Mon pire cauchemar (My Worst Nightmare) (2011)

Sir, your bag...
Yi, help this gentleman move
his bag up onto the rack.
Er, give this lady a hand.
Thank you, little boy, thank you.
Dad, should I move his legs up there too?
Take a seat... take a seat...
Let's go.
Thank you, thank you.
Boys, stay right here
and stay out of trouble!
Brother, I'm going to the toilet.
Stay out of trouble!
My chickens... my chickens...
My chickens...
Up there...
Here... here...
'Madam, don't worry,
I'll get them back for you.
Thank you.
Give me the stick.
In trouble again?
Dad! Look, chicken!
Dad, here you are!
Are we really moving
in with dad this time?
We packed all our clothes,
so I guess so.
That's great! Is it fun there?
Actually I don't remember that much.
I remember that there
were lots of people. Right?
That's 'cos it's a school.
Mom taught there, and I was born there.
How about me?
I don't remember.
What else do you remember?
I only remember that
mom's grave is there.
Hey, let's play paper frogs.
This is mine...
Watch me. One, two...
It's my turn. Watch me...
That doesn't count...
In a wushu school, you will learn wushu.
Here, what we value is not
just your fighting skills,
Luckily we weren't late,
otherwise we'd be punished too.
Even more, we value the determination
and passion to learn and improve.
So, discipline is of utmost importance.
Not being punctual, for example,
indicates a lack of will
power and determination.
It's you! I'm going to report you!
Where are they?
Move, you too.
And you!
You having fun?
See the two who are being punished?
The one in front is the older one.
Like father like son.
You still remember?
You were the only one being
punished... doing pressups.
In those days, there
were only a few students,
You couldn't fart without
the whole world knowing.
Now, amongst hundreds of students,
they still get caught... useless!
You owe me one!
Hi, have you eaten yet?
Why did you get me into trouble?
Pay me the frog...
Here it is, now it's worth a lot more.
Air-dried frog, it's a kind
of precious Chinese medicine!
That's funny...
There's a mouse?
There's a mouse! A mouse!
What do you call that move you just made?
My name is Yang Yauwu, I'm from Beijing.
My name is Zhang Deming,
you can call me Zhang.
My name is Li Yi, he's Li Er.
My name is Fong Fong.
Take it away...
Peiyi, they're both here now.
Zhang Ting said the younger
one looks just like you.
He even behaves like you...
asking everything about anything.
I can't help but love
him a little bit more.
The older one is more introverted,
like me. You needn't worry about them.
They've both got
potential in martial arts.
Now, that they are studying here,
they'll be able to visit you often.
Peiyi, I'm here too.
Wushu is a form of art.
It is not for attacking or hurting others.
The meaning of Wushu...
Wushu means the art of combat
To find the art form within combat
and combat within the art form,
to express personality and
emotions through movement.
They are your seniors
in the faculty of wushu.
He specializes in the sword,
and the other two
specialize in Chang Quan.
In wushu, winning or
losing has no meaning.
The four basic components of wushu are...
arial awareness,
balance and flexibility.
Additional credits are given for
creating new and difficult moves.
Do you have any question?
Mr. Li, how do you know who's the
winner when they're not fighting anyone?
Even though you're not fighting anyone,
those of you who chose wushu,
will also have chosen
your life's opponent...
Each time you compete, you must
better your last performance.
Fong, I've never seen you buy any snacks.
Don't you like snacks?
Should we feed it?
Move off...
What's happening?
I'm taking it away, dogs
are not allowed in the school.
Doggie, hurry up... hurry up...
Do you think he loves pets?
Yes, he looks like my uncle.
My uncle loves dogs.
He often cooks dog meat for us.
Do you think he is
going to cook the puppy?
No way!
Doggie, run... quick...
Doggie's gone...
You rascals! I'll report to your teacher.
And ask her to teach you a lesson!
It will look for food if it is hungry.
I miss him, I must find him.
Right, let's find him!
The grass is so tall, I can't see.
The doggie's over there.
Do you think it fell into the lake?
No way,
the lake's frozen.
It found this place.
Wow! How did he manage to jump inside?
What is this place?
It's the doggie's home.
This is the home of a
great martial arts master.
He created an invincible
style of fighting,
yet there was one move he
just couldn't figure out...
he didn't eat... he didn't even
drink coke... he kept thinking...
He sent a message by pigeon
to ask his master for help.
His master is really a woman,
the 'mistress of Tien-shan'.
So, this place is now...
This is the headquarters
of our league of justice.
Yes, to fight crimes, take from
the rich and give to the poor.
Yauwu, what should we call ourselves?
Jing Wu Men
No way, Bruce Lee started Jing Wu Men.
We're all learning martial arts,
and we'll be winning lots of gold medals.
Let's call it Jin Wu
Men, the Gold Medals Gang
Great, long live Jin Wu Men!
What are you doing?
I love eating, I thought
of being a cook once.
Why didn't you?
I preferred martial arts.
Dad, at school, what
did you specialize in?
Sanda (Chinese Kickboxing).
Why don't you teach sanda?
I want to choose sanda.
I didn't think it through
when I made my choice.
My classmates told me it was
not right, as I had a bad temper.
I didn't listen.
Once, in anger, I broke the
rules and hurt an opponent badly.
The headmaster wanted to expel me.
What happened?
Two classmates stood outside
his room for a whole day.
Begging him to forgive me.
When I returned, I changed to wushu.
Those two must have
been really good friends.
One of them was your mom.
How's the fire going?
We can't get it going.
And you? What are you
thinking of choosing?
I don't know the difference yet.
Sanda is like... lighting a
match, there must be friction.
And very quickly there is fire.
As for wushu, it's
more like stoking a fire.
You can't rush it, you must
have patience and give it space.
Next, to perform for us are
three students already chosen
for the provincial team tryouts.
Yang Yauwu.
Li Yi.
Li Er.
Fong Fong.
Zhang Deming.
Jin Wu Men!
When they first arrived they
were picked out to be punished.
Now, they've been picked
to represent the school.
Next to perform
- Fong Fong, Li Yi, Yang Yauwu.
Don't call me master here.
You were great just now!
You guys did well too.
Except the somersault
could have been higher
Got it? Yes, got it.
Okay, go now.
The next performer is Yuen Chung,
performing broad sword.
He's good!
Forward somersault followed by
back somersault, that's tough.
Yi has a rival on his hands.
The next performer is...
Le Er.
Han Wen
Have you ever fought Li Er?
We're not in the same class.
But have you ever fought him?
Don't be afraid... don't be afraid...
He's scared of you.
Why? I scared him
I told him not to be afraid of you!
The next performance is sanda.
Excellent! Good!
He's my junior.
Next up is Zhang Deming.
This is only a performance.
You don't need to be so fast.
I know you all care about me.
The next time I see him,
I'd know exactly how to win.
He only has one tactic...
He's fast!
Don't worry.
Who's Zhang Deming?
Don't forget your duel tonight.
Yes, I remember.
What duel?
A beauty, she said...
...if i fight down her
she would go on a date with me.
Kui, look who's here!
Mister Li.
Kuo Nan!
Mister Li.
It's been six years since we last met!
I came back to visit you
and, of course, my old school.
Good! You can see how my sons are doing,
whether they are up to your standards.
Yi and Er, come here.
Say hello to your senior, Kuo Nan.
These are my sons Brother Nan.
He's the only student chosen for the
provincial team for 3 consecutive years.
Yes, but it was your
father who trained me.
Brother Le, we did okay today.
We got two more.
We can make our delivery next week.
Zhang, which one is your 'beauty'?
Who is it?
I brought you your guy.
He's here.
I don't understand why you guys
do things that are pointless.
You'll be the fifth one that
I teach a lesson to this month.
Are you gonna fight or not?
Stop! Come and help him.
Don't worry.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Come on!
This ointment will take away
any swellings and bruises.
Tomorrow, I'll take you somewhere cool.
Let's go.
Better get some rest. Go!
Tom usually gets up at six in the morning
and goes to school by bus
He's very good.
Yes, he is our main rival.
The three of us each have
our own strong points,
but when it comes to
points for difficulty...
we're definitely below him.
My mother used to perform this move,
catch a spear from behind with
a 360 degrees aerial twist.
We can do a 720 degrees double twist,
but to catch the spear from behind...
Yauwu, didn't your Mister Li say...
that we must challenge ourselves?
Okay, give it to me.
Nan wants to invite you to dinner,
I told him we'd dine at your home...
make sure Yi and Er get home in time.
But that doesn't give me
much time, what should I cook?
He is only your student, anything will do.
He graduated years ago, you
still treat him as a kid.
Try again Okay
Isn't that your wife's move?
But he's adding a double twist...
Don't give up, again!
Go in.
Let's go.
Thank you for your help.
No problem, the safety of our
children is most important.
I'll make sure everyone is on alert.
Thank you.
Recently there have been a few
cases of missing children reported.
The police suspect that it's
done by a gang of kidnappers.
They've asked us to be on alert.
Yes, headmaster.
Ten years ago, we discovered this place.
You are the first guest to be invited.
Come in.
This is our secret hideaway.
Isn't it great?
These are the medals that our
gang, 'Jin Wumen', have won.
We are number one in martial arts.
This medal is Zhang's.
I hope that one day my medal
will also be hanging here.
Come on, they're here.
Come on.
This is Zhang's beauty,
you've met her before.
Don't call me that.
Hi, my name is Xiao Yee.
Thank you.
This ointment is really good.
See, the swelling's gone down.
I'm... l'm fully recovered!
So, where do you want
to have dinner tonight?
What dinner?
You gave me this ointment
and wrote on the letter that...
It's not mine, it's...
it's hers.
Er, didn't you you want
to go to the amusement park?
Let's go!
Okay, okay, let's go.
Look, there's a balloon.
Dad hit it, I want the little bear.
I can't reach it, it's so high.
Even if I jump, I
won't have the strength.
Sir, the design of this
game is impossible...
sir, you mustn't say that.
Theoretically it is possible.
Sure, it takes some skill.
Daddy, please... daddy...
I want that little bear.
Can I have a go?
Of course, but the rule is...
you can only stand on this spot.
Can I not use the stool?
As long as you stand within this area.
Little girl, move back a bit.
You're amazing.
Give me the bear.
Even girls can be heroes!
You are from...
We are students from the wushu school.
Here, little girl, this is for you.
Thank you.
Oh no, a kidnapper, chase him!
Take her, I'll block them.
Let me stop him.
Over there! Go!
Thank you.
A couple of kids ruined our plan.
They're students from the wushu school.
How many more do we need?
There's two here.
From the wushu school?
That may be trouble...
If dad asks what happened,
tell him you got hurt during practice.
Thank you, Miss Zhang...
you're still very good!
In fact, you seem faster than before.
No need to flatter me!
Miss Song was the fastest.
You used to choose her to practice with,
not me.
But the style of your
moves are almost identical.
Of course, we are from the same school.
Yaowu, what happened?
I just got hurt during practice.
Sure, come here, let me have a look.
What's going on?
What's going on?
Mister Li.
Dad. Dad.
Let me.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
What happened?
Nothing, he got hurt during practice.
Go back to your cooking.
Yi, Er, you two chat with Nan.
That's right, keep Nan company.
Yaowu, let me look at your hand.
Other than Mister Li and Miss Zhang,
your mother also taught me.
Whose was faster with the
spear, Miss Zhang or mom?
Between your mom, dad and Miss Zhang...
Actually, we were just looking
through some old photos.
The three of them were best friends.
In fact, the students used to
love debating two questions...
First, between Miss Zhang and
Miss Song whose spear was faster.
The second one was...
Between the two of them,
who would become Mrs. Li.
Well, you know the result of that.
My dad was almost expelled by the school,
two of his classmates pleaded for him.
One was my mom, was the
other one Miss Zhang?
That's correct.
But I heard that Miss Zhang's crying...
was even stronger than Miss Song.
Who was stronger than Miss Song?
She was the top student every year.
We were just saying that dad's
a better fighter than mom.
Keep talking.
All right.
Nan, isn't that you?
You were the champion, right?
I wasn't the champion, he was.
Every year he would be top student.
I was always just behind him.
So, is he in the national team now?
Those who practice martial arts must
be able to control thier emotions.
But he believed that winning
was the only thing that mattered
To win, he didn't care if
he injured his opponents.
Once, during a competition,
he badly injured an opponent
and was expelled from school.
What did he do after that?
I haven't heard from him since.
If you learn Wushu and you're good,
you'll be recruited by professional
teams or sports universities.
Otherwise, you join the police
or become a bodyguard.
Myself, I'm now a stunt
coordinator for films.
I came here with a film crew.
If you have time, come
and visit me on the set.
Can we come tomorrow?
No problem, tell the crew member
that you're looking for me.
The food is ready now.
Let me help you to set the table.
Change it after the meal, okay?
I'll have to change it sooner or later.
Up... More
Excuse me.
Where is he?
Forget the wire, take it.
So cool!
Look, he's the stunt
coordinator of this film.
He told me that...
In his work he can really
use what he learnt at school.
That means any of us
can be the next Jet Li.
We've learnt martial
arts for ten years, right?
Stop dreaming!
All departments, ready.
Stunt team ready?
Stand by Roll camera
Nan, Nan, are you okay?
I'm fine.
What's the matter, don't
you trust my years of training?
I'm not scared, I'm a martial artist!
Pig Head.
This job is my choice.
Years ago, a film company was
scouting for talent at the school.
I was so proud to be chosen.
Nan, if we want to
join the film industry...
Well, the company is
recruiting at the moment.
If you are interested,
come for an audition.
Where is the next shot?
Shing, go set the wire.
You guys hang out, I'll
come get you when we wrap.
Don't touch the props.
Nan, take care.
Kuo Nan.
You are...
He Le.
It's you! What are you doing here?
After studying together all those years,
we just lost contact! So
you became a businessman.
Since this film company
is giving me a chance
I don't want to let it go.
Can you help me?
Come on!
In school, you were
always better than I was.
So what? I still got expelled.
We were both young at that time.
Forget it, let's not talk about that.
I haven't heard of the
director or film company
that you just mentioned.
As for a pair of twins,
I think there are a
pair at the wushu school.
Really? That's great.
Can you contact them for me?
I worry that... well
considering what happened...
I'll do it for you. Is it urgent?
Yes, very urgent.
Okay, I'll go tomorrow.
Come on, enough talking, let's drink!
Come on! I'm really tired.
Dad, you should be quicker next time
Are you sure you still
want to do that move?
How is it coming along?
I haven't succeeded yet.
Have you thought of doing another move?
Fine, so, continue.
If you don't succeed
tomorrow, try again next year.
Dad, is there anything to eat?
Let me cook you some noodles, okay?
Great, dad, make it a big bowl.
Okay. Put some cucumber.
I don't think dad
wants me to do that move.
But if you can do it, you'll
get the gold medal for sure.
But if I lose, I am afraid
that Dad would get angry.
If he does get angry,
then I'll tell him that...
we both witnessed him
throwing his spear, and dropping it.
He picked it up, threw it again
and dropped it again, and again and again.
He can't even do it himself. That
would stop him from telling us off.
Where are our competition outfits?
Here come the noodles.
Here are your outfits.
Hang them up. I'll go cook the noodles.
Yi, your outfit.
We are at the most important
part of today's competition.
The four semi-final contestants will
draw to determine their opponent.
The two winners will compete in the finals
to decide who will represent the school
to compete for a place
in the provincial team.
Good. The first fight
will begin immediately.
How could you have picked each other?
What are we going to do?
How did I end up picking Zhang?
How could I have picked you?
There is only one explanation...
Think about it, even
if I picked Han and won
and Er fights Thomas and wins as well.
In the end, I would
still have to fight Er.
On the other hand, if
I had picked Thomas...
The green team competition begins now.
I would have been the one on the floor!
And if I got thrown off the stage twice,
I would have been eliminated.
Er, listen to me.
Normally I'm always listen to you, right?
Good, in the finals, you fight Thomas.
Then Jin Wu Men still has a chance to win.
Red team get ready.
Do you really want to see me
kicked off the stage by Thomas?
Fight me!
Go on.
Zhang, I...
It's okay.
Go for it!
What are you two doing here?
How did the competition go for you?
As fate has it,
I picked Li Er in the draw.
It's okay, you can try again next year.
This is my destiny chosen by fate.
I have my own plans.
Where is Yi?
He was here just now.
Come here, I have a secret to show you.
What secret?
When Thomas was fighting Han...
I recorded everything for you. Look...
Relax, Fong got in the
finals with the highest score.
Nan, I got into the finals!
Nan, I didn't get into the finals!
So we're going to be
working together now.
Nan, do you need anyone for your film?
Sure, let me have a think...
Thanks, Nan.
There's a film crew looking for
twins that can do martial arts.
Big Ox, Little Ox, come over here.
Nan needs two kids who
are good at martial arts,
can you do it?
What do you think?
Great, we'll go tomorrow. Okay.
Nan, I want to go too.
What are you up to?
I just want to have a look.
I have to go now. Congratulations.
See you tomorrow. See you.
The school tryouts for the
Provincial team starts now.
The next contestant is Yang Yaowu.
He will be competing
in the sword category.
The headmaster wants to see you!
He scored the highest marks!
He's great!
You are in the finals! Congratulations!
Napoleon finally meets his Waterloo.
I think, the three of us are like
the 3 generals for the 3 kingdoms.
All the best.
The next contestant is Yuen Chung,
he is competing in the staff category
The last contestant is Li Yi.
He is competing in the spear category.
Don't worry,
the top five all get into the finals.
That's not the problem
You're still determined to do that move?
Have you ever thought
of choosing another move?
Dad, I am sorry.
I just want to perform mom's move well.
It's okay, you've
still got into the finals.
The score here won't
be counted in the finals.
I'm sorry.
Li Yi
Keep it.
What's this?
Come on, you got into the finals anyway.
Where is Fong?
Where is Fong?
She was summoned by the headmaster.
This happens to old folk.
Just remember your mother
needs to rest and not work.
Don't worry.
We're all looking for
you, what's happened?
Nothing, just something happened at home.
Tell me and maybe we can help you.
It's okay. I'll see you tonight.
Don't worry
I will be there soon.
Go back, you don't need
to see me to the door.
I don't want to start any gossip.
Yee, I need to talk to you.
Something's happened at
home and I need to talk.
Considering what happened
my family can't pay
my school fees anymore.
In fact, I should try to
earn some money to help them.
I want to go to the audition with Zhang.
With my skills, I should be
able to get some stunt work.
I think I can make it.
Fong, you looking for Yi?
Yi, Fong is here for you.
Fong, you want to join us for dinner?
I need to talk to you.
Dad, don't wait for
me, have dinner first.
Let's go.
I thought we would go to a
sports university together.
Yes, but I didn't
know what options I had.
Isn't there another way?
My family has financial problems,
I don't want to add to it.
Remember what Miss Zhang
said when we were young?
Actually, God is fair to all of us.
You'll all have to make
choices in your life.
The most important thing is
how you make those choices
One day, as you grow older
you'll truly understand yourself.
That's the day you'll
know how to choose.
I thought that once I grew up
I'd know how to make the right choice.
But in reality
the choices are limited.
They are here for you.
They're there.
So, you want to be a stuntman?
Well, I think I
shouldn't waste my talent.
I... This is Yee, this is Fong.
Hello Nan.
They all want to...
Nan, don't underestimate Fong...
she's in the school team...
...and she's in the finals
for the provincial team tryout.
Something's happened in her family
so she really needs the job.
Calm down, speak slowly.
I saw her perform on open day.
I can tell she's worked hard.
We happen to be looking for
a double for the lead actress.
I'll ask my assistant to
organize an audition for you.
Thank you.
Yes, Nan?
Take them to Ah De
and arrange an audition
- for this girl, Fong.
- Okay.
Okay, go inside now.
Thank you.
See you.
This looks better
You can wait here. You come with me.
Good luck!
De, this girl's recommended
by Nan, her name is Fong.
Please wait here.
Excuse me
You can start now.
De, I just can't do it.
This is the stunt double
that Nan recommended.
Why don't we give her a try?
So you're Nan's friend?
De, I am sorry.
Never mind, try again another time.
Go over there and wait
until I tell you to start.
Try your best and relax.
Fong, you can start now.
Not bad!
Our film needs talent like that.
Wah, prepare a contract for her.
Come here.
Thank you. When do I start working?
The crew will leave
for Dunhuang next week.
How long will she stay there?
Around 4 months.
But she has to apply for
the Sports University.
Is there a problem?
No, no problem.
You two must listen to Nan, got it?
After the audition
- I'll bring them back.
- Okay.
Here comes Er.
The guy doing the audition was
also a student at your school.
In fact he was one of your
father's merit students.
Remember when we looked
through those old photographes?
You asked me who he was.
I want to go with you.
Yaowu, you come with us too.
I haven't got as much
time as you to spare.
Nan, I'll pick them up this evening.
See you. Bye.
Let's go.
Le, you're on time
Will these kids do?
Get in...
This is Li Er, he's a
student at the school too.
He just wants to tag a long, okay?
Sure! Welcome.
Let's go
Director, we are on the way now.
Is everything alright?
It's good, and I'm bringing
you one more wushu expert.
One more? What happened?
He is a student from my old
school, he just wants to hang out.
Maybe you can find something
for him in the film.
Coming from the wushu
school, he must be good.
That's it.
One more guest will be coming
Be on alert.
This is the director.
This is my old classmate.
The famous fight choreographer, Kuo Nan.
How do you do?
Nice to meet you.
Aren't you a top student
at the martial arts school?
Now, I'll give you... and
him one more chance.
After 30 seconds if you
can't remain standing,
you can imagine...
that hammer...
cracking open his head.
Ten seconds.
Twenty seconds.
Thirty seconds.
I am still standing.
Nan, you've got an amazing friend.
Let him go.
But just for now.
Mister Li, is Li Er here?
It's very early, what's up?
Er and I took the twins to
meet Nan for an audition.
But the twins haven't come back yet.
What are you talking about?
Are you sure it's him?
I didn't see him, but Nan said,
It was this He Le who asked him
to take the twins to the audition.
Let me ask around.
What happened yesterday?
He's involved with that stuff now?
Do you know where he is now?
All right. Thank you.
Mister Li, is something wrong?
Should we call the police?
Not yet, we don't even
know if anything is wrong.
But now I know where they are.
Let's go then.
This guy now runs
underground boxing matches.
My guess is for the past ten
years his life has been shady.
I'll going inside, you
two wait for me here.
I'll be fine, just stay put
Hello, is the manager here?
Sir, who are you looking for?
He Le, he's an old friend.
I think you've made a mistake,
we don't have a He Le here.
I'm sorry, my friend
must've made a mistake.
I'm sorry to have bothered you
Mister Li...
Mister Li, it's been a long time!
He Le, it's been ten years.
Right, and my name is
now He Ping not He Le
Mister Li, this way please.
This was the van they left in yesterday.
The twins are down there.
How about my brother?
The school has certainly
grown considerably.
And you're a famous teacher
with many star pupils.
We all choose our own paths.
You seem to be doing well.
You are a boss now and
I am still a teacher.
If I didn't leave the school,
I may not have taken this road.
Not everyone gets to
make their own choices.
Come and give us a hand.
Down there.
Remember Kuo Nan? I heard
that he's back in town.
Kuo Nan, I remember him.
Did he visit you?
But you two were good friends,
you're bound to meet up.
If so, ask him to visit me.
And you should come as well.
Sure, if I see him, I'll grab him...
and pay you a visit.
That's great.
I have to go now.
I won't see you to the door.
Dad, Er is tied up over there.
He Le, what's wrong with you?
Where is your conscience?
You've stooped so low
as to kidnapping children?
You're old, even your legs are shorter.
Don't come over. Rescue the others.
Dad and I are here to rescue you.
Where's dad?
Where is Nan?
He's unconscious.
When was the last time we
saw you sitting so quietly?
Yi, look, dad's sitting
quietly like a child now.
Right, he's like a child now.
Are you happy to see me like this?
How else can we make you slow down?
Just take it as a holiday.
You think I can have a holiday?
Who will look after them?
Sit down.
Mister Li.
Miss Zhang.
You're too kind, you
didn't need to bring a gift?
Mister Li, are you feeling better?
I'm fine, thank you.
Do you want me to do a
somersault to prove it?
Fong, look at dad, doesn't
he remind you of a young child?
It time for them to start
making their own choices.
You should give them some space.
Auntie Zhang,
Thank you.
What are you looking at?
We don't know how to look
after dad like Auntie Zhang does.
Yeah, that's true, why
don't you move in with us?
Don't be ridiculous!
A hundred push ups.
You two as well.
Go on, you have to listen
to what Auntie Zhang says
Otherwise, if she moves in,
you're going to upset her.
I can't do as much any more.
So from now on, her words are my words.
Yaowu, we're here to see you.
Yaowu, my savior!
I brought you some soup.
Well, what did the doctor say?
It's okay, just a
fracture, nothing serious.
But I'll have to hobble
around for at least 3 months.
He Le should count his lucky stars,
if I was there, I would
have kicked him in the face!
That guy, he is a great fighter.
None of us are his match,
but he chose the wrong path.
Yi, the finals are tomorrow.
Jin Wu Men's counting
on you to beat Yuen Chung.
Thanks! In order to save me...
you lost your place in the finals.
It doesn't matter.
After seeing someone like
He Le take such a wrong turn,
it made me understand that
you choose your own fate.
I used to think that because
I did not care about winning,
that I was not ambitious.
But now I understand what
Mister Li meant when he said...
In wushu, the only person you
have to defeat is yourself.
The road I will take is to do
my best to teach these kids.
Not just the techniques of
wushu, but also its ethics.
Don't laugh, one day we'll
see which of us is better.
We need to know who is the
master of Jin Wu Men, right?
I think you're better than my brother.
I second that.
Fong, what's up with you?
Don't worry
Yi may not lose tomorrow.
She signed a contract
with the film company.
Tomorrow she...
won't be competing.
Little Ox.
I'll be fine using my walking stick.
See you at the hideaway tonight.
Tomorrow, will be the most
important competition for Jin Wu Men.
Although not all of us
will be competing tomorrow,
our hearts will still be there as one.
Jin Wu Men...
The sun shines in the sky,
the flowers smile at me
the birds say 'good morning,
why do you carry a bag on your back.
Every day I must go to
school and not be late
I love to learn, I love to work
When I grow up I will
serve my people well.
Black has fallen out of the ring once.
Red has fallen out of the ring once.
Black has fallen out of
the ring twice, Red wins.
You won!
Stop, stop...
Fong is there.
Fong, I defeated Thomas, I won!
I saw it, I've been here for a while now.
I came looking for you guys.
You guys coming to watch me compete?
I'm here to ask you to
watch me in the finals.
I thought you weren't going to compete.
I thought I wasn't going to either
but in the end I realised...
that I can't just throw away my past.
Being an actor really isn't me.
I still hope to get
into a sports university.
Your father's right.
One must choose their own road themselves.
The men's final for the provincial
team tryouts will begin soon.
All contestants please get ready.
The next contestant is Li Yi.
In order to win...
he has to score full
points in this competition.
Yi, look what I've brought you.
Mr. Yang said that if we
find this place before noon,
we can take over Jin Wu Men.
To fight crime
take from the rich and give to the poor
Sit down.
Today, Mr. Yang asked you to come here...
because you are the
best students in school.
So you are picked to be the
successors of Jin Wu Men.
This is the story, ten years
ago, 5 super heroes came here.
Their master was an invincible heroine.
Some time later, another girl came.
She was very good at fighting.
But among them, two boys
were the most powerful.
Yet between them, who
was the best in the world?
No one knew.
Because they had never fought each other.
Today is the day they agreed
ten years ago to fight a duel.
Successors, who will be the true master?
Who is the true master of Jin Wu Men?
Whoever gets this plaque
will be the true master.
Like all stories,
The end of Jin Wu Men's story
is just the beginning.
No one knows who the
final winner really is.
Just like what all of those
who practice wushu say,
In wushu
winning or losing is meaningless.
In the end, the only person
you need to defeat is yourself.