Momo e no tegami (A Letter to Momo) (2011)

Dear Momo
Seto Inland Sea is wonderful as ever.
It's exactly like I described, right?
There are so many islands.
Sure brings back memories.
You weren't even born on my last visit here.
Maybe that one over there is Shiojima.
Take a look, Momo.
Just behind the big island.
You can see a glimpse of it in the distance.
Welcome to Shiojima
A Letter to Momo
Ishikawa Mitsuhisa
Ikeda Hiroyuki
Watanabe Shigeru
Hamana Kazuya
Key Animation Supervisor
Andou Masashi
Art Director
Oono Hiroshi
Animation Director
Kusumi Naoko
Color Designer
Mizuta Nobuko
Art Designer
Watabe Takashi
Vehicle Designer
Kawaguchi Toshio
Animation Supervisor
Inoue Toshiyuki
CG Director
Nishikawa Kazuhiro
Director of
Tanaka Kouji
Sound Director
Wakabayashi Kazuhiro
Film Editor
Uematsu Junichi
Kubota Mina
Matsushita Keiko
Mukaichi Motoki
Noguchi Mariko
Okada Arimasa
Written and Directed by
Okiura Hiroyuki
It's exactly as I remembered!
It's old.
That's what's good about it!
It's been so long!
I'm sorry that I haven't made more frequent visits.
I'm glad to see you're doing well.
We old folks live a simple life.
Large items are already in place.
Take your time unpacking the rest.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I only cleaned up a bit.
The movers took care of everything.
But I don't want you to work too hard.
Please leave everything to us.
We'll be staying with you starting today.
She's my daughter, Momo.
You're such a big girl!
It's good to see you.
Hello to you.
Come on right up.
It's your new home.
We will. Thanks.
Which one is our home?
This one.
Grandpa and Grandma live next door.
I was surprised to see such a big bridge being built here.
Yes, it's scheduled to open in September.
It'll be pretty convenient.
I don't know whether if it's a good thing or not.
I can only hope the traffic doesn't pollute the island.
Right... I guess so.
So are you feeling better now?
Oh, I'm totally fine now.
Don't worry about me.
Ikuko had to live on this island when she was little, for about a year due to asthma.
I'm sure you've heard of it.
You said you wanted to work right away.
What did you do with that condo of yours?
I sold it.
I could've rent it out and made some money,
but I don't care anymore.
I see.
Oh well, it doesn't matter.
Truth be told, we were starting to feel lonely.
The more the merrier.
All our neighbors are very old.
It's always nice to have young people here.
Oh? Do I count as young, too?
Of course!
You've got mail!
Oh, is that you, Iku?
Oh, are you Kou?
I haven't seen you in so long!
I heard you were coming back, so I was looking forward to see you.
Didn't know it was today, though.
What happened to being a businessman?
I quit ages ago!
It just wasn't for me.
I've been doing this ever since.
She's Momo.
Our neighbor's mail is mixed in again!
Learn to do your job!
You're always making mistakes.
Oops, I did it again.
You never change, do you?
Well then, I gotta get back to work.
Talk to you some other time!
He really didn't change at all. I can't stop laughing.
it's not moving.
Oh, it stopped moving in early spring this year.
I had a watchmaker to take a look at it,
but apparently, it can't be fixed.
But it feels weird to have a new clock,
so we just kept it there.
Oh... early spring...
You can take it off if you don't like it.
can you help me move some luggage to the Sky ?
The sky?
Come on up.
It's a mess, isn't it?
Old folks don't throw things away, you know?
Momo, carry that bag over here.
Thank you.
Oh, you have an eye for antiques.
Go ahead and open it.
Take a good look.
Beware of Monsters Vol.1
It's quite odd, though.
Your Grandpa's father collected these books.
There are many other books like it here.
I've been told they're illustrated storybooks from the Edo Period,
but this one is supposed to be especially unique.
You can come up and read it whenever you want.
Well then,
be careful on your way down.
What? You never told me about that!
Yes, I have.
There's Class-2 caregiver certificate training in Imabari.
I knew about that, but you said it's from the day after tomorrow.
Oh, did I forget to tell you?
As it turns out, the course starts tomorrow.
I almost got the date wrong.
What am I supposed to do alone, then?
You have to unpack, and homework too, remember?
They said you can hand in homework from your old school, so you can start now.
That's not what I meant...
The bath is ready. I'm unpacking shampoo and other stuff now, so you go first.
Dear Momo
I hate you, Dad.
Vienna Boy's Choir
Don't even bother coming back.
So, did the research ship made it out all right?
I-Is my husband alive?
Dear Momo
Dear Momo
What were you going to write, Dad?
Let's get going.
This should be enough for now.
Hey, don't they have bigger supermarkets here?
Nope, and no convenience stores either.
No way!
Everyone's waiting for you.
Decide already!
It's a bit heavy, but please carry it for me.
He's about your age. Let's talk to them!
Please, no!
Hey, you guys!
Then, your family grows tangerines too?
I'm so glad there's another 6th grader on this island.
Please show her around.
Youta, can you let her play with you guys?
See you.
Please ask her to join you next time!
Come on!
To Imawari
Don't forget to eat the rice balls.
You can have those puddings too.
Can I come with?
I'll take you with me next time.
The telephone man is coming today.
Please take care of things at home.
See you.
What was that thing?
I'm starving to death.
Wanna go check the kitchen?
The installation fee will be included in your next bill. Please let your family know.
Thank you for coming.
Did I close it?
Maybe there's something in that rice cooker.
Momo is...
Where ya goin'?
Roads are really narrow here, so watch out for cars!
E-Excuse me!
Lord Michizane's Tomb
It was just my imagination...
...or was it?
Where am I?
What are you doing?
If you get lost on the island, just look for the sea.
This path extends around the island.
You'll find your way back in no time.
What is it?
Your home is that way.
I live that way.
Wanna see the straw boats?
No one's home.
My grandpa makes them,
but he's out somewhere.
Check it out. This is what it looks like when it's finished.
She's a beauty, isn't she?
It's used for a festival called Miyajima.
We push these off the beach, then...
I wonder where my grandpa went.
I think I'll get going.
My mom will be back soon, so I'll be at the pier.
Thanks for showing me around.
We're diving off the bridge again tomorrow.
Come if you want!
Where did you go?
I needed you here!
Fine, I'll go check.
You're such a scaredy-cat.
You didn't lock the door!
I didn't have the time to!
Please go check!
I always remind you to lock up!
Act your age!
Just go!
Sorry. Please!
Why are you screaming?!
S-Something just licked me!
There's nothing there.
Yes, there is!
There isn't.
They really chased me!
I'm only telling you to make sure to lock up next time.
How could I eat three pudding on my own?
I'm not mad about that.
I'm telling you, there's something here.
There isn't.
Is too!
No, there isn't.
Stop messing around!
What is it?
Hey, let's go back to Tokyo.
We have nowhere to stay.
I know, but...
You'll get used to the life here.
Now, eat up!
What's your problem?
You've decided coming here on your own.
You never ask for my opinion.
What? I asked, and you said okay.
I just said I don't mind.
I'm going to lose my mind if I stayed here any longer.
Let's go back.
Then go back on your own if you hate this island so much.
Okay, I'll go.
You're such a meanie.
Get right up!
You should go if Youta asked you to come.
Don't forget to unpack your stuff soon.
Make sure to eat breakfast too.
I already asked Grandma to make lunch for you.
Go and eat with them.
See you!
Ikuko is gone.
What are you still doing here? Follow her, Mame!
Let's go do something about our hunger!
What's Momo doing?
I've got no clue. She was sleeping just now.
Whatever, I'm starving.
Me too.
We came to pick you up!
Where's your swimsuit?
I'll go get changed.
There you have it.
She's one of us starting today.
Got it?
Got it!
Nice to meet ya!
Nice to meet you.
I'm happy to see another girl in our group.
Nice to meet you, Miyaura.
Nice to meet you.
All right! Let's go!
Get ready.
It's a bit high, but you won't be scared after the first jump.
Off I go!
Watch, this is how you do it.
Hurry and jump, Youta!
Watch this!
Can you do it?
No one's forcing you to jump!
I'm not done!
Are you going home, Momo?
Man, it sucks! I hate rain and lighting!
I'm so sick of it!
Your form right now somehow doesn't look like water would be a problem, though.
What? You must be joking!
That was a big one.
The rule is, we have to get our own food in this world,
but all we get are these green tangerines.
I want to eat some meat!
Yup, me too.
Oops, I sat on Momo.
She saw us.
What should we do?
The tangerine field was wrecked again.
When is the city do something about it?
I need them to get rid of the wild boars soon.
What's the matter?
It's yokan made from lemon grown on this island.
Help yourself.
My father loved to collect these when he was alive.
He called them "Guardians," if my memory serves me right.
They used to be gods,
but they were relegated to yokai.
They were gods?
my father said he saw them.
He told me that it's a secret when I was little.
They're horrifying, from what I heard.
Have some.
These are pretty good. Not too sweet.
I-I just met...
Right, then he said...
"I'll tell you, but you mustn't tell anyone.
Something bad might happen."
But then again...
I wouldn't say my father's a lier,
but he sure liked to exaggerate things.
That story's no exception.
Still, when I look at them,
I think they have funny faces, rather than scary.
Why didn't Mame follow Ikuko to Imabari?
He's asking you.
I missed the ship.
Hear that?
He's the one in the middle.
Your great-grandfather.
He's always watching over us.
It's funny when you think he's watching.
It makes me want to act responsibly.
What... exactly should I do if I met one of those yokai?
They'll get you if you're feeling scared.
Muster up the courage and glare right back!
They'll think you're tough, and stay away from you.
They're actually cowards, according to my old man.
I don't know if it's true though!
It's not happening! I don't have the courage to glare back at them!
Please, don't show up again!
I'm going to help out at the field.
Your lunch is rice balls again, but please eat them.
P.S. Take care of a package that will arrive this afternoon.
Take care of...
I'll be alone again.
Is this really going to work?
I have an idea.
When did any of your ideas ever work before?
Go on.
Rice balls.
Guardians my butt!
What were you planning to do with us?
What happened to your bright idea, huh?!
We are the yokai defeated by Sugawara no Michizane, the prince,
and sealed within the illustrated storybook.
Your opening the sealed box
has unleashed us from millennia of sleep!
That's what happened?
I thought we came down from the sky or someth...
My name is Iwa.
The skinny one here is Kawa,
and the tiny one is Mame.
As you can see, we are not suspicious in any way or form!
Stay away from me!
Stop... stop that!
You must not break it!
It's an important pass,
if you break it in half,
it would stop working!
Why did you just explain everything, dude!?
Give it back!
No! Please stop!
Get down!
We'll listen to anything you say.
Is there anything you want?
You can ask for anything.
Perhaps... this might please you?
That's mine.
Yes, it's your...
I-I still have other things.
I don't want anything! Just get out of here!
D-Don't do that!
Please, stop!
Okay. We will leave this house.
If you could give that back first...
Yes, Ma'am!
Yes, yes, yes.
That was one evil girl back there.
The pass is in her hands... this is going to be tough.
How can she see us anyway?
Is it because she's evil?
If I were to guess, it's because when we dropped down here,
we hit that Momo girl by mistake.
Maybe that's why she can see us.
It was so much better in the old days when we went on rampages.
We would just kick stupid humans out of our way.
Well, then.
A girl's mood swing doesn't last very long.
It should be safe to go back.
Wait, are you sure?!
Thank you.
I still don't think you have to force yourself to work right away.
Yes, but I have to support Momo until she's a grown-up.
If I have to work anyway, then sooner the better.
I have to put bread on the table and a roof over our heads.
Although, I'm totally depending on you right now.
We don't mind. We love having you here.
Kazuo was a good man.
You must miss him.
I don't feel that lonely now.
"Plow your way to the Heavens."
It really makes you wonder how they plowed fields near the top those mountains.
This island doesn't have many flatlands. We have our ancestors to thank.
Are you all right?
I choked on the tea.
I thought you were sick again.
That gave me a scare.
You're telling me!
Gotta use the bathroom.
I'm using it!
Oh, I'm sorry!
What happened to our promise?
We can't leave this place!
What are you talking about?
Goal! He scored!
Don't tell me...
We'll die if you break that thing.
Can you kill people?
You guys aren't people...
Here, eat.
Y-You stole these?
You can stay, but don't do anything bad!
Mom isn't home... Yokai show up...
What a crazy situation.
It was true...
Momo! Are you in the Sky?
Welcome home.
I bought some snacks. Let's eat them together.
Come down here.
She can't see them?
We're going to see Kazuo.
My dad's gone.
Does he look like you?
I don't know.
Take a look at his photo on the altar.
Why do you ask?
I'm really forgetful.
Why did I ask?
Now's our chance!
S-Sorry for leaving without saying anything.
Oh, don't worry about it.
You came here just to tell me that?
Hi there.
It's my raincoat!
Did you find it for me?
Y-Yeah... Your name was on it.
Who are you?
Don't mind her.
She says weird stuff sometimes.
Cut it out, it's creepy.
I'm so sorry. Good-bye.
I'll get going.
Go visit your grandparents again today.
See you.
Do I look like my dad?
That's great.
Oh, your field was wrecked again, right?
That's horrible.
Did the wild boars do it?
I think so.
You think?
Wild boars should've left more mess behind.
What else could've done it?
I have no clue.
Did you get used to the life on this island yet?
You can ask me anything you want!
Did Iku go training again today?
What is it?
See you then.
See ya!
I'm going first!
I'm next!
You're next, Youta! Dive head first!
What, again?
Come on!
You did it!
What'd you do that for?!
I didn't dive in...
You pushed me down!
I thought I was dead.
Off you go!
You've got to be kidding me!
I told you not to steal.
Catch and eat fishes!
I don't like fishes.
They have scales and stuff.
Well, I'm off.
Oh, look at that!
She's pretty good.
You'll never see the end of it if you did it for free.
Ask for some allowance!
Have a good day.
Can I ask you something?
Is there anything you can eat on this island for free?
Are you still hungry?
No, it's not like that.
You know, something found in the nature.
You can find as many fishes as you need.
No fishes!
Any food other than fishes.
Let's see...
You might find some in the mountains...
Can I really eat until I'm full?
Just order me a deluxe-size of whatever we're getting!
I haven't eaten anything for three days !
I just saw you eat!
Hold on!
Let's ride on this thing.
No! We'll get in trouble!
We'll get in trouble ?
Listen, chump!
This great guy here once ate a grown-up man in one bite!
As for me, I did this...
...and sucked human livers from their mouths and ate them all!
Sure brings me back.
As long as you understand.
Let's go.
How far do we have to climb up?
Hmm... he said we'll probably have to get near the top.
You'd better not make us eat some stupid nuts.
Looks like it's made a new home.
Shut up!
You see that?
Our main dish!
No way...
Iwa! Kawa!
They're coming!
Here they come!
That was a close call, huh? Momo.
You were trying to run without me!
It's a feast tonight!
I can't stop drooling.
You can't!
Don't you feel sorry for them?
Hey, look!
Don't they know when to give up?
Let these babies go!
Are you crazy?
Leave it to me!
Sandwich? What a formidable foe!
We're done for!
I'm counting on you, Kawa!
It stinks!
You guys are amazing!
But I'm out of gas...
Do something, Kawa!
I'm out of gas too!
We didn't even find any nuts.
The wild boars must have eaten them.
I'm starving.
Still, they looked so tasty.
You guys should take a look.
It's really beautiful!
We can't eat the scenery!
It's beyond repair.
Let's walk home.
I can't.
We're delicate, you know. Unlike you!
Ow! The pain!
I'm sorry, but go home on your own.
Well, I would, but it'd be scary when it gets dark.
Walk, young girl, over our corpses.
Well then, it's time to show what I'm truly capable of.
I hate hard work and fish scales.
I'm home!
I'm home...
Welcome back.
Oh, you're covered in mud!
That little girl...
Her attitude is getting worse, just because she's holding the pass...
Girls are scary creatures.
I can't take anything out of the fridge,
but I can get away with these if I replace them using my allowance.
Eat up!
You finally learned to make offering, huh?
Took you long enough!
Where did you go?
Dad loved the sea.
I don't hate this island all that much.
Now that I think of it,
we've been like this for a long time.
I couldn't agree more. It's an everlasting task.
But then again, if we actually worked...
Nah, it wouldn't have been any better.
Just so you know, we have to send our report to the Sky soon.
What is that?
At least remember some stuff, would ya?
Our task is to report Momo and Ikuko's life to the Sky!
I thought we were defeated by Sugawara-something,
and sealed in something-book for thousands of years?
That was a made-up story to fool the girl!
I know!
Mame should write the report this time,
as part of the training!
Listen, Momo.
The others aren't coming today.
It's just me and my brother.
Would you like to come with us and dive?
Can't you?
it's time for lunch!
Got it!
All right. I'll go later.
Okay, we'll be waiting for you on the bridge.
I don't know how to write.
It's so hot!
It sure is.
By the way, I've been getting reports of girls' belongings...
like bags and hats being stolen.
Looks like someone's messing with the field too.
Let me know if you see anything suspicious, all right?
Hey, Kouichi?
You listening to me?
What? Uh...
You're hopeless.
It feels heavy for some reason.
Poor guy, the heat's got him.
Are you there?
"Dear Momo."
That little Mame, he ran away with the report half-finished.
I have no choice.
sDear/s Momo is well.
Ikuko is also well.
This is the proper usage of the Japanese language.
I'm moved by my own masterpiece.
I finished the report for you.
Let's send it.
What are you...
Hey! What's with the getup?
Quiet! This is a holy ceremony for report transmission.
Would you like to join us?
What? No way.
Would you like to join us?
I said no!
Would you like to join us?
Absolutely not!
Would you like to join us?
What did you...
And this.
Where did you send it?
W-We reported our safety to Lord Michizane's soul.
He can never return to this world again, you know?
He must be screaming in envy right now!
You can send letters to the dead?
He can...
I-I don't know anything about it!
I want to send a letter to my dad.
Wait here!
This is a bad turn of events.
A letter?
It was on my desk.
Have you seen it?
N-No, I haven't seen it!
No, I haven't.
What about you, Mame?
What am I going to do?
Momo's taking her time.
Wanna go get her?
Let's wait.
It has to be here, somewhere!
It's nowhere to be found...
The promise!
The typhoon is maintaining its momentum as it advances north.
Severe wind warning is expected to be issued for Southern Kyuushuu and all of Shikoku by afternoon.
I'm glad I don't have training today.
I should clean things up while I still can.
You haven't even touched your homework, have you?
It doesn't look like you can go out today anyway.
Finish it up.
Where's my reply?
Dear Dad
Hey, did you see my hand mirror?
Knock the door!
You left it open.
What about the hand mirror?
I don't know.
Isn't it on the dressing table?
That's strange...
I don't look bad at all in this form.
I'm so handsome no matter what my body looks like.
I wonder if this is what they call "class?"
Let me see.
Not bad.
Our job as the Guardians is so much easier when they're in home together.
I couldn't agree more.
By the way, are we getting enough protein?
They're back.
I'm hungry.
You guys!
Seriously, how many times do I have to tell you?
I told you to never steal...
You can't take that!
What's the big deal?
I just borrowed it for a bit.
Watch it!
That's a precious gift my dad bought for my mom!
Give it back!
Give it back!
Cut it out! Stop!
Give it back!
What's going on here?
Are you hurt?
I'm sorry, Mom.
The mirror broke.
I don't care about the mirror!
Please explain this.
It wasn't me.
I didn't take them.
Are you saying someone brought them here?
Tell me the truth.
You may not believe me, but...
there are yokai here, and they're hungry.
Momo. Don't lie.
I'm not lying.
I'm not lying!
Where are those yokai, then?
They're right here.
No, they're not!
Yes, they are.
No, they're not!
Can't you see?
You've changed, Mom.
How so?
You haven't been yourself since Dad died.
Don't change the subject.
I'm not!
You don't understand me at all, Mom!
You're never home.
You've forgotten about Dad.
Wait! We're not done here!
Where were you yesterday?
We were waiting for you.
I actually couldn't dive off the bridge until last year.
You'll be able to jump one day.
It's almost time for the festival.
The straw boats I showed you the other day will be carried here by our dads, and released into the sea.
It's quite a sight.
My dad's gone.
Don't take it too hard.
It's a common family quarrel.
Don't you remember? It's all your fault.
I had a fight with my dad right before he died.
When my parents went on a date for the first time,
they went to see a performance by the Vienna Boys' Choir.
I found out that the same choir was coming to Japan on the day of their wedding anniversary,
so I asked my mom to buy three tickets.
But we only made a promise to spend the day together,
without telling my dad about the choir.
I wanted it to be a surprise.
Then, on that day...
I'm so sorry.
I promise to keep my schedule open next week.
It has to be today.
It's an important research project.
A lot of people will be in trouble if I don't go.
I'm begging you.
Okay? Hmm?
I hate you, Dad.
Don't even bother coming back.
Vienna Boy's Choir
Dear Momo
Why did I say such a terrible thing?
I'm sorry!
I didn't know it was such an important letter.
It was sent to the Sky by mistake!
What? By "Sky," you mean...
Not the attic.
A greater Sky.
Do you think the boats will be all right?
Youta... did you... see Momo?
I saw her by the beach earlier, but it's been a while.
Thank you.
I may have said something terrible to her.
What's wrong?
Are you all right?
Hang on!
We were quite mischievous in the past.
We crossed the line,
and the boss in the Sky finally punished us.
We lost our true forms and powers.
Nowadays, we're just lowly servants.
Only our appetites haven't changed.
We're stuck in our role.
What about Sugawara no Michizane?
It was a lie.
What? It was a lie?
Stop forgetting!
You have to stop too, old man.
It doesn't matter.
Momo, we have some ties with your father.
Dead humans wander around the ground for a while,
but they all eventually head to the Sky.
While they're moving from the ground to the Sky,
they cannot watch over their family.
That's when we watch after their families,
and report back to the Sky.
That's the task given to us, the Guardians.
Your father will reach the Sky soon.
When he can watch over you with his own eyes,
our task will be complete.
Believe it or not, it will happen tomorrow morning.
It's almost time to withdraw.
I apologize. We're not allow to say too much.
Hello? You've told her everything!
My dad is...?
Is that you, Momo?
I finally found you.
Hurry and get on the back seat!
Something terrible happened to Iku!
Momo. I'm glad you're safe.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry for making you worry.
Where's the doctor?
The doctor and the nurse, Mitsuko, are both on another island for a house call.
They can't come back in the typhoon.
You're completely soaked.
Go get changed.
No, I'm fine.
We're keeping in touch with Miss Mitsuko.
It's no use.
They can't use boats or helicopters until the typhoon passes us by.
This is why I said we need more than one doctor on this island!
What should we do?
If we had a doctor or a nurse here,
they could've given her an oxygen inhalation therapy or an injection.
That's not very effective, and repeated use isn't good for health.
The bridge! What about that big bridge?
The construction is over, but it's not officially open yet.
Even if it were, it would be too dangerous in the typhoon...
What would happen to her?
A doctor will come right away, once the typhoon passes.
What if it doesn't?
It will, in time. Don't worry.
Calm down.
She must have endured it for a long time.
Poor girl.
She must have been very sad.
But she's the type who kept everything inside.
It must have felt all the more painful.
Mom was crying...
Please cross the bridge to Imabari with me!
I want to bring the doctor here!
We can't!
We're forbidden to get involved in personal matters!
Who knows what'll happen to use if we broke the rule?
I mean, do you even think we have that kind of power?
You said you'd do anything for me!
That's one thing we can't do, even if you break the pass.
There you have it.
We'll withdraw tomorrow morning.
Please leave us alone.
Fine, I won't ask for your help.
I'll do it on my own!
What are you doing, Kouichi?
Stop her!
Use your bike!
Catch up with us!
Where's my key?
I didn't understand my mom's feeling at all.
You can't, Momo.
Please, let me go.
Don't be reckless! We have to get back!
My mom will die at this rate!
Don't be ridiculous!
That's not going to happen.
All right? Let's go home.
I never got to make up with my dad.
I said a terrible thing to my mom today too.
I have to go now! I have to save Mom!
Can you help her?
I know you can help her.
Please, help her out!
You're so assertive.
But look at me...
Iku is an important person to me too.
Hop on!
Wish us luck, Youta!
Miyaura! Good luck!
We didn't have a choice.
There was someone who recently broke the rule.
It was a sad end.
Just the thought of it makes me shiver.
I don't want to die.
What would happen to us if Ikuko and Momoko died?
Let's see...
It's okay if they die from natural causes or fate.
But otherwise, we've failed as Guardians.
Heads will fall, if you know what I mean.
One life aside, two lives...
Wait, the reason this time is because we...
Oh, I know!
If we save Momo, then we would have functioned as Guardians,
even if we broke the rule in the progress?
Maybe we can avoid the punishment!
I see.
Hold on,
what can we do anyway?
Crazy fart or running insanely fast aren't going to help when we're up against a typhoon!
It's hopeless.
We're not alone.
No Trespassing
Okay. Let's go!
Hang on tight!
I'm fine.
Damn! It's over!
Please save Mom!
Iwa! Kawa! Mame!
You all came for me?
We'll block the wind, so just break through the storm!
The rain...
Let's go while we can!
This is impossible.
Run, please.
It's so heavy...
No more thinking for me!
All right!
We're in the Shikoku Region.
We're almost there.
Please wait for us!
I hate rain. Please make it quick!
I'm going back home for a bit, but I'll be back right away.
Great! I made it in time!
Thank you.
My mom made it alive, thanks to you guys.
We only did our duty as Guardians.
It was mostly to save our own butts, though.
If you can, I want you to take this letter to my father.
That would be against the rule, too...
Maybe I can, because I can't remember the rules.
I envy your carefree life.
See ya. I wanted to taste your liver.
I wanted to eat Kouichi in one bite!
...just want tangerines.
By the way, what's in there?
Uh, oh!
Stop! These are my private stuff!
Never mind. I want my memory to be filled with fond ones.
Go on.
We'll take you up on your offer.
Thank you, everyone.
I'll never forget you.
Girls always say that.
Well then, farewell.
Dear Dad,
I'm doing well.
I'm sorry for saying such a terrible thing on that day.
All this time, I wanted to apologize for that.
The three yokai saved my mom.
I hope you would thank them as well.
you're in another form right now.
I will live my life to the fullest, together with Mom.
Please always watch over us,
with a little bit of anxiety.
To my dear dad.
I think I have an idea of what he wanted to write on that letter.
He wanted to apologize for what he did.
You think?
Writing up a research paper was like breathing for your father,
but he was really bad at writing letters.
I'm sure he couldn't put his feelings into words.
He always worried too much other how others felt.
He loved the sea.
I'm sorry for hitting you.
And I didn't understand you...
No, I should be the one apologizing.
I made you worry.
That's because I scolded you.
But still, I'm sorry.
All this time, I thought I had to take care of everything,
and it backfired.
I made you feel lonely.
No, I'm fine.
I'll try to consult with you next time.
But I'm not very helpful.
I already know that!
One more thing.
Thank you, Momo.
Go for it, Dad!
Awesome, Dad!
Let's go home.
Dear Momo
There's something written on it?
"I'm proud of you.
Take care of your mom.
I'll always watch over you.
From Dad."
It's gone.
There's no mistake. That's Dad.
He's so straight to the point.
Hey, Momo.
What happened to your friends?
They went back home.
You scared?
I've got a feelin' I can jump today.
All right!
Thank you.
That was so cool!
You did great, Miyaura.
Now you're one of us island kids!
I'm impressed that you learned to jump so soon.
Sound of the wind moved my heart years later
My memory projects you in the faraway sky
When I find myself wandering along the path to the sea
Unchanging summer sunlight still shines upon me
Never-ending blue sky expanded above
When I expressed my feelings to the person forever in my heart
Let the passing clouds carry the song that connects our soul
The wind caressed my cheeks as seasons pass by
Wherever you are, my dear love, please kindly watch over me
The town shimmers under the heat
Surrounded by the sound of waves
Where is the fragment of my dream hiding?
Beautiful utopia, grant me this wish
I put my hands together and pray for everybody's happiness
Life binds eternal love
Never-ending blue sky expands above
I expressed my feelings to the person forever in my heart
With a smile on my face until the day we meet again
Beautiful utopia, forever my home town
I'll dream of the day
When we cross the rainbow bridge after the rain of tears
Let's walk together