Mongol (2007)

Do not hate a weak child,
it may be the son of a tiger!
a film by Sergei Bodrov Sr
The monk you've sent
to find your wife is dead.
Do you hear me?
Tungus steppe,
When I was 9, my father was taking
me to the merkits to find a bride.
Some time ago he stole from them my
mother and they have not forgotten that.
Now my father had
to make peace with them.
So he decided to marry me off to a merkit.
I could not refuse.
Here lives my friend Dai-Sechen.
We'll sleep over his place.
Welcome, my friend Esugei!
I am glad to see you.
Your son has grown.
Please come in.
What's your name?
- Temujin.
I should be the one to ask first you know.
How old are you?
You're younger than me.
By how much?
By one year.
Why have you come?
I'm going over to the merkits to find a bride.
We decided to sleep over here.
Wise people come to
our clan, to choose brides.
Goodbye Temujin.
Wait! What's your name?
- Borte.
it's me you should chose!
Well Done!
Lets wrestle Targutay!
I'm drunk and you'll beat me.
You're not only stupid,
but you're weak too!
Mosquitoes here are vicious.
I want to choose a bride from here.
Why would you do that?
This clan is weak.
Wise people come here to find brides.
I have to make my peace with the merkits.
I'll just give it a go.
They'll be Insulted if you dont choose
If their clan is weak,
let them be insulted.
Remember what
I am about to tell you now!
It is important not to go wrong
nd chose your bride correctly.
Her face should be flat
like the surface of the salt lake.
And the eyes narrow.
Evil spirits dive in
wide eyes and she goes mad.
She will not see
what is for real.
And most important: don't forget
to look at their feet.
The stronger
womens' feet are,
the bigger the pleasure
the man gets. Got it?
You will be my bride.
- I will.
I've chosen my bride.
For her, I'll give you a sable skin coat.
Your son did the right choice.
Right or not, time will tell.
We can go on our way now.
You are right. This is
a great honor for my clan.
They can get wed in 5 years.
This is a white crow' bone. If you rub
it any whish of yours comes true.
I'll be back in 5 years.
Why didn't you listen to me?
You're stubborn
and did it all your way.
I saw her and I immediately
knew she is my bride.
What am I to say to the merkits now?
They wont forgive me this.
Oh well,
be what it may.
We were going home,
and my father was silent.
Finally he told me:
You did right.
A man should choose his bride himself.
I didn't know this day
will change my life forever.
Are you afraid?
When there's thunder
it means god Tengri is angered.
That's why all Mongols
are afraid of thunder.
So what?! Blood should not be
spilled in a resting camp.
Please accept this milk from my master
- Thank you. Have a seat
Thank you.
Esugei, let the servant drink first.
Look at how they stare at us.
They are our enemies.
But if I Knan Esugei
break the custom,
the world will turn up side down.
You're not well Esugei,
lets stop.
Shut your mouth
You cant decide.
They poisoned our khan!
I'm leaving you son.
You are the khan now.
Be strong!
And pray to our god, the master
of the blue sky- the almighty Tengri,
and he will help you...
Take everything!
Dont you dare!
That's the khans' stud!
He protected you!
Go away!
You're ungrateful
Why arent you afraid Tarugai?
Khan Esugei is dead.
My son is khan now
He'll take his vengeance on you!
You wish for his death?
Run! Quick!
- Get him!
What madness got
into you Tarugai?!
Why do you break our custom?
Mongols dont kill children!
Be damned Tarugai!
You and the filthy barrows of your dead!
Like Esugei used to say:
"Never break the custom,
even if you really want to."
I'll kill him when he grows up.
Tell the people
I dont want to be khan.
You dog! Everyone
has forgotten you already.
So why kill me?
- So I could sleep easy.
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you first.
You have to be strong!
Those flies suck your blood.
Your clan left.
Dont worry about them.
Jamuha, brother,
find my bride.
Tell her to wait for me.
He's still small.
Give him more food!
I want him grown when I'm back.
Almighty Tengri, master
of the blue sky! I am Temujin.
If you hear me,
help me!
That winter I couldn't
go back home.
The one who
could help me,
was my brother Jamuha.
It was a long way,
but I had no other choice.
I knew they were looking for me,
so they could kill me.
the year of the Fiery Horse.
I survived because our
god Tengri didn't abandon me.
I was ready now to
face my enemies.
But first I had to find
My bride Borte.
And then I would take back
what was mine.
I thought you were dead.
I live...
You know why I came.
It's been many years.
I dont know if she
would agree to be with you.
My Temujin came back.
I have to leave with Temujin.
Bring the sable skin coat.
Why wont you
touch me Temujin?
I fear suffocating you.
My son!
I like you.
You're strong like I am.
You're good and kind.
This is my dowry.
It's too expensive for me.
This is for you.
Brother, when will you raise your yurt?
It's good my brother came back.
And with a beautiful wife too.
Got you!
- Because I wished it.
I will be a good wife.
I know.
Stay here!
You knew my voice?
Women dont forget the first man.
Hey, come down!
I want to look at you.
Why would I want to
look at you old crone?
I need your daughter-in-law.
Get lost!
They're not here
Be gone!
Shut up!
Watch out!
Where are they?
I found their tracks
I waited so long for you.
Many times
I rubbed this bone.
I had one wish only -
your return
I want always to be with you
I promise you that.
Go home!
When Temujins' father
stole my bride,
I swore revenge.
Now you're mine!
Take her!
My son!
What have they done to you?
Hello Jamuha, brother!
I am glad you're alive brother.
Take this gift my brother.
When I learned the
merkits stole your wife,
I felt sick in my liver.
I want to talk to you.
Mongols do not war because of women
I'll tell Taichar
to give two new women.
I need Borte.
Have you tried
no other besides her?
Dou you think
only her legs are strong?
I havent got much time.
Greet him!
Taichar, the merkits
insulted my brother
How many riders can you rally?
I'll fight and
I'll rally others.
It's not enough, brother.
I know that.
That's why I came to you.
Fine, I'll help you.
We'll go next year.
Why next year?
Next year will be
better for war.
We'll wait.
Just dont tell anyone
you started a war because of a woman.
These are merkits' lands.
Who are you?
I knew you would come.
Borte, I cant live without you!
This is my son.
I can see that.
Are you happy you
got your wife back?
I would be afraid
to sleep with such like her
And you're brave.
He is too brave.
I would like to thank you brother.
You will stay with me.
I'm used to be my own master.
You dont know the Mongols.
You will perish alone.
I'll make you my second.
Temujin, your men await you.
I have to go.
- Go.
Temujin, this sword is for you.
It's the best one of the lot.
Jamuha took for himself
the largest cut of the booty.
How shall we divide the rest?
I'll take one tenth,
divide the rest between the solders.
Dont forget the families of the fallen.
You take the sword
- Thank you Temujin.
Hey, Temujin shares
the booty with us!
Everyone will get a cut.
Look at him!
He gave the booty away.
Next time he'll keep
everything for himself.
He took another' seed
in his own yurt.
Dont talk ill of my brother.
What brother of yours is he?
I'm your brother.
One cant boil two
lamb heads in one couldrum.
So they say.
Get up!
My Brother left.
He's stubborn!
Stop rolling on the ground!
Where is Daritai?
where is Altan?
They should be
where my boots are.
They left with Temujin.
They left with Temujin.
you didn't say goodbye.
I wanted to,
but you was fast asleep, brother.
Why did my men leave with you?
You know the law.
Mongols can change their
master if they wish to.
Daritai, Altan!
Why did you abandon me?
Temujin is Just.
Give us back our horses!
You gave that horse to me,
so now he is mine.
Daritai, I am your master.
If I want to, I could
rip your rotten liver out.
Try it!
My liver has a
new master now.
I cant give them back to you brother.
Mongols chose for themselves.
Keep an eye on your horse.
I'll come to take it back.
Daritai, they're taking our horses!
Jamuhas' men tried
to take away your herd.
One of them was killed.
One thief less !
We killed Jamujas'
brother- Taichar.
Who killed him?
I did. I didn't recognize him.
You saved our horses,
but brought war on us.
Forgive me master!
Send my head to Jamuha.
He kept watch on the herd.
What will people say
if you give him away?
I learned of your sorrow Jamuha.
I want to help you
get revenge.
I want to tie Temujin's
head to the tail of my horse.
Off you go and do it then!
Without you I can't do it.
Afraid, are you Tarugai?
Are you a Khan or not?
There's only two strong
Mongols in the steppe-
Me and my brother Temujin.
Do you understand?
I'll bring all my warriors.
Will you give Temujin over to me?
Temujin, Jamuha is chasing us.
They outnumber us 10 times.
What shall we do?
I will not abandon our families.
If we survive we'll get back for them.
We haven't other choice.
Altan, Daritai,
you entrusted your families to me.
Jamuha will not spare their lives.
Are you ready to let them go?
You decide Temujin.
Leave us. Save yourself!
Do what Mongols
always do.
Everyone will understand.
I wont understand it.
Onward, to the mountain!
What are you waiting Jamuha?
Why should I hurry?
Temujin will get away.
We'll not find him afterwards.
You dont' know my brother.
Are you ready?
- We're ready.
Get some warriors to protect
the women and children.
We will stay with you Temujin.
It is time for you to go.
Take care of yourself and our son.
Stay alive Temujin!
Remember us!
Do you see what my brother is like?
You will not take over him easily.
I want him alive!
Me too!
You promised him to me.
He's mine!
Everything here is mine Tarugai.
Now you are mine too.
You are quiet.
You don't beg for mercy.
Do you want to die Temujin?
I am not in the habit to whimper brother.
Beg for mercy!
I can not.
I beg you!
Forgive me brother!
I am not your brother.
I am your Khan now.
And you are my slave.
Take him!
Hold on!
I can't.
I fought badly.
You fought well Temujin.
You saved our families.
All Mongols will now
remember you forever.
Get up!
Go and lift him up!
That is the end of me.
Tunguska border town.
One year later.
Good day, Master.
Do you want to buy slaves?
How much do you want for them?
One brace of Tungus money.
Two for this one.
And five for this one.
It's too much!
I'll give you three.
Can't do for less.
He killed my best guard.
Dont buy him!
He will bring us great misfortune.
What misfortune could a slave bring?
We have thousands.
He is a warrior. Hell never
forgive you the humiliation.
Forget about him!
What are you babbling about old man?!
He is a slave, and he will die a slave.
I see thousands Mongol riders,
ruining your land.
And death.
Hey, Mongol! Do you want
to ruin our kingdom?
I know what to do with him.
We haven't been paid in half a year.
Lets sell this beast.
Who will buy him?
Hey, Mongol!
Show us your teeth!
The Mongol who wanted to
destroy the Tungus Kingdom.
Forgive us!
I know that
die in a cage.
I live.
You have a strong spirit.
I came to beg you.
When the time of terror comes,
dont destroy the monastery.
Kill the guards during the night...
...and give me the key to the cage.
My faith does not
allow me to kill.
Mine does.
There are sacred books in the monastery.
They must be preserved.
I can't read.
Go to the Mongol
slave merchants.
Let them find Temujins' clan
and give this bone to Borte.
Remember - Borte.
I promise!
Everyone is being robed in the Mongol steppe.
From our merchants only
only the Golden Earring goes there.
He is a brigand himself.
And nobody knows
when will he show up.
No one will help you
old monk.
Jochi, Jochi!
We have to go.
I know how monks are buried.
And what is it you're waiting for?
- A caravan
This is the last caravan.
I wont be back soon.
Take us with you!
It's a long trip and
I see you haven't got money
How will you repay me?
- You know how.
It is not enough.
- We had a deal.
He wants more or he'll give us away.
- I dont have more money.
You dont have appearance of a poor woman.
Hey, wait!
I want to talk.
Move and I'll kill you!
Give me the key!
What's her name?
I am your father Mungan.
So where is our other father?
Talk of him no more.
He is your father.
Go to sleep already!
Dont be afraid!
He is our father.
Do you want to play too?
why don't you plait your hair?
A Mongol should
plait his hair in braids.
I am an exception.
This is meat.
- Meat.
Our language is the most beautiful.
Everyone will talk
Mongolian one day.
Hear how beautiful it sounds:
Jochi, how old are you?
- I am 10 dad.
It is time for you to choose a bride.
How should I choose?
I'll teach you. Finding
a bride is the most difficult thing.
I agree.
I told you he is not scary.
- Yes, our father is very funny.
I came up with the names of the
sons you will bear to me.
You have forgotten
what Mongols are like.
I have not,
I am a Mongol myself.
They are worse now.
They kill, plunder,
and have no mercy on children.
I know what to do with the Mongols.
Take the children and go home!
When will you be back?
In a year, in two?
It will be long before
I see you again Temujin...
Almighty Tengri,
master of the blue sky!
Give me the strength
to carry out what I plan.
Mongols need laws that
will unite them in a tight knot.
For the pillaging to stop and
mothers to want to bear children.
The mongol punishment
will be one - DEATH!
To the one to raise a sword
on children or women - DEATH!
To the one who refuses a traveler
food and shelter - DEATH!
To the one who buys stolen goods -
To the one who kills a messenger -
The year of The Red Dragon
To the one who throws down his weapon
during a fight - DEATH!
Death to him and
ten of his comrades.
Should ten run away,
death to one hundred!
Should a thousand run away,
death to all Mongols!
And the Mongols agreed to
my laws, but Jamuha did not.
Jamuhas' army is more numerous,
but I know how to win the battle.
Tengri, hear my prayer!
But not the one of my enemy.
My brothers' soldiers are good shots.
It is time to attack Jamuha.
My brother is as cunning as a wolf.
Send one squad first.
Temujin, we throw at your feet
the body of our khan.
He tried to run,
but we killed him!
Who is he?
- Your enemy Tarugai.
Kill them!
- What for?
Altan, don't kill us!
You broke the law.
You betraied your khan!
We didn't know...
Hello, old man!
Thank you for remembering
me Khan Temujin.
Give him a herd of horses!
And a yurt next to mine.
And accept all those men
into my army.
Temujin, we captured him.
You are the khan now and I'm
kneeling before you. Are you happy now?
I can forget everything brother.
- It is too late.
I dont want to be the
pebble in your boot.
Tell me: All Mongols are
afraid of storms,
why aren't you?
There was no place for me to hide.
So I stopped being afraid.
What are you going to do with me,
What would you do?
I would kill you, brother.
You are free.
You are letting your enemy go free!
I'm letting my brother free.
when do we go to find a bride?
You promised!
So I did,
and we'll go.
Look at what a beautiful
mother I chose for you!
I chose you, Temujin...
Yes, that's true...
I have to finish,
what I started.
You are a good wife, Borte.
You know I will
always keep coming back...
Old man, tell me what will happen!
Dont fear, I can listen .
You know what will happen,
Great Khan!
The year of The Red Tiger
Temujin was acknowledged
as ruler of all Mongols.
Genghis Khan of the great steppe.
He conquered half the world.
The Tungus Kingdom was erased
from the face of the earth.
But the monastery was preserved.