Mommy (2014)

In a fictional Canada,
a new government comes into power
during the federal elections of 2015.
Two months later, its cabinet
introduces the S-18 bill,
aiming to amend
the Canadian health services policy.
More specifically,
the highly controversial S-14 Bill
stipulates that the parent of
a child with behaviour problems has,
in a situation of financial distress,
physical and/or psychological danger,
the moral and legal right
to put his children
in the care of any public hospital,
without due process of law.
This is the story
of Diane "Die" Desprs,
a woman whose fate appears
to be intimately tied to this affair.
You fuck!
You cocksucker!
Love the pool.
Sorry, Mrs. Desprs.
We should've asked you
to bring your bikini.
You a stand-up or something?
You sign Steve's eviction form
and you're both free.
Free from what!
Are we gonna talk about this?
Do you speak French?
Just as good
as they do in France, yeah.
At 12h15, your son
was in the cafeteria
with four other residents,
when a fire broke out.
Little Kevin Julien was rushed
to the hospital,
burned to the second,
if not third degree.
Want me to draw you a picture too?
Are those your kids?
They're cute.
Your initials below mine,
and sign the second-to-last page.
So what do we do now?
There's no "we".
You know what I mean.
Not you and me.
Me and my son.
I'm not stupid.
We gave Steve a chance.
If you can't take him back,
we'll send him
to our security department.
Excuse me?
Don't act surprised!
Come on!
Your son has
a one-way ticket to jail.
Are you insane?
My boy ain't going to jail.
I know the drill.
Once they're in,
they're done for.
His educator says
his positive attitude made progress.
He keeps telling me
he's doing better.
This is a detention centre.
The kids do better...
Until they don't.
Have you given thought
to little Kevin Julien,
scarred for life?
Little Kevin, little Kevin...
We gonna canonize the kid?
Shit him a statue?
Tough luck! Next time, don't stick
your face in the microwave!
- Jacqueline to Jacques.
- I'm listening.
We're on our way.
I've seen tons of kids
in and out of here.
We save some,
we lose some,
and that's the way of it.
We tried helping Steve,
as well as specialized schools,
residential centres.
Our centre tried helping him.
Your turn.
And what am I gonna do
with him all day long?
I can't drag him to work.
I got a job.
I can't dump everything
and go party with my kid.
I'm broke.
I'm this close to welfare
and welfare's a fucking no.
When he turns 16,
he'll be eligible
for youth detention.
I ain't gonna send my son
to a jail for lil' punks
waiting to be big punks!
They'll fuck him up.
Did you...
consider the S-14 law?
The new law.
Forget about it.
As a last resort.
I'll never do that to my son!
Don't consider him or yourself
That's the worst thing you could do.
Loving people doesn't save them.
Love has no say.
will be proven wrong.
Good luck, Ma'am.
Jacqueline, it's Jacques.
We brought little Desprs
to the isolation room
because he was out of control.
Fucking son of a cunt!
Don't ya touch me, bitch!
I dare ya, fucking homo!
- I said calm down!
- Fucking suck-ass, ya flaming twat!
Suck my dick, dipshit!
At least you fixed his bad language.
You're stunning, babe!
Every time, you're beautifuler!
You look younger, too, that's dope!
What's effin dope
is you starting a fire.
That's real dope, boy!
Fire's up my ass,
gotta let it out.
Get your head out too,
once you're at it.
Didn't ya miss me?
I always think of ya, Mom!
You're always in my head!
Your head's up your ass!
Must be pretty dark in there.
Dark as a black dude's ass
but I still see ya!
Where the fuck's our ride!
Ride's gone.
We'll take the bus.
You're playing, right? LOL.
LOL alright,
d'ya see the blood here?
Who's the motherfucker?
Some dumb-ass on Poirier Street.
The car's an effin wreck.
Can we sell the parts online?
Fuck no.
Jeez, that foot hurts like a bitch!
Gimme that.
I couldn't stand
them fucking freaks anymore!
Can I bum one?
I smoke, here!
Well, time to quit!
I'm quitting too. On my birthday.
You listen to me, Stevo!
Listen up!
We gotta set some ground rules!
You wanna live with Mom?
Stay outta trouble?
You gotta help.
That starts with mutual respect, bud.
I don't wanna hear no more fuck yous,
am I clear'?
You deaf or what?
- Where do we live now?
- St-Hubert, next to the 116.
I got my own room?
I still got enough dough
for that, dimwit.
I ain't gonna spoon at 40.
- You're 46!
- Shut up!
Don't look at the deco, eh!
Tenant before, some old lady,
she died two months ago.
There's so much tapestry in there
we could start a shop.
- I hate that ugly shit!
- I feel ya!
You can get the last toke.
You didn't even kiss me!
First thing I did.
I don't think so.
You little shit.
Come on, come on!
You little shit!
You're just like your father!
Well, well!
How is she?
Same old! Hanging in there!
Don't tell me that's your kid?
You betcha!
Just back from boarding school.
- Paul.
- Steve.
Great social skills, eh! So proud!
Why don't you guys
come watch some TV?
I'll fix some pine-nut pesto pasta
real quick!
I dunno, some other time maybe,
we're just gonna settle in
real smooth, ya know.
Alright. Rain check, then?
We gotta work
on that shit attitude, hon.
"I'll fix some pasta..."
Shut up!
- Yo, who's that homo!
- A neighbour.
Bitch, please!
He's obviousingly hitting on ya.
That ain't in the dictionary.
We there?
Not so five-stary, eh...
Is that in the dictionary?
This place's perfect, trust me.
There's a big yard.
Big yard, big life.
Two bathrooms, right?
Waterbeds and jacuzzis, too!
Where's my room?
Down there!
Hey, Radio City Hall!
Two radios at once!
Thanks but no thanks!
Shut her trap, will ya!
We got both of them playin,
it's a goddamn racket!
Mom, I can't find my shit
in that mess.
Where are dad's pics?
Why d'you need that now?
They're in the bedroom!
I'm swimming in boxes, I dunno!
No way...
Crazy bitch...
Fucking A!
That's your last warning!
That's another thing,
repeating myself again and again!
That ain't in our contract!
We gotta catch the 10h45 bus!
Otherwise we fall on AM shifts
and we'll hit lunch traffic.
Come on, get up.
Fuck, man!
Nice motel whiff, here...
You're supposed
to knock before, fuck!
You can be such a dumb-ass!
Watch your mouth!
I knocked!
Did not!
You just came in, fuck!
24 hours you've been here
and this place is a slum!
Tidy up!
Can I jerk off in peace, before!
Gimme your undies.
The bunched-up tissues,
not so guest-friendly.
So get your jizz together
and we'll be in business.
Gonna hold my dick when I piss too?
If it helps you aim!
What's the matter, sweetie?
"That we did win..."
- Win what?
- The games?
- Plural form.
- So you put?
- An S.
- Very good.
$299.51, please.
Come again?
It's $300.
And what's this?
A work of art?
If it was 300 bucks
I wouldn't have rushed
all the way here
to frolic in car jams!
Ma, I gotta get those pens!
They're fucking dope!
It's our Fall issue, come on, now!
Oh really? So a schoolbook's price's
got a season now?
Why of course, dear!
"Why of course, dear, why of course!"
How can I be so dumb!
I bet it's written in pink
on every bitch's ass!
Madam, our sales are valid
during the back to school period.
- Afterwards...
- I haven't got a choice...
Smells like fucking strawberries!
I'm writing shit
and it smells like strawberries!
You don't need it, Stevie!
Stop moving things around!
Try this one.
Mom, wait up!
There's all this shit, too!
I don't think so.
But I need it!
I'm home-schooling you,
not opening a stickers shop!
Come on!
I'll be late for work.
You shouldn't talk to your mother
that way, young man.
D'ya dip your bangs
in some ginger's ass or something?
I don't buy cars online!
I ain't gonna spend my life
at a mechanic's!
You just gotta check your shit,
lowball the shit out of it!
Look I know the market.
You watch your suspensions, you...
The market! Sure!
And I'm Marilyn Monroe!
Well beats being the metro's bitch
and spending mad cash on cab rides!
Steve, lemme manage the budget
and focus on your beat-off schedule.
Yo, respect me, girl!
Treat me like an adult!
Mutual respect! Remember?
Yo sir, can you cut the bongos,
it fucking sucks ass!
Let the driver listen to his bongos!
We're almost there.
Where the fuck are we!
Sir, I said don't take that street,
we'll get caught up in construction!
You never said that.
You say that earlier!
You kidding, right?
I said, "Don't take Ste-Hlne."
That's as clear as it gets!
And you still did, like a boss!
Watch your mouth, boy!
Sir, make a U-turn.
I can't, my friend.
- We're not your friends!
- Will you shut up, Steve!
Sir, it ain't my problem.
I told you DON'T go there.
It's like all you want is to boost...
What! You accuse me?
Telling me I'm trying to rip you off?
Chill out!
Look, you tell me I rip you off,
you tell me I'm a crook,
with your son!
- You yell at me!
- Fuck off, Mamadou!
What! Get outta my car! Now! Gut!
- You idiots!
- Why don't ya shut your mouth!
Piece of shit!
Damn savages!
That's quite a start, Stevo!
You gonna be my good luck charm.
I could call the cops!
I'mma call them too, dawg!
I'll smash your face, little fucker!
Teach your son some manners!
- What'd you call my mom?
- Back off!
What d'y0u just call my mom,
you big monkey!
I ain't got time for pigs today!
Motherfucking nigger!
- Stop it!
- You shut your mouth, bitch!
Fucking ratface!
Get out and fight me!
Ratface! Nigger!
I think he got your point!
Go back to your jungle
mixing coconut drinks!
Not in my country!
Stop being so racist!
I'm not being racist!
He's a nigger!
Sit your ass down.
Hi, Diane. Unfortunately...
Excuse me, Gilles, I'm so sorry.
Forty minutes...
Yes, Diane.
I'm so happy to see you.
Mr. Gravel's on sick leave.
I know, it's disappointing.
But by all means, sit down.
What favour did you want
to ask my husband?
I'm all ears
and I cannot wait to help you.
Yo, girl!
D'you want me to show ya
some sweet chill-out technique?
I'd like to hear Gilles' opinion.
I'm afraid I don't, doll.
Don't call me doll.
Gilles' gone, he can't
run the place and I'm in charge now.
Sure he'd have been very moved
by your charms,
but the decision's mine.
You can't do this.
The hell, I can.
You're not permanent.
You'll be compensated.
100% legal.
So no more Dear Abby?
Yeah, only a real journalist
will write it.
I'm talented; Gilles said so.
He said I had great timing.
I'm sure he loved the timing
of your tits in his face!
But for me, your talent here
is to make photocopies
and serve coffee four days a week.
So if you got your son full time
and can't show up anymore,
pack your shit
and sayonara, bitch!
What are you doing in my bag?
Drop it.
That's my stuff...
It ain't our first ride,
Diane, is it?
Look at me.
We gonna be a team.
The two of us!
I'm gonna control myself
and I'll take care of you...
I'mma protect you.
Number one priority, school, ok?
I was your age when I dropped out.
And look at me now, I'm a wreck!
No diploma, no education, nada!
A fucking loser!
What would Dad say?
What he'd say?
- I dunno.
- You know it.
You know it, come on!
Grab the future by the balls...
- Fuck the past, in the ass.
- What?
Fuck the past, in the ass.
Yeah! It's fucking brilliant, eh!
Alright, what's the damage...
You're fine.
I dunno 'bout fine!
- You look great, promise.
- I look like a panda.
Got shit running down my face.
Fucking hell!
I always did that back at the Centre.
Whenever I'd spazz
I'd hop in a bitching cold shower!
Ma, you listening to me?
What the hell...
Your translator bailed last minute.
So I ended up translating...
that kids' book, it was real cute...
for a small collection...
Do you remember?
That's it!
Exactly, yes, that's right.
Yeah, so I've been thinking,
what if...
A girl's gotta ask, right...
if you had another...
little contract like that for me.
I mean, Marthe,
I know I don't have the resume
or the skills to translate some...
2-foot thick Ken Follett!
I know! Ken Follett!
Yeah, as if! So huge!
It's too much for me.
But you know, some kids thingy...
I'm thinking, "Grab the Oxford
and Bob's your uncle."
It's not...
Just as a hobby... time killer...
to kill some time.
Of course I understand, Marthe.
No! It's no big deal, of course!
Things have been great.
Steve's just moved back in.
We're starting...
One chapter ends, another begins,
as they say.
I'm back, baby!
Where you been?
I'm waiting like a fool
to home-school ya!
Save it for tomorrow!
I'm still catching up.
'The hell's that crown?
It's my new cap!
And what's all this?
Damn it...
What's that cart, for God's sake!
It's a cart!
No shit, but why the fuck is it
in my driveway
and why are you loading
my fridge with that stuff!
Look at all the shitzels I got ya!
I'mma pimp this crib.
Don't change the subject!
It's goddamn food!
I ain't gonna shove it under my bed!
But wait up!
Told ya I'd take care of ya.
You stupid motherfucking
dumb-ass idiot!
- How much did it cost?
- It ain't your business.
The fuck it is
when the pigs show up
'cause my son's a thief!
I didn't steal it, it's a gift.
That's real sweet
but that doesn't mean
you didn't steal it.
Where d'ya steal that stuff?
I didn't steal it!
You tell me where you stole it all
and we're gonna bring it...
I didn't steal it!
Are you fucking deaf, hoe?
I didn't steal it!
I ain't gonna repeat it,
stupid bitch!
Calm down, don't throw a fit.
Mommy isn't mad,
but we'll bring everything back...
It's yours!
We're not bringing back anything!
It's yours!
Don't touch any fucking thing!
Touch it, and I beat
the shit outta ya, you cunt!
Steve, calm down, honey.
Calm down, honey.
Don't you fucking "honey" me
to make up for things!
Stop taking me for a fucking idiot!
' Got you a gift!
Steve... it's a beautiful gift.
Mommy likes your gift,
Mommy's happy.
But now...
you gonna calm down,
breathe nicely...
- ...and you're gonna take your pill...
- Give me that...
You gimme that shit
and I'mma fucking end ya!
I'mma kill you all with
your fucking meds!
I'mma flush them meds
down the fucking drain!
Got it?
The meds and your head, girl...
Mommy didn't wanna hurt you, baby.
Mommy didn't mean wrong, okay?
But Mommy...
was choking.
You were choking me, Steve.
Show me your head,
I'mma fix it and we gonna
calm down together.
You attack me, you fucking snake?
Mommy didn't do it on purpose!
Mommy was scared, OK?
You wanna low blow,
you fucking whore?
You wanna fight me?
Fine, me too.
- Stop...
- 50-50!
Wait till I get you!
Stop, stop!
Fight me you fucking wimp!
Stop, Steve! Stop!
You fucking cut me, bitch!
I'm fucking bleeding!
You gotta calm down,
otherwise Mommy can't help.
You're dangerous, you gotta chill,
you're in a state...
Take your pill, okay?
I'm fucking dizzy!
Stop it, Steve, I swear...
You can't do this to me!
Mommy doesn't know what
to think anymore! I'm freaking out!
You gotta be calm if I come out!
I don't wanna fight anymore!
Answer me, I'm talking to you!
I'm going fucking nuts!
Answer me!
Steve, you there?
Fuck off!
Are you alright?
Feel dizzy?
We should...
We should really
get him to a hospital.
No way, no hospital...
Her ass smells like fucking roses.
It's written in the stars.
Don't hurt him.
- Don't try!
- Don't start!
'The hell's that doobie?
They give you that in hospitals
to kill the pain.
Should we make your will?
Gimme that! Give it!
I like you.
But you're hurting me.
But I love it when it hurts.
Chill out, you're still my fave,
Take it easy, I'm just playing!
What's your name?
Two syllables, better off that way.
I'm kidding.
Want some coffee?
Juice? No?
I got one of those kits too,
somewhere in the boxes.
Didn't find it...
I could've put some stitches
or whatever, but...
Stupid kit.
"If your child has trouble
with a subject,
how can you take him
a step further?"
As further away, please.
A column matrix is a matrix
consisting of a single column...
Nice to meet you, Diane Desprs,
from across the street.
- OK. Hello...
- Hello!
Is Kyla there?
No... Yes...
She's asleep.
You have a message for her?
A message in a bottle, yep!
She dropped by this afternoon...
She was real nice.
And I appreciate it.
I wanted to give her this.
What did she do?
Nothing... I mean... Anyway...
I've heard it's a good one...
If you got nothing tonight,
would you join us for a scoff?
This is fucking boring!
No more green veggies, 'ight,
you know I hate it.
You father wasn't tall,
your mom ain't any better...
If you wanna go past 5'7",
veggies are your friends.
How are the onions?
Brown. Ish.
I'm throwing in the veggies.
That's right. the General Hospital,
in an allegedly critical state.
"A bloodcurdling death toll",
says Maude Lajoie
from Montreal Police.
Don't smoke there,
it'll taste like ashes!
It'll suck the odour in,
just like bread!
Gimme that, you dork!
Indeed, the campus is,
to say the least,
bathed in fear and distress.
Is it Kyla?
...troubled testimonies from
students who knew young Asselin.
Where's your man!
The little neighbour was fun,
I just wanted to play with her.
- We were still in Laval, then...
- It's my story!
Hun, you gotta give context,
put some meat around the bone!
We're in fucking Laval, jeez!
People speak English in Laval, 'ight?
They speak English in Laval?
More than you'd think.
But I don't know a goddamn...
Quit swearing! Goddamn, goddamn...
Not a fucking word of English.
But when Morn and Dad
didn't want me to get
what they were saying,
they'd speak English.
It'd always end with,
"Shut up! Fuck off!"
So I'd tell Barbara
across the street,
"Hey Barbara, come play with me!"
No wonder he played alone.
Great effin social skills!
He always liked to mingle.
D'y0u see that!
You Pig!
Do you like it, Kyla?
Is mingle in the dictionary?
Move on.
Yes, thank you.
Besides fixing my leg,
what do you do in life?
I'm on sabbatical.
What the hell?
Means time off. A break.
A break.
From what?
What do you do, your job?
Yikes. Elementary, high school?
High school.
Kids your age.
From grade 7 to grade 9.
You're getting better!
Making long sentences.
Tough one, eh?
I was always a bit shy, but...
I've had my language problem
for two years.
Seven-year cycle apparently,
it comes and goes...
It'll stop.
I hope it doesn't, it's sexy.
What? It is!
What about you, Steve?
I noticed the skateboard.
It's not a skate, it's a longboard.
You know the diff... No?
The difference is that
the longboard...
It's longer.
Stay outta my story, jeez!
I'm a big boy, okay?
I was talking to her.
You're less mobile.
- But...
- Stop! I'm explaining!
I'm due for seconds! You?
- Another shot?
- Last one...
So you... moved in the 450,
you're on sabbatical...
What about your boyfriend?
Computer programming.
Big nerd, eh?
Why did you leave Quebec City?
Can I have one?
You smoke?
No, but...
We're celebrating!
Damn straight. Here.
No holding back tonight.
Be my effin' guest.
It's my first night out
since we moved here.
We're on transit
between Quebec and...
God knows where.
It depends on Patrick's job.
What about your job?
I'm not ready to work
with kids again, yet.
We're trying something new, too.
Steve has...
Disruptive, provoking...
And apparently some...
attachment disorder,
or whatever it's called.
He was okay when he was little.
We thought it was just...
But his dad died
three years ago...
D'you mind,
it reeks of smoke in here.
The odor...
Smells stale.
By the way, Steve...
About this afternoon...
Steve's violent, eh?
He's a sweet boy deep down,
loads of charisma...
When he blows a fuse,
you best scram
'cause it gets ugly.
But I...
...I don't touch my boy.
I know that.
They quickly jump to conclusions
at the hospital.
I know the drill.
Youth Protection, cops...
They'd force him back
to George-Etienne Lemieux...
But it ain't his place.
You don't know him,
but you saw him.
But I'm happy 'cause
it was tough being away from him.
He's all mine now.
And he's quite a number.
You never get bored with Steve.
Not a dull moment with Steve.
There you have it.
Fasten your seatbelt.
Gawd help us all...
You queen!
That's from a mixtape his father
made a few years ago.
All the songs from our
road trip to Cali.
We did the coast,
all the way down to L.A.
He's got them on repeat.
Effin' hell.
Alright, cake time.
You smell like fucking heaven!
Eau Sauvage! Christian Dior.
My uncle gave me his leftovers.
And I still wear it. Love the smell.
You know it, Eau Sauvage?
Don't touch that, asshole!
Whatcha doin'?
Drop that shit for a sec,
come dance with your son!
D'ya know the lyrics?
It's rather...
...rather famous.
Come on, sing!
She's our effin' national treasure!
There's our Kyla!
Lettin' her gospel out!
You good, hum!
Jesus H Christ...
Oh boy!
Hey, Kyla! This a bad moment?
I just wanted to...
I just wanted to tell you that...
yesterday was fun.
Yeah, yeah, it was.
What a blast.
D'ya think you could do me...
a teeny-weeny favour?
So, Die,
I called Marty
right after you rang yesterday.
Our junior section translator's
on leave with a couple gigs.
One more, one less, he doesn't care!
So timing-wise...
You're dead on.
Marthe, you're making my day.
Well if it's a "hobby",
like you said...
you were always
such a sweet neighbour!
It's so nice to give back, isn't it!
How's life treating you?
How's Steve?
This shit is useless!
We had an agreement.
Agreement my ass.
That was your idea.
I don't give a shit!
The music... please
turn it down.
Where's the fucking O.J.
in this motherfucking house!
We have ten minutes left
out of our thir...
Thirty! Say it, for fuck sake!
Hang in there; You can do it!
Steve... ten minutes!
And then we dance.
Ten minutes.
And then we... we dance.
Please calm down.
Steve! Steve...
No, Steve... I'm not
gonna take this!
Come on, fight me, fucking pussy!
Smack that face!
I'm doing this to help, okay?
Cute girly necklace...
Get off me, bitch!
Shut your mouth!
Shut your fucking mouth!
Get your hands off me!
And give me that necklace back
before I crush your skull!
You got it? You got it now?!
That's what you want, eh?
You love it that way, right?
Do I bring up your dead father?
Do I fucking bring that up?
So shut it tight,
sit your ass on the sofa,
and hold your fucking breath!
Just go! I hate you!
Take your time, Diane.
It's nothing.
Come on, tell me.
No, it's dumb, forget it.
Come on, you tease!
It's dumb...
I'm not at the top of your list...
Come on, you tease!
You sneaky little tease!
- It's dumb, forget it.
- No, no, no!
It's nothing.
Come on!
It was a pleasure catching up.
Tell me!
You won't be disappointed.
You gotta tell me right away.
Tell me now,
cause I'll go to bed thinking,
"Gee, what did she want?
Was it important, was it not imp..."
I need an advance.
$20 bills?
Diane! $20 bills?
Whatever's best for you.
What's it to me...
$20 bills, then.
All in $20 bills, please.
I'm a good lad, ya know.
Wait a minute!
Wait up, lemme help!
This isn't your day, eh?
You win some, you lose some,
that's life.
How are you guys?
Us guys?
You and your son.
Same old, same old.
And you? You been busy these days?
There's always something going on
at the municipal court.
You wouldn't believe the cases I get.
I can imagine...
Can's broken, awesome.
Well, lemme tell ya...
You're one...
...pretty gal.
Come on! Dressed up
like a dog's breakfast,
on all fours, middle of the street!
Nah, nah, don't try!
See? That's it!
That's what's sexy!
Is you don't even know it.
You're funny, Paul.
Spic and span, eh!
Fuckin' Last House on the Left,
what the hell...
Are you guys outside?
Holy shit! You goddam crazies!
I almost had a heart attack!
I wanted to piss
so I tied a knot in my dick
just to see your face!
We were done with math and chem
so we fixed a snack.
D'ya notice how her stutter's better?
That's the Steve touch, baby.
They just can't effin resist me.
Forgive him.
Well, can I give a hand?
Table's set, food's served, Jesus!
You can relax.
Relax, breathe!
Can he?
Look... what happens in Vegas...
Well... thank you, Kyla!
Thank you!
And I'm a piece of shit?
You're no piece of shit, hell no...
You're a prince, baby!
That's what you are!
And we fixed you a royal brunch!
We live like goddamn kings!
Is this Versailles or what?
Have you seen this?
Those baloney rolls
are screaming my name!
You guys, let's take a pic!
Come on.
Let's do it, guys.
- You come here. Come, Kyla.
- Wait...
But my hair...
Your hair's sick.
But that light's harsh, Stevo...
Let's switch sides, alright...
We found out in March.
End of March 2010.
Three weeks later,
I was signing papers for his casket.
That was something.
First off, we moved.
Left the burbs.
Rich was up to his neck in debt.
I sold the house,
paid the bills,
set the counter straight.
And that's when Steve...
Vandalism, petty theft,
the crying and cursing...
All that bullshit.
Then he got diagnosed
and I placed him.
I mean, I placed him.
And what about you?
I did ask you before, didn't I?
You used to live in Quebec City?
Why did y'all move here?
I know Quebec, you know.
We often went for Richard's job.
I always ended up there.
What did Richard do?
He worked in the inventors business.
He invented...
I never really got it but...
I mean, I did but anyway...
It was a microwave thingy...
He named it the Heater-Waver.
You know it?
The Heater-Waver, yes!
Get outta here!
No effin way!
It did good, yeah, it was a hit!
Everyone had the Heater-Waver!
My sister, my sister-in-law!
Well, hello!
We made a shitload of money
on that one, but it didn't last...
Richie started thinking big,
next thing, I was thinking big...
Of course... it was big!
We all did, but better think big
than small, am I right or what?!
And then...
the Americans called.
- Americans are never far...
- They know best, don't they...
When there's money to be made!
So they got their hands on it...
and that's that.
Effin bunch of crooks!
What's done is done.
Are you looking for a job?
One of my friends gave me
some translation gig.
Not really my job, but...
at least I'll make it
to the holidays, now...
I mean, Christmas' right around
the corner... But then there's...
All that clutter in the basement.
The old furniture.
I've got no room for that here.
And it's from another life...
it's got nothing
to do with me anymore.
I was thinking I could...
you know... sell it.
Like a sort of
garage sale type-a-thing...
I don't know what it's worth but...
Must be worth something, at least.
Fancy dinner or some night out...
Makes a lil' bundle of dough...
Bundle here, bundle there...
We'll end up going somewhere!
That little wine's not bad, eh?
And you... is there anyone?
Anyone special, I mean?
I'm a jingle lady!
I meant single.
I'm surprised.
You're so pretty!
You're pretty, Die.
You're real sweet, but...
Pretty won't geisha any'.!
Life's like poker:
If you ain't got a good pair,
you're in deep shit!
Time to flat call, I guess!
No hooters, no poker!
Might as well play with myself!
Or watch some TV!
I don't even have a TV!
No TV, no candy, sweet fuck all!
No bazookas in my 34A!
But a big one in my mouth!
Tastes good!
They're my favourite!
That one was effin huge!
Quite the mission!
I got cramps in my face!
I'mma help it down the drain!
Stop it, Die!
You're gonna kill me, Die!
Do you get it?
Holy fuck!
Should've seen your face!
You scared me...
It's just me.
Don't worry, babe.
Don't call me babe.
'lght. I won't.
It's okay.
Are you done with
your history homework?
I was just about to,
but I can't see shit
'cause of the blackout.
I'm a fucking pro, eh?
Dad wants to know where you put
the candles and flashlights.
They're in a box in the basement.
He knows where!
Thank you.
I meant to tell ya...
about earlier...
about this morning.
I wanted to apologize, first.
I'm sorry and...
I like it when you teach me stuff.
And... I get it
when you explain shit to me.
For that reason,
it makes me wanna ask you,
do you wanna keep doing it?
Dinner's ready!
Thanks, I'm coming.
That way...
I could pass my exams
at the end of the year, and...
'cause when I'm old enough,
I'll apply to an Art school,
in the States.
And I think Die likes you.
We like you, we're chill.
You're on sabbatical
so if you stay with me,
she could find a day job
and we'd get it going again.
I don't mean to interrupt
but the food's gonna get cold!
Show me!
Come back here, you dork!
Get your ass here!
Chill out!
You goddamn stupid punk!
I'mma come and getcha!
What the hell are you doing?!
Stop encouraging him!
I'm trying to raise that kid!
I'm free!
I am free!
D'y0u like ital dente?
I'm from a special school of thought.
I like my pasta just a tiny tiny bit
harder than al dente.
Well, it's al dente now!
Strain them, illico pesto!
- Fail! Keep your day job, please!
- Why don't ya shut it!
Says here the mayo
may contain mustard.
Yeah, they always write that BS,
even for cookies!
I hate fucking mustard.
Just put two spoonfuls, just two.
What the...?
Don't put the dressing yet,
it'll make the lettuce soggy.
Kyla, start 'em pine nuts!
On low.
So they don't burn!
You've been served, ma'am.
Good evening.
It may contain traces of mustard.
...your son...
...set fire to the cafeteria...
This fire caused physical
and moral damages...
Pine nuts are ready!
Take 'em out of the pan
so they won't burn! our son Kevin Julien.
Put the lid on, so they stay moist.
75% of his face... graft...
Can we change the subject?
Please act accordingly.
Pour the dressing.
Stop poking my face with that shit!
I'mma look like a slut!
You already look like one!
Stop it!
That sweater's way too small.
It's got a big spot, like you
slept in a pile of shit.
Pile of shit, yourself!
Mind your own, kiss ass!
Is the kid that set the canteen
on fire a pile of shit?
The kid whose mom's
meeting with the neighbour
who's helping for free
so you, don't end up
at George-Etienne Lemieux?
- I'm not going back!
- I know, you dumb-ass!
But for fuck's sake,
we gotta lawyer our asses up.
We can't just sit and wait for God
to come down on an effin cloud!
I have a bird-nest on my head!
I'm not a tumbleweed!
I'm getting there.
I know.
Fucking douche.
10 max, I'm peacing out.
No one's pissing till I say so.
Steve, you have to do it.
2-3 hours of your precious time,
suck it up.
Fuck that shit!
I'm done with that dirty mouth!
Fuck fuck fuck!
Back off!
I've had it 'bout up to here!
We'll make a good impression tonight!
Are you blind or you just dumb!
That dick doesn't wanna help us,
he just wants in your panties!
We'll be right out!
No problemo!
As usual...
Thank you.
Good luck.
We'll do what we can.
You coming, cutie?
You wait!
Stay here.
There's no two ways about it.
Mom's got a couple gigs
here and there
for bills and groceries.
Not a lawsuit, not a lawyer.
If we don't defend ourselves...
We gotta put some water
in our wine...
Huh. baby?
Ever heard that expression?
We stick together, tonight.
Mom's there for ya, and vice versa.
We good?
It's scary,
how nothing's changed here.
That secret sauce
is what scares me!
Those freaking secrets scare me.
I don't get it.
I just don't.
I don't get them burgers!
Who's into that stuff
except for tourists
who've never seen flat bread?
I was surprised
you brought up that place.
Who'd be into swaggy homemade burgers
with nice hot sauce
and melting cheddar
when you got that effin orange cheese
from some obese-packed
American dive, eh?
I guess my dad was just
some random tourist.
He sure knows how to liven it up.
I hope you like karaoke, Steve.
'Cause I got it all planned out!
You kidding, we love it!
I told ya on the phone, he sings!
I don't sing, I dance!
You can do both at once,
you're no dummy.
You gonna smack like a cow
without manners all night, or what?
Wait until I sing Eye of the Tiger,
you'll loosen up.
Freakin' blast from the past!
I've been hooked since '82.
I saw it maybe 11 times,
and I keep forgetting how it ends!
I have the Scarf ace poster
on my fridge.
But about...
about Steve...
'Cause our Steve here got himself...
in a fine mess...
He's a pro.
It's about time we...
get to the bottom of things...
- Whatcha gonna sing tonight, Steve?
- Yeah, what?
Get the fuck out!
I just can't believe it!
Eyes like this, jaw-dropped!
He's standing frozen,
drooling on the floor.
Poor girl's got her money's worth!
Her dude shows up,
middle of the night!
Busts her with the stripper,
his schlong
sticking outta his speedo!
One big schlong!
Steve, buddy?
What's our song, kiddo!
You know what?
Why don't we pick a song,
and sing your mom some duet,
a beautiful song
for a beautiful woman.
Hey Missy! Same thing, here!
Die, seconds?
Bring it on!
Make that two!
So... my dear Paul...
About Steve and that whole shebang,
we better talk it through
before we're too wasted to speak!
I'm never too wasted.
Seriously, Paul,
could you direct...
our direction...
in this crazy whatchamacallit?
The only thing you gotta know
is that when it comes to a lawsuit,
- it's all about the angle.
- Oh, yeah...
What's your angle?
Is it this one?
Or this one?
I dunno, you're the boss!
Or this one?
That ain't the same!
That's another one!
It's fragile, but it's the angle.
Seriously, drop by my place
tomorrow morning.
Doesn't feel right talking about it
with Steve around,
we should be partying,
kicking back a few!
Are you a cottage kinda girl?
Well, cottage, just like that, eh?
My cottage yeah, we could go
for a day, or two, or three
whenever I don't have my daughter
and you uh... I dunno...
I dunno...
- Hey, you got Vivo Per Lei?
- Huh?
Vivo Per Lei, the song.
Andrea Bocelli, yup, I have it.
You have the duet version,
the guy and the girl?
- I do.
- You wouldn't sing it with me, eh?
Sure! Could be fun!
- Go on, I'll be right up.
- Thanks.
Hey, it's our International Steve!
Steve's the shy type but,
give him some time
and he's stealing the show!
Steve's the mingle-type.
I'm sure that ain't a favorite here!
Canada's got talent, eh!
Who's that homo!
Check this out, guys!
Sing, faggot, Sing!
You lemme sing my song
and shut your fucking cunt!
You lemme sing
or I'mma fucking rip your face!
- Chill out, man!
- Fuck off, asshole!
Steve, stop right now!
I'mma fucking kill you, ok!
You punks get the fuck outta my sight
before I call the pigs!
Come on, scram!
- Steve, come here!
- I'm going home!
Do what you want.
Fuck him, I don't give a shit.
Listen to your Mom, come here,
we'll talk like adults.
Adults who chugged 27 beers?
No thanks.
We're doing this for you, son,
not for me!
You're the one in trouble
with the law,
we're looking for solutions here!
In a Karaoke bar?
Wake up, Diane,
he just wants to bone you!
Hey you watch your mouth!
We're older than you!
Older my ass!
Stop it, Steve!
Why? So I can sing while
that gaylord rubs his dick on ya!
That's enough, you little shit!
Don't start!
- Watch your goddam mouth with her!
- We're all drunk...
D'you even hear yourself?
Who d'you think you are?
She's going through hell for ya!
Because of ya!
She gives you everything,
her cash, her time, her whole life!
And how d'you thank her, tonight?
Spit in my face and start a brawl!
Go fuck yourself bitch
with your lame-ass shitty lawyer job!
Come on! You just want
my mom to suck your cock...
Choke on your fucking loser problems.
Yeah, get the fuck outta here!
Fuck off!
That gm!"-
was gonna help us, you idiot.
Help you.
No one can help us.
They're all the same!
It's just the two of us,
fuck the rest of 'em!
I don't have any problems, alright?
You know what my big problem is? You.
No more job because of you.
No money! No life!
Meds, bail, correctional centres,
and now a lawsuit!
Will someone gimme a fucking break?
No! Steve-O, ladies and gentlemen!
A break? What the fuck for!
Dream on, Die, dream on!
Daddy dug the grave,
sonny keeps digging!
And I'm singing in the rain!
And it just goes on and on and on,
'cause ya always find
a fucking brilliant way
so it hits the fan full effin blast!
And I just keep cleaning
the shit off the walls!
Come on, wipe the retard's ass!
Just wipe that effin retard's ass!
What can I do for you?
Where were you?
When d'ya think?
I was sleeping.
Maybe, one day...
you won't love me anymore.
It's true.
It happens.
I'll always be there for you.
You're my priority.
Aisle 2, aisle 3...
Jesus Christ!
Is it too much
to put fucking signs up!
Calm down, we'll find it.
He's on a high. Some bad phase.
That ain't in the budget right now.
- What?
- Don't touch anything!
All phases have an end,
he'll mellow out soon...
Here, take half my list
so we can get outta here.
I'm going that way.
Don't touch anything!
I don't know your morn
like you do, but...
I know what being a mom's like.
She doesn't mean any harm.
It's her fear talking.
Fear drives people.
I don't give a shit if she don't
want me anymore.
Doesn't. She does want you with her.
Come on, please.
You have to refocus.
We'll focus on grades 10 and 11,
and then...
when the time comes...
we'll apply to Juilliard.
One day we'll get a nice letter
in a nice envelope,
and your mom will be so proud.
You can do it.
Just say the fucking words.
The hell d'you do?
Come on...
We still love each other, right?
That's what we best at, buddy!
Let's go, c'mere!
Grab the feet, Kyla.
Are you coming home late?
Are you cooking
or should I order?
I'll be home for dinner
but order, yeah.
I won't be in the mood.
The box below contains 4 balls...
Numbered from 1 to 4.
Successively draw two balls
from the box without replacement.
You don't return
the first ball in the box
before drawing the second one.
Go on.
The result...
What's that sexy white car
doing in my driveway?
D'you like it?
Where to, miss?
It's got an ass-heater.
See the button?
A mother doesn't wake up one morning
not loving her son.
Do you get that?
Yeah, whatev...
The only thing that's gonna happen...
is I'll love you more and more.
And you'll be the one loving me
less and less, but...
Life works that way.
We deal with it.
It's the natural order of things,
you'll get that one day, bud.
You know what I'm saying?
D'you understand?
D'ya pack your bags like I asked?
D'you pack your shit or what?
Don't tickle me!
Don't forget the sandwiches!
Look what I found in the fridge!
How the fuck is that my problem?
Back door locked, eh?
It's gonna be an effin trip!
Do you want this with you, Die?
Yeah, not in the trunk.
We got everything?
Didn't forget anything?
It's green.
You Okay?
I gotta use the washroom.
Let's try this place.
Mom's pissing?
Am I squishing you?
You motherfucking bitch from hell!
Take it easy! Take it easy!
Back off, asshole!
- Don't touch me, don't talk to me!
- Chill out, bro!
- Easy, easy, easy...
- Relax, we're here to help.
Why you doing this to me,
you bitch!
It's for you own good, sweetie!
My own good, you fucking traitor!
You dump me here like goddamn trash!
You got sick of me!
You're done with me!
Don't be violent, Steve.
There's no point.
Shut up!
You gonna taze my ass, bitch!
You want 'em
to fucking electrocute me!
I won't touch you if you come
in the hospital without resisting.
No! I ain't mad!
I ain't goin in a hospital!
Do I look fucking crazy?
No one here's crazy, pal.
Stop it! No! I won't go! Mom!
I don't wanna go! I won't!
Don't leave me here!
Don't do this to me!
And you, you fucking wimp!
You too?
You bitches are all against me!
All of you!
I said back the fuck off!
Is that fucking necessary!
Let us do our job!
- Drop that!
- You gonna fucking hurt me!
Calm the fuck down, man!
Calm down!
Let me fucking go!
Let him go!
Son of a bitch!
Let go of him!
Son of a bitch!
I'm just doing my job, ma'am!
He hit my son!
He hit him! He hit him!
You signed the form!
Let us do our job!
That's enough, ma'am!
I didn't sign for you
to hit my son!
Withdrawal clause ends
in 24 hours!
Fuck your clause!
- Come back in 24 hours, ma'am!
- Mom, he's hurting me!
I'm his mother, I decide!
Not anymore!
What are they doing to him?
I changed my mind!
Get out of the fucking way!
Son of a bitch!
There goes the forest...
Forest again...
And, now the beach, okay...
Hi, you've reached Diane's voice-mail.
Leave a message
and I'll call you back
as soon as possible.
Thank you, bye, have a nice day.
Hey, it's me.
I bet you must be
cleaning up your houses...
I'm pretty bad-ass high...
I was calling to say...
Yo Die,
I'm so fucking ripped, serious...
If you could see my face...
You'd laugh your ass off!
I thought you were gonna answer.
I wanted to tell you...
I just wanted to...
thank you for your patience.
I know I'm rough.
Like Grandma used to say
when I was younger,
that I was rough.
Now I get it, why she said that.
So... I'm sorry.
And when...
When I think about the times when...
When I think about
how much maybe I hurt you...
After, when I get my shit together...
I'm so fucking sad because...
you deserve so much better
than a fucking retard like me!
What matters is... I'm thinking
about you here, and I love you.
Tell Kyla I said hi.
Was it okay?
I mean, was it...
I was okay? 'lght.
I rang.
I didn't hear ya,
it must be broken.
I'm cleaning up that shed,
it's a freakin' pigsty.
Are you okay?
Of course!
Long time no see, stranger!
You wanna come in, have a beer?
Watch some TV,
I finally plugged it in.
It's just about time I did.
Have a beer!
We can have dinner too,
I'll fix some pasta...
Come on!
My good glasses...
I came to tell you
we're moving to Toronto.
For Patrick's job.
Get outta here!
Well, that ain't dull news, Toronto!
Jeez, I only got beer!
Had I known, I would have gotten
something more fancy! To party!
I'll be damned!
I lived in Toronto, once!
Ages ago, though, but...
Just before Steve, actually.
I'd written down tons of addresses
and places and...
in that huge, huge address book
I could give you...
'Cause you can't tell right away,
but Toronto can be an effin bore
if you dunno your way around.
All of these places
I spotted, jeez...
Restaurants, some good ones,
and cute shops, not tourist-traps.
There's no way I threw that away!
Where the hell is it...
When are you guys leaving?
Well, two months from now,
but then...
they moved it
to two week-ends from now.
But now... finally...
we're leaving next weekend.
Shit on a brick!
Next weekend?!
Talk about a big project!
Well, that's quite the adventure!
You're moving to Toronto
next weekend!
You must be over the effin moon!
I didn't think you'd react that way.
What the hell did ya expect!
It's such great news!
It's awesome!
It's freaking awesome!
You best write me, girl!
If you don't, I'll visit you,
I swear I will, want it or not!
I gotta go back to my boxes...
Stay, grab a beer!
Let's have dinner to celebrate!
By the way,
bugs are eating up my apples,
I gotta do something with them.
I could bake a pie.
We'll have some pie. I got some
nice ice cream to put on top!
I could come back later!
Come with Patrick!
And your daughter!
They never came over!
I don't want you to think
these past few months
didn't mean anything to me,
with you...
Me too.
They were important for me too!
We had fun!
A shitload of fun!
You did us good, we loved having ya!
In my life...
You more of a pie girl
or crisp girl?
I can't just abandon...
...abandon my family...
That's not what I meant.
You know, Kyla...
There's just so many ways to deal.
You deal with your life,
I deal with mine. That's it.
I sent him there...
because I have hope.
I'm full of hope, okay?
This world ain't got tons of hope.
But I like to think...
that it's full of hopeful people,
hoping all day long.
Better off that way 'cause us
hopeful people can change things.
Hopeful world with hopeless people...
That won't get us far.
I did what I did...
so that way, there is hope.
So I win.
All the way.
It's a win-win.
For everybody.
pie or crisp?
Dr. Fawcett will pass by later,
for his meds' eval.
Hopefully, we can relocate him...
Nah, Micheline's off tonight.
She left for St-Paul's
but she's back tonight.
- It's her Thursday.
- She's done with Thursdays.
Not anymore.
Don't ask.
Don't try to understand, bro.
What can you do?
She's happy with him.
He started drinking again...
She's back with him, what can I say?
Is she dumb,
she'll never understand?
There's nothing to understand.
She wants to save him.
Fucking human nature, bro.