
Hey, here's your coffee,
as you like it.
A little bit of sugar,
a dash of cream.
- Thank you.
- There you go. Whoa!
Did we, uh, book a
new travel account
that I'm not quite
aware of there?
I am trying to find a weekend
trip to take with my daughter.
We used to go every year, but
money's been a little tight.
Well, if we close this
Vital account this week,
you are gonna have
a nice commission.
That is what I am countin'
on to get caught up
and get my nights and
weekends and daughter back.
Yeah, you have been workin'
around the clock here.
I barely see her, and when I
do, it turns into a fight.
Ever since George died.
Yeah. It's tough.
Single parents, like...
So, um, just wanna ask.
How's that, um, that-that
presentation coming?
Well, I just got
the new mock-ups,
so I'm updating now
and I might even get out
of here on time tonight.
Wait. What? Whoa, whoa, careful!
Careful, you know, 'cause
people around here
might think you
actually have a life
outside of this place.
- Really? Wow.
- Oh, yeah.
Well, think umbrellas, beaches.
Oh, come on, it's not so bad.
Who even speaks
Spanish, anyways?
Twenty countries,
plus Puerto Rico.
See? You got that one right.
- Oh!
- God, you almost broke my neck.
- How's it goin'?
- Uh!
Muy malo.
Um, I used to tutor
at my old school.
- I can help you if you wanna.
- That would be awesome.
- Tonight?
- Yeah.
Tonight? No, we're supposed
to hang out tonight.
But I have to retake
this test tomorrow.
- Tonight's good.
- Okay.
What about you, Jason?
Wanna join?
No, I have practice.
Oh, one sport ends,
another begins.
State championships
don't come in the mail.
I thought you guys weren't
supposed to wear those things.
Didn't Scott get his stuck in
some shop equipment
or something?
Yeah, but you couldn't
tell the difference
in his catching.
I'll just keep mine in the
truck on shop days, though.
I could meet you
guys after practice.
Perfect. We can
study at my house.
Cara, do you need
to ask your dad?
No, I don't need to ask.
Your house is so nice.
- Oh, thanks!
- Meh.
- Why do I hang out with you?
- You know you love me.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Who used to climb
up your drain pipe
and bring you trashy
magazines and candy
when you were grounded?
Yeah, until my mom caught you
and almost called the cops.
- Really?
- Yes.
Lianne and I have a
complicated relationship.
My mom does not like her.
I'm sure she just wants
what's best for you.
Well, there's nothing
she can do about it.
We're official.
- Summer, where's yours?
- Oh.
The necklace turned
my skin green.
Oh, another reason for
my mom to love Tori.
Whatever. That green blotch
was a good look for you.
Oh, my gosh, this is so unique.
- I love it.
- Thanks, um...
It belonged to a friend of mine.
- Hm.
- Did you have friends back home?
- Jessica?
- Jessica.
- Who's Jessica?
- My mom.
She wants me back home,
she probably found
some tech school in Manitoba
I haven't applied to yet.
- See you guys tomorrow? Bye.
- Yeah, later.
- We can go study in my room.
- Okay.
So Tori seems...
Like a pain in the ass?
Have you guys been friends long?
- Since kindergarten.
- That's nice.
I lost touch with a lot of my
friends after my mom died.
When my dad died, I lost
a lot of friends, too.
People didn't know what to say,
so they didn't say anything.
Were you guys close?
We were best friends.
Jason seems nice.
Yeah, Tori thinks he's
a total meathead,
but I'm kinda crazy about him.
He was there for me
when my dad died.
And it was not a fun time.
Most guys would've
run for the hills.
You two are really cute.
My mom is, like,
super photographer.
Actually, to commemorate
our first day as friends
with selfie.
I-I feel kinda gross today.
Rain check?
What's this?
This is the most
embarrassing thing ever.
Ugh, when I was six,
I decided I want to
be a pageant queen.
So I begged my parents
to let me enter in to the
Little Miss Henson Pageant.
I must've practiced that Kelly
Clarkson song for weeks.
That's adorable.
No, because when I got on
stage and I opened my mouth,
I threw up all over the judges.
That's less adorable?
Yeah. I was so devastated.
But my mom decided
to have me perform
in the living room
for her and my dad.
And then she gave
me that trophy.
She said she was so proud
of how hard I worked.
She seems great.
- Yeah.
- Summer.
Oh, speaking of.
- Hey.
- Hi, sweetie.
- How was school?
- School-ish.
- I know you.
- Mom, this is Cara.
- Hi.
- From the car.
I hope it didn't put a dent
in your day or the door.
She just transferred here. Is it
okay if she stays for dinner?
Perfect, I bought way too
much sweet-and-sour chicken.
Well, Jason is coming, too.
I should order some more
sweet-and-sour chicken.
Cara, do you need to
check with your mom?
Uh, my mom passed away recently.
That's why they moved here.
Oh, I'm, I'm so sorry.
Oh, honey. Uh...
- Mom. Seriously?
- Mm?
What? Oh. Sorry.
Well... who's hungry?
Would you like
some more chicken?
Uh, no, I'm good. Thank you.
- Jason?
- If no one else wants it.
Here you go.
So how was your first
day at school?
A whirlwind, um,
but Summer was kind enough
to help me find my classes
and show me the ropes.
Very helpful.
Maybe you can train her to be
more like that at home.
That seems unlikely.
- Honey, how was your day?
- Not great.
I got my Spanish test back.
Oh. Sorry.
Just a second.
And my mom walked away in
the middle of a sentence.
- Are you-you gonna finish that?
- No. Have at it.
Good girl.
See? Well, you should
be more like Cara.
Hm, don't you mean
more like Alexis?
- Her, too.
- Huh?
- Yeah.
- Thin ice, buddy.
And the way you're eating...
How did we get the
wrong graphics?
Oh, it's gonna take all night
to make those changes.
No, it's okay, I brought
the files home.
So here coche is?
- The indirect object.
- Right, which makes ella?
- The direct object.
- Right.
How's it going, girls?
Excelente, mi madre.
Ah-ha, it's getting late.
Oh, well, can Cara sleep over?
We're still studying.
Do you need to check
with your dad?
It is a school night.
Actually, we're not
unpacked from the move yet.
It would be great to sleep
somewhere with pillows.
Okay, I suppose that's fine.
Gracias, Mrs. Hughes.
De nada, my dear.
Here, let me get
you some pajamas.
Hi, Jason.
Well, I miss you, too.
Yeah, I wish you were here.
I love you.
No, I told you you can't
come over tonight.
I'm with Cara.
But tomorrow...
Uh, thanks.
- Oop! Late-night snack?
- Oh!
I was just getting some water.
I am so sorry, I thought
you were Summer.
It's fine. Um, she let
me borrow her PJs.
Mm, I bought those for her
on our trip to Hawaii last year.
That was, like, a long time ago.
Are you wearing Coincidence?
That's my favorite perfume.
Mine, too. It's what my
mother used to wear.
- Late night tonight?
- All night.
- I'll let you get to it.
- Okay, goodnight, Summer.
I am so sorry. Cara.
That's okay... mom.
Summer, let's go, hon.
Good morning.
What is this?
I thought I'd make breakfast
to say thank you for letting
me spend the night.
- I hope you don't mind.
- Mind? Are you kidding?
You didn't have to do this.
It's no problem. I like to cook.
My mom taught me how.
I used to like to cook, too.
- Summer!
- Good morning to you, too.
I was just making
sure you were up.
- You made breakfast.
- Cara did.
So, Cara, how did you
sleep last night?
Just fine. Thank you so much
for letting me stay the night.
You keep makin' breakfast, you
can stay anytime you want.
Summer, did you use my computer?
I just got up.
Is something wrong?
My USB drive.
I know I left it in
my laptop last night.
We'll help you look.
Oh, this can't be happenin'.
Our presentation is today.
All the work I did
last night was on it.
Summer, are you sure
you didn't use it?
How is this suddenly my fault?
Here, let me, um...
Okay, so it's just
a few hours to go,
there might still be a
temp file in the cache.
Ah! That's it!
All right, so I'll save a copy
and you can just email
it to yourself.
Oh, Cara, you are a lifesaver,
you can stay over anytime.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
No problem, mom.
So she recovered her files?
Just like on CSI.
No offence, but she sounds like
a way better daughter than you.
My mother certainly
seems to think so.
Maybe she's just used to
picking up the slack at home.
Sure, doing the dishes,
making the breakfast,
teaching the Spanish,
hacking the computers...
I'm sending her to
your house next.
I have a feeling Jessica will be
very taken by her.
Ew, no way.
I don't like her, and
you can't make me.
Don't like who?
- Um...
- Uh...
Tori is, uh, talking
about herself
in the third person again.
- Need something?
- Coffee?
It just happens to
be your lucky day.
I happen to know the barista
and she is adorable.
What do you have?
- Black coffee?
- Coming right up.
Did Summer mention
she works here?
No. Sheer luck.
Oh. How about that?
Uh, do you wanna study
again tonight, Summer?
Maybe, I get off of work at 8:00.
So I will text you.
- Okay.
- One black coffee.
- What do I owe you?
- It's on the house.
New girl discount.
Thank you.
So we'll see you later.
- Oh, uh...
- I'll, I'll walk with you.
You're leaving?
I promised my dad I'd help
him with his truck tonight.
- Call me?
- Maybe.
I have to call Alexis first.
You're not funny.
Um, thanks, Summer.
Uh, see you soon.
What a bitch!
You and Summer are cute.
She's cute, I'm just lucky.
How long have you been together?
Couple of years now, I guess.
Do you need a ride somewhere?
Maybe. Where are you headed?
My house, which is
out past County 2.
Hm. You want some company?
Nah, I better just get home.
- Okay. See you around.
- Yup. See you.
Thank you. Thank you for
taking the time, sir.
- We'll be in touch.
- We're looking forward to it.
Yup. Yeah.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- You killed it!
- We killed it!
No, did you see
his face light up
with the roll-out plan? Did
you see that he was like...
Yeah, it made the last six
months almost worth it.
- Right? Okay.
- Almost.
You earned yourself a break.
Just take the rest of the day.
- Really?
- Yes!
You have been up all night, and.
All this stuff going
on and just...
Great job, Lianne. Really.
- Great job.
- Thank you.
- Uh...
- Um...
- Hey, mom.
- Hi, Cara.
- Is Summer here?
- She works today.
She usually gets
home around 8:00.
We were gonna study.
I must've gotten
the times wrong.
I'm so sorry, I'll be back.
Why don't you come in and wait?
- I don't want to be a bother.
- Oh, please.
I could use a company. Come on.
So do you feel like you're
getting the hang of it here?
Um, it's challenging
starting a new school in
the middle of the year.
But Summer's really gone out of
her way to make me feel welcome.
She got an A-minus
in her retest.
That's great! Oh! Thank
you for helpin' her.
I, I know she's been struggling
ever since her dad died.
I'm so sorry. What happened?
It was a car accident.
Summer and her dad
were very close,
and it hit her like
a freight train.
And now I'm, I'm always worried.
Am I pushing too hard,
not hard enough?
I just hope I'm not
messing everything up.
- Can I just...
- Yeah.
Hey, you're a good mom.
Summer's lucky to have you.
Anyone would be.
Hi, sweetie. How was work?
Extremely fulfilling.
There's no better way to
serve your fellow man
than by serving him
Peruvian blend coffee.
Cara, what are you doing here?
Oh, I got our study
times mixed up.
And I got talking to your mom.
Cara told me you got an
A-minus on your retest.
Honey, congratulations.
I was gonna surprise
you when I got home.
Are you ready to study?
Actually, I think I'm
gonna call it a night.
Give my brain a rest. See
you tomorrow at school.
Uh, I could warm up
some dinner for you.
Don't bother.
- I think she's mad at me.
- No, don't worry, sweetie.
She's just...
Cara? What's wrong?
It's, it's nothing.
Well, what is it?
I'm-I'm sorry, it's just...
I-it's my mom, um...
Sometimes it just hits me and...
Do you wanna talk about it?
I didn't tell Summer everything.
My mom didn't just die.
- She was killed.
- Oh, Cara...
The police never
found her killer.
You know, she was everything
to me, and now...
the house just feels
so empty without her.
Well, what about your dad?
I never see him.
I'm just alone.
I-I'm sorry, this
isn't your problem.
Cara, wait. You are
always welcome here.
I don't wanna be any trouble.
No. Not at all.
We love having you.
Anytime at all.
Thank you.
What are you doin' out here?
Just waiting.
Well, I, uh, I'm already
late for practice...
Maybe you'll be a few minutes...
Cara, stop. Stop!
What is wrong with you?
Listen, I'm sorry if you misread
the situation, but
I'm with Summer.
You and I are done hanging out.
Jason. Jason!
Jason, stop. I'm studying.
- I'm super study-able.
- You are super something.
Super into you.
Tsk, well, that is a bummer
'cause I'm super
into someone else.
Well, tell that
person to get lost.
Yo, Jason! Get up, man.
Ah. What the hell, Scott?
- How long?
- I don't know what you're talk...
How long have you
been seeing her?
- Seeing who?
- Alexis!
I don't know what you're
talking about, man.
She pretended the
exact same thing.
Could explain why
I found this...
in her car.
- Scott, I swear.
- You know what, man?
It's all right.
You two deserve each other.
Sorry, Summer.
What the hell, man?
Summer, it's not
what it looks like.
Jason de la Garza,
state champion.
You and Alexis, you pretended
this whole time it was a joke!
Summer, there hasn't been a me
and Alexis since freshman year.
- Ugh!
- Summer, I love you.
And you know I would never
do anything to hurt you.
Stay away from me, Jason.
All right, uh, excellent.
Thank you.
Yeah. Thank you.
Well, I just got off the phone
with the Vital group.
And it is not great.
So we got the account, but
we have to work even harder
for the next six months.
How? How-how did you know?
Because my first week here
you got the Snider account
and you delivered the news
in the same exact way.
Just like that? I
did the whole...
Just like that.
Think I was crying last time.
Oh, my gosh.
- But we got the account!
- Yes!
- Oh.
- Hm.
All right. Yeah.
So, um, I guess we, uh,
we need to celebrate.
What did you have in mind?
Uh, well, how about, um...
I got it.
Takeout and beer... right here
because, unfortunately, we need
to pull comps by tomorrow.
- You're kidding. A Saturday?
- No.
Yeah, they wanna work
over the weekend
so they can make the
announcement on Monday.
You know, hey, look,
I'll tell you what.
I will make it up to you.
- I'll let you pick the beer.
- Ugh.
Wow, I don't know what to say.
Don't say a thing. I got this.
- What did he say?
- Nothing.
I didn't give him a chance.
Summer, you know I think
Jason is a moron.
Yeah, you told me. Thank you.
But this doesn't sound like him.
- Don't you at least wanna...
- No, Tori, I don't.
- I swear!
- What?
You'll never guess.
My mom's freakin' late again.
- How late?
- Like, don't-wait-up late.
What are you doing?
It's Friday night, your
mom is out of the house,
your boyfriend is a jerk,
and we are having a
party to cheer you up.
Tori, no.
- Summer, yes.
- Tori...
Hey, I heard what
happened with Jason.
I'm so sorry.
Okay, if you don't
talk to him, I will.
Um, guys like him don't
deserve a second chance.
Guys like what?
The other day at the cafe...
- He hit on me.
- What?
He tried to get me
to go home with him.
I didn't wanna say
anything because I didn't
wanna hurt you, Summer.
When I was back at Jefferson,
there was this guy...
I thought you transferred
from Hamilton.
That's right. Uh, I lived in
Hamilton, then Jefferson.
Sounds like you get around.
So are you ready for tonight?
I've been making flash cards.
- Tonight?
- Uh...
We're studying.
No, not tonight.
You promised you'd come
with me to visit Gam-Gam.
You know, she's gonna be so
disappointed if you don't come.
- Tori...
- You promised.
Cara, I'm sorry.
I, I must have double-booked.
Can we do Sunday?
- Sunday's perfect.
- Great. Sorry.
Well, we better get going.
Don't wanna keep
Gam-Gam waiting.
Maybe we should invite her.
Summer, she thinks we're
visiting a woman named Gam-Gam.
- She's fine.
- I just feel bad.
- She just moved here.
- I know, right?
Which is why it's so
weird that it feels like
she's been irritating the
crap out of me forever.
She's not that bad. What if...
Okay, Summer...
People are here. Cool
people, fun people.
So forget about lame people.
No Jason, no Cara.
Now show me your party face.
That's my girl.
The DJ playin' our
favorite song
So grab my hand come on
Let's live in this moment...
Hi, guys.
Let's live in the moment
'Cause we're right
where we belong
With staggered rollouts and
the top 20 media markets
through the first
and second quarter.
- Bam. All right.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, I think we have
earned a five-minute break.
I think we've earned ten.
All right, then.
Productivity be damned.
- Ten minutes, no work.
- Mm.
Well, um...
what shall we talk about?
Well, um...
they finally restocked
the Post-its.
- Did they?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah? I think we can do,
maybe a little better.
- Oh.
- Um...
Let's talk about...
what you're doing
tomorrow night.
Did Vital call
with more demands?
- No, no, they did not.
- No.
That's good.
That's very good.
- Sorry, Steve.
- No, no, it's okay.
Summer, where are you?
It wasn't a big deal. We
only had a few people over.
You were picked
up by the police.
It is a big, big deal.
It was my fault, Lianne.
Summer didn't wanna do it.
I was the one who said
we should have a party.
But she did it anyway. Is that
supposed to make me feel better?
Maybe if you were home
for once in your life.
- Excuse me?
- You promised.
When your stupid
presentation was done,
you wouldn't be working 24/7.
Don't you dare blame me, Summer.
The neighbors called the police.
They said there were 30
people blasting music.
We had six people over.
And we weren't even being loud.
I swear!
Forgive me if I don't
take your word for it
while I'm driving you home
from the police station.
Mom, you're being a bit harsh.
No, this is me being harsh.
You are grounded.
You go to school, you go
to work, you come home.
No games, no parties,
no friends, no Jason.
Jason and I broke up.
Summer, why didn't you tell me?
You weren't home.
How's Gam-Gam?
Did you guys enjoy your visit?
You called the police.
I knew you sucked.
But I didn't realize you
were such a huge bitch.
I'm not the one who got
my friend arrested.
- Actually, you are.
- You lied, got drunk.
Threw a party and got arrested.
I'm trying to help Summer,
not hold her back.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Why don't you ask Lianne?
Go to hell.
- Summer, wait up.
- I'm gonna be late.
Since when has that
ever stopped you?
Oh, I don't know.
I wonder what might have changed
in the past couple of days
to make me more cautious
about following the rules.
Brainstorm on that,
then get back to me.
- I get it. But, Summer...
- I just need some space.
- Okay, but if you just give me...
- Stop!
Hey, I haven't seen you all day.
- Busy day.
- Uh, I feel you.
So what's the plan for tonight?
- Nothing. I'm grounded.
- Oh, that's right.
Well, I'm so sorry Tori
got you into trouble.
I got myself into trouble.
I can't blame Tori.
Didn't you say she's the one
that wanted to have the party?
Look, can we just drop it?
I don't wanna talk
about this anymore.
- Maybe we can study tonight.
- I told you, I'm grounded.
I'm sure your mom won't mind.
Oh, I just want to
be alone tonight.
Okay. Well, I'll text you.
You're home early.
Yes. I've been waiting for you.
Found more fun and inventive
ways to punish me?
- Summer, I don't wanna fight.
- Then what do you want?
I want to have a girls'
night with my daughter.
I get to pick the rom-com.
Summer, you can't
stay mad forever.
My necklace misses
your bracelet.
Look, call me back, please.
Wow. These two really
do not like each other.
They have so many differences.
She's so by the book and he
flies by the seat of his pants.
How are they ever
gonna make this work?
Speaking of making it work...
What happened with Jason?
I don't wanna talk about it.
Honey, you know you
can talk to me.
Mom, please.
I'm worried about you.
Honey, you sure you're okay?
I'm fine.
- Cara?
- Hey.
You weren't answering you phone,
so I decided to stop by.
Plus, I made cupcakes.
What are you doing here?
Well, you seemed sad and I
wanted to cheer you up.
Plus, I thought we could study.
I said tomorrow, maybe tomorrow.
Oh, yeah, that's right.
Well, maybe I can convince your
mom to let me stay. Is she...
- Hi, Cara.
- Hey! Summer and I were just...
Cara just stopped by to
see how I was doing.
Mom, can we study
together tomorrow?
- Sure, but if Cara wants to...
- Perfect. We'll see ya tomorrow.
- Summer...
- Four would be great.
I can leave the cup...
Hey. Hey!
What was that all about?
I'm grounded, remember?
That's still no
reason to be rude.
Mom, she was stalking me
at school all day.
I needed a break.
You could use some nice
friends like Cara.
- As opposed to Tori, right?
- Hey, that's not what I said.
Just what you meant.
I just wish Tori would
be a better influence.
No. You wish you had
a better daughter.
Honey, can we please
just finish the movie?
Maybe you can catch Cara.
I'm sure she would love to
watch the movie with you.
Mm, Summer special.
What the hell?
This was 15 years ago.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
Okay. Let's go.
What was that?
Oh, my God.
And when was the last
time you saw Tori?
Yesterday at school.
She tried to talk to me,
but I was avoiding her.
She texted me last night.
You were leaving the
garage, weren't you?
I didn't see her.
I checked, I swear.
M-miss, she was...
Tori had been dead several
hours when you found her.
Do you know why she was here?
Mom, the drain pipe.
She used to climb the drain pipe
to get to my daughter's window.
She must've fallen.
Any idea why she was
trying to reach you?
We were fighting.
I think I should've
talked to her.
Oh, honey, it's okay.
Uh, so what happens now?
Well, if you can think of
anything else, give me a call.
Yeah, we'll wait for
the coroner's report
and go from there.
I'm truly sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
Come on, sweetheart,
let's go inside.
- Cara.
- Hi, mom.
I heard what happened.
Why don't you come in?
Thank you, a. That's ver.
She's been up in
her room all day.
I'm just trying to
give her some space.
I'm sure you're handling
it the best that you can.
What happened?
She fell off the roof. I
was ignoring her calls.
She tried to come see me.
Look, Summer, I am so sorry.
What's that?
Oh, it's my guaranteed
cheer-up basket.
Uh, bath salts, herbal
teas, essential oils.
- The lavender is amazing.
- Thanks.
Girls, will you excuse
me for just a second?
How are you holding up?
It's been a pretty crappy week.
I think I know how I can
make it a little better.
- Cara...
- Go on.
Open it.
A BFF necklace.
I know you just lost
your best friend,
but I don't want
you to feel like
you don't have one anymore.
Do you want to try it on?
- Is this a sick joke?
- And here. It's real gold.
It won't stain your
neck green like Tori's.
What the hell is wrong with you?
I got you a gift. I thought...
You thought what? That
we were best friends?
I think Summer is just
upset about Tori.
No, Summer is upset
because there's a
psycho in her house.
- Summer!
- Oh.
Of course, you're
gonna side with her.
Honey, I-I-I know you're going
through something terrible,
but you, you owe her an apology.
You know what? I will apologize.
I'm sorry that I'm the only one
who can see how
messed up this is!
Hey, I didn't see you
at school today.
I thought you might be here.
Had to get out of the house.
I didn't wanna see anybody.
Wait, Summer.
I know you're upset.
I crossed the line.
- I wasn't thinking.
- Yeah, that's pretty clear.
- I'm just trying to apologize.
- Cara, I don't want an apology.
- I just want a break from you.
- Summer, wait.
Give me my backpack.
Okay, um, I'll leave you alone.
Hey, mom.
Well, what's wrong?
Are you okay?
Do you mind if I sit down?
Uh, go ahead.
I wanted to talk to you about Summer.
I'm worried.
What about Summer?
Well, you saw the way she
blubbed at me the other day
at your house.
Cara, I'm sorry about that.
She was upset from
the morning and...
No, no, no, it's fine.
It's just...
That's not the first
time it's happened.
And, you know, she was
fighting with Tori...
Right, but that was
about the party.
Tori told me they've
been fighting a lot.
Summer changed.
The way she talked
about it, it, um,
it reminded me of a
friend back home.
Her grades started dropping,
she started partying,
What are you saying?
It was drugs.
You know, we didn't find out
until it was too late.
I'm sorry, but you
are way out of line.
Summer is having a hard time,
but I trust my daughter.
Lianne, I didn't
mean to upset you.
I think you should leave.
I know you want what's
best for Summer.
I hope you know that's
what I want, too.
Whoa, uh, excuse me. Sorry.
Everything okay?
Yes, everything's fine.
Let's go.
What are you taking?
- Mom?
- What are these?
- What are you talking about?
- Don't lie to me, Summer.
- They were in your backpack.
- Why were you in my backpack?
You don't get to change
the subject here,
not when the subject
is your drug use.
I'm not using drugs.
You're moody, withdrawn,
your grades are slipping,
you're fighting
with your friends.
- Cara tells me that you...
- You talked to Cara?
She's worried about
you, with good reason.
So all of this is
coming from her?
Okay, don't try to make
this about something else.
I'm not trying.
Everything has been about her
since the day she showed up.
I can't believe you're trying
to scapegoat her.
Your father would
be so disappointed.
Get out.
- Summer...
- Get out!
This isn't going away.
- Hi, mom. Mind if I join you?
- Cara?
Cara, I owe you an apology.
The other day I shouldn't
have snapped at you.
Is everything all right?
You were right.
I didn't wanna be.
I am so worried.
I just want her to get
the help she needs.
What are you up to today?
Need a company...
Hey, I hope you
weren't waiting long.
No, um, I, I just got here
and I was chatting with
my daughter's friend.
Cara, this is Steve from work.
- Cara, very nice to meet you.
- Didn't know I was crashing.
- No, no...
- No, we were just getting...
No, I can take a hint.
Have a great time.
It was nice to meet you.
Uh, seems like you're
spending a lot of time
with your daughter's friends.
Just the one.
Actually, it's a good thing.
She told me some
things about Summer.
I lived in Hamilton,
then Jefferson.
Thanks for coming.
- Summer, I...
- Wait, before you say anything.
I'm so sorry, Jason. I
made a huge mistake.
I should've trusted you.
I hope you can forgive me.
what did you want to show me?
This. "Jefferson High
School student found dead."
I don't, I don't get it.
This is Courtney Lund.
Her and her mother
were killed last year
by a girl named Ashley Carter.
Do you recognize this?
This is the same exact necklace
that Cara wore to school
on her first day.
There are a lot of necklaces
in the world, Summer.
"Courtney's sister,
April, described Carter"
as a sweet but
emotionally needy girl
who wormed her way
into their family life
"and then became violent."
That's her. That's Cara.
That's a pretty big leap.
You said it yourself, there's
something wrong with her.
Look, before Tori died,
she tried to reach me.
She had to tell me something.
What if it was about
Cara and Cara found out?
Then you need to
go to the police.
And show them what? This photo?
They're not gonna believe
me any more than you did.
I didn't say I
don't believe you.
I just think you need
to take a minute here.
Do I think she's crazy? Yeah.
But a, a killer?
You're right.
I can't just go accusing
people of murder.
But I can't believe
what happened.
Do you want me to stay
until your mom gets back?
Thanks, Jason.
Thanks for coming.
Look, Summer,
if you're right, then
Cara's dangerous.
Please promise me you're not
gonna do anything stupid.
I promise.
Wow. No wonder you're
all stressed out.
You've had the week from hell.
On top of the year from hell.
Lianne, listen to me.
You are going to
get through this.
You are a good mom.
- How do you know that?
- Because I know you.
Everything is going to be okay.
Oh, boy. I'll get that.
What's up?
Ah, it's just the office.
They can wait. It's fine.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Steve, it's the
middle of a work day,
we're in the middle of
closing the Parker deal.
I'm out all week with Summer.
You should go.
No, really. I, I can...
Wow. It's just gonna
keep doing that, right?
- Yes, it is.
- Okay.
Are you sure you don't mind?
Like you said,
everything's gonna be okay.
Yes, it is.
Let me at least walk
you to your car.
- Yes.
- Okay.
Hi. Steve here. Yeah.
No. I, I can meet tomorrow.
Yeah, I'll see you then.
Thank you.
Hi, sweetheart.
What are you working on?
Um, Spanish.
Quiz tomorrow.
I, I thought you were taking
some time off school.
I can't just sit here
alone in this house,
thirty feet from where Tori...
I just want life to
get back to normal.
Well, I can bring you tomorrow.
I have to work late, but we need
to have a talk this weekend.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Ah, my phone.
- Hey.
- Steve. What happened?
Well, either a localized tornado
or someone trashed my office.
What? Who?
I talked with Danny. He didn't
see anything last night.
And imagine, the company
promised to install cameras,
but, uh, well, a little
late for that, huh?
- Yeah, well, let me help you.
- Oh, thank you.
I just don't understand
who would have done this.
Well, that I do not know.
- Hey, you're back.
- Oh, hey, Cara. Yeah.
I'm actually not feeling up to it.
I'm gonna head home.
Oh, do you need some company?
No, I think I'd rather be alone.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
Well, if you change your mind...
Hey, um, can I borrow
your Spanish notebooks?
- What?
- I totally forgot mine.
I can take notes tonight
and then we can
study off it together.
Okay, yeah. Sure.
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
And, uh, Summer.
Take care.
- Be right back.
- Okay, but be quick.
The bell's about to ring.
Um, April? I'm Summer Hughes.
Thanks for meeting me.
You said you knew something
about Ashley Carter?
I think I might have found her
or she might have found me.
What can you tell me about her?
Besides the fact that she's
a murderous psycho bitch?
I knew right away there was
something off about her,
but my mom and Courtney,
they thought they
could help her.
Eventually, it got to be
too much even for them.
Stopping by all
hours of the day,
crashing family events.
She showed up to my
mom's office picnic
with a meat-and-cheese tray.
Freak show.
Well, what happened?
Eventually, they had to
get a restraining order,
but even that didn't
slow her down.
The day before they died,
they got her arrested.
She got off on bail
and she went straight
to our house.
When I got home, they were
sitting in the living room.
I just thought they were
watching TV or something.
- Oh.
- I...
- I'm so sorry.
- I'm sorry.
Hey, I left the rest for you...
Everything okay?
Will you tell Mrs. B that
I'll be a few minutes late?
Do you have any pictures of her?
She hated pictures.
Would freak out any
time she saw a camera.
April, everything you've
just described to me
is happening to my
mom and I right now.
What do I do?
Detective Stringer, please.
It's April Lund.
Please have him call me as
soon as he gets this message.
- Go home. Don't talk to Ashley.
- Cara?
Whatever the hell she's
calling herself now.
If there's any hint that
you've been talking
to me or the police,
you're in danger.
As soon as I hear back
from the detective,
I will give you a call.
- Okay, thank you.
- Now you should go.
Be careful.
Somebody there?
Hi, April.
It's so nice to see you again.
- Hello?
- April?
- Who is this?
- Um, I'm looking for April Lund.
This is her uncle. Uh...
I'm sorry you have to
find out this way.
April died this afternoon.
Are you a friend of hers?
Detective Martin, please.
Jason, help me!
Summer? Hey, I'm gonna get
you out of here, all right?
Summer, are you up?
Honey, listen, I...
Hello, Summer.
He doesn't look so good.
You're probably wondering
where you are.
You've decided to
run away together.
But then you had a fight.
There was a struggle
and you accidentally killed him.
And you couldn't go on and
decided to die painlessly.
But don't worry,
you'll leave a note.
Carbon monoxide.
I hope mom will forgive you.
I think she will... eventually.
I'll help her.
I'll never tell her how
ungrateful you were.
The things you said.
Summer, i-it's mom.
I need you to call me right now.
Honey, I love you,
just come home.
You never appreciated her.
How lucky you were to have her.
To have a mom!
She deserved a better daughter.
And now she'll have one.
Hey, mom.
Summer's gone.
- Gone?
- She left a note.
She's runnin' away.
Do you have any idea where
she might have gone?
Uh, no, sorry, I don't.
Well, if you hear anything...
I can help you look.
I'll be right there.
No. No, that's okay.
It's no problem.
Really, I'd be happy
to help, I can...
Not now, Cara, please.
Just call me right away
if you hear anything.
It's Lianne.
Mom needs my help,
so I have to go.
You'll fall asleep soon.
It might take a while.
I don't know how
airtight this place is.
I am so glad we met, Summer.
I'm sorry it had
to end this way.
We would have been
great sisters.
Jason, can you hear me?
Jason! Tell me you're okay.
Come on. Come on. Oh.
I got here as soon as I could.
Are you okay?
- What are you doing here?
- I was worried.
I want to help you.
- Now is not a good time.
- That's why I'm here, mom.
Stop calling me that!
I have a daughter
and she's missing.
Okay. Let's go looking for her.
- I'm waiting.
- For what?
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
You, uh, are you,
are you all right?
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Thank you so much for coming.
- It's okay, it's okay.
Did you, did you
call the police?
She's a runaway.
They said it's not a priority
until she's been missing
for 24 hours.
Okay, okay, okay.
Hang in there. Hang in there.
Do you have any idea where
Summer might have gone?
We are about to go
looking for her.
Excellent, let's
go, we need to go.
Well, maybe one of us
wants to stay here
in case she comes back.
That's a good idea, Cara.
- Thank you. Come on.
- Come on, let's go. Let's go.
Actually, we should
stay together.
Hey, David, it's Steven.
I need you to find
a phone for me.
No, I know. I, I know the rules,
but there is a missing girl.
I... No, I don't have
time to explain.
Excellent. Okay, it's
I have a friend in the
Telecom Commission.
But they can't track phones, can they?
Not without GPS.
They triangulate from
the nearby cell towers.
Excellent. Just send it to me.
Thank you so much.
All right. Take a right.
What would she be doing here?
Don't know. Let's go find her.
All right.
Okay, you know what? I'm, I'm
gonna start looking down there.
Okay. All right. Well,
I'll check the house.
Uh, no. I'll check the house.
You check the garage.
Honey, are you in here?
- Anything?
- Well, yeah.
Some, uh, some blood on the ground.
Did you?
There's nothing here.
What was that?
God! Summer.
Jason, you okay?
All right, all right, all right.
Just hang in there.
I'm gonna get something
to cut you out.
All right.
Here we go, here we go.
Please come out.
Go! Go!
Hi, mom.
Where's Summer?
You don't need her anymore.
Ungrateful whiny bitch.
I can be your daughter.
I'll be easy.
I won't fight with you.
Cara, where's my daughter...
I am your daughter!
- Okay, honey. Just...
- No!
- You're sick, honey.
- No, no!
I am not sick!
I didn't mean to hurt her.
I didn't mean it.
She just...
She just made me so angry.
I only wanted to scare her.
But then she wouldn't wake up.
I tried to care for her.
I was only six.
I lost my mom.
I needed her and she was gone.
She shouldn't have
made me angry.
None of them should have.
You're just like them.
You didn't want me.
We were supposed to be together.
Can you feel it?
- I'll make you feel it.
- No, Cara.
I would have been the
perfect daughter.
Why wouldn't you just love me?
She's not your mom.
Summer. Oh, my God, baby.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Are you okay?
- Honey, I'm so sorry.
- Mom, I'm sorry.
- I love you.
- I love you, mom.
Perpetrator's unconscious
in the back...
She's not here.
What about State?
They have a great vet program.
And they're ten minutes away.
What's wrong with that?
- I like it.
- Oh, oh...
- Oh, caffeinate me.
- Hot, hot.
- One for you. One for you.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
And one for you.
What's with the fifth?
- What?
- Well...
With me going to
school in the fall,
Steve thought you might
get a little lonely.
- It's empty.
- Not empty.
Oh, my...
- Will you...
- Yes.
Yes? Yes?
Yes. Oh.
Oh, all right. Let me get it on.
- You were all in on this. Oh.
- They kept a secret.
- I love you.
- Hey. Hey.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
I'm sorry.
It's just...
You look just like my mother.
I do?