Mon roi (2015)

What brings you to the center?
Complete tear of the anterior
cruciate ligaments in my right leg.
That must hurt.
Yes, it hurts.
Can you talk me through your accident?
l was going downhill, too fast I guess.
My skis got tangled and...
I went flying.
Why did you fall that particular day?
I don't know.
Most likely,
I was going too fast and l...
My skis got tangled...
Why did your skis get tangled?
Sometimes we lose sight of things.
We don't know where we're going,
we're running, we're rushing,
we're looking ahead, never behind.
We trip and fall.
we can't get back on our feet.
Say "my knee," will you?
"My knee."
What if I'd said shoulder?
- What then?
- It doesn't work every time.
But I'll read you something
and you tell me what you think.
"The knee
signifies the capacity to let go,
"give way
"or even retreat,
"since it is a joint
that allows only backward flexion.
"Pain in the knee
"suggests that one has difficulty
"accepting an event in one's life,
"and healing proceeds
along the same psychological path."
It may be pop psychology,
but think it over
and come back to talk again.
What happened?
Recognize me?
- Can't you go eat together?
- No, not without you.
We need you to defend us.
You look like death warmed over.
Who'd hassle you at this time?
Dream on!
Who'd hit on two zombies
coming out of a club?
I'm going to bed.
I did recognize you earlier.
Just not right away.
Tony, we're gone.
Now it's all coming back.
Your name's Tony.
- I knew it was a man's name.
- Where'd we meet?
Faces before names.
You remember me?
You remembered my face.
Earlier, you rock up
and flick water in my face.
- You don't remember my face.
- I do.
Love you, Tony.
How about breakfast?
Let's go have breakfast.
Look me in the eye and say no.
- See?
- Wait a second, I can do it.
- Wait for what?
- I'll do it.
Go on.
2, 3, you lose!
Come on, breakfast!
No, come on, please!
Check out the mural.
So, we have a foosball table.
Overgrown teen.
Out of tune.
Nice place you have here.
Check out the rest if you want.
I won't be long.
Can I just say...
Rich or poor, your feet still stink.
A hint of truffle in hot chocolate.
You don't shave it, just grate it.
It's not cheese, it's a truffle.
The simplest things are the best.
What do you do?
make food.
You're a cook?
Not anymore. I own a restaurant.
- You did business or culinary school?
- Neither.
I realized I enjoyed
making people happy.
If it's partly down to me,
feel like I serve a purpose.
What about you guys?
sell clothes.
That I choose.
A bit like you,
I enjoy making people happy.
Giving them style, allure, personality.
My thing in life
is making myself happy.
So, I do nothing.
That's when I'm happiest.
And you, Tony?
I'm a lawyer.
You don't run with intellectuals?
It's not that, it's...
- Criminal lawyer?
- Sure.
Criminal law?
- Not only, but some.
- Foosball time.
- You're sick of me talking shop.
- I'm interested.
Make an effort or else it's boring.
If it makes you happy.
So, where did we meet?
We met at
Le Pulp.
- The club?
- Long ago.
l tended bar when l was a student.
And I think
you were a solid regular.
Hanging around the bar,
dipping your hand in ice buckets
and doing that...
To the girls.
As if to say, you...
You're going to bed with me.
It worked?
Pretty good, yeah.
So you imitated me.
I thought you'd remember
that we met back then.
- But you didn't.
- Not at all, but it worked. Look...
- What?
- What you wanted.
- Breakfast with you is what I wanted?
- Sure.
No, I wanted...
See you.
See you...
Very soon, I hope.
Can I give you my mobile?
If you want.
The code
is 1-7-7-6.
He's fantastic.
Yeah, fantastic.
I love him.
You want my mobile?
How come it works for those guys?
And with me, never!
When you throw her your phone,
she's like...
And you're like...
That's so not true!
Prop your knee back on here.
You want to finish up on your own?
Here, take the shower.
I'm in the next room, okay?
Sit down.
You okay?
Good, and you?
Not bad at all.
- Your mobile.
- Thank you.
You didn't miss it?
You didn't miss me?
What's this?
The list of people who called.
Can I get an espresso?
No, sorry, don't.
- We don't have time.
- How come?
I want you to see something, like now.
My dear friends,
we can be fearless
before God.
Whatever we ask,
we shall receive from Him...
Recognize me?
Take a seat.
see that everybody's here.
lf everybody's in position,
we can go on.
If you'd all please stand...
Marie, before God and your witnesses,
invite you to take your vows.
Do you take as your husband, Slim,
to love and to hold
till death do you part?
I do.
And you, Slim,
do you take Marie
as your wife,
to love and to hold
till death do you part?
I do.
You don't put it on!
- Done.
- The kiss!
now pronounce you husband and wife.
What is it?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
Tell me what's wrong.
You didn't feel that l was...
Too what?
Too open.
Too open?
What are you talking about?
Too open where?
Too open inside.
Your pussy?
Not at all.
It was wonderful.
It was perfect, I promise you.
Why'd you say that?
That's why you're crying?
What's wrong?
Somebody told you that?
Who told you that?
Tell me. I'll punch his lights out.
Who said that?
Who's the idiot who told you that?
Only a guy with a small dick
says that, babe.
Your pussy is...
It's like a mouth.
Without teeth.
Just ideal.
A pussy like an old lady's mouth.
- No, seriously.
- Who told you that?
Tell me, which asshole said that?
My ex-husband.
Before he left?
As grounds for...
Your pussy's like that, ciao.
I gotta go, I found a chick
with one like that.
- Cool guy.
- Exactly.
You married a great guy.
You've gotta stop
meeting jerks, you know.
You're not a jerk, are you?
Huge hesitation.
I'm not a jerk, l'm...
the king of jerks.
Get it?
I thought as much.
I'm the captain,
send them along...
I love you.
You can't love me so soon.
Can't I?
What time is it?
I'll wait ten minutes.
I'm not asking for that much.
We'll just rotate your leg a little.
You can't extend it further?
That's as far as it goes?
We'll make do with that.
Hold still.
Here we go. Stay very still.
The knee's swollen again.
There we are, 60.
Rmi has some work to do.
First to get the swelling down.
Then to recover mobility.
What's up?
- l was passing by.
- You said not to expect you.
- Hey there!
- Hello.
Show the lady...
to table 4.
Fire me up another king prawns, please.
For table 8.
We'll take good care of you.
Remember me?
Sure, at the wedding.
And the nightclub.
You smoke?
There's a smoke shop opposite.
You stole my man.
You could at least
buy me a pack of cigarettes.
- What are you doing?
- Chatting.
You need sugar?
On the bar.
see. I'm not welcome.
Well spotted.
Excuse me. Do your thing.
Who is that girl?
But to you?
We were together five years,
broke up three years ago.
She's a bit strange.
She's not well, on antidepressants.
I've become a kind of brother.
Or mother, I don't know.
She sensed someone new in my life
and she came to stir shit.
It's the first time there's someone new
since you broke up?
What's that mean?
You don't meet someone new
every five minutes.
Or I don't.
You, maybe.
On a lighter note,
the chef has prepared for you, miss,
king prawns
roasted in armagnac, Catalan style.
Sound good?
That pot, there.
Gentlemen, you're done. Finished.
- Nearly done.
- No, you're done.
Thank you.
- Enjoy your evening.
- You too.
I want this place tidy!
- Fast.
- What are you doing?
I'd like you to meet
the love of my life!
Welcome to my humble dispensary, miss.
As far as your eye can see,
take whatever you want.
- It's yours.
- Is this yours?
- No, all yours.
- All mine?
Joseph and I
make it our gift to you.
Help yourself.
To creams, to toothbrushes.
To venom pumps!
I'll add it all to his tab.
As usual.
Some Xanax.
Please. Two boxes.
For you? You're on that?
'Course not!
Why do you take that?
Tell me, what about Viagra?
Yes, Viagra.
We have some, naturally.
- I'd like to try.
- Cut it Out.
You want some fun?
- Dangerous for the heart?
- No.
No risks? The liver?
No problem.
- I'll take one box.
- You don't need it.
- How long's it last?
- 12 hours.
12 hours!
- You're getting it?
- I want to try.
- I hear it's...
- Totally. lt's radical.
Puts a spring in your step.
Out in the street, oh, sorry.
You hear about the new one?
It's called Viazac.
A combo of Viagra and Prozac.
You can't get it up,
but you don't care.
For now, just Viagra.
You dated her?
I didn't date her. I met her once...
Georgio, you can tell me.
Yes, I slept with her!
But I can't remember her name.
That has to tell you something.
I don't get it.
Besides me, or before me,
you only dated models?
You dated normal girls?
What's normal?
A girl like me. A normal girl.
You think you're normal?
- Sure I am.
- You're not at all normal.
I am. You know what I mean.
Look, l was young, l was stupid.
I wanted to date beautiful women
to feel good about myself.
Some folks, it's cars.
Me, it was models.
That's all, it's no...
It's pretty shallow.
- I prefer a girl like you.
- Yeah, I bet.
To a whole harem of them.
- Really?
- Yes.
Are you comfortable there? Need a hand?
I'll bring you the menu.
- What are you doing?
- lroning.
What's going on?
I need to relax.
I'm on edge, can't sleep.
Anything wrong?
I want a baby from you.
Don't laugh when I say that.
Don't laugh!
I want a baby from you, seriously.
I want a little guy or girl,
whatever comes along.
With your face, your eyes.
With your crappy moods.
Let's discuss it tomorrow.
- It's not an urge, it's a need.
- It is an urge.
I never wanted one.
It meant nothing to me.
Now, I'm ready.
We'll see
if you're still ready tomorrow.
You're out of your mind!
- You're not laughing now.
- You madman!
You're gonna make me a baby?
Make me a baby!
Come to bed.
You go. I'll do some shirts.
No, come to bed with me.
Come on.
- Sure you'll sleep?
- I think so, yes.
- You think so?
- Yes, with Iron Man.
Oh yeah?
- Okay, sure.
- Sure what?
- Hand back my shorts.
- Okay.
On the subject,
"Must You Ruin Everything?"
the next speaker is Ms. Tony Jezequel
for the opposition.
Hypocritical Secretaries,
friends and brothers,
must you ruin everything?
As if the world were new?
As if it were the rst morning?
As if it were still dawn ?
Can he still catch up?
Let me get into the horse's head.
The truth, honorable Secretaries,
is that what has already been ruined,
our founding disillusion,
is our freedom.
We won!
You must have nothing to lose
to love heart and soul.
You must eclipse the giddiest heights
to dare to plunge headlong.
You must endure the fall of empires
and the greatest storms
to be together in that moment.
You must have lived,
you must have lost,
o i/er and again,
to triumph with you.
Love is nothing
when its new, clean and pure.
Love before the storm
is not a decision.
Its a decree.
When the event,
accident or opportunity occurs,
be there.
Find the word, action or look.
Yes, my love,
in that moment,
rely on me.
I won't go missing.
At that minute,
I'll be there.
And so,
I predict,
we shall be the winners.
All is lost, for nothing is won.
Where are you?
My love,
a mouth, a second, a touch.
I'll be there.
I saw your aside to Georgio.
Where are you?
Was I so ridiculous?
Not ridiculous, theatrical.
Listen. It wasn't ridiculous,
it was super moving.
I felt I was seeing
a part of you for the first time.
It was magnificent, beautiful even.
- I had you in tears too?
- Quit poking fun at her!
It's beautiful, she gave of herself.
She took a risk in life!
Your caviar.
With an egg?
Maybe with the beluga.
The beluga!
This is the best caviar
or there's better?
Best doesn't mean anything in caviar.
It's the size of the eggs
that makes the difference.
Fact is,
caviar comes from saltwater sturgeon...
Not only.
- They're freshwater fish?
- They're both.
Wanna bet?
Sir, we need your expertise.
Okay, tell me...
Sturgeons live in the sea, right?
Actually, in both habitats.
Salt water and fresh water.
You big fat tart.
You take his money?
Of course. I won it.
It's a game, Solal.
Are you not feeling well?
Fat tart's cute, like sweettart.
No, it means what it says.
Big fat whore.
I'm not smart enough
to understand the difference.
Chug that caviar!
I didn't say that.
just said your style's medieval.
I'd love to be someone's big fat tart.
Don't come crying to us.
C'mon, you play sex games
with your wife or...
- I doubt it.
- Sure they do.
She coats my...
hair with sunflower oil.
She's not my fat tart.
What's that ring?
A gift from Babeth.
What's written on it?
I had it engraved
with a sublime letter he wrote me.
- The whole letter? The full text?
- Yes.
Babeth and l are going...
Up the aisle?
Not going up the aisle,
rolling in the aisles!
- Let's look together.
- No, I'm looking!
We look together.
It says you're pregnant?
How many lines?
Two lines.
- You're pregnant?
- I'm pregnant?
I'm pregnant.
I'm pregnant!
Thank you, you're pregnant.
You're pleased?
You okay?
Are you okay?
I can feel my ribcage
How old is it now?
Maybe one month.
One month old?
Hold on, it's this big.
A marble.
I never said I wasn't happy with Daddy.
We were very happy, your dad and me,
we had a lot of fun.
We did crazy things.
But, at some point,
it all stopped being fun.
Yes, grownups are complicated.
That's why I tell you to enjoy it.
Make the most of your childhood.
Later, it starts getting complicated.
Okay, in that case,
hang up like Daddy said
and we'll talk tomorrow.
I love you.
Georgio Milevski,
do you take
as your lawful wedded wife
Marie-Antoinette Jezequel?
I do.
Marie-Antoinette Jezequel,
do you take
as your lawful wedded husband
Georgio Milevski?
I don't.
I do.
I hear you came without rings.
- Us?
- You're the bride and groom.
We didn't want any.
l pronounce you
husband and wife.
What were Georgio and Tony
doing on top of the cake?
Naughty newlyweds!
To the happy couple!
I'd love some salami.
Does Georgio Milevski,
to whom I give my sister...
I'd like to know, how come no rings?
We don't need rings, this is the future.
It's called
consumm-eating your marriage!
Tony! Cut the damn thing.
Agnes, dammit!
Holy shit!
Sir, leave this to us.
We have the tablets here.
Miss, if you hear me, squeeze my hand.
- Fuck!
- I told you to keep an eye on her.
She's breathing?
- Is she breathing?
- Just a second, sir.
Watch out, the knife.
Okay, she's breathing.
She's breathing.
Ready? Lift!
- Where'll you take her?
- Cochin.
No, the American Hospital.
I know a guy there.
You're family? A friend?
A friend.
Do you know
if she's on antidepressants or anything?
Abilify, 5 mg. Three times a day.
- l'll pack a bag for her.
- Please.
- Her doctor prescribed it?
- Dr. Mnes.
Various narcotics, happy pills.
- Such as?
- Cocaine, MDMA, ecstasy.
I'm okay.
You know why she did it?
Do you?
I told her you were pregnant.
So the baby is head down,
which is favorable.
Can you put the heart on again?
It won't be long now. Here it comes.
Abdomen, a limb, brain...
Everything's fine. Nothing to report.
Everything's just fine.
He's a little bit emotional because...
That's a good thing. It's good.
Shimon Peres.
The first ever ultrasound
by Shimon Peres.
- You know, don't you?
- Yes.
We don't want to know. No telling, okay?
Big nose...
Say it.
With your head. Nod yes or...
- Was that a wink?
- You don't want to hear.
Don't say it.
Mime it.
Don't tell me if you know.
At any rate, he's...
It's very beautiful.
Our baby.
Can we circumcise immediately?
Who knows
if there's anything to circumcise?
- What makes you think it's a boy?
- I don't know. He said he.
He said it. The baby.
That's it, baby.
No, I think it's wonderful. Very good.
She's awake?
Is she conscious?
What's the doctor say?
What does the doctor say?
Has she eaten anything?
No, you go.
Call me after.
So it's just a matter of options.
And design.
The color's not an issue.
Wheels, rocking or standard.
Like she said...
Which do you prefer?
If it's too deep, you hurt your back.
The height's adjustable.
Look, honestly...
I don't care. Get whichever you want.
Seriously, wheels, rocking...
Right, that one.
There you go.
What about...
You're awake?
Give me a second, I'll call you back.
Get the one you want.
You choose.
I'll be on the phone.
lt's Agnes.
You took your pills?
Why? What's wrong?
Sleep. I'll be back.
Just practice flexing it.
Go as far as you can without pain.
If it hurts,
you let it straighten up again.
I'm here for six weeks, all in all.
But I'll go mad cooped up here.
When I leave here,
you think I'll be walking?
You're nuts.
You'll never walk in 5 weeks.
She will.
Cruciate rehab?
6 months to 4 years.
If she's lucky, Nabil.
It's at least 2 years. Seriously.
- The doctors are bullshitting me?
- They're kidding you!
She's no athlete,
she's not 20 anymore.
Hold on, I'm not saying you're old.
Straight up, it's true about your knee.
The minimum?
To walk as if nothing had ever happened?
Now that's...
That'd be freaky.
Man overboard!
Know who I had dinner with yesterday?
Your father.
He calls me every Sunday.
To see how I'm doing. If I'm holding up.
He always said he likes you a lot.
We like each other a lot.
He'd really like
to see you more often.
I take note.
I'll do all I can
to rectify the situation,
which I would rather
not have neglected in recent months.
You mean me or him?
In this instance, my father.
It's becoming a habit.
To have to rectify situations
neglected for months and months.
Where are you?
It's okay, I give up.
I give up looking after her.
No more.
Hear me?
I had to look after her one last time.
Now, no more.
Tony, please.
Listen to me.
l have a right to your attention.
No, your credit's run out. It's over.
Finished. I'm leaving you.
You can't leave me like this.
- Just because I'm a bit late.
- Just because you're late?
- You're shitting me?
- No.
You don't think I'm leaving you
because you're late? Seriously?
I think
you're deciding this tonight...
Or decided tonight...
l'm deciding tonight
after it's escalated
for many long weeks and months.
And l was very patient.
I won't look after her anymore.
It's too late.
I don't give a damn about her.
I couldn't leave the girl to croak.
Get it?
Don't go.
Stop, please.
You have to eat something.
Look on the bright side.
Right now...
you're sad.
But, and there is a but,
you're better off alone.
It's like in the Leo Ferr song.
"As time goes, everything goes.
"The lost years have left you gray.
"You're alone but...
"At peace!"
l was upset, I'm sorry.
I got that.
And I apologize.
Thanks, but it makes no difference.
To what?
l have to look after her.
So last night
when you said you'd stop,
it was just to calm me down?
Last night l'd no idea
you could treat me like shit.
- l was upset. I apologize.
- You're often upset.
l have to look after her.
You don't have to look after her.
I understand, she's in a bad way.
It's horrible.
But I don't see
why you have to look after her.
She'll go to a facility
where they'll look after her.
Subject closed.
The subject is closed.
l have to look after her.
And nothing will stop me.
Is that clear?
I cry for no reason, I...
I can't sleep anymore.
I lose my temper easily.
I'm scared the baby will feel it.
I want him to feel
his mom's in a good place.
I mean, happy, calm...
In that case,
from your description
of these moods' duration and intensity,
I think it's...
It's preferable
that I should intervene medically,
with solutions
that involve medication, of course,
to allow you to feel better.
We're talking medication
that's absolutely harmless for the child.
What do you think?
I don't know.
How about we try it?
For a pregnant woman
to have these ups and downs
in her behavior,
is that the baby blues?
No, that comes after the birth.
There's more afterwards?
Baby blues is a depression
that occurs after the birth.
That'll be fun.
- Can I see you a moment?
- Of course.
Be right there.
I love you. I want this child.
But 24/7 with you is beyond me.
So I've found a little place,
just there, right there,
maybe three doors down,
on the same block.
No need to cross the street even.
I'll take some underwear
and a toothbrush,
for when I've no time to come by.
I'll be here all the time.
But when I need space or we fight,
when we get in each other's faces...
The doctor says it's a good idea.
That it's pointless
creating stress for no reason.
When are you leaving?
I think the landlord can give me the keys
early next week.
It'll be better.
For you, me and most of all the baby.
We'll only have
the good times together.
We'll be happy to see each other,
we'll laugh. We've lost that.
You okay?
No, not okay.
This is it.
Basically, it's an office,
with a bedroom back there.
Look, check it out.
For if you ever
sleep over with the baby.
Or if you're at the office
stay here to work,
I look after the baby.
There you go.
For me to stay here
it had to be offices,
and I met a guy
who's got a lot of talent
and wanted
to go into business with him...
Not bad, huh?
A kitchenette over there.
And this is my brother-in-law.
You stocked up on wine.
Stocked up?
l have a few bottles of wine...
You know,
for business meals and stuff,
I need the bare minimum.
And all these glasses and plates?
If you're in a bad mood,
come back later.
I'm in a bad mood?
Who knows...
I'm in a bad mood?
Quit fucking with me!
Let me go!
Stop it.
Quit fucking with me!
Can't you stop a second?
Check her hand!
Let go of me!
You cut your hand?
Let me go!
Give her a break, you jerk!
Come on, let's go!
Good morning, Mr. Larcher and Mr. Colin,
here on orders of the court.
Do Mr. and Mrs. Milevski live here?
May I come in, please?
Mr. Milevski is legally bound
to repay a considerable sum
and we're here
to proceed with repossession.
Come in.
The locksmith and movers.
Could we just close the door?
Mr. Colin will repossess
the items of furniture listed here.
We'll start right away.
Please take a seat, ma'am.
We'll start with the inlaid table.
Wrap it up a little.
That table's mine.
- In what sense?
- lt belonged to my great-grandmother.
Ma'am, by decision of the court,
both spouses are liable for the debt.
l've inventoried the furniture.
all the furniture will have to go.
I'm sorry, but it's the law.
l have no choice.
Go ahead, gentlemen.
Bubble-wrap it.
Those two cabinets and the dresser.
And the table.
Let's start on the bedroom now.
The television, please.
The little fuckers!
I'm sorry.
I know it can't be
very easy for you right now
to have stuff like this happen.
signed the documents, I...
I thought it was an empty threat.
You see?
I'm sorry.
You're mad about your furniture?
Stuff you liked?
It's all in a warehouse
and we have a month to buy it back.
I'll pay and we'll pick it up.
They'll give it back.
The rest was mine, so screw that.
I kind of like this Japanese vibe.
You need to save your skin.
I didn't wait all these years
to have a child,
only to bail out
just when I'll have a family at last.
Call that a Kleenex?
It's a sponge.
Not so hard.
You'll blast it everywhere. Blow.
That's disgusting.
I don't believe this.
I've totally got a...
Worse than a hospital case.
Where do you want to sit?
- Here?
- Sure.
Make some room.
- Have a nice day.
- Thank you.
Folks fresh off the slab
are here in post-op.
- Zombies.
- That's phase 1.
They sleep all day long.
- Then comes semi-renfo.
- Phase 2.
You have limited mobility.
- Then renfo.
- Phase 3.
- You're phase 3?
- Phase 2.
- l'm phase 2.
- He's terminal phase.
He's nearly done.
He'll head back to his village.
Know his zip code? 7-1.
You live in 7-1?
In the provinces?
- Where are you from?
- Burgundy.
- Dude, Burgundy's in the provinces.
- Provinces is down south, fool.
lt's down south?
The provinces
is the bit around Marseille.
So what do you call up north?
That's Metropolis.
Wassup, nigga!
I'll put him on.
Francois Hollande.
We're gonna hang out together.
For sure. Dope.
How come you're Arab with straight hair?
- I'm not Arab.
- You're not?
- What are you?
- French.
He says I'm Arab.
- You look Arab.
- Spanish, I'd say.
See? Spanish, Portuguese...
His hair and body are out of sync.
Yours is in sync with your body?
l have kinky hair and I'm proud of it.
It's like a sponge.
Arabs have kinky hair.
He's got whitey's hair.
Call his hair Francois, his body Omar.
Call his hair Francois!
I prefer my tuft to that.
Keep strutting, little man!
- I got you down.
- You see a woman and floss.
What are you doing here?
You want something from me?
No, nothing, don't worry.
- Something to tell me?
- Not either.
Happy your furniture's back?
Hello, beautiful beloved.
How are you?
I missed you terribly.
I missed everything.
Your laugh.
I even missed your sulking.
This isn't very...
It's not very sensible.
My waters have broken.
The child's coming?
- Is it moving?
- I'm not having contractions.
- There have to be contractions?
- Yes.
Let's go.
Let's go to the clinic.
Come on...
I'll call them.
Don't make any...
- Sudden movements.
- No, not in black.
- Don't start.
- I know what I'll wear.
Screw that,
we don't have time. Hold still!
No dresses today.
- Get dressed.
- Calm down.
You calm down.
He said hello.
Look, he's looking at you!
Holy shit!
It really is a boy.
Welcome to you.
It's Mommy and Daddy.
- Welcome, my love.
- Mommy and Daddy.
Welcome, sweetheart.
He is so cute.
He has your eyes.
Support his head.
I'm not sure how.
- Like that.
- Like that?
I can't see the baby's face.
There we are.
How about I take one
of you and baby?
The camera's complicated.
You won't starve to death.
Mom came by yesterday with Solal.
She already came?
Tasty. What else is there?
Chocolate, coffee, lemon?
Lemon pie.
- No, lemon macaroons.
- They're lemon pie.
- The flavor's lemon pie?
- Lemon meringue pie.
- Lemon meringue?
- That's right.
You're right.
Tastes of lemon inside.
And a hint of meringue outside.
The whole point...
of macaroons.
- How's the mommy feeling?
- Okay.
He has a name?
- Yes.
- Not yet.
- He has a name.
- We haven't decided.
We chose Simbad.
I need to think it over.
Can we tell you later?
- I'll come back.
- Thank you.
See you later.
Didn't we agree yesterday on Simbad?
Simbad's the sailor, Simbad's...
lt's mythology, it's...
It's travel. Simbad's great.
Eliot sounds like
a dumbass intellectual.
You like Simbad, dad?
That's not a name.
And Marie-Antoinette is? Right?
Simbad's great.
Simbad then?
What's the plan?
There's a superb boat that picks you up
at the dock down there, if you call them.
I found a merry, muscular sailor
with bulging biceps for you.
You'll come with?
No. Today, we're going to see Agnes.
We're going to introduce Simbad
to Agnes today.
"We're going"? She's not coming?
Don't worry,
l'll drive down, meet her...
- And you...
- I'll come with you.
I'm not going to take my car
to meet up with you.
Stop. Give it a rest.
Just one more.
There you go.
It's over.
Check him out.
How are you?
Hey, beautiful beloved.
Well then?
- Isn't he cute!
- See that?
Who's the lady?
Is it Auntie?
Auntie Agnes?
You're looking at me?
- He's so fragile, be careful.
- Of course.
Hold still, there you go.
With his godmother. He'll love it later.
You're beautiful, aren't you?
He wants a feed.
You think?
- I don't think, I know.
- It's been a while.
He feeds every 3 hours.
You'll love your godmother?
Come on, you want to see Mommy.
Don't you want to see Mommy?
He was happy with Auntie, too.
Let's give you some food.
What do you guys want? Clafoutis?
No dessert for me.
Raspberry clafoutis. You love it.
I'm going to the bathroom.
She's happy now.
Thank you, my love.
Say, where she's staying,
she's bored, I can tell.
Can she move in with us a while?
Marguerite Duras!
I love you.
We saw you!
That is so fine!
Beautiful jellabah.
But bad news.
We're not going out. Get your pajamas.
You can go out.
We'll have a quiet night in.
Tell us another one!
- Nobody believes you.
- You can't go out alone?
Classy, Georgio!
Staying in with wife and baby.
Great guy!
He is so young.
It's alien to you.
Marriage, a family, you've no idea.
Tonight, I'm grounded.
I'm staying home.
my love is kind enough
to set me free.
Like a bird of paradise.
To flutter off with his friends.
It's up to you, I'm not your mother.
There we go!
To Tony!
To my long-lost freedom!
Thanks, Tony.
Return to the space center.
ls macaroni okay with you?
Whatever. I'm not staying for dinner.
l have a business meeting.
the day we get back from vacation?
You're not sleeping here?
I don't want to wake you
if I get in late.
I'll drop Simbad off at 9
on the way to the gynecologist's.
No, at 9, I'm signing off
on the sale of a building.
So, next time, tell me earlier.
My love, you okay?
Who's she?
I don't know.
Are you nuts!
I told you, I don't know her.
I swear I don't remember.
Okay, look, here's your son.
- Wipes, diapers.
- I swear!
Everything you need.
I don't know who she is.
I didn't cheat.
I did not cheat on you.
No, I know, I was with a girl in bed.
But nothing happened.
l was drugged up.
- Since when have you...
- Always.
I've always got strung out.
And then...
get over it.
And back on the attack.
Why didn't you ever say?
Because for me,
the husband and father is supposed...
not to falter.
He holds things together.
He stays strong in all circumstances.
He's not the guy who trembles
or shits himself, see?
I wanted you to see me that way.
always thought
those moments belonged only to me
and concerned only me.
Those moments
were when I could behave like a shit.
Because deep down...
feel that's what I am.
I don't know you, in fact.
We don't know each other.
Forgive me.
You move back in here.
Or else we divorce.
I can't go on like this.
But before that, I need therapy.
l have to get rid of this.
Then I'll come back.
Know what we'll do?
We'll have a party to celebrate.
We'll go away for a weekend
and invite all our buddies.
Have you ever spoken
to couples who go way back?
How come they're still together?
They haven't got over cheating?
They haven't got over doubts and drugs?
They've got over everything together.
Now, couples split up like that.
First sign of trouble, let's split up.
A kid, let's split up.
Let's have another.
We'll split up again anyway.
To split up, you have to be together.
You guys aren't together.
We're together separately.
- Right.
- I love him.
Leaving his wife sobbing...
You judge from the outside.
What do you know?
- I don't.
- You do.
You've never liked him.
You've condemned him from the start.
You never give him a chance.
always said he's wrong for you.
Quite honestly,
putting your son through this...
Through what?
I want my son to live with both parents!
- You can't do it.
- I can.
You'll see.
You'll see that I can do it.
Keep going like this
and, one day,
you'll have an accident. For real.
A brother has to say
what he thinks of a situation.
It's my responsibility. What's that?
My tranquilizers.
He's the dopehead
and you're on a cure? Of tranquilizers?
Look, this is how you eat it.
You're jealous?
- No.
- As if!
I saw those jealous eyes.
You think I'd steal your man?
I don't steal other people's men.
Look at me, I'm talking to you.
I don't steal other people's men.
- Fine.
- l have the man I love!
Georgio, the man you love!
My love!
Come on!
Calm down.
Where's my glass?
Calm down.
- l have an announcement to make.
- Without the glass.
Listen to me!
Sit down, you!
You know what the party's for tonight?
I'll leave it to Georgio to tell you.
Stand up!
Go on, tell them.
I'll tell you what the party's for.
Georgio is going to start therapy.
Because he has addictions.
Because he's hooked on alcohol.
Because he runs away,
abandoning his wife and child.
Because he's sick.
And because he hurts people.
Tony, stop.
Tony, stop?
No, Tony won't stop.
Tony is sick of it!
Sick, sick, sick of it!
Drink some water.
Come on.
Come on, I said.
I'm not good enough
to be with your friends?
All your friends
from beauty and fashion!
From youth!
From drugs!
You have to be on drugs
to be accepted into your circle.
It's true!
Nine euros.
- Your two boxes.
- Thanks.
- Hi, Joseph.
- Evening, Tony.
- Okay?
- And you?
Cute little flower!
To brighten the place up for Christmas.
One Prozac, one Xanax.
Okay, one of each.
- All good?
Coming right up.
Law school.
- How are you?
- Good, and you?
You've gone bald. A total train wreck.
Taken a real hit.
There you go.
- On your tab?
- On my tab.
As usual.
Anyway, I'll be back in the week.
You've had a baby?
Christian, an old friend.
- What's your husband do?
- My husband's...
Did I take my pills?
Yes, I put them there.
I saw you put them in your bag.
There they are.
It was cool running into you.
Big kiss.
Be strong.
forgot my little Simbad!
How could I forget you?
Dad, was he a shaken baby?
Shaken babies are babies
that are shaken very hard
by frazzled mothers who sob and howl,
Shut up! Will you shut up!
That's a shaken baby.
- It's underestimated.
- And after-effects?
- After what?
- After-effects.
Look at Babeth.
She could be an example.
That's Georgio.
Sweetie, it's Daddy.
- He doesn't care about Daddy.
- He's across the world.
Come on, baby.
- Look who it is.
- Whos this?
Hi, Daddy.
Look at you/ Aren't you gorgeous!
Where are you?
Guess who can stand up.
Show Daddy you can stand up.
You re fabulous!
/ called to say Merry Christmas.
You okay?
I've got to go, we're going to eat.
Miss you both.
Ciao, Simbad
Ciao, buddy.
My love! My baby./
You see your father?
What's he doing? Island-hopping?
No, he's...
He's had a breakdown.
He's in a bad way.
It's understandable.
He lost his father.
Obviously, he needs to be away
from his wife and son,
on a boat in Australia to think.
That raises the bar for when you die.
Where will we go?
Japan maybe?
The Great Wall of China?
Slow down.
Look at him.
He was nice and calm.
After your Skype, he's agitated.
Sure, he saw his daddy.
No, he saw something on a computer,
not his father.
Young babies don't understand mirrors.
They can't understand Skype
because it's flat.
Okay, Lila.
New subject maybe, we're done with that.
Excuse me.
feel like a parrot,
endlessly repeating itself.
Except she never wakes up.
The day he remarries,
she'll say
it's to understand his first marriage.
Apparently, love's like that.
Can you hear me?
Okay, sir.
She's breathing.
- She ever attempt suicide?
- Never.
- We have a pulse.
- She took that.
Okay, I'll keep the tube.
Look at me.
You took the whole tube?
Can you hear me?
Tell me what happened.
Her husband called.
I'd like your sister to tell me.
She can't talk.
Tell me, I'm listening.
l'll pack a bag for her.
Yes, I'm here.
Get in, it'll reassure her.
What can I get you?
Sparkling water, please.
Lightly sparkling.
You're looking better.
That's not hard.
I want a divorce.
You love me?
So, that's settled.
The check!
It's not settled.
The problem isn't you or me.
The problem's us together.
Isn't that a Phil Collins song?
What are you after? Tell me.
Live apart and never see you.
You'll be able to do whatever, whenever.
Nobody will scream at you,
there'll be no tears...
You hit on me, remember.
- I hit on you?
- You saw me with my crew.
Out drinking. You saw it.
You sized me up, right? You're a lawyer.
I wasn't some guy you met in a library.
You leave people for the same reasons...
- Exactly.
- The same thing that first attracted you.
Precisely the same reasons.
So the next guy will attract you
for a reason, then you'll leave him.
- When do you build something?
- We're building nothing.
- Really?
- We destroy each other, that's all.
Not you.
- Not me?
- You're indestructible.
In any case...
Modesty, ever heard of it?
When you love someone,
it hurts, it's not easy.
- You don't hurt much.
- Don't tell me what I feel.
You're a pain in the ass.
What the hell!
I've got to burst into tears
all the time?
How do you know what I feel?
You want me to...
- What do you want?
- You fought for us?
- Yes.
- No.
- Yes.
- Not one second.
What's "fighting" mean?
Screaming, bleeding...
That's not how I fight.
find a way to stop you leaving.
That's how I fight for us.
Why must I be
what you want me to be?
You came over to me
precisely because I am what I am.
Why not accept what you have?
I can't go on like this.
Monday, we're together.
Wednesday, we're not.
Thursday, you'll move back in.
Friday, no you won't.
Next Monday, you cheat on me.
Next Wednesday, you love me.
I can't take any more.
I prefer...
I prefer this
to that...
That's called an electrocardiogram.
Like that, you're alive.
Like that, you're dead.
I prefer not to be in love,
and not get hurt.
That's what you want?
Yes, that's what I want.
What about our boy?
Until the divorce settlement,
alternate weekends.
The nanny brings him over,
so we don't meet.
What do you want?
No divorce.
- Not an option.
- Okay.
If we divorce,
I keep him, you visit...
That's not going to happen.
We'll both hire lawyers and the judge...
I hire you as my lawyer.
No, I won't do it.
Sorry, I want you to be my lawyer.
- Not possible.
- It's what will happen.
I'll pay you a fortune.
I don't want your money.
It's Agnes's money.
Take it.
What is this!
We'll have to explain to Simbad.
Let him be. He's suffered enough.
For you, letting people be
means not explaining things.
- You do talk crap.
- We have to tell him.
- Shut up!
- We tell him.
At 1 year old! Tell him what?
What the hell! He can't talk!
He understands, he senses it.
We tell him.
We sit down and talk to him.
We tell him it's over
and we're separating.
You live with Daddy.
Then with Mommy.
Your parents have split up.
Make an appointment,
see when he can fit us in.
I say we tell him. How's best?
- How do we do it?
- Yes, how?
Like this.
Stop it, Georgio.
Listen up.
I'll see my son as much as you.
Or I'll start talking.
Let go of me!
If you think your lawyer tricks
will keep my son from me,
you're kidding yourself.
Don't forget
the pills you popped pregnant,
and constantly freaking out
in front of him.
I've got witnesses.
And you'll lose custody.
Use your head for once in your life.
Got me?
Take your weight.
Easy does it.
Very slowly.
There you go, very good.
That's great.
Give me five.
My beauty!
I missed you so much!
Let me take a look at you.
You decide what I juggle.
Kiwi, orange, spoon, you choose.
Kiwi, orange and open yogurt.
An open yogurt?
Here we go.
Move back.
Hold on, we're taking cover.
See? I can still make you laugh.
Now we're divorced,
I can propose to you again.
Yes, you can.
I can't guarantee the answer.
Hold on...
l was looking for my teddy bear, dammit.
She's such a pain!
You've had dental work?
Had them whitened?
Just go!
Your bitch act! So annoying!
Enough, get up.
Listen! The little boy!
Hide in there.
He's my son.
He can see his dad in bed with his mom.
We're separated and you're dating.
lt'll confuse him.
On one condition. Tonight we fuck.
Or I stay here.
Here he comes!
- Tonight we fuck?
- Yes.
Touch my balls.
I'm going.
Bring Hippo. You slept well?
Morning, my love!
Morning, sweetheart.
I'm hungry.
I'll go get breakfast.
She's reunited with her true love.
Dropped it.
Give it to Hippo.
Who's that?
Look who's popped out! Da...
Come here, you!
You've changed.
You're serene.
I'm back to how I was before.
Before what?
Before I met you.
- Have you changed?
- I'm off everything.
One coffee's exceptional.
For me now, it's a psychotropic.
- Stop.
drink camomile, don't smoke.
I'm on nothing.
What about Agnes?
I'm done with her. She's on her own.
As my father used to say,
abandon those who abandon themselves.
I didn't get what happened last night.
Why all of a sudden, yes?
Now all of a sudden, no?
That was last night.
Today's real life.
Last night wasn't real life?
No, it was a parenthesis.
It wasn't a parenthesis.
The rest is a parenthesis.
Finished your coffee?
Drink up and...
You changed your batteries recently.
Come on, stop.
We can go away together.
We can go eat mussels in Deauville.
No, because Simbad...
Waffles in Brussels.
Couscous in Marrakesh.
They do lemon tagine?
Where's my phone?
I'll call Mohamed at La Mamounia.
They set sail for Marrakesh
to eat couscous with their son, Simbad!
All aboard for adventure!
Who wants to start today?
Me first!
Go on.
Today, I'd like to ask forgiveness.
Ask forgiveness?
What for?
For the pain I may have caused Tony.
And you, Simbad.
ask your forgiveness.
Do you forgive me?
You heard him, Simbad?
Do you forgive him now?
- It's not me.
- What's not you?
lt's Mommy.
What about you, Tony?
How do you take that?
I hope he means it.
Of course I mean it.
lt's giving me...
It's like pins and needles, don't worry.
That's too strong.
- Try to relax first.
- Me?
No stress. Life's cool.
Go with what feels right.
Stronger up top, less below.
- How about 15?
- Sure.
And another thing...
Check that out!
It's cool, I love it.
Kissy kiss!
Tony, look.
Look at your thighs,
compared to mine.
Here we go.
That's an obese muscle.
You're making it do that.
No, I'm not.
The noise it makes.
- You're kidding me.
- Like it?
You didn't think
I'd forget my son's 7th birthday?
You're happy to see me?
- You're happy to see me?
- Yes.
She's happy to see me!
You want me to ride him?
Excuse me, watch out.
He'll collapse under you.
Welcome to my estate...
Put your arm down.
Take that!
Get him back!
Can't you take off your jacket?
People will think you're a waiter.
You look like a waiter.
That's lucky because...
I'm a waiter.
We have Pouilly de Chantemarais.
1978, if you'd care to taste.
Very attractive color.
Sir, of course.
- A drop.
- lt's alcohol.
Won't do sir any harm.
is celebrating his 77th year.
Just wet your lips.
Drink up.
Today's special offer is
Monbouillet St. Sylvestre Roche Foucault.
We're multitasking here.
Sorry, excuse me.
That's great.
- Which table?
- There but...
I've got it.
l'll guess. Gut instinct.
Clear table 10, please.
Table 8, please.
Watch out!
Excuse me.
Sorry, I'm a beginner.
It's the birthday of sir...
For me?
Yes, for you.
Put it to good use.
Not the one you wanted?
It is?
Let me see.
- What?
- Let me say thank you.
Please do.
Good Lord, the child is ill.
He's infected.
Time for bed.
Come on, let's go.
Can I sleep with Dad?
Sure, why not?
- All his stuff's in...
- It's not far.
Don't get mad. I won't steal him.
I'm not mad at you.
I can see
why it would make you happy.
It's not my choice.
The child expressed the wish...
You see?
Your toothbrush is in the bag there.
Not a word for me?
Goodnight, Mom.
Goodnight, my love.
Let's get our pajamas on.
Let's take our vest off fast,
then let's take off our shirt.
Hurry, hurry.
Open up.
What do you want?
To bone you.
Open up.
- Leave me alone.
- It's dangerous.
In case of fire or flood,
you'll be trapped.
Don't worry about me.
You bust the...
I wanna see my chick.
You bust the lock?
- That's not all I'll bust.
- Stop.
I want to talk.
I think I caught something. Look!
- I don't want to look.
- Touch it!
- I swear.
- I won't.
- No violence.
- Get out!
- Get out of my room.
- Okay, your room, my room...
- You're bored, that's all.
- No, missing you.
Go to bed. I want to read.
I do what I want.
You're cute, you know.
Straight up.
Dumb you're a dummy.
That's not pata negra. lt's shit.
- Real pata negra...
- It isn't.
- Real pata negra...
- It's not as good.
It's not as good as pata negra.
It's nothing like it.
This is crappy serrano
cured maybe three months.
- Why do they call it pata negra?
- Pata negra, jabugo, bellota...
- They chose the wrong guy.
- Exactly.
Bellota, you know,
been there, done that.
That's not bellota.
- It's from Auvergne.
- Auvergne?
Why call it pata negra then?
They get a lot of Germans and Russians,
so they rip those guys off.
They think we're tourists.
There is something Polish about you.
In a restaurant.
Yeah, go ahead.
You're kidding?
Does Bouvet know?
Hold on, I'll be right there.
I'll call him from the office.
I'm on my way.
I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Okay, see you in a second.
That's nuts! See you.
Bricourt, ring a bell?
The CEO accused of killing his wife,
all over the news.
He chose me to defend him.
- Just imagine!
- Wonderful.
A huge trial in the high court.
A juicy case, as they say.
- Right.
- That's good. Great.
- You're not happy for me?
- Super happy.
You're defending a motherfucker.
I've got to get back.
For our firm, it's huge.
You have no idea.
We've ordered. Let's eat first.
We can have dinner anytime,
but this could be once in a lifetime.
Come along if you want.
Don't I get a "Have fun"?
Have fun.
- What?
- Are you coming down?
I'll be there in a minute.
We're waiting here.
- Where you going?
- Shopping in Hossegor.
- Why?
- I've got a date.
What's up?
More noise than back in the hood.
Drive us to Hossegor to go shopping.
- Were you sleeping?
- Save it for later!
- This isn't Boyz n the Hood!
- Go back to bed!
It's Saturday!
l was dreaming of naked chicks.
You ruined it.
It was a dream. Wake up now!
Greg! Take your photo!
Cut it out!
- Jibril...
- Damn!
Excuse me, can I buy you a coffee?
Special offer.
- Can I buy you a soda?
- Snooty ass.
I got an Audi.
You're hot, shortie!
Tony, why do you hang with us?
We're not the same age,
not the same social background.
You're not as smart as us.
And you hang out with us.
- Seriously, how come?
- You got an ulterior motive?
I don't need one.
I like you guys. You're fun.
You're real clowns.
Who's your favorite?
Out of all of you?
Not counting Arabs and Blacks.
What brings you here?
- We don't have an appointment.
- Sure we do.
Just a second.
I'm listening.
"I'm listening"?
That's you listening?
We're not in court. Chill out, counsel!
You talk to me as if...
So tell me what you want.
Am I allowed to say I miss you?
It's allowed?
- Or banned?
- So?
You miss me,
so I come running?
I'm just saying I miss you.
Maybe I messed up.
Maybe I see you dropping out of my life
and it drives me nuts.
It's dumb you only realize that now.
You know, in a few days, it's 10 years.
Reason enough to have dinner.
You want to see me
because it does you good.
So you just drop by
but what about me?
Fact is, I want to see you
because I love you.
And you love me, so you avoid me.
- Understand the difference?
- So?
What can you give me now
that you couldn't ten years ago?
It'll be different?
- Better.
- Better?
You see the daylight,
you love reading under a tree?
You don't need 30 hangers-on
to be happy?
- It's about wanting to read books.
- About wanting the same things.
We could read under the same tree.
The same book.
We buy two copies, so we can discuss it.
It's been ten years
of you threatening me,
and, next day,
proposing to me again.
The day after, you promise
to square up your tax situation.
Years later, nothing's changed.
You run with the same crowd.
It's just hot air.
I want to be happy. Let me be happy.
If you love me,
you'd want me to be happy.
Let me be happy!
I can't make you happy?
You know
you can't make me happy!
Me neither.
I didn't make you happy.
Let's stop this charade!
You've got a man. Is that it?
Is that it?
Yes, I've got a man.
You know that...
You leave Simbad out of that.
I don't want this man...
I don't want this man living with Simbad.
You know that?
You know
you have no say in my life?
I don't care who you bang,
but my son
is not to have any relationship
with a man I've never met.
Hold on, you're out of your mind.
I'm not out of my mind.
I don't know this guy.
My son does not
go anywhere near him.
You hear me, Tony?
If your man
goes anywhere near my son, honey,
I'll take care of your shit
and not in a lawyer's office.
You can start right now.
My son has met my man
and they get on just fine.
Defying me, are you?
You decide right and wrong?
You decide for him?
What did you do to me for years?
I never laid a hand on you.
You want a medal
for not laying a hand on me?
What about the psychological abuse?
You don't think it hurts
more than a punch?
Tony, stop it!
He's leaving, cut it out.
Leave, Georgio.
Stay there.
Calm down.
Sit down.
I'll miss you guys.
Stay in touch.
Look after your knee.
Take care.
- Love ya, wallah.
- Same here.
See you, guys.
Drive safely.
Go ahead, take a seat.
How's your leg?
I'm still limping,
but I'm happy to be walking again.
Let's start with Simbad's drawings.
They've progressed nicely over the year.
- These are the older ones?
- That's right.
The progression
from the start of the year is...
We'd chosen a theme.
The theme was the sea.
A slight problem with...
Even on a motorcycle,
it's tricky, the bike lanes...
Anyway, I'm sorry.
How are you?
We started with his drawings.
Very interesting.
We were discussing them
with the doctor here.
He did these? All of them?
Yes, he did. They're Simbad's.
They're learning to tell the time?
Have learned.
Ask him the time, you'll see.
He never talks about it.
Sure he does.
I ask him and he tells me.
He even reads the time on my watch.
He applies himself well.
- Seriously?
- Very well.
Remarkably so for a boy.
For a boy?
Generally, boys take more time
to write neatly.
Girls tend to be
better at applying themselves
to handwriting.
He gets it from his mother.
The elegance...
is perhaps from my father.
My father was very elegant.
I'm delighted you both could make it
because we have very good news for you.
He will be promoted to the next grade.
So we're very happy,
after the tricky start he made.
Congratulations to you both.
You helped him to progress.
You can be proud of him.
Thank you.
- Is that all for today?
- I think so.
Thank you very much for your patience.
Thanks again.
You're welcome.
Good bye.
Good bye?