Monamour (Mon Amour) (2006)

Kiss me Dario, please!
Kiss me on the neck.
Like you used to...
just one kiss, but sensual,
August 26th.
I don't know why I'm writing this
at one in the morning.
I only know that if I don't,
I'll scream.
Dario is a wonderful husband
and I love him,
but since we've been married
I can't reach orgasm with him.
Why? What's wrong?
It's only been six months
since our wedding
and things seem to get more boring,
flavourless and banal every day.
What happened to all
the enthusiasm, surprise, fun
and craziness we had before?
If I catch you, you're dead!
I'll fix you, you naughty girl!
Oh yes... yes... Dario, lick me!
My pussy's on fire.
The satyr's crossroads...
the Apostles' road to Gomorrah...
or the unhallowed alleyway to Sodom?
Oh no! Not this!
Only when we're husband and wife.
Oh yes! Give it to me!
I've never come so much
in my life!
They foisted it on me at
the Literature Festival yesterday.
Why not take a look at it? You know
I trust your judgement. Dario.
You were sleeping so peacefully
I didn't want to wake you up!
"I found myself pressed against him
without realising it.
His mouth glued onto mine,
his tongue scavenging greedily,
pushing itself
into my parched throat.
I couldn't breathe,
but I didn't break away.
I felt his muscles rippling against
my breasts. I breathed in his smell.
The groans of the dancers
filled my ears
and someone whispered
that I was a whore.
But it all seemed
so insignificant to me.
The stranger's hand
under my skirt
and on my ass
was all that I cared about.
Those strong, blundering hands
that pressed me to his stomach
and compelled me
to rub myself against his cock,
which seemed ready
to burst out of his trousers.
Those same hands that
invaded my panties
and grabbed my pussy.
His finger shot between
my cunt lips like an arrow.
I was moist, open, yielding,
he didn't meet any resistance.
I can still feel it now, his clumsy
finger on my pussy
and the cold shiver that ran
down my spine.
I undid his trousers
and kicked off my shoes.
My breath was short
and my pussy was wet.
I felt free to show
my eagerness
and my desire without shame. "
Here it is.
The book made you nod off?
I don't blame you for sleeping.
The Literature Festival
is a total drag!
Why don't you visit Palazzo Te?
How dare you!
What are you doing?
Leave me alone!
You like the frescoes, huh?
Do you see those two?
Kids? Look at the frescoes!
We're here to study Giulio Romano,
pay attention.
He is cute though!
Those lovely little tits!
That lovely little pussy!
Hurry up, we're late!
What are you waiting for?
I've got to tell you something...
You've gone over the limit
on my credit card?
Well... I...
Of course I'm not busy!
How can I tell him?
Today I cheated on you, my love.
Darling, I've been unfaithful!
Dario... I'm an adulteress.
Well? You were saying?
I wanted to tell you...
Do we really have to go
to this party?
It's the grand opening,
do you want them to fire me?
There'll be lots of guests,
famous writers, you'll have fun.
What a drag!
As you say in the North-East,
"Business is business. "
Come on, hurry up.
I was nearly raped today!
I said this lovely little pussy
was speared like a bird on a skewer.
Did you hear, darling?
I said that I was raped!
I understood!
Nearly or actually?
You don't believe me?
Of course I do, darling. Who by?
That Moroccan waiter in the hotel?
No, by a stranger.
At Palazzo Te.
The fantasies of a neglected wife?
Look, I even enjoyed it!
Oh, really?
Seeing as you're so outrageous,
don't wear any panties to the party.
You say it as if
I wouldn't be capable!
Come on, you'll make me late!
Fuck off!
I'd like to place one lover
in front of the other and say:
is this the current trend?
The heart can no longer
shoot its load.
The ass is a great leveller.
The pussy is the minds eye.
How vulgar!
Not at all! The signifier
is the real signified!
Eroticism loses all cultural value
that way, it becomes pornography.
Is it true, maestro,
that pornography is to eroticism
what the blow job is to fellatio?
Exactly, it's just a matter
of semantics and language.
Of tongues, if anything!
Does art become pornography
or vice versa?
Sex is the only thing that keeps
your publishing houses afloat.
And the Bible,
it's always the number one seller.
Religion, sex, excess,
a recipe for success! Cheers!
Stop it!
They can see us.
"Whores in Love".
- Who?
- Max Zanouk.
One of our most promising authors.
Ah, congratulations.
You expected to see me here...
- Please, not here.
- You've got no panties on!
So what,
it's just to spite my husband.
- Is that why you're all wet too?
- Leave me alone.
It's all the wine I've drunk.
How nice to see you again!
- Staying for the whole festival?
- Yes, till Sunday.
- And Dario?
- He's here too.
And your husband?
Unfortunately Henry's had to stay
in Paris...
You know how it is...
work, the publishing house.
I'm here with Franois,
- His secretary. Remember him?
- Of course.
He was at Torcello
the day you got married.
But... did we interrupt something?
No, not at all.
I'm on my way to the bathroom.
- Will you come with me?
- I'd love to!
We've got so much to talk about.
- When did you start going without?
- It's not what you think.
- Oh, no?
- No!
- It's Dario's fault.
- You're lucky you play those games!
I told you, it's not like that.
In fact, things aren't going too well
between us.
- You mean in bed?
- I can't orgasm with him anymore.
But that's normal, darling!
It happens to everyone
sooner or later!
- It happened to me too.
- And what did you do?
Why do you think I came
to the festival with Francois?
He's not just Henry's secretary,
he's an incredible stud!
You feel guilty
for cheating on your husband?
There's guilt and guilt.
I feel really good.
In fact, so good that things
have even improved with Henry.
- In what way?
- Every way. Even in bed.
Jealousy, my dear Martina,
is the strongest aphrodisiac.
There's nothing better
than suspicion
to rekindle your partner's desire,
believe me!
Find someone
who'll give you a good fucking.
You couldn't give Dario
a better present.
Someone... like that man
you were with, for example.
But I only met him this evening,
I don't even know his name!
Sometimes you don't need names
or a long time.
You need something else
that's long...
But... to be unfaithful to Dario,
screw with someone else...
- I don't know if I could.
- You could, darling.
You could.
The notorious "quick one"!
You've just got to do it right.
- Meaning?
- Get your priorities right.
- What priorities?
- The legitimate ones.
I only let Franois use
the rear entrance.
The front one is reserved
for Henry.
You're such a slut!
Congratulations, ma'am. The ass
isn't just for making poo-poo.
And as they say in my neck
of the woods, it hasn't got a meter!
These heels have ruined
my feet!
- What is it?
- Your panties?
- I'm not wearing any.
- I can see, where are they?
- I didn't put any on.
- What do you mean?
You were the one
who dared me to, remember?
There are dares and dares.
What if someone had noticed?
What if I tell you they did?
- What do you mean by that?
- Hands can wander during a dance.
You can feel everything
through a silk dress!
That son of a bitch
who danced with you!
- You know him?
- I don't mix with people like that!
Why get so hot
under the collar then?
You can see in his face
that he's a whoremonger, a gigolo
and a filthy pervert!
That must be why women
find him attractive.
Don't say you like him!
Well, I'm a woman too, aren't I?
- First of all, you're my wife.
- You don't say!
I'd forgotten.
Men like that are only interested
in whores.
From the way he was squeezing me,
I must be a whore too.
Anyway, what's got into you
this evening?
Nothing, I just wanted to tell you
what happened.
I saw you smile at him
and I wanted to warn you.
You saw me smile?
Well then, you didn't see anything.
What else should I have seen?
He touched my ass, for example.
- Aren't you going too far?
- Me?
He went too far,
he put his hand under my skirt.
- He found out you had no panties?
- He touched my pussy.
- What did you do?
- I let him stick two fingers in.
- I'm sure you were all wet.
- Like Venice at high tide.
- Did he get a hard on?
- And how!
- Stiffer than yours!
- Did you fuck?
Take it easy, don't you think
that's going too far?
Oh, Marta, you drive me crazy.
- Wait, let's do it here.
- Standing up? That's for animals.
- What's wrong with that?
- The bed's more comfortable.
Come on, I'm desperate.
Who is it?
A message, Mrs Bortoluzzi.
Just a moment!
- Sorry, I don't have any change.
- That's all right, ma'am.
12 o'clock at "The Pig's Boat",
No panties, of course! Leon.
What a nerve!
Leon... nice name!
It's eleven!
I'll be in the
Foreign Literature Pavilion all day.
If you get bored, why not drop in?
I love you, Dario.
Wear some panties this time!
What should I do?
"The Pig's Boat"
or foreign literature?
Leon or Dario?
Panties or no panties?
It's a drag having to choose!
Good morning!
Looking for someone?
Well... yes.
A French gentleman,
Monsieur Leon.
- He should have a booking.
- Of course, ma'am. This way.
- A drink while you're waiting?
- No, thanks.
As you wish.
Forget Puccini, Rossini and Bellini!
Verdi, only Verdi. Verdi forever!
But there's no comparison with
"The Barber... "!
I've changed my mind. A Martini.
- Vermouth? White or red?
- Red.
Right away, ma'am.
Another one!
- Red?
- White!
When did your Rossini
ever write anything like...
Waiter, the bill!
Another one! Red.
- Want me to eat alone?
- Bastard! You're an hour late.
Blame it on...
Cowardly nitpickers
with farting brains!
I'll only excuse you
if you tell me something.
How did you know
which hotel I'm staying at?
Managers always go to that one.
Where do horny, bad mannered
Frenchmen go?
Between the legs
of the managers' wives.
Excuse me...
Stuffed pasta
and roast duck for two.
And some vegetables?
Let's go to the bathroom.
- The toilet?
- Through there.
Excuse me! The Martini...
My report...
Where the fuck is it?
July 20th, we've been married
four months. Something's changed.
Dario is less attentive
towards me
and he doesn't fuck me
like he used to.
August 13th.
Dario doesn't know
about this diary.
It's quite easy to write in it
right under his nose.
Maybe it's just as easy
to go to bed with other men.
August 26th.
I don't know why I'm writing this
at one in the morning.
I only know that if I don't,
I'll scream.
Dario is a wonderful husband
and I love him.
But since we've been married,
I can't reach orgasm with him.
Why? What's wrong?
It's only been six months
since our wedding
and things seem to get more boring,
flavourless and banal
every day.
What happened to all
the enthusiasm, surprise, fun
and craziness we had before?
August 27 th.
Dario almost caught me
I pretended to be asleep
when I heard him come in.
He saw me naked and ready
on the bed
but he didn't even touch me.
Has he gone off me?
No, I know that he loves me,
but he doesn't screw me.
And when he does
I'd prefer it if he didn't!
August 28th.
I've got to get my head in order.
It must be those frescoes at
Palazzo Te, Jupiter's hard cock.
Yes, cock. I said, cock!
It's wonderful to say it!
Cock! Cock!
I want to shout it from the balcony.
It'd be funny if Dario
knew what I wrote in here!
I almost allowed myself
to be screwed by a stranger.
He slapped my ass
while I was looking at
Giulio Romano's frescoes.
If that group of students
hadn't shown up,
I'd have let that stranger fuck me.
As luck would have it,
I saw him at the festival party.
He grabbed me by the arm
and dragged off to dance.
He didn't care about dancing
and neither did I!
He wanted to find a secluded corner
where he could screw me without
the others and my husband seeing.
What a turn on to do it
with Dario nearby!
He didn't give me time
to catch my breath.
He realised I had no panties on
and slid a finger in my pussy.
I didn't resist when he pushed
my head down onto his dick.
Rotten slut!
So she wasn't just fantasising
in the bathroom!
Dario had a hard on too
when we got back to the hotel.
He was weird, agitated.
It was as if he'd seen something
and wanted to know more.
I followed Silvia's advice:
don't tell him everything, appear
honest, but leave him in doubt.
August 30th.
I finally know his name.
By a quirk of fate, he's called Leon,
like the man in the book
that Dario gave me to read.
He shouldn't have given it to me.
If you play with fire,
you're going to get burned.
Leon invited me to lunch
at an eatery by the river.
No panties!
I wouldn't have worn them anyway.
I feel shameless, with Leon
I'm willing to do anything.
Above all, I don't feel guilty,
Dario's not losing out.
With Leon it's like eating food
I've never tasted before.
I've got to tell Silvia about it,
I've arranged to go
to Abano with her.
Careful, you'll leave a mark!
- What are you doing?
- Leaving a mark.
I want to go crazy up your ass!
Now relax.
We'll be back later with some rocks
for the "Stone Therapy".
- Do you believe that therapy works?
- Like fuck!
I believe in cocks not rocks!
Imagine if there was someone here
to get us nice and wet!
Cut it out, Silvia!
You'll make me crack my mask!
Half an hour of cunnilingus
in the "poulet rti"!
- In the what?
- Poulet rti!
- My favourite position.
- Which one is it?
This one...
The roast chicken!
- I get it!
- I don't think you do!
You have to try it
to know what I mean.
Maybe tonight, with Dario...
You said it!
There's nothing to try with him!
I was forgetting!
Well then, do it
with your friend from the party.
- His name's Leon, isn't it?
- How do you know?
You said it while the masseuse
was rubbing you.
You were thinking about
his hands, weren't you?
Not just his hands!
So you've done it!
I followed your advice.
Well done, Martina!
- How did it go?
- You were right.
I'd not had an orgasm like that
for months!
Come on, I want all the details.
I did exactly as you said,
I got my priorities right.
- And did he appreciate it?
- Did he ever!
- He was the one who wanted it!
- The greedy pig!
Where did it happen?
- What's his dick like?
- Why all these questions?
Aren't you showing
a bit too much interest in him?
Why not? After all...
I wouldn't mind a little threesome.
You, him...
and me...
I'm very talented, you know.
Even better than your masseuse.
I don't doubt it, but...
I'll bring Franois along
if you want.
He's great with his tongue.
What are you doing?
Taking your masks off by yourselves?
Lie down!
Well, Silvia's mask had
definitely been stripped off!
But talking to her
hadn't done much good.
All she thinks about is sex.
She's worse than me.
Me, her and Leon... like hell!
What if he prefers her over me?
What's happening, am I jealous?
Am I falling in love?
Isn't he just supposed to be
a stud to service me?
Oh dear, I've got myself
into a real mess!
Hi darling,
how come you're back so soon?
- Who are you writing to?
- No one.
I'm making out a list
of things to do.
- Like?
- Just silly things.
Visiting Virgil's mausoleum,
going to the Nuvolari museum,
seeing Mantegna's frescoes.
So you're not thinking
of coming to the festival?
You know it bores me!
- What did you do today?
- I was out and about.
I went to Abano.
- What for?
- Why do you ask?
I asked you a question,
answer me, bitch!
- A mud-bath treatment...
- Who with?
Be careful of her!
Who else went with you?
No one, it was just us two.
We had lunch in Montagnana
and then we went to Abano.
What was the restaurant called?
Or was it an eatery?
Was the food good?
I can't remember,
we just had a quick snack!
And before?
- Before what?
- Before, this morning.
What did you do
before meeting Silvia?
I slept, took a shower.
The usual lies!
- Why do you say that?
- Because I know you.
- Don't you believe me?
- No.
I came back here for my report
and you were out.
- I must have been in the shower.
- Like fuck you were!
- It was a joke.
- It wasn't funny!
- That wasn't what I intended.
- It wasn't?
What was your intention?
To get fucked, perhaps?
Are you mad?
How can you say that?
This festival's gone to your head,
what the hell do you want?
To know who screwed you today!
The way you screw
I should have got someone else!
Slut... she's a slut!
Filthy slut!
Dirty whore! You're just a slut!
Get out of the car!
- What did I do?
- Get out of my sight, you bitch!
No, Dario, please.
That's were you belong, you cow!
Whoring around in the road!
What are you doing?
There's a party to close the festival
I'd like you to be there.
I'm sorry about yesterday.
And if I've been neglecting you,
it won't happen again.
Did he read it?
It's Marta, I've got to see you.
Why didn't you call me before?
- I couldn't. I need to talk to you.
- Talk.
- Not like this, face to face.
- Where are you?
In the hotel.
Pretend I'm there with you.
Are you dressed?
- I'm in my negligee, why?
- And underneath?
I'm naked.
Touch yourself. Squeeze your tits,
imagine my hands on your body.
Leon, please!
Remember how my cock tastes?
Imagine it in your throat.
Imagining is not enough,
I want you in the flesh.
- Like in the toilet?
- Like in the toilet.
- Are you there?
I've got to see you, it's serious.
I'm here.
- Not before two though.
- That's fine, where?
"Pension Rigoletto",
Okay, see you later.
Well, I won't need them.
Forget that little joint!
Get the big one out!
I was so eager to see Leon
that I left the hotel early.
I was like a cat in heat that wanted
to rub against something.
I put on a sexy, provocative dress.
I felt strong, decisive, sure of
myself and mistress of my destiny.
My senses were heightened.
Maybe they thought
I was a drug addict.
They weren't far off the mark.
But my addiction is to sex.
My drug is called Leon.
Is there anyone here?
Ignore her,
she's part of the furniture.
She's out of it. Can I help you?
- I have an appointment with Mr Leon.
- Leon who?
A Frenchman.
Yes, the one who draws naked women.
Yes, he's in his room.
Number nine, on the second floor.
That way.
Who's the model?
Did you do it?
And the man?
Does it turn you on?
Everything about you does.
We can't keep on like this.
I've got a husband.
Is that why you're not wearing
any panties?
Screw me, please...
My "mona" feels like it's burning.
My "mona".
This... in Venetian dialect.
And this is the "oseo".
You've no intention of behaving
like a good wife.
You want to get fucked
all day long.
You want a stallion
with a permanent hard-on.
Like you.
You open your legs as soon as you
smell a hard cock...
Come inside me!
You say yes to whoever
touches your ass!
I'm a slut.
My throat's dry.
I'll get you something to drink.
Oh, Leon, thanks!
- Why?
- Because.
What do you want to do?
Arch your back.
I'd like to photograph you
while you're fucking.
- Who's that?
- He's brought something to drink.
- Who is it?
- Don't worry.
Trust me.
I needed that.
Who the fuck is it?
- Is he photogenic?
- Yes, my dear.
You'll love it, you'll see.
I'm sore all over.
It'll wear off soon.
- Aren't you jealous?
- Who of? The porter?
He was just a "vibrator",
a sex aid for our passion.
The festival ends tonight.
My husband wants me to go
to the party with him.
But... I don't know...
it won't be easy to go back to Milan,
back to everyday life.
This will help you, mon amour.
It's beautiful.
You are beautiful.
You'll spend tonight with me.
We'll discuss it in Milan.
Remember, Christmas isn't far off!
- Where's Marta?
- You should know!
- You're asking me?
- I thought she was with you.
Her cell phone's off.
Maybe she didn't want to talk to you.
- What about your husband?
- What about him?
He's in Paris, of course.
I don't understand
what's happened to her.
Women, my dear Dario,
want men to take them,
not understand them!
- Seen her?
- She's got a fantastic ass.
How about a little bet?
Show her what you're made of!
What an asshole!
- Everyone's looking.
- Who gives a damn?
- Leave everything and come with me.
- Without taking anything?
You can shop in Paris.
At least let me get some panties
from the hotel.
If you go up to your husband,
you won't come back.
I'll come...
You just see if I don't.
No, I don't regret anything.
"Rub your fingers on his stick
to make it nice and thick",
I'd sing that rhyme with glee
spying on boys as they took a pee.
So many cocks...
A old man dragging his balls
followed me all the way home.
"Is your little pussy furry?"
he asked, his speech all slurry.
I shook with fear and dread...
but I stroked my pussy
when I went to bed.
You're not the first one
who's stuck it up my ass.
Be gentle, I said, it hurts.
It's the safest place to come,
he said,
pushing it all the way in.
He pulled it out covered in shit.
Deflowered in the ass
before the pussy.
What a slut...
We're all like that.
We've all got our values.
A matter of time, place and size.
With a doctor one Sunday morning
when the clinic was closed.
He wanted me
to put it in my mouth.
It was so big
I didn't think I'd be able to.
With a photographer
in his booth at the beach,
with the excuse of looking
at photos.
He was married, but very talented
with his finger.
With a schoolmate
in the upper-tier-box at a concert.
A bit clumsy,
but good with his tongue.
Not just in my mouth,
but on my neck, on my tits,
between my ass cheeks
and in my pussy.
Married six months and I'm taking it
up the ass from a stranger.
What would they say
if I don't go back to Milan?
If I run off to Paris
with a man who draws nude women?
You know that four-eyed slut
who works as his secretary.
"Remember the appointment
with so and so, sir. "
Whores who want to be published,
eager to suck him off
under the desk, like these women here
who pretend to be shocked but who
would all like to be in my place.
Dario would treat me like
an accessory.
If he could see me now,
maybe he'd change his mind.
He'd get a hard-on
knowing I have a cock in my pussy
and a hand on my ass.
Silvia's right,
jealousy is an aphrodisiac.
Leon must be as intelligent
as he is hung,
but how long could
our relationship last?
Ten centilitres, the average amount
a cock can spurt on you.
That's all that's left of love.
The festival has ended,
the party's over too.
Is this what you're looking for?
I asked you a question,
answer me!
- I was looking for my nightgown.
- Liar, you know it's here.
- Oh, of course it is.
- Know what time it is?
No. Around two?
It's five in the morning.
Where the fuck where you?
Where was I?
Out dancing with Silvia.
Silvia was at the party,
why do you keep on lying?
If you read it, you know why!
Sure, I read it.
It's a real masterpiece!
It should be published and launched
at the next festival.
You don't leave anything out.
Behind that fake veneer of modesty
you're the biggest whore of all!
Let me fuck you, bitch.
Is this what you want?
Oh, yes!
I'll give you the "Monamour"!
Do you like it, slut?
Tell me you're my filthy whore!
Yes, Dario, I'm your slut!
I'm your filthy whore!
Say you'd like someone in your
mouth while I come up your ass!
Fuck, yes!
Scream, Monamour!
It's the wedding present
you promised me!
Silvia was right, thanks to Leon
I found Dario again.
After reading my diary
he even behaved like him.
Did jealousy
really rekindle his passion?
Always having that little suspicion,
that's what turns him on.
Before he fell asleep,
worn out and satisfied,
he put his hand on my ass
and whispered knowingly:
"When are you going dancing
with Silvia again?"